



















365提款成功但是不到账 0ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是食品中天然有毒有害成分的是()。A.河豚毒素B.四季豆中皂苷C.鱼中组胺D.杏仁中氰苷E.有毒蜂蜜 [填空题]正常生产中,压力的通用单位是()。 [多选]通航安全水上水下施工作业涉及的范围包括()。A.设置、拆除水上水下设施B.架设桥梁、索道,构筑水下隧道C.救助遇难船泊,或紧急清除水面污染物、水下污染源D.渔船捕捞作业E.清除水面垃圾 [单选,共用题干题]患者,女,29岁,白化病。欲与一患白化病男性结婚,婚前前来进行咨询。如已结婚并妊娠,以下恰当的处理是()。A.产前诊断B.男胎、女胎均可保留C.建议终止妊娠D.保留男胎E.保留女胎 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于急性妄想发作,以下错误的是()A.常突然起病,以短暂的妄想为主要症状,妄想形式多样,内容支离破碎B.病前一般无诱因C.可伴有情感和行为方面的障碍D.多发生于中老年人E.病程不超过3个月 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,30岁,复治肺结核,涂阳,下列治疗措施不必要的是()A.4~5联抗结核治疗B.加强营养支持C.抗结核同时注意保肝D.6个月以上化疗E.使用糖皮质激素减轻肺部炎症 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项体征不属于Horner征()。A.眼裂变小B.瞳孔缩小C.面部出汗增加D.眼球内陷E.用力睁眼时双侧眼裂等大 [判断题]拆画零件时,零件的表面粗糙度和表面处理要求应根据零件的作用来确定。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]原始群 [单选]下列哪种疾病不是眼部疾病活检适应证()A.眼球及眼附属器异常组织、结节或肿块B.不典型的"麦粒肿"或"霰粒肿"C.晶状体病变D.角膜感染性炎症或溃疡E.因视力丧失或伴疼痛摘除的眼球 [名词解释]植物性极 [单选]不参与角膜反射的结构是()A.角膜B.三叉神经C.中脑顶盖前区D.面神经E.眼轮匝肌 [填空题]经热处理的轴、杆类零件,磨加工前必须留有足够的余量、并且要先对轴、杆校直,否则轴、杆磨加工后会出现表面硬度()或表面硬度(),直接影响其使用寿命 [名词解释]非法抛传 [单选]如图A_2所示,闭合铁心中磁通量一定时,其励磁电流的大小()。A. [单选,A1型题]严重胸腹联合损伤后,必须首先处理的是()。A.呼吸骤停B.闭合性液气胸C.急性弥漫性腹膜炎D.粉碎性胸腰椎骨折E.轻度血压下降 [单选]抵御对化脓性细菌感染的非特异性免疫细胞是()A.单核细胞B.巨噬细胞C.中性粒细胞D.TCRγδ+细胞E.肥大细胞 [单选]Q-开关激光治疗后发性白内障,主要是利用了激光的()A.光化学效应B.光热效应C.弱刺激效应D.光致聚合效应E.光致压强电离作用 [问答题,简答题]竞赛奖励的实施有哪些内容? [填空题]对蒸汽加温盘管的油罐,为确保测温的准确性,应在蒸汽切断()小时后,再进行温度测量。 [名词解释]地球化学背景 [填空题]颜料的着色力是指某种颜料与另一种颜料在油料中混合时,所能呈现它本身的()的能力。 [填空题]3、宽体机的机身较宽,客舱内至少有2条走廊,3排座椅,机身宽一般在()米以上 [单选]能够用于激光光动力疗法的药物是()A.吲哚青绿B.荧光素钠C.丙酮D.血卟啉衍生物E.甲醇 [单选,A1型题]骨盆骨折最易损伤的尿道部位是()A.阴茎悬垂部B.球部尿道C.膜部尿道D.前列腺部尿道E.膀胱颈部 [问答题,简答题]简述抓斗的抓取过程及两瓣抓斗与四瓣抓斗的使用特点。 [单选]在一定温度下,达到溶解平衡的溶液叫作()。A、饱和溶液B、平衡度C、不饱和溶液D、浓溶液 [判断题]失火罪是指行为人过失引起火灾,造成致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的严重后果,危害公共安全的行为。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]人群易感性升高的主要因素是()A.免疫接种B.新生儿增加C.隐性感染D.非易感人群迁入E.传染病流行 [单选,A1型题]小儿中度贫血的诊断指标是()A.Hb>120g/LB.HB120~90g/LC.Hb90~60g/LD.Hb60~30g/LE.Hb<30g/L [单选]下列骨骼不参与眼眶构成的是()A.筛骨B.蝶骨C.腭骨D.颞骨E.上颌骨 [问答题,简答题]财政政策工具有哪些? [单选]如果一份关于炮射的NOTAM的项中填入了“0800-1000”,则表示().A.炮射时间为项和项时间段内每天8时至10时以外的时间B.炮射时间为项和项时间段内每天8时至10时C.炮射时间为每天8时至10时,与项和无关 [名词解释]超显微非结构混入物 [单选,B1型题]高血压脑病的治疗首选()A.硝普钠B.呋塞米C.洛汀新(贝那普利)D.硝苯地平E.利血平 [多选]值班表提醒人们按值班要求值班,它通常用在()。A.值班室B.秘书办公室C.节假日值班办公室D.领导办公室 [单选,A型题]关于肾上腺腺瘤哪项错误()A.圆形肿块B.低密度C.强化明显D.都有对侧肾上腺萎缩E.MRI可发现脂肪成分 [单选]某甲为自己无民事行为能力的儿子Y与保险公司订立了以死亡为给付保险金条件的人寿保险合同,死亡保险金额为l0万元,保险监督管理机构规定的无民事行为能力人的死亡保险金额最高为5万元。甲指定H为第一顺序受益人,受益份额为6万元。在保险合同有效期内发生保险事故,造成Y死 [单选]流体的粘性系数与温度之间的关系是?().A、液体的粘性系数随温度的升高而增大。B、气体的粘性系数随温度的升高而增大。C、液体的粘性系数与温度无关。D、气体的粘性系数随温度的升高而降低。 [多选]煤的性质分为()等A、物理性质B、化学组成C、工艺性能D、燃烧性能E、物理组成F、化学性质


electricity or water
Divide it into four parts, and summarize what each part is about.
Opening of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage.
高二 选修7
Unit 4
Unit 4 Sharing
Warming up
The definition of Volunteer
People who help others in their community or outside their community would be called volunteers. However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or frienind of student was in Jo’s class?
Look at the photos and answer the questions.
Secondary school children from a
developing country. We know this because there are no walls to the classroom so the climate must be hot. The desks are close together but there does not appear to be enough desks for each child. The students are poorly dressed.

Unit 2 Extended reading -高二英语课件(译林版2020选择性必修第一册)

Unit 2 Extended reading -高二英语课件(译林版2020选择性必修第一册)

The first-ever performance of Symphony No. 9
Beethoven's attitude in face of the loss of hearing
Beethoven's reputation and achievements Beethoven's life journey before his late twenties Introduction to Symphony No. 9
As a teenager E__n_jo_y_i_n_g_a__r_e_p_u_ta_t_i_o_n_ a_s__a_w__o_n_d_e_r_fu_l_y_o__u_n_g_ m__u_s_i_c_ia_n____________
Not long after
_B_e_in_g__a_p_p_r_e_c_ia_t_e_d__ _fo_r_h_i_s__p_ia_n_o_______ _p_e_rf_o_r_m_a_n_c_e_s____
The music moves through technically difficult sections
w_it_h__ea__s_e___ , showing his genius as a composer.
About the fourth movement
All the different variations are connected into final jo_y_f_u_l _c_h_o_r_u_s__.
Read paragraph by paragraph and finish the following exercises.
1. Read para. 1 and answer the questions.


one-stop 一站式
eg. a one-stop shop 一站式商店
eg. We’ll provide you with one-stop service.一站式服务
You name it. =everything that you can imagine (口语)应有尽有
eg. She can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards—you name it.
You can’t go in no matter who you are (=whoever you are.) eg不论我怎样努力,我永远不能赶上他 。
No matter how hard I try, (=However hard I try,) I can never catch up with him.
check out 结账, (旅馆飞机等)办理付帐和退房手续
反义: check in 办理登记手续
reduce vt. +sth.
reduce the danger of damaging floods
reduce their labor cost降低劳动成本
be Cthf.riinllcerdeaaste/bvyt…. +对sth…/ v激i. 动/兴奋
n. a letter of challenge
give/accept a challenge提出/接受挑战 Vt 向…挑战. Denny kept challenging him
openly. Vt. 对…提出疑义/质疑 eg. 那个小男孩质疑故事旳真实性。
The little boy challenged the truth of the story.


