



























(出题:国家密码管理局)A、密码业务部门B、国家密码管理部门C、密码使用部门正确答案:B 2:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,____周岁以上的未成年人为限制民事行为能力人,实施民事法律行为由其法定代理人或者法定代理人同意、追认;但是,可以独立实施纯获利益的民事法律行为或者与其年龄、智力相适应的民事法律行为。

(出题:司法部全国普法办)A、八B、十四C、十八正确答案:A 3:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,法人是具有民事能力和民事行为能力,依法____享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。

(出题:司法部全国普法办)A、独立B、共同C、独自正确答案:A 4:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,人格权受到侵害的,受害人有权依照本法和其他法律的规定请求行为人承担____。

(出题:司法部全国普法办)A、民事责任B、刑事责任C、行政责任正确答案:A 5:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,设立建设用地使用权,应当符合____的要求,遵守法律、行政法规关于土地用途的规定,不得损害已经设立的用益物权。

(出题:自然资源部宣传教育中心)A、保护耕地B、节约资源、保护生态环境C、环境保护D、绿色环保正确答案:B 6:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,依法负担被监护人抚养费、赡养费、扶养费的父母、子女、配偶等,被人民法院撤销监护人资格后,____继续履行负担的义务。

(出题:司法部全国普法办)A、应当B、可以不必正确答案:A 7:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,自然人下落不明满____的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告该自然人为失踪人。

(出题:司法部普法办)A、一年B、二年C、三年正确答案:B 8:根据《中华人民共和国气象法》,国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。



高等教育出版社分析化学第六版 第二章 误差及分析数据的统计处理思考题答案1 正确理解准确度和精密度,误差和偏差的概念。






2 下列情况分别引起什么误差?如果是系统误差,应如何消除?(1)砝码被腐蚀; 答:系统误差。


(2)天平两臂不等长; 答:系统误差。


(3)容量瓶和吸管不配套; 答:系统误差。


(4)重量分析中杂质被共沉淀; 答:系统误差。




(6)以含量为99%的邻苯二甲酸氢钾作基准物标定碱溶液; 答:系统误差。


3 用标准偏差和算术平均偏差表示结果,哪一个更合理?答:标准偏差。


4 如何减少偶然误差?如何减少系统误差?答:增加平行测定次数,进行数据处理可以减少偶然误差。


5 某铁矿石中含铁39.16%,若甲分析结果为39.12%,39.15%,39.18%,乙分析得39.19%,39.24%,39.28%。



x 1 = (39.12+39.15+39.18)÷3 =39.15(%) x 2 = (39.19+39.24+39.28) ÷3 = 39.24(%) E 1=39.15-39.16 =-0.01(%) E 2=39.24-39.16 = 0.08(%)%030.01/)(1)(2221=-∑-∑=--∑=n nx x n x x s i %035.01/)(222=-∑-=∑n nx x s i6 甲、乙两人同时分析同一矿物中的含硫量。



Unit 4 Getting from A to BListening to the world4-2 SharingPracticePractice-1参考:In the podcast, the people talk about how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work, what they like and don't like about their journey.Practice-21) A2) B3) C4) C,D5) A,C6) EPractice-31) fresh air2) avoid holes3) think about4) dream5) looking out of the window6) an accidentPractice-41) C2) E3) F4) D5) A6) BPractice-51) C2) A3) B4) D5) F6) EPractice-71) by underground2) go to school by bus3) about an hour4) listen to music5) look out of the window4-3 ListeningUse the skillsUse the skills-11) C2. What was the transportation idea?3. Who invented it?4. What was the idea behind it?5. What was the problem with it? / How successful was it?Use the skills-31) 19622) leave their cars at home3) public transport4) build5) keep in good condition6) 19487) got in and drove away8) engineering problem9) too heavy10) strong11) private12) difficult to fly13) traffic problems4-4 ViewingGet a clue1) There is a computer problem in the control tower.2) It is mainly about how the passengers are feeling and how they spend their time waiting.View itView it-11) A2) A3) A4) B5) AView it-21) C,E2) B3) A,F4) D参考:= Presenter; = Woman 1, etc.; = Man 1, etc.Heathrow Airport is having a bad day. Hundreds of passengers can't fly because of a computer problem in air traffic control. In Terminal 1, things are getting worse. More and more passengers are arriving. Some airplanes are leaving, but many flights are canceled. Everyone is hoping to find a flight. Some of the waiting passengers are having a snack while others are spending their time outside. It's a hot summer day. Back inside the terminal, it's getting hotter and hotter. Some people came here five hours ago.I'm here with my grandmother and my parents and it's terrible for us to wait here for such a long time now. We have to sleep at the airport because no hotel is available. So,it's just terrible.Have a look at this. Improvisation at its best. I'm glad they're sleeping now. I wasI've had my son go on the Internet, my daughter be in one queue, me be in the other queue and on the mobile, all at the same time, trying to get to Amsterdam for 9:30 tomorrow morning.After five hours queuing, you ... you really become really Zen, you know ... and hereit's pretty calm.View it-31) airport managers2) relax3) pass the time4) midnight5) their flight6) 300,three hundred7) 319,three hundred and nineteen8) 500,five hundred参考:Scripts:= PresenterThe airport managers find an interesting solution to one of the problems: garden chairs. With the chairs to relax in, some passengers are finding new ways to pass the time. Inside Terminal 1, it's late at night, after midnight. And many passengers are still here, waiting for their flight. Around 300 flights left Heathrow that day, but 319 flights were canceled, and over 500 people spent the night in the terminal.Think and speak1) Beijing2) terrible3) 7 p.m.4) a computer problem in the control tower5) cancelled6) another flight7) queue / wait8) sleeping everywhere at the airport9) took off10) 3 o'clock this morningSpeaking for communication4-6 Role-playingNote them downNote them down-11) tied up2) customer3) 20,twenty4) coffee5) delayed6) cow7) stationsNote them down-25) B6) BNote them down-31) C,D,F,G4-7 PresentingGet ideasGet ideas-11) a vegetarian meal2) meat3) his order4) business class5) cold6) the person in chargeGet ideas-21) A2) B3) B4) B5) A6) A7) B8) AOrganize ideas参考:Answers may vary. All answers are acceptable.More practice in listening4-8 More practice in listeningConversationsShort conversations1. C2. B3. D4. D5. ALong conversation1. C2. B3. D4. DPassagesPassages-1Passages-21) Gradually2) enabled3) vehicles4) dates back to5) As a result6) thoroughly7) capacity8) turn9) automobiles10) thanks toNewsNews-11. D2. CNews-21. D2. B3. CMoral education4-9 Lead-inQuiz1) A2) D4-10 World storyViewing and understanding1) B2) B3) A4) A5) ASpeaking1) seamlessly2) extensions3) integrated4) autonomous5) coordinate4-11 China talkListening and understanding1) C2) B3) D4) A5) C1) B. The man was offering to give his seat to the woman.2) B. By bus.3) D. He feels impatient.4) A. The woman has a choice of early flights.5) D. By car.长对话6) C. A madhouse.7) D. He hates Los Angeles and does not want to be there again.8) A. In cash.9) C. A special salad.短文理解10) C. Some like to fly, some others not.11) B. Share their fears with each other.12) A. It can create a small world of your own.13) A. Do something that engages your minil to forget the fear.14) C. Ways to Lessen Your Fear of Flying.听写填空15) motor16) sufferer17) range from18) results from19) relies on20) confused21) still22) folk23) avoid24) wing。



