Festo 产品说明书.pdf_1705480633.1020026
Traduzione delle istruzioni originali 1Marcatura EXTab. 1 2Documentazione di riferimento validaIn altri documenti, i dati tecnici relativi al prodotto possono presentare valori diversi rispetto al presente documento. Per l'esercizio del prodotto in atmosfera esplosiva si deve fare riferimento in primo luogo ai dati tecnici del presente documento.Tutti i documenti disponibili sul prodotto si trovano sul sito è/pk.3Prodotti certificatiTipoTipoDFM12...B DFM32...B DFM16...B DFM40...B DFM20...B DFM50...B DFM25...BDFM63...BTab. 24FunzionamentoAlimentando le camere del cilindro il giogo si muove avanti ed indietro. La trasmissione di forze avviene mediante il movimento della piastra a giogo.5Sicurezza 5.1Avvertenze di sicurezza–Alle condizioni di esercizio indicate, l'unità può essere impiegata nelle zone 1e 2 a rischio di esplosione per la presenza di atmosfere gassose.–Eseguire tutti i lavori al di fuori delle zone a rischio di esplosione.–Mettere in funzione l'unità utilizzando esclusivamente un fluido di servizioadeguato è Dati tecnici.–L'impiego di altri liquidi esula dalle modalità di uso consentite.5.2Impiego ammessoL'unità viene utilizzata per il trasporto di masse e per la trasmissione di forze.6Montaggio A causa di un'installazione errata, possono verificarsi temperature elevate sulle bronzine. Le superfici calde possono creare una atmosfera esplosiva.•Provvedere ad avere una superficie di montaggio piana.•Installare l'unità in modo adeguato.•Evitare il danneggiamento delle aste di guida.7Messa in servizio La scarica di cariche elettrostatiche presenti su alcuni componenti può dare origine a scintille infiammabili.•Evitare la carica elettrostatica mediante opportune misure di installazione epulizia.•Includere l’apparecchio nella compensazione equipotenziale dell’impianto.Aspirare l'aria compressa fuori da atmosfere a rischio di esplosioni. Aerosol nell'aria compressa possono generare cariche elettrostatiche.Metodo di protezione contro l'accensione: c (sicurezza costruttiva)–Considerare l'etichetta dei dati identificativi del prodotto.8Manutenzione e cura–Verificare regolarmente la funzionalità dell'unità. Intervallo: 2 milioni di cicli di movimento o al più tardi dopo 6 mesi.In caso di impiego dell'unità in ambiente inquinato o umido, la durata utile delle guide è minore.–Verificare la funzionalità delle aste di guida e del supporto a intervalli più ravvicinati secondo le condizioni ambientali.9Eliminazione dei guastiAnomalia di funzionamentoRimedioDanni esterni rilevati durante l'ispezione visivaSostituire l'unitàPerdita udibileSostituire l'unitàNessuna sede fissa di fissaggioSerrare le viti di fissaggio Il giogo si sposta violentemente nella posizione terminaleRispettare i valori limite /Sostituire l'unitàResidui di lubrificante asciutti e saldamente attaccati sullo steloPulire lo stelo con una spugna morbida /Sostituire l'unitàComportamento di marcia irregolareRegolare l'aria di scarico con i regolatori di portata unidirezionale /Sostituire l'unitàGraffi longitudinali sullo steloSostituire l'unitàDeterioramento della qualità delle guide dovuto all'elevato gioco del supporto sul giogo Sostituire l'unitàRumorosità aumentataSostituire l'unitàTab. 3La sostituzione dei pezzi di usura e delle parti di ricambio è possibile in singoli casi. Le riparazioni di questo tipo possono essere eseguite solo da personale specializzato formato e autorizzato.–Contattare il consulente specializzato Festo.10Dati tecniciCondizioni d’esercizioTemperatura ambiente [°C]–20 £ T a £ +70Temperatura del fluido [°C]–20 £ T a £ +70Pressione d'esercizio [bar]10Fluido di lavoro Aria compressa a norma ISO 85731:2010 [5::]Posizione di montaggio qualsiasiVelocità max.Carico di coppia max.Energia di impatto nelle posizioni terminali max. ammissibileCarico utile max.è/catalogueLe leghe di alluminio utilizzate contengono meno del 7,5 % di magnesio (Mg).Tab. 48099854DFM-…-B-…-EX3-…Cilindro guidato8099854201811a [8099859]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Germania+49 711 347。
TA Instruments产品说明书
New Castle, DE USA Lindon, UT USA Crawley, United Kingdom Shanghai, China Beijing, ChinaTaipei, TaiwanTokyo, JapanSeoul, Korea Bangalore, IndiaParis, France Eschborn, Germany Brussels, BelgiumEtten-Leur, Netherlands Sollentuna, Sweden Milano, Italy Barcelona, Spain Melbourne, Australia Mexico City, MexicoDifferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Q20004 Q206 DSC Technology8 Accessories10 Temperature Control Options14 Tzero®& MDSC® Technology18 Applications20Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Q5000 IR32 Q50034 Q5036 Q5000 IR Technology38 Performance42 Q500 / Q50 Technology44 TGA Accessories & Options46 Applications52 TGA-HP58 Applications60Simultaneous DSC/TGAQ60064 SDT Technology66 Applications68Vapor Sorption AnalysisVTI-SA+72 VTI-SA+Technology74 Q5000 SA78 Q5000 SA Technology80 Applications86 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Q80092 Deformation Modes & Sample Size94 Subambient Operation95 Q800 Technology96 Modes of Deformation98 Accessories100 DMA Theory104 Modes of Operation105 Applications106Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) Q400EM / Q400112 Q400 Technology114 Modes of Deformation116 TMA Theory / Modes of Operation118 Applications122CALORIMETRYDSC Q2000 SPECIFICATIONS TechnologiesTzero ®TechnologyAdvanced MDSC ®Available Direct Cp MeasurementIncluded Platinum™ Software IncludedHardware Features SVGA Touch Screen Included User Replaceable Tzero Cell Yes 50-Position Autosampler Available Autolid Included Dual Digital Mass Flow Controllers Included Full Range of Cooling Accessories (LNCS, RCS90, RCS40, FACS, QCA)Available Pressure DSC Available Photocalorimeter Available Performance Temperature Range Ambient to 725 ˚C With Cooling Accessories -180 to 725 ˚C Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 ˚C Temperature Precision +/- 0.01 ˚C Calorimetric Reproducibility (indium metal)+/- 0.05 %Calorimetric Precision (indium metal)+/- 0.05 %Dynamic Measurement Range>+/- 500 mW Baseline Curvature (Tzero; -50 to 300 ˚C)10 μW Baseline Reproducibility with Tzero+/- 10 μW Sensitivity 0.2 μW Indium Height / Width (mW/˚C)* 60The Q2000 is a research-grade DSC with superiorperformance in baseline flatness, precision,sensitivity, and resolution. Advanced Tzero ®technology and multiple exclusive hardware andsoftware features make the Q2000 powerful,flexible, and easy-to-use. Modulated DSC ®anda reliable 50-position autosampler are availableas options. An additional high-value feature isPlatinum™ software, which permits automaticscheduling of tests designed to keep the Q2000consistently in top operating condition. Availableaccessories, such as a new photocalorimeter,pressure DSC, and the widest array of coolingdevices, make the Q2000 a DSC well-equippedto satisfy the most demanding researcher.*Indium height/width ratio: 1.0 mg In heated at 10 ˚C/min in N 2atmosphere. (A larger number denotes better performance).DSC Q20 SPECIFICATIONSHardware FeaturesQ20AQ20Q20P Tzero ®Cell (fixed position)Included Included—User Replaceable Cell——Yes 50-Position Autosampler —Included—Autolid —Included—Dual Digital Mass Flow Controllers Included Included—Full Range of Cooling Accessories Available AvailableQCA Only (LNCS, RCS90, RCS40, FACS, QCA)Pressure DSC ——Yes Platinum Software —Included—MDSC Available Available —Performance Temperature Range Amb to 725 ˚C Amb to 725 ˚C Amb to 725 ˚C With Cooling Accessories -180 to 725 ˚C -180 to 725 ˚C -130 to 725 ˚C Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.1 ˚C +/- 0.1 ˚C +/- 0.1 ˚C Temperature Precision +/- 0.05 ˚C +/- 0.05 ˚C +/- 0.05 ˚C Calorimetric Reproducibility (indium metal)+/- 1 % +/- 1 %+/- 1 %Calorimetric Precision (indium metal)+/- 0.1 %+/- 0.1 %+/- 0.1 %Dynamic Measurement Range +/- 350 mW +/- 350 mW +/- 350 mW Digital Resolution>0.04μW >0.04μW >0.04μW Baseline Curvature (-50 to 300 ˚C)<0.15 mW <0.15 mW —Baseline Reproducibility< 0.04 mW <0.04 mW —Sensitivity1.0 μW 1.0 μW 1.0 μW Indium Height / Width (mW/˚C)* 8.08.0—*Indium height/width ratio: 1.0 mg In heated at 10 ˚C/min in N 2atmosphere. (A larger number denotes better performance).The Q20 (Q20, AQ20, Q20P) is a cost-effective,easy-to-use, general-purpose DSC module, with calorimetric performance superior to many competitive research-grade models. These are entry-level instruments not based on performance,but on available options. The Q20 is idealfor research, teaching, and quality controlapplications that require a rugged, reliable, basicDSC. The AQ20 is designed for unattendedanalysis of up to 50 samples in a sequentialmanner. The Q20 and AQ20 include dual digitalmass flow controllers and are available withMDSC ®. The Q20P is designed for studies ofpressure-sensitive materials or samples that mayvolatilize on heating.Cooling Rods Cooling Ring Furnace Tzero Thermocouple Constantan Sensor Chromel Area ThermocouplePhotocalorimeterThe Photocalorimeter Accessory (PCA), for the Q2000 DSC, permits characterizationof photocuring materials between -50 and 250 ˚C. UV/Visible light (250-650 nm) froma 200W high pressure mercury source is transmitted to the sample chamber via anextended range, dual-quartz light guide with neutral density or band pass filters. Tzero ®technology permits direct measurement of light intensity at both the sample and referencepositions. It also provides for simultaneous measurement of two samples.RCS40 ArrayRCS90TZERO ®DSC PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONSMDSC ®APPLICATIONSSTANDARD PANS/LIDS APPLICATIONSDSC pans & lids are available in aluminum, alodine-coated aluminum, gold, platinum, graphite, and stainless steel versions. They can be used under a variety of temperature and pressure conditions. Samples can be run in the standard DSC mode in open pans, crimped or hermetically sealed pans / lids or in pressure capsules. Samples in open pans can also be run at controlled pressures using the PDSC Cell. All aluminum standard pans have the same temperature and pressure rating. General details of the pans are shown here.TZERO ®PANS/LIDS APPLICATIONS© 2010 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.L90010.001。
FESTO Pneumatic Cylinder说明书
Compressed air to ISO 85731:2010 [5:–:–]
Mounting position
All aluminium alloys used contain less than 7.5 % magnesium (Mg).
