Gold Rush淘金热







二、rush作为名词的用法1. Traffic rush:交通高峰期在城市中,人们通常会面临早晚高峰时段。


我们经常听到关于交通堵塞的新闻报道:“During the morning rush, traffic came to a standstill on the highway.”(早上交通高峰期,公路上堵成停顿状态。

)2. Adrenaline rush:肾上腺素飙升当我们面对紧急情况或兴奋刺激时,体内会释放出肾上腺素从而提供额外能量和应对力。

此时我们就会感受到一种冲动和兴奋感:"I felt a sudden adrenaline rush as I jumped off the cliff."(当我从悬崖跳下来的时候,我感到了一阵突如其来的肾上腺素飙升。

)3. Gold rush:淘金热淘金热是指人们对黄金或其他贵重资源的大规模追逐。

在19世纪的美国西部,许多人因为对黄金的迷恋而涌向加利福尼亚和阿拉斯加等地进行挖掘:"The gold rush brought thousands of fortune seekers to the west."(淘金热吸引了数以千计的寻宝者涌向西部。

)4. Sugar rush:糖分过剩当我们摄取过多的甜食、含有高糖分的饮料或食品时,会出现一种暂时性的兴奋感。

这是由血液中突然增加的葡萄糖引起的:"After eating a whole pack of candy,I experienced a sugar rush."(吃完一整包糖果后,我感到一阵兴奋。



San Francisco 圣弗朗西斯科,又名“三藩市”。 初期绝大多数华人移民是为黄金而来,随着黄金
开采的难度越来越大,许多华人转而从事如餐饮、 洗烫等服务性行业。形成了华人聚居的唐人街 (Chinatown) 相对与澳洲墨尔本被称为“新金山”,贫穷的中 国农民把圣弗朗西斯科称为“旧金山”,这一称 呼沿用至今,成为中国人对圣弗朗西斯科的习惯 称呼。
西部淘金热 Gold Rush
史而言,比南北 战争更为关键, 由此导致自十字 军东征以来最为 震惊的巨大人口 移动,开启了美 国现代经济发展 之进程。
Galifornia 加利福利亚
金矿的发现者 马歇尔
歇尔在美 洲河岸上 发现了一 块天然黄 金
马歇尔晚年居住 的小屋
(版画) 淘金者用河
淘金热前后旧 金山街道对比
旧金山 San Francisco
有30万华人(多来自广东 和福建)涌入美国,大多 集中于西部,这是中国历 史上最大的一次移民潮。
哥摆脱西班牙殖民统治独立后,这块土歇尔在美洲河附近 发现一块天然金子。 此时,美国也刚刚在对墨西哥的战争中取得胜 利,加利福尼亚脱离墨西哥,作为一个州并入 美利坚合众国只是时间问题 大批年轻人在1849年动身西进,因此在美国历 史中,这些人被称为:四十九淘金者

The Gold Rush & The Gilded Age镀金时代 &淘金热

The Gold Rush & The Gilded Age镀金时代 &淘金热

The Gilded Age
• The Gilded Age, which spanned the final three decades of the nineteenth century, was one of the most dynamic, contentious, and volatile periods in American history. America's industrial economy exploded, generating unprecedented opportunities for individuals to build great fortunes but also leaving many farmers and workers struggling merely for survival. Overall national wealth increased more than fivefold, a staggering increase, but one that was accompanied by what many saw as an equally staggering disparity between the rich and the poor. Industrial giants like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller revolutionized business and ushered in the modern corporate economy, but also, ironically, sometimes destroyed free-market economic competition in the process. Record numbers of citizens voted in national elections, but the politicians they voted for were often lackluster figures who turned a blind eye to the public interest.



描写旧金山淘金的书摘要:1.旧金山淘金热的历史背景2.描写旧金山淘金的书籍推荐3.这些书籍的主要内容和特点4.对这些书籍的评价和反思正文:1.旧金山淘金热的历史背景旧金山淘金热是指19 世纪中期,美国加利福尼亚州旧金山地区发生的一场大规模淘金活动。

这一事件始于1848 年,当时一位名叫马歇尔的木匠在加州的萨克拉门托河发现了黄金。





2.描写旧金山淘金的书籍推荐以下是几本描写旧金山淘金热时期的经典文学作品:- 《加州淘金梦》(The California Gold Rush: A Narrative of the Adventures of James A.Murray)作者:詹姆斯·A·默里- 《淘金者》(The Miners)作者:弗朗西斯·布莱克- 《金山梦》(Gold Fever)作者:彼得·考伊- 《加利福尼亚淘金梦》(California Gold Rush: The Beginning of Modern California)作者:戴维·汉森3.这些书籍的主要内容和特点这些书籍以不同的角度和方式描绘了旧金山淘金热时期的生活。


