



2022-2023学年江苏省泰州市高二上学期期末数学试题一、单选题1.已知集合,则( ){21},{12}A x x B x x =-<≤=-<≤∣∣A B = A .B .C .D .(]1,1-(2,2]-(2,1]-(1,2]-【答案】A【分析】根据给定条件,利用交集的定义直接求解作答.【详解】集合,所以.{21},{12}A x x B x x =-<≤=-<≤∣∣(1,1]A B ⋂=-故选:A 2.复数,则( )1i1i z +=-3z =A .B .C .-1D .1i -i【答案】A【分析】直接利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,然后利用即可求出结果.2i 1=-【详解】解:,21i (1i)i 1i (1i)(1i)z ++===--+ ,33i i z ∴==-故选:A .3.已知点,,若直线与直线垂直,则( )()1,0A ()3,1B AB 10x my -+=m =A .B .C .D .2-12-122【答案】B【分析】先求出直线的斜率,再根据两直线垂直斜率乘积为即可求的值.AB 1-m 【详解】依题意可得直线的斜率为,AB 101312-=-因为直线与直线垂直,AB 10x my -+=且直线的斜率为,10x my -+=2-所以,解得.12m =-12m =-故选:B .4.数学家斐波那契在研究兔子繁殖问题时,发现有这样一个数列,,,,,,{}:1n a 12358其中从第项起,每一项都等于它前面两项之和,即,,这样的数列称 3121a a ==21n n n a a a ++=+为“斐波那契数列”若,则( ).()36912621m a a a a a =+++++m =A .B .C .D .126127128129【答案】C【分析】根据数列的特点,每个数等于它前面两个数的和,移项得: ,使用累加法2n n a a +=-1n a +求得,然后将的系数倍展开即可求解.21n n S a +=-()36912621a a a a +++++2【详解】由从第三项起,每个数等于它前面两个数的和,,121a a ==由,得 ,所以,,,()*21n n n a a a n ++=+∈N 2n n a a +=-1n a +132a a a =-243a a a =-⋯2n n a a +=-,1n a +将这个式子左右两边分别相加可得:,所以.n 1221n n n S a a a a +=+++=-21n n S a ++=所以.()3691261234567891241251261261282111a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a S a +++++=++++++++++++=+=故选:C .5.已知双曲线的焦点在轴上,渐近线方程为,则的离心率为( )C y 2y x =±C AB .CD2【答案】A【分析】根据已知条件求得,从而求得双曲线的离心率.ab 【详解】由题意,双曲线的焦点在轴上,y 由于双曲线的渐近线方程为,2y x =±所以,即,2ab =12ba =所以c e a =====故选:A6.已知函数的导函数为,且,则( )()f x ()'f x ()2cos 6f x xf xπ⎛⎫'=+ ⎪⎝⎭6f π⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭A .B .CD12-126π6π【答案】D【分析】将求导并代入即可得出,即可得到的具体解析式,再代入()f x 6x π=6f π⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭()f x 即可得出答案.6x π=【详解】,()2cos 6f x xf xπ⎛⎫'=+ ⎪⎝⎭ ,()2sin 6f x f xπ⎛⎫''∴=- ⎪⎝⎭令,则,6x π=2sin666f f πππ⎛⎫⎛⎫''=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,162f π⎛⎫'=⎪⎭∴⎝则,()cos f x x x=+ cos 6666f ππππ⎛⎫=+= ⎪⎭⎝∴故选:D.7.已知等差数列中, 记,,则数列的前项和为( ){}n a 452a a +=11n n n a b a +=-*N n ∈{}n b 8A .B .C .D .04816【答案】C【分析】分离常数可得,设,当,时,可得,故21,1n n b a =+-21n n c a =-18n ≤≤*N n ∈90n n c c -+=可得数列的前项和.{}n b 8【详解】由等差数列性质得945n n a a a a -++=11221,111n n n n n n a a b a a a +-+===+---设,当,时,21n n c a =-18n ≤≤*N n ∈()()()()94599992222220,111111n n n n n n n n n n a a a a c c a a a a a a -----+-+-+=+=⋅=⋅=------故1238b b b b ++++1281282221118111c c c a a a =++++++=++++---()()()()1827364588c c c c c c c c =++++++++=故选:C 8.已知函数及其导函数的定义域均为,且是奇函数,记,若()f x ()f x 'R ()1f x +()()g x f x '=是奇函数,则( )()g x ()10g =A .B .C .D .201-2-【答案】B 【分析】根据是奇函数,可得,两边求导推得,()1f x +()()11f x f x -+=-+()()2g x g x =-+,再结合题意可得4是函数的一个周期,且,进而可求解.()()20g g =()g x ()00g =【详解】因为 是奇函数,所以,()1f x +()()11f x f x -+=-+两边求导得 ,()()11f x f x ''--+=-+即,()()11f x f x ''-+=+又,()()g x f x '=所以,即,()()11g x g x -+=+()()2g x g x =-+令 ,可得 ,2x =()()20g g =因为是定义域为的奇函数,所以,即.()g x R ()00g =()20g =因为是奇函数,()g x 所以 ,又,()()g x g x -=-()()2g x g x =-+所以,则,,()()2g x g x -+=--()()2g x g x +=-()()()42g x g x g x +=-+=所以4是函数的一个周期,()g x 所以.()()1020g g ==故选:B .二、多选题9.已知圆,点,,则( ):C ()()225516x y -+-=()4,0A ()0,2B A .点在圆外B .直线与圆相切A C 1x =C C .直线与圆相切D .圆与圆相离AB C 2249x y +=C 【答案】AB【分析】根据已知写出圆心、半径.代入点坐标,即可判断A 项;分别求出圆心到直线的距离,A 比较它们与半径的关系,即可判断B 、C 项;求出圆心距,根据与两圆半径的关系即可判OCOC断D 项.【详解】解:由题,圆的圆心坐标为,半径为,C ()5,5C 4r =对于A 项,因为,所以点在圆外,故A 正确;()()2245052616-+-=>A C 对于B 项,圆心到直线的距离为,故直线与圆相切,故B 项正确;1x =1514d r=-==1x =C 对于C 项,直线的方程为,整理得,则圆心到直线的距离为AB 142x y+=240x y +-=C AB,24d r >=所以直线与圆相离,故C 错误;AB C 对于D 项,圆的圆心坐标为,半径为,则圆心间的距离为2249x y +=()0,0O 7R ==因为,所以圆与圆相交,故D 错误.310R r R r -=<<=+2249x y +=C 故选:AB .10.已知等差数列的前项和为,当且仅当时取得最大值,则满足的最大的{}n a n n S 7n =n S 0k S >正整数可能为( )k A .B .C .D .12131415【答案】BC 【分析】由题意可得,公差,且,,分别求出,讨论的10a >0d <70a >80a <131415S S S ,,78a a +符号即可求解.【详解】因为当且仅当时,取得最大值,7n =n S 所以,公差,且,.10a >0d <70a >80a <所以,,,()113137131302a a S a ⨯+==>()()11414781472a a S a a ⨯+==+()115158151502a a S a ⨯+==<故时,.15n ≥0n S <当时,,则满足的最大的正整数为;780a a +>140S >0k S >k 14当时,,则满足的最大的正整数为,780a a +≤140S ≤0k S >k 13故满足的最大的正整数可能为与.0k S >k 1314故选:BC .11.已知抛物线的焦点为,为上一动点,点,则( )2:4C y x =F ()00P x y ,C ()21A ,A .当时,02x =3PF =B .当时,在点处的切线方程为01y =C P 2210x y -+=C .的最小值为PA PF+3D .的最大值为PA PF-【答案】ACD 【分析】当时,求出判断A ;02x =PF 设切线与抛物线联立使求出切线方程判断B ;Δ0=利用抛物线的定义转化求解的最小值可判断C ;PA PF+根据三角形两边之差小于第三边判断D .【详解】因为抛物线,所以准线的方程是.2:4C y x =l =1x -对于,当时,,此时,故A 正确;A 02x =24p =0||2132pPF x =+=+=对于B ,当时,,令切线方程为:,与联立得01y =014x =1(1)4m y x -=-24y x =2y -,4410my m +-=令,解得,即切线方程为:,即,故B 错2161640m m ∆=-+=12m =11(1)24y x -=-4210x y -+=误;对于C ,过点分别作准线的垂线,垂足为,P A l ,,Q B则,所以的最小值为故C 正确.||||||||||3PA PF PA PQ AB +=+≥=||||PA PF +3,对于D ,因为焦点,所以(1,0)F ||||||PA PF AF -≤==所以故D 正确.||||PA PF -故选:ACD12.已知 ,则( )22e e x yx y --<-A .B . ()ln 10x y ++<2()1e x yx y +++<C .D .sin sin x y x y +>--22cos cos x y y x ->-【答案】BC【分析】根据条件构造函数,求导,计算出x 与y 的关系,再根据函数的性质逐项分析.【详解】因为 ,即 .22e e x y x y --<-()22e e x y x y --<--令 ,则有,()2e xf x x =-()()f x f y <-则 ,令,则,()'2e x f x x =-()2e xg x x =-()'2e xg x =-令 ,可得,()'2e 0x g x =-=ln2x =当时,,函数单调递增,()ln2x ∈-∞,()'0g x >()g x 当时,,函数单调递减,()ln2x ∈+∞,()'0g x <()g x 故,()()max ln22ln220g x g ==-<所以总有 ,故单调递减;所以,即;()'0f x <()f x x y >-0x y +>对于A ,,故A 错误;()ln 1ln10x y ++>=对于B ,设 ,则,()()2e 10x h x x x =-->()()''e 20x h x x f x =-=->故在上单调递增,所以,()h x ()0+∞,()()00h x h >=所以,因为,所以,故B 正确;()21e 0x x x +<>0x y +>()21ex yx y +++<对于C ,,即.sin sin x y x y +>--()()sin sin x x y y +>-+-设,则,()sin u x x x=+()()u x u y >-则,所以单调递增.()1cos 0u x x ='+≥()u x因为,所以,故C 正确;x y >-()()u x u y >-对于D ,,即,22cos cos x y y x ->-22cos cos x x y y +>+令,则,()2cos t x x x=+()()t x t y >因为,所以为偶函数,()()()()22cos cos t x x x x x t x -=-+-=+=()2cos t x x x=+所以即为.()()t x t y >()()t x t y >-则 ,令,则,所以单调递增.()'2sin t x x x=-()2sin m x x x =-()'2cos 0m x x =->()m x 又,()00m =所以当时,,,函数单调递减;()0x ∈-∞,()0m x <()'0t x <()t x 当时,,,函数单调递增,()0x ∈+∞,()0m x >()'0t x >()t x 当时,,故D 错误;0y x -<<()()t y t x ->故选:BC.三、填空题13.已知等比数列的公比不为,,且,,成等差数列,则__________.{}n a 111a =2a 4a 3a 5a =【答案】/0.0625116【分析】根据条件求出公比q ,再运用等比数列通项公式求出 .5a 【详解】根据题意得,, 且,32420a a a +-=2311120a q a q a q ∴+-=2320q q q +-=1q ≠解得,,;12q =-11a = 445111216a a q ⎛⎫∴==-= ⎪⎝⎭故答案为: .11614.已知点,,点满足直线,的斜率之积为,则的面积的最大()50A -,()50B ,P PA PB 1625-PAB 值为__________.【答案】20【分析】根据条件,运用斜率公式求出P 点的轨迹方程,再根据轨迹确定 面积的最大值.PAB 【详解】设,由题意可知,,()P m n ,2216552525PA PBn n n k k m m m ⋅=⋅==-+--整理得;()22152516m n m +=≠±得动点的轨迹为以,为长轴顶点的椭圆除去,两点,P A B (A B )显然当点位于上下顶点时面积取得最大值,P PAB 因为,,5a =4b =所以;()max 12202PAB S a b =⨯⨯= 故答案为:20.15.已知函数及其导函数的定义域均为,为奇函数,且则不等()f x ()f x 'R ()f x ()()0.f x f x '->式的解集为__________.()2320f x x -+>【答案】()1,2【分析】设,由导数法可得单调递减,可转化为()()x f x g x =e ()g x ()2320f x x -+>,根据单调性即可求解.()()2320g x x g -+>【详解】设,则,故单调递减.()()x f x g x =e ()()()0xf x f xg x e '-'=<()g x 因为为奇函数,定义域为,所以,故.()f x R ()00f =()()0000e f g ==可转化为,即.()2320f x x -+>()223232ex x f x x -+-+>()()2320g x x g -+>因为单调递减,所以,解得.()g x 2320x x -+<12x <<故答案为:.()1,216.