
11. 回旋支近段 12. 中间支 12a. 第一钝缘支 12b. 第二钝缘支 13. 回旋支远段 14. 左后侧支 14a. 左后侧支a 14b. 左后侧支b 15. 回旋支-后降支
右优势型冠脉ຫໍສະໝຸດ 左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 2. 右冠状动脉中段 3. 右冠状动脉远段 4. 右冠-后降支 16. 右冠-后侧支 16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支
因此,SYNTAX试验中左主干和(或)三支病变 PCI治疗的患者,SYNTAX评分不仅是一种有用的 描述性工具,还可以预测一年的临床结果。 SYNTAX评分不是CABG组显著临床结果鉴别器; 这并不奇怪,因为外科发病率和死亡率取决于合 并症(如,伴或不伴COPD、肾损伤、卒中病史 等)而不是冠脉解剖结构本身。外科患者,风险 能够在包括联合发生率在内的评分系统中得到更 可靠的反映,如EuroSCORE评分和Parsonnet评 分。在《EuroIntervention》中,SYNTAX试验中 随机进行PCI患者的1年结果中,Serruys和他的 同事们证实了SYNTAX评分的价值以及再现性。
界定患者单支、双支、三支病变的局限性 是显而易见的,复杂病变或对手术的挑战 会根据伴或不伴解剖因素的病变,包括分 叉病变、慢性闭塞、迂曲血管、钙化、弥 漫性疾病等而改变,而作为高水平分层对 此没有任何帮助。
SYNTAX评分是一种血管造影工具,用于 对冠脉疾病复杂性进行分级。与以前的评 分系统不同,SYNTAX评分用于完整的冠 脉树,在SYNTAX试验中,在进行再次血 管重建手术之前,由心脏外科医生和介入 心脏病学家组成的心脏团队非正式的同意 计算SYNTAX评分。重要的是,SYNTAX 评分反映了冠脉解剖结构,而不是治疗策 略。

08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1. Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1. RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart.2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4. Posterior descending artery: Running in the posterior interventricular groove.16. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16.16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Second posterolateral branch from segment 16.16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal: Proximal to and including first major septal branch.7. LAD mid: LAD immediately distal to origin of first septal branch and extending to the point where LAD forms an angle (RAO view). If thisangle is not identifiable this segment ends at one half the distance from the first septal to the apex of the heart.8. LAD apical: Terminal portion of LAD, beginning at the end of previous segment and extending to or beyond the apex.9. First diagonal: The first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7.9a. First diagonal a: Additional first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7, before segment 8.10. Second diagonal: Originating from segment 8 or the transition between segment 7 and 8. 10a. Second diagonal a: Additional second diagonal originating from segment 8.11. Proximal circumflex artery: Main stem of circumflex from its origin of left main and including origin of first obtuse marginal branch.12. Intermediate/anterolateral artery: Branch from trifurcating left main other than proximal LAD or LCX. It belongs to the circumflex territory.12a. Obtuse marginal a: First side branch of circumflex running in general to the area of obtuse margin of the heart.12b. Obtuse marginal b: Second additional branch of circumflex running in the same direction as 12.13. Distal circumflex artery: The stem of the circumflex distal to the origin of the most distal obtuse marginal branch, and running along the posteriorleft atrioventricular groove. Caliber may be small or artery absent.14. Left posterolateral: Running to the posterolateral surface of the left ventricle. May be absent or a division of obtuse marginal branch.14a. Left posterolateral a: Distal from 14 and running in the same direction.14b. Left posterolateral b: Distal from 14 and 14 a and running in the same direction.15. Posterior descending: Most distal part of dominant left circumflex when present. It gives origin to septal branches. When this arteryis present, segment 4 is usually absent。

冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段0.5 1.514. 左后侧支0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支/ 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。

