
地道美国俚语1.take a shine to喜欢,看中某人;对某人一见钟情2.a shot in the dark盲目射击(瞎猜)3.life in the fast lane快节奏的生活4.big picture(事情的)主要部分;重点5.red tape官样文章、官僚习气6.a load off my mind心头大石落地7.birds of a feather 同类的人,特性很相同的人(聚在一起);物以类聚。
8.I am so mad. I cannot see straight.我气得两眼都要发直了9.I really like singing and dancing with many of my friends. As they say, birds of a feather flock together. 我非常喜欢和我那一大群的朋友唱歌跳舞。
10.in good hands在可靠(或内行)的人手里;受到十分好的照料”。
相似的还有:in capable/safe hands,意思都是“由可信任的人负责或处理等”。
11.dead weight累赘12.pick on sb/sth 故意刁难,挑剔,欺负某人或某物;找某人或某物的别扭。
13.sleep tight美美睡上一觉,睡个好觉14.play the heavy 就是"充当严厉,苛刻,凶恶的人物,唱黑脸,扮坏人”的意思15.Cleaning's not her thing, but she has other strengths(打扫并非她所好,但她有其他专长。
)16.buy sb off: 收买,贿赂某人17.take advantage of “利用”;欺骗,欺诈,捉弄,占...的便宜。
18.get to sb: (informal) to annoy or affect sb 使某人烦恼,使某人生气,对某人产生影响.Don't let him get to you, Han别把他的话放在心上19. mark time旷费时日,拖延时间20.a slap in the face脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱)21.blow it搞砸了,弄坏了22.be all ears全神贯注地听23.a short fuse引线短(脾气火爆,暴躁性子)24.first and last彻头彻尾25.Things are going swimmingly this year.今年一切顺利。

美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just theway he talks.保持冷静。
2.cool it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
3.joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5.red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。

美国常用俚语1.apple-polisher马屁精2.例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss3.and making eyes at him.4.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
5.as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的6.as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的7.as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的8.as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的9.as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗10.I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。
11.beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话12.bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险13.black sheep害群之马14.Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?15.Bungee jumping蹦极跳16.Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。
17.blue collar蓝领18.white collar白领19.pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)20.gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。
他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)21.dog-eared books读得卷了边的书22.dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠23.dog-tired 像狗一样的累24.dog watch夜班25.old dog 上了岁数的人、老手26. a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者27. a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人28. a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人29.You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!30.hot dog热狗31.dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒32. a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁33.as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是'忠实、卖力、辛劳'的化身,34.He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea.35.近朱者赤,近墨者黑36. A good dog deserves a good bone.37.西方人论功行赏时常说'好狗应有好骨头' a38. a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)39.Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

其实就是骂人俚语一百句想必大家如果爱看美剧或者好莱坞电影的话肯定会说上几句吧但那些远远不够如果有人和你打嘴架给他来上一句美式脏话效果肯定不错1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. Y ou make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. Y ou shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. Y ou’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. Y ou’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. Y ou piss me off. 你气死我了。
2 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. Y ou stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. Y ou have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

1,ace: She is an ace dancer.就是牛X的意思啊。
2,all-nighter: I felt very tired after an all-nighter.通宵。
3,beemer: That girl is driving a beemer.BMW, 宝马。
4,booze: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party.酒5,bummer:坏事,不好的方面。
别人要跟你说开车撞了电线杆子,你就要说Oh, bummer!一表感同身受。
6,chicken: He is really a chicken.弱人7,cool:港片里的“酷”啊,用得实在多。
8,cop:That crazy driver was pulled over by a cop.警察,可不要当面叫啊,当面叫"ShuShu".9,couch patato: My roommate is a couch patato.喜欢长时间坐那看电视的懒蛋。
10,deep pockets: I don't want to buy it, it's for people with deep pockets. 富鬼。
11,flip side: Don't watch the flip side, it's too personal.另一面,反面12,foxy: Look at that foxy lady!性感撩人的13,nuke: That country is working seriously on nukes. 北韩,说你呢。
14,pain: That's a pain in the neck.烦人的,15,psycho: That psycho scared me.说人“有病”16,rock: You wanna your coke on the rocks?冰块,注意介词17,shot: Do you wanna another shot?试试18,yukky: That dish was yukky.难吃19,get it: Did you get that joke?搞明白20,glitch: We shut the pc down since there was a glitch.小毛病,比如以前电脑里的一些莫名其妙的东西经常搞死机子。

