1. 环境保护 (Environmental Protection)An increasing number of people are beginning to realize the importance of environmental protection. To start with, we should minimize the use of disposable items to reduce waste. Secondly, planting trees and creating green spaces can improve air quality. It is everyone's responsibility to protect our environment for a sustainable future.2. 网络影响 (The Impact of the Internet)The internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides us with a vast amount of information and facilitates communication. However, it also has its downsides, such as cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation. We should use the internet wisely and critically to harness its benefits while avoiding its pitfalls.3. 健康生活 (A Healthy Lifestyle)A healthy lifestyle is crucial for our well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential. Additionally, maintaining a positive outlook and managing stress are key to a healthy life. It's never too late to adopt a healthier lifestyle.4. 教育的重要性 (The Importance of Education)Education is the cornerstone of personal and societal development. It equips individuals with knowledge and skills necessary for personal growth and economic participation. Education also fosters critical thinking and innovation, which are vital for societal progress.5. 文化交流 (Cultural Exchange)Cultural exchange is a vital tool for promoting understanding and tolerance among different nations. Engaging in cultural exchange activities, such as studying abroad or participating in international events, can broaden one's horizons and foster mutual respect.6. 时间管理 (Time Management)Effective time management is essential for success in both academic and professional spheres. Setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding procrastination are key strategies for managing time well. It also involves making time for leisure and relaxation to maintain a balanced life.7. 科技与生活 (Technology and Life)Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. From smartphones to AI, technological advancements have made our lives more convenient and efficient. However, they also pose challenges such as privacy concerns and digital divide. It's important to use technology responsibly.8. 志愿者精神 (The Spirit of Volunteering)Volunteering is a selfless act that benefits both the individual and the community. It not only helps those in need but also provides volunteers with a sense of purpose andpersonal satisfaction. Encouraging a culture of volunteering can lead to a more compassionate society.9. 诚信的价值 (The Value of Honesty)Honesty is the foundation of trust in any relationship. It is essential for maintaining integrity in personal and professional interactions. Being honest, even when it is difficult, can lead to long-term benefits and respect from others.10. 终身学习 (Lifelong Learning)The concept of lifelong learning encourages individuals to continually acquire new knowledge and skills throughout their lives. With the rapid pace of change in the modern world, lifelong learning is no longer a choice but a necessity to stay relevant and competitive.Each of these topics is a common theme in high school English exams and can be expanded into a full essay with a more detailed introduction, body, and conclusion. Remember to practice writing with a clear structure, coherent arguments, and proper grammar to improve your essay writing skills.。
高考英语作文例题加范文5篇1. 题目:假设你是李华,你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛,请写一篇发言稿,谈谈你对学习英语的看法。
Good morning, everyone!I am honored to stand here and share my thoughts on learning English with all of you. In my opinion, learning English is not only a requirement but also a valuable opportunity for personal growth.Firstly, English has become a global language that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds. By mastering English, we can communicate with people from all over the world and broaden our horizons. It enables us to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives, which is crucial in a globalized society.Moreover, English proficiency opens up a wide range of career opportunities. In today's competitive job market, many employers consider English as a prerequisite for employment. Being able to communicate effectively in English gives us an advantage and increases our chances of success in various fields.Furthermore, learning English enhances our cognitive abilities. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, memory, and creativity. By learning a foreign language like English, we can improve our overall cognitive function and expand our intellectual capacity.Lastly, learning English fosters personal growth and self-confidence. As we conquer the challenges of language learning, we become more resilient and develop a sense of accomplishment. The ability to express ourselves in English empowers us to share our ideas with the world and make a difference.In conclusion, learning English is not merely a subject in school, but a lifelong journey that brings numerous benefits. Let us seize this opportunity to embrace English as a tool for communication, a key to career success, a means of cognitive development, and a source of personal growth.Thank you for your attention!2. 题目:假设你是李华,你校近期开展了一次环保主题活动,请你写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的环保行动和观点。
[单选]石膏的主产地是A.吉林B.广西C.湖北D.四川E.江苏 [单选,A1型题]医疗机构从业人员分为几个类别()A.3个B.4个C.5个D.6个E.7个 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色积分明显增加,临床上最常见于下列哪种疾病()A.类白血病反应B.慢性粒细胞白血病C.病毒感染D.恶性淋巴瘤E.急性淋巴细胞白血病 [单选]架空线路敷设的基本要求()。A.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铜线B.施工现场架空线必须采用绝缘导线C.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铝线D.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铜铰线 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪一组症状不属于湿温卫气同病证的表现?()A.发热恶寒,无汗头痛B.头痛如裹,身重酸困C.肢体酸楚,口渴心烦D.小溲黄赤,脘痞E.苔腻,脉濡数 [填空题]地基是指()的土体。 [填空题]中国橄榄球队的队训是“()”。 [单选]中版海图水深大于31m的,水上注记注至()。A.0.1mB.0.5mC.整米D.1cm [单选]义务消防队建立后应定期对义务消防人员进行消防实操训练及消防常识的培训,每()还应进行一到两次的消防实战演习。A.周B.月C.季度D.年 [单选]风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄除心尖区听到舒张期隆隆样杂音外,另一具有诊断意义的体征是().A.心尖区粗糙的收缩期吹风样杂音B.肺动脉瓣区第二心音亢进和分裂C.胸骨右缘第2肋间收缩期杂音并向颈部传导D.心尖区舒张期震颤E.胸骨左缘第3~4肋间闻及舒张期吹风样杂音 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]支气管癌时伴随高血压、低血钾及肌无力等表现,其原因是由于下列物质分泌过多()A.肿瘤细胞所分泌的与ADH类似的环形多肽B.肿瘤代谢刺激腺垂体所分泌的ACTHC.肿瘤代谢刺激脑垂体后所分泌的ADHD.醛固酮E.肿瘤所分泌的ACTH样多肽 [单选]护理组织文化的核心是()。A.护理哲理B.护理价值观C.护理工作环境D.护理组织制度E.护理组织形象 [单选]患者,女,36岁。患类风湿关节炎12年,现关节红肿,疼痛如燎,晨僵,活动受限,兼恶风发热,有汗不解,心烦口渴,便干尿赤,舌红苔黄,脉滑数。其证型是()A.风寒湿阻B.风湿热郁C.阴虚郁热D.湿热蕴蒸E.湿热伤津 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下述因素均可引起小细胞支气管癌,除了()A.铬与镍蒸气B.吸烟C.砷D.石棉E.硅沉着病(原称矽肺) [单选]在国有资产评估的初始阶段,资产评估发挥着()作用,这是国有资产评估所特有的作用。A.评价B.管理C.鉴证D.定价 [填空题]计算机病毒检测的常用方法中()能够准确检测出具体是哪一种病毒,所以一般能够进行相应的清除病毒的工作,病毒清除效果较好。 [单选]质量发展是()之道、()之策。A.兴国、强国;B.治国、立国;C.立国、强国。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列化学发光酶免疫分析特点中错误的是()A.属于酶免疫测定范畴B.整个反应无需固相载体参加,完全液态化C.酶标记抗原或抗体结合稳定D.酶催化发光剂发出的光稳定,持续时间长E.最后一步将底物改为发光剂和测定的仪器为光信号检测仪 [单选]中度以上支气管扩张病人适当而有效的治疗方案()A.病变局限于一肺段、一叶或多段者,可作肺段或肺叶切除B.应用抗生素治疗感染C.体位引流排除脓液D.一般支持疗法E.以上均不正确 [单选,A1型题]患儿男,10个月。采用牛乳喂养,未加辅食,因皮肤、黏膜苍白就诊。诊断为缺铁性贫血,护士对家长健康指导最重要的是()A.防止外伤B.预防患儿感染C.预防心力衰竭D.限制患儿活动E.为患儿补充含铁辅食 [单选]()强调人人生来平等和自由,以个人权利为本位。A.民法B.经济法C.行政法D.民商法 [单选,A1型题]卫生人力资源需求现状预测法适用于()的卫生人力资源规划预测。A.短期B.中期C.长期D.远期E.近期 [单选]下列路段中,不宜在雨期进行路基施工的是()。A.碎砾石路段B.路堑弃方路段C.膨胀土路段D.丘陵区砂类土路段 [单选]被电击的非创伤心脏骤停患者中最常见的心律为()A.心脏停搏B.有脉性室性心动过速C.心室颤动D.无脉性电活动E.心动过缓 [问答题,简答题]背负式喷雾消毒器 [单选]护士进行晨间护理的内容不包括()A.协助患者排便,收集标本B.协助患者进行口腔护理C.发放口服药物D.整理床单位E.问候患者 [填空题]化验室大量使用玻璃仪器,是因为玻璃具有很高的()、()有很好的()一定的()和良好绝缘性能. [单选]对饭店市场进行细分的主要目的是()。A.确定自己的目标市场B.开发新产品提供资料C.了解市场价格D.确定自己在市场中的地位 [单选,A1型题]安放两个或两个以上球窝式根面附着体时()A.附着体的长轴应与基牙牙长轴一致B.各附着体的长轴应一致,以取得共同就位道C.因阳性为球状,各附着体的长轴可根据实际情况有轻微差异D.当附着体的长轴不平行时,义齿不能就位E.以上均不对 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]突起水肿而以头面眼睑先肿者,最宜诊断为()A.脾肾阳虚证B.风湿犯表证C.肾虚水泛证D.风水相搏证E.湿溢肌表证 [填空题]在大约1400万年前,由于气候和地质条件的变化,森林地带的树木大批死亡,使一部分古猿不得不改变生活方式,下到地面寻找食物,逐渐能够(),并开始使用石块和木棒等天然工具。 [问答题,简答题]销售活动分析的程序? [单选]“科学技术是条一生产力”这一论断对职业道德建设的启示是()A.增强自主性道德观念B.增强学习创新的道德观念C.增强竞争的道德观念D.增强以利益为导向的道德观念 [单选]公务文书文面结构中的主体部分不包括()。A.文件名称B.主送机关C.发文字号D.成文时间 [单选]下列()属于渠道常见病害。A、漫顶B、渗漏C、管涌D、流土 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,30岁,既往发作性心悸史,2小时前突然心悸,伴有头晕、乏力、出汗来诊。体格检查:BP90/60mmHg,心脏无扩大,心率190次/分,节律不规则,第一心音强弱不等,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及心脏杂音。心电图检查:P波消失,QRS波群宽大畸形,节律不规则。在该患者 [单选]在计算责任成本时,对于不能直接归属于个别责任中心的费用,应该()。A.优先按责任基础分配B.优先按受益基础分配C.优先归入某一个特定的责任中心D.不进行分摊 [单选,A1型题]在其他情况不变的情况下,对于一般商品来说,随着收入的增加,需求会有所()。A.上升B.不变C.不确定D.下降E.先上升后不变 [单选]5.8%(质量分数)的NaCl溶液产生的渗透压接近于()的渗透压。A.5.8%蔗糖溶液B.5.8%葡萄糖溶液C.2.0mol∙dm-3蔗糖溶液D.1.0mol∙dm-3葡萄糖溶液 [问答题,简答题]电力机车横向力的传递顺序是什么?
