2018届广东省惠阳高级中学高三上学期9月月考试题 数学(文) Word版含答案




广东省惠州市惠阳高级中学2018届高三(上)12月月考数学试卷(文科)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,每小题只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.(5分)已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7},集合A={2,4,5},B={1,3,5,7},则(∁U A)∩B=()A.{7} B.{3,5}C.{1,3,6,7} D.{1,3,7}2.(5分)设复数z满足z(1﹣i)=2,则|z|=()A.1 B.C.D.23.(5分)若幂函数f(x)的图象过点,则f(x)=()A.16x B.x﹣1C.x2D.x﹣24.(5分)已知||=||=2,(+2)•(﹣)=﹣2,则与的夹角为()A.30°B.45°C.60°D.120°5.(5分)已知m,n为直线,α为平面,下列结论正确的是()A.若m⊥n,n⊂α,则m⊥αB.若m⊥α,n⊥α,则m∥nC.若m∥n,n∥α,则m∥αD.若m∥α,m⊥n,则n⊥α6.(5分)已知,,,则a、b、c大小关系是()A.a<b<c B.c<b<aC.a<c<b D.c<a<b7.(5分)设a∈R,则“a=1”是“直线l1:ax+2y﹣1=0与直线l2:x+(a+1)y+4=0平行”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件8.(5分)设F1,F2是双曲线的两个焦点,P是双曲线上的一点,且3|PF1|=4|PF2|,则△PF1F2的面积等于()A.B.C.24 D.489.(5分)如图是由圆柱与圆锥组合而成的几何体的三视图,则该几何体的表面积为()A.20πB.24πC.28πD.32π10.(5分)函数f(x)=(x﹣)cos x(﹣π≤x≤π且x≠0)的图象可能为()A.B.C.D.11.(5分)把边长为1的正方形ABCD沿对角线BD折起,使得平面ABD⊥平面CBD,形成三棱锥C﹣ABD的正视图与俯视图如图所示,则侧视图的面积为()A.B.C.D.12.(5分)若函数y=x3+x2+mx+1是R上的单调函数,则实数m的取值范围是()A.(,+∞)B.(﹣∞,] C.[,+∞)D.(﹣∞,)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分).13.(5分)命题“∃x0∈R,2x02<cos x0”的否定为.14.(5分)已知直线l1的方程为3x+4y﹣7=0,直线l2的方程为6x+8y+1=0,则直线l1与l2的距离为.15.(5分)等差数列{a n }的前n 项和S n ,若a 1=2,S 3=12,则a 6= . 16.(5分)若x ,y 满足约束条件.则的最大值为 .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤). 17.(12分)在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知b =3,=﹣6,S △ABC =3,求A 和a .18.(12分)数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a 2=2,a n +2=2a n +1﹣a n +2. (Ⅰ)设b n =a n +1﹣a n ,证明{b n }是等差数列; (Ⅱ)求{a n }的通项公式.19.(12分)某险种的基本保费为a (单位:元),继续购买该险种的投保人称为续保人,续保人本年度的保费与其上年度出险次数的关联如下: 随机调查了该险种的200名续保人在一年内的出险情况,得到如下统计表:(I)记A为事件:“一续保人本年度的保费不高于基本保费”.求P(A)的估计值;(Ⅱ)记B为事件:“一续保人本年度的保费高于基本保费但不高于基本保费的160%”.求P(B)的估计值;(Ⅲ)求续保人本年度的平均保费估计值.20.(12分)如图,四棱锥P﹣ABCD中,底面ABCD为矩形,P A⊥平面ABCD,E为PD 的中点.(Ⅰ)证明:PB∥平面AEC;(Ⅱ)设AP=1,AD=,三棱锥P﹣ABD的体积V=,求A到平面PBC的距离.21.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ax3+x2(a∈R)在处取得极值.(1)确定a的值;(2)若g(x)=f(x)e x,讨论g(x)的单调性.22.(10分)在平面直角坐标系xOy中,直线l的参数方程(t为参数),以坐标原点为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C的极坐标方程为:ρ=4cosθ.(1)把直线l的参数方程化为极坐标方程,把曲线C的极坐标方程化为普通方程;(2)求直线l与曲线C交点的极坐标(ρ≥0,0≤θ<2π).【参考答案】一、选择题1.D【解析】∵全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7},集合A={2,4,5},B={1,3,5,7},∴C U A={1,3,6,7},(∁U A)∩B={1,3,7}.故选:D.2.B【解析】由z(1﹣i)=2,得z=,∴|z|=.故选:B.3.D【解析】设幂函数y=f(x)=xα(α为实数),其图象过点,∴=4,解得α=﹣2,∴f(x)=x﹣2.故选:D.4.C【解析】由(+2)•(﹣)=﹣2,得,∴,又||=||=2,∴,即cos=,∵两向量夹角的范围为[0°,180°],∴与的夹角为60°.故选:C.5.B【解析】由题可得:对于选项A,由直线与平面垂直的判定可知,直线必须垂直于平面内的两条相交直线,直线才能垂直平面,所以错误;对于选项B,由垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行可知,选项B正确;对于选项C,平行与同一平面的两条直线可以平行,也可以相交或异面,所以C错误;故于选项D,当m∥α,m⊥n,有n⊥α或n∥α或n⊂α,所以D错误.故选:B.6.D【解析】∵,,,∴c<a<b,故选:D.7.A【解析】∵当a=1时,直线l1:x+2y﹣1=0与直线l2:x+2y+4=0,两条直线的斜率都是﹣,截距不相等,得到两条直线平行,故前者是后者的充分条件,∵当两条直线平行时,得到,解得a=﹣2,a=1,∴后者不能推出前者,∴前者是后者的充分不必要条件.故选A.8.C【解析】F1(﹣5,0),F2(5,0),|F1F2|=10,∵3|PF1|=4|PF2|,∴设|PF2|=x,则,由双曲线的性质知,解得x=6.∴|PF1|=8,|PF2|=6,∴∠F1PF2=90°,∴△PF1F2的面积=.故选C.9.C【解析】由三视图知,空间几何体是一个组合体,上面是一个圆锥,圆锥的底面直径是4,圆锥的高是2,∴在轴截面中圆锥的母线长是=4,∴圆锥的侧面积是π×2×4=8π,下面是一个圆柱,圆柱的底面直径是4,圆柱的高是4,∴圆柱表现出来的表面积是π×22+2π×2×4=20π∴空间组合体的表面积是28π,故选:C.10.D【解析】f(﹣x)=(﹣x+)cos(﹣x)=﹣(x﹣)cos x=﹣f(x),∴函数f(x)为奇函数,∴函数f(x)的图象关于原点对称,故排除A,B,当x=π时,f(π)=(π﹣)cosπ=﹣π<0,故排除C,故选:D.11.B【解析】取BD的中点E,连结CE,AE,∵平面ABD⊥平面CBD,∴CE⊥AE,∴三角形直角△CEA是三棱锥的侧视图,∵BD=,∴CE=AE=,∴△CEA的面积S=,故选:B.12.C【解析】若函数y=x3+x2+mx+1是R上的单调函数,只需y′=3x2+2x+m≥0恒成立,即△=4﹣12m≤0,∴m≥.故选C.二、填空题13.∀x∈R,2x2≥cos x【解析】因为特称命题的否定是全称命题,所以,命题“∃x0∈R,2x02<cos x0”的否定为:∀x ∈R,都有2x2≥cos x.故答案为:∀x∈R,都有2x2≥cos x.14.【解析】由题意可得:直线l1的方程为6x+8y﹣14=0,因为直线l2的方程为6x+8y+1=0,所以根据两条平行线间的距离公式可得:直线l1与l2的距离为=.故答案为.15.12【解析】∵S3=12,∴S3=3a1+d=3a1+3d=12.解得d=2,则a6=a1+5d=2+2×5=12,故答案为:1216.3【解析】作出不等式组对应的平面区域如图:(阴影部分ABC).设k=,则k的几何意义为区域内的点到原点的斜率,由图象知OA的斜率最大,由,解得,即A(1,3),k OA==3,即的最大值为3.故答案为:3.三、解答题17.解:由=﹣6可得bc cos A=﹣6,①,由三角形的面积公式可得S△ABC=bc sin A=3,②∴tan A=﹣1,∵0<A<180°,∴A=135°,∴c==2,由余弦定理可得a2=b2+c2﹣2bc cos A=9+8+12=29∴a=18.解:(Ⅰ)由a n+2=2a n+1﹣a n+2得,a n+2﹣a n+1=a n+1﹣a n+2,由b n=a n+1﹣a n得,b n+1=b n+2,即b n+1﹣b n=2,又b1=a2﹣a1=1,所以{b n}是首项为1,公差为2的等差数列.(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)得,b n=1+2(n﹣1)=2n﹣1,由b n=a n+1﹣a n得,a n+1﹣a n=2n﹣1,则a2﹣a1=1,a3﹣a2=3,a4﹣a3=5,…,a n﹣a n﹣1=2(n﹣1)﹣1,所以,a n﹣a1=1+3+5+…+2(n﹣1)﹣1==(n﹣1)2,又a1=1,所以{a n}的通项公式a n=(n﹣1)2+1=n2﹣2n+2.19.解:(I)记A为事件:“一续保人本年度的保费不高于基本保费”.事件A的人数为:60+50=110,该险种的200名续保,P(A)的估计值为:=;(Ⅱ)记B为事件:“一续保人本年度的保费高于基本保费但不高于基本保费的160%”.事件B的人数为:30+30=60,P(B)的估计值为:=;(Ⅲ)续保人本年度的平均保费估计值为==1.1925a.20.(Ⅰ)证明:设BD与AC的交点为O,连结EO,∵ABCD是矩形,∴O为BD的中点∵E为PD的中点,∴EO∥PB.EO⊂平面AEC,PB⊄平面AEC∴PB∥平面AEC;(Ⅱ)∵AP=1,AD=,三棱锥P﹣ABD的体积V=,∴V==,∴AB=,PB==.作AH⊥PB交PB于H,由题意可知BC⊥平面P AB,∴BC⊥AH,故AH⊥平面PBC.又在三角形P AB中,由射影定理可得:A到平面PBC的距离.21.解:(1)对f(x)求导得f′(x)=3ax2+2x.∵f(x)=ax3+x2(a∈R)在x=﹣处取得极值,∴f′(﹣)=0,∴3a•+2•(﹣)=0,∴a=;(2)由(1)得g(x)=(x3+x2)e x,∴g′(x)=(x2+2x)e x+(x3+x2)e x=x(x+1)(x+4)e x,令g′(x)=0,解得x=0,x=﹣1或x=﹣4,当x<﹣4时,g′(x)<0,故g(x)为减函数;当﹣4<x<﹣1时,g′(x)>0,故g(x)为增函数;当﹣1<x<0时,g′(x)<0,故g(x)为减函数;当x>0时,g′(x)>0,故g(x)为增函数;综上知g(x)在(﹣∞,﹣4)和(﹣1,0)内为减函数,在(﹣4,﹣1)和(0,+∞)内为增函数.22.解;(1)直线l的参数方程(t为参数),消去参数t化为=0,把代入可得:=0,由曲线C的极坐标方程为:ρ=4cosθ,变为ρ2=4ρcosθ,化为x2+y2﹣4x=0.(2)联立,解得或,∴直线l与曲线C交点的极坐标(ρ≥0,0≤θ<2π)为,.。