Tab. 3
Special operating conditions
bearings with circumferential speeds of ³1 m/s.
NOTICE! Draw in compressed air outside of the explosive atmosphere.
NOTICE! Escaping exhaust air can swirl up dust and create an explosive dust atmosphere.
4.2 Intended use The piston rod cylinder is intended for the transportation of loads and the trans mission of forces.
The discharge of electrostatically charged parts can lead to ignitable sparks. • Prevent electrostatic discharge by taking appropriate installation and clean
Technical data
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature
德国宝 智能IH煎炒鍋使用說明書说明书
Please read these instructions and warranty information carefully before use and keep them handy for future reference.Online Warranty RegistrationSmart Auto IH Stir FryerISF-620U S ER M A N U A L請即進行保用登記﹗有關保用條款細則,請看本說明書最後一頁。
Please register your warranty information now!For Warranty Terms & Conditions, please refer to the last page of this user manual.Table of ContentsWarnings & Safety PrecautionsDANGER (STRICTLY PROHIBITED)1. Please place product at a location where minors cannot reach; DONOT let minors operate this product by themselves, to avoid electric shocks, scalding or other bodily harms.2. DO NOT put any metal, wire, pin or sharp object into any creviceof this product to avoid electric shock or causing the product tomalfunction.WARNINGS(USER MUST ABIDE BY THESE WARNINGS WHEN OPERATING THIS PRODUCT)1. Before cleaning, moving or repairing this product, or if productshows any sign of malfunction, user must first unplug the product from the power source.2. If the electric cable or plug shows any sign of damage, or if the plugis loosened in any way, stop using this product immediately in order to avoid electric shock or fire.3. DO NOT place this product directly on open flame or near heatsource or tinder, otherwise it may cause damage to the product, causing malfunction and danger.4. DO NOT place this product on unstable, humid, hot or slipperysurfaces, or on surfaces that are not heat-resistant (such as plastic tablecloth, linen or carpet), in order to avoid electric shock, fire hazard or product falling over and causing accidents or propertylosses.CAUTIONS1. Make sure the power supply supports 220V~50Hz alternating current, DONOT use any other voltage or frequency, otherwise it will cause damage to the product’s components or cause fire, electric shock and other accidents. 2. DO NOT touch the plug with wet hands to avoid electric shock or injury.It is of utmost importance that all users strictly abide by the precautions listed in this section in order to avoid risks that may result in casualties and property losses!Disregarding the precautions listed below or operating the product incorrectly may lead to property losses, casualties or even death.• At all times, DO NOT leave cooker unattended. Hot food spillage may lead to scalds and burns.• Please place product at a location where minors cannot reach; DO NOT let minors operate this product by themselves, to avoid electric shocks, scalding or other bodily harms. • Vertical position is strictly for serving food only. Please remove the pot lid before tilting the cooker to vertical position.• When cooking food with liquid, it is FORBIDDEN to adjust the pot to Vertical position .• press .Warnings & Safety Precautions18. People using pacemakers, hearing aids or cochlear implants should consultauthorized medical personnel and refer to their medical equipment’s safety instructions before using this product.19. When unboxing this product, immediately discard all plastic wrappings properly toavoid children playing with them and causing accidental suffocation.20. When in use, this product will generate high temperature and hot steam, stayaway from the steam vent to avoid scalding. 21. Keep the heating base and sides clean at all times. DO NOT allow the heatingbase and heating elements be stained with grease or food particles.22. After cooking, when pouring out food contents, please place a suitable dish belowfirst.23. This product is an automatic stir fryer, DO NOT use sharp objects (eg. metalscourer ball) to cook or clean the pot in order to avoid damaging the coating. 24. DO NOT heat packaged, canned or bottled foods in the product as they mayexplode.25. DO NOT hit the cook pot against any hard surface, or use it to cook with any otherheat source (such as stovetop), otherwise it may deform.26. When product is in use, DO NOT cover the pot lid with wet cloth as it may hindersteam from escaping and causing mechanical failure. 27. DO NOT wet or immerse the base in water to avoid causing electric shock or shortcircuit.28. Use only the cook pot supplied with this cooker. It is strictly forbidden to use anyother pots on the heating base as it may cause overheating and damage the product components. 29. This product is intended for stir-frying, stewing and cooking only. DO NOT use thisproduct for other prohibited functions as it may damage the cook pot coating or product components.30. When in use, DO NOT fill to beyond the maximum level indicated on the cook pot.Warnings & Safety Precautions3. Make sure the power cord is placed away from sharp edges, lint, sharp objectsand hot surfaces. Otherwise it may damage the cord and lead to electric shock or fire. 4. Use a separate 10A (or above) socket for this product. DO NOT share socket withother high power appliances to avoid power overload and causing a fire.5. When plugging in the product, make sure it is plugged into the socket completely.Improper contact may cause product components to overheat and burn out, causing short-circuit or fire hazards.6. When product will not be used for an extended period of time, please unplug thepower source to prevent short-circuit or device wear-out causing spontaneous combustion, etc. 7. Before initial use, make sure the power cord and main body of the product aresecurely connected, to prevent improper contact causing damage to the product’s components. 8. Always unplug the product by firmly gripping the plug; never pull on the power cordwhen unplugging from the power source, as it may damage the power cord.9. Use only power cord from original manufacturer for this product. If power cord isdamaged, please contact Customer Service & Repair Centre to have it replaced. 10. DO NOT move the product when it is in use.11. This product is for indoor use only; DO NOT use it in a humid environment oroutdoors, to avoid electrical shock or device wear-out causing accidents. 12. DO NOT operate this product with an external timer or remote control system.13. This product should not be operated by people with sensory or mentaldysfunction, or people who lack relevant experience and knowledge (including children), unless they are supervised by a professional. Children should be taken care of and ensured that they do not play with this product. 14. In case of product malfunction, please contact Customer Service & Repair Centre.DO NOT attempt to dismantle or replace components by yourself, in order to avoid fire hazard, electrical shock or injury.15. The socket and circuit connected to the power supply must be reliably grounded.16. If power outage occurs during cooking, unplug the plug. Replug and restartoperation after power is restored. 17. DO NOT use this product for purposes other than its intended functions, in orderto avoid damage to the machinery or personal injury.Product StructureMain BodyTilt AnglePot Lid Cook PotHeating BaseVertical Slanted HorizontalWarnings & Safety PrecautionsATTENTION1. DO NOT use any pot or pan with this cooker other than its designated cook pot.2. DO NOT leave grease or water stains on the sensor as it may hamper the accuracyof the cooking temperature. 3. DO NOT cook or clean the cook pot with any metal or sharp object to avoiddamaging the pot coating. 4. Before cooking, make sure the pot’s outer surface is completely dry to avoidcausing the cooker to malfunction.5. During cooking and immediately after use, DO NOT touch the steam vent or cookpot with bare hands as they will be very hot. 6. When removing the cook pot, place it on a level and sturdy surface, especiallyif there is hot liquid or food in the pot. DO NOT touch or move the pot around in order to avoid spillages and scalds.7. When pouring out food, make sure to place a suitable dish below first.8. In case of abnormality or malfunction, stop using product immediately.9. All functions come with their respective default modes, but user can adjust themaccording to personal preference.10. When stir-frying, a small quantity of steam may be emitted, it is water and notgreasy fumes; when user is cooking with high heat or when cooking with oil for too long, a small amount of smoke is a normal phenomenon. 11. When the liquid in the pot runs dry, stop heating immediately to ensure that thefood ingredients will not get burnt.Product StructureOperating InstructionsControl KeysWARNING!• Before operating this product, make sure the cook pot is securelylocked onto the heating base.• It is strictly forbidden to use other pots beside the designated cookpot that comes with the cooker.