中医基础理论考试模拟题库1、素体气虚者,辨体施药应忌用的是A.固涩收敛B.疏利气血C.耗散克伐D.补血益气E.补气培元【答案】C2、补充完善《黄帝内经》,发挥“寸口脉诊”.命门.三焦以及经络理论的著作是A.《伤寒论》B.《金匮要略》C.《诸病源候论》D.《难经》E.《脾胃论》【答案】D3、起于胞中,循行于腹部正中的奇经是A.督脉B.冲脉C.阴维脉D.任脉E.足少阴肾经【答案】D4、阴虚质要慎用的药是A.温热B.补气C.固涩D.活血E.养血【答案】A5、最早提出中医学“治未病”思想的著作是A.《内经》B.《难经》C.《伤寒论》D.《金匮要略》E.《备急千金要方》【答案】A6、未病先防中防止病邪侵害的方法是A.顺应四时B.调畅情志C.饮食有节D.起居有常E.药物预防【答案】E7、开创脏腑证治先河的医家是A.巢元方B.陈无择C.张仲景D.钱乙E.王清任【答案】D8、手太阴经分布部位是A.上肢内侧前缘B.上肢外侧前缘C.上肢内侧后缘D.上肢外侧中线E.上肢外侧后缘【答案】A9、“入耳中”的经脉有A.小肠经B.膀胱经C.三焦经D.胆经E.肾经【答案】A C D10、十二经脉气血充盛有余时,流注的部位是A.经别B.别络C.奇经D.皮部E.浮络【答案】C11、中医学对发病原理的认识主要是A.正邪相搏B.阴阳失调C.饮食失调D.气血失常E.脏腑失调【答案】A12、液分布部位表述错误的A.血脉B.骨节C.脏腑D.脑E.髓【答案】A13、生殖之精施泄主要依赖的是A.天癸作用B.肾阳推动C.脾胃纳运D.肝血充盈E.肺气宣肃【答案】A14、循行于上肢外侧中线的经脉是A.手少阴心经B.手厥阴心包经C.手太阳小肠经D.手少阳三焦经E.手太阴肺经【答案】D15、足太阳膀胱经在头面部循行包括A.额部B.侧头部C.头顶D.后头部E.面颊部【答案】A C D16、导致津液输布障碍,水湿痰饮内停的最主要因素是A.肾主水失调B.三焦水道不利C.脾主运化失健D.肺主行水失常E.肝主疏泄失职【答案】C17、关于“阴阳自和”叙述正确的包括A.以“自”为核心,依靠内在自我的相互作用而实现B.脱胎于中国古代哲学中“以和为贵"的基本观点C.为相对的.动态的平衡D.为绝对的.静态的平衡E.为阴阳协调和相对稳定状态【答案】A B C E18、补充完善《黄帝内经》,发挥“寸口脉诊”.命门.三焦以及经络理论的著作是A.《伤寒论》B.《金匮要略》C.《诸病源候论》D.《难经》E.《脾胃论》【答案】D19、暑邪为病多见汗多.气短.乏力等症,其机理为A.暑为阳邪,其性炎热B.暑性升散,易扰心神C.暑多夹湿,易困脾土D.暑性升散,耗气伤津E.暑为阳邪,化火伤阴20、六淫致病,最易出现动摇症状的是A.风邪B.暑邪C.火邪D.燥邪E.湿邪【答案】A21、属阴阳互藏互根关系失常而出现的是A.阳虚阴盛B.阴虚阳亢C.精气两虚D.气血两虚E.阴胜则阳病【答案】C D22、结石的成因有A.饮食不当B.情志内伤C.服药不当E.津亏血虚【答案】A B C D23、“金水相生”说明的两脏关系是A.心与肾B.肝与肾C.脾与肾D.肺与肾E.肝与肺【答案】D24、寒从中生的形成因素有A.寒邪直中,伤及脾胃B.阳气虚衰,温煦失职C.过食生冷,寒湿停聚D.阳不化阴,水湿壅盛E.肾气不化,尿频泄泻【答案】B D E25、养生健体.抗衰老的中心环节是A.保精护肾B.调养心肺C.形神共养D.顺应自然E.饮食有节【答案】A26、318:与津液代谢关系密切的脏有A.心与肝B.肺与肾C.脾与肾D.心与脾E.脾与肺【答案】B C E27、中医学认为人的天年寿限是A.70岁左右B.80岁左右C.90岁左右D.100岁左右E.120岁左右【答案】E28、属于阴阳平和质的有A.喜动好强B.精力充沛C.身体强壮D.胖瘦适度E.工作潜力大【答案】B C D E29、“益气升提”治法的适应证是A.气陷B.气郁C.气脱D.气闭E.气虚【答案】A30、标本兼治适用的病证是A.脾虚气滞B.气虚自汗C.肺痨咳嗽D.肝病水臌E.二便不通【答案】A31、某女,46岁。

