

motor v3 设计

motor v3 设计

1 缤纷手机市场唯摩托罗拉独领风骚当手机的功能已经不再是手机发展障碍的时候,独具特色的外观或者材质便成为了手机的卖点。





在欧洲举行的2005年Mobile News Awards大会上,美国老牌手机生产厂商摩托罗拉公司一举夺得了两项令人垂涎欲滴的大奖,同时摩托罗拉公司也成为了唯一一家同时获得两项大奖的厂家。

其中摩托罗拉公司时尚夺目的RAZR V3击败了众多对手获得了最具创新大奖(Most Innovative),评委会给予RAZR V3的评价是“有史以来最简约迷人的手机”同时评委会一致认为RAZR V3是当今手机一个新的标签,是一个时尚,实用,完美的给合.鬼魅超薄的V3出现,率先打破了摩托罗拉在奢侈手机上许久的沉寂,用航空金属创造出了世界最薄的折叠手机,让世人为此震惊不已。




移动体验无止境,而未来的通讯事业又将会如何改变世界? 让我们亲身体会其中的奥妙吧!2 让世界惊叹的“刀锋式潮流造型设计”正如特意从摩托罗拉美国总部赶来的V3设计部总监任伟光先生所说:“V3手机的研发是一段充满激情而极具挑战的过程。



步进电机主要由定子和转子组成。定 子通常包括励磁绕组和磁铁,而转子 则由导电材料制成。步进电机可以通 过控制输入的脉冲信号的数量和频率 来精确控制其旋转的角度和速度。
伺服电机是一种将输入的电信号转换为精确的机械位移和速度的装置。其工作原理基于反馈控制系统 。当伺服电机接收到一个控制信号时,其内部的电路会调整电机的输入电压或电流,使电机的输出与 控制信号相匹配。
• 电机分类 • 电机工作原理 • 电机应用场景 • 电机优缺点分析 • 电机选型建议
直流电机是指输入电源为直流电源的电动机,其工作原理基于电磁感应定律和 电磁力定律。
直流电机可以分为有刷直流电机和无刷直流电机两种,有刷直流电机是指电刷 和换向器之间通过机械接触传导电流的直流电机,而无刷直流电机则是通过电 子换向器传导电流的直流电机。
交流电机具有效率高、可靠性好、维护 成本低等优点,因此在工业领域和民用 领域都有广泛的应用,如工厂自动化、
步进电机是一种将电脉冲信号转换成角位移或线位移的电动 机,其工作原理是通过按照一定的顺序给定子各相绕组输入 脉冲信号来控制转子的转动。
步进电机可以分为永磁式步进电机、反应式步进电机和混合 式步进电机三种,其中混合式步进电机具有较高的精度和较 大的输出转矩,因此在许多领域都有广泛的应用,如数控机 床、机器人、医疗器械等。
交流电机适用于需要大量动力和连续 旋转的应用,如洗衣机、空调、冰箱 等家电和工业生产线上的传送带、泵 等。
交流电机由于其结构简单、价格低廉、 可靠性高,在许多领域都有广泛的应 用。



* 电机的回转能力
.电机是产生回轉力的装置 。 从学术性的角度来讲,是电能转换为机械能的装置 。我们的工厂和家都使用了很多. 家用电器产品 90%以上都使用电机
力 磁体
Fleming的左 手法则 I
电流 I 回转率 回转率 回转率
电子 brush 电流 I
正流差而 电流的 流动是反来进行 电流 I 电流 I
2) 刹车电机
① 电动刹车电机 ㅡ无励磁动作型电磁制动器内装电机 。 ㅡ制动器正确运转可得到维持力。 ㅡ制动器在电源出现故障时才得以运转,因此可适用于安全的场合。 ② 制动器 Pack SB SERIES ㅡ专用于感应电机、可逆转电机瞬时制动的回路上。 ㅡ有接点制动器组和无接点制动器组两种。
3) 可以控制速度的 电机
CONTROL PACK 速度设置器的信号和电机的回转速度进行比较, 然后把比较后的结果 转变成调整马达速度的电压。 速度设置器 手动调整速度.
* 电机的 定义
ㅡ电机把电能转换成轴上输出回转力的机械能, 然后输出轴通过传动皮带或齿轮把驱动力输送到机械装置上。
ㅡ电机象所有机械的心脏,是一个重要的部位。 ㅡ最终定义的话 电机是把电能转换成机械能(回转能)的装置。
5. ⑦ Lead Wire
-. 把电源供给定子的导线 .
电 源
(速度控制单元) 比 较 放 大 部
电 压 控 制 部



