Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments




敬畏是一种修养的方法英语The concept of reverence is deeply rooted in various aspects of human existence, encompassing spirituality, relationships, and values. It is not merely an emotion or a feeling; it is a method of cultivation. Reverence fosters a deep respect, awe, and humility towards the world around us, and in doing so, it cultivates virtues such as gratitude, compassion, and mindfulness. This article explores the significance of reverence as a method of cultivation and its impact on our personal growth and the relationships we build with others.The Power of ReverenceReverence is an essential quality that enables us to connect with the world in a profound and meaningful way. By acknowledging the value and importance of things around us, we develop a heightened sense of awareness and appreciation. Reverence allows us to see the beauty in everyday moments, the magic in nature, and the significance of each individual we encounter.Reverence encourages us to slow down and embrace the present moment. It reminds us to be fully present in our interactions, rather than being consumed by distractions or multitasking. By practicing reverence, we develop mindfulness, which enhances our ability to listen actively, observe deeply, and engage with our surroundings in a more meaningful way.Reverence and Personal GrowthAt its core, reverence is a form of self-cultivation. When we cultivate reverence towards ourselves, we honor our own worth and nurture our personal growth. Self-reverence involves recognizing and appreciating our strengths, achievements, and potential. It also involves accepting our flaws and shortcomings with kindness and forgiveness. When we approach ourselves with reverence, we create an inner environment conducive to growth and self-improvement.Reverence also extends to the world beyond ourselves. When we practice reverence towards others, we recognize their inherent worth and treat them with dignity and respect. Reverence fosters empathy, allowing us to understand and appreciate the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of others. As a result, our relationships become more authentic, compassionate, and fulfilling.Cultivating ReverenceCultivating reverence requires a conscious effort and consistent practice. Here are some practical ways to cultivate reverence in our daily lives: 1. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the simple things in life, such as the sunrise, a kind gesture, or the beauty of nature. Gratitude helps shift our perspective and fosters a sense of reverence towards the world.2. Mindful presence: Practice being fully present in your activities, whether it's eating a meal, spending time with loved ones, or engaging ina hobby. By giving your full attention to the present moment, you can cultivate reverence towards the experiences and people in your life.3. Reflection and meditation: Set aside time for introspection and meditation. Reflect on the qualities you admire in others, the values you hold dear, and the wonders of the world. By contemplating these aspects, you can deepen your sense of reverence.4. Learning from nature: Spend time in nature and observe its beauty and interconnectedness. Nature has a way of inspiring awe and reminding us of the vastness and complexity of the world.5. Acts of kindness: Engage in acts of kindness towards others, whether it's helping a stranger, volunteering for a cause, or practicing random acts of kindness. Compassion and reverence go hand in hand, and by engaging in acts of kindness, we cultivate both.ConclusionReverence is not just an abstract concept; it is a transformative method of cultivation. By practicing reverence, we develop a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Reverence cultivates virtues such as mindfulness, gratitude, and compassion, which contribute to our personal growth and the richness of our relationships. Let us embrace the power of reverence and embark on a journey ofself-discovery, empathy, and growth.。



分辨虚拟和现实英语作文Title: Distinguishing Between the Virtual and the Real。

In today's fast-paced world, the line between thevirtual and the real has become increasingly blurred. With the rise of technology and the prevalence of virtual experiences, it can sometimes be challenging todifferentiate between what is virtual and what is real. In this essay, we will explore the distinctions between thetwo realms and examine how they shape our perceptions and experiences.Firstly, let us define what we mean by the virtual and the real. The virtual refers to anything that exists or occurs in a digital or simulated environment, often created by technology. This includes virtual reality simulations, online interactions, and digital representations ofphysical objects or experiences. On the other hand, thereal encompasses the tangible, physical world that we experience through our senses. It includes our interactionswith other people, our surroundings, and the natural environment.One of the key differences between the virtual and the real lies in the nature of experience. In the virtual realm, experiences are mediated through technology and often lack the sensory richness of real-world experiences. For example, while a virtual reality simulation may provide a visually immersive experience, it cannot replicate the tactile sensations or emotional depth of real-life interactions. In contrast, real-world experiences are characterized by their immediacy and authenticity, engaging all of our senses and emotions in a way that virtual experiences often cannot match.Another important distinction is the level of control and agency we have in each realm. In the virtual world, we often have a greater degree of control over our environment and experiences. We can manipulate digital objects, create new identities, and explore virtual landscapes withrelative freedom. However, this control is ultimatelylimited by the constraints of the digital environment andthe algorithms that govern it. In the real world, our agency is constrained by physical laws, social norms, and the actions of others. While we may have more freedom toact in the real world, we are also subject to itslimitations and uncertainties.Furthermore, the consequences of our actions differ in each realm. In the virtual world, the impact of our actions is often limited to the digital domain, with few real-world consequences. For example, we can engage in virtual combatin a video game without causing harm to ourselves or others. In contrast, actions taken in the real world can have far-reaching effects on ourselves and others, influencing relationships, communities, and the environment. The stakes are higher in the real world, requiring us to consider the ethical and moral implications of our choices more carefully.Despite these differences, it is important to recognize that the virtual and the real are not mutually exclusive categories. In fact, they often intersect and influenceeach other in complex ways. For example, our interactionsin virtual spaces can shape our perceptions and behaviors in the real world, and vice versa. The rise of virtual communication platforms has blurred the boundaries between online and offline social interactions, leading to new forms of identity expression and social connection.In conclusion, while the virtual and the real may seem distinct at first glance, they are intricately intertwined in our modern world. By understanding the differences between them, we can navigate the complexities of digital technology more effectively and make informed choices about how we engage with both realms. Ultimately, it is ourability to critically reflect on our experiences and cultivate a balanced relationship between the virtual and the real that will enable us to thrive in an increasingly digital age.。



多为教程-英语翻译(第二册)Unit1 从能力到责任1当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。


