已知实数,,,满足,,,则1x 2x 1y 2y 22114x y +=22229x y +=12120x x y y +=的最大值是___________.112249x y x y +-++-【答案】1313+【分析】由已知得分别在圆和圆上,利用数形结合法,将所求问题转化,A B 224x y +=229x y +=为两点到直线和倍,再利用三角函数求出其最大值即,A B 40x y +-=90x y +-=可.【详解】解:由,可知,22114x y +=22229x y +=点,分别在圆和圆上,()11,A x y ()22,B x y 224x y +=229x y +=如图,作直线,过作于,过A 作于,:l y x =-B BD l ⊥D AE l ⊥E而,1122|4||9|x y x y +-++-表示A 到直线的距离,40x y +-=1d表示到直线的距离,B 90x y +-=2d 因为与,平行,y x =-40x y +-=90x y +-=且与的距离为,y x =-40x y +-=3d与的距离为y x =-90x y +-=4d 要使的取最大值,则需在直线的左下角这一侧,112249x y x y +-++-,A B :l y x =-所以1||d AE =+2||d BD =由得,12120x x y y +=OA OB ⊥设,因为,所以,π,0,2DOB θθ⎛⎫∠=∈ ⎪⎝⎭OA OB ⊥π2AOE θ∠=-从而,π||||sin 3sin ,||||sin 2cos 2BD BO AE AO θθθθ⎛⎫=⋅==⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭故,()||||3sin 2cos BD AE θθθθθϕ⎫+=+=+⎪⎭其中,π20,,tan 23ϕϕ⎛⎫∈=⎪⎝⎭故当时,π2θϕ=-||||BD AE +从而,)1122124913x y x y d d +-++-=+=≤即.1122|4||9|x y x y +-++-13.13【点睛】关键点睛:本题解答的关键是将代数问题转化为几何问题,数形结合,再借助三角函数的性质求出最值.四、解答题17.已知中,.ABC )222sin sin sin 2sin sin cos A B C A BC +-=-(1)求;C (2)若,,求的面积.45A =2BC =ABC 【答案】(1)π6【分析】由正弦定理得,再由余弦定理得,可得()1)2222cos a b c abC +-=cos cos C C =;cos C =C 由正弦定理得,得出,再得出,由三角形面积公式可得的面积.()22sin45sin30BA= BA sin B ABC 【详解】(1)设,,对边长,,A B C a b c因为)222sin sin sin 2sin sin cos A B C A BC +-=由正弦定理,2sin sin sin a b cR A B C ===所以,)2222cos a b c abC +-=所以,222cos 2a b c Cab +-=即,cos cos C C =-所以,cos C =因为,()0,πC ∈所以;π6C =(2)中,,,,ABC 45A =2BC =30C =因为,sin sin BC BAA C =所以,2sin45sin30BA=所以,BA =因为,()sin sin sin45cos30cos45sin30B A C =+=+= 所以1sin 2ABC S BA BC B =⋅⋅122=⨯.=18.已知数列中,,当时,记,.{}n a 15a =2n ≥1221.nn n a a -=+-12n n n a b -=*n N ∈(1)求证:数列是等差数列,并求数列的通项公式{}n b {}n a ;(2)求数列的前项和.{}1n a -n n T 【答案】(1)证明见解析,()121n n a n =++(2).12n n T n +=⋅【分析】(1)对递推公式变形,求出 的通项公式,再求出 的通项公式;{}n b {}n a (2)运用错位相减法求和.【详解】(1)因为且当时,,15a =2n ≥1221nn n a a -=+-所以当时,,2n ≥()11212nn n a a --=-+所以,因为,即,1111122n n nn a a ----=+12n n n a b -=11n n b b --=所以是以为首项,为公差的等差数列,{}n b 11122a b -==1所以,()121112n na n n -=+-⨯=+所以;()121n n a n =++(2)由知,()2()1()112n n a n -=+则…①…②,()12223212nn T n =⨯+⨯+++⨯ ()2312223212n n T n +=⨯+⨯+++⨯ ①-②得()12312222212n n n T n +-=⨯++++-+⨯ 所以;()()1141241212n n n -+-=+-+-()111442122n n n n T n n +++=-+-++=⋅综上,, .()121n n a n =++12n n T n += 19.已知函数.()()ln 1=1x x f x x +--(1)求函数的最大值;()f x (2)记,.若函数既有极大值,又有极小值,求()()()()21211g x x f x x a x =+++--+a ∈R ()g x 的取值范围.a 【答案】(1)2(2)()+∞【分析】(1)对函数求导,研究函数的单调性,从而可得函数的最值;(2)条件等价于方程在区间上有两个不相等的实数根,列关于()22430x a x a +-+-=()1,-+∞的不等式,求解即可.a 【详解】(1)由函数,则其定义域为,,()()ln 1=1x x f x x +--()1,∞+()()()2ln 1=1x f x x '---当时,;当时,,()1,2x ∈()0f x ¢>()2,x ∈+∞()0f x '<所以函数在区间上为增函数;在区间为减函数,()f x ()1,2()2,+∞所以;()()max 22f x f ==(2)由,()()()()()()221211ln 123g x x f x x a x x x a x =+++--+=++--+(1)x >-则,()()()224312211x a x a g x x a x x +-+-=+--='++因为既有极大值,又有极小值,()g x 即等价于方程在区间上有两个不相等的实数根,()22430x a x a +-+-=()1,-+∞即,解得()()()22430414Δ4830a a a a a ⎧--+->⎪-⎪>-⎨⎪⎪=--->⎩a >所以所求实数的取值范围是.a ()+∞20.设数列的前项积为,且.{}n a n nT22nn T =(1)求数列的通项公式{}n a ;(2)记区间内整数的个数为,数列的前项和为,求使得的最[]()*1,m m a a m N +∈m b {}m b m m S 2023m S >小正整数.m 【答案】(1)212n n a -=(2)5【分析】(1)根据与的关系,类比与的关系求通项即可;n T n a n S n a (2)根据定义求出的通项,再由公式法求和,最后解不等式即可.m b 【详解】(1)因为数列的前项积,{}n a n 22n n T =①当时,,1n =12a =当时,,2n ≥2(1)1212n n a a a --⋅=②除以得,①②212n n a -=又时,满足,1n =12a =212n na -=所以.212n n a -=(2)因为区间内整数的个数为,[]()*1,m m a a m N +∈m b 所以,212121221321m m m m b +--=-+=⋅+所以.()214324214m mm S m m -=⨯+=⨯+--由,得,即,2023m S >2422023m m ⨯+->242025m m ⨯+>当时,,4m =424451245162025⨯+=+=<当时,,5m =52452048520532025⨯+=+=>因为随的增大而增大,24mm ⨯+m 所以的最小整数为.2023m S >521.已知椭圆,,左、右顶点分2222:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>1F 2F 别为,,上顶点为,的周长为点,异于两点且在上,直线,1A 2A B 12BF F △ 4.P Q 12,A A C 1A P ,的斜率分别为,,,且2A Q 2A P 1k 2k3k 123k k =(1)证明为定值13k k ;(2)求点到直线距离的最大值.B PQ 【答案】(1)证明见解析【分析】(1)利用题意得到关于的等式,联立方程组即可求得,设,代入椭圆,,a b c ,,a b c ()11,P x y 方程可得到,然后利用两点斜率公式即可求证;221114x y +=(2)先推断出直线斜率必不为,设其方程为,与椭圆进行联立得到二次方PQ 0()2x ty n n =+≠±程,可得到代入即可算出答案12221222444tn y y t n y y t ⎧+=-⎪⎪+⎨-⎪=⎪+⎩,()()1223121212122y y kk x x ⋅-==--【详解】(1)设椭圆焦距为,2c 由题知,解得,222224c a a c a b c ⎧=⎪⎪⎪+=⎨⎪=+⎪⎪⎩21a b c ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪=⎩所以椭圆的标准方程为,2214x y +=依题意,,设椭圆上任一点,则,()12,0A -()22,0A ()11,P x y 221114x y +=所以;21211113221111114·22444x y y y k k x x x x -⋅====-+---(2)设,若直线的斜率为,则,关于轴对称,必有,不合题意,()22,Q x y PQ 0P Q y 12k k =-所以直线斜率必不为,设其方程为,PQ 0()2x ty n n =+≠±与椭圆联立,整理得:,C 2244x y x ty n⎧+=⎨=+⎩()2224240t y tny n +++-=所以,且()221640t n ∆=+->12221222444tn y y t n y y t ⎧+=-⎪⎪+⎨-⎪=⎪+⎩,由(1)知,即,123134k k k =-=23121k k ⋅=-即,即,()()121212122y y x x =---()()()121212121224y y ty n ty n t y y n =-⎡⎤++-+++⎣⎦即,()()122212121212(2)y y t y y t n y y n =-+-++-即,()()()()22212212224n t n t n n t +=-+-+-+所以,此时,1n =-()()2221641630t n t ∆=+-=+>故直线恒过轴上一定点,:1PQ x ty =-x ()1,0D -所以点到直线B PQ 【点睛】方法点睛:利用韦达定理法解决直线与圆锥曲线相交问题的基本步骤如下:(1)设直线方程,设交点坐标为;()()1122,,,x y x y (2)联立直线与圆锥曲线的方程,得到关于(或)的一元二次方程,必要时计算;x y ∆(3)列出韦达定理;(4)将所求问题或题中的关系转化为、(或、)的形式;12x x +12x x 12y y +12y y (5)代入韦达定理求解.22.已知函数,其中,()ln f x a x bx=-a .b R ∈(1)若,求函数的单调区间1a =()f x ;(2)若,函数有两个相异的零点,,求证:.1b =()f x 1x 2x 212e x x >【答案】(1)答案见解析(2)证明见解析【分析】(1)求出函数的导数,解关于导函数的不等式,求出函数的单调区间即可;(2)不妨令,用分析法对进行等价转化,最后可构造函数即可证明结论成立.120x x >>212e x x >【详解】(1)当时,,定义域为,1a =()ln f x x bx=-()0+∞,所以,,()11bx f x b x x -'=-=所以,时,在上恒成立,0b ≤()0f x '≥()0+∞,故在上单调递增,()f x ()0+∞,当时,令得,0b >()0f x '=1x b =所以,当时,,单调递增,11x b ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,()0f x ¢>()f x 时,,单调递减,1x b ⎛⎫∈+∞ ⎪⎝⎭,()'0f x <()f x 综上,时,在上单调递增,0b ≤()f x ()0+∞,时,在上单调递增,在上单调递减;0b >()f x 10b ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,1b ⎛⎫+∞⎪⎝⎭,(2)由题知,,1b =()ln f x a x x=-因为函数有两个相异零点,,且,()y f x =1x 2x ()11f =-所以且,,即,11x ≠21x ≠1122ln 0ln 0a x x a x x -=⎧⎨-=⎩1122ln ln x a x x a x ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩所以,方程有两个不相等的实数根,ln xa x =令,则,()ln x g x x =()2ln 1(ln )x g x x -'=故当时,,时,,()()011e x ∈⋃,,()0g x '<()e x ∈+∞,()0g x '>所以,在,上单调递减,在上单调递增,()g x ()01,()1e ,()e ,+∞因为,,,,()01x ∈,()0g x <()1x ∈+∞,()0g x >所以,要使方程有两个不相等的实数根,ln xa x =则,()e ea g >=不妨令,则,,120x x >>11ln a x x =22ln a x x =所以,()()1212121212ln ln ln ln ln a x x a x x x x a x x x x +==+-=-,要证,只需证,即证:,212ex x >12ln 2x x >1212ln 2x x x x a +=>因为,1212ln ln 1x x a x x -=-所以,只需证,()121211212122ln ln ln 2x x x x x x x x x x x x -++=>--只需证,即,1211221ln 21x x xx x x +>-1112221ln 21x x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫+>- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭故令,121x t x =>故只需证,成立,()()1ln 21t t t +>-1t >令,,()()()1ln 21h t t t t =+--1t >则,()11ln 2ln 1+'=+-=+-t h t t t t t 令,()1ln 1g t t t =+-在恒成立,()221110t t t g t t '-=-=>()1+∞,所以,在上单调递增,()h t '()1+∞,因为,()10h '=所以在恒成立,()0h t '>()1+∞,所以,在上单调递增,()h t ()1+∞,所以,,即,()()10h t h >=()()1ln 21t t t +>-所以,成立.212e x x >【点睛】思路点睛:本题第二问令,用分析法对进行等价转化,最后可构造函数120x x >>212e x x >即可证明结,本题考查了函数的零点、应用导数研究函数的单调性、最值,对于恒成立问题往往转化为函数最值解决,属于难题.。