; MOTOR.ASM; DC MOTOR; cx=speed user wanted 0-40r/s;U8250 EQU 180H ;8250A DATA PORTc8259 = 20hc0832a = 08hc0832b = 09h;main proc fardata segment 'data'count db ?waitt db ?speed dW ?getsp dW ?cons0 db 2 ; 存放系数a0cons1 db 5 ; 存放系数a1cons2 db 6 ;存放系数a2GEC1 db ? ;存放给定值GEC2 db ? ;存放输出反馈值sub1 db ? ;存放偏差值e(k)sub2 db ? ;存放偏差值e(k-1)sub3 db ? ;存放偏差值e(k-2)mid1 dW ? ;存放e(k)/a0mid2 dW ? ; 存放e(k-1)/a1 outp1 dW ? ; 存放u(k-1)outp2 dW 0FFH ;存放u(k)data endscg segment 'code'assume cs:cg,ds:data,es:data;begin: MOV AX,DA TAMOV DS,AXMOV ES,AXmov waitt,2 ;变量初始化mov count,38mov speed,cxMOV AX,CSMOV ES,AXMOV BP,OFFSET MESS ;显示MESS信息MOV AH,4INT 14HPUSH DSXOR AX,AXMOV DS,AXLEA AX,RINGMOV DS:20H,AX ;中断向量设置MOV AX,CSMOV DS:22H,AXCALL TIMERMOV DX,C8259 ;8259初始化MOV AL,00010011B ; ICW1OUT DX,ALINC DXMOV AL,00001000B ; ICW2OUT DX,ALMOV AL,00001101B ; ICW4OUT DX,ALMOV AL,11111110B ; OCW1OUT DX,ALMOV AL,20H ; EOI 中断结束OUT 20H,ALPOP DScall timer1sti ;开中断mov AL,0 ;u(k)初始化为0RUN:OUT C0832A,AL ;0832双缓冲OUT C0832B,ALMOV AX,OUTP2CMP AL,73JA RUN1 ;因电机特性对u(k)修正MOV AL,73RUN1: jmp run;ring: cli ;关中断push dspush axpush bxpush cxpush dxmov ax,datadec countjnz exitmov count,38 ;count计数,自减1,不为0则中断结束call timer1dec waittjnz exitmov waitt,2 ;waitt计数,决定采样间隔,自减1,不为0则跳转call adjustexit: pop dxpop cxpop bxpop axpop dsmov al,20h ; EOI 中断结束out 20h,alstiiret;adjust: in al,41hmov ah,almov al,99hsub al,ahdasmov cl,alin al,41hmov ah,almov al,99hsbb al,ahmov ch,almov getsp,cx ;转速采样mov ax,csmov es,axmov bp,offset spmess ;显示spmessmov ah,4int 14hmov ax,getspmov cl,12sar ax,cladd al,30hmov ah,1int 14hmov cl,8sar ax,cland al,0fhadd al,30hmov ah,1int 14hmov ax,getspmov cl,4sar al,cladd al,30hmov ah,1int 14hmov ax,getspand al,0fhadd al,30hmov ah,1int 14h ;显示实时转速mov ax,csmov es,axmov bp,offset tmmess ;显示tmmess信息mov ah,4int 14hmov ax,csmov es,axmov bp,offset space ;显示space信息mov ah,4int 14hPIDCE: PUSH AXMOV AX,SPEEDMOV GEC1,AL ;给定转速MOV AX,GETSPMOV GEC2,AL ;实时转速SUB AL,GEC2MOV SUB1,AL ;偏差e(k)MOV DL,CONS0CBWIDIV DLAND AX,0FFHMOV MID1,AX ;e(k)/a0MOV AL,SUB2MOV DL,CONS1CBWIDIV DLAND AX,0FFHMOV MID2,AX ; e(k-1)/a1MOV AL,SUB3MOV DL,CONS2CBWIDIV DLAND AX,0FFH ;e(k-2)/a2ADD AX,MID1SUB AX,MID2ADD AX,OUTP1 ;u(k-1)+e(k-2)/a2+e(k)/a0-e(k-1)/a1MOV OUTP2,AXMOV OUTP1,AXMOV AL,SUB2MOV SUB3,ALMOV AL,SUB1MOV SUB2,ALRETNtimer1: mov al,01111001b ;T1初始化out 43h,almov al,99hout 41h,alout 41h,alretn;TIMER: ;T0初始化MOV DX,43HMOV AL,34H ; TIMER0 NEG PULSEOUT DX,ALMOV DX,40H ; 1 SECOND /38MOV AL,79OUT DX,ALMOV AL,245OUT DX,ALRETNmess db "********** DC Motor **********",0 spmess db " Speed=",0tmmess db "r/s ",0space db " ",0main endpcg endsend begin。

MOTOR 日语术语 (1)

MOTOR 日语术语 (1)

