介绍殷墟的英语作文Yinxu, also known as the Yin ruins, is one of the oldest and most important archaeological sites in China. 殷墟,又称殷墟遗址,是中国最古老和最重要的考古遗址之一。
Located in Anyang, Henan Province, Yinxu was the capital of the late Shang Dynasty. 位于河南省安阳市,殷墟曾是商朝晚期的首都。
The discovery of Yinxu revolutionized the understanding of Chinese history and culture. 殷墟的发现彻底改变了人们对中国历史和文化的理解。
Excavations at Yinxu have unearthed a wealth of artifacts, including oracle bones, bronze vessels, jade ornaments, and inscriptions. 在殷墟的发掘中出土了大量的文物,包括甲骨文、青铜器、玉器和铭文。
One of the most significant findings at Yinxu is the oracle bones, which contain the earliest known form of Chinese writing. 殷墟最重要的发现之一是甲骨,其中含有迄今为止已知的最古老的汉字形式。
The inscriptions on the oracle bones provide valuable insights intothe political, social, and religious aspects of the Shang Dynasty. 甲骨上的铭文为人们了解商朝的政治、社会和宗教方面提供了宝贵的线索。
殷墟景色介绍英文作文英文:As someone who has visited the Yinxu ruins, I canattest to the breathtaking beauty of this ancient site. The ruins are located in Anyang, in the Henan province of China, and are over 3,000 years old. The site is comprised of several different areas, including palace ruins, tombs, and sacrificial pits.One of the most impressive sights at Yinxu is thePalace Area. This is where the royal family would have lived, and the ruins give us a glimpse into their opulent lifestyle. The remains of the palace walls are still visible, as are the foundations of the buildings that once stood there. It's incredible to think about the fact that people were living and working in this area over 3,000years ago.Another fascinating part of Yinxu is the Tomb Area.There are several tombs here, including the Tomb of Fu Hao, a powerful queen from the Shang dynasty. The tomb is incredibly well-preserved, and visitors can see theintricate carvings and decorations that adorn the walls.It's a humbling experience to stand in front of something that was created so long ago and still looks so beautiful.Finally, the Sacrificial Pit Area is where the Shang people would have made offerings to their ancestors. There are several pits here, and visitors can see the remains of the animals that were sacrificed. It's a haunting reminder of the rituals and beliefs of this ancient civilization.Overall, the Yinxu ruins are a must-see for anyone interested in history or archaeology. The site isincredibly well-preserved, and it's easy to imagine what life would have been like for the people who lived there so long ago.中文:作为曾经参观过殷墟遗址的人,我可以证明这个古老遗址的美丽令人惊叹。
殷墟英文导游词篇一:安阳殷墟英文导游词商英102:101102220闫艳影100115123万小兰Goodevening,everyone.welcometoHangzhou!it’sourgreathonortobeyourtourguide.i’mYanyanying,i’mwanxiaolan,todaywewillenjoywestLaketogether.First,letmeintroducewe stLakebrieflytoyou.asweallknow,westLakeLyinginHangzhoucityofzhejian gProvince,thewestLakeisaworldfamoustouristspot.Embracedbygreenhills onthreesides,thelakecoversanareaof5.6squarekilometersandhasaperimeter of15kilometers.ThenameofwestLakewasfixedasearlyastheTangdynasty(61 8-907).BeforetheTangdynasty,thelakehadvariousnamessuchaswulinwater, mingshengLake,JinzhongLake,Longchuan,Qianyuan,QiantangLake,andS hangLake,etc.intheSongdynasty(960-1279),thechineserenownedpoetSudo ngpowroteapoemtopraisethewestLakeandcomparedittoXizi,achineselegen darybeauty.Sincethen,thewestLakehasanotherelegantnameXiziLake.amon gitsbeautifulsights,themostfamoussitesaretheTenSightsinwestLakeandthe TennewSightsinwestLake,whichareknownasthedouble-TenSightsinwestLa ke.ok,firstlet’sappreciatethetennewsights.Bamboo-linedPathatYunqi--云栖竹径Let’sfirstvisitBamboo-linedPathatY unqi,Thisattractionlocatessouthwesttothew estLake,onthenorthBankofQiantangRiverandinwuyunHillY unqiVillage.―Yunqi‖meanscloudslingering.itissaidthatsomeauspiciouscolorcloudscamef lyingfromthenearbycolorcloudsHillandlingeredonhere,hencethename.Ba mboo–LinedPathatYunqiiswellknownforitsquietnessandcoolness.walking alongthepath,soonyouwillmeetapondcalledmindPurifyingPondwhichmean s”apuremind”.Thewateriscoolandclear. dreamingofTigerSpringatHupaoValley--虎跑梦泉―Youseethat?dreamingofTigerSp ringatHupaoValley.‖Yes,hereweare. itissituatedatthefootofdaciHillsouthwesttothewestLake,TigerSpringrankst hethirdbestinchina.―dragonwellTea‖and―TigerSpringwater‖areratedastw ouniquenessofthewestLake.itswaterispureandclear.Testsshowthatthewateri scontributivetopeople’shealth.walkingalongthepath,youwillseeatigerstatusatthefootoftheLuxuriantGreen cliff.Fromtheleftsideofthecliffisthesourceofthespring.Thisplacegivesyoua veryhappinesstowatchthespring.Then,youcanhaveaseatinateahousenearthe clifftoenjoyacupofdragonwellgreenteabrewedinTigerSpringwater.i’mquitesureyouallknowthemonkJigongandhisclassicfigure,nowLet’sstepintothehallofJigongmonkwhichisspeciallybuilttocommemoratehim.H aveyouheardanythingonBellTowner?andthisisit,goandenjoyitplease.Lord Ruan’smound--阮墩环碧next,wewouldgototheyoungestofallmanmadeislesonthewestlake,LordRua n’smound,wewillgotherebyboatandpleasepayattentiontosafety. LordRuan'smoundEncircledbyGreenness:duringamajorfaceliftin198 2,treeswereplantedandnewsettlersaccommodatedonLordRuan'smou nd.Today,asanimitationancientwater-boundvillage,themoundisafavoritenightlifeparadise HeavenlywindoverwuHill--吴山天风StandatthebottomofHeavenlywindoverwuHill,Youmaynoticethatthechalle ngeiscomingforwardtous,yes. wuHillsituatesattheendofhillsaroundthelake,ismadeupof10ormorepeaks.its tretchesforseveralmilesandextendsintothedowntown.itisalsoaplacewherey oucanenjoydifferentscenesindifferentseasonsforitiscoveredwitharichvariet yoftreesandflowers.Therearealotofodd-shapedrocksandinscriptionsontheh ill.astran geclusterofrockswhichisknownasthe―TwelveanimalStones‖appe arslikethetwelveanimalsinthechineselunarcalendarsymbolizingthedifferen tyearsinwhichpeopleareborn.ifyouareinterestedinthebeautifulscenery,youc anclimbtothetopofwuHill,thereisapavilionwhereyoucanhaveaviewofboth QiantangRiverandwestLakeasthehilllocatesbetweenQiantangRiverandwes tLake.SweetosmanthusRainatmanlongVillage--满陇桂雨doyouseethewordsonthatstone?Yes,it’sSweetosmanthusRainatmanlongVillage.itisfamousforosmanthusblossom s,whosefragrancedriftsfarandwidewhentheosmanthusareinbloom.inoctobereveryyearamonth-longosmanthusFestivalisheldhere.ifyouareinterestedint hisfestival,youcancomehereandenjoyit. inquiringaboutTeaatdragonwell—龙井问茶doyouknowwhat’sthis?ok,letmetellyou,asthenameimplies,inquiringaboutteaatdragonwell.dr agonwellTeaiswellknownworldwide,thewaterofdragonwellissweetandnice .Thegreenteaofhereenjoysveryhighreputationsincemingdynasty.dragonwel lisformallycalledthedragonpool.inancienttime,localpeoplebelievedthatthis wellconnectedwiththeseaandadragonlivedinside. dragonwellisoneofthefivefamouswestLakesprings.Tohaveaseatandenjoyac upofdragonwellteabesidethedragonwell,whatawonderfulexperienceitis.dra gonwellteaiswell–knownforitsfourspecialfeatures:greencolor,fragrantaro ma,sweettasteandsmoothevenappearance.westLakegreenteahasfour varietiesnamedLion,dragon,cloudandTiger.amongthem,Lionanddragonwe llTeaisthebest.ninecreeksmeanderingThroughamistyForest九溪烟树nowthestationwestayiscallednineGreeksmeanderingthroughamistyForest. asoneof”newTopTen”,thisattractionissituatedwes tofwestLake.itislocallyca lledasnineGreeksandEighteenGullies.itwillbeagoodchoicetomakeawalkin gtourofthisattractionalongthepathinthevalley. cloudsScurryingoverJadeEmperorHill--玉皇飞云walkthroughthepavilion;wecanseethecloudsScurryingoverJadeEmperorHill.JadeEmperorHillstandsbetweenthewestLakeandQiantangRiverwithanel evationof239meters.currently,apavilioncalled―ascend-the-cloud‖wasbuilt onthetop.climbingupthepavilion,youwillseethecloudsscurryingpastyourfee t.Thereforethissceneiscalledas―cloudsScurryingoverJadeEmperorHill‖. ThemajorattractionsonthehillincludePurpleSourcecave,EightTrigramsFiel dandSeven-StarPavilion.YellowdragoncavedressedinGreen--黄龙吐翠SituatedatthenorthfootofixiaHill,YellowdragoncavedressedinGreenisoneo fthenewTenScenesofwestLakeandafamousTaoisttemple.itiswhereHangzho uneseprayedtothedragonforrainintheSouthernSongdynasty. withwoodedhillsbehind,thisparkfeaturessereneandmysteriousbeautyhighli ghtedbyharmoniouslyarrangedstreams,caves,pavilionsandrockeries.Thera resquarebamboohasarousedgreatcuriosityamongvisitors. aspecialgardenoffolkcustomshasbeendevelopedtofeatureYUan,whichmea nsgoodluck.Visitorswillearnthreechineselucks:congeniality,auspiciousnes sandmaritalfelicity.PreciousStonehillFloatinginRosycloud--宝石流霞Thehillfeaturesthehugebouldersscatteredalongitsridge.Unlikethelimestone tobefoundinmostsurroundinghills,theyarerhyoliteandtuffrocks.Purpleredor reddishbrown,theseweather-beatenbouldersareusuallyinlaidwithgreenishst uff,whichshinesdazzlinglybrightinthesunlikerealjasper.Hencethename,Pre ciousStoneHill.。
用英语介绍安阳殷墟的作文The Yinxu Site: Unveiling the Grandeur of Ancient CivilizationThe Yinxu site, located in Anyang, Henan Province, China, stands as a testament to the grandeur and sophistication of the Shang dynasty, one of the earliest and most influential civilizations in Chinese history. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Yinxu site offers a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and remarkable achievements of this ancient civilization.The Yinxu site, also known as the Yin Ruins, was the capital of the Shang dynasty, which reigned from approximately 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE. This ancient metropolis, spanning an impressive area of over 24 square kilometers, was once a bustling center of political, economic, and cultural activities. The site's archaeological discoveries have shed invaluable light on the Shang dynasty's social structure, religious practices, and technological advancements, making it a treasure trove for scholars and historians alike.One of the most remarkable features of the Yinxu site is the well-preserved royal tombs and sacrificial pits. The royal tombs, which have been meticulously excavated, reveal the grandeur andcomplexity of Shang funerary practices. These tombs were not merely resting places for the deceased but were also designed to accommodate the afterlife needs of the Shang rulers. Elaborate grave goods, including bronze vessels, jade artifacts, and even chariots and horses, have been unearthed, providing a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle and beliefs of the Shang elite.The sacrificial pits, another significant feature of the Yinxu site, offer a haunting yet captivating insight into the Shang dynasty's religious practices. These pits, containing the remains of thousands of sacrificed human beings and animals, suggest the Shang's belief in the importance of ritual offerings to their deities and ancestors. The scale and complexity of these sacrificial rituals underscore the deep-rooted spiritual beliefs that permeated Shang society.Beyond the royal tombs and sacrificial pits, the Yinxu site also boasts a wealth of other archaeological treasures. Excavations have unearthed numerous residential and administrative structures, providing valuable information about the urban planning and social organization of the Shang capital. The discovery of bronze artifacts, including weapons, tools, and ritual vessels, has also shed light on the Shang's technological prowess and the sophistication of their metalworking techniques.One of the most intriguing aspects of the Yinxu site is the wealth ofinscriptions found on oracle bones and bronze vessels. These inscriptions, which include divination records, historical accounts, and royal edicts, have become invaluable sources for understanding the Shang dynasty's political, economic, and social structures. The deciphering of these inscriptions has been a significant focus of scholarly research, as they offer a rare and direct glimpse into the minds and beliefs of the Shang people.The Yinxu site's significance extends beyond its archaeological importance. It has also become a symbol of Chinese cultural pride and a testament to the enduring legacy of the Shang dynasty. The site's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006 further underscores its global significance and the international recognition of its cultural and historical value.Visitors to the Yinxu site are captivated by the sheer scale and grandeur of the excavated ruins. The site's well-preserved structures, artifacts, and inscriptions provide a tangible connection to the past, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Shang civilization. The site's interpretive centers and museums offer a comprehensive understanding of the Shang dynasty's achievements, guiding visitors through the intricate layers of this ancient civilization.In conclusion, the Yinxu site in Anyang, China, stands as a remarkable testament to the enduring legacy of the Shang dynasty. Its wealth ofarchaeological treasures, inscriptions, and well-preserved structures offer a unique window into the past, shedding light on the social, political, and cultural complexities of one of the earliest and most influential civilizations in Chinese history. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Yinxu site continues to captivate and inspire scholars, historians, and visitors from around the world, serving as a powerful reminder of the profound depth and richness of China's ancient heritage.。
