Chapter 3-Discrete-Time Signals in the frequency Domain
∑ x(t ) = ak e sk t k =1
∑ ⎪
ak H (sk
k =1
)e skt
⎧ ⎪⎪ ⎨
∑ x[n] = ak zk n k =1 N
∑ ⎪
ak H(zk
k =1
)zk n
傅立叶分析只涉及虚指数信号 e jωt
∫ x(τ )⋅δ (t −∞
−τ )dτ
x(t) x[n]
x[n] =
x[k ]δ
k ] of
k = −∞
Output signal
y(t) y[n]
y(t ) = h(t ) * x(t ) Y&ejωt = H ( jω )X&ejωt
Nth harmonic
e , e jNω0t − jNω0t components (N次谐波分量)
Representation of System
Pictorial Representation (Block
y(t) y[n]
Relation by the notation
x ( t ) ⎯⎯→ y ( t )
Chapter1 Signals and Systems
Example Fig 3
1.2 Transformations of The independent Variable
1.2.3 Even and Odd Signals
1.2 Transformations of The indepenຫໍສະໝຸດ ent Variable2
The total energy over an infinite time interval in discrete-time is defined as:
E lim
N n N
| x[n] |
| x[n] |2
1.1 Continuous-time and Discretetime Signals
Signals and Systems
◆ Chapter2
◆ Chapter3
Linear Time-invariant Systems
Fourier Series representation of periodic
◆ Chapter4 ◆ Chapter5
Sinusoidal Signals(正弦信号):
1.3 Exponential And Sinusoidal Signals
1.3.1 Continuous-time Complex Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals
Sinusoidal Signals(正弦信号):
1 [ n] 0 n0 n0
Lecture 2_离散时间信号分析,华工数字信号处理课件,DSP
相乘(product) 相加(addition)
wn xn yn wn xn yn wn Axn wn xn N wn x n
8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 10
Q: Can a sample of discrete-time signal take real (continuous) value?
A discrete time sequence x[n] may be generated by periodically sampling a continuous-time signal at uniform intervals of time.
设原采样率为 FT ,转换后的采样率为 FT
R 1 :插值(Interpolation)
R 1
xn 的 Lp 范数定义:
L2 范数是 L1范数是
( x[n] )
p n
xn平均绝对值; xn绝对值的峰值
L范数定义: x x max
norm(x); norm(x,2); norm(x,1); norm(x,inf)
采样量化和编码名词解释英文回答:Sampling, quantization, and encoding are three fundamental processes in digital signal processing and communication systems. Let's understand each term separately:1. Sampling: Sampling refers to the process of converting a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal by selecting and storing a finite number of samples at regular intervals. In other words, it involves measuring the amplitude of the continuous signal at specific points in time. The rate at which these samples are taken is called the sampling rate or sampling frequency.Sampling is essential because many digital systems can only process discrete-time signals. By converting a continuous signal into discrete samples, we can perform various operations like filtering, modulation, andcompression on the signal using digital techniques.2. Quantization: Quantization is the process of converting the continuous amplitude of a signal into afinite number of discrete levels. In other words, it involves mapping the continuous range of amplitudes to a finite set of values. The number of levels determines the resolution or the accuracy with which the signal can be represented.During quantization, the continuous signal is divided into small intervals, and each interval is assigned a representative value. The most common type of quantization is uniform quantization, where the intervals are equally spaced. However, non-uniform quantization techniques, such as adaptive quantization, can also be used to improve the representation of the signal.Quantization introduces quantization error, which is the difference between the original continuous signal and its quantized representation. The quantization error can be reduced by increasing the number of levels or using moreadvanced quantization techniques.3. Encoding: Encoding is the process of representingthe quantized samples in a suitable format for transmission or storage. It involves converting the discrete amplitude values into a digital code that can be easily transmittedor stored using binary digits (bits).There are various encoding techniques used depending on the application and the desired properties of the encoded signal. For example, pulse code modulation (PCM) is a commonly used encoding technique that represents each sample with a fixed number of bits. Other techniques like delta modulation, differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), and adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) are used to achieve higher compression ratios or better performance in specific scenarios.In summary, sampling converts continuous signals into discrete-time signals, quantization converts continuous amplitudes into discrete levels, and encoding representsthe quantized samples in a digital format for transmissionor storage.中文回答:采样、量化和编码是数字信号处理和通信系统中的三个基本过程。
Chapter 3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
Note: X(ej) = | X(ej) |ej(+2k) = | X(ej) |ej()
3.1.1 The Definition
The definition of CTFT is:
X a ( j)
The CTFT often is referred to as the Fourier spectrum.
