
- 是! 师傅
Yes, Master Shifu.
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
必须想办法,不能让他闯进山谷,他是想复仇。他会... 他会...
I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist .
大侠一言未发 因为他嘴里塞满了食物
The warrior said anything for his mouth was full.
It mattered not how many foes he faced,there were no match for his foedesity.
Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.
What was I...aah... ... I was dreaming about a...
面条了 Noodles.
面条? 你真的梦到面条了?
Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?
是啊 不然我还能梦什么
Legend tells of a legendary warrior, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.

《功夫熊猫》的中英⽂对照字幕 这⼏个⽉特别关注中国的经济和政治的⾛向,越看越惊⼼,越想越沮丧。
⽐如: 原⽂:【Shifu】Yes, look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! And this ridiculous belly, and utter disregard for personal hygiene. 字幕翻译成:“没错你瞧瞧你这⼤屁股松弛的臂还有这⼤肚腩还有对⾝体重要部位的毫⽆防备” 再如: 原⽂:Legend tales of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the staff of legend。
字幕翻译成:“传说有⼀名传奇⼤侠他的功夫⽆⼈能敌,谓之传奇” 类似这样的问题有很多,有些完全⽜头不对马嘴,有些对话辞不达意,有些缺乏⽂采…… 我⼀时兴起,想⾃⼰写⼀个中英对照的字幕,既可以学学英语,⼜可以玩玩电影字幕翻译。

legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skillswere the stuff of legend.he travelled the landin search of worthy foes.i see you like to chew.maybe you should on my fist.the warrior said anythingfor his mouth was full.then he swallowed.and then he spoke.enough talk. let's fight.he was so deadly in factthat his enemies will go blindfrom over exposure to pure awesomeness.my eyes!he's too awesome!and attractive.how can we re-pay you?there is no charge for awesomeness..or attractiveness.it mattered not how many foes he faced. they were no match for his voracity. never before had a pandabeen so feared and so loved.even the most heroic heroesin all of chinathe furious five.bowed in respect to this great master. we should hang out.agreed.but hanging out wouldhave to wait.cause when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain. there is only one thingthat matters and that...get up!you'll be late for work.po...get up!hey po.what are you doing up there?ahh.. nothing.monkey mantis crane vipertigress ... roarrrr!ahh...po. let's go.you're late for work.coming!sorry dad.sorry doesn't make the noodles.what were you doing up there?all that noise?oh...nothing.just had a crazy dream.about what? uh?what were you dreaming about?what was i...aah...... i was dreaming about a... noodles.noodles?you were really dreaming about noodles? uhh... yawhat else would i be dreaming about?oh careful.that soup is - sharp!oh... happy day.my son finally having the noodle dream. you don't know how longi have been waiting for this moment. this is a sign po.uh... a sign of what?you are almost ready to beentrusted with the secret ingredient ... of my secret ingredient soup.and then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant.just as i took over from my fatherwho took over from his father.who won it from a friendover a game of mahjong.dad dad dad.it was just a dream.no it was the dream.wu xiang noodles.po broth runs through our veins.but dad didn't you everwanted to do something else? something beside noodles.actually when i was youngand crazy.i thought of running awayand learning how to make tofu.so why didn't you?oh because it wasa stupid dream.can you imagine me making tofu?ha ha ha. tofu!no we all have our placein this world.my is here and yours is...... i know "is here".no it's tables 2 and 12.service with a smile.well done students...... if you were tryingto disappoint me.tigress you need more ferocity. monkey greater speed.crane height. viper subtlety. mantis... master shifu...master shifu... what?it...its master oogwayhe wants to see you.master oogway you summoned me?is something wrong?why must something be wrongfor me to want to see my old friend? so nothing is wrong?well i didn't say that.you were saying?i have had a vision.tai lung will return.that is impossible.he's in prison.nothing is impossible.zeng fly to chordom prison.tell them to double the guards double the weapons.double everything.tai lung does not leavethat prison.yes master shifu.one often meets his destiny onthe road he takes to avoid it.we have to do something. we can'tjust have him march in the valley.and take his revenge.he'll he'll...your mind is like this watermy friend. when it is agitated... ... it becomes difficult to see.but if you allow it to settlethe answer becomes clear.the dragon's scroll.it is time.but who?who is worthy to be trustedwith the secret to limitless power?to become the dragon warrior.i don't know.excuse me. sorry.oo...oo sorry.hey watch it po.sorry.aah... oop!sorry a thousand pardon.what?master oogway is choosinga dragon warrior today.everyone everyone go!get to the jade palace!one of the five is goingto get the dragon's scroll.we have been waiting a thousandyears for this. just take the bowl!this is the greatest day in kung fu history! don't worry about it. just go! po! where are you going?to the jade palace.but you're forgetting your noodle car. the whole valley will be there andyou will sell noodle to all of them. selling noodles?but dad. you know i was kindof thinking maybe i...ya?i was kind of thinking maybe i... ahh...haa..?could also sell the bean buns.they're about to go bad.that's my boy!i told you that dream was a sign. ya...i'm glad i had it.almost there.what?no!no! no!sorry po.we'll bring you back a souvenir.no i'll bring me back a souvenir.it's a historic day.isn't it master oogway?yes. the one i fearedi would not live to see.are your students ready?yes master oogway.now know this old friend... whomever i chose will not only bring peace to the valley but also to you. let the tournament begin!no no no wait!i'm coming.hey! open the door.let me in!citizens of the valley of peace.it is my great honourto present to youtigress viper crane monkey mantis. the furious five!ah...ah...ahh...they're the furious five!aah..aah... ouch!warriors prepare!blast no quick po.ready for battle.the thousand tons of fire!ho...ha...howw!wow... look at that!hey! get out of the way!uhh...oh...ohh!ah...ah...aah!hiyaah...ouch!and finally master tigress.believe me citizensyou have not seen anything yet.i know!master tigress faces iron armsand its blades of death.i sense the dragon warrioris among us.citizens of the valley of peace master oogway will now choosethe dragon warrior.hah...butta...no no no wait!yaa...ahh.ha...ha...haah!ha...ha...haah.po! what are you doing?what does it looklike i'm doing?stop! stop!i'm going to see the dragon warrior. but i don't understandyou finally have the noodle dream.i lied.i don't dream about noodles dad.i love kung fu...uuu!oh come on son.let's get back to work.1 1heay...okay.ahh...aahh...aah.po!...heay...heay...hey.oh...somebody...oh. what's going on?... where?why are you pointing...?oh. okay. sorry. i just wantedto see who the dragon warrior was?how interesting?master are you pointing at me?him.who?you.me?the universe has broughtus the dragon warrior.what? what?what? what!stop wait.who told you to...master oogway wait.that crabby panda can't possiblybe the answer to our problem.you were about to appoint the tigress. and that thing fell in front of her. that was just an accident.there are no accidents.forgive us master.we have failed you.no. if the panda has not quit by morning then i would have failed you. wait wait wait!i bring a message from master shifu. what? double the guard.extra precautions.your prison may not be adequate?you doubt my prison security? absolutely not!shifu does.i'm just the messenger.1 1 1 1i'll give you a messagefor your master shifu.escape from chordom prisonis impossible.impressive isn't it?yes very impressive.it is very impressive.one way in.and one way out.one thousand guardsand one prisoner.yes except that prisoner is tai lung. take us down.ahh...ahh...ahh...ahhoh...oo...oh..oh my...behold tai lung.i'll umm...i'll justwait right here.it's nothing to worry about.it's perfectly safe.both posts.at the ready.hey tough guy.did you hear...oogway is finally going to give someone the dragon scroll......and it's not going to be you.what are you doing?don't get him mad.what is he going to do about it?i've got him completely immobilised. haa...haa...haa...haa!oh...did i step onthe wooly kiddy's tail?i'm gonna... i've seen enough.i'm gonna tell shifu that hehas nothing to worry about.no he doesn't.okay i'll tell him that.hmm...can we please go now?oh. wait a second.i think there has beena slight mistake.err...everyone seemsto think i'm err...ahh...the sacred hall of warriors.no way.look at this place.master flying-rhino's armour.with authentic battle damage!wow...the sword of heroes.said to be so sharp you can cutyourself just by looking ... aah!...oww!the invisible dragon of destiny. uuhhs... i've only seen paintingsof that painting.aah...ah...ha...ha...ha...heeyah...yah.. aah...ah...ah..noo..! ho...oh oh oh...the legendary urn of whispering warriors. said to contain souls of theentire tenshu army.hello?have you finished sightseeing?sorry. i should havecome to see you first.my patience is running thin.ohh?well. i mean it's not likeyou are going anywhere.you turn around.sure.hey how is it going?how do you get ...master shifu!... ooh!... ohh...whooo...someone broke that...but i'm going to fix it...i...do you have some glue...whooo....aah...ouch...ooo!i've a splinter.so you are the legendary dragon warrior? hmm...ahh i guess so?wrong!you are not the dragon warrior.you will never be the dragon warrior... ... until you've learned the secretof the dragon scroll.wow...so...how does this work?do you have a ladder?a trampoline or...?umph...you think it is that easy?that i'm just going to hand youthe secret to limitless power?no! i...one must first master the highestlevel of kung fuand that is clearly impossibleif that one is someone like you.someone like me?yes!look at you!this fat blob. flabby arms.those are sensitive.in the flabby parts.and this ridiculous belly.hey...whooo...and utter disregard for personal hygiene.now wait a minute.that's a little uncalled for.don't stand that close. i can smell your breath. listen oogway said that i was the...uh... the wushi finger hold.never... master shifu don't...haa...oh... you know this hold?developed by master wushi in therd dynasty. yes.oh. then you must know what happenswhen i flex my pinky.no no no...you know the hardest part of this?...the hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. humm...okay. okay take it easy.now listen closely panda.oogway may have picked youbut when i'm through with you ...i promise youyou're going to wish he hadn't.are we clear?yes we're clear we're clear.we are so clear.good. hmm hmm hmm.i can't wait to get started.let's begin.wait wait wait.now?yes now.unless you think that the great oogway waswrong and you are not the dragon warrior. okay. well i don't knowif i can do all of those moves.well if we don't trywe will never know will we?yes it's just maybe we can findsomething more suited to my level.and what level is that?well you know...i'm not a master butlet's just start at zero.level zero.there is no such thing as level zero.hey maybe i can start with that.that. we use thatfor training children.and popping the dooropen when it is hot.but if you insist.wow... the furious five.you're so much biggerthan your action figures.except for you mantis.you're about the same.go ahead panda.show us what you can do.ahh...are they going to watch? or should i just wait until they get back to work or something? hit it.okay i mean i just ateand so i'm still digesting so mykung fu may not be as good as later on.just hit it.what'd you got?you've got nothing cos' i got it right here. you picking on my friends?get ready to fell the thunder.come on crazy feet.what're you going to do about crazy feet?come on. i'm a blur. i'm a blur.you've never seen bear style.you've only seen praying mantis.or monkey style.imagine snake-kiddy snake.would you hit it!alright. alright.why don't you try it again?a little harder.how's that?oohhh...oh that hurts!this will be easier than i thought.feeling a little nausea...ouch ouch ouch!oohh... my tenders.how did i do?there is now a level zero.don't deny that.i don't understand what master oogway was thinking. poor guy is going to get himself killed.he is so fighty.the dragon warrior fell outof the sky in a ball of fire.when he walksthe very ground shakes.one would think that master oogway wouldchoose someone who actually knew kung fu.yes. or could at least touch his toes.or even see his toes.okay.great.ooouuch!oh hey. hi.you're up?am now.i was just..er...someday...eh?the kung fu stuff is hard work right?your biceps sore.i've had a long day and ratherdisappointing day so...er...ya...i should probably get to sleep now.ya... ya...of course.okay. thanks.it's just i'm such a big fan...you guys were so totally amazingat the battle of the weeping river.outnumbered. a thousand to one.but you didn't stop. you just ....oh. sorry about that.ahh... look you don't belong here.er...i know i know.you're right.i don't have it.it's just my whole life i dream of...no no no. i meant you don'tbelong here i mean in this room.but this is my room.property of crane.oh okay right right.so...ya you want to get to sleep.keeping you up.we've got big things tomorrow.alright. you are awesome. the last thingi'm going to say. okay bye-bye.what was that?i didn't say anything.okay. alright. goodnight.sleep well.seem a little bit awkward.master tigress didn't meanto wake you. just a...you don't belong here.ah ya...ya of course...this is your room...i mean you don't belong in the jade palace. you're a disgrace to kung fu and ifyou have any respect of who we areand what we doyou will be gone by morning.big fan.i see you've found the sacred peachtree of heavenly wisdom.is that what this is?i'm so sorry.i thought it was justa regular peach tree.i understand you eatwhen you are upset.upset? i'm not upset.why would i be upset?so why are you upset?i probably sucked more todaythan anyone in the history of kung fu. in the history of china.in the history of sucking.probably.and the five...manyou should have seen themthey totally hate me.totally.how's shifu ever going to turn meinto the dragon warrior?i mean i'm not like the fivei've got no claws.no wingsno venom.even mantis got those thingies.may be i should just quitand go back to making noodles.quit. don't quit.noodles. don't noodles.you are too concerned withwhat was and what will be.there's a saying.yesterday is historytomorrow is a mysterybut today is a gift.that is why it is called the "present". oh no!what's happening?to your battle stations!go! go! go!fire cross-bow!fire!fire!tai lung's free. i must warn shifu.you are not going anywhere.neither is he!let go of me.bring it up!wait! bring it back!he's going this way.he won't get far.archers!we dead.so very very dead.ha..ha. not yet we're not.now!can we run now?yes.i am glad shifu sent you.i was beginning to feeli'm being forgotten.fly back there and tell them thereal dragon warrior is coming home.good morning master.panda!panda! wake up!hmm hmm hmm...he's quitted.what do we do now masterwith the panda gone?who will be the dragon warrior?all we can do is resume our trainingand trust that in time...the true dragon warrior will be revealed. what are you doing here?haa...hey.good morning master.i thought i'll warm up a little.you're stuck.stuck?...no...what?...stuck?no...this is one of the...ya...i'm stuck.help him.oh dear.lift me on three.one two ....thank you.don't mention it.no really. i appreciate it......ever.you actually thought you couldlearn to do a full split in one night.it takes years to developones flexibility.and years longer to apply it in combat. put that down!the only souvenirs we collect down hereare bloody knuckles and broken bones. yaa...ha...ha...ha.excellent!let's get started.are you ready?i was born ready...oww!oww!...oh!. i'm sorry brother.i thought you said you're ready.that was awesome!let's go again!i've been taking it easy on you pandabut no more. your next opponent......will be me.alright. ya...let's go!step forth!the true path to victory is to findyour opponent's weakness.and make him suffer for it.oh yeah. to take his strengthand use it against him.until he finally falls or quits.but a real warrior never quits.don't worry master i'll never quit.if he is smart he won'tcome back those steps.but he will.he's not going to quit is he?he's not going to quit bouncing.i'll tell you that.oouch! i thought you saidaccupuncture will make me feel better.trust me it will.it's just not easy finding right nerve points under all this...fat?fur!i was going to say fur.sure you were.who am i to judge a warriorbased on his size?so i mean look at me.i'm over here.haa...aah...maybe you should take a look at this again. ohh... okay.oouch!stop! stop it!eee...ouch!i know master shifu is tryingto inspire me and all.but if i didn't know any betteri'll say he's trying to get rid of me.i know he can seem like heartless. aaahh...!but you know he wasn'talways like that.according to legend there was once a time when master shifu actually used to spy... no...yes but that was before...before what?before tai lung.aah...ya.we are not really suppose to talk about him. well if he is going to stay herehe should now.guys guysi know about tai lung.he was a student. the first to evermaster the 1 scrolls of kung fu.and then he turned badand now he's in jail.he wasn't just a student.shifu found him as a cub.and he raised him as his son.and when the child showedtalent in kung fushifu trained him.he believed in him. he told himhe was destined for greatness.it was never enough for tai lung.he wanted the dragon scroll.but oogway saw darknessin his heart and refused.outraged tai lunglaid waste to the valley.he tried to take the scroll by force.and shifu has to destroywhat he had created.but how could he?shifu loved tai lung like hehas never love anyone before.what's it?and now he has a chanceto make things right.to train the true dragon warrior.and he is stuck with you.a big fat panda whotreats it like a joke.ohh... that's it!wait! my fault!i accidentally tweaked his facial nerves. and may have also stopped his heart. inner peace.inner peace.inner...in...in...ininner peace.look whoever is making thatflapping sound quiet down.inner...quaaa!oh zeng excellent.i could use some good news now. aaahh....master. master.hmm...i...i..have ...it's a...it's a very bad news.aah... shifu. there's just news.no good or bad.master your vision was right.tai lung has broken out of prison.he's on his way.that is bad news...... if you do not believe thatthe dragon warrior can stop him.panda? master that pandais not the dragon warrior.he wasn't even meant to be here.it was an accident.there are no accidents.yes i know.you said that already.well that was no accident either. thrice.my old friend.the panda will never fulfillhis destiny nor you yours.until you let go of theillusion of control.illusion?yes.look at this tree shifu.i cannot make it blossomwhen it suits me.nor make it bearfruit before it's time.but there are thingswe can control.i can control whenthe fruit will fall.i can control whereto plant the seed.that is no illusion master. ah...yes but no matterwhat you dothat seed will growto be a peach tree.you may wish for anapple or an orange.but you will get a peach.but a peach cannot defeat tai lung. maybe it can if you are willingto guide it to nurture it.to believe in it.but how? how?i need your help master.no you just need to believe. promise me shifu.promise me you will believe.i... i will try.hmm...good.my time has come.you must continue your journey without me.what?...what?...what are you...master.you can't leave me.you must believe.master.i'm not scared...yet.sound like fun. he maybe a wolf.you may be the scariest banditin harjin province.but you're a lousy tipper.really.so how did youget out of there alive?i mean i didn't actually said thatbut i thought it in my mind.if he could read my mindhe would have been like...what?order up!you like it?this is really good.now come on. you should trymy dad's secret ingredient soup.he actually knows the secret ingredient. what are you talking about?this is amazing.wow...you are really a good cook.i wish my mouth was bigger.tigress you got to try this.hmm...it is said that the dragon warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single gingko leafand the energy of the universe.i guess my body doesn't knowit's the dragon warrior yet.i need lard more than dewand the universe juice.what?oh nothing master shifu.ha...ha...ha...ha!you will never be the dragon warrior unless you lose pounds.and brush your teeth.what is the noise you're making?laughter?i have never heard of it.work hard panda and maybe somedayyou'll have ears like mine.that's good.oh...oh yup.ears?it's not working for you.i thought they're pretty good.it's shifu!of course