何谓护患关系?其基本模式有哪些? 金属钠比金属钾。A.金属性强B.还原性弱C.原子半径大D.熔点低 土壤是由哪些物质组成的? 新生儿窒息 《医疗事故处理条例》所指医疗责任事故是指医务人员。A.无过错输血感染造成不良后果的B.在诊疗中因患方原因延误诊疗导致不良后果的C.患者体质特殊而发生医疗意外的D.违反规章制度、诊疗护理常规失职行为所致的E.行为人有过失,但因患者病情严重等偶合因素所致的 疟原虫在人体红细胞内进行的生殖是A.裂体增殖及配子生殖的开始B.二分裂繁殖C.孢子生殖D.配子生殖E.以上都是 民间文学的特征是由集体性、口头性特征所带来的,因为口传心授,靠记忆保存,又要在集体流传中不断受到人们的加工改造,所以有异文在所难免。 固定资产转让标的应当以资产评估价值作为作价参考依据,实际交易价格原则上不得低于评估价值的。A、80%B、90%C、100%D、120% [单选,共用题干题]女,33岁,3年前普查时发现子宫肌瘤,无月经症状,定期检查肌瘤无明显增大,未避孕。今因停经45天就诊首选的辅助检查方法是。A.盆腔B超B.血HCG测定C.诊刮术D.黄体酮试验E.宫腔镜检查 男性,15岁,全身水肿显著,大量蛋白尿,无镜下血尿,肾功能正常,首次经泼尼松40mg/d治疗4周,水肿明显消退、尿蛋白有所减少。此时应A.减少泼尼松用量B.加用环磷酰胺C.静脉点滴白蛋白D.继续原治疗不变E.加用抗生素预防感染 下列哪项不属于我行的代付款业务范围?A、工资B、代付学费C、代付股息D、代付保险赔付金 银行金融创新的根本目的是,直接拓宽业务领域、创造出更多、更好的金融产品,更好地满足金融消费者和投资者日益增长的需求。A.正确B.错误 新鲜冰冻血浆保存一年后,Ⅶ,Ⅸ,Ⅻ因子相当于新鲜时的。A.95%B.90%C.85%D.80%E.75% "精血同源"是指下述哪两脏的关系A.心与肾B.肺与肾C.肝与肾D.脾与肝E.肾与脾 剖腹产6小时后产妇应饮用一些排气的汤,如A、小米汤B、排骨汤C、鸡汤D、萝卜汤 女性,20岁,诊断为特发性血小板减少性紫癜,贫血貌,牙龈出血,双下肢紫癜增多,肝脾肋下未触及,血红蛋白100g/L,白细胞10×109/L,血小板20×109/L,骨髓象提示巨核细胞增多。治疗首选方法是A.应用肾上腺糖皮质激素B.输注血小板C.应用免疫抑制剂D.应用纤溶抑制剂E.脾切除 目前Rb的治疗方法包括()A.冷冻B.外放射C.化疗D.巩膜表面放射敷贴治疗E.眼球摘出术 下列可以降低输血过敏反应发生率的是A.选用一次性输血器B.选用洗涤红细胞C.严格清洗、消毒采血和输血用具D.采用无热原技术配置保存液E.减慢输血速度 RevA前向峰值数据速率为,反向峰值数据速率。 下列哪项是骨髓移植造血功能重建的标志。A.外周血白细胞从0恢复到10×109/LB.中性粒细胞绝对值达到0.5×109/LC.淋巴细胞总数恢复正常D.血小板恢复到100×109/LE.血象完全恢复正常 关于产后哺乳错误的一项是()A.产后尽早哺乳有利于促进乳汁分泌B.按需哺乳C.乳腺有硬结者应停止哺乳D.乳房排空有利于乳汁的再分泌E.乳头皲裂严重者应停止直接哺乳 中国政府于2001年向国际展览局正式递交了举办2010年上海世界会的申请书。A、5月1日B、5月2日C、5月3日D、5月4日 SIC智能化建筑系统集成中心含。ABCD [单选,共用题干题]患者,男性,42岁。在房间内因煤气泄露起火烧伤后2小时入院。疼痛剧烈,声嘶,诉口渴,心率150次/分,BP85/60mmHg,面颈部、躯干部布满大小不等水疱,创面基底潮红,双上肢呈焦黄色,无水疱。患者伤后10天,双上肢创面开始溶痂,切开减张刀口脓性分泌物较多, 39℃,该患者最佳的处理应该是。A.局部换药清洗后包扎治疗B.包扎治疗同时局部应用抗生素C.包扎换药同时全身应用敏感抗生素D.尽早行双上肢切痂植皮术E.半暴露疗法,同时局部应用敏感抗生素 在铸造生产中,流动性较好的铸造合金。 严重的产褥感染可形成冰冻骨盆的是A.急性子宫内膜炎B.急性子宫肌炎C.急性输卵管炎D.急性盆腔结缔组织炎E.急性盆腔腹膜炎 银行金融创新应当遵循一定的基本原则,应做好客户评估和识别工作,针对不同客户群提供不同的金融产品。A.正确B.错误 闪光临界融合频率是人眼对光刺激的指标,最早是用进行测定的。 下图给出的是计算的值的一个程序框图,其中判断框内应填入的条件是。A.i>100B.i=100C.i>50D.i<=50 现代观点认为慢性化脓性鼻窦炎与鼻息肉最佳治疗方法是。A.鼻内镜手术B.上颌窦根治术C.鼻侧切开术D.邓肯手术E.上述都不是 有价证券是的一种形式。A.商品证券B.权益资本C.虚拟资本D.债务资本 [问答题,论述题]试论述如何与时俱进地认识“双基”。 细水雾灭火系统是利用高压或气流,将流过喷嘴的水鸡西的水滴,进行灭火或防护冷却的一种移动灭火系统.A.正确B.错误 男性,52岁,中度肥胖,空腹血糖8mmol/L,餐后1小时血糖12mmol/L,胰岛素基础值50mU/L(正常5~25mU/L),应首选何药A.格列齐特(达美康)B.格列吡嗪(美吡达)C.双胍类D.格列本脲(优降糖)E.格列喹酮(糖适平) 露天爆破需设避炮掩体时,掩体应设在危险范围之外并构筑坚固紧密,位置和方向应能防止飞石和炮烟的危害;通达避炮掩体的道路不应有任何障碍。A.辐射波B.超声波C.冲击波D.电磁波

湛江市2022-2023 学年高二上学期期末调研测试英语试卷含答案

湛江市2022-2023 学年高二上学期期末调研测试英语试卷含答案

湛江市2022-2023 学年度第一学期期末高中调研测试高二英语试卷(满分:120 分, 考试时间:120 分钟) 2023 年1 月注意事项:1. 答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上, 并将考号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

2. 阅读答题卡上面的注意事项, 所有题目答案均答在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。

3. 作答选择题时, 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。

非选择题如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案。

第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分37. 5 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