一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 设函数y = yl4-x 2的定义域A,函数y=ln(l-x)的定义域为B,则AnB= A. (1,2) B. (1,2] C. (-2, 1) D. [~2, 1)2. 在等差数列{%}中,a x =2,a 3+a 5 =10,则如=( )A. 5B. 8C. 10D. 144.在AABC 中,已知J = 30°,C = 45°,a = 2,则AABC 的面积等于(A. V2B. 2A /2C. V3+1D. |(V3+1)5.已知两条直线加,〃和两个不同平面a.p ,满足a 丄0, a c 卩=1, ml la, 〃丄0,则 A. ml InB. mlnC. ml HD. nil6. 函数f (x) =(a 2 -l)x 在R 上是减函数,则a 的取值范围是() A. \a\>lB. |«| <2C. a<V2D. l<|tz|< A /27. 设a = log 3 7^ = 2L 1?C = 0.831,则 ()A.c<a<bB.b<a<cC. c<b<aD. a<c<b&已知直线l:kx-y + 2k-l = 0与圆x 2+y 2=6 交于两点,若\AB\ = 2^2,贝( )3 34 4 A.——B. —C.——D.—4 43 3x+y>l9.若变量x, y 满足约束条件<y —x<l ,则z = 2x-y + 3的最小值为() x<l A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 一D. 210.设M 是AABC 内一点,且S&BC 的面积为2,定义/(J W) =,其中m,n,p 分别是 i 4AMBC, NMCA, \MAB 的面积,若AABC 内一动点户满足/(尸)=(1,兀丿),则一+ —的最 小值是()A. 1B. 4C. 9D. 123. A. B.c.D. 已知aw二、填空题(本大题共7小题,多空题每题6分,单空题每题4分,共36分・)11.设向量° = (1,2),& = (2-2,一1),若a 丨,则2 = ______ , ° •&= ___________2 212.双曲线--二=1的离心率为,焦点到渐近线的距离为16 9" I—13.已知函数/(x)= 贝!]/(/⑷)= _______ ;/(x)的最大值是 _________ .2蔦兀vO14.若抛物线C:y2=2px(p>0)的焦点F(l,0),则戶= ______________ ;设M是抛物线C上的动点,/(4,3),则+ 的最小值为__________ •15.已知空间几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的表面积是______________ ;几何体的体积是2 216.已知椭圆G :l + L = l(a>b>0)与双曲线C2:x2-y2= 4有相同的右焦点耳,点P是椭a b圆C]与双曲线C2在第一象限的公共点,若,|P^| = 2,则椭圆C]的离心率等于_________ .17.已知点A,B,C在圆x2+y2 = 1好运动,且45丄BC ,若点P的坐标为(3,0),则|P2+F5+P C|的最力、值为__________ .三、解答题:本大题共5小题,共74分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.18.已知函数地/(x) = A/3 sin2x + cos2x + a(tz为常数)(1)求/(x)的单调递增区间;(2)若/(对-在[0,彳]上有最小值1,求Q的值.19、已知等差数列{%}的前"项和为S”一,ne N*,a3 =5,510 =100 .20、如图,在几何体以BCD 中,平面P48丄平面48CD,四边形/BCD 是正方形,PA = PB,且平面丄平面PAC.(I )求证:4P 丄平面PBC ; (II )求直线PD 与平面E4C 所成角的正弦值.21、如图,已知中心在原点,焦点在x 轴上的椭圆的一个焦点为(的,0),个点.(1)求椭圆的标准方程;(2)设椭圆的上、下顶点分别为A,B , P (x 0, j 0) (%工0)是椭圆上异于的任意一点, P0丄,轴,0为垂足,为线段P0中点,直线交直线l:y = -l 于点C, N 为线段BC 3 的中点,如果AMON 的面积为寸,求几的值.(1)求数列仏”}的通项公式;(2)设b”"(a”+5)求数列{b”}的前"项和7;.是椭圆上的一22、已知定义在R上的函数/(x) = (x-2)2.(I )若不等式/(x + 2-Z)</(2x + 3)对一切"[0,2]恒成立,求实数/的取值范围; (II)设g(x) = xj/(x),求函数g(x)在> 0) _h的最大值0伽)的表达式.参考答案1. D【解析】由4 — / >0得一2WXW2,由1 — x〉0得x<l,故A c B={x | -2 < x < 2} n {x | x < 1} = {x | -2 < x < 1},选D.2. B【解析】试题分析:因为a,+<i i = 7=10...2a l=ia 0» = 5又因为5=2.所以a- =di4-6rf = 2+6=8 故答案 &3. A3 (Jr A —4 sine/ 3••• sina 十又 x (亍可••• cosa = y,'. tana =—=-sin (龙 + a) = -sina =-—4. C .2少/ + B + C = 180°nB = 105。



5 c 密★启用前
1(x 0) B = +1(x 0)
c. = -1(x R) D.= +1 (x R)
6 将函数的图象上图象上各点的横坐标扩大到原的2倍(纵坐标不变),再将所得函数图象上所有的点向左平行移动个单位长度,则所得到的图象的解析式为( )
A (x∈R)
B (x∈R)
c (x∈R) D (x∈R)
7 数列的前项和为( )
8 已知为与中较小者,其中 ,若的值域为,则的值()
A.0 B. c. D.
9 已知函数,若对于任一实数,与的值至少有一个为正数,则实数的取值范围是( )
A.(0,2) B.(0,8) c.(2,8) D.(-∞,0)
10.设定义在R且x不为零的偶函数,在区间上递增, f(x)=f(x)+f(),当a满足则a的取值范围是()。