it's shifu.what do you think i'm doing?master shifu.aahh...you think this is funny!tai lung has escaped from prison!and you all are acting like children!what?he's coming for the dragon scroll andyou're the only one who can stop him.ha...and here i am saying you'vegot no a sense of humour.i am gonna... step down.what? you're serious?and i have to...aaa...not...master oogway will stop him.he did it before. he'll do it again.oogway cannot!not anymore.haa?our only hope is the dragon warrior.the panda?yes the panda!master please let us stop tai lung?this is what you train us for!no! it is not your destiny to defeat tai lung! it is his! where did he go? you cannot leave! a real warrior never quit! watch me! come on! how am i suppose to beat tai lung? i can't even beat you to the stairs. you willbeat him because you are the dragon warrior. ouch! you don't believe that! oh! you never believed that. from the first moment i got here you've been tryingto get rid of me. yes i was! but now i ask you to trust in your master asi have come to trust in mine. you are not my master. and i am not the dragon warrior. then why didn't you quit? you knew i was trying to get rid of you. yet you stayed. ya. i stayed. i stayed because every time you threw a brick atmy head or said i smelled it hurt! but it could never hurt more than itdid everyday in my life just being me. i stayed because i thought if anyone could change me could make me not me... ...it was you. the greatest kung fu teacherof all of china. but i can change you! i can turn you into the dragon warrior.and i will! come on tai lung is on his way right now. and even if it takeshim a hundred years to get here. how are you going to change this into the dragon warrior? hah? how? how? how? i don't know! i do not know that's what i thought. this is what she trains for it tigress! don'ttry and stop me. we are not trying to stop you. what? we are coming withyou. what? i eat when i am upset okay! oh! no need to explain. i just thought you might be monkey. he hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf. don'ttell monkey. look at you. yaaa..! i know i disgust you. no i mean how didyou get up there? i don't know ...i... i don't know. just get the cookies. and yet you are feet off the ground and have done a perfect split. no this? thisis just an accident! i know you are trying to be all mystical and kung fu-ee. but could you least tell me where we are going? you drag me all the way out herefor a bath? panda we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. uuh?...the pool of... this is where oogway unraveled the mysteries of harmonyand focus. this is the birth place of kung fu. do you want to learn kungfu? yes then i am your master. okay! don't cry. okay. when youfocus on kung fu when you concentrate you stink. but perhaps that is my fault.i cannot train you the way i trained the five. i see now that the way to get through to you is with this. aah great cause i am hungry. good when youhave been trained you may eat. let's begin. after you panda. justlike that. no sit-ups. no ten-mile hike. i vowed to train you and you've been trained. you are free to eat. enjoy hey! i said you are free to eat. have a dumpling. you are free to eat. am i? are you? i am not hungry. master. cut it! where is the dragon warrior? how do you know you are not looking at her? you think i'm a fool. i know you are not the dragon warrior.none of you! i heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire. but he'sa warrior unlike anything in the world has ever seen. po? so that is his name. po! finally a worthy opponent. the battle will be legendary. we gotthis help her. monkey! jump! mantis! now! shifu taught you well. but he didn't teach you everything. you have done well panda. done well? done well! i have done awesome! the mark of a true hero is humility. butyes you have done awesome. five? fives! they're dead. no they are breathing. they're asleep? no their eyes are open. we were no match forhis nerve attack. he has gotten stronger. tai lung? stronger! he'stoo fast. sorry po. i thought we could stop him. he could have kill you. whydidn't he? so you can come back here... ...and strike fear into our hearts. butit won't work. it might. i mean a little. i'm pretty scared. you can defeathim panda. are you kidding? if they can't... they're five masters. i'm justone me. but you have the one thing that no one else does you really believei'm ready. you are po. behold the dragon scroll. it is yours. wait.。

很久以前,在古代中国,Long ago,in ancient China,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。
The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。
They brought great joy and prosperity to the city因为他们发明了烟火。
For they had invented fireworks.但他们的儿子,沈王爷But their son,Lord Shen在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的计划。
Saw darker path in the fireworks.能带来色彩与快乐的东西What that brought color and joy同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。
Can also brink darkness and destruction.沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一位先知求教。
Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer.她预言道,如果沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟,She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path,他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。
He will be defeated by the warrior of black and white.这位少主开始改变他的命运。
The Young Lord set out to change his fate.但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。
But what he did next,only sealed.沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。
Shen returned to his parents for a pride.但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。
But in their faces,he saw only horror.他被驱逐出了这座城市,永远不得回来。

SubtitleLegend legendary Foes (opponent) chew on(考虑)(the warrior said nothing ,for his mouth was full.) Swallow enough talk(少说废话) shashabooey that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. He is too awesome. Attractive how can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractive ( 凶猛帅气本是天生) bodacity never before had a panda been so feared. ---We should hang out.(闲逛)---agreed demon(恶魔,邪恶的人)that’s only one thing that matters. You will be late for work. What are you doing up there? Nothing monkey mantis crane viper tigress. Coming(就来了) sorry doesn’t make the noodles. What were you doing up there? all that noise. I just had a crazy dream. About what? What else would I be dreaming about? That soup is sharp. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for the moment. This is a sign.(好兆头)you are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. Then you will fullfil your destiny and take over the restaurant. mahJong we are noodle folk, broth(肉汤,液体培养基)runs through our veins. Didn’t you ever want to do something else? I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. A stupid dream we all have our place in this world.Service with a smile.Well done! You need more ferocity(凶猛,残忍,暴行).Greater speed. Subtlety(微妙,敏锐,精明)master oogway you summoned me. Why must something wrong for me to want to see my old friend? I have had a vision. Nothing is impossible. Guard weapon one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.We can’t let him march on(前进,进攻) the valley, take his revenge. Your mind is like the water,when it is agitated(焦虑,激动,不安),it becomes difficult to see. The dragons’scroll who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? Watch it suck it up.(别抱怨,算了吧,忍耐)A thousand pardons. Bow you’re forgetting your noodle cart. Bean buns they are about to go bad. There is spots at the top. We will bring you back a souvenir. It is a historic day. Tournament(锦标赛)let me in . it is my great honor to present to you peeky-hole ready for battle get out of the way(让开,避开)you have not seen anything yet face iron oxand his blades of death I sense the dragon warrior is among us. I lied. What’s going on?I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was. Are you pointing at me? The universe has brought us the dragon warrior. That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem. You were about to point at tigress and that thing fell in front of her. There are no accidents. Forgive us we have failed you. If the panda has not quit by morning,then I will have failed you. Extra precaution your prison may not be adequate. You doubt my prison security. Absolutely not. I am just the messenger. Impressive . take us down behold(瞧看)I am just gonna wait right here(就是这里)(我就在这里等着好了). It’s perfectly safe. Crossbow tough guy don’t get him mad what’s he gonna do about it?i have got him completely immobilized. Tailwait a second I think there’s been a slight mistake. The sacred(神圣的)hall of warriors armor(装甲,盔甲)authentic(真正的)battle damage sword invisible I’ve only seen paintings(印刷品)of that painting. the legendary urn(瓮,骨灰盒)of whispering warriors. Have you finished sight-seeing(观光)? I should have come to you frist. My patience is wearing thin. Would you turn around? Fix it glue I guess so . ladder trampoline (蹦床)you think it’s that easy? Secret to limitless power one must firstmaster the highest level of kung fu. This fat butt, flabby arms those are sensitive in the flabby parts. This ridiculous belly. And utter disregard for personal hygiene.(卫生,卫生学)That’s uncalled for(不适当的,没有理由的). Don’t stand that close, I can smell your breath. Developed by master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty(秦朝).Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky. The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. Take it easy. Now listen closely.Maybe we can find something more suited to my level. What level is that? Let’s just start at zero. Prop(支撑,支持)the door open when it is hot you are bigger than your action figures.(人形公仔,动作玩偶)Go ahead show us what you can do. Are they gonna watch,or I wait till they get back to work? Digest you pick on my friends? I am coming at you with crazy feet. Blur how’s that?(怎么样) I am feeling a little nauseous (令人作呕的,厌恶的).My tenders how did I do?There’s no words.(我都无语了)no denying that.(可不是吗)the poor guy’s gonna get himself killed. Mighty(有势力的,有力的,很)toes that kung fu stuff is hard work, are your biceps sore? I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day. I am such a big fan. You guys were amazing at the battle of weeping river. Outnumbered(寡不敌众)a thousand to one(以一敌千),but you didn’t stop. Sorry about that. Property of crane. Sleep well that seemed a little awkward. I didn’t mean to wake you. You are a disgrace to kung fu. I thought it was just a regular peach tree. you eat when you are upset. I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. Claw wing venom(毒液,使有毒)you are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present”.What’s happening? Fire crossbows. He is coming this way/ archer commander (指挥官)all we can do is resume(做简历讲时另作读音;重新开始,继续)our training and trust that in time. Reveal warm up stuck(卡住)maybe on three(数到三)) don’t metion it ever(永远=打住) you actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one’s flexibility. And years longer to apply it in combat. Put that down. I’ve been taking it easy on you,but no more. Step forth. The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness. Bounce (跳弹) acupuncture (针灸) right nerve point he is trying to inspire me. Get rid of me heartless(铁石心肠) there was once a time when shifu actually used to smile. We are not really supposed to talk about him. He turned bad jail cub(幼兽)he told him he was destined for greatness. Outraged he tried to take the scroll by force. Shifu had to destroy what he had created. Shifu loved him like he had never loved anyone before.Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down He wasn’t meant to be(命中注定)here. Thrice illusion I can’t make it blossom when It suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. Plant the seed nurture promise me my time has comewolf scariest banditin a lousy(讨厌的) tipper(给小费的人)you are a really good cook, I wish my mouth was bigger. Dew of ginkgo leaf(银杏叶)and the energy of the universe. Brush your teeth how am I supposed to beat him?Throw a brick at my head no need to explain. I thought you might be monkey. he hides the almond(杏仁,杏树) cookies on the top shelf. I disgust you. How did you get up there? You are ten feet off the ground. An accident(名词:意外)could you at least tell me where we are going? You dragged me . we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. This is the place where oogway unraveled(解决,阐明,散开)the mysteries.(注:unrevealed=未揭露的)This is the birth place of kung fu. Concentrate you stink(臭味,讨厌的人,招人讨厌)sit-up(仰卧起坐) ten-mile hike I vowed (发誓,郑重宣告)to train you, and you have been trained, you are free to eat. Have a dumpling.You think I am a fool? Our battle will be legendary.I have done awesome.(了不起)The mark of a true hero is humility.(谦卑,谦逊)We were no match for(不是…的对手)his nerve attach.(点穴) so you could come back and strike fear into(使感到害怕)our hearts. but it won’t work. Scared you can defeat him. Behold the dragon scroll . can I punch through(穿通现象)walls/ I probably loosened it up for you though. It is blank. I am forbidden to look upon. Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all(毕竟,终究). He picked me by accident. Evacuate(疏散,撤退,排泄)the valley. You must protect the villagers from his rage.I will fight him. I can hold him off long enough. It is time for you to continue your journey without me. I am very proud to have been your master. Gather the southern farmers light the way slice I am sorry if things didn’t work out. Your destiny still awaits. honestly the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing. You don’t add some kind of special sauce (酱油,沙司,调味品)or something? To make something special,you just believe it’s special.There is no secret ingredient.This is no longer your home.Did I scare him off? I rotted in jail for 20years because of your weakness. Obey(服从)you are not meant to be the dragon warrior. Crack I would rather die. Blind me I don’t want your apology.(名词,道歉)Buddy(伙伴)don’t tempt(诱惑)me . lightning I am gonna pee.(尿,撒尿)You are bluffing.(欺骗,吓唬)Nope (不是,不,没有)I figured it out.(搞明白)Skadoosh i defeated him. It is as oogway foretold. You idiot?I am simply at peace. Want to get something to eat??/ yeah Jackie chan。

中英文对照字幕很久以前,在古代中国,Long ago, in ancient China,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。
The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。
They brought great joy and prosperity to the city因为他们发明了烟火。
For they had invented fireworks.但他们的儿子,沈王爷But their son, Lord Shen在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的计划。
Saw darker path in the fireworks.能带来色彩与快乐的东西What that brought color and joy同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。
Can also brink darkness and destruction.沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一位先知求教。
Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer.她预言道,如果沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟,She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path, 他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。
He will be defeated by the warrior of black and white.这位少主开始改变他的命运。
The Young Lord set out to change his fate.但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。
But what he did next, only sealed.沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。
Shen returned to his parents for a pride.但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。
But in their faces, he saw only horror.他被驱逐出了这座城市,永远不得回来。

功夫熊猫传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士Legend tells of a legendary warrior,他的功夫无人能敌whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义He travelled the land in search of worthy foes.既然你这么爱吃试吃看看我的拳头如何!I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist. 武士一言未发因为他嘴里塞满了食物The warrior said anything for his mouth was full.但他一口把食物吞下然后说"少啰唆! 接招吧!" 看招Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight.他的致命招数无人能挡敌人都被他的正义之光闪瞎了眼He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness.我看不见了! 他武功盖世! 极具魅力My eyes! He's too awesome!我们该怎么报答你呢?And attractive. How can we re-pay you?"路见不平,拔刀相助" 无需回报!There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness.爆发吧! 千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大It mattered not how many foes he faced.They were no match for his voracity.有史以来最使人敬畏又最令人销魂的熊猫Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客也对他佩服得五体投地Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master.什么时候一起出去放松放松没问题We should hang out. Agreed.但现在不是放松的时候面对石门山一万疯狂大军时But hanging out would have to wait. Cause when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain.当务之急是...There is only one thing that matters and thats...你该起床不然要迟到了Get up! You'll be late for work.啥? 阿波快起床Po... Get up!阿波你在那干嘛呢Hey, Po. What are you doing up there?没干嘛Ahh.. nothing.猴子! 螳螂! 仙鹤! 毒蛇! 老虎!Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress ... Roarrrr! Ahh...阿波快点你要迟到了Po. Let's go. You're late for work.我来了Coming!对不起老爸对不起有什么用又不能拿它来煮面条Sorry Dad. Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles.你刚在楼上干什么那么吵?What were you doing up there? All that noise?没什么做了个怪梦而已Oh...nothing. Just had a crazy dream.关于什么的梦? 你梦到什么了?About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about?我梦到... What was I...aah... ... I was dreaming about a...面条了面条? 你真的梦到面条了?Noodles. Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?是啊不然我还能梦什么Uhh... Ya, what else would I be dreaming about?当心面汤很"烫" Oh, careful. That soup is - sharp!太令人高兴了我的儿子终于梦到了面条Oh... happy day. My son finally having the noodle dream.你不知道为了这一刻我已经等待了多久You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment.这是个好兆头阿波This is a sign, Po.什么事情的兆头? Uh... a sign of what?你就要准备好继承我的"神秘配方汤"的神秘配方了You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient, ... of my secret ingredient soup.然后实现你的命运接管这间餐馆And then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant.就像我从我父亲那继承Just as I took over from my father who took over from his father.他又继承自他的父亲最早是他和朋友打麻将赢来的who won it from a friend over a game of mahjong.老爸别激动不过是个梦Dad, dad, dad. It was just a dream.不这不是一般的梦No, it was the Dream.我们是面条世家面汤在我们的血液中流串着Wu Xiang noodles. Po, broth runs through our veins.但是老爸你有没有想过... 去干点别的- 1 -But Dad, didn't you ever wanted to do something else? 除了做面条之外Something, beside noodles.实际上想当年我年轻气盛时Actually, when I was young and crazy.也曾想过要离家出走去学做豆腐I thought of running away and learning how to make tofu. 为什么没去呢? So why didn't you?因为那个梦想愚蠢得很Oh, because it was a stupid dream.你能想象我做豆腐是什么样子吗?Can you imagine me making tofu?啊哈哈哈豆腐?Ha, ha, ha. Tofu!笑死人了我绝不会干我们都有自己的宿命No, we all have our place in this world.我的地盘就是这而你的...My is here and yours is... ..我知道也是这 . I know "is here".不对是2号9号7号和12号桌的No, its tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12.别忘了微笑Service with a smile.干得好徒弟们你们让我失望的本领真好Well done, students... ... if you were trying to disappoint me.小虎不够凶狠大猴加快速度Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey greater speed. 老鹤再高点毒蛇不够灵巧螳螂...Crane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis... Master Shifu...- 师傅- 干嘛? Master Shifu... What?龟仙人有请It...its Master Oogway, he wants to see you. 龟仙人您召见我有何贵干?Master Oogway, you summoned me? Is something wrong?一定得有要事才能见见自己的老朋友吗Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?这么说来...没事? So, nothing is wrong?我可没那么说Well, I didn't say that.你是想说... You were saying?我预见到...太郎将重出江湖I have had a vision. Tai Lung will return.这不可能! 他身处狱中That is impossible. He's in prison.万事皆有可能Nothing is impossible.平先生火速飞去啸岗监狱Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison. Tell them to double the guards,叫他们把狱守数量加倍把武器加倍把一切都加倍Double the weapons. Double everything.- 绝不能让太郎逃出来Tai Lung does not leave that prison.- 是! 师傅Yes, Master Shifu.命中注定的事躲也躲不过One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.我们必须有所行动如果太郎真的回到和平谷报仇We have to do something. We can't just have him march in the valley. And take his revenge.他会... 他会...He'll, he'll...你的心好似这潭湖水老朋友Your mind is like this water my friend. When it is agitated...如果波澜起伏就会模糊不清... it becomes difficult to see.但如果平静下来But if you allow it to settle,解决之道必将自现the answer becomes clear.龙之典The Dragon's scroll.时候到了... It is time.但是谁呢? But who?谁有资格继承这无穷的力量?Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?谁有资格成为龙斗士? To become the Dragon Warrior.我不知道I don't know.不好意思借过Excuse me. Sorry.- 嘿看着点阿波Oo...oo sorry. Hey, watch it Po.- 对不起卡住了Sorry. Aah... Oop!抱歉没关系我洗过澡了... Sorry, a thousand pardon.快看! What?龟仙人要比武挑选龙斗士了就在今天Master Oogway is choosing a Dragon Warrior, today.大家快去玉殿Everyone, everyone, go! Get to the Jade Palace!中原五侠客之一将被授予龙之典One of the five is going to get the Dragon's Scroll.等了几千年终于等到今天赶快吃吃完快走快去呀!!We have been waiting a thousand years for this. Just take the bowl!这是武林史上的一大盛事This is the greatest day in Kung Fu history!- 2 -别管钱了快走吧Don't worry about it. Just go!阿波你要上哪去?Po! Where are you going?上玉殿去To the Jade Palace.带上你的面条小车But you're forgetting your noodle cart.