英语作文 孔子(Confucius)-精品

介绍孔子的小学英语作文(中英文版)Introducing Confucius: A Primary School English EssayIn the vast ocean of ancient Chinese wisdom, one name stands out prominently - Confucius.A great philosopher, educator, and thinker, Confucius has left an indelible mark on the history of China and the world.在浩如烟海的中国古代智慧中,有一个名字熠熠生辉——孔子。
Born in 551 BC, Confucius was the founder of Confucianism, a moral and ethical system that emphasizes the importance of personal development, social harmony, and filial piety.His teachings have influenced countless individuals throughout history.孔子出生于公元前551年,是儒家学派的创始人。
One of Confucius" most famous sayings is, "Education is the lighting of a fire, not the filling of a pail." He believed that education should inspire and ignite a passion for learning, rather than merely imparting knowledge.孔子有一句名言:“教育就是点燃火焰,而非填满水桶。

孔子英语(共9篇)孔子英语(一): Confucius孔子的英文简介One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). He sometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu.This chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human"s behavior, the rules that you shouldfollow to make a successful life, and about the government.In other words, it"s about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully.Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K"ung Ch"iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.He worked as a keeper of a market. Then he was a farm worker who took care of parks and farm animals. When he was 20, he worked forthe governor of his district.孔子英语(二): 关于孔子的英语作文,就是他的介绍,用英语confuciusConfuius"s given name is Qiu,also styled Zhongni.He was born in QuFu,China,551 B.C.,and died in 479 B.C..Confucius founded confuciansism--the famous philosophical school in the history of China.The kernel of his thought isRen(benevolence),its form of expression is Li(the Rites).Confucius travlled from one state to another preaching his doctrines until he was old.He spent his last years in compiling and editing.His works include Book of Spring and Autumn,Book of Odes,Book of History,Book of Rites,Book of Music and Book of change.These six books regarded as the classical works of Confucianism have been handed down to the present time.He founded the first private schoolin Chinese history.He was the teacher of 3,000 disciples among whom 72 were Sages.His major sayings were written down in Lun Yu (The Analects),one of the Four Books.Confucius lived in the late Spring and Autumn period(770-476B.C).In his last years he lived in relative poverty and no longer enjoyed great fame.But after his death,his thought continued to influence the Chinese people for over 2,500 years.His doctrine on morality and ethics has had a great effect on theirideology,strenthening the unity of the nation and making it known to the world for its courteous dealing and solemn rites.Confucius said,"Let there be three men walking together:from the nmuber I should be sure to find my instructor." "To makeaccomplishment you must help others to be accomplished too." "Never be satiated with you knowledge and never be tired of teaching."...Today,these philosophical sayings are still shining brilliantly.In the long span of the Chinese history,the descendants of the Yellow Emperor have been righteously proud of the existence of the outstanding Confucius.The influence of the great thinker and educator has now exceeded the national boundary and spread to other parts of the world.It is our earnest hope that through more understanding of Confcius and the bridge of friendship and cultural exchange,we can make the worldfilled with more love,justice and peace.We wish also that weoffspring of the Yellow Emperor,either in China or abroad,through better understanding of Confcius and academic research,will be more inspired with nationalism,and find a new way of making the past serve the present,and redouble our efforts for rejuvenation of China.【孔子英语】孔子英语(三): 孔子的英文说法Confucius有什么来历这个词的本义是什么还是说这个词本来就是"孔夫子"的音译你说的对,就是孔夫子的音译最早把儒学介绍给西方人的是明清时期来华的耶稣会传教士.这些传教士把“孔夫子”译成拉丁文“Confucius”.这个词在西方一直沿用至今.孔子英语(四): 孔子名言英语带汉语翻译人生态度发愤忘食,乐以忘忧、不知老之将至….饭疏食、饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣.不义而富且贵,于我如浮云.贤哉,回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧.回也不改其乐.贤哉,回也! 士志于道,而耻恶衣恶食者,未足与议也.富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道,得之不处也.贫与贱,是人之所恶也;不以其道,得之不去也.富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之.如不可求,从吾所好.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎见利思义,见危授命.修己以敬……修己以安人…修己以安百姓.可以托六尺之孤,可以寄百里之命,临大节而不可夺也.志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁.君于疾没世而名不称焉.夫达也者,质直而好义.察言而观色,虑以下人.君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰.君子易事而难说(悦),说(悦)之不以道,不说(悦)也.君子之仕也,行其义也.子谓于产.“有君子之道四焉:其行己也恭,其事上也敬,其养民也惠,其使民也义.”君子和而不同,小人同而不和.君子矜而不争,群而不党.君子周而不比,小人比而不周.君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚.仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧.放于利而行,多怨.求仁而得仁,又何怨.质胜文则野,文胜质则史.文质彬彬,然后君子.君子谋道不谋食,……君子忧道不忧贫.法语之言,能无从乎改之为贵.(“撰”去提手)与之言,能无说乎绎之为贵.说而不绎,从而不改,吾末如之何也已矣.见善无不及,见不善如探汤.君子尊贤而容众,嘉善而矜不能.士而怀居,不足为士矣!做人格言不学礼,无以立.己所不欲,匆施于人.己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人.躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣.见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也.三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,择其不善者而改之.吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎与朋友交而下信乎传不习乎居处恭,执事敬,与人忠.君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼,四海之内皆兄弟也,言忠信,行笃敬,虽蛮貊之邦,行矣.言不忠信,行不笃敬,虽州里,行乎哉行己有耻,使于四方,不辱君命,可谓士矣.孔子曰:“能行五者于天下为仁矣.”请问之.曰:“恭、宽、信、敏、惠.恭则不侮,宽则得众,信则人任焉,敏则有功,惠则足以使人”.君子义以为质,礼以行之,孙以出之,信以成之.君子哉!过而不改,是谓过矣!过,则匆惮改.不迁怒,不二过.三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也!人无远虑,必有近忧.无欲速,无见小利.欲速,则不达;见小利,则大事不成.士不可不弘毅,任重而道远.仁以为己任,不亦重乎死而后己,不亦远乎执德不弘,信道不笃,焉能为有,焉能为亡.与朋友交,言而有信. 以文会友,以友辅仁.益者三友,损者三友.友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣.友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣. 君子欲讷于言而敏于行.君子食无求饱,居无求安,敏于事而慎于言,就有道而正焉,可谓好学也已.巧言乱德.巧言令色,鲜矣仁.刚、毅、木、讷近仁.有德者必育言,有言者不必育德.听其言而观其行.君于不以言举人,不以人废言.古者言之不出,耻躬不逮也.君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也,君子于其言,无所苟而已矣.可与言而不与之言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言.知者不失人,亦不失言. 言未及之而言谓之躁,言及之而不言谓之隐,未见颜色而言谓之瞽.好仁不好学,其蔽也愚;好知不好学,其蔽也荡;好信不好学,其蔽也贼;好直不好学,其蔽也绞;好勇不好学,其蔽也乱;好刚不好学,其蔽也狂.恭而无礼则劳,慎而无礼则葸,勇而无礼则乱,直而无礼则绞.事君,敬其事而后其食.礼之用,和为贵.放于利而行,多怨.孔子论学习知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.盖有不知而作者,我无是也.多闻,择其善者而从之;多见而识之.圣则吾不能,我学不厌而教不倦也.学如不及,犹恐失之.敏而好学,不耻下问.以能问于不能,以多问于寡;有若无,实若虚,犯而不校.兴于诗,立于礼.成于乐.志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺.不愤不启,不悱不发.举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也.知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者.吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.众恶之,必察焉;众好之,必察焉.学而时习之,不亦说乎温故而知新,可以为师矣.日知其所亡,月无忘其所能,可谓好学也矣.不学诗,无以言.诗,可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨.迩之事父,远之事君;多识于鸟兽草木之名.人而无恒,不可以作巫医.有教无类.自行束侑以上,吾未尝无诲焉.政治格言政者正也,子帅以正,孰敢不正举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服. 子为政焉用杀子欲善而民善矣.君子之德风,小人之德草,草上之风,必偃.裔不谋夏,夷不乱华,俘不干盟,兵不逼好.道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格.上好礼,则民莫敢不敬;上好义,则民莫敢不服:上好信,则民莫敢不用情.慎终,追远,民德归厚矣.不教而杀谓之虐;不戒视成谓之暴;慢令致期谓之贼;犹之与人也,出纳之吝谓之有司.为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之.苟正其身,于从政乎何有不能正其身,如正人何道千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时.出门如见大宾,使民如承大祭.工欲善其事,必先利其器.居是邦,事其大夫之贤者,友其士之仁者.百姓足,君孰与不足百姓不足,君孰与足君子之行也,度于礼.施,取其厚;事,举其中;敛,从其薄.君于惠而不费,劳而不怨,欲而不贪,泰而不骄,威而不猛.……因民之利而利之,斯不亦惠而不费乎择可劳而劳之,又谁怨欲仁而得仁,又焉贪君子无众寡、无小大、无敢慢,斯不亦泰而不骄乎君子正其衣冠,尊其瞻视,俨然人望而畏之,斯不亦威而不猛乎文武之政,布在方策.其人存,则其政举;其人亡,则其政息. .故为政在人. 君使臣以礼.臣事君以忠.子路问事君.子日: " 勿欺也,而犯之.”其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从.以不教民战,是谓弃之.知及之,仁不能守之,虽得之,必失之.知及之,仁能守之,不庄以莅之,则民不敬.知及之,仁能守之,庄以莅之,动之不以礼,未善也.使民敬、忠以劝,如之何子曰:“临之以庄,则敬.孝慈,则忠. 举善而教不能.则劝.”先有司,赦小过、举贤才.居上不宽,为礼不敬,临丧不哀,吾何以观之哉!Attitude towards lifeHard to forget food, music to忘忧, I do not know ... approach of dotage.Shu rice food, drinking water,曲肱而枕, the music is also havingone of at.The rich and unjust and expensive, such as in my cloud.Yin Weizai back also! Live in one, poured drinks, in the alley, people state their concerns. Back to not change their music. YinWeizai back also!Chi disabilities in the Road, and the shame of the evil evil food clothing, and not enough with you also.Rich and expensive, people"s objectives are; not its Road, alsodoes not have to. The poor and cheap, people are also of the evil;not its Road, was also on the do not.The resort is also rich, though执鞭people, it吾亦. If not demand better from吾所.Have friends from afar, joy See Leith justice, danger mandate.修己to King ... ... ...修己to Anren修己to security people.Alone can be entrusted to the six-foot, Barry can send orders and temporary and can not capture large sections also.People with lofty ideals, in order to survive without harm-jen, who has to kill to Chengren.Shi-jun in the disease and were not that behavior is not.Geof also, the quality and well meaning straight. Review theconcept of color words, consider the following people.Thai gentleman without arrogance, arrogant villain instead of Thai. Gentlemen"s easy and difficult (Wyatt), Say (Yue) is not the Road, did not say (Yue) also.Shi is also a man of, its meaning also visit.Son that in the middle. "There are four子之道Jun Yan: Gong has its own line, making also on King, the Yang Hui-min, and its meaning sothat the people also."Gentleman and different, with the villain and not.Jin gentleman and not fight, instead of the party group.Gentleman"s week than not, instead of weeks than villains.