
2014年高考江苏省英语卷(答案及解析)-----易题库教研团队题目:Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed.选项:A.thoughB.asC.sinceD.unless答案:A解析过程:句意:尽管我们不能改变历史,但是我们可以从历史中学到教训从而更好的面对未来。
考点定位:考查连词——————————题目:The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ________ a good impression is a must.选项:A.whichB.whenC.asD.where答案:D解析过程:句意:在日常交流中这本书帮助了我很多,尤其是在我的工作之中,因为在工作中,良好的印象很重要。
通过分析句子成分可知本题考查定语从句,先行词是work.因为后面的定语从句a good impression is a must的句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词在句中做状语,同时也引导起这个定语从句。
考点定位:考查定语从句——————————题目:—How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing? —Well, the media ________ it in a variety of forms.选项:A.coverB.will coverC.have coveredD.covered答案:C解析过程:句意:—你对即将在南京举行的青年奥运会了解多少?—了解的不少,媒体已经以多种形式对青年奥运会举进行了报道。

通用礼宾顺序三字代码英文名称法文名称中文名称1AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan阿富汗2RSA South Africa Afrique du Sud南非3ALB Albania Albanie阿尔巴尼亚4ALG Algeria Algérie阿尔及利亚5GER Germany Allemagne德国6AND Andorra Andorre安道尔7ANG Angola Angola安哥拉8ANT Antigua and Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达9KSA Saudi Arabia Arabie saoudite沙特阿拉伯10ARG Argentina Argentine阿根廷11ARM Armenia Arménie亚美尼亚12ARU Aruba Aruba阿鲁巴13AUS Australia Australie澳大利亚14AUT Austria Autriche奥地利15AZE Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan阿塞拜疆16BAH Bahamas Bahamas巴哈马17BRN Bahrain Bahreïn巴林18BAN Bangladesh Bangladesh孟加拉国19BAR Barbados Barbade巴巴多斯20BLR Belarus Bélarus白俄罗斯21BEL Belgium Belgique比利时22BIZ Belize Belize伯利兹23BEN Benin Bénin贝宁24BER Bermuda Bermudes百慕大25BHU Bhutan Bhoutan不丹26BOL Bolivia Bolivie玻利维亚南京青奥会通用礼宾顺序及各参赛国家/地区三字代码和英法中文名称英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码27BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzégovine波黑28BOT Botswana Botswana博茨瓦纳29BRA Brazil Brésil巴西30BRU Brunei Darussalam Brunéi Darussalam文莱31BUL Bulgaria Bulgarie保加利亚32BUR Burkina Faso Burkina Faso布基纳法索33BDI Burundi Burundi布隆迪34CAY Cayman IslandsÎles Caïmans开曼群岛35CAM Cambodia Cambodge柬埔寨36CMR Cameroon Cameroun喀麦隆37CAN Canada Canada加拿大38CPV Cape Verde Cap-Vert佛得角39CAF Central African Republic République centrafricaine中非40CHI Chile Chili智利41CHN People's Republic of China République populaire de Chine中国42CYP Cyprus Chypre塞浦路斯43COL Colombia Colombie哥伦比亚44COM Comoros Comores科摩罗45CGO Congo Congo刚果(布)46COD Democratic Republic of the C ongo République démocratique du Congo刚果(金)47COK Cook IslandsÎles Cook库克群岛48KOR Republic of Korea République de Corée韩国49CRC Costa Rica Costa Rica哥斯达黎加50CIV Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire科特迪瓦51CRO Croatia Croatie克罗地亚52CUB Cuba Cuba古巴53DEN Denmark Danemark丹麦54DJI Djibouti Djibouti吉布提55DOM Dominican Republic République dominicaine多米尼加英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码56DMA Dominica Dominique多米尼克57EGY EgyptÉgypte埃及58ESA El Salvador El Salvador萨尔瓦多59UAE United Arab EmiratesÉmirats arabes unis阿联酋60ECU EcuadorÉquateur厄瓜多尔61ERI EritreaÉrythrée厄立特里亚62ESP Spain Espagne西班牙63EST Estonia Estonie爱沙尼亚64USA United States of AmericaÉtats-Unis d'Amérique美国65ETH EthiopiaÉthiopie埃塞俄比亚66MKD The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ex-République yougoslave d e Macédoine前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国67FIJ Fiji Fidji斐济68FIN Finland Finlande芬兰69FRA France France法国70GAB Gabon Gabon加蓬71GAM Gambia Gambie冈比亚72GEO Georgia Géorgie格鲁吉亚73GHA Ghana Ghana加纳74GBR Great Britain Grande-Bretagne英国75GRE Greece Grèce希腊76GRN Grenada Grenade格林纳达77GUM Guam Guam关岛78GUA Guatemala Guatemala危地马拉79GUI Guinea Guinée几内亚80GBS Guinea-Bissau Guinée-Bissau几内亚比绍81GEQ Equatorial Guinea Guinée équatoriale赤道几内亚82GUY Guyana Guyana圭亚那83HAI Haiti Haïti海地84HON Honduras Honduras洪都拉斯英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码85HKG Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, Chine中国香港86HUN Hungary Hongrie匈牙利87IND India Inde印度88INA Indonesia Indonésie印度尼西亚89IRI Islamic Republic of Iran République islamique d'Iran伊朗90IRQ Iraq Iraq伊拉克91IRL Ireland Irlande爱尔兰92ISL Iceland Islande冰岛93ISR Israel Israël以色列94ITA Italy Italie意大利95JAM Jamaica Jamaïque牙买加96JPN Japan Japon日本97JOR Jordan