高二化学期末试卷带答案考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.下列离子组一定能大量共存的是( ) A .酚酞呈无色的溶液中:I -、CH 3COO -、NO 3-、Na + B .甲基橙呈黄色的溶液中: Na +、CO 32-、NO 3-、NH 4+ C .含大量Al 3+的溶液中: K +、Na +、NO 3-、S 2- D .pH>7-的溶液中:CO 32-、Cl -、F -、K +2.已知下列实验事实:①Cr 2O 3固体既能溶于KOH 溶液得到KCrO 2溶液,又能溶于硫酸得到Cr 2(SO 4)3溶液;②向KCrO 2溶液中滴加H 2O 2溶液,再酸化,可得K 2Cr 2O 7溶液; ③将K 2Cr 2O 7溶液滴加到淀粉和KI 的混合溶液中,溶液变蓝。

下列判断不正确的是( )A .化合物KCrO 2中Cr 元素为+3价B .实验①证明Cr 2O 3是两性氧化物C .实验②证明H 2O 2既有氧化性又有还原性D .实验③证明氧化性:Cr 2O >I 2 3.下列说法错误的是A .萃取操作时,选择有机萃取剂,则溶质在萃取剂的溶解度必须比水大B .分液操作时,分液漏斗中下层液体从下口放出,上层液体从上口倒出C .蒸馏操作时,应使温度计水银球插入混合溶液的液面下D .配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液时,洗涤烧杯和玻璃棒的溶液必须转入容量瓶中4.化学在生产和日常生活中有着重要的应用。

下列说法不正确的是( )。

A .铵态氮肥不能与草木灰混合施用B.工业上用石灰乳对煤燃烧形成的烟气进行脱硫,最终能制得石膏C.镁合金的硬度和强度均高于纯镁,工业上采用电解MgCl2饱和溶液制得镁D.MgO的熔点很高,可用于制作耐高温材料,但工业上不用MgO制镁5.根据下表中烃的分子式排列规律,判断空格中烃的同分异构体数目是A.①④B.③④C.②③D.①②9.已知充分燃烧a g 乙炔气体时生成1mol 二氧化碳气体和液态水,并放出热量bkJ,则乙炔燃烧的热化学方程式正确的是A.2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) ="=" 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l);△H = -4b KJ/molB.C2H2(g) + 5/2O2(g) ="=" 2CO2(g) + H2O(l);△H =" 2b" KJ/molC.2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) ="=" 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l);△H = -2b KJ/molD.2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) ="=" 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l);△H =" b" KJ/mol10.在密闭容器中发生如下反应:mA(g)+nB(g) pC(g)达到平衡后,保持温度不变,将气体体积缩小到原来的1/2,当达到新平衡时,C的浓度为原来的1.9倍。



杭十四中二〇〇八学年第一学期期末考试高二年级政治学科理科试卷一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共60分)1.下列属于文化现象的是①2008年6月12日,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林与台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙坤在北京钓鱼台五号楼紧紧握手,两会领导人直接启动了双方中断九年多的商谈②2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8.0级大地震③晨练、下棋、唱歌、扭秧歌等社区活动④某校为迎接高考的到来,在全校师生中开展“共铸诚信”征文活动⑤书法协会、美术协会、读书俱乐部等社团活动⑥2008年6月17日至18日,第四次中美战略经济对话在美国马里兰州安纳波利斯举行A.①②③B.④⑤⑥C.③④⑤D.②③⑥2.下列各项,属于文化范畴的有①集体主义价值观②汉语③芭蕾舞④公司A.①②③ B.①②④C.①③④ D.②③④3.“海上升明月,天涯共此时。



















