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1.My aunt has a cute __________. (小猫)
2.What color is the sky on a sunny day?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Red
D. Yellow答案: B
3. A ________ (树枝) can break if it is too heavy.
4.The _____ (ocean/lake) is calm.
5.The ______ (蛇) slithers quietly through the grass.
6. A _____ (狼) is a pack animal and very social.
7. f Enlightenment emphasized reason and ________ (科学). The Age
8.I can ______ my homework. (finish)
9.The ________ (仙人掌) can survive in dry places with little water.
10.In winter, I like to go ______ (滑冰).
11.What is the main ingredient in pesto sauce?
A. Basil
B. Cilantro
C. Parsley
D. Oregano答案:A
12.The __________ (历史的意义) can vary across cultures.
13.What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Rio de Janeiro
B. São Paulo
C. Brasília
D. Salvador答案:C
14.Energy can be transformed into different forms, like _______ and chemical energy.
15.The _____ (老虎) is a powerful animal found in the jungle. 老虎是在丛林中发现的强大动物。

16.We like to watch ______ (movies) on weekends.
17.I feel happy when my mom calls me . (当我妈妈叫我____时,我感到很快乐。

18.What do you call a person who studies animals?
A. Zoologist
B. Biologist
C. Ecologist
D. Naturalist答案: A
19.I love to explore ________ (湖泊) on weekends.
20.She is a talented ___. (musician)
21.The sun is _______ (shining) through the trees.
22.My friend has a pet _______ (鹦鹉) that can talk!
23._____ (乡村生活) often revolves around plants and agriculture.
24.I like the ________ because it is colorful.

26.The park is ______ (near) my house.
27.urban ecology) studies interactions in cities. The ____
28.My ________ (玩具名称) has a face that smiles.
29.The main gas we breathe is ______.
30.The _____ (植物影响) is crucial for understanding ecosystems.
31.The best time for a picnic is on a ______ (温暖的) day.
32.I love to eat ______ (pasta).
33.Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all the _____ in a molecule.
34.The _______ (The American Revolutionary War) was a fight for independence from Britain.
35.The chicken lays _____ eggs.
36.I like to ______ movies with my family. (watch)
37. A horse can run very _________. (快)
38.The air is cool and fresh in the ______ (早晨).
39.The ________ was a landmark event in the history of social justice movements.
40.The __________ (历史的交互) enhances learning.
41.The ______ helps us learn about cultural awareness.
42.What is the shape of a basketball?
A. Square
B. Rectangle
C. Triangle
D. Circle答案:D
43.The stars shine _____ (brightly/dimly) at night.
44.The process of mixing two liquids to form a solution is called ______.
45.The _____ (bicycle/car) is fast.
46. A goat can climb steep ________________ (山).
47. A ______ is a small animal that can hop quickly.
48.The __________ (文艺复兴) began in Italy.

50.There are many __________ (岛屿) in the ocean.
51.The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics for ______ (书写).
52.My mother is a _____ (护士) who helps during emergencies.
53.What do we call the study of matter and its changes?
A. Chemistry
B. Physics
C. Biology
D. Geology答案: A
54.Do you know my _____ (表哥)?
55. A chemical that can conduct electricity is called an ______.
56.The young girl loves to play with her _____ (小狗).
57.I love to explore ________ (新地方) during vacations.
58.The dog is ___ a stick. (fetching)
59.They are playing ___ (soccer/chess) outside.
60.The capital of the United Arab Emirates is __________.
61. A chemical that can be oxidized is called a ______.
62.How many months are in a year?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13答案: C
63.Mount Kilimanjaro is found in _____ (坦桑尼亚).
64. A solid has a definite shape and __________.
65.The __________ (历史的多元视野) fosters understanding.
66.My sister enjoys __________ (参与社团).
67.I bought a new ________ (背包).
68. A ____(fjord) is a narrow inlet between cliffs.
69.The __________ of a toy car can be increased by pushing it harder.
70.The ancient Romans built large ______ (建筑) for public gatherings.
71.The __________ (冷战) led to the space race between the USA and USSR.
72.The _______ (小精灵) is a friendly spirit in fairy tales.
73.Which of these is a popular fruit?
A. Tomato
B. Carrot
C. Apple
D. Lettuce答案: C
74.The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it turns into a ______.
75.The _______ (小狒狒) is very social and loves to play.
76.The ______ is an excellent flyer.
77. A ______ can be very colorful.
78.Road was important for __________ (贸易). The Silk
79.The _____ (llama) is fluffy.
80.What do we call the process of water falling as rain, snow, or sleet?
A. Evaporation
B. Precipitation
C. Condensation
D. Transpiration答案: B
81. A _____ (盆栽) can be placed indoors.
82.Which fruit is typically red and often used to make juice?
A. Orange
B. Grape
C. Apple
D. Lime答案: C
83.What is the scientific study of living organisms?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Physics
D. Geology答案:A
84.The ______ is very friendly and loves children.
85.The __________ range runs along the border of the United States and Canada. (落基山脉)
86.What is the term for a baby deer?
A. Calf
B. Fawn
C. Kid
D. Cub答案:b
87._____ (种子) can be spread by wind or animals.
88.The seagull is commonly found near ______ (海岸).
89.The chemical symbol for cadmium is ______.
90.The ________ (公路) connects different cities.
91.I can see a _____ (猫) in the garden.
92.The cat is _______ (sleeping) on the couch.
93.What is 6 + 3?
A. 7
B. 9
C. 8
D. 10答案:B 9
94.My sister's name is . (我妹妹的名字是。

95.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his invention of the telephone?
A. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Thomas Edison
C. Nikola Tesla
D. Samuel Morse答案: A
96.The Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest ______ to the Milky Way.
97.The ______ (植物的演变) is an important topic in biology.
98.The chemical formula for beryllium oxide is ______.
99.The _____ (海豚) is known for its playful behavior.
100.What do you call a vehicle that travels on tracks?
A. Bus
B. Train
C. Car
D. Bicycle答案:B。