The I-CTFT(inverse CTFT) is:
FS-continuous in time,discrete in frequency
X ( jk0 ) T0
T0 / 2 x(t )e jk0t dt
T0 / 2
X ( jk 0 )e jk0t
X ( jk0 )
to the following range of values: - ()
called the principal value.
The DTFTs of some sequences exhibit discontinuities of 2 in their phase responses. An alternate type of phase function that is a continuous function of is often used. It is derived from the original phase function by removing the discontinuities of 2.
数字信号处理-原理实现及应用(高西全-第3版)第1章 时域离散信号和系统
Matlab 语言中的序列表示
t=-0.025:0.001:0.025; xat=0.9*sin(50*pi*t); subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,xat);axis([-0.025,0.03,-1,1]); xlabel('t'); ylabel('xat(t)');
a nun
1 a 0
1 1 O 1
x(n) Asin(nT ) Asin(n )
T 采样间隔 ; 模拟信号的角频率
T 1
2 /10
-10 -5
5 10
信号的产生、传输和处理需要一定的物理装置,这样 的物理装置常称为系统。
1.1 引言
Discrete-time systems are mathematical models that describe the behavior of systems in which the input and output signals are functions of discrete time variables.
Periodic signals repeat at regular intervals, while aperiodic signals have no repeating pattern.
Classification of discrete-time signals
Operation of discrete-time signals
Basic concepts of discrete-time systems Stability analysis of discrete-time systems
01signal processing is a branch of signal processing that deals with signals that vary over discrete time instants rather than continuously. It finds applications in various fields such as digital communication, audio processing, image processing, and more.
Background Introduction
DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。
If so, find the fundamental period.
(a) x[n]=Acos 3 n (b) x[n]=ej7πn
7 8
Answer: N=14
Answer: N=2
(c) x[n]= ej(n/8–π)
Answer: not periodic
1.5 Consider a discrete-time system with input x[n] and output y[n]. The input-output relationship for this system is y[n]= x[n] x[n – 2] (a) Is the system memoryless? Answer: No (b) Determine the output of the system when the input is Aδ[n], where A is any real or complex number.
1.1 Sketch the discrete-time signal x[n] (0≤n≤10) obtained by sampling the continuous-time signal x(t)=e–2t with sampling interval T=0.1.
奈奎斯特采样定理英语Nyquist Sampling TheoremNyquist Sampling Theorem is a fundamental theorem in the field of communication engineering and signal processing. The theorem states that for a continuous-time signal that isband-limited to a frequency of B Hertz or less, it must be sampled at a rate of at least 2B samples per second to avoid aliasing distortion. In other words, the sampling frequency must be greater than or equal to twice the highest frequency present in the signal.Step 1: Understand the Need for Sampling TheoremTo understand why the Nyquist Sampling Theorem is needed, we need to understand the nature of continuous-time signals. Continuous-time signals are signals that change with respect to time and are described by mathematical functions. However, in order to process and communicate signals using computers and digital devices, we need to convert continuous-time signals into discrete-time signals, which are a sequence of values sampled at discrete points in time.Step 2: Learn About AliasingOne of the biggest challenges when convertingcontinuous-time signals to discrete-time signals is the problem of aliasing. Aliasing occurs when the sampling frequency is too low and causes the high-frequency components of the signal to appear as low-frequency components in the resulting discrete-time signal. This can cause significant distortion and make the signal impossible to interpret accurately.Step 3: Understand the Nyquist Sampling TheoremThe Nyquist Sampling Theorem addresses the problem of aliasing by specifying a minimum sampling rate for a given signal based on its maximum frequency component. The theorem states that to avoid aliasing, the sampling frequency must be greater than or equal to twice the maximum frequency present in the signal.Step 4: Apply the Nyquist Sampling TheoremTo apply the Nyquist Sampling Theorem, we need to determine the maximum frequency component of the signal we want to convert from a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal. Once we have this information, we can determine the minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing.Step 5: ConclusionIn conclusion, the Nyquist Sampling Theorem is a fundamental theorem in the field of communication engineering and signal processing. It specifies the minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing distortion when converting a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal. The theorem has significant implications for modern technology, including digital signal processing, wireless communication, and data storage.。
n a0 n an n 1 a0 n 1 an 1 n a1 n an 1 n 1 a1 n 1 an 2 n an 1 n an n a0
n a1 n 1 an 1 n 1 a0
Chapter 3 Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
3.1 Stability 3.2 Sensitivity and Robustness 3.3 Controllability, Reachability, Observability, and Detectability 3.4 Analysis of simple Feedback Loops
Hff feedforward filter Hfb feedback controller v input load disturbance e measurement noise x primary process output y measured signal
A discrete-time system (nonlinear, timevarying)
x(k 1) f ( x(k ), k )
Suppose that there are two solutions:
Solution x0(k), when initial condition x0(k0) Solution x(k), when initial condition x(k0)
