Divide the Ss into groups of four and ask each group what they will do for their friends.
Task 1 Fill in the blanks according to the text
2 Help the students to describe friends or friendship with the learned words.
PartⅣ Analysis of teaching theories, methods and aids
Teaching theories:
1 The students are the real masters in class.
PartⅡ Analysis of teaching objectives
1 Knowledge objectives
(1) Enable the Ss to master the new words, phrases and useful expressions.
(2) Get the Ss to have a good understanding of friends and friendship.
Part Ⅰ Analysis of teaching background
1 About the teaching material
The selected teaching material is taken from Unit 2, Book B of English for Vocational School. The topic is about friendship, which is intended to develop the theme of this unit.
教师技能大赛说课课件 unit13 lesson4 First Impressions
First Impressions
A short story about friendship
Analysis of the reading material
Identifying the teaching aims
Teaching procedures
Analysis of the reading material
Find the six factors in this story
• • • • • • When (time): Where (place): Who (character): What (event): Why (cause): How (outcome):
Read again and divide the story into four parts
Extensive reading Intensive reading
Recognition of the text.
Fill in the blanks
Find the six factors. Divide the text
Extensive reading While-reading Recognition of the text
Watch a video and find out
☆ What is this song about? ☆ Do you think that they left a good impression on each other when they first met? ☆What can we learn from the song? ☆ Do you think first impression very important?
二、说教法、学法、教具 说教法、
教法: 更好地实现教学目标,有效地突出重点、突破难点, 教法:为了 更好地实现教学目标,有效地突出重点、突破难点,
我在教学中灵活地运用了情景法、比较法、 我在教学中灵活地运用了情景法、比较法、直观法和多媒体辅助 法等多种方法,充分调动学生学习的积极性。 法等多种方法,充分调动学生学习的积极性。 In this lesson I will adopt scene teaching method,taskbased method ,cooperation-study method,games and so on.
2.教学目标: 教学目标: 教学目标
掌握有关天气的词汇。 【知识目标】1.掌握有关天气的词汇。 知识目标】 掌握有关天气的词汇 2.学会如何询问天气情况。 学会如何询问天气情况。 学会如何询问天气情况 --- How’s the weather? --- It’s sunny. 3. 能够描述人们正在做的事情。 能够描述人们正在做的事情。 【能力目标】培养学生运用英语听说读写的能力。 能力目标】培养学生运用英语听说读写的能力。 【情感目标】让学生学会关爱他人,关心环境。 情感目标】让学生学会关爱他人,关心环境。
Translate and write them down. 1. - 多伦多天气怎么样? 多伦多天气怎么样? - 是晴天。 是晴天。 - How is the weather in Toronto? - It’s sunny. 2. - 他们正在干什么? 他们正在干什么? - 他们正在打篮球。 他们正在打篮球。 - What are they doing? - They’re playing basketball.
calm— wild— long— short— outgoing— athletic— serious— beautiful—
写出下列形容词的比较级形式 calm—calmer wild—wilder long—longer short—shorter outgoing—more outgoing athletic—more athletic serious—more serious beautiful—more beautiful
词尾是er的: calmer wilder quieter shorter taller heavier thinner funnier 词前是more的:more outgoing, more beautiful, more athletic, more serious.
Interview famous person
tall short thin heavy
more athletic
Does she have long hair?
Does she have short hair?
Liu Yifei has longer hair than Xu Jinglei.
Tom is calmer than Sam, and Sam is wilder than tom.
Sam Tom
Pedro is heavier than Paul, and
Paul is thinner than Pedro.
Tina is funnier than Tara, and Tara is quieter than Tina.
• This lesson is chosen from unit 9 • Section 2 in book 1.This book has • ten units .Each unit has four sections:listening speaking reading • And grammar.today,we’ll learn the • second section.It is very important. • It will train the students’ability of speaking.It is the basis of the behind sections.
B Ability objects
• <1>To train the students’ ability • of speaking. • <2>To train the students’ability of working in pairs. <3>To train how to use useful expressions.such as I like… I hate …I think that…
• The students’ basis is very poor. • Some of them are not interested • In English and don’t like it .
Moral objects
• <1>Let students know life.