日本語 読み方 中国語 日本語 読み方 中国語 フリーオファー 虚盘 体積 たいせき 体积 見積書 みつもりしょ 报价单 ダンボール箱 纸箱 引き合い ひきあい 询价 荷印 にしるし 标记,唛头 ベスト価格 优惠价 受け取り人 收件人 ビッド 出价 宛て所 收件人地址 小売価格 こうりかかく 零售价 宛名 あてな 收件人姓名 卸売り価格 おろしうりかかく 批发价 取り扱い人 とりあつかいにん 经办人 掛売り価格 かけうりかかく 赊售价 補償貿易 ほしょうぼうえき 补偿贸易 コスト価格 成本价 バーター貿易 易货贸易 割り引く わりびく 折价 加工貿易、委託加工貿易 加工贸易 正味価格、ネットプライス しょうみかかく 实价 スイッチ貿易、通過貿易 转口贸易 マーケットプライス 市场价 中継貿易、仲介貿易 ちゅうけいぼうえき 转口贸易 FOB価格 离岸价 かけうり取り引き 赊售贸易 CIF価格 到岸价(成本+保险+运费)片貿易 かたぼうえき 单方贸易 C&F価格 成本+运费价 コンサルタント 技术咨询 L/C 信用证 技術諮問 ぎじゅつしもん 技术咨询 D/A 承兑交单 トランス・ファーマシーン設備 自动生产线设备 L/G 保函(保证状) プロセスオートメーションシステム 自动生产线 マーキング 标号 プロジェクト 工程计划 トライアルオーダー 试购 セット設備、プラント 成套设备 ァソート 搭配 コンビナート 联合企业 柄見本 がらみほん 花式样 円借款 えんしゃっかん 日元贷款 ミニマムオーダー数量 最小订货量 手数料 手续费 プロフォマーインボイス 形式发票 リベート 回扣 チップ、小遣い 小费 錫箔内張りカートンボックス すずはくうちばり 内衬锡纸纸盒 銀行手形 ぎんこうてけい 银行汇票 小切手 こぎって 支票 パターンナンバー 花样号 領収書 りょうしゅうしょ 收据 品番 しなばん 货号 伝票 でんぴょう 传票 検品 けんぴん 验货 電子送金、電信為替 でんしんそうきん 电汇 はねる 淘汰,甩掉 口座に振り込む こうざにふりこむ 转户头 上屋 うわや 保税库 防湿 ぼうしつ 防潮 インターネット 国际互联网 防振 ぼうしん 防震 マルチメディア 多媒体 防水、ウォータープルーフ 防水 オンライン 联网 天地無用 てんちむよう 勿倒置 電子メール 电子信箱 われもの注意 易碎物品 プリンター 打印机 脱税品、密輸品 だつぜいひん、みつゆひん 走私品 インクジェットプリンター 喷墨打印机 正味重量 しょうみじゅうりょう 净重 レーザープリンター 激光打印机 風袋込み重量 ふうたいこみじゅうりょう 毛重 モデム 数据/传真/语言调制解调器 契約書 けいやくしょ 合同书 コントロールパネル 控制面板 入札書 にゅうさつしょ 招标书 エージェント 杀毒软件 テンダースペック 投标书 ディスプレイ 显示器 仕様書、説明書 しようしょ、せつめいしょ 说明书 キーボード 键盘 取り扱い説明書 使用说明书 ハードディスク 硬盘 テンダ 招标 フロッピーディスク 软盘 入選 にゅうせん 中标 ファイル 文件夹 落選 らくせん 落选 マウス 鼠标 備忘録、覚え書き びぼうろく、 备忘录 クリア 转换 カタログ 产品介绍商品目录 ダブルクリック 双击 インボイス 发票 クリック 单击 B/L 提单 フォーマット 格式化 パッキングリスト 装箱单 データベース 数据库 ブローカー 中介人 ユーザー 用户 大口 おおぐち 大批订货 CPU 中央处理器 小口 こぐち 零星订货 メインメモリ 内存 カーブグラフ 曲线图 コマンド 指令 ダイヤグラム、図表 图表


2 MAGNET 的磁极数和COIL个数的关系:
COIL:磁极 3:2 COIL:磁极 3:2 COIL:磁极 2:4=1:2
W R 三角形接法
磁极 2个
磁极 2个
Stepping Motor
HB(Hybrid) type
必胜经营! 奋发图强, 进行到底, 马到功成 !
4 / 11
U U-V相正常阻值为: R
R总=2/3 R
若U-V相断线阻值为: R U
R总=2 R R V
若U-W与W-V相短路,U-V阻值为:R总<2/3 R (0<r1+r4<2R) R V U U r1 V r4
: 利用毛刷(Brush)和整流子(Commutator)进行接触式整流的马达
: Loading Motor
Brushless 马达 => BLDC MOTOR
: 利用传感器(Hall Sensor)进行非接触式整流的马达 : Spindle Motor
按整流方式分类 按输入电压分类
必胜经营! 奋发图强, 进行到底, 马到功成 !
1. 定义 : 由一个输入Pulse 信号引起的只回转一定角度的Motor. 2. 优点 - 用数字信号可以直接制御open loop, 整个系统简单. - 可以得到与pulse信号频率相成比例的回转速度, 且其速度制御很广泛. - 启动,停止,正.逆转,变速容易,其应答性也很好. - 角度误差小,而且误差不会遗漏. - 由于Motor自体的部品数少,其信赖性高. - 价格低廉. 3. 缺点 - 有脱组共振的问题. : 在低速领域Motor的固有频率和输入的pulse信号的频率相一致时, 由其他原因在高速领域也会发生. => 会在某一速度领域上震动忽然加大, 其Torque也会降低. => 会发生逆转, miss step现象. 4. Stepping Motor的分类 : 结构上的分类 VR(Variable Reluctance) type PM(Permanent Magnet) type


Hoi po (海宝). Joanna / Roy 2389 8442 joanna@
Motor-housing Shape
Motor size
Brush Materials
Metal Brush
Precious Metal Brush
Carbon Brush
二: Comparison for brush material of small DC motor
1. Metal brush
•Due to high contact resistance, it's not suitable for usage under low voltage such • as lower than 3V. * Due to high brush tension, mechanical noise of the brush is higher than others.
12 10 means "Best"
0 cost
1 means "worst"
low voltage use
low noise
high current use (>1
Mattel Designated Motor supplier contact


发明人:新子 剛央,山下 佳明,河本 達郎,吉田 雄策,伊賀 知
輝 申请号:J P 2015074 564 申请日:20150331 公开号:J P 6596884 B2 公开日:20191030
摘要:A motor may include a rotor including a shaft; a stator arranged radially outside of the rotor; a bearing arranged on an upper side of the stator; a tubular housing; a bearing holder arranged on the upper side of the stator; and a busbar unit arranged on an upper side of the bearing holder. The rotor may include a rotor magnet fixed to the shaft. The stator may include an annular core back; teeth arranged to extend radially inward from the core back; and coils wound around the teeth. The housing may include a housing inner circumferential surface arranged to hold the stator. The bearing holder may be arranged to be in contact with the housing inner circumferential surface. The busbar unit may be arranged to be in contact with the housing inner circumferential surface.



