145125105856545255O f f s e t V o l t a g e (V )m -55-15525125Temperature (C)°-35456585105ProductFolder Order NowTechnical Documents Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityOPA188ZHCSB21B –MARCH 2013–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2016OPA188高精度、低噪声、轨至轨输出、36V 、零漂移运算放大器1特性•低失调电压:25μV (最大值)•零漂移:0.03μV/°C •低噪声:8.8nV/√Hz–0.1Hz 至10Hz 噪声:0.25μV PP •出色的DC 精度:–电源抑制比(PSRR);142dB –共模抑制比(CMRR):146dB –开环路增益:136dB •增益带宽:2MHz•静态电流:510μA (最大值)•宽电源电压:±2V 至±18V •轨至轨输出•输入包括负电源轨•已过滤射频干扰(RFI)的输入•微型尺寸封装2应用•桥式放大器•应力计•传感器应用•温度测量•电子称•医疗仪表•电阻温度检测器3说明OPA188运算放大器采用TI 的专有自动归零技术,以提供低失调电压(最大为25μV )并随时间推移和温度变化而实现接近零漂移的性能。
此高精度低静态电流微型放大器提供高输入阻抗和摆幅为电源轨15mV 之内的轨到轨输出。
单电源或双电源可在4V 至36V (±2V 至±18V )范围内使用。
所有版本的额定工作温度范围均为-40°C 至+125°C 。
器件信息(1)器件型号封装封装尺寸(标称值)OPA188SOIC (8) 4.90mm x 3.91mm SOT-23(5) 2.90mm ×1.60mm VSSOP (8)3.00mm ×3.00mm(1)要了解所有可用封装,请参阅数据表末尾的封装选项附录。
Model Size/ Torque DDB51 88 in-lb [10 Nm] DDB53 88 in-lb [10 Nm] DDB61 132 in-lb [15 Nm] DDB63 132 in-lb [15 Nm] DDB71 177 in-lb [20 Nm] DDB73 177 in-lb [20 Nm] DDB81 265 in-lb [30 Nm] DDB83 265 in-lb [30 Nm] DDD53 88 in-lb [10 Nm] DDD63 132 in-lb [15 Nm] DDD73 177 in-lb [20 Nm] DDD83 265 in-lb [30 Nm]
Damper Actuators
Series DDB
DDD Low Cost, Two-Position or Modulating
88 in-lb (10 Nm) & 4-17/64 6-55/64 2-49/64
Supply Voltage 110 VAC 24 VAC 110 VAC 24 VAC 110 VAC 24 VAC 110 VAC 24 VAC 24 VAC 24 VAC 24 VAC 24 VAC
Input Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Modulating Modulating Modulating Modulating
3.1 引脚图 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 引脚描述 ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Nota técnica: Especificaciones y conexionado del optimizador de potencia de la serie S 1Nota técnica: Especificaciones y conexionado del optimizador de potencia de la serie SHistorial de versionesVersión 1.3, octubre 2021•Se ha actualizado el valor de corriente máxima de cortocircuito para el S440Versión 1.2, agosto de 2021•Actualizado para hacer referencia a los optimizadores de potencia de la serie SVersión 1.1, marzo de 2021Versión 1.0, febrero de 2021: Edición inicialOptimizador de potencia de la serie SEsta nota técnica describe las diferencias de producto entre los optimizadores de potencia de las series S y P. Esta nota también proporciona directrices para conectar el optimizador de potencia de la serie S a un módulo FV y para conectar los optimizadores de potencia de la serie S entre sí en un string.Figura 1: Optimizador de potencia de la serie SNOTAOptimizadores de potencia de la serie S con código de artículo con formato SXXX-XXXXX. Comparación entre el optimizador de potencia S440 y el P401Especificaciones S440 P401Tensión de entrada máxima absoluta (Voc a latemperatura más baja) (VCC) 60 60 Corriente de cortocircuito máxima (ISC) (ACC) 14.5 11.75 Longitud del conductor de entrada (m/ft) 0.1/0.32 0.16/0.52 Longitud del conductor de entrada (m/ft) (+)2.3, (-)0.1 / (+)7.54, (-)0.32 1.2/3.9Consultar la hoja de datos del producto correspondiente para conocer el resto de especificaciones del S440 y el P401.Nota técnica: Especificaciones y conexionado del optimizador de potencia de la serie SS 2 Comparación de los conductores del conector de los optimizadores de potencia de las series S y P Una de las mejoras del optimizador de potencia de la serie S con respecto al de la serie P es la diferencia de longitud entre los conductores del conector de salida positivo y negativo. El conductor del conector de salida positivo del optimizador de potencia de la serie S es largo, mientras que el de salida negativo es corto. La disposición sitúa la conexión entre los dos conductores cerca del optimizador de potencia. Esto evita que el conector cuelgue del tejado y quede expuesto cuando hay humedad.Conductores del conector del optimizador de potencia de la serie S Conductores del conector del optimizador de potenciade la serie PFigura 2: Comparación de las dimensiones y los conductores de entrada y salida de los optimizadores de potencia de las series S y PNota técnica: Especificaciones y conexionado del optimizador de potencia de la serie S 3 Conexión del optimizador de potencia de la serie S a un módulo FVConectar los optimizadores de potencia de la serie S a un módulo FV conectando los conectores de salida del módulo FV a los conectores de entrada del optimizador de potencia como se indica en los pasos de esta sección y en la figura 2, Dibujo esquemático de los conductores de entrada y salida de la serie S y sus dimensiones.Conexión de un optimizador de potencia de la serie S a un módulo FV1.Conectar el conector de salida positivo (+) del módulo al conector de entrada positivo (+) del optimizador de potencia.2.Conectar el conector de salida negativo (-) del módulo al conector de entrada negativo (-) del optimizador de potencia.3.Repetir los pasos de conexión en cada optimizador de potencia de la serie S.Conexión de los optimizadores de potencia de la serie S en stringsEsta sección le guía por el proceso de conexión de los optimizadores de potencia de la serie S en strings.Conexión de los optimizadores de potencia de la serie S entre sí en strings1.Extender el conector de salida positivo (+) del primer optimizador de potencia hacia el conector de salida negativo (-) del segundo optimizador de potencia e insertar el conector de salida positivo (+) en el conector de salida negativo (-) para realizar la conexión.2.Conectar el resto de los optimizadores de potencia del string de la misma forma. Consultar el manual de instalación del inversor SolarEdge para conocer todas las pautas de instalación.NOTAEn la figura 3 se ilustra el patrón de conexión del cableado de entrada entre los optimizadores de potencia de laserie S y un módulo FV, y las conexiones del cableado de salida entre los optimizadores de potencia de unstring. Consultar la etiqueta del producto para identificar los conectores de entrada y salida positivo y negativo.NOTAEl optimizador de potencia de la serie S puede instalarse con módulos de cajas de conexiones simples ydivididas.。
Chinaw eal B usine ss Ma chine ry Co., Lt d.Al l Rig hts R eserv e目录1.连接设备31.1. 从CO NSOLE连接 31.2.远程TEL NET连接 62.基本信息配置 62.1.配置机器名、TELN ET、密码 62.2. 配置SNMP网管串 63. 冗余及系统高可用性配置73.1. 同步S UPERV ISORENGIN E配置73.2.查看SU PERVI SOR E NGINE冗余 93.3.向冗余SU PERVI SOR E NGINE拷贝IOS文件 114. 端口设置114.1. 基本设置 114.2.配置三层端口 125. 配置二层端口135.1. 配置TRUNK: 136. 配置HSRP156.1. 配置二层普通交换接口156.2. 清除二层接口配置 167. 配置V LAN 168.动态路由协议--OS PF配置188.1. 启用OSPF动态路由协议 188.2. 定义参与OS PF的子网 188.3. O SPF区域间的路由信息汇总198.4. 配置密码验证198.5. 设置产生缺省路由 199. 交换机维护 209.1.交换机I OS保存和升级 209.2.交换机密码恢复211.连接设备1.1.从con sole连接第一次对6000交换机进行配置,必须从cons ole进入。
首先先将机器上架,按要求接好电源,然后用随机附带的Co nsole线和转接头将交换机的conso le口与P C的串口相联,如下:C om口设置如下:· 9600 baud·8 data bits·N o par ity · 2 s top b its检查电源无误后,开电,可能会出现类似下面的显示,按黑粗体字回答:Sy stemBoots trap, Vers ion 6.1(2)Copy right (c)1994-2000by ci sco S ystem s, In c.c6k_sup2 pro cesso r wit h 131072 K bytes of m ain m emoryrom mon 1 > bo ot sl ot0:c6sup22-jsv-mz.121-5c.EX.b inS elf d ecomp ressi ng th e ima ge :######################################################################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #######[OK] Re stric ted R ights Lege ndU se, d uplic ation, ordiscl osure by t he Go vernm ent i ssub jectto re stric tions as s et fo rth i n sub parag raph(c) o f the Comm ercia l Com puter Soft ware- Res trict edRi ghtsclaus e atFAR s ec. 52.227-19 a nd su bpara graph(c)(1) (ii) o f the Righ ts in Tech nical Data andCompu terS oftwa re cl auseat DF ARS s ec. 252.227-7013.c iscoSyste ms, I nc.170 We st Ta smanDrive SanJose, Cali forni a 95134-1706C iscoInter netwo rk Op erati ng Sy stemSoftw are IOS (tm) M SFC2Softw are (C6MSF C2-BO OT-M), Ver sion12.1(3a)E4, EAR LYDE PLOYM ENT RELEA SE SO FTWAR E (fc1)Co pyrig ht (c) 1986-2000 bycisco Syst ems,Inc.Compi led S at 14-Oct-00 05:33 b y eaa rmasImage text-base: 0x30008980, d ata-b ase:0x303B6000cis co Ca t6k-M SFC2(R7000) pr ocess or wi th 114688K/16384K by tes o f mem ory.Proce ssorboard ID S AD04430J9KR7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Imp lemen tatio n 39, Rev2.1,256KB L2,1024K B L3CacheLast rese t fro m pow er-onX.25 soft ware, Vers ion byte s ofnon-v olati le co nfigu ratio n mem ory.16384K byt es of Flas h int ernal SIMM (Sec tor s ize 512K).Pre ss RE TURNto ge t sta rted!---Syste m Con figur ation Dial og ---Wou ld yo u lik e toenter theiniti al di alog? [yes]: no回答:N O,进入手工配置,在route r>下,输入enab le回车,进入全局模式1.2.远程tel net连接当完成交换机配置,并起给交换机配置了管理地址,就可以直接采用远程te lnet登陆进入交换机了,但是必须先配置linevty的密码和ena ble密码才能允许远程登陆。
实验八 求微分方程的解
Matlab 解初值问题
用 Maltab自带函数 解初值问题
没有一种算法可以有效地解决所有的 ODE 问题,因此 MATLAB 提供了多种ODE求解器,对于不同的ODE, 可以调用不同的求解器。
求解器 ODE类型
非刚性 单步法;4,5 阶 R-K 方法;大部分场合的首选方
累计截断误差为 (△x)3
function xprime=verderpol(t,x) xprime=[x(2); 7*(1-x(1)^2)*x(2) - x(1)];
再编写脚本文件 vdpl.m,在命令窗口直接运行该文件。