高考高中英语作文范文5篇范文一:Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental protection has become a pressing issue in today's world. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, our environment is facing severe challenges. As a high school student, I believe it is our responsibility to contribute to environmental protection.Firstly, we can start by raising awareness about environmental issues. Through school activities, we can organize seminars, workshops, and campaigns to educate our peers about the importance of environmental protection. We can also participate in community events and spread awareness about recycling, reducing waste, and conserving resources.Secondly, we should actively engage in eco-friendly practices. This includes reducing our carbon footprint by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. We can also promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar power or wind power. Additionally, we should avoid wasteful habits like excessive use of plastic bags or disposable products.Furthermore, we can take part in environmental volunteer work. Joining local environmental organizations or participating in clean-up activities can make a significant impact on our surroundings. By planting trees, cleaning up rivers, or participating in beach clean-ups, we can restore and preserve the natural beauty of our environment.Lastly, we should advocate for stronger environmental policies and regulations. Writing letters to local authorities or participating in peaceful protests can help raise awareness and demand action. By voicing our concerns and pushing for change, we can influence policymakers to prioritize environmental protection.In conclusion, as high school students, we have a vital role to play in environmental protection. By raising awareness, adopting eco-friendly practices, engaging in volunteer work, and advocating for stronger policies, we can make a significant difference in preserving our environment for future generations. Let us take action now and be the change our planet needs.范文二:The Importance of ExerciseIn today's modern society, where technology dominates our lives, physical exercise has become more crucial than ever. Regular exercise not only keeps us physically healthy but also contributes to our mental and emotional well-being.Firstly, exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight. With the rise in sedentarylifestyles, obesity has become a significant concern. Engaging in physical activities, such as running, swimming, or cycling, can help burn calories and prevent weight gain. Regular exercise also improves metabolism and muscle tone, leading to a more fit and toned physique.Secondly, exercise is essential for cardiovascular health. Engaging in aerobic activities, such as brisk walking or jogging, strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure, and strokes. Regular exercise also helps in controlling cholesterol levels and maintaining a healthy blood pressure range.Furthermore, exercise has a positive impact on mental health. Physical activities stimulate the release of endorphins, also known as "feel-good" hormones, which help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular exercise not only improves cognitive functions but also enhances memory and concentration. It can also provide a healthy outlet for managing emotions and relieving tension.Lastly, exercise promotes social interaction and teamwork. Participating in team sports or group fitness classes allows individuals to meet new people, build friendships, and develop teamwork skills. This not only enhances social well-being but also boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.In conclusion, exercise plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It helps control body weight, improves cardiovascular health, enhances mental well-being, and promotes social interaction. As high school students, we should prioritize regular exercise in our daily routines to enjoy the numerous benefits it offers. Let us make exercise a lifelong habit and inspire others to do the same.范文三:The Impact of Social MediaIn the digital age, social media has transformed the way we communicate, interact, and access information. While social media platforms offer numerous benefits, they also have a significant impact on our lives, both positive and negative.Firstly, social media has revolutionized communication. It allows us to connect with friends and family across the globe, share experiences, and stay updated on their lives. Social media platforms also provide a space for networking, making new friends, and joining communities of shared interests. It has become an essential tool for building and maintaining relationships.Secondly, social media plays a crucial role in information dissemination. It provides instant access to news, current events, and a wide range of informational resources. Social media platforms allow individuals to stay informed, voice their opinions, and participate in discussions on various topics. It has given a voice to the masses,enabling social and political movements to gain momentum.Furthermore, social media has opened up new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. It serves as a powerful marketing tool, allowing businesses to reach a global audience, promote their products or services, and engage with customers. Social media influencers have emerged as a new form of marketing, shaping consumer trends and preferences.However, social media also has its drawbacks. It can lead to addiction and excessive screen time, negatively impacting mental health and productivity. Cyberbullying and online harassment have become prevalent issues, causing emotional distress and even leading to tragic consequences. Moreover, the spread of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms can create confusion and distort public opinion.In conclusion, social media has had a profound impact on our lives, revolutionizing communication, information dissemination, and business opportunities. While it offers numerous benefits, we must also be aware of its negative effects. As responsible users, we should use social media mindfully, being cautious of its potential pitfalls and striving to create a healthy digital environment for ourselves and others.范文四:The Importance of Cultural DiversityCultural diversity refers to the variety of cultures, traditions, and beliefs present in a society. It plays a vital role in shaping our identities, fostering mutual understanding, and promoting tolerance and respect.Firstly, cultural diversity enriches our lives by exposing us to different perspectives and ways of life. It allows us to learn from one another, broadening our horizons and challenging our preconceived notions. By embracing cultural diversity, we develop a deeper appreciation for different customs, languages, and traditions, enhancing our cultural intelligence.Secondly, cultural diversity promotes inclusivity and social cohesion. When individuals from diverse backgrounds come together, they bring unique knowledge, skills, and experiences that contribute to the overall development of society. This diversity of ideas and perspectives fosters innovation and creativity, leading to societal progress.Furthermore, cultural diversity plays a crucial role in the preservation of heritage and traditions. Each culture carries a rich history, art forms, and rituals that are passed down through generations. By celebrating cultural diversity, we ensure the continuity of these traditions, preventing them from being lost or forgotten.Moreover, cultural diversity promotes tolerance and reduces prejudice. When we interact with people from different cultures, it challenges stereotypes and promotes understanding. It allows us to recognize our shared humanity and appreciate the similarities and differences that make each culture unique.In conclusion, cultural diversity is a valuable asset that enriches our society in numerous ways. By embracing and celebrating cultural differences, we foster mutual understanding, promote inclusivity, and enhance social cohesion. As individuals, we should actively seek opportunities to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures, contributing to a more harmonious and interconnected world.范文五:The Importance of Time ManagementTime management is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in our personal and academic lives. It involves effectively utilizing and organizing our time to accomplish tasks efficiently and achieve our goals.Firstly, effective time management helps in maximizing productivity. By prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and creating a schedule, we can allocate our time to activities that are important and meaningful. This allows us to make the most of our time and avoid procrastination, leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.Secondly, time management allows for a better work-life balance. By effectively managing our time, we can allocate sufficient time for work, study, leisure, and personal activities. This prevents burnout and stress, ensuring that we have time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with family and friends.Furthermore, time management helps in reducing stress and improving mental well-being. When we have a clear plan and know how to allocate our time effectively, we experience a greater sense of control over our lives. This reduces anxiety and allows us to approach tasks and deadlines with a calm and focused mindset. Moreover, time management is essential for achieving academic success. By managing our time effectively, we can allocate sufficient time for studying, completing assignments, and preparing for exams. This ensures that we have enough time to thoroughly understand the material, revise adequately, and perform well academically.In conclusion, time management is a skill that is crucial for personal and academic success. By effectively managing our time, we can maximize productivity, achieve a better work-life balance, reduce stress, and improve our overall well-being. As high school students, developing good time management habits will not only benefit us in our current pursuits but also set us up for success in the future.。
