
英语口语情景对话40篇1. 在机场接人A: Hi, are you John from Marketing?B: Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you.A: Likewise. Let's get your luggage and head to the car.2. 在餐厅点餐A: Can I have the vegetarian lasagna, please?B: Of course, would you like a side salad with that?A: That sounds great, thank you.3. 在办公室讨论工作A: I've finished the report you asked for. Do you want to go over it now?B: Sure, let's take a look. I have a few minutes before my next meeting.4. 在银行开账户A: I'd like to open a savings account. What do I need to do?B: You'll need to fill out this form and provide two forms of ID.5. 在健身房询问器械使用A: Excuse me, do you know how to use this machine?B: Yes, I do. Let me show you the basics.6. 在超市寻找商品A: Do you know where I can find the peanut butter?B: It's in aisle 3, next to the jelly.7. 在电影院讨论电影A: That movie was intense. What did you think?B: I agree. The plot was really well thought out.8. 在图书馆借书A: Can I check out this book on art history?B: Sure, just show me your library card.A: How's your coffee?B: It's perfect, just the way I like it.10. 在公园散步B: Me too. It's a great place to relax and think.(文档将继续包含其他30个情景对话,每个对话都围绕不同的日常场景,以提供丰富的口语练习材料。

常用场景英语对话15篇以下是一些常见场景的英语对话,供您参考:1. 餐厅A: Welcome to our restaurant. How many are in your party?B: There are four of us.A: Right this way. Here's your table. Can I get you something to drink?B: Yes, I'll have a coke, please.2. 商店购物A: Can I help you find anything?B: Yes, I'm looking for a new pair of jeans.A: We have a variety of styles. What size are you looking for? B: I'm a size 32/34.3. 图书馆A: Excuse me, do you know where I can find books on history? B: Yes, the history section is on the second floor.A: Thank you.4. 电影院A: Hi, can I get two tickets for the 7 pm showing of Avengers: Endgame?B: Sure, that will be 20.A: Here you go.B: Enjoy the movie!5. 旅游A: Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest train station?B: It's just a few blocks down this street. You can't miss it. A: Thank you.6. 医院A: I'm not feeling well. I have a fever and a sore throat.B: I think you should see a doctor. Let me make anappointment for you.7. 机场A: Excuse me, where can I check in for my flight to New York? B: The check-in counter for all domestic flights is on the second floor.A: Thank you.8. 体育馆A: Is this seat taken?B: No, you can sit here.9. 公园A: What a beautiful day! Would you like to go for a walk inthe park?B: That sounds like a great idea.10. 教室A: Excuse me, can you explain this concept to me? I don't understand.B: Of course, let me break it down for you.11. 办公室A: Good morning, do you have a minute to discuss this project? B: Sure, come on in.12. 电影院A: What movie do you want to see?B: I heard that the new Spider-Man movie is really good.13. 火车站A: Excuse me, when does the next train to London leave?B: The next train departs in 15 minutes.14. 邮局A: I would like to send this package to Australia.B: Sure, let me weigh it and calculate the shipping cost foryou.15. 酒店A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name Smith.B: Yes, I see it here. Your room is on the third floor.这只是一些常见的场景,您可以根据需要添加更多的对话。

(完整版)十个英语情景对话情景一A:你是北京交通职业技术学院的学生李磊,被派往机场迎接来自哈佛大学的White 教授。
B:你是来自哈佛大学的White 教授,你感谢李磊来接机。
情景二A:你是学校秘书王小姐,见到了来自哈佛大学的White 教授,你邀请他周日参加你们学校50周年校庆,并在周日下午做一个关于Lifelong Study 的讲座。
B:你是哈佛大学的White 教授,你被邀请周日参加北京交通职业技术学院50周年校庆,并在周日下午做一个关于Lifelong Study 的讲座。
B: 你是Jennie, 你邀请你周日一起去看京剧,你表示感谢并询问见面的时间地点等内容。
你请李磊留下来吃晚餐,并欢迎你经常来做客.情景六A:你是ABC公司总经理秘书Annie, 你接到了来自客户Tommy的电话,他想和总经理谈一下订单发货的事情,但经理在开会。