【导语】以下是整理的美国22个常⽤俚语,欢迎阅读学习!1. kick ass 了不起A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good.A: 哇! 你不到⼗分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒!B: Yep. I just kick ass.B: 是的! 我就是厉害!"kick ass" 除了字⾯上的“踢*”外, 还有“厉害、打败”的意思。
当“踢*”时, ⽐如某⼈放你鸽⼦, 你很⽓, 就可以说: "I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的*)。
当“厉害”⽤时, 就像上⾯例句⼀样⽤。
"kick ass" 还可作“打败某⼈的意思”。
⽐如某⼈⼀向在某⽅⾯⽐你强, 终于有⼀天你⽐他厉害了, 你就可以说:"Hahaha...I kicked your ass."。
觉得 "ass" 太难听的⼈, 就⽤ "butt" 吧!赵晴注: 改作形容词就变成ass kicking. 你可以说, wow, this new trick is ass kicking. 或者说, this is an ass kicking trick. Kick somebody's ass 有给某⼈⼀个教训的意思.2. kiss ass 拍马*A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together?A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。
你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass.B: 不知道, 不过你可以亲我的**(巴结我)。

美国俚语集锦美国俚语集锦1. apple-polisher马屁精. 例如:She is a realapple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss and making eyes at him.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
2. as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的3. as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的4. as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的5. as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的6. as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗7. I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。
8. beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话9. bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险10. black sheep害群之马11. Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?12. Bungee jumping蹦极跳13. Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。
14. blue collar蓝领15. white collar白领16. pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)17. gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。
他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)18. dog-eared books读得卷了边的书19. dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠20. dog-tired 像狗一样的累21. dog watch夜班22. old dog 上了岁数的人、老手23. a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者24. a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人25. a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人26. You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!27. hot dog热狗28. dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒29. a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁30. as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身,31. He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑32. A good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头"33. a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)34. Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

下面是小编为大家整理的关于美国常用趣味的俚语,希望对你有所帮助,如果喜欢可以分享给身边的朋友喔!简短精辟的俚语1.I apologize again.我再次向你陪个不是。
2.I'll be there.我会准时到的。
3.Make yourself at home.不要拘束。
4.Take a seat.请坐。
5.Nothing serious.没有什幺了不起的事。
6.Cherry girl.处女。
7.Damm fool!蠢材!8.Damm it!他妈的!9.Fuck you!操你的!10.It's my day today.今天运气很好。
11.I am blowed if I know.我要是知道的话,就是王八蛋。
12.You are really something.你真有一手。
13.I'll be with you in a minute.我马上就来。
14.Check in登记住旅馆15.Check out付账煺旅馆16.apple shiner(apple polisher)马屁精17.I got a sugar report this morning. 今早我收到一封情书。
18.He has an apple head.他是个笨蛋。
19.Don't get me wrong.不要误解我。
20.Like father like son.有其父必有其子。
21.Try my fortune.碰碰运气。
22.Don't get me angry.不要惹我生气。
23.Take it easy.不要紧张。
24.It's not fair.太不公平了。
25.make water小便26.Window shopping逛街27.I'll be back in a jiffy,我马上就回来。