Jordanie约旦98KAZ Kazakhstan Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦99KEN Kenya Kenya肯尼亚100KGZ Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan吉尔吉斯斯坦101KIR Kiribati Kiribati基里巴斯102KUW Kuwait Koweït科威特103LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic République démocratique p opulaire lao老挝104LES Lesotho Lesotho莱索托105LAT Latvia Lettonie拉脱维亚106LIB Lebanon Liban黎巴嫩107LBR Liberia Libéria利比里亚108LBA Libya Libye利比亚109LIE Liechtenstein Liechtenstein列支敦士登110LTU Lithuania Lituanie立陶宛111LUX Luxembourg Luxembourg卢森堡112MAD Madagascar Madagascar马达加斯加113MAS Malaysia Malaisie马来西亚英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码114MAW Malawi Malawi马拉维115MDV Maldives Maldives马尔代夫116MLI Mali Mali马里117MLT Malta Malte马耳他118MAR Morocco Maroc摩洛哥119MHL Marshall IslandsÎles Marshall马绍尔群岛120MRI Mauritius Maurice毛里求斯121MTN Mauritania Mauritanie毛里塔尼亚122MEX Mexico Mexique墨西哥123FSM Federated States of MicronesiaÉtats fédérés de Micronésie密克罗尼西亚124MDA Republic of Moldova République de Moldova摩尔多瓦125MON Monaco Monaco摩纳哥126MGL Mongolia Mongolie蒙古127MNE Montenegro Monténégro黑山128MOZ Mozambique Mozambique莫桑比克129MYA Myanmar Myanmar缅甸130NAM Namibia Namibie纳米比亚131NRU Nauru Nauru瑙鲁132NEP Nepal Népal尼泊尔133NCA Nicaragua Nicaragua尼加拉瓜134NIG Niger Niger尼日尔135NGR Nigeria Nigéria尼日利亚136NOR Norway Norvège挪威137NZL New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande新西兰138OMA Oman Oman阿曼139UGA Uganda Ouganda乌干达140UZB Uzbekistan Ouzbékistan乌兹别克斯坦141PAK Pakistan Pakistan巴基斯坦142PLW Palau Palaos帕劳英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码143PLE Palestine Palestine巴勒斯坦144PAN Panama Panama巴拿马145PNG Papua New Guinea Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée巴布亚新几内亚146PAR Paraguay Paraguay巴拉圭147NED Netherlands Pays-Bas荷兰148PER Peru Pérou秘鲁149PHI Philippines Philippines菲律宾150POL Poland Pologne波兰151PUR Puerto Rico Porto Rico波多黎各152POR Portugal Portugal葡萄牙153QAT Qatar Qatar卡塔尔154PRK Democratic People's Republic o f Korea République populaire démocratique de Corée朝鲜155ROU Romania Roumanie罗马尼亚156RUS Russian Federation Fédération de Russie俄罗斯157RWA Rwanda Rwanda卢旺达158SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis圣基茨和尼维斯159LCA Saint Lucia Sainte-Lucie圣卢西亚160SMR San Marino Saint-Marin圣马力诺161VIN St Vincent and the Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines圣文森特和格林纳丁斯162SOL Solomon IslandsÎles Salomon所罗门群岛163SAM Samoa Samoa萨摩亚164ASA American Samoa Samoa américaines美属萨摩亚165STP Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé-et-Principe圣多美和普林西比166SEN Senegal Sénégal塞内加尔167SRB Serbia Serbie塞尔维亚168SEY Seychelles Seychelles塞舌尔169SLE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone塞拉利昂170SIN Singapore Singapour新加坡171SVK Slovakia Slovaquie斯洛伐克英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码172SLO Slovenia Slovénie斯洛文尼亚173SOM Somalia Somalie索马里174SUD Sudan Soudan苏丹175SRI Sri Lanka Sri Lanka斯里兰卡176SWE Sweden Suède瑞典177SUI Switzerland Suisse瑞士178SUR Suriname Suriname苏里南179SWZ Swaziland Swaziland斯威士兰180SYR Syrian Arab Republic République arabe syrienne叙利亚181TJK Tajikistan Tadjikistan塔吉克斯坦182TPE Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei中华台北183TAN United Republic of Tanzania République-Unie de Tanzanie坦桑尼亚184CHA Chad Tchad乍得185CZE Czech Republic République tchèque捷克186THA Thailand Thaïlande泰国187TLS Democratic Republic o f Timor-Leste République démocratique du T imor-Leste东帝汶188TOG Togo Togo多哥189TGA Tonga Tonga汤加190TTO Trinidad and Tobago Trinité-et-Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥191TUN Tunisia Tunisie突尼斯192TKM Turkmenistan Turkménistan土库曼斯坦193TUR Turkey Turquie土耳其194TUV Tuvalu Tuvalu图瓦卢195UKR Ukraine Ukraine乌克兰196URU Uruguay Uruguay乌拉圭197VAN Vanuatu Vanuatu瓦努阿图198VEN Venezuela Venezuela委内瑞拉199IVB Virgin Islands, BritishÎles Vierges britanniques英属维尔京群岛200ISV Virgin Islands, USÎles Vierges des États-Unis美属维尔京群岛英文名称法文名称中文名称礼宾顺序代码201VIE Vietnam Viet Nam越南202YEM Yemen Yémen也门203ZAM Zambia Zambie赞比亚204ZIM Zimbabwe Zimbabwe津巴布韦205IOA Independent Olympic Athlete Athlète olympique indépendant独立的奥林匹克运动员。

