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中央财经大学博士研究生入学考试试题(经济学)微观经济学和宏观经济学宏观部分(50分)1、什么叫通货膨胀,度量通货膨胀的指标有那些?什么叫通货膨胀税,如何计算?什么叫动态不一致性,如何解决动态不一致性问题?(6分)2、叙述并证明Baumol -Tobin 货币交易需求模型。

(8分)3、已知消费函数)(8.0T Y C -=,??=I ,10=G ,?=T ;货币余额50=M ,货币需求P M D (??)=。

(13分)(1)推导出IS 、LM 曲线(假定P =2)。

(2)均衡的利率水平和产出是多少?(3)推导出AD 曲线。

(4)假设政府支出增加到12=G ,计算在极端凯恩斯情形(P =2)和古典情形下(Y =60),对经济的影响。

4、在Solow 增长模型中,假设生产函数αα-=1)(AL K Y ,K 、L 、s 、d 、n 、g分别表示资本、劳动、储蓄率、折旧率、劳动增长率和技术进步率,α表示资本的产出份额。


计算稳态时劳均资本L K k /=,判断s k∂∂的符号。

(2)如果生产函数是新古典生产函数),(AL K F Y =。

证明稳态仍然存在,并判断s k ∂∂的符号。


(1)用IS -LM 框架分析净出口增加对经济的影响。

(2)用AS —AD 框架分析净出口增加对经济的影响。





前2个消费者面临的反需求曲线为Q P -=20,后3个消费者面临的需求曲线Q P 216-=。


(4分)(3)政府对汽油购买征收从量税,税率为没单位t 元,然后将收到的税收返还给消费者,返还比例为每单位t 元。












会计学院2013年6月17日附:主文献库及其他前沿文献的重点范围财务会计领域[1]Demerjian, P., B. Lev, M. Lewis, and S. McVay. 2013. Managerial Ability andEarnings Quality. The Accounting Review 88 (2): 463-498.[2]Dhaliwal D S, Radhakrishnan S, Tsang A, et al. 2012. Nonfinancial disclosureand analyst forecast accuracy: International evidence on corporate socialresponsibility disclosure. The Accounting Review 87(3): 723-759.[3]Dichev, I., and V. Tang. 2009. Earnings Volatility and Earnings Predictability.Journal of Accounting and Economics 47: 160-181.[4]Fan, J., T. J. Wong, and T. Zhang. 2007. Politically connected CEOs, corporategovernance, and Post-IPO performance of China’s newly partially privatized firms. Journal of Financial and Economics 84: 330-357.[5]Kim, Y., M. Park, and B. Wier, 2012. Is Earnings Quality Associated withCorporate Social Responsibility? The Accounting Review 87 (3): 761–796. [6]Kothari, S., Leone, A., Wasley, C., 2005. Performance matched discretionaryaccrual measures. Journal of Accounting and Economics 39, 163-197.[7]Matsumoto D A. 2002. Management's incentives to avoid negative earningssurprises. The Accounting Review 77(3): 483-514.[8]Ogneva M. 2012. Accrual quality, realized returns, and expected returns: Theimportance of controlling for cash flow shocks. The Accounting Review 87(4): 1415-1444.[9]Watts, R. 2003. Conservatism in accounting, Part I: Explanations andimplications. Accounting Horizons 17 (3): 207–221.[10]Watts, R. 2003. Conservatism in accounting, Part II: Evidence and researchopportunities. Accounting Horizons 17 (3): 287–301.财务管理领域[11]Jensen, M. and W. Meckling, 1976, Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behaviour,Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics 3,305-360.[12]Myers, S.C. 1977, Determinants of Corporate Borrowing, Journal of FinancialEconomics 5, 147-176.[13]Benveniste, L. M. and Spindt, P. A., 1989, How Investment Bankers Determinethe Offer Price and Allocation of New Issues, Journal of Financial Economics 24, 343-361.[14]Lang, Larry H. P., René M. Stulz, and Ralph A. Walkling, 1991, A Test of theFree Cash Flow Hypothesis: The Case of Bidder Returns, Journal of Financial Economics 29, 315-335.[15]Roll, Richard, 1986, The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Takeovers, TheJournal of Business 59, 197-216.[16]Myers, S. C. 2003. Financing of Corporations. In G. Constantinides, M. Harris,& R. Stulz (Eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Finance - Corporate Finance.(Amsterdam North-Holland)[17]Kalay, Avner, and Michael Lemmon, 2008, Payout policy, in Bjorn E. Eckbo,Handbook of Corporate. Finance - Empirical Corporate Finance. (ElsevierNorth-Holland)[18]Ljungqvist, Alexander, 2008, IPO Underpricing, in Bjorn E. Eckbo, Handbookof Corporate. Finance - Empirical Corporate Finance. (Elsevier North-Holland) [19]Brennan, Michael J, 2003, Corporate Investment Policy, Handbook of theEconomics of Finance - Corporate Finance. (Amsterdam North-Holland) [20]Becht, Marco, Patrick Bolton and Ailsa Röell, 2002. Corporate governanceand control, ECGI - Finance Working Paper No. 02/2002.管理会计领域[21]Young, S. M. 1985. Participative Budgeting: the Effects of Risk Aversion andAsymmetric Information on Budgetary Slack. Journal of Accounting Research 23(2):829-842.[22]Birnberg, J. G., M. D. Shields, and S. M. Young. 1990. The Case for MultipleMethods in Empirical Management Accounting Research, with an Illustration from Budget Setting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 2(1):33-66.[23]Ittner, C. D., and D. F. Larcker. 1998. Are Nonfinancial Measures LeadingIndicators of Financial Performance. Journal of Accounting Research 36:1-35.[24]Banker, R. D., G. Potter, and D. Srinivasan. 2000. An Empirical Investigation ofan Incentive Plan That Includes Nonfinancial Performance Measures. TheAccounting Review 75(1):65-92.[25]Lipe, M. G., and S. E. Salterio. 2000. The Balanced Scorecard: JudgmentalEffects of Common and Unique Performance Measures. The AccountingReview 75(3):283-298.[26]Sprinkle, G. B. 2000. The Effects of Incentive Contracts on Learning andPerformance. The Accounting Review 75(3):299-326.[27]Sprinkle, G. B.. 2003. Perspectives on Experimental Research in ManagerialAccounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(2-3):287-318.[28]Gibbs, M., K. A. Merchant, W. A. Van der Stede, and M. E. Vargus. 2004.Determinants and Effects of Subjectivity in Incentives. The Accounting Review 79(2):409-436.[29]Dechow, N., and Mouritsen, J.,2005. Enterprise resource planning systems,management control and the quest for integration. Accounting, Organization and Society 30: 691-733.[30]Bisbe, J., Batista-Foguet, J.M., and Chenhall, R., 2007. Defining managementaccounting constructs: A methodological note on the risks of conceptualmisspecification. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 32: 789-820.审计学[31]Bedard, J.C., D.R. Deis, M.B. Curtis, and J.G. Jenkins. 2008. Risk Monitoring andControl in Audit Firms: A Research Synthesis. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 27 (1): 187-218.[32]Bedard, J. C., and L. Graham. 2011. Detection and Severity Classifications ofSarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Internal Control Deficiencies. The AccountingReview 86 (3):825-855.[33]Bronson, S. N., C. E. Hogan, M. F. Johnson, and K. Ramesh. 2011. Theunintended consequences of PCAOB auditing Standard Nos. 2 and 3 on thereliability of preliminary earnings releases. Journal of Accounting andEconomics 51 (1–2):95-114.[34]DeFond, M. L., and J. R. Francis. 2005. Audit research after Sarbanes-Oxley.Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 24 (Supplement): 5-30.[35]Fan, J. P. H., and T. J. Wong. 2005. Do External Auditors Perform a CorporateGovernance Role in Emerging Markets? Evidence from East Asia. Journal of Accounting Research 43 (1):35-72.[36]Fung, S. Y. K., F. A. Gul, and J. Krishnan. 2012. City-Level Auditor IndustrySpecialization, Economies of Scale, and Audit Pricing. The Accounting Review87 (4):1281-1307.[37]Kinney, J. W. R., and M. L. Shepardson. 2011. Do Control EffectivenessDisclosures Require SOX 404(b) Internal Control Audits? A NaturalExperiment with Small U.S. Public Companies. Journal of Accounting Research49 (2):413-448.[38]Lennox, C., and J. Pittman. 2010. Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the recentreforms to the external monitoring of audit firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics 49 (1–2):84-103.[39]Lawrence, A., M. Minutti-Meza, and P. Zhang. 2011. Can Big 4 versus Non-Big 4Differences in Audit-Quality Proxies Be Attributed to Client Characteristics?The Accounting Review 86 (1):259-286.[40]Lennox, C. S., and J. A. Pittman. 2011. Voluntary Audits versus MandatoryAudits. The Accounting Review 86 (5):1655-1678.。