(记贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)我一直相信每一个人都有自己地天赋,每一个人地存在都代表着宇宙空间中地一种唯一,然而令我经常都在深思地是,既然我们都是这样地独特,又为何偏偏要去模仿和畸变成拥有同类“基因”地人呢?为什么我们中地很多人都不愿意去追逐属于自己地理想,或者不能为此奋斗一生呢,抑或者一生都是在自欺欺人地辩解?在地中我深深地感受到了一个人追逐自己最初理想地意义会变得如此地伟大,充满地是一种人生最大地和最根本地价值.一直在想这样地一个问题,当社会尚且艰难,生活尚且苦难地日子里都有如此多人在追逐属于自己梦想地时候;在一个生活舒适,物质条件优越地年代我们竟然不知所措地迷失掉自己地方向,找不到自己前行地路.这是多么可悲和可笑地一种境况!我们,有了更高地天赋,有了更好地环境,却因为有更多地选择而抹杀了我们自己地梦...这确实让人觉得不可思议!个人收集整理勿做商业用途我相信每个人都有自己最初地梦想,在这样地一个年代,在这样一个至少没有饥寒交迫地时代,我坚信追逐自己理想地人会获得生命尽头最高贵地礼物和人生最大地价值!个人收集整理勿做商业用途记:在一个可以实现最初梦想地时代选择不可以地沉默必将是这个时代最损失地损失,也必将是生活在这个时代地人最遗憾地遗憾... 个人收集整理勿做商业用途附:抵抗天赋地诱惑(贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)中文译稿:在我还是一个孩子地时候,我地夏天总是在德州祖父母地农场中度过.我帮忙修理风车,为牛接种疫苗,也做其它家务.每天下午,我们都会看肥皂剧,尤其是《我们地岁月》.我地祖父母参加了一个房车俱乐部,那是一群驾驶拖挂型房车地人们,他们结伴遍游美国和加拿大.每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们.我们把房车挂在祖父地小汽车后面,然后加入余名探险者们组成地浩荡队伍. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我爱我地祖父母,我崇敬他们,也真心期盼这些旅程.那是一次我大概十岁时地旅行,我照例坐在后座地长椅上,祖父开着车,祖母坐在他旁边,吸着烟.我讨厌烟味. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在那样地年纪,我会找任何借口做些估测或者小算术.我会计算油耗还有杂货花销等鸡毛蒜皮地小事.我听过一个有关吸烟地广告.我记不得细节了,但是广告大意是说,每吸一口香烟会减少几分钟地寿命,大概是两分钟.无论如何,我决定为祖母做个算术.我估测了祖母每天要吸几支香烟,每支香烟要吸几口等等,然后心满意足地得出了一个合理地数字.接着,我捅了捅坐在前面地祖母地头,又拍了拍她地肩膀,然后骄傲地宣称,“每天吸两分钟地烟,你就少活九年!” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我清晰地记得接下来发生了什么,而那是我意料之外地.我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声,但那并没有发生.相反,我地祖母哭泣起来.我地祖父之前一直在默默开车,把车停在了路边,走下车来,打开了我地车门,等着我跟他下车.我惹麻烦了吗?我地祖父是一个智慧而安静地人.他从来没有对我说过严厉地话,难道这会是第一次?还是他会让我回到车上跟祖母道歉?我以前从未遇到过这种状况,因而也无从知晓会有什么后果发生.我们在房车旁停下来.祖父注视着我,沉默片刻,然后轻轻地、平静地说:“杰夫,有一天你会明白,善良比聪明更难.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途选择比天赋更重要今天我想对你们说地是,天赋和选择不同.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择.天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来.而选择则颇为不易.如果一不小心,你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出地选择. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在座各位都拥有许多天赋.我确信你们地天赋之一就是拥有精明能干地头脑.之所以如此确信,是因为入学竞争十分激烈,如果你们不能表现出聪明智慧,便没有资格进入这所学校. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们地聪明才智必定会派上用场,因为你们将在一片充满奇迹地土地上行进.我们人类,尽管跬步前行,却终将令自己大吃一惊.我们能够想方设法制造清洁能源,也能够一个原子一个原子地组装微型机械,使之穿过细胞壁,然后修复细胞.这个月,有一个异常而不可避免地事情发生了——人类终于合成了生命.在未来几年,我们不仅会合成生命,还会按说明书驱动它们.我相信你们甚至会看到我们理解人类地大脑,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伽利略,牛顿——所有那些充满好奇之心地人都希望能够活到现在.作为文明人,我们会拥有如此之多地天赋,就像是坐在我面前地你们,每一个生命个体都拥有许多独特地天赋. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们要如何运用这些天赋呢?你们会为自己地天赋感到骄傲,还是会为自己地选择感到骄傲? 追随自己内心地热情年前,我萌生了创办亚马逊地想法.彼时我面对地现实是互联网使用量以每年地速度增长,我从未看到或听说过任何增长如此快速地东西.创建涵盖几百万种书籍地网上书店地想法令我兴奋异常,因为这个东西在物理世界里根本无法存在.那时我刚刚岁,结婚才一年. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我告诉妻子想辞去工作,然后去做这件疯狂地事情,很可能会失败,因为大部分创业公司都是如此,而且我不确定那之后会发生什么.告诉我,我应该放手一搏.在我还是一个男孩儿地时候,我是车库发明家.我曾用水泥填充地轮胎、雨伞和锡箔以及报警器制作了一个自动关门器.我一直想做一个发明家,支持我追随内心地热情. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我当时在纽约一家金融公司工作,同事是一群非常聪明地人,我地老板也很有智慧,我很羡慕他.我告诉我地老板我想开办一家在网上卖书地公司.他带我在中央公园漫步良久,认真地听我讲完,最后说:“听起来真是一个很好地主意,但是对那些目前没有谋到一份好工作地人来说,这个主意会更好.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途这一逻辑对我而言颇有道理,他说服我在最终作出决定之前再考虑小时.那样想来,这个决定确实很艰难,但是最终,我决定拼一次.我认为自己不会为尝试过后地失败而遗憾,倒是有所决定但完全不付诸行动会一直煎熬着我.在深思熟虑之后,我选择了那条不安全地道路,去追随我内心地热情.我为那个决定感到骄傲. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途明天,非常现实地说,你们从零塑造自己人生地时代即将开启.你们会如何运用自己地天赋?你们又会作出怎样地抉择?你们是被惯性所引导,还是追随自己内心地热情?你们会墨守陈规,还是勇于创新?你们会选择安逸地生活,还是选择一个奉献与冒险地人生?你们会屈从于批评,还是会坚守信念?你们会掩饰错误,还是会坦诚道歉?你们会因害怕拒绝而掩饰内心,还是会在面对爱情时勇往直前?你们想要波澜不惊,还是想要搏击风浪?你们会在严峻地现实之下选择放弃,还是会义无反顾地前行?你们要做愤世嫉俗者,还是踏实地建设者?你们要不计一切代价地展示聪明,还是选择善良?我要做一个预测:在你们岁时某个追忆往昔地时刻,只有你一个人静静对内心诉说着你地人生故事,其中最为充实、最有意义地那段讲述,会被你们作出地一系列决定所填满.最后,是选择塑造了我们地人生.为你自己塑造一个伟大地人生故事. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途谢谢,祝你们好运!英文原稿:" ", 个人收集整理勿做商业用途,, . , , . , " ." , . . , ' . ' ' , ' , . . , . . . . , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ' . ' . ' . ' , , : . , . , . ' , , , , " , ' !" 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . ", ' . , ." ' . , . . , , , . . ? , . , ? . . . , , , ", ' ' ." 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , . ' . . ' , , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. ' . ' ' ' ' , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' . , ' . ' . , ' , ' . ' . , , , . , , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' , ' . , ' . ' ', ' . ( ) . , ' . ' , ' , . ' , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . , , , " , ' ." , . , , , . ' ' . . , , ' .个人收集整理勿做商业用途, , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , , . , . . ! 个人收集整理勿做商业用途诱惑是存于世上地一种奇怪地东西,你会为之疯狂而不能自已,而它之所以存在,是因为人地一生不断地被欲念剌激,所以为诱惑折磨一生.人存于世上,首要面对地是物质上地诱惑,然后才是精神上地诱惑.精神诱惑,我诠译是指追求浮名、执着于表现突现自我、或是指对知识领域过度探求.权势、地位、名利、金钱,这些都是诱惑.个人收集整理勿做商业用途人生时时面临诸多诱惑,权重地地位是诱惑,利多地职业是诱惑,光环般地荣誉是诱惑,欢畅地娱乐是诱惑,甚至漂亮地时装、可口美味都是诱惑……面对这些诱惑,我们该怎么办?个人收集整理勿做商业用途现在地社会,是一个充满诱惑地世界,如果你抵挡不住诱惑,你就会成为诱惑地奴隶,被诱惑淹没;如果你勇于抗拒诱惑,保持自我,你就能做好自己地事,成就自己地功业.个人收集整理勿做商业用途相反地,如果禁受不起外界地诱惑,就难以保持自我,难以做好自己地工作.俗话说地好,吃人家地嘴短,拿人家地手短.当今社会,又有哪个是白痴,肯为你白白付出?他们就是利用一些人“贪”地心理做诱饵,在这些人地身上谋取更大地利益,殊不知这正是走向死亡坟墓地开端.放眼看来,有多少人在多苦多难地日子里都挺了过来,可是,就在他地人生正走向成功,走向辉煌地时刻,经受不住名和利地诱惑,又白白断送了自己美好地前程;又有多少达官显贵在金钱美色地诱惑下,丧失道德水准,毁掉一世英名.个人收集整理勿做商业用途我们生活地时代更是一个充满诱惑地时代,网络游戏会诱惑你,网上聊天会诱惑你,歌星影星会诱惑你,淫秽读物会诱惑你,色情场所会诱惑你,名牌商品会诱惑你,灯红酒绿纸醉金迷地生活会诱惑你……如果你不能以顽强地意志保持自我,今天受这个诱惑,明天受那样诱惑,你哪还有时间和精力来作好自己地本职工作?哪有时间来提高自身素质?个人收集整理勿做商业用途所以我们要勇于保持自我,勇于抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑不要只看重于外因,社会是不断发展地,充满诱惑地东西只能越来越多,如果不从自身着手,你永远也不能抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑其实也很简单,我们地十六字方针告诉我们:无欲则刚淡泊心志,心中无欲,立身处世自然而刚!刚正则不阿!保持信念之火不灭,荣华富贵犹如过眼烟云,一笑而过,又哪里有什么诱惑呢?个人收集整理勿做商业用途。



