911 GT3 with Touring PackageYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRZCXW48Visit the following link to view your build: https://con.guratormporschemco-/porscheYcode/PRZCXW48SummaryBour 911 GT3 with Touring Package Con.guration $ase Price218,09EE Price for qDuip-ent2E Helivery0 Processing and Fandling 6ee2105zE Gas Guxxler Ta7210*EE Total PriceA21850,zEAjll infor-ation is subNect to change without noticem Ieither Porsche Cars Iorth j-erica0 Oncm nor the -anufacturer can accept liability arising fro- the use of any infor-ation contained hereinm Mnly an actual invoice issued by PCIj at the ti-e a vehicle is sold to an authorixed Porsche Center -ay be used as an oScial indication of eDuip-ent and pricingm The Total (anufacturers )uggested Retail Price U()RP! shown e7cludes ta7es0 title0 registration0 other optional or regionally reDuired eDuip-ent0 and dealer chargesm The price and availability of Ondividually Co--issioned qDuip-ent UCXX! can be deter-ined only aQer review and analysis by the -anufacturerm jctual selling prices are set by dealers and -ay varymThe Porsche 6inancial )ervices0 Oncm pay-ent esti-ator tool helps you esti-ate the pay-ent for .nance or lease transactions for new vehicles based on the variables you enter into the toolm Pay-ent sa-ples are illustrative onlym This is not an o"er of sale or lease0 e7tension of credit or a co--it-ent to o"er .nancingm qsti-ates -ay include certain ta7 credits or rebatesm jctual .nance or lease pricing will be based on the .nal negotiated price and ter-s agreed upon by you and your •m)m authorixed Porsche Centerm Ter-s o"ered by Porsche 6inancial )ervices change freDuently and the ter-s you enter -ay not be available at the ti-e you .nance or lease your Porsche vehiclem 6inancing and leasing rates will vary based on creditworthiness0 and not all applicants will Dualifym The sa-ple esti-ates e7clude any title0 ta7es0 registration0 license fees0 insurance0 e7cess -ileage charges0 TeDuip-ent accessories0 -aintenance and/or dealer feesm Io security deposit is reDuiredm Please see your •m)m authorixed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price0 your actual pay-ent0 ter-s and any special o"ersmOnfor-ation for our custo-ers:While we strive for accurate con.gurator visualixations0 there are so-e options that -ay not be rendering accurately at this ti-em We are working on this0 but in the -eanti-e0 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the .nal detailsm Thank youL911 GT3 with Touring PackageExterior Colors & WheelsCategory Mption Mption code Price Exterior Color White E®2EWheels,E³/,1³ 911 GT3 Wheels C,®)tandard qDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory Mption Mption code Price Interior Color)tandard Onterior in $lack with 6abric )eat Centers1,2E ArraySeats)port )eats Plus U4Yway!®4®)tandard qDuip-entExterior OptionsCategory Mption Mption code Price ArrayPerformance5Yspeed GT )port (anual Trans-ission GEW)tandard qDuip-entOthersCategory Mption Mption code Price Others Oncluded 6irst Bear / 1E0EEE (ile (aintenance Z1)2E911 GT3 with Touring PackageStandard EquipmentWheels°,E³/,1³ 911 GT3 WheelsWheel Accessories°Wheels Painted in )ilver°Tire Pressure (onitoring )yste- UTP()!°Tire )ealing Co-pound and jir Co-pressorSeats°Feated )eats U6ront!°Rear )eat Helete°)port )eats Plus U4Yway!Packages°Touring Package in )ilverExterior°)ide )kirts in $lack°q7terior (irror •pper Tri- in q7terior Color and ower Tri- and $ase in $lack°Window Tri- in )ilver°Rear id Grille Vertical )lat Onlays°Rear Hi"usorRoof and Transport Systems°RoofExterior Decals and Logos°Heletion of (odel Hesignation on RearPerformance°4mEY iter Iaturally jspirated $o7er 5°RearYWheel Hrive°Pj)( )port )uspension U owered ,E--!° ightweight )tainless )teel )port q7haust )yste- with Two Central Tailpipes in Figh Gloss )ilver°Power )teering Plus°Rear j7le )teering with )port )etup°$rakes with Calipers in Red°15m9 Gallon 6uel Tank° ightweight $attery i6ePM4°5Yspeed GT )port (anual Trans-ission911 GT3 with Touring Package Lights and Vision° qH Feadlights with Ontegrated 4YPoint Hayti-e Running ights°³PMR)CFq³ ogo on Rear 6ascia in Figh Gloss )ilver°³PMR)CFq³ ogo on Rear in Figh Gloss )ilver°(anually Hi--ing Onterior (irror°q7terior (irrors°Windshield with Grey Top Tint° ightweight and Ioise Onsulated GlassInterior Packages and Trim°Onterior Tri- Onlays in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-Seat Belts and Seat Design°Porsche Crest on Feadrests U6ront!Steering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector°)teering Wheel and Gear ever in $lack eather°)teering Wheel Colu-n with (anual jdNust-ents°GTY)peci.c (anual Gear ever in $lack eather with $oot in $lack eatherInterior°Roof ining in 6abric°HoorY)ill Guards in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-°6loor (atsAssistance Systems°Reversing Ca-era°Cruise ControlInterior Comfort°Fo-e ink°,YZone juto-atic Cli-ate Control°Particle/Pollen 6ilter with jctive Carbon 6ilter°IonY)-oking PackageAudio and Communication°Iavigation (odule for Porsche Co--unication (anage-ent UPC(!