【2019-2020】机器人取代人类仍是科幻-精选word文档 (1页)

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The number of jobs lost to more efficient machinesis only part of the problem ... In the past , new industries hired far more people than those theyput out of business . But this is not true of many of today & rsquo ; s new industries .

& ldquo ;更高效机器造成的工作流失数量只是问题的一部分& hellip ;& hellip ;过去,新行业聘用的员工数量远远超过这些行业砸掉的饭碗。但如今很多新行业却并非如此。

This sentiment , from Time magazine , dates from the early weeks of John Kennedy & rsquo ; spresidency . Yet it would slot nicely into many a contemporary political speech . Like any self - respecting remorseless killer robot from the future , our techno - anxiety just keeps comingback .

来自《时代周刊》杂志( Time )的这种观点可回溯到约翰肯尼迪( John Kennedy )担任总统最初几周。然而,把它放进当今许多政治演讲中也丝毫不会显得突兀。与所有来自未来的那些有自尊心、冷酷无情的杀人机器人一样,我们对科技的担忧也隔一段时间就又回来。

Arnold Schwarzenegger & rsquo ; s Terminator was science fiction & mdash ; but so , too , is the idea that robotsand software algorithms are guzzling jobs faster than they can be created . There is anastonishing mismatch between our fear of automation and the reality so far .

阿诺德施瓦辛格( Arnold Schwarzenegger )主演的《终结者》( Terminator )是科幻电影,而这种看法也是科幻、而非现实:机器人和软件算法葬送就业的速度快于创造就业的速度。我们对于自动化的担忧与目前的现实出现了惊人的不符。