• DO NOT leave grease or water stains on the sensor as it may hamperthe accuracy of the cooking temperature.Before Cooking1. When installing the cook pot, make sure the pot bottom is accurately insertedonto the axle on the heating base, then turn pot counter-clockwise until you hear a “click”, indicating the pot has securely locked onto the base; when removing the cook pot, turn the pot clockwise until you hear a “click”, then lift up the pot. 2. When using this product, you can adjust the tilt angle of the pot to suit yourcooking needs. To avoid the rotating pot from hitting objects or wall, please keep at least 10 cm free space on all sides, and reserve a space of at least 45 cm high to place this product.LED DisplayVoice Prompt1. In “power off” status, long-press 3 seconds to enter into Voice Prompt Mode. LED Display will show the current language (U01 – Mandarin; U02 – English; U03 – Cantonese; U0F- turn off Voice Prompt).2. Press to confirm.Cooking Function1. Enter into Standby ModeConnect to power source, then press select Cooking Function”. 2. Select Cooking Function • Press “Braise ”, “Reheat”, “Stri Fry ”, “Pan Fry to confirm.• Press repeatedly to cycle among “Glutinous Rice”, “Scrambled Eggs”, “VeggieStir Fry”, “Beef Brisket”, then press3. Start CookingAfter pressing to confirm cooking function, cooker will automatically adjust tilt angle, and automatically start to rotate and cook.4. Extend Cooking (Reheat Function)After cooking is completed, product will announce “Cooking Completed”. At this time, user may press to extend cooking time by 2 minutes or 5 minutes, or directly com-mence to Serving Food.ATTENTION: Vertical position is strictly for serving foods without liquid only. Please remove the pot lid before tilting the cooker to Vertical position.When serving food without liquid:1. Before serving, make sure to place a proper dish directly in front of the cooker. to select “Vertical ”.4. Press , cooker will tilt to Vertical position and user may proceed with serving.5. Return the pot to Horizontal position.Returning the pot to Horizontal position:to select “Horizontal and the pot will return to “HorizontalATTENTION: WARNING!At all times, DO NOT leave cooker unattended during Serving process. Hot food spillage may lead to scalds and burns.Cleaning & MaintenanceAuto CleanPress , the pot will automatically start to rotate, and heat at 60°for 1 minute (time and temperature are not adjustable). After auto cleaning is completed, Voice Prompt will announce “Cleaning Completed”.1. Cleaning the cook pot: Add water, select Clean Function and use a non-abrasivesponge to assist cleaning. After cleaning, wipe dry with a soft cloth.2. If user needs to clean the main body or heating base, please use a wringed outmoist cloth or dry cloth to wipe clean. DO NOT directly wash the base with water.3. After cleaning, make sure all parts of the product are intact for future use.TroubleshootingWARNING!Before cleaning and maintenance of the product, make sure product has completely cooled down.Technical SpecificationsSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice.If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.Refer to for the most up-to-date version of the Operating Instructions.目錄警告•使用本產品時,必須有人全程監控,以免意外倒翻食物導致燙傷或燒傷。
BOSCH Forum 6 系列 60 x 60 cm 烤箱说明书
Serie 6, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRG5785S6Accessori integrati1 x Teglia da forno smaltata, 1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA), HEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ629070 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l., HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m • 30 programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Controllo digitale LCD bianco: semplice da utilizzare grazieall'accesso diretto alle funzioni addizionali, suggerimenti di temperatura ed indicazioni di temperatura.• Autopulizia pirolitica: pulizia del forno senza sforzo• Porta piatta con sistema SoftMove: SoftOpen e SoftClose, apertura e chiusura ammortizzate• Termosonda PerfectRoast: rileva la temperatura interna della pietanza con una precisione al grado e al secondo.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....................................................................Pirolisi Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......670 x 690 x 660 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ...................................................acciaio inox Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................40.0 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: ...........rigenerazione cibi, Scongelamento, Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, Cottura a bassa temperatura, grill ventilato Materiale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: .........................................elettronica Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005165926)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.99 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3600 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: 1 x Teglia da forno smaltata, 1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 6, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRG5785S6Caratteristiche principali- Forno con 9 funzioni di cottura: MultiCottura HotAir 3D, Riscaldamento superiore e inferiore, Grill ventilato, Grill a superficie grande, Funzione pizza, Cottura a bassa temperatura, Scongelamento, Aria calda delicata, rigenerazione cibi- Funzioni combinabili con gli impulsi di vapore: aria calda 3D, grill ventilato, riscaldamento statico (resistenza inferiore e superiore)- Display digitale LCD bianco- Volume cavità: 71 l- Regolazione della temperatura da 30 °C a 275 °C- Autopulizia pirolitica- Programmi automatici: 30Altre caratteristiche- Temperatura porta max. 30 °C- Riscaldamento rapido- Illuminazione interna alogena, Illuminazione disinseribile- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Porta a ribalta, Porta con chiusura ammortizzata SoftClose, SoftMove: grazie ad un meccanismo di ammortizzazione intelligente, la porta si apre e si chiude delicatamente e silenziosamente- Termosonda PerfectRoast- HomeConnect readyAccessori- Accessori: 1 leccarda smaltata bassa, 1 griglia combinata, 1 leccarda universale profonda smaltataEtichetta energetica- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.6 kW- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.99 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lSerie 6, Forno con vapore da incasso, 60 x 60 cm, Acciaio HRG5785S6。
活动旋转管夹接头GN 286technical informations 铝制-识别号1:3颗DIN 912紧固螺钉和镀锌DIN 985螺母 。
- 识别号2:3颗AISI 304不锈钢DIN 912紧固螺钉和DIN 985螺母 。
标配紧固螺栓为DIN 912 内六角螺钉,可选配紧固组件GN 911(详见参数表)。
材料紧固螺钉装配表面- SW型:RAL 9005黑色,亚光饰面,环氧树脂涂层。
- BL型:亚光喷砂饰面。
类型- S型:无级调整。
- T形:15°分度调整(锯齿)。
特点及应用活动旋转管夹接头GN 286由两个旋转管夹头GN 276组合而成。
锁紧孔适分别用于构造管GN 990或DIN 2391、DIN 2395及DIN 2462。
附件- 构造管GN 990。
- 紧固组件GN 911(带定距衬套的紧固手柄GN 300.1)。
标准件主尺寸重量型号L d2D d3d4 d H7k2d1l2m1B For d3For d4g GN 286-B20-B20-S-1-*B20B2040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35430 GN 286-B20-B25-S-1-*B20B2540M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35430 GN 286-B20-B30-S-1-*B20B3040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35435 GN 286-B25-B20-S-1-*B25B2040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35435 GN 286-B25-B25-S-1-*B25B2540M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35390 GN 286-B25-B30-S-1-*B25B3040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35430 GN 286-B30-B20-S-1-*B30B2040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35430 GN 286-B30-B25-S-1-*B30B2540M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35430 GN 286-B30-B30-S-1-*B30B3040M 8M 842.542.5144527272GN 911-M8-32GN 911-M8-35340 GN 286-B40-B40-S-1-*B40B4065M 10M 10747423077.5115115GN 911-M10-55GN 911-M10-631575 GN 286-B40-B42-S-1-*B40B4265M 10M 10747423077.5115115GN 911-M10-55GN 911-M10-631558 GN 286-B40-B45-S-1-*B40B4565M 10M 10747423077.5115115GN 911-M10-55GN 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911-M10-631370 GN 286-B50-B40-T-2-*B50B4065M 10M 10747423077.5115115GN 911-M10-55GN 911-M10-631510。
Festo 电机系列操作手册说明书
原版操作手册的译本© 2020 Festo SE & Co. KG 保留一切权利1适用文件有关产品的所有可用文件 è 。
联轴器轮毂 [1] 只有夹紧在干燥且无润滑脂的轴颈上才不会打滑。
–保持联轴器轮毂校准 [1]。
–根据电缸选择螺钉 [7] 的正确旋入深度。
螺钉 [7] 带有相应标记。
如果没有特别说明,则公差为 ± 20 %。
–选择与电缸相匹配的密封件 [4]。
达到防护等级 IP65。
许用数值 è /catalogue 。
示例:EAMM-A-D32-42A D32:电缸接口42A:电机接口示例:EAMM-A-D32-42A-S1D32:电缸接口42A:电机接口电缸接口电缸1)D32ESBF-321)电缸 ESBFTab. 1电机接口电机1)42AEMMS-ST-42,外厂电机1)步进电机 EMM...-STTab. 22.3专业人员的资质仅允许由有资质的专业人员安装。
3详细信息–附件 è /catalogue 。
4供货范围1联轴器轮毂 (2x)2夹紧螺钉 (2x)4密封件 (1x)5联轴器壳体 (1x)7螺钉 (4x)8密封件 (1x)9电机安装法兰 (1x)10螺钉 (4x)11密封件 (1x)12螺钉 (4x)Fig. 1 供货范围5装配5.1组装5.1.1联轴器的预装配Fig. 2 断开联轴器1.分开联轴器。