育明考博全国免费咨询电话400-668-6978QQ:493371626QQ:28900643512015中央财经大学考博QQ 交流群105619820英语群335488903专业课群157460416中央财经大学经济学院考博招生介绍—考试内容—考试指南一、经济学院博士招生人数及名额分布:年份央财内地招生总数(计划数)经济学院博士招生人数复试人数2012年127人18差额复试比例在150%左右2013年181人17(含1名硕博连读生)2014年176人17注意:2014年我校计划招收博士研究生176名,其中普通计划125名(含硕博连读生13名)、少数民族高层次骨干人才计划(以下简称少数民族骨干计划)42名和对口支援计划9名。


二、经济学院博士各专业招生人数及名额分布:年份政治经济学西方经济学世界经济学国民经济学区域经济学产业经济学劳动经济学20123218112 20133217112 20143217112三、经济学院博士招生的考试内容招生专业初试考试科目复试考试科目政治经济学(020101)1001英语、1002俄语、1003日语,2001经济学基础,3006现代经济学前沿复试采用面试形式,内容包括科研基础与科研潜质测试和外语听说能力测试。


















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02.资产评估 03.政府采购理论与政策 04.财政史研究 金融学院(002) 金融学(020204)
16 1001英语 (含硕博 连读生2 名)
2001经济学基础 3002金融学
银行经营管理 学
2(含硕 1001英语, 2001经济学基础 3011公共管理学 博连读生 1002俄语 1名) 1 1001英语 2001经济学基础 3007计量经济学 2 2 1 1 1001英语 1001英语 1001英语 1001英语 2001经济学基础 3012统计理论与应用 2004高等数理统 3012统计理论与应用 计 2001经济学基础 3012统计理论与应用 2001经济学基础 3012统计理论与应用
院系(代码) 会计学院(003)
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指导教师及职称 孟焰教授 王君彩教授 祁怀锦教授 王瑞华教授 刘红霞教授 李晓慧教授 周宏教授 余应敏教授 鲁桂华教授 潘秀丽教授 吴溪教授 李勇高级经济师(兼) 李玉环研究员(兼) 谢志华教授(联培) 杨有红教授(联培) 孙国辉教授 赵景华教授 崔新健教授 王巾英教授 孙国辉教授 张云起教授 崔新健教授 王巾英教授 肖海林教授 周卫中教授 张爱卿教授 庞守林教授 郭建鸾教授 齐兰教授 杨运杰教授 黄少安教授 李涛教授 张铁刚教授 张志敏教授 侯荣华教授 赵丽芬教授 王柯敬教授 蒋选教授* 刘扬教授 昌忠泽研究员 邹东涛教授