- 《加州淘金梦》以第一人称叙述了默里家族在淘金热时期的经历,生动描绘了他们从东部来到加州,投身淘金事业的过程。

- 《淘金者》通过讲述一个矿工家庭的故事,展示了淘金热时期的劳动条件、生活环境以及面临的种种困难。

- 《金山梦》则通过一系列短篇故事,描绘了淘金时期的各种人物,如冒险家、骗子、妓女等,展示了那个时代的多样性和复杂性。



gold的用法【释义】goln.金;金币,黄金制品;金色,金黄色;金牌;宝贵的东西,难能可贵的人;(箭术中的)靶心adj.金色的;金制的【名】(Gold)(英、法、德、西、罗、捷、瑞典)戈尔德(人名)复数golds【短语】1Gold Coast黄金海岸;金海岸;黄金海岸市;金沙海岸2Gold medal金牌;抢金牌;金质奖章;金奖章3gold rush淘金潮;淘金热;淘金者;矿洞淘金4Black gold黑金;石油;娱乐硬件奖;不公平咖啡5The Gold Rush淘金记;淘金热;大淘金;夺金狂潮6gold standard金融金本位;金本位制;黄金标准;金本位制度7GOLD WINGS希望之翼;但愿之翼;盼望之翼8gold reserve金融黄金储备;养精蓄锐;后备金9White gold白色金;材白金;白金色;沙皇的宝藏【例句】1Gold rings adorned his fingers.他的手指上戴着几枚金戒指。

2The diamond is mounted in gold.这颗钻石镶在金饰物上。

3The price of gold was going up.黄金的价格上涨了。

4Her hair shone bronze and gold.她的头发闪耀着青铜色和金黄色的光彩。

5Britain won five gold medals.英国夺取了五块金牌。

6Inside the box was a gold watch.盒子里装着一只金表。

7They were mining for gold.他们在开采黄金。

8She walked away with the gold medal.她轻松地摘走了金牌。





以下是一些关于黄金的用法和中英文对照的例句:1. Noun:- Gold jewelry - 黄金珠宝- Gold coin - 黄金硬币- Gold bar - 黄金金条- Gold mine - 黄金矿山- Gold price - 黄金价格2. Adjective:- Gold color - 金黄色- Gold standard - 黄金标准- Gold medal - 金牌- Gold-plated - 镀金的- Gold rush - 淘金热3. Idioms:- All that glitters is not gold. - 闪光的未必都是黄金。

- Strike gold - 发财,走运- Worth its weight in gold - 价值连城的4. Example sentences:- She loves wearing gold jewelry. (她喜欢戴黄金珠宝。

)- The price of gold has been increasing steadily. (黄金价格一直在稳步上涨。

)- The Olympic champion received a gold medal. (奥运冠军获得了一枚金牌。

)- This watch has a gold-plated case. (这个手表有一个镀金的表壳。

)- Many people rushed to California during the gold rush in the 19th century. (在19世纪的淘金热中,许多人涌向加利福尼亚。