clear; y0=[1;0]; [t,x]=ode45(‘verderpol’,[0,40],y0); plot(t,x(:,1),‘r-’,t,x(:,2)); Figure(2) Plot(x(:,1),x(:,2))
如果省略自变量,则默认自变量为 t
dsolve('Dy=2*x','x'); % dy/dx = 2x
% dy/dt = 2x
dsolve 举例
>> y=dsolve('x*Dy+y-exp(x)=0','y(1)=2*exp(1)','x') >> ezplot(y);
1 L 0
状态方程以两个状态元件 i和uo作状态变量 21
C u0 R
di dt
d u0
(2)当S=off:时间长度为: (1-d)*T:
di dt
i C
1 C
1. ode23
在MATLAB中,函数ode23采用2-3阶龙格-库塔法 求解微分方程。
[t,y]=ode23(odefun,tspan,y0) [t,y]=ode23(odefun,tspan,y0,options) odefun:定义微分方程的形式y’=f(t,y) tspan=[t0,tfinal]:表示微分方程的积分限从t0(始值) 到tfinal(终值),该积分限也可以是一些离散的点。 y0:初始状态列向量 options:积分参数,包括‘RelTol’(相对误差)和 ‘AbsTol’(绝对误差),可省略。
RI(t) VL(t) VC (t) Vi (t)
I(t) C dVC (t) dt
VL (t)
dI(t) dt
2VC (t) dt 2
dI(t) L dt RI(t) VC (t) Vi (t)
WI1824 WINNER VIDEO老虎机技术手册说明书
E n e s te M anua l s e de sc ri ben l a s p ri n c i pa l e s c a r a c te rís t i c a s téc n i c a s y de fun c i ona m i ento de l m ode l o W I NN E R(V i deo-V i deo). E l d i s eño y l a fab ri c a c ión de e s ta máqu i na han s i do r ea li z ado s po r N o v o m at i c G a m i ng S pa i n S.A., ga r ant i z ando e l c u m p li m i ento de l a s D ir e c t i v a s E u r opea s de S egu ri dad E léc t ri c a y de C o m pat i b ili dad E l e c t r o-M agnét i c a, a sí c o m o de l a s r eg l a m enta c i one s autonóm i c a s v i gente s.1. T RAN SP O R T E, R E C EP C IÓN E I N S T A L AC IÓN 51.1. T r an s po r te y R e c ep c ión. 51.2. In s ta l a c ión 61.3. F ij a c ión de l a Máqu i na 61.4. R equ i s i to s de l a r ed de a li m enta c ión 71.5. L i m p i e z a de l a máqu i na 71.6. R e s i duo s de apa r ato s e léc t ri c o s y e l e c t rón i c o s(R AEE)72. CARAC T E RÍS T I CA S TÉCN I CA S83. P U ES T A E N M ARCHA93.1. P ue s ta en m a r c ha 93.2. A cc e s o ár ea m anten i m i ento 94. P U L S AD O R ES104.1. C on s o l a de pu l s ado r e s104.2. P u l s ado r e s de s e r v i c i o 115. P ARÁM E T R O S D E J U E GO125.1. Ident i f i c a c ión de l o s m i c r o-i nte rr upto r e s125.2. O t r o s a j u s te s136. M E NÚP R I NC I P A L146.1. C O N T AB ILI D A D146.1.1. C ontado r e s P a r c i a l e s156.1.2. C ontado r e s T ota l e s156.1.3. C ontado r e s M e cán i c o s176.1.4. D ato s de C i c l o s176.1.5. B o rr a r C ontado r e s P a r c i a l e s176.2. C O N F I G UR A C IÓN186.3. C A R G A / D ES C A R G A196.4. T ES T D E L H A RD W A R E196.4.1. E s tado de l o s D i s po s i t i v o s206.4.2. Lám pa r a s216.4.3. S w i t c he s216.4.4. R od ill o s226.4.5. A c eptado r de B ill ete s226.4.6. B ill ete r o R e c i c l ado r226.4.7. M onede r o y D e sv i ado r236.4.8. H oppe r s236.4.9. C ontado r e s M e cán i c o s236.4.10. V e l o de r od ill o s246.5. ÚL T I M AS PA R TÍD AS256.6. EVE N T O S D E L S I S T E M A256.7. V O L U M E N266.8. I D E N T I F I C A C IÓN267. F U E RA D E SE R V I C I O277.1. R A M C L EA R277.2. T I P O S D E F U E R A D E SE R V I C I O287.3. LI S T A D O D E F U E R A D E SE R V I C I O298. M AN T E N I M I E N T O338.1. R O D ILL O A19 I NDU S T R I AS L O R E N Z O338.2. L E C T O R D E B ILL E T ES N V9+/N V11+358.3. SE L E C T O R M O DU L A R X6-D S2 388.4. H O PPE R R O D E U-II 399. C O N EX I O NAD O40C O N EX I O N AD O GE N E R A L (I)41C O N EX I O N AD O GE N E R A L (II)42C O N EX I O N AD O GE N E R A L (III)43C P U F U J I T S U44M O DU L O D E C O N T R O L (M C B+)45 M O DU L O D E P U E R T A(M D B+)46 S I G N I F I C A D O D E L O S L E D S47F U E N T E D E A LI M E N T A C I O N48IL U M I N A C I O N P L A N D E G A N A NC I AS49 IL U M I N A C IÓN VE L O R O D ILL O S52 IL U M I N A C IÓN BA ND E J A52C O N T R O L VE L O R OD ILL O S5310. D E C L ARAC IÓN D E C O N F O R M I DAD54N O T A S“L a i n f o r m ación p r ese n t a d a e n es t e m a nu al p e r t e n ece a tít u l o excl u siv o y p r iva t iv o a N O V O M A T I CG A M I N G SP A I N S.A. si n qu e s u pub licación s upong a, e n m odo al guno, qu e l o s ele m e n t o s pub lica do s o e n la f o r m a e n la c u al se p r ese n t a n, sea d el do m i n i o púb lic o. E n c on sec u e n cia, qu e d a t e r m i n a n t e m e n t e p r oh i b i d a s u r e p r odu cción, así c o m o la f a b r icación, c o m e r ciali z ación y/o d is t r i bu ción o c u al qu ie r o t r a ac t ivi d a d qu e r ecai g a s ob r e l o s ele m e n t o s pub lica do s, si n el ex p r es o c on se n t i m ie n t o d e N O V O M A T I C G A M I N G SP A I N S.A.”.1.1.E l t r an s po r te de l a m áqu i na debe r á r ea li z a r s e en po s i c i ón v e r t i c a l y de fo r m a s egu r a pa r a e v i ta r que r e c i ba po s i b l e s go l pe s o v ue l c o s .S e r e c o m i enda no ap il a r n i ngún paquete s ob r e e l e m ba l a j e y que, du r ante e l t r an sc u r s o de l t r an s po r te, l a m áqu i na no s e v ea s o m et i da a c ond i c i one s c li m át i c a s e x t r e m a s de c a l o r , f r ío o ll u v i a.A l r e c i b ir l a m áqu i na, e s r e c o m endab l e r ea li z a r una i n s pe cc i ón v i s ua l pa r a c o m p r oba r que s u t r an s po r te s e ha r ea li z ado c o rr e c ta m ente.A l de s e m ba l a r l a m áqu i na, s e r á ne c e s a ri o a c tua r c on s u m o c u i dado pa r a no c au s a r n i ngún daño a l o s c o m ponente s f r ág il e s que l a fo r m an. La c ubeta r e c oge -m oneda s c ont i ene un j uego de ll a v e s pa r a a cc ede r a l a pue r ta s upe ri o r . E n e l c a j ón de r e c auda c i ón s e en c uent r an l o s s i gu i ente s e l e m ento s :M anua l de i n s ta l a c i ón de l a m áqu i na en CD . K i t de f ij a c i ón pa r ed C ab l e de r edE t i queta s de m oneda s pa r a l o s pagado r e sE t i queta b ill ete s.M I E NDA L A L E C T URA D E ES T E L AN T ES D E P R O C E D E R A L A A L AC I ÓN D E L A M ÁQ U I NA1.2.S e r e c o m i enda s egu ir e s ta s pauta s a l a ho r a de l a i n s ta l a c i ón de l a m áqu i na pa r a e v i ta r pe li g r o s i nne c e s a ri o s :La m áqu i na debe r á i n s ta l a r s e s ob r e una s upe r f i c i e li s a y p l ana.E n n i ngún c a s o, s e i n s ta l a r á a l a i nte m pe ri e, en l uga r e s húm edo s o en a m b i ente s po l v o ri ento s .E l equ i po no e s ade c uado pa r a l a i n s ta l a c i ón en un l uga r donde pueda ut ili z a r s e un c ho rr o de agua.E l equ i po no e s ade c uado pa r a u s o s en e x te ri o r e s .La m áqu i na debe r á e s ta r a l e j ada de fuente s de c a l o r y de r ad i a c i ón i nf r a rr o j a. E n e l c a s o de que l o s apa r ato s e l éc t ri c o s o e l e c t r ón i c o s de s u s a lr ededo r e s p r odu j e r an i nte r fe r en c i a s , s e r á ne c e s a ri o a l e j a r l a m áqu i na l o s uf i c i ente pa r a que és ta s de j en de a c tua r s ob r e e ll a.La to m a de c o rri ente a l a que s e c one c te l a m áqu i na debe r á en c ont r a r s e en buen e s tado y d i s pone r de t i e rr a deb i do a que e l equ i po e s de C l a s e I. La s c a r a c te r ís t i c a s de l a to m a de c o rri ente s e de sc ri ben en e l apa r tado “R equ i s i to s de l a r ed de a li m enta c i ón ”.La i n s ta l a c i ón e l éc t ri c a de l l o c a l debe r á e s ta r p r o v i s ta de c one x i ón a t i e rr a y de l o s s i s te m a s de p r ote cc i ón no r m a li z ado s que s ean ne c e s a ri o s pa r a dete c ta r c ua l qu i e r fuga de c o rri ente o s ob r e -i nten s i dad. E n todo c a s o, l a i n s ta l a c i ón debe r á s e r c apa z de s u m i n i s t r a r l a s c ond i c i one s no m i na l e s m a r c ada s en l a P l a c a de Ident i dad de l a m áqu i na.La pa r te po s te ri o r de l a m áqu i na e s tá p r o v i s ta de do s fu s i b l e s , de una et i queta que m a r c a l a s c a r a c te r ís t i c a s de és to s y de un i nte rr upto r gene r a l . A nte s de m an i pu l a r e l equ i po, e l ope r a ri o debe r á de sc one c ta r e l i nte rr upto r o de s en c hufa r l a c l a v ij a de l a r ed e l éc t ri c a. S i debe r ee m p l a z a r s e un fu s i b l e, ut ili c e uno de l a s m i s m a s c a r a c te r ís t i c a s .1.3.C o m o m ed i da de p r e c au c i ón y c on e l f i n de e v i ta r v ue l c o s a cc i denta l e s ante c ua l qu i e r pe r c an c e o u s o i nade c uado, l a m áqu i na debe r á e s ta r f ij ada a l a pa r ed c on l o s an c l a j e s que s e s u m i n i s t r an en e l i nte ri o r de l c a j ón de r e c auda c i ón.D eta ll e an c l a j e de l m ueb lePE R M I T E O PE RAR C O N L A M ÁQ U I NA S I N O SE CU M P L E C O N L O S R E Q U I S I T O S D E F IJ AC I ÓN M E CÁN I CA .1.4.E l pe r s ona l téc n i c o debe rá p r e s ta r e s pe c i a l aten c ión a todo s l o s a v i s o s de p r e c au c ión que apa r e c en en e s te M anua l Téc n i c o, a sí c o m o a l a s et i queta s que s e m ue s t r an a c ont i nua c ión y que i n c o r po r a l a máqu i na c on e l ob j et i v o de c on s egu ir una m a y o r s egu ri dad tanto de és ta