简单的情景对话1. 那我就来写一个在餐厅里发生的简单情景对话吧。
2. 我刚走进餐厅,服务员就热情地迎了上来,满脸笑容地说:“您好,欢迎光临!请问您几位用餐呀?”3. 我回答说:“就我一个人呢。
”4. 服务员就把我带到了一个靠窗的小桌子旁,然后递过来一份菜单,说:“这是我们的菜单,您先看看想吃点啥。
”5. 我打开菜单,看了看,发现有一道菜叫“番茄牛腩”,图片看起来特别诱人。
”6. 服务员在小本子上快速地记了下来,然后说:“好的,先生/女士。
不过我们的番茄牛腩可能需要稍微等一会儿,因为是现做的,可以吗?”7. 我连忙说:“行,没问题,只要好吃就行。
”8. 过了一会儿,服务员端着我的可乐走了过来,放在桌子上说:“您的冰可乐先给您上了,菜马上就好。
”9. 我笑着说:“谢谢啊。
10. 又过了大概十几分钟,服务员端着热气腾腾的番茄牛腩套餐走了过来,一边放一边说:“您的番茄牛腩套餐来了,请慢用。
”11. 我看着那一大盘番茄牛腩,里面的牛腩块头很大,番茄红红的,汤汁看起来很浓稠。
”12. 服务员笑着说:“我们厨师做这个菜可拿手了,您尝尝看。
”13. 我拿起筷子,夹了一块牛腩放进嘴里,嚼了嚼,感觉牛腩炖得特别烂,味道也很足。
”14. 服务员听了很开心地说:“您吃得开心就好。
”15. 我点点头说:“好的,谢谢啦。
”16. 这就是一个很简单的在餐厅里发生的情景对话,从进门点餐到上菜,每句话都很普通但是很实用,就像我们日常生活中经常会遇到的情况一样。

B: 我要去上海。
A: 请问你的护照和机票在哪里?
B: 在这里。
A: 好的,请把行李放到这里,我帮你称重。
2. 在餐馆
A: 您好,请问几位?
B: 三位。
A: 请问需要点些什么?
C: 我们想要一份烤鸭和一碗米饭。
A: 好的,您还需要别的吗?
C: 再来一份青菜。
3. 在超市
A: 你好,请问你需要什么帮助?
B: 我想买一些蔬菜和水果。
A: 这边是蔬菜区,你可以挑选你喜欢的蔬菜。
B: 好的,我想要一些西红柿、黄瓜和胡萝卜。
A: 这边是水果区,你可以看看这些水果。
B: 好的,我想要一些苹果和香蕉。
4. 在银行
A: 你好,请问你要办理什么业务?
B: 我想要开一个储蓄账户。
A: 好的,请给我你的身份证和家庭住址。
B: 在这里。
A: 好的,我们将为您开立一个储蓄账户,并为您办理相关手续。
5. 在医院
A: 您好,请问你有什么身体不适?
B: 我感到头晕和恶心。
A: 好的,请跟我来到医生办公室,医生会为您做一次全面的身体检查。
B: 谢谢。

1、情景对话:你和我一起度过浪漫的蜜月之旅吧小杨: Congratulations guy! You are not a single man now.恭喜你!你现在不再是单身汉了。
小李: Thank you. I am now planning my honeymoon, do you have any good idea?谢谢你。
我在计划蜜月之旅,你有什么好主意吗?小杨: Yes, you can go to Erhai Lake, Yunnan province.是的,你可以去云南的洱海。
小李: Is there any special?有什么特别的吗?小杨: Well,Erhai Lake is the largest highland lake next to Dianchi and one of the seven biggest fresh water lakes in China. It is like a crescent lying between Cangshan and Dali city as seen from Cangshan Mount. In a sunny day, the crystal waters of Erhai Lake and the snow mantled Cangshan Mount radiate with each other. Thus the scene was commonly described as 'Silver Cangshan and Jade Erhai'.恩,洱海临近滇池,是最大的高原湖泊,中国七大淡水湖之一。
小李: It sounds quite picturesque.听起来风景如画。