南京青奥会正式名称:2014年第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会 The Youth Olympic Games (YOG)简称:南京青奥会 The Nanjing 2014 YOG (NYOG)会期:2014年8月16日至28日(12天)理念:让奥运走进青年,让青年拥抱奥运口号:分享青春,共筑未来青奥会简介:青少年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青少年奥运会、青奥会。


The 28 sports contested at the Olympic Games are listed below: * Judo * Aquatics (Diving and Swimming) * Modern pentathlon * Archery * Rowing * Athletics * Sailing * Badminton * Shooting * Boxing * Softball * Canoeing * Taekwondo * Cycling (Track and Mountain Bike) * Tennis * Equestrian ( Jumping) * Triathlon * Fencing * Volleyball (Beach * Field hockey Volleyball and Volleyball) * Football * Weightlifting * Gymnastics * Wrestling(Freestyle and * Handball Greco-Roman) * Basketball *Rugby. *Golf
分享青春 共筑未来 6、姓名、出生日期、身份证号码填写错误 Share the Games Share our Dreams
南京青奥会会徽2011年5月 19日正式发布。会徽图形由三部 分组成,最下方,以青奥会英文名 称(YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES) 及视觉标志(五环及“YOG DNA”字样)为基础;中间,以 年份数字2014为构图过渡,最上 方则是体现南京特色的地方:英文 “NANJING”设计成活泼的字体, 并且用线条做出镂空透视的效果, 最妙的是,3个N字母,一头一尾 两个n被做了些特殊处理,小写的 “n”犹如拱形的城门形状;而外 围又用线条勾勒出了江南民居的轮 廓。

