








1. 灰度级特征提取灰度级特征提取是根据像素的灰度值来判断其特征属性。



2. 颜色特征提取颜色特征提取是根据像素的颜色信息来判断其特征属性。





1. 基于边缘提取的特征边缘是地物对象与背景之间的边界,通过提取边缘可以获得地物对象的形态信息。



2. 基于区域分割的特征区域分割是将遥感图像划分为具有相似特征的连续区域的过程。



3. 基于形状提取的特征地物对象具有独特的形状信息,通过提取形状特征可以获得地物对象的几何性质。








1. 直方图均衡化直方图均衡化是一种通过调整图像的亮度分布来增强图像对比度的方法。



2. 滤波滤波是一种通过去除图像中的噪声和不必要的细节来改善图像质量的方法。



3. 增强算法增强算法是一种通过对图像进行像素级别的调整和处理来增强图像质量的方法。





1. 纹理特征提取纹理特征提取是一种通过分析图像中的纹理信息来描述和表示图像内容的方法。



2. 频谱特征提取频谱特征提取是一种通过分析图像的频域信息来描述和表示图像内容的方法。



This research progress has been made in the following areas: (1)firstly, spectral reflectance mechanisms of tree crown on high spatial resolution imagery has been researched in the different conditions of canopy density in forest stands of test area, and spectral reflectance library of tree crown was established. Then definition of the individual tree crown on the remote sensing imagery is given in this paper. It is summarized
基 于 高 空 间 分 辨 率 遥 感 图 像 的 单 木 树 冠 轮 廓 提 取 技 术 研 究
黄 建 文 届 博 士 生 中 国 林 业 科 学 研 究 院
分类号 UDC
基于高空间分辨率遥感图像的单木树冠轮廓提取技术研究 Research on Individual Tree rown Delineation Techniques Based on the High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成 果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表 或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得本研究生培养单位或其它教育机构的学位或证书 而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确 的说明并表示谢意。





















http://www.renminzhujiang.cnDOI:10 3969/j issn 1001 9235 2024 02 006第45卷第2期人民珠江 2024年2月 PEARLRIVER基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3002701)收稿日期:2023-06-13作者简介:盛晟(1996—),女,博士研究生,主要从事径流模拟与预报等方面研究。


E-mail:chua@whu.edu.cn盛晟,万芳琦,林康聆,等.基于分层特征提取和多尺度特征融合的高分辨率遥感影像水体提取深度学习算法[J].人民珠江,2024,45(2):45-52.基于分层特征提取和多尺度特征融合的高分辨率遥感影像水体提取深度学习算法盛 晟1,万芳琦2,林康聆1,胡朝阳3,陈 华1(1.武汉大学水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072;2.江西省自然资源测绘与监测院,江西 南昌 330009;3.福建省水利水电勘测设计研究院,福建 福州 350001)摘要:高精度的水体提取有助于水资源监测和管理。






























基于人工智能的高分卫星影像信息提取前沿进展肖振强1张静依11 北京航天析木科技有限公司,北京 1001011 引言目前,全球卫星遥感产业正处于快速发展的鼎盛时期,新兴技术不断出现、有竞争力的商业航天企业蓬勃发展高分卫星遥感数据已经呈现出大数据的数据量大、类型繁多、速度快、时效性强、潜在价值大等典型特征。





2 人工智能技术的优势2.1优于遥感影像传统解译方法基于卫星遥感影像的人工智能机器学习算法,能够改变传统遥感数据处理耗时长、效率低等弊端,自动提取全国范围的遥感信息,以变化监测信息产品、专题信息产品等形式,向信息服务商、互联网平台商以及政府信息部门提供高时效、低成本、更便捷基础空间信息,最终为政府应用、商业情报、互联网运营等提供定制服务。
