中央财经大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part I Vocabulary (15%)Section ADirections:In this section there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that completes best the sentence.1. The discovery of the Americas began ____ of adventure.A. a semesterB. a spellC. an epochD. a span2. All the ____ of the hotel were evacuated when the fire began.A. pioneersB. settlersC. inhabitantsD. residents3. The roses I left in the car yesterday started to ____ after a couple of hours in the heat.A. wiltB. blossomC. budD. bloom4. The two runners crossed the line ____.A. s ometimesB. simultaneouslyC. f r equentlyD. henceforth5. She was not crying but her eyes were ____.A. a ridB. m oistC. s oakedD. dr y6. Some sportsmen ____ to relax before a contest.A. meditateB. predictC. conceiveD. assume7. When there are so many important things to be done, why does she insist on so many ____ distractions?A. drasticB. crucialC. v italD. petty8. A ____ businessman is one who destroys his competitors.A. ge nerousB. s pitefulC. r u thlessD. humane9. The price of housing has remained ____ for six months.A. a gileB. dynamicC. s tationaryD. i n ert10. With a ____ effort he won a million dollars.A. m inimalB. di m inutiveC. m icroscopeD. d warfSection BDirections:In this section there are 20 sentences. Each sentence has one underlined word or phrase. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should identify one of the four choices which would best keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.11. The breadfruit is a round fruit with a rough rind, and a soft pulpy inside.A. s kinB. hus kC. s hellD. bl o om12. Frederick E. Taylor was the pioneer of scientific management.A. immigrantB. inventorC. f o eD. a lly13. The almond, native to the Mediterranean, grows abundantly in California.A. r e lativeB. pi o neerC. originalD. i m migrant14. Freshwater turtles can survive in frigid waters for three months without oxygen.A. balmyB. sultryC. freezingD. sweltering15. The parched landscape of salt flats is often used to break world land speed records.A. dr i edB. s oakedC. s ultryD. c hilly16. The fruit does well in hot and humid climates.A. a ridB. dampC. s oakedD. de siccated17. Sedatives calm a person without actually inducing sleep.A. pr o longingB. s ubsidingC. gettingD. c ausing18. F. D. Roosevelt was the only man to have been elected president of the United States four successive times.A. s ignificantB. consecutiveC. not a bleD. s ymmetrical19. Aqueducts built during the Roman Empire may still be seen in many parts of Europe.A. B athsB. Water c analsC. RoadsD. Air pi p es20. Guam, as island in the West Pacific, was ceded to the United States.A. gi v en ov er t oB. a ttacked byC. r u led byD. i n fluenced by21. Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases.A. c olossalB. popularC. c ommonD. s cattered22. Jazz appeared as a unique form of American music in the 1920s.A. obs cureB. s carceC. v italD. s ingular23. Gregor Mendel conceived of the laws of heredity from observing the growth of peas.A. a ssumedB. r e minisced ofC. t h ought ofD. m editated a bout24. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an obscure writer until the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.A. a nonymousB. eminentC. i n famousD. unknown25. After years of work and contemplation, the Native American Sequoyah single-handedly invented a written language for his people.A. worryB. sicknessC. deep thoughtD. l o neliness26. The profuse tropical forests of the Amazon are inhabited by different kinds of animals.A. wildB. distantC. abundantD. immersed27. Although Langston Hughes is better known for his poetry, he also wrote a two-volume autobiography.A. book about someone else’s l i feB. book a bout hi s ow n l i feC. book about many people’s l i vesD. bo ok a bout t h e l i fe of a nimals28. Paul Revere daringly rode through the New England countryside to warn the colonists.A. be nevolentlyB. c ourageouslyC. apprehensivelyD. mercilessly29. Ketchup was developed from a tasty, spicy Chinese sauce made of pickled fish and shellfish in the 17th century.A. insipidB. f l avoredC. blandD. s our30. Many of America’s parks and monuments have been made possible by the generous donations of its citizens.A. ki n dheartedB. unw antedC. s elfishD. m eaninglessPart II Cloze (10%)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on Answer Sheet.The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of primitive weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of _31_.The 32 of language is also obscure. No doubt it began very gradually. Animals have a few cries that serve 33 signals, 34 even the highest apes have not been found able to pronounce words, 35 with the most intensive professional instruction. The superior brain of man is apparently 36 for the mastering of speech. When man became sufficiently intelligent, we mustsuppose that he 37 the number of cries for different purposes. It was a great day 38 he discovered that speech could be used for narrative. There are those who think that 39 picture language preceded oral language. A man 40 a picture on the wall of his cave to show 41 direction he had gone, or 42 prey he hoped to catch. Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side. I am inclined to think that language 43 the most important single factor in the development of man.Two important stages came not 44 before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was 45 in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable 46 our own machine age. Agriculture made possible 47 immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practiced. 48 were, at first, only those in which nature fertilized the soil 49 each harvest. Agriculture met with violent resistance from the pastoral nomads, but the agricultural way of life prevailed in the end 50 the physical comforts it provided.Part IV Reading Comprehension (50%)Directions:Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1The ideal companion machine – the computer – would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that people obtain from interpersonal friendships. The machine would participate in interesting conservation that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the user’s life as revealed in earlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored. The computer’s own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user. With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner.51. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the ideal companion machine?A. Active i n c ommunication.B. Attractive i n pe rsonality.C. Enjoyable i n pe rformance.D. Unpredictable i n be havior.52. The computer would develop friendships with humans in a(n) ________ way.A. qui c kB. un predictableC. pr o ductiveD. i n conspicuous53. Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned when the passage discusses the benefits of artificial relationships?A. Being able to pick up an interesting conversation.B. Being sensitive to earlier contract.C. Being ready to learn about the person’s life.D. Having a pleasant and adaptable personality.54. Throughout the passage, the author is ________ in his attitude toward the computer.A. favourableB. criticalC. vagueD. hesitant55. Which might be the most appropriate title of the passage?A. Artificial relationships.B. How to form intimate relationships.C. The affectionate m achine.D. Humans a nd c omputers.Passage 2The uniqueness of the Japanese character is the result of two seemingly contradictory forces: the strength of traditions and selective receptivity to foreign achievements and inventions. As early as the 1860s, there were counter movements to the traditional orientation. Yukichi Fukuzawa the most eloquent spokesman of Japan’s “Enlightenment”, claimed “The Confucian civilization of the East seems to me to lack two things possessed by Western civilization: science in the material sphere and a sense of independence in the spiritual sphere.” Fukuzawa’s great influence is found in the free and individualistic philosophy of the Education Code of 1872, but he was not able to prevent the government from turning back to the canons of Confucian thought in the Imperial Rescript of 1890. Another interlude of relative liberalism followed World War I, when the democratic idealism of President Woodrow Wilson had an important impact on Japanese intellectuals and, especially students: but more important was the Leninist ideology of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Again in the early 1930s, nationalism and militarism became dominant, largely as a result of failing economic conditions.Following the end of World War II, substantial changes were undertaken in Japan to liberate the individual from authoritarian restraints. The new democratic value system was accepted by many teachers, students, intellectuals, and old liberals, but it was not immediately embraced by the society as a whole. Japanese traditions were dominated by group values, and notions of personal freedom and individual rights were unfamiliar.Today, democratic processes are clearly evident in the widespread participation of the Japanese people in social and political life: yet, there is no universally accepted and stable value system. Values are constantly modified by strong infusions of Western ideas, both democratic and Marxist. School textbooks expound democratic principles, emphasizing equality over hierarchy and rationalism over tradition; but in practice these values are often misinterpreted and distorted, particularly by the youth who translate the individualistic and humanistic goals of democracy into egoistic and materialistic ones.Most Japanese people have consciously rejected Confucianism, but vestiges of the old order remain. An important feature of relationships in many institutions such as political parties, large corporations, and university faculties is the oyabun-kobun or parent-child relation. A party leader, supervisor, or professor, in return for loyalty, protects those subordinate to him and takes general responsibility for their interests throughout their entire lives, an obligation that sometimes evenextends to arranging marriages. The corresponding loyalty of the individual to his patron reinforces his allegiance to the group to which they both belong. A willingness to cooperate with other members of the group and to support without qualification the interests of the group in all its external relations is still a widely respected virtue. The oyabun-kobun creates ladders of mobility which an individual can ascend, rising as far as abilities permit, so long as he maintains successful personal ties with a superior in the vertical channel, the latter requirement usually taking precedence over a need for exceptional competence. As a consequence, there is little horizontal relationship between people even within the same profession.56. The author is mainly concerned withA. explaining the influence of Confucianism