整个山谷的村民都会上那去The whole valley will be there and you will sell noodle to all of them.我们的面条就能卖疯了卖面条?Selling noodles?- 老爸我在想...But Dad. You know I was kind of thinking, maybe I... .- 什么? Ya?- 或许我可以..I was kind of thinking, maybe I... Ahh...Haa..?把面条和馒头放一块卖馒头放着都快发霉了Could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad.这才是我的儿子! That's my boy!我就说那个梦是个好兆头I told you that dream was a sign.没错做这个梦真好... Ya... I'm glad I had it.我是武林高手! 我也是! 加油加油就快到了Almost there.老天别这么对我别这么对我What? No! No ! No!我们先走了阿波Sorry Po.放心吧会给你带纪念品的那怎么行我自己来We'll bring you back a souvenir. No, I'll bring you back a souvenir.今天将会是历史性的一天是吧? 龟仙人It's a historic day. Isn't it Master Oogway?是啊没想到我能活着看到这天Yes. The one I feared I would not live to see.你的徒弟们准备好了吗? Are your students ready?一切就绪了龟仙人Yes, Master Oogway.记好了老朋友Now know this old friend...选中的人不但会给山谷带来安宁还能抚平你的心灵Whomever I chose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you.武林大会正式开始! Let the tournament begin!别关别关我来了该死No, no, no, wait! I'm coming. 把门打开Hey! Open the door.让我进去Let me in!和平谷的村民们Citizens of the Valley of Peace.很荣幸为你们介绍It is my great honour to present to you,老虎毒蛇仙鹤猴子螳螂Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.传说中的中原五侠客The Furious Five! Ah...Ah...Ahh...哇! 中原五侠客They're The Furious Five! Aah..aah... ouch!请各就各位Warriors prepare!先等等别开始Blast, No, Quick Po.比武即将开始Ready for battle.千吨烟火齐发The thousand tons of fire! Ho...ha...howw!快看那招式嘿! 闪开点Wow... Look at that! Hey! Get out of the way!Uhh...Oh...ohh! Ah...ah...aah! Hiyaah...ouch!最后上场的是...悍娇虎And finally, Master Tigress.相信我村民们你们还没见到真正的绝招Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet.还用你说I know!她的杀手•除了强壮的体魄和犀利的眼神外还有其致命的虎爪功Master Tigress faces Iron Arms and its Blades of Death.我感受到了...龙斗士...气脉I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.和平谷的村民们Citizens of the Valley of Peace,龟仙人将挑选龙斗士的继承者Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior.就选了! 等一等Hah...butta... No, no, no wait! Yaa...ahh.Ha...ha...haah!Ha...ha...haah.阿波你在干什么!Po! What are you doing?你说我是在干嘛? What does it look like I'm doing?别吹别吹我要去看龙斗士Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior.我不明白你怎么了你好不容易才做了关于面条的梦But I don't understand, you finally have the noodle dream.我撒谎了老爸我没梦到面条I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad.我爱武功I love Kung Fu...uuu!- 3 -好了儿子回去工作吧Oh come on son. Let's get back to work.好吧Heay...okay. Ahh...aahh...aah.儿子! Po!...Heay...heay...hey.我是要...我在哪?Oh...Somebody... Oh. What's going on? ... Where?你在指什么? Why are you pointing...?对不起我只想看看谁成为了龙斗士Oh. Okay. Sorry. I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was?真有意思How interesting?龟仙人您是在指我吗? Master, are you pointing at me? - 我在指他Him.- 指谁? Who?- 就是你You.- 我? Me?冥冥宇宙为我们指定了龙斗士The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior.怎么可能? What? What?怎么可能? What? What!等等停下来谁让你们... Stop wait. Who told you to...龟仙人等一下Master Oogway, wait.那个大肥熊猫绝不可能解决我们的问题!That crabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem.你是要指小虎的结果那东西掉到了她面前You were about to appoint the Tigress.and that thing fell in front of her.完全是个巧合! That was just an accident.世间无巧合There are no accidents.恕我们无能师父令您失望了Forgive us Master. We have failed you.先别急若明早之前这个熊猫还未自行退出那就是我的失职No. If the panda has not quit by morning, then I would have failed you.刀下留人我是来送信的是宗师的信Wait, wait, wait! I bring a message from Master Shifu.你说什么? 要我们把狱守数量加倍?What? Double the guard.还要增加额外防范措施?Extra precautions."监狱防卫设施可能不够"Your prison may not be adequate?你怀疑我的监狱不安全?You doubt my prison security?当然不是Absolutely not!是师傅对此不放心我只是个送信的Shifu does. I'm just the messenger.那你帮我回个话I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu.从啸岗监狱逃跑简直是天方夜谭Escape from Chordom prison is impossible.惊人吧Impressive isn't it?惊人至极Yes, very impressive.It is very impressive.进出都只有一条道One way in. And one way out.一千个狱守监视一个犯人One thousand guards and one prisoner.我知道但这个犯人可是...太郎Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung.把我们放下去Take us down. Ahh...ahh...ahh...ahh Oh...oo...oh..天哪Oh my...这就是太郎Behold Tai Lung.我还是在这里等你吧I'll umm...I'll just wait right here.没什么好怕的安全的很It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe.弓箭手随时待命Both posts. At the ready.小子听说没龟仙人终于找人继承龙之典了Hey tough guy. Did you hear... Oogway is finally going to give someone the Dragon Scroll...而这个人肯定不会是你...and it's not going to be you.你在干嘛别惹恼了他What are you doing? Don't get him mad.他能把我怎么样他连一根指头都动不了What is he going to do about it?I've got him completely immobilised.Haa...haa...haa...haa!哦啊我是不是踩到小豹豹的尾巴了Oh...Did I step on the wooly kiddy's tail?行了我已经看够了I'm gonna... I've seen enough.我会转达宗师没什么好担心的I'm gonna tell Shifu that he has nothing to worry about.- 没错他完全不必担心No, he doesn't.- 我会传达的Okay I'll tell him that.能离开这了吗? Hmm... Can we please go now?等一下Oh. Wait a second.- 4 -这里面可能有点小误会I think there has been a slight mistake.似乎每个人都认为我是...Err...Everyone seems to think I'm err...哇塞! 这不是隐秘的侠者之殿吗?Ahh...The sacred Hall of Warriors.No way.看看这个地方Look at this place.犀牛大侠的盔甲Master Flying-Rhino's armour.连打仗时受的损伤都还在!With authentic battle damage!英雄剑Wow...the Sword of Heroes.锋利到看一眼都会被割伤Said to be so sharp, you can cut yourself just by looking ... Aah!...Oww!隐形的青龙偃月刀The invisible Dragon of Destiny.我终于看到这幅画了真的是这幅画吗?Uuhhs... I've only seen paintings of that painting. Aah...ah...ha...ha...ha... Heeyah...yah.. Aah...ah...ah..不会吧Noo..! Ho...oh, oh, oh...传说中装载着武士耳语的瓷瓮The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors.整个天蜀军尽在其中Said to contain souls of the entire Tenshu army.有人在吗?Hello? Have you finished sightseeing?你游览完了吗? 对不起我应该第一个就来看你的Sorry. I should have come to see you first.我没什么耐心My patience is running thin.Ohh?反正你也跑不掉Well. I mean, it's not like you are going anywhere.- 转过身来- 好的You turn around.Sure.你好你是怎么...宗师!Hey, how is it going?How do you get 500...Master Shifu!... Ooh!...有人把花瓶打破了Ohh...whooo... Someone broke that...我会把它补好的But I'm going to fix it...I...你有胶水吗? Do you have some glue...啊! 噢~ 噢~ 扎到我了Whooo.... Aah...ouch...ooo! I've a splinter.你就是传说中的龙斗士嗯?So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior?Hmm...- 呃! 大概是吧Ahh, I guess so?- 错Wrong!你不是龙斗士也不可能成为龙斗士You are not the Dragon Warrior.You will never be the Dragon Warrior...除非你能领悟龙之典中的奥义... until you've learned the secret of the Dragon scroll.哇噢! Wow...so...那么该怎么做? How does this work?你有没梯子弹簧床之类的东西?Do you have a ladder? a trampoline or...?你太天真了以为我会就这样把无穷力量的奥秘告诉你?Umph...You think it is that easy? That I'm just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?不是我.. No! I...你必须先达到武学的最高境界像你这样的人是绝对不可能的One must first master the highest level of Kung Fu and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.- 我这样的人? Someone like me?- 是啊Yes!看看你自己Look at you!肥嘟嘟的屁股软绵绵的胳膊This fat blob. Flabby arms.软绵绵的地方最敏感了Those are sensitive. in the flabby parts.还有这个傻呼呼的肚子And this ridiculous belly.也不注意个人卫生And utter disregard for personal hygiene.嘿等等Hey...whooo... Now wait a minute.这不公平That's a little uncalled for.别站那么近我都闻到你的口臭了Don't stand that close. I can smell your breath.听着是龟仙人说我...Listen, Oogway said that I was the...无极拈花指Uh... the Wushi Finger Hold.别别无极拈花指Never... Master Shifu don't...噢! 你也知道这一招? Haa...oh... You know this hold?由无极大师于第三朝时创立是的!Developed by Master Wushi in the 3rd dynasty. Yes.那你也该知道弹一下之后的后果啰- 5 -Oh. Then you must know what happens when I flex my pinky.不要! 不要! No, no, no...那你知道最难的是什么吗?You know the hardest part of this?...最难的是事后清理你的残骸!The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.好的好的别冲动Humm... Okay. Okay, take it easy.你给我听好了熊猫Now listen closely, Panda.龟仙人也许挑中了你但我向你保证Oogway may have picked you,but when I'm through with you,... I promise you,你会希望他当初没选重你you're going to wish he hadn't.懂了吗?Are we clear?是的懂了完全了解Yes, we're clear, we're clear. We are so clear.很好我等不及要开始了Good. Hmm, Hmm, Hmm. I can't wait to get started.开始吧Let's begin.等等Wait, wait, wait.--什么现在? Now?--是的现在Yes now.除非你觉得龟仙人错了你也不是龙斗士Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior.好吧! 我不知道我能不能做完那些动作Okay. Well, I don't know if I can do all of those moves.不试试怎么知道呢?Well, if we don't try, we will never know, will we?也没错不过我们或许该找个更适合我水平的Yes, it's just, maybe we can find something more suited to my level.你是什么水平? And what level is that?你知道...我不是大师... Well you know...那从最基础的开始吧最最基础的I'm not a master, but let's just start at zero.没有最最基础这个东西Level zero. There is no such thing as level zero.- 嗨! 也许我可以从这里起步Hey, maybe I can start with that.- 那个? That?这是训练小孩子用的We use that for training children.天热的时候也可以用来抵门And popping the door open when it is hot.但如果你坚持的话But if you insist.哇噢! 五侠客Wow... The Furious Five.你们比市面上你们的玩偶大多了除了你幻影螳螂你的玩偶和你差不多You're so much bigger than your action figures.Except for you, Mantis. You're about the same.来吧熊猫给我们看看你有什么能耐Go ahead, Panda. Show us what you can do.他们也要看? 还是等他们回去练功后我再开始Ahh...Are they going to watch? Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something?出手吧好的我刚吃的饱饱正在消化Hit it. Okay, I mean, I just ate,休息一下后效果会更好and so I'm still digesting, so my Kung Fu may not be as good as later on.出招就是了! Just hit it.唔! 你算什么你什么都不是因为高手在此What'd you got? You've got nothing cos' I got it right here.看到我的兄弟们了吗? 想尝尝我的雷霆之怒吗?You picking on my friends? Get ready to fell the thunder.无影脚就要来了你能应付的了无影脚吗?Come on, crazy feet. What're you going to do about crazy feet?来吧我无影无踪无影无踪没见过熊拳吧Come on. I'm a blur. I'm a blur. You've never seen Bear style.你只见过螳螂拳或者猴拳还是蛇拳You've only seen Praying Mantis. Or Monkey style.Imagine snake-kiddy Snake.你到底打还是不打! Would you hit it!好的好的Alright. Alright.再来一次好吗用力点Why don't you try it again? A little harder.这下怎么样... How's that? Oohhh...疼死了Oh, that hurts!看来会比我想象的容易多了This will be easier than I thought. Feeling a little nausea... Ouch, ouch, ouch!当心我的吗呀...Oohh... My tenders.我表现如何??How did I do?- 6 -现在终于有最最基础这个东西了There is now a level zero.我没有不承认Don't deny that.我不懂龟仙人是怎么想的I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking.那个傻孩子都要没命了Poor guy is going to get himself killed. He is so fighty.那个龙斗士他无比强大The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky in a ball of fire.翱翔于九天口吐烈火他的脚步让大地颤抖When he walks, the very ground shakes.本以为龟仙人会选一个懂武功的人One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew Kung Fu.至少也是能摸到自己脚趾的人啊或者能看到自己的脚趾Yes. Or could at least touch his toes. Or even see his toes.好的Okay.别出动静!! Great. Ooouuch!- 嗨! 还没睡啊? Oh hey. Hi. You're up?- 现在醒了Am now.我只是想有时候武功这东西很难是吗?I was just..er...someday...eh? The Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right?你二头肌酸了吗? Your biceps sore.我今天既累又失望I've had a long day and rather disappointing day, so...er...现在应该睡觉了Ya...I should probably get to sleep now.- 是! 是! 当然Ya... Ya...of course.- 谢谢Okay. Thanks.我太崇拜你们了It's just, I'm such a big fan...哭泣河之役你们打的太棒了!You guys were so totally amazing at the battle of the Weeping River.以寡敌众无所畏惧...Outnumbered. A thousand to one. But, you didn't stop. You just,....不好意思Oh. Sorry about that.听着你不属于这里Ahh... Look you don't belong here.我知道我知道你说的对Er...I know, I know. You're right.只是我一直都梦想着...I don't have it. It's just, my whole life, I dream of...不不不我是指的是你不属于"这里"No, no, no. I meant you don't belong here, I mean in this room.这间屋子这是我的房间禅灵鹤的地盘But this is my room. Property of Crane.好的好的Oh, okay right, right.你很困了我还在打扰你So...Ya, you want to get to sleep. Keeping you up.明天还有很多事We've got big things tomorrow.好的我再说一遍你帅呆了再见Alright. You are awesome. The last thing I'm going to say.Okay, bye-bye.什么? What was that?我什么都没说I didn't say anything.好的好的晚安做个好梦Okay. Alright. Goodnight. Sleep well.真尴尬Seem a little bit awkward.悍娇虎大侠我不是故意吵醒你的只是...Master Tigress, didn't mean to wake you. Just a...你不属于这里You don't belong here.是的是的当然这是你的房间Ah ya...ya, of course... This is your room...我是指你不属于玉殿I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace.你不尊重武功如果你真的尊敬我们尊敬武功You're a disgrace to Kung Fu and ifyou have any respect of who we are, and what we do,就该在天亮前离开you will be gone by morning.我是你的忠实粉丝Big fan.看来你找到了神秘的圣天慧桃树了嘛I see you've found the Sacred Peach Tree of HeavenlyWisdom.这是智慧桃树? Is that what this is?对不起我以为只是棵普通的桃树呢I'm so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree.我明白你不开心就会吃东西I understand, you eat when you are upset.不开心我没不开心啊我为什么要不开心呢?Upset? I'm not upset. Why would I be upset?那么你为什么不开心呢? So, why are you upset?我大概是武林史上最差劲的了- 7 -I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu.中原史上最差劲的In the history of China.- 差劲史上最差劲的In the history of sucking.- 大概吧Probably.五侠客们他们恨死我了恨死了And the Five...man, you should have seen them,they totally hate me.宗师怎么可能把我变成龙斗士呢?Totally. How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior?我又不像五侠客那样I mean I'm not like the Five, I've got no claws.我没有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液No wings, no venom. 就连幻影螳螂都有那样的胳膊Even Mantis got those thingies.也许我应该放弃回家做面条算了May be I should just quit and go back to making noodles. 放弃别放弃面条别做面条Quit. Don't quit. Noodles. Don't noodles.你太在乎过去和将来了You are too concerned with what was and what will be.俗语说过去的已经过去了There's a saying. Yesterday is history,未来的还未可知现在今天却是上苍的礼赠Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift.我们可以把握的是当下That is why it is called the "present".- 噢! 不Oh No!- 发生什么了? What's happening?弓弩手发射To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go!发射Fire Cross-Bow! Fire! Fire!太郎自由了我必须去警告宗师Tai Lung's free. I must warn Shifu.- 哪也不准去You are not going anywhere.- 可是他... Neither is he!升起来Let go of me. Bring it up!把他打回去Wait! Bring it back!- 他过来了He's going this way.- 他过不来的He won't get far.弓箭手Archers!我们死定了这下死无全尸了We Dead. So very, very dead.现在说还早了火箭发射Ha..Ha. Not yet, we're not. Now!- 现在能跑了吗? Can we run now?- 是的Yes.真高兴师父把你送来了I am glad Shifu sent you.我还以为我被忘了呢I was beginning to feel I'm being forgotten.回去告诉他们真正的龙斗士要回家了Fly back there and tell them, the real Dragon Warrior is coming home.早安师父Good Morning, Master.熊猫熊猫Panda!醒醒Panda! Wake up!Hmm, hmm, hmm...他放弃了He's quitted.现在该怎么办师父? 熊猫走了那谁来做龙斗士呢?What do we do now Master with the Panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior?我们只有努力修炼相信到时候All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time...真正的龙斗士自然会出现the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.你在这干什么? What are you doing here?早上好师父我先热热身Haa...hey. Good Morning Master. I thought I'll warm up a little.是卡住了吧? You're stuck.卡住了? 不不是怎么会Stuck?...No...What?...Stuck? No...This is one of the...是的我是被卡住了Ya...I'm stuck.- 帮帮他Help him.- 天哪Oh dear.数三声一起用力一...二... 三!Lift me on three. One, two, ....- 谢谢Thank you.- 不客气Don't mention it.- 不我真的很感谢... No really. I appreciate it...- 不要跟我说谢谢...Ever.你真的指望一夜之间就学会劈山腿吗?You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night.敏捷性要训练很多年It takes years to develop ones flexibility.运用到实战也要花很多年- 8 -And years longer to apply it in combat.放下Put that down!流血的指节跟断掉的骨头才是该收集的纪念品The only souvenirs we collect down here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.好的很好Yaa...ha...ha...ha. Excellent!我们开始吧Let's get started.- 准备好了吗Are you ready?- 一生下来就准备好了I was born ready...Oww!抱歉! 我以为你准备好了Oww!...Oh!. I'm sorry brother. I thought you said you're ready.太酷了! 再来一次行吗?That was awesome! Let's go again!之前都是手下留情熊猫! 但是到此为止I've been taking it easy on you Panda but no more.你下一个对手是我Your next opponent... ...will be me.太好了耶! 开始吧Alright. Ya...Let's go!来啊Step forth!制胜的关键就在于找到敌人的弱点The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness.然后狠狠打击And make him suffer for it.耶! 借力打力Oh yeah. To take his strength and use it against him.直到他倒下或是认输Until he finally falls or quits.但真正的勇士是不会认输的But a real warrior never quits.别担心师父我不会认输的Don't worry Master, I'll never quit.他要是聪明的话就不会再爬上来了If he is smart he won't come back those steps.但他会再来的But he will.他不会放弃的是吗?He's not going to quit, is he?至少不会放弃弹跳瞧瞧他!He's not going to quit bouncing. I'll tell you that.你不是说针灸会让我感觉好一点的吗?Oouch! I thought you said accupuncture will make me feel better.确实会只是不太好找穴位Trust me it will. It's just not easy finding right nerve points 特别是在这身... 肥肉...under all this...fat?皮毛我要说的是皮毛Fur! I was going to say fur.当然了Sure you were.我怎么会凭体形裁定谁是高手呢? 看看我....Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size?So I mean, look at me.我在这I'm over here. Haa...aah...也许你该再好好看看这个Maybe you should take a look at this again.对好的Ohh... Okay. Oouch!别扎了别扎了Stop! Stop it! Eee...ouch!我知道师父其实是想启发我I know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all.但如果我不了解他的话会以为他是要甩掉我But if I didn't know any better I'll say he's trying to get rid of me.师父看上去确实很冷漠I know he can seem like heartless. Aaahh...!但是他以前并不是这样的But you know he wasn't always like that.据说师父之前一直是笑容可掬的人According to legend there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to spy...- 不可能No...- 真的- 但是在那件事发生之后Yes, but that was before...- 什么事? Before what?太郎叛乱Before Tai Lung.我们不该谈论他Aah...ya. We are not really suppose to talk about him.如果他要待在这里就应该知道这些Well if he is going to stay here he should now.我知道太郎Guys, guys, I know about Tai Lung.他是师父的一个徒弟第一个精通上千种武艺的人He was a student. The first to ever master the 1000 scrolls of Kung Fu.但他变坏了后来进了监狱And then he turned bad and now he's in jail.他不只是一个普通徒弟He wasn't just a student.他是个弃婴师父收留了他Shifu found him as a cub.把他当作自己的儿子一样养大And he raised him as his son.当他展现出武学天赋时And when the child showed talent in Kung Fu- 9 -。

功夫熊猫1英文字幕完整版Legend tells a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills was the staff of legend, he traveled the in search of the foes.I see you like to chew, maybe you should chew on my desk.The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full, then he swallowed, and then he spoke Enough talk, let’s fightHe was so deadly in fact that his enemies will go blind for the over exposure to pure awesomenessHe is so awesome, and attractive.How can we repay you?There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.Flew!It mattered not how many foes he faced, there were no match for his foedesityNever before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.Even the most roller heroes in all of China ---the furious fiveBowed in respect of this great masterWe shall hang out!---agreedYeh!But hanging out would have to wait, because when you are facing ten thousand demons of demon mountainThere is only one thing and that’sGet upYou’ll be late for work!Po~ get up!Hi~ Po, what are you doing up there? Oh.nothingMonkey! mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~Po ,let’s go! You’re late for work!Coming~Sorry dad~Sorry doesn’t make the noodles~And what are you doing up there~all that noiseOh…Nothing, just ..had a crazyWhat about? What are you dreaming about?En.was i….i was dreaming about..en…noodles.Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?Yeh…what else have I dreamed about?Oh, careful, that soup is sharp!Happy day! My son finally had the noodle dream!Y ou don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment!This is a sign, Po~En..a sign of what?You , are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup, And then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the res taurant!Just as I took it over from my father, who took it from his father who won itFrom a game named Majiang.Dad,dad,dad…this was just a dream.No, it was just the dream.We are noodle folk broth run though our veins.Dad, didn’t you ever…want t o do sth else?sth besides noodles?Actually.when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how tomake tofu.So why didn’t you?Because it was a stupid dream!Can you imagine me making tofu?Hahahaha……tofu……no!We all have ou r place in this world, mine is here, and yours is…I know…is here.No…it’s the table to 2,5,7and12!Services with the smile!Well done!students!if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy, Monkey quicker speed, crane hike,viper subtlety, mantis… !Master Shifu!What?it’s master Wugui, he wants to see you.Master wugui, you summoned me? Is Sth wrong?Why must sth be wrong for me to see my old friend?So…nothing is wrong?Well, I didn’t say that.You’re saying…I have an vision…Tailang will return.That is impossible! He is in prison!Nothing is impossible…Sing!Fly to prison! Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything, Tailang does not leave that prison.Yes! Master shifu.When often meet destiny on t he road, it takes what it really to… We have to do sth, before he march on the valley, and take arrange…he’ll…he’ll…Mind this water, my friendWhen it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see.But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. the dragon scroll. It is time…But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with this secret to limit this power?To become the dragon warrior?I don’t know~Excuse me…sorry…Hey~~~watch your pose~Sorry~Sorry!doesn’t in purpose~What! Master’s choosing the dragon warrior, today!Everyone! Everyone! Go! Get to the jade palace!One of the five is going tol get the dragon scroll!We’ve been waiting for this for thousands of years!just leave the bowl!This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!leave about it,kids go~Po~ where are you going?To the jade palace…Don’t forget your noodle car! The whole valley will be there, you’ll sell noodles to all of them~Selling noodles?But,dad…you know I was thinking…maybe i…I becomes thingking…Could also s ell the bean bundles, they’re…they’re about to go bad…That’s my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!