2024年“活力青奥青春南京”——我期待的青奥会作文3篇“活力青奥青春南京”——我期待的青奥会作文1 青年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青年奥运会、青奥会。
到时候,我就可以听到各国儿童的美妙歌喉,虽然我不能参加,但我可以吸取评委给小选手们的建议,让我越唱越好,争取可以唱到青奥会上,到时候,全世界的人都可以听到我的歌声了!我个人认为,听音乐就是一种享受,听儿童音乐,更是一种享受,听着,听着,仿佛自己到了天堂,听着天使们在唱歌,然后,上帝就给天使们建议……天使们就一步一个脚印的慢慢向着月球前进,看!那位天使不负大家的期望,到月球上了!吸引我的天使,在哪呢?我期待的青奥会——太空舞步!大家看到太空舞步,想到太空舞步,听到太空舞步……就会想到迈克尔·杰克逊,对!没错!我最期待在青奥会上看到许许多多的迈克尔·杰克逊的模仿者,然后,在评出模仿最像迈克尔·杰克逊的人,给他戴上金牌,然后,再在心里默默的说:没有人模仿的比我像!这样,既可以看出谁模仿的最像迈克逊·杰克逊,还可以给获得金牌的孩子获得自信(没有获得金牌的孩子,吸取教训,朝着No.1“进军”),这样,一举两得!青奥会,快来吧!“活力青奥青春南京”——我期待的青奥会作文2 2014 年的夏季青奥会举办权花落南京,做为南京人的我深感自豪。

玄武湖公园于1909 玄武湖公园于1909 年辟为公园, 年辟为公园,玄武 湖湖岸呈菱形, 湖湖岸呈菱形,周 长约10千米, 10千米 长约10千米,南北 2.4千米 千米, 长2.4千米,东西宽 2.0千米 千米; 2.0千米;玄武湖景 区总面积472 472万平方 区总面积472万平方 其中湖面积368 米,其中湖面积368 万平方米。 万平方米。现作为 南京重要的旅游景 点向大众开放。 点向大众开放。本 次青奥会玄武湖公 园将主要作为铁人 三项的比赛场地。 三项的比赛场地。
3.大学场馆区 3.大学场馆区
的 魅 力 。 接 感 受 奥 青 林 匹 克 生 师 万 在 响 年 的 , 影 域 和 , 区 大 广 校 重 合 该 场 馆 成 城 地 组 。 让 所 高 城 目 赛 施 大 学 直 , 机 会 生 有 师 覆 盖 大 学 项 比 设 赛 的 馆 江 宁 场 江 宁 比 的 了 育 京 区 校 力 与 中 的 体 由 南 馆 场 集 区 学 大
2.人文风景区 2.人文风景区
自 然 的 和 谐 共 生 。 为 特 色 , 积 极 倡 导 人 与 域 以 城 市 人 文 自 然 风 景 的 比 赛 项 目 。 该 区 中 了 的 比 赛 场 馆 和 区 四 大 风 景 区 组 成 , 集 森 林 公 园 、 金 牛 湖 风 景 钟 山 风 景 区 和 老 山 国 家 由 玄 武 湖 风 景 区 、 人 文 风 景 区
该基地分为训练 竞赛场馆区、 竞赛场馆区、生 活保障区、 活保障区、产业 开发区等三个区 域,可满足全国 运动会及国际赛 事要求, 事要求,是第十 届全国运动会射 击、射箭比赛场, 射箭比赛场, 现为省射击、 现为省射击、射 箭队训练、竞赛 箭队训练、 使用。 使用。

2014南京青奥会知识读本序1、青少年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG)简称“青少年奥运会”或“青奥会”。

青年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青年奥运会、青奥会。

• 前期策划:2014青奥会——“青奥有你更 前期策划: 精彩!” • 策划活动: 征集青奥会会徽、 “南京青 策划活动: 奥会”形象大使选拔赛、“青奥环城马拉 松”长跑比赛、南京2014“青奥会杯”知 识竞赛、青少年探险营、开办青奥会系列 电视节目、商家联盟助青奥、开发青奥网 络游戏、创建青奥网站与论坛 • 前期策划着重宣传推广青奥会理念、 普及奥林匹克知识、吸引公众的广泛关注 和参与,为2014青奥会打下坚实的基础, 营造良好的氛围。
• 组织名称:南京青奥组织委员会 组织名称: • 执行机构:南京青奥组委的执行机构为 执行机构: 执委会,执委会由、第一副主席、执行 主席、执行副主席和执委组成。 • 下属部门:秘书行政部、总体策划部、 下属部门: 国际联络部、体育部、新闻宣传部、工 程和环境部、市场开发部、技术部、法 律事务部、运动会服务部、监察审计部、 人事部、财务部、文化活动部、安保部、 媒体运行部、场馆管理部、物流部、交 通部、火炬接力中心、注册中心、开闭 幕式工作部、青奥村部、票务中心、志 愿者部、南京青奥抵离中心、
• 首届青年夏奥会定于2010年8月在新加 坡举行,届时将有约3200名运动员、800 名裁判员及教练员参加此次盛会。比赛为 期12天,比赛项目已经原则上确定为26个 大项。同时,所有国家和地区奥委会还将 在青少年夏奥会的教育和文化计划中派出 代表。青少年奥运会的参赛运动员年龄在 14至18岁之间,具体由各国际单项体育组 织确定。 总部位于瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会3日宣 布,中国、印度尼西亚、摩洛哥、墨西哥、 波兰和土耳其的国家奥委会已经向国际奥 运会递交了申办2014年第二届青年夏季奥 年第二届青年夏季奥 运会的申请。2010年2月11日国际奥委会 运会 第122届全会在温哥华决定,将2014年第 二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会的承办权授 予中国的南京市。 中国的南京市。 中国的南京市