一、二 选择题
15. 22D B FR 16. 略
17.解:(1A 点射入,由C 2分

则粒子的比荷 2分
(2)粒子从D 点飞出磁场速度方向改变了60°角,故AD 弧所对圆心角60°,粒子做圆周运动的半径
'cot 30R r ==
1分 又 ''
R qB =
'B B =
11266'3m r
t T qB v
18.(1) 棒匀速向左运动,感应电流为顺时针方向,电容器上板带正电.
∵ 微粒受力平衡,电场力向上,场强方向向下。


设微粒带电量大小为 q ,由平衡条件知:mg = qU C /d
对R 1、R 2和金属棒构成的回路,由欧姆定律可得I = E /3R ,U C = IR 2 = IR 由法拉第电磁感应定律可得E = Blv 0
3υBL mgd
q =
(2) 因带电微粒从极板中间开始向下作初速度为零的匀加速运动,
U C Blv 0/6
设棒ab ∴v x = v 0v 0/2.。



高二英语试题The document was prepared on January 2, 2021江苏省大丰高级中学09—10学年度高二年级期终考试英语试卷考试时间:120分钟分值:120分本试卷分为第一卷选择题和第二卷非选择题两部分.考试时间120分钟.第一卷第一部分:听力共两节,满分20分第一节共5小题,每题1分,满分5分听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1.What does the woman meanA.The man is a hard-working student.B.The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper.C.The man has bad study habits.2.Where does the conversation probably happenA.In the dining room. B. In the yard. C. In the living room.3.What does the woman think about the manA.He will be late for the meeting.B.He will not be late if he leaves at once.C.He will not go for the meeting.4.What is Frank’s telephone numberA. .B. .C. .5.How will the woman get to LondonA. By car.B. By train.C. By plane.第二节共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6至7题.6.What are the two speakers talking aboutA.About a friend’s address.B.About the software.C.About how to download software from the Internet.7.Which of the following is mentioned in the dialogueA.EPT. B.FPT. C.FTP.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题.8.What is the price of the shoesA. 354 yuan.B. 435 yuan.C. 345 yuan. 9.What does the man feel about the shoes at lastA.The shoes are too small.B.He does not like the color.C.The shoes are too dear.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10.What does the man want to doA.Have his hair cut. B.Go to the cinema. C.Go to work.11.What does the woman complain about the manA.He’s a lit tle wasteful. B. He is forgetful. C. He is lazy.12.Who has made the mistakeA. The man speaker.B. Not sure. C.Edison.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.13. Where did the woman celebrate the last New YearA.In Bridport, a small town in East England.B.In a pub酒吧 in London.C.In Bridport, a small town in West England.14.How did the man like his last year’s celebrationA.He enjoyed it very much,B.He thought it was too crowded to get a drink in the pub.C.He enjoyed the drink brought by himself.15.What did people do when the clock struck twelve in Bridport last yearA.They drank, danced and sang.B.They set off fireworks.C.They wore fancy dress costumes服装 and drank.16.What is the woman’s favorite part of every New YearA.The kissing that people give her.B.The fireworks and the high spirit of the people.C.The drinks, music and fireworks.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17.What is the speakerA.A radio announcer. B.A doctor. C.An actor.18.What will be shown on TV on Oct 10thA.A program about the plane.B.A program about the grains.C.A program about the brain.19.What will be the main purpose of the programA.To explain the working of the brain.B.To show the latest use of computer pictures.C.To increase people’s knowledge of farming.20.Why is the program easy to followA.Because it’s for children.B.Because it’s for scientists.C.Because it’s a public show.第二部分:英语知识运用共两节,满分35分第一节:单项选择共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.21. We have every reason to believe that_________2010 World Expo inShanghai will be ____ success.A. /; aB. the; /C. the; aD. a; a22. The company is _________ at training each employee by the end of this year.A. aidingB. aimingC. attemptingD. pointing23. His health _________ under the pressure of work and he had to stay in hospital for a month.A. broke upB. broke awayC. broke outD. broke down24. – How was the football match last night-- I wish I _________ it. It was quite a disappointment.A. had watchedB. hadn’t watchedC. watchedD. didn’t watch25. -How do you find the film-Oh, excellent. It’s well _________once again.A. worth being seenB. worthy to seeC. worthy of seeingD. worth seeing26. –Why did Susan leave so early without saying bye-- Luckily she did. Otherwise she _________something much more unpleasant.A. saidB. would sayC. would have saidD. had said27. With so many dishes to _________, customers can enjoy theirfavorite food in the newly-opened restaurant.A. be chosenB. be chosen fromC. chooseD. choose from28. I don’t want to buy the dictionary. _________, it’s tooexpensive; _________I don’t have enough money with me at present.A. Because; andB. At first; thenC. On one hand; on the other handD. On one hand; on other hand29. _________was known to all, he had broken his promise _________he would give us a rise.A. As; whichB. As; thatC. It;that D. It; which30. All the money he had had _________,so he had to make a living by begging.A. run outB. used upC. taken upD. stayed up31. How was _________ that he missed such a filmA. itB. thisC. thatD. what32. ——Your flight is boarding now. We’ll have to part.—— Don’t feel blue. _________.A. A still tongue makes a wise headB. A single flower does not make a springC. All good things come to an endD. All that glittersis not gold33. It is _________for me to finish reading in _________.A. too difficult a book; a so short timeB. a toodifficult book; so short a timeC. too difficult a book; so short a timeD. a toodifficult book; a so short time34. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _________didn’t help.A. itB. sheC. whichD. he35. On October 1st every year all the Chinese people hold greatparties _________the birthday of New China.A. in celebration ofB. in memory ofC. in favor ofD. in praise of第二节:完形填空共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.You've probably heard the expression, "What you see is what you get." My grandfather used to say, "If you 36 a tree long enough, it will move." We see 37 we want to see. Psychologists tell us that 38 controls our life more than our self-image. We live like the person we see in the 39 . We are what wethink we are. If you don't think you'll be successful,you 40 . You can't be it if you can't see it. Your lifeis 41 to your vision. If you want to change your 42 , you must change your vision of life.Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous whenhe 43 a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger,“ 44 you've retired from body building, what do you plan to do next” Schwarzenegger answered very calmlyand 45 : "I’m going to become the No. 1 movie star inHollywood. ”The reporter was 46 and amused at Schwarzenegger's plan. At that time, it was very hard to 47 how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a 48 actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Australian accent, could ever 49 to be Hollywood's No. 1 movie starSo the reporter asked Schwarzenegger 50 he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said, “I'll do it the same 51 I became the bodybuilder in the world. What I do is create a vision of who I want to be, then I start living like that person in my 52 as if it were already true.” Sounds alm ost childishly 53 ,doesn't it But it 54 Schwarzenegger did become the No. 1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood Remember: “If you can see it, you can 55 it.”36. A. look after B. livewith C. look at D. care for37. A. what B.where C. thatD. why38. A. something B.everything C. nothing D. anything39. A. water B.picture C. novelD. mirror40. A. don't B.won't C. can'tD. will41. A. limited B.contributed C. devoted D. offered42. A. idea B.image C. lifeD. vision43. A. turned into B. met withC. acted asD. worked as44. A. Now that B. Evenif C. In case D. Only if45. A. proudly B.anxiously C. confidently D. happily46. A. surprised B.excited C. disappointed D. scared47. A. report B.imagine C. findD. judge48. A. famous B.good C. professionalD. popular49. A. hope B.have C. failD. happen50. A. when B.why C. whatD. how51. A. chance B.method C. wayD. effort52. A. film B.play C. familyD. mind53. A. foolish B.simple C. funnyD. clever54. A. succeeded B. workedC. didD. completed55. A. find B.leave C.get D. touch第三部分:阅读理解共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AI was in the middle of coding为……编程a web page when my wife emailed me these questions: Ever wonder what it would be like to have the face, the brains, the personality and the body What it would be like to have everyone stop when you walk in the room What it would be like to be able to get anything or anyone you want I stopped for a moment and thought about it because my wife wouldn’t email me this unless something had driven her to do so. I emailed her back with what I thought was a pretty good answer. Here is what I wrote her back.Yes, I had thought many times about what it would be like to be one of the beautiful people. To be able to take your breath away when I walked into a room, or to be the life of the party as I wore only the finest clothes and sported the perfect body. But then I alwayscame back to the realization that a lifestyle like that is so easily broken. As you get older, your body changes; as you get older, the money changes. Your body never looks the same, the clothes become more and more expensive to continue. And once you have crossed the line, suddenly you are out. The next fresh face comes in, and you are quickly forgotten.All through growing up I was never an attractive person. I was overweight and laughed at. But that didn’t stop me from being a nice person. A good, clean, funny, helpful person. I was the person who you came to when you needed a friend after a breakup. I was the one you came to when you needed a joke to brighten up your day. And in the long run, I will be the one you remember, not the new face, or the fresh style.In closing, I would like to say that we are, as people, have developed into looking for things that are bigger and better instead of what will last. I don’t know about you, but I will remember the friend who helped me when I was down, more than the beauty I just saw walking down the street.56. Why does the writer regard outside looks as less importantA. Because it won’t last lo ng.B. Because it costs too little to remain.C. Because others don’t value it.D. Because he thinkshis wife less values it.57. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlinedphrase “to take your breath away”A. To impress you very much.B. To prevent you from breathing.C. To make you take a deep breath.D. To make you curious.58. Which of the following is the best title of the passageA. Wisdom.B. Beauty or the Brains.C. Three Questions to Answer.D. My W ife’s Questions.BIn a traditional Chinese family, women are expected to do the housekeeping and leave the “other business” to men. However, the appearance of the full-time “househusband” is changing traditional family.A survey in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen shows that22 percent, 73 percent, 34 percent and 32 percent of white-collar male workers, aged between 28 and 33, would be prepared to do the housekeeping if the conditions were right.Yang Wenhui, 32 years old, worked at the office of a companyprefer to quit离开 the job. “My job was dull and steady. I was not promoted提拔. My wife, in contrast, really likes her job. So, after our baby was born, I chose to stay at home and take care of the family while my wife works full-time outside the home,” said Yang.Sociologists have found the full-time househusband emerges inthree main situations.Firstly, if the wife is ambitious有雄心的, well-paid and has good job prospects, while her husband is paid poorly and has no job prospects, it makes economic sense for the woman to become the main income earner for the household. Secondly, if the wife is tired of household chores and eager to work outside the home, her husband may forfeit his job. Thirdly, if the husband can do his work at home, he may take this choice as it allows him more time to take care of the family.Influenced by traditional ideas, some families with full-time househusbands prefer others not to know about their arrangement, concerned people wou ld laugh at a husband with “no prospects” orwife who is “too strong”.Zhou Wei said he has become usual to being a full-time househusband although his relatives doubted this when they gathered during the holidays. “A happy life is the most important thin g, not other peoples’ opinions,” added Zhou.59. The reason for Yang Wenhui quitting his job is that ________.A. it is too difficult for him to do itB. it is too boringfor him to do itC. he is too old to go on doing itD. his wife wantedhim to quit it60. In which situation is a man unlikely to become a full-time househusbandA. He can earn enough money to keep family and has a good job prospects.B. He can earn much less than his wife and will never get promoted.C. His wife hates housework and is busy with her work outside.D. His job can be done at home and he would like stay at home.61. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passageA. A full-time househusband is a man without prospects in life.B. A full-time househusband is much weaker than his wife.C. A full-time househusband is willing to share his experience with his relatives.D. A full-time househusband can also enjoy happiness from housework.62. The underlined word “forfeit” probably means ________.A. appreciateB. quitC. continueD. escapeCHaving finished her homework, Ma Li wants some music for relaxation. As usual, she starts her computer and goes to to download music files. But this time she is surprised when an announcement about protecting songs’copyright版权 bursts onto the screen. The age of free music and movie downloads may have come to anend as Web companies like Baidu are accused 控告 of pirating 盗用copyright. Lawsuits 诉讼 have been filed against four websites offering free downloads. In September, a Beijing court 法院 ordered Baidu to pay recording company Shanghai Push compensation for their losses. Baidu was also told to block links to the pirated music on the website. This caused a heated discussion on Internet file sharing.“Baidu’s defeat in the lawsuit shows it is not right to get copyrighted songs without paying. Downloaders may face lawsuits or fines,” said an official.Like many teens, Huang Ruoru, an 18-year-old girl from Puning in Guangdong Province , doesn’t think that getting music from websiteis wrong. She always shares her favorite songs downloaded from Baidu with her friends. When told about the lawsuit, she began to feel a little guilty about obtaining others’ work without paying.However, other teenagers have different ideas. Wang Yafei, a Senior 2 girl from Jinan, Shandong Province, pointed out that file sharing is a good way to promote pop singers. “If I download a song and really like it, I will buy the CD,” She said. “So what the recording companies really should concentrate on is improving their music, rather that pursuing file-sharers.”63. Which of the following best describes the passageA. Music on the Internet is of better quality.B. Downloading material can be illegalC. It’s good to get free music on the Internet.D. Baidu is a popular web company.64. The four web companies were put to court because __________.A. they got copyrighted songs without payingB. they downloaded copyrighted music for peopleC. they make copyrighted files for free downloads.D. they offer free music on line65. How do some of the teenagers feel while downloading free music after the lawsuitA. A bit guiltyB. A little sadC. very angryD. awfully sorry66. What’s the advantage of file sharing for recording companiesA. Getting more money from web companiesB. Enabling people to download favorite songsC. Helping to improve the musicD. Making pop singers more popularDSometime today—perhaps several times —Dick Winter will think about the 19-year-old who saved his life.Because of this young man, Winter enjoys things like friendships, colours and laughter every day.The young man saved Winter’s life by signing an organ donor card 器官捐献卡.“I can’t say thank you enough,” Winter said yesterday at a news conference marking the tenth anniversary of the Multi Organ Transplant program at Toronto General Hospital.What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honour his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation.His liver 肝脏 went to Winter, who was dying from liver trouble. “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of what a painful thing it must have been for them,” Winter said yesterday.“They are very, very special people.”Winter, 63, is fitter now than he was 10 years ago, when he got the transplant. He has five modals from the 1995 World Transplant Games in swimming and hopes to collect some more next year in Japan.“At one time, we were probably strange people in the eyes of other people. Now it’s expected you should be able to go back and do everything you did before. Only better.”The biggest change for Winter, however, isn’t that he has become a competitive athlete. The biggest change is how deeply he appreciates every little thing about his now.“ I have no time for arguments,” said Winter.“ You change everything. Material things don’t mean as much. Friendships mean a lot.”Also at yesterday’s news conference was Dr. Gray Levy, Winter’s doctor.Levy said he has bitter-sweet feelings when he looks at Winter and hears of his athletic exploits.Levy knows that for every recipient 接受者 like Winter, there are several others who die even though they could be saved because there aren’t enough donated organs.“For every Mr. Winter, we have 5 to 10 people that will never be given the chance that Mr. Winter was given,” Levy said.Levy said greater public awareness and more resources are needed. He noted that in Spain and the United States, hospitals receive $10,000 per donor to cover the costs of the operating room, doctors, nurses and teams to work with the donors’ families.67. Which of the following is true about the 19-year-oldA. He died of liver troubleB. He got wounded in a battle.C. He was willing to donate his organs.D. He became a recipient of a prize.68. What do we learn about Dick WinterA. He is becoming less competitive now.B. He is always thinking about his early life.C. He knows all about the young man and his family.D. He values friendships more than material things.69. Dr. Levy would agree that .A. Spanish hospitals have more favorable conditions for organ transplantB. the Canadian public have realized the importance of organ donationC. there are enough donated organsD. Canadian hospitals now have enough donated organs70. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this articleA. The public should give more support to organ transplant.B. Transplant patients are thankful for the help they receive.C. Transplant can change a patent ’s life greatly.D. It is easy to get organs for transplant.第二卷非选择题共35分第四部分单词拼写10分situation is ___________令人为难的, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.more people live ___________海外these days.73. ___________消费者in the USA had access to 200 channels.74. My brother has a large ____________ 收藏 of stamps and old coins. remote desert area is ___________可接近only by helicopter.76. Let's _________ 回顾 what has happened so far.tried to ___________安慰Jane after her mother's death.model is technically ___________优越于to its competitors.79. John was doing his homework and ___________同时 Cathy waswatching TV.house looked strangely ___________熟悉的, though she knew she'd never been there before.第五部分任务型阅读共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词.注意:每空格1个单词.请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上.Smoking is one of the worst things kids can do to their bodies. Every single day, about 4,000 kids between the ages of 12 and 17start smoking. Most junior school students don’t smoke—only about 1 in 10 does. Most senior school students don’t smoke either—about 1 in 4 does.But why do those who smoke ever begin There’s more than just one simple answer. Some kids may start smoking just because they’re curious. Others may like the idea of doing something that grown-ups don’t want them to do. Still others might think smoking is a way to act or smoking makes them look like an adult.Luckily, fewer people are starting to smoke than a few years ago. Maybe that’s because more and more people have learned that smokingcan cause cancer and heart disease. Sometimes kids don’t worry about what future illness they might get.Nicotine and other poisonous chemicals in tobacco cause lots of diseases, like heart problems and some kinds of cancer. If kids smoke, it will hurt their lungs and hearts each time they light up. It can also make it more difficult for blood to flow in the body, so smokers may feel tired. The longer they smoke, the worse the damage becomes.The human body is smart, and it knows when it’s being poisoned. When kids try smoking for the first time, they often cough a lot and feel pain or burnt in their throats and lungs. This is their lungs’way of trying to protect them. Also, many kids say that they feel第六部分书面表达满分15分最近,你校同学针对是否应该每天留家庭作业进行了讨论.讨论详情见下表.请根据2.根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文章题目和开头已给出不计入词数.Is daily homework necessaryRecently our school students have had a discussion aboutwhether it is necessary to have daily homework. Different studentshave different opinions.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________大丰高级中学高二年级期终考试英语答题纸班级姓名学号单词拼写满分10分71. 72. 73. 74. 75.76. 77. 78. 79. 80.任务型阅读满分10分81. 82. 83. 84. 85.86. 87. 88. 89. 90.书面表达满分15分Is daily homework necessaryRecently our school students have had a discussion aboutwhether it is necessary to have daily homework. Different studentshave different opinions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________。