c o m o de l u s ua ri o.La r ed de l ed i f i c i o, de s t i nada a s u m i n i s t r a r ene r gía e léc t ri c a, debe rá s e r c onfo r m e c on l a s d i s po s i c i one s de l R.D. 824/2002, d e 2 d e a go s t o, r e l at i v o a l R e g la m e n t o E lec t r o téc n ic o p a r a la B aja T e n sión.La máqu i na e s de C L ASE I, l o que r equ i e r e que l a i n s ta l a c ión e x te r na e s té de a c ue r do c on l o s v a l o r e s i nd i c ado s en l a p l a c a de i dent i dad y, ade más, i n c o r po r e un d i sy unto r m agneto tér m i c o de 10 a m pe ri o s, en e l s upue s to c a s o de e x i s t ir una s ob r e i nten s i dad que s upe r e e l v a l o r ante ri o r, y un d i sy unto r d i fe r en c i a l de c o rri ente a j u s tado a 30m A.P a r a e v i ta r po s i b l e s c o r te s a cc i denta l e s de r ed de a li m enta c ión po r pa r te de l u s ua ri o o c ua l qu i e r agente e x te ri o r, e l c one c to r de r ed, i nte rr upto r y fu s i b l e s e s tán en l a pa r te po s te ri o r de l equ i po.A nte s de de sc one c ta r l a máqu i na de l a to m a de r ed s e debe c o m p r oba r que e l i nte rr upto r p ri n c i pa l e s té en po s i c ión de apagado.1.5.P a r a r ea li z a r l a li m p i e z a e x te ri o r de l a máqu i na, ut ili z a r un paño húm edo, que no gotee, debe rá e v i ta r s e l a ut ili z a c ión de s ub s tan c i a s c o rr o s i v a s y d i s o l v ente s. E l paño o ga m u z a que s e ut ili c e no debe rá s e r de l t i po ab r a s i v o, pa r a e v i ta r e l r a y ado de l o s e l e m ento s e x te r no s de l a máqu i na c o m o e m be ll e c edo r e s y m eta c ril ato s.R e v i s a r du r ante l a li m p i e z a de l a máqu i na, que l a s abe r tu r a s de v ent il a c ión de l a máqu i na no e s tén ob s t r u i da s o d i f i c u l ten l a s a li da de a ir e de l i nte ri o r de l a máqu i na.La li m p i e z a y m anten i m i ento de l a máqu i na no deben r ea li z a rl o s l o s n iño s s i n s upe r v i s ión.1.6.E s te p r odu c to e s tá dent r o de l a l c an c e de l R.D. 208/2005, d e 25 d e f e b r e r o.A l f i na li z a r e l pe ri odo de s u ut ili dad y tene r l a ne c e s i dad de de s p r ende r s e de l m i s m o l amáqu i na s e rá c on s i de r ada un r e s i duo. N o e s tá pe r m i t i do depo s i ta r e s te t i po de r e s i duo enl o s c ontenedo r e s c on v en c i ona l e s de s t i nado s a l o s r e s i duo s de natu r a l e z a u r bana, c u y ac o m peten c i a e s de l a c o rr e s pond i ente A d m i n i s t r a c ión Lo c a l.La ge s t ión de e s to s r e s i duo s r equ i e r e de un t r ato e s pe c i a li z ado; e s ne c e s a ri o c on s u l ta r l a w eb de SPV (www.no v o m at i c-s pa i n.c o m) donde s e l e s u m i n i s t r a rá l o s dato s y l a s c ond i c i one s pa r a r ea li z a r l a ent r ega de l m i s m o, s i endo a pa r t ir de e s te m o m ento l o s ga s to s de l a ge s t ión a c a r go de l S i s te m a Integ r a l de G e s t ión (S I G)i nd i c ado po r SPV.M e d i d as ex t e r i o r esM u e b le W I NN E RV A L O R ES E LÉC T R I C O SV= 230 VF= 50 H zF U S I B L E= 2 x(T 3,15A/250V) 5x20 mmE N T RADA D E CRÉD I T O SS e l e c to r de M oneda sT i po: CC T a l k-A li m enta c ión: 12 V d cM ode l o s: X6–D2S A zk o y enA li m enta c ión: 12V d cA c epta c ión: 0,10 / 0,20 / 0,50 / 1 y 2€Le c to r de B ill ete sT i po: CC T a l k-A li m enta c ión: 12 V d cM ode l o: N V9 / N V9+ Inno v at i v eA c epta c ión: 5€ / 10€ / 20€ / 50€ (*)D epende de l r eg l a m ento autonóm i c o.S I S T E M A D E P A GOLa máqu i na i n c o r po r a t r e s pagado r e s, de l o s c ua l e s H P1 y H P3 pueden c onf i gu r a r s e l a m oneda a paga r m ed i ante S W, pa r a obtene r l a c o m b i na c ión de pagado r e s de s eada, m ed i ante l o s S W A1 y A3 de l a c a r ta M C B.E l m ode l o de pagado r: A zk o y en R ode U-II CC T a l kT a m b ién s e i m p l e m enta un r e c i c l ado r de b ill ete s N V11 I T CC T a l k.3.1.L a pu es t a e n m a r c h a d e la máqu i n a d e b e se r r eali z a d a po r p e r s on al téc n ic o c u ali f ica do.A nte s, debe rá to m a r l a p r e c au c ión de r et ir a r de l o s c a j one s de r e c auda c ión todo e l m ate ri a l de i nfo r m a c ión, m anua l e s y ll a v e s que a c o m pañan a l a máqu i na en e l m o m ento de s u adqu i s i c ión.P a r a de j a r l a máqu i na li s ta pa r a e l j uego, e l téc n i c o debe rá r ea li z a r l a s ope r a c i one s que s e de sc ri ben en c ada uno de l o s punto s s i gu i ente s.A nte s de p r o c ede r a s u a rr anque, e l téc n i c o debe rá r ea li z a r una i n s pe cc ión v i s ua l de l i nte ri o rde l a máqu i na pa r a a s egu r a r que du r ante e l t r an s po r te no s e ha de s p r end i do a l gún e l e m entoque pud i e r a i nte r fe rir en e l fun c i ona m i ento de l a m i s m a.A s i m i s m o, un r epa s o a l o s c one c to r e s de l a s m angue r a s pa r a a s egu r a r un buen c onta c to puedefa c ili ta r e l p r o c e s o de a rr anque.R ea li z ada l a i n s pe cc ión v i s ua l s e puede p r o c ede r a c one c ta r l a máqu i na a l a to m a de r edd i s pue s ta a ta l efe c to, l a c ua l debe r eun ir l a s c ond i c i one s de s egu ri dad y l a poten c i a ne c e s a ri a,de sc ri to s en l o s apa r tado s 1 y 2 de e s te m anua l.A c tuando s ob r e e l i nte rr upto r de r ed, l a máqu i na i n i c i a rá e l p r o c e s o auto mát i c o de a rr anque, p r o c ed i endo en p ri m e r l uga r a a li nea r l o s r od ill o s de j uego. U na v e z a li neado s, s e il u m i na rán l a s ent r ada s de m oneda s y de b ill ete s, i nd i c ando que e s tá en e s tado de j uego.A nte s de de j a r l a máqu i na i n s ta l ada, e l téc n i c o debe ría p r o c ede r a:V e ri f i c a r e l fun c i ona m i ento de todo s l o s d i s po s i t i v o s, ut ili z ando e l T e s t que fa c ili ta e l m ode l o.C onf i gu r a r l a s op c i one s de j uego y de l o s pe ri féri c o s de m oneda s.R e ll ena r l o s pagado r e s c on l a s m oneda s s uf i c i ente s pa r a ga r ant i z a r l o s pago s de l o s p r e m i o s.U na v e z r ea li z ada s e s ta s ope r a c i one s, l a máqu i na e s ta rá li s ta pa r a e l s e r v i c i o.3.2.E l a cc e s o a l ár ea de m anten i m i ento s e r ea li z a m ed i ante una ll a v e que pe r m i te l a ape r tu r a de l a pue r ta f r onta l. U na v e z ab i e r ta s e tend rá a cc e s o a l o s e l e m ento s s u j eto s a m anten i m i ento y a l ár ea de r e c auda c ión de l a máqu i na.La de sc ri p c ión de l o s e l e m ento s s u j eto s a m anten i m i ento y e l a cc e s o a l o s e l e m ento s de r e c auda c ión s e deta ll a rán más ade l ante en és te m anua l.E n l a c on s o l a s i tuada en e l f r onta l de l a máqu i na s e d i s pone de un c on j unto de nue v e pu l s ado r e s, c u y a s fun c i one s s e de sc ri ben a c ont i nua c ión:C O BRARP e r m i te c ob r a r y pa s a r c ua l qu i e r p r e m i o obten i do a l v i s o r de l BA NC O, y l a f i na li z a c ión v o l unta ri a de l j uego de ri e s go.C O BRAR/BANC O/R ESE R V AP e r m i te c ob r a r en efe c t i v o e l c onten i do de l c ontado r BA NC O D E P R E M I O S en c ua l qu i e r m o m ento.P e r m i te c ob r a r en efe c t i v o e l c onten i do de l c ontado r R ESE R VA en c ua l qu i e r m o m ento.AU T O A V ANC ESP e r m i te a c t i v a r o de s a c t i v a r l a r ea li z a c ión de a v an c e s auto mát i c o s po r pa r te de l a máqu i na.A V ANC E/R E T E NC IÓN Y A V ANC E/A Y UDA/R E T E NC I O NE x i s ten t r e s pu l s ado r e s c on e s te te x to. C ada pu l s ado r c o rr e s ponde a uno de l o s t r e s r od ill o s fís i c o s de lj uego i nfe ri o r y pueden s e r ut ili z ado s po r e l j ugado r pa r a efe c tua r l o s A v an c e s y l a s R eten c i one s.E n s i tua c ión de r epo s o, pu l s ando [A va n ce C e n t r al] s e a cc ede d ir e c ta m ente a l a P anta ll a de A y uda,de sc ri ta en e l m anua l de p r odu c to s egún j uego.A cc i onando l a ll a v e de SE R V I C I O y m anten i endo pu l s ado e l [A va n ce C e n t r al] s e a cc ede d ir e c ta m ente a l o s C O N T A D O R ES G E N E R A L ES de l a máqu i na.A cc i onando l a ll a v e de SE R V I C I O y m anten i endo pu l s ado e l [A va n ce D e r ec ho] s e a cc ede d ir e c ta m ente a l o s C O N T A D O R ES D E C I C L O S de l a máqu i na.A P U ES T AP e r m i te s e l e cc i ona r l a apue s ta de l j uego pa r a pa r t i da s i m p l e o múl t i p l e.CA M B I O D E J U E GOP e r m i te pa s a r de l J uego Infe ri o r a l J uego S upe ri o r y v i c e v e r s a. E l a cc e s o a l j uego s upe ri o r s o l o e s tápe r m i t i do s egún s e e x p li c a en e l m anua l de p r odu c to de l j