电机英语(常用必备型)电机(马达)electric motor,微电机 micro motor小电机 small motor分马力电机 fractional horsepower motor空调暧通电机 HVAC motor (heating, ventilating air-conditioning motor) 直流电机 Direct current motor, DC motor串励直流电机 series wound DC motor并励直流电机 shunt wound DC motor复励直流电机 compound wound DC motor直流无刷电机 Brushless direct current motor, BLDC motor串激电机 universal motor交流电机 Alternating current motor, AC motor齿轮电机 Geared motor, Gear motor同步电机 synchronous motor异步电机 asynchronous motor, induction motor罩极电机 shaded pole motor步进电机 step motor, stepper motor, stepping motor混合式 hybrid磁阻式 variable reluctance永磁式 permanent magnet步距角精度 step angle accuracy转轴 shaft轴向负载 axial load轴向窜动 axial endplay径向跳动 radial runout负载 on load过载 overload额定负载 rated load空载 no-load电流 current电压 voltage防护等级 protection class, degree of protection, isolation class绝缘等级 insulation class力距 torque起动力距 starting torque最大(崩溃)转距 break down torque堵转 locked rotor保持力距 holding torque共振 resonance电线(电缆)cable测试程序 test procedure性能测试 performance test耐压测试 dielectric test (high pot test)功能测试 functionality test, function test实地测试 field test寿命测试 life test老化试验 ageing test连续运转continuous duty, continuous running间歇运转intermittent duty, intermittent running温升试验 temperature rise test环境温度 ambient temperature峰值 peak value供应商 supplier, vendor, seller客户 customer, client, buyer样品(样机)prototype, sample试生产 pilot production, try-out production小批生产 pre-series production批量生产 series production打筋 spline滚花 knurl攻丝 tap键槽 keyway定位销 stop pin螺钉 screw螺纹 thread螺栓 bolt螺母 nut联结器(接插件)connector端子:terminal标签, 铭牌 label nameplate外形尺寸 outside dimension outline精度 accuracy公差 tolerance不符合要求non-conformity, out of specification前端盖front flange, front end cover, front end bell, front end shield 后端盖 rear flange, rear end cover, rear end bell rear end shield凸台 pilot齿轮,带轮 pinion, gear wheel, gear滚珠轴承 ball bearing含油轴承 sleeve bearing, bronze bearing, self lubricating bearing转子 rotor定子 stator铁芯 core电枢 armature磁钢 magnet整流子(换向器)commutator碳刷 carbon brush, brush刷握 brush holder机壳 housing/shell轴承室 bearing housing出轴 shaft extension扁丝 flat工装、夹具 jigs, fixtures, tooling规 gauge引出线 lead wire, leads线路板 PCB (printed circuit board)驱动器 driver, drive冲片 lamination槽 slot齿 teeth轭 yoke硅钢片 silicon steel漆包线 copper wire/enamel insulated copper wire 胶带 tape压铸 die casting注塑 mould injection波纹垫圈 wave washer车加工 machining 精车: turning霍尔传感器 hall sensor开关 switch装配 assemble, assembly生产制造 make, manufacture, produce动平衡 balance. balancing热处理 heat treatment表面淬火 case hardening穿透淬火 through hardening退火 annealing正火 temper表面涂覆 surface coating喷砂 sandblast涂胶 gluing滴漆 varnish电泳 powder coating E-coating力矩速度曲线 speed torque curve磁通 flux工艺流程图 process flow chart绝缘骨架 plastic bobbin止口 rabbet粗糙度 roughness同心度 concentricity偏心度 eccentricity垂直度 perpendicularity平行度 parallelism串激电机:universal motor转子:转轴: shaft 换向器:commutator 铁芯:rotor steel core 端板:end spider绝缘纸:rotor steel liner 槽楔(环):wedge ring U型挡圈:U type retainer漆包线:field magnet wire 轴承:bearing 绝缘漆:varnish 换向片:commutator segment定子:铁芯:rotor steel core 漆包线:field magnet wire 绝缘纸:rotor steel liner支架:bracket支撑组件:机壳:housing 端盖:support frame碳刷组件:碳刷:brush 碳刷套:brush sleeve 碳刷架(刷握):brush holder 弹簧:brush spring刷辫:brush flexible 刷盒:brush box风机部分:定叶轮:diffuser(guide vane)动叶轮:impeller 风罩:fan cover 螺钉:screw螺帽: nut-fan 压圈:gasket-fan 衬套:bush-fan爬电距离:creepage distances specify :指定(动)附加绝缘:supplementary insulation clause :条款(名)基本绝缘:basic insulation wear :磨损(动)加强绝缘:reinforced insulation clearance :电气间隙Clearance and creepage distances over supplementary and reinforced insulation not reduced below the values specified in clause 29 as a resultof wear.accessible :易接近的,可到达的,易受影响的loose :宽松的,不牢固的Creepage distances and clearance between live parts and accessible partsnot reduced below values specified for supplementary insulation ifwires ,screws etc. becomes loose.Vaccum吸尘器 Hose:软管 Attachment :附件,附加装置 Transformer :变压器From the result of our inspection and tests on the submitted samples,we conclude that that they comply with the requirements of the standards.Submit:提交,递交 inspection : 检查 comply with : 符合All models have same constructions, and are portable,dry-pick up vaccum cleaners for household use .Different models in one series with different postfixes are same products, but marked with different powers. Refer to below table for difference between models in different series.Postfix : 后缀 refer to : 查阅提到谈到打听电动机:motor直流电动机:direct current motor交流电动机:alternating current motor交直流两用电动机:universal motor同步电动机: synchronous motor {siNkrEnEs]笼型同步电动机: cage synchronous motor同步感应电动机:synchronous induction motor磁阻电动机: reluctance motor亚同步磁阻电动机: subsynchronous reluctance motor异步电动机:asynchronous motor {eI`sINkrEnEs}感应电动机: induction motor无刷绕线转子感应电动机:brushless wound-rotor induction motor他励:separately excited自励:self-excited混励:compositely excited并励:shunt串励:series复励:compound excited复励:用以指明电机至少由两个绕组励磁,其中之一是串励绕组绕组:winding初级绕组:primary winding次级绕组:secondary winding主绕组:main winding定子绕组:stator winding转子绕组:rotor winding电枢绕组:armature winding阻尼绕组:damping winding起动绕组:starting winding辅助起动绕组: auxiliary starting winding励磁绕组: excitation winding磁场绕组: field winding试验:性能试验:performance test型式试验:type test重复试验:duplicated test检查试验:routing test 对每台电机在制造完工后所进行的试验,以判明其是否符合标准抽样试验:sampling test验收试验:acceptance test效率:efficiency 输出功率对输入功率之比总损耗:total loss(of a machine) ; power losses(of a machine ) 输入与输出功率之差热量试验:calorimetric test 从电机所产生的热量来推算损耗的试验方法空载试验:no-load test 在电机作电动机运行而轴上无有效机械输出时进行的试验轻载试验:light load test 当电机在驱动或被驱动状态下运行时,做为电动机,仅供给被驱动机械的空载损耗。