°Voice Control°)ound Package Plus°)-artphone Ontegration°•)$YC PortsOthers911 GT3 with Touring Package °Tire Valve in )ilver911 GT3 with Touring PackageTechnical DataFotor$ore1E,mE --)troke81mz --Hisplace-ent30995 cc(a7m power zE, hp(a7m power at rp-804EE rp-(a7m engine speed90EEE rp-(a7m torDue345 lbYQ(a7m torDue at rp-501EE rp-(a7m power per liter1,zmz hp/luel ConsumptionqPj Hisclai-er qPj esti-ates not yet availablemBodyength18EmE inWidth w/ -irrors folded*,m9 inWidth*9m8 inFeight zEm4 inWheelbase95m* inTurning circle dia-eter34m1 QCurb weight30,,3 lbGross Vehicle Weight Rating UGVWR!30834 lb(a7i-u- load511 lb911 GT3 with Touring PackageCapacities6ront luggage co-part-ent volu-e4m5 Q6uel tank15m9 galPerformanceTop track speed Uwith su--er tires!199 -phE Y 5E -ph3m* sTerrain eaturesjpproach / departure angle Usteel suspension!5m3 Y 9m4Ra-p breakYover angle Usteel suspension!1Em5(a7m ground clearance Usteel suspension!3m9 inSer/ice and Warrantyi-ited vehicle warranty 4 years/zE0EEE -iles Uwhichever co-es .rst! including ,4Yhour roadside assistance progra-(ain service interval Porsche Cars Iorth j-erica o"ers service and -aintenance packages in a variety of ter-sto -atch your intended usagem Please see your authorixed Porsche Healer for details andavailabilitymi-ited paint warranty 4 years/zE0EEE -iles Uwhichever co-es .rst!i-ited corrosion warranty1, years/unli-ited -iles911 GT3 with Touring Package911 GT3 with Touring Package911 GT3 with Touring Package。
2014年Porsche 911 GT3(991)维护手册说明书
as of 2014modelVehicle Ident.No.Work instruction for order no.o Maintenance at 40000,80000,120000,160000km /24000,48000,72000,96000miles etc.(Labour operation:031600..)For descriptions of the individual maintenance tasks,see PIWIS Information System Workshop Manual Note:If the mileage for a regular service is not reached,maintenance must be carried out after 4,8,12......years.The term "checking"includes all necessary subsequent work,such as adjusting,readjusting,correcting and topping up,but does not include repairing,replacing and reconditioning parts or assemblies.üElectricsWindscreen wiper/washer system,headlight cleaning system:check functionHorn:check functionTyres:check tyre pressure (TPM)Diagnostic system:read out fault memory;reset maintenance intervalInside the vehicleParticle filter:replace filter elementSeat belts:check function and conditionDoor locks:check functionLuggage compartmentCheck front lid lock and safety hook of the front lid to ensure that they are secure and function properly Replace air intake pre-filterWindscreen wiper/washer system:check fluid level;check window cleaner and antifreeze,depending on time of year,only use windscreen cleaners approved by PorscheOutside the vehicleMix fuel in fuel tank with additive [Keropur from Porsche,Part No.00004320689(China only)]Check wiper bladesAll headlights:check adjustmentRadiators and air intakes:visual inspection for external contamination and blockageBrake system:check brake pads and brake discs for wearBrake hoses:visual inspection for damageCheck central lock on wheelsUnder the vehicleDrain engine oilChange oil filterUnderbody panels:visual inspection for completeness,secure installation and damageTyres:check conditionVisual inspection for leaks from underneath (oils and other fluids)Brake lines:visual inspection for damage,routing and corrosionSteering gear:visual inspection of the bellows for damageTie rod joints:check play and dust bellowsDrive shafts:visual inspection of the boots for leaks and damageAxle joints:check the play and visually inspect the dust boots for damageRear-axle steering:check bellows,dust boots and play on jointsCheck that threaded connections for chassis adjustment at front and rear are secureCheck vehicle heightExhaust system:visual inspection for leaks and damage,check engine mountControl boxes for exhaust flaps:check functionas of 2014modelVehicle Ident.No.Work instruction for order no.Engine compartmentAir cleaner:replace filter elementsReplace drive beltFill in engine oilThrottle housing:clean inside (China only)Fuel lines and connections:visual inspectionCoolant:check level and antifreeze*For country allocation,see overview of A,B and C marketsas of 2014modelVehicle Ident.No.Work instructionfor order no.o Additional maintenance every 2years (Labour operation:035100..)Change brake fluid (use only original Porsche brake fluid)Prepare condition report for long-life guaranteeTyre sealing compound:check use-by date and replace if necessaryo Additional maintenance for spark plugs every 20000km /12000miles or every year(Labour operation:038100..)Replace spark plugso Additional maintenance every 80000km /48000mls or every 6years(Labour operation:038200..)PDK transmission:change clutch fluido Additional maintenance every 120000km /72000mls or every 4years(Labour operation:038500..)Ancillary unit mounts and chassis:visual inspection of all rubber mountings and boots for damageo Additional maintenance every 160000km /96000mls or every 12years(Labour operation:038600..)PDK transmission:change transmission oilSignature (mechanic):Test drive:Remote control,front seats,electric parking brake and foot brake (also actuation travel),engine,steering,transmission,cruise control,ESC Off switch,ESC +TC Off switch,PASM switch,PDK Sport switch,Lift switch,sports exhaust system,heating,air conditioning and instruments:check functionOils,fluids:visual inspection for leaksSignature (final check):Porsche Centre。
宝 马
宝 马的正式汉字全称为巴伐利亚収劢机制造
宝 马
厂股份有限公司(德文:Bayerische Motoren Werke AG),是德国一家丐界知 名的豪华汽车和 摩托车制造商, 总部位亍巴伐利 亚的慕尼黑。宝 马经常被昵称为 Bimmer,品牌 在中国大陆、香港不早年的台湾又常称为宝马。
宝 马
在中国市场能看到的宝马分为1系,3系,5系,6系,7系, X1,X3,X5,X6,Z4和M1,M3,M5,M6,X5M,X6M
宝 马 Z4
2011款宝马z4使用的是来自亍宝马的3.0升双涡轮增压6汽缸 収劢机,最大输出功率达到335马力,扭 矩峰值为332磅·英 尺(瞬间最大值可以达到369磅·英尺),配合一款7档双离 合器自劢变速箱, 宝马Z4 sDrive35is 能够在4.7秒之内从 静止加速到60英里 每小时的速度,幵 丏最高速度可以达 到155英里每小时 (折合为250 公里每小时)
宾利 雅骏
宾利 雅致
宾利 布鲁克兰
宾利为Brooklands配备了源自雅致的6.75L V8发动机,在机械涡沦双 增加的设计下,可以输出530马力/4000rpm的最大功率,并且3250rpm 达到1050牛米的 最大扭矩。其搭 配了ZF的6挡手 自一体动变速箱 让足有2.65吨的 宾利Brooklands 从0到100km/h仅 为5.3秒,极速接 近300km/h。
保时捷911新款发布会策划方案保时捷911 2021新款Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet产品公布会策划方案目录一、活动背景 (1)二、公关目的 (1)三、活动主题 (1)四、活动概况/形式 (2)1. 活动概况 (2)2. 活动场地 (2)3. 邀请来宾范畴 (2)4. 主持人〔举荐〕 (2)五、活动流程 (3)1. 活动流程表 (3)2. 环节细节 (4)六、活动项目治理 (6)1. 活动进程表 (6)2. 活动现场布置 (7)3. 宣传方式 (8)4. 活动当天应急处理规划方案 (8)5. 所需物料要求 (9)七、人员安排 (9)1. 所需人员要求 (9)2. 人员着装要求 (10)3. 活动分工 (10)八、经费预算 (10)一、活动背景(1)为了践履「当造型完美时,性能就会相伴而至」的「纯种跑车」造车工艺精神,费迪南•保时捷自立门户,造就了跑车的不朽巨人——保时捷。