安阳殷墟英文导游词篇一:河南殷墟英语导游词Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Welcome to Anyang! I?m your tour guide, Jessica, an optimistic and energetic girl. To ensure the comfort and safety of our trip, please come to me without any hesitation whenever you have any questions or difficulties. I?m at your disposal.As we know, Anyang is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization with a history of over 3000 years. Before we get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, please allow me to make a brief introduction about it. The museum was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) in 2006. Yin Ruins is located at Xiaotun Village, 2.5 km northwest of Anyang city. It saw 12 kings of 8 generations since King Pangeng moved his capital to Yin. However the city declined after Shang Dynasty had been overthrown and later the remains were called the Yin Ruins. A museum was built right on the Yin Ruins. This is how the Museum came from.Ladies and gentlemen: Now we arrive at the Museum on Yin Ruins.Before we start our tour, may I ask you a question? Do you know what the Museum of Yin Ruins is famous for? Excellent answer! Yes, it is famous for three things: the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty.Now let?s begin our tour. This is the main entrance to the garden. The gate, carved with beautiful designs of dragon, tiger and other animals, is designed in a very special way. The word ?gate? was written on tortoise shells.Next we?ll come to the main hall where the oracle bone inscriptions are put on display. The oracle bone inscriptions were used as divinations in the Shang dynasty when people were very superstitious. The contents of these inscriptions were abundant, containing politics, economy, culture, sacrifice, weather and so on. All these provided important information for the study of the Shang society.Apart from the oracle inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which shows that the technology of bronze casting has reached its peak in the Shang dynasty. The most famous one is “si mu wu ding” which is the biggest bronze ware unearthed so far in the world. It is considered to be atreasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art.Finally, we come to the imperial palaces and tombs. In 1976, archaeologists found the first Tomb of woman in Chinese history--The Tomb of Fu Hao. Fu Hao was the third empress of Emperor Wu Ding, King Pan Geng?s nephew. She was an intelligent and outstanding woman. Being skillful in fighting, Fu Hao led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to protecting the country. Unfortunately, she died when she was only 33 years old. Emperor Wu Ding loved her so deeply that built this large tomb to honor her merits. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in Yin Ruins.Ok, so much for my explanation about the Yin Ruins, thank you for your listening and cooperation, wish you a pleasant trip, thank you!篇二:安阳殷墟英文导游词商英102:101102220 闫艳影100115123 万小兰Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Hangzhou! It’s our great honor to be your tour guide. I’m Yan yan ying, I’m Wanxiaolan,today we will enjoyWest Lake together.First,let me introduce West Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake.Ok, first let’s appreciate the ten new sights.Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi--云栖竹径Let’s first visit Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi, This attraction locates southwest to the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qiantang River and in Wuyun Hill Yunqi Village. ―Yunqi‖ means clouds lingering. It is said that some auspicious color clouds came flying from the nearby Color CloudsHill and lingered on here, hence the name. Bamboo – Lined Path at Yunqi is well known for its quietness and coolness. Walking along the path, soon you will meet a pond called Mind Purifying Pond which means "a pure mind". The water is cool and clear.Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley--虎跑梦泉―You see that? Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley.‖ Yes, here we are.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the West Lake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. ―Dragon Well Tea‖ and ―Tiger Spring water‖ are rated as two uniqueness of the West Lake. its water is pure and clear. Tests show that the water is contributive to people’s health.Walking along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the Luxuriant Green Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spring. This place gives you a very happiness to watch the spring. Then, you can have a seat in a tea house near the cliff to enjoy a cup of Dragon Well green tea brewed in Tiger Spring water.I’m quite sure you all know the monk Jigong and his classic figure, now Let’s step into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Have you heard anything on Bell Towner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruan’s Mound--阮墩环碧Next, we would go to the youngest of all manmade isles on the west lake, Lord Ruan’s Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay attention to safety.Lord Ruan's Mound Encircled by Greenness: During a major facelift in 1982, trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruan's Mound. Today, as animitation ancient water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlife paradise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill--吴山天风Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may notice that the challenge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or more peaks. It stretches for several miles and extends into the downtown. It is also a place where you can enjoy different scenes indifferent seasons for it is covered with a rich variety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks and inscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks which is known as the ―Twelve Animal Stones‖ appears like the twelve animals in the Chinese lunar calendar symbolizing the different years in which people are born. If you are interested in the beautiful scenery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where you can have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates between Qiantang River and West Lake. Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village--满陇桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Yes, it’s Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osmanthus blossoms, whose fragrance drifts far and wide when the osmanthus are in bloom. In October every year a month-long Osmanthus Festival is held here. If you are interested in this festival, you can come here and enjoy it.Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well—龙井问茶Do you know what’s this? Ok, let me tell you, as the name implies, inquiring about tea at Dragon Well. Dragon Well Tea is well known worldwide, the water of dragon well is sweet and nice. The green tea of here enjoys very high reputation since Ming Dynasty. Dragon Well isformally called the Dragon pool. In ancient time, local people believed that this well connected with the sea and a dragon lived inside.Dragon Well is one of the five famous West Lake springs. To have a seat and enjoy a cup of Dragon Well tea beside the Dragon Well, what a wonderful experience it is. Dragon Well tea is well – known for its four special features: green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste and smooth even appearance. West Lake green tea has fourvarieties named Lion, Dragon, Cloud and Tiger. Among them, Lion and Dragon Well Tea is the best.Nine Creeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest九溪烟树Now the station we stay is called Nine Greeks Meandering through a Misty Forest. As one of "New Top Ten", this attraction is situated west of West Lake. It is locally called as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley.Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill--玉皇飞云Walk through the pavilion; we can see the Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill. Jade Emperor Hill stands between the West Lake and Qiantang River with an elevation of 239 meters. Currently, a pavilion called ―Ascend-the-Cloud‖ was built on the top. Climbing up the pavilion, you will see the clouds scurrying past your feet. Thereforethis scene is called as ―Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill‖.The major attractions on the hill include Purple Source Cave, Eight Trigrams Field and Seven-Star Pavilion. Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green--黄龙吐翠Situated at the north foot of Ixia Hill, Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green is one of the New Ten Scenes of West Lake and a famous Taoist temple. It is where Hangzhounese prayed to the dragon for rain in the Southern Song Dynasty.With wooded hills behind, this park features serene and mysterious beauty highlighted by harmoniously arranged streams, caves, pavilions and rockeries. The rare square bamboo has aroused great curiosity among visitors.A special garden of folk customs has been developed to feature YUAN, which means good luck. Visitors will earn three Chinese lucks: congeniality, auspiciousness and marital felicity.Precious Stone hill Floating in Rosy Cloud--宝石流霞The hill features the huge boulders scattered along its ridge. Unlike the limestone to be found in most surrounding hills, they are rhyolite and tuff rocks. Purple red or reddish brown, these weather-beaten boulders are usually inlaid with greenish stuff, which shines dazzlingly bright in the sun like real jasper. Hence the name, Precious Stone Hill.Viewed at a distance, these stones seem to be floating in rosy clouds over West Lake. It is a serene enjoyment to watch at the hilltop the suise in drifting clouds over the sea. That has therefore made one of the new ten scenes of West Lake –Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud.There stands Baochu Pagoda atop the hill. Known as the landmark of Hangzhou, the 45-meter-high pagoda appears to be a pretty girl standing slim and graceful.篇三:河南导游考试英语导游词之殷墟Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Welcome to Henan! I’m glad to be your tour guide. My name is Lena. I’m honored to welcome you all, my friends from US, on behalf of my company, Zhong Yuan China Railway Travel Service. Allow me to introduce you to our driver Mr. Zhang. He’s a very experienced driver, so we are in safe hands. We’ll work as a team to make you feel welcomed and make sure the safety of our trip. If you have any questions or you experience any difficulties, please come to us, we are here to help you. We’ll do our best to make your trip in Henan pleasant and memorable.Today we are going to vi sit Museum on Yin Ruins, we’ll live Zhengzhou at 8 o’clock and arrived at Anyang city around 12 o’clock. After a simple lunch we will go to Museum on Yin Ruins. It’s a pretty tired long journey, but you can enjoy the beautiful countryside views from along the way.Henan, located right in the heart of China, it is one of the largest provinces with richest tourism resources, both historical attractions and natural landscapes. Among China’s eight ancient capitals, there are four in Henan province ,they are Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Zhengzhou,and three famous world cultural heritages ,the Longmen Grottoes, Museum on Yin Ruins and The Centre of Heaven and Earth.Anyang is proud of its history of over 3,000 years and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese nation. Due to its age-old history and splendid culture, a great number of places of interests and cultural relics dot the city like stars in sky. For example, the well-known Yin Ruins, Wenfeng Pagoda, Fu Hao's Tomb and so on.Now allow me to give you a brief introduction about Yin Ruins. In ancient times, King Pen Geng of Shang Dynasty moved the capital to Yin in thirteen eighty seven BC. It located at Xiaotun Village 2.5 km northwest of Anyang City. Yin remained capital for 273 years; it saw 12 kings of 8 generations. This period was called Yin Shang, or the Yin Dynasty in history. The city declined after the Shang dynasty had been overthrown and the remains of the Shang Dynasty was later called the Yin Ruins. Right on the Yin Ruins, we built a museum, so this is how Museum on Yin Ruins came from.Now we’ve already arrived at Anyang. Let’s get off the bus and have lunch at this highly recommended restaurant. We’ll gather here at the parking lot at 1 pm. Please remember our bus’ number YuALY007. And Imust war n you that the tap water is not for direct drinking, because it’s not sterilized.讲解词Ladies and Gentlemen:We finally arrived at Museum on Yin Ruins. Before we start our tour, I have a question for you. Do you know what the Museum of Yin Ruins is famous for?The answer is, it is famous for three things: the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. Please remember this and let’s begin our tour.This is the main entrance to the garden. It is a specially designed gate, the word gate was written on tortoise shells. The gate was finely caved with beautiful designs of dragon, phoenix, tiger and other animals, on top of the gate is a board with the words “gardens of the Yin Ruins” Now we’ve come to the main hall wher e the oracle bone inscriptions are put on display. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered in 1899, then 15 important archaeological excavations were acquired within 10years, more than 160,000 pieces of shells and bones with inscriptions were found. As the earliest characters, the inscriptions marked a recorded history of nearly 4000 year in China. They were used as divinations in the shang dynasty when people then were very superstitious. The contents of these inscriptions covered a large-scale of fields, ranging from sacrifice, wars, state affairs to weather, hunting and provide important information for the study of the shang society.Apart from the oracle inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which shows that the technology of bronze casting has reached its peak in the shang dynasty. There are many kinds of bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools and so on. Among them, the most famous one is “si mu wu ding”, a bronze object weighing 875 kilograms, it is the biggest bronze ware unearthed so far in the world. With its unusual air of majesty and beautiful designs of patterns, it is considered to be a treasure in the bronze culture of china as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. There are other artifacts discovered in the Yin Ruins including pottery objects, stone and bone objects, jade, shell objects and so on, all beautiful in shape and well made.Finally, we come to the site of the imperial palaces and tombs. The imperial palaces lie on the north of the Xiaotun Village, to the south bank of Henghe River. Altogether 54 imperial palaces have been discovered, covering an area of 280 meters long and 150 meters wide. The tombs lie opposite the palaces across Henghe River. Eleven large tomb have been found, of which 8 are tomb of Kings. The largest tomb covers an area of over 1000 square meters. The Simuwuding and many other bronze wares were just found here. And in 1976 archaeologists found the first Tomb of woman in Chinese history--The Tomb of Fu Hao. Fu hao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife, she was an intelligent and courageous woman. She led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions towards protecting the country. After her death, Wu Ding built this large tomb near the palaces to honor her merits. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in Yin Ruins. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art.Ok, so much for my explanation about the Yin Ruins, thank you for your listening and cooperation, wish you a pleasant trip here, thank you!《安阳殷墟英文导游词》33559.html。