2 |English...................................................Page5中文.......................................................页9繁體中文..................................................頁14يبرع..................................................ةحفصلا191 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools|3Pro Pruner(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(14)(13)(12)Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)4 |A(5)(7)(9)(8)1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 5English Safety InstructionsGeneral Power Tool Safety Warnings Read all safety warnings, instruc-tions, illustrations and specifica-tions provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all in-structions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.The term "power tool" in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cord-less) power tool.Work area safety u Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.u Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres,such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.u Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.Electrical safety u Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs withearthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.u Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded sur-faces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerat-ors. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.u Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of elec-tric shock.u Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carry-ing, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.u When operating a power tool outdoors, use an exten-sion cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suit-able for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.u If operating a power tool in a damp location is un-avoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protec-ted supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.Personal safety u Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inatten-tion while operating power tools may result in serious per-sonal injury.u Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eyeprotection. Protective equipment such as a dust mask,non-skid safety shoes, hard hat or hearing protectionused for appropriate conditions will reduce personal in-juries.u Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is inthe off-position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or en-ergising power tools that have the switch on invites acci-dents.u Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to arotating part of the power tool may result in personal in-jury.u Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.u Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jew-ellery. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.u If devices are provided for the connection of dust ex-traction and collection facilities, ensure these are con-nected and properly used. Use of dust collection can re-duce dust-related hazards.u Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use of tools allow you to become complacent and ignore toolsafety principles. A careless action can cause severe in-jury within a fraction of a second.Power tool use and careu Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was de-signed.u Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.u Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or re-move the battery pack, if detachable, from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing ac-cessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.u Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.u Maintain power tools and accessories. Check for mis-alignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)6 | Englishu Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly main-tained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.u Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into ac-count the working conditions and the work to be per-formed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.u Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and control of the tool in unexpected situations.Battery tool use and care u Recharge only with the charger specified by the manu-facturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of bat-tery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.u Use power tools only with specifically designated bat-tery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.u When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.u Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected fromthe battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally oc-curs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, addi-tionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the bat-tery may cause irritation or burns.u Do not use a battery pack or tool that is damaged ormodified. Damaged or modified batteries may exhibit unpredictable behaviour resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.u Do not expose a battery pack or tool to fire or excess-ive temperature. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130°C may cause explosion.u Follow all charging instructions and do not charge the battery pack or tool outside the temperature range specified in the instructions. Charging improperly or at temperatures outside the specified range may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.Service u Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.u Never service damaged battery packs. Service of bat-tery packs should only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service providers.Safety Warnings for Cordless Secateursu This tool is not intended for use by persons (includingchildren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental cap-abilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unlessthey have been given supervision or instruction concern-ing use of the tool by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the tool.u Minors should never be allowed to operate the tool; it should never be left unattended and when not in use should be stored in a locked place out of the reach of chil-dren.u Don’t use the tool or perform battery charging operations in the rain.u Don’t leave the tool in rain or wet locations.u Keep bystanders well away from your work area.u Be careful not to catch foreign matter between the blades. Remove the foreign matter from the blades.u Take care, avoid cutting electrical wires that may be hid-den.u Keep your free hand away from the cutting area.Never touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cut yourself.u Be vigilant when operating to ensure that the fingers on the hand used to hold or move branches to be pruned are not exposed to the cutting blade.u Always check the blades carefully before operation.u Handle the blades with extreme care to prevent cuts or in-jury from the blades.u Always wear protective gloves when using, adjusting or cleaning the toolpours may be emitted. The battery can set alight or ex-plode. Ensure the area is well ventilated and seek medical attention should you experience any adverse effects. The vapours may irritate the respiratory system.u Do not open the battery. There is a risk of short-circuit-ing.u The battery can be damaged by pointed objects such as nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally.An internal short circuit may occur, causing the battery to burn, smoke, explode or overheat.u Only use the battery with products from the manufac-turer. This is the only way in which you can protect the1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 7Product Description andSpecifications Read all the safety and general instructions.Failure to observe the safety and general in-structions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Please observe the illustrations at the beginning of this oper-ating manual.Intended UseThe tool is intended for professional use in pruning branches and plants with a diameter up to 25 mm.Product Features The numbering of the product features refers to the diagram of the power tool on the graphics page.The accessories illustrated or described are not included as standard delivery. A complete overview of accessor-ies can be found in our accessories program.Technical Data3.0Ah .B)Depends on battery in useC)Limited performance at temperatures <0 °CAssemblyu Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Removing the Battery (see figure A)u Use only the chargers listed in the technical data. Onlythese chargers are matched to the lithium-ion battery ofyour power tool.Note: The battery is supplied partially charged. To ensurefull battery capacity, fully charge the battery in the chargerbefore using your power tool for the first time.The lithium-ion battery can be charged at any time withoutreducing its service life. Interrupting the charging processdoes not damage the battery.The lithium-ion battery is protected against deep dischargeby the "Electronic Cell Protection (ECP)". When the battery is discharged, the power tool is switched off by means of aprotective circuit: The application tool no longer rotates.u Do not continue to press the On/Off switch after thepower tool has automatically switched off. The batterycan be damaged.To remove the battery (5), press both release buttons (6)and pull the battery downwards out of the power tool. Do not use force to do this.Follow the instructions on correct disposal.battery is defective and must be replaced.Status LED indicator Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)8 | EnglishWarning LED indicatorAudio signal Operation Starting Operation Inserting the battery Note: The use of batteries unsuitable for your power tool can lead to malfunctions or damage to the power tool.Push the charged battery (5) into the handle until it clicksinto place.Switch on (sleep mode)Press the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool on. The battery charge indicator (8) will light up and the status LED (3) willflash. The cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) do not move.An audio signal sounds once.Activate knife (ready to cut)Press the cutting switch (9) twice in quick succession. Thecutting knife (1) moves to its home position. The statusLED (3) switches from flashing to being lit continuously.An audio signal sounds twice.Cutting To begin cutting, press the cutting switch (9) until the cuthas been completed. Release the cutting switch (9) again.The cutting knife (1) will return to its home position.Deactivating the bladePress and hold the cutting switch (9) for 4 seconds. The cut-ting knife (1) will move into the closed position and lock. Anaudio signal sounds once. The status LED (3) flashes. Thepower tool will go into sleep mode; one minute later it willswitch itself off.Switching OffPress the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool off. The battery charge indicator (8) and the status LED (3) go out.Tips for cutting woodNever use the tool in an awkward posture. This can lead toserious injuries.Keep your free hand well away from the cutting area. Donot touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cutyourself.Troubleshooting1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools中文 | 9Maintenance and Service Maintenance and Cleaning u Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Adjust the distance between the cutting knife and blade Always remove the battery before adjusting the distance.After a while, when the distance between the cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) is no longer optimal, you can re-ad-just the distance:–Loosen the screw (13).