电机术语(Motor term)High voltage synchronous motor high voltage synchronous motorHoisting motor lift motorHome motor home motorHomopolar motor single-pole motorHorizontal induction motor horizontal induction motorHorizontal motor horizontal motorHorizontal - type motor horizontal generatorHorse motor horse driveHorse - drawn motorized duster marla motor duster; Horse-drawn mechanical dusting machineHot mill motor hot rolling motorHot motor part detection engine heating part detectionHot motoring methodHydraulic control motor for hydraulic controlHydraulic motor drive motor driveThe sae brake pressure of hydraulic motor of hydraulic motorsae stall pressureHydraulic motor hydraulic engine; Hydraulic engine; Hydraulic motor; Hydraulic motorHydraulic motor hydraulic motorHydraulic stepping motor hydraulic stepping motorHydraulic power direction of hydraulic traversing electric motorHydraulic-powered wiper motor hydraulic windshield wiper driveHydro-electric motor hydraulic engineHydro-motor jig fluid transmission jigging machineHydro-motor hydraulic engine; Hydraulic engine; Hydraulic motor; Water jet engineHysteresis motor hysteresis motor; Hysteresis motorHysteresis synchronous motor hysteresis synchronous motor; Hysteresis synchronous motorIgniter motor ignition engineTorque motor wet torque motor; Wet torque motorImmersible motor immersion motor; Submersible motorImpulse motor; Pulse motorImpulse step motor pulse stepping motorIncreased - safety motor - safety motorIndependent motor drive motor drive aloneIndividual drive motor is individual drive motorIndividual drive motor individual drive motorInduction motor controller induction motor controller Induction motor induction motor; Asynchronous motorInch-motor meter induction meterInductor motor induction motor; Induction motor as a generator Inductor type synchronous motor induction motorThe in-line (plunger) motor straight-line plunger motorIn-line motor straight-line motor; Direct column plunger motor In-line plunger motor straight-line plunger motorMotorcycle inner tube of pneumatic tyre for motor cycle with inflatable inner tubeInside - out motor rotating armature synchronous motor;Anti-structural synchronous motorInstrument motor meter motorIntegral horsepower motor integer horsepower motorIntegrated motor internal motor; Integral motor; Integral dc motor; Integral motorIntegrating motor integral motor; Integral motor; Integral dc motorWithin internally geared motor reducer motorInternally ventilated ventilated motor inside motorInverse speed motorInversed repulsion motor against rejection motor; Reverse repulsion motorInverse-speed motor series characteristic motorIt is the anti-structural motorInverted repulsion motor abnormal repulsion motor; Reverse repulsion motorIron (-) clad motor iron clad motorIronless A.C.S. ervo motor without iron ac servo motorJanney motor shaft rotary plunger hydraulic motor; Axial rotary plunger hydraulic motorJazz the motor strengthens the engineJet motor jet engineKick motor accelerates the engineLacour motor raqur motorLarge ac three-phase synchronous three-phase synchronous motor Large and medium dc motorLarge induction motor large induction motorLarge power motor high power motorLatour motor radars motorLeaf driving motor filter vane drive motorLeak-proof motor pump leak-proof electric pumpLengthened motor lorry lengthen heavy-duty truckLevel-compound excited motor flat compound motorLift motor lift motor lift motorThirty - five motor hoist motorLight power motor small motorLight rail motor tractor light locomotiveLighting motor - generator set is used for electric generating setLinear electric motor linear motorLinear induction motor linear induction motorLinear motor principle linear driving principleLinear motor linear motor; Linear motorLinear pulse motor linear stepping motor; Linear pulse motorLinear in motor linear reluctance motorLinear step motor linear step motorLinear stepping motor linear stepping motorLinear synchronous motor linear synchronous motorLine - fed motor direct feed motorLine - start motor line starting motor; Direct starting motor; Directly start the motorLiquid fuel motor liquid fuel engineLiquid motor fuel liquid fuelLiquid motor liquid rocket engineLiquid-filled motor filled motorLoad limit motor load limiting motorLoading motor loads motorLobed motor rotz motor; Roots of the motorLong hour motor runs the motor continuouslyLoom motor loom motorLoop motor ring motorLow power motor small power motorLow speed motor low speed motorLow speed synchronous motorLow tension motor starterLow tension motor low voltage motorLow-compression motor low compression engineLower motor neuron diseaseLower motor neuron lesion was damaged by motor neuronsLower motor neuron motor neuronLow-tension motor low voltage motorLuffing motor crane luffing motorLundell motor claw type motor; Rendell motorMachine oil pump for motor motorcycle oil pumpMagnetic clutch motor magnetic clutch motorMagnetic stepping motor stepper motorMagnetical stepping motor magnetic stepping motorMagnet - lagging synchronized motor hysteresis synchronous motorMail motor truckMain drive motor main drive motor; The main motorMain mill drive motor drive motorMain motor contactor main electric contactorMain motor main motorMarine flame-proof three phase asynchronous motor Marine explosion-proof three-phase asynchronous motorMarine service motor ship motorMarine - land purpose motor ship - continental motorMaster motor drive motorMedium - sized motor medium electric motorMercury motor type mercury motor typeMetal-clad motor metal reinforcement motor; Armored motorMicro - stepping motor micro-stepping motorMidget motor micro motor; Pony motorMilitary motor lorry military truck; Military trucksMill motor mills electric motorThe minertial motor small inertia motorMiniature motor micro motorMini motor home mini - motor homeMining motor for miningMist fan motor spray motor; Spray blower motorMobile motor driven centrifugal pump mobile motor centrifugal pumpModel motor model motor; The motor as a test sampleModern motor spirit modern car gasolineModutrol motor modutrall motorMonocyclic - start induction motor single-phase induction motorMonocylicstart induction motor single-cycle start induction motorMonophase asynchronous motor single phase asynchronous motorMonorail motor crab monorail electric craneMonorail motor hoist single-track electric winchMotor alternator electric alternatorMotor amplifier electrical amplifierMotor analyser engine test machine; Engine test stand Motor atomizer power mist machineMotor auger screw drillMotor automatic relay motor automatic relayMotor bark remover powered strip bark machineMotor base (frame) electric seatMotor base (MB) motor