08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1. Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1. RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart.2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4. Posterior descending artery: Running in the posterior interventricular groove.16. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16.16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Second posterolateral branch from segment 16.16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal: Proximal to and including first major septal branch.7. LAD mid: LAD immediately distal to origin of first septal branch and extending to the point where LAD forms an angle (RAO view). If thisangle is not identifiable this segment ends at one half the distance from the first septal to the apex of the heart.8. LAD apical: Terminal portion of LAD, beginning at the end of previous segment and extending to or beyond the apex.9. First diagonal: The first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7.9a. First diagonal a: Additional first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7, before segment 8.10. Second diagonal: Originating from segment 8 or the transition between segment 7 and 8. 10a. Second diagonal a: Additional second diagonal originating from segment 8.11. Proximal circumflex artery: Main stem of circumflex from its origin of left main and including origin of first obtuse marginal branch.12. Intermediate/anterolateral artery: Branch from trifurcating left main other than proximal LAD or LCX. It belongs to the circumflex territory.12a. Obtuse marginal a: First side branch of circumflex running in general to the area of obtuse margin of the heart.12b. Obtuse marginal b: Second additional branch of circumflex running in the same direction as 12.13. Distal circumflex artery: The stem of the circumflex distal to the origin of the most distal obtuse marginal branch, and running along the posteriorleft atrioventricular groove. Caliber may be small or artery absent.14. Left posterolateral: Running to the posterolateral surface of the left ventricle. May be absent or a division of obtuse marginal branch.14a. Left posterolateral a: Distal from 14 and running in the same direction.14b. Left posterolateral b: Distal from 14 and 14 a and running in the same direction.15. Posterior descending: Most distal part of dominant left circumflex when present. It gives origin to septal branches. When this arteryis present, segment 4 is usually absent。

冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段0.5 1.514. 左后侧支0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支/ 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。

冠脉病变S Y N评分值得收藏附图集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-冠状动脉病变SYNTAX评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1.右冠状动脉近段11.回旋支近段2.右冠状动脉中段12.中间支3.右冠状动脉远段12a.第一钝缘支4.右冠-后降支12b.第二钝缘支16.右冠-后侧支13.回旋支远段16a.右冠-后侧支第一分支14.左后侧支16b.右冠-后侧支第二分支14a.左后侧支a 16c.右冠-后侧支第三分支14b.左后侧支b5.左主干15.回旋支-后降支6.前降支近段7.前降支中段8.前降支心尖段9.第一对角支9a.第一对角支a10.第二对角支10a.第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉三、病变不良特征评分2.右冠状动脉中段103.右冠状动脉远段104.右冠-后降支1/16.右冠-后侧支0.5/16a.右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5/16b.右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5/16c.右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5/5.左主干566.前降支近段3.53.57.前降支中段2.52.58.前降支心尖段119.第一对角支119a.第一对角支a1110.第二对角支0.50.510a.第二对角支a0.50.511.回旋支近段1.52.512.中间支1112a.第一钝缘支1112b.第二钝缘支1113.回旋支远段0.51.514.左后侧支0.5114a.左后侧支a0.5114b.左后侧支b0.5115.回旋支-后降支/1血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm+1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm+1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。
冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段 11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段 12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段 12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支 12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支 13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支 14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干 15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支 0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支 0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支 0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段 0.5 1.514. 左后侧支 0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支 / 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥 +1-钝型残端 +1-桥侧枝 +1-闭塞后的第一可见节段 +1/每一不可见节段 -边支 -边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段 +3-2个病变节段 +4-3个病变节段 +5-4个病变节段 +6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变 +1-E、D、F、G型病变 +2-角度小于70° +1开口病变 +1严重扭曲 +2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化 +2血栓 +1弥漫病变/小血管病变 +1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。

08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1。
Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1。
RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart。
2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4。
Posterior descending artery:Running in the posterior interventricular groove。
Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16.16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA:Second posterolateral branch from segment 16。
Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal:Proximal to and including first major septal branch。

冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉右冠状动脉近段 1 1右冠状动脉中段 1 1右冠状动脉远段 1 1右冠-后降支 1/16 -右冠-后侧支 0.5/16 -右冠-后侧支第一分支 0.5/16 - 右冠-后侧支第二分支 0.5/16 - 右冠-后侧支第三分支 0.5 -左主干 5 6前降支近段 3.5 3.5前降支中段 2.5 2.5前降支心尖段 1 1第一对角支 1 1第一对角支a 1 1第二对角支 0.5 0.5第二对角支a 0.5 0.5回旋支近段 1.5 2中间支 1 1第一钝缘支 1 1第二钝缘支 1 1回旋支远段 0.5 1左后侧支 0.5 0.5左后侧支a 0.5 0.5左后侧支b 0.5 0.5回旋支-后降支 1 -三、病变不良特征评分下面列出了不同病变不良特征的评分标准。
血管狭窄:完全闭塞 × 550-99%狭窄 × 2完全闭塞:大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥 + 1钝型残端 + 1桥侧枝 + 1闭塞后的第一可见节段 + 1/每一不可见节段边支-边支小于1.5mm + 1三叉病变:1个病变节段 + 32个病变节段 + 43个病变节段 + 54个病变节段 + 6分叉病变:A、B、C型病变 + 1E、D、F、G型病变 + 2角度小于70° + 1开口病变 + 1严重扭曲 + 2长度大于20mm + 1严重钙化 + 2血栓 + 1弥漫病变/小血管病变 + 1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统以上就是SYNTAX评分体系的具体内容,可以帮助医生评估患者的病情以及选择最合适的治疗方案。

syntax评分系统方法及意义08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1. Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1. RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart.2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4. Posterior descending artery: Running in the posterior interventricular groove. 16. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16. 16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Second posterolateral branch from segment 16.16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal: Proximal to and including first major septal branch.7. LAD mid: LAD immediately distal to origin of first septal branch and extending to the point where LAD forms an angle (RAO view). If thisangle is not identifiable this segment ends at one half the distance from the first septal to the apex of the heart.8. LAD apical: Terminal portion of LAD, beginning at the end of previous segment and extending to or beyond the apex.9. First diagonal: The first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7.9a. First diagonal a: Additional first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7, before segment 8.10. Second diagonal: Originating from segment 8 or the transition between segment 7 and 8.10a. Second diagonal a: Additional second diagonal originating from segment 8. 11. Proximal circumflex artery: Main stem of circumflex from its origin of left main and including origin of first obtuse marginal branch.12. Intermediate/anterolateral artery: Branch from trifurcating left main other than proximal LAD or LCX. It belongs to the circumflex territory.12a. Obtuse marginal a: First side branch of circumflex running in general to the area of obtuse margin of the heart.12b. Obtuse marginal b: Second additional branch of circumflex running in the same direction as 12.13. Distal circumflex artery: The stem of the circumflex distal to the origin of the most distal obtuse marginal branch, and running along the posteriorleft atrioventricular groove. Caliber may be small or artery absent.14. Left posterolateral: Running to the posterolateral surface of the left ventricle. May be absent or a division of obtuse marginal branch.14a. Left posterolateral a: Distal from 14 and running in the same direction.14b. Left posterolateral b: Distal from 14 and 14 a and running in the same direction.15. Posterior descending: Most distal part of dominant left circumflex when present. It gives origin to septal branches. When this arteryis present, segment 4 is usually absent。

冠脉Gensini 评分之阳早格格创做
渺小程度评分病变部位评分01 %~25 % 1 左主搞 5 26 %~50 %2 左前落收或者回旋收近
段 2.5
51 %~75 %4 左前落收中段 1.5
76 %~90 % 8 左前落收近段 1. 0
91 %~99 % 16 左回旋收中、近
段 1. 0
齐关32 左冠状动脉 1. 0
小分收 0. 5
Gensini 评分系统
对于每收冠状动脉病变渺小程度举止定量评比,最先根据冠脉渺小程度决定基原评分,渺小曲径<25%计1 分,≥25%~<50%计2 分,≥50%~<75%计4 分,≥75%~<90%计8 分,≥90%~<99%计l6 分,99%~100%计32 分,再根据分歧冠脉分收决定相映系数,分别为:左主搞(LM)