画舫凌波, 桨声灯影 。
秦淮河古称淮水,本名“龙藏浦”,全长约110公里,流域面积2600多 平方公里,是南京地区主要河 道,历史上极有名气。 相传秦始皇东巡时,望金陵上空紫气升腾,以为王气,于是凿方山, 断长垅为渎,入于江,后人误认为此水是秦时所开,所以称为“秦 淮”。 在众多的南京人和外地人心目中,秦淮似乎是个永恒的话题。她是古 城金陵的起源,又是南京文化的摇篮。这里素为“六朝烟月之区,金 粉荟萃之所”,更兼十代繁华之地,被称为“中国第一历史文化名河”
走在南京繁茂的梧桐树下,感受着被悠远历史打 磨出的从容气派,如同宠辱不惊的千年智者,静 观世事更迭,沧海桑田。然而她又是如此的年轻, 新的生命卷挟着新的思想与活力奔向她的怀抱, 有容乃大的胸襟赋予了她古韵的庄重与现代的张 扬。如今,新一代的我们站在历史奔腾的前沿, 将她悠久的文化与古老的精神一脉相承,共建起 人文青奥的新篇章!
青奥会的成功举办离不开志愿者的优质服务,团市委将开展“我奉 献,我快乐”的青奥会志愿服务。争做一名青奥会志愿者,志愿者, 就是主人,传递给世界的是友好与热情,可能会有一些交流障碍, 但以微笑面对就能化解所有尴尬。
尽管青奥会创办时间较短,但青奥会毕竟是国际大型体育赛事, 具有赛事规模大、比赛项目多、参与国家多、创新活动强、国际 影响力强等国际大型赛事特点,因此,同样对区域经济具有较强 推动作用。
每南 每京 在的 阳天 光空 明清 媚澈 的如 日洗 子。 ,生 抬活 头在 总南 看京 到是 湛一 蓝种 的享 天受 。
一栽荫路 着这 种种浓也 南条 。众,是 京长 多枝南最达 的繁京主 树叶绿要公 木茂化的里 正,最行的 是生好道“ 南生的树绿 京不一 荫 体息条 长 现是林梧廊 低我荫桐” 碳们路树两 生的。。侧 活感树这, 的触大条种 植 。

Diving 跳水
Swimming 游泳
Archer y 射箭
Athletics 田径
Badminton 羽毛球
3-3 Basketball 三人篮球
Boxing 拳击
Cycling 自行车
Nanjing Sport Institute
项目 羽毛球、网球
Back Hom
Laoshan National Forest Park 项目 自行车
Back Hom
Jinniu Lake Sailing Venue
项目 帆船
Back Hom
Nanjing Zhongshan International Golf Club 项目 高尔夫
Back Hom
The High Priestess Katerina Lehou is igniting the Youth Olympic Flame from the sun
The High Priestess Katerina Lehou is holding the Youth Olympic Flame and waiting for passing on the first torchbearer Hom Back
Equestrian 马术
Fencing 击剑
Football 足球
Golf 高尔夫