baseMotor base pin electric stand pin shaftMotor base motor baseMotor battery motor batteryMotor bearing motor bearingMotor bearings motor bearingMotor bed - plate motor standMotor board motor switchboardMotor boat motor boatMotor body engine housingMotor bogie automatic bogieMotor brake magnet motor brake magnetMotor branch circuit motor branch circuit; The motor feeder branchMotor brass alloy brass alloyMotor brass motor brassMotor brush motor brush; Motor brushMotor cabinet motor seatMotor cable motor cableMotor capacity motor capacityMotor car fitterMotor car insuranceMotor carbon brush; The motor carbon brushMotor carrier transporterMotor case electric chassis; Engine housingMotor casing (frame) electric chassisMotor casing; Motorcycle tyreMotor seat motorDiameter of combustion chamber of motor chamber diameterMotor characteristic of motor characteristic; Motor characteristic curveMotor circuit power circuitMotor coach coachThe combination of motor combination motorMotor commutator motor commutatorMotor compressor electric compressorMotor console engine test consoleMotor constant motor constantMotor control relay motor control relayMotor control motor; Electromotor electronic control; Motor controlMotor controller motor controllerMotor cooling jacket engine cooling jacketMotor cooling motor coolingMotor coordinates center movement coordination center Motor coupling motor couplingMotor current - transformer electric converterMotor cut-out switch motor stop switchMotor cuts out of the engineMotor cycle insurance motorcycle insuranceMotor decussation exerciseMotor disturbance movement disordersMotor drill with electric drillMotor drive the electric asphalt pumpMotor drive oil lifter electric hydraulic liftMotor drive shaft motor drive shaft; The motor shaftMotor drive type motor drive typeMotor drive motor drive; Electric drive; Motor driveMotor driven blower electric blowerMotor driven distributor electric distributorMotor driven hoist electric hoistMotor driven layer radiographic X-ray apparatus electric fault X-ray machineMotor driven miniature pump set electric micro-pump unitMotor driven psychrometer electric draught psychrometerMotor driven pump electric pumpMotor driven saw sawMotor driven sludge excavator electric dredgeMotor driven slush pump electric mud pumpMotor driven starterMotor driven switch motor driven switchMotor driven turbine pumpMotor driven welding machine electric welding machine; Motor driven welderMotor driving time relay motor type time relayMotor dynamo unit electric dc generator setMotor dynamo electric generator; Electric dynamoMotor dynamometer motor power meterMotor eccentricity motor eccentricityMotor effect motor effectMotor efficiencyMotor element motor element; Motion componentsMotor enclosureMotor end closure engine nozzle coverMotor end plate sports end plateMotor excitation motor excitationMotor exciting current motor excitation currentMotor fan fanMotor fault motor faultMotor fiber motor fiberMotor fire brigade vehicle rescue train; Fire engineMotor for boat engineMotor for kicker and doffer jitter and drum motorMotor for wood-working motorMotor foundation of motor foundationMotor frame through boltMotor frame electric frameMotor fuel additive engine fuel additiveMotor fuel consists of engine fuelMotor function motor function; Motor functionMotor fuse motor fuseMotor gain motor gainMotor gasolineMotor generator arc welder electric generator dc arc weldingmachineThe motor glider electric gliderMotor grab electric grabMotor group electric unitMotor head engine front endMotor hoist electric hoist; Electric hoist; Electric hoistThe motor hotelMotor hull insurance car body insuranceMotor inclosure electric enclosureMotor industry research association (mira) automotive industry research associationMotor meter induction meterMotor interrupter electric interrupterMotor launch boatMotor line motor seriesMotor load control (MLC) motor load controlMotor load motor loadThe motor lorryMotor machine electric machineryMotor magnet electric magnetMotor manufacturer motor manufacturerMotor meter motor meter; Motor meter; Induction meterMotor method engine method; Engine drivingMotor mount ring engine mounting ringMotor mower with binder attachment powered grass cutting machine; A power mower with a baling deviceMotor mower with center drive, central drive power mowerMotor mower with side drive side drive mowerMotor mower power mower; Power mowerMotor nozzle engine nozzleMotor nucleiMotor octane number (mon) motor octane numberMotor off switch motor cut off switchMotor oil motor oil; Motor oil; Motor oilMotor on - off switch motor start off switchMotor panel motor switchboardMotor performance of motor performanceMotor petrolMotor pinion motor pinionMotor pitch of motor pitchMotor plough has been ploughedMotor plow powered plowMotor point movement pointMotor power (output) motor powerMotor power engine thrustMotor press power pressMotor protection against overheat protection of overheat motor; Motor overheat protectionMotor protection relay motor protection relayMotor pulley motor pulleyMotor pump (MMP) motor pumpMotor pump works electric pump plantMotor pump electric pump; Motor pumpMotor rear end plate motor rear end coverMotor reducer motor reducer; Motor reducer; Motor speed reducer Motor reducing gear motor reducer; Motor reducerMotor reduction unit speed motorMotor reel motor shaftMotor repair shopMotor repair vehicles repairedMotor roadMotor room motor roomMotor rotor tester motor rotor test deviceMotor rotor rotorMotor saw power sawMotor scooter has a low scooterMotor scraper automatic scraper; Self-propelled scraper Motor shaft motor shaftMotor shell electric casingMotor ship steamer; Engine propulsion vehicle; Motor vessel Motor side motor sideMotor siren; Electric siren; The motor alarmMotor sleigh sledMotor slide rails motor guideMotor slip induction motor slip rateMotor specification motor specificationMotor speech area motor speech centerMotor speed control motor speed controlMotor speed controller engine speed regulatorMotor speed motor speedMotor spirit motor gasolineMotor spring car springsMotor sprocket motor sprocketThe motorcade of motor squadronMotor starter motor starter; Electric starter; Electric starter; Motor starterMotor starting and control equipment motor starting control equipmentMotor starting characteristic of engine starting characteristicMotor starting rheostat motor starting rheostatMotor stator motor statorMotor steering the carMotor step motor distanceMotor stirrer electric stirrerParking motor stoppageMotor sports original; Motor; The motorType synchronous motor induction motor type synchronous motor Type synchronous motor induction motor type synchronous motor。



