二解释下列术语1女书2语义场3隐喻北京语言文化大学2003年汉语言文字学专业课考研试题北京语言文化大学2003年汉语言文字学专业课考研试题一、语音、文字1. 拼音改错(大概这样,记不太准,音调我无法标出)Kong Zi jing chang ti qi ta de di zi……2. 读轻声时,声母韵母发生了本质上的变化,是怎样的,举例说明3. 音调中四声各自特点4. 注拼音万俟冒顿茅厕胼胝5. 写出繁体字尘驴咸吁绳6. 从对外汉语教学的角度谈谈“的”“得”“地”的利与弊二、词汇(注:因匆忙间只记下了要点,句子大概如此,并非原文,见谅)1.“这样不行,赶快上医院!”赶快改赶忙是否可以,为什么2.“反复看才能记住”反复改来回是否可以,为什么3.《现代汉语词典》中有解释如下出口指本国或本地区的货物运出去进口指外国或外地区的货物运进来此种释意是否准确,为什么4.方位词“里”和“里边”有何不同,举例说明5.词义辨析1)以至以致2)考察考查6. 用意素法分析“老师”“学生”三、语法1.根据一下例句归纳“可”的用法1)你可来了2)可漂亮了3)他唱得可好了4)你可不要忘了……5)走了好远,可到家了6)(大概用法同4),实在想不出了)2.用层次法分析句子(与原句相差不大)1)他发了一封电子邮件让她到他家去玩。
7.汲冢书 8.史志目录 9.一声之转 10.蝴蝶装 二、写出下列古籍著述者(22 分) 十三经注疏、 文选六臣注、 史记三家注 三、写出周易八卦的卦名和卦象(8 分) 四、简要叙述子部目录古籍的情况(15 分) 五、简述清代说文研究的论著并加以分析比较(15 分) 六、标点翻译下面两段文字(40 分) 1 尚书·无逸 2 孟子 七、校勘并翻译下面两段文字(20 分) (省略)
2004 年北京大学古文献考研试题
一、名词解释 (45 分) 1.传记博士 2.三公九卿 3.古文运动 4.五声八音 5.宛述 611.敦煌遗书 12、 13、 14、 15、 二、写出下列著作作者、朝代 ,有注疏的也要写出(26 分) 1.《樊川诗集注》 2.《孟子正义》 3.《楚辞集注》 4.《申鉴》 5.《华阳国志》 6.《天下郡国利病书》 7.《古韵四声考》 8.《六书音韵表》 9.《新论》 10.《广宏明集》 11.《册府元龟》 12.《洛阳伽蓝记》 13.《剑南诗稿》 三、标点下列古文并今译(12 分) 《左传·熹公》子产谏子皮一段 四、今译,解释加点词(17 分) 唐顺之 《答茅知县书》 阴阳家 纵横家 名家 炫然 盖头窃尾
2004现汉古汉合卷现汉共八题一、根据舌位的高低给普通话的单元音韵母进行分类 5分二、请列出普通话声母总表 10分三、用严氏音标给下列词语注音,如有音变情况,请按音变规律注音 5分(1)老船长(2)小孩儿(3)回来(4)斧子(5)元月四、根据下列例句归并义项,并说明哪些义项可归入“等1”,哪些义项可归入“等2”或“等3” 10分1 等我办完这件事再去也不迟2 怎会有这等事发生3 请稍等一会儿4 这两种东西大小不等5 等他来了一块儿去6 中国有长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江等四大河流7 三加四等于七 8 老张买了纸张文具等等9 这种产品共分三等 10 我等的意见主要有以下几点五、辨析下列同义词语 10分1 保存-保留2 聊-聊天儿六、指出下列词的词性,并说明判别的理由 10分1 格外2 给予3 碧绿4 单项5 至于七、指出下列短语的结构类型 10分1 说“的”(动宾)2 裤子三条(主谓)3 桌子上(方位)4 三年后(方位)5 应该可以(偏正/状中)6 三月开花(偏正/状中)7 三月很冷(主谓) 8 拿笔来用(连谓) 9 有人找我(兼语)10 又吃又拿(联合)八、分析下列句子,单句要求分析句子的结构,复句要求找出语义关系类型 15分1 上级通知我们,今年暑假不放假。
2 小伙子稀里糊涂地就被捕了。
3 一阵大风,漫天遍野都是白茫茫的:好大的雪!4 大家都要认真观察,养成良好的观察习惯。
5 岳母因为有事来晚了,不然,也难免遇到这场难堪。
Ⅰ. 将下列单句译成汉语(25分)。
1)In the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew by8.2%--despite the SARS virus. Electricity demand rose by 15% in the same period, led by power-hungry industries such as steel and aluminum.。
2) China, anxious about capital flight and proud of its economic sovereignty, will not be browbeaten into floating the yuan by hectoring Americans.。
3) Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surr ounded by idle “buffer” land. It is suggested that greenhouses could be built no this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in go supply the heat they need. Such greenhouses could be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers cheaply.。
4) Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly. Dirty needles account for a third of all reported AIDS cases: they also explain why half of all long-term addicts get hepatitisC.。
北语2003--2014汉语言文字学初试真题BLU 2003-2014年汉语言文字学初试真题2014年现代汉语(150’)1.用严氏国际音标小熊儿小孩儿老伴儿轻声是什么?为什么不说轻声是第五种声调?说明原因说明i n ng 的儿化韵规律2.什么是音节?根据声韵配合规律指出下列的错误Dueng冬 muo 墨3.同义词辨析到达达到表现表达辨析近义词动词从哪些角度4.归并义项我报名报社在看报画报海报报仇报以热烈的掌声那些是语素义是多义词还是同音词5、给了两个句子,找出词,并分析结构678、两个句子的词的成分结构9、数量短语作宾语还是做补语10、义项和语素义的关系11、“如果……就……”和“只要……就……”的区别12、语义特征是什么?语义特征的局限。
二、名词解释许叔重《孟子章句》《尔雅》还有暂时想不起来了,大家可以补充啊三、“以”的分析四、解释加点字五、翻译课外的一段话2013年现代汉语一、请写出所有开口呼韵母,并说明-i[ ]和i在发音上有什么区别。
101. 我们再等等看看有什么动静没有。
2. 我们在他出去的时候再走吧。
北京外国语大学 北外 2004年英语语言文学 考研真题及答案解析
北京外国语大学2004年硕士生入学考试英语语言文学专业试卷Time Limit: Three Hours Total Points: 150All answers must be written on the answer sheets.Section 1 Matching(30 points)Match each of the following ten passages with its source. There are more sources than passages here, and one source may be matched with more than one passage.Write the passage number and the corresponding source letter for each answer. For example, suppose Passage 11 is the following:Only one same reason is shared by all of us: we wish to create worlds as real as, but other than the world that is. Or was. This is why we cannot plan. We know a world is an organism, not a machine. We also know that a genuinely created world must be independent of its creator; a planned world (a world that fully reveals its planning) is a dead world. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.And its source is [M] John Fowles. Then your answer will be 11M.Sources (From A to L)[Al Geoffrey Chaucer [G] Ernest Hemingway[B] Kate Chopin [H] John Keats[C] Joseph Conrad [I] D. H. Lawrence[D] Frederick Douglass [J] Percy Bysshe Shelley[E] T. S. Eliot [K] John Steinbeck[Fl Thomas Hardy [L] Harriet Beecher StowePassages1. The meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine.2. The migrant people, scuttling for work, scrabbling to live, looked always for pleasure, dug for pleasure, manufactured pleasure, and they were hungry for amusement.3. A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over:"Allez vous-en.t Allez vous-en! Sapristi.t That's all fight!"4. In that dizzy moment her feet to her scarce seemed to touch the ground, and a moment brought, her to the water's edge. Right on behind they came, and, nerved with strength such as God gives only to the desperate, with one wild cry, and flying leap, she vaulted sheer over the turbid current by the shore, on to the raft of ice beyond.5. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it.By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.6. We two whites stood over him, and his lustrous and inquiring glance enveloped us both. I declare it looked as though he would presently put to us some question in an understandable language; but he died without uttering a sound, without moving a limb, without twitching a muscle. Only in the very last moment, as though in response to some sign we could not see, to some whisper we could not hear, he frowned heavily, and that frown gave to his black death-mask an inconceivably somber, brooding, and menacing expression.7. It is the same! —For, be it joy or sorrow,The path of its departure still is free;Man's yesterday may ne'er'be like his morrow;Nought may endure but Mutability.8. A snake came to my water troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat,To drink there.9.The river's tent is broken: the last fingers of leafClutch and sink into the wet bank. The windCrosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed.10.Good table manners she had learnt as well:She never let a crumb from her mouth fall;She never soiled her fingers, dipping deepInto the sauce; when lifting to her lipsSome morsel, she was careful not to spillSo much as one small drop upon her breast.Her greatest pleasure was in etiquette.The following sections of the examination will be graded on both what you say and how you say it.Section2 Short Essays (90 points)I. Summarize the plot of the following story in your own words (around200 words). (30points)2. Comment on the role of the wicked boy in the story. (30points)3.What is the theme of the story? Pay particular attention to the ending. (30points)A Wicked BoyBy Anton ChekhovIvan Ivanych Lapkin, a young man of nice appearance, and Anna Semionovna Zamblitskaia, a young girl with a little mined-up nose, went down the steep bank and sat down on a small bench. The bench stood right by the water among some thick young osier bushes. What a wonderful little place! Once you've sat down, you were hidden from the world—only the fish saw you, and the water-tigers, running like lightning over the water. The young people were armed with rods, nets, cans of worms, and other fishing equipment. Having sat down, they started fishing right away."I'm glad we're alone at last," Lapkin began, looking around. "I have to tell you a lot of things, Anna Semionovna... an awful lot... when I saw you the first time.... You've got a bite.... then I understood what I'm living for, understood where my idol was--to whom I must devote my honest, active life... that must be a big one that's biting.... Seeing you, I feel in love for the first time, feel passionately in love! Wait before you give it a jerk.... let it bite harder.... Tell me, my darling, I adjure you, may I count on--not on reciprocity, no! I'm not worthy of that, I dare not even think of that—may I count on .... Pull!"Anna Semionovna raised her hand with the rod in it, yanked, and cried out. A little silvery-green fish shimmered in the air."My Lord, a perch! Ah, ah.... Quickly! It's