Youth Olympic Games in NanjingGames and VenuesThe Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG), encompassing all 26 sports, will be held from August 16th to 28th. 15 venues will be made available for the Nanjing YOG with three distinct themed zones: the Olympic Center Zone, where the sporting competitions will take place; the CulturalScenic Spot Zone, which will provide a pleasant atmosphere for leisure and cultural exchange activities; and the College Pavilion Zone, where the YOG educational activities will take place. With all these facilities already in place, it willnot be necessary to build new venues for the YOG.Most of these venueshave held high-level domestic sports games like the 10th National Games.Olympic Center ZoneThis zone is made up of pavilions of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center, has fifteen percent competition venues, providing fifty-five percent competitions of 26 sports. The YOV and Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be held in this zone, filled with sporting character and Olympic culture.University Pavilion ZoneUniversity Pavilion Zone made up of stadiums of Nanjing Jiangning University Zone, has twenty percent competition venues,providingtwelvepercentcompetitions. It is essentially coincident with Nanjing Jiangning University Zone, so it influences two hundred thousand teachers and students in fifteen universities and gives them a chance to experience Olympics directly.Cultural Scenic Spot ZoneIt consists of Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area, Zhongshan Mountain Scenic Area, Laoshan National Forest Park and Jinniu Lake Scenic Area, which contains 47% of the venues and 33% of the sports games. The harmony between the natural and artificial sights is the major feature of this area.Culture and EducationCompared with the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is more focused on cultural and educationalactivities for young people.In Nanjing, a city full of love, youthful vigor and a rich culture, we hope to deliver an exciting next round of the YOG. Our concept fully embraces the Olympic Values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship, with diversified sports, education and culture programs to inspire young people to develop healthy lifestyle and a sports spirit, and to promote the integration of cultural and educational programs and sports competitions. With creative workshops, forums, arts and sports festivals we aim to encourage the youth of the world to take part in many activities in tandem with the Games.We hope the NYOG will inspire young people to respect others, to be friendly to each other, to share in the outstanding cultural achievements of mankind, to create a better world and to contribute their time and energy to the Olympic Games.Mass SportsCampus green OlympicUrban cultureVolunteerGreen Olympic have you, green Olympic have me!The Olympic Games is an athlete's event, is also volunteers partyVolunteer service spirit is to pursue harmony, and love, noble, dedication, altruismhuman civilization state!Green NanjingNanjing is one of China's most important commercial, cultural, and industrial centers. The cityhas a history spanning nearly 2,500 years, and in recent years has seen rapid development.The affairs andnews of Nanjing affect the whole of China, and the world as well; yetunlike the major cities of Europe or Japan, the general populace of the U.S. and other English speakingnationsgenerally lack in-depth knowledge about this metropolis of over 4 million people.It is our mission here to provide the latest news and information services about Nanjing toanyone withadesire to learn more about this fabulous city. We encourage you to explore our website and hope we can help you realize your desires to visit or do business in Nanjing, or even just learn about a far-away place.The avenue at Zhongshan scenic Area Nanjing Subway line 1 Nanjing Subway line 2Nanjing taxis Nanjing LouKou International Airport 1YOG Hand-in-handIn 2014, young athletes from all over the world will meet in an ancient Eastern cultural capital. The second Youth Olympic Games (YOG) will be held in Nanjing, a city with a profound cultural history. At this event, they will not only challenge each other andthemselves with breakthroughsearned through sweat andpassion, but it will also be abrilliant opportunity for them tolearn from each other and joinin friendship to share theirhappiness and health.During the preparationphase and the Gamesthemselves, we will build aninteractive resourceinformation platform (platformfor short) for the widest, thefastest, and the most effectiveinformation exchange amongyouths and persons involvedwith the YOG around the world,which will facilitate theworldwide spread of theOlympic spirit among the youthand attract support from amuch broader base.The Components of YOG Interactive Resource Information Platform: Hand-in-HandHand-in-Hand (Assistance Platform): A Platform for Accepting Support, Concern and Love The Youth Olympics are a gift for the children of the world.The assistance platform will be aimed at enterprises and individuals around the world. We hope you can support the NYOG through various means such as funding, products, services, and talent which will help to make all the YOG participants truly feel the Olympic concept and spirit.As the Chinese proverb goes, a red flower needs to be set off by green leaves. Young people are filled with enthusiasm but immature, so they need a wise and experienced hand to help them grow up and take on responsibilities. The young participants of the NYOG need a stronger support to spread the loveall over the world.。

A City of Youth 青春之城
Voluntary Service 志愿者服务 A City of Volunteers 志愿之城 Volunteer Service Vision- “Comprehensive, Professional and Accurate” 志愿者服务愿景 –“全面、专业、精确” Competition Manager‟s Office 竞赛主任办公室 Competition Management Team Work Area/Room 竞赛管 理团队办公区/室
• 好的不能再好了。 Well, can’t be better.
• 一般般了。 Oh, just so so. • 你今天看起来好极了。 You look great today!
• 你今天看起来很漂亮。
You look pretty today!
• 欢迎来到南京青奥会。 Welcome to the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. • 真高兴您能来。 Nice having you here. • 希望您过得愉快。 Hope you have a good time. / Hope you have fun. • 再见,慢走。 Good bye.
• 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to keep you waiting. • 因我们的原因给您带来不便,请见谅。 We are sorry for the inconvenience. • 我们会不断改进我们的服务,请多包涵。 We will continue to improve our services. Thank you for your patience.
Youth Olympic Games 青奥会PPT

