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Possessive Case
名 词 所 有 格 的 绝 对 形 式 Nominal Possessive Case
用于代替前面提到过后东西,相当于一个名词性的 物主代词 e.g. These books are Mary’s. my uncle’s the barber’s the chemist’s
A) motivation
B) perspective
C) impression
D) impact
4. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the ___ which occurred in his dormitory.
A) occasions B) matters
6. 需要注意的两个问题
1. 概述
John, London, Mexico
Common Noun
Countable Noun
Uncountable Noun
Individual Noun
Collective Noun
Material Noun
Abstract Noun
2.The newspaper says that the goal of _____ has been reached.
A) the fiveyear plan
B) the five-year plan
C) five-years plan
D) the five year’s plan
3.It’s a hard job for a primary school student to write ___ composition.
1. The newspaper didn't mention the ___ of the damage caused by the fire.
A) range B) level
C) extent
D) quantity
2. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful ____ in the market.
6. 需要注意的两个问题
名词的所有格 Possessive Case
表示国家、城市等地方的名词,以及表示时间、距 离、度量及金钱等的名词,虽是无生命的,但是也可 以用以上形式,表示所有或修饰关系。
e.g. a two weeks’ holiday , the workers’ library
A. a furniture
B. furnitures
C. A piece of furniture
D. furniture of piece
3. Did you have to pay ____on those tapes?
A. custom B. customs C. a custom D. two custom
modern life; a three-week holiday
名词作定语与其加-ed的形式作定语不同:前者表 示性质,后者表示特征,
e.g. a color T.V. 彩电 a colored T.V.彩色的电视机
1. 概述 2.可数名词 (Countable Noun) 3. 不可数名词 (Uncountable Noun) 4. 名词的所有格 (Possessive Case) 5. 名词的句法功能 (Syntactic Function of Noun) 6. 需要注意的两个问题
A. a few more informations
B a few more information
C. a little more information
D. a little more informations
2. The sitting room would be much improved if you put ____in that corner.
A. many damages B. much damages
C. much damage D. few damages
2. Our family _____ not to exchange gifts this year.
A. has agreed
B. have agreed
C. agrees
D. had agreed
A) a nine-thousand-words B) a nine-thousand words
C) a nine-thousand-word
D) a nine thousand words
4. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.
A) barrels
B) batteries C) baskets
D) bargains
3. Professor Taylor's talk has indicated that science has a very strong ___ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.
e.g. a piece (pile, heap, bag etc.) of; 2)Measure Noun 度量词 e.g. kilo, ton, meter, yard etc.
某些不可数名词表示物质或抽象的概念时是不可数 的,但表示种类或具体事物时就成为可数的了。 e.g. culture, society, value, idea, basis, structure, orientation etc.
6. 需要注意的两个问题
1. I walked too much yesterday and ____ are sill aching now.
A) my leg's muscles
B) my muscles of leg
C) my leg muscles
D) my muscles of the leg
C) incidents D) issues
5. Not having a good command of English can be a serious ___ preventing you from achieving your goals.
3. In 10 years’ time all those youngsters will become_____.
A. grown-up
B. grown-ups
C.growns-ups D. growns-up
4. A dozen eggs ____$ 5 nowadays.
A. has cost
of+ n.
e.g. the leg of the table , the works of Mark Twain
双重所属格 Double Possessive,即n.+ of+n.
e.g. a friend of my brother’s the important theory of Einstein
map, box, story
people, family, committee, cattle, mankind, pol百度文库ce water, metal, ice, tea
honesty, happiness
1.The storm has caused ____ to this region.
A) three-hours B) three-hour C) three-hours' D) three-hour's
Syntactic Function
作主语、表语、宾语、宾补、介词宾语和同位 语Appositive)等成份。 充当状语,大多表示时间、距离、重量、价格、 温度和倍数等。
Syntactic Function
e.g. air, arm, custom , force, etc.
1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun
B. costs
C. cost
D. are cost
5. Last Sunday my family went to _____.
A. the Child’s Park
B. the Children’s Park
C. the Children’s Parks D. the Childrens’ Park
6. 需要注意的两个问题
2. Countable Noun
个体名词 Individual Noun 集合名词 Collective Noun 单数 Singular Number 复数 Plural Number
Regular Noun Irregular Noun
6. All the ______ in hospital will get a rise tomorrow.
A. women-doctors
B. woman doctors
C. women doctors
D. doctors of women
1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun
第一讲 名词和代词
Where there is a will, there is a way.
1. 概述 2. 可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun
1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun
6. 需要注意的两个问题
1. I have to get _____ about the subject before I write the paper.
一个名词直接修饰另一个名词,表示材料、用途或 内容等 e.g. a blood type, a bus driver, a color film
名词+-ed或名词、形容词、数词组成复合词再修饰 或限定后边的名词, e.g. the big-eyed boy, a warm-hearted person; the fast-paced
the Smith’s (表示家,商店或其他有关人士的处所) 姓氏+-s表示“全家”,
e.g. the Smiths 史密斯全家
1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun
4. We should keep ____where children can’t get them.
A. medicines B. medicine C. a medicine D. medicines
3. Uncountable Noun
What can they be modified by? Answer: 1)by Unit noun 单位词