1试验1.1材料和仪器材料:涤纶磨毛布(110g/m 2),液体分散染料(工涤纶仿棉织物免水洗印花生产技术摘要:针对涤纶仿棉织物免水洗印花中中深色花型耐摩擦色牢度差和棉感差的问题,在色浆中添加色牢度提升剂以提高织物的耐摩擦色牢度,并通过拍打整理来改善面料质感。
结果表明:在色浆中添加色牢度提升剂LM-A2可以提高免水洗印花织物的耐摩擦色牢度;当色牢度提升剂LM-A2用量为5%,蒸化温度为180℃,蒸化时间为3min 时,涤纶仿棉织物免水洗印花中深色的耐摩擦色牢度可达到4~5级;面料经过拍打整理后更蓬松、厚实、柔软;该生产工艺节能降耗优势显著。
关键词:涤纶仿棉;液体分散染料;牢度提升剂;免水洗;印花中图分类号:TS194.4文献标志码:B 文章编号:1005-9350(2024)03-0037-04Abstract:To address the issues of poor color fastness to rubbing and unsatisfactory cotton-like texture in thewashing-free printing of polyester imitation cotton,a color fastness enhancer agent was added to the color paste to improve the color fastness to rubbing of the fabric.The texture of the fabric was improved by patting.The results indicated that the addition of the color fastness enhancer LM-A2to the color paste resulted in improved color fastness to the rubbing of thewashing-free printing fabric.The dark color fastness of the dry-wash printed polyester imitation cotton reached 4~5when the amount of LM-A2was 5%,the evaporation temperature was 180℃,and the evaporation time was 3min.After patting and finishing,the fabric became more fluffy,thick,and soft.The production process is of significant advantages in energy conservation and consumption reduction.Key words:polyester imitation cotton;liquid disperse dyes;color fastness enhancer;washing-free;printingPolyester imitation cotton fabric washing-free printing production technology收稿日期:2023-12-15作者简介:孙洋洋(1993—),男,硕士,主要从事纺织品染整技术开发、纺织品检测工作,E-mail :*****************。
杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司1.1喷涂测试1.1.1 RCA Test(耐磨测试)以RCA专用试验纸对测试面施以175g外观面Coating:300 Cycles 电镀/阳极处理:100cyclesKeyPAD(烤喷漆/电镀/阳极处理) Key面:50cycles 盲人点:40cycles皮革漆30cycles1.1.2 百格测试1)以乙醇[95%以上(含)]清洁表面2)百格刀切割(1mm x 1mm)3)使用(喷漆件:3M Tape 600/电镀件: 3M Tape 610) 静置30秒90°瞬间拉起判定标准:依照客户指定规格,等级区分如下1.1.3 铅笔硬度测试室温中,以铅笔在表面画出8cm直线,表面不得有破损/刮伤1.1.4 模厚量测使用试片/膜厚计化学滴定or X-ray test 分别测定底涂&面涂厚度是否符合设计规范1.1.5 耐丁酮(MEK)测试杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司室温(15~35℃) 相对湿度50% ,以MEK药液涂满样品,并保持试剂不干掉持续2min后,以干布拭净待测样品后检视:1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象1.1.6 油酸测试以油酸液涂满样品,静置于65℃ 90%湿度环测机中2hr后,以干布拭净待测样品后检视表面:1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象1.1.7 防晒油测试以BANANA BOAT防晒油涂满样品,静置于85℃ 85%湿度环测机中48hr后,在待测样品回到常温后,以干布拭净待测样品并检视表面:1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象3)防晒油测试后, 分别再做一次(RCA)/(百格)/(硬度)实验,实验结果判断请参照1.1.1~3杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司1.1.8 冷热冲击(Thermal Shock test)温度70 °C ~ -30 °C(transfer time 5min) 30cycle,观察外观1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象1.1.9 冷热循环(Temperature cycle test)Thermal Shock后, 将待测样品放置在70°C~ -30 °C (dewell time 45mins)环测机88小时, 观察外观1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象3)冷热循环测试后, 分别再做一次(RCA)/(百格)/(硬度)实验,实验结果判断请参照1.1.1~31.1.10高温高湿(Humidity Test)Thermal Shock后, 将待测样品静置于55℃ 90%湿度环测机中88hr后在待测样品回到常温后,以干布拭净待测样品并检视表面:1)外观无明显变化(起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹)杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司2)Coating层无溶解&脱落现象1.1.11褪色实验(only for UV coating or 皮革漆& 视客户需要做测试)使用波长2800~3000°A 15W 紫外线灯距被照面25cm以上连续照射300hr后检视待测样品表面:1)外观无明显变化(褪色/起泡/变色/皱纹/裂纹/失去光泽)2)Coating层无剥落/浮起现象1.2 印刷测试1.2.1 Housing印刷测试(先以乙醇[95%以上(含)]清洁表面)1)使用3M Tape 600 静置3秒瞬间拉起2)以RCA专用试验纸对测试面施以175g摩擦300cycles上述测试后印刷字体需清晰可辨识,不可断线模糊或剥离1.2.2 KeyPAD印刷测试(先以乙醇[95%以上(含)]清洁表面)杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司1)使用3M Tape 600 静置3秒瞬间拉起2)以RCA专用试验纸对测试面施以300g摩擦200cycles上述测试后印刷字体需清晰可辨识,不可断线模糊或剥离1.2.3高温存储试验测试以存储温度:+66°C,存放时间:48 hours为条件上述测试后样品出炉后在室温下放置2小时后,印刷表面无起皱,起泡,裂纹,剥落且颜色光泽无明显变化1.2.4低温试验测试以存储温度:-40°C,存放时间:48 hours为条件上述测试后样品出炉后在室温下放置2小时后,印刷表面无起皱,起泡,裂纹,剥落且颜色光泽无明显变化1.2.5高温高湿存储试验测试以存储温度/湿度:+66°C/85%RH,存放时间:96小时为条件上述测试后样品出炉后在室温下放置2小时后,印刷表面无起皱,起泡,裂纹,剥落且颜色光泽无明显变化杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司1.2.6热冲击试验测试以存储温度: -40°C/1H,+66°C/1H为一循环,,温度间的转换时间不超过5分钟,共12循环上述测试后样品出炉后在室温下放置2小时后,检查零件和印刷表面无起皱,起泡,裂纹,剥落且颜色光泽无明显变化1.2.7丝/移印附着力测试测试以3M 600透明胶带或粘力大于5.3N/18mm的透明胶带,将透明胶带贴在所要测试的试样的印刷字体或图案上,并用手压平, 然后拉起胶带尾部与测试面呈90度,迅速撕下胶带,相同部位重复3次上述测试后肉眼观察表面,丝/移印字体或图案应能清晰可辩,没有剥落情况1.2.8抗溶剂测试1)异丙醇试验,取1ML异丙醇溶液滴在试样喷涂面或丝/移印表面,10分钟后用白布擦干异丙醇溶液2)抗酒精测试用棉团或白布浸润浓度为99%的酒精溶液, 然后以1kg压力和1杭州英孚瑞检测设备有限公司秒钟往返1次的速度在试样印刷字体和图案的同一位,来回擦试20次上述测试后样品表面经擦拭后印刷字体或图案应清晰可见,且颜色也不得有失光,掉色等现象1.2.9拇指测试测试取样3pcs,用拇指放在印刷的图片上,以3+0.5/-0KGF的力来回檫试15次上述测试后制品印刷图案不可缺口/断线/油墨粘附不良等,否则为不合格1.2.10 95%酒精测试测试取样品3pcs, 将1.5KGF的制具的底部绑上白棉纱布,蘸上95%的酒精,然后再用白棉纱布在印刷的图案上往返30个来回(约15SEC)上述测试后制品印刷图案不可有脱落/缺口断线/油墨粘附不良等,可允许颜色淡,但印刷图案应清晰不模糊,否则为不合格1.2.11 3M 600胶带测试测试将3M 600胶带完全黏贴在丝网印刷,以45度角的方向迅速拉起胶带。
玻璃和金属印刷用Sapphire CG系列油墨
区的销售价格 。包装油 墨的涨幅在4 1%之间 , % ̄6 J
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哂 亘 亘
Ik u s N w公 司推 出 ̄S p hr n c p o a p i CG系列油 e 墨 ,主要 应 用 于具 有 高 不透 明性 ,表 面 光滑 的玻
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是 为 不 想 投 入 太
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间 而 实 现 自动 化
的 印 刷 厂 而 生 产 的 一 种 自 动 大 型