–Turn the lock nut (12) in the required direction.–Retighten the screw (13).Knife lubrication Remove the battery before refilling with oil.In order to achieve an optimal cutting performance, pour asmall amount of oil into the oil filler opening (14) to lubricate the cutting knife. The frequency with which you refill the oil depends the frequency with which you cut, and the diameterand hardness of the branches.After-Sales Service and Application Service Our after-sales service responds to your questions concern-ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spareparts. You can find explosion drawings and information onspare parts at: The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help youwith any questions about our products and their accessor-ies.In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please alwaysinclude the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate of the product.Malaysia Robert Bosch Sdn. Bhd.(220975-V) PT/SMY No. 8A, Jalan 13/646200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Tel.: (03) 79663194Toll-Free: 1800 880188Fax: (03) 79583838E-Mail:**********************.com.my You can find further service addresses at:/serviceaddressesTransportThe contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dan-gerous Goods Legislation requirements. The batteries aresuitable for road-transport by the user without further re-strictions.When shipping by third parties (e.g.: by air transport or for-warding agency), special requirements on packaging and la-belling must be observed. For preparation of the item being shipped, consulting an expert for hazardous material is re-quired.Dispatch battery packs only when the housing is undam-aged. Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up the bat-tery in such a manner that it cannot move around in the packaging. Please also observe the possibility of more de-tailed national regulations.Battery packs/batteries:Li-ion:Please observe the notes in the section on transport (see "Transport", page 9).中文安全规章电动工具通用安全警告阅读随电动工具提供的所有安全警告、说明、图示和规定。
艾顿 Moeller 系列快速链接速度调控器 198834说明书
Eaton 198834Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 8.5 A, 4 kW, Sensor input 4, 180/207 V DC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5, with manual override switch, with fanAllgemeine spezifikationEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller198834195 mm270 mm 220 mm 3.77 kgUL 61800-5-1 UL approval CEIEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHS4015081968923RASP5-8401A31-512R001S1Product NameCatalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes EANModel Code3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junctionDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-InterfaceInternal and on heat sink, temperature-controlled Fan Parameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: KeypadParameterization: FieldbusKey switch position HANDManual override switchSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)PC connectionKey switch position AUTOPTC thermistor monitoringControl unitInternal DC linkIGBT inverterThermo-click with safe isolationKey switch position OFF/RESETTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationFanFor actuation of motors with mechanical brake1 potentiometer speed3 fixed speeds IP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASIC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions only2000 VAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Vertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mm Above 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 m-10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with:Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max< 95 %, no condensation In accordance with IEC/EN 50178Adjustable, motor, main circuit 0.8 - 8.5 A, motor, main circuit < 10 ms, Off-delay < 10 ms, On-delay 98 % (η)7.8 A3.5 mA120 %Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 V480 V380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)U/f controlPM and LSPM motorsSensorless vector control (SLV) BLDC motorsSynchronous reluctance motors 0 Hz500 HzFor 60 s every 600 s At 40 °C12.7 AClimatic proofingCurrent limitationDelay timeEfficiency Input current ILN at 150% overload Leakage current at ground IPE - max Mains current distortion Mains switch-on frequencyMains voltage - min Mains voltage - max Mains voltage toleranceOperating mode Output frequency - min Output frequency - max Overload current Overload current IL at 150% overload45 Hz66 Hz4 kW400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.5 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit≤ 30 % (I/Ie)280/207 V DC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit180/207 V DC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)AS-InterfacePlug type: HAN Q5Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®) Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mA C3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length C2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits) Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV)Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Firmware Update RASP 4.0Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkConfiguration to Rockwell PLC Rapid Link 5 Generationentausch RAMO4 zu RAMO5 Generationenwechsel RA-SP zu RASP5Generationentausch RA-SP zu RASP4.0Anschluss von Frequenzumrichtern an Generatornetze Generationentausch RA-MO zu RAMO4.0 Generationswechsel RASP4 zu RASP5MN040003_DEMN034004_DERapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsETN.RASP5-8401A31-512R001S1.edzIL034085ZUDE | Rapid Link 5Sortimentskatalog Antriebstechnik-DE10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material Anmerkungen zur AnwendungBenutzerhandbücherBroschüreneCAD model Installationsanleitung InstallationsvideosKatalogeEaton Konzern plc Eaton-Haus30 Pembroke-Straße Dublin 4, Irland © 2023 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetrageneMarke.Alle anderen Warenzeichen sindEigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmediaThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.ramo5_v22.dwgrasp5_v22.stpeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.eps10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function mCAD model Zeichnungen。
标准件 型号 GN 559-162-A-SW GN 559-162-A-SR GN 559-162-B-SW GN 550-162-B-SR l1 ±0.25 162 162 162 162 a1 38 38 a2 19 19 b1 25 25 25 25 b2 28 28 28 28 h1 55 55 -
GN 559
technical informations 材料 铝制,环氧树脂涂层。 - SW型:RAL 9005黑色,亚光饰面。闭端手柄。 - SR 型:RAL 9006银色,亚光饰面。
螺纹盲孔。 -A 型:末端封闭手柄。 -B 型:末端敞开手柄。
GN 559 手柄的一大特点是在手柄前端支脚上设计了拇指握面。同时还提供末端敞开的版本,拓展了应用范围。 GN 559手柄以其高度的稳定性著称。该产品使用两枚M8螺钉安装,A 型还提供两种可选择的中心孔距(l2或l3)。
主尺寸 h2 57 57 h3 h4 36 36 38 38 h5 28 28 l2 128 128 l3 ±0.2 140 140 l4 8 8 l5 22 22 d M8 M8 M8 M8
安装孔 t1 min. 12 12 t2 min. 16 16
重量 g 262 262 248 248
ELESA 和 GANTER 依法保留所有权利。复ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ图纸时请注明出处。
FESTO LR 气压调节器说明书