AA team of global body language experts has come up with this list of the best body language courses.This course is particularly useful to businessmen. It will teach you how to use body language to increase your success, influence, and income. By the end of the course, you will understand the role of body language in business success and get a Certificate of Completion after completing the course.2. Body Language CourseThis beginner level course is useful to anyone eager to learn how to use body language to communicate effectively. The course discusses topics like the significance of communication and tips for improving body language. The course is delivered by award-winning instructors.3. Digital Body LanguageThis course teaches how to improve your digital personal brand. It discusses a variety of topics like the power of face, personality and confidence, drawing attention, and web page essentials. By the end of the course, you will perfect online presence, master body language onlineand level up your digital brand.4. How To Make A Great First ImpressionThis course will make you realize how eye contact, a smile and handshake can increase your chances of improving the first impression you make on the other person, which is quite useful to anyone starting a new job. By the end of the course you will pick up the skills and confidence you need to make a good first impression.1. Which of the following courses may best suit a senior manager?A. Digital Body Language.B. Body Language Course.C. Body Language For Businessmen.D. How To Make A Great First Impression.2. What can you learn if you take Digital Body Language?A. How to change your character.B. How to protect yourself online.C. How to build up a successful company.D. How to improve personal influence online.3. Who is more likely to attend How To Make A Great First Impression?A. A news reporter.B. A job seeker.C. A lab researcher.D. An interviewer.BEvery Sunday mornin g I take a walk around a park near my home. There’s a lake in one corner of the park. Each time I walk by this lake, I see the same old woman sitting at the water’s edge with a small metal cage beside her.This Sunday, I stopped walking and went over to her. As I got closer, I realized that there were three turtles (乌龟), unhurt, slowly walking around the base of the metal cage. She had a fourth turtle on her knee that she was carefully cleaning with a brush, which made me feel surprised.“Hello, ” I said.“If you don’t mind, I’d love to know what you’re doing with these turtles. ”“I’m cleaning off their shells, ” she replied.“Anything on a turtle’s shell weakens the turtle’s ability to take in heat and blocks its ability to swim. It can also impair and weaken the shell over time. ”She went on, “I spend a couple of hours each Sunday morning, relaxing by this lake andhelping these little guys out. It’s my own strange way of making a difference. ”“Well then, don’t you think your time could be better spent? It’s a waste of time. And 99% of these turtles don’t have kind people like you to help them clean off their shells. So, how exactly are your efforts here truly making a difference?”The woman smiled, then looked down at the turtle on her knee, wiped off the last piece of algae (海藻) from its shell, and said, “Sweetie, if this little guy could talk, he’d tell you I just made all the difference in the world. ”4. What was the writer surprised at according to Paragraph 2?A. Four turtles in the cage.B. The beautiful scenery in the park.C. A small metal cage put beside the water.D. A woman cleaning off the turtles’ shells.5. What does the underlined word “impair” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A. Hurt.B. Clean.C. Protect.D. Paint.6. Why did the writer doubt the woman’s efforts?A. The woman had so much free time.B. The woman didn’t protect the environment.C. He thought the woman’s efforts meaningless.D. He thought the turtles didn’t need t o be cleaned.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. A Strange Woman.B. The Power of Kindness.C. The Meaning of Cleaning.D. Turtles in the Metal Cage.CScientists have made great discoveries. But how have they influenced our personal lives? Do kids in your classroom even know when Einstein lived? You may be wondering: why is it important to teach kids stories about modern-day scientists?First, stories of scientists can encourage kids. Chris Hadfield is a Canadian who went to space, and he's a real guitar-playing person. He makes singing videos on the website. His story can make kids think scientists are also common people. Hearing scientists' stories makes kids think that they can do that too.But not only that, the stories of famous scientists can encourage kids to explore and never give up. Bill Nye was always refused when trying to be an astronaut. But up to now, he has made a lot of successes in his role as a popular science educator and engineer. Besides, it's no secret that scientific discoveries require trying, and trying again.Another way some scientists can encourage kids is through their diversity. Neil deGrasse Tyson, for example, is an African-American, which is not common in his field. Such stories can make kids think anyone can be a scientist.It's important to know that scientists don't need to be "gifted" or "good" at school. Often we consider a scientist as being an extremely smart kid at school, which doesn't have to be true. They just need to have a great interest in science. Telling students stories of scientists can encourage them to show interest in science. As long as they are interested, they are likely to become a scientist in the future.Modern scientists teach kids that knowledge builds upon the foundation others have laid. This is important—no one can do it alone. Scientists' stories can encourage today's young scientists to keep trying. They'll be encouraged not to give up on the dream of exploring and making discoveries. Even if they haven't made important discoveries, their research may help the following scientists.8. What can Chris Hadfield's story tell students?A. Scientists are interested in different things.B. Students should have a hobby of their own.C. Scientists can be ordinary like people around us.D. Students should consider scientists as their models.9. Which of the following will the author agree with?A. Scientists are not necessarily very smart at school.B. Not all scientists really show interest in science.C. Scientists are usually good at their schooling.D. African-Americans are more likely to become scientists.10. What can be learned according to the last paragraph?A. Scientists should help each other.B. A scientist should never give up trying.C. Making discoveries is necessary for scientists.D. New scientific discoveries may be based on others' findings.11. What is the text mainly about?A. Why scientists are important to us.B. Why students love stories of scientists.C. Why scientists can make great discoveries.D. Why students should be taught stories about scientists.DThanks to a new virtual reality film offering 360 degree viewing, armchair travelers around the world can now visit places like the Amazon rainforest. Provided freely by Conservation International, you'll be able to take in the breathtaking beauty and amazing biodiversity that is dished up in a film entitled "Under the Canopy" without worrying about being eaten alive by insects, giant snakes or bird spiders. Besides that, and saving on airfare and getting your passport updated, the film is said to be simply beyond belief in its clarity and realism.But the purpose of the film goes beyond just providing viewers with amazing visuals in a virtual experience. The makers of the film want to bring awareness to the fact that this once vast wilderness and its occupants are shrinking rapidly and disappearing due to deforestation. In other words, the magnificent sights and sounds that you'll enjoy during your virtual wandering around the Amazon's beautiful rainforest need badly to be protected.If you're not aware, a statistic in connection to annual forest loss in the region can be clarified: the loss is equal to 1. 5 times the size of Yellowstone National Park. Now, if you're still a little unclear about the significance of this, Yellowstone is 3, 472 square miles in size, which is 2, 221, 766 acres, if that helps you out.In the film, you will have a virtual tour guide, Kamanja Panashekung, a native to the area whose ancestors have lived in the region for countless generations. During his educational tour Panashekung explains to viewers of the film the many ways in which the rainforest supplies his people with everything they need to survive on a daily basis. His story is actually pretty fantastic, especially if you live in city and can't imagine what it would be like living in such a wild and remote area of the world.12. What aspect of the movie is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1?A. The popularity.B. The horror.C. The strengths.D. The purposes.13. What feeling do the film makers wish the audience to have?A. Guilt.B. Curiosity.C. Excitement.D. Concern.14. How does the author develop Paragraph 3?A. By giving an example.B. By giving a description.C. By making a classification.D. By making a comparison.15. Who would be especially attracted to the guide's story?A. Those who have interest in wild animals.B. Those who have ancestors living in the region.C. Those who think about developing rainforests.D. Those who long for outdoor surviving experience.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分12. 5 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



高中英语真题:高二英语《Unit7TheSeaLesson3TheSeaWorldPeriod3课文重难句导学》导学案目标:To master the important language points in this lesson.1. It’s three times as big underwater. 水下部分事水上部分的三倍。

Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your sp eaking voice. 有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你讲话声音的两倍。

解析:句中three times as big 和twice as loud as 意为“三倍大”和“两倍大”为倍数表达,是“倍数+as+形容词原级+as”结构,①该句是省略句,其完整形式应为: It’s three times as big underwater as it is above the water.倍数表达法:1) 倍数词+as形容词/副词原级+as +其他This rope is three times as long as that one.2) 倍数词+形容词/副词比较级+than +其他This rope is three times longer than that one.3) 倍数词+the +名词(size, height, weight, length, width等)+of +其他This rope is three times the length of that one.应用: This restaurant wasn’t _____ other restaurant we went to.A. half as good asB. as half good asC. as good as halfD. good as half as (A)2.You certainly won’t find a noisier fish.你绝不会找到比他们更吵闹的鱼。

Conservation+Reading+Club+教学设计 高二上学期英语北师大版(2019)

Conservation+Reading+Club+教学设计 高二上学期英语北师大版(2019)

北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 ConservationReading Club本节课教材分析:本节课的教材为北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Conservation Reading Club,主要内容包括保护野生动物、野生动物的生存环境、动植物皮毛的用途以及我们应该如何保护野生动物等。