Problems Solution
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
xe n
x0 n
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Chapter 1
Problems Solution
3 xe n
-1 0
Chapter 1
Problems Solution
作业: 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17
1.21 (d) (e) (f)
1.22 (d) (g)
1.24 (a) (b) 1.26 (a) (b) 1.27 1.31
Chapter 1 1.14
1 , 0 t 1 xt T 2 -2, 1t 2
2 1 0
xe t
-2 -1 0 1 2
x t
xo t
-2 -1
1/ 2
1/ 2
1 2
Chapter 1 1.24 Determine and sketch the even and odd parts of the signals.
-2 -1 0 1
Problems Solution
t 2k
discrete signal 控制 -回复
discrete signal 控制-回复Discrete Signal Control: Understanding and ApplicationIntroduction:Discrete signal control refers to the process of utilizing discrete signals, which are signals that take on a limited number of values, in various control systems. These signals are characterized by their ability to be quantized and processed. In this article, we will delve into the world of discrete signal control, exploring its principles, techniques, and applications.1. What is a discrete signal?A discrete signal is a signal that is not continuous but rather characterized by distinct and separate values at specific points in time. Unlike continuous signals, which can take on an infinite number of values within a specific range, discrete signals only assume specific discrete values at specific points in time.Discrete signals are typically represented as sequences of numbers, with each number corresponding to a specific point in time. Thesesequences can either be finite or infinite, depending on the length of the signal.2. Why use discrete signals in control systems?Discrete signals offer several advantages in control systems:a. Simplified representation: Quantizing signals into discrete values allows for simpler representation and storage. It reduces the complexity of signal processing and makes it easier to implement control algorithms.b. Time synchronization: Discrete signals enable accurate synchronization between control systems and the signals they receive. With discrete values representing specific points in time, control systems can react precisely and consistently.c. Noise immunity: Discrete signals can tolerate noise better than continuous signals. By quantizing the signal into discrete values, small fluctuations in the signal can be filtered out, leading to improved system performance and stability.3. Techniques for controlling discrete signals:a. Digital control: Digital control is a popular technique for controlling discrete signals. It involves converting the analog signals received by sensors into digital form for processing and manipulation by microprocessors or digital signal processors (DSPs). Digital control allows for precise and flexible control algorithms, making it ideal for complex control systems.b. Sampling and quantization: Sampling is the process of converting continuous signals into discrete signals by periodically measuring the signal at specific points in time. Quantization, on the other hand, involves assigning discrete values to the measured samples. Together, sampling and quantization allow for the representation and analysis of continuous signals using discrete values.c. Discrete-time control systems: Discrete-time control systems use discrete signals to model and control dynamic systems. These systems operate on sampled signals that are processed at fixed intervals. Discrete-time control systems are widely utilized in various fields, including robotics, automation, andtelecommunications.4. Applications of discrete signal control:a. Robotics: Discrete signal control is extensively used in robotics applications. Robots rely on discrete signals to perceive their environment, process information, and execute commands. Using discrete signals, robots can interact with their surroundings and perform tasks with accuracy and precision.b. Process control: Discrete signal control is crucial in process control systems, where precise control over physical variables is essential for maintaining safety and efficiency. Discrete signals enable the monitoring and adjustment of critical process variables such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate.c. Communication systems: Discrete signals play a vital role in communication systems, including digital signal processing, data transmission, and error detection and correction. By converting continuous signals into discrete signals, information can be encoded, transmitted, and decoded accurately and reliably.Conclusion:Discrete signal control is a fundamental aspect of modern control systems. By leveraging the advantages of discrete signals, such as simplified representation, time synchronization, and noise immunity, control engineers can design and implement robust control algorithms. From robotics to process control and communication systems, discrete signal control finds applications in various fields, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and enhancing the overall performance and efficiency of control systems.。