关于沟通的情景对话1.A: 你觉得我们现在做的项目进展如何?B: 我觉得进展有点慢,需要更多的协调和沟通才能提高效率。
2.A: 你能不能给我详细解释一下这个新产品的功能?B: 当然,这个产品可以实现XX功能,并且还具备XX特点。
3.A: 我们的团队合作中有些问题,你有什么建议吗?B: 我觉得我们可以加强沟通,每周定期开会讨论项目进展,同时提出自己的想法和困难。
4.A: 我们之间的沟通好像有些误会,你能告诉我你的想法吗?B: 当然,我觉得我们在沟通过程中可能存在一些理解上的偏差,我们可以重新梳理一下想法。
5.A: 昨天开的会上有些观点我觉得有问题,你怎么看?B: 我理解你的担忧,我们可以单独商讨一下你的观点,并寻找一个更好的解决方案。
6.A: 我需要你的帮助,能否安排一下时间进行讨论?B: 当然,我可以安排一个专门的时间与你沟通,听取你的需求并给予帮助。
7.A: 我觉得我们的进度有点缓慢,你有什么建议吗?B: 我同意我们需要加快进度,我们可以制定一个更紧凑的计划,并且确保每个人都清楚自己的任务。
8.A: 这个项目的目标是什么?我们是否达到了目标?B: 我们的目标是XXX,但是我们还没有完全达到。
9.A: 上次沟通中有些问题没有解决,你能再帮我解答一下吗?B: 当然,很抱歉上次没有解决好问题。
10.A: 你怎么看待我们团队之间的沟通效果?B: 我觉得我们的沟通效果还不错,但还有提升的空间。

常见的英语日常口语情景对话:1. 在咖啡馆点咖啡:A: Hi, I'd like a black coffee, please.B: Sure, would you like it hot or iced?A: Hot, please.B: Sure, anything else?A: No, that's all.2. 在超市购物:A: Excuse me, where can I find the dairy products?B: They're in aisle 3, on the left-hand side.A: Thank you!3. 在餐厅点餐:A: What do you recommend from the menu?B: The steak is popular, and the pasta is really good too.A: I'll have the pasta, please. How long will it take?B: It should be ready in about 15 minutes.4. 在公交车站询问路线:A: Excuse me, how can I get to the city center from here?B: You can take bus number 10, it will take you directly there.A: Thank you! Is this the right bus stop?B: Yes, it is.5. 在医生办公室:A: I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at 2 p.m.B: Please have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly.A: Thank you.6. 在机场办理登机手续:A: Hi, I'm flying to London. Where can I check in?B: The check-in counters for international flights are in the next hall.A: Thank you!7. 在银行办理业务:A: I'd like to open a savings account, please.B: Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have any identification documents with you? A: Yes, here's my passport.8. 在健身房:A: Hi, I'm interested in signing up for a gym membership.B: Great! We have different membership options. What are your fitness goals?A: I want to work on strength training and cardio.9. 在旅游中心咨询:A: Can you recommend any must-see attractions in this city?B: Of course! The historical museum and the botanical gardens are highly recommended. A: Thank you! Are they within walking distance?10. 在家庭聚餐中:A: The food you cooked is delicious!B: Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Would you like some more?A: Yes, please. This is really tasty.。

对话:A: Hi, nice to meet you! 我是Alice,很高兴认识你。
B: Nice to meet you too, Alice! 我是Bob,来自澳大利亚。
A: Oh, that's interesting! 你来这里是旅游吗?B: 是的,我是来旅游的。
A: Wow, 一周时间很长啊。
你觉得这里怎么样?B: 我觉得这里非常美丽,人们也很友好。
对话:A: Excuse me, could you help me with this shirt? 我对这件衬衫很感兴趣,你能帮我吗?B: Sure, what size are you looking for? 你想要什么尺码的?A: I think medium should be fine. 我觉得中号应该合适。
B: Here you go. Do you want to try it on? 给你。
你想试穿一下吗?A: Yes, please. Where is the fitting room? 是的,请问试衣间在哪里?B: It's just over there. 这边就是试衣间。
A: Thank you. Can I pay with credit card? 谢谢你。
我可以用信用卡付款吗?B: Of course. We accept all major credit cards. 当然可以。