介绍殷墟的英语作文简单版The Yinxu: A Glimpse into Ancient Chinese CivilizationNestled in the heart of China's Henan province, the archaeological site of Yinxu stands as a testament to the grandeur and complexity of the Shang dynasty, one of the earliest and most influential civilizations in Chinese history. As the capital of the Shang kingdom, Yinxu offers a unique window into the remarkable achievements and cultural traditions that defined this ancient era.Discovered in the late 19th century, the Yinxu site has since been the subject of extensive excavations and research, revealing a wealth of information about the Shang people and their way of life. The site covers an area of over 24 square kilometers, with the remains of palatial structures, royal tombs, and numerous workshops and residential areas, all of which provide invaluable insights into the social, political, and economic structures of the Shang dynasty.One of the most striking features of Yinxu is the impressive scale and sophistication of its architectural remains. The foundations of the royal palace, known as the "Ruins of the Shang Capital," are particularly impressive, with their massive walls and intricatedrainage systems. These structures not only served as the seat of political power but also as a symbol of the Shang dynasty's wealth and technological prowess.Alongside the architectural wonders, the Yinxu site has also yielded a treasure trove of artifacts, including bronze vessels, jade ornaments, and the renowned Shang oracle bones. These artifacts offer a glimpse into the religious and cultural practices of the Shang people, as well as their advanced metalworking and writing systems.The oracle bones, in particular, have been instrumental in deciphering the Shang's writing system, which is considered one of the earliest forms of Chinese writing. These inscribed bones, used for divination purposes, provide a wealth of information about the Shang's beliefs, historical events, and even the names and lineages of their rulers.Moreover, the Yinxu site has also yielded evidence of the Shang's sophisticated agricultural and technological advancements. The remains of irrigation systems, granaries, and workshops suggest a highly organized and productive society, capable of supporting a large population and engaging in complex trade networks.Beyond the material remains, the Yinxu site also offers insights into the Shang people's spiritual and cultural beliefs. The discovery ofnumerous sacrificial pits and tombs, some containing the remains of both human and animal offerings, highlights the importance of ancestor worship and ritualistic practices in Shang society.The significance of Yinxu extends far beyond its archaeological value; it serves as a symbol of China's rich cultural heritage and the enduring legacy of the Shang dynasty. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Yinxu continues to attract scholars, historians, and visitors from around the world, all seeking to unravel the mysteries of this ancient civilization and gain a deeper understanding of the foundations of Chinese culture.In conclusion, the Yinxu archaeological site stands as a testament to the remarkable achievements and enduring legacy of the Shang dynasty. Through the excavation and study of its remains, we are able to glimpse into the lives, beliefs, and technological advancements of one of the earliest and most influential civilizations in Chinese history. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Yinxu continues to captivate and inspire people from all over the world, offering a unique window into the rich and complex tapestry of China's past.。
河南殷墟英语介绍作文高中The Yin Ruins in Henan Province。
The Yin Ruins, also known as the Shang Dynasty Ruins, are located in Anyang City, Henan Province. They are the remains of the capital city of the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC-1046 BC) and cover an area of about 30 square kilometers. The Yin Ruins were discovered in 1899 by the famous archaeologist, Wang Yirong.The Yin Ruins are divided into two parts: the palace area and the residential area. The palace area is where the kings of the Shang Dynasty lived and worked. It includes the main palace, the ancestral temple, and the royal cemetery. The main palace is the largest building in the Yin Ruins and covers an area of about 6,000 square meters. It was built with rammed earth and had a wooden roof. The ancestral temple is where the kings worshipped their ancestors. The royal cemetery is where the kings and their families were buried. The most famous tomb in the royalcemetery is the Tomb of Fu Hao, a queen of the Shang Dynasty. It was discovered in 1976 and contained more than 1,000 pieces of bronze, jade, and bone artifacts.The residential area is where the common people lived. It includes the city walls, the moat, the workshops, and the residential houses. The city walls are about 8 meters high and 6 meters thick. They were built with rammed earth and had gates on each side. The moat is about 50 meters wide and 5 meters deep. It surrounded the city walls and provided protection against invaders. The workshops were where the Shang people made bronze vessels, jade ornaments, bone tools, and pottery. The residential houses were where the Shang people lived with their families. They were built with rammed earth and had thatched roofs.The Yin Ruins are not only important for theirhistorical and cultural value, but also for theirscientific value. They have provided valuable information about the Shang Dynasty, such as their social structure, economy, religion, and technology. They have also helped archaeologists understand the development of Chinesecivilization.In conclusion, the Yin Ruins are a treasure of Chinese culture and history. They are a must-see attraction for anyone interested in ancient China.。
安阳殷墟英文导游词篇一:河南殷墟英语导游词Ladiesandgentlemen,goodmorning!welcometoAnyang!I?myourtourguide,Jessica,anoptimistica ndenergeticgirl.Toensurethecomfortandsafetyofourtrip,pleasecometomewi thoutanyhesitationwheneveryouhaveanyquestionsordifficulties.I?matyour disposal.Asweknow,Anyangisoneofthebirthplacesofchinesecivilizationwithahistor yofover3000years.beforewegettothemuseumonYinRuins,pleaseallowmeto makeabriefintroductionaboutit.Themuseumwaslistedintheworldculturalan dnaturalheritageListofunesco(联合国教科文组织)in20XX.YinRuinsislocatedatxiaotunVillage,2.5kmnorthwestofAnyang city.Itsaw12kingsof8generationssinceKingpangengmovedhiscapitaltoYin. howeverthecitydeclinedaftershangDynastyhadbeenoverthrownandlaterthe remainswerecalledtheYinRuins.AmuseumwasbuiltrightontheYinRuins.Th isishowthemuseumcamefrom.Ladiesandgentlemen:nowwearriveatthemuseumonYinRuins.beforewestart ourtour,mayIaskyouaquestion?DoyouknowwhatthemuseumofYinRuinsisf amousfor?excellentanswer!Yes,itisfamousforthreethings:theoracleinscript ions,thebronzewaresandtheancientcapitaloftheshangDynasty.nowlet?sbeginourtour.Thisisthemainentrancetothegarden.Thegate,carved withbeautifuldesignsofdragon,tigerandotheranimals,isdesignedinaveryspe cialway.Theword?gate?waswrittenontortoiseshells.nextwe?llcometothemainhallwheretheoracleboneinscriptionsareputondisp lay.Theoracleboneinscriptionswereusedasdivinationsintheshangdynastyw henpeoplewereverysuperstitious.Thecontentsoftheseinscriptionswereabun dant,containingpolitics,economy,culture,sacrifice,weatherandsoon.Allthes eprovidedimportantinformationforthestudyoftheshangsociety. Apartfromtheoracleinscriptions,bronzewaresareanotherimportantpartofthe culturalrelicsdiscoveredfromtheRuins,whichshowsthatthetechnologyofbro nzecastinghasreacheditspeakintheshangdynasty.Themostfamousoneis “simuwuding”whichisthebiggestbronzewareunearthedsofarintheworld.Itisconsideredtob eatreasureinthebronzecultureofchinaaswellasagloriouspearlshiningonthep eakoftheworldart.Finally,wecometotheimperialpalacesandtombs.In1976,archaeologistsfoun dthefirstTombofwomaninchinesehistory--TheTombofFuhao.Fuhaowasthet hirdempressofemperorwuDing,Kingpangeng?snephew.shewasanintelligen tandoutstandingwoman.beingskillfulinfighting,FuhaoledtheYinarmyfighti nginmanywarsandmadegreatcontributionstoprotectingthecountry.unfortun ately,shediedwhenshewasonly33yearsold.emperorwuDinglovedhersodeep lythatbuiltthislargetombtohonorhermerits.TombofFuhaoistheonlywell-preservedtombunearthedsofarinYinRuins.ok,somuchformyexplanationabouttheYinRuins,thankyouforyourlisteninga ndcooperation,wishyouapleasanttrip,thankyou!篇二:安阳殷墟英文导游词商英102:101102220闫艳影100115123万小兰goodevening,everyone.welcometohangzhou!It’sourgreathonortobeyourtourguide.I’mYanyanying,I’mwanxiaolan,todaywewillenjoywestLaketogether.First,letmeintroducewe stLakebrieflytoyou.Asweallknow,westLakeLyinginhangzhoucityofZhejia ngprovince,thewestLakeisaworldfamoustouristspot.embracedbygreenhills onthreesides,thelakecoversanareaof5.6squarekilometersandhasaperimeter of15kilometers.ThenameofwestLakewasfixedasearlyastheTangDynasty(6 18-907).beforetheTangDynasty,thelakehadvariousnamessuchaswulinwater ,mingshengLake,JinzhongLake,Longchuan,Qianyuan,QiantangLake,ands hangLake,etc.InthesongDynasty(960-1279),thechineserenownedpoetsuDo ngpowroteapoemtopraisethewestLakeandcomparedittoxizi,achineselegen darybeauty.sincethen,thewestLakehasanotherelegantnamexiziLake.Amon gitsbeautifulsights,themostfamoussitesaretheTensightsinwestLakeandtheT ennewsightsinwestLake,whichareknownastheDouble-TensightsinwestLak e.ok,firstlet’sappreciatethetennewsights.bamboo-linedpathatY unqi--云栖竹径Let’sfirstvisitbamboo-linedpathatYunqi,Thisattractionlocatessouthwesttothew estLake,onthenorthbankofQiantangRiverandinwuyunhillYunqiVillage.―Yunqi‖meanscloudslingering.Itissaidthatsomeauspiciouscolorcloudscameflyingfr omthenearbycolorcloudshillandlingeredonhere,hencethename.bamboo–LinedpathatYunqiiswellknownforitsquietnessandcoolness.walkingalongth epath,soonyouwillmeetapondcalledmindpurifyingpondwhichmeans"apure mind".Thewateriscoolandclear. DreamingofTigerspringathupaoValley--虎跑梦泉―Youseethat?DreamingofTigerspringathupaoValley.‖Yes,hereweare. ItissituatedatthefootofDacihillsouthwesttothewestLake,Tigerspringranksth ethirdbestinchina.―DragonwellTea‖and―Tigerspringwater‖areratedastwouniquenessofthewestLake.itswaterispureandclear.Testsshow thatthewateriscontributivetopeople’shealth. walkingalongthepath,youwillseeatigerstatusatthefootoftheLuxuriantgreen cliff.Fromtheleftsideofthecliffisthesourceofthespring.Thisplacegivesyoua veryhappinesstowatchthespring.Then,youcanhaveaseatinateahousenearthe clifftoenjoyacupofDragonwellgreenteabrewedinTigerspringwater.I’mquitesureyouallknowthemonkJigongandhisclassicfigure,nowLet’sstepintothehallofJigongmonkwhichisspeciallybuilttocommemoratehim.h aveyouheardanythingonbellTowner?Andthisisit,goandenjoyitplease.Lord Ruan’smound--阮墩环碧next,wewouldgototheyoungestofallmanmadeislesonthewestlake,LordRua n’smound,wewillgotherebyboatandpleasepayattentiontosafety. LordRuan'smoundencircledbygreenness:Duringamajorfaceliftin1982,trees wereplantedandnewsettlersaccommodatedonLordRuan'smound.Today,asa nimitationancientwater-boundvillage,themoundisafavoritenightlifeparadise heavenlywindoverwuhill--吴山天风standatthebottomofheavenlywindoverwuhill,Youmaynoticethatthechallen geiscomingforwardtous,yes. wuhillsituatesattheendofhillsaroundthelake,ismadeupof10ormorepeaks.Its tretchesforseveralmilesandextendsintothedowntown.Itisalsoaplacewherey oucanenjoydifferentscenesindifferentseasonsforitiscoveredwitharichvariet yoftreesandflowers.Therearealotofodd-shapedrocksandinscriptionsontheh ill.Astrangeclusterofrockswhichisknownasthe―TwelveAnimalstones‖appearslikethetwelveanimalsinthechineselunarcalendarsymbolizingthediff erentyearsinwhichpeopleareborn.Ifyouareinterestedinthebeautifulscenery, youcanclimbtothetopofwuhill,thereisapavilionwhereyoucanhaveaviewofb othQiantangRiverandwestLakeasthehilllocatesbetweenQiantangRiverand westLake.sweetosmanthusRainatmanlongVillage--满陇桂雨Doyouseethewordsonthatstone?Yes,it’ssweetosmanthusRainatmanlongVillage.Itisfamousforosmanthusblossoms ,whosefragrancedriftsfarandwidewhentheosmanthusareinbloom.Inoctobereveryyearamonth-longosmanthusFestivalisheldhere.Ifyouareinterestedint hisfestival,youcancomehereandenjoyit. InquiringaboutTeaatDragonwell—龙井问茶Doyouknowwhat’sthis?ok,letmetellyou,asthenameimplies,inquiringaboutteaatDragonwell.D ragonwellTeaiswellknownworldwide,thewaterofdragonwellissweetandnic e.ThegreenteaofhereenjoysveryhighreputationsincemingDynasty.Dragon wellisformallycalledtheDragonpool.Inancienttime,localpeoplebelievedtha tthiswellconnectedwiththeseaandadragonlivedinside. DragonwellisoneofthefivefamouswestLakesprings.Tohaveaseatandenjoya cupofDragonwellteabesidetheDragonwell,whatawonderfulexperienceitis. Dragonwellteaiswell–knownforitsfourspecialfeatures:greencolor,fragrantaroma,sweettasteands moothevenappearance.westLakegreenteahasfour varietiesnamedLion,Dragon,cloudandTiger.Amongthem,LionandDragon wellTeaisthebest. ninecreeksmeanderingThroughamistyForest九溪烟树nowthestationwestayiscalledninegreeksmeanderingthroughamistyForest. Asoneof"newTopTen",thisattractionissituatedwestofwestLake.Itislocallyc alledasninegreeksandeighteengullies.Itwillbeagoodchoicetomakeawalking tourofthisattractionalongthepathinthevalley. cloudsscurryingoverJadeemperorhill--玉皇飞云。
以下是整理的安阳殷墟英文导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考!安阳殷墟英文导游词(1)In 1899, in Xiao Tun Village of Anyang City, Henan Province, villagers found many tortoise(龟) shells and bones carved with letters and symbols, which unveiled(显露) to the world Yin Xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture. Since then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists, because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters of human beings, the Oracles.About 3,300 years ago, one emperor of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) moved his capital city to Yin, which is todays Anyang city, and since then Yin has been the capital city for more than 250 years. Today Yin Xu has proved to be the earliest remains of an ancient capital city in written record. Covering agrand area of 24 square kilometers (more than 9 square miles), Yin Xu had a palaces district, civil residences district, tombs district and workshops district, divided into two parts by the Heng river in the city. This rational layout clearly shows people a powerful country and a well-equipped ancient city.The large-scale excavation in Yin Xu has been continued since the last century. Besides the 150, 000 pieces of oracles, abundant bronze ware has been excavated, and among them, Simuwu Ding, a 4-legged bronze cooking vessel(器皿) is the biggest and heaviest bronze ware ever found worldwide. Apart from oracles and bronze ware, people have also excavated much pottery ware and jade. The excavation is still in progress and great discoveries come forth from time to time. Like a famous archeologist has said, in Yin Xu there are more treasures to be found.Because of its great value in not only the historical relics of Chinese culture but also the human civilization of the whole world, Yin Xu topped the 100 Greatest Archeological Discoveries of China in the last century and it was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xu is revealing its beauty to the world.Museum on Yin RuinsOK, everybody. Soon well get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the best museum for the study of the Yin Shang Culture. Now please listen to me and Id like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction on it.As you know, China is one of the earliest countries to discover characters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoise shells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form of language in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, which were first discovered in the Yin Ruins.Speak of the Yin Ruins, it is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. In ancient times, Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty. So the period was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had been overthrown, the city declined and the remains of it was later called the Yin Ruins.The Yin Ruins is famous for three things,i.e.the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty.Since the founding of new China, the Yin Ruins had been listed as the first group of cultural relics under national protection. In order to preserve its culture, the government built “Garden of the Yin Ruins” on the site. Today the garden is divided into several sections with ancient objects on display.Next ,lets come to the main hall where the oracle inscriptions are exhibited. Ill talk something more about the oracle bone inscriptions. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered during the years of Emperor Guang Xu, in the Qing Dynasty. Then 15 important archaeological excavations were carried out within 10 years, and more than 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. But in the Shang Dynasty, they were used as divinations(预言), when people were very superstitious. The inscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, state affairs, weather, hunting, etc. Today, they provide important information for the study of the Shang Dynasty. And the study of the oracle bone inscriptions has become a new subject and is getting more popular among people.Apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which show that the technology of bronze casting reached itspeak in the Shang Dynasty. The bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. Of all the unearthed wares, “Simuwu Ding” is the largest bronz e ware in the world. It is elegant in appearance and intricately carved in patterns, showing the peak of bronze casting technology in the Shang Dynasty.Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs. The site of the imperial palaces lies on the north of the Xiaotun village, to the south bank of Henghe river. In 1976 near the site the the imperial palaces archaeologists found the tomb of the first woman general in Chinese history.Tomb of Fu Hao.FuHao was Emperor Wu Dings wife,both intelligent and courageous. She had bravely led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to the protecting of the country. After her death, Wu Ding built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits. Buried together with her were many slaves and war prisoners as well as 1,928 sacrificial objects. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in the Yin Rains. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art.Moreover, there are some other precious ancient articles displayed in the museum, people who are interested in the Yin Shang Culture will gain a lot from our visiting.Well, OK. So much for the introduction. Here we are, the Yin Ruins. Please get ready your stuff and then dismount the bus. Well begin our terrific visiting. Im sure youll enjoy a splendid experience here. Have a good time. Thank you .安阳殷墟英文导游词(2)Located at the Xiaotun Village, Anyang city, Henan Province, the ruins of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty are preserved in the Yin Ruins Museum where inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells were discovered in 1899. It is also the birthplace of Chinese archeology, one of the 100 patriotic education centers of China, one of the superior national scenery areas as well as one of the National Key Historic Relic Sites.The world famous Yin Ruins Palace is of great importance in the history of human civilization. Large amount of bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and other rare cultural relics were found on the ruins of more than 50 majestic palaces here. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of“three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”.The Yin Ruins Museum, like an art palace of ancient China culture, inspires and refines our sentiment on Chinese ancient civilization.Lets first know something about the site of the Palace of Yin Ruins. The majestic Palace of Yin Ruins, one of the most famous classic cities of ancient civilizations of the world, falls into three catalogues: palaces, temples and altars. Large amount of culture relics have been found here, including the ruins of the cast brass, the bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and others, among which are the top ones of China, or even the world. They are the manifestation of the unusual power of creation, wisdom and techniques of ancient Chinese. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”. Guo Moruo, a famous Chinese historian, once wrote poems to show his admiration and commented that the Yin Ruins are the starting point of Chinese civilization on the central plain and touring here is more enlightening than reading ancient books.Now, we have come to the site of the Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the earliest chariots and road remains of ancient China. Animal-drawn carts were once the most important means of transport in ancient China, a vast land. Vehicles of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, having been found several times, are generally of the same structure, showing a long interval between the Yin Dynasty and the time when they were invented. Vehicles are said to have been invented in the Xia Dynasty according to ancient documents. However, no such vehicles have been found yet. The Chariot Pits found on Yin Ruins are the earliest animal-driven carts in Chinese archeology, an evidence of Chinas being one of the earliest ancient civilizations inventing and using carts.The six Chariot Pits and road remains of Yin Ruins exhibited in the Museum were excavated by the Archeology Research Institute of China Social Science Academy in Anyang. These chariot pits are almost intact, being of great value in academic study and exhibition. In each pit there buried a chariot. Another two horses were buried in each of the five pits. In each of the four pits is one person immolated. Based on statistics, most of the immolated people are male adults, except for one male youth. Studies show that chariots of the Yin Dynasty were good-looking, solid, light, fast, balanced and comfortable. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the most vivid historytextbooks on the far ancient civilization of animal-driven carts as well as the cruel institution of burying the living with the dead in the slavery society.Next, lets come to the place where the Oracle Bone Inscriptions are exhibited. Oracle bone inscriptions, the origin of Chinese characters and the earliest mature Chinese characters, were records of auguries in the Yin Dynasty, known as the earliest “archive” in ancient China. The 4,500 single Chinese characters recorded on 150,000 bones and tortoise shells found reveal social practices involving politics, military affairs, cultures, customs as well as science and techniques including astronomy, calendar, medicine and others. Judging from the 1500 single Chinese characters decoded, oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty have learned to create characters by “pictograph, associative compounds, echoism, self-explanation, mutual e xplanation and phonetic loan”, manifesting the unique charm of Chinese characters.Apart from the oracle inscription, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. China has a long history of manufacturing artistic bronze wares of unique artistic style and national characteristics. The various bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools,applicants, decorations and artistic works embody the climax of the bronze era in China presented by sacrificial vessels and weapons, playing an important role in Chinese ancient culture. Bronze wares of Yin Ruins, with their baroque, mysterious styles, beautiful decoration lines, abstracted animal designs, refined geometry patterns and delicate embossments, are manifestations of the religious and aesthetic views of Yin people in an exaggerative and mysterious style, being cultured with primitive roughness and artistic attractions. The glorious achievements of bronze ware casting of Yin Ruins have made it one of the centers of bronze civilization in the world.Simuwu Quadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the Yin Ruins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world, is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height with an opening as long as 79.2 cm. Standing on the open plaza in front of the great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience of touring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum of Chinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its delicate decorative patterns, it is considered a treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. The superior cast techniques and scientific choice ingredients have even won the admiration ofmodern metallurgy experts. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight, advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary. As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects the advanced slavery system of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty and the unusual power of creation of the people.Finally, we come to the Fuhao Tomb. Fuhao was the Emperof Wu Dings wife, also the first Woman general in Chinese history. The Fuhao Tomb excavated in 1976 ranked high among the top ten achievements in the archeology of that year. Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao Tomb is one of the most important archeology discoveries in the temple and palace areas of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the only discovered and well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation of Yin Ruins. As to the size, it is 5.6 meters long from north to south, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tomb was built an ancestral temple described as “Muxinzong” by oracle inscriptions on shells and bones. Muxinzong is a memorial temple built by king Wuding to offer sacrifices after Fuhaos death. The establishment now we see is the scientific restore of the remains of Muxinzong.安阳殷墟英文导游词(3)Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Hangzhou! Its our great honor to be your tour guide. Im Yan yan ying, Im Wanxiaolan,today we will enjoy West Lake together.First,let me introduce West Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake.Ok, first lets appreciate the ten new sights. Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi--云栖竹径Lets first visit Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi, This attraction locates southwest to the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qiantang River and in Wuyun Hill Yunqi Village. ―Yunqi‖ means clouds lingering. It is said that some auspicious color clouds came flying from the nearby Color Clouds Hill and lingered on here, hence the name. Bamboo – Lined Path at Yunqi is well known for its quietness and coolness. Walking along the path, soon you will meet a pond called Mind Purifying Pond which means \pure mind\Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley--虎跑梦泉―You see that? Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley.‖ Yes, here we are.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the West Lake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. ―Dragon Well Tea‖ and ―Tiger Spring water‖ are rated as two uniqueness of the West Lake. its water is pure and clear. Tests show that the water is contributive to peoples health.Walking along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the Luxuriant Green Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spring. This place gives you a very happiness to watch the spring. Then, you can have a seat in a tea house near the cliff to enjoy a cup of Dragon Well green tea brewed in Tiger Spring water.Im quite sure you all know the monk Jigong and his classic figure, now Lets step into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Have you heard anything on Bell Towner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruans Mound--阮墩环碧Next, we would go to the youngest of all manmade isles on the west lake, Lord Ruans Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay attention to safety.Lord Ruans Mound Encircled by Greenness: During a major facelift in 1982, trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruans Mound. Today, as animitation ancient water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlife paradise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill--吴山天风Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may notice that the challenge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or more peaks. It stretches for several miles and extends into the downtown. It is also a place where you can enjoy different scenes in different seasons for it is covered with a rich variety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks andinscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks which is known as the ―Twelve Animal Stones‖ appears like the twelve animals in the Chinese lunar calendar symbolizing the different years in which people are born. If you are interested in the beautiful scenery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where you can have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates between Qiantang River and West Lake. Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village--满陇桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Yes, its Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osmanthus blossoms, whose fragrance drifts far and wide when the osmanthus are in bloom. In October every year a month-long Osmanthus Festival is held here. If you are interested in this festival, you can come here and enjoy it.Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well—龙井问茶Do you know whats this? Ok, let me tell you, as the name implies, inquiring about tea at Dragon Well. Dragon Well Tea is well known worldwide, the water of dragon well is sweet and nice. The green tea of here enjoys very high reputation since Ming Dynasty. Dragon Well is formally called the Dragon pool. In ancient time,local people believed that this well connected with the sea and a dragon lived inside.Dragon Well is one of the five famous West Lake springs. To have a seat and enjoy a cup of Dragon Well tea beside the Dragon Well, what a wonderful experience it is. Dragon Well tea is well –known for its four special features: green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste and smooth even appearance. West Lake green tea has fourvarieties named Lion, Dragon, Cloud and Tiger. Among them, Lion and Dragon Well Tea is the best.Nine Creeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest九溪烟树Now the station we stay is called Nine Greeks Meandering through a Misty Forest. As one of \as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley.Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill--玉皇飞云Walk through the pavilion; we can see the Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill. Jade Emperor Hill stands between the West Lake and Qiantang River with an elevation of 239 meters. Currently, a pavilion called ―Ascend-the-Cloud‖ was built on th e top. Climbingup the pavilion, you will see the clouds scurrying past your feet. Thereforethis scene is called as ―Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill‖.The major attractions on the hill include Purple Source Cave, Eight Trigrams Field and Seven-Star Pavilion. Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green--黄龙吐翠Situated at the north foot of Ixia Hill, Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green is one of the New Ten Scenes of West Lake and a famous Taoist temple. It is where Hangzhounese prayed to the dragon for rain in the Southern Song Dynasty.With wooded hills behind, this park features serene and mysterious beauty highlighted by harmoniously arranged streams, caves, pavilions and rockeries. The rare square bamboo has aroused great curiosity among visitors.A special garden of folk customs has been developed to feature YUAN, which means good luck. Visitors will earn three Chinese lucks: congeniality, auspiciousness and marital felicity.Precious Stone hill Floating in Rosy Cloud--宝石流霞The hill features the huge boulders scattered along its ridge. Unlike the limestone to be found in most surrounding hills, they are rhyolite and tuff rocks. Purple red or reddish brown, these weather-beaten boulders are usually inlaid with greenish stuff, which shines dazzlingly bright in the sun like real jasper. Hence the name, Precious Stone Hill.Viewed at a distance, these stones seem to be floating in rosy clouds over West Lake. It is a serene enjoyment to watch at the hilltop the sunrise in drifting clouds over the sea. That has therefore made one of the new ten scenes of West Lake –Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud.There stands Baochu Pagoda atop the hill. Known as the landmark of Hangzhou, the 45-meter-high pagoda appears to be a pretty girl standing slim and graceful.安阳殷墟英文导游词(4)Regarded as the most representative site of ancient Chinese civilization, the Royal Cemetery site is praised by international experts and scholars as the worlds “Second Egypt”。
安阳殷墟英文导游词篇一:河南殷墟英语导游词Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Welcome to Anyang! I?m your tour guide, Jessica, an optimistic and energetic girl. To ensure the comfort and safety of our trip, please come to me without any hesitation whenever you have any questions or difficulties. I?m at your disposal.As we know, Anyang is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization with a history of over 3000 years. Before we get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, please allow me to make a brief introduction about it. The museum was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) in 2006. Yin Ruins is located at Xiaotun Village, 2.5 km northwest of Anyang city. It saw 12 kings of 8 generations since King Pangeng moved his capital to Yin. However the city declined after Shang Dynasty had been overthrown and later the remains were called the Yin Ruins. A museum was built right on the Yin Ruins. This is how the Museum came from.Ladies and gentlemen: Now we arrive at the Museum on Yin Ruins. Before we start our tour, may I ask you a question? Do you know what the Museum of Yin Ruins isfamous for? Excellent answer! Yes, it is famous for three things: the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty.Now let?s begin our tour. This is the main entrance to the garden. The gate, carved with beautiful designs of dragon, tiger and other animals, is designed in a very special way. The word ?gate? was written on tortoise shells.Next we?ll come to the main hall where the oracle bone inscriptions are put on display. The oracle bone inscriptions were used as divinations in the Shang dynasty when people were very superstitious. The contents of these inscriptions were abundant, containing politics, economy, culture, sacrifice, weather and so on. All these provided important information for the study of the Shang society.Apart from the oracle inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which shows that the technology of bronze casting has reached its peak in the Shang dynasty. The most famous one is “si mu wu ding” which is the biggest bronze ware unearthed so far in the world. It is considered to be a treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearlshining on the peak of the world art.Finally, we come to the imperial palaces and tombs. In 1976, archaeologists found the first Tomb of woman in Chinese history--The Tomb of Fu Hao. Fu Hao was the third empress of Emperor Wu Ding, King Pan Geng?s nephew. She was an intelligent and outstanding woman. Being skillful in fighting, Fu Hao led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to protecting the country. Unfortunately, she died when she was only 33 years old. Emperor Wu Ding loved her so deeply that built this large tomb to honor her merits. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in Yin Ruins.Ok, so much for my explanation about the Yin Ruins, thank you for your listening and cooperation, wish you a pleasant trip, thank you!篇二:安阳殷墟英文导游词商英102:101102220 闫艳影 100115123 万小兰Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Hangzhou! It’s our great honor to be your tour guide. I’m Yan yan ying, I’m Wanxiaolan,today we will enjoy West Lake together.First,let me introduce West Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famoustourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake.Ok, first let’s appreciate the ten new sights.Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi--云栖竹径Let’s first visit Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi, This attraction locates southwest to the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qiantang River and in Wuyun Hill Yunqi Village. ―Yunqi‖ means clouds lingering. It is said that some auspicious color clouds came flying from the nearby Color Clouds Hill and lingered on here, hence the name. Bamboo – Lined Path at Yunqi is well known for its quietness and coolness. Walking along the path,soon you will meet a pond called Mind Purifying Pond which means “a pure mind”. The water is cool and clear.Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley--虎跑梦泉―You see that? Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley.‖ Yes, here we are.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the West Lake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. ―Dragon Well Tea‖ and ―Tiger Spring water‖are rated as two uniqueness of the West Lake. its water is pure and clear. Tests show that the water is contributive to people’s health.Walking along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the Luxuriant Green Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spring. This place gives you a very happiness to watch the spring. Then, you can have a seat in a tea house near the cliff to enjoy a cup of Dragon Well green tea brewed in Tiger Spring water.I’m quite sure you all know the monk Jigong and his classic figure, now Let’s step into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Have you heard anything on Bell Towner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruan’s Mound--阮墩环碧Next, we would go to the youngest of all manmade isles on the west lake, Lord Ruan’s Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay attention to safety.Lord Ruan’s Mound Encircled by Greenness: During a major facelift in 1982, trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruan’s Mound. Today, as animitation ancient water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlife paradise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill--吴山天风Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may notice that the challenge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or more peaks. It stretches for several miles and extends into the downtown. It is also a place where you can enjoy different scenes in different seasons for it is covered with a rich variety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks and inscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks which is known as the ―Twelve Animal Stones‖appears like the twelve animals in the Chinese lunar calendar symbolizing the different years in which people are born. If you are interested in the beautifulscenery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where you can have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates between Qiantang River and West Lake. Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village--满陇桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Yes, it’s Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osmanthus blossoms, whose fragrance drifts far and wide when the osmanthus are in bloom. In October every year a month-long Osmanthus Festival is held here. If you are interested in this festival, you can come here and enjoy it.Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well—龙井问茶Do you know what’s this? Ok, let me tell you, as the name implies, inquiring about tea at Dragon Well. Dragon Well Tea is well known worldwide, the water of dragon well is sweet and nice. The green tea of here enjoys very high reputation since Ming Dynasty. Dragon Well is formally called the Dragon pool. In ancient time, local people believed that this well connected with the sea and a dragon lived inside.Dragon Well is one of the five famous West Lake springs. To have a seat and enjoy a cup of Dragon Well tea beside the Dragon Well, what a wonderful experience it is.Dragon Well tea is well – known for its four special features: green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste and smooth even appearance. West Lake green tea has four varieties named Lion, Dragon, Cloud and Tiger. Among them, Lion and Dragon Well Tea is the best.Nine Creeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest九溪烟树Now the station we stay is called Nine Greeks Meandering through a Misty Forest. As one of “New Top Ten”, this attraction is situated west of West Lake. It is locally called as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley.Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill--玉皇飞云Walk through the pavilion; we can see the Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill. Jade Emperor Hill stands between the West Lake and Qiantang River with an elevation of 239 meters. Currently, a pavilion called ―Ascend-the-Cloud‖was built on the top. Climbing up the pavilion, you will see the clouds scurrying past your feet. Thereforethis scene is called as ―Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill‖.The major attractions on the hill include PurpleSource Cave, Eight Trigrams Field and Seven-Star Pavilion. Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green--黄龙吐翠Situated at the north foot of Ixia Hill, Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green is one of the New Ten Scenes of West Lake and a famous Taoist temple. It is where Hangzhounese prayed to the dragon for rain in the Southern Song Dynasty.With wooded hills behind, this park features serene and mysterious beauty highlighted by harmoniously arranged streams, caves, pavilions and rockeries. The rare square bamboo has aroused great curiosity among visitors.A special garden of folk customs has been developed to feature YUAN, which means good luck. Visitors will earn three Chinese lucks: congeniality, auspiciousness and marital felicity.Precious Stone hill Floating in Rosy Cloud--宝石流霞The hill features the huge boulders scattered along its ridge. Unlike the limestone to be found in most surrounding hills, they are rhyolite and tuff rocks. Purple red or reddish brown, these weather-beaten boulders are usually inlaid with greenish stuff, whichshines dazzlingly bright in the sun like real jasper. Hence the name, Precious Stone Hill.Viewed at a distance, these stones seem to be floating in rosy clouds over West Lake. It is a serene enjoyment to watch at the hilltop the suise in drifting clouds over the sea. That has therefore made one of the new ten scenes of West Lake –Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud.There stands Baochu Pagoda atop the hill. Known as the landmark of Hangzhou, the 45-meter-high pagoda appears to be a pretty girl standing slim and graceful.篇三:河南导游考试英语导游词之殷墟Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Welcome to Henan! I’m glad to be your tour guide. My name is Lena. I’m honored to welcome you all, my friends from US, on behalf of my company, Zhong Yuan China Railway Travel Service. Allow me to introduce you to our driver Mr. Zhang. He’s a very experienced driver, so we are in safe hands. We’ll work as a team to make you feel welcomed and make sure the safety of our trip. If you have any questions or you experience any difficulties, please come to us, we are here to help you. We’ll do our best to make your trip in Henan pleasant and memorable.Today we are going to visit Museum on Yin Ruins, we’ll live Zhengzhou at 8 o’clock and arrived at Anyang city around 12 o’clock. After a simple lunch we will go to Museum on Yin Ruins. It’s a pretty tired long journey, but you can enjoy the beautiful countryside views from along the way.Henan, located right in the heart of China, it is one of the largest provinces with richest tourism resources, both historical attractions and natural landscapes. Among China’s eight ancient capitals, there are four in Henan province ,they are Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Zhengzhou, and three famous world cultural heritages ,the Longmen Grottoes, Museum on Yin Ruins and The Centre of Heaven and Earth.Anyang is proud of its history of over 3,000 years and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese nation. Due to its age-old history and splendid culture, a great number of places of interests and cultural relics dot the city like stars in sky. For example, the well-known Yin Ruins, Wenfeng Pagoda, Fu Hao’s Tomb and so on.Now allow me to give you a brief introduction about Yin Ruins. In ancient times, King Pen Geng of Shang Dynasty moved the capital to Yin in thirteen eighty seven BC. It located at Xiaotun Village 2.5 km northwestof Anyang City. Yin remained capital for 273 years; it saw 12 kings of 8 generations. This period was called Yin Shang, or the Yin Dynasty in history. The city declined after the Shang dynasty had been overthrown and the remains of the Shang Dynasty was later called the Yin Ruins. Right on the Yin Ruins, we built a museum, so this is how Museum on Yin Ruins came from.Now we’ve already arrived at Anyang. Let’s get off the bus and have lunch at this highly recommended restaurant. We’ll gather here at the parking lot at1 pm. Please remember our bus’ number YuALY007. AndI must warn you that the tap water is not for direct drinking, because it’s not sterilized.