A. B
c 且a
11 函数的定义域为_________
13 设是方程的两个实根,则的最小值是________
14 方程有解,则 ________



惠阳高级中学2018-2019学年高三上学期第三次月考试卷数学含答案 班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 已知变量与正相关,且由观测数据算得样本平均数,,则由该观测的数据算得的线性回归方程可能是( ) A B C D2. 已知抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,(1,0)A -,点P 是抛物线上的动点,则当||||PF PA 的值最小时,PAF ∆的 面积为( ) A.22B.2C. 22D. 4【命题意图】本题考查抛物线的概念与几何性质,考查学生逻辑推理能力和基本运算能力. 3. 设复数1i z =-(i 是虚数单位),则复数22z z+=( ) A.1i - B.1i + C. 2i + D. 2i -【命题意图】本题考查复数的有关概念,复数的四则运算等基础知识,意在考查学生的基本运算能力. 4. 为调查某地区老人是否需要志愿者提供帮助,用简单随机抽样方法........从该地区调查了500位老年人,结果如由22()()()()()n ad bc K a b c d a c b d -=++++算得22500(4027030160)9.96720030070430K ⨯⨯-⨯==⨯⨯⨯ 附表:性别是否需要志愿者男 女 需要 40 30 不需要160270参照附表,则下列结论正确的是( )①有99%以上的把握认为“该地区的老年人是否需要志愿者提供帮助与性别无.关”; ②有99%以上的把握认为“该地区的老年人是否需要志愿者提供帮助与性别有.关”; ③采用系统抽样方法比采用简单随机抽样方法更好; ④采用分层抽样方法比采用简单随机抽样方法更好; A .①③ B .①④ C .②③ D .②④5. 已知两条直线12:,:0L y x L ax y =-=,其中为实数,当这两条直线的夹角在0,12π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭内变动 时,的取值范围是( )A . ()0,1B .3,33⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ C .()3,11,33⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭U D .()1,3 6. 圆012222=+--+y x y x 上的点到直线2=-y x 的距离最大值是( )A .B .12+C .122+ D .122+ 7. 若P 是以F 1,F 2为焦点的椭圆=1(a >b >0)上的一点,且=0,tan ∠PF 1F 2=,则此椭圆的离心率为( ) A .B .C .D .8. 复数i i -+3)1(2的值是( )A .i 4341+-B .i 4341-C .i 5351+-D .i 5351-【命题意图】本题考查复数乘法与除法的运算法则,突出复数知识中的基本运算,属于容易题. 9. 已知函数x x x f 2sin )(-=,且)2(),31(log ),23(ln 3.02f c f b f a ===,则( ) A .c a b >> B .a c b >> C .a b c >> D .b a c >>【命题意图】本题考查导数在单调性上的应用、指数值和对数值比较大小等基础知识,意在考查基本运算能力. 10.函数的零点所在区间为( )A .(3,4)B .(2,3)C .(1,2)D .(0,1)3.841 6.635 10.828k 2() 0.050 0.010 0.001P K k ≥11.双曲线=1(m ∈Z )的离心率为( ) A .B .2C .D .312.在ABC ∆中,222sin sin sin sin sin A B C B C ≤+-,则A 的取值范围是( )1111]A .(0,]6π B .[,)6ππ C. (0,]3π D .[,)3ππ 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填写在横线上)13.已知向量b a ,满足42=a ,2||=b ,4)3()(=-⋅+b a b a ,则a 与b 的夹角为 .【命题意图】本题考查向量的数量积、模及夹角知识,突出对向量的基础运算及化归能力的考查,属于容易题. 14.过抛物线C :y 2=4x 的焦点F 作直线l 交抛物线C 于A ,B ,若|AF|=3|BF|,则l 的斜率是 . 15.在等差数列{}n a 中,17a =,公差为d ,前项和为n S ,当且仅当8n =时n S 取得最大值,则d 的取值范围为__________.16.将一个半径为3和两个半径为1的球完全装入底面边长为6的正四棱柱容器中,则正四棱柱容器的高的最小值为 .三、解答题(本大共6小题,共70分。



惠阳高级中学2018届高三上学期9月月考数学(理科)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1、已知集合{}21110,24,2xM x x N x x Z+⎧⎫=-≤=<<∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,则M N=()A、{}1B、{}1,0-C、{}1,0,1-D、∅2、设复数z满足()121z i i⋅+=+(i为虚数单位),则复数z在复平面内对应的点位于().A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C.第三象限 D.第四象限3.下列有关命题的说法正确的是( )A.命题“若21x=,则1=x”的否命题为:“若21x=,则1x≠”.B.“1x=-”是“2560x x--=”的必要不充分条件.C.命题“x R∃∈,使得210x x++<”的否定是:“x R∀∈,均有210x x++<”.D.命题“若x y=,则sin sinx y=”的逆否命题为真命题.4.函数222,1,()log(1),1,x xf xx x⎧-≤=⎨->⎩则52f f⎡⎤⎛⎫=⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦A.12-B.1-C.5-D.125.等差数列{}n a前n项和为n S,且20162015120162015S S=+,则数列{}n a的公差为A.1B.2C.2015D.20166.若6(nx的展开式中含有常数项,则n的最小值等于A. B. C. D.7. 执行如图的程序框图,则输出的值为A. 2016B. 2C. D.8.已知某几何体的三视图的侧视图是一个正三角形,如图所示,则该几何体的体积等于A.B.C.D.9.若12ln2,5a b-==1,sin4c xdxπ=⎰,则,,a b c的大小关系第8题图A .a b c <<B .b a c <<C .c b a <<D .b c a << 10.已知函数()()()21sin ,02f x x ωω=->的周期为π,若将其图象沿x 轴向右平移a 个单位()0a >,所得图象关于原点对称,则实数a 的最小值为A .πB .34π C .2π D .4π 11.若一个四棱锥底面为正方形,顶点在底面的射影为正方形的中心,且该四棱锥的体积为9,当其外接球表面积最小时,它的高为A .3 B. C. D. 12.关于函数()2ln f x x x=+,下列说法错误的是 A .2x =是()f x 的极小值点B .函数()y f x x =-有且只有1个零点C .存在正实数k ,使得()f x kx >恒成立D .对任意两个正实数12,x x ,且21x x >,若()()12f x f x =,则124x x +>第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共90分)二、填空题:本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分.13、已知平面向量a =(-2,m ),b =(1,3),且()a b b -⊥,则实数m 的值为______.14.若函数()1,021,20x x f x x -<≤⎧=⎨--≤≤⎩,()()[],2,2g x f x ax x =+∈-为偶函数,则实数a =_________.15、已知(),P x y 为区域22400y x x a ⎧-≤⎨≤≤⎩内的任意一点,当该区域的面积为2时,2z x y =+的最大值是_________.16. 在中,角所对的边分别为,且1cos cos 2a Bb Ac -=,当取最大值时,角的值为三、解答题:(本大题共6小题,共70分).17.(本小题满分12分)在公比不为1的等比数列{}n a 中,3339,S 22a ==. (Ⅰ)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (Ⅱ)设2216log n n b a +=,且{}n b 为递增数列,若11n n n c b b +=⋅,求证:12314n c c c c ++++<第19题图18.(本小题满分12分)某企业生产的一批产品中有一、二、三等品及次品共四个等级,1件不同等级产品的利润(单位:元)如表1,从这批产品中随机抽取出1件产品,该件产品为不同等级的概率如表2.表1 表2 若从这批产品中随机抽取出的1件产品的平均利润(即数学期望)为4.9元.(1) 设随机抽取1件产品的利润为随机变量ξ,写出ξ的分布列并求出,a b 的值; (2) 从这批产品中随机取出3件产品,求这3件产品的总利润不低于17元的概率. 19.(本小题满分12分)如图,在多面体中,四边形是正方形,在等腰梯形中,,,,平面平面.(1)证明:;(2)求二面角的余弦值.20. (本小题满分12分)已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的一个焦点为,离心率为3,(1)求椭圆C 的标准方程;(2)若动点00(,)P x y 为椭圆外一点,且点P 到椭圆C 的两条切线相互垂直,求点P 的轨迹方程。