Traducción del manual original 1Documentos aplicablesTodos los documentos disponibles sobre el producto è/pk.DocumentosProducto, tipoContenidoInstruccionesEscuadra de fijación, MS2-WRMontajeTab. 12Seguridad 2.1Instrucciones de seguridad–Utilizar el producto únicamente en su estado original, sin efectuar modifica-ciones no autorizadas.–Utilizar el producto únicamente en perfectas condiciones técnicas.–Tener en cuenta las identificaciones que se encuentran en el producto. –Tener en cuenta las condiciones ambientales en el lugar de utilización. –Antes de realizar trabajos de montaje, instalación o mantenimiento, desco-nectar la alimentación de aire comprimido y asegurarla contra una reconexión accidental.–Respetar los pares de apriete. Si no hay indicaciones especiales, la toleranciaes de ± 20 %.2.2Uso previstoEl regulador de presión LR ha sido diseñado para regular el aire comprimido, delramal aguas abajo, a la presión de salida establecida. La función incluye una pur-ga secundaria integrada y una purga primaria con comportamiento al retorno.2.3Cualificación del personal técnicoEl montaje, la puesta a punto, el mantenimiento y el desmontaje solo deben ser realizados por personal técnico cualificado.3Más información–Accesorios è /catalogue.–Documentación è /sp.4Servicio de postventaAnte cualquier problema técnico, póngase en contacto con el representante regio-nal de Festo è .5Estructura del producto1Botón giratorio 2Manómetro3Tornillo de cierre (lado posterior)Fig. 1 Estructura del producto6Montaje 6.1Distancias de montaje•Mantener el espacio suficiente por encima y por debajo del producto.–Espacio necesario por encima del producto: 20 mm –Espacio necesario por debajo del producto: 30 mm Con montaje en panel frontal:•Respetar el espesor de pared máximo admisible. Espesor de pared: £ 2,5mm.6.2Tipos de fijaciónMontar el producto empleando uno de los siguientes tipos de fijación en función de la utilidad que se la vaya a dar:Tipo de fijaciónMás sobre la descripciónMontaje mural con escuadra de fijación–Instrucciones de montaje è 1 Documentos aplicables.–è 6.5 Instalación.En panel frontal–è 6.1 Distancias de montaje.–Accesorios è /catalogue.Tab. 2 Tipos de fijación 6.3Preparación1.Respetar la posición de montaje è 13 Especificaciones técnicas.2.Respetar el sentido de flujo de acuerdo con las cifras indicadas sobre el cuer-po: de 1 a 2.3.Para descargar de aire el sistema antes de realizar trabajos de mantenimien-to:Emplear la válvula de cierre de la línea de alimentación de aire comprimido. 4.Emplear el material de fijación del catálogo de Festoè /catalogue.5.Respetar el tipo de fijación.6.4Montaje del manómetro1.Girar el manómetro 2 en sentido horario hasta hacer tope. La junta del ma-nómetro está premontada en el bulón de conexión de la rosca.–Se puede realizar una conversión a la variante Z. Para ello, cambiar deposición el tornillo de cierre y emplear la conexión alternativa en el lado posterior del equipo. Par de apriete: 0,5 Nm2.Alinear la escala. Aflojar el manómetro en sentido antihorario y alinear la es-cala del manómetro verticalmente (tras enroscar hasta el tope, aflojar máx.1 vuelta).6.5Instalación1.Colocar el producto en el lugar dónde vaya a utilizarse.2.Respetar las distancias de montaje è 6.1 Distancias de montaje.3.Colocar la escuadra de fijación sobre el producto.4.Apretar la escuadra de fijación con la tuercaè 1 Documentos aplicables è Instrucciones de montaje.5.Fijar la escuadra de fijación sobre la superficie de montaje.7Instalación neumática1.Emplear racores, juntas y tubos flexibles adecuados del catálogo de Festoè /catalogue.2.Enroscar los racores en las conexiones neumáticas.3.Respetar la profundidad máxima de enroscado de la rosca de conexión. Unenroscado profundo reduce el caudal. Profundidad de roscado: £ 6,5 mm 4.Unir los tubos flexibles adecuados hasta hacer tope en el racor.–Los tubos flexibles deben quedar en posición axial respecto a las cone-xiones neumáticas.–Los tubos flexibles no deben presentar ningún radio de curvatura.8Ajustar la presión de salida1.Desbloquear el botón giratorio 1 (tirar).2.Girar el botón giratorio hasta el máximo en el sentido –.3.Presurizar el sistema lentamente: girar el botón giratorio en el sentido +, has-ta alcanzar la presión deseada.Respetar la gama de regulación de la presión è %getreference.La presión de entrada p1 deberá ser siempre, como mínimo, 0,5 bar superior que la presión de salida p2 ajustada.4.Bloquear 1 el botón giratorio (presionar).9Limpiar el producto•Limpiar el exterior del producto con un paño suave cuando sea necesario. Co-mo producto de limpieza puede considerarse cualquier producto de limpieza no abrasivo.10Eliminación de fallosDescripción del falloCausaSoluciónCaudal reducido (la presión de funcionamiento desciende mu-cho cuando hay consumo de ai-re).Estrechamiento en el conducto de alimentaciónComprobar el conducto.La presión sobrepasa el valor ajustado de presión de trabajo.Disco de la válvula defectuoso en el asiento selladorSustituir el producto.8090025MS2-LRRegulador de presión80900252019-01[8090028]Festo AG & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 8273734 Esslingen Alemania+49 711 Descripción del fallo Causa SoluciónAsiento de la válvula dañado Sustituir el producto. Escape de aire audible y cons-tante en el botón giratorioTab. 3 Eliminación de fallos11Desmontaje completo1.Purgar la instalación y el producto por completo.2.Soltar el bloqueo del racor presionando y extraer las tuberías flexibles.3.Aflojar los racores de la brida de unión y desenroscarlos.12Eliminación•Una vez terminada la vida útil del producto, reciclar el embalaje y el propio producto conforme a las disposiciones legales vigentes medioambientales. 13Especificaciones técnicas13.1Especificaciones técnicas, parte mecánicaTab. 413.2Especificaciones técnicas, neumáticaTab. 5。
Filtration Products BECODISC 碟片式滤芯3BECODISC优质碟片式滤芯采用 BECO-PAD 纯纤维素深层滤板,具有高纯度、高强度及高性能的特征,以实现出色的颜色和风味保真度。
主要应用:葡萄酒、啤酒、果汁、烈酒、食品行业、精细/专业化工、生物科技、制药、化妆品BECODISC BS碟片式滤芯具有出色的澄清性能,采用优化孔隙结构和吸附力,能够可靠地去除颗粒物和微生物。
主要应用:葡萄酒、啤酒、果汁、烈酒、食品行业、精细/专业化工、生物科技、制药、化妆品BECODISC BT碟片式滤芯具有高纳污能力和抗爆裂强度,适用于高粘性或高颗粒浓度液体的过滤。
主要应用:精细/专业化工、生物科技、制药、化妆品、食品行业、果汁BECODISC BA特制碟片式滤芯,降低钙和镁含量,适合阻止和去除混浊,同时保留颜色和风味。
主要应用:烈性酒、调味料和香水BECODISC P碟片式滤芯采用高纯度纤维素制成的 BECOPAD P 深层滤板,使用 25 l/m² WFI (注射用水)冲洗,溶出物低,内毒素含量极低 (< 0.025 EU/ml),冲洗量可减少达 50%。
BECODISC BP碟片式滤芯具有出色的澄清性能,深层过滤和吸附的优化组合使其能够可靠地去除颗粒物、微生物和内毒素残留。
用 50 l/m² WFI 冲洗后内毒素含量 < 0.125 EU/ml主要应用:制药、精细/专业化工、生物科技可提供完整性验证指南。
选型指南BECODISC BC固定化的活性炭赋予活性炭深层滤板强大的吸附能力,应用于脱色和副产品的去除,或用于口感和气味矫正。
主要应用:精细/专业化工、生物科技、制药、化妆品、果汁、烈酒、食品行业如有需要,可以提供BECO CARBON ACF 03验证指南。
吸附和脱色应用技术参数1 100kPa = 1bar|2未添加矿物成分|3用25 l/m2 WFI(注射用水)冲洗后测定|4用50 l/m2 WFI(注射用水)冲洗后测定5 B = 聚丙烯封装设计 (比如说B02S); C = 聚酰胺封装设计(比如说 C02S)4内毒素含< 0.125 E UBECODISC 膜堆匹配BECO INTEGRA DISC 膜堆过滤器外壳作为封闭式过滤系统,BECO INTEGRA DISC 用于替代传统的过滤系统,特别是在那些产品概念和配置BECO INTEGRA DISC 是封闭式的过滤器,它包含带有三根支腿的底座和可拆卸式壳体。
Jetter 说明书
2JetterManufacturer Eaton Automation AG Spinnereistrasse 8-14 CH-9008 St. Gallen Switzerland Support Region North America Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 United States 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) Other regions Please contact your supplier or send an E-Mail to: a ******************* Original instructions The German version of this document is the original instructions Editor Manfred Hüppi Brand and product names All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the owner concerned. Copyright © Eaton Automation AG, CH-9008 St. Gallen All rights reserved, also for the translation. None of this document may be reproduced or processed, duplicated or distributed by electronic sytems in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) without the written permission of Eaton Automation AG, St. Gallen. Subject to modifications.Imprint1General (5)1.1Aim and purpose of this document (5)1.2Comments about this user manual (5)1.3Additional documentation (5)2Communication overview (7)2.1Operating principle (7)2.2Supported systems (9)2.2.1Client (9)2.2.2Server (9)2.3Communication parameters (10)2.4Supported data (11)2.4.1Addresses (11)2.4.2Alignement (11)2.4.3Data type (11)3Hardware (13)4Software (15)4.1GALILEO (15)4.1.1Configuring communication in GALILEO (15)4.1.2Addressing variables in GALILEO (16)4.2THC (17)4.2.1Configuration (17)1General1.1Aim and purpose of this documentThis user manual provides the information required for connecting Eaton Automation automationcomponents to Jetter controllers.This user manual describes the installation and configuration. The operating system and applicationsoftware are not described.1.2Comments about this user manualPlease send any comments, recommendations or suggestions relating to this user manual to********************.1.3Additional documentationFurther documents may be helpful in addition to this user manual.The following documentation can be obtained from our website ():[1]MN05010007ZSystem Description Windows CE2Communication overview2.1Operating principleThe communication uses the PCOM5- or PCOM3-Protocol via the RS232 interface. Communicationis implemented from a panel or a PC with exactly one «Controller» via the interfaces LCD or PC.Fig. 1Operating principle DELTA / NANOFig. 2Operating principle MIKRO / PASE-E2.2Supported systems2.2.1ClientThe following devices control the communication to Jetter controllers:⏹PC with GALILEO Open and RS232 interface⏹MICRO PANEL XV Series with RS232 interface⏹MICRO PANEL M Series with RS232 interfaceThe term «Client» in the following documentation stands for these devices and the software runningon them.2.2.2ServerThe following controllers are supported:⏹DELTA⏹NANO⏹MIKRO⏹PASE-EThe term «Controller» in the following documentation stands for these devices.2.3Communication parametersThe baud rate settings for «Client» and «Controller» must be identical.The baud rate for the Jetter MIKRO is 9600 Baud.2.4Supported data2.4.1AddressesController Address range Descriptionall R0 … R65534RegisterNANO R65024 … R65279Floating-point registerDELTA R62208 … R62463Floating-point registerPASE-E R8960 … R9215Floating-point registerNANO M0 … M65534FlagDELTA M0 … M65534FlagPASE-E M0 … M65534FlagMIKRO M0 … M4095FlagTab. 1Supported addresses2.4.2AlignementFlags on certain addresses can be addressed as an array with maximally 32 bits. Flags on all otheraddresses can be addressed as single bit only.Controller Address range for communication as arrayDELTA M256 … M2047NANO M256 … M2047PASE-E M256 … M2047MIKRO M256 … M2655Tab. 2Address range flag arrays2.4.3Data typeData type Descriptionregister Register 24 bitfloat Floating-point register 32 bitflag Flagtext Register interpreted as textTab. 