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讲究诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是市场经济发展不可缺少 的重要条件,是对现代人才素质的基本要求。 Good faith is one of Chinese traditional virtues which is also an indispensable condition(必要条件) to develop market economy and a basic requirement of modern talents. Honesty and trusts are Chinese traditional virtues and the essential and important factors in the market economy and the basic demanded qualities f or modern personnel.
新兴经济体还会为美国的挥霍无度埋单多久? How long will emerging economies continue to finance America's spendthrift habits?
在这一年里,中国经济克服外部环境的不利影响, 继续保持持续健康发展,实属不易。 This year(应该为去年), China’s economy continues to maintain a healthy increase(无持 续,经济健康用sound), which is not easy, for the country has to overcome disadvantages from external environment. Overcoming adversary impacts of the external environment, China's economy continued to maintain sustained and sound development last year
不断将友好合作提高到新的水平。 Bring friendly cooperation to a new high. 今夏气温达到新的最高纪录。 The temperature reached a new high this summer. 价格涨到了新的最高纪录。 The price reached a new high. 去年所获得的利润达到了一个新的最高点. Profits reached a new high last year.
为此,我谨代表特区政府,衷心感谢各位议 员一年来,为香港平稳过渡,为特区政府 顺利运作付出的辛劳和贡献; On behalf of the SAR Government, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you all for your hard work and contribution towards the successful transition of Hong Kong and the smooth operation of the SAR Government.
粮食产量不断上升,达到了历史上最高水平。 Grain output went up steadily and reached a new high without parallel in history . 上周,上海股市屡创新高 Last week, the Shanghai stock market reached new highs
请允许我借这个难得的机会,代表全体香港 市民和香港特别行政区政府,向江主席和 中央政府表示衷心的感谢 On behalf of all the people of Hong Kong and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, I would like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to President Jiang and the Central Government for their kind support.
粮食产量激增。 Grain output shot up. 在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。 In the output of grain, China is second to none. 同时由于老年人失去劳动力,青壮年去了城市,农 业知识水平的下降可能会降低粮食产量。 老年人:老年农民 And, as older farmers leave the labor force and young ones go to cities, the decline in agricultural knowledge could reduce g rain yields.
大有可为 have a bright future Code of conducts行为准则 读万卷书行万里路read 10,000 books and travel 10,000 li
对世界有重要影响的新兴经济体。 Emerging economies with important influence on the world. 和而不同 harmony without uniformity 和平稳定的外部环境 A peaceful and stable external environment 化装舞会costume party 欢送仪式 farewell ceremony
我代表国务院向全国工人、农民、知识分子和干部, 向社会主义劳动者和社会主义事业的建设者,向 解放军指战员、警部队官兵和公安民警,表示诚 挚的感谢! On behalf of the State Council, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our workers, farmers, intellectuals and cadres; to all those who work for the cause of socialism; and to the members of the People's Liberation Army, the armed police and the public security police. 三个向…,用to连接,用分号隔开,最后一个to 前加 and
这座房子和周围的环境非常协调。 The house fits in beautifully with its surroundings. 这和我们的安排配合得很好 It fits in well with our arrangements. 房子不大,倒挺实用的。 The house is not big, but it fits in with our needs.
最广泛地动员和组织人民群众依法管理国家和社会事务,管理 经济和文化事业,维护和实现人民群众的根本利益。 Mobilize and organize the people, in the most extensively way, to manage the national(改为state) and social affairs, manage the economic and cultural undertakings, maintain and realize the fundamental interests of the people. She mobilizes and organizes them on a most extensive scale to manage state and social affairs and economic and cultural undertakings according to law, safeguarding and realizing their fundamental interests."
本人衷心地感谢股东、客户、银行、供货商 及各界友好的支持,感谢香港公司及海外同 事的辛勤努力。 I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our shareholders, customers, Bankers, suppliers and friends in the commercial community for their support, and to (第二 个感谢的处理)our staff in Hong Kong and overseas for their hard work
传统美德,世代相传 Traditional virtues pass down generation by generation Traditional virtues taught from generation to generation
我们要大力发展文化事业,加快建立与社会主义现代化建设 相适应,与中华民族传统美德相承接的思想道德体系。 We should make great efforts to develop the cultural cause (错), accelerate the construction of ideological and moral system which fits in with the construction of socialist modernization and inherits the Chinese traditional virtues. We will vigorously promote cultural undertakings and establ ish the system that accommodates to both socialist modernization and Chinese traditional virtu es.
毕业典礼 commencement 表示诚挚的感谢 Extend sincere gratitude/heartfelt thanks 我谨代表圣约翰座堂「爱之家」谘询及服务 中心答谢大家的支持。 On behalf of St. John's Cathedral HIV Education Centre, may I extend our sincere gratitude for your support.
我要补充一点,在制定新的国际金融架构的过程中,受到当 前全球经济危机影响的新兴经济体系也该叁与其中,因为 我们有第一手的经验,知道问题所在。 I need to point out that the emerging economies that are being influenced by the global financial crisis should participate in the establishment of the new international financial structure(财务结构) , because we have the first hand experience and know where the rub is. I wish to point out that the emerging economies affected by the current global crisis should be involved in the process of drawing up the new financial architecture, as we have first-hand experience of where the problem lies.
爱国情操 Patriotism 把握机遇,精诚合作 Seicooperate in good faith
我认为我们有能力在抓住机遇和鼓励增长的同时控 制风险。 I believe we have the ability to seize the opportunit y and spur economic growth while also controlling risks.