Data Mining via Geometrical Features of Segmented Images


Knowledge-based visualization to support spatial data mining

Knowledge-based visualization to support spatial data mining

Knowledge-Based Visualization to SupportSpatial Data MiningGennady Andrienko and Natalia AndrienkoGMD-German National Research Center for Information TechnologySchloss Birlinghoven,Sankt-Augustin,D-53754Germanygennady.andrienko@gmd.de mining methods are designed for revealing significantrelationships and regularities in data collections.Regarding spatially ref-erenced data,analysis by means of data mining can be aptly comple-mented by visual exploration of the data presented on maps as well asby cartographic visualization of results of data mining procedures.Wepropose an integrated environment for exploratory analysis of spatialdata that equips an analyst with a variety of data mining tools and pro-vides the service of automated mapping of source data and data miningresults.The environment is built on the basis of two existing systems,Kepler for data mining and Descartes for automated knowledge-basedvisualization.It is important that the open architecture of Kepler allowsto incorporate new data mining tools,and the knowledge-based architec-ture of Descartes allows to automatically select appropriate presentationmethods according to characteristics of data mining results.The paperpresents example scenarios of data analysis and describes the architec-ture of the integrated system.1IntroductionThe notion of Knowledge Discovery in Databases(KDD)denotes the task of revealing significant relationships and regularities in data based on the use of algorithms collectively entitled”data mining”.The KDD process is an iterative fulfillment of the following steps[6]:1.Data selection and preprocessing,such as checking for errors,removing out-liers,handling missing values,and transformation of formats.2.Data transformations,for example,discretization of variables or productionof derived variables.3.Selection of a data mining method and adjustment of its parameters.4.Data mining,i.e.application of the selected method.5.Interpretation and evaluation of the results.In this process the phase of data mining takes no more than20%of the total workload.However,this phase is much better supported methodologically D.J.Hand,J.N.Kok,M.R.Berthold(Eds.):IDA’99,LNCS1642,pp.149–160,1999.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg1999150Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienkoand by software than all others[7].This is not surprising because performing of these other steps is a matter of art rather than a routine allowing automation [8].Lately some efforts in the KDDfield have been directed towards intelligent support to the data mining process,in particular,assistance in the selection of an analysis method depending on data characteristics[2,4].A particular case of KDD is knowledge extraction from spatially referenced data, referring to geographic objects or locations or parts of a territory division.In analysis of such data it is very important to account for the spatial component(relative positions,adjacency,distances,directions etc.).However, information about spatial relationships is very difficult to represent in discrete, symbolic form required for the data mining methods.Known are works on spatial clustering[5]and use of spatial predicates[9],but a high complexity of data description and large computational expenses are characteristic for them.2Integrated Environment for Knowledge DiscoveryFor the case of analysis of spatially referenced data we propose to integrate tra-ditional data mining instruments with automated cartographic visualization and tools for interactive manipulation of graphical displays.The essence of the idea is that an analyst can view both source data and results of data mining in the form of maps that convey spatial information to a human in a natural way.This offers at least a partial solution to the challenges caused by spatially referenced data: the analyst can easily see spatial relationships and patterns that are inaccessible for a computer,at least on the present stage of development.In addition,on the ground of such integration various KDD steps can be significantly supported.The most evident use of cartographic visualization is in evaluation and in-terpretation of data mining results.However,maps can be helpful also in other activities.For example,visual analysis of spatial distributions of different data components can help in selection of representative variables for data mining and,possibly,suggest which derived variables would be useful to produce.On the stage of data preprocessing a map presentation can expose strange values that may be errors in the data or outliers.Discretization,i.e.transformation of a continuous numeric variable into one with a limited number of values by means of classification,can be aptly supported by a dynamic map display showing spa-tial distribution of the classes.With such a support the analyst can adjust the number of classes and class boundaries so that interpretable spatial patterns arise.More specifically,we propose to build an integrated KDD environment on the basis of two existing systems,Kepler[11]for data mining and Descartes[1]for interactive visual analysis of spatially referenced data.Kepler includes a number of data mining methods and,what is very important,provides a universal plug-in interface for adding new methods.Besides,the system contains some tools for data and formats transformation,access to databases,querying,and is capable of graphical presentations of some kinds of data mining results(trees,rules,and groups).Knowledge-Based Visualization to Support Spatial Data Mining151 Descartes1automates generation of maps presenting user-selected data and supports various interactive manipulations of map displays that can help to vi-sually reveal important features of the spatial distribution of data.Descartes also supports some data transformations productive for visual analysis,and has a convenient graphical interface for outlier removal and an easy-to-use tool for generation of derived variables by means of logical queries and arithmetic oper-ations over existing variables.It is essential that both systems are designed to serve the same goal:help to get knowledge about data.They propose different instruments that can complement each other and together produce a synergistic effect.Currently,Kepler contains data mining methods for classification,clustering, association,rule induction,and subgroup discovery.Most of the methods require selection of a target variable and try to reveal relationships between this variable and other variables selected for the analysis.The target variable most often should be discrete.Descartes can be effectively used forfinding”promising”discrete variables including,implicitly or explicitly,a spatial component.The following ways of doing this are available:1.Classification by segmentation of a value range of a numeric variable intosubintervals.2.Cross-classification of a pair of numeric attributes.In both cases the processof classification is highly interactive and supported by a map presentation of the spatial distribution of the classes that reflects in real time all changes in the definition of classes.3.Spatial aggregation of objects performed by the user through the map inter-face.Results of such an aggregation can be represented by a discrete variable.For example,the user can divide city districts into center and periphery or encircle several regions,and the system will generate a variable indicating to which aggregate each object belongs.Results of most of the data mining methods are naturally presentable on maps.The most evident is the presentation of subgroups or clusters:painting or an icon can designate belonging of a geographical object to a subgroup or a cluster.The same technique can be applied for tree nodes and rules:visual features of an object indicate whether it is included in the class corresponding to a selected tree node,or whether a given rule applies to the object and,if so, whether it is correctly classified.Since Kepler contains its own facilities for non-geographical presentation of data mining results,it would be productive to make a dynamic link between displays of Kepler and Descartes.This means that,when a cursor is positioned on an icon symbolizing a subgroup,a tree node,or a rule in Kepler,the corre-sponding objects are highlighted in a map in Descartes.And vice versa,selection of a geographical object in a map results in highlighting the subgroups or tree nodes including this object or marking rules applicable to it.1See on-line demos in the Internet at the URL Andrienko and Natalia AndrienkoThe above presented consideration can be summarized in the form of three kinds of links between data mining and cartographic visualization:–From”geography”to”mathematics”:using dynamic maps,the user arrives at some geographically interpretable results or hypotheses and then tries to find an explanation of the results or checks the hypotheses by means of data mining methods.–From”mathematics”to”geography”:data mining methods produce results that are then visually analyzed after being presented on maps.–Linked displays:graphics representing results of data mining in the usual (non-cartographic)form are viewed in parallel with maps,and dynamic highlighting visually connects corresponding elements in both types of dis-plays.3Scenarios of IntegrationIn this section we consider several examples of data exploration sessions where interactive cartographic visualization and different traditional methods of data mining were productively used together in data exploration.3.1Analysis with Classification TreesIn this session the user works with economic and demographic data about Eu-ropean countries2.He selects the attribute”National product per capita”and makes a classification of its values that produced interesting semantic and ge-ographic clustering(Fig.1).Then he asks the system to investigate how the classes are related to values of other attributes.The system starts the C4.5al-gorithm and after about15seconds of computations produces the classification tree(Fig.2).It is important that displays of the map and the tree are linked:–pointing to a class in the interactive classification window highlights the tree nodes relevant to this class(i.e.where this class dominates other classes);–pointing to a geographical object on the map results in highlighting of the tree nodes representing groups including the object;–pointing to a tree node highlights contours of objects on the map that form the group represented by this node(generally,in colors of classes)3.2Analysis with Classification RulesIn this session the user works with a database about countries of the world3. He selects the attribute”Trade balance”with an ordered set of values:Import much bigger than