08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1. Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1. RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart.2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4. Posterior descending artery: Running in the posterior interventricular groove.16. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16.16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Second posterolateral branch from segment 16.16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal: Proximal to and including first major septal branch.7. LAD mid: LAD immediately distal to origin of first septal branch and extending to the point where LAD forms an angle (RAO view). If thisangle is not identifiable this segment ends at one half the distance from the first septal to the apex of the heart.8. LAD apical: Terminal portion of LAD, beginning at the end of previous segment and extending to or beyond the apex.9. First diagonal: The first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7.9a. First diagonal a: Additional first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7, before segment 8.10. Second diagonal: Originating from segment 8 or the transition between segment 7 and 8. 10a. Second diagonal a: Additional second diagonal originating from segment 8.11. Proximal circumflex artery: Main stem of circumflex from its origin of left main and including origin of first obtuse marginal branch.12. Intermediate/anterolateral artery: Branch from trifurcating left main other than proximal LAD or LCX. It belongs to the circumflex territory.12a. Obtuse marginal a: First side branch of circumflex running in general to the area of obtuse margin of the heart.12b. Obtuse marginal b: Second additional branch of circumflex running in the same direction as 12.13. Distal circumflex artery: The stem of the circumflex distal to the origin of the most distal obtuse marginal branch, and running along the posteriorleft atrioventricular groove. Caliber may be small or artery absent.14. Left posterolateral: Running to the posterolateral surface of the left ventricle. May be absent or a division of obtuse marginal branch.14a. Left posterolateral a: Distal from 14 and running in the same direction.14b. Left posterolateral b: Distal from 14 and 14 a and running in the same direction.15. Posterior descending: Most distal part of dominant left circumflex when present. It gives origin to septal branches. When this arteryis present, segment 4 is usually absent。

冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段0.5 1.514. 左后侧支0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支/ 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥+1-钝型残端+1-桥侧枝+1-闭塞后的第一可见节段+1/每一不可见节段-边支-边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段+3-2个病变节段+4-3个病变节段+5-4个病变节段+6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变+1-E、D、F、G型病变+2-角度小于70°+1开口病变+1严重扭曲+2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化+2血栓+1弥漫病变/小血管病变+1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。

窦房结动脉 圆锥支
右室支 左室后支
冠状动脉解剖---左优势型与右优势型与 均衡性
• 右优势型( 85% ):RCA走行于右房室沟,到达后十字 交叉处,在后十字交叉或近后十字交叉处分出后降支后, 向左室隔面走行并发出1个或多个左室后支后终止。
• 左优势型( 8% ):即左回旋支优势,左回旋支粗大,除 发出钝缘支外,还发出左室后支和后降支,而RCA 细小 ,未达到后十字交叉处。
❖ 前间壁、前壁—LAD ❖ 前侧壁—LAD(对角支)和LCX(钝缘支) ❖ 后侧壁—LCX(RCA) ❖ 下壁—多为RCA(后降支),亦可为LCX,偶有部分来
❖ 后壁—RCA(左室后侧支)和/或LCX ❖ 室间隔:前上2/3和心尖部—LAD,后下1/3—RCA
冠脉解剖总结---冠状动脉与心脏各 部分的供血关系
16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16
5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.
• 均衡型( 7% ): RCA到达后十字交叉处发出后降支, 左室后支则起源于左回旋支成为其终端分支,二者均不越 过后十字交叉。
冠状动脉解剖---左优势型与右优势型与 均衡性
左室后支 支

冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)一、冠状动脉树注:1. 右冠状动脉近段 11. 回旋支近段2. 右冠状动脉中段 12. 中间支3. 右冠状动脉远段 12a. 第一钝缘支4. 右冠-后降支 12b. 第二钝缘支16. 右冠-后侧支 13. 回旋支远段16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 14a. 左后侧支a16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支 14b. 左后侧支b5. 左主干 15. 回旋支-后降支6. 前降支近段7. 前降支中段8. 前降支心尖段9. 第一对角支9a. 第一对角支a10. 第二对角支10a. 第二对角支a二、各节段的权重因数冠脉节段右优势型冠脉左优势型冠脉1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 02. 右冠状动脉中段 1 03. 右冠状动脉远段 1 04. 右冠-后降支 1 /16. 右冠-后侧支 0.5 /16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 0.5 /16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 0.5 /16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支 0.5 /5. 左主干 5 66. 前降支近段 3.5 3.57. 前降支中段 2.5 2.58. 前降支心尖段 1 19. 第一对角支 1 19a. 第一对角支a 1 110. 第二对角支 0.5 0.510a. 第二对角支a 0.5 0.511. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.512. 中间支 1 112a. 第一钝缘支 1 112b. 第二钝缘支 1 113. 回旋支远段 0.5 1.514. 左后侧支 0.5 114a. 左后侧支a 0.5 114b. 左后侧支b 0.5 115. 回旋支-后降支 / 1三、病变不良特征评分血管狭窄-完全闭塞×5-50-99%狭窄×2完全闭塞-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥 +1-钝型残端 +1-桥侧枝 +1-闭塞后的第一可见节段 +1/每一不可见节段 -边支 -边支小于1.5mm +1三叉病变-1个病变节段 +3-2个病变节段 +4-3个病变节段 +5-4个病变节段 +6分叉病变-A、B、C型病变 +1-E、D、F、G型病变 +2-角度小于70° +1开口病变 +1严重扭曲 +2长度大于20mm +1严重钙化 +2血栓 +1弥漫病变/小血管病变 +1/每一节段四、SYNTAX评分系统SYNTAX积分通过计算机程序计算得出。