坦荡荡gentleman, often small obsession.Benevolent not have to worry about, to know who perplexed, afraid of the brave.Lee put in the line, many complain.Hui求仁derived, how resentment.Ueno wins Wenze quality, the quality of the history of wins.文质彬彬, then gentlemen.Gentlemen do not plan to seek food and gentlemen ... ... do not worry about the poor.French, of course, can not even You give it to.( "Author" to handle) with words and can not even SAY Sounds for the expensive. Say not unravel, so do not change, I also passed at the end of如之何.All good and see, see into soup such as poor.And allow the public尊贤gentleman, Jiashan and should not sympathize.Home HUAI disabilities, less than for the people now!Life mottoTony does not, no to legislation.Do not want to own, people hurried unto.Yu-li has people standing, others want to reach up to the people. Select thick, thin躬自in person, while having much resentment. Emulate behavior, see Yin and within the self-examination does not have.Three firms, be my teacher behavior, choose from the good, the optional change its mismanagement of persons.I吾身day in the three provinces: the infidelity between people seeking With his friends and even under the letter Xi Chuan is not evenYasuhisa home, deacons King, and allegiance to people.Gentleman without loss of respect, courtesy and恭而people, within the four seas are brothers, loyal and truthful statement, the King Benedict, though very silent on the state line say. Statement does not loyal, Benedict was not King, though states, visit TalkingU.S. firms have been so in the Quartet, not shame君命can be described as having a disability.Confucius said: "those who can do it in the world for five extra-jen." I would like to ask them. Said: "Gong, width, letter, Min, Hui. Yasuhisa not to be humiliated, while a wide public, the people任焉letter, Min is active, benefits are enough to make."Gentleman that the quality of justice, courtesy of a line, of the Sun, as in the letter. Weizai gentlemen!Have not changed, that are off now!, Then hurried to dread.Do not vent, Fujio too.Capture of the three services can also handsome, not everyone wins Chi also!People without long and short term, there is fear.No waste, no see a small profit. Haste makes waste, haste; see a small benefit, it is not important.Hony who can not, a long way to go. Benevolence to its own responsibility, do not even have weight Others die before, do nothave far betweenThey do not WONG Tak, channel is not Benedict, for how can there is, how can for the death.With his friends, will keep its promise. Friends of the symbol will be to Friends of Catholic.Benefits are three friends who Sanyou loss. Friends of straight友谅, Friends Duowen, having beneficial. Friends便辟, friendly Sophie, the Friends will be eloquent, having hurt.For nawan gentleman is sensitive to the words and lines.Fresh bread without seeking gentleman, without seeking an abode, and Shen Min in the matter in the statement, there are Road and Yan, has also been eager to learn.Germany巧言chaos.Rhetoric, fresh jen say.Gang, Yi, wood, nawan Jinren.Youde Yu gets made, there is no need to Yude speaker.Listen to his words and deeds.Eagle in the tree is not made, people do not waste words.Not ancient words, beyond oneself is also shame.Must speak of the gentleman who has, made possible must also gentleman in its statement, just say no Gou.Statement can be made without them, missing person; not with words but with words and a slip of the tongue. Yet people who know, do not slip of the tongue.Made in terms of less than that of the impatient, and not mentioned the statement that the hidden, not that of the blind in terms of color.Hui not learn well, the shelter is also blind; not well knownstudy, the shelter also finishes; letter not learn well, the shelter also thieves;Straight not learn well, the shelter also twisted; not learn well-yong, the shelter is also arbitrary; learn not just good, its coveris also mad.恭而workers are rude, impolite and is unhappy Shen, Yong and rudeis chaos, then twist straight and rude.事君, King involved and then their food.Use of ceremony, and expensive.Lee put in the line, many complain.On the study of ConfuciusTo know know, I do not know as I do not know, are also known.The authors have not covered, nor are my no.Heard many, who choose the good from it; seen and know more.Saint while I can not, teach me learn patience and tireless also. Such as study time, still too afraid.Sensitive and studious,不耻下问.Can not ask in order to be able to question in manyoligonucleotide; have and if not, it is Ruoxu, not guilty of the school.Hing in the poem, an ceremony. Into the music.Chi in the Road, it was in Germany, according to Hui, the art tour. Kai does not do not anger, do not want but can not speak is nothair.Do not give a corner to corner the anti-three, is also not complex. Than those who know the good, the good of those who are not as good as music.I try not to eat all day long, the end of the night do not sleep,to think, no good, it is better to learn it.Study without thought is indiscriminately, thinking without learning is perilous.Evil people, must monitor behavior; the public good, the behavior must review.Study and practice of the time, do not even have said that温故而知新, you can say for the division.Know the death date, the month can not forget, is also having to learn.Do not study poetry, no words.Poetry can hing, you can view, you can group, you can complain. Matter near the father, much of事君; many know the name of the birds and vegetation.People without a hang, not for witch doctor.Education for all without discrimination.Yu-beam above their own, I might not instruct behavior.Political maximGovernance, are also, by being handsome son, Which dare not correct It is really regrettable that move straight from mistake, the public service; give much for anyone to mistake all straight, then against the people.Necessary to use a child for the government to kill For good son and having good people.German man of wind, small人之德grass, the grass on the wind, must stop.Americans do not seek the summer of chaos Yi-hua, leaving UNITA prisoners, soldiers do not force the better.Road to governance, Qi by torture, free and shameless people; Roadto Germany, and Qi to the ceremony, there is shame and the grid.On ethical, then people敢不敬Mo; a good justice, is against public 莫敢: a good letter, then people do not love莫敢.慎终recover far, China and Germany to the extra thickness.Not taught that the killing of the child; not into that ring, as the storm; slow period that caused the thief; still with the people, that a cashier"s有司stingy.For governance in Germany, for example, Michael, ranking it thestar of the total.Gou is its body, even in politics there is He Can not is the body, such as Dr MasatoRoad千乘the country, and敬事letters section and lovers used to enable people to when.Such as big bin out so that people such as contractors Festival. 工欲善其事, prerequisite of its browser.Habitat is a state of things the doctor Sage, the Friends of Chevalier of the benevolent.Enough people, and lack of priority-jun Less than people, and foot-jun WhichGentlemen"s trip also, degrees in the ceremony.Shi, choose thick; thing, give one of; convergence, its thin.Hui-jun on without charges, labor and not complain, For instead of greed, arrogance and not Thailand, not Takeshi Granville.... ... Because of the benefits and benefit the people of Sri Lanka do not even have benefits without costsOptional can be labor and the labor and who complain For derived-jen-jen and greedy behaviorNo gentleman众寡, big or small, are not dare to slow, Sri Lankaand Thailand do not have even without arroganceIs the dressed gentleman, respect, as its looking, as if the people hope and fear, instead of Sri Lanka does not also take between GranvilleThe civil and military affairs, strategy in square cloth. Keep its people, its political move; the people will perish, their political interest. . It is for the government in person. Jun envoy to ceremony. Chen Zhong事君to.Lu事君question. Sub-Day: "Do not bully also, and committed to." Its body is not to make it; its body is not correct, although not from the.Christians not war, that are abandoned.Knowledge and of, the Shou-jen should not, though too short, must miss.And know, the Hui can observe, the non-hand-drive in the Zhuang, the disrespect people.And know, the Hui can observe, the Zhuang to Li, the action was not with propriety, not good also.So that people respect, loyalty to persuade,如之何Confucius: "The Pro by Zhuang, then King.孝慈, then allegiance. Should not give good teaching. Are advised."有司first, a small mercy that give more capable personnel.Habitat is not wide, disrespect for the ceremony, the Pro is not sorrow mourning, I can view Weizai!孔子名言录Is it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt学而时习之,不亦说乎《论语·学而》Is it not a delight after all to have friend come from afar有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎《论语·学而》Do not impose upon others what you do not desire yourself.