1. 说明文(Expository Writing)话题:如何保持健康(How to Stay Healthy)范文:How to Stay HealthyStaying healthy is essential for our overall well-being. Here are some effective ways to maintain good health.Firstly, a balanced diet is key to staying healthy. We should eat a variety of foods from different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. In addition, we should avoid excessive intake of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.Secondly, regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health. Engaging in physical activities helps to strengthen our body and boost our immune system. We should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or jogging, five times a week.Furthermore, adequate sleep is important for our health. Poor sleep can lead to various health problems, including heart disease andobesity. We should aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.Additionally, managing stress is essential for staying healthy. Chronic stress can weaken our immune system and increase the risk of mental health disorders. We should find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as practicing meditation or engaging in hobbies we enjoy.Finally, maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial for our health. Washing our hands regularly, especially before meals and after using the bathroom, can help prevent the spread of germs and diseases.In conclusion, staying healthy requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and good personal hygiene. By following these practices, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a better quality of life.2. 议论文(Argumentative Writing)话题:是否应该限制学生使用手机(Should Students be Restricted from Using Mobile Phones)范文:Should Students be Restricted from Using Mobile PhonesThe issue of whether students should be restricted from using mobile phones has sparked much debate. Some argue that mobile phones can be a distraction and hinder learning, while othersbelieve that they can be a useful tool for educational purposes.Those in favor of restricting students from using mobile phones argue that they can disrupt the learning environment. Students may be tempted to use their phones for non-educational purposes, such as playing games or browsing social media, which can distract them from focusing on their studies. Moreover, mobile phones can be a source of cyberbullying, which can negatively impact students' mental and emotional well-being.On the other hand, proponents of allowing students to use mobile phones argue that they can enhance learning. With smartphones, students can access educational apps and websites that provide additional resources and information. Moreover, smartphones allow for instant communication with teachers and peers, facilitating collaborative learning and discussion.In my opinion, a balanced approach is necessary. While it is important to restrict excessive use of mobile phones during class time, completely banning them may not be practical or beneficial. Instead, schools should establish clear guidelines on when and how mobile phones can be used for educational purposes. Teachers can incorporate smartphones as a tool for learning, encouraging students to use them responsibly and within appropriate boundaries. In conclusion, the issue of restricting students from using mobile phones is complex. While they can be a distraction and lead to cyberbullying, they also have the potential to enhance learning and facilitate communication. Schools should adopt a balanced approach that allows for responsible use of mobile phones whileminimizing their negative impact on the learning environment.3. 记叙文(Narrative Writing)话题:一次难忘的经历(An Unforgettable Experience)范文:An Unforgettable ExperienceOne of the most unforgettable experiences of my life occurred during a hiking trip with my friends in the mountains. It was a challenging but rewarding adventure.We had planned the trip for months and were excited to explore the scenic beauty of the mountains. However, the reality of hiking soon became apparent as we faced steep slopes, unpredictable weather, and physical exhaustion. Despite the difficulties, we persevered and supported each other along the way.The most memorable part of the journey was reaching the summit. As we stood at the top, the sense of accomplishment and awe overwhelmed us. The view was breathtaking, with vast expanses of greenery and snow-capped peaks in the distance. It was a moment of pure joy and appreciation for the beauty of nature. However, our journey was not without its challenges. On the way back, we encountered a heavy rainstorm that made the terrain slippery and treacherous. We had to navigate through muddy trails and raging streams, but with teamwork and determination, wemanaged to safely descend the mountain.This experience taught me the value of perseverance, teamwork, and appreciating the beauty of nature. It reminded me that life is full of challenges, but with the right mindset and support, we can overcome them and achieve our goals.In conclusion, the hiking trip in the mountains was an unforgettable experience that taught me important life lessons. It instilled in me a sense of resilience, camaraderie, and gratitude for the wonders of the natural world.。
高中高考英语作文 例题加范文5篇
高中高考英语作文例题加范文5篇1. 题目:假如你是班长,要给学校校长写一封信,建议增设新的课程或活动。
要点:1. 介绍自己并表达写信目的2. 建议增设的课程或活动的理由3. 提出自己的具体建议4. 表达期望和感谢范文:Dear Principal,I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the class monitor of our school, I am writing to propose the addition of a new course or activity for the benefit of the students.Firstly, I believe that introducing a course on financial literacy would be highly beneficial. In today's society, it is crucial for young people to have a good understanding of personal finance and money management. By learning about topics such as budgeting, saving, and investing, students will be better prepared for their future and will be equipped with important life skills.Additionally, I suggest the establishment of an environmental club. This club would organize activities such as tree planting, recycling campaigns, and educational workshops to raise awareness about environmental issues. By actively participating in these activities, students will develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and will be motivated to make positive changes in their daily lives.In terms of implementation, I recommend that the financial literacy course be included in the curriculum as an elective for senior students. As for the environmental club, interested students could join voluntarily and meet once a week to plan and carry out various activities.I truly believe that these additions to our school's curriculum and extracurricular activities would greatly benefit the students. Not only would it enhance their knowledge and skills, but it would also foster a sense of community and environmental consciousness.Thank you for considering my suggestions. I sincerely hope that you will give them due consideration and take appropriate actions. Your support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]2. 题目:假如你是李华,最近你们学校组织了一次“无手机日”活动。
高中英语 高考英语作文例题加范文5篇
高中英语高考英语作文例题加范文5篇1. 例题:假设你是学校的学生会主席,校园里存在一些常见的问题,如垃圾分类、食堂饭菜质量等。
范文:Ladies and gentlemen, students and teachers,I am honored to stand here as the president of our school student council to address the common problems we are facing on campus. It has come to my attention that there are a few issues that need to be addressed urgently, namely garbage sorting and the quality of food provided in the cafeteria.Firstly, let's talk about garbage sorting. It is disheartening to see the lack of awareness and effort in this matter. Many of us still throw all kinds of waste into the same bin, causing pollution and harming the environment. I believe it is our responsibility to take action. I propose that we organize more educational campaigns and workshops to raise awareness about the importance of garbage sorting. Additionally, we could place more recycling bins around the campus and provide clear instructions on how to sort different types of waste.Secondly, the quality of food in our cafeteria has been a concern for many students. Some complain about the lack of variety, while others are worried about the hygiene and nutritional value of the meals. To tackle this issue, I suggest establishing a student food committee that consists of representatives from different grades. This committee can gather feedback from students, conduct regular inspections of the cafeteria, and communicate with the school administration to ensure improvements are made. Moreover, we can invite nutritionists to give lectures on healthy eating habits and work with the cafeteria staff to provide more diverse and nutritious options.In conclusion, it is essential for us to address these problems on our campus. By promoting garbage sorting and improving the quality of food in the cafeteria, we can create a healthier and more sustainable learning environment for everyone. Let's work together to make our school a better place.Thank you for your attention.2. 例题:假设你是李华,最近你的英国笔友Tom来信向你询问如何学好中文。
高考英语作文例题加范文5篇1. 例题:假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Tom想了解中国的传统节日,你给他写一封电子邮件,介绍中国的春节。
范文:Dear Tom,I am glad to receive your email and learn that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. In China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year.The Spring Festival usually falls on the first day of the lunar calendar, which is usually in late January or early February. It is a time for family reunions, and people often travel long distances to return home for the holiday. During the festival, we have many customs and traditions, such as cleaning the house, pasting red couplets, and giving red envelopes with money to children.One of the most important customs of the Spring Festival is the New Year's Eve dinner, which is a big family feast. We eat a lot of delicious food, such as dumplings, fish, and rice cake. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the New Year.I hope this brief introduction to the Spring Festival gives you a better understanding of Chinese culture. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me.Best regards,Li Hua2. 例题:请你以“保护环境,共建美丽家园”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。
高考英语 作文范文十篇精选
高考英语作文范文十篇精选【1】Dear Bob,I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in September. I’ve found a place for you. It’s a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuan per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school. In fact, it’s only one stop. Do you think you’d like it? If not, I can try and fin d another place for you. Just let me know.Yours,Li Hua【2】My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977.I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.62 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.【3】Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line.It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.【4】The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. Some are in favor of staying at home. They think it’s both convenient and comfortable. What’s more, they can save mo ney for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework.【5】Dear Editor,I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether an entrance f ee should be charged for parks.Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believed a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low.Yours truly,Li Hua【6】Dear Andy,I am glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home.My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you. I know the school will organize a lot of things for you to do in the morning, but in the afternoon, I’ll show you around and take you to some places of interest. We’ll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting people. I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other’s company. I’m looking forward very much to meeting you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【7】Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our school. Now please allow me to introduce you some of our school rules here. As high school students, firstly, we are expected to be neatly dressed when at school. Secondly, it must be made clear that we should never be late for class or leave school before it is over. The school is a place for us to live and study in, so we must keep it clean. Lastly, when you are walking on the road, please remember to keep to the right, and, if you want to go to school by bike, you must have a bicycle-permit.Thanks.【8】May I have your attention?We will visit the summer Palace on Wednesday, May 2nd. The Summer Palace is the largest well-kept royal park in China. In the park there is water and man-piled hills. There are some royal buildings and a gallery, too. I am sure you will be struck by its beautiful scenery. In the morning we will be free to visit the different places of the Palace and then we will have lunch in the fast-food restaurant. We will get back to the hotel at half past five. Please gather at the hotel gate at 6:10 on Wednesday morning. The buses will start at 6:30. It will take us about 45 minutesto get there .Please be on time. Thank you.【9】Dear friends,As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s a very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks;some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. Besid es, we’d better have meals regularly.In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.That’s all. Thank you!【10】Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please.Because of the terrible weather, we have to change some of our planes. The airport will be closed for about 12 hours. We are very sorry.Flight 1560 from Tokyo will be late for five hours and flight 7210 to Shanghai will be late for 12 hours and we provide free food and hotel service for the passengers of the flight.The tourist flight to Washington will take off at Hilton Airport. A bus will take you there one hour later.Thank you!。