国内与国际的差距:SYNTAX研究是在欧美84家 医院完成的,这些医院无论是PCI还是CABG技术 均相当成熟,并代表当今国际水平。目前,国内 PCI、CABG的技术水平参差不齐,并只有少数大 医院两种手术量较大。因此,即使SYNTAX研究 结果支持对于部分患者,PCI与CABG疗效相似, 但考虑到病变和操作的复杂性,对于左主干或3支 血管病变,国内多数医院仍应将CABG作为首选 治疗,仅在经验丰富的中心可将PCI作为部分患 者以及拒绝接受CABG患者的一种治疗选择。
界定患者单支、双支、三支病变的局限性 是显而易见的,复杂病变或对手术的挑战 会根据伴或不伴解剖因素的病变,包括分 叉病变、慢性闭塞、迂曲血管、钙化、弥 漫性疾病等而改变,而作为高水平分层对 此没有任何帮助。
SYNTAX评分是一种血管造影工具,用于 对冠脉疾病复杂性进行分级。与以前的评 分系统不同,SYNTAX评分用于完整的冠 脉树,在SYNTAX试验中,在进行再次血 管重建手术之前,由心脏外科医生和介入 心脏病学家组成的心脏团队非正式的同意 计算SYNTAX评分。重要的是,SYNTAX 评分反映了冠脉解剖结构,而不是治疗策 略。
研究结果对指南的影响:在现有指南中,左主干 或3支病变为CABGⅠa类指征,为PCIⅡ类指征。 SYNTAX研究证实,对从病变角度既可通过PCI又 可通过CABG进行血运重建的复杂冠脉病变患者, 采用PCI治疗,至少在12个月时硬终点(全因死 亡、卒中和心肌梗死)发生率与CABG治疗相似 (7.7%对7.6%)。尤其对于非糖尿病患者以及仅 有左主干或左主干合并1支血管病变的患者,PCI 与CABG的临床终点(MACCE)相同。今后的指 南修订会慎重考虑这一点,并可能作出相应修改。
SYNTAX 试验中随机入选的1,800例患者随 访一年,SYNTAX评分反映 PCI结果。低分 患者(0-22)不良事件率(MACCE)PCI 组和CABG组相似(13.5% vs. 14.4%, p=0.71);中分患者(23-32),两组间 MACCE没有统计学差异(PCI 16.6% vs. CABG 11.7%, p=0.10);高分复杂患者 (≥33),CABG优于PCI(PCI 23.3% vs. CABG 10.7%, p<0.001)。

该评分系统共包括12个问题,内容包括优势分型、病变数、累及节段和病变特征(完全闭塞、三分叉、分叉、主动脉冠状动脉开口病变、严重扭曲、病变长度>20mm、严重钙化、血栓、弥漫/小血管病变),对每一病变进行评分后的总分值即为 SYNTAX积分。