Part 3 Teaching methods
Teaching methods:
To satisfy their curiosity To impress them To prevent their distraction
• Teaching procedures • Blackboard design
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material
StatusThe and function teaching aims Status and function The important points &difficult
important part in English learning because the expressions: cost, advantage, harmful, problem of theto, environmental pollution is a hot Ability aims: afford, used play a part in… Ability aims Teaching aims in this lesson to understand the passage on page 99 and to be able to
in this passage pollution on the blackboard one environmental and review theby • Fast reading Step 3 2.Get the students to listen the tape and then once again one. Then give them the right usages of words and phrases e the questions and answers to help them guide them to answers the questions these new language points. What’s more I Purposes : Further understand the passage and get the main idea of each paragraph on their own • Intensive reading Step 4 Purpose: to impress them through repetition. find out some difficult sentences of the passage will ask them to make sentences by using words. Purpose : arouse the students’ interest Purpose:Train the students’ listening ability and these newly learnt words and phrases. andthem attract their attention • Language point Step train to5 grasp the general idea of the
师范技能测试英语说课稿Good morning, everyone. I’ m ***, comes from •••. . It' s my honor to present my I esson p I an here.There' re four parts i n my I esson p I an presentat i on. Fi rst I y, I ' II talk sth accord i ng to the teach i ng mater i a I and I earn i ng condition. Second I y, I' I I ta I k about the teach i ng method and the teach i ng aids. Thirdly i s the teach i ng procedure. And the I ast i s the b I ackboard des i gn.Ok, let' s come to the first one. My Iesson comes from new sen i or Eng Ii sh for Ch i na ModuIe 2, Unit 1 the read i ng part. And the title is In Search of the Amber Room.(板书)It' s not very difficult for my Ss to understand this mater i a I because the t ime I i ne in this passage i s very c I ear. The on Iy prob Iem i s that they are not very fami I i ar with the amber. So I ' I I spend time in introducing amber to them. As my Ss are very i interested i n Engl i sh and d i I igent. So I set the fol lowing teaching object i ves. The f i rst objective: Knowledge. Firstly students shouId be abIe to grasp the mean i ngs of the new words and phrases. And th i s i s a I so a key point. For example: amaz i ng, decorate, j ewe I, i n return and so on.(板书)Second I y, students shou I d be fami I iar with the topic ofamber room. The second objective i s Ski I I s. Fi rst ly, students shou Id be ab Ie to know the main i dea of the who I e passage. Of course th i s i s a key point and I think it is a difficult point, too. Second Iy, students shouId be abIe to improve the reading strategy: scanning and skimming. This i s a I so a key point. Thi rd Iy, students shouId be able to give thei r opinions about the cuIturaI re I i cs. And th i s i s a difficult poi nt. The th i rd object i ve i s Affects . F i rst I y, students shou I d know the va I ue of the cu I tura I re I i cs and they shou I d a I so know why some of them were Iost. The fourth one is CuIturaI awareness: Students shouId be abIe to know the h i story of the amber room and get more knowledge about the cuIturaI re Ii cs in China and abroad. The Iast objective is the Learning strategies: Students shouId be abIe to get information from books or the Internet.Now let' s come to the second part : the teaching method and the teach i ng a i ds. I' II mainly adopt the 3-stage Mode I and the situational approach. And I need OHP, the b I ackboard and a I so a neck I ace with an amber as my teach i ng a i ds.Then the most important part: the teaching procedure.There' re five steps i n my teach i ng : Iead-i n, pre-read i ng, wh i Ie-read i ng, post-read i ng and homework.In Iead-in part, I wi I I spend 5m here. Fi rstIy I' I I show them some pictures. There' s crystaI, jade, amber, s i I ver and go I d. I ' I I I et them guess what are they and then i introduce amber to them. Second I y, I wi I I ask them the story of the go I d room i n the Ch i nese h i story and I et the Ss say sth about it. I ' m sure that Ss have known a Iot about that because the TV 《汉武大帝》i s rea I I y popu I ar, and the story of 《金屋藏娇》i s quite famous, too. After talking about that, Ss are asked to say the functions of the go I d room. Th i s can he I p Ss to I earn the funct i ons of the amber room. Of course, when they are taIking, I' II help them to get famiIiar with some new words and expressions. And wr ite them down on the b I ackboard. G旨示黑板)The next i s the pre-read i ng part, 3m. I ’ I I te I I Ss that there' s a I so an amber room i n the h i story. And show them some p ictures. Then Iet them pred ict the funct i on of the amber room. Th i s i s not so difficult, because they have a I ready ta I ked about the funct i ons of the go I d room. And th i s pred i ct i on wi