getting free!"The perch got free of the hook, flopped through the' grass toward its native element.... and plopped into the water!In pursuit of the fish, Lapkin somehow inadvertently grabbed Anna Semionovna's hand instead of the fish, inadvertently pressed it to his lips.... She quickly drew it back, but it was already too late; their mouths inadvertently merged in a kiss. It happened somehow inadvertently. Another kiss followed the first, then vows and protestations.... What happy minutes! However, in this earthly life there is no absolute happiness. Happiness usually carries a poison in itself, or else. is poisoned by something from outside. So this time, too. As the young people were kissing, a laugh suddenly rang out. They glanced at the river and were stupefied: a naked boy was standing in the water up to his waist. This was Kolia, a schoolboy, Anna Semionovna's brother. He was standing in the water, staring at the young people, and laughing maliciously."Ah-ah-ah... you're kissing?" he said. "That's great! I'll tell Mama.""I hope that you, as an honest young man..." muttered Lapkin, blushing. "It's low-down to spy, and to tell tales is foul and detestable... I assume that you, as an honest and noble young man...""Give me a ruble and then I won't tell!" said the noble young man. "Or else I will."Lapkin pulled a ruble out of his pocket and gave it to Kolia. Kolia squeezed the ruble in his wet fist, whistled, and swam off. And the young people didn't kiss any more that time.The next day Lapkin brought Kolia some paints and a ball from town, and his sister gave him all her empty pill-boxes. After that they had to give him some cuff-links with dogs' heads on them. The wicked boy obviously liked all these things very much and, in order to get still more, he started keeping his eye on them. Wherever Lapkin and Anna Semionovna went, he went, too. He didn't leave them alone for a minute."The bastard!" Lapkin gnashed his teeth. "So little, and already such a real bastard! What's he going to be like later?!"All through June, Kolia made life impossible for the poor lovers. He threatened to tell on them, kept his eye on them, and demanded presents; it all wasn't enough for him, and he finally started talking about a pocket watch. And what then? They had to promise the watch.One time at dinner, when the waffle cookies were being passed, he suddenly burst out in aguffaw, winked an eye, and asked Lapkin:"Shall I tell? Huh?"Lapkin blushed terribly and started eating his napkin instead of the cookie. Anna Semionovna jumped up from the table and ran into the other room. And the young people found themselves in this position until the end of August, until the very day when, at last, Lapkin proposed to Anna Semionovna. Oh, what a happy day that was! Having talked to the parents of his bride, and having received their consent, Lapkin first of all ran out into the garden and started looking for Kolia. Once he had found him, he almost sobbed from delight and seized the wicked boy by the ear. Anna Semionovna, who had also been looking for Kolia, ran up, and seized him by the other ear. And you really ought to have seen what joy was written all over the lovers' faces as Kolia cried and begged them:"Dearest, darling, angels, I'll never do it again! Ow, ow! Forgive me!"And afterwards they both admitted that during the whole time they had been in love with each other they had never once felt such happiness, such breath-taking bliss as during those moments when they were pulling the wicked boy's ears.Section 3 Creative Thinking (30points)If you were the author, Somerset Maugham, what title would you give to the story below? Generate as many titles as you can before deciding on the best one. Be creative and go for quantity; list at least 10 titles.There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions, and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, "Master, just now when I was in the market, I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me." The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market, and