Gold rush historyThe discovery of gold in the 1850s and 60s is the most significant event in the evolution of the state of Victoria.Gold fever hitsFuelled by extravagant stories of wealth gained at the 1849 Californian gold rush, gold fever hit Victoria following the early gold discoveries in and around Clunes, Warrandyte and Ballarat. But the real rush began with the discovery of the Mount Alexander goldfield 60 kilometres north-east of Ballarat.Mt Alexander (taking in the goldfields of Castlemaine and Bendigo) was one of the world's richest shallow alluvial goldfields, yielding around four million ounces of gold, most of which was found in the first two years of the rush and within five metres of the surface. When eight tonnes of Victorian gold arrived at London's port in April 1852, the Times of London declared: '.. this is California all over again, but, it would appear, California on a larger sca le…'Nuggets of the stuffMt Alexander goldfield's largest nugget was found in 1855 at Golden Gully by some inexperienced miners who had been sent to a 'duffer' or empty claim. On just their second day digging they discovered the 1008 ounce, 'damper-shaped' nugget and named it in honour of the area's popular gold commissioner, Mr Heron.The small town of Moliagul became famous when a 69-kilogram gold nugget was found in 1869 at Bulldog Gully. Dubbed 'Welcome Stranger', the nugget was the largest in the world, though it was soon broken into pieces as the district lacked scales big enough to weigh the 60 by 30 centimetre nugget. Today the nugget would be worth over one million dollars. Population boomBy the end of 1852, 90,000 newcomers had flocked to Victoria in search of gold. Provincial cities like Ballarat and Bendigo grew, bringing railways, roads, libraries, theatres, art galleries, and stock exchanges.In the 1850s the heaviest traffic in Australia was on the road from Melbourne to Bendigo, and by the 1880s, Melbourne was christened 'Marvellous Melbourne' – one of the world's biggest, booming, and cosmopolitan cities of the era.Chinese historyDiscover the rich history and remarkable legacy of the Chinese miners who came to Victoria during the goldrush.Gardens and dragonsGet an introduction to the region's Chinese heritage in Bendigo's Chinese quarter exploring the Golden Dragon Museum and classical gardens. Visit the city's original Emu Point joss house (temple), built during the gold rush, which is still in use and has been classified by the National Trust.Stories from the graveGet a glimpse into the past at the White Hills Cemetery, Australia's largest Chinese burial ground. Pay your respects, trace family roots, and discover remnants of Chinese diggings, including circular shafts, introduced by Chinese miners for safety reasons.Learn about burial customs on a visit to the Chinese sections in Ballarat's two cemeteries. See ceremonial burning towers, read about Chinese burial customs, and get a full record of all burial sites, including names and origins.How it beganThrough the 1850s, thousands of Chinese miners arrived to prospect for gold. By 1855 nearly 19,000 Chinese had landed in the colony, and by 1857 the population had risen to 26,000.Golden Dragon MuseumMake time for the Golden Dragon Museum, a living history of the Chinese people of Bendigo from the goldrush of the 1850's to the present day.OverviewSince the goldfields in the 1850's to the present day, Chinese heritage has been an integral part of Bendigo's history.Opened in 1991, the Golden Dragon Museum aims to collect, preserve and care for materials of historical significance to the Chinese community, particularly items relevant to the goldfields region of Victoria.Unique to the museum's collection and on permanent display are Loong and Sun Loong, the world's oldest and longest imperial dragon, along with their accompanying processional regalia. This living collection is used annually in the Bendigo Easter Procession.Situated beside the Golden Dragon Museum, and designed to resemble the gardens in Beijing's famed Imperial Palace, are the serene and intimate settings of the Classical Chinese Garden.Destinations : VictoriaGoldfieldsVictoria struck it rich in the 1850s with the discovery of goldat Bendigo and Ballarat. Ballarat’s Sovereign Hill is a re-creation of an old mining town - a living museum depictinglife as it was in the gold rush days. It is simply one ofA ustralia’s best attractions and is excellent value. At thetime of writing it was $65 for a family pass and this familydid 10:00am to 5:00pm without a hint of boredom for adultsor kids (aged 9 and 5). Local people dress in clothes of theperiod to run shops, businesses and a school. They are full of historic knowledge and fond of a chat. You can pan for gold (we all got a few specks) and take tours down old gold mines (an additional $10 a family for one of them, but worth it). There’s also an evening soun d and light show, 'Blood on the Southern Cross' which depicts the Eureka Rebellion.Sovereign Hill is a place where you absorb history rather than have it taught. And what did I absorb? That the coach from Ballarat to Melbourne in those days included an overnight stop at Bacchus Marsh and cost a blacksmith a week’s wages. The trip now takes a bit over an hour and a few dollars for petrol. I also learnt that Victorian chamber pots were covered with a coloured cloth, usually red. Why? So they could be easily separated from the white table napkins when they went to the laundry. But I’m still trying to work out what a notice-board sign from 1856 means: ‘James Dakin notices the public again trusting his wife’. Curious. The old Sovereign Hill Schoolhouse is worth dropping in for a lesson.The Eureka Stockade Centre details the history of the uprising with multi-media and interactive displays.Victoria's spa country is less than an hour from Ballarat. The adjacent towns of Hepburn Springs and Daylesford have been famous for their spas for more than 100 years, and the area is thick with eucalypt forests, fern gullies and pretty farming country.Daylesford is charming, trendy, arty, lovely and ‘foody’ with seriouscoffee, homemade ice cream and relaxation with attitude. The firstsettlement was in the 1850s and 1860s by Swiss-Italians, and todaythere are plenty of restaurants, boutique shops, and cottage andcountry-house accommodation.Mineral springs were first discovered in 1836 and there are now about70 in the region, stretching as far as Kyneton. All have a differenttaste and you can take your own glass and help yourself. At theHepburn Spa Resort, you can enjoy a scented spa bath.Hanging Rock, near Mount Macedon, was made famous bythe film Picnic at Hanging Rock, based on the haunting storyof the mysterious disappearance of a group of schoolgirlsfrom a picnic around the rock in 1900. Walking tracks leadto its summit for superb views.A short, pleasant drive north takes you toCastlemaine, Maldon and Bendigo. As wellas being the ‘birthplace’ of The Wild Colonial Boy’, Castlemaine is typicalof an old goldmining town and is home to a creative community of painters,potters and other craftspeople.For visitor information, head to the original market building (1862) with its classical Roman façade.A 10 – 15 minute drive will take you to Maldon, the first town inAustralia to be declared A Notable Town by the National Trust.Like Ballarat, Bendigo is a ‘gold’ city with the architecture reflecting theprosperity of the times.On the northern outskirts, the restored Chinese Joss House recalls thepresence of the Chinese on the goldfields.。