2021-2022学年安徽省合肥市东风矿学校高二物理上学期期末试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (多选题)从地面竖直上抛一物体A,同时在离地面某一高度处有一物体B自由下落,两物体在空中同时到达同一高度时速度大小均为v,则下列说法正确的是()A. A上抛的初速度与B落地时速度大小相等,都是2vB. 两物体在空中运动的时间相等C. A上升的最大高度与B开始下落时的高度相同D. 两物体在空中同时达到的同一高度处一定是B开始下落时高度的中点参考答案:AC试题分析:设两物体从下落到相遇的时间为t,竖直上抛物体的初速度为v0,则由题gt=v0-gt=v 解得v0=2v.根据竖直上抛运动的对称性可知,B自由落下到地面的速度为2v,在空中运动时间为;竖直上抛物体在空中运动时间.故A正确,B错误.物体A能上升的最大高度,B开始下落的高度,显然两者相等.故C正确.两物体在空中同时达到同一高度时,A下降的高度为.故D错误.故选AC。


2. 如图所示,两根竖直放置的光滑平行导轨,其一部分处于方向垂直导轨所在平面且有上下水平边界的匀强磁场中,一根金属杆MN成水平沿导轨滑下,在与导轨和电阻R组成的闭合电路中,其他电阻不计。

当金属杆MN进入磁场区后,其运动的速度图像不可能是下图中的参考答案:B3.参考答案:A4. 某线圈在匀强磁场中匀速转动,穿过它的磁通量φ随时间的变化规律如图表示,那么在图中()A.t1和t2时刻,穿过线圈磁通量的变化率最大B.t3时刻,线圈中的感应电动势为零C.t2时刻,穿过线圈的磁通量变化率为零D.t4时刻,线圈中的感应电动势达最大值参考答案:BD5. 一列波由波源向周围扩展开去,下列说法正确的是()A.介质中各质点由近及远地传播开去B.介质中的振动形式由近及远传播开去C.介质中振动的能量由近及远传播开去D.介质中质点只是振动而没有迁移参考答案:二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 康普顿效应证实了光子不仅具有能量,也有动量,如图给出了光子与静止电子碰撞后,电子的运动方向,则碰后光子可能沿方向________运动,并且波长________(填“不变”“变小”或“变长”).参考答案:1 变长光子与电子碰撞过程系统动量守恒,系统动量的矢量和不变,碰前动量向右,故碰撞后系统的动量的矢量和也向右,故碰后光子可能沿方向1振动;由于电子动能增加,故光子动减量小,根据ε=hν,光子的频率减小,根据c=λυ,波长变长。









第一卷(共三部分,共105分)第一部分听力部分(共两节,满分20分)做题时, 先将答案划在试卷上。

录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。




01. Whom do you think the woman is talking to?A. A bus conductorB. A clerk at the airportC. A taxi driver02. What does the woman mean? A. The winter has just begunB. Once it starts, it’ll snow a lotC. It has been snowing for some time03. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Customer and shop assistantB. Manager and secretaryC. Travellar and travel agent04. Why doesn’t the woman take the umbrella? A. Because it stops rainingB. Because she has a raincoatC. Because she has an umbrella05. Where does Bill need to go before he can play ball? A. To a physical education classB. To a baseball training campC. To the doctor第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