uego.J U G AR/ACU M U L ARP e r m i te i n i c i a r l a pa r t i da s i n e s pe r a r a l a rr anque auto mát i c o, ut ili z a r l o s j uego s de ri e s go de p r e m i o s, yt r a s pa s a r a c réd i to s l a s m oneda s de l c ontado r de R e s e r v a.E n l a c a r ta (M C B) e x i s ten t r e s pu l s ado r e s y t r e s d i odo s L E D de c o l o r v e r de que s e il u m i na rán a l a c tua rs ob r e c ada uno de l o s pu l s ado r e s de SE R V I C I O, y c u y a s fun c i one s s e de sc ri ben a c ont i nua c ión:I N I TE s te pu l s ado r t i ene c o m o fun c ión r e c upe r a r e l fun c i ona m i ento de l a máqu i na en e l c a s o de p r odu c ir s euna ano m a lía de fue r a de s e r v i c i o, no r e c upe r ab l e c on un apagado y en c end i do de l a máqu i na.M anten i endo p r e s i onado e s te pu l s ado r du r ante e l a rr anque de l a máqu i na, s e p r odu c e un “A rr anque enF río de l a máqu i na”. E s to i m p li c a l a pue s ta a c e r o de l o s C ontado r e s P a r c i a l e s y l o s de M onét i c a (R A MC L EA R v e r apa r tado 7. F U E R ADE SE R V I C I O).T ES TE s te pu l s ado r pe r m i te r ea li z a r un te s t e x hau s t i v o de todo s l o s c o m ponente s de l a máqu i na.E n e l apa r tado 6.4 de e s te m anua l s e de sc ri ben c on deta ll e l a s d i s t i nta s fa s e s de l te s t.D ES CA cc i onando e l pu l s ado r“D ES C”, s e ent r a d ir e c ta m ente en e l m enú de C A R G A/D ES C A R G A, quepe r m i te a l ope r a ri o c a r ga r o de sc a r ga r l a s m oneda s/b ill ete s que de s ee.E n e l apa r tado 6.3 de e s te m anua l s e de sc ri ben c on deta ll e l a s fun c i ona li dade s de e s ta fa s e de te s t.E n e l i nte ri o r de l a máqu i na s e d i s ponen l o s c ontado r e s e l e c t r o m e cán i c o s de ent r ada s y de s a li da dem oneda s, a sí c o m o e l m i c r o de pue r ta ab i e r taP u l s ado r e s I N I T, T ES T y D ES Csól o s on fun c i ona l e s c on l a pue r taab i e r ta.E l pu l s ado r(S W7) deno m i nado FT s i m u l a un fa ll o deten s ión en l a c a r ta M C B, y c o m o c on s e c uen c i ap r o v o c a una de sc one x ión de todo s l o s d i s po s i t i v o sc ont r o l ado s po r e s ta c a r ta.N O SE R E C O M I E NDA U S AR E L P U L S AD O R“FT”5.15.2La c a r ta (M CB +) d i s pone de do s g r upo s de m i c r o -i nte rr upto r e s (A y B ) que pe r m i ten c onf i gu r a r d i v e r s o s pa r ám et r o s que afe c tan p ri n c i pa l m ente a l j uego y a l a ge s t i ón de c r éd i to s y de b ill ete s . A c ont i nua c i ón s e m ue s t r an l a s op c i one s de c onf i gu r a c i ón:G R U P O A (S W 1)11O FF 0,10€2O FF D E T E CC I ÓN P O R BÁS CU L A 33O N 2€45630 O FF M ÁX I M O 25 B ILL E T ES78G R U P O B (S W 2)12345678O FFO FFO N5.3 o s aj u s t esV O L U M E N D E L S O N I D OE l a j u s te de l v o l u m en de l a m áqu i na s e r ea li z a ent r ando en e l te s t: M E NÚ P R I NC I PA L > V O L U M E N E n e s ta fa s e de l m enú pode m o s a j u s ta r e l v o l u m en de l j uego a l n i v e l de s eado (v e r apa r tado 6.7). C on l o s pu l s ado r e s de r eten c i ón i z qu i e r do y c ent r a l , s e puede i n c r e m enta r o d i s m i nu ir e l n i v e l . E l a j u s te e s po r c entua l en e sc a l a s de 10, c on v a l o r e s c o m p r end i do s ent r e 0% y 100%.M O N ÉT I CALa d i s t ri bu c i ón de l a s m oneda s en l o s pagado r e s , puede c onf i gu r a r s e c o m o he m o s v i s to ante ri o r m ente m ed i ante l o s m i c r o -i nte rr upto r e s A 1 y A 3 de l a c a r ta M C B .Lo s c a j one s de r e c auda c i ón t i enen una c onf i gu r a c i ón f ij a: E l CA J ÓN 1 s e de s t i na pa r a l a s m oneda s de 1€.E l CA J ÓN 2 s e de s t i na pa r a e l r e s to de m oneda s , 0,1€ - 0,2€ - 0,5€ y 2€.G RU P O “A ”G RU P O “B ”P a r a a cc ede r a l M E NU P R I NC I PA L ab rir e m o s l a pue r ta de l a máqu i na y p r e s i ona r e m o s e l pu l s ado r deT ES T s i tuado en l a c a r ta M C B.La na v ega c ión po r l o s d i fe r ente s m enús de ope r a c ión s e r ea li z a m ed i ante l o s pu l s ado r e s de l a c on s o l a deJ uego que s e m ue s t r an il u m i nado s de m ane r a i nte r m i tente. La botone r a ut ili z ada y s u m odo de u s o e se s tánda r en toda l a na v ega c ión po r l o s d i s t i nto s m enús de l T e s t. P a r a e ll o, s e ut ili z a rá:P u l s ado r A pue s ta [S elecci on a r]: P a r a ent r a r en una op c ión de l m enú o e j e c uta r una fa s e.P u l s ado r A v an c e D e r e c ho [S i gu ie n t e]: P a r a a v an z a r a l a op c ión s i gu i ente en e l m enú.P u l s ado r A v an c e C ent r a l[B aja r]: P a r a de s p l a z a r s e ha c i a aba j o en e l m enú.P u l s ado r A v an c e I z qu i e r do [S ub i r]: P a r a de s p l a z a r s e ha c i a a rri ba en e l m enú.P u l s ado r A uto A v an c e s[S ali r]: P a r a s a lir de una dete r m i nada op c ión de l m enú de te s t.La panta ll a m ue s t r a l a s d i fe r ente s op c i one s de l M E NU P R I NC I PA L d i s pon i b l e s:C O N T AB I L I DAD:P e r m i te l a v i s ua li z a c ión de l o s c ontado r e s e l e c t rón i c o s.C O N F I G URAC IÓN:A cc e s o a l a s d i fe r ente s op c i one s de c onf i gu r a c ión.CAR G A/D ES CAR G A:P e r m i te l a c a r ga y de sc a r ga de l o s hoppe r s y b ill ete r oT ES T D E L HARD W AR E:P e r m i te l a v e ri f i c a c ión de l o s d i s po s i t i v o s pe ri féri c o s.ÚLT I M A S P AR T I DA S:V i s ua li z a c ión de l a s úl t i m a s pa r t i da s r ea li z ada s.EVE N T O S D E L S I S T E M A:V i s ua li z a c ión de l o s e v ento s de l s i s te m a.V O L U M E N:P e r m i te e l a j u s te de l v o l u m en de l j uego.I D E N T I F I CAC IÓN:Le c tu r a de l o s i dent i f i c ado r e s de l j uego de de l s i s te m a.6.1.E n e l M E NU de C O N T AB ILI D A D pode m o s v i s ua li z a r l o s c ontado r e s e l e c t rón i c o s de l a máqu i na y ta m b ién no s pe r m i te e l bo rr ado de l o s c ontado r e s pa r c i a l e s.E n l a pa r te s upe ri o r de e s te m enú de c ontab ili dadpode m o s v e r dato s i dent i f i c at i v o s de l a máqu i na c o m o:M O D E L O UB I CAC IÓNVE R S IÓN NÚM E R O D E MÁQ U I NA6.1.1.C O N T AD O R ES P ARC I A L ESLa f i na li dad de l o s c ontado r e s pa r c i a l e s en j uego r ea l,e s d i s pone r de uno s c ontado r e s que pe r m i tan r eg i s t r a rpe ri odo s de r e c auda c ión. P o r e ll o l o s dato s s e d i v i denen t r e s g r upo s:DA T O S AC T UA L ESS on l o s dato s tota l e s a c u m u l ado s.DA T O S AN T E R I O R ESS on l o s dato s a c u m u l ado s ha s ta e l úl t i m o bo rr ado.ÚLT I M O S DA T O S P ARC I A L ESS on l o s dato s pa r c i a l e s de s de e l úl t i m o bo rr ado.AC T UA L ES=AN T E R I O R ES+P ARC I A L ES6.1.2.C O N T AD O R ES T O T A L ESR eg i s t r an e l fun c i ona m i ento de l a máqu i na en j uegor ea l, c ontab ili z ando l o s r eg i s t r o s h i s tóri c o s de s de s ui n i c i a li z a c ión en fáb ri c a.P ode m o s v i s ua li z a r:C O N T AD O R ES GE N E RA L ESC O N T AD O R ES DE B I LL E T ES Y M O N E DA SC O N T AD O R ES DE AC T I V I DAD D E L A MÁQ U I NAC O N T AD O R ES GE N E RA L ESP ode m o s v i s ua li z a r l o s c ontado r e s h i s tóri c o s de l a máqu i na po r ub i c a c ión, año, tota li z ado r e s y po r t i po de pa r t i da s r ea li z ada s, d i s t ri bu i do s en c uat r o panta ll a s de i nfo r m a c ión.C O N T AD O R ES DE B I LL E T ES Y M O N E DA SP ode m o s v i s ua li z a r l o s c ontado r e s h i s tóri c o s de l o s r eg i s t r o s de m onét i c a de l a máqu i na c o m o ent r ada s, s a li da s, r e c a r ga s y te s t.C O N T AD O R ES DE AC T I V I DAD D E L A MÁQ U I NAN o s pe r m i te v e r l a a c t i v i dad de l a máqu i na, i nfo r mándono s en i nte r v a l o s ho r a ri o s, de l t i e m po que pe r m ane c e en c end i da, y e l t i e m po que ha j ugado l a máqu i na.6.1.3.C O N T AD O R ES M E CÁN I C O SM ue s t r a e l v a l o r, en ba s e 0,01€, de l o s pu l s o s en v i ado s a l o s c ontado r e s e l e c t r o m e cán i c o s.R eg i s t r an l o s pu l s o s en v i ado s a l o s c ontado r e s e l e c t r o m e cán i c o s en j uego y ta m b ién en e l te s t de c ontado r e s.La máqu i na d i s pone de 2 c ontado r e s e l e c t r o m e cán i c o s en e l i nte ri o r:C O N T AD O R D ES CR I P C IÓN BA SEE N T RADA S:C réd i to s j ugado s(0,20€)S A L I DA S:C réd i to s pagado s(0,20€)6.1.4.DA T O S D E C I C L O SR eg i s t r a todo s l o s c i c l o s de 40.000 pa r t i da s r ea li z ada s po r l a máqu i na, c on i nd i c a c ión de pa r t i da s, apue s ta, ganan c i a s y po r c enta j e de de v o l u c ión.6.1.5.B O RRAR C O N T AD O R ES P ARC I A L ESP e r m i te ha c e r un bo rr ado de l o s c ontado r e s pa r c i a l e s pa r a c ont r o l de pe ri odo s de r e c auda c ión.。