本文首先研究了传统的统计纹理特征如:共生矩阵纹理特征、灰度差分纹理特征、行程长度纹理特征、Tamura 纹理特征以及灰度信息特征的提取方法。






关键词:遥感图像分类纹理特征Gabor滤波器直方谱特征分类器AbstractWith the development of remote sensing technology, remote sensing images have been widely utilized in industry, agriculture and military affairs. Remote sensing classification is very important to all these applications. Now, many features and classifiers have been proposed. The extraction of efficient features and the selection of classifiers are pivotal for classification.This thesis employs texture features for remote sensing classification. The contents of this thesis could be summarized as follow. First, it introduces the definition of traditional statistical texture features such as: co-occurrence features, gray-level difference features, run-length features, Tamura features and gray-level information features. Based on the criterion of variances between & intra classes efficient features have been chosen among the extracted features. Secondly, The Gabor filter with the ability of simulating the biological vision has been used for texture features extraction. After the definition of Gabor filter and construction method, this thesis constructs series of Gabor filters with strong ability for classification. Spectrum histogram features has been applied to describe texture information of images processed by Gabor filters. Lastly, the thesis does some research on nearest neighbor classifiers and neural network classifiers and the experiment demonstrates that Gabor filter combined with spectrum histogram features yield higher accuracy than traditional statistical texture features.Key Words: Remote sensing classification Texture features Gabor filter Spectrum histogram features Classifiers目录摘要 (I)Abstract (III)1 绪论1.1 论文研究的背景和意义 (1)1.2 研究现状 (2)1.3 论文研究内容 (4)1.4 论文的结构安排 (4)2 纹理特征2.1 纹理的一些基本概念 (5)2.2 纹理分析方法 (14)2.3 特征归一化策略 (15)2.4 (实验结果 (18)2.5 本章小结 (19)3 Gabor滤波器3.1 Gabor滤波器的提出 (20)3.2 Gabor滤波器的构造 (21)3.3 本章小结 (28)4 Gabor直方谱纹理特征4.1 Gabor方向选择通道 (29)4.2 直方图特征的提取 (30)4.3 Gabor直方谱特征的提取 (32)4.4 Gabor滤波器通道选择 (33)4.5 特征提取结果 (35)4.6 本章小结 (38)5 分类器5.1 K-近邻分类算法 (39)5.2 神经网络分类器 (41)5.3 本章小结 (45)6 实验结果 (46)7 全文总结与展望7.1 论文的主要研究内容 (48)7.2 论文的特色 (48)7.3 需要进一步研究的工作 (48)致谢 (49)参考文献 (50)附录1 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文目录 (54)1 绪论1.1 论文研究的背景和意义遥感作为采集地球数据及其变化信息的重要技术手段,在世界范围内的许多政府部门,科研单位和公司得到了广泛的应用。






