英语情景对话200句1、Hang on for a while. 稍微等一会儿。
2、Be careful. 小心。
3、See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。
4、Sure, no problem. 当然,没问题。
5、Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
8. Excuse me! 打扰一下!6、Never mind. 没关系。
7、What kind of juice? 什么果汁?8、Stop running! 别跑。
9、I got cold. 我发烧了。
10、See you next week. 下周见。
11、It’s cold / hot. 天气冷 / 热。
12、Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 你好,见到你真高兴。
13、I am the first! 我是第一名!14、Come on. / come here, please. 请过来。
15、I love you!我爱你!16、Say it in English. 用英语说。
17、You are fast.你很快。
18、OK,Stop!好了,停!19、Where are you going? 你去哪里?20、You are right. 你是正确的。
21、Who want to try? 谁想试试?22、How are you? I am fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
23、I want to go to the toilet. 我想上厕所。
24、Wait a while. 等一会儿。
25、Do I need keep the toys? 要收玩具吗?26、Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。
27、I am full. 我吃饱了。


语文情景对话练习一、购物对话A: 你好,请问你们这里有百科全书吗?B: 是的,我们有几种不同的百科全书,你需要哪一种?A: 我需要一本关于科学和历史的百科全书。
B: 这样的话,我建议你选择这套《世界科学与历史百科全书》。
A: 好的,请给我看一下。
B: 当然,请跟我来。
二、学校问候对话A: 早上好,李老师。
B: 哇!谢谢大家,你们真是太感动我了。
A: 这只是我们对您的一点心意,希望您喜欢。
B: 当然喜欢!我真的非常感激你们的关心和祝福。
A: 李老师,您辛苦了!祝您生日快乐!B: 谢谢你们!你们是我最优秀的学生,我为你们感到骄傲。
三、家长会对话A: 那天的家长会你参加了吗?B: 当然参加了。
A: 那你觉得哪个建议对你印象最深?B: 我觉得老师强调了家庭阅读的重要性,他们建议我们每晚都花时间陪孩子读书。
A: 这是一个很好的建议。
B: 是的,我们现在每天都会和孩子一起读书,不仅增加了亲子互动,还让孩子的语文水平有所提高。
A: 那真是太好了,家庭教育对孩子的成长有着很重要的影响。
四、求助对话A: 你好,请问你能帮我解答一个问题吗?B: 当然可以,你有什么问题?A: 我在写作文的时候遇到了一个词,不太确定它的意思。
B: 没问题,请告诉我你遇到的词是什么。
A: 我遇到的词是“赋予”,我不太明白它的意思。
B: “赋予”是指给予或赐予某人某种权利、性质、特征等。
A: 哦,原来是这个意思。
谢谢你的帮助!B: 不客气,如果你还有其他问题,随时可以来找我。

情景对话的练习练习1:在咖啡馆A: 早上好!你是不是Lisa?B: 是的,你就是Tom吧?A: 是的,很高兴见到你。
你喜欢咖啡吗?B: 是的,我很喜欢咖啡。
你喜欢喝什么呢?A: 我这次尝试了一种新的拿铁咖啡,很好喝。
你要不要尝尝?B: 当然,我也点一杯拿铁咖啡吧。
练习2:在商场购物A: 你看,这件衬衫很适合你。
B: 是的,我也觉得它很不错。
请问有没有M号的?A: 让我看看……是的,有一件。
B: 好的,请拿给我试试看。
A: 这是您的衬衫。
怎么样,合适吗?B: 是的,和我想象的一样。
练习3:在机场A: 打扰一下,请问这个航班的登机口在哪里?B: 它在2号登机口,您只需顺着这条走道直走。
A: 谢谢你!请问这个航班几点起飞?B: 它计划在14:30起飞,请您提前到达登机口。
练习4:在餐厅用餐A: 这是我们的菜单,请问需要些时间吗?B: 我们还没有决定,请给我们几分钟时间。
A: 没问题,请您慢慢看。
B: 我们决定了,我要一份牛排,她要一份意大利面。
练习5:在火车站买票A: 请问去北京的火车票还有吗?B: 抱歉,目前只有晚上9点的一趟票。
A: 好的,请给我两张。
B: 这是您的票,一共是200元。
练习6:在医生办公室A: 医生,我感觉头痛和喉咙痛。
B: 让我给你听听呼吸声。
A: 那我该怎么办?B: 我会给你开些药物来减轻症状。
练习7:在旅游中心咨询A: 你好,请问你们这里有哪些旅游景点?B: 我们这里有古城、博物馆、和自然公园等。
A: 我对自然公园很感兴趣。
请问它们在哪里?B: 有一个在市中心,还有一个在离市区不远的山区。
练习8:在银行办理业务A: 我想办理一个存款账户,请问需要什么材料?B: 您需要提供身份证明和地址证明。
A: 这是我的身份证和水费账单。
B: 好的,请等一下,我会为您办理。
练习9:在学校图书馆借书A: 借书证怎么办理?B: 您需要填写一份表格,提供您的身份证明和学生证。