而不随波逐流,坚持自我的创新精神,那么促使着保时捷不断向完美靠得更近,产生了无可替代的新款保时捷911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet。
新款保时捷911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet是最经典的保时捷911系列的新成员,拥有优良的血统及杰出的运动风格,将跑车技术和日常有用性巧妙融合;而新款保时捷911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet那么在原有基础上打破常规诉求,将舒服典雅与强劲运动完美结合,拥有自由悠闲,经典而又不凡的专门气质。
(3)鉴于保时捷911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet在核心消费群及市场定位上要紧为高端人群,因此需要一个简约、典雅、专门、为其量身定做的产品公布仪式,表达出保时捷的品质感,同时使上市消息在目标人群中传播,使目标人群了解到这款新车的特性及与旧款保时捷911系列的不同之处。
波士奇911 Targa 4商品说明书
Specifications Porsche 911 Targa 4*Body:Two-plus-two seat Targa with steel rollover protection bar andretractable central roof section; lightweight body in intelligentaluminum-steel construction with wings, doors, boot and bonnetlids made of aluminum; two-stage driver and front passengerairbags; side and head airbags for driver and front passenger. Aerodynamics:Drag coefficient c d:0.30Frontal area A: 2.05 m2cx A:0.62dEngine:Water-cooled flat-six engine; aluminum engine block and cylinderheads; four overhead camshafts, four valves per cylinder; variableinlet and outlet valve timing, inlet valve lift (VarioCam Plus);hydraulic valve clearance adjustment; direct petrol injection; bi-turbo charging; one three-way catalytic converter per cylinderbank, each with two oxygen sensors; engine oil 13.1 liters (refillvolume 8.0 liters); electronic ignition with solid-state ignitiondistribution (six active ignition modules); thermal managementfor coolant circulation; auto start/stop function.Bore91.0 mmStroke76.4 mmDisplacement2,981 cm3Compression ratio10:1Engine power370 hp (272 kW) at 6,500 rpmMax. torque450 Nm at 1,700 – 5,000 rpmPower output per liter124.1 hp/l (91.2 kW/l)Max. engine speed7,500 rpmFuel type super plusElectrical system:12 Volt; alternator 2,450 W; battery 80 Ah;electrical system recuperation.* Specifications may vary according to marketsStatus: January 2016Power transmission:Engine and transmission bolted together to form a single driveunit; active all-wheel drive with electro-hydraulically actuated,map-controlled multi-plate clutch (PTM); seven-speed manualtransmission with two-plate clutch; optional seven-speed dualclutch transmission (PDK)Gear ratios Manual transmission PDK1st gear 3.91 3.912nd gear 2.29 2.293rd gear 1.58 1.584th gear 1.18 1.185th gear 0.940.946th gear 0.790.797th gear 0.620.62Reverse 3.55 3.55Constant RA ratio 1.16 1.16Total RA ratio 3.09 3.09Final drive ratio,front axle 3.46 3.46Clutch diameter228 mm202/153 mm Chassis:Front axle: strut suspension (MacPherson type, Porsche opti -mized) with wheels independently suspended by transverselinks, longitudinal links and struts; cylindrical coil springs withinternal dampers; electromechanical power steering; optionalfront axle lift system.Rear axle: multi-link suspension with wheels independentlysuspended on five links; cylindrical coil springs with coaxialinternal dampers.Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) with electro -nically controlled dampers; two manually selectable dampingprograms.Brakes:Dual-circuit brake system with separate circuits for front andrear axles; Porsche Stability Management (PSM); vacuum brake booster; brake assistant; electric duo-servo parking brake; auto-h old function; post-collision braking system.Front axle: four-piston aluminum monobloc brake calipers, per -forated and internally ventilated brake discs with 330 mm dia -meter and 34 mm thickness.Rear axle: four-piston aluminum monobloc brake calipers, per -forated and internally ventilated brake discs with 330 mm dia -meter and 28 mm thickness.Wheels and tires:front8.5 J x 19 with 235/40 ZR 19rear 11.5 J x 19 with 295/35 ZR 19Weights:Unladen weight (DIN) 1,570 (1,590) kgPermissible gross weight2,000 (2,015) kg Dimensions:L ength 4,499 mmWidth 1,852 mm Width with door mirrors 1,978 mm Height 1,288 mm Wheelbase 2,450 mm T rack widths front1,541 mm rear1,558 mm Luggage comp. capacity front125 l rear 160 lFuel tank capacity68 l (67 l)(Refill volume)Values in brackets refer to vehicles with PDK transmission.Performance figures:Top speed289 (287) km/hAcceleration0 – 100 km/h 4.7 (4.5) swith Sport Plus and PDK 4.3 s0 – 200 km/h16.5 (16.0) swith Sport Plus and PDK15.7 s0 – 60 mph 4.5 (4.3) swith Sport Plus and PDK 4.1 s1/4 mile (400 m)12.9 (12.7) swith Sport Plus and PDK12.6 sFuel consumption:Combined 8.9 (7.9) l/100 km (NEDC)Urban12.4 (10.3) l/100 kmExtra-urban 6.9 (6.5) l/100 km emissions:Combined 206 (182) g/km CO2Emissions class:Euro 6 Values in brackets refer to vehicles with PDK transmission.。
页码 4
技术数据 (续)
车身 长度 宽度 高度 风阻系数 (Cd) 轴距 空载重量 (德国工业标准) 空载重量 (根据欧盟指令) 容许总重
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) 保时捷双离合器变速 箱
4,509 mm 1,852 mm 1,291 mm 0.3 2,450 mm TBA
页码 9
标准配置选项 (续)
安全性 • 针对驾驶员和前排乘客的标准安全气囊 (两级) • 保时捷侧撞保护系统 (POSIP),包括车门内的侧撞保护元件、集成在前排座椅侧垫中的胸部安全 气囊、集成在车门板内部的驾驶员和前排乘客头部安全气囊 • 前后排 3 点式自动安全带,安全带扣安装在座椅上 • 前排安全带预紧器和限力装置 • 后排 ISOFIX 儿童座椅安装系统固定点和顶部系带固定点 (仅限硬顶车型) • 发动机防盗装置,带遥控中控锁和警报系统,含有基于雷达的车内监控功能 • 集成在固定式可拆卸顶篷防滚条中的翻滚保护系统 • 遥控中控锁
空调 • 驾驶员和前排乘客双区域自动恒温空调,可以单独设置温度,自动空气再循环模式包含空气质量 传感器 • 微粒/花粉过滤器,具备活性碳过滤器 • 绿色隔热玻璃 • 加热式后窗 • 灰色挡风玻璃
内饰 • 驾驶员与前排乘客侧的运动型座椅升级版,包含升高的侧垫、电动靠背与高度调节、手动前/后 调节。 带黑色刺绣“GTS”标志的座椅头枕。带银灰色漆饰的靠背板 • 黑色内饰,特定部件采用 Alcantara 面料:前后排座椅中央、门把手、车门面板扶手、方向盘轮 圈、选档杆、中控台主储物箱盖 (部分) • 分开折叠式后排座椅 • 黑色电镀拉丝铝合金仪表板饰条和中控台饰板 • 带手动高度和前/后调节功能的 SportDesign 方向盘 • 黑色织物车顶衬里 • 各个车门中的储物箱 • 可锁大手套箱 • 三个 12 V 插座 (前排乘客脚坑、手套箱以及带盖子的中控台主储物箱) • 带车型名称的黑色车门槛护板 • 座椅靠背和 B 柱上的衣帽挂钩 • 升降式中控台,包含一个不带盖子的储物箱和一个带有盖子的储物箱,带 12V 插座和两个单独 的杯座 (前排座椅侧、与仪表板饰条是一体的) • 三个 12 V 插座 (前排乘客脚坑、手套箱以及带盖子的中控台主储物箱)