export,”import bigger than export”,”import and export are 2The data have been taken from CIA World Book3The data originate from ESRI world databaseKnowledge-Based Visualization to Support Spatial Data Mining153Fig.1.Interactive classification of values of the target attributeFig.2.The classification tree produced by the C4.5algorithm154Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienkoapproximately equal”,”export bigger than import”,and”export much bigger than import”.He looks on the distribution of values over the World and does not find any regularity.Therefore,he asks the system to produce classification rules explaining distribution of values on the basis of other attributes.After short computation by the C4.5method the user receives a set of rules.Two examples of the rules are shown in Fig.3.Fig.3.Classification rulesFig.4.Visualization of the rule for South America For each rule,upon user’s selection,Descartes can automatically produce a map that visualizes the truth values of left and right parts of the rule for each country.In this map it is possible to see which countries are correctly classified by the rule(both parts are true),which are misclassified(the premise is true while the consequence is false),and which cases remain uncovered(the consequence is true while the premise is false).Thus,in the example map in Fig.4(representing the second rule from Fig.3)darker circle sectors indicate truth of the premise and lighter ones-truth of the concequence.One can see here seven cases ofKnowledge-Based Visualization to Support Spatial Data Mining155 correct classification marked by signs with both sectors present and two cases of non-coverage where the signs have only the lighter sectors.The user can continue his analysis with interactive manipulation facilities of maps to check the stability of relationships found.Thus,he can try to change boundaries of intervals found by the data mining procedure and see whether the correspondence between conditions in the left and the right parts of the rule will be preserved.3.3Selection of Interesting SubgroupsIn this session the user wants to analyze the distribution of demographic at-tributes over continents.He selects a subset of these attributes and ran the SIDOS method to discover interesting subgroups(see some of the results in Fig.5).For example,the group with”Death rate”less than9.75and”Life ex-pectancy for female”greater than68.64includes51countries(31%of the World countries),and40of them are African countries(78%of African countries).To support the consideration of this group,Descartes builds a map(Fig.6).The map shows all countries satisfying the description of the group.On the map the user can see specifically which countries form the group,which of them are in Africa and which are in other continents.Fig.5.Descriptions of interesting subgroupsIt is necessary to stress once again that Descartes does the map design au-tomatically on the basis of the knowledge base on thematic data mapping.The subgroups found give the user some hints for further analysis:which countries to select for closer look;collection of attributes that best characterizes the con-tinents;groups of attributes with interesting spatial co-distribution.Thus,if the user selects the pair of attributes cited in the definition of the considered group156Gennady Andrienko and Natalia AndrienkoFig.6.Visualization of the subgroupfor further analysis,the system automatically creates a map for dynamic cross-classification on the basis of these attributes.The user mayfind other interesting threshold value(s)that leads to clear spatial patterns(Fig.7).Fig.7.Co-distribution of2attributes:”Death rate”and”Life expectancy,fe-male”.Red(the darkest)countries are characterized by high death rate and low life expectancy.Green(lighter)countries have small death rates and high life expectancy.Yellow(light)countries are characterized by high death rate and high life expectancy.3.4Association RulesIn this session the user studies co-occurrence of memberships in various interna-tional organization.Some of them have similar spatial distributions.Tofind a numeric estimation of the similarity the user selected”association rules”method. The method produced a set of rules concerning simultaneous membership in different organizations.Thus,it was found that136countries are members of UNESCO,and128of them(94%)are also members of IBRD.This rule was supported by visualization of membership on automatically created maps.One of them demonstrates members of UNESCO not participating in IBRD(Fig.8).Generally,this method is applicable to binary(logical)variables.It is im-portant that Descartes allows to produce various logical variables as results of data analysis.Thus,they can be produced by:marking table rows as satisfyingKnowledge-Based Visualization to Support Spatial Data Mining157Fig.8.Countries-members of UNESCO and non-members of IBRDor contradicting some logical or territorial query,classifying numeric variables into two classes,etc.Association rules method is a convenient tool for analysis of such attributes.3.5Analysis of SessionsIt is clear that in all the sessions described above interactive visualization and data mining act as complementary instruments for data analysis.Their integra-tion supported the iterative process of data analysis:We should stress the importance of knowledge-based map design in all stages of the analysis.The ability of Descartes to automatically select presentation methods makes it possible for the user to concentrate on problem solving.Generally,for thefirst prototype we selected only high-speed data mining methods to avoid long waiting time.However,currently there is a strategy in the development of data mining algorithms to create so called any time methods that can provide rough results after short computations and improve them with longer calculations.The open architecture of Kepler allows to add such methods later and to link them with map visualizations of Descartes.One can note that we applied the system to already aggregated relatively small data sets.However,even with these data the integrated approach shows its ter we plan to extend the approach to large sets of raw data.The158Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienkomain problem is that maps are typically used for visualization of data aggregated over territories.A solution may be through automated or interactive aggregation of raw data and of results of data mining methods.4Software ImplementationThe software implementation of the project is supported by the circumstance that both systems have client-server architecture and use socket connections and TCP/IP protocol for the client-server communication.The client components of both systems are realized in the Java language and provide the user interface. To couple the two systems,we implemented an additional link between the two servers.The Descartes server activates the Kepler server,establishes a socket connection,and commands Kepler to load the same application(workspace).In the current implementation,the link between the two systems can be activated only in one direction:working with Descartes,the user can make Kepler apply some data mining method to selected data.A list of applicable methods is available to the user depending on the context(how many attributes are selected, what are their types,etc.).The selection of appropriate data analysis methods is done on the basis of an extension to the current visualization knowledge base existing in Descartes.Fig.9.The architecture of the integrated system The link to data mining is available both from a table window and from some types of maps.Thus,classification methods(classification trees and rules)as well as subgroup discovery methods are available both from a table containingKnowledge-Based Visualization to Support Spatial Data Mining159 qualitative attribute(s)and from maps for interactive classification or cross-classification.The association rules method is available from a table with several logical attributes or from a map presenting such attributes.When the user decides to apply a data mining method,the Descartes client allows him to specify the scope of interest(choose a target variable or value when necessary,select independent attributes,specify method-specific parame-ters,etc.)and then sends this information to the Descartes server.The server creates a temporary table with selected data and commands the Kepler server to import this table and to start the specified method.Afterfinishing the com-putations,the Kepler server passes the results to the Kepler client,and this component visualizes the results.At this point a new socket connection between the Descartes client and the Kepler client is established for linking of graphics components.This link provides simultaneous highlighting of active objects on map displays in Descartes and graphic displays in Kepler.Results of most data mining methods can be presented by maps created in Descartes.For this purpose the Kepler server sends commands to the Descartes server to activate map design,and the Descartes client displays the created maps on the screen.5ConclusionsTo compare our work with others,we may note that exploratory data analysis has been traditionally supported by visualizations.Some work was done on linking of statistical graphics built in xGobi package with maps displayed in ArcView GIS[3]and on connecting clustering dendrograms with maps[10].However, all previous works we are aware of utilize only a restricted set of predefined visualizations.In our work we extend this approach by integrating data mining methods with knowledge-based map design.This allows us to create a general mapping interface for data mining algorithms.This feature together with the open archi-tecture of Kepler gives an opportunity to add new data mining methods without system reengineering.AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to all members of GMD knowledge discovery group for numerous discussions about our work.Dr.H.Voss,D.Schmidt and C.Rinner made useful comments on the early version of the paper.We express our special thanks to Dr.D.Wettschereck(Dialogis GmbH)for the implementation of the link on Kepler’s side.160Gennady Andrienko and Natalia AndrienkoReferences1.Andrienko,G.,and Andrienko,N.:Intelligent Visualization and Dynamic Manip-ulation:Two Complementary Instruments to Support Data Exploration with GIS.In:Proceedings of AVI’98:Advanced Visual Interfaces Int.Working Conference (L’Aquila Italy,May24-27,1998),ACM Press(1998)66-752.Brodley,C.:Addressing the Selective Superiority Problem:Automatic Algorithm/Model Class Selection.In:Machine Learning:Proceedings of the10th International Conference,University of Massachusetts,Amherst,June27-29,1993.San Mateo, 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数据挖掘名词解释数据挖掘(Data Mining)是指从大量的复杂、未经组织的数据中,通过使用各种算法和技术来挖掘出有用的、非显而易见的、潜藏在数据中的模式和知识的过程。