已所不欲,勿施于人.《论语·卫灵公》孔子英语(五): “孔子”用英语怎么翻译ConfuciusChinese philosopher whose Analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death.孔子:中国哲学家,其著作论语包含了他生前的学说和他死后由其门徒编纂而成的言论.你个全的.四书五经英文版全齐,当然包括论语.请看“参考资料”孔子英语(六): 英语翻译孔子Confucius孟子Mencius在英语中这些词汇有时候会被引申为孔子的思想和孟子的思想这表明英语世界对他们两个人的思想的一种认知度孔子英语(七): 求孔子文庙的英文介绍Shandong Qufu Confucian temple English tourguide wordHello! I travel, the reception department"s request, visits thetour to presence famous city Qufu fellow welcome guests to express warmly welcome. I fortunately accompany the visit for everybody tourguide, is extremely happy, this is we enjoys the study together the good opportunity. After looked please leave behind the valued suggestion.First, briefly introduces Qufu to everybody the history, the cultural relic survey.Historical city Qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of Kong Zi"s the world hometown, Mencius"s native place, Chinese nation"s first ancestor shaft Yellow Emperor"s birth place, the capital, discussed the Yin native country, the Lu country capital. Three emperors five emperors have four tolive the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history. Underground has the rich buried treasure, on has the multitudinous cultural relic. Existing cultural relic 112, including the United Nations to protect the unit, world culture inheritance 3, national protection 4, provincial level 12, other for place citylevel protection.Heavy center seriously has a three two temples mausoleum, a three mountains two forests temple. The Confucian temple, Confucian Residence, Konglin, the popular name three, have the sacrificial offering China Yuan saint Duke of Zhou"s temple, has sacrificial offering Kong Zi first big disciple duplicate saint Yan Hui the temple, the popular name two temples; A mausoleum is Yellow Emperor is born - - the long-lived earthen mound few mausoleums; Three mountains; The Kong Zi place of birth Nepal mountain, Chinese grave group Jiulongshan, small Taishan - - nine (call nine mountains). Twoforests are: The world educates the child best mother forest, the Kong Zi parents buries Liang Gonglin; A temple is Li Bai, Du Fuwrites poetry, responds, bidding good-bye place, famous writer hole still no matter what national botanical garden Shimen temple.We now look at the Confucian temple.Confucian temple, also called to the Confucian temple, issacrificial offering Kong Zi and its Madame Qi Guanshi and 72 talented people"s place. The Confucian temple with Beijing"s Imperial Palace, the Hebei Chende city summer vacation mountain village and calls Chinese three big ancient architectural complexes. The expert delivered four speeches to the Confucian temple: The construction time most remote, greatest, the preservation most complete, the Eastern construction characteristic is most prominent. Is worthy of looking at two questions from the Confucian temple: One is Kong Zi to Chinese and even the Eastern culture tremendous contribution; Two is China has the skilled craftsman in the history.The Confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 B.C., the second year which Kong Zi died constructs the temple. Constructs temple three in the Kong Zi former dwelling, exhibits Kong Zi"s clothes, the vehicle, the book and so on, when year old offers sacrifices. All previous dynasties emperor all has the extension to the Confucian temple, counts overhaul 15, center repairs 31 times, the minor repair several hundred time achieves present the scale. The Confucian temple imitates system of the imperial palace construction, divides three groups layouts, nine courtyards, have altogether had house 466, gate pavilion 54, the thing relatively pass through in an axle wire, has nearly thousand, 327.5 Chinese acres, long amounts to two Chinese miles 150 meters. Now saw the Confucian temple is the bright Hongzhiyear scale. After the liberation the country allocates funds to service the protection many times. Our country first batch announcement nation key cultural relic preservation organ, in December, 1994 included the world culture inheritance, becomes cultural relic unit which the United Nations protected, Confucian temple construction time remote, scale great, integrity of the preserved really was the world to be rare.Shinto. Wan Rengong wall front copal vigorous this Duan Luwei Shinto. In front of the important temple all has the respect quick road which specially opens, is called Shinto.Wan Rengong wall. This gate is Qufu Ming Chengzheng the Nanmen, also is the Confucian temple together gate, on hangs Wan Rengong the wall four large brush-written Chinese characters, is the clear Emperor Qian Long"s imperial brush. It originates from the Kong Zi self-satisfied disciple child tribute. When Lu country congress feudal lord, some people proposed child tribute knowledge broad and profound, may place on a par with Kong Zi, the sub- tribute in the field, stands up immediately said, I may not dare with my Mr./Mrs. Kong Zi compared to, human"s knowledge is just like a wall, my this wall only has one high, my teacher"s wall has the number to be many. Meant that, my knowledge was equal to a shoulder chief is high, clear not any abstruse; Kong Zi"s knowledge has my several fold to be many, passes through the detailed research, the comprehensive discussion, can understand he complete after, crossed the threshold, can see America of the ancestor temple, outside the gate you is blind. The posterity in order to describe Kong Zi"s knowledge profound, wall of number from the master , hundred , thousand seals Kong Zi to the Ming Dynasty emperor is the world civil official host, all previousdynasties king teacher, seals the Kong Zi knowledge to have ten thousand , extols the Kong Zi knowledge to have 10,000 eight feet, upward looked, blind goes against, also said this wall deep wall high rampart is extremely firm. These four characters originally write for the bright imperial envoy, Qian Long for expressed he Kong Zi the value, kissed the book Wan Rengong the wall to exchange his imperial brush.Jin Shengyu inspires the work place. This work place constructs at the Ming Dynasty, is expresses the Kong Zi knowledge exquisite and perfect, is similar to entire process which plays music, theintegrity is from beginning to end complete. The ancient music is by strikes a gong the start, the clock gets up beginning orderliness also, is strikes Qing to come to an end, the jade inspires the sound which falls for Qing, was called end orderliness also, praises Kong Zi"s knowledge is the collection first accomplishing of the virtuous sages, therefore called Jin Shenger the jade inspires also, the golden sound the clock sound, the beginning, the jade inspires Qing"s sound, the end. This also is the management wants to finish what one starts the idiom origin. Jin Shengyu inspires is the Ming Dynasty storytelling legalist school Hu Zuanzong the topic decides.Two cypress take on. Crosses the jade to inspire work place this stone arch bridge, the thing respectively has a copal, therefore the person two cypress take on. This bridge said that, 泮 the water bridge the basin water is interlinked with the temporary palace nearby, because the historical novel is hopes the water. In the past read book of the Confucius and Mencius, tested the institute of higher education to call to enter hopes, served as an official hopes rises high, made business to hope gets rich, crossed the day to hopeprosperously.Discontinues the tablet. Outside the temple wall the thing respectively sets up a stele, in 1191 specially vertical discontinued the tablet, got down the tablet. The west tablet early destroys, east side on this tablet writes the official person to discontinue and so on to this. Under in the past the civil and military officials, the common people common people henceforth passed by discontinue on foot but the line, shows to Kong Zi, the Confucian temple respect.Lattice star gate. The Ming Dynasty constructs, in 1754 repaired, by wooden changed the iron stone. The lattice star gate is the Qian Long imperial brush. Hands down the space galaxy to have the twenty-eight lunar mansions, among, has to govern cultural the star to be called the lattice star, the other name Star , the day inspires the star, contacts with Kong Zi and the space tube culture star, Shuowen melts the aspect he is highest, if the past offered sacrifice to heaven, needed first to offer a sacrifice to Star , had reveres Kong Ruzun the day the view.Too with vitality work place. This work place was the Ming Dynasty in 1544 constructs, extremely approved Kong Zi"s thought, advocated was similar to the outer space universe to be able to nurture the myriad things. Gathering of the world, gathering of the four directions, gathering of the masculine and feminine elements , the name too and the gas is the most basic thing, the universe too and, vitality of the world. Too with the vitality was the Shandong governor once the mill handwritten letter.To Confucian temple work place. The Ming Dynasty constructs to the Confucian temple work place, is the white marble, on plays the part of the flame no. 3 gunpowder tea.。