2022-2023学年重庆市国本中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题1. What’s On?Electric Underground7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops TheatreDo you know who’s playing in your area? We’re bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He’s going to talk about how you can fin d the right person to produce you music.Gee Whizz8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at KaleidoscopeCome and see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian(喜剧演员) on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐).Simon’s Workshop5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria StageThis is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years’ experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.Charlotte Stone8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza WorldFine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.1. Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?A.Jules Skye. B.Gee Whizz.C.Charlotte Stone. D.James Pickering.2. At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?A.The Cyclops Theatre B.KaleidoscopeC.Victoria Stage D.Pizza World3. What do we know about Simon’s Workshop?A.It requires membership status. B.It lasts three hours each time.C.It is run by a comedy club. D.It is held every Wednesday.4. When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?A.5.00pm-7.30pm. B.7.30pm-1.00am.C.8.00pm-11.00pm. D.8.30pm-10.30pm.2. Dmitry Doronin, a doctoral student from Russia, is keen (热衷的) to share his experience in rural villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.Since Dmitry started to live in the countryside last August, the 32-year-old has created hundreds of video clips that record the relaxing lifestyle in Hengzhang villa ge, Lishui city. “The rice is grown in the fields together with fish, which helps to increase local agricultural (农业的) products,” said Dmitry, while introducing products from Hengzhang village on the popular Chinese short-video platform Douyin. Besides filming videos, Dmitry also enjoys working with farmers in the fields, doing activities such as planting vegetables and feeding chickens.Living in a village provides him with unique experiences, he says, quite different from busy life in big cities, such as Shanghai, where he studies. And he has been a pleasant surprise to the villagers as well. Villager Bao Mingyue, 76, says, “To our surprise, the young Russian not only knows how to cook Chinese food but is interested in working in the fields.”Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, the sales of local agricultural products had dropped rapidly, so Dmitry volunteered to help sell the products in his videos. In a few months, 10, 000 kilograms of oranges, 4, 000 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes and 300 kilograms of honey had been sold. “Thanks to his videos, it seems that more tourists have come to visit our village,” says 72-year-old Pan Xianyu, who is very pleased to see the great changes in her hometown. Dmitry loves his country life. “In the countryside, you ca n immerse (沉浸) yourself in the traditional way of life and understand this country better,” he says.According to Dmitry, some Russians’ opinions about China are still out of date, although China has progressed greatly. “I would like to become a people-to-people envoy (使者) of friendship between the two countries by using the Internet,” he says.1. It can be learnt from the passage that Dmitry .A.is good at doing farm work B.sells farmers’ products in RussiaC.gets much attention on the Internet D.has lived in the countryside for years2. The underlined word “unique” in Paragraph 3 probably means “”.A.common B.special C.similar D.hard3. The purpose of Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 is to .A.show Dmitry’s influence on Hengzhang villageB.explain why the sales of sweet potatoes droppedC.make more tourists interested in Hengzhang villageD.advise people to buy the products of Hengzhang village4. Dmitry hopes to help Russians to .A.improve their lives more quickly B.make rapid progress in farmingC.study Chinese traditional way of life D.have a better understanding of China3. In a study involving sweat samples from 335 people, trained dogs sniffed out 97 percent of the coronavirus cases that had been identified by PCR tests and all 31 COVID-19 cases among 192 people who didn’t have symptoms, researchers reported.These findings are evidence that dogs could be effective for mass screening efforts at places such as airports or concerts and may provide friendly alternatives for testing people who fear the tests, says Dominique Grandjean in France.Dogs’ noses also identified more COVID-19 cases than did antigen (抗原) tests, but sometimes mistook another virus for the coronavirus, Grandjean and colleagues found. What’s more, evidence suggests the dogs can pick up cases 48 hours before people test positive by PCR.In the study, dogs were trained in coronavirus detection by rewarding them with toys—usually tennis balls. “It’s playtime for them,” Grandjean says. It takes about three to six weeks, dependi ng on the dog’s experience with odor detection, to train a dog to pick out COVID-19 cases from sweat samples. For detection, the dogs sniffed used face masks or housing sweat samples collected from human volunteers’ underarms. Results showed that dogs perf orm as well as or even better than PCR tests for detecting the virus that causes COVID-19, Furton says. He and colleagues have used dogsat schools, a music festival and in a small trial screening airline employees for coronavirus infections.One of the bi ggest advantages dogs have over other tests is their speed, Furton says. “Even with what we call a rapid test, you’re still going to have to wait tens of minutes or even hours, where the dog in a matter of seconds can make a response.” However, dogs take t ime to train and there currently aren’t even enough dogs trained to detect explosives, let alone diseases, Otto says. Another drawback is that people don’t think of them as high-tech, though they’re one of the highest-tech devices we have.1. What can we learn about the study from the first paragraph?A.Dogs were trained to test COVID-19.B.Sweat samples are perfect to test COVID-19.C.Dogs can identify most COVID-19 cases.D.PCR tests failed to meet public expectation.2. What’s the disadvantage of usi ng dogs for COVID-19 tests?A.Dogs may be unfriendly to people when doing tests.B.Dogs lack experience dealing with large screens.C.Dogs may need a long time to identify the disease.D.Dogs may recognize other diseases as coronavirus.3. What can we infer about trained dogs according to Furton?A.They perform well at detecting COVID-19 virus.B.They do better at detecting explosives than viruses.C.They are widely used in public places like schools.D.They like to be rewarded with toys after training.4. How does Otto view getting dogs to do COVID-19 tests?A.Supportive. B.Disapproving. C.Fearful. D.Confident.4. When it comes to work, workers, and jobs, much of the concern of the modern age boils down to the fear that we’re witnessing the final stage of the game, and that there will be nowhere for humans to withdraw as machines take over the last few tasks. The most recent example comes from the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Is there no area of human experience that can’t be replaced by AI? And if not, what is left for humans to do except the tasks involved in taking care of the machines?At the heart of this concern is our desire for good jobs —jobs that make the most of workers’ natural abilities and where the work provides the worker with motivation and work-life balance. More importantly, good jobs support workers in learning by doing — and, in so doing, deliver benefits on three levels: to the worker, who gains in personal development and job satisfaction; to the organization, which reforms as staff find new problems to solve and opportunities to pursue; and to the community as a whole, which harvests the economic benefits of hosting positive organizations and workers. This is what makes good jobs productive for the organization, as well as engaging and fulfilling for the worker.Does the ongoing advance of AI threaten to get rid of all the learning, creativity, and meaning that make a job a good job? Certainly, some have blamed technology for just such an outcome. Headlines today often express concern over technological innovation resulting in bad jobs for humans, or even the complete disappearance of certain professions. Some fear that further technology advancement in the workplace will result in jobs where employees are being asked to work in split times or for longer periods over more days.The problem here isn’t the technology; rather, it’s the way the technology is used — and, more than that, the way people think about using it.1. What is the passage mainly about?A.How to take care of the AI machines.B.The relations between workers and jobs.C.The human’s fears in the age of AI.D.Human experiences were replaced by AI.2. What jobs are supposed to be good according to the passage?A.Those that mainly have the economic benefits.B.The ones that offer chances to progress professionally.C.Those that make full use of workers’ motivation.D.The ones that don’t bring new problems to workers.3. How do news media respond to the development of AI?A.Negative. B.Supportive. C.Optimistic. D.Unknown.4. What will the author probably talk about next?A.The future jobs humans will do.B.The application of AI in the future.C.The ways that humans do jobs.D.The proper attitude towards AI.5. A highly expected project to get plastic out of the massive pool of ocean debris (碎片) is ready to begin its first period from Alameda, California. The creators of the project, called the Ocean Cleanup, say their system can remove 90 percent of the plastic in the ocean by 2040.It’s those larger pieces that the cleanup system will stop. The system features a 600-meter-long line of unmoored booms (未停泊的水栅) that act as an artificial shoreline traveling with the wind, waves and ocean currents while rounding up plastic debris. Beneath the surface, the booms drag a 3-meter-long skirt, through which only the tiniest bits of plastic can escape. Currents will naturally push the line of booms into a U-shape, herding plastic particles (颗粒) so they’re easier to collect.The booms are also tricked out with solar-powered lights, anti-collision (防冲撞) systems and satellite positioning to avoid ships and help project scientists keep track of the system’s location. Periodically, support ships will cart the collected plastic bits back to land for recycling.The launch of “System 001” will be a test for the first of a planned fleet of about 60 such systems. Once launched, System 001 will undergo two weeks of field testing off the California coast, Lebreton says. If all goes well, it will head to the North Pacific, arriving within five weeks of the launch date. “We’re hoping to bring the first plastic back before the end of the year,” he says.The Ocean Cleanup representatives say their project is meant to work consistently with such upstream measures. “Even while trying to change human behaviors, it’s still worth trying to remove whatever is already out there floating near the surface. The whole point is that we want to try to collect as much as possible,” Lebreton says.Whatever the result of this deployment, some experts trying to tackle the plastic trash problem applaud the Ocean Cleanup for raising awareness around the issue.1. What can we know about the cleanup system?A.It has been launched for several times. B.It’s also called the Ocean Cleanup.C.People do n’t think much of it.D.It may remove most large ocean plastic.2. What’s the use of the skirt the booms drag?A.Acting as a shoreline. B.Traveling with waves.C.Collecting plastic particles. D.Pushing booms’ line into a U-shape.3. What does the underl ined part “tricked out” mean in paragraph 3?A.Equipped. B.Filled. C.Covered. D.Poured.4. How do some experts view the Ocean Cleanup?A.It’s vital for protecting the ocean from plastic waste.B.It contributes to informing people of ocean pollution.C.It’s far from perfect and needs improvement before use.D.It has won applause from ocean-protection organizations.6. How to improve your studies—scientificallyOur brain can possibly memorize 2. 5 petabytes(千兆)of information. In order to use some of that surprising capacity(能力)a little more effectively when you learn, here are some tips that are based on widely-accepted research by learning experts.1Some enjoy watching videos over reading books, others study with friends, and some like sitting in silence among a million books. Everybody is different.Hard things first2 , so do the things that are difficult first. Once you are done with the hard things, you will feel better for the rest of the day, and probably more motivated to get other things done.Space(分隔开)your studies3 . Facts or vocabularies, for example, are best learned if you review them the first time one to two days after the study, and then again after one week, and after one month.Instant self-testAfter your study, finish up with a quick quiz. Immediate recall in the form of a test or a short summary on what you’ve just learned can increase retention(记忆力)by as much as 30%. 4 , that extra effort creates deeper traces(痕迹)in your memory.Don’t force i tMotivation is like hunger. You cannot force yourself to be motivated, just like you can’t tell someone else to be hungry. So, if you are not hungry right now, don’t worry. 5 .7. It’s estimated that families in the UK create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year. With food prices rising, it’s a good time to become a food-waste fighter. 1 After all, growing, packaging and transporfing foo d uses a lot of Earth’s resources such as energy and water.2 First, it’s a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your rubbish can. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get thrown most often, and why.Planning meals for the week can save time and money. Meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday. Bananas that are brown and soft can be baked into banana bread at the weekend. 3Cooking the correct size helps too. Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it. Before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are. 4It’s hard to keep track of food that’s gone to the hack of the fridge. You could label a shelf an “Eat me first”spot for anything that has been there a while. 5 You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. But heat any leftovers put in a fridge thoroughly before eating. Finally, use your senses. Some UK supermarkets have taken “best before” dates off fruit and vegetables. This can encourage people to use their nose and eyes to work out if something is still fine to eat. Ask an adult to help. Don’t forget to update your diary to see how much change you can make.8. Growing up in Melbourne, Australia, I was one of those naughty(淘气的) little kids that never, ever stopped asking “Why?”. I used to ask my mum the most annoying questions. As a “why” kid, I thought everything _______ can be changed and I could make the world better.When I was in my high school, I _______ the chance to go to the Philippines to learn more due to my good _______ at school. It was there that I became friends with Sonny, who lived on “Smoky Mountain”. But don’t let the romance (浪漫) of that name _______ you, because it was _______ a pile(堆) of steaming garbage where kids like Sonny spent hours every single day finding anything of _______.Those days with Sonny changed my life forever. I thought to myself, “Why should anyone have to _______ like this while I have so much? Why should Sonny’s life be _______ by where he was born?”I later _______ that the poverty (贫穷) I’d seen in the Philippines was the result of decisions made or not made. That’s ________, a few years later, I joined with a group of college friends in bringing the Make Poverty History campaign to Australia. And to our ________, the Australian government heard our voices and agreed to double investment and fix the problem miles outside of our borders.Over all these years, I’ve tried to reconnect with Sonny. ________, I’ve been unable to. I’d love to sit down with him, wherever he is, and ________ with hi m how much the time I spent on “Smoky Mountain” ________ me. Thanks to him and so many others, I came to understand the importance of being part of a group of people who are ________ to make the world better, who stand together and embrace (拥抱) the amazing future of the world we share.1.A.simple B.unfair C.new D.unfinished2.A.found B.obtained C.missed D.lost3.A.performance B.character C.English D.habit4.A.affect B.bother C.impress D.fool5.A.originally B.hardly C.actually D.certainly6.A.beauty B.cleanness C.interest D.value7.A.live B.say C.work D.study8.A.changed B.created C.determined D.challenged9.A.admitted B.explained C.doubted D.understood 10.A.where B.why C.how D.when11.A.disappointment B.confusion C.amazement D.regret12.A.Sadly B.Luckily C.Surprisingly D.Obviously13.A.discuss B.debate C.share D.cooperate14.A.cheated B.inspired C.attracted D.amused15.A.hesitant B.shocked C.afraid D.willing9. Have you ever imagined turning something into warm blankets? A young girl from Wales is_________ just that!Twelve-year-old Alyssa has spent the past year _________ chip bags and then she transforms chip bags into foil (箔纸) warming blankets. She _________ them to organizations that support homeless people.Alyssa got the _________ from Pen Huston. He _________ survival bags with foil blankets and gives the bags to the homeless who are _________.As a _________ environmentalist, Alyssa thinks there’s another _________ of using chip bags. “Crisp packets are _________ hard to recycle, so this is a new way to stop them going into the__________,” she said.For each bag, she starts by __________ the collected packet and washing it, then she places four packets on a piece of paper and irons them so they stick together. The last __________ is ironing them to seal it all together. The result is a foil blanket __________ to the ones used in emergencies.This young lady is really lovely! She’s making good use of her __________ to help others in such a selfless, meaningful way. __________ the great work, Alyssa!1.A.hoping B.changing C.teaching D.doing2.A.producing B.studying C.collecting D.improving3.A.lends B.donates C.passes D.sells4.A.idea B.suggestion C.ability D.command5.A.replaces B.compares C.makes D.obtains6.A.in danger B.in need C.on board D.under stress7.A.famous B.worldwide C.unique D.little8.A.way B.benefit C.rule D.principle9.A.really B.merely C.slightly D.gradually10.A.bag B.atmosphere C.dustbin D.home11.A.opening B.removing C.filling D.folding12.A.tip B.function C.click D.step13.A.similar B.crucial C.equal D.related14.A.boxes B.skills C.senses D.images15.A.Watch for B.Mark out C.Search for D.Keep up10. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。





)1. 下列关于原核生物和真核生物的叙述,正确的是()A.原核生物细胞不含线粒体,不能进行有氧呼吸B.真核生物细胞只进行有丝分裂,原核生物细胞只进行无丝分裂C.真核生物以DNA为遗传物质,部分原核生物以RNA为遗传物质D.真核生物细胞具有生物膜系统,有利于细胞代谢有序进行参考答案:D略2. 不同浓度的生长素影响某植物乙烯生成和成熟叶片脱落的实验结果如图7所示。

下列有关叙述正确的是()A.乙烯浓度越高脱落率越高B.脱落率随生长素和乙烯浓度增加而不断提高C.生长素和乙烯对叶片脱落的作用是相互对抗的D.生产上可喷施较高浓度生长素类似物降低脱落率参考答案:D3. 在一定量的酵母菌培养液中放入活酵母菌若干,抽样镜检,视野下如图甲所示(图中小点代表酵母菌)。