simuli nk仿真设置一、算法设置1.变步长(Variab le—Step)求解器可以选择的变步长求解器有:ode45,ode23,ode113,odel5s,ode23s 和disc ret.缺省情况下,具有状态的系统用的是o de45;没有状态的系统用的是d iscre te。
1)ode45基于显式Ru nge—Kutta(4,5)公式,Dorman d—Prince对.它是—个单步求解器(solver)。
2)ode23是基于显式R unge—Kutta(2,3).Bogack t和Sha mpine对.对于宽误差容限和存在轻微刚性的系统、它比ode45更有效一些.ode23也是单步求解器。
3)odell3是变阶Ad ams-Bashfo rth—Moulto n PECE求解器.在误差容限比较严时,它比ode45更有效.odell3是一个多步求解器,即为了计算当前的结果y(tn),不仅要知道前一步结果y(tn-1),还要知道前几步的结果y(tn-2),y(tn-3),…;4)odel5s是基于数值微分公式(NDFs)的变阶求解器.它与后向微分公式BDF s(也叫Gear方法)有联系.但比它更有效.ode15s是一个多步求解器,如果认为一个问题是刚性的,或者在用od e45s时仿真失败或不够有效时,可以试试od el5s。
odel5s是基于一到五阶的ND F公式的求解器.尽管公式的阶数越高结果越精确,但稳定性会差一些.如果模型是刚性的,并且要求有比较好的稳定性,应将最大的阶数减小到2.选择odel5s求解器时,对话框中会显示这一参数.可以用ode23求解器代替。
赛米控丹佛斯 SEMIPACK 晶闸管 二极管模块 SKKD 101 16 数据表
Rev. 3.0–31.05.20221®1SKKDRectifier Diode ModulesSKKD 101/16Features*•Heat transfer through aluminium oxide ceramic insulated metal baseplate •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•Non-controllable rectifiers for AC/AC converters•Line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers•Field supply for DC motorsAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditionsValuesUnitRecitifier DiodeI FAV sin. 180°T j max =130°C T c =85°C 134A T c =100°C 101A I FSM 10ms T j =25°C 2500A T j =130°C 2000A i 2t10ms T j =25°C 31250A²s T j =130°C20000A²s V RSM T j =25°C 1700V V RRM T j =25°C1600V T j -40...130°C Module T stg -40 (125)°C V isola.c.; 50 Hz; r.m.s.1min 3000V 1s3600VCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitDiode V F T j =25°C,I F =300A 1.45 1.60V V F0T j =130°C 0.750.87V r F T j =130°C 2.202.45m ΩI R T j =130°C, V RRM 3mA R th(j-c)cont.per chip 0.15K/W per module 0.075K/W R th(j-c)sin. 180°per chip 0.2K/W per module0.1K/WModule R th(c-s)chip 0.09K/W module 0.05K/W M s to heatsink M5 4.25 5.75Nm M t to terminals M52.553.45Nm a 5 * 9.81m/s²w75g2Rev. 3.0–31.05.2022© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 3.0–31.05.202234Rev. 3.0–31.05.2022© by SEMIKRONThis is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respectiveapplication in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This documentsupersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.SKKD。
电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱法常用检测器电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, ICP-AES)常用的检测器包括:1. 光电倍增管(Photomultiplier Tube, PMT):光电倍增管是一种常用的光电转换器件,能将光信号转换为电信号。
2. 电荷耦合器件(Charge-Coupled Device, CCD):CCD是一种能够将光信号转换为电荷信号,并进行快速读出的器件。
3. 线性电荷耦合器件(Linear Charge-Coupled Device, LCCD):LCCD是一种线性阵列多通道检测器,具有高灵敏度和较宽的光谱范围。
4. 多通道光电转换器(Multi-Channel Phototransducer, MCP):MCP是一种能够实现多通道同时检测的光电转换器件。
5. 硅谱仪(Silicon Spectrometer):硅谱仪是一种基于硅探测器的光谱仪器,具有高分辨率和高探测效率的特点。
6. 全景光谱仪(PAN Spectrometer):全景光谱仪具有宽波长范围的特点,可以同时获取多条光谱线的信息。
Endevco 模型133三通道颤胶电和Isotron信号条件器说明书
24 VDC Charge Convertor (0.303 mV/pC)10-32 ConnectorGain = 3Fault Detector4-Pole Butterworth Low-Pass Filter or Other Options10 Hz 4-Pole High-Pole FilterGain:1, 10BNCProgrammable Gain: 0 to 1000, 4, or 10 mABNCTechnical DrawingOUTPUTISOTRON INPUTPE INPUTThe Endevco ® model 133 is a three-channel, Piezoelectric and Isotron signal conditioner that is manually or computer programmable. Manual control is accomplished at the front panel by means of a “Select Channel” push-button, three (3) “Channel LEDs”, one “Select Function” push-button, seven “Function LEDs”, a four character LED display, showing the state of each function/channel, and four “Edit” push-buttons to change the entries in the LED display. There are three LEDs used as fault status indicators for open/short at the Isotron inputs. Computer control is accomplished using the standard RS-232 port and optional application software.There are two modes of operation, Normal andProgramming/Setup. Both modes of operation utilize the front panel LED display. In the Normal Mode, there are two states, Monitoring and Non-Monitoring. In the Monitoring state the LED display indicates the RMS valve (±10%) of the signal present at the output of the selected channel. The Non-Monitoring state turns off the LED display for lower noise applications and to minimize power consumption. In the Programming Mode, the unit is ready for manual programming of existing channel setups. The unit willautomatically return to the Normal Mode of operation after 20 seconds of inactivity of the front panel or after pressing the “Select Function” pushbutton while the “Monitoring State” function LED is flashing.The rear panel contains an RJ-11 connector for the RS-232 serial communications port, an input power connector, and on a per-channel basis, a BNC output connector, a 10-32 input connector for the PE input, and a BNC connector for the Isotron input. Three model 133 units may be installed in a 19-inch rack mount adapter. The standard unit is powered by 90-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz. The -1 option is powered by 9 to 18 VDC, making it ideal for portable use in automobile test applications.• Three-channel PE/Isotron ® signal conditioner • 100 kHz bandwidth (-3dB Corner)• Built-in 4-pole Butterworth high-pass filter with optional corner frequencies • Gain range 0 to 1000• RS-232 serial interface • 12 VDC power option• Meets filter requirements of J211 and ISO 6487*Model 133PE and Isotron ® signal conditionerFeaturesDescription1981SpecificationsThe following performance specifications conform to ISA-RP-37.2 (1964) and are typical values, referenced at +75˚F (+24˚C) and 100 Hz, unless otherwise noted. Calibration data, traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is supplied.InputsPiezoelectricSingle-ended with one side connected to signal groundMaximum charge input ≤ 10 000 pCSource resistance > 10 Meg Ohms Source capacitance < 30 000 pFIsotronSingle-ended with low side connected to signal groundConstant excitation current Off, 4 mA or 10 mA, one range is valid for all 3 channels selectable through front panel or RS-232Accuracy± 15%Compliance voltage < 22 VDCMaximum input voltage < 22 Volts (AC + DC components)Input impedance100 MOhms and 33 000 pFOutputsAC voltageSingle ended with one side connected to output signal ground. Signal proportional to input.Maximum linear output 10 Vpk minimumDisplay non-linearity Inherent error 1% of full scale reading10 V = 1%; 1 V = 10%; 100 mV = 100%Maximum current output 10 mA (10 V into a 1 kOhm load)DC offset 15 mV maximumProtectionShort circuit protectedTransfer characteristicsGain Range Programmable from 0 to 1000Resolution 0.0025, Eu 0 ≤ gain ≤ 10 0.025, Eu 10 ≤ gain ≤ 1000.25, Eu 100 ≤ gain ≤ 1000Accuracy ± 0.5% at 1 kHz after calibration, filters disabled, gain > 1Linearity 0.1% of full scale, best fit straight line at 1 kHz reference Noise Noise specification valid for the following conditions: (a) unit in non-monitoring state(b) internal standard 10 kHz 4-pole butterworth lowpass filter enabledPiezoelectric 0.02 pC-RMS plus 0.006 pc-RMS per 1000 pF of source capacitance referred to input (RTI),plus 1 mVRMS referred to output (RTO).Isotron 20 μVRMS referred to input (RTI), plus 400 μVRMS referred to output (RTO). Input shuntedwith a 249 Ohm (4 mA excitation) or 100 Ohms load (10 mA excitation).Broadband frequency response ±5%, 0.1 Hz to 50 kHz, referenced to 1 kHz; -3dB at 100 kHz typical Filter characteristics High pass filter type4-pole butterworth Corner frequency (-3 dB) 10 hz ± 5 %Corner frequency (-3 dB) 10 khz ± 12 % (other corners available by changing internal module 31875:10 Hz to 80 kHz in 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 steps)Crosstalk between channels80 dB RTI minimumPower requirementsVoltageStandard unit: 90-264 VAC 50 to 60 Hz; -1 option: 9-18 VDC Power dissipation 9 Watts typicalIsolation No isolation channel to channel or signal ground to case ground Physical characteristicsDimensions 5.57” x 2.52” x 12”Weight4 lbs typicalCase materialBlack aluminum cover, medium grey plastic bezelModel 133PE and Isotron ® signal conditionerIncluded accessories IM133 Instruction manual EW599 Power cord 31875-1000 10 kHz 4-pole Butterworth lowpass filter module EP400 DC power plug (133-1 model only)Optional accessories 35933 Application software EJ847 RJ11 (6x4) straight wired inline coupler EW1077 RJ114 conductor modular flat cable, straight wired, 2 feet long EW1027 RJ114 conductor modular flat cable, straight wired, 7 feet longEJ807Serial DB9F /RJ-11 adaptorEJ822 modular splitter adapter, 1 (6x4) maleto 3 (6x4) female133-19-18 VDC input power option31875-xxxx Low pass filter modules (see 31875 data sheet)31979 Rack mounting kitEJ2110-32 microdot to bnc adapter EHM1413 Desktop DC power supply EHM1409 Automotive power plug EHM1471 Blank panel* Contact factory for J211 and ISO 6487 filter options.Continued product improvement necessitates that Endevco reserve the right to modify these specifications without notice. Endevco maintains a program of constant surveillance over all products to ensure a high level of reliability. This program includes attention to reliability factors during product design, the support of stringent Quality Controlrequirements, and compulsory corrective action procedures. These measures, together with conservative specifications have made the name Endevco synonymous with reliability.©ENDEVCO CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 30700 RANCHO VIEJO ROAD, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA92675 USA (800)982-6732•(949)493-8181fax(949)661-7231••Email:************************0608。