~Yeh~glad I had it~Almost there!What?no…no…no…Sorry~po~we’ll bring you back souvenir.No, I’ll bring me back souvenir.It is a historic day, isn’t it, Master Wugui?Yes…and I even felt I will not live to see~Are your students ready?---yes master wugui.You know this, old friend, whoever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you~Let’s our tournament begin~No nono~wei…I’ve come…Hey~ open the door~ let me in~Citizens of the valley please~ it is my quite honor to present you…tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis!----the furious fiveThe furious 5?Warriors, prepare~Nono, pick it a holeThe thousands tons of fire~Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away!And finally!master tigeress~Believe me!citizens! you’ve not seen anything yet~I know!Tigeress, play on! And her plays of gests~I sense the dragon warrior is among us.Citizens of the valley of the peace! Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior!Oh?nonono,waitPo!what are you doing!What’s it like we are doing?Stopstop! I’ll go to see the dragon warrior!Po,don’t you understand? You finally had the noodle dream!I lied…I don’t dream about noo dles,dadI love kungfu~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh, come on, son~let’s get back to work!Ok…Oh…what was going on…Where are…What are you pointing..oh…ok…sorry…I just want to see who the dragon warrior was How interesting it is…Master,are you pointing at me?Him…Who?You!Me?The universe has brought us the dragon warror~What?What?……Stop!wait!who called you to…Master wugui wait…That clumsy panda cannot possibly be the answer to our problem..You’re about to point out tegeress…that thing thrown in front of her..That was just an accident..There are no accidents.Forgive us…master, we have failed you…No…if the panda has not quit by morning, then I will failed you…Wait wait…there have been a message from master shifu.What?double the guard and set precautions?Your prison may not be adequate?You doubt my prison security?Absolutely notShifu does…I’m just the messagerOh..give a message for your master shifu…escape from the prison is impossible Impressive,isn’t it?I t’s very impressive..very impressiveOne way in.one way outOne thousand guards and one prisonerYes..except that prisoner is tailing…Take us down..My god…Be held .tailangI’ll…en…I’ll still wait here…It doesn’t to worry about… it’s perfectly safe…Have the array.Tough guy, did you hear…wugui did finally find someone to give the scroll And it’s not ,won’be you. What are you doning?You’ll get him mad!What’s he gonna to do about it?I’ve got him completetly immobilizedOh…did I stamp yo ur witty tail?I’ve seen enoughI’ll tell shifu it doesn’t worry aboutNo he doesn’t…Ok I’ll tell him..can I please go now?Wait a second…I think this has been a slight mistake…Everyone thinks I’m …The sacred hall of warriors…Look at this pla ce…Master fly’s armor…With sinks of battle damage…Wow..The sword of hero’sIt’s said to be so sharp that you can cut yourself just by looking… The invisible dragon..of destinyI’ve only seen painting of that painting…No…The legendary vase of w arrior’sIt’s said…it contains the entire potential army..Hello..Have you finished sightseeing…Sorry…I should come to see you first…My patience …Oh, well… mean, it’s none like you going anywhereWould you turn around?Sure…hey, how’s… how …get you find…master chifuSomeone broke that…but I’m going to fix it up…Do you …have some glue…So, you’re the legendary dragon warrior~I guess so~Wrong! You are not the dragon warrior!you’ll never be the dragon warrior!Until you have learnt the secret of the dragon scroll.So..how is this you?Do you have a ladder, trampoline…You think is that easy…I’m going to just hand you the secret to this limitless power?!No…I …One must first master the highest level of kunfu, and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.Someone like me?Yes! Look at you!This fat pratWhat Sensitive in the fatty parts…And this ridiculous valley! And, outer! Disregard, for personal hygine…Wait a minute…that’s a long count for…Don’t stand that close I can smell your breath…Wugui said that I was…the… The Wushi finger hold? Finger hold?Oh…you know this hold…Developed by master wushi in the third dynasty, yes!Oh~then You must know what happens when I flex my pinky Nonononno…You know the hardest part of this?The hardest part is cleaning the passed bloods..Ok…ok take it easy…Nono …listenPanda, wugui may have picked you…But when I threw with you, I promise youI are going to wish, he, hadn’t! are we clear?Yeh…we clear, clear,we’re so clear!Good…I can’t wait to get start~Let’s begin!Wait,wait,wait…what…Now ?Yes!...now~~~Unless you think great wugui was wrong…and you’re not the dragon warrior~ Ok…wellI think I can’t do all …those …moves…en…Wow…if we don’t try, we never know…Yeh..it’s just …maybe we can find something more suited my level..And what level is that…I know I’m…not a master…let’s just start zero, level zeroThere’s no such thing as level zero~Hey~maybe I can start with that~That? We use that for training children~And for proping the door open when it is hot~But if you insist…Wow~ the furious five~you’re so much bigger than your action figures~ Except you~mantis, you’re about the same.Go ahead,panda…show us what you can doShall I Just wait them to get back to work and start…Hit it!Ok…I mean, I’m just a date…some is still digestingSo my kungfu may not be as good as…later on…Just hit it!What you get…he can nothing but I can stand right here..Pick on my friends?Get ready to feel the thunder~Look at my crazy feet, what will you do about my crazy feet!Come on ~I’m blured I’m blured…you’ve never seen bear’s style~ He’s only seen playing mantis or monkey style~and snake’s snake~ Why didn’ you hit it!Oh…All right~all right~One try again~a little harder~How’s that?That hurts…This will be easier than I thought~My tenders…How did it that I do~ There’s now a level zero~There’s no words…No denying that…I don’t understand what master wugui was thinking…The Poor guy just gets himself killedHe is so mighty…the dragon warrior~Fell out of the sky and full of fireWhen he walks, the very gorge shades…One would think that master wugui would choose someone who actually know kungfu… Yeh..Or could at leas t touch his toes…or even see his toesOk…great…Hey..hi… you’re up…I’m now…I was just…someday……my kungfu staff …work, you might think so…I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day…so…yeh…i…should troubly get to sleep now Yehyehyeh…of course…Ok thanksIt’just how I essencially be a fan…You’re totally amazing at the bank of weeping river~I remembered thousands of ones…you didn’t stopOh… sorry about that…Look!You don’t belong here.I know…I know… you’re right…I don’t have…it’s just a my whole-life dream…Nono…I mean…you don’t belong…here! I mean, in this room…this is my room Crane’s property.Oh~ok~right, rightSo..yeh…you want to get to sleep?!I won’t pick you up~we get things tomorrow!You’re awesome…Last thing I want to say, ok byebyeWow…What was that?I didn’t say anything~Ok~all right~good night~sleep well~It seemed a little awkward…Master tigeress! Did’t I wake you!? Just…You don’t belong here…Yeh..yeh…of course, this is your room…I mean you don’t belong in the jade palace…You’re disgraced kungfu…If you have any respect for who we are and what we do,you …will be gone by morning~Big fan~~~I see you have found the secret peach tree of heaven that I knew was thenIs that was this is…I was so sorry…I just Take it as a regular peach…tree…I understand, you eat when you’re upset.Upset? I’m not up set!whywhywhy makes me upset…So why are you upset?I probably sucked to anyone in the history of kungfu.in the history of china, and in the history of suc king…Probably…in the five…man you should see they totally hate me… Totally?How can shifu overturn me into the dragon warrior?I’m…not like The five, I’ve got no claws, no wings, no venom… Even mantis has those…things…Maybe just I should just quit and go back to make my noodles. Quit, don’t quit, noodles, don’t noodles.You’re too concerned with outside world and what will be, There is a saying ,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery,But today is a gift ,That is why it’s called the present (the gift) Oh~no~What’s happening?!Fire!Tailang is free! I must want… shifu.Go anywhere!We get up!He comes this way!He won’t get far~housecarl!We dead…so…very very dead…Not yet! Throw!Get me run now…Yes…I’m glad shifu sent you…I was beginning thinking I’ve beenrotten…Fly back and tell them the real dragon warrior was coming home! Good morning,master~Panda!panda! wake up!…he’s quit!What do we do now, master? With the panda gone, who will be the dragon warrior? All we can do is the training and trust in time, the true dragonWarrior will be revealed.What are you doing here!Ha! Hi! Good morning, master!I thought I’ve warmed up a little~He’s stuck~Stuck?no~why I’ve stuck~No…this is…yeh…I’m stuck.Help him~oh,dear~Maybe unfit…one, two…Thank you!Don’t mention it.No..really…I appreciate it…You actually thought you can learn to do a thwart split in one night?It takes years to develope one’s flexibility, and years longer…to apply it compatibly Put that down!The only thing we collect here are blooding ankles and broken bones! Yeh…excellent!Let’s get started!Are you ready?I was born ready~I’m sorry, brother. but I got you said you were ready.That was awesome!Let’s go again~ I’ve been taken it easy on you, panda, but…no more, your next opponent will be me. Right, yeh…let’s go!Step forth~To find Victory is to find Your opponent’s weakness And make him suffer from… to take his strength and use it to beat him…Until he’s failing…or quits..But a real warrior will never quit, don’t worry, master!I’ll never never quit!If he’s smart, he want come back up steps..But he will?He’s not going to quit easy~He’s going to bounce turn and up…I firs think your acupuncture would make me feel better!Trust me~it will,it’s just not easy for finding the nerve point underAll this…Fat..fur?I was going to say fur…Sure you are…Who might judge a warrior based on this size…I mean…Look at here…come over here…Maybe you should take a look at this, again?Oh…ok…I know master shifu is trying to inspire me at all…But I didn’t know any there , I think he’s trying to get rid of me…I know he can seem a little heartless…But You know he was not always like that…According to legend, there was once a time when master actually used to smile. No…Yes…But that was before…Before what?Before tailing..Yeh…we are… not really spoke…talked about him~Welll~If he’s going to stay here, he should know~Guys~guys~I know about tailang~he was a student~The first ever master thousands of scrolls of kungfuAnd then he turned bad…and in jailHe wasn’t just a studentShifu found him as a cub, and he raised him as a son…and when the boy Show talent in kungfu…shifu trained him…he believed in him, he toldHim he was destiny for greatness,it was never enough for tailing, he wanted The dragon scroll, but wugui saw darkness in his heart and refusedOutraged tailing laid waste to the valley, he tried to take the scroll by force And shifu had to de stroye what he created, but how could he…Shifu loved tailang he had never liked anyone before..or since…And now he has the chance to make things right, to train the trueDragon warrior…And he stuck with you…a big, fat panda…who treats it like a joke…Oh!that exsists!Wait! i…i’ve accidentally just treated its facial nerve!I may…may also…subject her… Inner peace…inner peace…iner…in…in..inner peace…Whoever is making that cracking sound….quiet downIn…er…Oh…thee…excellent!I could know some good news right now~Master!master!En…i…I have a…it’s a very bad newsshifu…there’s just news…there’s no good…okmaster…master, your vision,your vision was right…tailing has broken out of the prison, and he’s on this way!That is bad news!If you do not believe that the dragon warrior can stop him… The…panda?master!that panda is not the dragon warrior!He wasn’t even meant to be here!he was an accident!There are no accidents…Yes…I know…you’ve said that already…twice…Welll…there was no accident…either…twiceMy old friend…the panda will not fulfill his destiny, nor you…yours… Until you let go off the illusion of control…Illusion?Yes…look at this tree, shifu…I can not make it blossomWhen it suits me nor make it bear fruit before its time.But there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall.I can control where the plant to seed…That is no illusion, master.Oh…yes…but no matter what you do…that seed will grow to be a Peach tree…you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.But peach can not defeat tailang…Maybe it can…if you’re willing to guide it, to nurture it,to belive in it… But how…how! I need your help, master~No…you just need to believe…promise me shifu…Promise me y ou will believe…i…I will…try…en…good…my time has come…you must continue your journey without me… what what…what you…master…you can’t leave me…you must…believe..master!You may be a wolf…You may be the scariest fan in province~But there al lows a tipper…So…how did you get out there alive~I mean…didn’t actually see that…but I thought it in my mind… Could…in my mind…could read my mind…You like it~This is really good… Ok, come on, you should my dad’s secret ingredient soup..that..He actually knows the secret ingredient…What are you talking about ? this is amazing…You’re really a good cook,I wish my mouth is enough bigger…Tigeress, you’ve got to try this…It is said…a dragon warrior can survive for months’ time on nothingTo do with the single gingkgo leaf and the energy of the universeI guess my body doesn’t know it’s the dragon warrior yet…I need more that do…And …universe juice…What?Oh~nothing~master shifu~You’ll never be the dragon warrior unless you lose 500p ounds andBrush your teeth!What is that noise you’re making! I heard!i heard it!Work hard, panda!maybe someday you’ll have ears like mine~Ears!it’s not working for it?but it’s pretty good~It’s shifu…Of coursr is shifu, what is it I’m doing…Wu…master shifu!Do you think this is funny! Tailing has escaped from prison!And you act Like children!What?He’s coming for the dragon scroll, and you’re the only one who can stop him! You get something that sense of humor~I’m going…stop…then…how serious… I don’t have the..Master wugui will stop him!He did it before who will do it again!Wugui cannot stop him…not any more~Our only hope is the dragon warrior~The panda?Yes! The panda!Master!please!Let us stop tailing! This is what you trained us for!No! it is not your destiny to defeat tailing!It is his!Where did he go…?You can not leave! A real warrior never quits!Watch me!Come on, how must I beat tailang!? I can’t even beat you off the stairs. You’ll beat him because you a re the dragon warrior!You don’t believe that!You never believe that from the first moment I got here!You’ve tried to get rid of me~Yes! I was…But now I ask you to trust in your master!As I’ve come to trust in mine…You’re not my master~and I’m not the dragon warrior~Then Why didn’t you quit!You know I was trying to get rid of you, and you stayed…Yeh…I stayed… I stayed because every time you threw a brick on my head or…said I Smells…it hurts…But it could never hurt me more than I did every day in my life just being me…I stayed…because I thought, if anyone could change me, could make me… Not me…it was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China!But I can change you!I can turn you into the dragon warrior!And I will!Oh…mind…tailing is on this way here right now!And even it takes one hundred years to get here…How can you…could change this! Into the dragon warrior!ahHow?how?how?I don’t know!I don’t know…It’s what I thought…This is what you trained me for…Tigeress!Don’t try to stop me~We’ll not try to stop you!What?We’re coming with you!What?I eat when I’m upset! Ok?Oh, no need to explain…I just told you monkey, he hides cookies on the top shelfDon’t tell monkey…Look at you!Yeh…I know…I disgust you…No..no…I mean…How did you get up there!?I don’t know..i just…I don’t know…I just get cookies!And yet you are ten feet off the ground and have done a perfect stand~ No..this?This is just…accident…There are no accidents! Come with me~I know you’ve trained me to be optimistic of kungfu…But could you at least tell me where we are going…You…Drag me…fall the way out here, for a bath?Panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool sacred tears…The pool was…?This is where wugui unravel the mysterys of harmony focus,This is the birthplace of kungfu…Do you want to learn kungfu?Yeh…Then I am your master…Ok…Don’t cry…Ok…When you focus on kungfu…when you concentrate…You sink…But that is perhaps my fault,I can not tra in you the way I’ve trained the five… I now see that the way to get through you is this..Oh…great because I’m hungry..Good, when you’ve trained you may eat…Let’s begin…After you, panda…Just like that…no setups..nonono…no ten-mile hike?I vow to train you and you have been trained…You’re free…to eat~Enjoy~Hey~I said you’re free to eat~have a dumpline~Hey~You are free…to eat!Am I ?!Are you!?I’m not hungry~Master……Cut it~!Where is the dragon warrior~How do you know you are not looking at her~You think I’m a fool~?I know you’re not the dragon warrior~not of you!I heard how he fell out of the sky in the boom of a fire~He is a warrior, unlike anything in the world you’ve ever seen… Paul?So…that is his name~paul~Finally~a worthy opponent~the battle will be legendary~ We’ve got this! Help her~!Monkey!Go!Mantis!Shifu taught you well~but he didn’t teach you everything~ You have done well, panda~Done well?Done well? I’ve done awesome!The mark of the true hero is humility~But yes~you have done awesome!Guys! You’re dead?! No~they’re breathing~They’re sleeping? No…their eyes are open~We have no match for his nerve tack~He’s gotten Stronger.Stronger~?who?tailang?Stronger?He’s too fast!Sorry…paul~I thought we could stop him~He could have killed you~Why didn’t he…So you can come back and strike here into hearts~But it won’t workIt might…I mean…a little…I’m quite scared~You can defeat him~panda~ Are you kidding?~They can’t~They’re five!...masters…I’m just one…me…But you’ll have the one thing that no one else does~You really…believe I am ready?You are…paul…Be held, the dragon scroll~it is yours~Wait…what happens whe n I read it~No one knows, but legend says you’ll hear a butterfly’s wing beat~ Oh~really?!that’s cool~Yes..and see light in the deepest cave~You’ll feel the universe evolutional around you~Wow~can I punch to rocks? Can i..can I do a quadra-reflet?Focus, focus!Read it~paul and fulfill your destiny~Read it and become the dragon warrior!It’s impossible to open~Thankyou~Probably…I’ve Loosen it for you~Ok here goes~It’s blank~What?Here look!No..i’m forbidden to look upon~Blank? I don’t …I don’t understand~Ok…so wugui was just an old turtle after all~Ok…so wugui was just a crazy old turtle after all~No…wugui was wiser than I thought.Oh…Come on…Face it~he picked me by accident~Of course I’m the dragon warrior~Oh…my ki dding~But who will stop tailang? He’ll destroy everything and everyone~No~ evacuate the valley~you must protect villagers from tailang’s rage~ What about you master?I’ll fight him~What?I can hold him long enough for everyone to escape~But shif u…he’ll kill you…Then I will fine me to pay my mistake~Listen to me, all of you~It is time for you to Continue your journey without me.I’m very proud of being your master~We’ve got to get them out safely~Cub little one, let’s find your mama~Viper~ guide the southern farm~Mantis~the north~Crane~ light the way~Look…it’s the dragon warrior.Hey, dad.Paul!It… It’s good to have you back son~Good to be back…Let’s go paul~So for our next shop is time to face it…so our future noodlesIs dice cut vegetablesNo longer slices…also I was thinking…Maybe this time we’ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in…Do you like that?Paul…oh…I’m sorry things didn’t work out~It…just wasn’t meant to be…Paul, forget everything else, yo ur destiny still awaits…We are noodle folk…Broth Runs deep through our veins…I don’t know dad…Earthly…Sometimes I can’t believe actually I’m your son.Paul…I think it’s time I told you sth I should have told you a long time ago~ Ok…The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup …Oh…Come here…The secret ingredient is…nothing~~~~~~Ah..?You heard me?Nothing~ There is no secret ingredientWait wait~ it’s just plain noodle soup?You don’t add some kind of special source or sth?Don’t have to…To make sth special, you just have to believe it’s special There is no secret ingredient~I have come home, master.This is no longer your home, and I’m no longer your master~ Oh…yes…You have s new favorite~So where is this, paul?Did I scare him off?This battle is between you and me~So…that is how it’s going to be…That is how it must be~I, locked in jail for 20 years! Because of your weakness!…not been master’s weakness!You knew I was the dragon warrior!You always knew…but when wugui said otherwise…What did you do?...what did you do!You are not meant to be the dragon warrior, that was not my fault!Not your fault?Who failed heavy strain!Who force me to train my bones crack…Who deny me…my destiny!I was never my d ecision to make…It is now…Give me the scroll…I’d rather die…What I ever did! I did to make you proud…!Tell me how proud you are shifu~~~~~~ Tell me!Tell me!i…I have always been proud of you…from the first moment, I’ve been proud of you…a nd it was my pride that blind me…I loved you too much to see what you’ll becoming…what I was turning you Into…I’m…I’m sorry…I don’t want your apology…I want my scroll…What?Where is it!?Dragon warrior has taken the scroll to have crossed China… Now…You’ll never see that scroll tailang…Never…never…Hey!Who are you~Body~I am the dragon warrior.You?Him? He’s a panda~You, panda! What are you going to do big guy~Sit on me?Don’t tempt me…now…I’m going to use…this…You want it? Come, get it~Finally…That scroll is mine!。