on modern JapanB. analyzing the reasons for Japan’s postwar economic successC. discussing some important determinants of Japanese valuesD. describing managerial practices in Japanese industry57. Which of the following is most like the relationship of the oyabun-kobun described in the passage?A. A political candidate and the voting public.B. A gifted scientist and his studentC. Two brothers who are partners in a businessD. A judge presiding at the trial of a criminal defendant58. According to the passage, Japanese attitudes are influenced by the following factors except ________.A. democratic ideals.B. elements of modern Western culture.C. remnants of an earlier social structure.D. prewar economic success.59. It can be inferred that the Imperial Rescript of 1890A. was a protest by liberals against the lack of individual liberty in Japan.B. marked a return in government policies to conservative valuesC. implemented the ideals set forth in the Education Code of 1872.D. was influenced by the Leninist ideology of the Bolshevik Revolution.60. The tone of the passage can best be described asA. neutral and objectiveB. critical and demandingC. enthusiastic a nd s upportiveD. s keptical a nd que stioningPassage 3A scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow most – people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomes – he would probably answer: those with declining incomes. Actually, in the years 1947-1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of priceincreases may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices, “In a few months,” she said, “we’ll have to pay more for meat and milk; we’ll have less to spend on other things.” Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyer’s resistance may be evoked. This is shown by the following typical comment: “I just don’t pay these prices; they are too high.”The investigations mentioned above were carried on in America. Investigations conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The condition most conducive to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people consider that they are reasonable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.61. According to the passage, if one wants to predict the way consumers will spend their money, he should ________.A. rely on traditional assumptions about earning and spendingB. try to encourage or discourage consumers to spend moneyC. carry out investigations on consumer behavior and obtain data on consumers’ incomes andmoney spending motivesD. do researches in consumer psychology in a laboratory62. According to paragraph 2, research surveys have proved that ____.A. price increases always stimulate people to hasten to buy thingsB. rising prices may make people put off their purchase of certain thingsC. women are more sensitive to the rising in prices than menD. the expectations of price increases often make buyers feel angry63. The results of the investigations on consumer psychology carried out in America were ____ those of the investigations made at the same time in Great Britain.A. somewhat different fromB. exactly the same asC. m uch be tter t h anD. not a s good a s64. From the results of the surveys, the writer of this article ____.A. concludes that the saving and spending patterns in Great Britain are better than those inAmericaB. concludes that the consumers always expect prices to remain stableC. concludes that maintaining stable prices is a correct business policyD. does not draw any conclusion65. Which of the following statements is always true according to the surveys mentioned in the passage?A. Consumers will put off buying things if they expect prices to decrease.B. Consumers will spend their money quickly if they expect prices to increase.C. The price condition has an influence on consumer behavior.D. Traditional assumptions about earning and spending are reliable.Passage 4Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal – or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned.Ideas about social class – whether a person is “working-class” or “middle-class” – are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’ jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her “housekeeping”, would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was – and still is – inclined to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a top priority, but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important. Both of these provided him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.Nowadays, a great deal has changed. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors. Social security and laws to improve job-security, combined with a general rise in the standard of living since the mid-fifties of the 20th century, have made it less necessary than before to worry about “tomorrow”. Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the past. In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen amongst younger people. They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in precious generations. Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather than the old conflicts will reappear, but between different groups.66. Which of the following is seen as the causes of class differences in the past?A. L ife s tyle a nd oc cupation.B. Attitude a nd i n come.C. Income and job security.D. Job security a nd hobbi e s.67. The writer seems to suggest that the description of ____ is closer to truth.A. middle-class w ays of s pending m oneyB. working-class ways of spending the weekendC. working-class drinking habitsD. middle-class attitudes68. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a typical feature of the middle-class?A. D esiring f o r s ecurity.B. M aking l o ng-term plans.C. Having priorities in life.D. Saving money.69. Working-class people’s sense of security increased as a result of all the following factors EXCEPT ________.A. be tter s ocial s ecurityB. m ore j o b oppor t unitiesC. higher l i ving s tandardD. better legal protection70. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?A. Changes are slowly taking place in all sectors of the British society.B. The gap between working-class and middle-class young people is narrowing.C. Differences in income will remain but those in occupation will disappear.D. Middle-class people may sometimes feel inferior to working-class people.Passage 5There have been a great many explanations, some of them very complicated, of the great demand for college education in America, and they are probably all true in some measure. An oversimplified explanation is that over the last fifty years, three generations of the parents of growing children have realized that better education meant better living and, as individuals, and through group action, have pushed and urged that facilities be made available. Happily the nation has been able to provide the colleges, and the students have been admitted to them in ever-increasing numbers. And the consumers of the products of education – government, business in all its forms, and labor – all welcomed the expansion of opportunity because it simplified their problems of employing new workers, and training and placing them.Forty years ago, when the parents of today’s high-school seniors were themselves in school, a high-school education was enough to get ready for most occupations, and, for those occupations, job training took place either in the high school or on the job. A college degree was necessary only for those who wanted to be ministers, doctors, or lawyers, high school teachers, scientists, or scholars. Today most jobs that offer opportunity for growth and advancement are open only to college graduates, for colleges have assumed the task of offering the specific preparation that is needed. There is very little job training in high schools today. Instead they concentrate on preparing students for college.What has happened is that, as business, industry, government, and the professions have expanded, they have developed a need for many varieties of specialists. Colleges and universities, responding to these developments, have organized new programs of study to train these specialists, and in turn these new programs draw students who would not have gone to college forty years ago.For example, almost all of the college programs in business and commerce have developed and the more advanced programs in agriculture and home economics. And there is a long list of other offerings that were not available except in a few experimental programs. Accounting, social science, various forms of administration, public hospital and public health medical technology, and advanced nurses training have been developed in higher education within those same forty years. And as evidence that the process is still continuing, we can see the emergence of atomic technology, unclear engineering, computer technology, and, most recently, international administration.71. In Paragraph 1, the word “consumers” most probably refers to ____.A. high-school graduatesB. college graduatesC. those who employ college graduatesD. those who consume commercial goods72. According to paragraph 2, the parents of today’s high-school students ____.A. did not receive enough high-school educationB. received a level of education which is almost equivalent to that of today’s collegeC. received a level of education high enough for most occupations 40 years agoD. who received only high-school education are not qualified for such professional work as ministers, doctors or lawyers73. Which of the following does not seem to be an explanation of the great demand for collegeeducation in America?A. The parents have realized that higher education means a higher standard of living.B. A high-school education is not “high” enough for most occupations.C. A great need has been developed for many varieties of specialists.D. High schools concentrate mainly on preparing students for colleges.74. Which of the following specialties and programs was the least possibly available in America colleges and universities 40 years ago?A. I n ternational a dministration.B. Computer s cience a nd t e chnology.C. Nuclear engineering.D. Advanced nur s e t r aining.75. What is the theme of the passage?A. A general survey of American colleges and universities.B. The main causes for the development of American higher education.C. The historical development of American colleges and universities.D. The higher education, the better living condition.Part V Translation (10%)Section ADirections:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer Sheet.If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its result. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids – the eagle and the snail.” If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough.Section BDirections:Translate the following paragraph into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.完善国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系,发挥经济杠杆的调节作用。