首席质量官练习题 (答案版)4

首席质量官练习题 (答案版)4






A、品牌B、企业管理C、产品D、顾客答案A407、组织应当监视品牌管理的环境,搜集所需信息,分析实现( )的可能性A、销售计划B、品牌管理目标C、战略目标D、经营目标答案B408、品牌风险作为()的一种主要形式,它不是独立存在的,而是在潜伏在企业的经营战略A、设计风险B、创新风险C、企业风险D、营销风险答案C409、品牌管理应坚持突出质量、技术、创新在品牌建设中的核心作用,加大产品或服务()创造、运用、保护和管理力度;A、管理能力B、商标C、技术标准D、知识产权答案D410、品牌管理的主体是()A、企业本身B、利益相关方C、员工D、顾客答案A411、品牌战略管理是品牌管理上升到企业()的高度,企业将品牌作为核心竞争力来打造,品牌处于企业各经营要素的核心。




B.IE 浏览器
C.Chrome 浏览器


A 对
B 错


9、常用的文本显示软件有 MS Word、MS PowerPoint、 Adobe Reader 等。

(A )



百万公众网络学习答案100一、单项选择题(总共25 题,每题 4 分)1、当电器起火时,在无法切断电源的情况下,应该用哪种方法来灭火?( ) 正确您的作答:C 正确答案是:C 得分:4A、用水灭火B、泡沫灭火器C、干粉灭火器D、用衣服扑打2、()是一种未充分分化,尚不成熟的细胞,具有再生各种组织器官和人体的潜在功能,医学界称为“万用细胞”。

正确您的作答:C 正确答案是:C 得分:4A、细胞B、活细胞C、干细胞3、“不良建筑物综合征”,是指与建筑物室内()有关的症状。

正确您的作答:A 正确答案是:A 得分:4A、环境污染B、建筑污染4、人类使用铁器开始标志着人类进入了铁器时代。

()正确您的作答:B 正确答案是:B 得分:4A、对B、错5、pH 值高于5.6的降水,称为酸雨。

()正确您的作答:B 正确答案是:B 得分:4A、对B、错6、对市场需求依赖性最大的工业部门是食品工业。

()正确您的作答:A 正确答案是:A 得分:4A、对B、错7、石油虽然含有少量的氧、氮和硫化物,但它的主要成分是:( ) 正确您的作答:A 正确答案是:A 得分:4A、碳氢化合物B、氧化物C、碳酸盐类8、飞机起飞时最希望( ) 正确您的作答:B 正确答案是:B 得分:4A、顺风B、逆风C、横风D、无风9、1912年,德国地质学家、气象学家阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳在《大陆与海洋的形成》一书中提出大陆漂移学说,认为中生代地球表面存在一个泛大陆,这个超极大陆由于地球自西向东()后来产生多次分裂、漂移,经过二亿多年的时间,形成了现在的七大洲四大洋。

正确您的作答:A 正确答案是:A 得分:4A、自转的分力B、公转的分力C、旋转10、夜幕降临后,商场、酒店上的广告灯、霓虹灯闪烁夺目,令人眼花缭乱。


正确您的作答:B 正确答案是:B 得分:4A、彩光污染B、人工白昼C、白亮污染11、我国载人航天分三步走,第三目标是什么?( ) 正确您的作答:B 正确答案是:B 得分:4A、建立大型空间实验室B、建立长期有人照顾的小型空间站C、进行月球探测12、吃了致癌物就会患癌症,对吗?()。








三种导航系统异同:4.4说明纯惯导高度通道为什么是不稳定的?在精确导航中,g 不是常值而是高度H 的函数,当R H >>时)21(0RH g g -=。

由此,纯惯导高度通道的特征方程式为:)2()2(22=-+=-Rg s Rg s Rg s因此该系统虽然是一个闭环系统,但特征式有一个正根,说明系统是不稳定的,计算高度H 误差是扩散的。




如何使导航平台具有舒勒特性?舒勒摆指单摆长度L 正好等于地球半径R 时,其自然振荡周期等于84.4min 能指示垂线的这样一个装置,此装置不会受支点加速度的干扰,它的重要意义还在于,任何装置只要能使它的振动周期满足等于84.4min ,它就具有摆长等于地球半径R 单摆的抗干扰能力。



4-1 输送20℃清水的离心泵,在转速为1450r/min 时,总扬程为, q v =170m 3/h, P=, ηv =, ηm =,求泵的流动效率ηh 。

4-1 解: 76.07.151000/8.253600/17081.91000=⨯⨯⨯===P H gq P P v e ρη h v m ηηηη⋅⋅=∴⨯=⋅=vm h ηηηη4-2 离心风机叶轮外径D 2=460mm,转速n=1450r/min,流量q v =s,υ1u ∞=0,υ2u ∞=u 2,(1+P)=,流动效率ηh =,气体密度ρ= m 3。