I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2018, 12, 21-28Published Online December 2018 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.12.03An Efficient Texture Feature ExtractionAlgorithm for High Resolution Land Cover Remote Sensing Image ClassificationA.V. Kavitha1,21Research Scholar, Department of computer science, Jawaharlal Nehru technological university –Kakinada, Kakinada,Andhra Pradesh, India2Associate professor, Sri. A.B.R. Government degree college, Repalle, Guntur (Dt), Andhra Pradesh, India.Email: anubrolukavitha@Dr. A. Srikrishna33Professor and HOD, Department of Information and Technology, RVR JC College of engineering, Chowdavaram,Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.Email: atlurisrikrishna@Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana44Professor, Department of computer science, Jawaharlal Nehru technological university - Kakinada, Kakinada AndhraPradesh, India.Email: chsatyanarayana@Received: 01 August 2018; Accepted: 20 September 2018; Published: 08 December 2018Abstract—Remote sensing image classification is very much essential for many socio, economic and environmental applications in the society. They aid in agriculture monitoring, urban planning, forest monitoring, etc. Classification of a remote sensing image is still a challenging problem because of its multifold problems. A new algorithm LCDFOSCA (Linear Contact Distribution First Order Statistics Classification Algorithm) is proposed in this paper to extract the texture features from a Color remote sensing image. This algorithm uses linear contact distributions, mathematical morphology, and first-order statistics to extract the texture features. Later k-means is used to cluster these feature vectors and then classify the image. This algorithm is implemented on NRSC ‘Tirupathi’ area 2.5m, 1m colo r images and on Google Earth images. The algorithm is evaluated with various measures like the dice coefficient, segmentation accuracy, etc and obtained promising results.Index Terms—Remote sensing images, mathematical morphology, texture features, linear contact distributions, first order statistics, image classification.I.I NTRODUCTIONImage segmentation and image classification are significant tasks in any remote sensing image analysis. Classified land cover or land use remote sensing images have various socio, economic and environment applications like agriculture monitoring, urban planning, forest monitoring, change detection, forest fire detection, detection and monitoring of volcanoes, road extraction, river extraction, monitoring of ocean ridges, etc [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Many techniques have been proposed in the literature for the classification of a high resolution remote sensing image. Few of them include pure pixel-based techniques, techniques involving mathematical morphology, seed growing techniques, watershed algorithms, wavelets, Markov random fields, Grayscale co-occurrence matrices, neural networks, graph theory, etc [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Classification techniques involving only single pixel values may not perform well always as the spatial context is missing. Many texture feature extraction algorithms are mentioned in literature [12, 16, 17, 18], with the help of which the spatial parameter also could be considered along with the pixel values.Mathematical morphology suits very well for remote sensing images and was a proved tool for featuring textured objects [2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. Also, any digital image could be considered as a random closed set and contact distributions are tools which are used to describe the distributional properties of random spatial structures from outside the structure [24, 25]. Distributions to the first contact for increasing test sets contained in the void are called as contact distributions and can be very well used for exploratory data analysis of random patterns [25]. If the test set or structuring element is a line segment, those contact distributions are called as linear contact distributions. In this paper, a new algorithm "Linear Contact Distributions and First Order Statistics Classification Algorithm" (LCDFOSCA) has beenproposed. In this algorithm, texture features of every pixel are extracted with the help of mathematical morphology [13, 14, 26], linear contact distributions (LCD) [24, 25] and first-order statistics (FOS) [27]. The texture features thus extracted are clustered with the help of the K-means clustering algorithm and finally, the classified image could be displayed.Paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with methodology, section 3 presents results and discussions and section 4 concludes the paper with the discussion of future scope.II.M ETHODOLOGYIrene Epifanio and Pierre Soille have proposed a supervised texture feature algorithm [28] to segment a remote sensing image using LCD. Here, some training set is required to segment the image as the features extracted cannot be clustered as they do not converge with any clustering algorithm. Hence, a new unsupervised algorithm LCDFOSCA was proposed in this paper which calculates features for every pixel and later all these features could be clustered even with the k-means algorithm. No training set is required to classify the image.The flow of the algorithm is explained in the flowchart as given in Fig.1.Fig.1. Flowchart of methodology.Initially the given image 'I' is converted into a grayscale image 'GI'. From this grayscale image 'GI', to enhance the textural properties, four binary images B1, B2, B3, and B4 are extracted. From each binary image, and for every pixel, four features are extracted with the help of LCD. As 4 binary images are available, 16 features are extracted for each pixel. Similarly, four morefeatures are extracted for every pixel using FOS. Thus in total 20 features are extracted for every pixel. After completing extracting 20 features for all the pixels in the image, these feature vectors are classified using the k-means algorithm and are finally classified. The process of generation of binary images and extraction of texture features is explained in more detail in the coming sections.A.Generation of binary imagesIn this paper, prior to calculating LCD’s of every pixel, the given image is converted into four binary images to highlight the texture patterns present in the image [28,31]. For this purpose,(1) Initially, the given image ‘I’ is converted into a grayscale image ‘GI’.(2) From image ‘GI’, two threshold values ‘th1’ and ‘th2’ are to be estimated.(3) To estimate the value ‘th1’, first estimate a value ‘th’ from image ‘GI’, with the help of OTSU method [29, 30]. Multiply ‘th’ with maximum intensity value ‘255’ to get ‘th1’ [31].(3) With the help of th1, the grayscale image ‘GI’ is converted into binary image ‘BIM’, by thresh olding image ‘GI’ with value ‘th1’. All values less than ‘th1’ in image ‘GI’ are taken as ‘1’ and remaining as ‘0’ to get the binary image ‘BIM’.