数字通信中的多抽样率信号处理中英⽂翻译(部分)Multirate Signal Processing Concepts in Digital CommunicationsBojan VrceljIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena, California2004 (Submitted June 2, 2003)AbstractMultirate systems are building blocks commonly used in digital signal processing (DSP). Their function is to alter the rate of the discrete-time signals, which is achieved by adding or deleting a portion of the signal samples. Multirate systems play a central role in many areas of signal processing, such as filter bank theory and multiresolution theory. They are essential in various standard signal processing techniques such as signal analysis, denoising, compression and so forth. During the last decade, however, they have increasingly found applications in new and emerging areas of signal processing, as well as in several neighboring disciplines such as digital communications.The main contribution of this thesis is aimed towards better understanding of multirate systems and their use in modern communication systems. To this end, we first study a property of linear systems appearing in certain multirate structures. This property is called biorthogonal partnership and represents a terminology introduced recently to address a need for a descriptive term for such class of filters. In the thesis we especially focus on the extensions of this simple idea to the case of vector signals (MIMO biorthogonal partners) and to accommodate for nonintegral decimation ratios (fractional biorthogonal partners).Some of the main results developed here pertain to a better understanding of the biorthogonal partner relationship. These include the conditions for the existence of stable and of finite impulse response (FIR) biorthogonal partners. A major result that we establish states that under some generally mild conditions, MIMO and fractional biorthogonal partners exist. Moreover, when they exist, FIR solutions are not unique. We develop the parameterization of FIR solutions, which makes the search for the best partner in a given application analytically tractable. This proves very useful in the central application of biorthogonal partners, namely, channel equalization in digital communications with signal oversampling at the receiver. Sampling the received signal at a rate higher than that defined by the transmitter provides some flexibility in the design of the equalizer. A good channel equalizer in this context is one that helps neutralize the distortion on the signal introduced by the channel propagation but not at the expense of amplifying the channel noise. This presents the rationale behind the partner design problem which is formulated and solved. Theperformance of such equalizers is then compared to several other equalization methods by computer simulations. These findings point to the conclusion that the communication system performance can be improved at the expense of an increased implementational cost of the receiver.While the multirate DSP in the aforementioned communication systems serves to provide additional degrees of freedom in the design of the receiver, another important class of multirate structures is used at the transmitter side in order to introduce the redundancy in the data stream. This redundancy generally serves to facilitate the equalization process by forcing certain structure on the transmitted signal. If the channel is unknown, this procedure helps to identify it; if the channel is ill-conditioned, additional redundancy helpsVavoid severe noise amplification at the receiver, and so forth. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on this second group of multirate systems, derive some of their properties and introduce certain improvements of the communication systems in question.We first consider the transmission systems that introduce the redundancy in the form of a cyclic prefix. The examples of such systems include the discrete multitone (DMT) and the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The cyclic prefix insertion helps to effectively divide the channel in a certain number of nonoverlaping frequency bands. We study the problem of signal precoding in such systems that serves to adjust the signal properties in order to fully take advantage of the channel and noise properties across different bands. Our ultimate goal is to improve the overall system performance by minimizing the noise power at the receiver. The special case of our general solution corresponds to the white channel noise and the best precoder under these circumstances simply performs the optimal power allocation.Finally, we study a different class of communication systems with induced signal redundancy, namely, the multiuser systems based on code division multiple access (CDMA). We specifically focus on the special class of CDMA systems called `a mutually orthogonal usercode receiver' (AMOUR). These systems use the transmission redundancy to facilitate the user separation at the receiver regardless of the (different) communication channels. While the method also guarantees the existence of the zero-forcing equalizers irrespective of the channel zero locations, the performance of these equalizers can be further improved by exploiting the inherent flexibility in their design. Weshow how to find the best equalizer from the class of zero-forcing solutions and then increase the size of this class by employing alternative sampling strategies at the receiver. Our method retains the separability properties of AMOUR systems while improving