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 配置说明书
911 GT3 RSYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRLFYJ45Visit the following link to view your build: https://conagur.tormporschemco-/porscheBcode/PRLFYJ45SummaryYour 911 GT3 RS Conagur.tion$.se Price2,4103EEPrice for qDuip-ent2EHelivery0 Processing .nd 6.ndling Fee210z5EG.s Guxxler T.7210*EETot.l PriceA2,440z5EAjll infor-.tion is subNect to ch.nge without noticem Ieither Porsche C.rs Iorth j-eric.0 Oncm nor the -.nuf.cturer c.n .ccept li.bility .rising fro- the use of .ny infor-.tion cont.ined hereinm Mnly .n .ctu.l invoice issued by PCIj .t the ti-e . vehicle is sold to .n .uthorixed Porsche Center -.y be used .s .n o(ci.l indic.tion of eDuip-ent .nd pricingm The Tot.l ).nuf.cturers Suggested Ret.il Price X)SRPU shown e7cludes t.7es0 title0 registr.tion0 other option.l or region.lly reDuired eDuip-ent0 .nd de.ler ch.rgesm The price .nd .v.il.bility of Ondividu.lly Co--issioned qDuip-ent XCWWU c.n be deter-ined only .!er review .nd .n.lysis by the -.nuf.cturerm jctu.l selling prices .re set by de.lers .nd -.y v.rymThe Porsche Fin.nci.l Services0 Oncm p.y-ent esti-.tor tool helps you esti-.te the p.y-ent for an.nce or le.se tr.ns.ctions for new vehicles b.sed on the v.ri.bles you enter into the toolm P.y-ent s.-ples .re illustr.tive onlym This is not .n oQer of s.le or le.se0 e7tension of credit or . co--it-ent to oQer an.ncingm qsti-.tes -.y include cert.in t.7 credits or reb.tesm jctu.l an.nce or le.se pricing will be b.sed on the an.l negoti.ted price .nd ter-s .greed upon by you .nd your "mSm .uthorixed Porsche Centerm Ter-s oQered by Porsche Fin.nci.l Services ch.nge freDuently .nd the ter-s you enter -.y not be .v.il.ble .t the ti-e you an.nce or le.se your Porsche vehiclem Fin.ncing .nd le.sing r.tes will v.ry b.sed on creditworthiness0 .nd not .ll .pplic.nts will Du.lifym The s.-ple esti-.tes e7clude .ny title0 t.7es0 registr.tion0 license fees0 insur.nce0 e7cess -ile.ge ch.rges0 TeDuip-ent .ccessories0 -.inten.nce .nd/or de.ler feesm Io security deposit is reDuiredm Ple.se see your "mSm .uthorixed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price0 your .ctu.l p.y-ent0 ter-s .nd .ny speci.l oQersmOnfor-.tion for our custo-ers:Khile we strive for .ccur.te conagur.tor visu.lix.tions0 there .re so-e options th.t -.y not be rendering .ccur.tely .t this ti-em Ke .re working on this0 but in the -e.nti-e0 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the an.l det.ilsm Th.nk youZ911 GT3 RSExterior Colors & WheelsC.tegory Mption Mption code Price Exterior Color Khite E•2EWheels,E+/,1+ GT3 RS Forged jlu-inu- Kheels5zPSt.nd.rd qDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsC.tegory Mption Mption code PriceInterior Color St.nd.rd Onterior with R.ceBTe7 .nd Stitching in GT Silver,,2E ArraySeats Full $ucket Se.ts•18St.nd.rd qDuip-entExterior OptionsC.tegory Mption Mption code PricePerformance*Bspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung XPH8U G1CSt.nd.rd qDuip-entOthersC.tegory Mption Mption code Price Others Oncluded First Ye.r / 1E0EEE )ile ).inten.nce®1S2E911 GT3 RSStandard Equipment Wheels°,E+/,1+ GT3 RS Forged jlu-inu- KheelsWheel Accessories°Kheels P.inted in Silver°Tire Pressure )onitoring Syste- XTP)SU°Tire Se.ling Co-pound .nd jir Co-pressorSeats°Full $ucket Se.ts°Re.r Se.t HeleteExterior°q7terior )irror Lower Tri- in q7terior Color .nd $.se in $l.ck°Kindow Tri- in S.tin $l.ck°q7clusive Hesign Fuel C.p°Re.r HiQusorRoof and Transport Systems° C.rbon Fiber Roof P.inted in q7terior Color with Contoured Sh.peExterior Decals and Logos°+GT3 RS+ Side Hec.l in Hevi.ted Color°)odel Hesign.tion on Re.r F.sci. in S.tin $l.ckPerformance°4mEBLiter I.tur.lly jspir.ted $o7er z°Re.rBKheel Hrive°PjS) Sport Suspension XLowered ,E--U°Porsche TorDue Vectoring Plus XPTV U°Chrono P.ck.ge with Prep.r.tion for L.p Trigger°Lightweight St.inless Steel Sport t Syste- with Two Centr.l T.ilpipes in $l.ck°Power Steering Plus°Re.r j7le Steering with Sport Setup°$r.kes with C.lipers in Red°1zm9 G.llon Fuel T.nk°Lightweight $.ttery LiFePM4°*Bspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung XPH8U°4mEBliter n.tur.lly .spir.ted bo7er z°51 hp / 34, lbB!911 GT3 RS Lights and Vision°LqH 6e.dlights with Ontegr.ted 4BPoint H.yti-e Running Lights°+PMRSC6q+ Logo on Re.r F.sci. in S.tin $l.ck°).nu.lly Hi--ing Onterior )irror°q7terior )irrors°Lightweight .nd Ioise Onsul.ted Gl.ssInterior Packages and Trim°Onterior Tri- in ).tte C.rbon FiberSteering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector°GT Sport Steering Kheel in $l.ck R.ceBTe7°Steering Kheel Colu-n with ).nu.l jdNust-ents°Ge.r Selector in $l.ck R.ceBTe7Interior°Roof Lining in R.ceBTe7°HoorBSill Gu.rds in C.rbon Fiber°Floor ).tsAssistance Systems°Reversing C.-er.°Cruise ControlInterior Comfort°6o-eLink°,B®one juto-.tic Cli-.te Control°P.rticle/Pollen Filter with jctive C.rbon Filter°IonBS-oking P.ck.geAudio and Communication°I.vig.tion )odule for Porsche Co--unic.tion ).n.ge-ent XPC)U°Voice Control°Sound P.ck.ge Plus°S-.rtphone Ontegr.tion°"S$BC PortsOthers°Tire V.lve in Silver911 GT3 RSTechnical DataFotor$ore1E,mE --Stroke 1m5 --Hispl.ce-ent3099z cc).7m power51 hp).7m power .t rp- 05EE rp-).7m engine speed90EEE rp-).7m torDue34, lbB!).7m torDue .t rp-z03EE rp-).7m power per liter1,9m5 hp/lBuel ConsumptionqPj Hiscl.i-er qPj esti-.tes not yet .v.il.blemodyLength1 EmE inKidth w/ -irrors folded*4m inKidth*9m in6eight5,m1 inKheelb.se9zm* inTurning circle di.-eter34m5 !Curb weight30,z lbGross Vehicle Keight R.ting XGVKRU3095* lb).7i-u- lo.d z 9 lb911 GT3 RSCapacitiesFuel t.nk1zm9 g.lPerformanceTop tr.ck speed Xwith su--er tiresU1 4 -phE B zE -ph3mE s1/4 -ile with Sport Chrono P.ck.ge1Em9 sTerrain Beaturesjppro.ch / dep.rture .ngle Xsteel suspensionU zm, B 9mR.-p bre.kBover .ngle Xsteel suspensionU1Emz).7m ground cle.r.nce Xsteel suspensionU3m9 inSer/ice and WarrantyLi-ited vehicle w.rr.nty 4 ye.rs/5E0EEE -iles Xwhichever co-es arstU including ,4Bhour ro.dside .ssist.nce progr.-).in service interv.l Porsche C.rs Iorth j-eric. oQers service .nd -.inten.nce p.ck.ges in . v.riety of ter-sto -.tch your intended us.gem Ple.se see your .uthorixed Porsche He.ler for det.ils .nd.v.il.bilitymLi-ited p.int w.rr.nty 4 ye.rs/5E0EEE -iles Xwhichever co-es arstULi-ited corrosion w.rr.nty1, ye.rs/unli-ited -iles911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RS。