讲解词Ladies and Gentlemen:We finally arrived at Museum on Yin Ruins. Before we start our tour, I have a question for you. Do you know what the Museum of Yin Ruins is famous for?The answer is, it is famous for three things: the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. Please remember this and let’s begin our tour.This is the main entrance to the garden. It is a specially designed gate, the word gate was written ontortoise shells. The gate was finely caved with beautiful designs of dragon, phoenix, tiger and other animals, on top of the gate is a board with the words “gardens of the Yin Ruins” Now we’ve come to the main hall where the oracle bone inscriptions are put on display. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered in 1899, then 15 important archaeological excavations were acquired within 10 years, more than 160,000 pieces of shells and bones with inscriptions were found. As the earliest characters, the inscriptions marked a recorded history of nearly 4000 year in China. They were used as divinations in the shang dynasty when people then were very superstitious. The contents of these inscriptions covered a large-scale of fields, ranging from sacrifice, wars, state affairs to weather, hunting and provide important information for the study of the shang society.Apart from the oracle inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which shows that the technology of bronze casting has reached its peak in the shang dynasty. There are many kinds of bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools and so on. Among them, the most famousone is “si mu wu ding”, a bronze object weighing 875 kilograms, it is the biggest bronze ware unearthed so far in the world. With its unusual air of majesty and beautiful designs of patterns, it is considered to be a treasure in the bronze culture of china as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. There are other artifacts discovered in the Yin Ruins including pottery objects, stone and bone objects, jade, shell objects and so on, all beautiful in shape and well made.Finally, we come to the site of the imperial palaces and tombs. The imperial palaces lie on the north of the Xiaotun Village, to the south bank of Henghe River. Altogether 54 imperial palaces have been discovered, covering an area of 280 meters long and 150 meters wide. The tombs lie opposite the palaces across Henghe River. Eleven large tomb have been found, of which 8 are tomb of Kings. The largest tomb covers an area of over 1000 square meters. The Simuwuding and many other bronze wares were just found here. And in 1976 archaeologists found the first Tomb of woman in Chinese history--The Tomb of Fu Hao. Fu hao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife, she was an intelligent and courageous woman. She led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made greatcontributions towards protecting the country. After her death, Wu Ding built this large tomb near the palaces to honor her merits. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in Yin Ruins. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art. Ok, so much for my explanation about the Yin Ruins, thank you for your listening and cooperation, wish you a pleasant trip here, thank you!《安阳殷墟英文导游词》。
殷墟景区的介绍英文作文英文回答:Yinxu, or the Ruins of Yin, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in China's Henan Province. It was the last capital of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE) and is renowned for its well-preserved archaeological remains, including royal tombs, palaces, and ritual areas.Excavations at Yinxu have yielded a wealth of artifacts, including bronze vessels, oracle bones, and jade objects. These discoveries have provided invaluable insights intothe political, social, and cultural life of the Shang dynasty. The site also boasts the remains of severaltemples and ancestral shrines, offering a glimpse into the religious practices of the ancient Chinese.In addition to its historical significance, Yinxu is also notable for its beautiful natural surroundings. The ruins are nestled amidst rolling hills and lush vegetation,creating a picturesque landscape that enhances the visitor experience.中文回答:殷墟是位于中国河南省的一处联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
安阳殷墟英文导游词1Located at the Xiaotun Village, Anyang city, Henan Province, the ruins of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty are preserved in the Yin Ruins Museum where inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells were discovered in 1899. It is also the birthplace of Chinese archeology, one of the 100 patriotic education centers of China, one of the superior national scenery areas as well as one of the National Key Historic Relic Sites.The world famous Yin Ruins Palace is of great importance in the history of human civilization. Large amount of bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and other rare cultural relics were found on the ruins of more than 50 majestic palaces here. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”. The Yin Ruins Museum, like an art palace of ancient China culture, inspires and refines our sentiment on Chinese ancient civilization.Let's first know something about the site of the Palace of Yin Ruins. The majestic Palace of Yin Ruins, one of the most famous classic cities of ancient civilizations of the world, falls into three catalogues: palaces, temples and altars. Large amount of culture relics have been found here, including the ruins of the cast brass,the bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and others, among which are the top ones of China, or even the world. They are the manifestation of the unusual power of creation, wisdom and techniques of ancient Chinese. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”. G uo Moruo, a famous Chinese historian, once wrote poems to show his admiration and commented that the Yin Ruins are the starting point of Chinese civilization on the central plain and touring here is more enlightening than reading ancient books.Now, we have come to the site of the Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the earliest chariots and road remains of ancient China. Animal-drawn carts were once the most important means of transport in ancient China, a vast land. Vehicles of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, having been found several times, are generally of the same structure, showing a long interval between the Yin Dynasty and the time when they were invented. Vehicles are said to have been invented in the Xia Dynasty according to ancient documents. However, no such vehicles have been found yet. The Chariot Pits found on Yin Ruins are the earliest animal-driven carts in Chinese archeology, an evidence of China’s being one of the earliest ancient civilizations inventing and using carts.The six Chariot Pits and road remains of Yin Ruins exhibited in the Museum were excavated by the Archeology Research Institute of China Social Science Academy in Anyang. These chariot pits are almost intact, being of great value in academic study and exhibition. In each pit there buried a chariot. Anothertwo horses were buried in each of the five pits. In each of the four pits is one person immolated. Based on statistics, most of the immolated people are male adults, except for one male youth. Studies show that chariots of the Yin Dynasty were good-looking, solid, light, fast, balanced and comfortable. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the most vivid history textbooks on the far ancient civilization of animal-driven carts as well as the cruel institution of burying the living with the dead in the slavery society.Next, let's come to the place where the Oracle Bone Inscriptions are exhibited. Oracle bone inscriptions, the origin of Chinese characters and the earliest mature Chinese characters, were records of auguries in the Yin Dynasty, known as the earliest “archive” in ancient China. The 4,500 single Chinese characters recorded on 150,000 bones and tortoise shells found reveal social practices involving politics, military affairs, cultures, customs as well as science and techniques including astronomy, calendar, medicine and others. Judging from the 1500 single Chinese characters decoded, oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty have learned to create characters by “pictograph, associative compounds, echoism, self-explanation, mutual explanation and phonetic loan”, manifesting the unique charm of Chinese characters.Apart from the oracle inscription, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. China has a long history of manufacturing artistic bronze wares of unique artistic style and national characteristics. The various bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools, applicants, decorations and artistic works embody the climax of the bronze era in China presented by sacrificial vessels and weapons, playing an important role inChinese ancient culture. Bronze wares of Yin Ruins, with their baroque, mysterious styles, beautiful decoration lines, abstracted animal designs, refined geometry patterns and delicate embossments, are manifestations of the religious and aesthetic views of Yin people in an exaggerative and mysterious style, being cultured with primitive roughness and artistic attractions. The glorious achievements of bronze ware casting of Yin Ruins have made it one of the centers of bronze civilization in the world.Simuwu Quadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the Yin Ruins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world, is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height with an opening as long as 79.2 cm. Standing on the open plaza in front of the great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience of touring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum of Chinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its delicate decorative patterns, it is considered a treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. The superior cast techniques and scientific choice ingredients have even won the admiration of modern metallurgy experts. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight, advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary. As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects the advanced slavery system of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty and the unusual power of creation of the people. Finally, we come to the Fuhao T omb. Fuhao was the Emperof Wu Ding's wife, also the first Woman general in Chinese history. The Fuhao Tomb excavated in 1976 ranked high among the top ten achievements in the archeology of that year. Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao T omb is one of themost important archeology discoveries in the temple and palace areas of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the only discovered and well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation of Yin Ruins. As to the size, it is 5.6 meters long from north to south, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tomb was built an ancestral temple described as “Muxinzong” by oracle inscriptions on shells and bones. Muxinzong is a memorial temple built by king Wuding to offer sacrifices after Fuhao’s death. The establishment now we see is the scientific restore of the remains of Muxinzong.安阳殷墟英文导游词2Regarded as the most representative site of ancient Chinese civilization, the Royal Cemetery site is praised by international experts and scholars as the world's “Second Egypt”。
用英语介绍殷墟博物馆的作文The Yinxu Museum: A Window into China's Glorious PastThe Yinxu Museum, located in the ancient city of Yinxu, Henan Province, China, stands as a testament to the grandeur and significance of the Shang Dynasty, one of the most influential and enigmatic periods in Chinese history. This renowned institution serves as a captivating repository, housing a vast array of artifacts and archaeological treasures that provide an unparalleled glimpse into the lives, beliefs, and achievements of the Shang people.Established in 1928, the Yinxu Museum has played a pivotal role in preserving and showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Shang Dynasty. The museum's collection is a true marvel, featuring an impressive array of bronze artifacts, jade carvings, pottery, and oracle bones that offer a tangible connection to the past. Visitors are immediately captivated by the sheer scale and intricacy of these objects, which range from intricate ritual vessels to exquisite ornamental pieces, each one a masterpiece of craftsmanship and artistry.One of the museum's most prized possessions is the collection oforacle bones, which hold a special significance in the study of Shang history and culture. These ancient inscriptions, etched onto animal bones and turtle shells, provide invaluable insights into the Shang people's religious beliefs, political structures, and daily lives. Visitors can marvel at the meticulous calligraphy and the sophisticated divination practices that were integral to the Shang society.The museum's galleries are meticulously curated, guiding visitors through a chronological journey that spans the rise and fall of the Shang Dynasty. Visitors are captivated by the intricate bronze vessels, which were not only functional but also imbued with symbolic meaning and served as vessels for ritual offerings. The museum's collection of jade artifacts, ranging from delicate pendants to imposing burial suits, showcase the Shang people's reverence for this precious material and their mastery of lapidary techniques.One of the museum's most impressive exhibits is the reconstruction of a Shang-era palace complex, complete with towering columns, intricate murals, and meticulously recreated architectural details. This immersive experience allows visitors to step back in time and gain a deeper understanding of the grandeur and sophistication of Shang imperial life.Beyond the museum's permanent collections, the Yinxu Museum also hosts a variety of special exhibitions and educational programsthat further enrich the visitor experience. Scholars and researchers from around the world come to the museum to study the Shang artifacts and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about this pivotal period in Chinese history.The Yinxu Museum's significance extends far beyond its role as a repository of historical artifacts. It serves as a powerful symbol of China's enduring cultural legacy and its unwavering commitment to preserving and sharing its rich heritage with the world. Visitors who step through the museum's doors are transported to a bygone era, where they can marvel at the ingenuity, artistry, and resilience of the Shang people, and gain a deeper appreciation for the foundations of Chinese civilization.In conclusion, the Yinxu Museum is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring China's ancient past. Its vast collection of Shang-era artifacts and its commitment to education and research make it a truly remarkable institution that deserves the attention and admiration of scholars, history enthusiasts, and curious travelers alike. Through the Yinxu Museum, the Shang Dynasty comes alive, inviting visitors to delve into the mysteries and grandeur of one of China's most captivating eras.。