破功利桎梏,寻真我之路作文英文回答:In the unceasing quest for self-discovery and enlightenment, the shackles of utilitarianism threaten to bind us, obscuring the path to our true essence. To break free from these constraints, we must embark on a transformative journey, unraveling the complexities within and forging a connection with our authentic selves.The pursuit of utility, the relentless drive to maximize efficiency and productivity, has become an ingrained part of our modern ethos. While instrumental rationality offers undeniable benefits, it also carries the potential to erode our humanity and alienate us from our innermost selves. By prioritizing external rewards and neglecting the intrinsic worth of our experiences, we risk losing sight of what truly makes us whole.The first step in breaking the chains of utilitarianismis to cultivate self-awareness. Through introspection and mindfulness, we can begin to understand our motivations, values, and the hidden impulses that shape our choices. By acknowledging and accepting our imperfections, we create space for growth and the emergence of our genuine selves.Furthermore, we must challenge the societal conditioning that equates self-worth with material possessions or external validation. True fulfillment lies not in accumulation or recognition, but in the pursuit of knowledge, passion, and the development of our unique potential. By embracing our individuality and pursuing our dreams, we open ourselves up to experiences that enrich our lives and align us with our true purpose.Equally important is the cultivation of empathy and compassion. By extending ourselves beyond our immediate circle and seeking connections with others, we gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and its complexities. Helping others, without the expectation of reciprocation, connects us to our shared humanity and fosters a sense of belonging that transcends utilitariancalculations.Moreover, the pursuit of self-discovery requires periods of solitude and reflection. By retreating from the constant noise and stimulation of the outer world, we create space for our inner voices to be heard. In these moments of silence, we can access our intuition, connect with our emotions, and gain clarity on our life paths.Breaking free from the shackles of utilitarianism is not an easy task. It entails a profound shift in perspective, a willingness to question our assumptions, and the courage to embrace the unknown. However, the rewards are immense. By stepping away from the relentless pursuit of external validation and connecting with our true selves, we unlock a world of authenticity, meaning, and purpose.中文回答:破除功利主义的束缚,寻觅真我之路,是一场漫长的自我发现和觉醒的旅程。



不带滤镜视人,平等视之作文英文回答:In a world rife with division and prejudice, it is imperative that we strive to see beyond superficial differences and recognize the inherent equality of all human beings. This requires us to shed the lens of preconceived notions and biases that often cloud our perception and hinder our ability to connect with others on a genuine level.Unfiltered vision allows us to perceive the world and its inhabitants without the distortions imposed by societal norms, cultural expectations, or personal prejudices. It empowers us to see beyond appearances and to appreciate the unique qualities and experiences that make each individual a valuable member of the human tapestry.When we embrace unfiltered vision, we dismantle the barriers that separate us and create a more just andcompassionate society. We become more empathetic, understanding, and accepting of others, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other superficial characteristic.平等视之中文回答:平等视人之道,重在打破偏见壁垒,摒弃成见滤镜。



战胜互联网隐作文英语260词英文回答:In the boundless digital realm, the allure of the internet can be both intoxicating and detrimental. From social media's addictive grip to the omnipresent flow of information, the virtual world poses a formidable challenge to our attention spans and mental well-being. To emerge victorious over this insidious foe, we must arm ourselves with a multifaceted strategy.1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear limits for internet usage, allocating specific times and durations for online activities. Abstain from screen time before bedtime to ensure restful sleep.2. Cultivate Mindfulness: Practice present moment awareness by pausing throughout the day to observe your thoughts and feelings. This helps reduce distractions and strengthens your ability to focus.3. Seek Meaningful Connections: Prioritize offline interactions with loved ones and engage in activities that foster face-to-face communication. Offline experiences nourish our social and emotional well-being.4. Engage in Digital Detoxification: Periodically disconnect from the internet to recharge. Spend time in nature, read books, or pursue hobbies that stimulate your creativity and engage your mind.5. Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Approach online content with a skeptical mindset. Verify information sources, question claims, and avoid falling into echo chambers that reinforce existing biases.中文回答:战胜互联网隐患。



Prudence in action is a hallmark of elegance and sophistication.It is a quality that distinguishes individuals who are thoughtful and considerate in their behavior.Here are some key aspects of how one can demonstrate prudence in their actions:1.Reflect Before Acting:Take time to think through the consequences of your actions. This foresight can prevent hasty decisions that may lead to regret.2.Listen More,Speak Less:Being a good listener is a sign of wisdom.It allows you to understand different perspectives before you make a move.3.Be Mindful of Your Environment:Be aware of the social,cultural,and physical surroundings.Adapt your behavior to fit the context,showing respect for the environment and the people in it.4.Practice Empathy:Put yourself in others shoes.Consider how your actions might affect them,and strive to minimize any negative impact.5.Exhibit SelfControl:Resist the urge to react impulsively.Control your emotions and reactions,especially in stressful situations.6.Seek Wise Counsel:When faced with difficult decisions,consult with trusted mentors or friends who can provide valuable insights.7.Learn from the Past:Reflect on past experiences to guide your current e history as a teacher to avoid repeating mistakes.8.Be Patient:Good things often come to those who wait.Patience can prevent premature actions that might have been better left untaken.9.Maintain Integrity:Stay true to your values and principles,even when its challenging. This consistency builds trust and respect.10.Admit Mistakes:When you err,own up to it.This honesty not only shows maturity but also opens the door for learning and improvement.11.Plan Ahead:Anticipate future needs and challenges.Proactive planning can help you navigate through life with more ease and less stress.12.Stay Humble:Recognize that you dont know everything.A humble attitude invites learning and growth.Prudence in action is not just about avoiding trouble its about making choices that are thoughtful,respectful,and beneficial to all involved.Its a practice that enriches ones character and contributes to a harmonious society.。



突破眼见局限,窥见真实世界英语作文In our daily lives, we often judge and perceive the world solely based on what we see with our eyes. However, this limited perspective can prevent us from fully understanding the truth and depth of the real world. By breaking free from these constraints, we can open ourselves up to a realm of knowledge and experiences that go beyond the surface.Behind every person's demeanor lies a complex and often mysterious story. A quick glance can never reveal the struggles, triumphs, or emotions that an individual holds within. It is only by taking the time to truly listen and engage with others that we can start to uncover their true essence. By practicing empathy and considering various perspectives, we can broaden our understanding of the diverse human experience.Beyond the realm of human interactions, there is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered. The world is full of natural wonders, scientific phenomena, and historical events that cannot be fully comprehended with just our eyes. By delving into books, conducting research, and seeking out information, we can break away from the confines of our immediate surroundings and explore the vastness of the real world. This knowledge enables us to see beyond what is apparent and deepen our understanding of the complexitiesthat exist.Furthermore, by embracing critical thinking and questioning assumptions, we can challenge the status quo and unveil hidden truths. Often, societal norms and preconceived notions limit our perception of reality. By actively seeking different viewpoints and challenging the narratives presented to us, we can gain a more accurate understanding of the world we live in.It is essential to acknowledge that breaking free from the limitations of what meets the eye requires an open mind and a willingness to learn. We must embrace the unknown, overcoming our fear of the unfamiliar and the uncertain. In doing so, we can expand our understanding and appreciation of the world around us.In conclusion, by transcending the limitations of what meets the eye, we can begin to uncover the true essence of the world. Through empathy, knowledge, critical thinking, and open-mindedness, we can delve deeper into the complexities and truths that exist beyond the surface. Only by venturing beyond our immediate perception can we gain a comprehensive understanding of the real world and ultimately enrich our lives.。



《眼界决定境界》读书心得英文回答:The book "Vision Determines Realm" has been immensely impactful on my perspective and approach to life. It has enlightened me to the profound significance of vision in shaping our destinies and pointed out the vital role it plays in achieving personal growth and fulfillment.Previously, I often stumbled upon obstacles and felt hindered by limitations, both real and perceived. However, after embracing the teachings presented in "Vision Determines Realm," I realized that these barriers were largely self-imposed. By cultivating a clear and expansive vision, I gained the ability to transcend these perceived boundaries and unlock my true potential.The book emphasizes the importance of stretching beyond our comfort zones and envisioning possibilities beyond the ordinary. It nudges us to dare to dream, even when the pathforward seems uncertain. When we dare to set ambitious goals and pursue them relentlessly, we discover hidden strengths and uncover new opportunities.One instance where I applied the principles of "Vision Determines Realm" was in my professional career. Faced with the challenge of taking on a new leadership role, Iinitially felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities and workload. However, I recalled the book's teachings and decided to focus on the long-term vision of what I could accomplish in this role. By keeping my sights set on the bigger picture, I was able to overcome my initial apprehensions and approach the challenge with a sense of purpose and determination.Moreover, "Vision Determines Realm" has taught me the value of maintaining a positive mindset and surrounding myself with supportive individuals. A positive outlookfuels our aspirations and helps us navigate setbacks with resilience. Similarly, having a network of like-minded individuals who believe in our vision and provide encouragement can be instrumental in our journey towardssuccess.In conclusion, "Vision Determines Realm" has been an invaluable guide in my personal and professional development. It has empowered me to recognize the transformative power of vision and has instilled within me an unwavering belief in the power of human potential. By embracing the principles outlined in this book, I am confident that I can continue to expand my horizons, pursue my passions, and make a meaningful impact on the world around me.中文回答:《眼界决定境界》这本书对我的人生观和处事方式产生了深远的影响。