英语情景对话大全对话1:在餐馆点菜A: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. How many are in your party?B: There are four of us.A: Great. Please follow me to your table. Here are the menus.B: Thank you. What do you recommend?A: Our chef"s special today is the grilled salmon. It"s very popular.B: That sounds delicious. I"ll have the grilled salmon. A: Excellent choice. And for the rest of you?C: I"ll have the chicken curry.D: I"ll have the steak.E: I"ll go with the vegetarian pasta.A: Alright. I"ll bring your orders shortly. Enjoy your meal!对话2:在商店购物A: Good afternoon. How can I assist you today?B: I"m looking for a dress for a party.A: We have a wide variety of dresses. What style are you looking for?B: I prefer something elegant and not too flashy.A: I suggest you take a look at these dresses. They are our latest arrivals.B: They"re beautiful. May I try this one on?A: Of course. The fitting room is over there.B: This dress fits perfectly. How much is it?A: It"s on sale for $50.B: That"s a great price. I"ll take it.A: Wonderful. Would you like anything else?B: No, thank you. Just the dress.A: Alright. Let me ring you up at the register.对话3:在旅馆前台办理入住手续A: Good evening. How may I assist you?B: I have a reservation under the name Smith.A: Let me check. Yes, here it is. How many nights will you be staying?B: I"ll be staying for three nights.A: Great. Could you please fill out this registration form?B: Sure. Here you go.A: Thank you. Here"s your room key. You"ll be staying in room 302.B: Is breakfast included?A: Yes, breakfast is included from 7 am to 10 am.B: Thank you. What time is check-out?A: Check-out time is at 11 am. Enjoy your stay!对话4:在机场问路A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to downtown from here?B: Sure. You can take the airport shuttle bus. The bus stop is right outside the arrival terminal.A: How much does it cost?B: It"s $10 per person.A: Is there a subway station nearby?B: Yes, there"s a subway station about a 10-minute walk from here. It"s a cheaper option.A: I think I"ll take the subway. Could you please tell me which line to take?B: You need to take Line 2 and transfer to Line 4 at the third stop. Get off at the fifth stop and you"ll be downtown.A: Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.B: You"re welcome. Have a safe trip!。

英语情景对话英语对话材料对话一:在咖啡馆A: Good morning, can I help you?B: Good morning. Yes, I would like a black coffee, please.A: Would you like it with sugar or milk?B: No, thanks. Just black coffee, please.A: Sure, would you like anything else?B: No, thank you.A: Okay, that will be $3.50. Please wait a moment.B: Thank you.[After a while]A: Here is your black coffee. Enjoy your day!B: Thank you. Have a nice day too!对话二:在超市A: Excuse me, could you help me find the pasta aisle?B: Sure, it's right over there, in the middle of the store.A: Thank you. Oh, and do you know where I can find canned tomato sauce?B: Yes, it's just two aisles down, next to the canned vegetables.A: Great, thanks a lot. Can I also find some fresh basil in this store?B: Yes, you can find fresh herbs in the produce section at the back of the store.A: Perfect, thanks for your help.对话三:在银行A: Good afternoon, how may I assist you today?B: Good afternoon. I would like to open a new checking account, please.A: Certainly, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific requirements for the account?B: I prefer a no-fee checking account that offers online banking services.A: We have a great option for you. It's our Silver Checking account that meets your needs.B: That sounds good. What documents do I need to bring to open the account?B: Okay, I will prepare those documents. Can I do the account opening process today?A: Absolutely. Please have a seat, and I will guide you through the process shortly.。