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 技术数据发布说明书
Press Release 16 July 2020911 GT3 RS: Fuel consumption combined 13.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined 303 g/kmPreview, IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, Round 3, Sebring (USA)Porsche aims to top the leaderboard at round three of the seasonStuttgart. After a successful restart to the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Champion-ship, Porsche is eager to take the lead of the manufacturers’ classification at round three in Sebring (USA). After yielding two podium results in the GTLM class from the first two races held at America’s motor racing stronghold, Daytona, the factory squad of the sports car manufacturer is just one point off the lead with the ca. 515 hp Porsche 911 RSR. At the second race in Florida within two weeks, two works-run RSR from Weissach as well as a customer vehicle will be fielded. In the GTD class, Wright Motorsports campaigns a 911 GT3 R.The raceThe Sebring International Raceway throws major challenges at man and machine. About one third of the 6.02-kilometre racetrack consists of old concrete slabs, which were previously part of the runway at the former Hendricks Army Airfield. These wash-board-like sections of the track cause hefty vibrations. Due to this special feature, the racetrack about 100 kilometres south of Orlando is often mentioned on social media with the hashtag #RespectTheBumps. For the engineers of the works team, the emphasis is on finding a suitable setup for the kinematics of the 911 RSR. Porsche is the most successful manufacturer on the storied circuit, which has regularly hosted endurance races since 1950. So far, the Stuttgart marque has netted 18 outright wins and 72 class victories at Sebring. In the last two years, the Porsche 911 RSR has dominated the GTLM class at the twelve-hour race. The “Sebring 240” on 18 July is contested over just two hours and 40 minutes. The long-distance classic over twelvehours, originally scheduled for March, has been pushed to 14 November at the same venue as a season finale.The Porsche GT Team driversWorks drivers Earl Bamber (New Zealand) and Laurens Vanthoor (Belgium) share driving duties in the No. 912 Porsche 911 RSR. The reigning GTLM-class champions have scored second place at the first two rounds of the season in Daytona and cur-rently lead the drivers’ championship. Briton Nick Tandy and Frédéric Makowiecki from France are keen to claim their first win of the season with the No. 911 sister car. The pair concluded the 24-hour race at the end of January and the race over 2:40 hours in Daytona on 4 July in third place. In the manufacturers’ classification, Porsche currently ranks third, just one point behind the joint leaders BMW and Corvette. At round three in Sebring, the North American factory squad now aims to bring home the first IMSA win with the new Porsche 911 RSR.The customer teamIn the GTD class, the seasoned customer team Wright Motorsports again fields a 500+hp Porsche 911 GT3 R at the third round of the North American sports car series. The squad from the U.S. state of Ohio entrust the cockpit to works driver Patrick Long and his compatriot Ryan Hardwick. The team currently ranks fourth in the class for vehicles compliant with the GT3 regulations.Live streaming of the raceRound three of the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship at Sebring takes off on Saturday, 18 July, at 5:35 p.m. local time (11:35 p.m. CEST). The race over 2:40 hours can be viewed outside the USA and Canada on .The schedule (local time, CEST: -6 hours)Friday, 17 July6.00 - 7:00 p.m. – Free practiceSaturday, 18 July10:00 - 11:15 a.m. – Free practice1:55 - 2:10 p.m. – Qualifying GTD2:20 - 2:35 p.m. – Qualifying GTLM2:45 - 3:00 p.m. – Qualifying DPi/LMP25:35 - 8:15 p.m. – RaceThe Porsche 911 RSRThe new Porsche 911 RSR (2019 model year) celebrated its debut in the IMSA SportsCar Championship at the 24 Hours of Daytona. The vehicle from Weissach, which produces around 515 hp depending on the air restrictor, is based on the high-performance 911 GT3 RS* road-going sports car. Compared to its extremely success-ful predecessor model, the car received improvements, most notably to areas such as driveability, efficiency, ergonomics and serviceability. About 95 percent of all compo-nents are new. The 911 RSR is powered by a 4.2-litre, six-cylinder boxer engine.This is the IMSA SportsCar ChampionshipThe IMSA SportsCar Championship was founded in the USA and Canada in 2013 after the merger of the American Le Mans Series and the Grand-Am Series. A year later the new sports car race series, which is organised by the International Motor Sports Asso-ciation (IMSA), was contested for the first time. Sports prototypes and sports cars start in four different classes: GTLM (GT Le Mans), GTD (GT Daytona), Dpi (Daytona Pro-totype international) and LMP2 (Le Mans Prototype 2). The new Porsche 911 RSR is fielded in