适当间隔脱离现实的英语作文The Importance of Embracing Fleeting Delusions.In the tapestry of life, a curious paradox emerges: our most profound connections with reality often lie in moments of temporary detachment. While we may instinctively cling to the tangible and familiar, it is through calculated departures from the mundane that our minds truly expand and our spirits soar.Let us consider the realm of dreams. As we drift into slumber, our brains enter a liminal state where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. Within this enigmatic tapestry, our subconscious minds weave intricate narratives that occasionally bear uncanny resemblance to waking life. Yet, despite their ephemeral nature, dreams often hold profound insights into our innermost thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. By embracing these fleeting delusions, we can unlock hidden truths and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.Beyond the realm of dreams, there are countless other avenues through which we can cultivate a healthy detachment from reality. Meditation, for instance, encourages us to quiet our incessant thoughts and connect with a deeper sense of stillness and presence. Through the practice of mindfulness, we can cultivate an awareness of the present moment, allowing ourselves to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. By temporarily stepping outside of the ceaseless mental chatter, we gain a clearer perspective on our experiences and make wiser decisions.Similarly, the arts offer a powerful means of escaping reality's confines. Whether it be painting, music, literature, or dance, artistic expression allows us to explore different perspectives, emotions, and worlds. By immersing ourselves in the realm of imagination, we can temporarily shed our daily concerns and tap into a wellspring of creativity and inspiration. In the process, we not only expand our horizons but also forge a deeper connection with ourselves.The benefits of judicious detachment are not limited to personal growth. In the realm of science, for instance, the ability to step outside of conventional thinking has led to groundbreaking discoveries. Albert Einstein famously declared that imagination is more important than knowledge, as it allows scientists to explore new possibilities and challenge established theories. Similarly, in the arts, innovation often arises from a willingness to embrace the unconventional and to explore the boundaries of imagination.Furthermore, a temporary departure from reality can provide much-needed respite from the stressors of modern life. In an era of constant connectivity and information overload, it is essential to find ways to disconnect and recharge. Whether it is through spending time in nature, engaging in recreational activities, or simply taking a break from social media, a well-timed retreat can help usto return to our daily lives with renewed energy andclarity.Of course, it is important to strike a balance between embracing delusions and maintaining a firm grasp on reality.Excessive detachment can lead to escapism and a loss of touch with the world around us. It is crucial to be mindful of our intentions and to return to the present moment when necessary. However, by intentionally and judiciously stepping outside of our comfort zones, we can reap the transformative benefits that come from embracing fleeting delusions.In conclusion, distancing ourselves from reality can be a powerful tool for personal growth, innovation, and well-being. By embracing dreams, practicing mindfulness, engaging in the arts, and seeking moments of respite, we can temporarily shed our burdens, expand our perspectives, and return to the world with renewed vigor and purpose. While it is essential to maintain a firm grounding in reality, it is equally important to occasionally embrace the allure of delusions and venture into the unknown. For it is in these liminal spaces that our minds truly flourish and our spirits take flight.。



Perseverance is a cornerstone of achieving dreams.It is the unwavering determination and steadfastness that propels individuals towards their goals,regardless of the obstacles they may encounter.This essay will explore the significance of perseverance in the pursuit of dreams and how it can lead to success.Firstly,perseverance instills a sense of discipline and focus.When individuals are determined to achieve their dreams,they are more likely to set clear goals and work diligently towards them.This disciplined approach helps to maintain momentum and prevent distractions that could derail progress.Secondly,perseverance fosters resilience in the face of adversity.Dreams are often accompanied by challenges and setbacks.However,those who possess perseverance are able to bounce back from these obstacles and continue moving forward.This resilience is crucial for overcoming the inevitable hurdles that arise during the pursuit of any dream. Moreover,perseverance cultivates patience and endurance.Achieving dreams is rarely a quick or easy process.It requires time,effort,and the ability to persevere through periods of uncertainty or slow progress.By maintaining a steadfast commitment to their goals, individuals can develop the patience and endurance necessary to see their dreams through to fruition.Additionally,perseverance inspires creativity and innovation.When faced with obstacles, those who are persistent in their pursuit of dreams are more likely to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions.This creative problemsolving can lead to breakthroughs and new opportunities that may not have been apparent otherwise.Furthermore,perseverance can also serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for others.When individuals demonstrate unwavering commitment to their dreams,they can inspire those around them to pursue their own aspirations.This shared sense of determination can create a supportive community that encourages collective growth and achievement.In conclusion,perseverance is an essential component in the pursuit of dreams.It provides the discipline,resilience,patience,and creativity necessary to overcome challenges and achieve success.By cultivating perseverance,individuals can transform their dreams into reality and inspire others to do the same.It is a powerful force that can bridge the gap between aspirations and accomplishments,making it an invaluable asset in the journey towards realizing ones dreams.。



Perseverance is a quality that has been celebrated and revered throughout history.It is the driving force that propels individuals to pursue their dreams despite the challenges and obstacles they may encounter along the way.The journey of pursuing ones aspirations is often fraught with difficulties,but it is through perseverance that dreams can be realized.The first step in the pursuit of any dream is to set a clear goal.This goal serves as a beacon,guiding the individual through the fog of uncertainty and doubt.It is essential to have a vision of what one wants to achieve,as this vision provides the motivation to keep moving forward.Once the goal is set,the next step is to develop a plan of action.This plan should outline the necessary steps to achieve the goal,including the resources required,the time frame, and the potential challenges that may arise.It is important to be realistic and flexible with the plan,as unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments along the way.The path to achieving ones dreams is rarely straightforward.There will be setbacks and failures,but it is crucial to remain resilient in the face of adversity.Perseverance means not giving up when faced with obstacles,but rather using them as opportunities to learn and grow.Each failure is a lesson that brings one closer to success.In addition to resilience,perseverance also requires patience.Success does not come overnight,and it is important to recognize that progress may be slow at times.Patience allows one to maintain a steady pace,avoiding the pitfalls of burnout and discouragement.Another key aspect of perseverance is the ability to adapt and evolve.As circumstances change,so too must the approach to achieving the dream.Being open to new ideas and strategies can provide fresh perspectives and solutions to challenges that may have seemed insurmountable.The support of others can also be a significant factor in persevering towards ones dreams. Friends,family,and mentors can provide encouragement,advice,and resources that can help an individual stay on track and overcome obstacles.Finally,it is essential to maintain a positive mindset and believe in ones ability to achieve the dream.Selfbelief is a powerful tool that can help an individual stay motivated and focused,even when the going gets tough.In conclusion,perseverance is a vital ingredient in the recipe for achieving ones dreams. By setting clear goals,developing a plan,remaining resilient,being patient,adapting tochange,seeking support,and maintaining a positive mindset,an individual can overcome the challenges that stand between them and their aspirations.It is through perseverance that dreams are transformed from mere ideas into reality.。



虚拟现实对真实情感认知的影响The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Perception ofAuthentic EmotionsIn today's digital era, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a transformative technology that allows us to immerse ourselves in simulated environments. Its ability to create immersive and realistic experiences holds immense potential for entertainment, education, therapy, and more. However, as we increasingly embrace VR, it is crucial to examine its influence on our perception of authentic emotions.Firstly, let’s delve into how VR can alter our emotional landscapes. Through highly realistic simulations, VR can evoke strong emotional responses by replicating real-life scenarios or creating fantastical worlds where emotions run unchecked. This immersion often leads users to experience heightened levels of excitement, fear, joy, sadness—even empathy towards virtual characters. While this emotional engagement enhances our experience within the virtual world, it may also blur the lines between what is real and what is not.Moreover, VR could potentially skew our understanding of authentic emotions. In a virtual environment, emotions are triggered by programmed stimuli designed to elicit specific responses. As such, they lack the complexity and nuance of real-world emotions which are shaped by an intricate webof contextual factors, cultural norms, and personal histories. Over time, excessive exposure to emotionally charged but artificially crafted scenarios might lead us to misunderstand or oversimplify the subtleties of genuine human feelings. However, it is worth noting that VR doesn't necessarily have a solely negative impact on emotion recognition. It can be harnessed positively in areas like psychotherapy or empathy training. By simulating challenging social situations or experiences from another person's perspective, VR offers individuals an opportunity to safely explore and understand emotions without the risk of real-world consequences. Such applications could enhance our capacity for compassion and understanding towards others—ultimately leading to a deeper appreciation for authenticity in all forms of emotional expression.In conclusion, while VR undoubtedly revolutionizes our interaction with technology and the way we perceive our surroundings, its influence on our emotional cognition should not be overlooked. While there may be concerns about the potential distortion of authentic emotion recognition caused by artificial simulations, innovative uses of VR within psychotherapeutic settings demonstrate its potential benefits when used responsibly. Balancing these dual aspects will be key in ensuring that VR remains both engaging and enriching for our emotional development.。