高考英语作文范文10篇1. The Importance of Environmental ProtectionNowadays, environmental protection has become a matter of great concern for people all over the world. With the rapid development of industry and technology, various environmental problems have emerged, such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change.The importance of environmental protection cannot be emphasized enough. Firstly, preserving the environment is crucial for the survival of human beings. Clean air and water, as well as a healthy ecosystem, are essential for our well-being. Without a clean environment, our health, food supply, and overall quality of life would be seriously affected.Moreover, environmental protection is essential to maintain biodiversity and preserve natural resources. Ecosystems are interconnected, and the extinction of one species can disrupt the balance of the entire ecosystem. By protecting the environment, we are safeguarding countless plant and animal species from extinction. Additionally, conserving natural resources such as water, minerals, and energy is crucial for sustainable development and the well-being of future generations.In conclusion, environmental protection is of utmost importance for the survival of our planet and the well-being of human beings. We should all take responsibility for protecting and preserving the environment by adopting sustainable practices, promoting green technologies, and raising awareness about the importance ofenvironmental conservation.2. The Benefits of ReadingReading is a powerful and transformative activity that brings numerous benefits to individuals. Whether it's a novel, a newspaper, or an academic article, reading enhances our knowledge, improves our language skills, and broadens our perspectives.Firstly, reading expands our knowledge and understanding of the world. Through books and other reading materials, we have access to a vast amount of information on various topics. Each time we read, we learn something new, whether it's historical facts, scientific discoveries, or philosophical ideas. Reading allows us to explore different cultures, places, and time periods, expanding our horizons beyond our immediate surroundings.Furthermore, reading improves our language skills. Regular reading exposes us to a diverse range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles. This helps us develop a rich and expressive vocabulary, improve grammar and syntax, and enhance our overall communication skills. Reading also improves our reading comprehension, analytical thinking, and critical reasoning abilities, which are essential for academic success and intellectual growth.Finally, reading broadens our perspectives and cultivates empathy. When we read about different people, cultures, and experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and diversityof the human experience. This leads to greater empathy and tolerance towards others, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society.In conclusion, reading is a valuable activity that brings numerous benefits. It expands our knowledge, improves our language skills, and broadens our perspectives. Therefore, it is important for individuals to cultivate a habit of reading and encourage others to do the same.3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social MediaSocial media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While social media offers numerous benefits, it also has its drawbacks.One of the key advantages of social media is that it allows us to connect and communicate with friends and family from all over the world. We can share updates, photos, and videos, and stay connected with loved ones regardless of geographical barriers. Social media also provides a platform for networking, making new friends, and finding like-minded individuals who share similar interests.Additionally, social media has revolutionized the way information is spread and consumed. News and events can be shared instantaneously, allowing people to stay informed about the latest developments in any field. Social media also gives a voice to individuals who may not have had a platform before, allowingthem to share their opinions and experiences with a wider audience.However, social media has its disadvantages as well. One major drawback is the potential for addiction and excessive use. Many people find themselves spending hours scrolling through social media feeds, neglecting other important tasks and activities. This can have a negative impact on mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.Another disadvantage of social media is the spread of misinformation and fake news. Due to the ease of sharing content, false information can quickly go viral, misleading and confusing people. This has serious consequences, particularly in the realm of politics and public opinion.In conclusion, social media has both advantages and disadvantages. It allows us to connect and communicate with others, share information, and express our opinions. However, it also has the potential for addiction and the spread of misinformation. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly and critically evaluate the content they consume.4. The Impact of Technology on EducationTechnology has transformed various aspects of our lives, including education. With the advent of computers, smartphones, and the internet, learning has become more accessible, interactive, and flexible. This has had a significant impact on the way we acquire knowledge and skills.One of the key benefits of technology in education is the access to a vast amount of information. With just a few clicks, students can find relevant and up-to-date information on any topic. This allows for independent and self-directed learning, as students can explore their interests and pursue knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom.Moreover, technology has greatly enhanced the learning experience through interactive and multimedia resources. For example, educational apps, videos, and simulations make learning more engaging and immersive. Students can visualize complex concepts, conduct virtual experiments, and participate in interactive activities that deepen their understanding and retention of the material.Furthermore, technology has made education more flexible and personalized. Online platforms and learning management systems allow students to access course materials and complete assignments at their own pace and convenience. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, working professionals, or those with physical disabilities who may have difficulty attending traditional classrooms.However, there are also challenges and drawbacks to the integration of technology in education. One major issue is the digital divide, where disadvantaged students may not have access to the necessary technology and internet connection. This creates a disparity in educational opportunities and reinforces existing inequalities.In conclusion, technology has profoundly impacted education, making it more accessible, interactive, and flexible. It provides access to a wealth of information, enhances the learning experience, and allows for personalized learning. However, it is important to address issues of access and ensure that technology is used in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods.5. The Importance of Physical FitnessIn today's sedentary and technology-driven society, physical fitness has become more important than ever before. Regular exercise and physical activity not only improve our physical health but also contribute to our mental well-being and overall quality of life.Firstly, physical fitness is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing various chronic diseases. Regular exercise helps burn calories and build lean muscle, which in turn increases our metabolism and decreases the risk of obesity. It also helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar, reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health conditions. Moreover, physical fitness enhances our mental health and cognitive abilities. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of happiness and reduce stress and anxiety. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mood, boost self-esteem, and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, exercise improves cognitive function, including memory, attention,and problem-solving skills.Furthermore, physical fitness improves our overall quality of life.A fit and active lifestyle enables us to perform everyday tasks with ease and energy. It increases our stamina and endurance, allowing us to participate in recreational activities, sports, and hobbies without experiencing excessive fatigue or breathlessness. Physical fitness also promotes better sleep, digestion, and energy levels, resulting in increased productivity and mental clarity.In conclusion, physical fitness is vital for our overall health and well-being. Regular exercise and physical activity help maintain a healthy weight, prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, and enhance our quality of life. Therefore, it is important for individuals to prioritize physical fitness and incorporate exercise into their daily routines.6. The Impact of Social Media on SocietySocial media has become an integral part of our lives, with millions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While social media offers numerous benefits, it also has a profound impact on society, shaping our behavior, attitudes, and relationships.One of the key impacts of social media is the transformation of communication and networking. Social media allows us to connect and interact with people from all over the world, breaking down geographical barriers and expanding our social circle. It provides a platform for sharing ideas, opinions, and experiences, enabling usto participate in public discourse and contribute to social change.Furthermore, social media has revolutionized the way information is spread and consumed. News and events can be shared instantaneously, allowing people to stay informed about the latest developments in any field. Social media also gives a voice to individuals who may not have had a platform before, allowing them to share their opinions and experiences with a wider audience.However, social media also has its negative impacts. One major issue is the potential for addiction and excessive use. Many people find themselves spending hours scrolling through social media feeds, neglecting other important tasks and activities. This can have a negative impact on mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.Another concern is the spread of misinformation and fake news. Due to the ease of sharing content, false information can quickly go viral, misleading and confusing people. This has serious consequences, particularly in the realm of politics and public opinion.In conclusion, social media has had a profound impact on society, transforming communication, information sharing, and social interactions. While it offers numerous benefits, such as increased connectivity and access to information, it also has negative aspects, such as addiction and the spread of misinformation. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly, critically evaluate the content they consume, and be aware of the potential impacts on their mental and emotional well-being.7. The Benefits of TravellingTravelling is a transformative experience that offers numerous benefits to individuals. Whether it's exploring new cultures, immersing oneself in nature, or simply taking a break from the routine, travel enhances our understanding of the world and broadens our perspectives.Firstly, travelling allows us to experience different cultures and customs firsthand. By interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of their traditions, beliefs, and values. This promotes cultural sensitivity and empathy towards others, fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.Moreover, travel broadens our perspectives and challenges our preconceived notions. By stepping outside our comfort zone and immersing ourselves in unfamiliar environments, we learn to adapt, overcome challenges, and embrace new experiences. This leads to personal growth, increased self-confidence, and a broader outlook on life.Furthermore, travelling provides an opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation. The chance to escape from daily routines and responsibilities allows us to recharge and reduce stress. Whether we choose a beach destination, a mountain retreat, or a bustling city, travel offers a break from the monotony and demands of everyday life.In addition, travel promotes environmental awareness and conservation. As we witness the beauty and fragility of natural landscapes, we become more conscious of the need to protect and preserve the environment. This encourages sustainable travel practices and a greater appreciation for the natural world.In conclusion, travel offers numerous benefits, including cultural enrichment, personal growth, relaxation, and environmental awareness. It broadens our perspectives, enhances empathy, and promotes lifelong learning. Therefore, it is important for individuals to embrace the opportunity to travel and explore the wonders of the world.8. The Importance of VolunteeringVolunteering is a powerful and rewarding experience that brings numerous benefits to individuals and society as a whole. Whether it's helping local communities, assisting vulnerable groups, or participating in environmental conservation projects, volunteering makes a positive impact and promotes social cohesion.Firstly, volunteering provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. By contributing our time, skills, and resources to a worthy cause, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Volunteering allows us to make a difference in the lives of others, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion.Moreover, volunteering offers valuable opportunities for personal growth and skill development. Through volunteering, we can acquire new skills, expand our knowledge, and gain practicalexperience in various fields. This enhances our employability and broadens our professional networks, opening doors to new opportunities.Furthermore, volunteering strengthens communities and promotes social cohesion. When individuals come together in the spirit of service, they build strong and resilient communities. Volunteering connects people from different backgrounds and cultures, creating a sense of solidarity and unity.In addition, volunteering plays a vital role in addressing social and environmental challenges. By dedicating time and resources to causes such as poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, and environmental conservation, volunteers contribute to creating a more equitable and sustainable society.In conclusion, volunteering is a powerful and transformative experience that brings numerous benefits to individuals and society. It provides a sense of purpose, promotes personal growth, strengthens communities, and addresses social and environmental challenges. Therefore, it is important for individuals to embrace the opportunity to volunteer and make a positive impact in the world.9. The Importance of Mental HealthMental health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatized. Just as we take care of our physical health, it is important to prioritize our mental health and promote a culture of mental well-being.Firstly, mental health affects every aspect of our lives, from our relationships and productivity to our physical health. Good mental health allows us to cope with daily stressors, bounce back from setbacks, and maintain positive relationships. It also enables us to focus, concentrate, and achieve our goals, whether they are academic, professional, or personal.Moreover, mental health impacts our physical health and vice versa. High levels of stress, anxiety, and depression can weaken the immune system and contribute to various physical health conditions, such as heart disease, digestive disorders, and chronic pain. Taking care of our mental health can improve physical well-being and overall quality of life.Furthermore, mental health is an essential component of a holistic approach to health. Just as we exercise, eat nutritious food, and get enough sleep to maintain physical health, we need to engage in activities that promote mental well-being. This can include hobbies, mindfulness practices, spending time with loved ones, seeking support from professionals, and practicing self-care.In addition, promoting mental health and reducing stigma are crucial for creating a more compassionate and inclusive society.By promoting open discussions about mental health, challenging stereotypes, and providing support and resources, we can create an environment where individuals feel safe and comfortable seeking help when needed.In conclusion, mental health is an integral part of our overall well-being and should be prioritized and nurtured. Good mental health allows us to cope with stress, achieve our goals, and maintain positive relationships. It impacts our physical health and contributes to a healthier, more compassionate society. Therefore, it is important for individuals and communities to promote mental well-being and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.。
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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!英语作文高考范文(精选十三篇)英语作文高考范文(篇一)Many years ago, credit card was believed to be the great improvement to facilitate people’s life, since then, people didn’t have to carry the paper money at hand, a card could pay the bill.Nowadays, with the development of technology,a more convenient way has been invented.There are all kinds of APPs in China, people can shopping online, order the food and do all kinds of business, the most important thing is that they can pay money just to click the button.In the big cities, you don’t need to take money at hand, a smart phone can solve all the problems.When you buy things, you can take out your phone and then scan the two-dimension code, the bill is paid.The foreign media reported the convenient way and they were astonished by China’s change.In the future, more Apps will be invented.看了“必备高考英语作文”的人还看了:1.高考英语作文精选范文2.高考英语作文写作常用的47种高级年高考必备英语作文模板高考英语作文常用句型大全5.高考英语作文8种万能实用句型英语作文高考范文(篇二)Dear World Child Foundation organizers,My name is Jerry Lu, a student currently studying at Shanghai High school.I am writing, on behalf of my classmates,to apply for the 2000 yuans worth of fund in a bid to initiate a program aimed at helping those students who are financially disadvantaged.Being raised in families that don’t have to worry about putting food on the table need not mean oblivion to our less fortunate peers.On this account, we would appreciate it if you could sponsor our poverty-relief endeavor.The following is how we would go about using the money.We would spend 1500 yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students in a poverty-stricken area.It is worth noting that we would inform them to pick up the school supplies themselves instead of us “doling out”the supplies so that we wouldn’t end up embarrassing those who we want to help.The remainder of the fund would be used to invite a motivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by making right academic and professional decisions.At the end of the day, our efforts might only trigger a ripple in the lives of some young people, but who knows whatbutterfly effects these young minds may have on tomorrows world?We would be much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience.Yours Sincerely,Jerry Lu英语作文高考范文(篇三)Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ,Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries .I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad.Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble .They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same .Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong .My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them .If you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it .Thank you!英语作文高考范文(篇四)Dear Lucy,How are you doing? I am LiHua, a 17-year-old teenager currently studying in your school.Recently, our class plan to visit the nursing home this Sunday in order to help the old there and enrich our afterschool life.As the vice monitor, I would like to invite you to come with us.Here are some details about this activity.To begin with,we will leave the school by bus at 8:00 AM and return at 5:00 PM.Besides, there will be a lot of activities such as making Chinese dumplings and giving performances, which will be not only meaningful but also interesting.Hopefully, you would like the plan and join us.I have the confidence that we will have a great time there.Thanks for reading my letter.I am looking forward to your reply and your decision.Best wishes,Yours,LiHua英语作文高考范文(篇五)The documentary Dufu made by BBC, which deals with life eXperience and poetry creation of this great master, wins widespread recognition among foreigners.Its eXquisite production also captures Lijiang and Suhuas heart.Why does such Chinese documentaries as Dufu appeal to foreigners? Firstly, Chinas rising international status and groundbreaking development catch the whole worlds attention.These curious audiences long to probe the underlying reason behind.Therefore, they turn to some iconic figures like Dufu for an answer.By eXposing themselves to this great poets life eXperience, foreign audiences are better acquainted with Chinese political, ideological and economical system, thus gaining a better insight into contemporary China and its rapid growth.Secondly,the high-quality production of BBC also contribute to Dufus popularity.BBC poured tons of effort into translating Dufus poems, shooting his birthplace and famous historical sites such as Xian and inviting famous British actor Mckellen to cast as Dufu.All these efforts made the inaccessile poems easily understood by the western audience.To conclude,considering western viewers curiosity about China as welll as BBCs fine production, the popularity of Dufu among foreigners is no coincidence.