the GTLM class, and the Porsche 911 GT3 R contests the GTD class. The Porsche GT Team tackles the 2020 season in North America as the title defenders in the manufacturers’, drivers’ and team classifications.Comments prior to the racePascal Zurlinden (Director Factory Motorsport):“We claimed podium spots at the first two races in Daytona and by now we’re the only manufacturer to finish on the podium at all races. The 2020 season has started very well. Now there’s just one thingmissing: We want to achieve the first win in the USA for the 2019-spec Porsche 911 RSR. Our factory squad in North America did an exceptional job under difficult condi-tions recently. I’m sure that our team will put in another strong performance at Sebring. I’m particularly pleased that the IMSA management and the local authorities have man-aged to make real motor racing possible again with a well thought-out health-protection concept. A huge thank you to all involved.”Steffen Höllwarth (Head of Operations IMSA Championship):“The IMSA races now come in quick succession. After the successful Daytona events, we’re travelling to our next mission in Sebring feeling very good. We’ve won the twelve-hour race on this track in the past two years. However, the weather conditions were different be-cause the long-distance classic was contested in the cooler month of March. Like at Daytona recently, we have to be prepared for heat and thunderstorms at the Sebring Sebring International Raceway. Due to the compact weekend programme, it’ll be im-portant to sort ourselves out in the first free practice. There’s barely any time for de-tailed analyses or extensive setup changes. If you’re fast from the get-go, you have the best chance of beating the tough competition in the GTLM class.”Nick Tandy (Porsche 911 RSR #911):“We’re coming to Sebring as the winners of the last two twelve-hour events. That feels great. We’re extremely motivated. Sebring is one of my all-time favourites. We want to continue our good run on this ‘mogul terrain’ as seamlessly as possible. Our new 2019-spec Porsche 911 RSR is sure to cope very well with the special Sebring conditions. We aim to score the first win of the season.”Frédéric Makowiecki (Porsche 911 RSR #911):“At the last two races in Daytona, we were a bit off with our strategy, and that impacted the result. But, there is no doubt that our Porsche 911 RSR has everything it needs to succeed in the cutthroat GTLM-class competition. We aim to prove this at the next race by continuing our winning streak there and taking the lead with the latest version of the RSR for the first time in the 2020 season. Sebring is our track!”Earl Bamber (Porsche 911 RSR #912):“After two double podium results fo r the Por-sche 911 RSR at the first two rounds of the season, our goal is clear: we want to clinch the first win. The signs look good. Our car is definitely competitive. Porsche has won the Sebring 12 Hours in recent years, and our tests there with the new vehicle ran well. The heat will certainly be difficult to cope with. The name of the game on this extremely challenging and bumpy racetrack is to maintain full concentration at all times. That’ll be a key factor to a possible success.”Laurens Vanthoor (Porsche 911 RSR #912):“In view of the heat forecast for Sebring, it’ll be extremely exhausting. At Daytona recently, it was very warm, but there were more opportunities there for us drivers to catch our breath. That is certainly not the case at Sebring. Because of these conditions, the teams might opt for an additional driver change. On the other hand, we’re now in the lead after two second places. If we keep finishing second and defend the title, I could easily live with that.”Further information, film and photo material in the Porsche Newsroom: . The Twitter channel @PorscheRaces provides live updates from Porsche Motorsport with the latest infor-mation and photos from racetracks around the world.The consumption and CO2 emission values were determined in accordance with the new Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). The NEDC values derived from this should continue to be specified for the time being. These values cannot be compared to the values determined in ac-cordance with the NEDC measuring procedure used up to now.Further information on the official fuel consumption and official, specific CO2 emissions of new passen-ger cars is avai lable in the publication entitled “Guide on the fuel economy, CO2 emissions and power consumption of all new passenger car models offered for sale on the German market”, which is available free of charge from all sales outlets and from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT).。
保时捷911 Turbo
完全升起,悬架也更加紧绷——它比我想像中 更加低矮和坚实。然而得益于自适应减振器, 它的舒适性仍然可以接受,当然它也足够坚 硬,在车辆通过隆起的驼峰路面时你会清晰地 感觉到它的轮胎已经离开了路面。
这辆车的极限似乎深不可测,部分原因是 它装备了PDCC保时捷动态底盘控制系统(加 2185英镑选装)。这套系统通过巧妙地控制 令这款后置发动机跑车在弯中呈现了几乎中性 的状态,完全没有了之前911车系那种在弯道 中的不确定性。在运动底盘模式下,991车系 继承的那一点点后置发动机跑车的特质也消失 殆尽。我不得不承认保时捷工程师的工作相当 奏效,在多数情况下这种感觉令人印象深刻。 但我还是喜欢将悬架及PDCC置于普通模式, 这样车辆不会过于生硬,而且如果这车没有 PDCC的话,它会搏得我更多的好感。
保时捷911 Turbo
全新383kW的911 Turbo降临,虽然没有S后缀,
文/Henry Catchpole 译当我走出办公室准备回家的时候,才发现 万圣节深夜的天气是如此令人沮丧。天空飘着 点点细雨,月亮躲在乌云之中,干枯的树枝在 寒风中瑟瑟发抖,像极了恐怖小说中的某个十 月的夜晚。当然,对于911 Turbo来说,这样 的夜晚似乎不足为虑。
2014 Porsche 911 Turbo
下图:选装的PDCC系统有效 地抑制了车身侧倾;sport plus 按钮(运动计时套件中的一部 分)的悬架设定比运动模式还 要硬,进一步提高了车辆的稳 定性
竟在哪儿。在普通路面上,它那令人难以置信 的操控性以及横向加速度足以令你为之抓狂。 你甚至会感觉开过它之后,自己的驾驶水平都 提高了不少。但是与GT3不同的是,你从来不 会在Turbo身上找到那种掌控一切的感觉—— 那些令人眼花缭乱的辅助系统替你做了大部分 的功课,或者可以这么理解:保时捷的工程师 认为你是这套完美系统中最脆弱的一个环节。
湖北汽车工业学院汽车造型设计概论-------------保时捷汽车设计发展演变史指导教师:学生姓名:学号:保时捷汽车造型发展演变过程1990 年巴黎车展上展出的罗纳尔/ 保时捷电动车。
1928 年身兼戴姆勒克莱斯勒技术指导、董事会成员等职的费迪南德·保时捷发明了传奇的梅赛德斯SS和SSK 机械增压跑车。
1933 年计划生产32 型轿车,这就是大众的鼻祖。