专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4单项选择题1. ______ was the only female American prose writer in the 19th century.A.Emily DickinsonB.Jane AustinC.George EliotD.Harriet Beecher Stowe答案:D美国19世纪唯一的女散文作家是Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)。

Emily Dickirson(艾米丽·迪金森)是女诗人。


2. Harriet Beecher Stowe's works mainly focus on ______.A.romanticismB.local colourismC.naturalismD.transcendentalism答案:BHarriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)的作品充满了乡土气息。

3. Which of the following is the masterpiece by Harriet Beecher Stowe?A.Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal SwampB.Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories'C.Uncle Tom "s CabinD.The Gilded Age答案:CSwamp(《德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事》)和Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories(《山姆·罗森的炉边故事》)也是她的作品,但没有前者有名。

The Gilded Age(《镀金时代》)是Mark Twain(马克·吐温)的作品。

4. ______ is the masterpiece written by William Dean Howells.A.The Rise of Silas LaphamB.The Innocents AbroadC.The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead WisonD.The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg答案:AThe Rise of Silas Lapham(《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》)是威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯的名作。

gold rush淘金热英文简介ppt课件

gold rush淘金热英文简介ppt课件
随着时间的推移,goldbrick的词义慢慢扩大,现在用 来指“游手好闲,吊儿郎当的懒汉、怠工者或骗子”。
grassroots community就是指“基层社区”。 Grassroots这个词大家一定不陌生,直译就是流行 用语“草根”。这种说法始于19世纪处于淘金热的 美国,当时盛传山脉土壤表层草根生长茂盛的地方, 下面就蕴藏着黄金。后来“草根”一词引入社会学 领域,就被赋予了“基层”的内涵。人们平常说到 的一些民间组织,非政府组织等等一般都可以看作 是“草根阶层”。同主流、精英文化或精英阶层相 对应的弱势阶层也可以被称为“草根”。
New methods of transportation developed as steamships came into regular service. By 1869 railroads were built across the country from California to the eastern United States. Agriculture and ranching expanded throughout the state to meet the needs of the settlers. At the beginning of the Gold Rush, there was no law regarding property rights in the goldfields and a system of "staking claims" was developed. The Gold Rush also had negative effects: Native Americans were attacked and pushed off their lands and the mining has caused environmental harm. An estimated 100,000 California Indians died between 1848 and 1868 as a result of American immigration.

Gold RushPPT课件

Gold RushPPT课件
金矿被发现后,美国沸腾,世界震撼。近在 咫尺的圣弗朗西斯科首先感受到了淘金热的冲击, 几乎所有的企业停止了营业,海员把船只抛弃在 了圣弗朗西斯科湾,士兵离开了营房,仆人离开 了主人,涌向金矿发源地,农民典押田宅,拓荒 者卡垦荒地,工人扔下工具,公务员离开写字台, 甚至连传教士也离开了布道所。这股热潮一直席 卷到圣弗朗西斯科北部的俄勒冈及南部的墨西哥。
• 西进运动的开端: 淘金热是由于西进运动的发展引发的
人口迁移为开端的。在人口第三次大规模 的浪潮来临之际,美国移民萨特在加利福 尼亚的萨克拉门托附近发现了金矿,并有 冒险商人、操纵者、土地投机家布兰 那使金矿发现的消息扩大到全世界。
• Before the California Gold rush , gold was also discovered near Los Angeles and in southern California .Due To the behindhand economy ,the native Indians did not attach much importance to gold .And because of the limit of communication with other states, the news of the discovery of gold could not spread widely .
The Gold Rush Westward Expansion
• In the early 19 century , January 24, 1848 America began the west expansion .the territory of America soon expanded to the west coast of California .The unprecedented gold rush stimulated both the westward expansion and the development of the west of America .