南京奥林匹克体育中心 Nanjing Olympic Sports Center
夜 景 图
人文风景区(Cultural Scenic Spot Zone)
南京白马激流回旋运动 场空拍图
铁人三项比赛转 换区
南京金牛湖 风景区帆船 赛场全景图
南京马术赛 马场空拍图
大学场馆区(University Pavilion Zone)
Current Events The Second Youth Olympic Games in 2014, Nanjing, China
宣传片欣赏(Videos to appreciate)
青奥历史(Youth Olympic Games 了举办青奥会的设 想。 2007年7月5日, 国际奥委会在危地 马拉城举行的第 119次全会上一致 同意创办青少年奥 运会。
比赛场馆(Competition venues)
南京2014年青奥会比赛场馆有“三大场馆区”分别是:“奥体 中心区”、“人文风景区”、“大学场馆区”。青年奥组委将 与国际奥委会、国际单项体育联合会以及国际专家们紧密合作, 为参与南京2014年青奥会的各国青年人和全世界致力于奥林匹 克运动发展的人们,奉献一场青年奥运盛会。 The Olympic Center Zone, Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, and University Pavilion Zone for Nanjing 2014 YOG have world class sport facilities and an excellent transport infrastructure which are integral for the successful staging of the Games. Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organization Committee will present a magnificent performance for the youth around the world and those people who devote to the development of Olympic.

The Nanjing Youth Olympic Games,held in2014,was a significant international sporting event that brought together young athletes from around the globe.The event was not only a platform for showcasing athletic prowess but also an opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding among the youth.Preparations for the GamesThe city of Nanjing underwent extensive preparations to host the second Summer Youth Olympic Games.Infrastructure development included the construction of new sports venues,renovation of existing facilities,and improving transportation networks to accommodate the influx of athletes and spectators.The city also focused on enhancing its environmental standards to ensure a clean and healthy environment for the participants.Cultural ExchangeOne of the key objectives of the Youth Olympic Games is to foster cultural exchange among young people.Nanjing,with its rich historical heritage,provided a unique backdrop for this exchange.Various cultural programs and exhibitions were organized to introduce the world to Chinese culture,history,and traditions.Young athletes had the chance to participate in these activities,gaining insights into the host countrys way of life. Athletic CompetitionsThe games featured a wide range of sports,including athletics,swimming,gymnastics, and more.Young athletes competed in individual and team events,demonstrating their skills and determination.The spirit of sportsmanship was evident throughout the competitions,with athletes supporting each other and celebrating their achievements.Legacy of the GamesThe Nanjing Youth Olympic Games left a lasting legacy for the city and its people.The improved infrastructure and facilities continue to serve the community,promoting sports and physical fitness among the residents.The games also inspired many young people to pursue their athletic dreams and to embrace the values of friendship,respect,and excellence.Impact on YouthThe Youth Olympic Games serve as a catalyst for inspiring young people to lead active, healthy lives.It encourages them to set goals,work hard,and strive for excellence.The event also highlights the importance of teamwork,perseverance,and respect for others, values that are crucial for personal growth and development.ConclusionThe Nanjing Youth Olympic Games were a resounding success,showcasing the talents ofyoung athletes and promoting cultural understanding.It was a celebration of youth,sports, and the spirit of international cooperation.The games will be remembered not only for the athletic achievements but also for the positive impact they had on the lives of the participants and the host city.。