I I he I p them to I earn the fol lowing passage. After the pred i ct i on, I ' d like to gu i de them to search for the h i story of the amber room.Then comes the whi Ie-reading part. 25m here. And there' retwo parts: fast reading and cIose reading. After the fi rst fast read i ng , I' II give them f i ve quest i ons that summar i ze the ma i n i deas of the each paragraph. These quest i ons come from Exerc i se Two. And then I et them do the match. After checking the match, I' I I present some T or F questions. These questions may be the answers of the five quest ions before. For examp Ie: The amber room was designed for the pa I ace of Freder i ck William I. (T F) Ss shou I d read the passage aga i n and then do the task. Th i s can he I p students have a genera I i dea about the who Ie passage.I n the cIose read i ng part.20m here. And three parts. First, read the first 3 paragraphs and pick out the Kings and the Queens appeared i n these paragraphs. And then put them i n the time order. Th i s cou I d he I p them to do the next task and it is iinteresting to do this kind of task. Then they shou I d finish the tab I e I i ke th i s.(板书)Time Character Event Function Since the Ss have pieked out the characters, what they shouId do next is just finding out what happened and writing down some key words or sentences. Th i s i s a smaI I group competition. Every group has to choose one character and iintroduce the history of him or her. Then come to the b I ackboard to finish the tab I e. I f other group find more important information, then th i sgroup will I ose. This kind of compet i t i on can he Ip them to do the task quickly and efficiently. Accord i ng to what they have wr itten on the b I ackboard, I ' I I exp lain some key words and phrases to them. The I ast task i n c I ose read i ng i s Exerc i se One. Do the match. Thi s i s very easy for them after doing the previous tasks. But it' s a I so a good way to he Ip them rev iew.Then the post-reading part. There' s 11m here. Fi rst ly I ' II give them some quest i ons to he I p them do some deeper thinking. Because the surface meaning is not enough, we, as the teacher, have to guide them to find some more mean i ngfu I. And connect what we have I earned to the Ch i nese hi story. For examp Ie, quest ions I i ke ^why Fredr ick bui It the amber room?” ^why the amber room was lost?” “if you Iost the amber room, wi I I you rebui It it?” are asked.Then the group work. Ss shou I d do the task i n the group of 4 and d i scuss the hi story of Yuan Mi ngyuan. Then compare Yuan Mi ngyuan with the amber room. To find some s imilar ities and d i fferences. Ss have I earned the h i story of Yuan Mi ngyuan i n the i r h i story c I ass. So it' s the time for them to think. And this can improve the ski I I of finding some usefu I i nformat i on from the book. Th i s i s a good way for I earni ng.The Iast i s the homework. Since we have taIked some about Yuan Mi ngyuan i n the c I ass. Maybe the i nformat ion i s still not enough, so it' s better to search for the truth of Yuan Mingyuan.(与题目照应In Search of the Amber Room) Ss shou I d search the I internet and do a tab I e just I i ke the teacher d i d i n the c I ass, a I so i n the group of 4.(才旨示表格)They shou I d do the task cooperat i ve I y.Th i s i s the b I ackboard des i gn. The title here and…(才旨示黑板稍微解说下)Ok! That' s the end of my presentation.Thank you!附图示:附说课的基本内容:说教材说学情说目标说重难点说理念说教法说过程。
to talk about my lesson “Tony has the longest journey.” The lesson is selected from New Standard English of 7B Module 7. I’ll talk about the lesson from four parts.Part 1 Analysis of the teaching materialStatus and function1.From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each activity. To attain listening, speaking, reading and writing. Ask the Ss to remember the rules of having superlative form behind the adjectives and know how to read them.2.This lesson is the first unit of Module 7. If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to learn the rest of the lesson.3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests and it will be helpful to improve their spoken English as well.Analysis of the students The students have learned English for about five years so far. They have taken more and more interests in English. They are active and they enjoy speaking English. In this unit, they will learn something about traveling, enjoy sightseeing by choosing the suitable transport. They have learned some comparative adjectives, so it’s not difficult for them to learn superlative adjectives.Teaching aims and demands1.Knowledge objects To make the students know how to use superlative adjectives and the key sentence “How do you go to …?” “I go to … by….”To study the new words, some useful expressions.To finish some exercises.2.Ability objects To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, s peaking, reading and writing.To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs, working with the whole class.To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.3.Moral objects To enable the