Aesthetic Defects For Soft Toy Outfit Shrinkage 公仔縮水Outfit Fade 公仔衫褐色Poor Cutting 裁剪不良Uneven Shape 形狀不對稱Poor Sewing 車縫不良Poor Stitching 手縫不良High Dense Stitch 車縫太密Low Dense Stitch 車縫太疏Seam Allowance Expose 紙口外露Seam Open 縫口爆開Poor Marrowing 車骨不良Missing Marrowing 漏車骨Jumping Stitches 跳針Stitching Hole 針孔Puckdr 縫邊皺起Outfit Unfit 衫不合身Sewing Machinery Mark 衣車靴痕Poor Embroidery 繡織花不良Thread Untrimmed 未剪線Long Loosen Thread 長線頭Velcro Detach 魔術貼甩Material Run 走紗Material Torn 物料爛Over Stuffing 入棉過多Under Stuffing 入棉過少Uneven Stuffing 入棉不不平均Stuffing Expose 棉外露Pile Trapped By Seam 毛夾於縫口Thread Trapped By Seam 線夾於縫口Bald Spot 露頭皮Color Migration 顔色轉移Color Mismatch 顔色不配Color Deviation 顔色有偏差Fabric Texture Mismatch 布料組織不對Ribbon Cut End Fray 絲帶散口Material Rfray 物料散口Poor Plushing 織毛不良Poor Brushing 梳毛不良/梳發不良Poor Hair Cutting 頭發修剪不良Poor Hair Styling 髮型不良Poor Flocking 植毛不良Poor Hot Stamping 熱熨不良Functional Defects For General Toy Cannot Hold Position 不能保持位置Cannot Free Roll 不能轉動順暢Screw Stripping 螺絲打滑Toy Cannot Stand 不能直立Missing Clicking Sound 沒有"滴答"聲Intermittent Non-Function 間歇無功能Poor Function 功能不良Mal-Function 其中某一功能不良Non-Function 無功能Safety Defects For General ToySharp Point 利角Sharp Edge 利邊blister detach吸塑分离Blister poor heat sealing吸塑不良J-hook wrinkle挂钩皱Gift box unseal彩盒未封口Gift box deform彩盒变形Missing part漏部件Window box film dunage彩盒胶窗烂polybag shrinkage胶袋缩水Defect Description For Roto Casting ToyRoto Parts Under Weight 搪膠過輕Roto Parts Over Weight 搪過重Failed Acetone Curing Test 失膠Roto Parts Too Hard 搪膠過硬Roto Parts Too Soft 搪膠過軟Over Curing(Color Yellowish) 搪膠過火Excessive Flash 披鋒Irregular Thickness 厚簿不均Defect Description For E/L Toy Contact Plate Rust 電池生銹Contact Plate Came Off 電池片松脫Contact Plate Loosed 電池片松Wire Expose 電線外露Wire Detach 電線甩掉Poor Soldering 焊錫不螂Battery Contact Spring Exposed 電池彈簧凸出Battery Contact Spring Came Off 電池彈松Poor Contact 接觸不良Sound Too Loud 聲音太大Sound Small 聲音太細Short Circuit 斷電路Distorted Sound/Sound Distortion 雜音Abnormal Sound 不正常聲音No Sound 無聲Light Bulb Without Light 燈泡無光Safety Defects For E/L ToySharp Point At Coil Sharp Contact 電苡圈片尖點Sharp Edge At Contact Plate 電芯片過利u nder plating电镀不足玩具产品疵点方面疵点:Defect/Fault经柳:Streaky Warp断经:Broken End急经:Right End粗纬:Coarse Picks粗经:Coarse End断纬:Broken Picks纬斜:Skewing/Slope横档:Filling Bar污迹:Stain/Dirt异型丝:Goat/Foreing Yarn破洞:Hole色花:Shade Variation/Color Difference/Color Diviation色柳:Color Stripe渗色:Color Bleeding褪色:Color Fading/Discolor擦伤:Scratch/Barasion/Winch Mark松板印:Moire Effects折痕:Crease Mark污染:comtamination外来昆虫:foreign insects材料Main Material(主料类)1) A纱:BoA2) 边伦布:Nylex, tricot3) T/C布:T/C4) 牛仔布:Jean5) 尼龙布:Nylon6) 长毛绒:Hi-pile7) 针织布:Meryas8) 格织布:Checker9) 绸布:Trilobal10) 剪毛布:Velboa11) PU皮革:PU Leather12) V纱:Vonnel13) 色丁布:Satin14) 人造丝:Rayon15) 植绒布:Flocking16) 塔夫绸水洗皱布:taffeta17) 戟绒布:Felt18) 蜜丝绒:Velour19) 毛巾布:Towerlling20) 卷毛布:TumblingSub Material(辅料类)1 眼睛:Eye2 眼纸朴:Eye Patch3 鼻子:Nose4 介子:Washer5 线:Thread6 海棉:Sponge7 喷胶棉:Padding/Batting8 丝印:Silk-Screen9 刺绣:Embroidery10 丝带:Satin Ribbon11 绳子:String12 织带:Webbing13 商标,布唛:Label14 贴纸:Sticker15 扣子:Button16 胡须线:Mono Filment17 橡筋:Elastic18 棉花:Fiber19 手指套:Finger Puppet20 手套:Hand Puppet21 脚(双脚):Foot(Feet)22 鞋:Shoes23 牙齿(金牙):Tooth(Teeth)24 花边:Lace25 头:Head26 帽子:Hat/Cap27 丝结:Neck Bow28 关节:Joint29 拉链:Zipper Teeth拉链齿Zipper Pull拉链牌32 BB叫:Squeaker33 吊牌:Hang Tag34 胶袋:Poly Bag35 纸箱:Carton Box36 松紧带:Elastic Band37 铃铛:Bell38 横头卡:Header-card39 背卡:Backer-Card40 彩盒:Display-Box41 胶针:Plastic Pin42 挂钩:Hanger43 吊环:Loop原料方面涤纶:PLOYESTER锦纶:NYLON/POLYAMIDE醋酸:ACETATE棉;COTTON人棉:RAYON人丝:VISCOSE仿真丝:IMITATED SILK FABRIC真丝:SILK氨纶:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA长丝:FILAMENT短纤:SPUN黑丝:BLACK YARN阳离子:CATION三角异形丝:TRIANGLE PROFILE空气变形丝:AIR-JET TEXTURING YARN超细纤维: MICRO – FIBRIC全拉伸丝:FDY(FULL DRAWN YARN)预取向丝:POY(PREORIENTED YARN)拉伸变形丝:DTY(DRAW TEXTURED YARN)牵伸加捻丝:DT (DRWW TWIST)玩具产品检验及标准方面质量标准: QUALITY STANDARD (OEKO-TEX STANDARD100、ISO9002、SGS、ITS、AATCC、M&S)客检:CUSTOMER INSPECTION台板检验:TABLE INSPECTION经向检验:LAMP INSPECTION色牢度:COLOR FASTNESS皂洗色牢度: WASHING COLOR FASTNESS摩擦色牢度:RUBBING/CRICKING COLOR FASTNESS光照色牢度:LIGHT COLOR FASTNESS汗渍色牢度:PERSPIRATION COLOR FASTNESS水渍色牢度: WATER COLOR FASTNESS氯漂白色牢度:CHLORINE BLEACH COLOR FASTNESS尺寸稳定性:DIMENSIONAL STABILITY外观持久性:APPEARANCE RETENTION拉伸强度:TENSILE STRENGTH撕破强度:TEAR STRENGTH接缝滑裂:SEAM SLIPPAGE抗起毛起球性:PILLING RESISTANCE 耐磨性:ABRASION RESISTANCE拒水性:WATER REPELLENCY抗水性:WATER RESISTANCE织物密度:THREAD PER INCH/STICH DENSITY纱支:YARN COUNT克重:WEIGHT重金属:Heavy Elements偶氮:Azo Dyes邻笨二甲酸盐:Phthalate甲醛:Formaldehyde双酚:BPA跌落测试:Drop Test小物件:Small Part燃烧测试:Flammability Test拉力测试:Tension Test扭力测试:Torque test咬力测试:Bite Test玩具常用中英文名称对照表Toy 玩具Electronic Toys 电动玩具Plastic Toys 塑料玩具Intelligence Toys 益智玩具Staff Toys 毛绒玩具Stuffed Toy 填充玩具Fancy Toy 益智玩具Dolls 娃娃Outdoor Leisure 户外娱乐Handicrafts 手工艺品Soft Toys 软体类玩具Capsule Toys 扭蛋Shokugan 食玩Action Figure 可动人形Designer Toys 潮流玩具Vinyl Toy 搪胶玩具Brick 积木人Garage Kits 首版Military Figure 兵人Bauble 小玩意儿game 游戏rag baby 娃娃玩具peashooter 玩具枪water gun 玩具水枪minicar 玩具车teddy bear 玩具熊dollhouse 玩具小屋popgun 玩具枪meccano 组合玩具marble 弹球trainset 小火车plasticene 橡皮泥meccano 组合玩具marble 弹球trainset 小火车plasticene 橡皮泥yo-yo 悠悠diabolo 空竹marbles 弹球frisbee飞盘rocking horse 摇摆木马tumbler不倒翁dodgem car 碰碰车kite 风筝balloon 气球pinwheel纸风车crayons蜡笔hula hoop 呼啦圈rubber ball 小皮球jigsaw puzzle 拼图hobbyhorse木马rattles摇铃hand-held toys手持玩具close to ear toys近耳玩具squeeze toys挤压玩具pull-along toys拖拉玩具push toys手推玩具percussion toys敲击玩具wind toys口动发声玩具cap-firing toys火药帽玩具voice toys语音玩具die cast合金部分面料名称对照里料:Lining面料:Fabric平纹:Taffeta斜纹:Twill缎面:Satin / Charmeuse绡:Lustrine提花:Jacquard烂花:Burnt-Out春亚纺:Pongee格子:Check条子:Stripe双层: Double – Layer双色: Two – Tone花瑶:Faille高士宝:Koshibo雪纺:Chiffon乔其:Georgette塔丝隆:Taslon弹力布:Spandex/Elastic/Strec/Lycra牛仔布:Jeanet牛津布:Oxford 帆布:Cambric涤棉:P/C 涤捻:T/R 