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cumulative ACK
Q: how receiver handles outof-order segments
A: TCP spec doesn’t say, - up to implementor
Host A
User types ‘C’
host ACKs receipt of echoed ‘C’
bi-directional data flow in
reliablaep,pilinca-otiornder byte socket streamw:rites data
door no “message boundaries”
same connection MSS: maarxepiampdluiscmadtaiosteangment
3: Transport Layer 3b-2
TCP seq. #’s and ACKs
Seq. #’s:
byte stream “number” of first byte in segment’s data
seq # of next byte expected from other side
3: Transport Layer 3b-5
Setting the timeout
EstimtedRTT plus “safety margin”(安全空白) large variation in EstimatedRTT -> larger safety margin
Timeout = EstimatedRTT + 4*Deviation Deviation (偏差) = (1-x)*Deviation +
sequence number
acknowledgement number
head len
not used
rcvr window size
ptr urgent data
RST, SYN, FIN: Connection establishment
(setup, teardown commands)
SampleRTT(RTT采样): measured time from segment transmission until ACK receipt
ignore retransmissions, cumulatively ACKed segments
SampleRTT will vary, want estimated RTT “smoother”
socket door
pipelisneendd :buffer
handsharkeicnegiv(eexbucfhfearnge of
TCP congestion and flow segment
control msgs) init’s sender,
Internet checksum (as in UDP)
Options (variable length)
application data
(variable length)
counting by bytes of data (not segments!)
# bytes rcvr willing to accept
longer than RTT note: RTT will vary
too short: premature timeout unnecessary retransmissions
too long: slow reaction to segment loss
Q: how to estimate RTT?
3.5 Connection-Oriented Transport :TCP
Overview RFCs: 793, 1122, 1323, 2018, 2581
3.5.1 The TCP Connection
full duplex data:
one sender, one receiver
Host B
host ACKs receipt of ‘来自百度文库’, echoes back ‘C’
time simple telnet scenario
3: Transport Layer 3b-3
3.5.3 TCP Round Trip Time and Timeout (往返计时和超时)
Q: how to set TCP timeout value?
3.5.2 TCP segment structure
URG: urgent data (generally not used)
ACK: ACK # valid
PSH: push data now (generally not used)
32 bits
source port #
dest port #
use several recent measurements, not just current SampleRTT
3: Transport Layer 3b-4
TCP Round Trip Time and Timeout
EstimatedRTT = (1-x)*EstimatedRTT + x*SampleRTT Exponential weighted moving average influence of given sample decreases exponentially fast typical value of x: 0.125
control set window size
receiver state before data
send & receive buffers
flow controlled:
sender will not overwhelm receiver
3: Transport Layer 3b-1