he saw Death standing in the crowd and he came to Death and said, “Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?” “That was not a threatening gesture,”Death said. “It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.”Section4 Critical Thinking (20-point bonus)You do not have to do the task in this section, but you will get a 20-point bonus if you do it correctly.Identify errors in logic, if any, in the following arguments. Justify your answers.1. Hey, John, check this out! Two weeks ago, I bought this good luck charm, and I’ve been carrying with me every day. Since the, I’ve been carrying it around with me every day. Since then, I found $50 on the street, I got the apartment I was hoping for, and I got a date with Elaine! This good luck charm really works!2. Look, either we do a full-color glossy brochure or we don’t do anything at all. It’s better to have nothing than to have something shabby. Do it right or don’t do it at all.3. If we legalize marijuana, watch out-the legalization of cocaine and other drugs can’t be far behind.4. Do you support the ban of nuclear and biological weapons that would leave us defenseless against those countries that will continue to build nuclear and biological warheads in secret?5. One of the things those animal rights people want to do is to make you believe that a monkey has the same rights as a human being.This is the end of the examination.答案部分:北京外国语大学2004年硕士生入学考试英语语言文学专业试卷Time Limit: Three Hours Total Points: 150All answers must be written on the answer sheets.Section 1 Matching(30 points)(北京外国语大学2004年研)Match each of the following ten passages with its source. There are more sources than passages here, and one source may be matched with more than one passage.Write the passage number and the corresponding source letter for each answer. For example, suppose Passage 11 is the following:Only one same reason is shared by all of us: we wish to create worlds as real as, but other than the world that is. Or was. This is why we cannot plan. We know a world is an organism, not a machine. We also know that a genuinely created world must be independent of its creator; a planned world (a world that fully reveals its planning) is a dead world. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.And its source is [M] John Fowles. Then your answer will be 11M.Sources (From A to L)[Al Geoffrey Chaucer [G] Ernest Hemingway[B] Kate Chopin [H] John Keats[C] Joseph Conrad [I] D. H. Lawrence[D] Frederick Douglass [J] Percy Bysshe Shelley[E] T. S. Eliot [K] John Steinbeck[Fl Thomas Hardy [L] Harriet Beecher StowePassages1. The meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine.2. The migrant people, scuttling for work, scrabbling to live, looked always for pleasure, dug for pleasure, manufactured pleasure, and they were hungry for amusement.3. A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over:"Allez vous-en.t Allez vous-en! Sapristi.t That's all fight!"4. In that dizzy moment her feet to her scarce seemed to touch the ground, and a moment brought, her to the water's edge. Right on behind they came, and, nerved with strength such as God gives only to the desperate, with one wild cry, and flying leap, she vaulted sheer over the turbid current by the shore, on to the raft of ice beyond.5. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it. By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.6. We two whites stood over him, and his lustrous and inquiring glance enveloped us both. I declare it looked as though he would presently put to us some question in an understandable language; but he died without uttering a sound, without moving a limb, without twitching a muscle. Only in the very last moment, as though in response to some sign we could not see, to some whisper we could not hear, he frowned heavily, and that frown gave to his black death-mask an inconceivably somber, brooding, and menacing expression.7. It is the same! —For, be it joy or sorrow,The path of its departure still