我最喜欢的历史人物英语作文孔子Confucius is my favorite historical figure because of his profound wisdom and teachings that have shaped the moral values of the Chinese people for centuries. 孔子是我最喜欢的历史人物,因为他深奥的智慧和教导已经塑造了中国人民几个世纪以来的道德价值观。
His emphasis on filial piety, respect for elders, and the importance of education continue to resonate with people around the world. 他对孝道、敬老和教育的强调仍然与世界各地的人们产生共鸣。
Confucius believed in the idea of leading by example and emphasized the importance of self-cultivation before trying to influence others. 孔子相信以身作则的理念,强调在影响他人之前,自我修养的重要性。
His teachings on the importance of virtuous conduct and ethical behavior have had a lasting impact on Chinese society and continue to be studied and revered to this day. 他对品德行为的重要性的教导对中国社会产生了持久的影响,并且至今仍在被研究和崇敬。
One of the reasons why I admire Confucius is his emphasis on the importance of lifelong learning and self-improvement. 我钦佩孔子的原因之一,是他强调终身学习和自我提升的重要性。

介绍名人的英语作文六年级孔子Confucius, also known as Kong Zi, was a famous Chinese philosopher and educator who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China. He was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu, which is now part of present-day Shandong Province. 。
Confucius was known for his teachings on ethics, morality, and proper behavior. He emphasized the importance of self-cultivation, filial piety, and respect for others. His teachings were compiled into a book called the Analects, which has had a profound influence on Chinese culture and society for over two thousand years.One of Confucius's most famous sayings is "Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself." This golden rule of reciprocity is a central tenet of Confucianism, and it emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in human relationships.Confucius believed in the importance of education and lifelong learning. He established a school where he taught his disciples the principles of ethics, politics, and social harmony. He believed that education was the key to personal development and social progress.Confucius's teachings also emphasized the importance of good governance and moral leadership. He believed that rulers should lead by example and govern with virtue and integrity. He believed that a just and harmonious society could only be achieved through the moral cultivation of its leaders and citizens.In addition to his teachings on ethics and governance, Confucius also made significant contributions to Chinese culture and philosophy. He developed the concept of the "Five Relationships," which outline the proper conduct between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and friend and friend.Confucius's influence extended far beyond his own lifetime. His teachings have shaped the moral and ethical values of Chinese society for centuries, and his ideas continue to resonate with people around the world. He is revered as one of the greatestthinkers in Chinese history, and his legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of millions of people.In conclusion, Confucius was a visionary thinker and educator whose teachings continue to inspire people to this day. His emphasis on ethics, education, and moral leadership has had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and society, and his legacy will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.。