新教材高中英语:UNIT 3 DIVERSE CULTURESⅠ.匹配词义a.单词匹配( )1.diverse bend a piece of paper,cloth etc.( )2.fortune B.adj.不同的;多种多样的( )3.journal C.n.机会;运气( )4.climate D.n. a written record of the things you do,see,etc.every day( )5.downtown E.n. the typical weather conditions in aparticular area( )6.mission F.adv.在市中心;往市中心( )7.district G.n.地区;区域( )d H.adj.温和的;和善的;轻微的( )9.afterwards I.adv.以后;后来( )10.fold J.n.传教(区);重要任务;使命[答案] 1-5 BCDEF 6-10 JGHIAb.短语匹配( )1.apart from A.仅举几例( )2.series of B.(朝……)前进;(向……)去( ) one's fortune C.寻找成功致富之路;闯世界( )4.head to D.导致;引起( )5.bring about E.一系列或一连串(事件)( ) name but a few F.除了……外(还);此外[答案] 1-6 FECBDAⅡ.默写单词1.admit vi.&vt. 承认vt. 准许进入(或加入)2.occur vi. 发生;出现 vt.&vi. 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求4.earn vt.&vi. 挣得;赚得;赢得;博得5.settle vt.&vi. 定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷) vt. 选择;挑选;选拔7.contain vt. 包含;含有;容纳8.claim vt.&n. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言9.minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人10.escape vi.&vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱Ⅰ.语境填空occur;afterwards;seek;select;diagram;claim;journal;minority;admit;escapecan be admitted as competitors.2.It occurred to me that I had forgotten our appointment.3.Many people went to San Francisco to seek their fortune when gold was discovered in California.4.Luckily,he was able to escape from the burning building.5.Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.6.Let's go to the theatre first and have a meal afterwards.7.All the results you wanted were shown in the diagram.8.It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.9.He kept a journal of his travels across Asia.10.Only a small minority of the students take part in the competition in our school.Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词1.The diversity(diverse) of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California.2.This is an article on American poetry(poet).3.He said that it definitely(definite) felt good to be invited to attend the important party.4.All the visitors kept silent when they paid a visit to the historical(history) scene.5.In the city there are two immigrant(immigrate) communities.6.The management and unions have reached a settlement(settle) over new workingconditions.7.The house is not really suitable(suit) for a large family.8.The nation wants peace;only a minority(minor) want the war to continue.9.The summer house was a simple wooden construction(construct).10.The national park has a large collection(collect) of wildlife,ranging from butterflies to elephants.1.There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills...这里有众多美丽的古建筑——许多坐落于大山之巅……2.A real mix of cultures here!这真是一场真正的文化大融合!3.In the afternoon,I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.下午,我前往当地一家博物馆参观,博物馆展示了加利福尼亚的历史变迁。


在人口第三次大规模的浪潮来临之际,美国移民萨特在加利福尼亚 的萨克拉门托附近发现了金矿,并有冒险商人、操纵者、土地投机 家布兰那使金矿发现的消息扩大到全世界。
The tramp Charlie with a large number of poor people to American Alaska gold rush, the results on the way accidentally ran into a snowstorm, Larson wanted to hide the cabin. As Charlie and its struggle.
Thas triggered by the development of the westward movement of the population migration begins.
淘金热是由于西进运动的发展引 发的人口迁移为开端的。

In a population of third times the mass of the wave approaching, USA immigrant Sutter discovered gold in the near California, Sacramento, and the message expansion of merchant adventurers, manipulator, land speculator bran that makes the gold discovery all over the world.
This is to be known to eat shoes fragment, Charlie very hungry, the leather shoes to cook and eat, and eat very happy

gold rush淘金热英文简介ppt课件

gold rush淘金热英文简介ppt课件
The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California . The first to hear confirmed information of the gold rush were the people in Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), and Latin America, who were the first to start flocking to the state in late 1848. All in all, the news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad . Of the 300,000, approximately half arrived by sea and half came from the east overland on the California Trail and the Gila River trail.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were several major gold rushes. The permanent wealth that resulted was distributed widely because of reduced migration costs and low barriers to entry. While gold mining itself was unprofitable for most diggers and mine owners, some people made large fortunes, and the merchants and transportation facilities made large profits. The resulting increase in the world's gold supply stimulated global trade and investment. Historians have written extensively about the migration, trade, colonization, and environmental history associated with gold rushes.