与节日相关的英语作文是学生在英语学习过程中必须要掌...很多同学想知道,英语作文我的一天应该怎么写呢?下面...春节作为我国的传统节日,很多英语作文的命题也都是和...20XX年全国新高考1卷英语作文分两个小节,以下是...20XX年西藏高考英语结束,西藏使用全国3卷,本文...20XX年云南高考英语结束,云南使用全国3卷,本文...20XX年四川高考英语结束,四川使用全国3卷,本文...20XX年宁夏高考英语结束,想知道今年的英语作文是...20XX年浙江高考英语结束,本文整理了浙江英语作文...20XX年吉林高考英语结束,想知道今年的英语作文是...20XX年高考英语结束,本文整理了全国3卷英语作文...20XX年江西高考英语结束,江西使用全国1卷,本文...20XX年湖南高考英语结束,湖南使用全国1卷,本文...英语作文高考范文(篇六)There is a fairy tale saying whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground,and there you would find a pot of gold.Of course, it is not true.Neither could you find the pot of the gold, nor could you ever find the rainbow’s end.No matter how far you run, it always seems at a great distance.A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower.It is not solid, for it is only the effect of light shining on raindrops.The light from the sun shines on the rain as it falls to the earth.The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colors whichwe see.It is called a rainbow because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow.That is also why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky.We see a rainbow only during showers or storms, only when there is still rain in the air and the sun still shines brightly through the clouds.Every rainbow has many colors which are arranged in the same order.The first or the top color is always red, neXt comes orange, then yellow and green, and last of all the blue and deep blue or violet.A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.英语作文高考范文(篇七)Hi, TigerMom ,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China .My idea is that it is quite right for you to do so .Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission ,development in wisdom emotion ,health and life attitude should never be ignored .There are many e_amples around us .Some all —A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were e_pected.The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities .Furthermore , punishment is by no means a wisechoice to help them grow up mentally and physically .So I suggest that you take your friends’ advice .More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl ; let her have more friends and social activities ; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do .英语作文高考范文(篇八)Many people, especially those who think they are not as talented as others, tend to give up in their undertakings and thus complain about life.Such people will certainly end up getting nowhere.Notice that most successful people are not unlike us.What makes them stand out is their devotedness to the job they are doing, which is typical of the story of Li Dahua,a neighbor of mine.Dahua was brought up in a poor family.Since he didnt do well in school, he joined his father in collecting garbage for a living soon after he graduated from elementary school.His neighbors shook their heads whenever they saw him, thinking that this boy would by no means carve out a bright future.Years passed by, and Dahua kept collecting garbage, but he took one step further.Through books he knew how to sort out the waste he had collected and have it recycled.You know what? He has set up a recycling factory and become the richest man in town! Hissuccess proves the ancient Chinese saying: "There must be a use for my talent."英语作文高考范文(篇九)高考英语作文范文(1):假定你住在一个涉外小区。
高考英语作文(精选20篇)高考英语作文篇1Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool’s Day, etc. Such phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close gradually and the world is becoming smaller and smaller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s a normal phenomenon s well as a necessary trend.First of all, it shows that we Chinese have become much opener rather than clinging to some very old customs, which are opposite our living. Looking back on the history, we can find the answer to why our China was very poor and weak in the 1800’s. Yes, the answer is that we closed ourselves not to let other countries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on which we suffered many wars that many European countries launched. So I think it is more than necessary to accept other customs instead of closing ourselves. Of course, festivals are just the beginning.What’s more, the Open and Reform Policy results in this. So I want to say it is a great achievement for the policy. Since we took the policy into practice, our country is developing with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.Last but not the least, we may get closer and closer not only to our home friends but also to many foreigners. We can never feel embarrassed for not knowing the other’s customs and manners. And more misunderstandings can be avoided as well.To sum up, the trend has its great advantage to a certainextent. However, if we admire the western customs too much, it will be a disadvantage because China is our own country, all of us should enjoy a patriotic heart. Wish in the near future, we can see the situation that westerners are enjoying themselves on the Spring Festival.高考英语作文篇2First built in 2005, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railwaywent into operation on December,26th,2009. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through thefollowing three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong.The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes itonly three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, sevenhours less than before. Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it ismore humanitarian.However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area.高考英语作文篇3With the development of science and technology, our life in the future will be quite different from what it is now.At that time we’ll live in a greener and more beautiful world with trees, birds, blue skies and sunshine. And we'll be able to arrange things like meals, bathing and sleep with our smart phones. Robots will be able to do most of the housework for us. As for work, we'll mostly work at home, communicating ideas for work online. If necessary, we'll have video meetings with our partners around the world. During our free time, we'll be able to travel to places of interest in new vehicles like flying cars. We'lleven enjoy space trips to the moon and other planets.All in all, our life will become more comfortable and convenient.高考英语作文篇4Online payment has been advocated around the world, which is the future way to pay bills. In China, Alipay is populareverywhere, even the small business can be finished by thisadvanced way. People play the joke that they don’t need toworry about the lack of cash. The advantages of onlinepayment are obvious.Firstly, it saves people’s time to pay bills. The use of onlinepayment is carried out with a smart phone. Especially when we go to the supermarket, there are always a lot of people waiting in the long line. The process of costing customers’ time is totake out the cash or use the credit card, because bothcustomers and cashiers need to count the money or check the bills. But now the cashier can just scan the phone and the billwill be paid and the customer can check quickly.Second, people don’t have to worry about getting the fakecash. Many years ago, people were easy to get fake money asthey received the change. But now, as the cash have been used less, people won’t receive the fake cash without paper money. With the development of new applications, our life will be much convenient.高考英语作文篇5Dear Sir/Madam,I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position.The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form.All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.Yours,Li Hua高考英语作文篇6Dear Chris,How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate.As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can.So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in it.How about you? Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua高考英语作文篇7There are a lot of inventions in the history. Some of them play an important role in people's life and some have greatly changed the world.In my opinion, I think the most important invention is the car. First, people used to travel by train or by plane. But now, they can go any place by car. Second, when holiday comes, they can visit their family and friends by car. Third, they can also go to many places of interest to enjoy themselves.In a word, I do agree that cars are the most important invention.高考英语作文篇8Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in schools. We also have many kinds of after-class activities in our school, such as English corner, playing basketball and swimming. I am interested in the English corner, because it can help me make some new friends there.If you also want to take part in after-class activities, I have some suggestions. You had better choose the activities which are good for you; you had better choose what you like.Dear friends, please take part in after-class activities. I'm sure you will learn a lot and you will find it very interesting at the same time. Your school life will be colorful.高考英语作文篇9When my teacher told me to prepare for this competition I restated, hesitated.Everybody in my class knows that. I never learned English in my primary school.I couldn't speak English one year ago, but now, could I take part in this competition? No, I can't. Is aid to myself? I'm afraid of making mistakes before so many learned professors and before my classmates andteachers.Suddenly!A voice came to my ears.“Everybody will make mistakes. Even the very famous American president George Bush” My English teacher said in my class.When I heard that, I think I can. I run into my teacher's office happily. “I will do it.” I said. So I stand here today. In front of you.高考英语作文篇10Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us can't live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them.I can't agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People can't resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly.I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which isa video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it.If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether it's practical.高考英语作文篇11Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine to protect its virus. How do we protect us from it?Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine to protect its virus. How do we protect us from it?We advise that you should wear face mask and avoid goingto the crowded place when you go out. We remember not to be in close contact with the patients infected with swine flu. On the other hand, the best way to stay away from this virus is to wash your hands often, and make sure that you have enough sleep. At the same time, we should do more exercise so that we can build up our body.We are sure that we must overcome the threat against swine flu as long as we take proper measures and insist on taking exercise every day.