也就是说它在计算y(tn)时,仅仅利用前一步的计算结果y(tn-1).对于大多数问题.在第一次仿真时、可用ode45试一下.2)ode23是基于显式Runge—Kutta(2,3).Bogackt和Shampine对.对于宽误差容限和存在轻微刚性的系统、它比ode45更有效一些.ode23也是单步求解器.3)odell3是变阶Adams-Bashforth—Moulton PECE求解器.在误差容限比较严时,它比ode45更有效.odell3是一个多步求解器,即为了计算当前的结果y(tn),不仅要知道前一步结果y(tn-1),还要知道前几步的结果y(tn-2),y(tn-3),…;4)odel5s是基于数值微分公式(NDFs)的变阶求解器.它与后向微分公式BDFs(也叫Gear方法)有联系.但比它更有效.ode15s是一个多步求解器,如果认为一个问题是刚性的,或者在用ode45s时仿真失败或不够有效时,可以试试odel5s。
odel5s是基于一到五阶的NDF 公式的求解器.尽管公式的阶数越高结果越精确,但稳定性会差一些.如果模型是刚性的,并且要求有比较好的稳定性,应将最大的阶数减小到2.选择odel5s求解器时,对话框中会显示这一参数.可以用ode23求解器代替。
del5s,ode23是定步长、低阶求解器.5)ode23s是基于一个2阶改进的Rosenbrock公式.因为它是一个单步求解器,所以对于宽误差容限,它比odel5s更有效.对于一些用odel5s不是很有效的刚性问题,可以用它解决.6)ode23t是使用“自由”内插式梯形规则来实现的.如果问题是适度刚性,而且需要没有数字阻尼的结果,可采用该求解器.7)ode23tb是使用TR—BDF2来实现的,即基于隐式Runge—Kutta公式,其第一级是梯形规则步长和第二级是二阶反向微分公式.两级计算使用相同的迭代矩阵.与ode23s相似,对于宽误差容限,它比odtl5s更有效.8)discrete(变步长)是simulink在检测到模型中没有连续状态时所选择的一种求解器.====================================================================== ===================2.定步长(Flxed—Step)求解器可以选择的定步长求解器有:ode5,ode4,ode3,ode2,ode1和discrete.1)ode5是ode45的一个定步长版本,基于Dormand—Prince公式.2)ode4是RK4,基于四阶Runge—Kutta公式.3) ode3是ode23的定步长版本,基于Bogacki-Sbampine公式.4) ode2是Heun方法,也叫作改进Euler公式.5) odel是Euler方法.6) discrete(定步长)是不执行积分的定步长求解器.它适用于没有状态的模型,以及对过零点检测和误差控制不重要的模型.====================================================================== ===================3.诊断页(Diagnostics)可以通过选择Simulation Parameters对话框的Diagnostics标签来指明在仿真期间遇到一些事件或者条件时希望执行的动作.对于每一事件类型,可以选择是否需要提示消息,是警告消息还是错误消息.警告消息不会终止仿真,而错误消息则会中止仿真的运行.(1)一致性检查一致性检查是一个调试工具.用它可以验证Simulink的0DE求解器所做的某些假设.它的主要用途是确保s函数遵循Simulink内建模块所遵循的规则.因为一致性检查会导致性能的大幅度下阵(高达40%),所以一般应将它设为关的状态.使用一致性检查可以验证s函数,并有助于确定导致意外仿真结果的原因.为了执行高效的积分运算,Simulink保存一些时间步的结果,并提供给下一时间步使用.例如,某一时间步结束的导数通常可以放下一时间步开始时再使用.求解器利用这一点可以防止多余的导数运算.一致性检查的另一个目的是保证当模块被以一个给定的t(时间)值调用时.它产生一常量输出.这对于刚性求解器(ode23s和odel5s)非常重要,因为当计算Jacobi行列式时.模块的输出函数可能会被以相同的t值调用多次.如果选择了一致性检查,Simulink置新计算某些值,并将它们与保存在内存中的值进行比较,如果这些值有不相同的,将会产生一致性错误.Simulink比较下列量的计算值:1)输出;2)过零点3)导数;4)状态.(2)关闭过零点检测可以关闭一个仿真的过零点检测.对于一个有过零点的模型,关闭过零点检测会加快仿真的速度,但是可能影响仿真结果的精度.这一选项关闭那些本来就有过零点检测的模块的过零点检测.它不能关闭Hir crossing模块的过零点检测.(3)关闭优化I/O存储选择该选项,将导致Simulink为每个模块约I/()值分配单独的缓存,而不是重新利用援存.这样可以充分增加大模型仿真所需内存的数量.只有需要调试模型时才选择该选项.在下列情况下,应当关闭缓存再利用;1)调试一个C-MEX S-函数;2)使用浮点scope或display模块来察看调试模型中的信号.如果缓存再利用打开,并且试图使用浮点scope或display模块来显示缓存已被再利用的信号,将会打开一个错误对话框.(4)放松逻辑类型检验选择该选项,可使要求逻辑类型输入的模块接受双精度类型输入.这样可保证与Simulink 3版本之前的模型的兼容性.====================================================================== ===================4.提高仿真性能和精度仿值性能相精度由多种因素决定,包括模型的设计和仿真参数的选择.求解器使用它们的缺省参数值可以使大多数模型的仿真比较精确有效,然而,对于一些模型如果调整求解器相仿真参数将会产生更好的结果.而且,如果对模型的性能比较熟悉,并且将这些信息提供给求解器,得到的仿真效果将会提高。
施耐德电气 Integra 1221 单相三相电力系统仪表安装使用说明书
Setup and Operation GuideIntegra 1221Panel Mounted Energy Meterfor Single and Three PhaseElectrical Systems1 IntroductionThis document provides operating, maintenance and installation instructions. This unit measures and displays the characteristics of Single Phase Two Wire (1P2W), Three Phase Three Wire (3P3W) (Auxiliary model) and Three Phase Four Wire (3P4W) networks. The measuring parameters include voltage (V), current (A), frequency (Hz), power (kW/KVA/KVAr), power factor (PF), imported, exported and total energy (kWh/kVArh). The unit also measures maximum demand current and power, this is measured over pre-set periods of up to 60 minutes. This particular model accommodates 100mA RJ12 connected CT and can be configured to work with a wide range of CTs. It also comes with a complete communications capability with built in RS485 Modbus RTU outputs, configuration is password protected. This product is available in an auxiliary version (powered from a separate auxiliary) or a self-powered version (self-powered from any phase of the supply).1.1 Unit CharacteristicsThe Integra 1221 can measure and display:• Phase to neutral voltage and THD% (Total Harmonic Distortion) of all phases • Line frequency• Current, maximum demand current and current THD% of all phases• Power, maximum power demand and power factor• Imported, exported & total active energy• Imported, exported & total reactive energyThe unit has a password-protected setup menu for:• Changing the password• System configuration - 1P2W, 3P3W (Auxiliary model), 3P4W.• Demand s integration time (DIT)• Reset for max demand measurements 1.2 Current Transformer Primary CurrentThis unit requires configuring to operate with the appropriate current transformer(s), (100mA secondary). It is programmed by inputting the CT Primary value. It can be used on primary currents up to 9999A. e.g.for a 250/0.1A Pri (A) = 02501.3 RS485 Serial – Modbus RTUThis unit is compatible with remote monitoring through RS485 Modbus RTU. Setup screens are provided for configuring the RS485 port.1.4 Pulsed Outputs (Self-Powered version only)The Integra 1221 has two pulsed outputs. One pulsed output is configurable to active (Wh) or reactive (VArh) energy. The second pulsed output is fixed to 3200 pulses per displayed energy unit e.g. when the energy display is indicating kWh the pulsed output will produce 3200 pulses/kWh.2 Start Up ScreensThe first screen lights up all display segments andcan be used as a display check.The second screen indicates the product number,firmware and its build number.Please note: The numbers on the product mayvary from those shown here.The interfaceperformsa self-test and indicatesthe result if the test passes.If the test fails, the display will show ‘ERR= XXXXXXXX’ where the X’s will identify the fault. Theproduct will remain on this screen until the userenters the setup mode (the setup mode willoperate as normal). No Input registers will beavailable whilst the ‘ERR= XXXX XXXX’ isdisplayed.If the error cannot be rectified from the setupmenu, it is advised to power cycle the product. Ifthe issue remains, return the product to the factoryfor inspection.*After a short delay, the meter will display the power, volts and amps screen.3 MeasurementsThe buttons operate as follows:Selects the power, voltage, current and energy display screens.In setup m ode, this is “e scape” (hold 3 sec) button.Selects the voltage, current and THD display screens.In setup mo de, this is the “l eft” (press) button.Selects the frequency, power factor and max demand display screens.In setup m ode, this is the “u p” (press) button.Selects the power (active, reactive, apparent and system) displayscreens.In setup m ode, this is the “d own” (press) button.Selects the energy (active, reactive and total) display screens.In s etup mode, this is the “r ight” / “e nter” (press) button.4 SetupTo enter setup mode, hold the and buttons for 3 seconds, untilthe password screen appears.The setup is password-protected and must beentered before proceeding (d efault ‘0000’).If an incorrect password is entered, the product willexit the setup menu and return to the measurementscreens.To exit the setup menu, hold the button for 3 seconds, the measurementscreen will display.4.1 Setup Entry MethodsSome menu items, such as password and CT, require a four-digit number entrywhile others, such as supply system, require selection from a range of options.4.1.1 Menu Option Selection1. To edit the current option, press . The current option will begin to flash.e the and buttons to scroll through the available options.3. Press the button to confirm your selection. The word ‘SET’ willappear.4. On completion of setting-up, press the button to go back to the setupmenu or hold the button for 3 seconds to exit the setup menu completely.4.1.2 Number Entry ProcedureWhen setting up the unit, some screens require the entering of a number. Inparticular, on entry to the setup menu, a password must be entered. Digits areset individually from left to right. The procedure is as follows:1.The current digit to be set flashes and then can be adjusted using theand buttons.2.Press the button to move right to the next digit.3. After setting the last digit, press the button to save your selection.The word ‘SET’ will appear underneath as confirmation.5 Setup Menu StructureChange Password (CHnG PASS)Set a new four-digit password for the meterSystem Type (SyS 3P4)Use this section to set the type of