淘金热英语作文During the Gold Rush in the 19th century, many people flocked to California in search of their fortune. They were drawn by the promise of striking it rich by finding gold in the rivers and streams of the region.The Gold Rush brought about a massive influx of people from all over the world, including the United States, Europe, China, and South America. These prospectors, known as "forty-niners," faced harsh conditions as they pannedfor gold in the rivers and dug in the mines.Many people did not find the riches they were seeking, but a fortunate few were able to strike it rich and become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. The discovery of gold also had a lasting impact on California's economy and society, transforming it from a sparsely populated region into a thriving state.中文翻译:在19世纪的淘金热中,许多人涌向加利福尼亚,寻找他们的财富。



【世界博览】来自冰原荒野的呼唤:克朗代克的淘金大冒险在19世纪90年代克朗代克淘金热(Klondike gold rush)期间,10万名淘金者试图徒步或乘坐自制小船,穿越这片荒凉的原野。





在第一波淘金浪潮中,有一位来自旧金山,21岁,叫做杰克·伦敦(Jack London)的敦实强壮的年轻人。













1、商品特许经销dealership2、紧缩开支belt-tightening3、追逐暴利的热潮;淘金热gold rush4、出价高于(某物的)价值;出价过高overbidding5、real-estate broker 房地产经纪人6、泡沫,气泡bubble7、通货膨胀inflation8、扩大内需to expand domestic demand9、电子商务the e-business10、网上购物shopping on line(on-line shopping)11、加快经济结构调整accelerate economic restructuring12、下岗职工基本生活费subsistence allowances for laid-off workers13、离退休人员基本养老金basic pensions for retirees14、全球经济衰退the global economic slump15、扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption16、乡镇企业township enterprises17、最惠国待遇(现通常称“正常贸易关系”)MFN (most-favored-nation)treatment18、实行国民待遇grant the national treatment to19、知识产权IPRs(Intellectual property fights)20、AA制Dutch treatment;go Dutch21、按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance22、脱贫shake of poverty;lift oneself from poverty、23、拜金主义money worship24、贬值devalue,devaluate,depreciate(of a currency)25、保持国民经济发展的良好势头maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy27、重复建设building redundant projects;duplication of similar projects28、预算budget29、促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy30、打假crack down on counterfeit goods/fake products31、带薪假期paid holiday32、盗版pirated33、第三产业tertiary industry;service sector34、优化资源配置optimize the allocation of resources35、地方保护主义regional protectionism36、恶性循环vicious circle37、防伪标志anti-fake label38、反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government39、福利彩票welfare lotteries40、福利分房welfare-oriented public housing distribution system41、高新技术产业开发区high and new technology industrial development zone42、国民生产总值gross national product(GNP)43、经济复苏economic resurgence44、贸易顺差trade surplus45、贸易逆差trade deficit46、欧洲货币一体化European monetary integration47、双赢局面win-win situation48、现代企业制度modern enterprise system49、优化经济结构optimize the economic structure50、实行股份制enforce stockholding system。

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The effects of the Gold Rush were substantial. San Francisco grew from a tiny hamlet of tents to a boomtown, and roads, churches, schools and other towns were built throughout California. A system of laws and a government was created, leading to the admission of California as a state in 1850. New methods of transportation developed as steamships came into regular service and railroads were built. The business of agriculture, California's next major growth field, was started on a wide
thank you!
These early golders, called "forty-niners," traveled by sailing boat and in covered wagons across the continent, often facing substantial hardships on the trip. While most of the newly-arrived were Americans, the Gold Rush attracted tens of thousands from Latin America, Europe, Australia and Asia. At first, the prospectors retrieved the gold from streams and riverbeds using simple techniques, such as panning. More sophisticated methods of gold recovery were later developed that were adopted around the world. Gold, worth billions of today's dollars was recovered, which lead to great wealth for a few. However, many returned home with little more than they started with.
Group Members:王艺桥 赵香
• The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. News of the discovery soon spread, resulting in some 300,000 men, women, and children rest of the United States and abroad.