(4) To calculate the second threshold value ‘th2’, generate external gradient image ‘EI’ from ‘GI’ with a flat 3 x 3 structuring elemen t with value ‘1’. Threshold ‘th’ is estimated from ‘EI’ with the help of OTSU method [29, 30, 31]. Multiply ‘th’ with maximum intensity value 255 to get the threshold ‘th2’ [31].(5) Now external gradient images ‘EG1’, ‘EG2’, EG3’and ‘EG4’are obtained from image ‘GI’ with structuring elements S1, S2, S3, and S4.S1 is the structuring element with a diamond of radius 7,S2 is the structuring element with a disc of radius 7,S3 is the structuring element of a square with side 11 andS4 is the structuring element of the cross with arm ‘5’.(6) Thresholded external gradient images ‘TEG1’, ‘TEG2’, ‘TEG3’ and ‘TEG4’ are obtained from external gradient images ‘EG1’, ‘EG2’, EG3’ and ‘EG4’ with the help of threshold ‘th2’. All values greater than ‘th2’ are taken as ‘1’ and remaining as ‘0’ to get the thresholded external gradient images.(7) Thresholded external gradient images ‘TEG1’, ‘TEG2’, ‘TEG3’ and ‘TEG4’ are now intersected with binary image ‘BIM’ to get four intersected images.(8) Final binary images ‘B1’, ‘B2’, ‘B3’ and ‘B4’ are obtained by area opening four intersected images with value 10.Fig.2 shows various intermediate results of the process. Fig.2a is the original true color image from ‘Tirupathi’ area dataset. Fig.2b is the panchromatic image on which the algorithm has been applied, Fig.2c is the thresholded binary image ‘BIM’, Fig.2d is one of the four external gradient images generated ‘EG1’, Fig.2e is one of the four final intersected and area opened binary images generated ‘B1’and Fig.2f shows the final classified image.(a) (b)(c) (d)(e) (f)Fig.2. Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Thresholded image with threshold 'th1'(d) External gradient image (e) Intersected and area opened binary image (f) Final Classified imageB.Extraction of texture featuresLinear contact distributions of any pixel can be estimated with the help of Equation (1) [24, 28, 32]. To estimate LCD of a pixel, a window ‘W’ of size n x n is considered surrounding the pixel under consideration. If ‘C’ is the set of pixels with value one in window ‘W’, then the LCD for a line segment wit h length ‘L’ and angle ‘ɵ’ is given by(,)(,)(()).()()1(()).(())cS LcS LA C A WH LA W A Cθθθεε=- (1)Where εB(A) denotes erosion of set ‘A’ by set ‘B’. Also, S(L, ɵ) is a structuring element, which consists of a line segment with length ‘L’ and angle ɵ. (C)c represents the complement of set “C”. ‘A’ is the area, here calculated as a number of pixels. In this paper, the lengthof the line segment has been considered as 3 and for every pixel, LCD ’s are estimated in all four principal directions. That is, the structuring elements considered are as follows.00001011112010000010S S ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦00110030104010100001S S ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦(2)From each binary image, for every pixel ‘p’, LCD arecalculated with the help of equation (1) and structuring elements presented in equation (2), to get four features for the pixel. As four binary images are available and from each binary image, a pixel gets 4 features, every pixel will get 16 features. From the grayscale image ‘GI’, four more features are calculated for every pixel, with the help of first order statistics mean, entropy, smoothness index, and energy [27]. They are calculated for the window ‘W’, surrounded by the pixel considered. Hence for every pixel, 20 features are calculated.Algorithm to calculate the feature vector for every pixel: Input: Binary images B1, B2, B3, B4 and grayscale image GI.Output: Feature vectors for all the pixels of the given image.Assume the size of the image to be r x s.(1) Consider the binary image B1.(2) Let structuring element is S1 as given in equation.(2). (3) For i = 1 to r (4) For j = 1 to s(5) Consider a window ‘W’ of size n x n surrounding the pixel p(i,j).(6) Calculate the feature f1 from window ‘W’ using equation (1).(7) Repeat step 6 with structuring elements S2, S3 and S4 as given in equation.(2) to get the features f2, f3 and f4 for pixel p(i,j).(8) Repeat from step 5 to step 7 with binary image B2, B3 and B4 to get features f5 to f16.(9) From grayscale image ‘GI’, consider the window ‘W 1’ of sixe n x n surrounding the pixel p(i,j).(10) Calculate other features f17 to f20 from window ‘W1’ like mean, entropy, smoothness index and energy. (11) end of for loop of j. (12) end for loop of i. (13)stop.C. Classification of the imageAll feature vectors calculated for every pixel are stored in a file and are clustered with the help of the K-means algorithm. All pixels of the first cluster are allotted one color, pixels of the second cluster are allotted another color and so on. Finally, all pixels are displayed thus forming a classified image.III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONSA. Experimental setupThe algorithm has been applied on various true color images of NRSC ‘Tirupathi ’ region [33] and on Google Earth images [34]. Small portions of the satellite image are cropped with the help of ‘QGIS’, an open source software and algorithm is applied on those cropped images. Cropped images of various sizes are considered. All algorithms are implemented in ‘MATLAB ’. The window size of 51 x 51 is considered to calculate the feature vectors of every pixel. All ground truth images are generated manually by visually interpreting the true color images. B. Datasets1. 2.5m Color satellite image of NRSC (NationalRemote Sensing Center) ‘Tirupathi and western side of Tirupathi’ region covering NARL, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India. The site contains water bodies, urban, forests, etc. Latitude and longitudes of the left top corner and right bottom corners are (13.700, 79.110) and (13.350, 79.460) [33].2. 1m Color satellite image of NRSC ‘Tirupathi andwestern side of Tiru pathi’ region covering NARL, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India. Latitude and longitudes of the left top corner and right bottom corners are (13.700, 79.110) and (13.600, 79.460) [33].3. Google Earth image of ‘Kollipara ’ region ofAndhra Pradesh state with latitude 16.2831970 and longitude 80.7756600. Eye alt at 755ft and acquired on 19-10-2017 [34]. C. Result analysisBoth subjective and quantitative analyses have been performed for evaluating the proposed algorithm. Both have proved the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. It has also been proved that LCDFOSCA was able to classify various land cover images without the help of any training data.Fig.3, Fig.4, Fig.5, Fig.6, Fig.7, Fig.8, and Fig.9 present some of the results for the algorithm LCDFOSCA. Fig.3a is a cropped image from ‘Tirupathi ’ area data set and Fig.3b is the grayscale image on which the algorithm is applied. Fig.3c is the ground truth and Fig.3d is the final segmented image with the help of LCDFOSCA algorithm. The dark blue region of the classified images represents the built-up area and cyan color region represents the vegetation.Fig.4a is a Google Earth image with the patterns of two types of crops. Fig.4c is the ground truth and Fig.4d is the classified image, which has rightly classified two types of crops. Fig.7a is also a ‘Tirupathi’ area true-color satellite image with 2mts resolution. LCDFOSCA has classified the original image into two clusters, forest region, and cultivated region. It is very near to the ground truth.