1.american beauty是“月季”,而不是“美国美人”。
2.Dutch act是“自杀”,而不是“荷兰人的行动”。
4.China grass是“苎麻”,而不是“中国草”5.Dutch door是“杂志中的散页广告”,而不是“荷兰门”。
6.Dutch uncle是“唠唠叨叮的人”,而不是“荷兰大叔”。
7.Dutch wife是“竹、藤睡具”,而不是“荷兰老婆”。
8.go Dutch是“各人自己付钱”,而不是“去荷兰”。
9.Take French leave是“不告而别”,而不是“请法国假”。
10.French letter是“避孕套”,而不是”法国信”。
11.Russia dressing是“蛋黄酱”,而不是“俄罗斯服装”。
12.a Greek gift是“害人的礼物”,而不是“希腊的赠品”13.Malian iron是“圆筒形熨斗”,而不是“意大利铁”。
14.Spanish- athlete是“胡说的人”,而不是“西班牙运动员”。
1. One-two是“拳击中连击两次”,而不是“一二”。
2. two-time是“对人不忠”,而不是“两次”。
3. in two twos是“立刻”,而不是“两两之间”。
4. three-score是“六十”,而不是“三分”5. four o'clock是“紫茉莉或食蜜鸟”,而不是“四点”。
6. four hundred是“名流、上层”,而不是“四百”7. five-finer是“贼”,类似汉语的“三只手”,而不是“五指”8. at sixes and sevens是“乱七八糟”,而和“六”无关。
9. tight-ball是“老实人”,这里的“八”和“发”无关。
10. to the tens是“打扮得极为华丽”,而不是“数到十”11. a white day是“良晨吉日”,而不是“大白天”。
12. a white elephant是“沉重的负担”,而不是“白象”。

欢迎大家阅读参考学习!各国常常用到的俚语1.He's the idol of girls. 他是个大众情人。
2.There you go again. 你又来那一套了。
3.I'm not as picky as you. 我没有像你那样挑剔。
4.He holds a top job. 他位居要职。
5.That's more like it. 那还差不多。
6.I'll show you the way. 我为你带路。
7.That's more than I can say. 我无可奉告。
8.You can't get it cheap! 这个价钱最便宜不过了!9.Let down your hair! 坦白地说吧!10.I need a steady job. 我需要一个固定的差事。
11.Let your hair dry! 你别神气!12.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
13.We must keep in mind our final objective and our 我们必须牢记我们的最后目标和任务。
14.Fish in troubled waters. 趁火打劫(混水摸鱼) 。
15.I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在胡说些什么。
16.Now I'm safe and sound. 现在我安全无忧了。
17.We talked our hearts out. 我们互吐心声。
18.Don't make a federal case out of this matter. 不要把此事虚张声势出去。

美国俚语集锦1. apple-polisher马屁精. 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss andmaking eyes at him.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
2. as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的3. as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的4. as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的5. as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的6. as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗7. I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。
8. beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话9. bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险10. black sheep害群之马11. Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?12. Bungee jumping蹦极跳13. Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。
14. blue collar蓝领15. white collar白领16. pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)17. gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。
他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)18. dog-eared books读得卷了边的书19. dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠20. dog-tired 像狗一样的累21. dog watch夜班22. old dog 上了岁数的人、老手23. a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者24. a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人25. a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人26. You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!27. hot dog热狗28. dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒29. a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁30. as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身,31. He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑32. A good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头"33. a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)34. Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

吵架经典对白:1.Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her."Kate!" called the teacher sharply."Yes, sir?" questioned the girl."Take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in!"怎样做?一女生坐在座位上,嘴里拼命地嚼着口香糖,脚还伸到过道里,被老师给看见了。

1.Henpeck 妻管严2.A cup of tea 意中人,想要之物,轻而易举之事3. Anywhere but here. 除了这里,哪里都好4.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦。
5.black sheep 败家子,害群之马6.break up with 分手Warm up 和好,破镜重圆;(使…)更活跃7.fish out of water 格格不入,很不自在,无法适应8.flog a dead horse 做无用功,白费口舌,白费力气beat a dead horse.9.flip flop 翻来覆去,出尔反尔10.from the top 上头交代的11.Get off your high horse! 别自以为是!12.Good wine needs no bush 酒香不怕巷子深。
13 half-baked 肤浅的,半吊子14.has-been过时的人或物,昔日黄花(表示曾经存在或流行,现跟不上形式了。
)15.hide your fin 不露声色16.I wasn’t born yesterday. 你骗不了我,我可不是毛小孩。
17.in one’s hair 激怒某人,让人烦。
18.have/ keep sb on a short leash 管得很严,牢牢控制19.hold water 正确合理,说得通,站得住脚20.in 流行的,时髦的21.I’m straight.性取向正常22. in the red 亏本,赤字23.in the bag 十拿九稳,必然的事情,稳操胜券24.It takes two to tango.一个巴掌拍不响Tango : a Latin dance25.It’s on me !我请客26. job hop 跳槽hip-hop27.Just because没有原因,没有理由,就是喜欢28.keep my fingers crossed 祝你成功,祝你好运29.On pins and needles 坐立不安,如坐针毡。