以下是对数据挖掘中常用的一些名词的解释:1. 数据预处理(Data Preprocessing):指在进行数据挖掘之前,对原始数据进行清理、转换、集成和规约等操作,以获得适合挖掘的数据。

2. 特征选择(Feature Selection):从原始数据中选择对于挖掘目标有意义的特征或属性,用于构建挖掘模型。


3. 数据集成(Data Integration):将不同数据源中的数据集成到一个统一的数据仓库或数据集中,以便进行分析和挖掘。

4. 数据降维(Dimensionality Reduction):由于原始数据中可能包含大量的特征或属性,而这些特征可能存在冗余或不相关的情况,因此需要对数据进行降维,减少数据中的特征数目,提高挖掘效率和准确性。

5. 模式发现(Pattern Discovery):通过对数据挖掘算法的应用,从数据中发现隐藏的、有意义的模式,如关联规则、序列模式、聚类模式等。

6. 关联规则挖掘(Association Rule Mining):从大规模数据集中挖掘出频繁出现的项集和项集之间的关联规则。


7. 分类(Classification):根据已知的样本和样本的标签,训练分类模型,然后用于对未标注样本的分类预测。


8. 聚类(Clustering):根据数据中的相似性或距离度量,将样本划分为若干个组或簇,使得同组内的样本更加相似,不同组之间的样本差异更大。


9. 时间序列分析(Time Series Analysis):针对按时间顺序排列的数据,通过挖掘数据中的趋势、周期性、季节性等模式,预测未来的走势和变化。






一、概念1.数据挖掘(Data Mining)数据挖掘是一种从大规模数据中提取出有用信息的过程。


2.机器学习(Machine Learning)机器学习是一种通过对数据进行学习和分析来改善和优化算法的方法。


3.聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)聚类分析是一种通过将数据分组为相似的集合来发现数据内在结构的方法。


4.分类分析(Classification Analysis)分类分析是一种通过将数据分成不同的类别来发现数据之间的关系的方法。


5.关联规则挖掘(Association Rule Mining)关联规则挖掘是一种发现数据集中变量之间关系的方法。


6.异常检测(Anomaly Detection)异常检测是一种通过识别不符合正常模式的数据点来发现异常的方法。





4.训练集(Training Set)训练集是指用来训练机器学习模型的样本集合。

5.测试集(Test Set)测试集是指用来测试机器学习模型的样本集合。

数据挖掘data mining 核心专业词汇

数据挖掘data mining  核心专业词汇

1、Bilingual 双语Chinese English bilingual text 中英对照2、Data warehouse and Data Mining 数据仓库与数据挖掘3、classification 分类systematize classification 使分类系统化4、preprocess 预处理The theory and algorithms of automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) preprocess are systematically illustrated.摘要系统阐述了自动指纹识别系统预处理的理论、算法5、angle 角度6、organizations 组织central organizations 中央机关7、OLTP On-Line Transactional Processing 在线事物处理8、OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing 在线分析处理9、Incorporated 包含、包括、组成公司A corporation is an incorporated body 公司是一种组建的实体10、unique 唯一的、独特的unique technique 独特的手法11、Capabilities 功能Evaluate the capabilities of suppliers 评估供应商的能力12、features 特征13、complex 复杂的14、information consistency 信息整合15、incompatible 不兼容的16、inconsistent 不一致的Those two are temperamentally incompatible 他们两人脾气不对17、utility 利用marginal utility 边际效用18、Internal integration 内部整合19、summarizes 总结20、application-oritend 应用对象21、subject-oritend 面向主题的22、time-varient 随时间变化的23、tomb data 历史数据24、seldom 极少Advice is seldom welcome 忠言多逆耳25、previous 先前的the previous quarter 上一季26、implicit 含蓄implicit criticism 含蓄的批评27、data dredging 数据捕捞28、credit risk 信用风险29、Inventory forecasting 库存预测30、business intelligence(BI)商业智能31、cell 单元32、Data cure 数据立方体33、attribute 属性34、granular 粒状35、metadata 元数据36、independent 独立的37、prototype 原型38、overall 总体39、mature 成熟40、combination 组合41、feedback 反馈42、approach 态度43、scope 范围44、specific 特定的45、data mart 数据集市46、dependent 从属的47、motivate 刺激、激励Motivate and withstand higher working pressure个性积极,愿意承受压力.敢于克服困难48、extensive 广泛49、transaction 交易50、suit 诉讼suit pending 案件正在审理中51、isolate 孤立We decided to isolate the patients.我们决定隔离病人52、consolidation 合并So our Party really does need consolidation 所以,我们党确实存在一个整顿的问题53、throughput 吞吐量Design of a Web Site Throughput Analysis SystemWeb网站流量分析系统设计收藏指正54、Knowledge Discovery(KDD)55、non-trivial(有价值的)--Extraction interesting (non-trivial(有价值的), implicit(固有的), previously unknown and potentially useful) patterns or knowledge from huge amounts of data.56、archeology 考古57、alternative 替代58、Statistics 统计、统计学population statistics 人口统计59、feature 特点A facial feature 面貌特征60、concise 简洁a remarkable concise report 一份非常简洁扼要的报告61、issue 发行issue price 发行价格62、heterogeneous (异类的)--Constructed by integrating multiple, heterogeneous (异类的)data sources63、multiple 多种Multiple attachments多实习64、consistent(一贯)、encode(编码)ensure consistency in naming conventions,encoding structures, attribute measures, etc.确保一致性在命名约定,编码结构,属性措施,等等。