1938 年在费迪南德·保时捷的指导下,建造了第一家生产大众汽车的工厂,此间60 型轿车日渐成熟,并确立了最终造型。
1948 年在费利·保时捷的领导下,一款以大众部件为基础的356跑车诞生了。
1950 年保时捷公司迁回斯图加特,开始了保时捷历史的新篇章。
1953 年保时捷 550 spyder ,装备有1.5升发动机,4 个凸轮轴,110匹马力。
1961 年保时捷开始研发6 缸发动机的车,车身设计有费利·保时捷的儿子——亚历山大·保时捷来进行。
1962 年保时捷推出首款F1 赛车的804 F1( 八缸引擎)1963 年保时捷推出赛车904 GTS,采用2.0升水平对置四缸发动机。
在赛车上的造型还是比较夸张的,车灯计较大,由于发动机性能的提升,产生大量的热需要散热,前脸的进气格栅出现1963 年法兰克福车展保时捷推出356接班人911,尾部安装平置风冷发动机,并于次年开始生产。
保时捷欲收购大众,反被大众收购保时捷公司 2009年保时捷被德国大众公司合并。
保时捷918Spyder外形采用Carrera GT设计元素,918 Spyder混合动力概念车“披挂”两种发动机:一台500马力的V8汽油发动机和两台动力输出可达218马力的电动机。
有了高达718马力的动力输出,918 Spyder概念车0-100公里加速仅需3.2秒,最大时速达到317公里。
车型介绍1.卡宴 Cayenne SUV (2011)3.0L排量V型6缸3.0T8速手自一体96万最高车速2394.8L排量V型8缸S4.8/Turbo8速手自一体150/200万最高车速258/278前置四驱4846 *1939*1705 油耗12.9/14.3/14.7缸内直喷/铝气缸3.0L排量最大扭矩(Nm)440 最大功率(Kw)245 0~100km/h 7.0S4.8L排量最大扭矩(Nm)500/ 700最大功率(Kw)294 /3680~100km/h5.9S/4.7S 注: 3.0T为机械增压。
PORSCHE new 911 Targa
PO RS( H E n e w 9 11 T a rg a
保 时捷继前不 久发布改款后 的
0 9 款 Ca r r e r a 和 Ca r r e r a 4 系 列 之 后 , 最 近 又 宣 布推 出 9 1 l Ta r g a 系 列改款 车 , 包括 Ta r g a 4 和 Ta r g a 4 S 。 外 观 上 的最 大 亮 点 当属 新 的玻 璃 顶 , 它
四 门豪华风
La m b o r g h in i E 款 4 门 跑车之 后 , 兰博基尼 也不 甘示 弱在
兰 博基 尼 Es t o q u e 将采 用来 自 Ga l l a r d o L P 5 6 0 - 4 的 V1 0 发 动 机 , 最
的面 积达 到
由两 部 分 组 成 ,
包括 前部优雅 的滑 动式天 窗和 后 面 的
j 山 :c
t ^ T舟
上 _、 — …
备 防 UV 辐 射 和 隔 热 的 功 效 。 其 他 改
变还 包 括 新 的 LED 照 明 系 统 以及 略做
改进 的前后保险杠。 这款车的内部最
吸 引 人 的地 方 当然 是 7 速 P DK 变速 器
和直喷发动机 了 , 这两 项技术不 仅提
高 了 车辆 的性 能 ,而 且 可 以 节 约 燃油 。
Ta r g a 4 与 T a r g a 4 S 分 别搭载 3 .6 L 及
£L ∑ — 上 J n
I ,盘
J 1
保时捷(Porsche)是世界著名的高端汽车企业,以开发、生产和营销豪华跑车和运动型越野车为主,总部位于德国斯图加特市,由费迪南德·保时捷(Ferdinand Porsche)创办。
最便宜的福特车Ford Ka12年前,第一代的福特Ka面世。
根据我们从其他方面得到的信息:福特欧洲分部还计划在将来推出高性能版的Ka ST,搭载性能版菲亚特500 Abarth的1.4L机械增压发动机,最大输出功率约150hp。
预计Ka ST的0~100km/h加速不会超过8s,而最高车速将超过200km/h。
法拉利500?Fiat 500s归属菲亚特集团的法拉利汽车近日为风靡全球的菲亚特500小车换了一副外表,结果是如此的惊人和令人震撼。
911 Dakar Porsche配置说明书
911 DakarYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PR8ILFX2Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheOcode.PR8ILFX2911 DakarExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite QZWheels19O.2QOSoll Dakar wheels /ainted in Batin Alack and TllO5errain tyres E85Btandard qxui/-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price2bInterior Colours & Materials RaceO5e, interior /ackage with e,tensive ite-s in leather3 stiching BhadeOgreen ArraySeats Full Kucket seats Z1(Btandard qxui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance8Os/eed Porsche Do//elku//lung )PD(G•1•Btandard qxui/-ent911 DakarStandard Equipment WheelsM19O.2QOSoll Dakar wheels /ainted in Batin Alack and TllO5errain tyresWheel AccessoriesM0heel centre set with fullOcolour Porsche CrestM5yre Pressure Nonitoring Byste- )5PNGSeatsM Full Kucket seatsM6o rear seatsExterior designM0heel arch cover in Alack and sideskirts in Alack with inlays in stainless steelM q,terior -irror lower tri- /ainted in e,terior colour including Nirror Aase in AlackM Bide 0indow 5ri-s in AlackM q,clusive Design Fuel Filler Ca/M Rear lid grille with vertical slats in Batin AlackM Rear Di+usor in Louvered DesignRoof and transport systemsM Tlu-inu- roofM Preexui/-ent Roof 5rans/ort Byste- including roof electripcation with e,ternal /ower connection Lettering and decalsM Nodel designation on rear tri- in Batin AlackPowertrain & PerformanceM HOcylinder Ko,er engine with twinOturKo3 dis/lace-ent: bmQ litresM TllOwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiO/late clutch Porsche 5raction Nanage-ent )P5NGM Porsche Tctive Bus/ension Nanage-ent )PTBNG and raised )‘EQ--GM Porsche 5orxue Vectoring Plus )P5V PlusGM Porsche Dyna-ic Chassis Control )PDCCGM Li’ing syste- front and rear a,leM B/ort Chrono Package inclm -ode switchM B/orts e,haust syste- )tail/i/es in AlackGM Power steering /lusM RearOT,le BteeringM Arake syste- with Arake Cali/ers /ainted in RedM AatteryM8Os/eed Porsche Do//elku//lung )PD(G911 Dakar Lights & VisionM5inted LqD Nain 'eadlights with Natri, Aea- including Porsche Dyna-ic Light Byste- Plus )PDLB PlusG M5aillight stri/ with jPWRBC'qz letteringM®PWRBC'q® logo /ainted in satin AlackM Tuto-atically di--ing interior and e,terior -irrors with integrated rain sensorM qlectric folding e,terior -irrors inclm courtesy lightingM0indscreen with grey to/ tintM Lightweight and noise insulated glassInterior packages & decors/materialsM Interior tri- in Klack Krushed alu-inu-M DashKoard 5ri- Package LeatherSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerM'eated •5 B/orts Bteering 0heel RaceO5e,M Bteering wheel with -anual fore.a’ and height ad4ust-entM PD( •ear Belector Tlu-iniu-Interior designM Beat Kelt /retensionersM Instru-ent dial KlackM Co-/ass instru-ent dial.B/ort Chrono sto/watch instru-ent dial KlackM Roof lining in RaceO5e,M TirKagsM Pedals Tlu-iniu-M Door sill guards in Krushed alu-inu- in Alack with ®911 Dakar® -odel designationM Bun Visors RaceO5e,M Floor -ats frontAssistance systemsM ParkTssist )front and rearG with visual and audiKle warningM Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityM Light design /ackageM5woOUone auto-atic cli-ate controlM Particle./ollen plter with active carKon plterM6onOs-oking /ackageInfotainmentM6avigation 'ighM Voice ControlM AWBq7 Burround Bound Byste-M B-art/hone integration911 Dakar M°BAOC /orts911 DakarDechnical 1ata Power unit6u-Ker of cylinders HAore91mQ --Btroke₂Hm³ --Dis/lace-ent23981 c-Y Power )k0G bEb k0Power )PBG³8Q PBRPN /oint -a,i-u- /ower H3EQQ 1.-in Na,i-u- engine s/eed₂3EQQ 1.-in Na,m torxue E₂Q 6-RPN range -a,i-u- torxue23bQQ O E3QQQ 1.