2013年中央财经大学社会发展学院社会学理论 (考研真题及详解)【圣才出品】

2013年中央财经大学社会发展学院社会学理论  (考研真题及详解)【圣才出品】

































































第一部分 微观经济学(75分)一、名词解释(共12分,每小题3分) 1.消费者剩余2.帕累托有效的配置 3.需求的价格弹性 4.价格歧视二、论述题(共30分,每小题10分)1.什么是吉芬品(Giffen Good )?什么是劣等品(Inferior Good )?为什么吉芬品必然是劣等品?2.假设企业的目标是利润最大化,在长期的固定成本为零。


3.考虑一个只有两个消费者(A 和B )的纯交换经济。

什么是瓦尔拉斯法则(Walras’ Law )?以两种商品(x 和y )的情形为例,证明瓦尔拉斯法则。

三、计算题(共33分,第一小题13分,第二小题20分) 1.某城市有4企业 初始排污量减少1吨污染的成本A 100 20B 80 18C 70 15 D6012政府的环保部门决定把排污量降低到200吨,为此,它给每家企业发放50吨的排污许可证并允许企业自由交易这些排污许可证(许可证是可分的,或者为简单计,每张许可证允许企业排放1吨污染)。



市场1的需求函数为1110q p =-,市场2的需求函数为22102q p =-。




一、招生目录简介政府战略与绩效管理02.城市管理03.公共事业管理与政策04.公共行政管理101思想政治理论2201英语一3620经济学基础4802管理学二、报录比简介近3年考研报录比对比报考年份报考人数复试人数录取人数保研人数调剂人数20114610800 2010210302200近3年考研初试分数线对比报考年份总分政治英语数学/专业课一专业课二201135255558383 201036846466969近3年考研实际录取分数线对比报考年份总分政治英语数学/专业课一专业课二201135255558383 201036246466969第七章公共政策效果的评价分析一、公共政策评价的含义本章的标题是“公共政策效果”评价,而不是“公共政策”评价,目的在于确定此处的研究对象是公共政策效果的评价,而不包含政策的全部过程(如政策制定时的方案评估)。