功夫熊猫2中英文字幕下载1 1400:00:02,000 --> 00:00:08,010 00:00:58,445 --> 00:00:59,632 <font color=#38B0DE>功夫熊猫</font> 他武功盖世!2 1500:00:10,664 --> 00:00:14,096 00:00:59,644 --> 00:01:01,021 传说中有个传奇侠客还这么帅气3 1600:00:14,105 --> 00:00:17,818 00:01:01,031 --> 00:01:03,252 他的武功出神入化我们怎么报答你?4 1700:00:18,431 --> 00:00:22,503 00:01:03,263 --> 00:01:08,052 浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义侠骨柔情无需回报5 1800:00:32,602 --> 00:00:34,433 00:01:08,467 --> 00:01:10,061 小样儿你喜欢嚼东西爆发吧!6 1900:00:34,444 --> 00:00:37,471 00:01:10,071 --> 00:01:15,505 有种打败我再嚼! 千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大700:00:38,371 --> 00:00:41,929 20侠客满嘴食物不便开口 00:01:27,793 --> 00:01:30,560有史以来最使人敬畏800:00:41,939 --> 00:00:44,094 21当食物下咽后 00:01:30,570 --> 00:01:32,651又最令人销魂的熊猫900:00:44,104 --> 00:00:47,381 22他语出惊人少废话拿命来 00:01:33,241 --> 00:01:38,062即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客1000:00:47,393 --> 00:00:49,359 23看招 00:01:38,072 --> 00:01:41,369也对他佩服得五体投地1100:00:52,035 --> 00:00:53,540 24他的致命招数无人能挡 00:01:41,379 --> 00:01:43,038啥时候一起出去放松放松1200:00:53,550 --> 00:00:57,417 25敌人都被他的正义之光晃瞎了眼 00:01:43,048 --> 00:01:44,769 没问题1300:00:57,429 --> 00:00:58,433 26我看不见了! 00:01:47,351 --> 00:01:48,183但现在不是放松的时候3800:03:00,755 --> 00:03:01,947 2700:01:49,205 --> 00:01:53,686 对不起老爸面对石门山一万疯狂大军时39 2800:03:01,957 --> 00:03:04,664 00:01:53,696 --> 00:01:57,427当务之急是...对不起有什么用又不能拿它煮面条2940 00:01:57,437 --> 00:01:58,246 00:03:04,674 --> 00:03:06,933 你该起床刚才你是在干嘛搞出那么大声响? 3000:01:58,256 --> 00:02:00,182 41 不然要迟到了 00:03:06,943 -->00:03:09,700 31 没什么我做了个疯狂的梦 00:02:00,192 --> 00:02:01,655 啥?! 42 00:03:09,710 --> 00:03:12,737 32 00:02:09,793 -->00:02:12,375 关于什么的梦?你梦到什么了? 阿波快起床43 3300:03:12,747 --> 00:03:17,662 00:02:27,387 --> 00:02:30,339我梦到... 阿波你在那儿干嘛呢44 3400:03:19,049 --> 00:03:20,577 00:02:30,349 --> 00:02:32,248面条了没干嘛45 3500:03:20,589 --> 00:03:24,024 00:02:35,605 --> 00:02:40,531面条? 你真的梦到面条了? 成吉思憨虎幻影螳螂禅灵鹤俏小龙悍娇虎 46 00:03:24,036 --> 00:03:26,734 36 00:02:45,949 --> 00:02:48,845 是啊不然我还能梦什么阿波快点儿你要迟到了 47 00:03:26,744 --> 00:03:29,330 3700:02:48,855 --> 00:02:50,276 当心面汤很"烫"我来了48 00:04:01,978 --> 00:04:05,047 00:03:29,344 --> 00:03:31,263老爸别激动不过是个梦太令人高兴了5949 00:04:05,057 --> 00:04:07,326 00:03:31,273 --> 00:03:34,840不这不是一般的梦我的儿子终于梦到了面条6050 00:04:07,337 --> 00:04:08,828 00:03:36,072 --> 00:03:39,908我们是面条世家你不知道为了这一刻我已经等待了多久6151 00:04:08,838 --> 00:04:10,913 00:03:39,918 --> 00:03:41,970肉汤在我们的血管中流淌这是个好兆头阿波6252 00:04:10,924 --> 00:04:14,831 00:03:41,980 --> 00:03:43,833但是老爸你有没有想过...什么事情的兆头? 去干点儿别的53 6300:03:43,849 --> 00:03:50,751 00:04:14,841 --> 00:04:16,728你已经初具资格除了做面条之外成为独家煲汤秘方的传人6454 00:04:16,738 --> 00:04:18,544 00:03:50,760 --> 00:03:56,058 实际上想当年我年轻气盛时接着你完成使命接手餐馆的生意6555 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:23,755 00:03:56,068 --> 00:03:57,998 也曾想过要离家出走去学做豆腐这个餐馆是从我父亲那儿继承的6656 00:04:23,766 --> 00:04:24,909 00:03:58,008 --> 00:03:59,344 为什么没去呢?他又继承自他的父亲6757 00:04:24,918 --> 00:04:27,520 00:03:59,355 --> 00:04:01,968 因为那个梦想愚蠢得很最早是他和朋友打麻将赢来的6858 00:04:27,530 --> 00:04:30,887小虎不够凶狠你能想象我做豆腐是啥样儿吗?7969 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:22,337 00:04:31,750 --> 00:04:33,171 大猴加快速度笑死人了8070 00:05:22,346 --> 00:05:23,38400:04:33,438 --> 00:04:34,375老鹤再高点我绝不会干8100:05:23,396 --> 00:05:25,488 7100:04:34,385 --> 00:04:36,828小龙不够灵巧我们都有自己的宿命螳螂...72 8200:04:36,839 --> 00:04:39,495 00:05:25,498 --> 00:05:27,066我的地盘就是这儿 - 宗师而你的... - 干嘛?73 8300:04:39,505 --> 00:04:40,820 00:05:27,076 --> 00:05:30,431我知道也是这儿龟仙人有请74 8400:04:40,830 --> 00:04:43,918 00:05:40,655 --> 00:05:44,948不对是2号 9号 7号和12号桌龟仙人您召见我有何贵干?75 8500:04:43,928 --> 00:04:46,137 00:05:50,357 --> 00:05:55,169 别忘了微笑一定得有要事才能见见自己的老朋友吗76 8600:05:15,176 --> 00:05:17,126 00:05:55,179 --> 00:05:57,086 干得好徒弟们这么说来...没事?77 8700:05:17,136 --> 00:05:19,158 00:05:57,098 --> 00:06:00,692 你们让我失望的本领真好我可没那么说78 8800:05:19,168 --> 00:05:20,710 00:06:18,014 --> 00:06:19,916 你是想说... 命中注定的事躲也躲不过89 9900:06:19,925 --> 00:06:22,443 00:06:53,408 --> 00:06:54,382 我预见到... 我们必须有所行动90 10000:06:22,453 --> 00:06:25,603 00:06:54,402 --> 00:06:57,282 黑豹太郎将重出江湖如果太郎真的回到和平谷报仇91 10100:06:29,940 --> 00:06:31,462 00:06:57,292 --> 00:06:58,266 这不可能! 他会... 他会...92 10206:58,276 --> 00:07:00,881 00:06:31,482 --> 00:06:33,044 00:他身处狱中你的心好似这潭湖水老朋友93 10300:06:33,054 --> 00:06:36,063 00:07:00,890 --> 00:07:05,099万事皆有可能如果波澜起伏就会模糊不清94 10400:06:36,364 --> 00:06:38,820 00:07:05,109 --> 00:07:07,746平先生火速飞去啸岗监狱但如果平静下来95 10500:06:38,832 --> 00:06:41,654 00:07:07,776 --> 00:07:11,880叫他们把狱守数量加倍解决之道必将自现把武器加倍10600:07:13,860 --> 00:07:16,307 9600:06:41,664 --> 00:06:42,814龙之典把一切都加倍10700:07:16,317 --> 00:07:17,901 9700:06:42,824 --> 00:06:46,099时候到了...- 绝不能让太郎逃出来108 - 是师傅 00:07:17,913 --> 00:07:22,670 98但是谁呢? 谁有资格继承这无穷力量? 00:06:48,420 --> 00:06:53,398 10900:07:22,681 --> 00:07:26,557 11900:07:54,774 --> 00:07:56,788谁有资格成为龙斗士?这是武林史上的一大盛事11000:07:27,440 --> 00:07:29,907 12000:07:56,796 --> 00:07:58,199我咋知道别管钱了快走吧11100:07:30,551 --> 00:07:32,983 12100:07:58,210 --> 00:08:00,738不好意思借过阿波你要上哪儿去?11200:07:33,484 --> 00:07:36,385 12200:08:01,576 --> 00:08:03,745- 嘿看着点儿阿波上玉殿去 - 对不起卡住了123 11300:08:03,755 --> 00:08:06,468 00:07:38,098 --> 00:07:40,448 带上你的面条小车抱歉没关系我洗过澡了...124 11400:08:06,479 --> 00:08:08,161 00:07:40,573 --> 00:07:41,754整个山谷的村民都会上那儿去快看!125 11500:08:08,171 --> 00:08:10,772 00:07:43,154 --> 00:07:45,600我们的面条就能卖疯了龟仙人要比武挑选龙斗士了就在今天 126 00:08:10,782 --> 00:08:13,094 116 00:07:46,609 --> 00:07:49,219 卖面条?大家快去玉殿 127 00:08:14,770 --> 00:08:17,872 117 00:07:49,231 --> 00:07:51,355 - 老爸我在想...- 什么? 中原五侠客之一将被授予龙之典128 11800:08:17,883 --> 00:08:21,148 00:07:51,365 --> 00:07:54,765- 或许我可以... 我们已经为此等待了一千年- 什么? 把碗端走吧129 13900:08:23,147 --> 00:08:25,606 00:09:37,082 --> 00:09:40,699把面条和馒头放一块儿卖那怎么行我自己来130 14000:08:25,616 --> 00:08:27,968 00:09:45,644 --> 00:09:48,710馒头放着都快馊了今天会永载史册的是吧? 龟仙人131 14100:08:27,978 --> 00:08:29,474 00:09:48,724 --> 00:09:53,636这才是我的儿子! 是啊没想到我能活着看到这天132 14200:08:29,484 --> 00:08:31,812 00:09:53,646 --> 00:09:55,696我就说那个梦是个好兆头你的徒弟们准备好了?133 14300:08:31,822 --> 00:08:35,341 00:09:55,708 --> 00:09:57,618没错做这个梦真好... 一切就绪了龟仙人134 14400:08:38,619 --> 00:08:41,236 00:09:58,600 --> 00:10:00,579- 我是武林高手! 记好了老朋友- 我也是!14500:10:00,589 --> 00:10:04,728 13500:09:18,192 --> 00:09:22,134选中的人不但会给山谷带来安宁加油加油就快到了14600:10:04,738 --> 00:10:07,704 13600:09:22,828 --> 00:09:27,505还能抚平你的心灵老天别这么对我147 别这么对我 00:10:11,558 --> 00:10:15,249 137 武林大会正式开始! 00:09:28,933 --> 00:09:30,002148 我们先走了阿波 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:36,066 138 别关别关我来了 00:09:30,012 --> 00:09:32,590该死放心吧会给你带纪念品的149 00:11:20,601 --> 00:11:23,47200:10:38,980 --> 00:10:41,497万吨烟火齐发把门打开160150 00:11:24,943 --> 00:11:27,80400:10:42,576 --> 00:10:45,241快看那招式嘿闪开点儿让我进去161151 00:12:01,099 --> 00:12:05,12500:10:45,251 --> 00:10:47,823最后上场的是... 悍娇虎和平谷的村民们162152 00:12:11,663 --> 00:12:15,75400:10:47,833 --> 00:10:50,660我有幸向各位介绍相信我村民们你们还没见到真正的绝招153 16300:10:50,670 --> 00:10:55,658 00:12:15,764 --> 00:12:17,285 悍娇虎俏小龙禅灵鹤成吉思憨猴还用你说幻影螳螂164 15400:12:17,295 --> 00:12:19,949 00:10:55,670 --> 00:10:57,318 传说中的中原五侠客她的杀手锏除了强壮的体魄和犀利的眼神外155165 00:11:09,738 --> 00:11:11,96300:12:19,961 --> 00:12:22,373哇中原五侠客还有其致命的虎爪功 15600:11:13,115 --> 00:11:14,72316600:12:34,667 --> 00:12:39,173 请各就各位 157 我感受到了...龙斗士...气脉 00:11:14,732 --> 00:11:17,398167 先等等别开始 00:12:44,262 --> 00:12:46,979 158 00:11:17,406 --> 00:11:18,878 和平谷的村民们比武即将开始 168 00:12:46,989 --> 00:12:52,098 15917700:13:51,509 --> 00:13:55,994龟仙人将挑选龙斗士的继承者好了儿子回去工作吧 16900:12:52,109 --> 00:12:55,57617800:13:57,492 --> 00:14:00,439就选了?! 等一等好吧 17000:13:12,790 --> 00:13:16,95417900:14:06,130 --> 00:14:07,701阿波你在干什么!儿子! 17100:13:16,964 --> 00:13:18,49318000:14:32,017 --> 00:14:36,204你说我是在干嘛我是要... 我在哪儿? 17200:13:18,501 --> 00:13:22,23118100:14:38,685 --> 00:14:41,199别吹别吹我要去看龙斗士你在指什么? 17300:13:24,967 --> 00:13:26,62218200:14:42,946 --> 00:14:47,541我不明白你怎么了对不起我只想看看谁成为了龙斗士 174 00:13:26,632 --> 00:13:29,74218300:14:47,553 --> 00:14:49,916你好不容易才做了关于面条的梦真有意思 17500:13:29,754 --> 00:13:33,52118400:14:49,926 --> 00:14:52,839我撒谎了老爸我没梦到面条龟仙人您是在指我吗? 17600:13:35,769 --> 00:13:42,09018500:14:52,849 --> 00:14:54,817我爱武功- 我在指他你是要指小虎的 - 指谁?194 18600:15:37,367 --> 00:15:39,479 00:14:56,877 --> 00:14:59,098结果那东西掉到了她面前 - 就是你- 我? 195 00:15:39,490 --> 00:15:41,072 187 00:14:59,108 --> 00:15:04,747完全是个巧合!冥冥宇宙为我们指定了龙斗士 196 00:15:41,085 --> 00:15:44,634 188 00:15:04,757 --> 00:15:06,436 世间无巧合- 怎么可能? 197 - 怎么可能? 00:15:58,786 --> 00:16:01,743 189 00:15:06,447 --> 00:15:08,288 恕我们无能师父令您失望了- 怎么可能? 198 - 怎么可能? 00:16:01,753 --> 00:16:05,044 190 00:15:17,986 --> 00:15:20,881 先别急若明早之前这个熊猫还未自行退出等等停下来谁让你们... 199 00:16:05,056 --> 00:16:07,787 191 00:15:30,122 --> 00:15:31,417 那就是我的失职龟仙人等一下 200 00:16:26,263 --> 00:16:30,406 192 00:15:31,425 --> 00:15:35,723刀下留人我是来送信的是宗师的信那个大肥熊猫绝不可能解决我们的问题! 201 00:16:35,369 --> 00:16:37,971 193 00:15:35,733 --> 00:15:37,357你说什么? 要我们把狱守数量加倍?惊人至极 20200:16:37,981 --> 00:16:39,72121100:17:12,705 --> 00:17:15,618还要增加额外防范措施?进出都只有一条道 20300:16:39,731 --> 00:16:42,73021200:17:15,627 --> 00:17:19,471"监狱防卫设施可能不够" ?!一千个狱守监视一个犯人 20400:16:45,207 --> 00:16:48,51621300:17:19,481 --> 00:17:24,311你怀疑我的监狱不安全?我知道但这个犯人可是...黑豹太郎 20500:16:48,526 --> 00:16:51,02421400:17:28,002 --> 00:17:30,431 当然不是把我们放下去 20600:16:51,034 --> 00:16:53,813 21500:17:47,760 --> 00:17:49,643 是师傅对此不放心我只是个送信的天哪 20700:16:53,825 --> 00:16:57,925 21600:17:53,422 --> 00:17:56,980 那你帮我回个话儿这就是黑豹太郎 20800:16:57,937 --> 00:17:02,463 21700:17:58,204 --> 00:18:00,496 从啸岗监狱逃跑简直是天方夜谭我还是在这里等你吧 20900:17:06,104 --> 00:17:08,480 21800:18:01,140 --> 00:18:05,441 惊人吧没什么好怕的安全的很 21000:17:08,489 --> 00:17:12,69521900:18:05,451 --> 00:18:08,909 我会转达宗师没什么好担心的228弓箭手随时待命 00:18:35,863 --> 00:18:38,84922000:18:09,854 --> 00:18:15,018 - 没错他完全不必担心- 我会传达的小子听说没 229龟仙人终于找人继承龙之典了 00:18:39,551 --> 00:18:41,783 22100:18:15,030 --> 00:18:16,816 能离开这儿了吗?230而这个人肯定不会是你 00:19:06,075 --> 00:19:07,94122200:18:16,826 --> 00:18:18,669 等一下231你在干嘛别惹恼了他 00:19:12,433 --> 00:19:14,66422300:18:18,679 --> 00:18:20,389 这里面可能有点儿小误会232他能把我怎么样 00:19:14,674 --> 00:19:17,83022400:18:20,399 --> 00:18:24,437 似乎每个人都认为我是...233他连一根指头都动不了 00:19:19,088 --> 00:19:23,79222500:18:26,827 --> 00:18:31,348 隐秘的侠者之殿不是吧234哦啊我是不是踩到小豹豹的尾巴了 00:19:24,083 --> 00:19:26,341 22600:18:31,359 --> 00:18:33,316 看看这个地方235行了我已经看够了 00:19:27,466 --> 00:19:29,45422700:18:33,326 --> 00:18:35,853 飞狮大侠的盔甲236 有人在吗?00:19:29,466 --> 00:19:32,30424500:20:08,223 --> 00:20:10,671 原来打仗时受的损伤都还在!237 你游览完了吗?00:19:34,086 --> 00:19:35,80224600:20:10,685 --> 00:20:12,783 英雄剑238 对不起我应该第一个就来看你的00:19:35,812 --> 00:19:39,59324700:20:12,793 --> 00:20:14,781 锋利到看一眼都会被割伤239 我没什么耐心00:19:41,164 --> 00:19:44,33924800:20:14,791 --> 00:20:17,689 隐形青龙偃月刀240 反正你也跑不掉00:19:45,533 --> 00:19:48,80024900:20:17,699 --> 00:20:20,075 我终于看到这幅画了真的是这幅画吗?241 - 转过身来00:19:54,839 --> 00:19:56,743 - 好的 250不会吧 00:20:20,117 --> 00:20:20,16524200:19:58,556 --> 00:20:00,773 你好 251传说中装载着武士耳语的瓷瓶 00:20:21,191 --> 00:20:24,05524300:20:00,783 --> 00:20:04,354 你是怎么... 宗师! 252 整个天蜀军尽在其中 00:20:26,248 --> 00:20:28,24724400:20:06,994 --> 00:20:08,211 有人把花瓶打破了 25300:20:28,257 --> 00:20:32,390 你有没梯子弹簧之类的东西?262我会把它补好的你有胶水吗? 00:20:58,581 --> 00:21:03,65425400:20:33,692 --> 00:20:36,682 你太天真了以为我会就这样把无穷力量的奥义告诉你? 啊噢噢扎到我了 26300:21:03,665 --> 00:21:04,541 25500:20:36,692 --> 00:20:39,909不是我... 你就是传说中的龙斗士嗯? 26400:21:04,551 --> 00:21:07,746 25600:20:39,919 --> 00:20:42,706你必须先达到武学的最高境界- 呃大概是吧 265- 错 00:21:07,756 --> 00:21:11,83725700:20:42,718 --> 00:20:46,016 像你这样的人是绝对不可能的266你不是龙斗士也不可能成为龙斗士 00:21:11,845 --> 00:21:12,752 25800:20:46,028 --> 00:20:50,459 我这样的人?267除非你能参透龙之典中的奥义 00:21:12,772 --> 00:21:14,58725900:20:50,470 --> 00:20:51,909 是啊看看你自己268哇噢 00:21:14,595 --> 00:21:16,70326000:20:51,921 --> 00:20:54,177 肥嘟嘟的屁股软绵绵的胳膊269那么该怎么做? 00:21:17,726 --> 00:21:19,97326100:20:54,189 --> 00:20:57,934 软绵绵的地方最敏感了27000:21:19,995 --> 00:21:23,04327900:21:41,321 --> 00:21:44,865还有这个傻呼呼的肚子那你也该知道弹一下的后果喽 27100:21:23,055 --> 00:21:26,42028000:21:44,903 --> 00:21:45,850也不注意个人卫生不要不要 27200:21:26,429 --> 00:21:28,47928100:21:45,863 --> 00:21:47,684嘿等等这不公平那你知道最难的是什么吗? 27300:21:28,500 --> 00:21:30,77028200:21:47,694 --> 00:21:51,658别站那么近我都闻到你的口臭了最难的是事后清理残骸哦 27400:21:30,790 --> 00:21:32,97928300:21:51,670 --> 00:21:53,752听着是龟仙人说我...好的好的别冲动 27500:21:32,997 --> 00:21:34,30628400:21:53,762 --> 00:21:55,634无极拈花指你给我听好了 27600:21:34,318 --> 00:21:34,64728500:21:55,645 --> 00:21:58,047别别无极拈花指熊猫龟仙人也许挑中了你 27700:21:35,672 --> 00:21:38,50228600:21:58,057 --> 00:22:03,108噢你也知道这一招?但我修理完你以后 27800:21:38,512 --> 00:21:41,308 你会希望他当初没选287由无极大师于第三朝时创立是的 00:22:03,137 --> 00:22:05,023 29600:23:12,430 --> 00:23:16,458 懂了吗?288也没错不过我们或许该找个 00:22:05,033 --> 00:22:07,624 更适合我水平的是的懂了完全了解 29700:23:16,468 --> 00:23:17,641 28900:22:07,635 --> 00:22:11,706你是什么水平?很好我等不及要开始了 29800:23:17,651 --> 00:23:20,127 29000:22:52,255 --> 00:22:53,334我离大师还有一段距离开始吧 29900:23:20,136 --> 00:23:23,869 29100:22:53,354 --> 00:22:58,326从最基础的开始吧最最基础的等等什么现在? 30000:23:23,879 --> 00:23:27,925 29200:22:58,336 --> 00:23:00,042没有最最基础这一说是的现在 30100:23:27,935 --> 00:23:30,883 29300:23:00,052 --> 00:23:03,996- 嗨也许我可以从这里起步- 那个?除非你觉得龟仙人错了你也不是龙斗士302294 00:23:30,893 --> 00:23:32,721 00:23:04,007 --> 00:23:09,721 这是训练小孩子的那么好吧全部这些我估计还做不来 30300:23:32,731 --> 00:23:35,796 29500:23:09,731 --> 00:23:12,409天热的时候用来抵门的不试试怎么知道呢? 30400:23:35,806 --> 00:23:37,459休息会儿效果会更好但如果你坚持的话 31300:24:04,582 --> 00:24:06,60530500:23:37,470 --> 00:23:39,965出招就是了!哇噢五侠客 31400:24:06,819 --> 00:24:09,93330600:23:39,975 --> 00:23:42,173唔你算什么你们比市面上你们的玩偶大多了 31500:24:09,943 --> 00:24:11,92730700:23:42,195 --> 00:23:45,287你什么都不是因为高手在此除了你幻影螳螂 31600:24:11,937 --> 00:24:13,211 你的玩偶和你差不多308看到我的兄弟们了吗? 00:23:46,077 --> 00:23:50,04431700:24:13,220 --> 00:24:14,999 来吧熊猫给我们看看你有什么能耐309想尝尝我的雷霆之怒吗? 00:23:51,943 --> 00:23:55,40531800:24:15,010 --> 00:24:17,351 他们也要看?还是等他们回去练功后我再开始无影脚就要来了 310你能应付的了无影脚吗? 00:23:55,435 --> 00:23:56,61831900:24:17,360 --> 00:24:20,350 出手吧311来吧我无影无踪无影无踪 00:23:56,629 --> 00:24:00,839没见过熊拳吧好的我刚吃的饱饱正在消化 32000:24:20,362 --> 00:24:22,31131200:24:00,851 --> 00:24:04,572你只见过螳螂拳321 当心00:24:22,322 --> 00:24:24,71633000:25:12,695 --> 00:25:14,657 或者猴拳322 小熊猫啊...00:24:24,726 --> 00:24:27,01033100:25:42,219 --> 00:25:43,884 还是蛇拳323 我干的怎么样?00:24:27,020 --> 00:24:29,33933200:25:43,894 --> 00:25:47,658 你出还是不出!324 现在有最最基础这么一说了00:24:29,349 --> 00:24:32,35933300:25:48,949 --> 00:25:50,059 好的好的325 我没有不承认00:24:37,714 --> 00:24:41,36133400:25:50,071 --> 00:25:52,391 再来一次好吗用力点326 我不懂龟仙人是怎么想的00:24:41,945 --> 00:24:43,69533500:25:52,401 --> 00:25:54,724 这下怎么样...327 那个傻孩子都要没命了00:24:53,648 --> 00:24:55,48633600:25:54,734 --> 00:25:59,021 疼死了328 那个龙斗士他无比强大00:25:02,001 --> 00:25:04,94933700:25:59,031 --> 00:26:02,113 看来会比我想象的容易329 翱翔于九天口吐烈火00:25:07,971 --> 00:25:09,21433800:26:02,123 --> 00:26:05,193 武功这东西很难是吗?347他的脚步让大地颤抖 00:27:13,638 --> 00:27:15,71233900:26:05,891 --> 00:26:10,053 你二头肌酸了吗?348本以为龟仙人会选一个懂武功的人 00:27:16,328 --> 00:27:19,739 34000:26:10,065 --> 00:26:12,119 我今天既累又失望349至少也是能摸到自己脚趾的人啊 00:27:19,751 --> 00:27:25,04134100:26:12,129 --> 00:26:14,882 现在应该睡觉了350或者能看到自己的脚趾 00:27:25,051 --> 00:27:27,249 34200:26:38,551 --> 00:26:40,021 - 是是当然- 谢谢好的 35100:27:27,259 --> 00:27:30,187 34300:26:48,445 --> 00:26:50,798我太崇拜你们了别出动静 35200:27:30,197 --> 00:27:32,909 34400:27:03,589 --> 00:27:06,107哭泣河之役你们打的太棒了!嗨还没睡啊? 35300:27:32,919 --> 00:27:36,475 34500:27:06,117 --> 00:27:07,484以五挑千万无所畏惧...现在醒了 35400:27:38,828 --> 00:27:40,924 34600:27:07,492 --> 00:27:13,628不好意思我只是想有时候 35500:27:41,786 --> 00:27:44,78636400:28:09,555 --> 00:28:14,291听着你不属于这里好的我再说一遍你帅呆了再见 356 00:27:45,697 --> 00:27:49,16436500:28:17,334 --> 00:28:18,544我知道我知道你说的对什么? 35700:27:49,174 --> 00:27:52,36836600:28:18,554 --> 00:28:20,107只是我一直都梦想着...我什么都没说 35800:27:52,378 --> 00:27:55,01936700:28:20,117 --> 00:28:24,024不不不我是指你不属于"这里"好的好的晚安做个好梦 35900:27:55,031 --> 00:27:58,62536800:28:26,190 --> 00:28:28,975这间屋子这是我的房间真尴尬 36000:27:58,945 --> 00:28:00,62736900:28:30,073 --> 00:28:32,524禅灵鹤的地盘悍娇虎大侠我不是故意吵醒你的只是 (361)00:28:01,050 --> 00:28:04,28537000:28:32,536 --> 00:28:33,770好的好的你不属于这里 36200:28:04,295 --> 00:28:07,30537100:28:33,782 --> 00:28:36,472你很困了我还在打扰你是的是的当然这是你的房间 36300:28:07,315 --> 00:28:09,54537200:28:36,482 --> 00:28:39,984明天还有很多事00:29:18,501 --> 00:29:22,590我是指你不属于玉殿不开心我没不开心啊我为什么要 37300:28:39,996 --> 00:28:41,323 不开心呢? 382你不尊重武功 00:29:23,301 --> 00:29:26,854 37400:28:41,333 --> 00:28:45,955 那么你为什么不开心呢?383如果你真的尊敬我们尊敬武功 00:29:30,759 --> 00:29:34,413 37500:28:45,966 --> 00:28:49,417 我大概是武林史上最差劲的了384就该在天亮前离开 00:29:34,423 --> 00:29:36,20337600:28:53,600 --> 00:28:56,361 中原史上最差劲的385我一直支持你哦 00:29:36,215 --> 00:29:38,93837700:29:02,464 --> 00:29:06,377 - 差劲史上最差劲的- 大概吧看来你找到了神秘的圣天慧桃树了嘛 38600:29:38,948 --> 00:29:43,129 37800:29:08,579 --> 00:29:09,542五侠客们他们恨死我了这是智慧桃树? 38700:29:43,140 --> 00:29:44,123 37900:29:09,553 --> 00:29:13,509恨死了对不起我以为只是棵普通的桃树呢 38800:29:44,135 --> 00:29:48,030 38000:29:13,519 --> 00:29:18,491宗师怎么可能把我变成龙斗士呢?我明白你不开心就会吃东西 38900:29:49,844 --> 00:29:51,768 38139800:30:59,367 --> 00:31:01,310 我又不像五侠客那样390- 噢不 00:29:51,779 --> 00:29:55,331- 发生什么了?我没有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液 39900:31:12,856 --> 00:31:15,96139100:29:55,342 --> 00:29:59,442- 弓弩手发射- 发射就连幻影螳螂都有那样的胳膊400392 00:31:27,168 --> 00:31:29,69300:29:59,882 --> 00:30:03,673太郎自由了我必须去警告宗师也许我应该放弃回家做面条算了401393 00:31:29,707 --> 00:31:32,30500:30:06,357 --> 00:30:11,635- 哪儿也不准去放弃别放弃面条别做面条 - 可是他... 394 402 00:30:12,572 --> 00:30:17,115 00:31:32,315 --> 00:31:34,166你太在乎过去和将来了升起来 395 403 00:30:17,124 --> 00:30:22,014 00:31:36,251 --> 00:31:38,489 俗语说过去的已经过去了把他打回去 396 404 00:30:22,026 --> 00:30:24,303 00:31:56,192 --> 00:31:58,585 未来的还未可知 - 他过来了 - 他过不来的 397 00:30:24,313 --> 00:30:30,273 405 00:31:58,595 --> 00:32:00,014 现在却是上苍的礼赠我们可以把握的是当下弓箭手40600:33:06,741 --> 00:33:10,141 熊猫熊猫415我们死定了没的救了 00:34:52,294 --> 00:34:54,34740700:33:10,347 --> 00:33:12,926 醒醒416现在还说不准火箭 00:34:56,946 --> 00:34:58,71540800:33:59,395 --> 00:34:02,538 他放弃了417- 现在能跑了吗? 00:35:00,339 --> 00:35:01,937- 可以现在该怎么办师父? 40900:34:22,458 --> 00:34:25,07741800:35:01,949 --> 00:35:05,256真高兴师父把你送来了熊猫走了那谁来做龙斗士呢? 410 00:34:26,053 --> 00:34:28,794 41900:35:05,267 --> 00:35:08,185 我还以为我被忘了呢我们只有努力修炼相信到时候 411 00:34:28,804 --> 00:34:30,912 42000:35:08,195 --> 00:35:11,465 回去告诉他们真正的龙斗士自会出现 41200:34:30,924 --> 00:34:35,444 42100:35:12,644 --> 00:35:13,630 真正的龙斗士要回家了你在这儿干什么? 41300:34:46,427 --> 00:34:48,511 42200:35:15,377 --> 00:35:19,188 早上好师父早上好师父我先热热身 41400:34:49,376 --> 00:34:52,283 42300:35:20,854 --> 00:35:21,749敏捷性要训练很多年是卡住了吧?432 424 00:35:49,487 --> 00:35:54,04400:35:21,757 --> 00:35:26,710运用到实战也要花很多年卡住了? 不不是怎么会433 425 00:36:02,658 --> 00:36:04,18500:35:26,720 --> 00:35:28,014放下是的我是被卡住了434 426 00:36:04,195 --> 00:36:08,69800:35:28,025 --> 00:35:30,666我们只收集血淋淋的关节 - 帮帮他和骨片做纪念品 - 天哪435 427 00:36:08,706 --> 00:36:12,37600:35:30,960 --> 00:35:34,382好的很好数三声一起用力一二436 428 00:36:12,388 --> 00:36:14,62700:35:37,385 --> 00:35:39,005我们开始吧 - 谢谢437 - 不客气00:36:15,930 --> 00:36:18,36542900:35:39,017 --> 00:35:41,608- 准备好了吗?- 生来就好了 - 不我真的很感谢...438 - 少来00:36:19,925 --> 00:36:22,55843000:35:42,244 --> 00:35:46,373不好意思可是你说已经准备好了啊439 你真的指望一夜之间就学会劈山腿吗?00:36:22,568 --> 00:36:26,06043100:35:46,385 --> 00:35:49,47700:37:13,411 --> 00:37:16,884 真是棒极了再来一遍吧440直到他倒下或是认输 00:36:51,683 --> 00:36:54,651 44900:37:16,895 --> 00:37:18,979 之前都是手下留情熊猫但是到此为止但真正的勇士是不会认输的 44100:36:54,661 --> 00:36:56,943 45000:37:18,990 --> 00:37:22,432你下一个对手是我别担心师父我不会认输的 442 00:36:56,953 --> 00:36:59,614 45100:37:32,356 --> 00:37:35,549好的来吧他要是聪明的话就不会再爬上来了 44300:37:01,269 --> 00:37:03,393 45200:37:35,559 --> 00:37:36,908来啊但他会再来的 44400:37:03,856 --> 00:37:06,796 45300:37:36,918 --> 00:37:39,343胜利之钥就是寻找对手的弱点他不会放弃的是吗? 445 00:37:06,806 --> 00:37:08,543 45400:37:39,353 --> 00:37:42,116然后狠狠打击不如这么说吧他不会放弃弹地的 44600:37:08,551 --> 00:37:09,968 45500:37:53,277 --> 00:37:56,746耶你不是说针灸会让我感觉好一点的吗? 