The bridge of dreams built with perseverance is a metaphor for the unwavering determination and continuous effort required to achieve ones aspirations.It symbolizes the journey from a dream to reality,where every step taken is a testament to ones resolve and dedication.The foundation of this bridge is laid with a clear vision and a welldefined goal.It is essential to have a clear understanding of what one aspires to achieve,as this forms the basis for the entire journey.Setting realistic and achievable targets is the first step towards building the bridge of dreams.The pillars of this bridge are made of hard work and dedication.No dream can be realized without putting in consistent and diligent effort.It is the daily grind,the hours spent honing ones skills,and the persistence in the face of adversity that form the strong pillars that support the bridge.The arches of the bridge represent the challenges and obstacles that one must overcome. Every dream comes with its own set of challenges,and it is through overcoming these that one grows and learns.The arches are not just a structural feature of the bridge but also a symbol of resilience and the ability to adapt.The walkway of the bridge is paved with patience and perseverance.The journey towards realizing a dream is often long and arduous.It requires patience to wait for the right opportunities and perseverance to keep going even when progress seems slow.The railings of the bridge are made of support and encouragement from others.No one achieves their dreams in isolation.The support from family,friends,mentors,and even strangers can provide the muchneeded motivation and strength to keep moving forward. Finally,the view from the bridge is the realization of the dream.It is the culmination of all the hard work,dedication,and effort put in.The view is not just a reward but also a reminder of the journey and the lessons learned along the way.In conclusion,the bridge of dreams built with perseverance is a powerful metaphor for the journey towards achieving ones aspirations.It reminds us that with a clear vision, hard work,dedication,resilience,patience,and support from others,we can turn our dreams into reality.The journey may be challenging,but the view from the bridge is worth every step taken.。



Perseverance is a vital quality that propels individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations relentlessly.It is the unwavering determination to continue in the face of adversity and challenges.The journey towards realizing new dreams is often fraught with obstacles,but it is through perseverance that one can overcome these hurdles and achieve success.In the pursuit of new dreams,one must first set clear and achievable goals.These goals serve as a roadmap,guiding individuals towards their desired destination.Setting goals also helps in maintaining focus and motivation throughout the journey.Moreover,perseverance requires a positive mindset and the ability to stay optimistic even in the face of setbacks.It is essential to believe in oneself and ones capabilities,as selfdoubt can hinder progress.Embracing a growth mindset,where failures are seen as opportunities for learning and improvement,can also contribute to a resilient spirit. Another crucial aspect of perseverance is the willingness to learn and adapt.As one ventures into uncharted territories in pursuit of new dreams,it is inevitable to encounter unfamiliar situations and challenges.Being open to learning from these experiences and adapting ones strategies accordingly can significantly increase the chances of success. Furthermore,perseverance is closely linked to hard work and dedication.No dream is achieved without putting in the necessary effort and time.It requires consistent action, commitment,and the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of ones goals.Lastly,seeking support from others can also play a significant role in fostering perseverance.A strong support system,consisting of friends,family,or mentors,can provide encouragement,guidance,and a sense of accountability,making it easier to stay on track.In conclusion,perseverance is an indispensable trait for those who wish to achieve their new dreams.By setting clear goals,maintaining a positive mindset,being open to learning and adapting,working hard,and seeking support,one can navigate the challenges and ultimately reach the summit of success.。



The phrase自助者天助is a Chinese proverb that translates to Heaven helps those who help themselves in English.This saying emphasizes the importance of selfreliance and personal effort in achieving success.Heres an English essay that delves into this concept:Title:The Power of SelfReliance:A Journey to SuccessIn the vast tapestry of human experience,there is a thread that weaves through the stories of triumphant individuals:selfreliance.It is the silent force that propels one to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.The ancient wisdom encapsulated in the phrase Heaven helps those who help themselves is a testament to this enduring truth.This essay explores the significance of selfreliance in the pursuit of success and how it is often the key to unlocking ones potential.The Essence of SelfRelianceSelfreliance is the cornerstone of personal growth.It is the ability to depend on ones own resources and strengths,rather than relying on external aid.It is the inner compass that guides individuals through the tumultuous seas of life,steering them towards their goals with unwavering determination.Selfreliance is not merely about physical strength or material wealth it is about the mental fortitude to face challenges headon and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.The Role of SelfReliance in SuccessSuccess is a journey,not a destination.It is a path that is often paved with trials and tribulations.Selfreliance plays a pivotal role in this journey.It is the driving force that enables individuals to take the first step towards their dreams,to persist in the face of adversity,and to ultimately reach their goals.It is the catalyst that transforms dreams into reality.In the realm of business,selfreliance is the foundation upon which empires are built. Entrepreneurs who embody this trait are not deterred by the lack of resources or the fear of failure.Instead,they harness their creativity and ingenuity to carve out a niche for themselves in the market.They are the architects of their own success,and their stories serve as an inspiration to others.The Benefits of SelfRelianceThe benefits of selfreliance are manifold.It fosters a sense of independence and autonomy,which in turn boosts selfesteem and confidence.It also cultivates problemsolving skills and critical thinking,as individuals learn to navigate through lifes complexities without relying on external crutches.Moreover,selfreliance instills a sense of responsibility and accountability,as individuals understand that their actions and decisions have a direct impact on their outcomes.The Supportive UniverseThe concept of Heaven helps those who help themselves suggests that there is a cosmic alignment that favors the selfreliant.It is as though the universe conspires to support those who take charge of their own lives.This is not to say that success is guaranteed,but rather that the universe is more likely to present opportunities to those who are prepared to seize them.ConclusionIn conclusion,selfreliance is a powerful force that can transform an individuals life.It is the key to unlocking ones potential and achieving success.It is the silent partner in the journey of life,guiding individuals towards their goals with unwavering determination. As we navigate through the complexities of life,let us remember the wisdom of the ages: Heaven helps those who help themselves.Let us embrace selfreliance and chart our own course to success.This essay serves as a reminder that the journey to success is often a solitary one,and it is through selfreliance that we can truly harness our potential and achieve our dreams.。



In the vast tapestry of human society,the diversity of opinions and beliefs is as natural as the spectrum of colors in a rainbow.Embracing the differences in perspectives is not merely a sign of tolerance but a testament to the strength of our character and the depth of our understanding.The ability to accommodate divergent views is a cornerstone of a mature and openminded individual.It is through the acceptance of diverse ideas that we foster an environment conducive to growth and learning.When we encounter opinions that challenge our own,it is an opportunity to reflect upon our beliefs,to question our assumptions,and to expand our horizons.In the realm of academia,the spirit of embracing different viewpoints is essential for the advancement of knowledge.Scholars from various disciplines engage in debates and discussions,each bringing their unique insights to the table.It is this exchange of ideas that leads to breakthroughs and innovations,propelling humanity forward.In the workplace,the capacity to respect and value the opinions of colleagues,regardless of their background or perspective,is crucial for a harmonious and productive team.It is through the collective effort of individuals with diverse viewpoints that creative solutions to complex problems are found.Moreover,in the political sphere,the willingness to entertain different ideologies is vital for the health of a democracy.It is through the clash of ideas that societies are able to address the multifaceted challenges they face,ensuring that the needs and interests of all citizens are considered.However,embracing diversity in thought is not without its challenges.It requires a level of humility,the courage to admit when we are wrong,and the patience to listen to others. It demands that we set aside our biases and preconceptions,and approach each conversation with an open mind.In conclusion,the ability to accommodate differing opinions is a mark of a wise and compassionate person.It is through our willingness to embrace the spectrum of human thought that we can truly learn,grow,and progress as a society.Let us strive to be individuals who not only tolerate but celebrate the diversity of ideas that enrich our lives and our world.。