Confucius, a revered figure in Chinese history, serves as an exemplary role model not only in China but also around the world. His teachings about morality, ethics, and governance continue to inspire generations. Known for his wisdom and dedication to education, Confucius emphasized the importance of self-improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. His profound influence extends far beyond his time, making him a timeless symbol of virtue and wisdom.

孔子英语作文90词Confucius, a renowned Chinese philosopher, has been a beacon of wisdom for generations. His teachings, centered around love, respect, and harmony, have shaped the cultural and ethical landscape of East Asia. His philosophy emphasizes the importance of personal growth and morality, urging individuals to seek inner peace and wisdom through continuous self-improvement. Confucius's influence extends beyond the East, with his thoughts finding resonance in the West as well. His legacy is a testament to the enduring power of wisdom and morality in guiding human beingstowards a more harmonious and compassionate world.孔子:普世的哲学家孔子,这位著名的中国哲学家,数世纪以来一直是智慧的明灯。
Confucius's influence on society is profound and diverse. His ethical framework, known as Confucianism, promotes the value of family, community, and social harmony. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of filial piety towards one's parents, loyalty towards one's superiors, and respect towards elders. Confucius believed that thesevirtues were essential for maintaining social order and promoting personal growth.孔子对社会的影响深远且多元。

孔子介绍英语作文英文回答:Confucius, a renowned Chinese philosopher, educator,and statesman, has profoundly influenced Chinese cultureand beyond. His teachings, known as Confucianism, emphasize the importance of virtue, ethics, and social harmony. Confucius's ideas have been instrumental in shaping Chinese society for centuries and continue to be relevant in modern times.One of the key principles of Confucianism is theconcept of ren, which can be translated as benevolence, humanity, or love for others. Confucius believed that ren should be the foundation of all human relationships. He taught that people should treat each other with respect, compassion, and empathy. According to Confucianism, a virtuous person is one who acts in accordance with ren, always striving to do the right thing and to benefit others.Another important concept in Confucianism is li, which can be translated as propriety, etiquette, or ritual. Confucius believed that li is essential for maintaining social order and harmony. He taught that people should adhere to appropriate social conventions and norms, which help to regulate behavior and create a harmonious society. By following li, people can show respect for others and avoid causing offense.Confucius also emphasized the importance of education. He believed that everyone has the potential to learn and improve themselves. He taught that education should not be limited to the elite but should be accessible to all. Confucius himself was a renowned teacher, and his teachings have influenced countless students throughout history.Confucius's teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture. They have shaped Chinese values, ethics, and social norms. Confucianism has also influenced other aspects of Chinese life, such as art, literature, and music.In conclusion, Confucius's teachings have beeninstrumental in shaping Chinese culture and beyond. His emphasis on virtue, ethics, and social harmony has had a lasting impact on Chinese society. Confucius's ideas continue to be relevant in modern times, offering valuable insights into human behavior and the importance of living a virtuous and harmonious life.中文回答:孔子,一位中国著名的哲学家、教育家和政治家,对中国文化及其他地区产生了深远的影响。