惠阳高级中学2018届高三上学期9月月考英语试题阅读理解(每道小题2分)A篇Indian media claimed Chinese military has entered into our Bhutanese territory, following a standoff with Indian soldiers deployed in the border.The standoff was at Doklam (or Donglang) which India say is within Bhutan while China says it’s inside Chinese territory. Bhutan has not made any statements.China said, its soldiers were constructing road when Indian Army solders approached to dispute the construction.About 89 square kilometre areas in Doklam Plateau, which overlooks the strategically important Chumbi Valley in the intersection of India-China-Bhutan. The area had been in dispute between Bhutan and China for a long time. India, in this instance, is making attempts to be party in the conflict.The statement issued by Colonel Ren Guoqiang, spokesperson for Indian Ministry of National Defence and Chinese Government, however, did not have any reference to the Bhutan-China dispute over Doklam Plateau.New Delhi fear the road China building in Doklam Plateau would give it a strategic advantage against India in a possible military conflict in future. The plateau overlooks the Chumbi Valley, which is not far from “Siliguri Corridor” –the narrow stretch of land that connects India’s seven north-eastern States with the rest of the country.Beijing in the past indicated to Thimphu that it was ready to give up much of its territorial claims in northern Bhutan if the latter accepts Doklam Plateau as a territory of China. China claims about 764 square kilometres of areas in Bhutan.New Delhi restricts Thimphu having diplomatic relations Beijing while it holds military outposts in strategic positions in northern Bhutan.1: This report was probably published in ______A. BhutanB. ChinaC. IndiaD. UN2. The underlined word in Para 3 refers to ______A. decideB. deleteC. determineD. argue3. Accord to the passage, the author meant to state that ______A. Doklam belongs to China.B. India is getting Bhutan to announce a dispute in the conflict of Doklam.C. India restricts Bhutan having diplomatic relations with China.D. China decided to give up much of its territorial claims in northern Bhutan in the past.4. The main theme of the passage is that ______A. India enters into Bhutan-China border conflict.B. Chinese soldiers help construct road for Bhutan as an international help.C. Doklam has a strategic advantage against India.D. Doklam is very important for the security of the north-eastern India.B篇Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society, and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history.In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the Vietnam War.King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986.5.What is the main idea of this passage?A. It is a biography of Martin Luther King.B. Martin Luther King was a biologist.C. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest orators in American history.D. King Jr. was a prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.6. Which statement is NOT false?A. Using nonviolent methods, King Jr. was the teacher of Mahatma Gandhi.B. King Jr. was a national idol in the world of modern American liberalism.C. King Jr. delivered a famous speech of “I have a dream” in 1957.D. Martin Luther King was particular about his reputation as a black leader.7. From the last but one paragraph we can infer that ______A. King Jr. had been disobeying the US Government before overthrowing it.B. King Jr. dreamt to receive Nobel Peace Prize when he became young.C. Martin Luther King succeeded in ending poverty and the Vietnam War.D. King Jr. was tired of racial discrimination, thus struggling.8. The underlined word in the last paragraph 4 could be replaced by ______.A. after deathB. humorouslyC. highlyD. seriouslyC篇One must remember to be courteous when living in an apartment building. You may unintentionally bother your neighbors with actions that you perceive to be harmless. This is especially true for those individuals who live above an apartment. Living upstairs, you must always be aware that everything you do may be heard by those who live below. This doesn't mean that you have to drastically change your lifestyle,though.Wear slippers while in your upstairs apartment. This will lessen the impact of your footsteps, thus limiting the sound your downstairs neighbor will hear. You should always remember to remove your shoes when entering your apartment to ensure that your downstairs neighbor doesn't hear you stomping around.Place rugs in your apartment if you have hardwood floors. Doing so is another way to decrease the sounds of steps coming from an upstairs apartment. You can also put your furniture on these rugs. This keeps your furniture from moving around, thus limiting noise a downstairs neighbor may hear.Buy elevated shelves for your TVs and stereos. Lifting these items off the ground will keep both the sound and vibration from traveling to your floor/your downstairs neighbor's ceiling. You can also place items in the shelving underneath your TV/stereo, such as books, DVDs and CDs.Close your windows when you can. When your windows are open, your downstairs neighbor is even more likely to hear your conversations as well as whatever you're watching on TV or listening to on a radio.Limit late-night guests during the week. Having half a dozen people walking around your apartment at 11 pm on a Monday night will be very irritating to your downstairs neighbor who has to work the next morning.Do your cleaning and other such errands on weekend afternoons. There will undoubtedly come a time when you will wish to run a vacuum cleaner or move stuff around your place. Performing these chores at 1 pm on a Saturday is much better than doing so at 9:30 on a Tuesday night.9. What is the theme of this passage?A. Change your lifestyle so as not to bother your neighbors.B. How to be a good upstairs neighbor.C. Wearing slippers is important while in your upstairs apartment.D. Your neighbors require you to shut your windows when you make sound or noise.10. If you want to decrease the noise made in your apartment, you may _______A. buy elevated shelvesB. walk slowlyC. do the cleaning in the afternoonsD. move your furniture11. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 refer to _______?A. ragsB. ratsC. blanketsD. carpets12. Which of the following statements is true?A. When your windows are open, your neighbors like to hear your conversation.B. It’s unwise to invite several guests home, chatting at midnight.C. Finishing housework at 1 pm is better than 09:30 pm of Saturdays.D. Your neighbors don't hear you stomping around because you have removed your shoes.D篇A new collection of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.Frank Hurley’s pictures would be outstanding----undoubtedly first-rate photo-journalism---if they had been made last week. In fact, they were shot from 1914 through 1916, most of them after a disastrous shipwreck(海滩), by a cameraman who had no reasonable expectation of survival. Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under freezing water, in the damaged wooden ship.The ship was the Endurance, a small, tight, Norwegian-built three-master that was intended to take SirErnest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists, 27 men in all, to the southernmost shore of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. From that point Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dog sled(雪橇) across the continent. The journey was intended to achieve more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done. Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back.As writer Caroline Alexander makes clear in her forceful and well-researched story The Endurance, adventuring was even then a thoroughly commercial effort. Scott’s last journey, compl eted as be lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger, caught the world’s imagination, and a film made in his honor drew crowds. Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908, started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography. Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of which have never before been published.13. What do we know about the photos taken by Hurley?A. They were made last weekB. They showed undersea sceneriesC. They were found by a cameramanD. They recorded a disastrous adventure14. Who reached the South Pole first according to the text?A. Frank HurleyB. Ernest ShackletonC. Robert Falcon ScottD. Caroline Alexander15. What does Alexander think was the purpose of the 1914 voyage?A. Artistic creationB. Scientific researchC. Money makingD. Treasure hunting七选五匹配(每道小题2分)Invaluable lessons you learn from volunteeringWe are not unfamiliar with volunteering. 16_______ However, that’s not to say you can’t take away a lesson or two along the way. These lessons could not only shed light on the principles of doing good, the community in need, but also on yourself.Everyone has a storyWhen volunteering for a community in need, you come to realize that every person has a story ----a story of who they are and how they came to be where they are. 17_______ Acknowledging everyone’s individual circumstances and stories makes for a more complete volunteer experience.18 _______Picking up trash, pulling weeds or donating clothes may not seem like much, but with the right mindset, these actions can be seen to have far-reaching implications. Think of it like this: picking up trash and pulling weeds contribute to the beautification of a community, while donating clothes might mean keeping someone warm in winter.Gratitude19_______And helping those in nee d is a firm reminder of what really matters, like family. It’s not uncommon for volunteers to see their own lives in a different light, perhaps when they are taking notice of the small things or during the moments that bring them joy. Thus, volunteering can make you feel gratefulfor the things in life that really matter.Once a volunteer, always a volunteer20_______ The fulfillment that comes with helping another human being, and the satisfaction from knowing you’ve made a difference are just a few r easons why being a volunteer once is never enough.A.The simple things are always hard.B. Small changes have very big impacts.C. V olunteering is actually beneficial to all of us.D. V olunteering is an experience that stays with you forever.E. As volunteer s, We’d better respect, appreciate, and understand it.F. V olunteering is best known as an act done for the benefit of others.G. V olunteering brings with it a deep appreciation of all that you have in life.完型填空(每道小题2分)If You’re Not Dead,You Can Get BetterRandy Kraus was paralyzed (瘫痪).His left side was useless.But his right hand was 21 enough to lift a bucket to his forehead.Once,he’d been a police officer and owned a private-eye agency.Once,he’d been strong and able.Now,he felt he was nothing.His 22 started with Parkinson’s (帕金森) disease,but it didn’t 23 there.In July 2002,the 60-year-old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation to control the shaking.24 ,during the operation,he had a stroke (中风).He was paralyzed.The 25 man,who loved golf,could think,but couldn’t 26 .Kraus wanted the doctors to 27 it to him straight.“You may never walk again,” they told him.“Maybe you won’t 28 be able to talk.”Once home,he 29 he couldn’t lift a fork or take a drink by himself.Physical treatment was so painful and slow.What did he have to 30 for? So now Kraus held the gun against his head.31 the cold metal on his skin,he began to consider not his pain,but the pain he 32 cause his wife,daughters and grandchildren.He didn’t pull the trigger (扳机).“You are where you are”,his exercise physiologist (生理学者),Andrew Garud told him.“The pace (进度) would be slow;the pain would be 33 .But as long as you are 34 ,you have the ability to get better.” After three months of 35 with Garud,Kraus wanted to see if he could 36 .He could.Then he took three steps,sat down and cried like a baby.One step 37 to another.Next he managed a short walk.It was the hardest 38 of Kraus’s life.Garud kept saying he could 39 more.Now,Kraus can brush his teeth,shave himself and get around the house with a walker.Little success only the paralyzed can 40 understand.21.A.safe B.good C.big D.free22.A.puzzle B.process C.injury D.trouble23.A.end B.achieve C.pause D.reach24.A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Otherwise25.A.tough B.normal C.strange D.rough26.A.talk B.hear C.move D.operate27.A.give B.offer C.leak D.pass28.A.still B.only C.just D.even29.A.supposed B.observed C.declared D.found30.A.search B.try C.live D.look31.A.Touching B.Feeling C.Leaving D.Laying32.A.should B.must C.would D.need33.A.sharp B.dull C.familiar D.real34.A.awake B.alive C.aware D.available35.A.chatting B.working C.discussing D.testing36.A.walk B.stand C.shake D.fall37.A.turned B.pointed C.led D.stuck38.A.fight B.adventure C.lesson D.defence39.A.hold B.walk C.prevent D.do40.A.fully B.generally C.suddenly D.simply语法填空(每道小题2分)A scholar was traveling abroad. One day, he happened to notice a man who seemed very 41 ______ ( puzzle ). “What’s wrong?” the scholar asked. “I have no interest in life any longer,” the man answered, “I have the most money in the world, and can travel anywhere I can get a sense of 42 ______ ( satisfy ). There is nothing in life 43 ______ can attract me or make me happy. ”. 44 ______( hear) his words, the scholar approached him, grabbed his suitcase and 45 ______ (run) away. The man chased after him 46 ______(nature), but the scholar did faster than him. When the man finally caught up, out of breath, he rushed to the suitcase and found his 47______ (belong) were safe. Then he became ______ extremely happy.In fact, happiness is 48 ______ state of mind. If life has grown dull, step out of the boring routine to seek new pursuits. Sometimes, they are simple ones that are 49 ______ (ignore) by you easily. Many times we don’t realize how routine our lives have become and how much we take them 50______ granted until we find ourselves in new situation.短文改错(有10处错误)(每道小题2分)Last weekend, my parents went out of to work, leaving my grandmother and me at home. All of sudden, my grandmother had a stomachache and feel uncomfortable, I gave her some pills to eat and rested her on the bed. A moment later, he felt even better. Then, I helped her do all kinds of houseworks, such as sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows or cooking dinner. Saw this, my grandmother was happy and praised me for that I had done. For this experience, I have learnt the true meaning of responsible.书面表达(注意:本题满分是30分)假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,尤其是编织艺术,他来信向你了解编织艺术的相关情况。