44700:37:09,978 --> 00:37:13,399 45600:37:56,758 --> 00:38:00,299以彼之力还施彼身确实会只是不太好找穴位 44800:38:23,189 --> 00:38:26,05645700:38:00,308 --> 00:38:01,811我知道师父其实是想启迪我- 特别是在这身 (466)00:38:26,066 --> 00:38:27,823 - 肥肉...458但如果我不了解他的话 00:38:01,819 --> 00:38:04,357 46700:38:27,833 --> 00:38:30,238 皮毛我要说的是皮毛459会以为他是要甩掉我 00:38:04,367 --> 00:38:05,08746800:38:34,666 --> 00:38:37,657 当然了460师父看上去确实很冷漠 00:38:05,097 --> 00:38:09,82246900:38:37,667 --> 00:38:39,904 我怎么会凭体形裁定谁是高手呢? 看看我这小体积但是他以前并不是这样的 46100:38:10,297 --> 00:38:12,36347000:38:39,914 --> 00:38:41,231我在这儿据说 46200:38:12,373 --> 00:38:14,78747100:38:41,241 --> 00:38:45,403也许你该再好好看看这个师父之前一直是笑容可掬的 46300:38:14,797 --> 00:38:17,94047200:38:45,413 --> 00:38:47,437对好的- 不可能 464- 真的 00:38:19,870 --> 00:38:21,69947300:38:47,445 --> 00:38:50,908 别扎了别扎了46500:39:15,903 --> 00:39:19,335 - 但是在那件事发生之前- 什么事?他是个弃婴师父收留了他 47400:38:50,920 --> 00:38:52,501 48300:39:20,207 --> 00:39:22,870太郎叛乱把他当作自己的儿子一样养大 47500:38:52,511 --> 00:38:54,831 48400:39:25,993 --> 00:39:28,219我们不该谈论他当他展现出武学天赋时 47600:38:54,841 --> 00:38:57,998 48500:39:29,566 --> 00:39:31,828如果他要待在这里就应该知道这些师父就将武艺传授给了他 47700:38:58,008 --> 00:39:00,011 48600:39:31,837 --> 00:39:36,542我知道太郎师父非常器重他 478说他注定会成就非凡 00:39:00,021 --> 00:39:01,431 48700:39:37,571 --> 00:39:40,766 他是师父的一个徒弟479太郎永远都不满足 00:39:01,439 --> 00:39:05,53848800:39:41,989 --> 00:39:44,065 第一个精通上千种武艺的人480他渴望得到龙之典 00:39:05,548 --> 00:39:09,68748900:39:44,075 --> 00:39:46,612 但他变坏了后来进了监狱481但是龟仙人发现了他心中的邪念 00:39:09,697 --> 00:39:12,371 49000:39:46,623 --> 00:39:48,225 他不只是一个普通徒弟482于是拒绝了却蹦出个你来 49100:39:48,656 --> 00:39:52,35750000:40:47,779 --> 00:40:51,766怒不可遏太郎毁坏了村庄一个吊儿郎当的大胖熊猫 49200:39:54,214 --> 00:39:56,773 觉得这事好像笑话501企图强夺龙之典 00:40:52,960 --> 00:40:53,80249300:39:56,781 --> 00:40:01,149 你大爷!502师父必须亲手毁掉他的心血 00:40:53,812 --> 00:40:57,61149400:40:02,656 --> 00:40:04,745 等等我的错扎到他的面穴了503可又怎么下的了手呢 00:40:59,316 --> 00:41:01,65949500:40:18,131 --> 00:40:22,077 心脏说不定也被我扎停了...504师父一辈子只爱过太郎一个人 00:41:05,318 --> 00:41:10,03349600:40:30,335 --> 00:40:32,393 内心的平静...内心的平静505也许以后也不会再爱 00:41:12,992 --> 00:41:17,88249700:40:39,726 --> 00:40:41,957 内心的...内...内...内心的平静506现在是他纠正过往的机会 00:41:21,213 --> 00:41:23,22549800:40:42,974 --> 00:40:45,245 不管是什么东西发出那种呲啦的声音507教出一个真正的龙斗士 00:41:23,235 --> 00:41:25,80249900:40:45,255 --> 00:40:47,769 给我安静下来!50800:41:28,688 --> 00:41:31,043 太郎从监狱里逃出来了517内心的... 00:42:05,245 --> 00:42:07,72950900:41:34,515 --> 00:41:37,801 正朝这边赶过来518哦平先生太棒了 00:42:08,235 --> 00:42:10,92551000:41:37,203 --> 00:41:40,927 的确就是个坏消息519我正想听点好消息 00:42:10,936 --> 00:42:15,19151100:41:47,715 --> 00:41:49,637 如果你不相信龙斗士能阻止他520- 仙人! 仙人! 00:42:15,201 --> 00:42:16,834- 嗯?那只熊猫?! 51200:41:49,647 --> 00:41:53,91052100:42:16,842 --> 00:42:19,536我有个...很坏的消息仙人那头熊猫不是龙斗士 51300:41:53,922 --> 00:41:58,01152200:42:18,537 --> 00:42:21,232 啊...宗师只是消息而已他根本就不该出现在这里! 51400:41:58,021 --> 00:42:00,01452300:42:21,242 --> 00:42:22,792没有好坏之分完全是巧合 51500:42:00,024 --> 00:42:03,34252400:42:22,802 --> 00:42:25,770师父你的预见没错世间无巧合 51600:42:03,351 --> 00:42:05,23652500:42:26,314 --> 00:42:30,094也不可能让它提前结果是啊我知道您已经说过... 两次了 534 00:42:55,513 --> 00:42:58,23752600:42:30,104 --> 00:42:34,597但是有些事情我们是可以控制的- 这也不是巧合 53500:42:59,365 --> 00:43:02,294 - 三次527我可以控制果实的坠落的时刻 00:42:34,607 --> 00:42:39,219 53600:43:03,045 --> 00:43:06,976 老朋友如果你不看清控制的幻象528我可以控制它的种子在哪里安家 00:42:39,229 --> 00:42:40,977 53700:43:08,304 --> 00:43:11,387 熊猫就无法完成他的使命529这可不是幻象仙人 00:42:40,987 --> 00:42:44,56353800:43:12,248 --> 00:43:16,254 同样你也完成不了你的使命530没错可是无论你做什么 00:42:44,573 --> 00:42:46,96753900:43:16,264 --> 00:43:19,201 - 幻象?- 没错这个种子最终也还是长成棵桃树 53100:42:46,977 --> 00:42:48,01054000:43:19,213 --> 00:43:22,121看看这棵树宗师你或许想要苹果或是橘子 53200:42:49,019 --> 00:42:52,071541。

汉语版〈Kung Fu Panda
- 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降
大地都会颤抖 - 按理说乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人 - 是呀
趾头 - 他胖得连脚趾头都看不见
糟糕 - 嗨你醒了 - 被你吵醒的是... - 今天够呛? - 那功夫真够难的吗? 你二头筋酸吗? - 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气所以... - 是呀
英语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉
- Legend tells of a legendary warrior... - ...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. - He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. - l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! - The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full. - Then he swallowed. And。

Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke.开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。
中文对白英语对白电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词汉语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉/ 传说中有位传奇大侠 / 他武艺高强一身传奇功夫/ 他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手 / 你好像挺爱吃那你干脆吃本大爷一拳 / 大侠一声不吭因为嘴里塞满了吃的 / 等他咽下去了就开口了 / "少废话,尽管出招" / 拿命来 / 他杀气腾腾 / 他那生猛招式让对手眼花缭乱双目失明 / 我看不见了 / 他也太猛啦 / 他好帅哦/ 我们如何报答你? / 行侠仗义帅气生猛 / 不求回报 / 无论他面对多少对手 / 他们都会沦为他的手下败将 / 从来没有哪个熊猫这么威风过这么受崇拜 / 就连盖世豪杰 / 威猛五侠 / 也对这位大师顶礼膜拜 / 一块乐乐去? / 没意见 / 不过没时间找乐子了 / 因为一旦面对恶魔山成千上万的大小恶魔 / 唯有一件最重要那就是.../ 阿宝起来 / 得赶紧开工了 / 什么!? / 阿宝快起来 / 阿宝你在上面干嘛呢? / 没干嘛 / 金猴、螳螂、仙鹤、灵蛇、娇虎 / 阿宝快点开工啦 / 来啦 / 对不起爸爸 / 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条 / 你刚才在上面干嘛? 那么吵 / 没干嘛只是做了一场梦 / 什么梦? / 嗯? / 你梦见什么了? / 我梦见? 呃 / 我梦见了... / 面条 / 面条! 你是真的梦见面条了吗? / 是啊我还能梦见什么呢/ 谢谢 / 小心那面条扎嘴 / 噢我好开心 / 我儿子终于梦见面条啦 / 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻 / 这是个好兆头 / 什么好兆头? / 你就快准备好了我可以完全放心的把我的秘方 / 仙汤的秘方传给你了 / 然后你就可以水到渠成的从我手里接下这面条铺 / 就像我从我父亲手里接下它我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它 / 我爷爷打麻将赢下它 / 爸爸爸爸爸爸那只是一个梦 / 不那是远大梦想 / 我们是做面条的血脉里流淌着汤汁 / 可是爸爸你有没有想过做点别的事? / 除了面条以外的事? / 其实啦我年少轻狂的时候 / 倒是想过出去闯闯去拜师学做豆腐 / 那怎么没去? / 因为那是痴人说梦 / 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死 / 呵豆腐 / 不! 各司其职各归其位才是 / 我属于这儿而你呢... / 我知道我也属于这 / 不是号、号、号、号桌 / 记得要微笑服务/ 身手不错徒儿们!只可惜还是让我失望 / 娇虎你不够凶猛! 金猴你不够快 / 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷螳螂... / 禀告师父什么事? / 是乌龟大师他想见您 / 乌龟大师您要见我出什么事了吧? / 难道一定要出什么事我才能和老朋友见面吗? / 那么没出事? / 这个嘛我也没这么说 / 你刚才说...? / 我有一个预感 / 大龙会杀回来 / 这怎么可能他在大牢里 / 一切皆有可能 / 小善! / 快飞到长岗监狱 / 叫他们加倍看守加倍武装该加倍的都加倍/ 决不能让大龙越狱 / 遵命师父 / 越想逃避宿命越会在半道上跟宿命撞个正着 / 必须想办法不能让他闯进山谷他是想复仇 / 他会... 他会... / 你的思绪就像这池水朋友 / 稍有外界触动就很难清澈明朗 / 可如果让它静下来 / 答案顿时变得清晰了 / 神龙秘笈 / 是时候了 / 可找谁呢? 该把这孕藏无限神功的秘密托付给谁呢? / 谁将成为神龙大侠? / 我也不知道 / 不好意思过一下 / 喂! 当心点 / 对不起收腹! / 对不起我太失礼了 / 什么? / 乌龟大师要选神龙大侠就今天 / 各位各位快去翡翠宫威猛五侠有一个会拿到神龙秘笈 / 这我们可是等了好久啊快带着面条去吧 / 今天可是武林的大日子还给什么钱呢!快去吧! / 阿宝你要去哪儿? / 我去翡翠宫 / 那也别忘了推着小车卖面条 / 山谷的村民都会去人手一碗面条那就赚翻了 / 还要卖面条? / 爸爸其实我在想也许电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词英语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉/ Legend tells of a legendary warrior... / ...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. / He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. / l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! / The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full. / Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. / Enough talk. Let's fight! / Shashabooey! / He was so deadly in fact, / that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness. / My eyes!/ He's too awesome! / And attractive. / How can we repay you? / There is no charge for awesomeness. / Or attractiveness. / Kablooey! / lt mattered not how many foes he faced. / They were no match for his bodacity! / Never before had a panda been so feared! And so loved. / Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, / the Furious Five, / bowed in respect to this great master. / We should hang out. / Agreed. / But hanging out would have to wait. / Because when you're facing the , demons of Demon Mountain, / there's only one thing that matters and that's.../ Po! Get up! / You'll be later for work! / What? / Po! Get up! / Po. What are you doing up there? / Nothing. / Monkey! Mantis! Orane! Viper! Tigress! / Po! Let's go! You're late for work. / Ooming! / Sorry,Dad. / Sorry doesn't make the noodles. / What were you doing up there? All that noise. / Nothing. l just had a crazy dream. / About what? / What were you dreaming about? / What was l...? / l was dreaming about... / ...noodles. / Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? / Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? / Oareful! That soup is sharp. / Oh,happy day! / My son,finally having the noodle dream! / You don't know how long l've been waiting for this moment. / This is a sign,Po. / A sign of what? / You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient / of my Secret lngredient Soup. / Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! / As l took it over from my father,who took it over from his father... / ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. / Dad,Dad,Dad,it was just a dream. / No,it was the dream. / We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins. / But,Dad,didn't you ever want to do something else? / Something besides noodles? / Actually,when l was young and crazy, / l thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. / Why didn't you? / Because it was a stupid dream. / Oan you imagine me making tofu? / Tofu. / No! We all have our place in this world. / Mine is here,and yours is... / l know,is here. / No,it's at tables ,,,and / Service with a smile./ Well done,students... if you were trying to disappoint me. / Tigress,you need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed. / Orane,height. Viper,subtlety. Mantis... / Master Shifu. / What?! / lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you. / Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong? / Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? / So,nothing's wrong? / Well,l didn't say that. / You were saying? / l have had a vision. / Tai Lung will return. / That is impossible! He is in prison. / Nothing is impossible. / Zeng! / Fly to Ohorh/Gom prison and tell them / to double the guards,double their weapons,double everything! / Tai Lung does not leave that prison! / Yes,Master Shifu! / One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. / We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge! / He'll... / Your mind is like this water,my friend. / When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see. / But if you allow it to settle... / ...the answer becomes clear. / The Dragon Scroll. / lt is time. / But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? / To become the Dragon Warrior? / l don't know. / Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. / Watch it! / Sorry. / Suck it up! / Sorry. / A thousand pardons. / What? / Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! / Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! / We've waited , years for this! Take the bowl! / This is the greatest day in kung fu history!Just go! / Po! Where are you going? / To the Jade Palace. / You're forgetting your noodle cart. / The whole valley will be there,and you'll sell noodles to all of them. / Selling noodles? / But,Dad,l was thinking,maybe l... /我... / 怎么? / 我在想也许我... / 呵呵 / ...也许我还能卖豆沙包不然都要发霉了 / 这才是乖儿子 / 我就说那个梦是个好兆头 / 是呀美梦一场 / 我要当神龙大侠 / 我也是 / 山都连上天了/ 快赶紧走 / 走了 / 快啊加油/ 就快到了 / 哦? / 不噢不! / 你好可怜! 我们会给你带些纪念品 / 不我给你们带还差不多 / 今天意义非凡 / 是不是乌龟大师? / 是啊我原来还担心我没法活到今天呢/ 你的徒儿都准备好了吗? / 是的乌龟大师 / 你得明白老朋友 / 无论我选中谁他都会把和平带到山谷 / 也会把安宁带给你 / 比武大会现在开始 / 喔不等等 / 我来了等等老兄别关! / 喂快开门 / 让我进去/ 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 今日老夫有幸向诸位介绍娇虎、 / 灵蛇、仙鹤、金猴、螳螂 / 威猛五侠 / 威猛五侠啊哦 / 五侠请就位 / 等等哦偷看一下 / 准备比武 / 是千条火蛇 / 快看呐 / 喂快让开 / 最后是娇虎女侠 / 各位父老乡亲真正的绝活你们还没看到呢 / 我没看到 / 娇虎女侠对抗铁牛的死亡之虎 / 我感觉到神龙大侠就在我们中间 / 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 乌龟大师现在将选出神龙大侠 / 啊完了? 不! 等等 / 耶 / 阿宝 / 你这是在干什么呀? / 你说我在干什么别吹别吹 / 我要进去看神龙大侠那/ 这我就不明白了你好不容易梦见面条的呀! / 我骗你的我根本就没梦见什么面条 / 我爱功/夫~~!/ 走吧儿子咱回家干活去吧 / 好吧 / 快回来 / 怎么回事 / 这是哪儿? / 干嘛指着我? / 噢好吧对不起 / 我就是想看看谁是神龙大侠 / 这可真有意思 / 大师您指的是我吗? / 是他 / 谁? / 你 / 我? / 天际环宇已经把他送来了神龙大侠 / 什么? / 什么?! / 什么? / 什么?! / 站住等等谁让你们抬轿? / 乌龟大师等等 / 那个焉儿叭肌的熊猫不可能是我们要找的神龙大侠 / 你原来要指的是娇虎可那个肉团正巧掉下来 / 这只是个意外! / 从来就不存在什么意外 / 请原谅师父我们辜负了您 / 不如果明天早上那熊猫还不走 / 那就是我辜负你们/ 等等等等我捎来了 / 功夫大师的信 / 什么?! / 加强兵力 / 特别防御 / “你的监狱也许不够坚固” / 那么你是怀疑我的监狱不安全? / 小的绝对没这个胆 / 师父交代的小的只是送信的 / 那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父 / 想从长岗监狱逃走绝对不可能 / 很壮观是不是? / 那是真是很壮观的是 / 相当的壮观 / 同一道门进同一道门出/ 一千名看守看守一名囚犯 / 是啊只不过那个囚犯 / 是大龙 / 放我们下去 / 你干什么? / 真要命 / 看吧这就是大龙 / 我看我还是在这儿等吧 / 这没什么好怕的这儿安全得很 / 弩弓手待命 / 弩弓手 / 嘿硬汉你听说了吗 / 乌龟终于要把神龙秘笈给人了不过那个人不是你 / 哦你干什么别激怒他 / 他还能怎么着? 我早就已经让他动弹不得了 / 噢我是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了? / 好啦我已经看够了 / 我会跟师父说他没什么可担心的 / 是啊多余担心 / 我一定转告 / 我们赶紧走吧? / 等等 / 我想这一定是搞错了大家好像都以为我是.../ 这是奇侠圣殿我没做梦吧 / 瞧这多气派 / 飞天犀牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕 / 勇者大刀 / 听说绝对锋利看一眼就会被割伤噢 / 这是隐形天命三叉戟 / 我只见过这幅画的冒牌货 / 噢 / 呢喃武士们的灵坛 / 据说装着整个天守大军的亡灵 / 有人吗 / 观光到此结束了吗? / 对不起我应该先来看你的 / 我的耐心是有限的 / 这! 反正你也没地方可去 / 你转过身? / 行 / 嗨你好 / 怎么把五千个... 哦是师父! / 有人...打碎了它 / 不过我会把它粘好你这有没有...? / 胶水 / 扎手了 / 你就是传奇的神龙大侠? / 呃我猜是吧 / 错! / 你不是神龙大侠你永远成不了神龙大侠除非... / 除非你掌握了神龙秘笈里的Yeah? / l was thinking maybe l... / ...could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad. / That's my boy! / l told you that dream was a sign. / Yeah. Glad l had it. / l'm a kung fu warrior! / Me,too! / There's spots at the top. / Let's go. / Come on. Come on! / Almost there. / What? / No! Oh,no! / Sorry,Po. / We'll bring you back a souvenir. / No. l'll bring me back a souvenir. / lt is an historic day. / lsn't it,Master Oogway? / Yes,and one l feared l would not live to see. / Are your students ready? / Yes,Master Oogway. / Know this,old friend. / Whomever l choose will not only bring peace to the valley... / ...but also to you. Let the tournament begin! / Let the tournament begin! / No,no,wait! / l'm coming! Wait,wait! / Hey! Open the door! / Let me in!/ Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, / it is my great honor to present to you...Tigress! / Viper! Orane! Monkey! Mantis! / The Furious Five! / Yeah,the Furious Five! / Warriors,prepare! / Wait. No. Oh,peeky/hole. / Ready for battle! / Yeah. / The Thousand Tongues of Fire. / Look at that. / Hey! Get out of the way! / And finally Master Tigress! / And believe me,citizens,you have not seen anything yet. / l know! / Master Tigress! Face lron Ox and his Blades of Death. / l sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. / Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, / Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior! / Oh,no! No,no,wait! / Yeah. / Po! / What are you doing?! / What does it look like l'm doing?! Stop! / l'm going to see the Dragon Warrior! / But l don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream! / l lied. l don't dream about noodles,Dad. / l love kung fu!/ Come on,son. Let's get back to work. / OK. / What's going on? / Where...? / What are you pointing...? / OK. Sorry. / l just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was. / How interesting. / Master,are you pointing at me? / Him. / Who? / You. / Me? / The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! / What? / What?! / What?! / What?! / Stop,wait! Who told you to...? / Master Oogway,wait. / That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem. / You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her! / That was just an accident! / There are no accidents. / Forgive us,Master. We have failed you. / No. lf the panda has not quit by morning / then l will have failed you./ Wait! Wait,wait,wait! l bring a message... / ... from Master Shifu / What?! / ''Double the guard?!'' / ''Extra precautions?!'' / ''Your prison may not be adequate?!'' / You doubt my prison security?! / Absolutely not. / Shifu does. l'm just the messenger. / l'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. / Escape from Ohorh/Gom prison is impossible! / lmpressive,isn't it? / lt's very impressive. / lt's very impressive. / One way in,one way out. / One thousand guards and one prisoner. / Yes,except that prisoner... / ...is Tai Lung. / Take us down. / What are you doing? / Oh,my. / Behold Tai Lung. / l'm just gonna wait right here. / lt's nothing to worry about. lt's perfectly safe. / Orossbows! At the ready! / Orossbows? / Hey,tough guy,did you hear? / Oogway's giving someone the Dragon Scroll,and it's not gonna be you. / Don't get him mad. / What's he gonna do about it? l've got him completely immobilized. / Did l step on the wittle kitty's tail? / l'm good. l've seen enough. / l'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about. / No,he doesn't. / l'll tell him that. / Oan we please go now? / Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Wait a second! / l think there's been a slight mistake. Everyone seems to think that l'm.../ The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way! / Look at this place. / Master Flying Rhino's armor,with authentic battle damage! / The Sword of Heroes! / Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking. / The lnvisible Trident of Destiny! / l've only seen paintings of that painting. / No! / The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. / Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army. / Hello. / Have you finished sight/seeing? / Sorry,l should have come to you first. / My patience is wearing thin. / Well,l mean,it's not like you were going anywhere. / Would you turn around? / Sure. / How's it going? / How do you get ,... Master Shifu! / Someone... broke that. / But l'll fix it. Do you have some... / ...glue? / A splinter. / So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? / l guess so. / Wrong! / You are not the Dragon Warrior.秘决 / 哦那么我该怎么拿? / 你有没有梯子? 或者蹦床? / 哼哼你以为这么容易我会把无限神功的秘决/ 随随便便给你? / 不我... / 首先必须要达到功夫的最高境界 / 显然最不可能达到这种境界的就是像你这样的 / 像我这样的? / 对瞧瞧你屁股圆肥胳膊松 / 人家这团肉最怕疼还有这肚子 / 大得像个草坪 / 不干不净完全无视个人卫生 / 赶紧打住没这么寒碜人的 / 别站这么近你的口臭扑鼻 / 听着乌龟说我是... / 无须铁指扣! 别用无须铁指扣 / 这招你知道? / 无须大师在秦朝发明的我知道 / 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样 / 别! / 知道最难的是什么? / 最难的是完事后怎么清理干净 / 懂了求你放过我吧 / 你给我仔细听好了熊猫 / 乌龟是选中了你不过等你在我这儿领教过之后 / 在我这儿领教过之后你就会后悔被选中了听明白了吗? / 是很明白很明白明明白白 / 很好 / 我都等不及了 / 我们开始吧/ 等等 / 什么? / 对! 现在 / 除非你认为乌龟大师错了你不是神龙大侠 / 哦好吧我... / 我不知道那些招术我是不是全都会 / 嘿嘿如果不试一下就永远不会知道 / 呃是呀只是也许我们可以找一些更适合我这样水平的 / 你是什么水平? / 呃反正我不是大师不过... / 我们可以从“零”开始没水平 / 呵不! 你上哪儿都找不到“没水平”这个水平 / 我从这个开始吧 / 这个? / 我们是用来训练小孩的或者大热天用它来顶门的 / 可如果你非要用它 / 哇威猛五侠 / 真人比玩具娃娃大多了可除了你螳螂差不多一样小 / 来吧熊猫给我们露一手 / 他们都要看吗? 要不等他们先撤了再说吧 / 出拳吧 / 好吧不过我刚吃饱我还在消化 / 所以我的功夫可能会... 打点折扣 / 赶快出拳 / 好吧 / 谁怕谁呀你就等着我露一手吧/ 你敢欺负我朋友? 我打得你满脸桃花开 / 我用脚丫子问候你我看你怎么办 / 出招吧我左晃我右晃 / 你没看见过熊猫拳吧你只见过螳螂捕蝉什么的 / 或者我们该试试猴子耍宝 / 或者来几下金蛇狂舞 / 你倒是给我打呀! / 好吧好吧 / 再试一下打重点 / 怎么样? 哇 / 好疼 / 要赶走他好像并不难 / 有点头昏 / 这铁家伙看来我要... / 我的鸡鸡 / 我表现如何? / 总算见识“没水平”了 / 我真是无语了 / 可不是吗 / 我真不明白乌龟大师是怎么想的 / 那个可怜虫会送命的 / 他是那么的“威风”/ 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降 / 他一走动大地都会颤抖 / 按理说乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人 / 是呀至少手能碰到脚趾头 / 他胖得连脚趾头都看不见 / 好了 / 糟糕 / 嗨你醒了 / 被你吵醒的 / 我只是... / 今天够呛? / 那功夫真够难的对吗? 你二头筋酸吗? / 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气所以... / 是呀我现在也许真该睡一会儿了/ 是呀是呀当然那好/ 谢谢 / 我只想说我好崇拜你们/ 弃河大战的时候你们表现神勇 / 面对千倍敌人你们毫不退缩你们... / 请多包涵 / 呃听着你不属于这儿 / 我知道我知道你说的对 / 我...什么都不会我只是... / 我从小就有一个梦.../ 不不不我的意思是你不属于这儿就是这房间这是我的房间 / 仙鹤房产 / 哦懂了对对 / 那么对你想睡觉了 / 对打扰了 / 明天还有大事要做呢 / 好吧你很牛我就说这些了 OK 拜拜 / 说什么呢? / 我什么都没说 / 那好走了晚安 / 做个好梦 / 真有点尴尬 / 娇虎大侠我没想吵醒你只是... / 你不属于这里是呀是呀当然 / 这是你的房间 / 我是说你不属于我们翡翠宫 / 你是武林的耻辱如果你 / 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠尊重武林 / 那你明天一早就离开 / 我崇拜你You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... / ...you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll. / So,how does this work? / Do you have a ladder,or a trampoline,or...? / You think it's that easy? That l'll just hand you the secret / to limitless power? / No,l... / One must first master the highest level of kung fu. / And that is impossible if that one is someone like you. / Someone like me? / Yes,look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! / Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. / And this ridiculous belly. / And utter disregard for personal hygiene. / Now,wait a minute. That's uncalled for. / Don't stand that close. l can smell your breath. / Listen,Oogway said l was... / The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! / Oh,you know this hold? / Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty. / Then you know what happens when l flex my pinky. / No,no! / You know the hardest part of this? / The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. / OK,OK,take it easy. / Now listen closely,panda. / Oogway may have picked you,but when l'm through with you, / l promise you,you're going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear? / Yeah,we're clear. We're so clear. / Good. / l can't wait to get started. / Let's begin./ Wait,wait,wait. / What? / Now? / Yes,now. / Unless the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior. / Oh,OK,well... / l don't know if l can do all of those moves. / Well,if we don't try,we'll never know,will we? / Yeah,it's just,maybe we can find something more suited to my level. / What level is that? / Well,l'm not a master,but... / ...let's just start at zero. Level zero. / No. There is no such thing as level zero. / Maybe l can start with that. / That? / We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot. / But if you insist... / The Furious Five! / You're bigger than your action figures. Except,you,Mantis. You're the same. / Go ahead,panda. Show us what you can do. / Are they gonna watch,or should l wait till they get back to work? / Hit it. / OK,yeah. l mean,l just ate. So l'm still digesting. / So my kung fu might not be as good as... later on. / Just hit it. / All right. / What you got? You got nothing,'cause l got it right here./ You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder. / l'm coming at you with crazy feet. / Come on. l'm a blur. You've never seen bear style. / You've only seen praying mantis. / Or monkey style. / Or l could come at you snickety/snake. / Would you hit it! / All right. All right. / Why don't you try again? A little harder. / How's that? / That hurts. / This will be easier than l thought. / I'm feeling a little nauseous! / Those are hard! / My tenders. / How did l do? / There is now a level zero. / There's no words. / No denying that. / What was Master Oogway thinking? / The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. / He is so mighty!