专利名称:motor发明人:芳賀 英博,佐藤 留介,山田 陽介,中原 康晶申请号:JP2015109638申请日:20150529公开号:JP6569306B2公开日:20190904专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A motor includes a bus bar assembly including a bus bar, a wiring member, and a bus bar holder. The bus bar holder includes a main body portion, a bottom portion, and a first circuit board support portion. The wiring member includes a circuit board connection terminal electrically connected to the circuit board. The circuit board connection terminal includes a contact portion connected to the circuit board, and applies force to the circuit board through the contact portion. The first circuit board support portion is disposed at a region of the bottom portion to define a side at which the circuit board connection terminal is located when viewed from one direction. The first circuit board support portion and the contact portion are located at different positions when viewed from the one direction.申请人:日本電産株式会社地址:京都府京都市南区久世殿城町338番地国籍:JP更多信息请下载全文后查看。



电动机(马达):motor直流电动机:direct current motor简称DC motor 塑封定子:the mold定子stator转子:rotor铁芯:steel core支架:bracket铭牌:nameplate二维码:Quick Response Code 简称QR code绕组:winding绕组温度:Winding temperature漆包线线径:enamel wire diameter匝数:turns接线方法:connect method转轴:shaft防锈油:anti-rust oil绝缘纸:insulation paperU型挡圈:U type retainer轴承:bearing机壳:housing螺钉:screw印刷基板PCB集成电路integrated circuit 缩写ICIC表面温度the temperature on IC surface:马达电源电压Motor power voltage控制电源电压Control power voltage动作温度范围Case operation temperature速度指令电压Speed control voltage回转脉冲输出Pulse of rotating output端子机能Terminals function绝缘等级Insulating class马达安装姿势Mounting position过电流保护 Over current protect过热保护 Over heating protect电源电压过低保护Over low voltage protect马达运转特性Motor operation characters附件:Attachment符合:comply with递交:Submit提交,检查:inspectionspecification规格书,日企称纳入仕样书安全使用注意事项Matters need attention for safe use。