their robustness in the noisy environment.Chapter 1 IntroductionThe theory of multirate digital signal processing (DSP) has traditionally been applied to the contexts of filter banks [61], [13], [50] and wavelets [31], [72]. These play a very important role in signal decomposition, analysis, modeling and reconstruction. Many areas of signal processing would be hard to envision without the use of digital filter banks. This is especially true for audio, video and image compression, digital audio processing, signal denoising, adaptive and statistical signal processing. However, multirate DSP has recently found increasing application in digital communications as well. Multirate building blocks are the crucial ingredient in many modern communication systems, for example, the discrete multitone (DMT), digital subscriber line (DSL) and the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems as well as general filter bank precoders, just to name a few. The interested reader is referred to numerous references on these subjects, such as [7]-[9], [17]-[18], [27], [30], [49], [64], [89], etc.This thesis presents a contribution to further understanding of multirate systems and their significance in digital communications. To that end, we introduce some new signal processing concepts and investigate their properties. We also consider some important problems in communications especially those that can be formulated using the multirate methodology. In this introductory chapter, we give a brief overview of the multirate systems and introduce some identities, notations and terminology that will prove useful in the rest of the thesis. Every attempt is made to make the present text as self-contained as possible and the introduction is meant to primarily serve this purpose. While some parts of the thesis, especially those that cover the theory of biorthogonal partners and their extensions provide a rather extensive treatment of the concepts, the material regarding the applications of the multirate theory in communication systems should be viewed as a contribution to a better understanding and by no means the exhaustive treatment of such systems. For a more comprehensive coverage the reader is referred to a range of extensive texts on the subject, for example, [71], [18], [19], [39], [38], [53], etc.1.1 Multirate systems 1.1.1 Basic building blocks The signals of interest in digital signal processing are discrete sequences of real or complex numbers denoted by x(n), y(n), etc. The sequence x(n) is often obtained by sampling a continuous-time signal x c(t). The majority of natural signals (like the audio signal reaching our ears or the optical signal reaching our eyes) are continuous-time. However, in order to facilitate their processing using DSP techniques, they need to be sampled and converted to digital signals. This conversion also includes signal quantization, i.e.,discretization in amplitude, however in practice it is safe to assume that the amplitude of x(n) can be any real or complexSignal processing analysis is often simplified by considering the frequency domain representation of signals and systems. Commonly used alternative representations of x(n) are its z-transform X (z) and the discrete-time Fourier transform X (O'). The z-transform is defined as X(z) = E _.x(n)z-"', and X (e j") is nothing but X(z) evaluated on the unit circle z = e3".Multirate DSP systems are usually composed of three basic building blocks, operating on a discrete-time signal x(n). Those are the linear time invariant (LTI) filter, the decimator and the expander. An LTI filter, like the one shown in Fig.1.1, is characterized by its impulse response h(n), or equivalently by its z-transform (also called the transfer function) H(z). Examples of the M-fold decimator and expander for M = 2 are shown in Fig.1.2. The rate of the signal at the output of an expander is M times higher than the rate at its input, while the converse is true for decimators. That is why the systems containing expanders and decimators are called `multirate' systems. Fig.1.2 demonstrates the behavior of the decimator andthe expander in both the time and the frequency domains.XE(z) = [X (z)]IM XD(z) = [X (z)]iM = X(z M)1 M-1 1 j2 k =M E X(z e n a)k=0for M-fold expander, and (1.1)for M-fold decimator. (1.2)The systems shown in Figs.1.1 and 1.2 operate on scalar signals and thus are called single input-single output (SISO) systems. The extensions to the case of vector signals are ratherstraightforward: the decimation and the expansion are performed on each element separately. The corresponding vector sequence decimators/expanders are denoted within square boxes in block diagrams. In Fig.1.3 this is demonstrated for vector expanders. The LTI systems operating on vector signals are called multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) systems and they are characterized by a (possibly rectangular) matrix transfer function H(z).1.1.2 Some multirate definitions and identitiesThe vector signals are sometimes obtained from the corresponding scalar signals by blocking. Conversely, the scalar signals can be recovered from the vector signals by unblocking. The blocking/unblocking operations can be defined using the delay or the advance chains [61], thus leading to two similar definitions. One way of defining these operations is shown in Fig.1.4, while the other is obtained trivially by switching the delay and the advance operators. Instead of drawing the complete delay/advance chain structure, we often use the simplified block notation as in Fig.1.4. It is usually clear from the context which of the two definitions数字通信中的多抽样率信号处理Bojan Vrcelj博⼠学位论⽂加州技术学会Pasadena, 加州2004 (委托于2003.6.2)摘要多抽样率系统普遍是被运⽤在处理数字信号⽅⾯。