syntax评分系统方法及意义08年长城会上听专家讲了Syntax score评分方法,这评分方法比较复杂,主要是依据冠脉造影的结果来判断。
在准备阅读之前,先要熟悉冠脉解剖的节段分布情况:(上图为左优势型冠脉解剖分布,下图为右优势型解剖分布)Figure 1. Definition of the coronary tree segments(冠脉束血管段的识别)1. RCA proximal: From the ostium to one half the distance to the acute margin of the heart.2. RCA mid: From the end of first segment to acute margin of heart.3. RCA distal: From the acute margin of the heart to the origin of the posterior descending artery.4. Posterior descending artery: Running in the posterior interventricular groove. 16. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Posterolateral branch originating from the distal coronary artery distal to the crux.16a. Posterolateral branch from RCA: First posterolateral branch from segment 16. 16b. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Second posterolateral branch from segment 16.16c. Posterolateral branch from RCA: Third posterolateral branch from segment 16.5. Left main: From the ostium of the LCA through bifurcation into left anterior descending and left circumflex branches.6. LAD proximal: Proximal to and including first major septal branch.7. LAD mid: LAD immediately distal to origin of first septal branch and extending to the point where LAD forms an angle (RAO view). If thisangle is not identifiable this segment ends at one half the distance from the first septal to the apex of the heart.8. LAD apical: Terminal portion of LAD, beginning at the end of previous segment and extending to or beyond the apex.9. First diagonal: The first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7.9a. First diagonal a: Additional first diagonal originating from segment 6 or 7, before segment 8.10. Second diagonal: Originating from segment 8 or the transition between segment 7 and 8.10a. Second diagonal a: Additional second diagonal originating from segment 8. 11. Proximal circumflex artery: Main stem of circumflex from its origin of left main and including origin of first obtuse marginal branch.12. Intermediate/anterolateral artery: Branch from trifurcating left main other than proximal LAD or LCX. It belongs to the circumflex territory.12a. Obtuse marginal a: First side branch of circumflex running in general to the area of obtuse margin of the heart.12b. Obtuse marginal b: Second additional branch of circumflex running in the same direction as 12.13. Distal circumflex artery: The stem of the circumflex distal to the origin of the most distal obtuse marginal branch, and running along the posterior2)SYNTAX评分值在23至32之间:12个月累积MACCE率在CABG组为11.7%(n=300),TAXUS组为16.6%(n=310; P=0.10)。
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冠状动脉病变SYNTAX 评分体系(附图)
1. 右冠状动脉近段 11. 回旋支近段
2. 右冠状动脉中段 12. 中间支
3. 右冠状动脉远段 12a. 第一钝缘支
4. 右冠-后降支 12b. 第二钝缘支
16. 右冠-后侧支 13. 回旋支远段
16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支 14. 左后侧支16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支 14a. 左后侧支a
16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支 14b. 左后侧支b
5. 左主干 15. 回旋支-后降支
6. 前降支近段
7. 前降支中段
8. 前降支心尖段
9. 第一对角支
9a. 第一对角支a
10. 第二对角支
10a. 第二对角支a
1. 右冠状动脉近段 1 0
2. 右冠状动脉中段 1 0
3. 右冠状动脉远段 1 0
4. 右冠-后降支 1 /
16. 右冠-后侧支0.5 /
16a. 右冠-后侧支第一分支0.5 /
16b. 右冠-后侧支第二分支0.5 /
16c. 右冠-后侧支第三分支0.5 /
5. 左主干 5 6
6. 前降支近段 3.5 3.5
7. 前降支中段 2.5 2.5
8. 前降支心尖段 1 1
9. 第一对角支 1 1
9a. 第一对角支 a 1 1
10. 第二对角支0.5 0.5
10a. 第二对角支 a 0.5 0.5
11. 回旋支近段 1.5 2.5
12. 中间支 1 1
12a. 第一钝缘支 1 1
12b. 第二钝缘支 1 1
13. 回旋支远段0.5 1.5
14. 左后侧支0.5 1
14a. 左后侧支 a 0.5 1
14b. 左后侧支 b 0.5 1
15. 回旋支-后降支/ 1
-大于3个月或闭塞时间不祥 +1
-钝型残端 +1
-桥侧枝 +1
-闭塞后的第一可见节段 +1/每一不可见节段
-边支 -边支小于1.5mm +1
-1个病变节段 +3
-2个病变节段 +4
-3个病变节段 +5
-4个病变节段 +6
-A、B、C型病变 +1
-E、D、F、G型病变 +2
-角度小于70° +1
开口病变 +1
严重扭曲 +2
长度大于20mm +1
严重钙化 +2
血栓 +1
弥漫病变/小血管病变 +1/每一节段
述分支才定义为三分叉病变:3/4/16/16a、5/6/11/12、11/12a/12b/13、 6/7/9/9a 和 7/8/10/10a。
只有下述分支才定义为双分叉病变:5/6/11、 6/7/9、 7/8/10、11/13/12a、 13/14/14a、3/4/16 和13/14/15。