2013年财科所博士研究生入学考试英语试题PART ONE: Grammar (10 points)Directions: Below each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Please write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. ________ I have already mentioned, cardio surgery is one of the amazing new surgical techniques that have been developed in recent years.A. WhichB. WhatC. AsD. This2. We held a meeting to sum up our experience ________ we finish the work.A. incidentallyB. whileC. immediatelyD. before3. _________ that as both birds and mammals become larger, their metabolic rates per unit of tissue decrease, and they generally live longer.A. The truthB. It is trueC. If trueD. To be true4. Our modem civilization must not be thought of as _______ in a short period of time.havingcreatedcreated B.A.beingC. having been createdD. creating5. Sometimes _________ to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.A. that is difficultB. is difficultC. it is difficultD. that is difficult6. The teacher said that he wouldn't tolerate ________ late every day.A. for me to arriveB. me arrivedC. me to arriveD. my arriving7. __________ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.A. He was deprived ofB. That he was deprived ofC. Although he was deprived ofD. Deprived of8. What do you think of Tom's proposal that ________ put on the play at tonight's ceremony?A. we will notB. we notC. we hadn'tD. we wouldn't9. In the last few years, intensive design and development effort _______ to the introduction of electronic exchanges.A. have been appliedB. has been appliedC. is being appliedD. would be applied10. Among the first plans to grow the land regions of Earth ________, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size.A. segregationB. specificationC. spectrumD. subscriptionPART TWO: Cloze (5 points)Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Please write your answer on the Answer SheetA child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it 11 of a book, and, if a parent can produce 12 in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousinghis sadistic impulses. To prove the 13 , one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has had,_ 14 on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be Father a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of children _15_dangerously terrified by some fairy stow. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the stow once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear 16 the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds 17 they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies 18 fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case 19_ sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick 20 covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girl-friend. No fairy stow ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no same child has ever believed that it was.PART THREE: Reading Comprehension (20 points)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetPassage 1 (5 points)The word for "The Da Vinci Code" is a rare invertible palindrome. Rotated 180 degrees on a horizontal axis so that it is upside down, it denotes the maternal essence that is sometimes linked to the sport of soccer. Read right side up, it concisely conveys the kind of extreme enthusiasm with which this riddle-filled, code-breaking, exhilaratingly brainy thriller can be recommended. That word is wow.The author is Dan Brown (a name you will want to remember), hi this gleefully erudite suspense novel. Mr. Brown takes the format he has been developing through three earlier novels and fine-tunes it to blockbuster perfection. Not since the advent of Harry Potter has an author so flagrantly delighted in leading readers on a breathless chase and coaxing them through hoops. Consider the new book's prologue, set in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre. (This is the kind of book that notices that tiffs one gallery's length is three times that of the Washington Monument.) It embroils a Caravaggio, an albino monk and a curator in a fight to the death. That's scene leaving little doubt that the author knows how to pique interest, as the curator, Jacques Sauniere, fights for his life.Desperately seizing the painting in order to activate the museum's alarm system, Sauniere succeeds in buying some time. And he uses these stolen moments? Which are his last? To take off his clothes, draw a circle and arrange himself like the figure in Leonardo's most famous drawing, "The Vitruvian Man." And to leave behind an anagram and Fibonacci's famous numerical series as clues.Whatever this is about, it is enough to summon Langdon, who by now, he blushes to recall, has been described in an adoring magazine article as "Harrison Ford in Harris tweed." Langdon's latest manuscript, which "proposed some very unconventional interpretations of established religious iconography which would certainly be controversial," is definitely germane.Also soon on the scene is the cryptologist Sophie Neveu, a chip off the author's earlier prototypes: "Unlike the cookie-cutter blondes that adorned Harvard dorm room walls, this woman was healthy with an unembellished beauty and genuineness that radiated a striking personal confidence." Even if he had not contrived this entire story as a hunt for the Lost Sacred Feminine essence, women in particular would love Mr. Brown.The book moves at a breakneck pace, with the author seeming thoroughly to enjoy his contrivances. Virtually every chapter ends with a cliffhanger: not easy, considering the amount of plain old taking that gets done. And Sophie and Langdon are sent on the run, the better to churn up a thriller atmosphere. To their credit, they evade their pursuers as ingeniously as they do most everything else.When being followed via a global positioning system, for instance, it is smart to send the sensor flying out a 40-foot window and lead pursuers to think you have done the same. Somehow the book manages to reconcile such derring-do with remarks like. "And did you know that if you divide the number of female bees by the number of male bees in any beehive in the world, you always get the same number?""The Da Vinci Code" is breezy enough even to make fun of its characters' own cleverness. At one point Langdon is asked by his host whether he has hidden a sought-after treasure carefully enough. "Actually," Langdon says, unable to hide his grin, "that depends on how often you dust under your couch."21. Why does the author use the word "wow" to describe the novel The Da Vinci Code?A. Became the word reads the same backwards.B. Became it is also linked to the sport of football.C. Became the novel is imbued with perplexing enigmas and smartly wrought.D. Became the novel is a bestseller22. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Dan Brown, author of "The Da Vinci Code" has published so far four novels.B. The Da Vinci Code begins with a mysterious murder case in the Gallery of Luvre.C. In his earlier novels, Dan Brown has created characters like Spohie Neveu.D. The Da Vinci Code wins the popularity among women became Dan Brown is a fervent feminist.23. It can be inferred from the passage that Harry Potter is all the following EXCEPT______A. It is also a bestseller around the worldB. It attracts readers with heart-throbbing suspenseC. It is characterized by hoax and unreliable plotsD. It has achieved immense popularity with readers24. The major factor that contributes to the success of The Da Vinci Code isA. the engrossing prologueB. the depiction of the female protagonist Sophie NeveuC. the breakneck pace and a cliffhanger at the end of almost every chapterD. the colorful description of the cleverness of the characters25. The author's attitude towards "The Da Vince Code" isA. criticalB. indifferentC. affirmativeD. sarcasticPassage 2 (5 points)Ever since the Industrial Revolution brought workers from small shops into factories,supervision have been required. Only during the last hundred years, however, has industrial management grown into a highly organized set of modem methods for achieving efficiency. Thus, management is a new human history, and it has already become vitally important for the success of all kinds of businesses and of national economies.Efficiency means getting results with the least possible waste of time, effort, and money. Therefore, efficiency is the aim of all management, both public and private. In private business, efficiency can be measured by profit, the surplus of income over expenditures.The manager's a job, then, is to get people to do things efficiently. The tip manager manages other managers, chooses and trains them, plans their operations, and checks the results. All managers have practical complex problems, but they utilize methods based on a growing body of knowledge. Shop managers carry out time and motion studies to improve workers' efficiency, and foremen give on-the-job training to workers. Industrial mangers employ specialists to keep machines working properly and to ensure the supply of spare parts. The flow of work is supervised to avoid any unplanned idleness of workers of equipment. Each step in manufacturing is planned in detail, and the cost of each step is carefully calculated. Supervisors consult experts regularly in order to master new techniques. Personnel managers have learned to obtain greater efficiency from workers by providing rest periods and by improving morale through better heating, lighting, safety devices, cafeterias, and recreation facilities--even when these have not been demanded by labor unions. The use of modern electronic devices had led to increasing automation, in which many automatic machines function without any need for human labor.Scientific management methods have spread to all branches of industry--not only manufacturing, but also accounting, finance, marketing, and other office work. There are planning systems, organization systems and control systems. Within these there are other systems for delegation of authority, budgeting, information feedback for control, and so on. The essence of all the functions of management is coordination, the harmonious combination of all individual efforts for the achievement of the objectives of the enterprise.26. From the first paragraph, we know that______.A. industrial management depends on the success of all kinds of businesses and of national economiesB. industrial management is indispensable to the successes of all kinds of businesses and of national economies.C. the success of all kinds of businesses and of national economies has nothing to do with industrial managementD. industrial management did not develop until the last fifty years27. The top manager________.A. is responsible for selecting other managers and help them do things efficientlyB. gets other managers to choose and train themselvesC. manages other managers' operationsD. learns new techniques from other managers28. All managers employ_______.A. various methods to solve their practical and complex problemsB. specialists to keep machines working properlyC. workers who give on-the-j ob trainingD. advisers to handle practical and complex problems29.Personnel managers provide rest periods, safety devices, recreation facilities, etc._______.A. because the labor unions demand themB. just to improve the workers' moraleC. to obtain greater efficiency from workersD. to ensure the good working conditions30. The essence of all management functions is_______.A. to combine individual efforts to achieve the objectives of the enterpriseB. the coordination of the functions of managementC. the harmonious coordination of organization efforts for the achievement of individual objectivesD. to coordinate the systems for planning, organization and controlPassage 3 (5 points)Millionaires can breathe a bit easier. While President Barack Obama says he wants to let income tax cuts that benefit only the wealthiest Americans expire in 2013, several states are rolling back tax increases for top earners.New York's highest tax rates on incomes exceeding $500,000 will fall back to 7.85 percent, from 8.97 percent, this year. Maryland's 6.25 percent tax on incomes above $1 million expired at the end of 2010, while California's top tax rate for Millionaires has dropped to 10.3 percent from 10.55 percent.At least seven states instituted temporary so-called millionaire taxes during the recession Those levies are becoming harder to justify now that state revenues are rebounding. Overall, state tax revenue grew 12 percent in April compared with a year earlier, which may trim $20 billion from estimated states budget shortfall, according to a recent Goldman Sachs (GS) report. The soak-the-rich drive "just petered out", says Joseph Henchman, vice president for legal and state projects at the Tax Foundation in Washington, a group focused on lowering taxes. "All of these states are backing away now."Business groups have been vocal opponents of the temporary hikes. The Business Council of New York State has opposed efforts to maintain the tax increase on the grounds that such measures are an indirect tax on business income. More business owners who are paid by partnerships or S corporations report business income on their individual returns. Kenneth J. Pokalsky, the Business Council's' senior director of government affairs, says 25 percent of revenue generated from the state's tax on higher earners came from business income. In California. the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, whose members include Bank of America (BAC), Apple (AAPL), and Microsoft (MSFT), along with 12 other business groups, have told lawmakers that tax increases should be extended only if lawmakers agree to "structural reform" of the budget.Republicans, who typically oppose tax hikes, now hold a majority of governorships-29-and many were elected last year after campaigning against tax increases. New Jersey governor Chris Christie, a Republican, received national attention after vetoing a bill that would have extended a tax on millionaires in the state.Some Democrats are also fighting the higher taxes. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sparked a battle with fellow party members in the legislature earlier this year by opposing legislation that would maintain the higher rates on individuals earning more than $1 million. Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, didn't push to extend his State's millionaire tax last year. "I would like to think it's because these are not very good policies," Henchman says, "Ifyou're a conservative, you don't really like these taxes. If you're a liberal, these services should be so important that everyone should have to pay for them".The American public is almost evenly divided on the questions of whether the wealthy should shoulder a higher tax burden. A Gallup poll released on June 2 found 49 percent respondents opposed higher taxes on the rich, while 47 percent supported them.31. Barack Obama wants to________A. cut income tax in 2013B. extend millionaire tax to 2013C. benefit the wealthiest Americans by cutting income taxD. roll back tax increases for top earners32. ______is one of the possible reasons why state revenues revived?A. Initiating temporary millionaire taxes during the depressionB. Levying tax on at least seven states institutionsC. Trimming $20 billion from state budgetD. Estimating state budget shortfalls33. What can be inferred from Joseph Henchman's words?A. The state that instituted millionaire taxes are going to abolish it.B. All of these sates are focusing on the soak-the-rich drive now.C. The soak-the-rich drive has just started out.D. Only a handful of these states are focusing on lowering taxes.34. Which of the following statements about the Silicon Valley Leadership Group is correct?A. It was 15 members in total.B. It agrees to extend tax increase.C. It proposed to make a "structural reform" of the budget.D. It would agree the extension of tax increase provided that lawmakers agree to "structural reform" of the budget.35. Which is probably the best title for this passage?A. The Wealthy Are Willing to Shoulder a Higher Tax BurdenB. Obama Is Proposing an Income Tax CutC. Obama Is Proposing an Income Tax Cut ExtensionD. States Are Rejecting Millionaire TaxesPassage 4 (5 points)For a large number of young adults in Britain homeownership has become increasingly difficult to achieve, viewed as a distant goal attainable only later in life, if at all.That is a significant shift in Britain. For years owners occupy a higher percentage of homes in Britain than in the United States, France, or Germany. One reason homeownership is so attractive in Britain is because property values dropped less drastically than in the United States, in part because of a shortage in housing. Prices in some large cities, including London, have even increased recently. People still perceive a home to be a better and safer investment than a pension fund, said Andrew Hull, research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research. "Homeownership is also culturally entrenched," he said. "Owning a home is the main way of showing you made it."The big shift toward homeownership came in the 1980s when Mrs. Thatcher issued right-to-buy policy, which allowed many in rented government housing to buy their homes. Abouttwo million homes were sold, earning the government tens of billions of pounds. At the same time, the rental market became increasingly unattractive. Unlike Germany and other Continental European countries, Britain's private rental market is highly fragmented, with many landlords and laws that generally favor the property owner. Most leases are for six months only, with landlords rarely agreeing to commit to longer terms; this makes renting highly insecure.But as the pain of government-imposed austerity sinks in disposable income has shrunk and loan requirement have toughened, forcing more and more Britons into renting rather than buying. Over the last 10 years the number of people who owned homes here dropped to 67 percent from 70 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people in private rented house rose to 16 percent from 10 percent over the same period, according to the Office for National Statistics. Rising demand has pushed up rents by. an average of 4.4 percent over the last year, according to LSL Property Service. In London rents increased 7.8 percent."A growing number of young would-be buyers are preparing for lifelong-renting .... by necessity rather than choice,' said Jonathan Moore, director of easy roommate, co. uk, a property Web site. Charlotte Ashton, 30, has lived in rented accommodations ever since she left her parent's home to attend university. She said she was saving for a down payment to buy her own home. "I do believe in the fundamentals of owning bricks and mortar as security for the future, more than leaving my money in the banks as a low interest rate", said Ms. Ashton, who works in public relations. "But now it seems unless you have a very well paid job and are willing to save every penny, it's unfeasible to buy without the help of the bank of Mum and Dad."Some economists are concerned that as more people are forced to wait to buy a home, it could open up a widening of the wealth gap that already exists between homeowners and non homeowners, endangering the retirement prospects for a swelling group of young adults they call "generation rent." It could also have implications for the cohesion of neighborhoods, Alison Blackwell, a research director at the National Center for Social Research and author of the Halifax report said. Renters tend to be less involved in local communities because they are forced to move more often. And the economy as a whole may suffer because renters tend to curb spending to save for a deposit.36. For British people, buying house is__________.A. a distant goalB. a symbol of successC. a compulsory choiceD. nothing but an investment37. Mrs. Thatcher's right-to-buy policy has lead to_______A. the homeownership bustB. the economic recoveryC. the homeownership boomD. the economic recession38. Which of the following statements about Generation Rent is true?A. They consider renting as a lifelong plan rather than a temporary choiceB. They are in face of economic downturn and a risk of early retirementC. They despise the idea of asking parents for money to buy houseD. They still believe in the blessing of house just like their previous generation39. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.A. the rental market and the buying market always develop in reverse directionB. It is impossible for the first-time buyers to get a mortgage under current economic situationC. buying house is a more profitable investment than buying fund under current economic situationD. Britain's real estate market is less volatile than that of other European countries40. More people's inclination to rent rather than buy a house will not_____.A. enlarge the wealth disparity between the haves and have notsB reduce the renter's commitment to the communityC. slow the recovery of economyD. curb social mobilityPART FOUR (20 points)Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.Human beings: in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it. Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity.41 Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus Subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. Therefore, it is important to study humans in all their richness and diversify in a calm and systematic manner, with the hope that the knowledge resulting from such studies can lead humans to a more harmonious way of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth."Anthropology" derives from the Greek words anthropos "human" and logos "the study of." By its very name, Anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind, Anthropology is one of the social sciences. 42. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology.All the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity. Anthropology is a field-study oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis.43. The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present ,makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.Anthropology analysis rests heavily upon the concept of culture. Sir Edward Tylor's formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of 19th century science. 44. Tylor defined culture as "....that complex whole which includes belief, art .morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." So profound in its simplicity, this insight opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. Implicit within Tylor's definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior.45. Thus, the Anthropological concept of "culture", like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.PART FIVE (20 points)Directions: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.46.当有人对我说,他们喜爱动物是因为动物有感情,然后又虐待动物,我就对他们说,幸亏他们不喜欢我。






















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