白条纺:White Stripe黑条纺:Black Stripe空齿纺:Empty Stripe水洗绒/桃皮绒:Peach Skin卡丹绒:Peach Twill绉绒:Peach Moss玻璃纱:Organdy染料方面碱性染料:Basic Dyes酸性染料:Acid Dyes活性染料:Reactive Dyes分散染料:Disperse Dyes阳离子染料:Cation Dyes还原染料:Vat Dyes直接染料:Direct Dyes硫化染料:Sulphur Dyes非偶氮染料:Azo Free Dyes产品款式类(Style):1 站式动物:Standing Animal2 座式动物:Sitting Animal3 手套玩偶款:Hand Puppet4 吸盘款:Suction Cup5 匙扣款:Key-Chain6 硬币包:Coin Purse7 笔盒:Pencil Case8 背包:Backpack9 手袋:Hand Bag10 枕头:Cushion11 拖鞋:Slipper12 毛巾挂件款:Towel Hanger13 围巾:Scarf14 头饰(马尾)款:Hair Set (Ponytail)15 帽子款:Hat,Cap16 手套:Gloves17 书套:Book Covers18 手机套:Cell Phone Covers19 吸石款:Magnet20 手腕+硬币包款:Waist Band+Coin Purse21 钱箱款:Coin Case22 纸巾套款:Tissue Box23 相架款:Photo Frame Holder24 洗澡用系列款式:Bathe Series25 投掷怪叫款:Slammers26 笔头套款:Pen Top27 书签套款:Book Mark28 糖果袋款:Candy Toys玩具贸易英语第一期:General Terms1.establishing business relation-建立业务关系2. inquiry-询盘3. offer-报盘4. counter offer-还盘5. quantity-数量6. packing-包装7. time of shipment-装运期8. price-价格9. discount-折扣10. terms of payment-支付条款11. insurance-保险12. commodity inspection-商品检验13. acceptance-接受14. signing a contract-签订合同15. claim-索赔16. agency-代理17. commission-佣金18. exclusive sales-包销19. joint venture-合资企业20. compensation trade-补偿贸易21.processing and assembling trade-加工装配贸易22.the terms of international trade-国际贸易术语第二期:Establishing business relation 建立业务关系1. recommendation 推荐、介绍2. inform 通知3.enter into business relations建立业务关系4. catalogue 目录5. for your reference 供您参考6. specific inquiry 具体询价7. promptly 立即8. representative 代表9. chamber of commerce 商会10. specialize in 专营11.on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上12. pamphlet 小册子13. a range of 一套14. make offers 报价15.import and export corporation进出口公司16. silk 丝绸17. cotton piece goods 棉布18. blouse 女衬衫19. be of the latest style 最新式样20. financial position 财务状况21. trade reputation 贸易声誉22. on display 展出23. woolen knitwear 毛织品24. garment 服装25. meet with great favor 受欢迎26. credit standing 信用地位27. state-operated 国营的28.currency,Chinese currency,British currency 货币,中国货币,英国货币29. investment 投资30. a long-term investment 长期投资31.a profitable investment有利可得的投资32.a safe and sure investment安全可靠的投资33. a heavy investment 巨额投资34. investment intent 投资意向35. investment partner 投资伙伴36. direct investment 直接投资37. investment environment 投资环境38. investor 投资者39. enterprise 企业40. joint venture enterprise 合资企业41. cooperative enterprise 合作企业42.exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业43. state-owned enterprise 国营企业44.collectively-owned enterprise集体企业45.individually owned enterprise个体企业第三期: inquiry 询盘1. general inquiry 一般询盘2. specific inquiry 具体询盘3. dealer 商人4. quotation 报价5. sales department 销售部6. purchase 购买7. enquiry 询价8. quote 开价9. sample 样品10. a long-term contractt 长期合同11. discount 折扣12. grant 批准 make an inquiry for sth对某物询价 keep the inquiry on file把询价记录在卷15. to inquiry for sth 对某物询价16. to inquiry about sth 询问某事17. process 加工18. guarantee, guarantor 保证, 保证人19. delivery 交货20. port of delivery 交货港21. time of delivery 交货期22. prompt delivery 即期交货23. to effect delivery 办理交货24. to make delivery 办理交货25. to postpone delivery 推迟交货 deliver sth to sb把某物交付给某人27. shipment 装船28. to make shipment 装船29. to receive shipment 接货30. partial shipment 分批装船31. prompt shipment 即期装运32. time of shipment 装运期33. offer 报盘报价34. a firm offer 实盘35. a counter offer 还盘36. to accept an offer 接受报盘37. to extend an offer 延长报盘38. to renew an offer 更新报盘39. to withdraw an offer 撤消报盘40. the validity of an offer 报盘有效期41. to make an offer 报价42. to offer firm 报实盘 offer subject to final confirmation 报盘以最后确认为准44. specialize in 专门经营第四期:Counter offer 还盘1. counter offer 还盘2. enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉3.ready seller;quick seller;quick-selling product 畅销品4.conclude business with sb.与某人达成交易5.close business,close a deal,close a transaction, close a bargain 达成交易6. trade terms 贸易条件7. trade agreement 贸易协定8. trade fair 交易会9. trade mark 商标10. foreign trade对外贸易11 trade in sth 经营某物12. trade with sb.与某人交易13. favourable price 优惠价格14. favourable terms 优惠条件15. quotation 行情16. discount quotation 贴现行情17. exchange rate quotation外汇行情18. commission 佣金19.a commission of....%;....% commission.百分之几佣金20.your..%commission你的百分之几佣金21.The above price includes your commission of2%.上述价格包括你方2%佣金.22. general practice 惯例23. accept an order 接受订单24. cancel an order 撤消订单25. confirm an order 确认订单26. execute an order 履行订单27. a back order 尚未执行的订单28. a fresh order 新订单29. a repeat order 续订订单第五期:Quantity 数量1. weight 重量2. metric ton 公吨3. long ton 长吨4. short ton 短吨5. kilogram, kilo, kg 公斤6. pound, lb 磅7. ounce, oz 盎司8. number 个数9. piece 件10. pair 双11 dozen 打12. ream 令13. set 套14. length 长度15. area 面积16. volume 体积17. cubic meter 立方米18. capacity 容积19. litre 升20. gallon 加仑21. bushel 蒲式耳22. metric system 公制23. british system 英制24. U.S.System 美制25. gross weight 毛重26. net weight 净重27. shipping weight 装运重量28. landed weight 卸货重量29. theoretical weight 理论重量第六期: Packing 包装1. packaging 包装方法2. blister packing 起泡包装3. neutral packing 中性包装4. skin packing 吸塑包装5. hanging packing 挂式包装6. catch sb's eye 引某人注目7. mark 唛头8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装9. in bulk 散装10. in loose packing 散装11 nude packing 裸装12. bulk pack 整批包装13. consumer pack 零售包装14. large packing 大包装15.inner packing,external packing,end packing 小包装16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装18. gift-wrap 