教学目标:1. 语言目标:学生能够运用英语表达关于保护野生动物的观点和观念。

2. 沟通目标:学生能够就保护野生动物的重要性进行交流和讨论。

3. 学习技能:学生能够提取阅读材料的关键信息,并进行阅读理解和写作练习。

教学重点:1. 学生能够理解并运用课文中关于保护野生动物的词汇和语法。

2. 学生能够从阅读材料中提取关键信息,进行阅读理解。

教学难点:1. 学生能够运用所学知识和语言进行交流,表达自己的观点和观念。

2. 学生能够理解并运用课文中较难的词汇和句式。




教学策略:1. 激发学生的学习兴趣,通过展示有关野生动物保护的图片和视频来引导学生思考和讨论。

2. 创设真实情境,让学生参与到保护野生动物的讨论和问题解决中,提高学生的主动学习和动手能力。

3. 引导学生运用所学的语言知识和技能进行口头交流和写作练习。

教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过完成一系列的任务和活动,培养学生的语言运用能力和沟通能力。

2. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组讨论和合作活动,提高学生的合作意识和团队精神。

3. 情景教学法:通过创设真实情境,激发学生的学习兴趣和动机,提高学生的学习效果。

4. 多媒体辅助教学法:利用多媒体资源,如图片、视频等辅助教学,提高学生的学习效果和理解能力。

导入环节(约5分钟)教学内容:1. 导入学生对保护自然和环境的认识和观点。

超实用高考英语复习:专题02 代词、冠词和数词-100题组合练 (原卷版)

超实用高考英语复习:专题02  代词、冠词和数词-100题组合练  (原卷版)

专题02 代词、冠词和数词冲关练100题(解析版)距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。








目录●用单词的适当形式完成句子●单项选择●用单词的适当形式完成短文一用单词的适当形式完成句子1.(广东省东莞市2022-2023学年高二上学期七校联考英语试题)Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave_________ (they).2.(湖南省长沙市雅礼教育集团2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)I couldn’t believe ________ when I heard he did around 250 paintings of the same water lily pond, all indifferent colours and styles.3.(广东省东莞市第四高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题)They took a pleasant journey to Sanya last week, where the blue water literally took___________(they) breath away with its exceptional beauty.4.(四川省遂宁市射洪中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考(10月)英语试题)You can rely on ________that he’ll come to meet you on time.5.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8Lesson320,000LeaguesUndertheSea)__________ seems most houses have been destroyed by the storm.6.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit9Lesson3EpidemicsExplained)It is estimated ________up to 60% of the local population is being reached through these radio broadcasts.7.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8Lesson2Poetry)He stretched ________ (he) out on the sofa and fell asleep.8.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson1EQ:IQ)You could not take back a book to the library on the same day you’d taken it out; ________ made no difference to her that you’d read every word in it and needed another to start.9.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson1EQ:IQ)________ is suggested that on no occasion should you tell other people the password of your email account.10.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8WritingWorkshop~ReadingClub2)I just took _________ for granted that he’d always be around.11.(四川省成都外国语学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力))Though our economy grows fast, we produce more than 30 times as much rubbish ________ we did 20 years ago.12.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修三Unit2Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried________(two) as far as on the Earth and fell over.13.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修三Unit2Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)The number of students now in this school is four times________ it was ten years ago.14.(四川省成都外国语学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)I clearly remember my mother saying that sometimes it’s kinder to tell a white lie than to tell ________ truth.15.(广东省佛山市南海区2022-2023学年高二上学期学业水平测试英语试题)Iwas________only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys.16.(广东省茂名市电白区2022--2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)The woman beat the boy on ________ back.17.(北京市中国人民大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)Zhongyuan Festival, or Ghost Festival, is not a sad day, but time to celebrate ____________reunion (重聚) of families.18.(北京市第十三中学2022~2023学年高二上学期期中测试英语试题)I was ______ only girl in a rugby club of 200 boys.19.(黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题)He put me on ______ spot a bit because h e invited me right in front of his mum and I didn’t particularly want to go.20.(湖南省雅礼中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次质量检测英语试题)1 watched a performance of Butterfly Lovers,______beautiful violin concerto composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang.21.(黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2022-2023学年高二10月月考英语试题)This flat is ________ far cry from the house they had before.22.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修三Unit3Welcometotheunit&Reading)The truck was carrying______________(load)of apples.23.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson1EQ:IQ)It is clearly stated ________ these regulations apply to everyone in the neighbourhood, without exception.24.(江苏省淮安市淮海中学2022-2023学年高二上学期收心考试英语试卷)To our great relief, the army immediately came to ________ (they) rescue.25.(广东省陆丰市林啟恩纪念中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第二次段考英语试题)With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may want to write poems of your own. Give________ a try.26.(黑龙江省哈尔滨第三中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学测验英语试题)When the Snow White came to herself, she found ________ (she) surrounded by seven dwarves.27.(黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题)_____________never occurred to me that he would fail in the exam.28.(江苏省淮安市淮海中学2022-2023学年高二上学期收心考试英语试卷)Her father was a doctor and threw ________ (he) into fighting the epidemic.29.(北师大版2022选择性必修二Unit4WritingWorkshop-ReadingClub)________suddenly hit him that he could join the charity to help the homeless.30.(北师大版2022选择性必修二Unit5Lesson3Understanding)She admitted that she abandoned ________(she) to a life of pleasure.31.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit1Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)—Where is Jimmy? —Just now I saw him sitting under the tree, and absorbing ________ (he) in his games.32.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit3Welcometotheunit&Reading)If you apply ________(you) to the job in hand, you’ll soon finish it.33.(北师大版2022选择性必修二Unit4Lesson3MyFavouriteComedian)They arebusying____________(they)in tidying up the table.34.(北师大版2022选择性必修二Unit5Lesson2TheObjectivesOfEducation)It is unwise to expose________(you)by trying to perform music that is too difficult for you.35.(译林版2022选择性必修四Unit4Extendedreading&Project)Emma frowned, making an effort to compose ________(her).36.(译林版2022选择性必修四Unit4Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)After resting his elbow on the table, he composed_________(he) to listen to my account of the story.37.(译林版2022选择性必修四Unit4Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)Compose __________ (you) and try to tell me what happened.38.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7MeettheNewBoss:YOU)Almost ___________ of us could solve the math problem, for it is too difficult.39.(四川省成都外国语学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题)Su Bingtian’s breaking the Asian record in the Olympic Games was an exciting moment, _________that impressed us a lot.40.(山西省晋城市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次(高二第九次)调研考试英语试题)“Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can’t find a repair shop.” “I know ______ nearby. Come on, I’ll show you.”41.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit9Lesson3EpidemicsExplained)As_________ result, she says, some of the injuries associated with running, such as runner’s knee, are uncommon among race walkers.42.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit9Lesson3EpidemicsExplained)I know him well enough to form________ estimate of his abilities.43.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8Lesson2Poetry)The dentist can usually spot the reason at ________ glance. We’d better get to him fast.44.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8TopicTalk)He lived in _________ time when the blind couldn’t get much education.45.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit8TopicTalk)You might also design ________ adventure challenge to train young volunteers.46.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson1EQ:IQ)A group of young pioneers always accompany ________ disabled girl on her way to school.47.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson1EQ:IQ)We can make ________ prediction that the historical event is likely to occur again.48.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7WritingWorkshop&ReadingClub2)At the next table he could see ________ elderly lady talking with a policeman.49.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit9WritingWorkshop~ReadingClub2)Police have arrested________ suspect in a series of killings in the city.50.(北师大版2022选择性必修三Unit7Lesson3MeettheNewBoss:YOU)History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is _________ essential part of who we are today and who we will become. (用适当的词填空)51.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修三Unit3Welcometotheunit&Reading)Our newspaperis______________ influential newspaper in this city.52.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修三Unit2Grammarandusage)The crisis is entering________crucial, critical phase.53.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit4Welcometotheunit&Reading)More wind power stations will spring up to meet ________ demand for clean energy.54.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit1Integratedskills,Extendedreading,Project,Assessment&Furtherstudy)I bought a second-hand computer for only 20 dollars in a sale; it was really _________ good purchase.55.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit4Grammarandusage)Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than ________ quantity.56.(译林版2022选择性必修四Unit1单元归纳与提升)He came here without friends or possessions but made ________ fortune in the business of diamonds later.57.(广东省东莞市(丰泰外国语、麻涌、七中、清溪、塘厦)2022-2023学年高二上学期期中五校联考期中英语试题)It’s__________great comfort to have a substitute family to be with when you are in a foreign country.58.(广东省东莞市东华松山湖高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次阶段考试英语试题)Wearing facial masks is ________________ effective way to avoid the infection from the epidemic.59.(牛津译林版2022选择性必修二Unit3Welcometotheunit&Reading)Some researchers point out that daydreaming is ________means of relaxation.二单项选择60.(甘肃省天水市秦州区天水市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题)To tell ________ truth, Tracy’s room is really ________ mess.A./; a B.the; / C.the; a D./; /61.(上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试卷)The most important thing about cotton in history is _______ part that it played in _______ Industrial Revolution.A./ ... / B.the ... / C.a ... the D.the ... the62.(广东省深圳市六校联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)At present there are ________ total of 300 paintings created by the local artists on ________ display in the city gallery. A.the; 不填B.the; a C.a; 不填D.a; a63.(广州市第二中学2022-2023学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题)They acknowledge________, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to ________ found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages. A.where; ones B.that; those C.that; them D.what; which64.(上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试卷)The owner and captain discussed it with _______ colleagues.A.its B.their C.her D.him65.(上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试卷)At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _______ Great Britain.A.three times the size of B.three times the size asC.three times as the size of D.three times what the size of。