z ( n k ) h(k ) z n
h(t )
H (s)e
h( n)
H ( z) z n
由此引入特征函数 (Eigenfunction)与特征值(Eigenvalue)
以一个常数,则称该信号是这个系统的特征函数。 系统对该信号加权的常数称为系统与特征函数相对 应的特征值。
n z 考察LTI系统对复指数信号 e 和 的响应
h(t )
y(t )
h( n)
y ( n)
y(t ) e
s ( t )
h( )d e
h( )e s d H (s)est
h( k ) z k H ( z ) z n
、 z n 是一切LTI系统的特征函
H ( z)
n h ( n ) z
H ( s) 、 H ( z )分别是相对应的特征值。 数。
H ( s) h(t )e st dt
如果一个LTI系统的输入能表示成复指数的线 性组合,则系统输出也能表示成相同复指数的线 性组合。例如: 对时域的任何一个信号 x(t ) 或者 x(n) ,若能将
j k
Ak e
e ]
j k
而 Ak A k k k
Digital Signal Processing Using Computer-Based Methods -Course Design for the 4th EditionIntroductionDigital Signal Processing (DSP) is an area of study that has witnessed significant growth and advancement in recent times. Technological advancements have made it possible to work with signals and signals processing methods more effectively and efficiently. The use of computers has also contributed significantly to the development of DSP methods. In this course design, we will provide an overview of the Digital Signal Processing course designed for the 4th edition of the book titled Digital Signal Processing Using Computer-Based Methods.Overview of the CourseThis course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of digital signal processing concepts, their applications, and techniques for analyzing signals. The course is divided into eight modules, covering the following topics:1.Introduction to Digital Signal Processing2.Discrete-Time Signals and Systems3.Discrete Fourier Transform4.Z-Transform and Analysis of LTI Systems5.FIR Filter Design6.IIR Filter Design7.Multirate Signal Processing8.DSP Applications in Speech and Image ProcessingThe course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of DSP, including hands-on experience with MATLAB software. The course involves lectures, discussions, and assignments, which will enable students to develop an in-depth understanding of DSP concepts and their applications.Course ObjectivesThe primary objectives of this course are to: - Develop an in-depth understanding of digital signal processing concepts and techniques - Familiarize students with the use of MATLAB for signal analysis and processing - Develop skills for designing digital filters and analyzing signals using the Fourier and Z-transforms - Provide practical experience with signal processing applications in speech and image processingCourse OutlineModule 1: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing •Basic concepts of digital signal processing•Analog-to-digital conversion•Sampling theorem•Signal quantizationModule 2: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems•Discrete-time signals and their characteristics•Discrete-time systems and their properties•Convolution and correlation of discrete-time signalsModule 3: Discrete Fourier Transform•Fourier series and Fourier Transform•Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties •Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithmsModule 4: Z-Transform and Analysis of LTI Systems •Z-Transform and its properties•Transfer function and Frequency Response of LTI systems•Analysis of LTI systems using Z-TransformModule 5: FIR Filter Design•Design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters•Windowing techniques and their effects•Filter design using Fourier SeriesModule 6: IIR Filter Design•Design of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters•Pole-zero locations and their effects•Butterworth and Chebyshev filter designs Module 7: Multirate Signal Processing•Sampling rate conversion using decimation and interpolation•Polyphase decomposition and filter banks•Multistage decimation and interpolation Module 8: DSP Applications in Speech and Image Processing •Speech analysis and synthesis•Speech coding and compression•Image enhancement and restoration•Image compressionEvaluationThe grading for this course will be based on your performance in the following components: - Regularassignments and quizzes: 20% - Mid-term examination: 30% - Final examination: 50%ConclusionThis course in Digital Signal Processing will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of digital signal processing concepts and their applications. The course will focus on fundamental principles, practical applications, and hands-on experience with digital signal processing using MATLAB. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills and knowledge to analyze and design digital signal processing systems.。