礼品包装19. bag, sack 袋20. jute bag 麻袋21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋23. zippered bag 拉链袋24. case, chest 箱25. box 盒26. wooden case 木箱27. carton 纸箱28. container 集装箱29. rate 板条箱30. fibre board case 纤维板箱第七期: Packing(二) 包装1. packet 小包2. bale 包3. bundle 捆4. tin , can 罐头5. basket 篮,篓,筐6. bamboo basket 竹篓7. bottle 瓶8. wooden keg 小木桶9. hogshead 大桶10. iron drum 铁桶11 cylinder 铁桶12. barrel 琵琶桶13. drum 圆桶14. waterproof paper 防水纸15. cellophone 玻璃纸16. kraftpaper 牛皮纸17. canvas 帆布18. fibreboard 纤维板19. nylon strap 尼龙腰子20. plastic strap 塑料腰子21. adhesive tape 胶带22. stuffing material 填料23. nylon plastic 尼龙丝24. fermented plastic 泡沫塑料25. paper scrap 纸屑26. saw dust 木屑27. tar paper 沥青纸28. wax paper 蜡纸29. slushing compound 润滑油30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布第八期:Shipment 装运1. backlog 积压而未交付的订货2. terms of shipment 装运条件3. prepare goods 备货4. load 装货5. unload 卸货6. board 木板,板,船舷7. on board 在船(或车、飞机)上8. steamer 轮船9. space of a steamer舱位10. shipping department 运输部门11 liner 班轮,班机12. book up (票、车位、舱位等)订完13. tranship 转运14. transhipment 转载15. Force Majeure 人力不可抗力16.European Main Ports--EMPs欧洲主要口岸17. vessel 船;飞船;飞机18.the first available vessel第一艘可订到的船19. call at 停泊20. duly 按期地,按时的第九期: Price 价格1. Price terms 价格条件2. bargain 讨价还价3. currency 货币4. on the low side 价格偏低5. market price 市场价6. current price 现行价7. floor price 底价8. make a bargain with sb 与某人成交 a hard bargain over sth.为某事拼命讨价还价10. a bargain sale 廉价出售11. rock-bottom price 最低价12. F.O.B 船上交货13. C.I.F. 成本加保险费,运费价14. CFR 成本加运费价Establishing business relation建立业务关系(1)C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价(2) T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇(3) D/P(document against payment)付款交单(4)D/A(document against acceptance)承兑交单(5) C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证(6)G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制(7) CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱(8) PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等(9) DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元(10) DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打(11) PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等(12) WT(weight)重量(13) G.W.(gross weight)毛重(14) N.W.(net weight)净重(15) C/D (customs declaration)报关单(16) EA(each)每个,各(17) W (with)具有(18) W/O(without)没有(19) FAC(facsimile)传真(20) IMP(import)进口(21) EXP(export)出口(22) MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的(23) MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度(24) M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的(25) M/V(merchant vessel)商船(26) S.S(steamship)船运(27) MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨(28) DOC (document)文件、单据(29) INT(international)国际的(30) P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表(31) INV (invoice)发票(32) PCT (percent)百分比(33) REF (reference)参考、查价(34) EMS (express mail special)特快传递(35) STL.(style)式样、款式、类型(36) T或LTX或TX(telex)电传(37) RMB(renminbi)人民币(38) S/M (shipping marks)装船标记(39) PR或PRC(price) 价格(40) PUR (purchase)购买、购货(41) S/C(sales contract)销售确认书(42) L/C (letter of credit)信用证(43) B/L (bill of lading)提单(44) FOB (free on board)离岸价(45)CIF(cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价主要贸易术语/主要船务术语(1) FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2) FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3) FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4) CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)成本、保险费加运费(6) CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至目的地(8) DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货(9) DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10) DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货(11) DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC(Origen Recevie Charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费(5) YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费(8) PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费(10) DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11) O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费(12) B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单(或OCEAN BILL OFLADING)(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据(15) L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证(16) C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同(18) S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T(Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22) CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场(23) FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)小陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人。
05pmii选择复印纸23预设缩小放大24缩放24分页25更改份数26用单面纸复印身份证两面用户工具用户工具菜单系统设置29用户工具菜单复印机设置31访问用户工具32更改默认设置32退出用户工具33可以通过用户工具更改的设置34系统设置34复印机功能37用户代码39注册新的用户代码39更改用户代码40删除用户代码40显示每个用户代码的计数器41打印每个用户代码的计数器41清除计数器故障排除如果本机不能正常工作43复印件不清晰44无法正常复印45内存空间用尽时45b装入纸张46装入纸张46方向固定的纸张或双面纸张47d添加碳粉48处理碳粉48碳粉存放48用过的碳粉48取出碳粉49加碳粉50kirc3azhopebookpageiiwednesdaymarch20103 Page 1 Sunday, April 25, 2010 8:43 AM
经过20缸涤/氨针织面料的生产实践,采用绳状水洗机进行后处理可节省时间18.6h ,节约电405.9kWh ,节约蒸汽8.9t ,节约水118.2t 。