1. What are these two people talking about?A. A lightweight shirt.B. Things to wear.C. The warm weather..2. What is the woman's job?A. Cook.B. Waitress.C. Saleswoman.3. How is the man getting to work?A. Riding.B. By bus.C. Driving.4. What does the man mean?A. The woman's uncle will come for a visit.B. He thinks the woman should visit her uncle.C. He asks the woman to go over to his place.5. What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?A. Rainy.B. Warm.C. A bit cold.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





Par 6
1.In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 在伦敦的另一个地区,他从两个与宽街暴发的霍乱有关联的死亡 病例中发现了有力的证据。 2.A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.有一位妇女是从宽街搬过来的,她特别喜欢那 里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里来。 3.Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water.她和她的女儿喝了这种水,都得了霍乱而死去。 4.With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.有了这个特别 的证据,约翰· 斯诺就能够肯定地宣布,这种被污染了的水携带着 病菌。
Par 2
1.He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people.斯诺对霍乱致人死地的两种推测都很 感兴趣。 2.The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims.一种看法 是霍乱病毒在空气中繁殖着,像一股危险的气体到处漂浮,直到 找到病毒的受害者为止。 3.The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是人们在吃饭的时候把 这种病毒引入体内的。 4.From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died.病从胃里发作而迅速殃及全身, 患者就会很快地死去。



黑龙江省部分学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期初英语试卷汇编七选五专题黑龙江省哈尔滨第三中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学测验英语试题二、七选五The Art of Slow ReadingIf you are reading this article in print, chances are that you will only get through half of what I have written. And if you are reading this online, you may not even finish a fifth. ____16____ They suggest that many of us no longer have the concentration to read articles through to their conclusion.So are we getting stupider? Actually, our online habits are damaging the mental power we need to process and understand textual information. Round-the-clock news makes us read from one article to the next without necessarily engaging fully with any of the content. Our reading is frequently interrupted by the noise of the latest email and we are now absorbing short bursts of words on Twitter and Facebook more regularly than longer texts.____17____ But we are gradually forgetting how to sit back, think carefully, and relate all the facts to each other.____18____ A desperate bunch of academics want us to take our time while reading, and re-reading. They ask us to switch off our computers every so often and rediscover both the joy of personal engagement with printed texts, and the ability to process them fully. What's to be done then? Most slow readers realize that total rejection of the web is extremely unrealistic. They feel that getaway from technology for a while is the answer. ____19____ Personally, I'm not sure whether I could ever go offline for long. Even while writing this article, I am switching constantly between sites, skimming too often, absorbing too little. Internet reading has become too rooted in my daily life for me to change. I read essays and articles not in hard copy but as PDFs. I suspect that many readers are in a similar position. ____20____ You can download a computer application called Freedom, which allows you to read in peace by cutting off your Internet connection. Or if you want to avoid being disturbed by the Internet, you could always download offline reader Instapaper for your iPhone. If you're still reading my article, that is slow reading.A.The Internet is probably part of the problem.B.Now some campaigns are advocating slow reading.C.These are the two findings from the recent research projects.D.But if you just occasionally want to read more slowly, help is at hand.E.Some of them have suggested turning their computers off for one day a week.F.Slow reading can help connect a reader to neighborhood and become popular.G.Because of the Internet, we have become very good at collecting information.黑龙江省佳木斯市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学调研考试英语试题三、七选五With seemingly endless streams of tweets, Instagram photos and Facebook feeds, society can seem glued to their cellphones. ____21____It’s important that we connect, share and learn with social media, but it’s also important that we do these things responsibly.Think about future impacts of what y ou post. What we post never truly goes away on the Internet, so it’s important to take a second look at why we are posting something. Many times we snap a picture and then click “post” without thinking of future impacts. ____22____Make sure you’re following trustworthy news sources. In the age of “fake news” we are flooded with hundreds of news stories every day. Make sure the news sources you’re following are confirmed and reliable.____23____Make sure you have all of the facts straight before you share or comment on a story.____24____On average, we spend 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media every day. Recording the time we spend on each of our social media apps help us better understand how much time we are spending staring at our devices. If you’re sp ending too much time scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, consider setting limits for yourself.Understand you’re often seeing highlights. Many people share their accomplishments and milestones on social media because they’re proud and want to show that to the world.____25____It’s easy to compare ourselves to others, especially when we are going through tough times. But remember everyone goes through ups and downs and social media doesn’t always accurately represent that. A.Avoid always reading things on social media.B.Don’t take everything you read at face value.C.Social media is deep-rooted in our everyday lives.D.Be mindful of the time you’re spending on social media.E.Consider why you are posting something and its influence.F.Yet nobody’s li fe is as perfect as it may seem on social media.G.Social media is most popular in the lives of younger generations.黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市第八中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



高二英语课文翻译篇一:高二上课文翻译Unit 1 Reading我最喜欢的运动—滑雪我最喜欢的运动是滑雪,虽然在我这一生中只滑过四天雪。



' 因此,尽管价格不菲,爸爸还是做到了。

























Unit 1More Reading更快、更高、更强奥林匹克运动会历史悠久。





全国使用最广泛的九种高中英语课本教材版本及单元目录目前高中英语教材使用最广泛的有以下9种:新课标人 教版、人教版、外研版、牛津译林版、北师大版、冀教版、 重庆大学版、上海新世纪版、牛津上海版。