在有的地方,数据挖掘也被成为是数据探矿,正如数据挖掘的英文data mining一样,从数据中挖掘有价值的知识,正如在矿山中采集钻石一般,不断去芜存精,不断发掘数据新的价值。









Data Mining Techniques

Data Mining Techniques

Data Mining Techniquesrefer to a set of methodologies and algorithms used to extract useful information from large datasets. In today's data-driven world, where massive amounts of data are generated every day, it is crucial to effectively analyze and extract valuable insights from this data. play a key role in this process by enabling organizations to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and relationships within their data that can be used to make informed business decisions.One of the most commonly used data mining techniques is clustering, which involves grouping similar data points together based on certain characteristics. This technique is helpful in identifying natural groupings within a dataset and can be used for customer segmentation, anomaly detection, and pattern recognition.Another important data mining technique is classification, which involves creating models that can predict the class or category to which new data instances belong. Classification algorithms, such as decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks, are widely used in applications such as spam filtering, credit scoring, and medical diagnosis.Association rule mining is another popular data mining technique that is used to discover relationships between different items in a dataset. This technique is commonly used in market basket analysis to identify patterns in customer purchasing behavior and to make recommendations for cross-selling and upselling.Regression analysis is another useful data mining technique that is used to predict the value of a continuous target variable based on one or more input variables. This technique is commonly used in financial forecasting, sales prediction, and risk analysis.Text mining is a data mining technique that is used to analyze unstructured text data, such as emails, social media posts, and customer reviews. Text mining techniques, such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and named entity recognition, are used to extractuseful information from text data to understand customer sentiments, identify key topics, and extract important entities.Other data mining techniques include anomaly detection, feature selection, and dimensionality reduction, which are used to identify outliers in data, select the most relevant features for analysis, and reduce the complexity of high-dimensional data, respectively.In conclusion, data mining techniques are powerful tools that can help organizations gain valuable insights from their data and make informed business decisions. By using a combination of clustering, classification, association rule mining, regression analysis, text mining, and other techniques, organizations can unlock the full potential of their data and drive business growth.。

Data Mining分析方法

Data Mining分析方法

数据挖掘Data Mining第一部Data Mining的觀念 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

第一章何謂Data Mining ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二章Data Mining運用的理論與實際應用功能............. 错误!未定义书签。

第三章Data Mining與統計分析有何不同......................... 错误!未定义书签。

第四章完整的Data Mining有哪些步驟............................ 错误!未定义书签。

第五章CRISP-DM ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第六章Data Mining、Data Warehousing、OLAP三者關係為何. 错误!未定义书签。

第七章Data Mining在CRM中扮演的角色為何.............. 错误!未定义书签。

第八章Data Mining 與Web Mining有何不同................. 错误!未定义书签。

第九章Data Mining 的功能................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第十章Data Mining應用於各領域的情形......................... 错误!未定义书签。

第十一章Data Mining的分析工具..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二部多變量分析.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Introduction to Data Mining

Introduction to Data Mining

Competitive Pressure is Strong – Provide better, customized services for an edge (e.g. in Customer Relationship Management)
Introduction to Data Mining 4/18/2004 ‹#›
© Tan,Steinbach, Kumar
Introduction to Data Mining
What is (not) Data Mining?
What is not Data Mining?

What is Data Mining? – Certain names are more prevalent in certain US locations (O’Brien, O’Rurke, O’Reilly… in Boston area) – Group together similar documents returned by search engine according to their context (e.g. Amazon rainforest, ,)
© Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 4/18/2004 ‹#›
Data Mining Tasks...
Classification [Predictive] Clustering [Descriptive] Association Rule Discovery [Descriptive] Sequential Pattern Discovery [Descriptive] Regression [Predictive] Deviation Detection [Predictive]