Confucius, also known as Kong Zi or Kong Fuzi, was a Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political theorist. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history, which lasted from approximately 771 to 476 BCE. Confucius's teachings, which focused on ethics, morality, and social relationships, have profoundly influenced Chinese culture for over two millennia.One of Confucius's most famous works is the "Analects,"a collection of his teachings and conversations with his disciples. Written after his death by his followers, the Analects provides valuable insights into Confucius's philosophical thoughts and principles. It covers a wide range of topics, including governance, education, ethics,and personal conduct.The Analects emphasizes the importance of moral cultivation and self-improvement as the foundation for creating a harmonious society. Confucius believed in the concept of "ren," often translated as "benevolence" or "humanity," which he considered the highest moral virtue.He advocated for individuals to cultivate virtues such as filial piety, loyalty, honesty, and humility in their daily lives.Central to Confucian thought is the idea of the "junzi," or "gentleman" or "noble person." The junzi is someone who embodies moral integrity, wisdom, and social responsibility. Confucius believed that society could achieve stability and prosperity if its leaders andcitizens aspired to become junzi and followed theprinciples of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity.Confucius's teachings also emphasize the importance of education in moral development and self-cultivation. Hebelieved that education should focus not only on acquiring knowledge but also on cultivating moral character andethical behavior. Confucian education aims to instill in individuals a sense of duty, responsibility, and reverence for tradition and authority.In addition to the Analects, Confucius's other notable works include the "Book of Rites" (Li Ji), the "Book of Documents" (Shang Shu), and the "Spring and Autumn Annals" (Chunqiu). Together, these texts form the foundation of Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system that has shaped Chinese civilization for centuries.Confucianism has had a lasting impact not only in China but also in other East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Confucian values continue to influence various aspects of society, including politics, education, ethics, and interpersonal relationships.In conclusion, Confucius's works, particularly the Analects, are essential texts for understanding his philosophical teachings and their enduring significance inChinese culture and beyond. His emphasis on moral cultivation, social harmony, and ethical leadership continues to resonate with people around the world, making him one of the most influential figures in human history.。

Confucius, also spelled K'ung Fu-tzu, was a Chinese philosopher and politician who lived during the late Spring and Autumn period (722-481 BC). He is considered the most influential thinker in Chinese history and his teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture, thought, and society.Biography。
Confucius was born in Qufu, a small town in the state of Lu (now Shandong Province). His father, Shuliang He, was a minor official and his mother, Yan Zhengzai, was a commoner. Confucius lost his father when he was three years old and was raised by his mother in poverty.At the age of 17, Confucius began his studies in the classics and rituals. He quickly became renowned for his intelligence and wisdom. In his early twenties, he began teaching and attracting a following of students.In 517 BC, Confucius was appointed Minister of Crime in Lu. He implemented a number of reforms, including a systemof merit-based appointments. However, his reforms were not well-received by all and he was eventually forced to resign.Confucius spent the rest of his life traveling fromstate to state, teaching and searching for a ruler whowould put his ideas into practice. However, he was never able to find such a ruler.Confucius died in 479 BC at the age of 73. He wasburied in Qufu, which is now a major pilgrimage site for Confucianists.Teachings。

孔夫子英语作文六年级English:Confucius, also known as Kong Fuzi, was a famous Chinese philosopher and educator who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. He is well-known for his teachings on morality, righteousness, and social harmony. Confucius emphasized the importance of personal and governmental morality, the correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. His thoughts and ideas have greatly influenced the development of Chinese culture and society. He advocated for the importance of education and the cultivation of virtue, and his influence can still be seen in the way Chinese people live and interact with each other today.中文翻译:孔子,也被称为孔夫子,是中国历史春秋时期著名的哲学家和教育家。

高考英语作文孔子英文介绍Confucius: A Brief IntroductionConfucius, also known as Kongzi or Master Kong, was a Chinese philosopher, educator, politician, and the founder of Confucianism, which later became a dominant ideology in Chinese society and culture. Born in the Spring and Autumn period, he lived from approximately 551 BC to 479 BC.Confucius believed in the principles of benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom (zhi), and loyalty (xin). He advocated for a harmonious society based on morality, etiquette, and social order. His teachings emphasized the importance of personal virtue, filial piety, and respect for elders.As an educator, Confucius was renowned for his innovative methods of teaching. He believed that education was essential for the development of one's character and moral virtues. He emphasized the importance of learning through practice and experience, as well as through the study of classics and history. Confucianism, the school of thought founded by Confucius, has had a profound impact on Chinese society and culture. Its principles and values have shaped the moral and ethical foundations of Chinese civilization. Today, Confucianism continues to influence many aspects of Chinese life, including education, politics, and social relations.In conclusion, Confucius was a remarkable figure who not only influenced the Chinese society and culture but also left a lasting impact on the world. His teachings and principles remain relevant and influential today, serving as a source of inspiration and guidance for many people around the world.。

孔子的一生介绍英语作文Confucius was a great philosopher and educator in ancient China. He was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu. He spent his whole life promoting the values of benevolence, righteousness, and filial piety. His teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese culture and society.Confucius traveled around different states in China, seeking opportunities to put his ideas into practice. He served as an advisor to several rulers, but his political career was not very successful. Despite this, he continued to teach his disciples and spread his philosophy of moral conduct and social harmony.Confucius emphasized the importance of education and self-improvement. He believed that everyone had the potential to become a noble person through learning andself-discipline. He established a system of ethical principles that emphasized the importance of personal integrity and social responsibility.Throughout his life, Confucius faced many challenges and setbacks. He experienced poverty, exile, and political persecution. Despite these difficulties, he remained steadfast in his beliefs and continued to teach and inspire others.Confucius passed away in 479 BC, but his legacy lived on through his disciples and followers. His teachings were compiled into a book called the Analects, which became one of the most important texts in Chinese philosophy. Confucius's ideas continue to be studied and respected around the world for their wisdom and insight into human nature.。

关于孔子的小学英语作文English:Confucius, also known as Kong Qiu, was a famous Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political figure. He was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu (present-day Shandong Province). Throughout his life, Confucius emphasized the importance of moral values, proper conduct, and respect for one's elders. He believed that individuals and society as a whole would benefit from practicing filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness. Confucius is best known for his collection of teachings and philosophy, which became the foundation of Confucianism. His ideas have greatly influenced Chinese and East Asian society for over two millennia, and his impact continues to be felt in modern times.Translated content:孔子,又被称为孔丘,是中国著名的哲学家、教师和政治人物。

孔子的思想主张英语作文英语: Confucius, also known as Kongzi or Kong Fuzi, was a Chinese philosopher and teacher whose ideas have greatly influenced Chinese culture and philosophy. His philosophy emphasized the importance of moral values, filial piety, and social harmony. Confucius believed that individuals should strive to become virtuous and fulfill their roles within society, whether as rulers, officials, or common people. He emphasized the importance of education, self-cultivation, and the pursuit of knowledge. Confucius also stressed the concept of ren, often translated as "benevolence" or "humanity," which involves treating others with kindness, respect, and compassion. His teachings emphasized the importance of harmony in relationships, both within the family and in society as a whole. Confucius also believed in the importance of ritual and propriety in behavior, and he advocated for the practice of traditional rites and ceremonies as a way to cultivate moral character and cultivate social order. Overall, Confucius's philosophy focused on the cultivation of moral character, personal integrity, and social harmony as essential components of a well-ordered society.中文翻译: 孔子,也被称为孔子或孔夫子,是一位中国哲学家和教师,他的思想极大地影响了中国的文化和哲学。