电动机:motor直流电动机:direct current motor交流电动机:alternating current motor交直流两用电动机:universal motor同步电动机: synchronous motor {siNkrEnEs]笼型同步电动机: cage synchronous motor同步感应电动机:synchronous induction motor磁阻电动机: reluctance motor亚同步磁阻电动机: subsynchronous reluctance motor异步电动机:asynchronous motor {eI`sINkrEnEs}感应电动机: induction motor无刷绕线转子感应电动机:brushless wound-rotor induction motor他励:separately excited自励:self-excited混励:compositely excited并励:shunt串励:series复励:compound excited复励:用以指明电机至少由两个绕组励磁,其中之一是串励绕组绕组:winding初级绕组:primary winding次级绕组:secondary winding主绕组:main winding定子绕组:stator winding转子绕组:rotor winding电枢绕组:armature winding阻尼绕组:damping winding起动绕组:starting winding辅助起动绕组: auxiliary starting winding励磁绕组: excitation winding磁场绕组: field winding试验:性能试验:performance test型式试验:type test重复试验:duplicated test检查试验:routing test 对每台电机在制造完工后所进行的试验,以判明其是否符合标准抽样试验:sampling test验收试验:acceptance test效率:efficiency 输出功率对输入功率之比总损耗:total loss(of a machine) ; power losses(of a machine ) 输入与输出功率之差热量试验:calorimetric test 从电机所产生的热量来推算损耗的试验方法空载试验:no-load test 在电机作电动机运行而轴上无有效机械输出时进行的试验轻载试验:light load test 当电机在驱动或被驱动状态下运行时,做为电动机,仅供给被驱动机械的空载损耗。



n. 马达,发动机,[火箭]助推器,原动者,原动力,汽车,[解]运动肌,运动神经vi. 开[乘]汽车vt. 用汽车运送adj. 有引擎的,由发动机推动的,机动车的,肌肉运动的变形:过去式: motored; 现在分词:motoring; 过去分词:motored;motor用法motor可以用作名词motor是可数名词,意思是“马达”“发动机”,指机器的动力源,可是电动的,也可是燃油的。




motor用作名词的用法例句At six o'clock the motor started up.6点钟时马达开动起来。

If the battery is dead, the motor won't turn over.电池要是用完了,马达就转不起来了。

We switched off the motor and started to drift (along).我们关闭发动机开始滑行。




1、Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.许多机动车事故都是不计后果地酒后开快车造成的。

2、It's very difficult being a woman in motor racing.做一名女赛车手很不容易。

3、Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.斯特凡诺骑一辆摩托车放羊。

motor词组| 习惯用语motor vehicle 汽车;机动车辆dc motor 直流电动机;直流马达;直羚动机electric motor 电动机induction motor 感应电动机;异步电动机motor control 电动机控制;[电]马达控制synchronous motor [化]同步电动机asynchronous motor 异步电动机,异步马达;感应电动机servo motor 伺服马达;伺服电动机stepping motor 步进电机;步进马达stepper motor 步进马达,步进电机step motor 步进马达motor drive 电动机linear motor 直线电机;线性电动机;线型马达motor speed 电动机转速ac motor 交流电动机reluctance motor 磁阻电动机ford motor 福特汽车(美国汽车公司)motor car 汽车;电动车motor function [医]运动机能motor system 马达系统;运动系统;动力系统motor英语例句库1.Heavy fines were levied on motoring offenders.违规驾车者会遭到重罚。



专利名称:Motor发明人:Hyun Rok Cha申请号:US10814307申请日:20040331公开号:US07109618B2公开日:20060919专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The present invention relates to a motor that allows connection terminals to be stably fastened to a bobbin. The motor includes at least one lead wire wound around a bobbin of a stator to form a coil, at least one power line electrically connected to the lead wire to supply power to the lead wire, at least one connection terminal to connectthe lead wire to the power line, a terminal holding part provided at a portion of the bobbin to place the connection terminal, at least one terminal receiving hole provided in the terminal holding part to allow the connection terminal connected to the power line to be inserted and connected to the lead wire, and a fastening member to accommodate the connection terminal connected to the power line therein and to be fastened to the terminal holding part so as to keep the connection terminal mounted in the terminal receiving hole.申请人:Hyun Rok Cha地址:Gwangju KR国籍:KR代理机构:Ladas & Parry LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。

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