is free;Man's yesterday may ne'er'be like his morrow;Nought may endure but Mutability.8. A snake came to my water troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat,To drink there.9.The river's tent is broken: the last fingers of leafClutch and sink into the wet bank. The windCrosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed.10.Good table manners she had learnt as well:She never let a crumb from her mouth fall;She never soiled her fingers, dipping deepInto the sauce; when lifting to her lipsSome morsel, she was careful not to spillSo much as one small drop upon her breast.Her greatest pleasure was in etiquette.参考答案:1C 2K 3B 4L 5D 6C 7J 8I 9E 10 ?The following sections of the examination will be graded on both what you say and how you say it.Section2 Short Essays (90 points) (北京外国语大学2004年研)I. Summarize the plot of the following story in your own words (around200 words). (30points)2. Comment on the role of the wicked boy in the story. (30points)3.What is the theme of the story? Pay particular attention to the ending. (30points)A Wicked BoyBy Anton ChekhovIvan Ivanych Lapkin, a young man of nice appearance, and Anna Semionovna Zamblitskaia, a young girl with a little mined-up nose, went down the steep bank and sat down on a small bench. The bench stood right by the water among some thick young osier bushes. What a wonderful little place! Once you've sat down, you were hidden from the world—only the fish saw you, and the water-tigers, running like lightning over the water. The young people were armed with rods, nets, cans of worms, and other fishing equipment. Having sat down, they started fishing right away."I'm glad we're alone at last," Lapkin began, looking around. "I have to tell you a lot of things, Anna Semionovna... an awful lot... when I saw you the first time.... You've got a bite.... then I understood what I'm living for, understood where my idol was--to whom I must devote my honest, active life... that must be a big one that's biting.... Seeing you, I feel in love for the first time, feel passionately in love! Wait before you give it a jerk.... let it bite harder.... Tell me, my darling, I adjure you, may I count on--not on reciprocity, no! I'm not worthy of that, I dare not even think of that—may I count on .... Pull!"Anna Semionovna raised her hand with the rod in it, yanked, and cried out. A little silvery-green fish shimmered in the air."My Lord, a perch! Ah, ah.... Quickly! It's getting free!"The perch got free of the hook, flopped through the' grass toward its native element.... and plopped into the water!In pursuit of the fish, Lapkin somehow inadvertently grabbed Anna Semionovna's hand instead of the fish, inadvertently pressed it to his lips.... She quickly drew it back, but it was already too late; their mouths inadvertently merged in a kiss. It happened somehow inadvertently. Another kiss followed the first, then vows and protestations.... What happy minutes! However, in this earthly life there is no absolute happiness. Happiness usually carries a poison in itself, or else. is poisoned by something from outside. So this time, too. As the young people were kissing, a laugh suddenly rang out. They glanced at the river and were stupefied: a naked boy was standing in the water up to his waist. This was Kolia, a schoolboy, Anna Semionovna's brother. He was standing in the water, staring at the young people, and laughing maliciously."Ah-ah-ah... you're kissing?" he said. "That's great! I'll tell Mama.""I hope that you, as an honest young man..." muttered Lapkin, blushing. "It's low-down to spy, and to tell tales is foul and detestable... I assume that you, as an honest and noble young man...""Give me a ruble and then I won't tell!" said the noble young man. "Or else I will."Lapkin pulled a ruble out of his pocket and gave it to Kolia. Kolia squeezed the ruble in his wet fist, whistled, and swam off. And the young people didn't kiss any more that time.The next day Lapkin brought Kolia some paints and a ball from town, and his sister gave him all