(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.3. Buildings and trees: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified imageIf Fig.4 and Fig.7 are observed, it could be noted that, if the image at a macro scale is given, LCDFOSCA algorithm was able to segment the image into various land use, like forest region and cultivated lands region. But, if an image with micro scale is given, for example:(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.4. Two types of crops: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified image.(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.5. Buildings, trees and crops: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c)Ground truth image (d) Classified image(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.6. River and trees: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified image(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.7. Cultivation and forest: Classification results for proposedalgorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c)Ground truth image (d) Classified image(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.8. Water and buildings: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified image.(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.9. Buildings and forest: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified image.(a) (b)(c) (d)Fig.10. Trees clip: Classification results for proposed algorithm LCDFOSCA (a) True color image (b) Panchromatic image (c) Groundtruth image (d) Classified image.Fig.4, the algorithm is able to classify various types of crops. Fig.5, Fig.6, Fig.8, and Fig.9 are all images from "Tirupathi" area 1mt resolution. If the final classified images are observed, we can easily find that they are very much nearer to their respective ground truths. LCDFOSCA was able to classify water, buildings, forest, cultivation lands, various types of crops, etc from the images. Fig.10 is a part clipped from Fig.9. When LCDFOSCA was applied on Fig.9, and was asked to classify into two groups, it classified the image into "buildings" class and "forest" class as seen in Fig.9d. But, when LCDFOSCA was applied on the Fig.10a, which is a part of Fig.9a, it classified the image as ‘trees’ and empty’ regions. Hence, LCDFOSCA is able to cluster the images into various parts unsupervised depending on the scale of the image. As a neighborhood window is being considered, the border effect could be observed sometimes. For example, Fig.6 shows this border effect. By observing ground truth and classified pictures Fig.6c, and Fig.6d respectively, the difference could be found easily near the banks of the river.Quantitative analyses of the results are performed using the Dice coefficient, Jaccard coefficient, Precision, Sensitivity, Specificity and segmentation accuracy [35, 36, and 37]. If Dice coefficient value is greater than 0.70, the segmentation is said to be good [38]. Table 1. shows the performance results of all the said measures. Dice coefficient of all segments of all the images is more than 0.85, and for most of the images, it is greater than 0.95, which shows that the results are good. Segmentation accuracy of all images is greater than 0.75 and Jaccard coefficient is greater than 0.90 for most of the images.IV. C ONCLUSIONIn this paper a new unsupervised algorithm, LCDFOSCA has been introduced to extract texture features for classification of a remote sensing image. LCDFOSCA is able to classify almost all land cover images which include water, forest, buildings, cultivation lands, various types of crops, etc. Both subjective and quantitative analyses are performed for the said algorithm. The subjective analysis shows that the algorithm performs well for classifying various objects of the remote sensing images and is also able to segment very similar and close patterns too. It also proved that the algorithm is able to classify a macro scale or a microscale image. Quantitative analysis shows that the dice coefficient values are greater than 0.85 for all images and for most of them it is greater than 0.95. Segmentation accuracy values range from 0.76 to 0.99 and Jaccard coefficient values are greater than 0.90 for most of the segments. In LCDFOSCA, the simple k-means algorithm is used to cluster the texture features of the image. More robust techniques like fuzzy c-means, rough sets, soft sets, etc could be tried in the future for further improvement of the clustering efficiency and thus finally the classification efficiency of the image. Border effects could be observed in the resultant images,sometimes as texture features are estimated in a neighborhood window of the pixel. Hence, the future scope of work could also include solving border effects. Anyhow, features extracted with LCDFOSCA are very good as they performed well even with a simple k-means clustering algorithm.Table 1. Performance EvaluationR EFERENCES[1]Minh-T Pham, S. Lefevre, E. Aptoula, Local feature-based attribute profiles for optical remote sensing image classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (2) (2017) 1199 - 1212.[2]J. 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Government degree college, Repalle. She is having 22 years of teaching experience and six years of research experience. She haspublished 12 papers in various national and international journals and conferences. Her research interests are in Image processing, Pattern recognition, Remote sensing, and computer vision.Dr. A. Srikrishna is professor and head of the Department of Information and Technology at RVR & JC College of engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur. She has 26 years of teaching experience. She has published more than 35 papers in international journals and conferences. She has received major and minor researchproject grants from UGC and AICTE. She has authored a book entitled “Parametric Based Morphological Transformation for Contrast Enhancement. Her research interests are in Image processing, Computer vision, Information security, and algorithms.Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana is a professor in Computer science and Engineering department, and director for Academic and Planning at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada. He has guided 15 students for Ph.D. in Computer science and engineering. He is a senior member in IEEE and has published more than 150 papers ininternational journals and conferences. His research interests are in Image processing, Speech recognition and Pattern recognition and have eighteen years of experience.How to cite this paper: A.V. Kavitha, A. Srikrishna, Ch. Satyanarayana, " An Efficient Texture Feature Extraction Algorithm for High Resolution Land Cover Remote Sensing Image Classification", International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Vol.10, No.12, pp. 21-28, 2018.DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.12.03。