The potential of virtual reality Social impact

The potential of virtual reality Social impact

The potential of virtual reality SocialimpactVirtual reality (VR) has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us, offering a new medium for communication, entertainment, and education. As this technology becomes more widespread and accessible, itssocial impact is becoming increasingly significant. From enhancing empathy and understanding to creating new opportunities for social interaction, VR has the power to shape our society in profound ways. One of the most promising aspects of virtual reality is its ability to foster empathy and understanding by allowing users to experience different perspectives and realities. For example, VR can be used to simulate what it's like to live with a disability, providing able-bodied individuals with a greater sense of empathy and awareness. This has the potential to break down barriers and promote inclusivity in society, leading to a more compassionate and understanding community. Additionally, virtual reality has the potential to revolutionize the way we socialize and connect with others. With VR social platforms becoming more popular, individuals can interact with friends and strangers in immersive virtual environments, fostering a sense of presence and connection that transcends physical distance. This has the potential to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, particularly for those who may havedifficulty socializing in traditional settings. Furthermore, virtual reality has the potential to transform the way we learn and educate future generations. By creating immersive educational experiences, VR can engage students in ways that traditional methods cannot, making learning more interactive and enjoyable. This has the potential to revolutionize education by catering to different learning styles and abilities, ultimately leading to a more informed and skilled workforce. On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential negative social impacts of virtual reality. For example, some worry that excessive use of VR could lead to addiction and withdrawal from real-world interactions. Additionally, there are concerns about privacy and data security in virtual environments, as users may be vulnerable to surveillance and exploitation. It is crucial for regulations and guidelines to be in place to ensure the responsible use of VR technology andprotect users from potential harm. In conclusion, virtual reality has the potential to have a profound social impact, shaping the way we interact, learn, and empathize with others. While there are concerns about the negative consequences of VR, the benefits it offers in terms of fostering empathy, enhancing social connections, and revolutionizing education cannot be overlooked. As this technology continues to evolve, it is important for society to embrace its potential while also being mindful of the ethical implications and challenges it presents. Ultimately, virtual reality has the power to transform our world for the better, creating a more connected, empathetic, and informed society.。



Climbing a mountain is an exhilarating experience that offers a unique blend of physical challenge and mental tranquility.Heres a short essay about a mountain climbing adventure:Title:A Day on the MountainLast weekend,I embarked on a journey that tested my physical limits and rewarded me with a view of unparalleled beauty.The destination was Mount Elbert,the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains,standing at an impressive14,440feet.Preparation:Before setting off,I made sure to pack all the essentials:water,energy bars,a firstaid kit, warm clothing,and a map.I also checked the weather forecast to ensure that the conditions would be favorable for climbing.The Ascent:The climb began early in the morning,as the first light of dawn illuminated the trail.The initial part of the climb was steep but manageable,with a welltrodden path winding through dense pine forests.The air was crisp and fresh,filled with the scent of pine and the distant sound of a mountain stream.As I ascended,the trail became more challenging.The incline increased,and the path was marked by large boulders and loose rocks.I had to use my hands to pull myself up at certain points,a true test of my strength and endurance.The Summit:After several hours of climbing,I finally reached the summit.The view from the top was breathtaking.I was surrounded by a sea of mountains,their peaks bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.The feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming,and I felt a deep connection to the natural world.Reflection:Climbing Mount Elbert was more than just a physical achievement it was a journey of selfdiscovery.It taught me about perseverance,the importance of preparation,and the beauty of nature.As I stood at the summit,I felt a sense of humility and awe,realizing how small I am in the grand scheme of things.The Descent:The descent was just as challenging as the ascent,requiring careful steps and concentration.As I made my way down,I reflected on the days experiences and the lessons learned.The journey back to the base was filled with a sense of satisfaction and contentment.In conclusion,mountain climbing is an activity that offers a profound sense of achievement and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.It is a test of ones physical and mental fortitude,and the rewards are well worth the effort.This essay captures the essence of a mountain climbing experience,highlighting the preparation,the challenges faced during the ascent and descent,the aweinspiring view from the summit,and the personal growth that comes from such an adventure.。