高考英语作文篇12My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people.In a nursing home, we introduce myself after, began to work for the old people. First of all, we first points groups. Some go to sweeping the floor, others to help old people back on,some with old people, and my sorrows and other friends to help the old man sun wash the quilt.We started, we use the washing powder on the old people on the quilt, rub with the brush and rub, very tired. I understand the mother's hard work. Then, we will bask in the quilt.We stayed for a nursing home in the afternoon, and the old man say good-bye, I have decided to help your parents do some housework more in the future.高考英语作文篇13Dear Tom,I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week , which I have promised .I feel sorry for about it and want you to know what happened .Just now ,my cousin , Li Qiong , who left home to Australia for his further study last year , informed me that he would returnthis Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family . You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year .I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing .Once again,I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely yours,Li Hua高考英语作文篇14Among all the instructive proverbs that give people advice, the one I like most is “Where there is a will, there is a way”. This short, beautiful sentence tells us an incontrovertible truth: if you have a dream and stick to it, you will realize it sooner or later.For me, the saying has a special meaning. When I was in Junior Middle School, I was so poor in my studies that I nearly gave up. But my head-teacher was always there and gave me confidence every time I lose heart. He used to say, “a little more effort and you will make it.”Thanks to my dearest teacher, all my efforts paid off and fin ally I became a top student. “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”, as long as you have a dream, keep trying and you?ll make it, too.高考英语作文篇15Last Sunday was unforgettable when my classmates and I went to a farm to pick up fruits.Early in the morning, with the sun rising from the horizon, we, chatting laughing all the way, set out to our destination, which is located in the suburb of the city. On arrival, we saw a large field with a large number of trees and bushes, birds singingin the sky, butterflies flying everywhere, which are not only beautiful but also inspiring. Immediately, we started to work, picking apples, peaches and strawberries. Two hours later, with all our baskets full, we finished our job, feeling a great sense accomplishment. Exhausted as we were, we felt our time and effort worthwhile, for we had enjoyed a closer relationship with the nature.What a memorable day it was!高考英语作文篇16As the saying that it is never too late to learn, people are advocated tolearn all their lives. Today the world is changing fast, if we get satisfied andstop to improve ourselves, then we will be kicked out soon, so self-improvementare in need of. Reading is the most effective way to get improved. Books provideus all kinds of knowledge, we can know better about the world and make ourselvesthe smart persons. Another way is to go to the gym.Doing exercise not onlymakes us look perfect, but also helps us live the healthy lifestyle. So manypeople work in the office and don't have the time to exercise, so they get sickeasily. Only the strong body can make people live well. Reading and takingexercise are the best ways to get self-improvement, it also cost less.高考英语作文篇17For the young people, it is very important to have ambition, they need the motivation to move on. But most of them are just talking about the ambition and never take the action. The action is as important as the ambition. On the one hand, ambition sets up the goal for a person to fight. Without ambition, no one can be successful, ambition is just like the light in the dark, it leads people to see the bright future. On the other hand, action helpspeople to realize their dreams. Sometimes, action even is more important than the ambition. Everyone has the ambition, but the action makes them different. The one who just keeps thinking and not to take action will never be successful. As the saying that no pain, no gain, it reminds people to take action. So we need to have both ambition and action.高考英语作文篇18The world is colorized, every color has its special meaning. Red stands for passion,green symbolizes peace,blue indicates calmness,white signifies purity. The painters can use their colors to outline the while world, the cameraman can shoot the mixed world by their camera. The rainbow is made up of 7 colors. The white contents 7 colors. The tricolor,posed by red,yellow,and blue, can produce every color in the world. In the variety of colors, I like white most,not only it is a simply color,but also it is a symbol of neatness. The white is the most popular color in wedding, because it stands for the pure love. The snow is white, it symbolizes the beautiful angel drop to our world. Another reason,I like white most,is that it indicates blank. You can image all on it.高考英语作文篇19China has the largest population in the world. As there are manyChina-towns in the world, it shows that Chinese people are everywhere, becausethe traditional idea advocates that the more children, the better for a family.While the situation is opposite in the western country, they chase for freedomand inpiduality. Having more children is burden for them, and some people chooseto be single all the time. So the birth rate is really low in western countries,such as Canada. The govecrnment even inspires people to have babies, and theypromises to offer prizeslike money and baby stuff, but the birth rate still thesame, even worse. In my opinion, everybody has the choice to decide whether tobe a parent. If they love children, then they can raise more according to thefinancial situation.高考英语作文篇20Dear MS Jenkins,I’m Li Hua. I plan to take a part-time job in a foreign company during the summer holiday. I have already filled in the application form and had my resume ready for it. However, I am not sure about the words and format. Therefore, I am writing to ask for your help and professional advice. Would you please spare some time to read through the materials attached? Would you mind finding out the mistakes in terms of words and format? Besides, I’d like you to correct the mistakes foun d in the materials and format.I would much appreciate it if you could do me a favor. I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua。
1. 写作要点:它是中国的传统节日之一;2. 家人团聚;3. 赏月、吃月饼;4. 还有旅游、访友等其他活动。
注意:1.词数100左右;2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连接;3. 开头语已为你写好,不计人总词数。
参考词汇:中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 农历lunar calendar赏月 enjoy the full moon 月饼 moon cake【参考范文】The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends。
高考英语作文范文(1)假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。
根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介2.求助内容3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email: **************; Phone:12345678)范文: Dear Sir ,I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email addressandphonenumber:**************;1234567.Look forward to your reply .Yours ,Li Hua高考英语作文范文(2)假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。
高考英语作文范文50篇Good morning。
ladies and gentlemen。
As teenagers。
many of us struggle with the XXX by checking our school bags or reading our diaries。
Although this can be fortable。
it’XXX are doing this out of concern for our safety and well-being。
They may have heard XXX and want to make sure we don’t follow the same path。
they may simply want to connect with us but are going about it in the wrong way.XXX directly。
we can write a letter and leave it somewhere they are likely to find it。
By doing so。
we can open up a XXX.Thank you.Spring is the best season of the year。
as the XXX this time。
my classmates and I went on a one-day sightseeing tour around our city。
The scenery was beautiful。
but when we came across therivers in our city。
it was disheartening to see how polluted they were.Unfortunately。
with the development of modern agriculture and industry。
1. 感谢信假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。
【优秀满分范文】Dear Professor Liang,I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.Yours truly,Zhang Ying2. 道歉信假设你是李华,你上星期参观伦敦,当时你爸的一个朋友Rogers先生对你照顾有加,请写封信表达你对他的感谢。
【优秀满分范文】Dear Sarah,I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave.I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.Cordially, (sincerely)Li Hua3. 申请信假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。
[填空题]供学生使用的文具、娱乐器具、(),必须符合国家有关卫生标准。 [单选,A1型题]下列不能测量Meta分析中偏倚大小的方法是()A.残差图B.漏斗图C.敏感性分析D.线性回归方程E.失安全数 [单选,A1型题]《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》的执行和实施情况,应列入()A.医疗机构校验管理和医务人员年度考核B.定期考核和医德考评C.医疗机构等级评审D.医务人员职称晋升、评先评优的重要依据E.以上都对 [单选]适用于皮肤松弛部位腧穴的进针方法是()。A.单手进针法B.舒张进针法C.提捏进针法D.夹持进针法E.指切进针法 [填空题]合成塔环隙主气流的作用是保持合成塔壳体()。 [单选]接入网中SNI指的是().A.业务节点接口B.用户一网络接口C.数据接口 [名词解释]起沙风 [名词解释]提青 [填空题]齐国的第一代国君是姜尚,鲁国的第一代国君是()。 [单选]有关顺磁反应法测定氧浓度的叙述下列哪一点不正确A.氧分子有顺磁反应性B.同时采集参比气体(空气)C.从麻醉环路内不断采集气样检测D.耐用,无需经常更换氧电池E.氧浓度的测定值易受麻醉气体干扰 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选,A1型题]休克的病理特点是()。A.有效循环血量代偿性增加B.组织器官有效灌流量锐减与有效循环血量不足C.有效循环血量不足D.组织器官灌流量减少E.组织器官有效灌流量增加 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者男,35岁,工人。诊断分裂情感性精神障碍,五年内住院三次。每次发作,出现躁狂表现和精神病性症状,甚至有暴力倾向。此次急性发作思维奔逸、夸大妄想、被控制妄想、思维被广播、持续性的听幻觉(幻觉内容与情绪无关)、活动量大、睡眠需要减少。入院 [单选]集体资产管理的基本任务是()。A.集体资产的保值B.集体资产的增值C.保证集体扩大再生产D.减少集体资金的投入 [单选]油离心泵关小()会影响泵的汽蚀性能,导致汽蚀发生。A.出口阀;B.入口阀;C.连通阀。 [单选]腰穿操作描述正确的是()A.通常取侧卧位,屈颈屈膝,腰背部与床面垂直B.选取1~2椎间隙为穿刺点C.多用普鲁卡因浸润麻醉D.一般成人进针约8~10cm即可穿破硬脊膜(有落空感)E.术后嘱患者平卧1~2小时即可 [单选]下列颅骨凹陷性骨折中,不宜采取手术治疗的是()A.合并脑损伤或大面积骨折片陷入颅腔,引起颅内压增高者B.骨折片压迫重要部位引起神经功能障碍者C.非功能部位的大面积凹陷性骨折,凹陷深度超过1cm者D.位于大静脉窦处的凹陷性骨折,尚未引起颅内压增高者E.开放性颅骨骨折 [单选]建设单位申请领取施工许可证必须有已经落实的建设资金。建设工期不足一年的,到位资金原则上不得少于工程合同价的(1/A2型题]患者男性,55岁,带状疱疹3天,查体见左侧腰腹部成簇串珠样排列的独立水疱,绿豆大小,带状分布,部分水疱破溃,基底红,疱群间皮肤正常,皮损处刺痛,该患者目前治疗不恰当的是()A.移动法超声波B.无热量超短波C.疱疹区毫米波D.超短波联合紫外线治疗E.病 [单选,A1型题]医师在进行实验性临床医疗时,应充分保障()的知情同意权。A.患者B.患者家属C.患者和其家属D.患者或其家属 [单选]气调养护,在进行气体置换时,应将塑料帐内气体真空度抽到多少为止()。A.100mm汞柱B.150mm汞柱C.300mm汞柱D.80mm汞柱E.200mm汞柱 [判断题]机械密封是依靠固定于轴上的转环和固定在泵壳上的静环两者平滑端面之间的紧密接触来达到密封。A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]古细菌 [单选,B1型题]吴茱萸()A.显微特征可见果皮表皮细胞中散有油细胞B.显微特征可见非腺毛壁疣明显且簇晶较多C.显微特征可见种皮内层栅状石细胞内含硅质块D.显微特征可见外果皮为数十列石细胞E.药材的显微特征有镶嵌细胞且糊粉粒中含细小簇晶 [问答题,简答题]一个优秀的销售人员应具备的知识有哪些? [单选]是否做到(),是人员招聘成败的关键。A.公开招聘B.择优录用C.公平公正D.效率优先 [问答题,简答题]怎样帮助学生降低考试焦虑? [单选]某孕妇,28岁。孕1产0,妊娠38周,宫口开全2小时30分,先露高位+2。胎方位LOT,宫缩30″~40″/4~5分,诊断为第二产程延长。造成这种情况最常见的原因是下列哪一项()A.宫缩乏力B.产妇衰竭C.中骨盆平面狭窄D.骨盆出口狭窄E.胎儿过大 [单选]在信用立法上,我国的原则与征信国家的基本原则相同的是()原则。A.保护消费者权益B.维护市场公平竞争C.强制开放征信数据D.政府推动与社会参与相结合的原则 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]严重的中鼻甲下缘平面以上部位出血可结扎()。A.上颌动脉B.颈内动脉C.颈外动脉D.筛前动脉E.上唇动脉 [单选]合同生效后,当事人发现合同对质量的约定不明确,首先应当采用()的方式确定质量标准。A.协议补缺B.合同变更C.交易习惯D.规则补缺 [问答题,简答题]发电机负序电流有何规定? [单选]4岁男孩,劳累后气促,多次患肺炎。查体:胸骨左上方闻及连续性杂音,血压12.8/5.3kPa,闻及股动脉枪击声,诊断应考虑为()A.室间隔缺损B.房间隔缺损C.动脉导管未闭D.肺动脉狭窄E.法洛四联症 [单选,A1型题]下列各项,属于暑淫证临床表现的是()。A.头昏如裹B.胸闷脘痞C.肌肉酸痛D.头身疼痛E.卒然昏倒 [单选]多人采用走访形式提出共同的信访事项的,应当推选代表,代表人数不得超过()。A.3人B.5人C.8人D.10人 [单选]对癫痫大发作与癫痫小发作均有疗效的抗癫痫药物为()。A.苯妥英钠B.苯巴比妥C.扑痫酮D.丙戊酸钠E.卡马西平 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项不是黄连的主治病证()A.肺热咳嗽B.血热吐血C.胃热呕吐D.湿热泻痢E.痈疽疮毒 [单选,A1型题]Apgar评分判断新生儿临床恶化的顺序()A.皮肤颜色-呼吸-反射-肌张力-心率B.皮肤颜色-反射-肌张力-呼吸-心率C.皮肤颜色-肌张力-反射-呼吸-心率D.皮肤颜色-呼吸-肌张力-反射-心率E.心率-皮肤颜色-肌张力-反射-呼吸 [单选]治疗十二指肠球部溃疡的重点是()A.根除幽门螺杆菌与制酸B.保护黏膜C.少食多餐D.应用镇静剂E.早期手术 [问答题,简答题]高空作业时的安全注意事项是什么?