Research on the big data feature mining technology based on the cloud computing

Research on the big data feature mining technology based on the cloud computing

2019 No.3Research on the big data feature mining technologybased on the cloud computingWANG YunSichuan Vocational and Technical College, Suining, Sichuan, 629000Abstract: The cloud computing platform has the functions of efficiently allocating the dynamic resources, generating the dynamic computing and storage according to the user requests, and providing the good platform for the big data feature analysis and mining. The big data feature mining in the cloud computing environment is an effective method for the elficient application of the massive data in the information age. In the process of t he big data mining, the method of the big data feature mining based on the gradient sampling has the poor logicality. It only mines the big data features from a single-level perspective, which reduces the precision of t he big data feature mining.Keywords: Cloud computing; big data features; mining technology; model methodWith the development of the times, people need more and more valuable data. Therefore, a new technology is needed to process a large amount of the data and extract the information we need. The data mining technology is a wide-ranging subject, which integrates the statistical methods and surpasses the traditional statistical analysis. The data mining is the process of extracting the useful data we need from the massive data by using the technical means. Experiments show that this method has the high data mining performances, and can provide an effective means for the big data feature mining in all sectors of the social production.1. Feature mining method for the big data feature miningmodel1-1. The big data feature mining model in the cloud computing environmentThis paper uses the big data feature mining model in the cloud computing environment to realize the big data feature mining. The model mainly includes the big data storage system layer, the big data mining processing layer and the user layer. The following is the detailed study.1-2. The big data storage system layerThe interaction of the multi-source data information and the integration of the network technology in the cloud computing depends on the three different models in the cloud computing environment: I/O, USB and the disk layer, and the architecture of the big data storage system layer in the computing environment. It can be seen that the big data storage system in the cloud computing environment includes the multi-source information resource service layer, the core technology layer, the multi-source information resource platform service layer and the multi-source information resource basic layer.1-3. The big data feature mining and processing layerIn order to solve the problem of the low classification accuracy and the long time-consuming in the process of the big data feature mining, a new and efficient method of the big data feature classification mining based on the cloud computing is proposed in this paper. The first step is to decompose the big data training set by the map, and then generate the big data training set. The second step is to acquire the frequent item-sets. The third step is to implement the merging according to reduce, and the association rules can be acquired through the frequent item-sets, and then pruning to acquire the classification rules. Based on the classification rules, a classifier of the big data features is constructed to realize the effective classification and the mining of the big data features.1 -4. Client layerThe user input module in the client layer provides a platform for the users to express their requests. The module analyses the data information input by the users and matches the reasonable data mining methods. This method is used to mine the data features of the pre-processed data. Users of the result-based displaying module can obtain the corresponding results of the big data feature mining, and realize the big data feature mining in the cloud computing environment.2. Parallel distributed big data mining2-1. Platform system architectureHadoop provides a platform for the programmers to easily develop and run the massive data applications. Its distributed file system HDFS is a file system that can reliably store the big data sets on a large cluster. It has the characteristics of reliability and the strong fault tolerance. Map Reduce provides a programming mode for the efficient parallel programming. Based on this, we developed a parallel data mining platform, PD Miner, which stores the large-scale data on HDFS, and implements various parallel data preprocessing and data mining algorithms through Map Reduce.2-2. Workflow subsystemThe workflow subsystem provides a friendly and unified user interface (UI), which enables the users to easily establish the data mining tasks. In the process of creating the mining tasks, the ETL data preprocessing algorithm, the classification algorithm, the clustering algorithm, and the association rule algorithm can be selected. The right drop-down box can select the specific algorithm of the service unit. The workflow subsystem provides the services for the users through the graphical UI interface, and flexibly establishes the self-customized mining tasks that conform to the business application workflow. Through the workflow interface, the multiple workflow tasks can be established, not only within each mining task, but also among different data mining tasks.2-3. User interface subsystemThe user interface subsystem consists of two modules: the user input module and the result display module. The user interface subsystem is responsible for the interaction with the users, reading and writing the parameter settings, accepting the user operation52International English Education Researchrequests, and displaying the results according to the interface. For example, the parameter setting interface of the parallel Naive Bayesian algorithm in the parallel classification algorithm can easily set the parameters of the algorithm. These parameters include the training data, the test data, the output results and the storage path of the model files, and also include the setting of the number of Map and Reduce tasks. The result display part realizes the visual understanding of the results, such as generating the histograms and the pie charts and so on.2- 4. Parallel ETL algorithm subsystemThe data preprocessing algorithm plays a very important role in the data mining, and its output is usually the input of the data mining algorithm. Due to the dramatic increase of the data volume, the serial data preprocessing process needs a lot of time to complete the operation process. In order to improve the efficiency of the preprocessing algorithm, 19 preprocessing algorithms are designed and developed in the parallel ETL algorithm subsystem, including the parallel sampling (Sampling), the parallel data preview (PD Preview), the parallel data add label (PD Add Label), the parallel discretization (Discreet), the parallel addition of sample (ID), and the parallel attribute exchange (Attribute Exchange).3. Analysis of the big data feature mining technology basedon the cloud computingThe emergence of the cloud computing provides a new direction for the development of the data mining technology. The data mining technology based on the cloud computing can develop the new patterns. As far as the specific implementation is concerned, the development of the several key technologies is crucial.3- 1. Cloud computing technologyThe distributed computing is the key technology of the cloud computing platform. It is one of the effective means to deal with the massive data mining tasks and improve the data mining efficiency. The distributed computing includes the distributed storage and the parallel computing. The distributed storage effectively solves the storage problem of the massive data, and realizes the key functions of the data storage, such as the high fault tolerance, the high security and the high performance. At present, the distributed file system theory proposed by Google is the basis of the popular distributed file system in the industry. Google File System (GFS) is developed to solve the storage, search and analysis of its massive data. The distributed parallel computing framework is the key to efficiently accomplish the data mining and the computing tasks. At present, some popular distributed parallel computing frameworks encapsulate some technical details of the distributed computing, so that users only need to consider the logical relationship between the tasks without paying too much attention to these technical details, which not only greatly improves the efficiency of the research and development, but also effectively reduces the costs of the system maintenance. The typical distributed parallel computing frameworks such as Map Reduce parallel computing framework proposed by Google and the Pregel iterative processing computing framework and so on.3-2. Data aggregation scheduling technologyThe data aggregation and scheduling technology needs toachieve the aggregation and scheduling of different types of thedata accessing cloud computing platform. The data aggregationand scheduling needs to support different formats of the source data, but also provides a variety of the data synchronization methods. To solve the problem of the protocol of different data isthe task of the data aggregation and scheduling technology. The technical solutions need to consider the support of the data formats generated by different systems on the network, such as the on-line transaction processing system (OLTP) data, the on-line analysis processing system (OLAP) data, various log data, and the crawlerdata and so on. Only in this way can the data mining and analysisbe realized.3-3. Service scheduling and service management technologyIn order to enable different business systems to use this computing platform, the platform must provide the service scheduling and the service management functions. The service scheduling is based on the priority of the services and the matchingof the services and the resources, to solve the parallel exclusionand isolation of the services, to ensure that the cloud services of thedata mining platform are safe and reliable, and to schedule and control according to the service management. The service management realizes the functions of the unified service registration and the service exposure. It not only supports the exposure of the local service capabilities, but also supports the access of the third-party data mining capabilities, and extends the service capabilities of the data mining platform.3- 4. Parallelization technology of the mining algorithmsThe parallelization of the mining algorithms is one of the key technologies for effectively utilizing the basic capabilities providedby the cloud computing platform, which involves whether the algorithms can be parallel or not, and the selection of the parallel strategies. The data mining algorithms mainly include the decisiontree algorithm, the association rule algorithm and the K-means algorithm. The parallelization of the algorithm is the key technology of the data mining using the cloud computing platform.4. Data mining technology based on the cloud computing4- 1. Data mining research method based on the cloud computingOne is the data association mining. The relevant data miningcan centralize the divergent network data information when analyzing the details and extracting the values of the massive data information. The relevant data mining is usually divided into three steps. First, determine the scope of the data to be mined and collectthe data objects to be processed, so that the attributes of the relevance research can be clearly defined. Secondly, large amountsof the data are pre-processed to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the mining data, and the results of the pre-processingwill be stored in the mining database. Thirdly, implement the data mining of the shaping training. The entity threshold is analyzed bythe permutation and combination.The second is the data fuzziness learning method. Its principleis to assume that there are a certain number of the information samples under the cloud computing platform, then describe any information sample, calculate the standard deviation of all the information samples, and finally realize the data mining value532019 No.3information operation and the high compression. Faced with the massive data mining, the key of applying the data fuzziness learning method is to screen and determine the fuzzy membership function, and finally realize the actual operation of the fuzzification of the value information of the massive data mining based on the cloud computing. But here we need to pay attention to the need to activate the conditions in order to achieve the network data node information collection.The third is the data mining Apriori algorithm. The Apriori algorithm is an algorithm for mining the association rules. It is a basic algorithm designed by Agrawal, et al. It is based on the idea of the two-stage mining and is implemented by scanning the transaction databases many times. Unlike other algorithms, the Apriori algorithm can effectively avoid the problem that the convergence of the data mining algorithm is poor due to the redundancy and complexity of the massive data. On the premise of saving the investment cost as much as possible, using the computer simulation will greatly improve the speed of mining the massive data.4-2. Data mining architecture based on the cloud computingThe data mining based on the cloud computing relies on the massive storage capacity of the cloud computing and the parallel processing ability of the massive data information, so as to solve the problem that the traditional data mining faces in dealing with the massive data information. Figure 1shows the architecture of the data mining based on the cloud computing. The data mining architecture based on the cloud computing is mainly divided into three layers. The first layer is the cloud computing service layer, which provides the storage and parallel processing services for the massive data information. The second layer is the data mining processing layer, which includes the data preprocessing and the data mining algorithm parallelization. Through the data information preprocessing, it can effectively improve the quality of the data mined, and make the entire mining process easier and more effective. The third layer is the user-oriented layer, which mainly receives the data mining requests from the users and passes the requests to the second and the first layers, and displays the final data mining results to the users in the display module.5. ConclusionThe cloud computing technology itself has been in a period of the rapid development, so it will also lead to some deficiencies in the data mining architecture based on the cloud computing. One is the demand for the personalized and diversified services brought about by the cloud computing. The other is that the number of the data mined and processed may continue to increase. In addition, the dynamic data, the noise data and the high-dimensional data also hinder the data mining and processing. The third is how to choose the appropriate algorithm, which is directly related to the final mining results. The fourth is the data mining process. There may be many uncertainties, and how to deal with these uncertainties and minimize the negative impact caused by these uncertainties is also a problem to be considered in the data mining based on the cloud computing.References[1] Kong Jie; Liu Yang. Data Mining Technology Analysis [J], Computer Knowledge and Technology, 2017, (11): 105-106.[2] Wang Xiaoxue; Zhang Jiazhen; Guo He; Wang Hao. Application of the Big Data in the Mining of the Learning Behavior Patterns of College Students [J], Intelligent Computer and Applications, 2017, (12): 122-123.[3] Deng Yijun. Discussion on the Data Mining and the Knowledge Classification in University Libraries [J], Popular Science & Technology, 2018, (09): 142-143.[4] Wang Mao. Application of the Data Mining Technology in the Computer Forensic Analysis System [J], Automation & Instrumentation, 2018, (12): 100-101.[5] Li Guanli. NCRE Achievement Prediction and Analysis Based on the Rapid Miner Data Mining Technology [J], Journal of Nanjing Radio & TV University, 2018, (12): 154-155.54。