4-2,解:p T ∞=ρ(u 2v 2u ∞-u 1 v 1u ∞){∵v 1u ∞=0∴p T ∞=ρu 2v 2u ∞=×6046.014506046.01450⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯ππ=(Pa )根据斯托道拉公式:PK +=11,∴855.017.11==K∴p= K·ηh ·p T ∞=××=(Pa )P e =pq v /1000=×1000= (kw)4-3 离心风机n=2900r/min ,流量q v =12800 m 3/h ,全压p=2630Pa ,全压效率η=,求风机轴功率P 为多少。

4-3P=η P e =×pq v /1000=×2630×12800/3600/1000= (kw)4-4 离心泵转速为480r/min ,扬程为136m ,流量q v =s,轴功率P=9860kW 。

设容积效率、机械效率均为92%,ρ=1000kg/m 3,求流动效率。

)4-4解: 77.098601000/1367.581.91000=⨯⨯⨯===P H gq P P v e ρη⨯=⋅=vm h ηηηη4-5 若水泵流量q v =25L/s,泵出口出压力表读数为320kPa ,入口处真空表读数为40kPa ,吸入管路直径d=100cm,出水管直径为75cm ,电动机功率表读数为,电动机效率为,传动效率为。





2、网络成瘾症:即“互联网成瘾练合症”,英文简称为IAD 。






二、不定项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1、自我概念的功能有(ABC )A、保持个体内在的一致性B、决定个体对经验的解释C、决定个体的期望D、决定个体的意愿2、网络成瘾有(ABCD )A、网络游戏成瘾B、网络色情成瘾C、网络关系成瘾D、网络信息成瘾3、信息焦虑症按照其症状轻重分为(ABCD)A、信息焦虑B、信息恐惧C、信息抑郁D、信息躁狂4、成功焦虑症的治疗有(ABCD )A、改变成功理念B、学会耐心等待C、重新定位自我D、适时享受生活5、关于心理咨询的主要对象描述错误的是(D)A、精神正常,但遇到了与心理有关的现实问题并请求帮助的人群B、精神正常,但心理健康出现问题并请求帮助的人群C、特殊对象,临床治愈的精神疾病患者。