electrical system (default setting is3 Phase4 Wire - 3P4). Available options: 3P4 /1P23P3 (Auxiliary model only).Voltage Transformer Primary Voltage, (Pri 277.0 V)The ‘Pri(V)’ menu enables the user to set the primary voltage (10V– 999 kV) of the voltage transformer (PT) that may be connected tothe meter.In 3 wire mode voltages are entered L-L and in 4 wire mode voltagesare entered L-N.Voltage Transformer Secondary Voltage, (SEC 277.0 V)The ‘SEC (V)’ option enables the user to set the secondary voltagebetween 100 – 277V AC.In 3 wire mode voltages are entered L-L and in 4 wire mode voltagesare entered L-N.Note: The unit can measure from 57.7V AC L-N (Auxiliary model)and from 100-277V AC (Self-powered model).Current Transformer Primary Current, (Pri 0005 A)Set maximum primary current that can be monitored according to CTin use (1A to 9999A).Current Transformer Secondary Current, (SEC 0.1 A)This is set to 0.1A.Incomer Entry (Ct Entr BOT)The meter is capable of two operating modes. Top Entry when theincoming cable is from the top. Bottom Entry when the incomingcable is from the bottom. BOT for bottom entry - TOP for top entry.Select either BOT or TOP on each meter according to the orientationof the line phases. Selections BOT or TOP will automatically switchL1 to L3 (Top) or L3 to L1 (BOT) - See diagram for exampleDemands Integration Time (dIt 30)This sets the period (in minutes) in which the current and powerreadings are integrated for maximum demand measurement.Available options: 8/15/20/30/60Energy Units Selection (EnrG 10E3 Unit kWh kVArh)Set the energy units used by the meter.Available options: kilo / MegaEnergy Low Power Limit (EnrG FLor On)To prevent creep caused by electrical noise being accumulated asenergy, the product will employ a low power limit, below which energywill not be accumulated. Available options: On/OffReset (rSEt ----)The meter provides a function to reset the maximum demand valueof current and power. Available options: dEd (max demand) / ALL /EnergyComms (COnS)Set Baud Rate: 4800/9600/19200/384000Set Parity: none/E (even)/oddSet Stop Bits: 1/2Set Address: 001-247Relay (rLy ----) (Self Powered version only)Relay 1 – Available options: Off/37 (Imp Wh)/38 (Exp Wh)/39 (ImpVArh)/40 (Exp VArh)/41 (Exp VAh)Pulse Duration – Available options: 200, 100 or 60mS.Pulse Rate – Available options: 1 Pulse per: 1W (0.001) / 10W (0.01)/ 100W (0.1) /1000W/1kWh (1) / 10kWh (10) / 100kWh (100)/1000kWh (1k)Note:There are limitations that need to be factored in whensetting the pulsed output. This is based upon the relay outputonly being able to pulse 2 times per second.Warnings∙During normal operation, voltages hazardous to lifemay be present at some of the terminals of this unit.∙At voltages below that specified in the Range of Usethe meter may shut down. However, voltageshazardous to life may still be present at some of theterminals of this unit.∙Installation and servicing should be performed only byqualified, properly trained personnel abiding by localregulations.∙Ensure all supplies are de-energised before attemptingconnection or other procedures.∙Terminals should not be user accessible afterinstallation and external installation provisions mustbe sufficient to prevent hazards under fault conditions.∙This unit is not intended to function as part of a systemproviding the sole means of fault protection - goodengineering practice dictates that any critical functionbe protected by at least two independent and diversemeans.∙The unit does not have internal fuses therefore externalfuses must be used for protection and safety underfault conditions.∙Never open-circuit the secondary winding of anenergized current transformer.∙If this equipment is used in a manner not specified bythe manufacturer, protection provided by theequipment may be impaired.Caution: Risk of Electric ShockBacklight Timeout (bAc 10)Programmable time that the backlight will remain on for before it isextinguished. Available options: Off/10/30/60/120Test (tESt)Test to check the display segments. Available options: Disp On (allsegments will light up simultaneously)/Disp Togl (half of thesegments will light up in one screen and the rest in another. Themeter will continuously switch between the two for visual checks). Product softwareDetails product code and firmware version.Default Frequency (dFlt 50)Available options 50 or 60.6 Specifications6.1 Measured ParametersThe unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a Single Phase Two Wire (1P2W), Three Phase Three Wire (3P3W) (Auxiliary model only) or Three Phase Four Wire (3P4W) system.6.1.1 Voltage and Current• Phase to neutral voltages 57.7-277V AC (L-N) (Auxiliary Powered only)• Phase to neutral voltages 100-277V AC (L-N) (Self-Powered only)• Phase to phase voltages 100-480V AC (L-L) (Auxiliary Powered only)• Phase to phase voltages 173-480V AC (L-L) (Self-Powered only)• Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (V %THD) for each phase to neutral (not for 3P3W supplies).•Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (V% THD) for L1-2, L2-3, L3-1 (3P3W supplies).• Current %THD for each Phase.• Burden <6VA• Auxiliary version: Auxiliary powered 100 to 250 VAC ±20%, at 45 to 66Hz or 100 to 250 VDC ±20%.•Self-powered version: Self powered from any phase and neutral (in 3P4W mode only)6.1.2 Power factor and Frequency and Max. Demand• Frequency in Hz• Instantaneous power:• Power 0-3600 MW• Reactive power 0-3600 MVAr• Volt-amps 0-3600 MVA• Maximum Demand Power since last reset• Power factor• Maximum Neutral Demand Current, since the last reset (for 3P4W supplies only)6.1.3 Energy Measurements• Imported/Exported active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh• Imported/Exported reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh• Total active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh• Total reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh6.2 Measured InputsVoltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 2.5mm² stranded wire capacity. Single Phase Two Wire (1P2W), Three Phase Three Wire (3P3W) or Three Phase Four Wire (3P4W) unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 Voltage or L3 Voltage. Three current inputs via RJ12 connector.6.3 Accuracy• Voltage ±(0.4% of Reading + 0·1% of Range Maximum)• Current ±(0.4% of Reading + 0·1% of nominal)• Frequency ±0·2% of mid-frequency• Power factor ±1% of unity (0·01)• Active power (W) ±(0.4% of Reading + 0.1% of Range Maximum)• Reactive power (VAr) ±(0.4% of Reading + 0.1% of Range Maximum)• Apparent power (VA) ±(0.4% of Reading + 0.1% of Range Maximum)• Active energy (Wh) Class 0.5S IEC 62053-22• Reactive energy (VARh) Class 0.5S IEC 62053-24• Total harmonic distortion 2%, up to 63rd harmonic6.4 Auxiliary Supply (Auxiliary version only)Auxiliary version: Three-way plug and socket connector with 2.5mm² stranded wire capacity. 100 to 250 VAC ±20%, at 45 to 66Hz or 100 to 250 VDC ±20%. Consumption <6VAThe auxiliary may be powered from the signal source, providing the source remains within tolerance of the auxiliary range.Self-powered version: This product is self-powered from any of the three phases and neutral.6.5 Interfaces for External MonitoringSelf-powered version: The following interfaces are provided:• Pulse output 1 indicating real-time measured energy (configurable) • Pulse output 2 3200 pulses/energy unit (not configurable). Only valid for 1:1 or5:5 CT ratios only.Self-powered and Auxiliary versions: The Modbus configuration (baud rate etc.)assignments are configured through the setup screens.6.5.1 Pulse Output (Self-Powered version only)Opto-coupler with potential free SPST-NO Contact•Pulse Output-1: Contact rating 250V AC, 50mA max•Pulse Output-2: Contact rating 70V DC, 27mA maxThe two pulsed outputs use a common (-) negative terminal.The pulse output can be set to generate pulses to represent kWh or kVArh.Rate can be set to generate 1 pulse per:0.001 = 1 Wh/VArh0.01 = 10 Wh/VArh0.1 = 100 Wh/VArh1 = 1 kWh/kVArh10 = 10 kWh/kVArh100 = 100 kWh/kVArh1000 = 1000 kWh/kVArhPulse width 200/100/60 milliseconds.6.5.2 RS485 Output for Modbus RTUFor Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can beconfigured from the setup menu:Baud rate: 4800/9600/19200/384000Parity: none (default)/even/oddStop bits: 1 or 2RS485 Network Address: 3 digit number - 001-247Modbus™ Word order Hi/Lo byte order is set automatically to normal andcannot be configured from the setup menu.6.6 Reference Conditions of Influence QuantitiesInfluence Quantities are variables that affect measurement errors to a minordegree. Accuracy is verified under nominal value (within the specified tolerance)of these conditions.