数据挖掘技术英语English:Data mining techniques refer to a variety of methods and algorithms used to extract useful patterns, trends, and insights from large datasets. These techniques encompass a wide range of approaches, including clustering, classification, regression, association rule mining, and anomaly detection, among others. Clustering involves grouping similar data points together based on their characteristics or attributes, enabling the identification of inherent structures within the data. Classification assigns predefined categories or labels to instances based on their features, allowing for the prediction of the class of new, unseen data points. Regression aims to establish relationships between variables by predicting continuous numerical outcomes, which is useful for forecasting and trend analysis. Association rule mining discovers interesting relationships or associations among variables in large datasets, commonly used in market basket analysis and recommendation systems. Anomaly detection identifies data points that deviate significantly from the norm, aiding in fraud detection, network security, and quality control. These data mining techniques are crucial in various industries such asfinance, healthcare, retail, and telecommunications, empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.中文翻译:数据挖掘技术指的是从大型数据集中提取有用模式、趋势和洞见的各种方法和算法。



数据挖掘知识点总结English Answer.Data Mining Knowledge Points Summary.1. Introduction to Data Mining.Definition and purpose of data mining.Data mining process and techniques.Key concepts in data mining: classification, clustering, association rules, regression.2. Data Preprocessing.Data cleaning and transformation.Data integration and reduction.Feature selection and dimensionality reduction.3. Classification.Supervised learning technique.Types of classification algorithms: decision trees, neural networks, support vector machines, naive Bayes.Model evaluation metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score.4. Clustering.Unsupervised learning technique.Types of clustering algorithms: k-means, hierarchical clustering, density-based clustering.Cluster evaluation metrics: silhouette coefficient, Calinski-Harabasz index.5. Association Rules.Discovering frequent itemsets and association rules.Apriori algorithm and its extensions.Confidence and support measures.6. Regression.Predicting continuous target variables.Types of regression algorithms: linear regression, logistic regression, polynomial regression.Model evaluation metrics: mean squared error, root mean squared error.7. Big Data Analytics.Challenges and techniques for handling big data.Hadoop and MapReduce framework.NoSQL databases and data warehousing.8. Data Privacy and Ethics.Issues related to data privacy and security. Ethical considerations in data mining.Data anonymization and encryption.9. Applications of Data Mining.Fraud detection.Customer segmentation.Product recommendation.Healthcare analytics.Financial forecasting.Chinese Answer.数据挖掘知识点总结。