Introduction to Management Science 5th Edition, 课后习题答案 Chapter 4

Introduction to Management Science 5th Edition, 课后习题答案 Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 THE ART OF MODELING WITH SPREADSHEETSSOLUTION TO SOLVED PROBLEMS4.S1Production and Inventory Planning ModelSurfs U p p roduces h igh-­‐end s urfboards. A c hallenge f aced b y S urfs U p i s t hat t heir d emand i s highly s easonal. D emand e xceeds p roduction c apacity d uring t he w arm s ummer m onths, b ut is v ery l ow i n t he w inter m onths. T o m eet t he h igh d emand d uring t he s ummer, S urfs U ptypically p roduces m ore s urfboards t han a re n eeded i n t he w inter m onths a nd t hen c arries inventory i nto t he s ummer m onths. T heir p roduction f acility c an p roduce a t m ost 50 b oards per m onth u sing r egular l abor a t a c ost o f $125 e ach. U p t o 10 a dditional b oards c an b e produced b y u tilizing o vertime l abor a t a c ost o f $135 e ach. T he b oards a re s old f or $200. Because o f s torage c ost a nd t he o pportunity c ost o f c apital, e ach b oard h eld i n i nventory f rom one m onth t o t he n ext i ncurs a c ost o f $5 p er b oard. S ince d emand i s u ncertain, S urfs U p would l ike t o m aintain a n e nding i nventory (safety s tock) o f a t l east 10 b oards d uring t he warm m onths (May–September) a nd a t l east 5 b oards d uring t he o ther m onths (October–April). I t i s n ow t he s tart o f J anuary a nd S urfs U p h as 5 b oards i n i nventory. T he f orecast o f demand o ver t he n ext 12 m onths i s s hown i n t he t able b elow. F ormulate a nd s olve a l inear programming m odel i n a s preadsheet t o d etermine h ow m any s urfboards s hould b e p roduced each m onth t o m aximize t otal p rofit.Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec10 14 15 20 45 65 85 85 40 30 15 15This i s a d ynamic p roblem w ith 12 t ime p eriods (months). T he a ctivities a re t he p roduction quantities i n e ach o f t he 12 m onths u sing r egular l abor a nd t he p roduction q uantities i n each o f t he 12 m onths u sing o vertime l abor.To g et s tarted, w e s ketch a s preadsheet m odel. E ach o f t he 12 m onths w ill b e a s eparate column i n t he s preadsheet. F or e ach m onth, t he r egular p roduction q uantity (a c hanging cell) m ust b e n o m ore t han t he m aximum r egular p roduction (50). S imilarly, f or e ach month t he o vertime p roduction q uantity (a c hanging c ell) m ust b e n o m ore t han t he maximum o vertime p roduction (10). E ach m onth w ill g enerate r evenue, i ncur r egular a nd overtime p roduction c osts, i nventory h olding c osts, a nd a chieve a r esulting p rofit. T he g oal will b e t o m aximize t he t otal p rofit o ver a ll 12 m onths. T his l eads t o t he f ollowing s ketch o f a s preadsheet m odel.The e nding i nventory e ach m onth w ill e qual t he s tarting i nventory (the g iven s tartinginventory f or J anuary, o r t he p revious m onth’s e nding i nventory f or f uture m onths) p lus a ll production (regular a nd o vertime) m inus t he f orecasted s ales. T he e nding i nventory a t t he end o f e ach m onth m ust b e a t l east t he m inimum s afety s tock l evel. T he r evenue w ill e qual the s elling p rice t imes f orecasted s ales. T he r egular (or o vertime) p roduction c ost w ill b e the r egular (or o vertime) p roduction q uantity t imes t he u nit r egular (or o vertime)production c ost. T he h olding c ost w ill e qual t he e nding i nventory t imes t he u nit h olding cost. T he m onthly p rofit w ill b e r evenue m inus b oth p roduction c osts m inus h olding c ost. Finally, t he t otal p rofit w ill b e t he s um o f t he m onthly p rofits. T he f inal s olved s preadsheet, formulas, a nd S olver i nformation a re s hown b elow.Unit Cost (Reg)Unit Cost (OT)Selling Price Holding Cost Starting Inventory<=Max Regular <=Max OTForecasted Sales Ending Inventory>=Safety StockThe v alues i n R egularProduction (C10:N10) a nd O TProduction (C14:N14) s how h ow m anysurf b oards S urfs U p s hould p roduce e ach m onth s o a s t o a chieve t he m aximum p rofit o f $31,150.Set Objective Cell: TotalProfit To: MaxBy Changing Variable Cells:RegularProduction, OTProduction Subject to the Constraints:RegularProduction <= MaxRegular OTProduction <= MaxOTEndingInventory >= SafetyStock Solver Options:Make Variables Nonnegative Solving Method: Simplex LP4.S2Aggregate Planning: Manpower Hiring/Firing/TrainingCool P ower p roduces a ir c onditioning u nits f or l arge c ommercial p roperties. D ue t o t he l owcost a nd e fficiency o f i ts p roducts, t he c ompany h as b een g rowing f rom y ear t o y ear. A lso, d ue to s easonality i n c onstruction a nd w eather c onditions, p roduction r equirements v ary f rommonth t o m onth. C ool P ower c urrently h as 10 f ully t rained e mployees w orking i nmanufacturing. E ach t rained e mployee c an w ork 160 h ours p er m onth a nd i s p aid a m onthly wage o f $4000. N ew t rainees c an b e h ired a t t he b eginning o f a ny m onth. D ue t o t heir l ack o f initial s kills a nd r equired t raining, a n ew t rainee o nly p rovides 100 h ours o f u seful l abor i n their f irst m onth, b ut a re s till p aid a f ull m onthly w age o f $4000. F urthermore, b ecause o f required i nterviewing a nd t raining, t here i s a $2500 h iring c ost f or e ach e mployee h ired. A fter one m onth, a t rainee i s c onsidered f ully t rained. A n e mployee c an b e f ired a t t he b eginning o f any m onth, b ut m ust b e p aid t wo w eeks o f s everance p ay ($2000). O ver t he n ext 12 m onths, Cool P ower f orecasts t he l abor r equirements s hown i n t he t able b elow. S ince m anagement anticipates h igher r equirements n ext y ear, C ool P ower w ould l ike t o e nd t he y ear w ith a t l east 12 f ully t rained e mployees. H ow m any t rainees s hould b e h ired a nd/or w orkers f ired i n e ach month t o m eet t he l abor r equirements a t t he m inimum p ossible c ost? F ormulate a nd s olve a linear p rogramming s preadsheet m odel.Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1600 2000 2000 2000 2800 3200 3600 3200 1600 1200 800 800This i s a d ynamic p roblem w ith 12 t ime p eriods (months). T he a ctivities a re t he n umber o fworkers t o h ire a nd f ire i n e ach o f t he 12 m onths.To g et s tarted, w e s ketch a s preadsheet m odel. E ach o f t he 12 m onths w ill b e a s eparate column i n t he s preadsheet. F or e ach m onth, t here a re c hanging c ells f or b oth t he n umber o f workers h ired a nd f ired. B ased o n t he v alues o f t hese c hanging c ells, w e c an d etermine t he number o f t rainees a nd t rained e mployees. T he n umber o f l abor h ours g enerated b y t he employees m ust b e a t l east t he r equired l abor h ours e ach m onth. F inally, l abor c osts (for trainees a nd t he t rained w orkforce), h iring c ost, a nd s everance p ay l eads t o a t otal m onthly cost. T he g oal w ill b e t o m inimize t he t otal c ost o ver a ll 12 m onths. T his l eads t o t he following s ketch o f a s preadsheet m odel.Labor Monthly WageHiring Cost Severance PayLabor Hours/Trainee/MonthLabor Hours/Trained Worker/MonthStarting Trained WorkforceMinimum to Start the TraineesNext YearTrained Employees >=Labor Hours Available>=Required Labor HoursWhen a n e mployee i s f irst h ired, h e o r s he i s a t rainee f or o ne m onth b efore b ecoming afully-­‐trained e mployee. T herefore, t he n umber o f t rainees (row 14) i s e qual t o t he n umber of w orkers h ired i n t hat m onth, w hile t he n umber o f t rained e mployees (row 15) i s t henumber o f t rained e mployees a nd t rainees f rom t he p revious m onth m inus a ny e mployee that i s f ired. T he l abor h ours a vailable i n e ach m onth e quals t he s umproduct o f t he l abor hours p rovided b y e ach t ype o f w orker (trained o r t rainees) w ith t he n umber o f e ach t ype of e mployee. T he l abor c osts i n e ach m onth a re t he m onthly w age m ultiplied b y t he number o f e mployees. T he h iring c ost i s t he u nit h iring c ost m ultiplied b y t he n umber o f workers h ired. T he s everance p ay i s t he u nit s everance c ost m ultiplied b y t he n umber o f workers f ired. T hen, t he t otal m onthly c ost i s t he s um o f t he l abor c osts, h iring c ost, a nd severance p ay. F inally, t he t otal c ost w ill b e t he s um o f t he m onthly c osts. F or a rbitrary values o f w orkers h ired a nd f ired e ach m onth, t his l eads t o t he f ollowing s preadsheet.The S olver i nformation i s s hown b elow, f ollowed b y t he s olved s preadsheet.Thus, W orkersHired (C11:N11) s hows t he n umber o f w orkers C ool P ower s hould h ire e achmonth a nd W orkersFired (C12:N12) s hows t he n umber o f w orkers C ool P ower s hould f ire each m onth s o a s t o a chieve t he m inimum T otalCost (O26) o f $787,500.Solver ParametersSet Objective Cell: TotalCost To: MinBy Changing Variable Cells: WorkersHired, WorkersFired Subject to the Constraints:N15 >= MinimumToStartNewYearLaborHoursAvailable >= RequiredLaborHours WorkersHired = integer WorkersFired = integer Solver Options:Make Variables Nonnegative Solving Method: Simplex LP。