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Distance Perception in Real and Virtual EnvironmentsJODIE M.PLUMERT,JOSEPH K.KEARNEY,JAMES F.CREMER,and KARA RECKERThe University of IowaWe conducted three experiments to compare distance perception in real and virtual environments.In Experiment1,adults estimated how long it would take to walk to targets in real and virtual environments by starting and stopping a stopwatch while looking at a target person standing between20and120ft away.The real environment was a large grassy lawn in front of a university building.We replicated this scene in our virtual environment using a nonstereoscopic,large-screen immersive display system.We found that people underestimated time to walk in both environments for distances of40to60ft and beyond.However, time-to-walk estimates were virtually identical across the two environments,particularly when people made real environment estimatesfirst.In Experiment2,10-and12-year-old children and adults estimated time to walk in real and virtual environments both with and without vision.Adults underestimated time to walk in both environments for distances of60to80ft and beyond. Again,their estimates were virtually identical in the real and virtual environment both with and without vision.Twelve-year-olds’time-to-walk estimates were also very similar across the two environments under both viewing conditions,but10-year-olds exhibited greater underestimation in the virtual than in the real environment.A third experiment showed that adults’time-to-walk estimates were virtually identical to walking without vision.We conclude that distance perception may be better in virtual environments involving large-screen immersive displays than in those involving head-mounted displays(HMDS).Categories and Subject Descriptors:J.4[Computer Applications]:Social and Behavioral Sciences—Psychology;I.3.7[Com-puter Graphics]:Three Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Virtual realityGeneral Terms:Experimentation,Measurement,PerformanceAdditional Key Words and Phrases:Virtual environments,large-screen immersive displays,distance estimation,perception1.INTRODUCTIONVirtual environments are gaining widespread acceptance as a tool for studying human behavior[Loomis et al.1999;Plumert et al.2004].Problems ranging from children’s road-crossing behavior(Plumert et al.2004)to adults’collision-avoidance behavior[Cutting et al.1995]have been studied using various kinds of virtual environments.One obvious question that arises when using virtual environments to study human behavior is how well does behavior in virtual environments correspond to behavior in the real environment?Although virtual environments are an exciting new medium for investigating difficult-to-study problems under realistic and controlled conditions,the results of such experiments are of questionable value if virtual environments lack ecological validity.One critical aspect of behavior in virtual environments that has received increasing attention is distance perception.Clearly,distance perception underlies a wide range of human action in both natural and virtual environments.Tasks such as throwing a ball at a target or steering a bike around an obstacle require that observers accurately Authors’addresses:Jodie Plumert and Kara Recker,Department of Psychology,The University of Iowa,52242;email:jodie-plumert@,kara-koson@;Joseph Kearney and James Cremer,Department of Computer Science,The Univer-sity of Iowa,Iowa City,IA52242;email:joseph-kearney@,james-cremer@.Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on thefirst page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.Abstracting with credit is permitted.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers,to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept.,ACM,Inc.,1515Broadway,New York,NY10036USA,fax:+1(212)869-0481,or permissions@.c 2005ACM1544-3558/05/0700-0216$5.00ACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005,Pages216–233.Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments•217 perceive how far away things are from themselves.Given the importance of distance perception for human action,it is critical to assess how well distance perception corresponds in real and virtual environments.We addressed this question by asking people to judge the same distances both in the real environment and in an immersive virtual environment.How good are people at perceiving distance in the natural environment?A relatively large number of studies have been conducted on how people perceive egocentric distance(i.e.,absolute distance from self) and exocentric distance(i.e.,relative distance between objects)in the natural environment.Studies that use visually guided judgments to assess perception of distance typicallyfind that people progressively undershoot egocentric distance with increasing physical distance[e.g.,Gilinsky1951;Harway1963; Loomis et al.1992].For example,when asked to match a depth interval on the ground plane with an interval in the frontal plane,people consistently chose depth intervals that were too large[Loomis et al.1992].In other words,people perceived the same interval as shorter in the depth plane than in the frontal plane.In contrast,studies that use visually directed action to assess perception of distance typicallyfind that people are very good at perceiving distances[Loomis et al.1992;Philbeck and Loomis 1997;Rieser et al.1990].These studies have shown that people are quite accurate at walking without vision to previously seen targets,particularly within what is called action space(up to about20m). Beyond20m or so,people tend to undershoot distances when walking without vision.Together,these studies suggest that the mapping between visual and physical space is distorted in perception,but not action.How good are people at perceiving distance in virtual environments?A number of recent studies sug-gest that people underestimate distance in virtual environments[Loomis and Knapp2003;Thompson et al.2004;Willemsen and Gooch2002].Loomis and Knapp[2003],for example,examined percep-tion of egocentric distance in a virtual environment using a stereoscopic HMD system.People viewed spheres lying on the ground plane at distances of2,6,ing a triangulation task,peoplefirst viewed the target,then turned from the target,and then walked without vision for about3m.At the stopping point,people attempted to point to the previously viewed target.Pointing errors showed that people undershot distances by about a factor of2.In contrast,other work has shown relatively little compression of distance in virtual environments[Interrante et al.2004;Witmer and Sadowski1998]. Witmer and Sadowski[1998]compared blindfolded walking in a real hallway to blindfolded walking on a treadmill in a virtual hallway.In both environments,people saw a target and then attempted to walk to it without vision.They found that mean errors varied between1and11%of the target distances in the real environment and between2and18%in the virtual environment.Mean error increased linearly with increasing target distance,but did not differ significantly across environments.In addition,people made greater errors in both environments when they experienced the virtual environmentfirst than when they experienced the real environmentfirst.A recent study by Interrante et al.[2004]similarly showed that people were highly accurate in walking without vision up to30ft in a real room and in a high-fidelity virtual model of the room presented in an HMD system.Although these last two studies suggest a more mixed view of distance perception in virtual environments,there is a general consensus that distance perception is distorted to varying degrees in virtual environments as compared to distance perception in real environments.The conclusion that people underestimate distances in virtual environments relative to the real environment may be premature,however.To date,studies examining distance perception in virtual environments have all used HMD systems,which provide a limitedfield of view(FOV)in both the horizontal and vertical directions.Recently,Wu et al.[2004]examined the influence of vertical and horizontalfield of view on distance perception in the real environment.Subjects were asked to judge the distance to targets while looking through a slot that reduced either the vertical or the horizontal field of view.They found that subjects underestimated distance when their horizontalfield of viewACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.218•J.M.Plumert et al.was unrestricted,but their verticalfield of view was restricted to21degrees or less.However,when their verticalfield of view was unrestricted,but their horizontalfield of view was restricted,subjects performed as well as under full-view conditions.They conjecture that people are better able to integrate the distance along the ground plane when the entire area between the subject and the target is visible. Recent work by Creem-Regehr et al.[2005]however,indicates that not being able to see the area around one’s feet(a typical feature of HMDs)does not impair people’s ability to perceive distance in the natural environment.Likewise,Knapp and Loomis[2004]found that restricting people’s FOV to the extent typically experienced in HMDs does not impair distance perception in the real environment. Thus,restricted vertical FOV by itself does not appear to account for distorted distance perception in virtual environments involving HMDs.Very little is known about how people perceive distance in virtual environments using large-screen immersive display systems(LSIDs),such as rge-screen environments typically provide a much larger FOV than HMDs,perhaps making it easier to perceive egocentric distance.In thefirst two experiments reported below,we examined distance estimates in a virtual environment using a LSID system.We measured distance perception by asking people to estimate how long it would take to walk to targets at distances ranging between20and120ft in an open,natural environment[see also Decety et al.1989].We chose this environment because we wanted to test distance perception in the type of environment used in our other work on simulated road crossing[Plumert et al.2004].Participants estimated how long it would take to walk to each target distance by starting a stopwatch when they imagined starting to walk to the target and stopping the stopwatch when they imagined reaching the target(without ever looking at the stopwatch).Participants made time-to-walk estimates both in the real environment(a large grassy lawn in front of a university building)and in our virtual environment (a simulated version of the real environment).Time-to-walk estimates in both environments were compared to actual time-to-walk estimates derived from a baseline walking task.Participants either made estimates in the real environmentfirst or in the virtual environmentfirst.We also conducted a third experiment to compare distance estimates using our time-to-walk measure and a more traditional blindfolded walking measure.2.EXPERIMENT12.1Method2.1.1Participants.Twenty-four undergraduates participated for course credit.There were13fe-males and11males.2.1.2Apparatus and Materials.A handheld stopwatch was used to record participants’time esti-mates and a tape measure was used to measure the target distances.2.1.3Experimental Settings. Environment.The real environment was an open,grassy lawn in front of a university building(Figure1).To keep the real and virtual environments as similar as possible,we made every attempt to keep the testing area free of distractions and objects.For example,we asked people(and ducks)sitting within about30ft of the testing area to move and picked up all sticks and litter from the testing area. Environment.The virtual environment was a scene depicting the setting that served as the real environment(Figure2).This scene was displayed on three10ft×8ft-high screens placed at right angles relative to one another,forming a three-walled room.The screens were positioned18in. above thefloor of the room.A black skirt hung from the bottom of the screens to thefloor.Participants ACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments•219Figs.1and2.Photographs of the real environment and virtual environment.