• Ambient te mperature 23°C ±1°C• Input waveform 50 or 60Hz ±2%• Input waveform Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0·005)• Magnetic field of external origin Terrestrial fluxAuxiliary product (additional reference conditions):• Auxiliary supply voltage Nominal ±1%• Auxiliary supply frequency Nominal ±1%• Auxiliary supply waveform (if AC) Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0·05)6.7 Environment• Operating temper ature -25°C to +70°C*• Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C*• Relative humidity 0 to 90%, non-condensing• Altitude Up to 2000m• Warm up time 1 minute• Vibration 10Hz to 50Hz, IEC 60068-2-6, 2g• Shock 30g in 3 planes*Maximum operating and storage temperatures are in the context of typical dailyand seasonal variation.6.8 Mechanics• Enclosure Style DIN 96 panel mount• Dimensions 96x96x (52 mm rear of panel)• Panel cut-out 92x92mm• Panel thickness 1-5 mm• Protection rating Front IP54, Rear IP30, IP64 with additional kit• Material UL 94-VO• Weight 340 g7 Installation and Maintenance7.1 Installation notesUnits should be installed in a dry position, where the ambient temperature isreasonably stable and will not be outside the range -25 to +70⁰C.Vibration should be kept to a minimum.Preferably, mount the Integra so that the display contrast is not reduced by directsunlight or other high intensity lighting.7.2 Input Wiring and Fusing (Auxiliary version only)Voltage lines must be fused with a fast blow AC fuse 1A maximum. Choosefuses of a type and with a breaking capacity appropriate to the supply and inaccordance with local regulations.A switch or circuit breaker allowing isolation of supplies to the unit must beprovided.7.3 Wire SizeVoltage terminal blocks will accept 0.5mm² to 2.5mm² stranded cable.7.4 MaintenanceThe front of the case should be wiped with a dry cloth only, using minimalpressure. If necessary wipe the rear case with a dry cloth.No user serviceable parts.8 Dimensions9 Installation9.1 RS485 Serial – Modbus RTUScreened twisted pair cable should be used. For longer cable runs or noisierenvironments, use of a cable specifically designed for RS485 may be necessaryto achieve optimum performance. All “A” terminals should be connectedtogether using one conductor of the twisted pair cable, a ll “B” terminals shouldbe connected together using the other conductor in the pair. The cable screenshould be connected to the “Gnd” terminals.A Belden 9841 (Single pair) or 9842 (Two pair) or similar cable with acharacteristic impedance of 120 ohms is recommended. The cable should beterminated at each end with a 120 ohm, quarter watt (or greater) resistor.For further information please refer to CI-3L12002 communications guide.9.2 Self-powered/Auxiliary Connection Diagrams9.2.1 Single phase two wires9.2.2 Three phase three wiresPlease note for 3P3W configuration L2 is connected through the neutraland not V2.9.2.3 Three phase four wiresThe maximum number of products that can be connect is a single chainis 20 products.While TE has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information inthis catalogue, TE does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does TE make any otherrepresentation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliableor current. TE reserves the right to make any adjustments to the information containedherein at any time without notice. TE expressly disclaims all implied warranties regardingthe information contained herein, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The dimensions in this catalogue arefor reference purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Specifications aresubject to change without notice. Consult TE for the latest dimensions and designspecifications. TE connectivity (logo), TE (logo) and TE Connectivity are trademarks of theTE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies. Crompton is a trademark of CromptonParkinson and is used by TE Connectivity under a licence. Other logos, product andcompany names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective ownersTE Energy – innovative and economical solutions for the electrical powerindustry: cable accessories, connectors & fittings, insulators & insulation,surge arresters, switching equipment, street lighting, power measurementand control.Tyco Electronics UK LtdTE EnergyFreebournes RoadWitham, Essex CM8 3AHPhone: +44 (0)870 870 7500Fax: +44 (0)870 240 5289Email:********************Project 2277. Drawing No. CI-3L37801Rev.01 22/08/2019。
===================================================================== ====================1.变步长(Variable—Step)求解器可以选择的变步长求解器有:ode45,ode23,ode113,odel5s,ode23s和discret.缺省情况下,具有状态的系统用的是ode45;没有状态的系统用的是discrete.1)ode45基于显式Runge—Kutta(4,5)公式,Dormand—Prince对.它是—个单步求解器(solver)。
也就是说它在计算y(tn)时,仅仅利用前一步的计算结果y(tn-1).对于大多数问题.在第一次仿真时、可用ode45试一下.2)ode23是基于显式Runge—Kutta(2,3).Bogackt和Shampine对.对于宽误差容限和存在轻微刚性的系统、它比ode45更有效一些.ode23也是单步求解器.3)odell3是变阶Adams-Bashforth—Moulton PECE求解器.在误差容限比较严时,它比ode45更有效.odell3是一个多步求解器,即为了计算当前的结果y(tn),不仅要知道前一步结果y(tn-1),还要知道前几步的结果y(tn-2),y(tn-3),…;4)odel5s是基于数值微分公式(NDFs)的变阶求解器.它与后向微分公式BDFs(也叫Gear方法)有联系.但比它更有效.ode15s是一个多步求解器,如果认为一个问题是刚性的,或者在用ode45s时仿真失败或不够有效时,可以试试odel5s。
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e xA
令 M 表示所有 n-阶实系数矩阵的集合,构 成 n2 -维的线性空间。 对于 ∀A = (aij )n×n , 定义其 模为:
A :=
i,j =1
|aij |.
(1) A ≥ 0, 而且 A = 0 =⇒ A = O ;
(2) 对于 ∀A, B ∈ M, 有三角不等式 A + B ≤ A + B ; (3) 对于 ∀A, B ∈ M, 有 A · B ≤ A · B ; (4) Ak ≤ A
其中 rj (0 ≤ j ≤ nj − 1) 是 n-维常数列向量。
引理 1.23. 设 λj 是矩阵 A 的 nj 重特征根,则 方程组 (5) 有形如 (9) 的非零解的充要条件是:
r0 是齐次线性代数方程组: (A − λ j E ) n j r = 0
其中 c 为任意常数列向量。 其满足初值条件 y (x0 ) = y0 的解为:
(x−x0 )A
y0 +
e(x−s)Af (s)ds,
其中 x0 ∈ (a, b). 例 1.18. 试求以下指数矩阵函数 exA :
(1) A 是一个 n-阶对角矩阵; (2) A = 1 1 .
0 1 对于 ∀An×n ∈ M, ∃Pn×n 非奇异, 使得: A = P J P −1,
P −1.
如果 A 的特征根 λj , (1 ≤ j ≤ n) 均为单根, 则 A 的 Jordan 标准型 J 是一个对角矩阵,从而 基解矩阵:
λ x e 1 e λ2 x xA Φ(x) = e P = P ...
e λ3 x
= n. 根据
(8), (7) and (6), 在齐次线性微分方程组 (5) 的基
解矩阵 exA P 的全部列向量中,与 λj 相关的 nj 列都具有以下形式:
λj x
x2 xnj −1 x rn −1 , r0 + r1 + r2 + · · · + 1! 2! (nj − 1)! j (9)
(k ≥ 1), 而且此不等式对 k = 0
不成立, 因为通常定义 A0 := E . 命题 1.15. 定义矩阵 A 的指数函数为:
e :=
k =0
Ak , k!
而且以上级数绝对收敛。 矩阵指数函数具有以下性质:
(1) 如果 AB = BA, 则有 eA+B = eAeB ; (2) 对于 ∀A ∈ M, eA 可逆,而且 (eA)−1 = e−A; (3) 如果 P ∈ M 非奇异,那么 eP AP
xJ e 1 e x J2 = ...
e xJ
e x Jm
同时, 由 exA = e xP J P 出:
= P exJ P −1 可以推
e xA P = P e xJ
是 (5) 的一个基解矩阵, 这样就可以避免求逆矩阵
5 −28 −18 dy (1) = −1 5 3 y; dx 3 −16 −10 1 1 dy (2) = y. dx −1 1
假设矩阵 A 有互不相同的特征根 λ1 , . . . , λs , 分别有重数 n1 , . . . , ns , 满足
s j =1 nj
= P eAP −1.
定理 1.16. 矩阵指数函数 Φ(x) := exA 是常系数 齐次线性方程 (5) 的一个标准基解矩阵, 而且满足
Φ(0) = E .
推论 1.17. 常系数非齐次线性方程组 (4) 在区间
(a, b) 上的通解为: y=e
xA x
e(x−s)Af (s)ds,
C , 以下矩阵 Ψ(x) = Φ(x)C
(3) 若 Ψ(x) 和 Φ(x) 都是齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 的基解矩阵,那么必存在一个非退化常数
方阵 C , 使得等式 (3) 成立。 引理 1.12. 若 Φ(x) 是齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 的一个基解矩阵, ϕ∗(x) 是非齐次线性微分方程组
(2) 的阶数相同。 Proof. 对于 ∀y0 ∈ Rn, 存在唯一 y (x) ∈ S , 满足 y (x0) = y0, 由此得到映射: H: Rn → S : y 0 → y (x ) .
可以证明 H 是一一映射, 而且是线性映射:
0 0 0 0 + C2y2 ) = C1H (y1 ) + C2H (y2 ). H (C1y1
第六章 线性微分方程组
§6.1 一般理论
dy = A ( x )y + f (x ) . dx
非齐次和齐次方程。 定理 1.1. 存在唯一性定理 满足初值条件的以上线性微分方程组
y (x 0 ) = y 0
在区间 x ∈ (a, b) 上存在唯一解 y = y (x), 其中 初值 x0 ∈ (a, b) 和 y0 ∈ Rn 是任意给定的。 引理 1.2. 设 y = yj (x), (j = 1, 2) 是齐次线性 微分方程组:
y11(x) y1n(x) y21(x) y2n(x) y 1 (x ) = . , · · · , y n (x ) = . , . . . . y n 1 (x ) ynn(x)
dy = A ( x )y . dx
y = C1y1(x) + C2y2(x)
也是方程组的解, 其中 Cj (j = 1, 2) 是任意常数。 如果记齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 在区间 (a, b) 上所有的解所组成的集合为 S , 则它是一个线性空 间, 而且: 引理 1.3. 线性空间 S 是 n-维的,与微分方程组
定理 1.4. 齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 在区间 (a, b) 上有 n 个线性无关的解
ϕ 1 (x ) , · · · , ϕ n (x ) ,
y = C1ϕ1(x) + · · · + Cnϕn(x),
其中 Cj (1 ≤ j ≤ n) 为任意常数。 定义 1.5. 假设已知齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 的 n 个解:
是微分方程组 (5) 的一个基解矩阵,其中 λj 是与
rj 相应的 A 的特征根,它们不必互不相同。
对于实矩阵 A 的共轭复特征根的情况,可以 通过公式
exA = Φ(x)P −1 = Φ(x)Φ(0)−1
求出实基解矩阵 exA , 或者通过求出共轭复值解, 然后再求出实部和虚部的方法。
例 1.22. 求以下微分方程组的通解:
(1) 的一个特解,则 (1) 的通解是: ϕ(x) = Φ(x)c + ϕ∗(x).
通过常数变易法, 可以证明以下结论: 定理 1.13. 若 Φ(x) 是齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 的一个基解矩阵, 则非齐次线性微分方程组 (1) 的 通解是:
y = Φ(x) c +
Φ−1(s)f (s)ds .
W (x) = W (x0)e
x x0 trace A(x)dx
其中 x, x0 ∈ (a, b), 而 trace A(x) 表示矩阵 A(x) 的迹。
Proof. W (x) = trace A(x)W (x).
刘维尔公式说明 Wronsky 行列式 W (x) 在区 间 a < x < b 上或者恒等于零, 或者恒不为零, 而 这恰好对应于线性相关性和线性无关性。 定理 1.7. 齐次线性微分方程组 (2) 的解组线性无 关的条件是:
e x Ji
xni−1 x2 1 x 2! · · · · · · (n − 1)! i ni −2 x 1 x ··· ··· (ni − 2)! . . . . . . . . . λi x , (6) =e . ... ... . . ... x 1
y11(x) y12(x) · · · y1n(x) W (x ) = y21(x) y22(x) · · · y2n(x) . . . . . . ... . . .
yn1(x) yn2(x) · · · ynn(x)
为此解组的 Wronsky 行列式。 引理 1.6. 刘维尔公式 上述 Wronsky 行列式满足以下刘维尔公式:
1 2 cos x 2 sin 2x − 1 y1 = y2 1 2 sin 2 x + 1 sin x 2 ex cos x − sin x + C . 2 ex sin x cos x
y1 y2
= C1
定义 1.10. 定义 1.5 中的解组构成的矩阵:
Y (x) := [y1(x) · · · yn(x)]
W (x ) = 0 ,
(a < x < b).
推论 1.8. 以上解组线性相关的充要条件为:
W (x) ≡ 0,
( a < x < b) .
所以刘维尔公式说明: 只要验证在某一个特殊 点 x0 处, W (x0) = 0 是否成立即可。