charity show? Li lei. 4.我最喜爱的颜色是暖色。暖色包括能带给你成功 的橙色和象征智慧的黄色。
1). What are warm colours ? They are colours like orange and yellow. 2). What does yellow represent ?
3.很多人在义演现场为“希望工程”捐了钱,这使 得被选为主持人的李雷感到非常高兴。
1). What did people do for “Project Hope” at the charity show?
They donated money to “ Project Hope.” 2). Who was chosen to be the host of the
1).What couldn't Kitty afford? Kitty couldn’t afford such an expensive dress. 2).What did she do finally? Finally she chose a dress at a low price.


普通话情景对话30篇1.A: 你好,请问你知道这附近有没有银行吗?B: 你往前走两个街区就会看到一个银行,它在你右手边。
A: 谢谢你的帮助!2.A: 这辆公交车去图书馆吗?B: 对不起,这是开往市中心的公交车,你需要乘坐12路公交车到图书馆。
A: 非常感谢你的指导!3.A: 你晚上打算去哪里吃饭?B: 我打算去一家新开的中餐馆,听说他们的菜很好吃。
A: 好的,我也想尝尝。
4.A: 明天我们一起去看电影怎么样?B: 好啊,有什么电影推荐吗?A: 我听说最新上映的《复仇者联盟4》很受欢迎,我们可以去看看。
5.A: 这道数学题我不会做,你能帮我解答一下吗?B: 当然可以,我来给你解释一下。
6.A: 你知道附近有没有便利店吗?B: 没问题,往前走一百米就会看到一个便利店,你容易找到的。
7.A: 我想给妈妈买个生日礼物,你有什么好建议吗?B: 你可以考虑买一束鲜花或者一件漂亮的首饰,她会很喜欢的。
8.A: 明天去游泳怎么样?B: 我很想去,但是我不会游泳。
A: 没关系,我可以教你一些基本的游泳技巧。
9.A: 你觉得这个电视节目怎么样?B: 我觉得很有意思,我每周都会看。
10.A: 你能帮我翻译一下这段英文吗?B: 当然可以,给我看看。
11.A: 你听说了吗?我被提升为部门经理了!B: 真的吗?恭喜恭喜!12.A: 你打算周末怎么度过?B: 我打算和朋友们去郊游,享受大自然的美景。
13.A: 你知道这个周末天气怎么样吗?B: 根据天气预报,这个周末会有雨,最好带把伞。
14.A: 你去过这家新开的咖啡店吗?B: 没有,但是我听说他们的咖啡很好喝,我们可以一起去尝试一下。
15.A: 你打算什么时候回家过年?B: 我打算提前一天回家,避免节日交通堵塞。
16.A: 你有没有听说最近这里发生了一起抢劫案?B: 是的,我听说了。
17.A: 你觉得这个电影怎么样?B: 我觉得很精彩,特效非常逼真。
18.A: 你会弹吉他吗?B: 是的,我会弹一些简单的曲子。
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(一)2. —Can I help you?— 1—Let me see. One lady’s skirt and one man’s overcoat.— 2—Is next Thursday soon enough?— 3—Until 6 : 30 pm, sir.— 4—Here’s your receipt(收据),sir.— 5A.Fine. That leaves me plenty of time to pick them up after work.B.I want to have these clothes cleaned and pressed.C.Good. Thank you.D.How much is it?E.A piece of cake?(二)3. —Mary,we are going to have a party on New Year‘s Eve. I’m sure we‘ll have a good time. ____1____—I‘d like to. ____2____—In our classroom. We are going to decorate(装饰)it and turn it into a splendid ballroom. —____3____ I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.—But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance. ____4___—I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though.—I heard you sing once. ____5____ I‘m sure you’ll be the star of our New Year party.—Oh,thank you.A. Your voice was sweet and beautiful.B. Where are you going to have it?C. Would you like to join us?D. Thank you for inviting me.E. Oh,it is great.F. Let‘s go to the ball together.G. Do sing us some English songs,please.(三)W: Well, I’d like to think about the chair. But it’s not exactly what I had in mind.M: I can assure(担保)you that you won’t find anything more reasonable … or more comfortable. _1____W: I’m worried about the color. __2__M: Oh, it washes very easily. A little soap and water will remove any spots.W: Well …M: Look, a few weeks ago another customer had his doubts when I suggested that he buy one of these chairs. ___3____ No way! In fact, he called me up and ordered another one.W: It is comfortable.M: There is no doubt about it … But the decision is up to you. If you’d like, __4___ Of course, I can’t guarantee(保证)that chairs will still be here.W: Oh, ___5___M: The last one in stock. They’ve been selling like hot cakes …A. is this the only one you have?B. you can look around and come back.C. What about red? It looks very nice.D. It’s very important that your chairs be comfortable.E. Whites get dirty so quickly.F. He took it away happily.G. But do you think he bought it back?