美国口语俚语美国口语俚语美国口语俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐tanya slapped bill after he came on to her.tanya在bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪don't have a cow! i'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静keep your shirt on. he didn't mean to offend you. that'sjust theway he talks.保持冷静。
2.cool it冷静一点cool it. you are making me mad.冷静一点。
3.joy ride兜风let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐do you like rap music? i have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5.red-letter day大日子this is a red-letter day for susan. she made her first sale to a veryimportant client.今天是susan的大日子。

美国口语中常用俚语一、常用俚语1.apple-polisher马屁精2.例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss3.and making eyes at him.4.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
5.as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的6.as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的7.as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的8.as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的9.as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗10.I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。
11.beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话12.bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险13.black sheep害群之马14.Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?15.Bungee jumping蹦极跳16.Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。
17.blue collar蓝领18.white collar白领19.pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)20.gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。
他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)21.dog-eared books读得卷了边的书22.dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠23.dog-tired 像狗一样的累24.dog watch夜班25.old dog 上了岁数的人、老手26. a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者27. a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人28. a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人29.You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!30.hot dog热狗31.dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒32. a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁33.as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是'忠实、卖力、辛劳'的化身,34.He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea.35.近朱者赤,近墨者黑36. A good dog deserves a good bone.37.西方人论功行赏时常说'好狗应有好骨头' a38. a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)39.Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