关键词:涤/氨针织面料;分散染料;色牢度;绳状水洗机中图分类号:TS193.7文献标志码:B 文章编号:1005-9350(2023)04-0038-04Abstract:During the production process,due to factors such as mechanical equipment,dyeing bath ratio,dyeingauxiliaries and process control,the color fastness of dyed fabrics fluctuates greatly.Especially,it is very difficult for ordi⁃nary dyes to achieve high color fastness.The fabric with high color fastness is obtained by using common disperse dyes,dyeing auxiliaries,and post-treatment in rope washing machine.The results reveal that compared to the traditional soaping process,the polyester/polyurethane knitted fabric treated by rope washing machine has higher color fastness and can meetthe national standard for first-class products.After the production practice of 20cylinders of polyester/polyurethane knitted fabric,using rope washing machine for post treatment can save a total of 18.6h,405.9kWh of electricity,8.9t of steam,and 118.2t of water.Key words:polyester/polyurethane knitted fabric;disperse dyes;color fastness;rope washing machineProduction practice of improving color fastness with disperse dyes收稿日期:2022-06-14作者简介:丁仁金(1965—),男,浙江杭州人,工程师,主要从事纺织化学与染整工程相关的工作。
HP Indigo电子油墨总体而言,HP Indigo电子油墨为数码印刷提供了无限可能。
另外,HP IndiChrome油墨混合系统能够覆盖97%的彩通色。
IndiChrome PLUS使用的电子油墨除了青色、品红、黄色、黑色、橙色和紫色之外,还增加了绿色。
它的油墨混合系统(IMS)的专色创建模块使用了HP Indigo电子油墨的青色、品红、黄色、黑色、橙色、紫色、绿色、反射蓝、玫瑰红,以及明亮的黄色和透明墨。
HP Indigo白色电子油墨为不干胶标签、收缩套标和软包装印刷提供了一个不透明的实地底色,并且减少印后上光这道程序。
HP Indigo电子白墨能够为收缩套标提供适当等级的油墨耐磨度和不透明度,利用数码印刷流程,可以省去其他印刷方式所不能缺少的步骤,节省了成本并且提高了生产效率。
在标签行业,我们看到,为了印刷一个单纯的颜色(例如反射蓝)需要很宽的色域来支撑,多米诺产品经理Jon Pritchard说,当使用我们的UV墨水加上橙色和紫色,可以获得90%的彩通色。
度最 大 ; 蓝绿 色发 光 粉配 制 的涂料 A_ 2强 度次 之 , 在
波 长 4 0n 处 , 对 发 光 强度 最 大 ; 5 m 相 而硅 酸盐 天蓝
色发 光粉 配制 的涂 料 A .1强度 最差 , 波长 6 0a 在 3 m
a n h h e i d n t e e p rme t mo g t e t r e k n s i h x e i n .Ho v r d e t t o l mi o s it n i n h r feg o t we e , u o i l w u n u n e s y a d s o ta t r l w i ,twa o s t me i sn t
Ab t a t Th f e c fd fee t o o s d s g f u n u o e n ec t n c f i g a e to ep ro ma c f s r c : ei l n eo i r n l r , o a e o mi o sp wd ra d t ai i x n g n n t e f r n eo n u f c l h o i h
彩 色喷墨打 印夜光纸性能研究
马晓博 ,高玉杰 ,孙世杰 ,何秋实
( 天津市制浆造纸重点实验室 ,天津科技大学材料科学与化学工程学院 ,天津 30 5 ) 0 4 7
要 :研 究了发光粉的种类 、用量 以及 阳 离子 固色剂的用量对打印夜光纸性能的影响.结果表明 : 天蓝 色发光粉 的
成纸性 能优 于黄绿 色和蓝绿 色发光粉的成纸性 能 , 但是 由于天蓝 色发光粉的发光 强度低 、 余辉 时间短而不考虑使 用 ; 发光粉的用量 2 %为宜; 0 随着阳 离子 固色剂用量的增加 , 打印性能得到提 高, 是需要控制用量 , 但 阳离子 固色剂适宜用 量为 5 喷墨打印夜光 纸不仅 能在暗 处发 光 , %. 而且具有喷 墨打印的特性 ,因此它必将展现 出广 阔的市场前景 和发展
色牢度测定(Colour fastness test)First, the purpose of the experimentMaster soaping fastness, dry / wet rubbing fastness, sun fastness test and rating method, learn to use soaping test machine, color fastness tester and sun fastness testing machine.Two 、 experimental methodOf soaping fastness were measured by standard ISO105/C01-1989 method, according to the national standard of ISO105/X12-1978 method for determination of rubbing fastness and gray scale evaluation, dyeing discoloration and lining fabric (or bleached plain) with color grades. Fade and color fastness 5stages, grade 5, grade 1 of the worst. According to GB413-78 method for sun fastness test, and then use GB-65 sun fastness blue standard rating, blue standard grade is divided into 8 files, 8 best, 1 worst.Three, experimental content(1) determination of fastness to soaping1. experimental materials, instruments and pharmaceuticals(1) experimental materials: dyeing specimens (4cm * 10cm), single fiber lined fabric (4cm * 10cm).(2) experimental apparatus: washing color fastness tester (SW-122), grey card.(3) experimental drugs: soap or standard synthetic detergent.2. experimental steps(1) single fiber lined fabric (two pieces): the first block is made of the same kind of fiber as the dyed sample, and the second is made of fiber as stipulated in the standard. If the sample is a blend or fabric, the first piece is made of the main content fiber, and the second is made of secondary fiber.(2) sample preparation: take a piece of dyeing specimen, sandwiched between two pieces of single fiber bonded fabric, and stitched along the edge to form a composite sample.(3) soap solution prescription and conditions are shown in table 20-1.Table 20-1 prescription and condition of soaping testReagent and condition dosageSoap (g/l) 5Or synthetic detergent (g/l) 4Bath ratio 50:1Temperature (DEG) 40 + 2Time (min) 30(4) determination of operation: the combination of specimen is placed on the washing tank, tighten the lid, put the washing color fastness testing machine, first in the preheating tank preheated to 40 + 2 DEG C, and then placed in the test tank, open the rotating button, 30min in 40 + 2 deg. After completion, remove the composite sample and rinse it two times with cold two distilled water. Rinse 10min in the running cold water and squeeze out the moisture. Expand the composite sample so that the sample and lining fabric are connected only by one suture and suspended in air not exceeding 60 degrees centigrade. Finally, the fading of the dyed sample and the staining of the lining fabric were evaluated by grey card.(two) determination of fastness to dry and wet rubbing1. experimental materials and instruments(1) experimental materials: two specimens of dyeing (8cm * 25cm), Byu Bhai Bing Bbu (5cm * 5cm).