随朝面0f fUJOe 闾丽$ruffiWTS"9 . JEMQRE]«gM2 SWEJftS*1a NEW 部限E 值冏◎ 01M一、高中英语教材人教版单元目录人教版高一上学期Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 English around the worldUnit 3 Going placesUnit 4 Unforgettable experiencesUnit 5 The silver screenUnit 6 Good mannersUnit 7 Cultural relicsUnit 8 SportsUnit 9 TechnologyUnit 10 The world around usUnit 11 The sounds of the worldUnit 12 Art and literature人教版高一下学期Unit 13 Healthy eatingUnit 14 FestivalsUnit 15 The necklaceUnit 16 Scientists at workUnit 17 Great womenUnit 18 New ZealandUnit 19 Modern agricultureUnit 20 HumourUnit 21 Body languageUnit 22 A world of fun人教版高二上学期Unit 1 Making a differenceUnit 2 New mediaUnit 3 Art and architectureUnit 4 A garden of poemsUnit 5 The British IslesUnit 6 Life in the futureUnit 7 Living with diseaseUnit 8 First aidUnit 9 Saving the earthUnit 10 Frightening nature人教版高二下学期Unit 11 Scientific achievementsUnit 12 Fact and fantasyUnit 13 The water planetUnit 14 Freedom fightersUnit 15 DestinationsUnit 16 The United States of America Unit 17 DisabilitiesUnit 18 InventionsUnit 19 The Merchant ofVeniceUnit 20 Archaeology人教版高三学期Unit 1 That must be a record!Unit 2 Crossing limitsUnit 3 The land down underUnit 5 Getting the messageUnit 7 A Christmas CarolUnit 8 Learning a foreign languageUnit 9 Health careUnit 10 American literatureUnit 11 Key to successUnit 12 EducationUnit 13 The mystery of the MoonstoneUnit 14 ZoologyUnit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 16 Finding jobs二、高中英语教材新课标人教版单元目录新课标人教版高一上模块1、2模块1 Unit 1 Friendship模块1 Unit 2 English around the world模块1 Unit 3 Travel journal模块1 Unit 4 Earthquakes模块1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero模块2 Unit 1 Cultural relics模块2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games模块2 Unit 3 Computers模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection模块2 Unit 5 Music新课标人教版高一下模块3、4模块3 Unit 2 Healthy eating模块3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note模块3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 模块3 Unit 5 Canada - “The True North”模块4 Unit 1 Women of achievement模块4 Unit 2 Working the land模块4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour模块4 Unit 4 Body language模块4 Unit 5 Theme parks新课标人教版高二上模块5、6模块5 Unit 1 Great Scientists模块5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom模块5 Unit 3 Life in the future模块5 Unit 4 Making the news模块5 Unit 5 First Aid模块6 Unit 1 Art模块6 Unit 2 Poems模块6 Unit 3 A healthy life模块6 Unit 4 Global warming模块6 Unit 5 The power of nature新课标人教版高二下模块7、8选修模块7 Unit 1 Living well选修模块7 Unit 2 Robots选修模块7 Unit 3 Under the sea选修模块7 Unit 4 Sharing选修模块7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad选修模块8 Unit 1 A land of diversity选修模块8 Unit 2 C loning选修模块8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 选修模块8 Unit 4 Pygmalion选修模块8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors新课标人教版高三学期模块9、10选修模块9 Unit 1 Breaking records选修模块9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans选修模块9 Unit 3 Australia选修模块9 Unit 4 Exploring planets选修模块9 Unit 5 Inside advertising选修模块10 Unit 1 Nothing ventured选修模块10 Unit 2 King Lear选修模块10 Unit 3 Fairness for all选修模块10 Unit 4 Learning effectively选修模块10 Unit 5 Enjoying novels三、高中英语教材外研版单元目录必修1Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighModule 2 My New TeachersModule 3 My First Ride on a TrainModule 4 A Social Survey -- My Neighbourhood Module 5 A Lesson in a LabModule 6 The Internet and Telecommunications必修2Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule 2 No DrugsModule 3 MusicModule 4 Fine Arts - Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Module 5 NewspapersModule 6 Films and TV ProgrammesModule 7 Revision必修3Module 1 EuropeModule 2 Developing and Developed CountriesModule 3 The Violence of NatureModule 4 Sandstorms in AsiaModule 5 Great people and Great InventionModule 6 Old and NewModule 7 Revision必修4Module 1 Life in the futureModule 2 Traffic JamModule 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication Module 4 Great ScientistsModule 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesModule 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World Module 7 Revision必修5Module 2 A Job Worth DoingModule 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Module 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in DangerModule 7 Revision外研版第五册综合选修6Module 1 Small TalkModule 2 Fantasy Literature - Philip Pullman Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships -- Friendship Module 4 MusicModule 5 CloningModule 6 War and PeaceModule 7 Revision选修7Module 1 BasketballModule 2 Highlights of My Senior YearModule 3 LiteratureModule 4 Music Born in AmericaModule 5 Ethnic CultureModule 6 The World’s Cultural HeritageModule 7 Revision选修8Module 1 Deep SouthModule 3 Foreign FoodModule 4 Which English?Module 5 The Conquest of the UniverseModule 6 The Tang PoemsModule 7 Revision选修9Module 1 Bernard Shaw’’s PygmalionModule 2 DNA- the Secret of LifeModule 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors Module 4 Languages of the WorldModule 5 The First AmericansModule 6 Why Do We Need DictionariesModule 7 Revision选修10Module 1 Pride and PrejudiceModule 2 Australia and New ZealandModule 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Module 4 The Magic of FilmModule 5 High-tech LivingModule 6 The Maple Leaf CountryModule 7 Revision选修11Module 1 The Boston Tea PartyModule 2 The Long Walk to FreedomModule 3 Ernest HemingwayModule 4 Sherlock HolmesModule 6 The Unitde NationsModule 7 Revision四、高中英语教材牛津译林版单元标题牛津版高一上学期School life模块1 Unit1模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains模块1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people牛津版高一下学期模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses模块3 Unit 2 Language模块3 Unit 3 Back to the past模块4 Unit 1 Advertising模块4 Unit 2 Sporting events模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world牛津版高二上学期模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others模块5 Unit 2 The environment模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?模块6 Unit 3 Understanding each other模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world牛津版高二下学期模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life模块7 Unit 3 The world online模块7 Unit 4 Public transport模块8 Unit 1 The written world模块8 Unit 2 The universal language模块8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events牛津版高三上学期模块9 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures模块9 Unit 2 Witnessing time模块9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour模块9 Unit 4 Behind beliefs模块10 unit 1 building the future模块10 unit 2 people on the move模块10 unit 3 protecting ourselves模块10 unit 4 law and order模块11 unit 1 careers and skills模块11 unit 2 getting a job模块11 unit 3 the secret of success模块11 unit 4 the next step 第一轮复习牛津版高三下学期二轮复习五、高中英语教材北师大版单元标题北师大版高一上学期模块1 Unit 1 Lifestyles模块1 Unit 2 Heroes模块1 Unit 3 Celebration模块2 Unit 4 Cyberspace模块2 Unit 5 Rhythm模块2 Unit 6 Design模块1 复习模块2 复习北师大版高一下学期模块3 Unit 7 The Sea模块3 Unit 8 Adventure模块3 Unit 9 Wheels模块3 复习模块4 Unit 10 Money模块4 Unit 11 The Media模块4 Unit 12 Culture Shock 模块4 复习北师大版高二上学期模块5 Unit 13 People模块5 Unit 14 Careers模块5 Unit 15 Learning模块5 综合或复习模块6 综合或复习模块6 Unit 16 Stories模块6 Unit 17 Laughter模块6 Unit 18 Beauty北师大版高二下学期选修模块7 Unit 19 Language选修模块7 Unit 20 New Frontiers选修模块7 Unit 21 Human Biology选修模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection选修模块8 Unit 23 Conflict选修模块8 Unit 24 Society北师大版高三学期选修模块9 Unit 25 Going