Confucius: The Philosopher of HarmonyConfucius, a renowned Chinese philosopher, stands as a beacon of wisdom and morality. His teachings, centered around the Golden Rule and the importance of social harmony, have shaped the cultural and ethical landscape of East Asia for centuries. His influence extends far beyond the borders of China, making him a globally recognized figure in philosophy and ethics.Born in 551 BCE, Confucius lived during a time of political upheaval and social discord. Despite these challenges, he dedicated his life to seeking harmonythrough morality and education. He emphasized theimportance of personal and societal growth, urging individuals to strive for excellence and to treat otherswith respect and compassion.Confucius's philosophy, known as Confucianism, promotes the virtues of loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness. These virtues, he believed, are essential for maintaining social order and promoting harmonious relationships. His emphasis on education as a tool for personal and societaltransformation has led to the establishment of a rich educational tradition in East Asia.In today's world, the teachings of Confucius continue to resonate. His philosophy offers a valuable perspective on the importance of morality, respect, and harmony in our lives. As we face the challenges of a globalized world, Confucius's wisdom reminds us of the need for unity and mutual understanding among diverse cultures and beliefs.孔子:和谐之哲人孔子,这位备受推崇的中国哲学家,宛如智慧与道德的明灯,数个世纪以来一直塑造着东亚的文化和伦理风貌。

英语作文关于孔子英文回答:Confucius, a celebrated Chinese philosopher and teacher, lived from 551 to 479 BCE. His teachings, known as Confucianism, have profoundly influenced Chinese thoughtand culture, as well as societies across East Asia.Confucius emphasized the importance of social harmony, ethical conduct, and respect for authority. He believedthat a well-ordered society was founded on the principlesof benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.Confucius advocated for a hierarchical society withclear roles and responsibilities. He stressed the filial piety of children towards their parents and the loyalty of subjects towards their rulers. He also emphasized the importance of education, believing that it was essentialfor individuals to develop their moral character andcontribute to society.Confucius's teachings have been widely adopted in Chinese society, shaping its values, social institutions, and ethical practices. Confucianism continues to play a significant role in shaping Chinese identity and has also influenced other cultures, including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.中文回答:孔子,伟大的中国思想家和教育家,生活在公元前551年至公元前479年间。

孔子事迹英语作文Title: The Deeds of ConfuciusConfucius, born in 551 BC, was not only a great philosopher but also an educator who profoundly influenced Chinese culture and education. His teachings and deeds have stood the test of time and continue to inspire people around the world.Born in the Lu state of ancient China, Confucius was determined to bring about social order and harmony through moral integrity and proper conduct. He firmly believed that the key to a well-governed society lay in the cultivation of virtue among individuals. His journey was marked by several significant deeds that shaped his philosophy and legacy.One of the most notable deeds of Confucius was his dedication to education. He opened a school and welcomed students from all walks of life, regardless of their social status or background. Confucius believed that education was essential for personal development and the betterment of society. He taught his students about ethics, morality, and the importance of filial piety. His teaching methods emphasized the individual's pursuit of knowledge and the cultivation of character.Another significant deed of Confucius was his political involvement. He served as a minister in the Lu state for a brief period, during which he implemented various reforms to promote fairness and justice.Unfortunately, his political career was short-lived due to the opposition of powerful interests. Despite this setback, Confucius continued to advocate for moral leadership and the rule of virtue in governance.Confucius was also known for his extensive travels throughout ancient China. During his journeys, he encountered people from different states and cultures, which broadened his perspective and enriched his philosophy. He engaged in dialogues with scholars, rulers, and commoners alike, spreading his ideas about ethics, morality, and social harmony.One of the most enduring legacies of Confucius is his emphasis on the importance of the family. He believed that a strong foundation of family values and filial piety would lead to a harmonious society. Confucius' teachings on family ethics have had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and continue to influence family dynamics in China today.In conclusion, the deeds of Confucius have left an indelible mark on Chinese civilization and beyond. His dedication to education, political reforms, and family values has shaped the moral and ethical fabric of society. Confucius' teachings and philosophy continue to resonate with people worldwide, reminding us of the importance of integrity, virtue, and harmony in our lives.。