5 c 西大学附中高三九月月考试题(科)
A B c D
2设集合 , , 则A∩B=
A. B c D
3设全集U=R,A= ,则右图中阴影部分表示的集合为
A B. c. D.
4 若是正数,且,则有
A.最大值16 B.最小值C.最小值16 D.最大值
A. B c D.
A. B. c. D.
7命题“存在 R,0”的否定是
A 不存在 R, 0
B 存在 R, 0
c 对任意的 R, 0 D 对任意的 R, 0
8若不等式的解集为 ,则实数的取值范围是
A B c D

A、 B、 c、 D、
10已知平面平面 , =c,直线直线不垂直,且交于同一点,则“ ”是“ ”的
A 既不充分也不必要条
B 充分不必要条c 必要不充分条 D 充要条。



c 哈三中 2018—2018学年度高三九月月考数学试题(理工类)



A. B. c. D.
A. B. c. D.
D.“ ”是“ ”的充分不必要条
4.函数在(0,1)上为减函数,则实数a的取值范围是()A. B.(1,2)c. D.



广东惠阳高级中学2017-2018学年度高三年级第一学期9月考理科综合试题二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一项符合题目要求;第19~21题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分1. 在物理学的重大发现中,科学家总结出了许多物理学方法,如:理想实验法、控制变量法、极限思想法、类比法、科学假说法和建立理想模型法等,以下关于物理学研究方法的叙述不正确的是:A. 根据速度的定义式,当Δt非常小时,就可以表示物体在t时刻的瞬时速度,该定义运用了极限思想法B. 引入平均速度﹑重心﹑合力与分力的槪念运用了等效替代法C. 在推导匀变速直线运动位移公式时,把整个运动过程等分成很多小段,每一小段近似看做匀速直线运动,然后把各小段的位移相加,这里运用了微元法D. 用比值法定义了速度﹑加速度﹑位移这三个物理量【答案】D【解析】根据速度的定义式,当Δt非常小时,就可以表示物体在t时刻的瞬时速度,该定义运用了极限思想法,选项A正确;引入平均速度﹑重心﹑合力与分力的槪念运用了等效替代法,选项B正确;在推导匀变速直线运动位移公式时,把整个运动过程等分成很多小段,每一小段近似看做匀速直线运动,然后把各小段的位移相加,这里运用了微元法,选项C正确;用比值法定义了速度﹑加速度这两个物理量,位移不是比值定义法定义的,选项D错误;此题选择错误的选项,故选D.2. 下列说法正确的是:A. 物体速度改变量大,其加速度一定大B. 物体有加速度时,速度就增大C. 物体的速度变化率大,加速度一定大D. 物体的加速度大,速度一定大【答案】C【解析】A、根据a=△v/△t知,速度变化量大,加速度不一定大,故A错误;B、物体有加速度,速度不一定增大,若加速度方向与速度方向相反,物体做减速运动,故B 错误;C、物体的加速度大,速度变化率大,故C正确;D、物体的加速度等于速度的变化率,加速度大,速度不一定大,故D正确。