(四)A. You are lucky to be in such a big city whereeverything is wonderful.B. I don’t think so. ____1_____A. Why? City life seems to be very interesting and comfortable.B. _____2_____ You see citizens are obliged to accept an unnatural way of life. They can hardly enjoy sunshine because of tall buildings around their houses.A. That’s terrible. _____3______B. Yes, perhaps. But the cost of living is much higher. _____4____A. I didn’t think of that. Now I’d rather live in my village all my life. Would you like to go to the country for a change?B. Great! _____5_____.A. But working in a big city means much more money without hard work like farming.B. Actually I don’t have interest in city life.C. I think country life is as interesting as city life.D. Not really.E. Sometimes people can’t make ends meet these years.F. So it is.G. I’d love to if I’m free.(五)Pinky: Hello, Ann! This is Pinky. How was your weekend?Ann: 61Pinky: Your whole family?Ann: Yes, all of us. 62Pinky: I didn’t know that was your favorite. It’s mine, too.Ann: 63__, but we started dinner late. My brother Paul’s car broke do wn. He and Jennifer got there after nine. We were all feeling very hungry by then.Pinky: I thought his car was a new one. What was the trouble?Ann: 64__ Paul says that new cars are not as good as old ones. He says their steering wheels are not so good.Pinky: By the way, Ann. Can you do me a favor? My computer doesn’t work. Can I use yours for several days?Ann: Sorry, Pinky, but I’ve lent it to Nancy.65__ I’m sure she’ll lend you hers.A. We went to our favorite restaurant, the Golden Crab.B. Nancy is now busy preparing for the examination next week.C. Why don’t you ask Emily?D. The food was good as usual.E. I don’t know.F. Wonderful. We had a family dinner.G. We had a wonderful football match with the league from Grade 2.答案(一)1. B 2. F 3. G 4. A 5.C(二)1.C.2. B.3. E. 4.G. 5.A(三)1 D 2. E 3 .G 4. B 5 A(四)1.B 2. D 3. A 4.E 5.G(五)1.F 2. A 3. D 4.E 5.C2011年高考英语30分钟专题突破(23):补全对话1. —Honey, what would you say if we have a Christmas party at home this year?—1 . Where could you have it? The house is rather small.—2 . We could put food on the dining room table.— 3 .—Let me see, --- the Turners, the Manders, and a few boys, and some girls from my office. We may have music or ---—4 .—That‘s plenty of time. We‘ll get some invitations ready and sent out soon. We‘ll call to get a small Christmas tree ---5 .—You mean you fix food?— Well, I can do some easy things. Maybe I can do some shopping --- or, at least, wash dishes. A.Then who should we invite?B.You might have brought the presents in advance.C.And if we should fix food ourselves, it would cost less.D.We might have a small one.E.It would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.F.But I thought you were planning to go to the Turners‘.G.We‘ve got only three weeks to go.答案及解析:FDAGC1.F 结合上下文,夫妻两人决定举行聚会,征求意见。