her empty pill-boxes. After that they had to give him some cuff-links with dogs' heads on them. The wicked boy obviously liked all these things very much and, in order to get still more, he started keeping his eye on them. Wherever Lapkin and Anna Semionovna went, he went, too. He didn't leave them alone for a minute."The bastard!" Lapkin gnashed his teeth. "So little, and already such a real bastard! What's he going to be like later?!"All through June, Kolia made life impossible for the poor lovers. He threatened to tell on them, kept his eye on them, and demanded presents; it all wasn't enough for him, and he finally started talking about a pocket watch. And what then? They had to promise the watch.One time at dinner, when the waffle cookies were being passed, he suddenly burst out in a guffaw, winked an eye, and asked Lapkin:"Shall I tell? Huh?"Lapkin blushed terribly and started eating his napkin instead of the cookie. Anna Semionovna jumped up from the table and ran into the other room. And the young people found themselves in this position until the end of August, until the very day when, at last, Lapkin proposed to Anna Semionovna. Oh, what a happy day that was! Having talked to the parents of his bride, and having received their consent, Lapkin first of all ran out into the garden and started looking for Kolia. Once he had found him, he almost sobbed from delight and seized the wicked boy by the ear. Anna Semionovna, who had also been looking for Kolia, ran up, and seized him by the other ear. And you really ought to have seen what joy was written all over the lovers' faces as Kolia cried and begged them:"Dearest, darling, angels, I'll never do it again! Ow, ow! Forgive me!"And afterwards they both admitted that during the whole time they had been in love with each other they had never once felt such happiness, such breath-taking bliss as during those moments when they were pulling the wicked boy's ears.参考答案:1. A young man, Lapkin fell in love with Anna. One day by the river as they were doing fishing, he expressed his love for her and they kissed. However, their kissing was discovered by Anna’s brother, Kolia. Kolia asked for a ruble, or he would go to Mama to tell on them. And he got the ruble. The next day Lapkin and Anna again gave him some presents for him to shut his mouth. Then the boy saw how much he could benefit from them. From time to time he demanded presents from the lovers and his small tricks would always work. While Kolia was content, it was the lovers who suffered. On the one hand, they were forced to meet Kolia’s demands for presents. On the other hand, Kolia kept a close watch on them so that they did not have free time of their own. It lasted about three months until the day when Lapkin proposed to Anna and got her parents’approval. Finally they got rid of the threat of Kolia and became librated. Then the lovers found out Kolia and punished him by seizing his ears.2. The wicked boy mainly plays two roles, one is that of obstruction, and the other is that of catalyst. Firstly, the wicked boy keeps a close watch on the lovers and goes wherever they go. Therefore, the lovers do not have time that belongs to them. So the wicked boy is an obstruction to the lovers. However, paradoxically, the wicked boy is also a catalyst in the development of the lovers’ relationship. On the one hand, with his tricks, the wicked boy becomes the common enemy of the lovers. And the two lovers work together to solve the problems raised by the wicked boy,which promotes the development of their relationship and also avoids the possibilities of their quarreling. Meanwhile, Lapkin’s proposal to Anna so early also to some extent attributes to the wicked boy’s tricks.3. The theme of the story is that freedom is the most valuable of all things. As we can see in the story, the lovers are kept watch by the wicked boy and are never left alone for even a minute. The wicked boy’s interference with the lovers’ life makes their life miserable so that they are not able to enjoy fully