高考英语作文 例题加范文5篇
范文:Dear Tom,I hope this email finds you well. I heard that you are planning to visit China, so I wanted to introduce you to some traditional Chinese festivals.One of the most important festivals is the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It usually falls in late January or early February. During this time, people decorate their houses with red lanterns, set off fireworks, and have family gatherings. We also exchange red envelopes containing money as a symbol of good luck. Another festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which usually takes place in September. It is a time for families to get together and appreciate the full moon. We eat mooncakes, a traditional pastry, and children carry lanterns.There is also the Dragon Boat Festival, which occurs in June. People race dragon boats and eat sticky rice dumplings called zongzi. This festival commemorates the ancient poet Qu Yuan.I hope this gives you a glimpse into some of our traditional festivals. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time experiencing them firsthand. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.Best regards,Li Hua例题2:假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter要来中国参观,请你给他写封邮件,告诉他一些中国的传统文化。
高考英语作文例题加范文5篇作文例题1:假设你是李华,你校正在举办一个英语角活动,请你给外教Chris 写一封邮件,邀请他参加并介绍活动的内容和安排。
范文:Dear Chris,I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to invite you to participate in an English corner activity that will be held at our school. As one of the foreign English teachers, your presence would greatly benefit our students and enhance their language skills. The English corner activity will take place on [date] from [time] to [time]. We have planned a variety of engaging activities, including group discussions, role plays, and language games. The aim of this event is to provide a platform for students to practice their English speaking and listening skills in a casual and supportive environment. Your expertise and experience would undoubtedly inspire and motivate our students.We would be honored if you could join us and share your insights and knowledge with our students. Your presence would not only enrich the English corner activity but also foster cultural exchange and understanding. We believe that this event will be a valuable opportunity for both students and teachers to learn from each other. Please kindly let me know if you are available on the mentioned date. We would be more than happy to make any necessary arrangements to accommodate your schedule. Thank you in advance for considering our invitation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,Li Hua作文例题2:某中学学生英文报社正在举办“我身边的英雄”征文活动,请你以“我身边的英雄”为题,写一篇英语短文参赛。
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[单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]该患者曾反复用过多种助消化药物,均效果一般。宜改选哪一种药()A.Omeprazole(LOSEC)B.Domperidone(Motilium)C.FamotidineD.De-NolE.Furazolidone [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]肺不张病人行CT检查的价值在于()A.证实X线胸片的病变与诊断B.发现轻微或隐匿性不张C.明确X线胸片上不典型的表现及特殊类型的肺不张D.明确肺不张的病因E.以上都正确 [单选]甲公司于2014年1月1日从租赁公司租入一套设备,价值60万元,租期10年,租赁期满时预计净残值为5万元,租赁期满设备归租赁公司,年利率为8%,租赁手续费率每年2%,租金每年年末支付一次,则每年应支付的租金为()元。[已知(P/A,的预防A.灭鼠灭蚤,监控鼠间鼠疫B.加强疫情报告C.用来苏水消毒病人排泄物和分泌物D.加强个人防护E.预防服药和预防接种 [单选,A1型题]从化学结构角度,鞣质是天然界植物中广泛存在的一类()A.糖苷类B.多元酚类C.黄烷醇类D.酯糖苷类E.黄烷醇多聚物类 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]李某,女,47岁,16岁初潮,45岁绝经,月经周期为30~32天,经期3天,以下正确的表达方式是()ABCDE [单选]下列有关食管心房调搏的描述,不正确的是().A.对常见室上性心动过速发生机制的判断可提供帮助B.诱发和终止房室结折返性心动过速C.有助于鉴别室上性心动过速伴室内差异性传导与室性心动过速D.有助于对自主神经功能的检测E.有助于确定病态窦房结综合征的诊断 [填空题]客户服务意味着一项核心的(),要建立一个()、()的客户服务体系,意味着一种不断地总结和学习的() [单选]微粒皮移植最佳供皮区选择是()A.上臂内侧B.胸、背部C.头皮D.腹部E.大腿 [单选]关于脊柱的描述,正确的是()A.有8块颈椎B.有4块骶椎C.胸部运动最灵活D.腰曲凸向前E.颈曲凸向后 [问答题,简答题]简述伤口压迫止血法适应证。 [单选]患者男性,65岁,3周前因脑血管意外导致左侧肢体瘫痪。患者神志清楚,说话口齿不清,大小便失禁。护士协助患者更换卧位后,在身体空隙处垫软枕的作用是A.促进局部血液循环B.减少皮肤受摩擦刺激C.降低空隙处所受压强D.降低局部组织所承受的压力E.防止排泄物对局部的直接刺激 [单选,A1型题]与内源性抗原递呈密切相关的分子是()A.MHCⅠ类分子B.MHCⅡ类分子C.FcγRD.mIgE.C3bR [单选]对于螺内酯试验,说法错误的是()A.螺内酯是醛固酮的竞争性拮抗剂B.螺内酯可以抑制醛固酮的分泌C.不可以判断是原发性还是继续性D.服药后,血钾升高E.服药后,尿钾降低 [单选,A1型题]关于临产后胎头呈前不均倾位的处理,下列哪项是恰当的()A.发现前不均倾位首先加强宫缩B.人工破膜C.等待产程自然进展,第二产程助产D.不论胎儿大小均可试产E.剖宫产 [单选]洗胃应在服毒后多长时间内有效()。A.6小时B.12小时C.8小时D.10小时E.24小时 [单选]骨肉瘤好发的部位是()A.脊椎B.胫骨近端C.肱骨远端D.股骨近端E.桡骨小头 [单选]生石灰烧伤后,以下哪种紧急处理方法最为妥当()A.大量清水冲洗B.用酸性中和液冲洗C.先去除表面石灰,再用大量清水冲洗D.简单包扎后到专科医院治疗E.立即涂抹烧伤药 [单选]高分子烃蜡一般存在于()和润滑油馏分中。A、汽油B、柴油C、煤油D、石脑油 [单选,A1型题]第三次卫生革命的目标是()A.预防和控制传染病B.心脑血管疾病和肿瘤C.促进人类健康长寿D.医学社会化E.发展初级卫生保健 [单选]下列()是氧化还原反应。A.Zn+2HCL=ZnCL2B.CaCO2煅烧CaO+CO2C.BaCL2+H2SO4↓+2HCL↑D.AgNO3+NaCL=AgCL+NaNO3 [问答题,简答题]调整抄表段应依据哪些信息? [问答题,简答题]什么是加工精度? [单选]在腰肌劳损的治疗方法中,不正确的是()A.注意休息,防止再发病B.加强功能锻炼,练习弯腰持物的力量C.疼痛部位进行理疗D.疼痛剧烈,痛点可注射肾上腺皮质类固醇E.疼痛严重可口服止痛药物 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]甲状腺功能亢进(甲亢)的早期诊断,下列检查最为敏感的是().A.血清总三碘甲状腺原氨酸(TT3)和血清甲状腺素(TT4)B.血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)和血清游离甲状腺素(FT4)C.高敏促甲状腺激素(sTSH)临床实验室D.基础代谢率E.甲状腺摄131I率测定 [单选]感染邪毒型产后痉病的病因病机为()A.阴血亏虚,又产后失血伤津,营阴耗损阴虚风动B.邪毒乘虚入侵,直窜筋脉,以致发痉C.产后恶露不下,瘀血停滞,阻滞经络,扰动生风D.肝肾阴虚,无以固阳,阳亢生风E.以上都不是 [单选]参加教师资格证考试有作弊行为的,其考试成绩作废,()年内不得再次参加教师资格考试。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [填空题]艺术构思过程是形象思维的过程,一般要经过______________、______________、______________三个时期。 [单选]以下关于程序流程图、N-S盒图和决策表的叙述中,错误的是()。A.N-S盒图可以避免随意的控制转移B.N-S盒图可以同时表示程序逻辑和数据结构C.程序流程图中的控制流可以任意转向D.决策表适宜表示多重条件组合下的行为 [单选,A1型题]不属于免疫耐受机制的是()A.克隆消除B.胸腺内阴性选择C.T细胞克隆无能D.免疫抑制E.B细胞克隆无能 [名词解释]内生环境 [单选]公路隧道围岩分为()级。A.3B.4C.5D.6 [填空题]微倾式水准仪圆水准器轴不平行于竖轴时,圆水准器气泡偏离的大小反映的是两轴不平行误差的()倍。 [单选]三(四)等水准测量时,尺子的两面都要读数,读数次序为后前前后或()。A.前后前后B.前前后后C.后前后前D.后后前前 [单选]卫星通信五大部分中,对卫星的通信性能及参数进行监测与管理的是()A.通信卫星B.跟踪遥测指令系统C.监控管理分子统 [单选]分区独立运行互不干扰,供水可靠,水泵集中布置便于维护管理,能源消耗较小的给水方式是()。A.并联直接给水方式B.分区并联给水方式C.气压水罐并联给水方式D.分区串联给水方式 [问答题,简答题]喷洒技术 [单选]某工程竣工验收合格后第11年内,部分梁板发生不同程度的断裂.经有相应资质的质量鉴定机构鉴定,确认断裂原因为混凝土施工养护不当致其强度不符合设计要求,则该质量缺陷应由()。A.建设单位维修并承担维修费用B.施工单位维修并承担维修费用C.施工单位维修,设计单位承担维修 [单选]治疗苯丙铜尿症时,低苯丙氨酸饮食的具体方法是()A.每日应按50~80mg/kg苯丙铜氨酸摄入B.每日应按510~20mg/kg苯丙铜氨酸摄入C.摄入的食物中应不含苯丙氨酸D.每日应按30~50mg/kg苯丙铜氨酸摄入E.每日苯丙氨酸摄入量不超过100mg/kg [单选]下列关于公务员定期考核的说法哪项是正确的?()A.定期考核是平时考核的基础B.对非领导成员的定期考核的结果,可以口头形式通知公务员本人C.对公务员的考核重点是工作能力D.定期考核的结果是调整公务员职务和级别的依据