【导语】以下是整理的《美国⼈常⽤的10个地道俚语》,⼀起来看看吧! 什么是俚语? 俚语就是美国⼈⽣活⾥常⽤的语⾔,“⾮正式”语⾔。
接下来,就为⼤家介绍美国⼈最常⽤的10个俚语! 1.In The Nick Of Time Meaning: At the last moment, just before something bad happens 意思:在最后⼀刻,来的正是时候。
例句: 1. The accident victim was near death, but the ambulance arrivedin the nick of timeand the paramedic saved her.这个伤者已经奄奄⼀息了,但是救护车在最后⼀刻赶到了!护理⼈员把他从死亡边缘拉了回来。
2. We ran as fast as we could toward the bus stop and got there just as the bus was pulling to a stop. We got there in the nick of time.我们以最快速度朝汽车站跑去,当我们到了车站时,汽车正好停了下来,我们到的正是时候。
Tips: ①这个俚语常⽤在情况⾮常紧急的时候。
②“nick”还有⼀个很常见的词组“nick name”,意思是昵称。
2.Take a Hike Meaning:used for rudely telling someone to go away 意思是:哪⼉凉快哪⼉歇着去吧 例句: 1. please take a hikewhile I'm drawing, don't interrupt me!我画画的时候请⾛开,不要打扰我! 2. Our teacher told Jack that if he did n't learn to be quiet in class , he could take a hike.我们⽼师告诉杰克,如过他不学著在课堂上安静下来,他就可以滚出去了。
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听不懂美国人说话?那只是你不懂slang(完整版)首先我们从A开始AaceHe's an ace reportervery goodactionDo you know where the action is in this town? excitementairheadMy sister's boyfriend is a real airheadstupid personall wetYour ideas about politics are all wet.completely wrongall-nighterI almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter. after studying all nightammoThe gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo. ammunitionantifreezeI really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this. liquorarmpitThis town is really an armpit.undersirable placeawesomeWhat an awesome sunset.meaningBbadWow, that was really a bad movie.intensebarfHe barfed all over the seat of the airplane. vomitedbashedThe boat was bashed beyond recognition. crushedbeatAfter working all day I am really beat. exhaustedbeemerHe just bought a new beemer to drive to work in. BMW carbenchHe was benched during the basketball playoffs. taken out of the gamebentIt's OK. Don't get so bent.angrybent out of shapeDon't get so bent out of shape.become upsetbig gunThe president brought two big guns to the meeting.powerful peoplebig mouthShut up! You really have a big mouth.talk too muchbig stinkThe citizens made a big stink about the new nuclear power station. big issuebladeHe carried a ten inch blade with him.knifeblimpI always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel. very fat personblowI'm going to blow out of here now.leaveHe blew all his money gambling.lostblow a fuseHey, don't blow a fuse.loose your temperblow one's coolCalm down. Don't blow your cool.become angryblown awayI was blown away by his donation of a million dollars. greatly impressedbombThe movie was a bomb.badbombedThe driver of the car was bombed.intoxicatedbonkersI think I am going bonkers.crazyboo-booIf you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job. mistakeboozeI promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party. alcoholbreadI need some bread to pay for my car.moneybreakA lucky break helped him get the job. opportunitybreak it upBreak it up, or I will call the police.stopbring-downThe news of the airplane crash was a bring-down. depressingbuckDo you have a buck I can borrow?dollarbummedI was really bummed after I heard the news. depressedbummerMy trip to New York was a bummer.bad experiencebustThe whole idea was a bust.failurebuy itIf you don't slow down, you're going to buy it in a car accident.dieCcallThe weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come. predictioncanDo you know where the can is?bathroomcarbMy motorcycle's carb is out of adjustment. carburetorcatch some raysI'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays. get some sunshinecatch some Z'sI need to catch some Z's before I go on my trip. get some sleepcheesyThat is really a cheesy looking outfit.cheapchickenDon't be a chicken.cowardchintzyThat really was a chintzy present you got him. cheapchow downI need to find a place to chow down.eat a lotclipWatch out or they will clip you at that bar.cheatclunkerI can't go on a date in that clunker.old carcold fishMy date for the dance was a cold fish.dullcollarI knew they would collar the robber sooner or later. arrestcome up for airHe has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion. take a breakconDon't try to con me.deceivecoolThis is a really cool place to work.goodcool downThings should cool down in a day or two.calm downcopHow did you get the road sign? I copped it.stoleThe cop showed me his badge.plicemancouch potatoHe is a couch potato.lazy personcrack open a bottleLet's crack open a bottle for his birthday. opencramI need more time to cram for the test. study hardcreamOur team creamed them badly.beatcroakI feel like I am going to croak.diecruiseThe skier was cruising down the hillgoing very fastcuffsHe put the cuffs on the killer.handcuffscushyHe has a really cushy job.easycutCould you cut my whiskey with a little water? dilutecut outIt is late. I have to cut out.leaveDdamageLets get the bill and find out the damage.costdeadThis disco is really dead tonight.quietdeckHe was decked in the fight.knocked downdeep pocketsHer boyfriend has deep pockets.is a good source of monediceySince the weather is a little dicey, I won't go today. chancydirtyI hear that it's a dirty movie.an obsceneditchI'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother. leavedo a snow job onDon't try to do a snow job on me.deceivedopeHe is such a dope.stupid personThere are a lot of dope dealers around here.drugdorkHe is such a dork.strange persondoughI need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping. moneydownLet's go to a bar and down a few beers.drink quicklydragDoing homework on the weekend is a drag.boringdynamiteThis drink is really