the time when they are dating. At last, after the proposal, they suddenly become overjoyed, as they finally bring their freedom back. That’s why at the end of the story, the lovers admits that they have never been so happy during their dating time as during the moments when they are punishing the boy by pulling his ears.Section 3 Creative Thinking (30points) (北京外国语大学2004年研)If you were the author, Somerset Maugham, what title would you give to the story below? Generate as many titles as you can before deciding on the best one. Be creative and go for quantity; list at least 10 titles.There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions, and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, "Master, just now when I was in the market, I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me." The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market, and he saw Death standing in the crowd and he came to Death and said, “Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?” “That was not a threatening gesture,”Death said. “It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.”参考答案:How Far Can He Escape?; The Doomed; Fate; Appointment with Death; The Meeting with Death: Escape Into His Destiny; To Escape or Not to Escape, That is a Question; The Servant and the Death; Stay Where You Are; Is to Escape the Best Strategy out of the Thirty-six Stratagem?Section4 Critical Thinking (20-point bonus)(北京外国语大学2004年研)You do not have to do the task in this section, but you will get a 20-point bonus if you do it correctly.Identify errors in logic, if any, in the following arguments. Justify your answers.1. Hey, John, check this out! Two weeks ago, I bought this good luck charm, and I’ve been carrying with me every day. Since the, I’ve been carrying it around with me every day. Since then, I found $50 on the street, I got the apartment I was hoping for, and I got a date with Elaine! This good luck charm really works!2. Look, either we do a full-color glossy brochure or we don’t do anything at all. It’s better to have nothing than to have something shabby. Do it right or don’t do it at all.3. If we legalize marijuana, watch out-the legalization of cocaine and other drugs can’t be far behind.本文档来源于布丁考研网( ),全国最真实、最全面的考研真题及资料库。
shi xu er chi4、举例简要说明儿化的作用。
四、语法部分1、判断下列说法是否正确,正确的画√,错误的画ⅹ (4分)(1)汉语的词类和句法成分之间有比较整齐的对应关系。
北京语言大学古汉语试题作者:日期: 23 4 52009古代漢語部分簡答 3' *5=15 ‘ 簡介《說文解字》,說明其影響之”、其”都可以做人稱代詞,說明他們用法上的限制 介詞乎”和于”的使用範圍的不同點 解釋月建和三正兩個概念 骈體文和散文語言特點的對比二、準确翻譯下列句子,說明舉重的詞義活用現象 3' *5=15 ‘越國以鄙遠,君知其難也 宗廟之事,如會同,願爲小相焉(北語壓縮了,這道題有點卡,所以記得很清楚)且夫我嘗聞少仲尼之聞,而輕伯夷之義者 一悟萬乘之主而從車百乘者,商之所長也5、三、準确翻譯下列句子,給讀破的字注音 3' *5=15 ‘夫人朝夕退而遊焉,以論執政之善否。
聖人爲而不恃,功成而不處,其不欲見賢耶?(卷面上确是問号) 翻譯句子和解釋加點詞 3' *5=15 ‘滕公,,,,,,,(雖然),未聞道也 五、句讀和翻譯15 ‘範宣子爲政,諸侯之币重,鄭人病之。
夫諸侯之賄 聚于公室,則諸侯貳。
諸侯貳,則晉國壞;晉國貳,則子之家壞,何沒沒也!将 焉用賄?夫令名,德之輿也;德,國家之基也。
《詩》雲:樂隻君子,邦家之基’,有令德也夫! 上帝臨女,無貳爾心’,有令名也夫!恕思以明德,則令名載而行之, 是以遠至迩安。
2008北语古代汉语75 '九翻译句子,说明句式的特点 20'若是其靡也,死不如速朽之愈也。
为之斗斛以量之,则并与斗斛而窃之 仁义修则见信,见信则受事十翻译句子,写出通假字 20' 1位尊而无功,奉厚而无劳,而挟重器多也3 / 125、四古之人(所以)大過人者,無他焉,善推其所爲而已矣。
答案:分别是m[m],n[n],l[l],r[ ],ng[ ].(后两个自己查书,打不出来)2.举例对现代汉语普通话的单元音/u/的各种条件变体进行描述。
(2分)(2)[ ]:做韵尾。
例如:好[x ],后[xo ]。
(2分)(4)[ ]:在[-f]声母后。
例如:夫[f ],父[f ]。
(6分)答案:s[s], h[x], sh[ ], r[ ], f[f], x[ ]。
答案:[zuei53 xou51], [ i55 n], [yan21 fa 55], [in55 t 35], [t n35 tu35], [lau21 u214], [t yn55 t yn 51], [t an21 lan21 kuan214]5.把下面这句话的变调的字找出来,并说明变调的情况:一群小鱼儿在河里游。
(8分)答案:一(音[i51]),小(音[ iau21]),鱼儿(儿化),里(轻声)。
4) 已经有一整年没活动筋骨了,整天坐在研究室里,翻阅资料,逐渐感觉到身体的机能在退化,筋骨像是长了锈,甚至出现腰酸背痛的迹象。
5) 澳门是中国南海边的一个小城,面积现有约24平方公里,人口也不过约43万人。但是,在中国的高等教育发展史上,书写了光辉的开创篇,因为中国第一所西式大学就是在这里于1594年创办的。
China's trading partners do have legitimate grievances, but it would be irresponsible and inaccurate for American politicians to pin the United States' economic sluggishness on scheming culprits in Beijing. Traveling in Asia in October, Treasury Secretary John Snow heeded political pressures back home in exhorting Chinese leaders to let the market price their currency. This is a desirable outcome in the long run, but a raft of immediate caveats come to mind.