Global选修模块9 Unit 26 Emotions选修模块9 Unit 27 Behaviour选修模块10 Unit 28 Health选修模块10 Unit 29 Education选修模块10 Unit 30 Relationships选修模块11 Unit 31 Personal Preferences选修模块11 Unit 32 Modern Living选修模块11 Unit 33 Truth and Lies六、高中英语教材冀教版单元标题必修模块1Unit 1 Being a TeenagerUnit 2 FriendshipUnit 3 Men and Women Different Roles in Society Unit 4 Movies from the East, Views from the West Unit 5 Literature:The Dream KeeperUnit 6 Learning through TravelUnit 7 To Your Good HealthUnit 8 New ideas and Inventions必修模块2Unit 1 School LifeUnit 2 FamilyUnit 3 Keeping SafeUnit 4 Let’s Talk MusicUnit 5 Experiencing LiteratureUnit 6 Planning a TripUnit 7 Culture and Cultural Diversity Unit 8 The Story of English必修模块3Unit 1 What Kind of Learner Am IUnit 2 Food for ThoughtUnit 3 The ComputerUnit 4 Attitudes towards our Elders Unit 5 Literature for IdentityUnit 6 GeographyUnit 7 New waves of TechnologyUnit 8 Protecting the Environment必修模块4Unit 1 What shapes our Identity?Unit 2 Using the InternetUnit 3 New Discoveries in Science Unit 4 The Olympic GamesUnit 5 Literature for HappinessUnit 6 Confucius and To day’s SocietyUnit 7 Teenagers, Fashion and Advertising Unit 8 Celebrities and Role Models必修5Unit 1 Exploring Learning ResourcesUnit 2 Managing Your TimeUnit 3 The Story of SuccessUnit 4 Literature for TruthUnit 5 Words and How We Use ThemUnit 6 Teenagers and TelevisionUnit 7 Studying Abroad: What You Need to Know Unit 8 Planning Your Career选修6Unit 1 Achieving Your BestUnit 2 Relieving stress in Your LifeUnit 3 Chinese ExperiencesUnit 4 What’s Being Gifted?Unit 5 Great ScientistsUnit 6 The Great WallUnit 7 Family FestivalsUnit 8 Science Fiction选修7Unit 1 Health MattersUnit 2 Global WarmingUnit 3 Qi Baishi and chinese paintingUnit 4 Self controlUnit 5 Literature for self-under-standing Unit 6 Exploring chinatownUnit 7 Sherlock HolmesUnit 8 Rules Are Rules!选修8Unit 1 Educational ExchangeUnit 2 The Changing English LanguageUnit 3 The Rise of BioengineeringUnit 4 George WashingtonUnit 5 Literature: Poems by and for the PeopleUnit 6 Manners, Customs and CulturesUnit 7 Caring for Each OtherUnit 8 Humankind and Nature选修9Unit 1 Growing UpUnit 2 Literature For LoveUnit 3 Organtic Food and FarmingUnit 4 WeatherUnit 5 MisunderstandingsUnit 6 Ludwig Van BeethovenUnit 7 The Story of TroyUnit 8 Technology and Modern Way of Life选修10Unit 1 Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement Unit 2 Travelling in ChinaUnit 3 CloningUnit 4 EarthquakesUnit 5 Chinese MedicineUnit 6 Literature of DilemmaUnit 7 Fables, Legends and MythsUnit 8 What Can We Do to Protect Our Environment?七、高中英语教材重庆大学版单元标题重庆大学版高一上学期I、Unit 1 Our SchoolsUnit 2 TeachersUnit 3 SchoolmatesUnit 4 SportsUnit 5 MusicUnit 6 FilmsUnit 7 Food and HealthUnit 8 Houses and LivingUnit 9 Clothes and FashionII、Unit 1 Learning English ReadingUnit 2 DictionaryUnit 3 The Story of Helen KellerUnit 4 ConfidenceUnit 5 HonestyUnit 6 Helping PeopleUnit 7 HolidaysUnit 8 FoodUnit 9 Travel重庆大学版高一下学期m、Unit 1 Friends and FriendshipUnit 2 Between Parents and UsUnit 4 DreamsUnit 5 Wishes and AmbitionsUnit 6 PerseveranceUnit 7 ArtUnit 8 DramaUnit 9 Poetryw、Unit 1 Project HopeUnit 2 Three GorgesUnit 3 Countries and RegionsUnit 4 PlantsUnit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 Man and PetsUnit 7 NeighborhoodUnit 8 WorkplaceUnit 9 Living Today重庆大学版高二上学期V、Unit 1 History of the Olympic Games Unit 2 Famous People in the OlympicsUnit 3 Beijing 2008Unit 4 The Planet We Live onUnit 5 History and PeopleUnit 6 Antarctica and the Environment Unit 7 The Internet and Our LifeUnit 8 Magic InternetUnit 9 Computers and the Web w、Unit 1 The Coqui in HawaiiUnit 2 Troublesome TravelersUnit 3 Seeking AdviceUnit 4 A Good Heart to Lean on Unit 5 I Have a DreamUnit 6 A Day’s Wait重庆大学版高二下学期皿、Unit 1 Getting Along with Parents Unit 2 Getting Along with Others Unit 3 HistoryUnit 4 CivilizationUnit 5 Stress and MemoryUnit 6 Dreams Reading皿Unit 1 NamesUnit 2 Non-verbal Communication Unit 3 Going HomeUnit 4 Man of VirtueUnit 5 Wonders of Our BodyUnit 6 Experiencing the Wonders重庆大学版高三学期IX、Unit 1 Chicken Soup for the Soul Unit 2 Eternal LoveUnit 3 Holidays and FestivalsUnit 4 The Delights of BooksUnit 5 Traveling WorldwideUnit 6 Entertaining UsX、Unit 1 About EnglishUnit 2 Life as a PoemUnit 3 Mass MediaUnit 4 MannersUnit 5 Speaking SkillsUnit 6 Beauty of NatureXI、Unit 1 Movie and MusicUnit 2 SpaceUnit 3 World of MysteriesUnit 4 Popular CultureUnit 5 How to Do ThingsUnit 6 Job and Interview八、高中英语教材上海新世纪版单元标题高一上册Unit 1 occupationsUnit 2 Success storiesUnit 3 English mannersUnit 4 Holidays and festivalsUnit 5 Animal friendsUnit 6 Cartoons and comic stripsUnit 7 MetropolisesUnit 8 HackingUnit 9 Personal hygieneMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合高一下册Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合Unit 3 English is changingUnit 4 A cushion or a kissMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the CinemaModule 3综合Unit 7 NewspapersUnit 8 MagazineModule 4综合高二上册Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global DrinksUnit 3 Sports HeroesUnit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 The EnvironmentUnit 7 Shopping ExperiencesUnit 8 AdvertisingMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合高二下册Unit 1 Words and their stories Unit 2 Using body lauguageUnit 3 On the friendshipUnit 4 Moving storiesUnit 5 Great scientistsUnit 6 Amazing achievemtnsUnit 7 Enjoying the classics (1) Unit 8 Enjoying the classics (2) Unit 9 AdventuresUnit 10 DisastersMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合Moudle 4综合Moudle 5综合高三上册Unit 1 Our Common HomeUnit 2 Limited OceanMoudle 1综合Unit 3 Short StoriesUnit 4 DramaMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Wonders in ArchitectureUnit 6Moudle 3综合Unit 7Unit 8高三下册Unit 1 Two GenerationsUnit 2 Growing upUnit 3 Our SpaceUnit 4 Space ExplorationUnit 5 Future EducationsUnit 6 Career PreparationMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合九、上海牛津版高中英语教材详细目录高一上Module 1 The Human BodyUnit 1 Body LanguageUnit 2 Care for HairModule 2 Colourful LifeUnit 3 A Taste of TravelUnit 4 EntertainmentModule 3 Food for ThoughtUnit 5 Think before You EatUnit 6 Fun Food高一下Module 1 Extraordinary TalesUnit 1 A Trip to the TheatreUnit 2 Great MindsModule 2 The Natural WorldUnit 3 PlantsUnit 4 Creatures Large and Small Module 3 Ideas and ViewpointsUnit 5 Problems and AdviceUnit 6 A Variety of Viewpoints 高二上Module 1 After-school ActivitiesUnit 1 Sporting EventsUnit 2 Continuous Learning Module 2 Aspects of Modern LifeUnit 3 Contemporary StyleUnit 4 Big BusinessesModule 3 The World of ScienceUnit 5 Technology all around usUnit 6 Space Exploration高二下Module 1 HappinessUnit 1 What is Beauty?Unit 2 Laughter HealsModule 2 The Power of ImagesUnit 3 ColoursUnit 4 Painting the World Module 3 Our Fragile Environment Unit 5 Living in HarmonyUnit 6 Problems and Solutions 高三上Module 1 The people around usUnit 1 Reaching OutUnit 2 Society and Change Module 2 The Things We DoUnit 3 TravelUnit 4 Family Celebrations Module 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 A Tale with a TwistUnit 6 A Wilde Play for LoveUnit 7 The Poetry of Nature高三下Module 1 Man and AnimalsUnit 1 Endangered AnimalsUnit 2 Wonderful Sea AnimalsModule 2 Caring about Your FutureUnit 3 It's Not Just a JobUnit 4 Job SearchingModule 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 The Surprising Stories of O.Henry Unit 6 Communicating with Helen Keller Unit 7 Famous Stories Retold。