(2) experimental apparatus: tester for color fastness(Y571-L).2. experimental steps(1) determination of dry rubbing fastness: spread the dyed sample onto the sample table of the tester for friction fastness, and rotate the cam to compress the sample. The Byu Bhai Bing Bbu (5cm * 5cm) is fixed on the friction head, and the warp and weft direction intersects with the warp and weft direction ofthe sample to form 45 degrees. Put down the friction head, turn on the power switch, press the start button, and rub the head back and forth on the sample fabric 10 times. Lift the friction head, remove the bleached cloth, evaluation of dyeing samples faded and stained with grey cloth bleaching grade sample card.(2) determination of wet rubbing fastness of pre operation: Byu Bhai Bing Bbu (5cm * 5cm) padding in water meter roll rubbing fastness (with liquid rate is about 70%), then it will be fixed in the rubbing fastness test of friction on the head. Rub off and dry at room temperature,Then use the gray scale evaluation of dyeing samples and bleaching stain grade cloth fade.(three) determination of fastness to sunlight1. experimental materials and instruments(1) experimental material: a piece of dyed sample (15mm * 80mm), blue standard set (each level sampling 15mm * 80mm).(2) experimental apparatus: Sun fastness tester.2. experimental steps(1) arrange the blue standard sample in 8 order and fix it on the cardboard; the prepared sample is the same as above.(2) the blue standard sample and test sample are placed on the sample rack of the sun fastness tester, and the opaque aluminumplate (test machine special accessory) is used to cover the middle part of the blue standard and test sample (about 1/5). Then the sample holder in said fastness testing machine, drying, when the 4 Blue standard sun to change degree equivalent to GB250-64 fastness fade like card 4 shown in degree (for the first tranche), then the original cover part and the part not covered on any cover, continue Yue sun, sun when 4 Blue standard change degree is equivalent to GB250-64 fastness fade like card 2 shown in the level (in the second), the sample and the standard blue removed, placed in a dark place after 2H rating to second rating shall prevail.Four, experimental discussion(1) the main factors affecting soaping fastness and fastness to sun drying are analyzed.(2) the main reason for the difference of dry and wet rubbing fastness was analyzed.Five, experimental requirements and precautions(1) the same direction and woof test methods.(2) to understand the color fastness of the product, you should select at least three different parts of the dyed sample test, and then determine the average value of the results.。
TITLE: Light Fastness Test For Ink Printed MaterialsReleased Date: Rev. No:Originating Department: Originating Author:1.PURPOSE AND SCOPE1.1Purpose: The method is to provide instructions to assess the light fastness of ink printedmaterials.1.2Scope: The method is applicable for all print substrates such as paper, board,plastic films , thinmetal plate ( i.e tins) and to all printing processes.2.EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS USED IN TEST2.1A xenon arc lamp apparatus with either air cooled or water cooled device;2.2Blue wool references, in accordance with ISO 12040-1997;2.3A grey scale is used for the determination of colour change in accordance with ISO 105-A02;2.4Black-Panel-Thermometer, in accordance with ISO 12040-1997;2.5Light source, is a xenon arc lamp with a colour temperature of 5500 K to 6500 K;2.6The filter should completely absorb radiation at wavelengths below 310 nm. The transparency ofthe glass filters shall be at least 90 % in the range of wavelengths from 380 nm to 700 nm (simulating sunlight behind window glass).3.SAFETY AND HANDLING3.1Test personnel must have the basic knowledge and been trained on the materials and equipmentused in this test method.3.2Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn if necessary.4.SAMPLES TO BE TESTED4.1Test samples should be produced at least 24 hour prior to test.Preconditions test samples for at least 2 hours at room temperature prior to test.5.PROCEDURE5.1The test pieces and the blue wool references are mounted together as closely as possible in awell-ventilated test chamber;5.2Use an opaque board with the thickness of 0.5 mm at least to partly cover the test pieces and theblue wool references;5.3The temperature of the test pieces shall not exceed 45℃as measured by theBlack-Panel-Thermometer. Expose the samples to the light in a prescribed manner for a timeTITLE: Light Fastness Test For Ink Printed Materialssufficient to cause a distinct change, which is defined as equal to or less than grade 3 of the grey scale. Take out the test pieces and blue wool reference from the chamber.6.INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS6.1Compare the color change between the test pieces and blue wool reference, give the test piece alight-fastness rating that corresponds to the number of the blue wool reference that has the same level of color change.If the change of the test piece falls between the two successive numbers of blue wool references, the light fastness rate should be given the two corresponding numbers (e.g. 6-7). This rating method is not applicable to light fastness rating below 5. If the test piece’s color darkens, this test method is not applicable.6.2The light-fastness rating should be 6 or above.7.REFERNCES7.1ISO 12040-1997 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastnessusing filtered xenon arc light7.2GB/T 22771-2008 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastnessusing filtered xenon arc light7.3ISO 105-A102 Grey scale for assessing change in color8.ANNEXESN/ADOCUMENT HISTORICAL INFORMATIONREV DATEINITIATED CHANGEORDERREASONChooseCause orReviewDESCRIPTION标题: 印刷品耐晒测试方法发行日期:版本号:起草部门:起草人:1.0 目的和范围1.1 目的:本程序规定了测试印刷品耐光性的方法;1.2 本程序适用于纸、纸板、塑料薄膜、金属薄板印刷承印物,并适用于所有的印刷工艺。