我最喜欢的历史人物英语作文孔子全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Historical Figure - ConfuciusAs a student of history, I have always been fascinated by the great thinkers and philosophers who have shaped the course of human civilization. Among the many luminaries that have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness, one figure stands out as a beacon of wisdom and moral rectitude – Confucius.Born in the ancient Chinese state of Lu (present-day Shandong Province) in 551 BCE, Confucius, whose birth name was Kong Qiu, lived during a period of great social and political turmoil known as the Spring and Autumn Period. It was a time when the once-powerful Zhou Dynasty was crumbling, and various feudal states vied for supremacy, often engaging in brutal conflicts.Amidst this chaotic backdrop, Confucius emerged as a voice of reason, advocating for a society founded on principles of virtue, propriety, and ethical conduct. His teachings, which cameto be known as Confucianism, sought to restore order and harmony to a world that had lost its moral compass.What captivates me most about Confucius is his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and self-cultivation. He believed that true wisdom could only be attained through diligent study, introspection, and a willingness to learn from others. This philosophy resonates deeply with me, as I navigate the challenges of my academic journey, constantly striving to expand my understanding and better myself.One of Confucius's most profound teachings is the concept of "ren," which can be loosely translated as "benevolence" or "humaneness." It emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues such as compassion, kindness, and empathy towards others. In a world that often seems consumed by self-interest and individualism, Confucius's teachings on ren serve as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of treating others with respect and consideration.Another aspect of Confucius's philosophy that I find particularly compelling is his emphasis on filial piety – the reverence and respect for one's parents and elders. In an age where the traditional family structure is often challenged,Confucius's teachings on filial piety offer a refreshing perspective on the importance of honoring one's roots and upholding the values of family and tradition.Moreover, Confucius's belief in the power of education and self-improvement is a source of inspiration for me as a student. He famously said, "I was not born with knowledge, but I was born with a desire to learn." This sentiment resonates deeply with me, as I understand that true learning is a lifelong journey, and that the thirst for knowledge should never be quenched.Confucius's teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and society, and their influence can still be felt today. His ideas on governance, ethics, and social harmony have shaped the way generations of Chinese people have approached various aspects of life, from interpersonal relationships to the administration of the state.However, Confucius's legacy extends far beyond the borders of China. His wisdom has been embrac篇2My Favorite Historical Figure: ConfuciusWhen asked who my favorite historical figure is, the answer comes easily to me - Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopherand teacher whose ideas have profoundly shaped Chinese culture over the past two and a half millennia. While many of my classmates might name more contemporary figures like scientists, politicians, or celebrities, I find myself drawn to the timeless wisdom and lasting impact of Confucius' teachings.Born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu (present-day Shandong Province), Confucius lived during the chaotic Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history, a time marked by constant warfare among feudal states. From an early age, Confucius displayed a keen interest in learning and was educated in the six arts – rituals, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics. He worked in various government positions during his youth but eventually became disillusioned with the corruption and moral decay he witnessed among the ruling class.At around age 50, Confucius began gathering disciples and traveling across the states, sharing his teachings on ethics, proper governance, and the ideal relationships that should exist within a stable society. Although he never achieved high political rank during his lifetime, his words and deeds had a profound effect on those around him. It is said that he once had over 3,000 students from various walks of life who were drawn to his humanistic philosophy.The core of Confucius' teachings rested on the principles of ren (benevolence, humaneness), li (propriety, proper rites), and filial piety (obedience to elders and ancestors). He believed that the cultivation of virtue was the way to achieve social harmony. "Guide the people with policies and align them with punishments, and the people will evade them and have no shame," he famously stated. "Guide the people with virtue and align them with propriety, and the people will have a sense of shame and become upright."Confucius placed a heavy emphasis on education andself-improvement as the means to become a better person. His Analects, a compilation of his sayings recorded by disciples, expressed his belief that anyone could become a superior individual – or "junzi" – by studying, reflecting, and putting virtuous principles into practice. "The superior person comprehends righteousness, the inferior person comprehends profit," goes one oft-quoted line.While Confucianism is sometimes criticized in the modern era as being too rigid, hierarchical, or deferential to authority, I believe Confucius' teachings still carry immense relevance and wisdom regarding ethics, relationships, self-discipline, and humanity's shared moral universe. In an age of profound socialshifts and ethical uncertainties, his call to lead an examined life guided by integrity and compassion resonates deeply with me.I have found Confucius' emphasis on constantly striving to improve oneself and treat others with respect to be an empowering philosophy. His ideals of hard work, humility, and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge inspire me to be a better student and person. In a world that often seems motivated by greed, egoism, and the relentless pursuit of wealth and status, his focus on inner virtue and interpersonal harmony provides a necessary counterbalance.What draws me to Confucius above all, however, is the way his teachings have woven themselves into the fabric of Chinese civilization across geography and time. From the traditions of ancestral veneration to the civil service examination system to cultural concepts like "the Rectification of Names," Confucian thought permeated every aspect of traditional Chinese society. Even the Chinese written language, with its semantic and philosophical roots, bears the indelible influence of Confucianism.When I study Chinese history, I see the handprints of Confucian values in dynastic codes of ethics, the philosophies of scholar-officials, and the rigid structures of feudal hierarchy. Andwhen I observe Chinese society today, however greatly transformed by markets and technology, I still detect enduring Confucian influences in social mores, cultural sensibilities, and modes of ethical reasoning. Resonances of the Master's wisdom echo across 2,500 years.Critics may argue that Confucianism has also been an obstacle to societal reform and progressive values at various points in Chinese history. And indeed, like any philosophy that became systemized into an official ideology, Confucian teachings were often distorted or stretched beyond their intended purposes to buttress status quo power structures. But I would contend that Confucius' humanism and this-worldly ethical focus, when understood in their purest sense, can be a source of moderation,篇3My Favorite Historical Figure: ConfuciusConfucius is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in Chinese history and even world civilization. As a student deeply fascinated by history and philosophy, I have great admiration for this ancient Chinese thinker whose teachings haveprofoundly shaped the cultural traditions and values of East Asia for over two millennia.Born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu (present-day Shandong Province), Confucius lived during the chaotic Spring and Autumn period of the Zhou Dynasty. It was an era of constant warfare among feudal states vying for power and territory. Confucius witnessed first-hand the suffering caused by unrest and poor governance. This turbulent environment sparked his lifelong quest to establish a stable and harmonious social order based on moral principles.One of the core concepts of Confucian thought is ren, often translated as "benevolence" or "humaneness." It embodies qualities like compassion, kindness, and love towards others. Confucius believed that cultivating ren was the key to becoming a "superior person" (junzi) and the foundation for an ideal society. He stressed the importance of treating others with empathy, respect and consideration – principles that still resonate deeply today amidst our polarized and divided world.Another central Confucian virtue is li, which refers to propriety, rituals, and appropriate social roles and conduct. Confucius advocated adhering to these customs and ethical norms as a means of creating order, hierarchy, and socialcohesion. While critics view Confucian li as rigid and overly deferential to authority, I believe there is wisdom in balancing individual freedoms with responsibility towards family and community. We can neither function as a society of completely atomized individuals pursuing selfish interests, nor as oppressed masses crushed by authoritarian regimes. Striking this balance has long been a challenge for humanity.What truly makes Confucius remarkable is that he was arguably the first influential teacher to promote the revolutionary idea that one's status should be defined not by noble birth but by moral cultivation and virtuous conduct. He envisioned an institutionalized meritocracy where those most qualified and ethical would be elevated as advisors and officials to lead society. Confucius himself was not aristocratic, but a commoner who through diligent study became one of the most respected and influential scholars of his era.This notion of merit over bloodline birthed the great Chinese imperial examination system that selected civil servants based on their mastery of the Confucian classics rather than wealth or lineage. For over a millennium, this system helped drain the aristocratic monopoly on power and opened paths for social mobility through education and self-improvement. While latersuffering from institutionalized corruption, the imperial exams were historically a great equalizing force compared to the rigid, hereditary class systems that persisted in most other civilizations until modern times.On a personal level, what draws me to Confucius are the humbling accounts of his struggles and perseverance. He faced poverty, exile, and saw his teachings widely rejected during his lifetime. Yet he maintained faith in his principles and devoted himself to educating students who could spread his philosophy to future generations. It was not until after his death that his doctrines gained prominence and were promoted as official state ideology by later dynasties.One of my favorite stories illustrates Confucius's dedication, integrity, and passion for learning. When he encountered a crew repairing a building, Confucius asked the men several insightful questions about the architectural design and construction process - not out of mere curiosity, but from a sincere desire to expand his own knowledge. A student inquired why their renowned。
人教版高中英语写作训练 介绍孔子(Confucius)的一封信

欢迎来到中国,我希望你一切顺利。 这封信/电子邮件的主要目的是向您介绍一 位中国古代名人,以便您可以更好地了解 中国。
孔子被认为是中国第一个希望普及义 务教育的老师。他还建立了伦理、道德和 社会标准,形成了一种被称为儒学的生活 方式的基础,这种生活方式至今仍在中国 和东亚具有影响力。
He alspo eatablishes ethnical, moral and social standards that formed the basis of a way of life known as Confucianism, which continues to remain influential across China and East Asia today.
Inspired by her story, I decided to study hard to realize the value of my life.
My Favorite Scientist When talking about the famous people in the world , we couldn’t help thinking of Albert Estein, a well-known scientist for his Theory of Relativity. He devoted all his life to science and made contributions to our world, and in 1922 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. Einstein was not only a genius but also a courageous and kind figure loved by many people.