students to be polite and love life.To enable the students to enlarge their fields of vision, improve their own knowledge about our motherland and other places.To enable the students to know how to enjoy their own life, know each other better and better.Teaching key and difficult points1.Key pointsTo help the students to communicate with each other.To enable the students to study in groups and co—operate skillfully, get the most information.2.Difficult pointsHow to read superlative adjectives.How to make dialogues by using “How do you go to …?” “I go to … by ….” and act them out.Teaching aids Multi—media computer, powerpoint or flash and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.Part 2 The teaching methods Communicative teaching method.Audio—visual teaching method. Task—based teaching method.Part 3 Studying ways Teach the students how to be successful language learners.Let the students pass “Observation—Imitation—Practice” to study language.Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.Part 4 Teaching procedures I’ll finish this lesson in 5 steps.Step 1: Warming upFree talk between T and Ss in order to review comparative adjectives.A memory test: Use the drills pattern “How do you usually go to school every day?” to teach the new words. After learning the new words, look at the pictures on the screen for 10 secondsquiz.Step 2: PracticeThis course is about listening practice. Arrange them to listen to the quiz. Try to understand what the speakers are talking about, then match the words in Box 1 with the words in Box 2. See which team is the best one.Step 3: PresentationThis part is very important. I’ll mainly talk about it. I’ll use CAI to present the whole dialogue and main points of the lesson. Play the tape recorder, let the students listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. In this step, the students are required to fill in the blanks on the sheet of paper which I gave them and practice the dialogue by reading it aloud. Later, answer the questions on the screen, see which group is the quickest one to finish all the questions and then share the answers together. This step is employed to make the students grasp the whole content. Next, talk about the main points of superlative adjectives and do some practice to consolidate it. Then ask the students to find out all the sentences that using superlative in the dialogue.Step 4 ProductionIn this step, I’ll give the students free space to show their own abilities. The students will have a game. I will ask some students to the front and choose a piece of paper, open it and say “My school is in ….” And the rest of the class will ask him or her “How do you go to school?” and etc. Then I will ask the students to work in groups by using their own words and have some reports if time is limited.Step 5 HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook.Finish the exercises on the sheet of paper, hand in.Read the dialogue and try to recite it.At last, I’d like to say that I’ll always remember the general aim of English teaching is to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of using English. And I’ll use this to guide my teaching.。
11、不为五斗米折腰。 12、芳菊开林耀,青松冠岩列。怀此 贞秀姿 ,卓为 霜下杰 。
13、归去来兮,田蜀将芜胡不归。 14、酒能祛百虑,菊为制颓龄。 15、春蚕收长丝,秋熟靡王税。
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
A Lecture Interpretation——Unit 4 in PEP Junior English Students’ Book Ⅰ.Analysis of Teaching Materials1、Status and functionThis lesson is taken from the New Junior English for Chinese students Book3, published by the People’s Education Press. The topic of this unit is how do you get to school, and we will talk about the common traffic tools and the basic numbers in daily life, as well as the sentence structure, This lesson is the middle part of the book, so it plays a transitional role in this book.2、Aims(1)aims of knowledge: a、Let students get acknowledge about a varietyof traffic tools and the expression in English, for the words are the foundation of communication; b、make them use the sentence pattern“How do you get to school”/ “I usually…”fluently, and could make sentence with the new words we just learned.(2)Aims of ability: a、in frequent practice, let students getacknowledge about English numbers and traffic tools; b、care more about others’ opinions and be more polite in daily life; c、promote relationships between students in practice.【Theoretical basis】According to the National English Curriculum:Level 6 to level 7 are designed for the junior middle school, and all of the levels match the goals in terms of the five components: language knowledge and skills, motivation and confidence, learning strategies.I will give special attention to the development of competence.3、Important and difficult points(1)Important point: The sentence pattern “How do you get to school”/ “I usually…”are totally new to them. It is like a framework forstudents to fill into different words to express their own ideas.(2)Difficult point: It is hard for students to grasp the tense in sentencepattern “How do you get to school”, “do”should change whenin different person numerals.