1.基于类别相关的新文本特征提取方法 [J], 林少波;杨丹;徐玲
2.基于演化Agent的图象特征提取方法 [J], 印鉴
3.基于OLI遥感数据的遥感异常信息提取方法 [J], 张斌;郑燕;李清云;常勤慧;刘新星;刘冰;李光辉
4.融合面向对象与缨帽变换的湿地覆被类别遥感提取方法 [J], 罗开盛;陶福禄
5.基于LCCS的大尺度土地覆被遥感产品类别相对一致性研究 [J], 张晓楠;宋宏利


















【摘要】对Contourlet变换构造以及Contourlet变换进行了描述,对其子带系数采用广义高斯模型进行建模.同时为进一步降低模型的计算复杂度,对模型进行曲线拟合.用两个变量描述每一系数模型概率.从而提取图像特征.最后,通过在Brodatz 纹理数据库中图像搜索验证特征提取的有效性.
1.基于Contourlet变换和PCNN的CT图像椎体解剖轮廓特征提取方法的研究[J], 李峤;李海云
2.基于轮廓波的纹理图像特征提取方法 [J], 赵一凡;夏良正;潘泓
3.基于改进Contourlet变换的纹理图像混合检索方法 [J], 曲怀敬;齐志强;吴延荣
4.基于Contourlet变换的纹理图像检索 [J], 李丽君
5.基于非下采样contourlet变换的纹理图像检索算法 [J], 张瑜慧;胡学龙