根据实验结果判断,以下叙述正确的是 ( )A.培养5小时后,酵母菌种群密度增加200倍左右B.探究酵母菌的种群数量变化可以用标志重捕法C.用血球计数板计数酵母菌数量时只统计方格内菌体D.培养5小时后,酵母菌种群数量已经达到K值参考答案:A4. 某些保健品含有一定量的性激素(或性激素类似物),对青少年的发育会造成不良影响.从化学成分上分析,性激素属于()A.糖类B.脂质C.蛋白质D.核酸参考答案:B.【考点】脂质的种类及其功能.【分析】常见的脂质有脂肪、磷脂和固醇.固醇类物质包括胆固醇、性激素和维生素D.胆固醇是构成细胞膜的重要成分,在人体内还参与血液中脂质的运输;性激素能促进人和动物生殖器官的发育以及生殖细胞的形成;维生素D能有效地促进人和动物肠道对钙和磷的吸收.【解答】解:脂质包括脂肪、磷脂和固醇,其中固醇类物质又包括胆固醇、性激素和维生素D.5. 下图表示二肽分子的结构,①②③④中含有肽键的是A.①C.③B.②D.④参考答案:C6. 有关平板划线操作正确的是()A.使用已灭菌的接种环、培养皿,操作过程中不再灭菌B.打开含菌种的试管需要通过火焰灭菌,取出菌种后需要马上塞上棉塞C.将沾有菌种的接种环迅速伸入平板内,划三至五条平行线即可D.最后将平板倒置,放入恒温箱中培养参考答案:D7. 组成玉米和人体的最基本元素是()A.氢元素 B.氧元素 C.氮元素 D.碳元素参考答案:D8. 若牛的摄人量为100%,其中粪便量为36%,呼吸量为48%,则牛的同化量为A.84%B.64%C.52%D.16%参考答案:答案:B9. 下列有关微生物培养的叙述正确的是A. 通常使用液体培养基分离获得细菌单菌落B. 若培养基需要调节pH,应该在灭菌后进行C. 用显微镜直接计数固体培养基中微生物数量D. 倒置平板可防止培养基被滴落的冷凝水污染参考答案:DA.常用固体或半固体培养基分离获得细菌单菌落,液体培养基无法分离,A错误;B.若培养基需要调节pH,应该在灭菌前进行,B错误;C.显微镜直接计数法是测定培养液中微生物数量的方法,固体培养基上用稀释涂布法直接计数单个菌落数,C错误;D.平板倒置是避免冷凝的液体掉到培养基上,污染培养基,D正确;答案选D。



试卷卷类型:B 河北冀州中学2008—2009学年度上学期期末考试高二年级理科试题考试时间 120分钟 试题分数150分 命题人 戴洪涛一选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1.7(3x 的展开式中含1x项的系数是 ( ) A .7- B .7 C .21 D .21-2. 某校有6间不同的电脑室,每天晚上至少开放2间,欲求不同安排方案的种数,现有四位同学分别给出下列四个结果:①26C ;②665646362C C C C +++;③726-;④26A .其中正确的结论是( )A .仅有①B .②和③C .仅有②D .仅有③3.已知等差数列{}n a 的通项公式为35n a n =-,则()()()567111x x x +++++的展开式中含4x 项的系数是该数列的( )A .第20项B .第9项C .第10项D .第19项4.(,)p x y 是圆221x y +=上任意一点,且方程0x y +=有解,则直线20080mx y --=的倾斜角的最大值为( )A 、45︒B 、135︒C 、90︒D 、60︒5.已知双曲线141222=-y x 的右焦点为F ,若过点F 的直线与双曲线的右支有且仅有一个交点,则此直线斜率的取值范围是 ( )A .)33,33(- B .[]3,3-C .⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-33,33 D .)3,3(-6. 圆心在抛物线)0(22>=x y x 上,并且与抛物线的准线及y 轴都相切的圆的方程是( )A .041222=---+y x y xB .01222=--++y x y xC . 01222=+--+y x y x D . 041222=+--+y x y x7. 已知圆C:1)1(22=++yx 的圆心为C,点P(x,y)在不等式32≥+y x 表示的平面区域内,则|CP|的取值范围是 ( )A.]5,0[B.]10,5[C.),10[+∞D.),5[+∞8. 一个停车场有3个并排的车位,分别停放着“红旗”,“捷达”,“桑塔纳”轿车各一辆,则“捷达””车停在“桑塔纳”车的右边的概率和“红旗”车停在最左边的概率分别是( )A .12,13 B. 12,23 C . 13,23 D. 13,129.若一条曲线既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形,则我们称此曲线为双重对称曲线。

河南省清丰县第一高级中学09-10学年高二英语上学期期末考试(缺答案)北师大版 新课标

河南省清丰县第一高级中学09-10学年高二英语上学期期末考试(缺答案)北师大版 新课标




1.What do we know about the man?A.He really cares about his bossB.He seems not satisfied with his bossC.He is afraid of being fired2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a hospital B.In a shop C.At home3.What will the woman do tonight?A.Join the party B.Visit her grandmother C.Stay at home4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Boss and secretary B.Wife and husband C.Waiter and customer5.How long will the woman take the medicine?A.For 7 days B.For 3 days C.For 2 days第二节〔共15小题;每一小题1.5分,总分为22.5分〕听下面5段对话或独白。



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本卷满分100分,考试时间 100分钟
第I 卷(共 40分)
1.首先发现电流磁效应的科学家是( )
A .法拉第
B .奥斯特
C .库仑
D .麦克斯韦
2.以下说法正确的是( ).
A .一小段通电导线在某点不受磁场力作用,则该点的磁感强度一定是零
B .在磁场中一小段通电直导线所受磁场力方向、该点的磁感强度方向以及导线中的电流方向,三者一定互相垂直
C .在磁场中一小段通电直导线的电流方向不跟磁场方向垂直时,通电导线受的磁场力方向一定垂直于电流方向,而且一定垂直于磁场方向
D .通电导线受磁场力的条件是电流方向与磁场力方向垂直
3.在电磁感应现象中,下列说法中正确的是( )
A .感应电流的磁场总是跟原来的磁场方向相反
B .闭合线框放在变化的磁场中一定能产生感应电流
C .闭合线框放在匀强磁场中做切割磁感线运动,一定能产生感应电流
D .感应电流的磁场总是阻碍原来磁场磁通量的变化
4.一电阻接在10V 直流电源上,电热功率为P ;当它接到电压u =10sin ωt (V )上
时功率为 ( )
A .0.25P
B .0.5P
C .P
D .2P
5.如图所示,a 、b 是位于真空中的平行金属板,a 板带正电,b 板带负电,两板间的电场为匀强电场,场强为E .同时在两板之间的空间中加匀强磁场,磁场方向垂直于纸面向里,磁感应强度为B .一束电子以大小为v o 的速度从左边S 处沿图中虚线方向入射,虚线平行于两板,要想使电子在两板间能沿虚线运动,则v 0、E 、B 之间的关系应该是 ( )
A .B
E v =0 B .E B v =0
C .B E v =0
D .0v
6.如图a所示,一宽40cm的匀强磁场区域,磁场方向垂直纸面向里,一边长为20cm 的正方形导线框位于纸面内,以垂直于磁场边界的恒定速度v=20cm/s通过磁场区域,在运动过程中,线框中有一边始终与磁场区域的边界平行,取它刚进入磁场的时刻t=0,在图b图线中,正确反映感应电流强度随时间变化规律的是()



9.质量为m的通电细杆位于倾角为θ的斜面上,在如图所示的四个图中,细杆与斜面间摩擦力可能为零的是( )
10.有一理想变压器,原、副线圈的匝数比为4∶1.原线圈接在一个交流电源上,交流电的变化规律如图所示.副线圈所接的负载电阻是11 Ω.则()
12.如图所示,一个带负电的滑环套在水平且足够长的粗糙的绝缘杆上,整个装置处于方向如图所示的匀强磁场B中.现给滑环施以一个水平向右的瞬时速度,使其由静止开始运动,则滑环在杆上的运动情况可能是( )






14.(10分)在测定一节干电池的电动势和内电阻的实验中,备有下列器材:A.待测的干电池(电动势约为1. 5 V,内电阻小于1. 0Ω)
B.电流表G(满偏电流3 mA,内阻Rg=10Ω)
C.电流表A(0~0. 6 A,内阻0.1Ω)
D.滑动变阻器R1(0~20Ω,10 A) E.滑动变阻器R2(0~200Ω,l A)
F.定值电阻R0 (990Ω) G.开关和导线若干
图所示中甲的(a)、 (b)两个参考实验电路,其中合理的是图所示的电路;
图线(I1为电流表G的示数,I2为电流表A的示数),则由图线可以得被测电池的电动势E = V,内阻r = Ω。



沿导轨方向由静止开始加速运动,求:(1)MN的最大速度v m.(2)若杆MN达最大速度后撤去外力,电阻R能放出多少热量.
16.(本题10分)以下是某同学关于远距离过程中,输电线上损失功率的推导: 将电能从发电站送到用户,在输电线上会损失一部分功率。

设输电电压为U,则功率损失为P损=UI(1)而U = Ir(2)





(1) 当ab以速度v0匀速向左运动时,电容器中质量为m的带电微粒恰好静止.试
(2) 当AB棒以某一速度沿导轨匀速运动时,发现带电微粒从两极板中间由静止
开始向下运动,历时t= 2×10-2s到达下极板,已知电容器两极板间距离d= 6×10-3m,求ab棒的速度大小和方向。

(g =10m/s2)。