国际税务筹划的主要方法具体包括改变居住地、 改变收入的地理来源以及改变筹划实体 的形式。


目前,许多国家在税收上都实行居民管辖权,这种做法在发达国家中 尤为盛行, 对居民纳税人的全球范围所得征税, 而对非居民纳税人仅就其源于本国的所得征 税。

因此,人的转移的主要目的在于通过改变其居民身份,避免成为居民纳税人的方式来避 免一国税收的管辖。

人的流动包括自然人或法人的国际迁移, 一个人在一国中设法改变其居 民身份,避免成为居民等做法。


人的非流动主要是指财产或所得的最终获得者并不离开他的国家, 也不需要使自己成为真正的移民,而是通过创造中介的形式来转移自己的一部分所得或财 产,以达到回避税收管辖权、减轻税负的目的。


物的转移是指跨国纳税人通过改变所得、资金、货物、劳务来源地的 方式,避免一国的税收管辖权而达到减少税负的目的。




人与物的流动和非流动主要有以下几种结合的可能:人的 流动与资金的非流动;人的流动与资金的流动;人的非流动与资金的流动;人的非流动与资 金的非流动。









大学英语4级试卷+答案 (4)

大学英语4级试卷+答案 (4)

大学英语四级试卷(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1.He regrets______my advice.A.not having takenB.not takeC.to have not takenD.not to take2.He has been hoping for a rise in salary for a year but he______ask for it yet.A.daren’tB.doesn’t dareC.hadn’t daredD.won’t dare3.At an early age she already showed a talent______music.A.inB.forC.onD.of4.I feel rather doubtful________the result of the experiment.A.aboutB.atC.withD.for5.______the severe cold,tourism was________full swing.A.Though,onB.Despite,onC.Though,inD.Despite,in6.Passengers may leave bulky articles under the stairs______the conductor's permission.A.atB.withC.onD.in7.You won't get in_____the end of the act.A.tillB.atC.byD.in8.He said he was in debt and asked me for a loan______$50.A.onB.forC.withD.of9.What tremendous achievements we have made_______all fronts in the past few years!A.inB.onC.atD.of10.John is unfortunately devoid_______a sense of humour.A.withB.ofC.toD.from11.Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets_____intransit.A.misusedB.mishandledC.mistakenD.mislaid12.Our side my office window,there is a fire_______on the right.dderB.escapeC.stepsD.stairs13.The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter kit’s mouth_____.A.wetB.oozeC.waterD.moisten14.When Langston waited to be saved by Jesus,he saw the lighted candles on the altar_____in the draught from the opening window.A.flickeringB.flutteringC.shiveringD.wavering15.Marilyn will not be able to come to the Christmas party as she is_______ with a cold.id downid outid byid up16.Little_______a year ago that I would be studying here today in Britain.A.I thoughtB.thought IC.I did thinkD.did I think17.Not until______himself seriously ill.A.he had completed the task did he findB.had he completed the task did he findC.he completed the task had he foundD.did he complete the task he had found18.In vain_______to get in touch with the Embassy.A.they triedB.tried theyC.did they tryD.they have tried19.Seldom_____him fly into such a rage since I knew him.A.I sewB.I have seenC.had I seenD.have I seen20.Only by carrying out an open-door poling______.A.our country can be developedB.can be our country developedC.can our country developD.our country can develop二、翻译(共计10分)1.电影开演半小时了。




















• Bear in mind the proverb “Do in Rome as the Romans do,”and learn from the local people when you are visiting a foreign country.
Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences
• Having respect for / Learning about other cultures can help you avoid misunderstandings.
Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences
Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
ning Task
Language Focus
• A person’s cultural background influences what he / she considers to be good manners or bad manners / polite or rude / on time or late.
Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences
Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions.
2. How do people’s cultural backgrounds influence their way of thinking?