dynamite.powerful; greatEearfulMy grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.a lot of gossipeasy markThe Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash. likely victimseatThe problem is really eating away at me. botheringexcellentThat's excellent man.fineFface-offThe two sides were headed for a nasty face-off. confrontationfar-outThis music is really far-out.greatfixThe addict needs another fix.dose of drugsflakyHe is too flaky to do the work.unreliableflashbackAt the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend. rememeberedflickI haven't seen a flick in a long time.movieflip outHe flipped out when he heard that his mother had been killed. lost controlflip sideWhat kind of music do you have on the flip side of the tape? other sidefoxHis older sister is a fox.very attractivefoxyShe is a foxy lady.sexyfreebieThe pillow was a freebiea free thingGget into somethingI got into gardening in high school.became seriously inteseted inget itI listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it. understandget with itIf you don't get with it, we will never finish this work. hurry upgigI have a gig on Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00.jobglitchThis computer program has a glitch.defectglitzyThis is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in. fashionablegoLet me have a go at solving the problem.trygo bananasI am going to go bananas if I don't have a vacation soon. go crazygo downWhat is going down?happeninggoofI am really a goof at times.foolgoof upI really goofed up when I painted my room green. make a serious mistakegoofyYou are always acting goofy these days.sillygourdUse your gourd to figure out what is happening. headgrandHis salary is twenty grand.thousand dollarsgrassLots of students smoke grass in the dormitory. marijiuanagravyThis job is pure gravy.easy moneygroovyThis music is groovy.pleasantgrossPicking your nose is really a gross habit. disgustinggross-outThe party was a gross-out.disgusting timegrubWhere is the best place to get some grub around here? foodgrubbyThose clothes are too grubby to wear to the party. unclear and untidygrungyThat is a really grungy jacket.dirtygutHe got shot in the gut.stomachgutsIt takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion. couragehairyThat was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over. dangeroushammerPut the hammer to the floor or we will be late for the wedding. acceleratorhang it upI have decided to hang up my teaching job.quithang looseJust hang loose for another few days.relaxhang toughWe need to hang tough on our decision.stick withhardwareThe police were surprised by all the hardware the gang members had. weaponshave a buzz onI had a buzz on after the third martini.was slightly intoxicatedhave good vibesI have good vibes about our new secretary.feel good abouthave it all togetherRecently I don't have it all together.feel mentally all thereheaveI heaved up on the floor.vomitedhighThe teenagers look high to me.intoxicated on drugs or alcoholhip-shooterHe is such a hip-shooter.always talking without thinkinghistoryI don't have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He's history.something in the pasthitYour proposal was a hit with the boss.successfulhole upI had to hole up for three days because the police were looking for me.hidehonchoThe honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation. bosshookerHer clothes make her look like a hooker.prostitutehotThe police stopped them because they thought the car was hot. stolenhuffyI will do it soon so please don't get huffy.angryhungryIf you are not hungry, you won't get ahead in the business. eager to make moneyhustleIf you don't hustle, we will be late again.hurry uphypedThe fans were all hyped up for the football game.excitedhyperDon't get hyper about what she told you. You know it isn't true. over excitedIinThe tie you are wearing is really in.fashionablein deepThey are really in deep with each other.deeply involvedin the bagEverything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about. settledintenseThis is a very intense situation we are discussing.seriousJjamI am glad you got yourself out of that jam.troublejerk someone aroundRecently it seems like everyone is jerking me around. wasting my time and cause my troublejockMy roommate is a jock for the basketball team.an athletejohnThe john really smells.bathroomjointWhere is the closest joint to here.cheap barHe is good at rolling joints.marijuana cigerattesjunkieSam is a junkie.drug addictjust off the boatHe acts like he is just off the boat.naiveKkeep one's coolHe kept his cool when his house burned down. remain calmkeggerI hear there is a kegger at John's house tonight. beer partykickI get a kick out of watching him paint.enjoyklutzHe is a real klutz.stupid and clumsy personknockDon't knock it if you can't do it any better. criticizeknocked upMy dog gets knocked up once a year.pregnantknockoutWho was that knockout I saw you with last Friday? stunning personknuckle sandwichShut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich. punch in the mouthkookWatch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood. strange personLlaid-backYou need to be more laid-back.calm and relaxedlameThat is really a lame excuse.an inadequatelineI have heard that line a million times.storyloserJohn is a loser.annoying and uselesslove handlesI exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles. rolls of fat around my stomachMmake wavesTry not to make waves around the office.cause troublemaxed outI am maxed out at my work and need to rest.exhuastedmeanHe plays a mean violin.performs well onmegaI have mega amounts of tomatoes