Digital Signal Processing English Teaching Design IntroductionDigital Signal Processing (DSP) is the use of mathematicalalgorithms to analyze, transform, and manipulate signals such as sound and images. With the increasing use of digital communications and multimedia applications, DSP has become an essential part of many fields, including telecommunications, audio engineering, biomedical engineering, and many others. This teaching plan ms to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practical applications of DSP, while also developing their skills in using DSP software tools.Course Objectives•Understand the fundamental concepts of DSP, including time/frequency domn analysis, linear/nonlinear systems, signalfiltering, and sampling theory.•Derive and implement mathematical algorithms for digital signal processing, including convolution, Fourier transforms, anddigital filtering.•Apply DSP algorithms to real-world problems, such as audio signal processing, image compression, and telecommunications.•Use DSP software tools, such as MATLAB or Python, to analyze and process signals in both time and frequency domns.•Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through hands-on projects and assignments.Course OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to DSP•Overview of DSP applications and history•Time and frequency domn analysis•Sampling theorem and discrete-time signalsWeek 2: Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals•Linear and nonlinear systems•Discrete-time convolution•Fourier transforms and discrete Fourier transformsWeek 3: Digital Filters•Introduction to digital filters•FIR and IIR filters•Frequency response, poles, and zerosWeek 4: Signal Processing Applications•Audio signal processing•Image compression and processing•Telecommunications and signal modulationWeek 5: DSP Software Tools•Introduction to MATLAB or Python for DSP•Signal analysis and processing in MATLAB or Python•Hands-on projects and assignments using the software toolsTeaching MethodsThis course will utilize a variety of teaching methods and activities, including:•Lecture and discussion: In-class lectures will cover the theoretical concepts of DSP, with opportunities for discussion and questions from students.•Hands-on projects and assignments: Students will complete several hands-on projects and assignments that involve real-world signal processing problems, such as audio filtering and imagecompression.•Software tools: Students will use MATLAB or Python to implement DSP algorithms and analyze signals in both time andfrequency domns.•Group work and presentations: Students will work in groups to complete some of the projects and assignments, and will alsohave opportunities to present their work to the class.AssessmentAssessment in this class will be based on the following criteria: •Attendance and participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and actively participate in discussions andactivities.•Assignments and projects: Students will complete several assignments and projects throughout the course, demonstratingtheir knowledge and skills in DSP.•Quizzes and exams: There will be several quizzes and exams throughout the course, covering both theoretical and practicalaspects of DSP.•Final project and presentation: Students will complete a final project that demonstrates their ability to apply DSP to a real-world problem, and will present their work to the class.ConclusionThrough this course, students will gn a strong foundation in DSP theory and practical applications, as well as skills in using DSP software tools. This knowledge will prepare them for careers in a variety of fields that rely on DSP, as well as for further study in graduate programs in engineering or computer science.。
U n i t1E x e r c i s e s(1)T r a n s l a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s i n t o C h i n e s e.1.As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in thecircuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter andbroader the resonance curve of either line current or circuitimpedance.对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。
2.A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same and weighsexactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current.一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。
3.Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change the pulserepetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period inthe provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse widthunchanged.在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的期值,而保持脉冲宽度不变。
4.Electronics is the science and the technology of the passage of charged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor. Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics.电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。
if x(n) = x(n+N), that is
1 1 cos 4 n 1 1 cos 4 n 4 N
2 2 15 2 2 15 15
4 N 2k N 15 k 15k
x(n) is periodic, and the period is N = 15. (c) x(n) cos( n 31)
for any constant a, and any sequences x(n), x1(n), and x2(n).
Time invariance
• A discrete-time system is time invariant if and only if, for any input sequence x(n) and integer n0, then H {x(n-n0)}=y(n-n0) with y(n)= H {x(n)}.
• 1.2 For each of the discrete signals below, determine whether they are period or not. Calculate the periods of those that are periodic.
• (a) x(n) cos2 ( 2 n)
1.1 Characterize the systems below as linear/nonlinear, causal/noncausal and time invariant/time varying.
(a) y(n)=(n+a)2x(n+4) – Linearity: H{ax(n)}=(n+a)2ax(n+4)=a(n+a)2x(n+4)=aH{x(n) } H{x1(n)+x2(n)}=(n+a)2[x1(n+4)+x2(n+4)] = (n+a)2x1(n+4)+(n+a)2x2(n+4) =H{x1(n)}+H{x2(n)} therefore y(n) is linear.