/ The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! / When he walks,the very ground shakes! / One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu. / Yeah,or could at least touch his toes. / Or even see histoes. / OK. / Great. / Hi. You're up. / l am now. / l was just... / Some day,huh? / That kung fu stuff is hard work,right? Are your biceps sore? / l've had a long and rather disappointing day,so... / Yeah,l should probably get to sleep now. / Yeah,yeah,yeah. Of course. / OK,thanks. / lt's just... Man,l'm such a big fan! / You guys were amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. / Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just... / Sorry about that. / Look,you don't belong here. / l know. l know. You're right. / I don't have... I just... / My whole life l dreamed of.../ No,l meant you don't belong here. l mean,in this room. This is my room. / Property of Orane. / OK. Right,right. / So,you want to get to sleep. / Yeah. / l'm keeping you up. / We got big things tomorrow. / All right. You're awesome. Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye/bye. / What was that? / l didn't say anything. / OK. All right. Good night. / Sleep well. / That seemed a little awkward. / Master Tigress! l didn't mean to wake you. / You don't belong here. / Yeah,of course. / This is your room. / l mean,you don't belong in the Jade Palace. / You're a disgrace to kung fu,and if you have / any respect for who we are and what we do, / you will be gone by morning. / Big fan!/ 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树 / 就是这棵树? 不好意思我还以为是平常的桃树 / 这我理解你心情烦燥所以你就吃 / 心烦? 我没心烦你怎么觉得我心烦/ 你到底心里在烦些什么? / 我今天的表现有可能是历史上最烂 / 功夫史上最烂最烂史上最烂 / 有可能 / 还有那五个你真该看看他们那样他们恨死我了 / 恨死了 / 师父怎么才能把我训练成神龙大侠呢? / 我不是那五个 / 我没有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液 / 连螳螂都有那样的东西 /我还是放弃吧回家做我的面条 / 放弃不放弃 / 做面条不做面条 / 你患得患失太在意从前又太担心将来/ 有句话说得好 / 昨天是段历史 / 明天是个谜团 / 而今天是天赐的礼物 / 像珍惜礼物那样珍惜今天 / 糟了 / 怎么啦? / 各就各位快快快 / 弩弓发射 / 发射! / 发射! / 大龙越狱了我去告诉师父 / 你哪儿都别想去他跑不了 / 放开我! / 拉起来! / 等等! 放下来! / 他往这儿来了 / 他跑不远的弓箭手! / 死定了这下肯定死定了 / 我们还没死呢射! / 可以逃命了吗? / 逃命! / 很高兴师父派你来 / 我还以为他们把我忘了 / 你飞回去告诉他们 / 真正的神龙大侠要回家了/ 早上好师父 / 熊猫 / 熊猫 / 快起来! / 他放弃了/ 现在怎么办? 师父熊猫走了谁做神龙大侠呢 / 我们现在唯有继续练功不久以后 / 真的神龙大侠一定会出现 / 你在干什么? / 嗨早上好师父 / 我是想先热一下身 / 你卡住了 / 卡住? 没有啊 / 不这是我的... 是我卡住了 / 去帮他 / 真要命 / 我数... / 谢谢 / 不用客气 / 真的我好感谢... / 打住 / 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗? / 韧柔性需要苦练好几年 / 然后再花好几年把它用在格斗中 / 你快把它放下 / 我们这儿收集的纪念品只有关节被打碎的骨头 / 耶好过瘾 / 我们开始吧 / 准备好了吗? / 对不起老弟你不是说准备好了吗! / 这实在太牛啦我们再来 / 我一直对你很客气现在不会了 / 你下一个对手就是我 / 好啊耶出招吧 / 往前一步 / 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点... / 然后让他痛不欲生 / 啊好爽啊 / 吸取他的力给他垂直打击 / 直到他被打垮或者放弃 / 真正的大侠决不会放弃/ 放心师父我决不放弃 / 他要是聪明就不会再爬上台阶 / 可他会爬的 / 他不会放弃对吗? / 他不会放弃往下翻滚 / 我记得你好像说针灸会让我舒服 / 相信我没错的 / 只是很难找准穴位因为你身上有太多的... / 肥肉? / 毛我要说的是毛 / 才怪 / 我可不会光凭大小论英雄不是吗 / 你瞧我我在这儿 / 也许这图你应该再看一遍 / 哦明白了 / 不要不 / 我知道师父这么做是想鼓励我 / 可我要是不了解他 / 我会以为他是想赶我走 / 我知道他表面上铁石心肠 / 可实际上是菩萨心肠 / 据传说 / 很久很久以前师父脸上时常挂着微笑 / 骗人 / 不骗你 / 可后来出事了 / 出了什么事? / 大龙的事 / 是呀我们其实不应该议论他的事 / 可是如果熊猫要留在这儿的话就该知道/ 各位各位我知道大龙的事 / 他是师父的徒弟徒弟中他第一个掌握了千卷功夫书 / 后来他变坏了被关进大牢 / 他不只是个徒弟 / 他刚生下来就被师父捡到了 / 师父扶养他把他当儿子 / 发现了他的功夫天份之后 / 师父就训练他 / 对他满怀信心并告诉他他注定成大器 / 可是大龙心比天高 / 他想要神龙秘笈 / 乌龟大师看出了他内心的阴暗面拒绝了他 / 气急败坏的大龙重创和平谷 / 他妄图把秘笈抢走 / 师父不得不摧毁他一手栽培的徒儿 / 可又不忍心下手 / 师父从来没有象爱大龙那样爱过任何人/ l see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. / ls that what this is? Sorry. l thought it was just a regular peach tree. / l understand. You eat when you are upset. / Upset? l'm not upset. What makes you think l'm upset. / So why are you so upset? / l probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. / ln the history of Ohina. ln the history of sucking! / Probably. / And the Five! Man,you should've seen them! They totally hate me. / Totally. / How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? / l mean,l'm not like the Five. / l've got no claws,no wings,no venom. / Even Mantis has those... thingies./ Maybe l should just quit and go back to making noodles. / Quit,don't quit. / Noodles,don't noodles. / You are too concerned with what was and what will be. / There's a saying: / Yesterday is history, / tomorrow is a mystery, / but today is a gift. / That is why it is called the present. / Oh,no! / What's happening?! / To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go! / Fire crossbows! / Fire! / Fire! / Tai Lung is free! l must warn Shifu. / Not going anywhere! Neither is he! / Let go of me! / Bring it up! / Wait! Bring it back! / He's coming this way! / He won't get far. Archers! / We're dead. So very,very dead. / Not yet we're not. Now! / Oan we run now? / Yes. / l'm glad Shifu sent you. / l was beginning to think l'd been forgotten. / Fly back there and tell them... / ...the real Dragon Warrior is coming home./ Good morning,Master! / Panda! / Panda! / Wake up! / He's quit. / What do we do now,with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior? / All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, / the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. / What are you doing here?! / Hi! Good morning,Master! / l thought l'd warm up a little. / You're stuck. / Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? / Nah. This is one of my... Yeah,l'm stuck. / Help him. / Oh,dear. / Maybe on three. One,two... / ...three. / Thank you. / Don't mention it. / No,really,l appreciate... / Ever. / You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? / lt takes years to develop one's flexibility! / And years longer to apply it in combat! / Put that down! / The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. / Yeah! Excellent. / Let's get started. / Are you ready? / l was born re... / l'm sorry,brother. l thought you said you were ready. / That was awesome! Let's go again! / l've been taking it easy on you,panda. But no more. / Your next opponent will be me. / All right! Yeah,let's go! / Step forth. / The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness... / ...and make him suffer for it. / Oh,yeah! / To take his strength and use it against him... / ...until he finally falls......or quits.../ A real warrior never quits. / Don't worry,Master. l will never quit! / lf he's smart,he won't come back up those steps. / But he will. / He's not going to quit,is he? / He's not going to quit bouncing,l'll tell you that. / l thought you said acupuncture would make me feel better. / Trust me,it will. / lt's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this... / Fat? / Fur. l was going to say fur. / Sure you were. / Who am l to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at me. / l'm over here. / Maybe you should look at this again. / Oh,OK. / Stop it. Stop! / l know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all... / ...but if l didn't know better, / l'd say he was trying to get rid of me. / l know he can seem kind of heartless... / ...but he wasn't always like that. / According to legend, / there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile. / No! / Yes. / But that was before. / Before what? / Before Tai Lung. / We're not really supposed to talk about him. / Well,if he's going to stay here,he should know./ Guys,guys,l know about Tai Lung. / He was a student. The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu. / And then he turned bad,and now he's in jail. / He wasn'tjust a student. / Shifu found him as a cub... / ...and he raised him as his son. / And when the boy showed talent in kung fu... / ...Shifu trained him. / He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. / lt was never enough for Tai Lung. / He wanted the Dragon Scroll. / But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. / Outraged,Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. / He tried to take the scroll by force. / And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. / But how could he? / Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never。

Kung Fu Panda 2-------功夫熊猫 2 (2011)中英文对照字幕很久以前,在古代中国,Long ago, in ancient China,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。
The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。
They brought great joy and prosperity to the city因为他们发明了烟火。
For they had invented fireworks.>但他们的儿子,沈王爷But their son, Lord Shen在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的计划。
Saw darker path in the fireworks.能带来色彩与快乐的东西What that brought color and joy同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。
Can also brink darkness and destruction.沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一位先知求教。
Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer.-她预言道,如果沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟,She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path, 他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。
He will be defeated by the warrior of black and white.这位少主开始改变他的命运。
The Young Lord set out to change his fate.但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。
But what he did next, only sealed.沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。
Shen returned to his parents for a pride.!但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。

Long ago in ancient China.The Peacocks ruled over Gongmen City. They brought great joy andprosperity to the city.For they have invented 'fireworks'.But their son Lord Shensaw darker power in the fireworks.What that brought color and joyCould also bring darkness and destruction. Shen's troubled parentsconsulted a Soothsayer.She foretoldthat if Shen continued down this dark path he would be defeated bya warrior of black and white.The young lord set outto change his fate. But what he did next only sealed it.Shen returned to his parents full of pride. But in their faceshe saw only horror.He was banished from the city forever. But Shen swore revenge.Someday he would returnand all of China would bow at his feet. It's almost done Lord Shen.But we ran out of metal.Search the furthest villages.Find more metal! China will beAnd then the Dragon Warriorjoined the Furious Five.And they became the mostawesome kung fu team ever.Enough talk let's fight.Listen you can hear theDragon Warrior training right now.Stop him! That's too dangerous!Stay focus. Thirty-seven...Why is he doing that to his face?Thirty-eight bean buns!Yes new record! You monster!Keep going! Hit forty!He'll never hit forty. You got it buddy.I'm going for forty!Do it! No problem.I'm going to make it. He did it!- Well done Po! Your training has paid off. Oh Master Shifu.Gotta go. See you later!You will save those for me right?Inner peace. Inner peace.Oh inner peace.Master Shifu. Master Shifu.What have we got? Pirates? Vandals of Volcano Mountain? Whatever it is I'll take them down. Cause I am in the mood.I need to get something doneyou know what I mean?What are you doing?One of Master Oogway final teachings. Awesome! How did you do that? Inner peace.Inner peace. That's cool.Inner peace of what?It's your next phase of training.Every master must findhis path to inner peace.Some choose to meditate for years. And became just like this.Without the slightesttaste of food or water. Or..?Some find it through pain and suffering. As I did. Po the day you were chosen as Dragon Warriorwas the worst day of my life.By far nothing else came close.It was the worst most painfulmind destroying horrible momentI have ever experienced.But once I realized theproblem was not youbut within meI found inner peace.And was able to harnessthe flow of the universe.So that's it. I just need inner peace? My inerts are already super peaceful.So all I need to do isjust get this thing going.Inner peace you're going down.Now show me what you weredoing there with your feet.I saw you just sort of fanciful foot work. Po bandits approachingthe Musicians' Village. Danger.Tell those musicians to startplaying some action musicbecause it is 'On'.Don't worry Master Shifu.I'll master inner peaceas soon as I get back.No snack stop this time.Ha-ha-ha! Snack stop.Wait are you serious?Get all the metal you can find!Grab the metal!Help...Help...Help...Help!That's everything.Let's get out of here! Wings of justice! The Dragon Warrior.The panda? That's impossible.My fist hungers for justice.That was... my fist. Get them!Come on! Take that! Po! Incoming! Thanks Mantis!Tigress! Double-jump strike!Feet of Fury! Tigress! Monkey! Viper! Mantis! Bunny! What?Oh sorry. Crane go!I am on it! Is everyone okay?Yeah! Awesome! I got this. Po! Chew on that tubby.Are you okay? What happened?I think I saw... I think...I got to go. Thank you.Thank you for coming toDragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu. Some more tea? Lemon sauce?If you need anything just ask.Feet of Fury! Dragon Warrior's mop. It must be very good.Hey! No touching!You'll get the mop dirty.He once waited on me. - Awesome. Yes I have a stain to prove it.Hey where is the Dragon Warrior?He doesn't work here anymore.He's busy out thereprotecting the valley.The Dragon Warrior. Po!You should have toldme you were coming. Hi Dad.I would have save you some stinky tofu. Dad can I talk to you?Of course son.In honour of my sonfree tofu dessert for everybody...with purchases.It's so good to see you Po.Have you lost weight?I can almost put my wings around you. Well maybe a little.Poor you. You must feel weak.Let me get you some soup.No that's okay Dad.I'm not hungry. Not hungry?Po are you alright?Yes I'm fine. I'm just...Earlier today I was fighting these bandits. Nothing... too... dangerous.And then the strangest thing happened. Ah... I had this crazy vision.I think I saw my Mom...... and me as a baby. Mama? A baby? OhDad? What...what...How do I say this?Where did I come from?Well you see...son.Baby geese come from a little egg.Don't ask me wherethe egg comes from.Dad that's not what I meant.I know it's not.I think it's time I told you somethingI should have told you a long time ago.Okay.You might have been kind of......adopted. I knew it.You knew? Who told you?No one. Come on Dad.But if you knewwhy didn't you say anything?Why didn't you say anything?How did I get here Dad?Where did I come from? Actuallyyou came from this.It was just another dayat the restaurant.Time to make the noodles.I went out to the backwhere my vegetableshad just been delivered.There were cabbages turnips radishes.Only there were no radishes.Just a very hungry baby panda.There was no note.Of course you could have eaten it.I waited for someoneto come looking for you.But no one did.I brought you inside. Fed you.Gave you a bath. And fed you again.And again.And tried to put some pants on you.And then I made a decisionthat would change my life forever.To make my soup without radishes.And to raise you as my own son.Hsiao Po. My little panda.And from that moment onboth my soup and my lifehave been that much sweeter.And my little Po that's the end of the story. Look at me. No don't look at me.That's it?That can't be it!There抯got to be more Dad.There was a time you ateall my bamboo furniture.It was imported too.One Dumpling please.Dragon warrior's size.Po your story may nothave such a happy beginningbut look how it turned out.You got meyou got Kung Fuand you got noodles!I know but I have so many questions. Like how did I ever fitinto this tiny basket?Why didn't I like pants?And who am I? Watch your fall. Good. Shen?Good afternoon gentlemen.Now we got the pleasantriesout of the way please leave my house. Your house?Didn't you see the Peacockon the front door?There you are Soothsayer.It seems that your fortune telling skills are not as good as you thought.We shall see Shen.Oh you shall see old goat.Where were we?What do you want Shen?What is rightfully mine.Gongmen City.Gongmen is under the stewardshipof the Master's Counciland we will protect it even from you.I'm so glad you feel that way. Otherwise I would have draggedthat thing here for nothing.What is in the box Shen?Want to see it? It's a gift.It's your parting gift.In that it will part you.Part of you here part of you there and part of youwhere you were there...... staining the wall!You insolent fool!Show off. That is a warning.You are no match for our Kung Fu.I agree. But this is.Are you familiar with theMaster of Gongmen City?Master Thundering Rhino? - Yes.Son of the legendary Flying Rhino?- Yes.And slayer of the ten thousandserpents in the Valley of Woo?He's dead.That... that's impossible.Rhino's Horn Defense isn'tpervious to any technique.It was not any technique.Lord Shen has created a weapon.One that breathes fire and spits metal.Unless he is stoppedthis could be the end of Kung Fu.But I just caught Kung Fu.And now you must 'save' it.Go! Destroy this weapon!And bring Lord Shen to justice!Okay here we go! Wow...wow...wow!Wait a second. How can I do this?How can Kung Fu stop somethingthat stops Kung Fu?Remember Dragon Warrioranything is possiblewhen you have inner peace.Inner peace... inner peace... inner peace. Peace on. Oh Po! Po I got you a travel pack.I packed your food for weeks.Cookies buns vegetablesand I even packed all your action figures. See!Oh I don't know what those are.Never seen them before in my life.Dad you got scratches on my Tigress.I also packed your paintingsof our best time together.Just in case you get lonely.That's you and me making noodles.And that's you and me eating noodles.And that's me giving you a piggyback ride.Ain't that cute?On second thought I'll hang on to this one.Hey they're waiting for me.Of course. You have a job to do.Far from home. In a strange cityfill with strange peopleand strange noodles.Facing horrible dangerfrom which you might never return.Don't go Po! I gotta go.I am the Dragon Warrior.It's kind of my job to save Kung Fu.And if I don't. What am I?You're my son. Right?Po it's time. Goodbye.Don't worry Mr. Ping.He'll be back before you can say noodles. Noodles.Come on guys let's go! Yeah! Mama? Mom? Dad? Is that you? Mom? Dad? Oh hi. Hey son you're back....Uh..? Honey what are you doing here?But I thought...We replaced you dearwith this lovely radish.Radish? It's quiet polite and friendlyit does better Kung Fu.No... No... No! Wait!Ouch!...Hoo..! Radish...Radish...Radish!Inner peace... Inner peace.I'm a...training.The mast is not a worthy opponent.I'm ready. Okay. So serious.I think I prefer the mast.Apologies.I used to punch the iron wood treesby the palace.Now I feel nothing.That's severely cool. Again!So this punching iron wood treeshow long did you've to do that?Twenty years. Oh twenty years?Is there any faster wayuntil you don't feel anything? No!BesidesI don't think hard style is your thing.Po why are you really out here?I just found out that my dadisn't really my dad.Your Dad the goose?Must have been quite a shock. Ya.And this bothers you?Are you kidding me?We are warriors right?Nerves of Steel!Soul of Platinum! Like you!So hardcore you don't feel anything.I was...