【Theoretical basis】According to the aim of new national English curriculum, and junior students’ importance of being part of the class, and it is necessary to arrange a teaching class as a process of learning actively and practicing in game to improve their ability to grasp, the class is designed to aim at developing students’communicating skill and interest of learning English.Ⅱ.Analysis of Teaching Methods and Aids1、According to the characteristic and the English level of juniorstudents, junior 2 belongs to level 6 to level 7, it requiresstudents to keep interest in English and could communicatewith each other. So I plan to use the communicative method to teach this lesson.2、Teaching aids: pictures of wordsConsidering the requirement of the ability, pictures will make students feel fresh about new words, and will have a good memory on them.Ⅲ. Analysis of students and learning strategies1、Students: the junior 2 students have learned some skills,English for them is familiar, so I should develop their communicate skills and learning skills.2、Learning strategy: communicating with people is mainly theirstrategy, for it obeys the communicative requirement in New English Curriculum. And junior students need communicating with others to keep interest in English.Ⅳ. Teaching procedureStep 1 Warming—up (6mins)Show some pictures to students and let them recognize the traffic tools. Then ask some students how do they get to school and how long does it take.Step 2 Listen and play (10mins)(1)I will let students listen a set of numbers, first we listen Arabicnumbers and students should write down English, then let themlisten English but they write down Arabic ones.(2)Play a number—writing game, that is I read a set of number inEnglish and three of students write on blackboard. At last, we will select the best one.Step 3 Listen and match (7mins)I will draw four pictures on the blackboard, and write down some times. After finish listening, they should match the pictures and times. Step 4 Pair work (8mins)Every two students practice the sentence pattern“How do you get to school”/ “I usually…”“How long does it take”/ “It takes…”Step 5 Grammar (10mins)To teach students the sentence pattern“How do you get to school”/ “How do they get to school”“How does he get to school”“How long does it take”Step 6 Summary (4mins)Summarize the knowledge we learned in this class.Ⅴ. Blackboard designUnit 4 How do you get to school——How do you get to school?——I usually…——How long does it take?——It takes about…。
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• T:Kazi’s successful life event (draw a timeline)
Learnin • S: (group work) List important events, write verbs or
Produc • share in groups and evaluate tion • choose the best to share again with the whole class.
Summ • Summarize and help Ss with self-assessment
• 1. Independent HW (select words or sayings …on the wall) homew • 2. Cooperative HW ( a famous person’s story presentation)
Julie’s Teaching Plan Presentation
Name : Julie
A Success Story
School: Guangzhou ** Middle School
Teaching Material: A Reading Passage for Grade 8 Students
Teaching Objectives
1. to understand key words and list transition words and past tense verbs and different tenses.
2. to talk about personal stories and successful people in communication by using simple past tense and transition words.
Teaching Procedures
Using • Critical thinking (10 MINS)
langua ge
• Write about a person( parents , teachers,relatives…) based on oral interview homework
g about phrases and timeline.
languag e
Competition (8 MINS)
• 1. Interview each other ‘s important time (5 MINS)
Using • T: Demontrate & Ppt languag • Think : do you want to be successful? Learn from Kazi;s story
Analysis of the Learners(KWL)
▪ Know : the rules of simple past tense they have good observation skills. notice the simple past tense and time order transition.
3. to share personal stories and use the
language in new situation cooperatively and
appreciate hard work and positive attitude
towards success and develop critical
Analysis of Teaching Material
topic :a success story of Mr. Kazi. the simple past tense ------- easy Read in the previous period. ---In this new period, the language use: the simple past tense and the transition words. key vocab : success, improve, please… past tense and timeline to talk about a person’s life. ❖
Success(Critical thinking)
? improve
Never be afraid to fail
Mr Kazi’s Success
▪ Want : interested in the topic a success story and they want to be successful
▪ Learn : not easy to use in real life; the key to Zita’s success using critical thinking skills
thinking skills.
Company Logo
Teaching Method:
Communicative Language Teaching Task-based teaching method scaffolding
Teaching Procedures
• Spoken activity. Show&tellposters of Mr Kazi (homework) . Ask Ss to choose the best
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Lesson Type: Language Use
A Success Story
Analysis of Teaching Material Analysis of the Learners Teaching Objectives Teaching Procedures Highlight of the Teaching Plan