Data mining simulation volume (《数据挖掘》模拟卷)"Data mining" simulation volumeFirst, fill in the blanks (1 points per grid, 20 points)1,in data mining, the commonly used clustering algorithms include: division methodHierarchical approachDensity based approachGrid based approach and model-based approach.2,the data warehouse multidimensional data model can be divided into three different forms, namely, star model, snowflake modelandfact constellation3,from the point of view of data analysis, data mining can be divided into two categories: descriptive data mining and predictive data mining4,given the basic square, there are three options for the materialization of the square: no materializationTotal materialization andPartial materialization5,the three main research directions in current data mining research are:Database technology,Statistics、andmachine learning6,there are four types of concept hierarchy, namely: and7,two commonly used large data sets of data generalization method isandTwo, radio questions (please choose a correct answer, fill in brackets, 2 points per subject, a total of 20 points)1.which of the following classifications belongs to the neural network learning algorithm?(A.decision tree inductionB.Bayes classificationC.backward propagation reasoningThe 2. confidence measure (confidence) is an index of interestingness measures.A,simplicityB,deterministicC,, practicalityD,novelty3.which of the following situations does outlier mining apply?A and target market analysisB,shopping basket analysisC and pattern recognitionD, credit card fraud detection4.the cube that holds the lowest level is called:A,vertex cubeLattices of B and squaresC,basic cubeD and dimension5., the purpose of data reduction is ()A to fill the vacancy values of data typesB,integrating data from multiple data sourcesC,get the compressed representation of the data setD,normalized data6.which of the following data preprocessing techniques can be usedto smooth data and eliminate data noise? reduction7.() reduce the number of given continuous values by dividing the attribute field into intervals.A.concept the following data operations, the () operation is not the OLAP operation on the multidimensional data model.A, 1 (roll-up)B,select (select)C,slice (slice)D,rotating shaft (pivot)9.assume that the current data mining task is a description of the general characteristics of the customer in the database, and the data mining function is usually usedA.association analysisB.classification and predictionC.outlier analysisD.evolution analysisE.concept description10.which of the following is true?()A,classification and clustering are guided learningB,classification, and clustering are unsupervised learningC and classification are guided learning, and clustering is unsupervised learningD and classification are unsupervised learning, and clustering isguided learningThree, multiple-choice questions (please select two or more than two correct answers in parentheses, each of 3 points, a total of 15 points)1., according to the dimension of data involved in association analysis, the association rules can be classified as:()A and Boolean association rulesB and single dimension association rulesC and multidimensional association rulesD and multilayer association rules2.which of the following is the possible content of the data transformation?A,data compressionB and data generalizationC and dimension reductionD,standardization3.when it comes to task related data, it refers to ()A, a database or data warehouse name that contains relevant dataB and the conditions for selecting the relevant dataC,related attributes or dimensionsD,sorting and grouping instructions for retrieving data4.from a structural point of view, the data warehouse model includes the following categories:A. enterprise martC.virtual warehousermation warehouseFiveThe main features of a data warehouse includeA,subject orientedB,integratedC,time-varyingD,nonvolatileFour, Jane answer (25 points)1.briefly describe the basic idea of attribute oriented induction,and explain when to use attribute deletion and when to use attribute generalization.(7 points)2.why do we need an independent data warehouse instead of working directly on a routine database when we are doing OLAP?. (6 points)3.what are the search strategies for the mining of multi-level association rules with decreasing support? What are thecharacteristics of each? (6 points)pared with other applications, what are the advantages of data mining in e-commerce? (6 points)Five, algorithm problems (20 points)1.Apriori algorithm is a common algorithm for mining single dimension Boolean association rules from transaction databases. The algorithm uses the prior knowledge of frequent itemsets to find frequent itemsets from candidate items.(1)what are the two basic steps (2 points) of the Aprior algorithm?;(2)the transaction data record D (| D = 4) shown in the figure below. Use diagrams and explanations to explain how to use the Apriori algorithm to find frequent itemsets in D. (assume that the minimum transaction support count is 2) (10 points)TIDItem ID listT100A, C, DT200B, C, ET300A,B, C, ET400B,E2.decision tree induction algorithm is a commonly usedclassification algorithm(1)briefly describe the basic strategy of decision tree induction algorithm (4 points);(2)the use of decision tree algorithm, according to the customer's age age (divided into 3 age groups: <18, 18...23, >23), income (income value of high, medium, low), is student (value of yes and no), credit rating credit rating (value of fair and excellent). To determine whether the user will buy PC Game, namely the construction of decision tree buysPCGame, assuming that the existing data after the first time were divided as shown in the results, and according to the results of each attribute for each partition in the calculation of the information gainCustomers for age<18: Gain (income), =0. 022, Gain (student), =0. 162, Gain (credit rating) =0. 323Customers for age>23: Gain (income), =0. 042, Gain (student), =0. 462, Gain (credit rating) =0. 155Please draw the decision tree buysPCGame according to the above results. (4 points)"Data mining" simulation volume answerFirst, fill in the blanks (1 points per grid, 20 points)1,divide the method, the hierarchical method, the density based method.2,star mode, snowflake mode and fact constellation mode.3,descriptive data mining and predictive data mining.4,not materialized, fully materialized and partially materialized.5,database technology, statistics, machine learning.6,pattern layering, collection grouping, layering, operation exporting, layering and rule based layering.7,data cube method (or OLAP) and attribute oriented induction method.Two, radio questions (please choose a correct answer, fill in brackets, 2 points per subject, a total of 20 points)1, C 2, —B 3, —D_ 4, C 5, C6,A 7, —B 8, _B 9, —E 10, —CThree, multiple-choice questions (please select two or more than two correct answers in parentheses, each of 3 points, a total of 15 points)1, BD 2,________________BD 3, _ABCD_ 4, _ABC 5, _ABCD__Four, Jane answer (25 points)1. briefly describe the basic idea of attribute oriented induction, and explain when to use attribute deletion and when to use attribute generalization. (7 points)Answer: the basic idea is: firstly, using attribute relational database query collected relevant data: each attribute data and then through investigating the tasks related to different values of the number of generalization (by attribute deletion or attribute generalization).Aggregation by merging equal generalized tuples and accumulating their corresponding numerical values. This compresses the data set after generalization. As a result, generalized relations can be mapped to different forms, such as diagrams or rules, to provide users. (3 points)Use the property to remove the case: if a property of initial work on the relationship between a large number of different values, but (1) this property no generalized operator, or (2) it had expressed high-level concepts with other attributes: (2 points)Use attribute generalization: if there is a large number of different values on an attribute of the initial work relationship, and there is a generalized operator on that property. (2 points)2.why do we need an independent data warehouse instead of working directly on a routine database when we are doing OLAP?. (6 points)Answer: using an independent data warehouse for OLAP processing is for the following purposes:(1)improve the performance of the two systemsThe operation of the database is designed for OLTP, not for OLAP operation optimization, while processing OLAP queries in operational databases, the performance will greatly reduce the operation task: and the data warehouse is designed for OLAP, complex OLAP query, multidimensional view, summary OLAP function provides the optimization.(2)the two functions have different functionsParallel operation of multi transaction database support, data warehouse is often only read-only access of data records: and when the recovery mechanism for the operation of OLAP parallel mechanism and transaction processing, will significantly degrade the performance of OLAP.(3)the two have different dataHistorical data is stored in a data warehouse: the database stored inthe daily operations is often just the latest data.3.what are the search strategies for the mining of multi-level association rules with decreasing support? What are the characteristics of each? (6 points)Answer: search strategies used in mining multilevel association rules with decreasing support include:Layer by layer independence: full width search without background knowledge of frequent itemsets for pruning. Investigate each node, regardless of whether its parent is frequent. The feature is that the condition is loose, which can result in examining a large number of non frequent items at the lower level and finding some unimportant associations: (2 points)Layer cross k- item set filtering: a k- item set of layer I is investigated, if and only if it is in the (iT) layer of the corresponding parent node, the k- itemsets are frequent. The feature is that the restrictions are too strong, and some valuable patterns may be filtered out by that method; (2 points)Layer crossing individual filtering: a layer I entry is investigated if and only if it is in the (iT) layer of the parent node that is frequent. It is a compromise between the two extreme strategies. (2 points)pared with other applications, what are the advantages of data mining in e-commerce? (6 points)A: compared to other applications, the advantages of data mining in e-commerce include:E-commerce provides huge amounts of data:Click stream (Clickstreams) will generate a large amount of data mining by e-commerce:Rich record information:Good WEB site design will help you get rich information about goods, categories, visitors, and so on;Clean data:Electronic data collected from e-commerce sites requires no manual input or integration from the historical system;Research results are easy to translate:In e-commerce, a lot of knowledge discovery can be applied directly;Investment returns are easy to measure:All the data are electronic, and it is very convenient to generate all kinds of reports and calculate all kinds of income.Five, algorithm problems (20 points)1, answer:(1)the basic steps of Aprior algorithm include connection and pruning(2)Using Apiori property, C3 is generated by L21.connection:C3=L2 L2=({A, C}, {B, C}, {B, E) {C, E), {{A, C}, {B, C}, {B, E) {C, E}} ={{A, B, C}, E)), {A, C, C, E}, {B, C, a.2.pruning with Apriori properties: all subsets of frequent itemsets must be frequent, C3,We can delete its subsets as non frequent options:The 2 subsets of (A, B, and C} are (A, B}, (A, C}, (B, , C}, where {A and B} are not elements of the L2, so delete this option;The 2 subsets of {A, C, and E} are {A, C}, {A, E}, {C,, E}, where {A and E} are not elements of the L2, so delete this option;The 2 subsets of (B, C, and E} are (B, C}, (B, E}, (C, E}, and all 2 - item subsets of it are elements of L2, so keep this option.3.this way, after pruning, you get C3= ((B, C, E))After branch, get C3= ((B, C, E))2, answer:(1) the basic strategy of decision tree induction algorithm is asfollows:The tree starts with nodes representing a single training sample.If the samples are in the same class, the node becomes a leaf and is marked with that class.Otherwise, the algorithm uses entropy based metrics that become information gain as heuristic information, and selects the attributes that best classify the samples.For each known value of the test property, create a branch and divide the sample accordingly.The algorithm uses the same procedure recursively to form a sample decision tree on each partition. Once an attribute appears on a node, it is not necessary to consider any offspring of that node.The recursive division step stops only when one of the following conditions is established:(a)all samples of a given node belong to the same class:(b)no remaining attributes can be used to further partition the samples. In this case, the nodes are converted into leaves using the class number obtained by majority voting.(c)if a branch does not have a sample, a leaf is created with the majority of the classes that it divides into prior training samples.(2) the decision tree buysPCGame is as follows:。