3Supported data types☞ The following data types are currently not supported:⏹input⏹output⏹task3HardwareBoth «Client» and also «Controller» are provided with an RS232 interface which can be used toconnect them. Information on installation, wiring and commissioning is provided in the operatinginstructions of the devices.4Software4.1GALILEOThe GALILEO visualization software supports several parallel communication channels. A«Controller» is assigned one serial interface exclusively. It is not possible to configure severalcommunication channels to the same «Controller».4.1.1Configuring communication in GALILEOChoose «Jetter – DELTA», «Jetter – MIKRO», «Jetter – NANO» or «Jetter – PASE-E» and set thecommunication parameters.1)Configuring communication in GALILEOCommunication parameter CommentBaud rate The baud rate settings for «Client» and «Controller» must beidentical.Status Refresh Read the Online Help of your GALILEO version.Tab. 4Communication parameter DELTA, NANO and PASE-ECommunication parameter CommentStatus Refresh Read the Online Help of your GALILEO version.Tab. 5Communication parameter MIKRO4.1.2Addressing variables in GALILEOThe Chapter 2.4 describes which variables of the «Controller» you can access. GALILEO supportsthe following address forms and data types:GALILEO ControllerVariables on the controller.R%d.%dR%dM%dTab. 6Address forms in GALILEOGALILEO ControllerBit / Error bit R, MByte RWord 1) 4)RDWord 2) 4)RFloat R (not on MIKRO)String, 1 byte per character, zero terminated RString, 1 byte per character, Pascal R (according to Jetter convention3))String, 1 byte per character, not terminated RString, 1 word per character, zero terminated RString, 1 word per character, Pascal RString, 1 word per character, not terminated RStructure 2) 5) 6)RSystem 1)RTab. 7Data types in GALILEO1) A 24 bit register is mapped to 16 bits.2) A 24 bit register is mapped to 32 bits3)String with 1 byte per character, using the Pascal convention. Therefore prefer to use this datatype in GALILEO.4)As of GALILEO 7.2.9: Sign extension corresponding to data type.5)Sign extension6)GALILEO does not show the correct addresses.4.2THCA THC component (THC = Tag Handle Container) is used on the «Client» for the communication tothe server. As a GALILEO user, you do not have anything to do directly with the THC component.However, you need the following information when using, for example, the ThcSymbolicClient libraryin XSoft-CoDeSys or MXpro.4.2.1ConfigurationConfiguration parameter ValueComponent MicroPanel.Jetter.dllProgId MicroInnovation. DELTA.TagServerMicroInnovation. NANO.TagServerMicroInnovation. PASE-E.TagServerMicroInnovation. MIKRO.TagServerTab. 8THC Configuration parameterCommunication parameter Data type CommentLocalSerialPort String Serial interface used by the cliente.g. COM1BaudRate Unsigned32 Baud rate of the serial interfacee.g. 9600Tab. 9THC Communication parameters DELTA, NANO und PASE-ECommunication parameter Data type CommentLocalSerialPort String Serial interface used by the cliente.g. COM1Tab. 10THC Communication parameter MIKRO。
Schurter PG70 金属闸簧开关产品介绍说明书
Metal Switch, Latching Action, Switching Voltage up to 125 VDC / 250 VACNewly available with bright illuminationSee below:Approvals and CompliancesDescription- Switch available in version: Standard (ST), with Lettering (LE), with areaillumination (AI)- Available with bright illumination- Available with 12 A and 16 A switching current Assembly by mountingwith nut and subsequent clipping of the switching element- Equipped with flat-pin plugs to permit fast connectionCharacteristics- Housing material: high-quality stainless steel, actuator material: highlydurable ceramic- with or without surface backlighting in different colours- Switching voltage up to 125 VDC respectively 250 VAC, switching cur-rent up to 16 A- available with single-pole and double-pole switching system, switchingstatus is easy to discern by looking at or feeling the resting position ofthe actuator- For use in harsh environments (see technical data)ReferencesAlternative: switch with latching function:Alternative: Standard version MSM 16Alternative: double-pole switch: MSM DP 19; MSM DP 22; MSM DP30Alternative: Other diameter MSM LA CS 22Weblinkshtml data sheet, General Product Information, CAD-Drawings, ProductNews, Detailed request for product, VideoT echnical DataElectrical DataSwitching Function N.O.Number of Poles1-pole and 2-poleSupply Voltage24 VDC Surface backlighting5 VDC and 12 VDC variants on request(MOQ 500 pieces)Impulse Withstand Voltage(ESD)4 kV MSM LA CS STSwitching Voltage max. 250 VAC, 30 VDC (125 VDC at0.5 A)Switching Current12 A AC / 16 A ACRated Switching Capacity3000 WLifetime0.05 million actuations (250 VAC / 8A), 0.1 million actuations (125 VDC / 0,5A), 0.02 million actuations (250 VAC /16 A)Contact Resistance< 100 mΩ (12 VDC / 1 A)Insulation Resistance> 100 MΩ 500 VDCMechanical DataActuating Force10 NActuating Travel 5.2 mm,Lifetime0.1 million actuationsContact Gap 3 mmShock Protection IK 07Mounting screw torque PlasticNutmax. 4.5 NmMounting screw torque Stain-less Steel Nutmax. 12 NmClimatical DataOperating Temperature-20 to +85 °CStorage Temperature-20 to +85 °CProtection Class IP64Switching Unit IP40Salt Spray Test (acc. to DIN50021-SS)24 h / 48 h / 96 h Residence TimeMaterialHousings Stainless SteelActuator (disc, outside hou-sing)CeramicSeal Ring NBR70Switcher Collet PA66 (UL94-V0 related to d ≥ 1.6 mm)Intermediate Connector PA66 (UL94-V0 related to d ≥ 1.6 mm)Contact Pin Adapter PA66 (UL94-V0 related to d ≥ 1.6 mm) Approvals and Compliances1Detailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about ApprovalsSCHURTER products are designed for use in industrial environments. They have approvals from independent testing bodies according to national and international standards. Products with specific characteristics and requirements such as required in the automotive sector according to IATF 16949, medical technology according to ISO 13485 or in the aerospace industry can be offered exclusively with customer-specific, individual agree-ments by SCHURTER.ApprovalsApproval Reference T ype:Approval Logo Certification BodyDescriptionLow Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EUUL UL / CSA File Number (Marquardt): E41791DEMKO DEMKO / ENEC File Number (Marquardt): ENEC-01365 Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to DIN EN 61058-1Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirementsDesigned according to UL 1054UL standard for safety special-use switches Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnology equipment.CompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details InitiatorDescriptionRoHS SCHURTER AGEU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUREACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.Dimension [mm]MSM 19 LA CS ST / double-poleMSM 19 LA CS AI / double-pole23Switching Element single-pole with Push Button HolderLegendA = Illumination Area C = Width Across Flats D = Knurled NutE = LetteringF = Anti-RotationH = Switching ElementDimensionMSM 19 LA CS (without torsion pro-tection)Drilling diagramMSM 19 LA CS (with torsion protec-tion)Drilling diagramAssembly InstructionsI II IIIIVVI HousingII Flat Pin Terminal (Illumination) III GasketIV Nut (Nut type see Dimensions) V Module Switching ContactInstallation Instruction:1.) Place the gasket accurately on the actuator housing. Then mount the actuator housing assembly into the panel.2.) Tighten the screw nut according to the torque instructions.3.) Clasp the module switching contact into the actuator housing. Installation information:1.) The power supply and the configuration of the flat pin terminals have to be installed correctly for the illumination and micro switch function.2.) Insulate the terminals as required. Fully insulated plug-in sleeves are recommended.3.) Installation instructions according to VDE-standard DIN VDE 0100-100 or alternatively IEC 60354 standard4DiagramsMSM LA CS ST / single-poleMSM LA CS ST / double-poleMSM LA CS AI / single-pole RvLD 3LD 2LD 1MSM LA CS AI / double-poleRvLD 3LD 2LD 1Contact Layout single-poleContact Layout double-pole074 =075 =076 =077 =All Variants56Packaging unit10 in box with insert- Actuating elements in ESD safe packaging- Screw nuts and sealing rings in a bag (enclosd in the box) - Micro switches (enclosed in the box)AccessoriesDescriptionPower SupplyPower Supply IP42 for LED- and Illumination applications indoor 90~264 VAC => 24 VDC 0.34 A 8 WThe specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed 11.02.2019。
注: 1、为便于设计选型,以上补偿容量指的是失谐电容 器组的实际输出容量,已考虑了电容器工作电压低 于额定电压引起的降容,以及在电抗器上所消耗的 无功。
例如:AE50-FK7/400所选择的电容器规格为 2×33.5kVar/480V或2×28kVar/440V 。
2、AE-FK系列产品由AE滤波电容器和FR滤波电抗 器组成。
63A 125A
200kVar 400A 1 3×2 3×3 2 3
250kVar 500A 1 3×2 3×4 2 4
300kVar 630A 1 3×2 3×5 2 5
350kVar 800A 1 3×2 3×6 2 6
电网参数:400V,50Hz 设计:失谐电容电抗器器组,电抗率7%,调 谐频率189Hz,抑制5次以上谐波,总补偿容量 300kVar。
根据要求可设计电容柜含6条滤波补偿支路,每条 支路补偿容量为50kVar,即6×AE50-FK7/400失 谐电容电抗器组。 右图为供参考的系统方案设计图:
调谐滤波电容电抗器方式,通常称之为 无源滤波,采用高性能滤波电容器和电抗器 构成,共振频率等于或接近各次谐波频率, 在吸收电网绝大部份谐波电流的同时补偿功 率因数。