Colorfastness Test (色牢度)
Colorfastness Test
Colorfastness to Laundering
两项评价内容。原样褪色是指测试织物在皂洗前后褪色的情况;贴衬织 物沾色是将贴衬织物与测试织物以一定方式缝叠在一起,经实验后,因
Acrylic (viscose rayon)
Sewing line Specimen
(Face side)
wool 60mm 50mm acetate cotton nylon Polyester (silk)
Acrylic (viscose rayon) Acrylic (viscose rayon)
Difference with AATCC & ISOTest&GB Basically, crock test with AATCC and ISO has same procedure except below properties. AATCC 8-2007 times of Crocking Direction of reciprocating motion Crock cloth of wet pick-up Specimen size 10 times Bias to warp or weft direction 65 ± 5% At least 50 X 130mm 10 times 1. Parallel to warp direction 2. Parallel to weft direction 95-100% At least 50 X 200mm
Features·High-performance LED emits up to 45 Lumens in brightness ·Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery provides a maximum runtime up to 21 hours·Integrated intelligent Li-ion battery charging circuit (micro USB charging port)·Single switch offers access to all functions via one-handed control ·Three brightness levels to select from ·Signal light in three frequencies·Innovative spherical joint design for full-angle illumination·Features extremely wide 100° flawless beam to light up peripheral vision·Constructed from durable Polycarbonate materials ·Extremely lightweight, compact and portable ·Impact resistant to 1.5 metersDimensionsSize (without bracket): 2.31” x 0.95” x 0.53”Size (with bracket): 2.70” x 1.16” x 0.87”Weight0.73oz (with battery and bracket)AccessoriesHeadbandOutput & RuntimeSignal/Alarm FlashesWith the light turned off, click the on/off button twice in quick succession. T360 will enter 1Hz low frequency flash mode. Click the on/off button to switch between low frequency flash (1Hz)-medium frequency flash (2Hz)-High frequency flash (10Hz). To exit, press the on/off button for more than one second to turn the light off.Note: In standby mode, T360 can stand by for approximately 80 days.Operating InstructionsOn/Off OperationsTo switch on: Press the on/off button for more than one second;To switch off: Press the on/off button again for more than one second.Brightness LevelsWith the light turned on, click the on/off button repeatedly to cycle through brightness levels from ultralow, medium, and high.Note: T360 has no memory effect for brightness levels. It starts with 2 Lumens by default.®The All-Round Flashlight ExpertUser ManualT3604515245min 1h 45min21h30m (Beam Distance)230cd(Peak Beam Intensity)1.5m (Impact Resistant)IP65(Dust & Water Resistant)LUMENSLUMENSLUMENSNOTICE: Stated data has been measured in accordance with the international flashlight testing standards ANSI/NEMA FL1 using an integrated and fully charged 3.7Vrechargeable Li-ion battery under laboratory conditions. End-user results may vary due to individual usage habits and environmental conditions.Customized Application ScenariosOpen T360's clip with proper force and clip T360 on backpacks or caps as a workingAngle AdjustmentThe body and bracket of T360 are connected via a spherical joint. Rotate the light’s body to adjust illuminating angles.※All images, text and statements specified herein this user manualare for reference purpose only. Should any discrepancy occursbetween this manual and information specified on , information on our official website shall prevail. Sysmax Industry Co., Ltd. reserves the rights to interpret and amend the content of this document at any time without prior notice.Charging1. Connect to power source. Connect the charging port of T360 with power source (adaptor, computer, etc.) through a USB cord. The normal charging time is two hours.2. Charging indication: A red indicator stays on to indicate charging in progress; a green indicator turns on upon charging completion.Note: T360 should be recharged when output appears to be dim or unresponsive.Warranty ServiceAll NITECORE products are warranted for quality. Any defective /malfunctioning NITECORE T360 can be repaired free of charge for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. Beyond 12 months, a limited warranty applies, covering the cost of labor andmaintenance, but not the cost of accessories or replacement parts. The warranty is nullified in either or both of the following situations:1. The product(s) is/are broken down, reconstructed and/or modified by unauthorized parties.2. The product(s) is/are damaged through improper use.For the latest information on NITECORE® products and services, please contact a local NITECORE® distributor or send an email to ********************.SYSMAX Industry Co., Ltd.TEL: +86-20-83862000 FAX: +86-20-83882723 E-mail: *****************Web: Address : Guangzhou, China 510600Please find us on facebook:NITECORE Flashlights Thanks for purchasing NITECORE!Thanks for purchasing NITECORE!。