青奥会志愿者常用英语100句志愿者必备大运关键词1、组织机构OrganizationsInternational Olympics Committee (IOU)国际奥林匹克委员会Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 20142014年南京青年奥林匹克运动会Organizing Committee for the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 2014南京青奥会组委会2、场馆VenuesYouth Olympic Sports Park 青年体育公园Wutaishan 五台山体育场馆Nanjing Olympic Sports Centre 南京奥体中心Fangshan Training Base Archery Field 方山训练基地射箭场Nanjing Sport Institute 南京体育学院Youth Olympic Village Training Venue 青奥村训练场Nanjing Heavy Athletics School 南京重竞技学校Nanjing International Expo Centre 南京国际博览中心Nanjing Rowing-Canoeing School 南京水上运动学校Laoshan Mountain Bike Course 老山山地车竞技场Laoshan Road Cyling Course 老山公路自行车运动场Nanjing Equestrian Venue 南京马术竞技场Qingliangshan Sports School 清凉山体校Jiangning Football Training Base 江宁足球训练基地Jiangning Sports Centre 江宁体育场Nanjing Zhongshan International Golf Club 南京钟山国际高尔夫俱乐部Longjiang Gymnasium 龙江体育馆Jinniu Lake Sailing Venue 金牛湖帆船比赛中心China Tennis Institute 中国网球中心Xuanwu Lake Triathlon Venue 玄武湖铁人三项竞技场3、比赛项目GamesAthletics田径Basketball篮球Fencing击剑Football足球Gymnastics体操Judo柔道Swimming游泳Diving跳水Water Polo水球Table Tennis乒乓球Tennis网球Volleyball排球4、人员Participants Athlete运动员Coach教练Team Leader领队Technical Delegate技术代表Referee裁判员Chief Referee裁判长Volunteer志愿者Spectator观众Media / Journalist媒体/记者Medical Staff医疗卫生人员Security Personnel安保人员5、赛中During the Game Athletes’ Lounge 运动员休息室Doping Control 兴奋剂检测Eligibility 参赛条件Disqualification 取消资格/禁赛Protests & Appeals 抗议与申诉Assistance 援助Penalty 处罚Showing a Yellow Card 出示黄牌Sounding a Whistle or Horn 吹口哨或喇叭Waving a Red Flag or Card 挥动红旗和红牌Suspension 停赛Ban 禁赛6、其他OthersCommand Center/Headquarters 指挥中心/总部Press Center 新闻中心Opening Ceremony 开幕式Victory Ceremony 颁奖仪式Closing Ceremony 闭幕式Medal奖牌Trophy 奖杯志愿者服务必备经典句7、Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening. 您好!早上/下午/晚上好。
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让我们从小事做起,我与青奥同在!2014, is a very common digital, but it is also the so-called four ordinary Numbers, let many Chinese blood boiling, surging! Maybe you would ask why, but you may soon get out. Yes, is the answer. In this year, nanjing will hold the green Olympic committee, then, the attention to the whole world will gather in nanjing, and nanjing, also will be master status, show her most beautiful elegance!Heard the exciting news, facing the chance comes once in a blue moon, as a glorious nanjing, as a student of nanjingnow, we must act, and green Olympic grow up together, from now to start, starts from oneself, we should speak civilization, polite, conscientiously observe discipline and love the collective, protect public property and study hard, active propagandizing green Olympic knowledge, using our practical action to support the green Olympic, meet, participate in green green Mr Obama, for the forthcoming great event, contribution to an own strength. Apply for green Olympic success, for nanjing every citizen, it certainly had an impulse, there is a kind of happiness, there is a proud, have a kind of madness. For nanjing, for example, it represents the matter a great country, represents China's has the ability to hold this world youth committee, represents the strength of China development a flyby, more representative of the Chinese people unite focuses on participation in spirit.I think, green Olympic committee is like a big stage, we need to concentrate to participate, together, we not only can participate in this arena show our Chinese athletes strong will and the so-called fighting spirit, we still can be in this arena show our nanjing beautiful urban appearance, a long city culture, and we nanjing man'sconfidence and perseverance, let the world know nanjing, nanjing, nanjing understand love.I believe that as long as we joint effort, to green Olympic opening day, our beautiful NaJingCheng, days, must be more blue, land, certainly can be more green, water, certainly can be more clear, flowers, certainly can be more colourful, air, must be fresh, traffic, will be more clear. Then, we can ask the world quiet announced loudly: green Olympic, we are ready.Support green Olympic, create the future. Let us starts from the minor matter, I with green Olympic presence!Games & VenuesThe Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG), encompassing all 26 sports, will be held from August 16th to 28th. 15 venues will be made available for the Nanjing YOG with three distinct themed zones: the Olympic Center Zone, where the sporting competitions will take place; the Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, which will provide a pleasant atmosphere for leisure and cultural exchange activities; and the College Pavilion Zone, where the YOG educational activities will take place. With all these facilities already in place, it will not be necessary to build new venues for theYOG. Most of these venues have held high-level domestic sports games like the 10th National Games.Olympic Center Zone ⅠUniversity Pavilion ZoneCultural Scenic Spot ZoneOlympic Center Zone Ⅱ赛施与场馆青奥百科:1、Q:举办青奥会的设想由谁提出?何时何地通过?A:2001年,国际奥林匹克委员会主席雅克•罗格先生提出了举办青奥会的设想。