学科分类号110 黑龙江科技大学本科学生毕业论文题目组合数据加密方法的研究The Research of Combination DataEncryption Method姓名徐朋学号090524010223院(系)理学院专业、年级数学与应用数学09-2班指导教师张太发2015年6月12日摘要针对吕家坨井田深部开采的矿山压力问题,在区域地质构造分析的基础上,采用空芯包体测量方法,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………本文……………………………………………………………………好的效果。

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………关键词判别分析聚类分析注:关键字数量3~5个,中间空格分隔AbstractIn previous Taxonomy, it classification methods were introduced to the real life of classification issues. ……………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………..The paper …………………………………………………statistics of datas for quick computing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………Keywords Discriminant analysis Cluster analysis注:关键字与中文关键字一一对应,词组之间2个字符分隔,词组内单词之间1个字符分隔目录摘要........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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Data Mining via Geometrical Features of Segmented ImagesLuca Galli, Antonella Petrelli and Andrea ColapicchioniAdvanced Computer Systems S.p.A., Rome, Via della Bufalotta 378, Italy.The availability of new high-spatial resolution satellite sensors (e.g. IKONOS and QUICKBIRD) permits to have a large amount of very detailed digital imaging of urban environment. But, due to the higher spatial resolution, it is more difficult to apply traditional digital image investigation methods: new analysis algorithms are required to fully exploit these new data.This paper investigates the use of an object-based image analysis approach rather than the more traditional pixel-based one. The object-based approach gives more satisfactory results because spatial information is taken into account. Moreover, the group of pixels contained in each region provides a good statistical sampling of data values for more reliable characterization based on multispectral feature values. In addition, the object shape description may give an additional advice for an appropriate classification. Geometry features become as much important as increase the satellite images spatial resolution.In general, the extraction of such object oriented primary features is a difficult problem: first the image must be accurately segmented in homogeneous areas (with respect to spectral distribution and texture), and then the statistics and the shape of these areas must be extracted.For what concern the segmentation step, we developed a new hierarchical image segmentation algorithm particularly tailored for multispectral satellite images. This algorithm is based on a fast multiscale iterated weighted aggregation method developed by [1]. The image is represented as afour/eight-connected graph, where the coupling associated at each edge represents the likelihood that the corresponding pixels are separated by an edge. Segments are detected finding the cuts that minimize the “normalized cut” global objective function. This is achieved through a recursive-coarsening step, which reproduces the same minimizing problem at different scales using fewer and fewer coarse-scale representative pixels and producing an irregular pyramid. This process is defined by an interpolation rule that relates the coarse to the fine scale pixels. This rule may be interpreted as the likelihood of a fine variable to belong to a coarse scale representative pixel. As pyramid is built from bottom to top, at an appropriate level each segment will be represented through a single node. Then, the location in the image of the segments is determined by applying a top-down procedure. This is achieved by applying the interpolation rule at each segment representative pixel from the highest level downward to the image pixel level, and assigning at each image pixel the segmentation label corresponding to the highest likelihood. Although the “normalized cut” problem represents an edged-based segmentation approach, the possibility to modify the coarse coupling according to the aggregate pixels statistics introduces also a region-based method. This method, combining both region-based and edge-based approach together results well suited for complex remote sensing images, which present heterogeneous multiscale properties.We generalized the weighted aggregation method to multispectral remote sensing data choosing an appropriate spectral homogeneous criterion. The criterion is highly dependent on both the choice of “spectral closeness” metric and the statistical model used to describe the multichannel data. To this purpose, we adopted the multivariate Gaussian model, and we preferred the Bhattacharyya distance with respect to the more popular Mahalanobis one. In fact, the Bhattacharyya distance is more general,and, also, for multivariate Gaussian distribution it has a closed expression, which is an analyticalfunction of the mean and covariance matrix. Such statistical moments can be easily handled within our algorithm: since they can be computed recursively during the bottom-up pyramid building, the overall linear complexity of the segmentation process is preserved. More details can be found in [2]. In the following figure is reported both an IKONOS image of San Pietro (on the left) and the corresponding segmented image (on the right).For what concern the shape geometrical characterization, we used moment descriptors approach. These moments describe special geometric features, such as form factor, roundness or modification ratio. In particular we used both Hu and Zernike moments, which are both invariant with respect to: region absolute position, rotation and scale. Moreover, statistical mean and variance are calculated for each segment in order to give a good statistical sampling of data values for more reliable indexing based on multispectral feature values.Our segmentation method together with the shape and statistical analysis have been successfully integrated into KIM/KES, a tool developed within an ESA research project for content-based image retrieval from remote sensing large archives [3-4]. Such object-based indexing features have been easily included into the standard pixel-based indexing features used so far in KIM/KES. In fact, for each pixel inside a region is associated a unique feature vector, which characterizes the entire region (shape descriptor, mean value, standard deviation, etc.). In this way, standard class files containing the feature parameters are generated and used as the standard pixel based feature class files [4].REFERENCESFigure: IKONOS image of San Pietro (left) and the corresponding segmented image (right).[1] E. Sharon, A. Brandt, and R. Basri, “Fast multiscale image segmentation”, CVPR, I: 70-77, 2000.[2] L. Galli and D. De Candia, “Multispectral image segmentation via multiscale weighed aggregation method”, SPIE Remote Sensing Symposium, Brugge 2005.[3] M. Datcu, K. Siedel, and M. Walessa, “Spatial information retrieval from remote sensing images-Part I: information theoretical perspective”, IEEE TGRS, 1998.[4] M. Datcu, H. Daschiel, A. Pelizzari, M. Quartulli, A. Galoppo, A. Colapicchioni, M. Pastori, K. Siedel, P.G. Marchetti, and S. Delia, “Information mining in remote sensing image archivi:system concepts”, IEEE TGRS, 2003.。