介绍殷墟的英语作文The Yin Ruins, located in Anyang, Henan Province, China, is a treasure trove of ancient Chinese civilization. It was the capital of the Shang Dynasty, one of the earliest dynasties in Chinese history.Covering an area of approximately 30 square kilometers, the site is renowned for its royal tombs, palaces, and the famous Oracle Bone Script, which is the earliest form of Chinese writing discovered.Archaeological excavations have unearthed a wealth of artifacts, including bronze vessels, jade carvings, and pottery, each telling a story of the Shang people's daily life and their advanced craftsmanship.The discovery of the Yin Ruins has been pivotal in understanding the political, economic, and cultural aspects of the Shang Dynasty, shedding light on the social structure and religious practices of the time.A visit to the Yin Ruins is like stepping back in time, where one can marvel at the grandeur of ancient architecture and the ingenuity of ancient people. It is a must-see for anyone interested in the roots of Chinese culture.Preservation efforts are ongoing to protect this historical site from the ravages of time, ensuring thatfuture generations can continue to learn from and appreciate this significant chapter in human history.In conclusion, the Yin Ruins stand as a testament to the rich heritage of China, offering a unique glimpse into the life and sophistication of a bygone era. It is a place where history truly comes alive for those who seek to explore its depths.。
殷墟博物馆文物英文介绍Title: The Treasures of Yin Ruins MuseumLocated in Anyang, Henan Province, the Yin Ruins Museum showcases a remarkable collection of cultural relics from the late Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE). These artifacts, unearthed from the ancient Yin city, offer a unique glimpse into the rich history and advanced civilization of the Shang people.Among the standout exhibits are jade carvings, bronze statues, and ceramics. The jade collection is particularly noteworthy, featuring exquisitely crafted pieces with intricate designs. These jades, some dating back over 3,000 years, showcase the remarkable skills of ancient artisans in carving and engraving techniques.The bronze statues, often in the forms of animals and deities, are testaments to the religious beliefs and cultural practices of the time. These statues were likely used in rituals and sacrifices, further highlighting the importance of religion in daily life during the Shang Dynasty.The ceramics on display are not only functional but also reflect the aesthetic sensibilities of the period. Dishware, storage containers, and even decorative objects showcase a range of styles and techniques, demonstrating the sophistication of the ceramic industry in the Bronze Age.The Yin Ruins Museum is not just a repository of ancient artifacts; it is a window into a lost civilization. Through these priceless treasures, visitors are able to gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage and advanced social structures of the ancient Shang people. The artifacts serve as a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of China's ancient civilizations.。
以下是整理的安阳殷墟英文导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考!安阳殷墟英文导游词(1)In 1899, in Xiao Tun Village of Anyang City, Henan Province, villagers found many tortoise(龟) shells and bones carved with letters and symbols, which unveiled(显露) to the world Yin Xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture. Since then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists, because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters of human beings, the Oracles.About 3,300 years ago, one emperor of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) moved his capital city to Yin, which is todays Anyang city, and since then Yin has been the capital city for more than 250 years. Today Yin Xu has proved to be the earliest remains of an ancient capital city in written record. Covering agrand area of 24 square kilometers (more than 9 square miles), Yin Xu had a palaces district, civil residences district, tombs district and workshops district, divided into two parts by the Heng river in the city. This rational layout clearly shows people a powerful country and a well-equipped ancient city.The large-scale excavation in Yin Xu has been continued since the last century. Besides the 150, 000 pieces of oracles, abundant bronze ware has been excavated, and among them, Simuwu Ding, a 4-legged bronze cooking vessel(器皿) is the biggest and heaviest bronze ware ever found worldwide. Apart from oracles and bronze ware, people have also excavated much pottery ware and jade. The excavation is still in progress and great discoveries come forth from time to time. Like a famous archeologist has said, in Yin Xu there are more treasures to be found.Because of its great value in not only the historical relics of Chinese culture but also the human civilization of the whole world, Yin Xu topped the 100 Greatest Archeological Discoveries of China in the last century and it was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xu is revealing its beauty to the world.Museum on Yin RuinsOK, everybody. Soon well get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the best museum for the study of the Yin Shang Culture. Now please listen to me and Id like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction on it.As you know, China is one of the earliest countries to discover characters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoise shells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form of language in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, which were first discovered in the Yin Ruins.Speak of the Yin Ruins, it is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. In ancient times, Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty. So the period was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had been overthrown, the city declined and the remains of it was later called the Yin Ruins.The Yin Ruins is famous for three things,i.e.the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty.Since the founding of new China, the Yin Ruins had been listed as the first group of cultural relics under national protection. In order to preserve its culture, the government built “Garden of the Yin Ruins” on the site. Today the garden is divided into several sections with ancient objects on display.Next ,lets come to the main hall where the oracle inscriptions are exhibited. Ill talk something more about the oracle bone inscriptions. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered during the years of Emperor Guang Xu, in the Qing Dynasty. Then 15 important archaeological excavations were carried out within 10 years, and more than 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. But in the Shang Dynasty, they were used as divinations(预言), when people were very superstitious. The inscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, state affairs, weather, hunting, etc. Today, they provide important information for the study of the Shang Dynasty. And the study of the oracle bone inscriptions has become a new subject and is getting more popular among people.Apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which show that the technology of bronze casting reached itspeak in the Shang Dynasty. The bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. Of all the unearthed wares, “Simuwu Ding” is the largest bronz e ware in the world. It is elegant in appearance and intricately carved in patterns, showing the peak of bronze casting technology in the Shang Dynasty.Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs. The site of the imperial palaces lies on the north of the Xiaotun village, to the south bank of Henghe river. In 1976 near the site the the imperial palaces archaeologists found the tomb of the first woman general in Chinese history.Tomb of Fu Hao.FuHao was Emperor Wu Dings wife,both intelligent and courageous. She had bravely led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to the protecting of the country. After her death, Wu Ding built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits. Buried together with her were many slaves and war prisoners as well as 1,928 sacrificial objects. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in the Yin Rains. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art.Moreover, there are some other precious ancient articles displayed in the museum, people who are interested in the Yin Shang Culture will gain a lot from our visiting.Well, OK. So much for the introduction. Here we are, the Yin Ruins. Please get ready your stuff and then dismount the bus. Well begin our terrific visiting. Im sure youll enjoy a splendid experience here. Have a good time. Thank you .安阳殷墟英文导游词(2)Located at the Xiaotun Village, Anyang city, Henan Province, the ruins of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty are preserved in the Yin Ruins Museum where inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells were discovered in 1899. It is also the birthplace of Chinese archeology, one of the 100 patriotic education centers of China, one of the superior national scenery areas as well as one of the National Key Historic Relic Sites.The world famous Yin Ruins Palace is of great importance in the history of human civilization. Large amount of bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and other rare cultural relics were found on the ruins of more than 50 majestic palaces here. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of“three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”.The Yin Ruins Museum, like an art palace of ancient China culture, inspires and refines our sentiment on Chinese ancient civilization.Lets first know something about the site of the Palace of Yin Ruins. The majestic Palace of Yin Ruins, one of the most famous classic cities of ancient civilizations of the world, falls into three catalogues: palaces, temples and altars. Large amount of culture relics have been found here, including the ruins of the cast brass, the bones and tortoise shells with inscriptions, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and others, among which are the top ones of China, or even the world. They are the manifestation of the unusual power of creation, wisdom and techniques of ancient Chinese. According to archeologists, “we are excavating a slavery society”. The Yin (Shang) Culture of “three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares” is “a glorious ancient Chinese civilization”. Guo Moruo, a famous Chinese historian, once wrote poems to show his admiration and commented that the Yin Ruins are the starting point of Chinese civilization on the central plain and touring here is more enlightening than reading ancient books.Now, we have come to the site of the Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the earliest chariots and road remains of ancient China. Animal-drawn carts were once the most important means of transport in ancient China, a vast land. Vehicles of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, having been found several times, are generally of the same structure, showing a long interval between the Yin Dynasty and the time when they were invented. Vehicles are said to have been invented in the Xia Dynasty according to ancient documents. However, no such vehicles have been found yet. The Chariot Pits found on Yin Ruins are the earliest animal-driven carts in Chinese archeology, an evidence of Chinas being one of the earliest ancient civilizations inventing and using carts.The six Chariot Pits and road remains of Yin Ruins exhibited in the Museum were excavated by the Archeology Research Institute of China Social Science Academy in Anyang. These chariot pits are almost intact, being of great value in academic study and exhibition. In each pit there buried a chariot. Another two horses were buried in each of the five pits. In each of the four pits is one person immolated. Based on statistics, most of the immolated people are male adults, except for one male youth. Studies show that chariots of the Yin Dynasty were good-looking, solid, light, fast, balanced and comfortable. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the most vivid historytextbooks on the far ancient civilization of animal-driven carts as well as the cruel institution of burying the living with the dead in the slavery society.Next, lets come to the place where the Oracle Bone Inscriptions are exhibited. Oracle bone inscriptions, the origin of Chinese characters and the earliest mature Chinese characters, were records of auguries in the Yin Dynasty, known as the earliest “archive” in ancient China. The 4,500 single Chinese characters recorded on 150,000 bones and tortoise shells found reveal social practices involving politics, military affairs, cultures, customs as well as science and techniques including astronomy, calendar, medicine and others. Judging from the 1500 single Chinese characters decoded, oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty have learned to create characters by “pictograph, associative compounds, echoism, self-explanation, mutual e xplanation and phonetic loan”, manifesting the unique charm of Chinese characters.Apart from the oracle inscription, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. China has a long history of manufacturing artistic bronze wares of unique artistic style and national characteristics. The various bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools,applicants, decorations and artistic works embody the climax of the bronze era in China presented by sacrificial vessels and weapons, playing an important role in Chinese ancient culture. Bronze wares of Yin Ruins, with their baroque, mysterious styles, beautiful decoration lines, abstracted animal designs, refined geometry patterns and delicate embossments, are manifestations of the religious and aesthetic views of Yin people in an exaggerative and mysterious style, being cultured with primitive roughness and artistic attractions. The glorious achievements of bronze ware casting of Yin Ruins have made it one of the centers of bronze civilization in the world.Simuwu Quadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the Yin Ruins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world, is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height with an opening as long as 79.2 cm. Standing on the open plaza in front of the great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience of touring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum of Chinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its delicate decorative patterns, it is considered a treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. The superior cast techniques and scientific choice ingredients have even won the admiration ofmodern metallurgy experts. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight, advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary. As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects the advanced slavery system of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty and the unusual power of creation of the people.Finally, we come to the Fuhao Tomb. Fuhao was the Emperof Wu Dings wife, also the first Woman general in Chinese history. The Fuhao Tomb excavated in 1976 ranked high among the top ten achievements in the archeology of that year. Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao Tomb is one of the most important archeology discoveries in the temple and palace areas of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the only discovered and well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation of Yin Ruins. As to the size, it is 5.6 meters long from north to south, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tomb was built an ancestral temple described as “Muxinzong” by oracle inscriptions on shells and bones. Muxinzong is a memorial temple built by king Wuding to offer sacrifices after Fuhaos death. The establishment now we see is the scientific restore of the remains of Muxinzong.安阳殷墟英文导游词(3)Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Hangzhou! Its our great honor to be your tour guide. Im Yan yan ying, Im Wanxiaolan,today we will enjoy West Lake together.First,let me introduce West Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake.Ok, first lets appreciate the ten new sights. Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi--云栖竹径Lets first visit Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi, This attraction locates southwest to the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qiantang River and in Wuyun Hill Yunqi Village. ―Yunqi‖ means clouds lingering. It is said that some auspicious color clouds came flying from the nearby Color Clouds Hill and lingered on here, hence the name. Bamboo – Lined Path at Yunqi is well known for its quietness and coolness. Walking along the path, soon you will meet a pond called Mind Purifying Pond which means \pure mind\Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley--虎跑梦泉―You see that? Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley.‖ Yes, here we are.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the West Lake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. ―Dragon Well Tea‖ and ―Tiger Spring water‖ are rated as two uniqueness of the West Lake. its water is pure and clear. Tests show that the water is contributive to peoples health.Walking along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the Luxuriant Green Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spring. This place gives you a very happiness to watch the spring. Then, you can have a seat in a tea house near the cliff to enjoy a cup of Dragon Well green tea brewed in Tiger Spring water.Im quite sure you all know the monk Jigong and his classic figure, now Lets step into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Have you heard anything on Bell Towner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruans Mound--阮墩环碧Next, we would go to the youngest of all manmade isles on the west lake, Lord Ruans Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay attention to safety.Lord Ruans Mound Encircled by Greenness: During a major facelift in 1982, trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruans Mound. Today, as animitation ancient water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlife paradise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill--吴山天风Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may notice that the challenge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or more peaks. It stretches for several miles and extends into the downtown. It is also a place where you can enjoy different scenes in different seasons for it is covered with a rich variety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks andinscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks which is known as the ―Twelve Animal Stones‖ appears like the twelve animals in the Chinese lunar calendar symbolizing the different years in which people are born. If you are interested in the beautiful scenery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where you can have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates between Qiantang River and West Lake. Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village--满陇桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Yes, its Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osmanthus blossoms, whose fragrance drifts far and wide when the osmanthus are in bloom. In October every year a month-long Osmanthus Festival is held here. If you are interested in this festival, you can come here and enjoy it.Inquiring about Tea at Dragon Well—龙井问茶Do you know whats this? Ok, let me tell you, as the name implies, inquiring about tea at Dragon Well. Dragon Well Tea is well known worldwide, the water of dragon well is sweet and nice. The green tea of here enjoys very high reputation since Ming Dynasty. Dragon Well is formally called the Dragon pool. In ancient time,local people believed that this well connected with the sea and a dragon lived inside.Dragon Well is one of the five famous West Lake springs. To have a seat and enjoy a cup of Dragon Well tea beside the Dragon Well, what a wonderful experience it is. Dragon Well tea is well –known for its four special features: green color, fragrant aroma, sweet taste and smooth even appearance. West Lake green tea has fourvarieties named Lion, Dragon, Cloud and Tiger. Among them, Lion and Dragon Well Tea is the best.Nine Creeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest九溪烟树Now the station we stay is called Nine Greeks Meandering through a Misty Forest. As one of \as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley.Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill--玉皇飞云Walk through the pavilion; we can see the Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill. Jade Emperor Hill stands between the West Lake and Qiantang River with an elevation of 239 meters. Currently, a pavilion called ―Ascend-the-Cloud‖ was built on th e top. Climbingup the pavilion, you will see the clouds scurrying past your feet. Thereforethis scene is called as ―Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill‖.The major attractions on the hill include Purple Source Cave, Eight Trigrams Field and Seven-Star Pavilion. Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green--黄龙吐翠Situated at the north foot of Ixia Hill, Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green is one of the New Ten Scenes of West Lake and a famous Taoist temple. It is where Hangzhounese prayed to the dragon for rain in the Southern Song Dynasty.With wooded hills behind, this park features serene and mysterious beauty highlighted by harmoniously arranged streams, caves, pavilions and rockeries. The rare square bamboo has aroused great curiosity among visitors.A special garden of folk customs has been developed to feature YUAN, which means good luck. Visitors will earn three Chinese lucks: congeniality, auspiciousness and marital felicity.Precious Stone hill Floating in Rosy Cloud--宝石流霞The hill features the huge boulders scattered along its ridge. Unlike the limestone to be found in most surrounding hills, they are rhyolite and tuff rocks. Purple red or reddish brown, these weather-beaten boulders are usually inlaid with greenish stuff, which shines dazzlingly bright in the sun like real jasper. Hence the name, Precious Stone Hill.Viewed at a distance, these stones seem to be floating in rosy clouds over West Lake. It is a serene enjoyment to watch at the hilltop the sunrise in drifting clouds over the sea. That has therefore made one of the new ten scenes of West Lake –Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud.There stands Baochu Pagoda atop the hill. Known as the landmark of Hangzhou, the 45-meter-high pagoda appears to be a pretty girl standing slim and graceful.安阳殷墟英文导游词(4)Regarded as the most representative site of ancient Chinese civilization, the Royal Cemetery site is praised by international experts and scholars as the worlds “Second Egypt”。
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Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Welcome to Henan! I’m glad to be your tour guide. My name is Lena. I’m honored to welcome you all, my friends from US, on behalf of my company, Zhong Yuan China Railway Travel Service. Allow me to introduce you to our driver Mr. Zhang. He’s a very experienced driver, so we are in safe hands. We’ll work as a team to make you feel welcomed and make sure the safety of our trip. If you have any questions or you experience any difficulties, please come to us, we are here to help you. We’ll do our best to make your trip in Henan pleasant and memorable.Today we are going to visit Museum on Yin Ruins, we’ll live Zhengzhou at 8 o’clock and arrived at Anyang city around 12 o’clock. After a simple lunch we will go to Museum on Yin Ruins. It’s a pretty tired long journey, but you can enjoy the beautiful countryside views from along the way.Henan, located right in the heart of China, it is one of the largest provinces with richest tourism resources, both historical attractions and natural landscapes. Among China’s eight ancient capitals, there are four in Henan province ,they are Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Zhengzhou, and three famous world cultural heritages ,the Longmen Grottoes, Museum on Yin Ruins and The Centre of Heaven and Earth.Anyang is proud of its history of over 3,000 years and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese nation. Due to its age-old history and splendid culture, a great number of places of interests and cultural relics dot the city like stars in sky. For example, the well-known Yin Ruins, Wenfeng Pagoda, Fu Hao's Tomb and so on.Now allow me to give you a brief introduction about Yin Ruins. In ancient times, King Pen Geng of Shang Dynasty moved the capital to Yin in thirteen eighty seven BC. It located at Xiaotun Village 2.5 km northwest of Anyang City. Yin remained capital for 273 years; it saw 12 kings of 8 generations. This period was called Yin Shang, or the Yin Dynasty in history. The city declined after the Shang dynasty had been overthrown and the remains of the Shang Dynasty was later called the Yin Ruins. Right on the Yin Ruins, we built a museum, so this is how Museum on Yin Ruins came from.Now we’ve already arrived at Anyang. Let’s get off the bus and have lunch at this highly recommended restaurant. We’ll gather here at the parking lot at 1 pm. Please remember our bus’number YuAL Y007. And I must warn you that the tap water is not for direct drinking, because it’s not sterilized.讲解词Ladies and Gentlemen:We finally arrived at Museum on Yin Ruins. Before we start our tour, I have a question for you. Do you know what the Museum of Yin Ruins is famous for?The answer is, it is famous for three things: the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. Please remember this and let’s begin our tour.This is the main entrance to the garden. It is a specially designed gate, the word gate was written on tortoise shells. The gate was finely caved with beautiful designs of dragon, phoenix, tiger and other animals, on top of the gate is a board with the words “gardens of the Yin Ruins”Now we’ve come to the main hall where the oracle bone inscriptions are put on display. The oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered in 1899, then 15 important archaeological excavations were acquired within 10 years, more than 160,000 pieces of shells and bones with inscriptions were found. As the earliest characters, the inscriptions marked a recorded history of nearly 4000 year in China. They were used as divinations in the shang dynasty when people then were very superstitious. The contents of these inscriptions covered a large-scale of fields, ranging from sacrifice, wars, state affairs to weather, hunting and provide important information for the study of the shang society.Apart from the oracle inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins, which shows that the technology of bronze casting has reached its peak in the shang dynasty. There are many kinds of bronze wares including sacrificial vessels, musical instruments, weapons, tools and so on. Among them, the most famous one is “si mu wu ding”, a bronze object weighing 875 kilograms, it is the biggest bronze ware unearthed so far in the world. With its unusual air of majesty and beautiful designs of patterns, it is considered to be a treasure in the bronze culture of china as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. There are other artifacts discovered in the Yin Ruins including pottery objects, stone and bone objects, jade, shell objects and so on, all beautiful in shape and well made.Finally, we come to the site of the imperial palaces and tombs. The imperial palaces lie on the north of the Xiaotun Village, to the south bank of Henghe River. Altogether 54 imperial palaces have been discovered, covering an area of 280 meters long and 150 meters wide. The tombs lie opposite the palaces across Henghe River. Eleven large tomb have been found, of which 8 are tomb of Kings. The largest tomb covers an area of over 1000 square meters. The Simuwuding and many other bronze wares were just found here. And in 1976 archaeologists found the first Tomb of woman in Chinese history--The Tomb of Fu Hao. Fu hao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife, she was an intelligent and courageous woman. She led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions towards protecting the country. After her death, Wu Ding built this large tomb near the palaces to honor her merits. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in Yin Ruins. The large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chinese art.Ok, so much for my explanation about the Yin Ruins, thank you for your listening and cooperation, wish you a pleasant trip here, thank you!。