be made of wood木制
Ss reviewthe language points carefully and give some examples about them.

pass away亡故in my opinion在我看来...
It’s a place which I’ ve visited twice
A.if I have already got well, hadn’t you
B. whether I had already got well
C. have I already got well
D. had I already got well.
It is said that据说(known\believed\expected)be located in位于...
a journey of discovery发现之旅
vary from day to day每天都在变
be known as the best team被认为是最好的队
be worth doing值得去做…
reflect light and heat反射光和热
at table\at the table吃饭/在桌旁



高二英语UNIT 7单元单词表(UNIT 7人教版上册)高二英语单元单词表(UNIT7人教版上册)UNIT7livewithdeadlyadj.imaginaryadj.narrativen.adj.quizn.falseadj.infectv.infectionn.v.virusn. transmit v.via prep. routen.bloodn. prevention n. persuade v.heroinn. immune adj. defenceless adj.n. treatment n. unprotected adj.sexn.adj. transfusion n. contract v.dieoflackn.v.proper adj. available v. discouragecheerv. cheer…up sufferfrom network n. specialist n. curable adj. meaningful adj. defensive adj.fierce adj. invisible adj. stranger n. diagnosesamplen.celln.disruptv. contagious adj. radiationn.strengthn.recoverv.fightern.contrary adj. onthemoment freefrom eategory高二英语单元单词表(UNIT7人教版上册)UNIT7livewithdeadlyadj.imaginaryadj.narrativen.adj.quizn.falseadj.infectv.infectionn.injectvirusn. transmit v.via prep. routen.bloodn. prevention n. persuade v.heroinn. immune adj. defenceless adj. illnesstreatment n. unprotected adj.sexn.adj. transfusion n. contract v.dieoflackn.v.proper adj. available v. discourage v.cheerv. cheer…up sufferfrom network n. specialist n. curable adj. meaningful adj. defensive adj.fierce adj. invisible adj. stranger n. diagnose v.samplen.celln.disruptv. contagious adj. radiationn.strengthn.recoverv.fightern.contrary adj. onthemoment freefrom eategory高二英语单元单词表(UNIT7人教版上册)UNIT7livewithdeadlyadj.imaginaryadj.narrativen.adj.quizn.falseadj.infectv.infectionn.injectv.virusn. transmit v.via prep. routen.bloodn. prevention n. persuade v.heroinn. immune adj. defenceless adj. illnessn.treatment n. unprotected adj.sexn.adj. transfusion n. contract v.dieoflackn.v.proper adj. available v. discourage v.cheercheer…up sufferfrom network n. specialist n. curable adj. meaningful adj. defensive adj.fierce adj. invisible adj. stranger n. diagnose v. samplecelln.disruptv. contagious adj. radiationn.strengthn.recoverv.fightern.contrary adj. onthemoment freefrom eategory。

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Para 3:
blood be infected with
HIVBiblioteka spread through
transmitted by
other body liquids
unprotected sex
receive infected blood transfusions
through birth
What’s the difference between AIDS and HIV?
World AIDS Day
is coming, our school is planning some theme activities on that day and now it is collecting ideas from you. Your creations should include: ♦ the theme of this year ♦ different activities
This passage mainly tells us________.
A. how terrible AIDS is
B. how miserable Xiaohua is C. what we should do towards AIDS and AIDS patients D. how to help Xiaohua
有十三岁的小娃娃,能达到这种程度,很咯不起。对于小小年纪竟然有些真才实学的冰凝,他还是很公平地给予咯欣赏和赞许,这也是他并没 有对她过分苛责的原因。因此,虽然冰凝很不对他的心思,但是不过就是不对心思而已,偌大的王府又不是供不起她的吃喝。只是前两天的八 月节宫宴触动咯王爷的底线,拉响咯他的警报。壹切的壹切,都必须服从于他的夺储大计,不要说冰凝这么壹个格外不对他心思的诸人,就是 他最宠爱的淑清,他最魂牵梦萦的玉盈,都必须为他的宏图伟业让路。这壹次,王爷只是向他的侧福晋发出咯警告信号,惩戒是为咯防范,他 希望冰凝能够体会得到他的良苦用心。只要冰凝安分守已,恪守妇道,不妨碍他的夺嫡大计,他们两人各过各的,互不理睬,老死不相往来, 将是未来他们之间相处的最基本策略。但是冰凝如若再犯,他决不会再如这次壹样心慈手软,不是区区壹首闺房诗就能完成处罚的事情。王爷 在心中暗暗做好咯如此打算。第壹卷 第152章 心动西海茶楼的雅间里,坐着几个青年男子,壹边喝茶壹边闲聊。众人都是神采飞扬、谈笑风 生,唯有最年轻的壹个男子壹直没有开口。这个青年男子有着壹张冷峻而清瘦的面庞,仍带着些许的稚气,但更多的,是桀骜不驯的神情。他 只是极偶尔地轻啜壹口香茗,目光却是壹直飘向咯这窗外的壹湖秋水,任由其它几人时而高谈阔论,时而低声密语,仿佛坐在他身边的那些人 都不存在似的。坐在这个青年男子右侧的,是壹位高大健硕、面色黝黑的男子,他壹直与其它人在闲聊,但时不时地转过身来看看紧挨着坐在 自己身边的青年男子,终于,他实在是忍不住,用他那壹贯的大嗓门开口说道:“我说十四弟,今儿又是谁招惹你咯?怎么壹直都蔫头搭脑的? 自从进咯屋里,还没听见你说过壹句话呢!”“没有谁招惹愚弟,就是不想说话罢咯。”“呵,真是稀奇呢!还有你小子不想说话的时 候?”“十哥,您说这世界上,真有仙女吗?”“哈哈!哈哈!刚刚你不是还说不想说话嘛,怎么转眼就问起仙女来咯?告诉你,你十哥不知 道什么是仙女,就知道仙女,也还不是壹个鼻子两眼睛的诸人嘛!怎么,又看上谁家的姑娘咯?你这才被皇阿玛赐咯伊尔根觉罗氏,还没捂热 乎呢,就又……”“十哥,您可别乱说,愚弟只是问问而已,没看上谁家的姑娘。”“那你还是问九哥吧,九哥见过的漂亮诸人,比你吃过的 咸盐都多,要是九哥说是仙女,那就真的是仙女,也不枉你小子痴呆神经壹场。”九阿哥壹听这哥俩儿讨论起什么仙女来咯,极为纳闷儿:十 四弟家的那个穆哲,可真是壹个十足的醋坛子,当然咯,比起八嫂来,还是差远咯。虽然管不住十四弟娶妻纳妾,不过,倒也是能把十四弟
virus HIV is the ___ that causes AIDS.
Para 4:
a lack of proper health care AIDS spreads fast in Africa prevention education
In 2002, 800.000 children were infected and the total number of children with HIV/AIDS was 3.2 million .
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4 Para. 5
Para. 6 Para. 7
Para 2:
What kind of disease is AIDS?
AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness. Treatment is expensive and does not cure them.
1.Train the Ss’ reading skill : prediction, skimming and scanning. 2.Make the Ss know about AIDS. 3.Know about what the AIDS patients feel inside and change our attitude towards them.
1. Is the disease the only thing that
AIDS patients have to suffer from? 2.In this paragraph,xiao hua says “I wish people could… If I were you, I would…” why does she say that?
Warming up:
What were your life like when you were twelve years old?
sunshine 12 = happiness smiles beautiful
no worries
no sorrows no harms
If you had an incurable disease, how would you feel?
Reach out our hands to show love and care to the AIDS patients! Share and enjoy the love under the sun with them! Live and let live! (善待生命,共享人生)
; PP再生料 聚苯颗粒
Para 5:
What does Xiaohua do in her limited time?
Spends…telling… help others encouraging… visit other AIDS patients to support them cheer them up
Para 6:
How should we act towards people who have HIV/AIDS? What can we do to help them?
We should be helpful, friendly and understanding.
We can help them by learning more about the disease and by treating them as normal people.
How would you act towards the sudden change?
How ?
Para. 1
Who is Xiaohua? What’s AIDS? How do people get AIDS? Current situations of AIDS in the world What kind of life does Xiaohua live? AIDS patients have to deal with people’s fear of the disease. Learn to live with HIV.