in my garden this summer. largemegabucksHe made megabucks when he sold his company.a lot of moneymellowYou need to mellow out and enjoy life.calm downand relaxmeltdownThere has been a meltdown in the relationship between my parents and me. total collapsemickey mouseThe homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse.nonsense and a waste of timemove on someoneI am going to try to move on Sarah next Saturday.pick up seducemushThat is total mush and you know it.nonsenseNnarkWatch out for the narks in the airport.drug policeneatThat was a neat idea that you had.goodnegativeThere are too many negatives about the company merger. bad thingsnickThe police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store. arrestednipHe took a nip out of the bottle.a quick drinkno sweatIt's no sweat to have the report in to you by Monday. no problemnukeI'll nuke our dinner in a few minutes.heat up in the microwaveDoes that attack plane have any nukes?nuclear weaponnutI think that he is a nut.crazy personYou are completely nuts if you think I will go with you. crazyPpadHave you found a pad yet?a place to livepain in the neckMy wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.annoyingpaper-pusherMy office is filled with paper-pushers.bureaucratic office workparty animalYou're too old to be a party animal.love partiesparty-heartyWe need to party-hearty because we just got a raise in salary. celebratepawGet your paws off of my body.handspeanutsI am not going to work for peanuts.practically no moneypickledHe gets pickled after only one beer. intoxicatedpiece of cakeWorking on a computer for me is a piece of cake. easy to dopigHe is a pig at parties.eats too muchpig outLet's go to the restaurant and pig out.eat a lot or overeatpit stopLet's make a pit stop at the next rest area.stop and go to the bathroomplasteredHe drinks too much and is always plastered on the weekend. intoxicatedpooped outHe pooped out after we started to do the hard work.quitpopShut up or I will pop you.hitpop for somethingIt is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.buyproHe is really a pro at his work.professionalprodCan you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget? remindpsyched upThe players are really psyched up for the game on Friday. mentally readypsychoShe is a psycho. She should be in a hospital.mentally illpukeI feel like I am going to puke.vomitpush offI am going to push off now.leaveput the moves onYou should give up trying to put the moves on her. She is married. seduceput-onIt was an elaborate put-on which I almost believed.deceptionQquarterbackWho is going to quarterback the meeting?leadquick buckI need to make a quick buck.some easy moneyRrackI have to hit the rack by ten or I'll be tired in the morning.bedrack outI am going to rack out for two hours.sleepracketThere sure was a lot of racket outside last night.noiseragI can't believe we still get this same old rag.newspaperrapWe need to sit down and rap about a few things.talk aboutratholeWhen are you going to be able to move out of that rathole? run down palcerawThe raw office workers were not getting much done. newream someone outThe boss really reamed him out for his bad report. got angry with himred hotYour idea is really red hot.importantrepoHey, don't repo my car. I will pay next week. repossessrinky-dinkThe circus was really rinky-dink.inferiorriotThe comedy program was a real riot.funnyroad hogThat driver is a road hog.takes up too much of the roadrocksWould you like your whiskey on the rocks? with icerough timeWe have had a rough time this winter. hard timerugIs that a rug on his head?wigrug ratMy sister has three rug rats.childrenruleMy wife rules the house.dominatesrun off at the mouthHe is always running off at the mouth.talking too muchrun out of gasThe politician ran out of gas during the campaign. lost interst or momentumSsackWhen did you hit the sack last night?go to bedscamDon't lose your money in some kind of scam. swindlescarfSince he hadn't eaten in a week, he scarfed down everything on his plate. ate quicklyschmuckWhat a stupid schmuck.jerkscrew aroundIf you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come back again. waste timescrew upIf you screw up one more time, I will fire you.make a mistakesharpHe is very sharp with numbersintelligentshotI'll give the puzzle another shot.tryshot downEveryone shot down my idea at first, but later agreed that it was a good idea. disagreed withslammerThe police threw them both in the slammer.jailsmashedTry not to get smashed at the beer party.intoxicatedsmoke eaterMy father is a smoke eater.firemansplitIt is time to split and go see the movie.leavespookThe cows were spooked by the howling of the wolves. frightenedspudDo you want rice or spuds for dinner?potatoessquareMy father looks square in his jacket.old-fashionedsteamed upDon't get so steamed up over the issue.angrystinkThis whole operation stinks.is repulsivestraightI want you to give me a straight answer.honeststressedI am really stressed by all the recent world events. upsetsuckerDon't be a sucker.be deceivedTtake a hikeI am tired of all your complaining. Take a hike. leavetakenHe was taken for all his money at the casino. cheated out oftaking care of businessI have been taking care of business.doing what i have to dothreadsThose look like expensive threads he is wearing. clothestool aroundI don't want to tool around all night. It is time to go home. drive aroundtotaledMy car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck. complemently wreckedUupHe has been up ever since he met his new girlfriend. happy and cheerfulup for grabsThis is a sale. Everything is up for grabs.available。