-in Na,m out/ut /er liter )k0.lG118mQQ k0.l Na,m out/ut /er liter )PB.lG1H1mQQ PB.lConsumption/Emissions26W, e-issions11m8 -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLDP(Fuel consu-/tion urKan19m³ O 19m³ l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion suKurK1Qm₂ O 1Qm₂ l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion e,tra urKan9mE O 9mE l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion highway1Qm1 O 1Qm1 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion co-Kined11mb O 11mb l.1QQ k-CW2Oe-issions low )0L5PG³³Q O ³³Q g.k-CW2Oe-issions -ediu- )0L5PG2³b O 2³b g.k-911 Dakar CW2Oe-issions high )0L5PG21H O 21H g.k-CW2Oe-issions e,tra high )0L5PG229 O 229 g.k-CW2Oe-issions co-Kined )0L5PG2EH O 2EH g.k-Sound leTel Utype approTed based on N-5R )2BBound level of stationary vehicle9³ dA)TG Bound level of stationary vehicle )r/-G b3b2E 1.-in Bound level of /assing vehicle₂1 dA)TGConsumption/Emissions UECEBFuel consu-/tion urKan1Em2 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion e,traOurKan₂m8 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion co-Kined1QmE l.1QQ k-CW2 e-issions co-Kined2b9 g.k-3odyLength³3EbQ --0idth138H³ --0idth )with -irrorsG23Qbb --'eight13bb8 --0heelKase23³EQ --5urning circle1Qm₂ -°nladen weight )DI6G13HQE kg°nladen weight )q°G113H8Q kgPer-issiKle gross weight139HQ kg Na,i-u- load bEE kg911 DakarNa,i-u- /er-issiKle roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste-₂E kgCapacitiesLuggage co-/art-ent volu-e3 front1b2 lFuel tank H₂ lPerformance5o/ s/eed2³Q k-.hTcceleration Q O HQ -/h bm2 sTcceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h bm³ sTcceleration Q O 1HQ k-.h₂m8 sTcceleration Q O 2QQ k-.h12mQ sInOgear acceleration )8QO12Qk-.hG )EQO₂E -/hG2m2 s1.³ -ile11mH sDerrain featuresBlo/e angle3 front.rear steel sus/ension1³m2 O 1Hm³Ra-/ Kreak over angle steel sus/ension1Hm2Na,m ground clearance steel sus/ension1H1 --1mData deter-ined in accordance with the -easure-ent -ethod rexuired Ky lawm Bince 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q1₂ certain new cars have Keen ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide 'ar-onised Light Vehicles 5est Procedure )0L5PG3 a -ore realistic test /rocedure to -easure fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-issionsm Ts of 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q18 the 0L5P re/laced the 6ew quro/ean Driving Cycle )6qDCGm Due to the -ore realistic test conditions3 the fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-ission values deter-ined in accordance with the 0L5P will3 in -any cases3 Ke higher than those deter-ined in accordance with the 6qDCm 5his -ay lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle ta,ation fro- 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q18m ou can pnd -ore infor-ation on the di+erence Ketween 0L5P and 6qDC at wwm/orschemco-.wlt/ Currently3 we are still oKliged to /rovide the 6qDC values3 regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess usedm 5he additional re/orting of the 0L5P values is voluntary until their oKligatory usem Ts far as new cars )which are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0L5PG are concerned3 the 6qDC values will3 therefore3 Ke derived fro- the 0L5P values during the transition /eriodm 5o the e,tent that 6qDC values are given as ranges3 these do not relate to a single3 individual car and do not constitute /art of the o+erm 5hey are intended solely as a -eans of co-/aring di+erent ty/es of vehiclem q,tra features and accessories attach-ents3 tyre for-ats3 etcmG can change relevant vehicle /ara-eters such as weight3 rolling resistance and aerodyna-ics and3 in addition to weather and tra c conditions3 as well as individual handling3 can a+ect the fuel.electricity consu-/tion3 CW e-issions and /erfor-ance values of a carm2m5hese values corres/ond to your current conpgurationm If you add or re-ove exui/-ent this -ay change the values currently shownmbmAodybm10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation onlym W/tional exui/-ent increases this pgurem 5he pgure given includes ₂Ekg for the driver911 Dakar911 Dakar911 DakarPorsche Code: PR8ILFX2 11。
下面是店铺带来关于保时捷广告词的内容,希望能让大家有所收获!保时捷广告词1. 唯保时捷才能胜保时捷。
(only Porsche can beat Porsche.)2. 911 Turbo—创造经典止于至善3. ayenne—无畏无极4. Targa—向往自然更享于自我5. 新款Cayman S—个性鲜明6. 保时捷Panamera—至善者不息汽车的广告语(优秀篇)1. 洒脱流畅的线条汇集于一处:与您心灵相约-------奔驰CLS级轿跑车2. 诱惑的真谛-------奔驰CLS级轿跑车3. 超越极限-------新一代梅赛德斯-奔驰E级轿车4. 独乐乐不如众乐乐-------奔驰GL级豪华越野车5. 凌厉线条,诠释硬朗本色-------奔驰GLK级豪华中型SUV6. 为路而生,道路就在脚下-------奔驰新款M级越野车7. 一个充满无尽可能的世界,从此开始-------奔驰R级“豪华运动旅行车”(Grand Sports Tourer)8. 领先,因为不断向前-------奔驰S级轿车9. 未来的安全技术,已用于今天的汽车。
-------奔驰S级轿车10. 征服目标去攀登新的高峰-------奔驰SL敞篷跑车11. 从赛车运动到汽车传奇-------奔驰SL敞篷跑车12. 完美享受由此触动-------奔驰SLK敞篷跑车13. 微笑的曲线,让一切变得简单明了-------奔驰SLK敞篷跑车14. Poetry in motion ,dancing close to me。
15. 领导时代,驾驭未来16. The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spirit17. 胜无止境18. 悠久传统与精彩设计,“美丽永恒”19. 前所未有,因为之前所有20. 时尚线条汇聚于您的心灵21. 极致乐趣的极限跑车—“传统与创新的融合22. 一个了不起的开始汽车的广告语(精选篇)1. 别克君威汽车广告语———心致行随,动静合一2. 雅阁汽车广告语―――激活新力量新雅阁新力量新登场3. 马自达6汽车广告语―――魅力科技4. 蒙迪欧汽车广告语―――领先在于你的魄力5. 宝来汽车广告语―――驾驶者之车快并快乐着6. 别克凯越汽车广告语———全情全力,志在进取7. 赛纳汽车广告语―――常规由我定动感与美感无须取舍8. 宝来汽车广告语―――驾驶者之车快并快乐着9. 阳光汽车广告语―――体验阳光生活10. 日产汽车广告语―――超越平凡,卓越优逸11. 福美来汽车广告语―――和谐灵动,君子风范和谐生活新成员12. 千里马汽车广告语―――雷霆动力,纵情千里13. 千里马ii汽车广告语―――心有多野未来就有多远14. 威驰汽车广告语―――领先科技的全球轿车让生活乐在新风15. 飞度汽车广告语―――外在动人,内在动心16. 依兰特汽车广告语―――给我一个美名送你一部靓车17. 周末风汽车广告语―――空间超乎想象生活飞越平凡18. 赛欧汽车广告语———优质新生活19. 菱帅汽车广告语―――人性化科技20. polo汽车广告语----同polo一样古怪精灵21. 嘉年华汽车广告语―――一路激情共精彩22. 威姿汽车广告语―――超越期待的经典车23. 高尔夫汽车广告语―――很生活--世界经典两厢车杰作天成一见如故24. 高尔汽车广告语―――实在,反而更难得我的动感高尔与众不同无需潮流只要始终经典猜你感兴趣的:1.关于汽车的励志小故事2.奥迪汽车营销策划范文3.汽车活动方案范文4.国内外知名汽车广告词5.宝马英文广告语。
红衣女郎——2010款保时捷911 GT3
红衣女郎——2010款保时捷911 GT3
【摘要】继保时捷911 Carrera和targa之后,911 GT3也获得了一次中期改款。
沿袭保时捷的传统,改款后的911 GT3在外观上与旧款没有特别显著的区别,只
1.保时捷911 GT3&GT3 RS [J],
2.保时捷911GT3 [J], ;
3.保时捷911 GT3 RS [J],
4.生于赛道——全新保时捷911 GT3 [J], 徐飞
5.新款保时捷911 GT3 RS [J],