Translation of the original instructions 1Applicable documentsAll available documents for the product è/pk.Observe further applicable documents:–Motor instruction manual –Axis instruction manual2Safety 2.1Safety instructions–Only assemble the product on components that are in a condition to be safelyoperated.–Clean shafts. The coupling hub [17] will grip without slipping only on a driveshaft which is dry and free of grease.–Maintain the alignment of the coupling hub [17]. –Support the combination:–if there are protruding or heavy motor attachments –if there are severe vibrations or oscillation/shock loads–Perform a homing procedure each time after disconnecting or turning themotor.–Select required mounting components. The kit contains all the mounting components that may be required.–Observe tightening torques. Unless otherwise specified, the toleranceis ± 20 %.2.2Intended use 2.2.1UsageConnecting an axis to a motor in a parallel configuration.2.2.2Permissible axes and motorsOverloading can cause malfunction and material damage.The motor’s output variables must not exceed the permissible values of the components used.Permissible values è /catalogue.•Limit the motor’s output variables accordingly.•Derive the axis and motor from the interface codes.Example: EAMMU...V2540P V25: axis interface 40P : motor interface Axis interfaceAxis 1)V20EGSCBS25, EPCCBS25V25EGSCBS32, ELGCBS32, EPCCBS32V32EGSCBS45, ELGCBS45, EPCCBS451) mini slide EGSCBS, spindle axis ELGCBS, spindle axis ELGCTB, electric drive EPCCBSTab. 1Motor interfaceMotor 1)28A EMMSST2828AA Thirdparty motor35AEMMBST35, thirdparty motor 40P EMMB/EMMEAS4042AEMMSST42, thirdparty motorMotor interfaceMotor 1)42ABThirdparty motor1) servo motor EMM...AS, stepper motor EMM...ST, motor unit EMCAECTab. 2It is the responsibility of users to qualify thirdparty motors with the matching mechanical interface for the combination.You can find out which thirdparty motors are suitable from your local Festo contact partner or from è /sp. 2.3Qualification of specialized personnel Mounting only by qualified personnel. 3Additional information–Accessories è /catalogue.4Product range overview 4.1Scope of delivery1Housing (1x)2Screw (4x)5Toothed belt (1x)6Toothed belt pulley axis (1x)7Cover (1x)8Screw (3x)9Square nut (4x)15Toothed belt pulley motor (1x)16Clamping screw (1x)17Coupling hub (1x)18Retaining ring (2x)19Elastomer star (2x)20Slip ring (2x)21Threaded pin (3x)Fig. 1 Scope of deliverySquare nut [9] is not included with EAMMU…V…28A/28AA/35A/42A/42AB.Slip ring [20] is not included with EAMMU...V20.5Mounting 5.1Assembly5.1.1Coupling preassemblyFig. 2 Insert slip ring, motor side1.Insert slip ring [20] into the slot [K] of the motorside coupling hub [17].Exception: a slip ring is not inserted with EAMMU...V20.2.Screw on locking screw [16].Fig. 3 Push on coupling hub8096435EAMM-U-...-V...-...A/P/R-2Parallel kit8096435201901b [8096437]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Germany+49 711 347•Push coupling hub [17] with the matching drilled hole onto the drive shaft [C].Fig. 4 Align coupling hub1.Observe distance (Y).2.Tighten motorside locking screw [16].Fig. 5 Insert slip ring, axis side •Insert slip ring [20] into the slot [L] of the axisside coupling hub [P].Exception: a slip ring is not inserted with EAMMU...V20.5.1.2Coupling alignmentFaulty coupling alignmentIf dimension Y is incorrectly adjusted, this will cause increased wear of thetoothed belt and may result in mechanical contact between the toothed belt pulley and the housing or cover.•Observe distance.Fig. 6 Alignment coupling hub EAMM-U-Y ±0.3[mm]30V2028A 2030V2028AA 15.938V2535A 2045V2540P 2045V2542A1945V2542AB 1945V3240P 2045V3242A 1945V3242AB19Tab. 3 5.1.3Motor and axis connectionFig. 7 Mount toothed belt pulley, motorside1.Place elastomer spider [19] with recess [M] outwards in the toothed belt pulley [15].2.Push toothed belt pulley [15] with elastomer spider [19] onto the couplinghub [17] to the stop.3.Insert retaining ring [18] into the slot [N] of the coupling hub [17].Fig. 8 Mount toothed belt pulley, axisside1.Place elastomer spider [19] with recess [M] outwards in the toothed belt pulley [6].2.Push toothed belt pulley [6] with elastomer spider [19] onto the couplinghub [P] to the stop.3.Insert retaining ring [18] into the slot [C] of the coupling hub [P].Fig. 9 Mount housing on axis1.Place housing [1] onto the centring collar of the axisÄThe antitwist pin [O] of the axis latches into the drilled hole of the housing [1].2.Fasten housing [1] in the Vslot of the centring collar with the threadedpins [21].Fig. 10 Position motor •Position motor on housing [1].ÄThe motor is movable and can be easily tilted.Fig. 11 Insert toothed belt1.Move the motor in the direction of the axis up to the stop and tilt it slightly.2.Place toothed belt [5] on the toothed belt pulley [15] first and then aroundthe toothed belt pulley [6].Fig. 12 Fasten motor •Attach the motor with the screws [2] and the square nuts [9] to the housing [1].ÄThe motor is movable, but it can no longer be tilted.Exception: the mounting direction is different with EAMMU...V...28A/28AA/35A/42A/42AB. Attach the housing [1] to the motor with the screws [2]. The square nuts [9] are not required.5.1.4Tensioning the toothed beltToothed belt pretensioning too high.Impermissible radial loads or shaft break.Increased wear of the toothed belt and the bearings of axis and motor.•Avoid excessive toothed belt pretension.A low toothed belt pretension is recommended.The toothed belt [5] is tensioned when the strands [D] run approximately parallel:–Untensioned: y > x–Tensioned: y L1 … 1.05 xFig. 13 Strands of the toothed beltFig. 14 Tension toothed belt1.Move the motor until the clamping force Fv is exerted on the toothed belt [5].2.Tighten screws [2].EAMM-UClamping force Fv[N]305 ... 153817 (4045)17 (40)Tab. 4 Permissible clamping force of the toothed belt 5.1.5Mounting the coverFig. 15 Mount cover •Before commissioning: fasten cover[7] to the housing [8] with the screws [1].5.2Installation5.2.1Supporting the axis-motor combinationFig. 16 Support the combination so it is free from tension •Support the combination so it is free from tension to avoid damage.6In operation Risk of injury from touching hot surfaces.The motor connecting kit becomes hot due to the heat dissipation of the motor.•Do not touch the motor connecting kit during operation or immediately afterward.Risk of injury due to unexpected movement of components if toothed belt fails.•Take supplemental safeguarding measures.7Maintenance 7.1Check the toothed beltThe toothed belt [5] is a wearing part è /spareparts. 1.Check toothed belt [5] regularly:–during maintenance of the machine –when replacing an axis2.Replace the toothed belt [5] at the following indicators of wear:–excessive accumulation of wear particles in the housing –cracks on the back of the toothed belt –visible glass fibre cords in the tooth base 7.2Replace the toothed beltFig. 17 Dismount toothed beltWith vertical or diagonal mounting position of the axis:•Observe applicable safety instructions in the instruction manual for the axis.1.Remove screws [2].ÄThe motor is movable and can be easily tilted.2.Move the motor in the direction of the axis up to the stop and tilt it slightly.3.Remove the toothed belt [5] from toothed belt pulleys [6] and [15].8Technical data8.1Screw sizes and tightening torquesEAMM-U-[2][Nm][8][Nm][16][Nm][21][Nm]30V2028A M2.5x120.8M2x50.5M1.6x50.25M2.5x30.530V2028AA M2.5x80.8M2x50.5M1.6x50.25M2.5x30.538V2535A M3x10 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V2540P M3x16 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V2542A M3x10 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V2542AB M3x10 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V3240PM3x16 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V3242A M3x10 1.2M3x8 1.2M2.5x8 1.0M3x60.845V3242ABM3x101.2M3x81.2M2.5x81.0M3x60.8Tab. 5。
TOP CASE Adapterplatte für MONOKEY-Koffer TOP CASE adapterplate for MONOKEY-casesMontagehinweiseMounting InstructionsSW-MOTECH products should be installed by a qualified, experienced motorcycle technician. If you are unsure of your ability to properly install a product, please have the product installed by your local motorcycle dealer. SW Motech takes noresponsibility for damages caused by improper installation.All screws, bolts and nuts, including all replacement hardware provided by SW-MOTECH, should be tightened to the torque specified in the OEM maintenance manual for yourmotorcycle. If no torque specifications are provided in the OEM maintenance manual, the following torques may be used:All screws, bolts and nuts should be checked after driving the first 50 km to ensure that all are tightened to the proper torque.Medium strength liquid thread-locker (i.e., "Locktite") should be used to secure all screws, bolts and nuts.Alle vom Motorrad gelösten Schrauben sind gemäß Herstellerangaben wieder zu montieren, oder mit von SW-MOTECH gelieferten Schrauben zu ersetzen. Falls nicht anderweitigdefiniert, diese Schrauben nach Tabelle anziehen.Gegebenenfalls Schrauben mit flüssiger Schraubensicherung einkleben.Prüfen Sie nach 50 km alle Verbindungen auf festen Sitz.GPT.00.152.405Revision: 00SW-MOTECH GmbH & Co. KG Bahnhofstrasse 44d 35282 Rauschenberg -Germany-Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 6425 816 800Fax: ++ 49 (0) 6425 816 M6M84,5 Nm 8,0 NmM6M84,5 Nm 8,0 NmCAM.00.50E8-17Z Anzahl/ Pcs. Schnellverschluss Quick FastenerSicherungsring Retaining RingGPT.00.152.042Anzahl/ Pcs. 1CAM.50E2-3BP Anzahl/ Pcs. 300MSS.00.03.016Anzahl/ Pcs. M3 x 6 GEFU Anzahl/ Pcs. 6CAM.00.V50R3-1-1AF Anzahl/ Pcs. 3Haltenocken Cam-LockGewindefurchendeSchraubeSelf Tapping ScrewM6 x 25 DIN 7991Anzahl/ Pcs. Senkkopfschraube Countersunk ScrewMutter, selbstsicherndLock NutKFT.00.117.006Anzahl/ Pcs. 2M6 DIN 985Anzahl/ Pcs. 202schwarz/blackschwarz/blackGPT.00.152.405。
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