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C S P C公司职业安全卫



职业安全卫生管理手册Occupation Security Hygiene Management



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CSPC Company Occupation Security Hygiene Management Manual

目录 Catalogue

批准 Approval

前言 Introduction

目的和适用范围 Purpose and Scope of Application

参考资料 Reference Materials

术语和定义 Terms and Definition

职业安全卫生管理体系要素Essential Factors of Occupation Security Hygiene Management System

总要求 General Requirements

职业安全卫生方针 Occupation Security Hygiene Policies

规划 Program

危险辨识、风险评估和风险控制规划 Plan on Risks’ Recognition, Evaluation and Control

法律与其他要求 Laws and other Requirements


安全卫生管理方案Security Hygiene Management Projects

实施与运行 Enforcement and Operation

机构与责任 Institution and Responsibility

培训、意识与能力 Training, Awareness and Capability

协商与沟通 Negotiation and Communication

文件化 Documentation

文件与资料管理 Document and Material Management

作业控制 Work Control

应急准备和应变 Emergency Preparation and Emergency Capability

检查和纠正措施 Check and Rectification Steps

绩效测量与监测 To Measure and Monitor Achievements

事故、事件不符合纠正与预防措施 Accidents and Incidents that are not Accordant to Correction and Prevention Steps

记录与记录管理 Record and the Management of Record

审核 Auditing

1 目的和适用范围 Purpose and Scope of Application

1.1 目的 Purpose


To establish and improve Sigma’s occupation security hygiene management system, to determine the occupation security hygiene policy and aim, to make sure staff could understand, implement and maintain it, and to continuingly improve its effectiveness, our company particularly draws up the “occupation security hygiene management manual”.

1.2 适用范围 Scope of Application


This manual is applicable to Sigma’s management on its staff‘s occupation security hygiene and related activities.

2 相关文件 Related Documents

EHS《职业安全卫生管理体系——规范》EHS “ occupation security hygiene management system------norm”

《质量管理手册》“ quality management manual “

3术语和缩写 Terms and Abbreviate

3.1 术语 Terms


All terms of the “occupation security hygiene management manual “a nd our company’s occupation security hygiene management system are adopted from the terms of EHS.

3.2 缩写 Abbreviate


SIGMA———— Company

4 职业安全卫生管理体系要素 Essential Factors of Occupation Security Hygiene Management System

4.1 总要求 General Requirement



According to EHS standard requirement, Sigma has established, enforced, maintained, and continuingly improve the occupation security hygiene management. To enforce and maintain the occupation security hygiene management system, our company would do the following steps:

a). 制定适宜的职业安全卫生方针;

Establishing suitable occupation security hygiene policy

b). 识别职业安全卫生危险,以评估职业安全卫生风险;

Recognizing danger of occupation security hygiene so as to evaluate it.

c). 确定有关的法律、法规要求;

Determining the requirement of related laws and regulations

d). 建立适当的职业安全卫生目标;

Establishing suitable occupation security hygiene aim

e). 建立组织机构,制定方案,以实施职业安全卫生方针,实现职业安全卫生目标;

Establishing organization structure, setting up policy so as to enforce the occupation security hygiene policy and to fulfill its aim.

f). 顺利开展策划、控制、监测、纠正措施、审核与评审活动,以确保对职业安全卫生方针的遵循和职业安全卫生管理体系的持续适宜性;

Carrying out plan, control, monitoring, rectification steps, audit and check activities so as to observe the occupation security hygiene policy and maintain the system suitably.

g). 根据不断变化的客观条件修正职业安全卫生管理体系。

According to the changeably objective conditions to revise the occupation security hygiene management system.

4.2 职业安全卫生方针 Occupation Security Hygiene Policy


Through establishing the occupation security hygiene management system, SIGMA would continuingly improve our occupation security hygiene managements and behaviors so as to protect our staff’s health and property as well as remove and decline the occupation security hygiene risks. We promise that:


We would faithfully observe laws and regulations, shoulder society responsibility, improve achievements of security and hygiene, and satisfy our staff.



The occupation security hygiene policy is the working program of SIGMA. Our company would grant the “occupation security hygiene management manual” to each employee and organize all kinds of trainings so that all staff could understand and enforce it.


Our company would formulate, explain and enforce plan as well as enforce circulation controls to implement the occupation security hygiene policy.

4.3 规划 Program

4.3.1 危险辨识、风险评估和风险控制规划 Program on Recognizing, Evaluating and Controlling risks 本司识别在生产、管理活动中现存的和潜在的职业安全卫生危险, 从而进行风险评估和实施必要的控制措施。

Our company recognizes the existing and hidden occupation security hygiene risks through operation and management activities so as to evaluate risks and give necessary control steps.职业安全卫生危险的识别由人力资源部组织各部门进行,重大职业安全卫生危险由管理者代表确认。

The HR department takes charge of the recognition on the occupation security hygiene risks. The administrators confirm the great occupation security hygiene risks.