广东省惠阳高级中学高三数学上学期9月段考试题 理

广东省惠阳高级中学高三数学上学期9月段考试题 理

广东省惠阳高级中学2017届高三数学上学期9月段考试题 理一.选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合2{|230}A x x x =--≥,{|22}B x x =-≤<,则A B =I A .[1,1]- B .[1,2) C .[2,1]-- D .[1,2)- 2.设复数z 满足3(1)12i z i +=-(i 为虚数单位),则复数z 对应的点位于复平面内 A .第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限3.三个数112121,2,log 3a b c e -⎛⎫=== ⎪⎝⎭的大小顺序为A .c b a <<B .b a c <<C .b c a <<D .c a b << 4.函数()2xf x x =--A .()01,B .()12,C .()23, D .()34,5. 已知命题甲:4a b +?,命题乙:13a b且构,则命题甲是命题乙的( )条件.A 充分不必要B 必要不充分C 充分必要D 既不充分也不必要 6.执行如图所示的程序框图,如果运行结果为5040,那么判断框中应填入A .?6>kB .?7>kC .?6<kD .?7<k7.一几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为A.π9200+B.π18200+C.π9140+D.π18140+8. 设点),(y x P 在不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤-+≤-≥03020y x y x x 表示的平面区域上,则1222+-+=x y x z 的最小值为A .1B .55 C .2 D .552 9. 曲线2y x = 与直线y x = 所围成的封闭图形的面积为 A 1 B.31 C 61 D 9110. 设点F 是双曲线)0,0(12222>>=-b a by a x 的右焦点,点F 到渐近线的距离与双曲线的两焦点间的距离的比值为61:,则双曲线的渐近线方程为A .022=±y xB .022=±y xC .023=±y xD .023=±y x 11.已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和2155n n S t -=-g ,则实数t 的值为 A .15 B .45C .4D .5 12. 设函数'()f x 是奇函数()()f x x R ∈的导函数,(1)0f -=,当0x >时,'()()0xf x f x ->,则使得()0f x >成立的x 的取值范围是 A .(,1)(1,0)-∞-- B .(0,1)(1,)+∞ C .(,1)(0,1)-∞- D .(1,0)(1,)-+∞二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 13 .已知5)1)(223(xx x a x -+的展开式中的各项系数和为4,则2x 项的系数为 14. 函数()(1)ln 4(1)f x x x x =+--在()1,(1)f 处的切线方程为15.设函数33,()2,x x x af x x x a⎧-≤=⎨->⎩.若()f x 无最大值,则实数a 的取值范围是16. 正三角形ABC 的边长为2,将它沿高AD 翻折,使点B 与点C 间的距离为1,此时四面体ABCD 外接球表面积为_________ .三、解答题:本大题共7小题,考生作答6小题,共70分.解答须写出文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤.17、(本小题满分12分)C ∆AB 的内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .向量(),3m a b =与()cos ,sin n =A B 平行.(I )求A ;(II ) 若a =2b =求C ∆AB 的面积.18.(本小题满分12分)微信是腾讯公司推出的一种手机通讯软件,它支持发送语音短信、视频、图片和文字,一经推出便风靡全国,甚至涌现出一批在微信的朋友圈内销售商品的人(被称为微商).为了调查每天微信用户使用微信的时间,某经销化妆品的微商在一广场随机采访男性、女性用户各50名,其中每天玩微信超过6小时的用户列为“微信控”,否则称其为“非微信控”,调查结果如下:(1)根据以上数据,能否有60%的把握认为“微信控”与”性别“有关?(2)现从调查的女性用户中按分层抽样的方法选出5人赠送营养面膜1份,求所抽取5人中“微信控”和“非微信控”的人数;(3)从(2)中抽取的5人中再随机抽取3人赠送200元的护肤品套装,记这3人中“微信控”的人数为X ,试求X 的分布列与数学期望.参考公式:))()()(()(22d b c a d c b a bc ad n K ++++-=,其中n a b c d =+++.参考数据:19. (本小题满分12分)如图,正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,点M 是CD 的中点. (1)求1BB 和平面11A C M 所成角的余弦值; (2)在1BB 上找一点N ,使得1D N ⊥平面11A C M .(20)(本小题满分12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的离心率2e =,且点(2,1)P 在椭圆C上.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若点A 、B 都在椭圆C 上,且AB 中点M 在线段OP (不包括端点)上.求AOB ∆面积的最大值.21. (本小题满分12分)已知函数ax x x f -+=)1ln()(. (1)当1=a 时,求函数)(x f 的最大值;(2)设函数)32()()1()(2x x a x f x x g +++=,若对任意0≥x 都有0)(≤x g 成立,求实数a 的取值范围.选做题 :请考生在22、23两题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分. 22.(本小题满分10分)选修4—1:几何证明选讲如图, 已知圆上的四点A 、B 、C 、,//D CD AB ,过点D 的圆的切线DE 与BA 的延长线交于E 点. (1)求证:CDA EDB ∠=∠;(2)若5,7BC CD DE ===,求线段DE 的长.23. (本小题满分10分)选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程在直角坐标系xOy 中,以坐标原点为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,已知曲线C :4cos ρθ=,直线l 过点(1,0)M 且倾斜角6πα=.⑴ 将曲线C 的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程,写出直线l 的参数方程; ⑵ 若直线l 与曲线C 交于A 、B 两点,求||AB 的值.2016学年第一学期高三9月段考理科数学答题卷得分栏一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.14.15. 16. 三、解答题:本大题共7小题,考生作答6小题,共70分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分)18、(本小题满分12分)19、(本小题满分12分)20.(本小题满分12分)21.(本小题满分12分)2016学年第一学期高三9月段考理科数学参考答案一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分.13. 160 14. 220.x y +-= 15. (,1)-∞- 16.133π三、解答题:本大题共7小题,考生作答6小题,共70分.解答须写出文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤.17、【答案】(I )3π;(II【解析】(I )因为//m n,所以sin cos 0a B A -=,由正弦定理,得sinAsinB A 0-=又sin 0B ≠,从而tan A =,从而sin B a b >,知A B >,所以cos B =. 故()sinC sin A B sin sin cos cos sin 333B B πππ⎛⎫=+=B +=+= ⎪⎝⎭ 所以C ∆AB的面积为1bcsinA 2=. 18.解:(1)由列联表可得708.0649.050504456)24302026(100))()()(()(222<≈⨯⨯⨯⨯-⨯=++++-=d b c a d c b a bc ad n K .所以没有60%的把握认为“微信控”与”性别“有关.(2)依题意可知,所抽取的5位女性中,“微信控”有3人,“非微信控”有2人. (3)X 的所有可能取值为1,2,3,101)3(,53)2(,103)1(3533351223352213=========C C X P C C C X P C C C X P , 所以X 的分布列是所以X 的期望值是5910135321031)(=⨯+⨯+⨯=X E . 19.解:(1)以D 为坐标原点,分别以1,,DA DC DD 所在的直线为x 轴,y 轴和z 轴, 以建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,设正方体的棱长为1, 则111(1,0,1),(0,,0),(0,1,1)2A M C , 所以11(1,1,0)AC =-,11(1,,1)2A M =--, 设平面11A C M 一个法向量为(,,)e x y z =,由111e A C e A M ⎧⊥⎪⎨⊥⎪⎩,得0102x y x y z -+=⎧⎪⎨-+-=⎪⎩, 令1y =,则11,2x z ==-,所以1(1,1,)2e =-,又1(0,0,1)BB =,则111cos ,3BB e -<>==-.所以1sin ,13BB e <>===, 设1BB 与平面11A C M 所成的角为α,即cos 3α=, (2)设N 的坐标为(1,1,)t ,其中01t ≤≤,则1(1,1,1)D N t =-,因为1D N ⊥平面11A C M ,所以1D N 与e 共线,从而112t -=-,即12t =. (20)(本小题满分12分) 解:(1)由题意得:222222411c e a ab a bc ⎧==⎪⎪⎪+=⎨⎪⎪=+⎪⎩ ………2分 a b ⎧=⎪∴⎨=⎪⎩所以椭圆C 的方程为22163x y += ………4分 (2)①法一、设112200(,),(,),(,)A x y B x y M x y ,直线AB 的斜率为k ,则2211222212122222163063163x y x x y y x y ⎧+=⎪--⎪∴+=⎨⎪+=⎪⎩0022063x y k ∴+⋅= ………6分 又直线OP :12y x =,M 在线段OP 上, 所以0012y x = 所以1k =- ………8分 法二、设112200(,),(,),(,)A x y B x y M x y ,直线AB 的方程为00()y y k x x -=-, 则00222220000()(12)4()2()60163y y k x x k x k y kx x y kx x y -=-⎧⎪∴++-+--=⎨+=⎪⎩由题意,0∆>所以001224()12ky kx x x k -+=-+ ………6分00022()12k y kx x k -∴=-+又直线OP :12y x =,M 在线段OP 上, 所以0012y x = 所以212()21112k k k k --=∴=-+ ………8分法三、设112200(,),(,),(,)A x y B x y M x y ,直线AB 的方程为y kx m =+ 则22222(12)4260163y kx mk x kmx m x y =+⎧⎪∴+++-=⎨+=⎪⎩由题意,0∆> 所以122412kmx x k +=-+ ………6分02212kmx k ∴=-+()i又直线OP :12y x =,M 在线段OP 上, 所以0012y x =()iiM 在直线AB 上∴00y kx m =+()iii解()i ()ii ()iii 得:1k =- ………8分设直线AB 的方程为y x m =-+,(0,3)m ∈则222234260163y x mx mx m x y =-+⎧⎪∴-+-=⎨+=⎪⎩所以12212043263mx x m x x ⎧⎪∆>⎪⎪+=⎨⎪⎪-=⎪⎩ ………9分所以12|AB x x -原点到直线的距离d =………10分2OAB S ∆∴==≤当且仅当(0,3)m 时,等号成立.所以AOB ∆面积的最大值2. ………12分21.解:(1)当1a =时,()ln(1)f x x x =+-,1()1(1)11xf x x x x -'=-=>-++,当-10x <<时,()0f x '>;当0x >时,()0f x '<;所以()f x 在(]-1,0上单调递增,在()0+∞,上单调递减,故当0x =时,函数()f x 取得最大值(0)=0f . ……4分(2)由函数()2g()1()(23)x x f x a x x =+++得()g ()ln 1221(1)x x ax a x '=++++>-,由(1)知,当1a =时,()(0)f x f ≤,即不等式ln(1)x x +≤对任意1x >-恒成立。




在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 把函数f(x)的图象向右平移一个单位长度,所得图象恰与函数的反函数图像重合,则f(x)=()A. B. C. D.参考答案:D2. .如图所示,程序框图的输出结果S= 。

参考答案:略3. 已知,则=().A. B. C. D.参考答案:C因为,所以,所以,,故选C.4. 若,其中,是虚数单位,则()A.0 B.2 C.D.5参考答案:D略5. 函数与的定义域分别为M,N,则M∪N=()A.(1,2] B.(-∞,1]∪[2,+∞)C.[1,2] D.(-∞,1)∪[2,+∞)参考答案:D由x-2≥0可得,x≥2 ,M=[2,+∞),由1-x>0可得x<1,N=(-∞,1),所以M∪N =(-∞,1)∪[2,+∞),故选D.6. 偶函数定义域为,其导函数是,当时,有,则关于x的不等式的解集为()A.B.C.D.参考答案:C由当时,有,可得:cosx+f(x)sinx<0根据题意,设g(x)=,其导数为g′(x)=,又由时,有cosx+f(x)sinx<0,则有g′(x)<0,则函数g(x)在(0,)上为减函数,又由f(x)为定义域为的偶函数,则g(﹣x)===g(x),则函数g(x)为偶函数,?>f()?>?g(x)>g(),又由g(x)为偶函数且在(0,)上为减函数,且其定义域为,则有|x|<,解可得:﹣<x<0或0<x<,即不等式的解集为;故选:C.7.某校开设10门课程传供学生选修,其中A,B,C三门课程由于上课时间相同,至多选一门,学校规定,每们同学选修三门,则每位同学不同的选修方案种数是A.120 B.98 C.63 D.56参考答案:答案:B8. 已知函数,若存在唯一的零点,且,则的取值范围是(A)(B)(C)(D)参考答案:C(解1)由已知,,令,得或,当时,;且,有小于零的零点,不符合题意。