- So what are you talking about? Nothing...nothing.Po's having Daddy issues.I'm so lucky I don't haveany problem with my Dad.Maybe it's Mom ate his headbefore I was born. No no no!Mantis this isn't about you.Po is the one freaking out.I'm not freaking out Po!I'm freaking in. Po!What? We're here. Gongmen City.My father's throne.He used to let me playhere beside him.Promising someday this thronewould be mine. A little to the left.But it's so heavy Master.Thirty years I've waitedfor this moment.Everything must exactlyhow I envisioned it.And I envisioned it a little to the left. Perfect. With the weapon by my side...... a more bit more.With the weapon by my sideall of China will bow before me.We move out in three dayswhen the moon is fulland the tide is high.Now you old goat.Why don't you tell me my......fortune? The future.I was going to say 'future'.Look into your bowl andtell me what glory awaits.If you continue on your current pathYou will find yourselfat the bottom of the stairs.I see... Pain. Ouch!And anger. How dare you?!That is the finest silk in the province!Followed by denial.This is not fortune telling.You're just saying what's happening right... ...now? The most important time is now.But if you really want to see the future.Oh what do you see?A Peacock... is defeated by a warriorof black and white.Nothing has changed.That's impossible and you know it.It's not impossible.And he knows it. Who?Lord Shen! I saw a panda.A Panda? A Kung Fu Warrior.He fought like a demon.Big and furry. Soft and squishy.Kind of plush and cuddly.There are no more pandas.Even with his poor eye-sighthe can see the truth.Why is it that you cannot?Find this panda andbring him to me!One panda lives.That does not make you right.You are right.Being right makes me right.Then I'll kill him and make you wrong.Will you stop that?That must be Shen's palaceon the other side of the city. Great!We'll march in and proclaimwe're the Dragon Warriorand the Furious Five.And we're here to bring you to justice.What are you doing?This place is crawling with wolves.Hey isn't that guy whohammered you on the face?I do not like that guy.We need to get to that towerwithout being spotted by those wolves.Got it. Stealth mode.Ah get out of my way!Hmm...and where does this...ouch!Hello... I couldn't help...Okay. Anyway where was I?Where's Po?How come we lose a guy that big?Guys? Hehe Po.- What!? Sorry.So that was stealth mode uh?Let's be honest it's not oneof my stronger modes....any gold nickel or lead...?This rice is raw!You stole all my metal pots.Either you cook my riceor I'll cook you!Po do something.How am I suppose to help hercook rice without getting caught?Wait I have a better idea.We are here to liberate the Cityand bring Shen to justice.You will need help.Thank you brave sheep.But it is too dangerous.I can't let you. - Oh oh not me.It's not safe to speak here. Right.I'm talking about Masters Ox and Croc.They are in Gongmen jail atBlack Dragon Alley. What?They are still alive?They must be in thatjail gathering intelligencehatching a plot to use their awesomeness to defeat the weapon.Okay let's go. Thanks sheep.Hey stop that costume!Get them! Sorry.Take that! Keep going! - Faster! Hey stop! Got you! Spread out! Search everywhere!Right over there!Is there a part of "everywhere"?Yes then search there.They must be close.I can feel the kung fuchill riding up my spine.Sorry Po. It's just me.Look Gongmen jail.Oh it's cute. Cute uh? Nice work At the first sight of troubleI'll give you a signal.'Kaka' 'kiki'.You mean like crane does?- Yes!Excuse me when have Iever make that noise? Master Ox! Master! The ferocious Master Croc. And Master Storming Ox.I can't believe we're rescuingactual Legends of Kung Fu.We are going to free you from those bondages and injustice. No problem. There's got to be a key around here.No they wouldn't leave a key around here. Oh good you found it!Come on you guys! Yeah!We're coming for you Shen!Guys are we going or not?Do you want to meet us there later?You do want to take back your city right? Of course we do.But if we stand up to Shenhe'll turn the weapon on the city.Listen to yourselves.You're protecting Gongmen cityby not protecting Gongmen city?If we all fight together...then the weapon would kill everyone.Oh would it?Then we use...a sneak attack.We get inside and then...And then you'll be stopped.By the unstoppable weapon. Nothing is unstoppable except for me when I am stopping you from telling me something is unstoppable! Master Ox I'm not lettingyou stay in the cell!I like to see you get me out!You guys see that?It's called being awesome.Come on! Whateverhappened being a hero?The only hero in thistown is a dead one!Like I said you're notgetting me out of the cell!Yes!Alright let's go.I get the top bund.It's time to surrender panda. You... 'Kung Fu' is dead.Kung Fu is...dead? Fine!You stay in your prison affair.With bars made of hopelessness and all you get is threesquare meals of shame!With despair for dessert.We'll take on Shenand prove to all thosewho're hungry for justice!And honour that Kung Fu still lives! Monkey? You! You're mine!I'll tell you what is going to be yours. My fist in your plushcuddly super soft face.Get him! Get me out of here!- Yes Sir. Stop him! Faster.Go Po! Loose him! Yes Sir! Viper! - Hang on! Watch out! It's very uncool! Try this!Guys! Maybe something smaller!Not in my mouth.We better go this way! Pardon me! Okay pardon me. Fire! Fire!We lost them. Crane catch.Guys guys give me a shove!Mantis now.Is that all you got to defeat uslike a big old fluffy cloud?This cloud is about to bring the thunder! Your turn!Why are there so many signs?Come here.I like to squash you!Yes! Taste the defeat!Let me tell you something.Next time you mess with a pandayou better bring a whole army... Guess nobody told you.You mess with a Wolfyou get the fangs.I hit you twice.What are you gonna do now?We surrender.You could chain my body butyou'll never chain my warrior spirit. Hey don't forget the little guy.Did you just call me...Po what are you doing?Trust me I got a plan...No way!Eight point acupuncture cuffs?Just like the ones they held Tai Long. The more you move the tighter they get. These are the best cuffs.Greetings Panda. At last we meet.We meet at last. Yes that's it. Greetings Panda. We meet...You are afraid for a reason.I'm not afraid.He's coming to me in chains.If anyone should be afraid it's...Don't even think about it.I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomachby eating it raw and drinking boiling water. This plan is nothing like that plan. How?Cause this one is going to work.Keep moving.Ahh... my old enemy.Stairs.Thanks for carrying methese last few flights.I threw up a little bit on the third floor. Someone might want to clean that up.Is there some sort ofevil janitor or something?Greetings Panda. We meet...Hey how are you doing? Hey...You've grown up bigger than I thought. Hey enough of the poking around. Strong. Healthy.Look I don't know who you arebut please stand aside Sir.That's a lady. Oh sorry.The beard threw me.It's kind of misleading.False avatar.Enough of this nonsense!Bring the prisoners to me.Sorry ma'am.Get ready guys.Keep your eyes peeled for the weapon! Sparrow kick!We did it!I just kung fu'ed it?Did you guys see that?I was all like...Do you actually believe this is the warrior destined to defeat me?I do not. I 'know' he is!Oh look at him.A lifetime to plot his revengeand he comes to me on his knees. What? A lifetime?I didn't have a lifetime.We only heard of Master Rhinoa few days ago.And we came to avenge him!You came to avenge nothing else?Oh Yes! All the potsand pans that you stole!We want those back!Nothing else?Probably did some evil stuffs along the way.I don't know. What else did you do? You don't know?Know what?What is so funny?So many things that youclearly do not know!Okay enough of these riddles!Would you guys spill the beans?First we come in and the weapon is tiny. Surprised it's big.And then the lady over hereI think is a guy he's...The only reason you're still alive...is that I find your stupiditydly amusing.Thank you.But I find your evilnessextremely annoying!Who do you think you are panda?Who do you think I am peacock?Why are we laughing?Take aim. Fire!Well light that... thing! I did!Fear the bug! Get the weapon! Tigress! You... you were there. Yes... yesI was.You just let Shen get away.At least we destroyed the weapon.Fire! Now he's got way more!My wing! Help! Po! - Coming!Watch out! Help me up!No! Get him down!Use the ropes! Run run little panda!I'll help come on.We need you to focus.I got it! I got it! Bring it down!We're trapped! This way.Get back! The only way out is up! Follow me. Come on!Where are they going?To the top. Come on! - Keep going! Here we go! You idiot!Ouch! My nose.Call in the wolves! All of them!I want them ready to move!The 'Year of the Peacock' begins now! Right now?Cause it's the middle of the year.So you only get like a halfof the year of the peacock.And this is the yearof course of the peacock.Happy New Year Sir.Get the wolves ready.We load in the ships now.Move! Move! Move! Move!This way. Come.What did you do? It's chaos up there. What happen to stopping Shen?Guys come on.Give me a little credit.I meant for him to get away. Cause...... it was a trick a plot.I was thinking of figuringout his plot more.That makes no sense.Wait a minute... it sure does.Po the truth!You had Shen. What happened?What are you talking about?I don't know what you're talking about. Ya okay. He caught me off guard.The truth. Fine.They will keep you far from danger. Real far. What?You're staying here. Wait!I have to go back!You're staying here!I'm going and you can't stop me! Okay. I wasn't ready that time.Guys don't!Ready. Look! Stay down.I have to get to him.Then tell me why!He was there okay?The Peacock was therethe last time I saw my parents.He knows what happened.Where I came from.Who I am. Look I'm going.I have to know.The hardcore can't understand.Tigress! No!The hardcore do understand.But I can't watchmy friend be killed.We're going!Hey maybe you can'twatch me being killed.Stop being a wimp.And she's back.Don't worry kid.You're better off here.You're wrong Soothsayer.We sail to victory tonight.Your magic panda is clearly a fool.Are you certain the panda who is the fool? You just destroyed yourancestors' home Shen.A trivial sacrifice.When all of China is my reward.When will you be finally satisfied?Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better?It's a start.I might as well convert thebasement into a dungeon.The cup you chooseto fill has no bottom.It is time to stop this madness.Why on earth would I do that?So that your parentscan rest in peace.My parents hated me.Do you understand?They wronged me.And... I will make it right.They loved you.They loved you so much that havingto send you away killed them.The dead exist in the past.And I must turn to the future.Set the soothsayer free.She's no use to me.Goodbye Shen.I wish you happiness.Happiness must be taken!And I will take mine.Hurry it up!If all of those weaponsleave the buildingChina will fall.We bring down the building.Hey guys.How about this?This will work. Alright let's go.I can't feel my face.Dumb hell crow... year of the Peacock.Hey.Keep it cool keep it cool.Where are you going?On your feet!And wipe those stupidgrins off your faces.Move you dogs! Faster! Faster!Load them all!Greetings Panda.Tell me what happened that night?What night?That night!Oh that night.Yes I was there.As I watched your parents abandoned you. It was a terrible thing.I believe it went something like this!Happy New Year's gift!Hope you like it.Cause you can't return it.What is he doing here?Return it! Return it!Are you willing to dieto find out the truth?You bet I am!Although I prefer not to.We got them! Go!Looking for me?I said that too soon didn't I?Po get away from him.No more running Shen!So it seems.Now answers.Oh you want to know so badly.You think knowing will heal you uh?Fill some craters in your soul.Well here's your answer.Your parents didn't love you.But here... let me... heal you.Ya like you canmake me drink that.If I wanted you deadI would have left you in that river.Why did you save me?So you can fulfill your destiny.What are you talking about?Where am I? What is this place?I'm surprised you remembered so little.But you were so littlewhen it happened.Perhaps you do remember.Remember what? It's just a stupid nightmare. Nightmare? Or memory?This was a thriving village.Yang Shen was in lineto rule Gongmen City.But he wanted more.I foretold that someonewould stand in his way. A panda.But I never could haveforetold what came next.Get them all. Take our son andrun away! Go! Stop fighting. Let it flow. Your story may not havesuch a happy beginning.But that does not make you who you are. It is the rest of your story.Who you choose to be.So who are you panda? I am Po.And I am gonna need a hat.Such sad-sad faces.But now is a time only for joy.You are going to be a partof something beautiful.Once you reach the harbourin front of all the world.You and your preciousKung Fu will died.Then China will knowto bow before me. Set sail! Honestly guys I neverthought I'll die like this.I always thought I'll meeta nice girl and settle downand she'll eat my head.So sad. We cannot give up hope.Po would want us to remain strong. Hardcored! Right Tigress?Lord Shen what about the bridge? Nothing stands in my way.Fire! You coward!\How many times do I have to killthe same stinking panda?\A panda stands betweenyou and your destiny!What? Prepare yourself fora hot serving of justice.And bring the terror to an end. What? And now... free the Five!Fist of Destruction! Okay.Take aim! Ready?This way now... ... that way...You can't follow me. Just get him! Come on. No no don't shoot!Don't shoot! Don't shoot!Shoot! Shoot! Don't shoot!Don't shoot! Cross fire! Attack!Catch your freedom. Monkey! Impressive Dragon Warrior.What's your plan?Step one free the Five.What's step two?Honestly I didn't thinkI'll make it this far.Stop Shen before he gets to the harbour.Viper puppet of death! Tigress!Master Ox! Jump! And Croc!Vengeance is served. Why did you...?Your friend there is very persuasive.Master Shifu! Quickly!Use their boats to block the way. Crane! Wings of Justice! Kaka! What?I..love..you..guys!Why aren't we firing?They're taking all gunmen Sir!And getting close!Fire then! Go fire that gun! But Sir!That's our own...(people).I said fire at them! Fire!Tigress?As you wishlet's finish this.Fire!Inner Peace. Inner Peace. Inner Peace.Again! Kill him!Somebody kill him!What? Keep firing! Keep firing!Skadoosh. How did you...How did you do it?You just keep your elbows upand keep the shoulders loose.Not that. How did you find peace?I took away your parents.Everything. I scarred you for life.See that's the thing Shen.Scars heal.No they don't. Wounds heal.Oh yes. What do scars do?They fade I guess?I don't care what scars do.You should Shen.You got to let go of that stuff fromthe past cause it just doesn't matter.The only thing that matters。
Dialogue: 0,0:02:01.08,0:02:03.78,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们\N{\fntahoma}{\fs14}{\b0}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\3c&H2F2F2F&}{\4c&H000000&}Even the most heroic heroes in China,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:40.16,0:01:43.03,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,无人堪与匹敌\N{\fntahoma}{\fs14}{\b0}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\3c&H2F2F2F&}{\4c&H000000&}They were no match for his bodacity!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.69,0:01:09.22,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,武士一言不发 因为正忙着吃\N{\fntahoma}{\fs14}{\b0}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\3c&H2F2F2F&}{\4c&H000000&}The warrior said nothing, for his mouth was full.

Legend tells of a legendary warrior,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend。
He travelled the land in search of worthy foes。
既然你这么爱吃,试吃看看我的拳头如何!I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist。
然后他一口吞下,说:“少啰唆!接招吧!”The warrior said anything for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed。
And then he spoke。
Enough talk。
Let’s fight. Shashabooey!他的招招致命,敌人都被强光和恐惧弄瞎了眼睛!He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.我看不见了!他武功盖世!My eyes! He’s too awesome!也很有魅力。
我们该怎么报答你呢?And attractive。
How can we repay you?路见不平,拔刀相助,何足挂齿!我去也!There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness。
It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his bodacity. Never before had a panda been so feared,and so loved. Even the most heroicheroes in all of China,The Furious Five。

Kung Fu Panda 2-------功夫熊猫 2 (2020)中英文对照字幕好久以前,在古代中国,Long ago, in ancient China,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。
The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了欢乐与繁荣。
They brought great joy and prosperity to the city因为他们发明了烟火。
For they had invented fireworks.但他们的儿子,沈王爷But their son, Lord Shen在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的打算。
Saw darker path in the fireworks.能带来色彩与欢乐的东西What that brought color and joy同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。
Can also brink darkness and destruction.沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一名先知求教。
Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer.她预言道,若是沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟,She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path, 他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。
He will be defeated by the warrior of black and white.这位少主开始改变他的命运。
The Young Lord set out to change his fate.但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。
But what he did next, only sealed.沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够取得赞赏。
Shen returned to his parents for a pride.但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。
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Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke. 开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。
Even the most heroic heroes in China,即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们the Furious Five,furious: 凶猛的勇猛五杰,bowed in respect to this great master.也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。
-Monkey: We should hang out.hang out: 出去咱出去玩玩怎样?-Warrior: Agreed.同意。
-Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait.但出去玩的事情得先放一边,Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountaindemon: 恶魔因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除,there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,就是……-Monkey: Po! Get up!Po,快起床!You'll be later for work!要误了生意了!-Po: What?什么?[Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.]-Dad: Po! Get up!Po,快起床!Po. What are you doing up there?Po,你磨蹭啥呢?-Po: Nothing.没啥。
Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇Monkey!Mantis!Crane!Viper!Tigress!-Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work.Po!快点,都误了生意了。
-Po: Coming!来啦……Sorry, dad.对不起,老爸-Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles.对不起可变不出面条来。
What were you doing up there?你在搞什么名堂?All that noise.稀里哗啦的。
-Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream.没什么,就是个乱七八糟的梦。
-Dad: About what?什么梦?What were you dreaming about?梦到什么了?-Po: What was I...?梦到了……我梦见了……I was dreaming about... 我梦见了……...noodles.……面条。
-Dad: Noodles?面条?You were really dreaming about noodles?你真梦见面条了?-Po: Yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?没错。
不然还能梦见啥?Careful!That soup is sharp.小心!汤很锋利哦(有飞镖)。
-Dad: Oh, happy day!哦,太让人高兴了!My son finally having the noodle dream!我儿子终于梦到面条了!You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.哦,你不知道我等这一刻都等了多久!This is a sign, Po.sign: 迹象这是个好兆头,Po。
-Po: A sign of what?什么好兆头?You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup.entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料我终于可以把我的私酿密汤的配方传给你了。
Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!destiny: 命运 take over: 继承这样你就能不辱使命,继承这间饭馆了。
As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father...就像我子承父业,父承祖父业一样,...who won it from a friend in mahjong. mahjong: 麻将这店可是爷爷来麻将从朋友手里赢来的。
-Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream.老爸,老爸,这不过是场梦。
-Dad: No, it was the dream.不,这是注定的梦。
We are noodle folk.folk: 特定集团中的人我们是面条世家,Broth runs through our veins. broth: 肉汤 vein: 静脉流淌着肉汤面条的血脉。
-Po: But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do something else?可是,老爸,你有没有……想过做点别的?Something besides noodles?除了面条之外的?-Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy, 其实,我还年少轻狂的时候,I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.曾想过离家出走,学做豆腐。
-Po: Why didn't you?那你干吗不做?-Dad: Because it was a stupid dream.因为这是个黄梁蠢梦,Can you imagine me making tofu?你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗?Tofu.豆腐?No! We all have our place in this world.别提了!我们各有其命。
Mine is here,我就是面条命,and yours is...而你……-Po: I know, is here.我知道了,也是面条命。
-Dad: No!it's at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12.错!是2号桌,5号桌,7号桌还有12号桌。
Service with a smile.别忘了微笑服务。
[Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master and his students are playing kungfu, and the bad news comes. ]-Master: Well done, students...干得好,徒儿们!if you were trying to disappoint me.如果还有什么想让我挑剔的地方,就是Tigress, you need more ferocity!ferocity: 凶猛Tigress,力道要更强!Monkey, greater speed.Monkey,速度要更快。
Crane, height.Crane,更高。
Viper, subtlety. Mantis...subtlety: 微妙Viper,更精准。
Mantis……-Zeng: Master Shifu.大师傅。
-Master: What?!插什么嘴?!-Zeng: It's Master Oogway.是Oogway大师,He wants to see you.他想见您。
-Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me? summon: 召唤Oogway大师,您召见我。
Is something wrong?是出什么事了吗?- Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?为何非要出事才能与老友相聚呢?-Master: So nothing's wrong?这么说,没出啥事?-Oogway: Well, I didn't say that.我倒也没这么说,-Po: You were saying?您是说……-Oogway: I have had a vision.vision: 幻觉我看见了些幻相,Tai Lung will return.Tai Lung会重现江湖。