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• Then for all values of w
X (e ) x[n]e
n j jn
• Thus, the absolute summability of x[n] is a sufficient condition(充分条件) for the existence of the DTFT X(ej)
• But, x[n] is not absolutely summable
§3.2.4 Convergence Condition
• The DTFT can also be defined for a certain class of sequences which are neither absolutely summable nor square summable • Examples of such sequences are μ[n], cos(0 n+f) and Aan • For this type of sequences, a DTFT representation is possible using the Dirac delta function(狄拉克δ函数) δ(ω),也 称理想冲激函数
§3.2.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
• A Dirac delta function d() is a function of with infinite height, zero width, and unit area
• It is the limiting form of a unit area pulse function p() as goes to zero satisfying
§3.2.4 Convergence Condition
• Example - The sequence
1 / n, n 1 x[n] 0, n 0 has a finite energy equal to 2 1 2 p Ex 6 n 1 n
§3.2.2 Basic Properties
• The phase function () cannot be uniquely specified for any DTFT • Unless otherwise stated, we shall assume that the phase function () is restricted to the following range of values: -p () p called the principal value(主值区间)
X(ej) = Xre(ej) + j Xim(ej)
§3.2.1 Definition
• Xre(ej) and Xim(ej) are real functions of
• X(ej) can alternately be expressed as X(ej) = | X(ej) |ej() magnitude spectrum where Real phase j) } () = arg{X(e Real
§3.2.1 Definition——周期性
• The DTFT X(ej) of a sequence x[n] is a continuous function of • It is also a periodic function of with a period 2p:
Commonly Used DTFT Pairs
Sequence DTFT
d[n] 1
1 e
jo n
2pd( 2p k) 2pd( o 2p k)
1 [n] p d( 2p k) j 1 e k 1 n [n], ( 1) 1 e j
Chapter 3 Discrete-Time Signals in the Frequency-Domain
Chapter 3
3.1 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 3.2 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 3.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems 3.4 Energy Density Spectrum of a Discrete-Time Sequence 3.5 Band-Limited Discrete-Time Signals 3.6 DTFT Computation Using MATLAB 3.7 The Unwrapped Phase Function
X (e
j ( o 2 pk )
) x[n]e
j ( o 2 pk ) n
jo n j 2 p k n
x[n]e jon X (e jo )
§3.2.1 Definition ——周期性
1 p j jn x[n] X ( e )e d 2p p
x[n] X (e )
X (e )
j n
1 x[n] 2p
p X (e
§3.2.2 Basic Properties
• X(ej) 是关于的连续函数,即序列的
• X(ej) 是关于 的周期函数,周期为2p
• |X(ej)| 和Xre(ej) 是的偶函数。 • () 和Xim(ej)是的奇函数。 • x[n]绝对可和是DTFT存在的充分条件
§ 3.2.3 Symmetry Relations Symmetry Relations can simplify the computational complexity.
§3.2.1 Definition
• DTFT of a sequence x[n] is given by
X (e
j n
In general, X(ej) is a complex function of the real variable and can be written as
§3.2.1 Definition
• Example - The DTFT of the unit sample sequence d[n] is given by
(e ) d[n]e
d[0] 1
• Example - Consider the causal sequence
• The function
X (e ) 2pd( o 2p k)
is a periodic function of with a period 2p and is called a periodic impulse train (周期冲激串) or impulse train
For a real sequence x[n] • |X(ej)| and Xre(ej) are even functions of • () and Xim(ej) are odd functions of
Note: X(ej) = | X(ej) |ej(+2pk) = | X(ej) |ej() for any integer k
d ( ) lim p ( )
p ( )
( )d d ( )d
0 2 2
§3.2.4 Convergence Condition
• Example - Consider the complex exponential sequence
§3.2.4 Convergence Condition
• Thus
1 p jn x[n] 2pd( o 2p k)e d 2p p k d( o )e
p p jn
d e
jo n
where we have used the sampling property of the impulse function d()
x[n] e Its DTFT is given by
j k
X (e ) 2pd( o 2p k)
where d() is an impulse function of and
p o p
§3.2.4 Convergence Condition
• Therefore
j j n
X (e ) x[n]e
represents the Fourier series representation of the periodic function As a result, the Fourier coefficients x[n] can be computed from X(ej) using the Fourier integral
x[n] [n],
§3.2.1 Definition
• Its DTFT is given by