惠阳区高级中学2018-2019学年上学期高三数学10月月考试题 班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 在正方体8个顶点中任选3个顶点连成三角形,则所得的三角形是等腰直角三角形的概率为( )A .B .C .D .2. 设f (x )=(e -x -e x )(12x +1-12),则不等式f (x )<f (1+x )的解集为( )A .(0,+∞)B .(-∞,-12)C .(-12,+∞)D .(-12,0)3. 已知函数f (x )=m (x ﹣)﹣2lnx (m ∈R ),g (x )=﹣,若至少存在一个x 0∈[1,e],使得f (x 0)<g (x 0)成立,则实数m 的范围是( )A .(﹣∞,]B .(﹣∞,)C .(﹣∞,0]D .(﹣∞,0)4. 一个空间几何体的三视图如图所示,其中正视图为等腰直角三角形,侧视图与俯视图为正方形, 则该几何体的体积为( )A .64B .32C .643 D .3235. 设,,a b c R ∈,且a b >,则( )A .ac bc >B .11a b< C .22a b > D .33a b > 6. 设()f x 是偶函数,且在(0,)+∞上是增函数,又(5)0f =,则使()0f x >的的取值范围是( )A .50x -<<或5x >B .5x <-或5x >C .55x -<<D .5x <-或05x <<7. 圆锥的高扩大到原来的 倍,底面半径缩短到原来的12,则圆锥的体积( ) A.缩小到原来的一半 B.扩大到原来的倍 C.不变 D.缩小到原来的168. 如图是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体任意两个顶点间的距离的最大值为( )A .4B .5C .32D .339. 已知正项数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,且2S n =a n +,则S 2015的值是( )A .B .C .2015D .10.已知函数()e sin xf x x =,其中x ∈R ,e 2.71828=为自然对数的底数.当[0,]2x π∈时,函数()y f x =的图象不在直线y kx =的下方,则实数k 的取值范围( )A .(,1)-∞B .(,1]-∞C .2(,e )π-∞ D .2(,e ]π-∞【命题意图】本题考查函数图象与性质、利用导数研究函数的单调性、零点存在性定理,意在考查逻辑思维能力、等价转化能力、运算求解能力,以及构造思想、分类讨论思想的应用. 11.S n 是等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,若3a 8-2a 7=4,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .S 18=72 B .S 19=76 C .S 20=80D .S 21=8412.下列命题中的说法正确的是( )A .命题“若x 2=1,则x=1”的否命题为“若x 2=1,则x ≠1”B .“x=﹣1”是“x 2+5x ﹣6=0”的必要不充分条件C .命题“∃x ∈R ,使得x 2+x+1<0”的否定是:“∀x ∈R ,均有x 2+x+1>0”D .命题“在△ABC 中,若A >B ,则sinA >sinB ”的逆否命题为真命题二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填写在横线上)13.如图所示,正方体ABCD ﹣A ′B ′C ′D ′的棱长为1,E 、F 分别是棱AA ′,CC ′的中点,过直线EF 的平面分别与棱BB ′、DD ′交于M 、N ,设BM=x ,x ∈[0,1],给出以下四个命题: ①平面MENF ⊥平面BDD ′B ′;②当且仅当x=时,四边形MENF 的面积最小; ③四边形MENF 周长l=f (x ),x ∈0,1]是单调函数; ④四棱锥C ′﹣MENF 的体积v=h (x )为常函数; 以上命题中真命题的序号为 .14.如图,在棱长为的正方体1111D ABC A B C D -中,点,E F 分别是棱1,BC CC 的中点,P 是侧 面11BCC B 内一点,若1AP 平行于平面AEF ,则线段1A P 长度的取值范围是_________.15.设()xxf x e =,在区间[0,3]上任取一个实数0x ,曲线()f x 在点()00,()x f x 处的切线斜率为k ,则随机事件“0k <”的概率为_________.16.在等差数列}{n a 中,20161-=a ,其前n 项和为n S ,若2810810=-S S ,则2016S 的值等于 . 【命题意图】本题考查等差数列的通项公式、前n 项和公式,对等差数列性质也有较高要求,属于中等难度.三、解答题(本大共6小题,共70分。



惠阳高级中学2018-2019学年高二9月月考数学试题解析 班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 如图所示,在三棱锥P ABC -的六条棱所在的直线中,异面直线共有( )111]A .2对B .3对C .4对D .6对2. 执行右面的程序框图,如果输入的[1,1]t ∈-,则输出的S 属于( ) A.[0,2]e - B. (,2]e -? C.[0,5] D.[3,5]e -【命题意图】本题考查程序框图、分段函数等基础知识,意在考查运算能力和转化思想的运用. 3. 设函数()log |1|a f x x =-在(,1)-∞上单调递增,则(2)f a +与(3)f 的大小关系是( ) A .(2)(3)f a f +> B .(2)(3)f a f +< C. (2)(3)f a f += D .不能确定则几何体的体积为( )34意在考查学生空间想象能力和计算能βαcos cos |->”的( ) 意在考查构造函数的思想与运算求解能力. )q ∨是真命题 D .()()p q ⌝∨⌝是真命题 ) C .3个 D .4个 A .已知实数,a b ,则“a b >”是“22a b >”的必要不充分条件B .“存在0x R ∈,使得2010x -<”的否定是“对任意x R ∈,均有210x ->”C .函数131()()2xf x x =-的零点在区间11(,)32内D .设,m n 是两条直线,,αβ是空间中两个平面,若,m n αβ⊂⊂,m n ⊥则αβ⊥9. 在数列{}n a 中,115a =,*1332()n n a a n N +=-∈,则该数列中相邻两项的乘积为负数的项是( )A .21a 和22aB .22a 和23aC .23a 和24aD .24a 和25a 10.已知一个算法的程序框图如图所示,当输出的结果为21时,则输入的值为( )A .2B .1-C .1-或2D .1-或1011.拋物线E :y 2=2px (p >0)的焦点与双曲线C :x 2-y 2=2的焦点重合,C 的渐近线与拋物线E 交于非原点的P 点,则点P 到E 的准线的距离为( ) A .4 B .6 C .8D .1012.已知数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,12a =,114n n n n a a a a ++-=+,若数列11n n a a +⎧⎫⎨⎬+⎩⎭的前n 项和为5,则n =( )A .35B . 36C .120D .121二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填写在横线上)13.已知a 、b 、c 分别是ABC ∆三内角A B C 、、的对应的三边,若C a A c cos sin -=,则3s i n c o s ()4A B π-+的取值范围是___________. 【命题意图】本题考查正弦定理、三角函数的性质,意在考查三角变换能力、逻辑思维能力、运算求解能力、转化思想.14.设向量a =(1,-1),b =(0,t ),若(2a +b )·a =2,则t =________.15.定义在R 上的函数)(x f 满足:1)(')(>+x f x f ,4)0(=f ,则不等式3)(+>xxe xf e (其 中为自然对数的底数)的解集为 . 16.已知函数22tan ()1tan xf x x=-,则()3f π的值是_______,()f x 的最小正周期是______. 【命题意图】本题考查三角恒等变换,三角函数的性质等基础知识,意在考查运算求解能力.三、解答题(本大共6小题,共70分。

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惠阳高级中学实验学校2017-2018学年高三第一次月考数学试卷(文)(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分)。