1.基于PAAG的纹理特征提取算法的并行实现 [J], 李涛;李雪丹
2.基于形态学与不完全树形小波分解的图像纹理特征提取算法 [J], 张雯;葛玉荣
3.基于有效数据网格的Gabor小波纹理特征提取算法 [J], 郭依正;焦蓬蓬
4.基于FPGA的遥感图像纹理特征提取算法实现技术 [J], 段咏龙;胡坚;贺文静;丁海燕
5.基于PAAG的纹理特征提取算法的并行实现 [J], 李涛;李雪丹;



运用SI-Harris算子提取遥感图像点特征孟伟灿;朱述龙;曹闻;杨海鹏;刘岩【期刊名称】《测绘科学技术学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【摘要】Scale Invariant Harris SI-Harris was applied to detecting interest points on remotely-sensed images and its rigorous formulas were derived. Then the focus of the paper was put on the experimental comparisons between the results obtained by Harris and SI-Harris on different resolution remote sensing images. The repeatability rate was used to quantitatively evaluate the experiment results. The experiments indicate that the repeatability rate of SI-Harris was obvious higher than Harris s. SI-Harris can be used to detect interest points on different resolution remote sensing images and then can serve the matching of different resolution images.%推导了SI-Harris算子(尺度不变Harris算子)的理论公式,并将其应用于遥感图像的点特征提取。


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第30卷第12期2005年12月武汉大学学报・信息科学版G eomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University Vol.30No.12Dec.2005收稿日期:2005210225。


文章编号:167128860(2005)1221080204文献标志码:A一种大尺寸遥感图像基于内容检索的纹理特征提取算法曾志明1,2 李 峰1,2 傅 琨1 丁赤飚1(1 中国科学院电子学研究所,北京市北四环西路19号,100080)(2 中国科学院研究生院,北京市玉泉路甲19号,100039)摘 要:针对50万像素以上的大尺寸遥感图像基于内容检索的需要,通过将大尺寸图像按照区域类别分块,用灰度共生矩阵法对各子块提取出纹理特征,并利用类似Hu 的不变矩的方法对各子块纹理信息进行统计,从而提取出与大尺寸图像中各纹理的空间位置相关的一组纹理特征值。


关键词:图像;纹理;共生矩阵;不变矩;基于内容的检索中图法分类号:TP751 提取图像纹理的算法有很多,灰度共生矩阵法就是其中一种十分常用的方法。




1 纹理特征提取方法1)基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理提取法。









设图像J 的大小为M ×N ,子块的大小为H ×H ,则共分得子块数为M -1H+1,“[x ]”表示取x 的整数部分。

设M ′=M -1H+1,N ′=M -1H+1,则图像子块数为M ′×N ′。

对这M ′×N ′个子块分别采用灰度共生矩阵法提取各子块的二阶矩、逆差矩和熵这三个纹理特征。

整幅图像共可得到3×M ′×N ′个子图像块纹理特征值,将它们分别记为:①二阶角矩矩阵A 1[M ′,N ′];②逆差矩矩阵A 2[M ′,N ′];③熵矩阵A 3[M ′,N ′]。


为此,本文采用了类似Hu 的不变矩的统计方法来对这些纹理特征进行与纹理的空间位置相关的统计压缩。

 第30卷第12期曾志明等:一种大尺寸遥感图像基于内容检索的纹理特征提取算法Hu 的7个不变矩[3]是用来提取图像空间灰度特征的方法。

在Hu 的不变矩公式中,统计的图像特征是数字图像各点的像素灰度值。


具体方法是将获得的子块图像的二维纹理特征矩阵A 1[M ′,N ′],A 2[M ′,N ′]和A 3[M ′,N ′]视为数字图像,将各子块图像的共生矩阵特征值A [m ,n ]视为该图像的像素灰度值,通过使用Hu 的7个不变矩的方法,对于图像的每一种纹理特征,套用不变矩公式,就能得到7个该纹理特征的不变矩。