(Note that the picture of the real environment was taken from a place near the eye point used in the virtual environment.)stood midway between the two side screens and8ft from the front screen.Three Electrohome DLV 1280projectors were used to rear project high-resolution,textured graphics onto the screens(1280×1024pixels on each screen),providing participants with270◦of nonstereoscopic immersive visual imagery.The room housing the virtual environment was dark except for the light from the projectors. The viewpoint of the scene was adjusted for each participant’s eye height.Participants viewed the scene binocularly.The experiment was run on an8-processor SGI Onyx computer with Infinite Reality Graphics.The software foundation was the Hank simulator,a real-time ground-vehicle simulation system designed to support complex scenarios[Cremer et al.1997;Willemsen et al.2003].The particular setup described above was chosen to validate previous research examining children’s road-crossing judgments using the Hank simulator[Plumert et al.2004].2.1.4Design and Procedure.Participants were tested individually in this and in all subsequent ex-periments.Wefirst obtained an estimate of each participant’s typical walking speed by timing how long it took each participant to walk between two points in an uncluttered hallway.Thefirst experimenter positioned participants at the starting line and instructed them to walk at their normal speed past a finish line near the end of the hallway.The second experimenter started a stopwatch when participants began walking and stopped the stopwatch as participants crossed thefinish line.The distance between the start andfinish lines was53ft,falling approximately midway in the range of distances participants estimated in the test portion of the experiment.Following the baseline-walking task,participants made estimates of how long it would take them to walk to targets in the real and virtual environment.One-half of the participants made estimates in the virtual environmentfirst and one-half made estimates in the real environmentfirst.Participants who first made estimates in the real environment were taken outside to a place at one end of the lawn facing the university building.Thefirst experimenter informed participants that the second experimenter would stand at different places on the lawn in front of them and that their task was to imagine walking to the second experimenter.Thefirst experimenter then handed a stopwatch to the participants and told them that they should start the stopwatch when they imagined starting to walk and to stop the stopwatch when they imagined reaching the second experimenter(without ever looking at the stopwatch).Participants were given an opportunity to practice starting and stopping the stopwatch to make sure that they knew how to operate the stopwatch.Before the start of each trial,participants turned around so that they could not see the second experimenter moving into position.Each distanceACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.220•J.M.Plumert et al.was measured using a large tape measure.When the second experimenter was in position,he or she retracted the tape measure.Participants then turned around and faced the target and started the stopwatch when they were ready.Participants kept their eyes open in the real and virtual environment while making their estimates.After participants stopped the stopwatch,the experimenter recorded the time elapsed.Participants completed time-to-walk estimates for six randomly ordered distances(20, 40,60,80,100,and120ft).Participants whofirst made estimates in the virtual environment were taken into the simulator facility and positioned in the middle of the display screens depicting the outdoor scene.The experimenter informed participants that an image of a person would appear at different places on the lawn in front of them and that their task was to imagine walking to the person.The experimenter then handed a stopwatch to the participants and told them that they should start the stopwatch when they imagined starting to walk and to stop the stopwatch when they imagined reaching the person.Participants were given an opportunity to practice starting and stopping the stopwatch to make sure that they knew how to operate the stopwatch.For each trial,participants faced away from the display while the experimenter pressed a key to make the person appear on the lawn.Participants were then asked to turn around,face the target,and start the stopwatch when they were ready.After participants stopped the stopwatch, the experimenter recorded the time elapsed.Again,participants did not look at the stopwatch during or after the imagined walking task.All participants completed time-to-walk estimates for six randomly ordered distances(20,40,60,80,100,and120ft).2.1.5Measures2.1.5.1Actual Time to Walk.We estimated the amount of time actually required to walk the six distances for each participant by dividing each actual distance(i.e.,20,40,60,80,100,and120ft) by the participant’s walking speed.(Each participant’s walking speed was determined by dividing the baseline-walking distance by the baseline-walking time.) Estimates in the Real Environment.Each participant had six time-to-walk estimates in the real environment,representing the time elapsed between starting and stopping the stopwatch for each distance. Estimates in the Virtual Environment.Each participant also had six time-to-walk estimates in the virtual environment,representing the time elapsed between starting and stopping the stopwatch for each distance.2.2ResultsThe analyses below focus on two primary questions.First,how closely did time-to-walk estimates correspond in the real and virtual environments?Second,how closely did time estimates in the real and virtual environments correspond to actual times?2.2.1Time-to-Walk Estimates.As shown in Figures3(a)and(b),average time-to-walk estimates were very similar across the real and virtual environments.We compared time-to-walk estimates across the two environments in an environment order(real environmentfirst vs.virtual environmentfirst)×environment(real versus virtual)×distance(20,40,60,80,100,versus120ft)repeated-measures ANOVA with thefirst factor as a between-subjects variable and the second and third factors as within-subjects variables.As expected,there was a significant effect of distance,F(5,110)=118.54,p<0.001. There was also a significant environment order×distance interaction,F(5,110)=8.84,p<0.001. Simple effects tests revealed a significant effect of environment order at distances of60ft and beyond, F s(1,22)>4.31,p s<0.05.For these longer distances,overall time-to-walk estimates were smaller ACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments•221Figs.3(a)and(b).Mean time-to-walk estimates in the real environmentfirst and virtual environmentfirst conditions. when people made estimates in the virtual environmentfirst than when they made estimates in the real environmentfirst.There was also a significant environment order×environment interaction, F(1,22)=9.70,p<0.01.Simple effects tests showed a significant effect of environment for the virtual environmentfirst condition,F(1,11)=8.37,p<0.05,but not for the real environmentfirst condition, F(1,11)=2.89,ns.In the virtual environmentfirst condition,time-to-walk estimates were smaller in the virtual environment(M=7.20,SD=4.52)than in the real environment(M=8.36,SD=5.52).In the real environmentfirst condition,estimates did not differ significantly in the real(M=10.98,SD= 6.19)and virtual environments(M=11.86,SD=7.04).Thus,time-to-walk estimates were remarkably similar across the two environments at virtually all distances in the real environmentfirst condition.2.2.2Comparison to Actual Time to Walk.How well did time-to-walk estimates in the real and virtual environment correspond to actual time to walk?Real and virtual time-to-walk estimates in each condition were compared to actual times in separate Estimate(estimated time-to-walk vs.actual time-to-walk)×distance(20,40,60,80,100,versus120ft)repeated-measures ANOVAs. Environmentfirst.For time-to-walk estimates in the real environment,there were significant effects of distance,F(5,55)=407.95,p<0.001,estimate,F(1,11)=14.86,p<.01,and a significant distance×estimate interaction,F(5,55)=8.78,p<0.001([see Figure3(a)]).Simple effects tests revealed a significant effect of estimate at distances of60ft and beyond,F s(1,11)>10.68,p s< 0.01,indicating that people significantly undershot times at the longer distances.For time-to-walk estimates in the virtual environment,there were significant effects of distance,F(5,55)=248.95,p< 0.001,estimate,F(1,11)=5.023,p<0.05,and a significant distance×estimate interaction,F(5,55)= 5.55,p<0.001[see Figure3(a)].Simple effects tests revealed a significant effect of estimate at distances of60,100,and120ft,F s(1,11)>5.81,p s<0.05,indicating that people significantly undershot times at longer distances. Environmentfirst.For time-to-walk estimates in the virtual environment,there were significant effects of distance,F(5,55)=265.77,p<0.001,estimate,F(1,11)=47.42,p<.001, and a significant distance×estimate interaction,F(5,55)=76.85,p<0.001[Figure3(b)].Simple effects tests revealed a significant effect of estimate at distances of40ft and beyond,F s(1,11)> 9.56,p s<0.05.For time-to-walk estimates in the real environment,there were significant effects of distance,F(5,55)=248.50,p<0.001,estimate,F(1,11)=21.24,p<0.001,and a significantACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.222•J.M.Plumert et al.distance×estimate interaction,F(5,55)=30.67,p<0.001[Figure3(b)].Simple effects tests revealed a significant effect of estimate at distances of40ft and beyond,F s(1,11)>6.14,p s<0.05.Thus, people undershot times in both the real and virtual environment at distances of40ft and beyond when they made estimates in the virtual environmentfirst.2.3SummarySeveral results are noteworthy.First,people’s time-to-walk estimates were remarkably similar across the real and virtual environments,particularly when they made estimates in the real environmentfirst. Thisfinding is inconsistent with previous investigations of distance perception in virtual environments using HMD systems[Loomis and Knapp2003;Thompson et al.2004;Willemsen and Gooch2002]. Second,people began to undershoot time to walk in the real environment at60ft and in the virtual environment at40ft.Finally,time-to-walk estimates for distances of60ft and beyond were more distorted in both environments when people experienced the virtual environmentfirst.Thisfinding is consistent with the results of Witmer and Sadowski[1998].Why did people undershoot time-to-walk estimates at the longer distances?One possibility is that viewing the target while making a time-to-walk estimate interfered with spatial updating.In studies of blindfolded walking,people presumably update their view of the environment as they locomote toward the target[Rieser et al.1990].In imagined movement,we assume that people also update their view of the environment as they imagine moving toward the target.In situations where people imagine moving toward a constantly viewed target,there may be a conflict between a spatially updated view of the environment generated through imagined movement and the concurrent nonupdated view specified by staying in the same place.This suggests that people may be better at imagining moving to the target in our task if they make their time-to-walk estimates without vision.We tested this hypothesis in Experiment2by having10-and12-year-old children and adults make time-to-walk estimates in real and virtual environments with and without vision.We included10-and12-year-old children in this experiment because large-screen immersive displays have been used in recent work on children’s road-crossing behavior[Plumert et al.2004].Therefore,we wanted to determine whether children’s time-to-walk estimates were also similar in real and virtual environments.3.EXPERIMENT23.1Method3.1.1Participants.Forty-eight10-and12-year-old children and adults participated.There were 9males and7females in the10-year-old group,11males and5females in the12-year-old group,and 7males and9females in the adult group.Children were recruited from a child research participant database maintained by the Department of Psychology at the University of Iowa.Adults participated to fulfill research credit for an introductory psychology course.3.1.2Apparatus and Materials.A handheld stopwatch was used to record participants’time esti-mates and a lidar gun was used to measure the target distances.Sunglasses with the lenses,sides, and nose area blocked out were used to prevent participants from viewing targets while making time estimates without vision.3.1.3Experimental Settings.The real and virtual environments were identical to those used in Experiment1.3.1.4Design and Procedure.Wefirst obtained an estimate of participants’walking speeds using the same procedure as in Experiment1,except that participants did the baseline-walking task twice to obtain a more stable estimate of walking speeds(especially for children).ACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments•223Fig.4.Ten-year-olds’mean time-to-walk estimates in the real and virtual environment.Following the baseline-walking task,participants made estimates of how long it would take them to walk to targets at six distances(i.e.,20,40,60,80,100,and120ft)in the real and virtual environment. Estimates of time to walk for each environment were made both with and without vision,resulting in four sets of judgments for each participant.The procedure for making time-to-walk estimates was the same as that used in thefirst experiment,with the exception of the blindfolded trials.For these trials,participants viewed the target for approximately4–5s,put on the blindfold,and started the stopwatch when they were ready.We counterbalanced the order in which participants encountered the two environments.Thus,one-half of the performed the judgments in the virtual environmentfirst and one-half performed the judgments in the real environmentfirst.Within each half,the order in which participants performed the blindfolded and sighted judgments was counterbalanced.The order of distances was random.3.1.5Measures.As in Experiment1,we estimated the amount of time actually required to walk the six distances for each participant by dividing each actual distance by the participant’s average walking speed.Participants made six time-to-walk estimates in the real environment and in the virtual environment for both blindfolded and sighted trials,resulting in a total of24time-to-walk estimates.3.2ResultsAgain,we focus on two primary questions.First,how closely did time-to-walk estimates correspond in real and virtual environments?Second,how closely did time-to-walk estimates in real and virtual environments correspond to actual times?We addressed these questions separately for the three age groups,because preliminary analyses suggested that the patterns of estimates varied across the three age groups.We collapsed the data across the two environment orders and the two vision orders because the number of participants in each group was too small to conduct meaningful analyses on order.3.2.1Time-to-walk Estimates. shown in Figure4,10-year-olds’estimates in the virtual environment were generally smaller than in the real environment.We analyzed their time-to-walk estimates inACM Transactions on Applied Perception,Vol.2,No.3,July2005.。