对 同一样品 纸张上 5个不 同位置 的油 墨色痕在相 同的检 验条 件下进 行红 外光谱 测试 , 观 察油
墨色痕 的 AT R红 外光谱 图与 油墨在纸张上位 置的关 系 。
2 . 2 . 4 影 响 因素 实验
油墨附 着在纸张上 , 因而研究不 同种 类打印纸张 对油墨的红外 光谱分析 的影响 。 对同一 油墨将 其打 印在不 同种类的打印 纸张上 , 观 察油墨 色痕的 A TR红外 光谱图的变化 。
别 很小 , 说明纸张 上所附着 的油墨色痕的 AT R红 外光谱与打印 纸张的种类 无关 。
3 . 3 不 同油墨种 类的识别
3 . 3 . 1 不 同品 牌 油 墨 的识 别
根据 纸张上油 墨色痕 的傅里叶红 外光谱 的特征吸 收峰 来看 , 不 同品牌 的油 墨红外 光谱 的特征 吸 收峰有 一定差别 。 图 1是 3种不同品牌 的油墨色痕 的红外光谱 图 , 从上至 下 , 依 次为编号 为 1 —6
3 . 3 . 2 同一 品 牌 油 墨 的 识 别
从 图 1中 , 可 以很 清楚 的看 出 , 同一品牌 的特 定 油墨和 替代 油墨 特征 吸收 峰 形相近 , 含有 相同 或 相 近 的特 征 吸 收 峰 , 同 时 替 代 油 墨 的吸 收 峰 数 要 多 于 特 定 油 墨 , 例 如 3号 和 4号 油 墨 , 在 1 1 7 4 c m 都 有吸 收 , 但 是 4号在 l 1 3 8 、 1 0 4 2 c m 处有 区别于 3 号 的吸 收峰 , 1号 与 2号及 5号与 6
关键词:颜色预测 荧光 纸张 油墨 库贝尔卡-芒克模型 多重反射 桑德森校正引言在以往的工作中,我们基于泛化的概念密度,为透明承印物上的荧光油墨提出了一个新的预测模型。
我们认为一个理论上的分子含有两个电子能态:0E (基态)和1E (激发态)。
4. UVP BioSpectrum 515凝胶成像系统标准操作规程
UVP BioSpectrum 515凝胶成像系统标准操作规程1、操作步骤1)根据实验把样品放置在样品台上。
5)选择实验的曝光时间(在camera 模块中)。
7)仪器为三波长紫外透照台,254nm、302nm、365nm 三个波长,共12 根灯管,每组4根,紫外灯管为开放式耗材。
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TITLE: Light Fastness Test For Ink Printed MaterialsReleased Date: Rev. No:Originating Department: Originating Author:1.PURPOSE AND SCOPE1.1Purpose: The method is to provide instructions to assess the light fastness of ink printedmaterials.1.2Scope: The method is applicable for all print substrates such as paper, board,plastic films , thinmetal plate ( i.e tins) and to all printing processes.2.EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS USED IN TEST2.1A xenon arc lamp apparatus with either air cooled or water cooled device;2.2Blue wool references, in accordance with ISO 12040-1997;2.3A grey scale is used for the determination of colour change in accordance with ISO 105-A02;2.4Black-Panel-Thermometer, in accordance with ISO 12040-1997;2.5Light source, is a xenon arc lamp with a colour temperature of 5500 K to 6500 K;2.6The filter should completely absorb radiation at wavelengths below 310 nm. The transparency ofthe glass filters shall be at least 90 % in the range of wavelengths from 380 nm to 700 nm (simulating sunlight behind window glass).3.SAFETY AND HANDLING3.1Test personnel must have the basic knowledge and been trained on the materials and equipmentused in this test method.3.2Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn if necessary.4.SAMPLES TO BE TESTED4.1Test samples should be produced at least 24 hour prior to test.Preconditions test samples for at least 2 hours at room temperature prior to test.5.PROCEDURE5.1The test pieces and the blue wool references are mounted together as closely as possible in awell-ventilated test chamber;5.2Use an opaque board with the thickness of 0.5 mm at least to partly cover the test pieces and theblue wool references;5.3The temperature of the test pieces shall not exceed 45℃as measured by theBlack-Panel-Thermometer. Expose the samples to the light in a prescribed manner for a timeTITLE: Light Fastness Test For Ink Printed Materialssufficient to cause a distinct change, which is defined as equal to or less than grade 3 of the grey scale. Take out the test pieces and blue wool reference from the chamber.6.INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS6.1Compare the color change between the test pieces and blue wool reference, give the test piece alight-fastness rating that corresponds to the number of the blue wool reference that has the same level of color change.If the change of the test piece falls between the two successive numbers of blue wool references, the light fastness rate should be given the two corresponding numbers (e.g. 6-7). This rating method is not applicable to light fastness rating below 5. If the test piece’s color darkens, this test method is not applicable.6.2The light-fastness rating should be 6 or above.7.REFERNCES7.1ISO 12040-1997 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastnessusing filtered xenon arc light7.2GB/T 22771-2008 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastnessusing filtered xenon arc light7.3ISO 105-A102 Grey scale for assessing change in color8.ANNEXESN/ADOCUMENT HISTORICAL INFORMATIONREV DATEINITIATED CHANGEORDERREASONChooseCause orReviewDESCRIPTION标题: 印刷品耐晒测试方法发行日期:版本号:起草部门:起草人:1.0 目的和范围1.1 目的:本程序规定了测试印刷品耐光性的方法;1.2 本程序适用于纸、纸板、塑料薄膜、金属薄板印刷承印物,并适用于所有的印刷工艺。
2.0 实验所需仪器及材料2.1 附有空冷或水冷装置的氙弧灯设备;2.2 标准蓝色羊毛参考物,应符合ISO 12040-1997的规定;2.3 评定变色用灰色样卡,应符合ISO 105-A102的规定;2.4 黑板温度计,应符合ISO 12040-1997的规定;2.5 光源,色温为5500K-6500K的氙弧灯;2.6 滤光器,滤光器应能够吸收310nm以下的辐射,且在380nm-700nm波长范围内的透过率不低于90%(模拟透过玻璃窗户后的阳光)。
3.0 安全与操作3.1 测试人员必须具备本测试方法中所涉及到的材料及设备的基本知识,并已受过相应的培训。
3.2 如有必要需使用适当的防护设备4.0 测试样品准备4.1 取生产后24小时的待测包材,在室温下放置2小时以上,并在此温度下进行测试;5.0 测试步骤5.1 将测试样品和蓝羊毛标准样品尽可能接近地摆放在通风良好的测试箱中;5.2 用不透明板部分遮盖测试样品和蓝羊毛标准样品,不透明板的厚度至少应为0.5 mm;5.3 用黑板温度计测定测试样品,温度不能超过45℃,将测试样品和蓝羊毛标准样品放在氙弧灯光下曝晒,直至3级蓝羊毛标准发生明显变化,所谓的明显变化是指等于或小于评定变色灰色样卡3级。
取出测试样品和蓝羊毛标准样品;6.0 结果判定标题: 印刷品耐晒测试方法6.1 对比测试样品和蓝羊毛标准样品的颜色变化,确定和测试样品发生相同颜色变化程度的蓝羊毛标准样品的等级,该等级即为测试样品的耐光等级。
6.2 要求耐晒等级大于或等于6级7.0 参考文献7.1 ISO 12040-1997 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastnessusing filtered xenon arc light7.2 GB/T 22771-2008印刷技术印刷品与印刷油墨用滤光氙弧灯评定耐光性(Graphictechnology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastness using filtered xenon arc light)7.3 ISO 105-A102 Grey scale for assessing change in color8.0 附录N/A文档历史信息版本起草日期变更号变更理由描述。