由于Hu 的不变矩所得的矩本身就具有旋转不变性。




图1 图像子块划分误差Fig.1 Error of Plotting Image另外,当图像的亮度发生变化时,根据参考文献[1]所述提取的灰度共生矩阵的二阶角矩、逆差矩和熵的公式,三种统计量均只与图像中各像元的灰度差有关,而与各像元本身的灰度值无关。


2 试验及分析2.1 试验模型试验在笔者设计的一个小型遥感影像检索数据库平台上进行。


计算特征向量间距离D ,即图像间的不相似程度的公式如下:D =∑i ∈Lw i ×A i -A ′i|A i |+|A ′i |2(1)式中,w i 是各特征维的权重系数;A i -A ′i |A i |+|A ′i |2是两幅图像的某维特征向量的规一化距离,因此,D 是两幅图像的各维特征的规一化加权距离和,即两特征向量间的距离。

2.2 试验方法 试验中采用了如图2所示的4幅1024像素×1024像素的大尺寸遥感图片,它们在各区域上的纹理都是不同的。

图2(a )左下角为体育场,右上角为农田,其他为民居;图2(b )图像的左上角为树林,其他部分是城市;图2(c )图像的大部分均为树林,其间点缀着部分建筑物;图2(d )图像大部分均为农田,右上部有部分农居。

每张图片分别进行少量旋转、灰度变化后得到5张同类图片,分别记做a 1、a 2、a 3,…,共20张图片样本分别基于共生矩阵法和本文所提的改进方法进行纹理特征的图像检索试验。


图2 样本图像Fig.2 Image Sample采用灰度共生矩阵法时,提取二阶角矩、逆差矩和熵这三个特征,分别记为A 1、A 2、A 3。

采用本文所述的改进的纹理提取法时,取图像子块大小为32像素×32像素,使用第二节所述方法,使用Hu 矩[3]中的<1、<2、<3这3个不变矩统计子块纹理特征,共得到9个纹理特征,记为A 11、A 12、A 13、A 21、A 22、A 23、A 31、A 32、A 33。

2.3 试验结果用4类图片中的各一张图片做模板,分别用两种算法进行图像检索试验,取距离最小的前5幅图像为查询结果。


采用公式1N∑i ∈LD i 来计算同类各样本、不同1801武汉大学学报・信息科学版2005年12月类各样本与检索模板的平均距离m 和m ′;通过计算m ′/m 得到不同类图像与同类图像的距离比;根据距离数据,取距离最小的前5幅图像为检索结果,通过公式查准率=查询结果中与查询模板同类的样本图像数5×100%(2)计算每次查询的查准率,并对4次查询的查准率进行算术平均,得到4次查询的平均查准率。

由表1可算出,同类各图像样本平均距离m =0.133,不同类的各图像样本的平均距离m ′=0.516,不同类图像与同类图像的距离比m ′/m =3.87,4次检索平均图像查准率=70%。

从表2算得,同类各图标样本平均距离m =0.183,不同类的各图像样本的平均距离m ′=0.985,不同类图像与同类图像的距离比m ′/m =5.38,4次检索平均图像查准率为90%。

表1 灰度共生矩阵法获得的图像特征距离值Tab.1 Image Character Distance Extracted by Co 2occurrence Matrices模板图像样本a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b 1b 2b 3b 4b 5a 10.650.50.570.390.6300.20.320.00180.34c 10.360.380.620.360.410.690.720.580.220.54c 1c 2c 3c 4c 5d 1d 2d 3d 4d 5a 10.510.520.230.510.380.620.310.80.620.38c 100.420. 10.41 1.10.690.610.5400.表2 改进的特征提取方法获得的图像特征距离值Tab.1 Image Character Distance Extracted by Above Method模板图像样本a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b 1b 2b 3b 4b 5a 100.240.320.110.120.850.820.920.870.86b 10.820.760.780.871.1600.20.350.490.23c 11.010.820.80.981.140.70.620.430.680.6d 1c 2c 3c 4c 5d 1d 2d 3d 4d 5a 10.480.880.70.710.731.230.750.981.180.75c 100.280.490. 11.311.351.371.241.1800.420.340.20.182.4 结果分析从测试结果数据中可以看出,由于改进的灰度特征提取方法中加入了纹理的空间位置信息,从而拉大了各样本图像间的距离。