大学英语综合教程2 的课后练习答案unit4

大学英语综合教程2 的课后练习答案unit4
Unit 4
Return to Menu
Passage A
Passage B
Passage A
• Think About It
• Read About It
• Talk About It
• Write About It
1. What kind of people are in favor of carrying on with the cloning science?
Most governments prohibit cloning mainly because it is against nature and causes ethical problems. Besides, the failure rate of cloning is very high.
miracle n. — an unusual and mysterious event that cannot be explained by the laws of nature Examples
• The Great Wall is a miracle of architecture.
• A car ran over the child, but by a miracle, he was unhurt.
But only when the science is ready. And that’s the real problem. Five years on from Dolly, the science of cloning is still stuck in the dark ages. The failure rate is a shocking 97 percent and deformed babies all too common. Even when cloning works, nobody understands why. So forget the complex moral arguments. To begin cloning people now, before even the most basic questions have been answered, is simply a waste of time and energy. This is not to say that Antinori will fail, only that if he succeeds it is likely to be at an unacceptably high price. Hundreds of eggs and embryos will be wasted and lots of women will go through difficult pregnancies resulting in miscarriages or abortions. A few years from now techniques will have improved and the wasteful loss won’t be as excessive. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay.
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1.President Bush hassatellites to China and lifted a trading ban.(Suggested first letter(s): app )2.The company has set up a worldwidechannel to market its products.(Suggested first letter(s): dis )3.An Oxford student has to his death after alate-night drink and drugs party.(Suggested first letter(s): pl )4.We were all very impressed by him, as he was a veryand interesting professor.(Suggested first letter(s): inf )5.He believes that English furniture is the best buy in hard times; he bought many pieces during the SecondWorld War.(Suggested first letter(s): cl )6.It's a great movie and it a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year.(Suggested first letter(s): fea )7.The door is of two all-glass panels.(Suggested first letter(s): com )8.One of the features of life here has been agradual loss of the ability to distinguish right from wrong.(Suggested first letter(s): dis )9.He warned that the effect of the new policywould be to drive the public back on to overcrowded roads.(Suggested first letter(s): over )10.They quickly a team and soon established a new department which based its teaching on a principle ofdirect contact with the student.(Suggested first letter(s): re )11.A feeling of total joy swept over him as he thebeautiful gold and silver machine.(Suggested first letter(s): ins )12.People in the rest of the country celebratedeven later, depending on when the news of the Government's action reached them.(Suggested first letter(s): ind )13.In order to teach the of a literary text, wemust be prepared to teach the cultural text as well.(Suggested first letter(s): inter )14.I am afraid that in his speech the merits of the project arewhereas its difficulties are given very little weight.(Suggested first letter(s): ex )15.They passed a to the Soviet soldiers, whodevoted their lives to the Second World War.(Suggested first letter(s): monu )16.Failure to reach a would lead to enormousproblems for European agriculture as pollution spreads.(Suggested first letter(s): set )17.She her first album to Woody Allen, who she says understood her fully and never failed to support her.(Suggested first letter(s): ded )18.It had been my first into the hotel businessand probably my last—I take my hat off to anyone who makes(Suggested first letter(s): ven )19.Let us consider choosing the most cost effectivecompany which has a number of department stores.(Suggested first letter(s): re )20.The report was based on a of 1,854 students, or one in 14 of the 14,000 who graduated this year.(Suggested first letter(s): sa )1.The grandfather ________ all the members of the family forthe annual picnic.A. putB. assembledC. collectedD. had2.Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of TheHoly Bible; they've gotten used to the traditional one.A. publicationC. versionD. copyright3.The investigation demonstrates that his enemies ________false stories about him.A. encouragedB. causedC. inspiredD. enlightened4.She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice aweek.A. lookedB. watchedC. observedD. inspected5.The country's first act would be to ________ for the navy.A. employC. recruitD. supply6.Policemen wear a uniform that makes them __________ fromothers.A. distinctiveB. straightC. distinguishedD. clear7.He asked me to get her ________ of blue silk for a new dress.A. modelsB. samplesC. examplesD. types8.Like all the plans I will suggest, it is not ______; this is part ofa long, north-east facing border in my own garden.A. imaginaryC. marineD. imaginable9.As we can no longer wait for the rain to stop before taking ourvacation, we have to ________ our plans.A. acceptB. cancelC. refuseD. stop10.Most broadcasters believe that TV has been unfairly criticizedand argue that the power of the medium is ________.A. grantedB. remediedC. impliedD. exaggerated11.________, he does get angry with her sometimes.A. Much although he likes herB. As much as he likes herC. As he likes her muchD. Although much he likes her12.In the ________ of the project not being a success, themanager stands to lose up to $30 million.A. faceB. timeC. eventD. course13.Living in the western part of the country has its problems,________ obtaining fresh water is not the least.A. whichB. with whichC. for whichD. of which14.You ________ him so closely; you should have kept yourdistance.A. shouldn't have been followingB. shouldn't followC. mustn't followD. couldn't have been following15.I think I was at school, ________ I was staying with a friendduring the vacation when I heard the news.A. and thenB. or elseC. or soD. even so16.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ________his arguments in favour of the new theory.A. to be based onB. to base onC. on which to baseD. which to base on17.Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ________ atthe next town.A. to stopC. stopD. having stopped18.The early pioneers had to ________ many hardships to settleon the new land.A. go along withB. go throughC. go back onD. go into19.There are signs ________ restaurants are becoming morepopular with families.A. whichB. thoseC. in whichD. that20.You will see this product ________ wherever you go.A. to be advertisedC. advertiseD. advertising"America, the land of opportunity, theland of the free." I, 1., have a hard time believing it. Have you ever heard of the American Dream? It isthe 2.belief of Americans that every person, 3.poor their beginnings, can change his life. Anyone can work hisway from the 4.up tothe top. 5., we would listen to stories about ourgreat-grandparents. They traveled here from a 6.country fortheir opportunity to make it big. We woulddream of 7.it big for ourselves. "Your great-grandfather came to this country with 8.the shirt on his back and built his company from the ground up." This was how the story 9.went. Something haschanged, 10.. Americans are increasingly 11.this idea as untrue. They see it as nothing but an empty 12.. They have a cynical 13.and they don't believe that they will ever be rich or powerful. They believe that past generations 14.all of the resources and power. These people will do 15.to keep it for themselves.Money rules this country. 