(10)1、一点儿2、草稿儿3、毛驴儿4、树枝儿?? 5花瓶儿四、用严式音标给汉字注音,说明/u/的音位变体和分布条件。
(8)1、?? 水2、福3、问4、够五、给下列语音单位分类并回答。
(9)九、指出下列各组词在语法上的相同点和不同点(20)1、市民——晚上2、矫健——中型3、现在——正在4、但——却十、观察短语然后1、分别指出这些短语的结构类型(10)2、分析指出在构成手段上,汉语的短语和符合此有什么相同点和不同点(5)爹妈他们(?? )把这个(?? )解放以前(?? )木头似的(?? )约他来(?? )吃食堂(?? )拉住不放(?? )踹一脚(?? )这个(?? )说笑(?? )十一、分析下列句中主语的句法、语义构成情况,归纳并指出汉语主语的句法、语义构成特征(5)1、我吃完饭了。
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2004现汉古汉合卷现汉共八题一、根据舌位的高低给普通话的单元音韵母进行分类 5分二、请列出普通话声母总表 10分三、用严氏音标给下列词语注音,如有音变情况,请按音变规律注音 5分(1)老船长(2)小孩儿(3)回来(4)斧子(5)元月四、根据下列例句归并义项,并说明哪些义项可归入“等1”,哪些义项可归入“等2”或“等3” 10分1 等我办完这件事再去也不迟2 怎会有这等事发生3 请稍等一会儿4 这两种东西大小不等5 等他来了一块儿去6 中国有长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江等四大河流7 三加四等于七 8 老张买了纸张文具等等9 这种产品共分三等 10 我等的意见主要有以下几点五、辨析下列同义词语 10分1 保存-保留2 聊-聊天儿六、指出下列词的词性,并说明判别的理由 10分1 格外2 给予3 碧绿4 单项5 至于七、指出下列短语的结构类型 10分1 说“的”(动宾)2 裤子三条(主谓)3 桌子上(方位)4 三年后(方位)5 应该可以(偏正/状中)6 三月开花(偏正/状中)7 三月很冷(主谓) 8 拿笔来用(连谓) 9 有人找我(兼语)10 又吃又拿(联合)八、分析下列句子,单句要求分析句子的结构,复句要求找出语义关系类型 15分1 上级通知我们,今年暑假不放假。
2 小伙子稀里糊涂地就被捕了。
3 一阵大风,漫天遍野都是白茫茫的:好大的雪!4 大家都要认真观察,养成良好的观察习惯。
5 岳母因为有事来晚了,不然,也难免遇到这场难堪。
(10)1、一点儿2、草稿儿3、毛驴儿4、树枝儿 5花瓶儿四、用严式音标给汉字注音,说明/u/的音位变体和分布条件。
十四、汉语语法分析方法中,和变换分析法相比,语义特征分析法有哪些特点?(5)北京语言大学2005年课程与教学论专业现代汉语考研试题1.举例说明辅音和声母的异同2.写出普通话中所有合口呼韵母,并说说普通话的四呼和声母的搭配规律3.根据所给例句总结u的音位变体4.用国际音标标出下列含儿化的词语,并说明汉语儿化的音变情况5.下列结构中哪些是固定短语,哪些是自由短语6.下列结构中哪些属于词汇,说明语素和词的异同(五六两题考的是关于语素,词,固定短语,自由短语的判断,题目可能不准确)7.说出下列各词的构成方式(eg:联合式,偏正式,基本上书中的各种方式各有一个词)8.同义词的辨析躲,躲藏典型,榜样9.说出下列词语语法意义的不同具体的词不记得了,大概有5组词,考的是形容词和区别词、普通名词和时间名词、形容词和副词、连词和副词等容易混淆的词性的区别10.根据所给例句说明汉语主语的构成(说构成可能不准确,总之根据例句说出哪些成分可以做汉语的主语 eg:名词、代词。
只判断正误即可,不说明原因13.跟变换分析法相比,语义特征分析法的特点是什么 5分。