1.已知集合{}0>=x x M ,{}21≤≤-=x x N ,则M N ⋃=( )A .{}2≤x xB .{}1-≥x xC .{}20≤<x x D .{}21|≤≤-x x 2. 函数23()lg(31)f x x =++的定义域是 ( )A .1(,)3-+∞ B.11(,)33- C.1(,1)3- D.1(,)3-∞- 3.设复数113i z =-,232i z =-,则21z z 在复平面内对应的点在 ( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限4.下列命题中的假命题是 ( )A.0log ,2=∈∃x R xB.0,2>∈∀x R xC.1cos ,=∈∃x R xD.02,>∈∀x R x5.已知平面向量()1,2a =-,()4,b m =,且a b ⊥,则向量53a b -= ( ) A. (7,16)-- B. (7,34)-- C. (7,4)-- D. (7,14)-6. 函数()2xf x e x =+-的零点所在的一个区间为 ( )A .()2,1--B .()1,0-C .()0,1D .()1,27.椭圆22194x y +=的离心率是 ( )A B .23C .59 D .8.有一个容量为200的样本,其频率分布直方图如图所示,根据样本的频率分布直方图估计,样本数据落在区间[10,12)内的频数为 ( )A .72B .54C .36D .189.执行右图所示程序,则输出的i 的值为( )A .2B .3C .4D .510.若,x y 满足3,2,,x x y y x ≤⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪≤⎩错误!未找到引用源。

则2x y +的最大值为 ( )A. 9B. 5C. 3D. 111.已知F 是双曲线C :1322=-y x 的右焦点,P 是C 上一点,且PF 与x 轴垂直,点A 的坐标是(1,3),则△APF 的面积为 ( ) A .13B .1 2C .2 3D .3 212 .已知函数()()f x x R ∈满足(1)1f =,且()f x 的导函数1()2f x '<,则1()22x f x <+的解集为 ( )A.{}11x x -<< B.{}1x x <- C.{}11x x x <->或 D.{}1x x > 二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)。

13. cos 2π8–sin 2π8= . 14.已知倾斜角为α的直线l 与直线230x y +-=垂直,则sin cos sin cos αααα-=+ .15.函数32()39f x x ax x =++-,已知()f x 在3x =时取得极值,则a = .(第9题)16.若数列{}n a 的前n 项和为22=-n S n n ,则数列n a = . 三.解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分)已知向量a (2sin x,(cos x,cos 2x),f (x)a b 1===⋅+r rrr ,(Ⅰ)求f ()3π的值.(Ⅱ)求)(x f 的最小正周期及单调递增区间.18.(本小题满分12分)某志愿者到某山区小学支教,为了解留守儿童的幸福感,该志愿者对某班40名学生进行了一次幸福指数的调查问卷,并用茎叶图表示如图(注:图中幸福指数低于70,说明孩子幸福感弱;幸福指数不低于70,说明孩子幸福感强).(Ⅰ)根据茎叶图中的数据完成2×2列联表,并判断能否有95%的把握认为孩子的幸福感强与是否是留守儿童有关?(Ⅱ)从15个留守儿童中按幸福感强弱进行分层抽样,共抽取5人,又在这5人中随机抽取2人进行家访,求这2个学生中恰有一人幸福感强的概率.附:22⨯列联表随机变量))()()(()(22d b c a d c b a bc ad n K ++++-=. )(2k K P ≥与k 对应值表:19.(本小题满分12分)已知{}n a 是等差数列,n S 数列{}n a 的前n 项和,且2355,15+==a a S ,{}n b 是各项均为正数的等比数列,1134,==b a b a .(Ⅰ)求数列{}n a ,{}n b 的通项公式; (Ⅱ)设n n n c a b =,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n T .20. (本小题满分12分)在∆ABC中,222+=a c b . (1)求角B 的大小;(2cos cos A C + 的最大值.21. (本小题满分12分)已知函数af (x)ln x (a R,a 0)x=-∈≠ (Ⅰ)当1a =-时,讨论()f x 在定义域上的单调性; (Ⅱ)若()f x 在区间[1,]e 上的最小值是3,2求实数a 的值。

22.(本小题满分10分)选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程已知极坐标系的极点在直角坐标系的原点处,极轴与x 轴非负半轴重合,直线l 的参数方程为:1(12x t y t ⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩为参数), 曲线C 的极坐标方程为:4cos ρθ=. (Ⅰ)写出曲线C 的直角坐标方程和直线l 的普通方程; (Ⅱ)设直线l 与曲线C 相交于,P Q 两点, 求PQ 的值.广东惠阳高级中学实验学校2018届高三第一次月考文科数学答题卷一.选择题(共60分)二.填空题(共20分)13. 14. 15. 16.三、解答题:(共70分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(本小题满分12分)20. (本小题满分12分)21. (本小题满分12分)广东惠阳高级中学实验学校2018届高三第一次月考文科数学答案一.选择题(共60分)二.填空题(共20分)13. 14. 15. 16.三、解答题:(共70分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(本小题满分12分)1f (x)2sin x cos x 2x 1sin 2x 2x 12sin(2x )13π=++=+=++解:()………………….. 4分f ()2sin(2)12sin 11333ππππ=⨯++=+= ………………….. 6分 (2)2T 2ππ== ………………….. 8分2k 2x 2k k Z 232-+πππππ≤+≤+∈当,时,函数单调递增, 5k x k k Z 1212-++ππππ≤≤∈解得, 5k ,k ],k Z.1212ππππ++∈所以函数的单调递增区间为:[- ………………….. 12分(18)(本小题满分12分) 解:(Ⅰ)列联表如下:2分∴()2240679184 3.84115252416K ⨯⨯-⨯==>⨯⨯⨯, …………… 4分∴有95%的把握认为孩子的幸福感强与是否是留守儿童有关.…………… 6分 (Ⅰ)按分层抽样的方法可抽出幸福感强的孩子2人,记作:12,a a ;幸福感弱的孩子3人,记作:123,,b b b . …………… 8分“抽取2人”包含的基本事件有()12,a a ,()11,a b ,()12,a b ,()13,a b ,()21,a b ,()22,a b ,()23,a b ,()12,b b ,()13,b b ,()23,b b 共10个 …………… 9分事件A :“恰有一人幸福感强”包含的基本事件有()11,a b ,()12,a b ,()13,a b ,()21,a b ,()22,a b ,()23,a b ,共6个 …………… 10分故()63105P A ==. …………… 12分 19.解:(Ⅰ)设数列{}n a 的公差为d ,{}n b 的公比为q ,依题意得1123551015+=⎧⎨+=⎩a d a d解得1d =,11=a ,所以 ()11n a n n =+-=, ……………………3分 又 22131b 1,b b q q 4==⋅==, 因为 q 0,q 2=>所以11122n n n b --=⨯= ………………………6分(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知12n n n n c a b n -==⋅,则011222n T =⋅+⋅+21322n n -⋅+⋅L ① ………………………7分 2n T =121222⋅+⋅+L ()1122n n n n -+-⋅+⋅ ② ……………………8分① -②得:012121212n T -=⋅+⋅+⋅1122n n n -++⋅-⋅L ……………………10分()112212n n n ⋅-=-⋅-()121n n =-⋅- …………………12分所以()121n n T n =-⋅+. 20.⑴∵222a c b +=+∴222a c b +-=∴222cos 2a c b B ac +-===………………… 3分 0B π<<Q ………………… 4分∴π4=B ………………… 5分⑵∵πA B C ++=∴3π4A C += ………………… 6分cos A C +()A A A =++A A =+πsin()4A =+ ………………… 9分∵3π4A C +=∴3(0,π)4A ∈ ………………… 10分∴ππ(,π)44A +∈ ………………… 11分∴πsin()4A +最大值为1上式最大值为1 ………………… 12分21.解:⑴当1a =-时,1()ln ,f x x x =+∴22111()x f x x x x-'=-= ………… 2分 ∵0,x >∴()f x 在区间(0,1)上递减,在区间(1,)+∞上递增。

……6分 ⑵由已知2()x af x x +'=, 1a ≥-时,而1,x ≥∴10,x a a +≥+≥∴()f x 在[1,]e 上递增,于是min 3()(1),2f x f a ==-=有32a =-不成立……8分 ②当a e ≤-时,而,x e ≤∴0,x a e a +≤+≤∴()f x 在[1,]e 上递减, 于是min 3()()1,2a f x f e e ==-=有2ea =-不成立。

……10分 ③当1e a -<<-时,在区间[1,]a -上, 10,a x a +≤+≤则()0,f x '≤∴()f x 递减, 在区间(,]a e -上, 0,x a a e <+≤+则()0,f x '>∴()f x 递增,∴min 3()()ln()1,2f x f a a =-=-+=∴a =综上所述得:实数a = ……12分22.(本小题满分10分) 解:(Ⅰ)24cos ,4cos ρθρρθ=∴=, 由222,cos x y x ρρθ=+=,得224x y x +=,所以曲线C 的直角坐标方程为()2224x y -+=. …………… 2分由112x y t ⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩,消去t得:+10x =. 所以直线l的普通方程为+10x =. …………… 4分(Ⅱ)把112x y t ⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩ 代入224x y x +=,整理得250t -+=,……… 6分 因为272070∆=-=>,设其两根分别为 12,t t,则12125,t t t t +== ………… 8分 所以12PQ t t =-==. …………… 10分。