16.the rich become leaders. And they approve rules to help their richfriends take 17.of the workers. They are more than happy togive you a job, 18.you accept their terms. You must agree to work for low wages, 19.increasing their profits. If you work very hard, you can 20.the bank for a smallhouse and car and a couple of children.That is the American dream today.Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.In 1913, the United States government introduced a bold, new nickel. James Earle Fraser said his goal was to design a coin that would be "truly American." In his search for symbols, he found none more distinctive than the American buffalo. Choosing to show a Native American on the other side of the coin, Fraser said the new nickel had "perfect unity of theme."Production of "Buffalo" or "Indian Head" nickels began in February 1913. A single coining press at the Philadelphia Mint (造币厂) started turning out the nickels at the rate of 120 a minute. But after the first examples were introduced, The New York Times said they were "bad."Other critics said that the coin's "rough" surfaces would encourage counterfeiters (造假币的人). But the most serious complaint about the nickel had to do with its inability to stand heavy use. One coin collectors' magazine predicted that the slightest wear would remove the date and the words Five Cents "beyond understanding."In 1938, the Government staged a competition for a new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson. According to a news item of the day, the Department of Indian Affairs didn't receive a single complaint from Native Americans about the design change. Collectors didn't seem to mind either.1.In the eyes of Fraser, a __________ is the most distinctive.A. nickelB. buffaloC. Native AmericanD. unity of theme2.In the second sentence, Paragraph 2, the word "press" means________.A. publicationB. newspaperC. machineD. the act of pushing down3.The design of a buffalo was modified ________.A. because it was not able to stand heavy useB. because the words Five Cents were "beyondunderstanding"C. because the coin couldn't be pressed by the PhiladelphiaMintD. because the words were too high on the coin4.According to one collectors' magazine using a NativeAmerican and a buffalo was ________.A. a good ideaB. a bad ideaC. a perfect ideaD. a forced idea5.It seemed that the new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson________.A. won much praise from collectorsB. caused strong protests from American IndiansC. was OK both to the collectors and American IndiansD. was praised both by the collectors and American IndiansQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. Time passed and my cards sold well. My enthusiasm for the greeting card business grew quickly. All along, I had been drawing fantasy art: monsters, dragons, castles, etc. With the birth of my first son in 1980, the content of my work went through a pretty dramatic change.Fantasy went out of the window, and I began to illustrate reality.In the spring of 1983, we, The Mary Engelbreit Greeting Card Company, took our 12 little designs to New York to exhibit them at a national card show.I remember how big the show was. I just couldn't get over it. I had no idea there were so many different card companies. And it was exciting because our 12 little cards were getting a lot of attention in that huge place!I've been told one of the reasons we had so much success at that show is because my card style was different than anything else at the market. I typically draw complicated details and use deep colors and funny or meaningful quotations.By 1985, many greeting card publishers started noticing my art, and two of them approached me with licensing contracts.I have always believed if you choose a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life. If you ask about the mystery of my success, all I can say is this: to imagine is everything!6.Before the birth of her first son, Mary Engelbreit's cardsfocused on ________.A. realityC. fantasyD. dragons7.The New York show was so big that Engelbreit ________.A. couldn't walk through itB. couldn't believe itC. couldn't stay to the end of itD. couldn't understand it8.Engelbreit's cards were successful because ________.A. they were distinctive in styleB. they had a thank-you sentenceC. they had complicated detailsD. they were rich in color9. A couple of greeting card companies ________.A. presented Engelbreit with contractsB. asked Engelbreit to make her cards more distinctiveC. wanted Engelbreit to use more meaningful quotationsD. thought her cards were to complicated10.According to Mary Engelbreit, the key to success is________.B. opportunityC. good luckD. imaginationQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog. In the early days of sea travel, seamen on long voyages lived exclusively on salted meat and biscuits. Many of them died of scurvy (坏血病), a blood disease which causes swollen gums, livid (铅色的) white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion. On one occasion, in 1535, an English ship arrived in Newfoundland with its crew seriously ill. The men's lives were saved by Iroquois Indians (易洛魁印第安人) who gave them vegetable leaves to eat. Gradually it came to be realized that scurvy was caused by something lacking in the sailors' diet. Captain Cook, on his long voyages of discovery to Australia and New Zealand, established the fact that scurvy could be warded off by the giving fresh fruit to the sailors.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may yet result in serious diseases if certain important elements are missing. These elements are called "vitamins". Quite a number of such substances are known and they are given letters to identify them, A, B, C, D, and so on. Different diseases are associated with a lack of particular vitamins. Even a slight lack of Vitamin C, for example, the vitamin most plentiful in fresh fruit and vegetables, is thought to increase our chances of catching colds.The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruit and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, say, during the extended periods of religious fasting (斋戒), or when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to supply the missing vitamins.11.Which of the following happens because of scurvy?A. People become hungry.B. People lose blood.C. People become livid.D. People feel pain in their gums.12.How would the sailors ward off scurvy on long trips?A. They took fresh fruit with them.B. They stopped in places to relax.C. They often found Indians to help.D. They ate vegetable leaves regularly.13.Which vitamin helps protect us against colds?A. Vitamin A.B. Vitamin B.C. Vitamin C.D. Vitamin D.14.What supplies all the vitamins we need to be healthy?A. Any one of the different sorts of green vegetables.B. Diets like those taken by religious people.C. Certain important elements known by letters.D. Mixed diets with different fruits and vegetables.15.When should people take vitamins?A. When wanting to be healthy.B. When joining a religion.C. When dieting to lose weight.D. When protecting against sickness.。
