新生代英语基础教程1 Unit 3_电子教案
在今天Module 1 Unit 3《Our School》的教学过程中,我发现学生们对于用英语描述学校设施这一主题非常感兴趣,课堂参与度很高。他们积极投入到小组讨论和角色扮演活动中,这让我感到很欣慰。
(3)句型转换:学生在将所学句型进行转换时,可能会出现错误,如将There is转换为There are时,容易漏掉复数形式的改变,教师需重点强调并纠正。
-在讲解一般现在时态时,教师可以列举一些生活中常见的动作或状态,如:“The students are having lunch now.”,强调动词原形的使用。
Reading Language Practice--Translation
3. Please let us know if you can make the trip. 主要句型:请告知我们您是否…… 请告知我们您是否能来 中文翻译:_____________________ 。 请告知我们您是否能参加明天的会议。 English translation: Please let us know if you can attend tomorrow’s meeting ________________________________________________________.
Reading Language Practice--Translation
2. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a cocktail party
this evening.
主要句型:借此机会,我想邀请您…… 借此机会,我想邀请您参加今晚的鸡尾酒会。 中文翻译:___________________________________
ballet dancer. 2. She used to be a famous ______
skiing . 3. His favorite sport in winter is ______ 4. In Japan, China and Korea ________ karaoke is very popular. Many
新生代英语基础教程Unit 3电子教案
C Listen and complete the conversation.
Jenny: Hey Alex, do you want some of this dessert? It’s really (1)
2. Alex ate a lot of pasta when he went to Italy last week.
3. Tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots are vegeta.bles
4. Most people eat French fries with a hamburger.
. You only live once!
Alex: OK, OK, I’ll try it…
珍妮:嗨,亚历克斯,想来点这个甜点吗?非常好吃! 亚历克斯:不,谢谢,珍妮。我正在减肥。 珍妮:哦,我知道了。那炸薯条要吗?它们也很好吃。 亚历克斯:嗯……我想我还是就吃点沙拉吧。 珍妮:好的。那喝点什么呢?苏打水吗? 亚历克斯:不了,谢谢。我还是来点不加糖的冰茶吧。 珍妮:哦,来点甜点吧。你也就活这么一次! 亚历克斯:好吧好吧,那我尝尝。
Alex: No thanks, Jenny. I am trying to lose weight.
Jenny: Oh, I see. How about some (2)
? They are really good!
Alex: Hmm. I think I’ll just have some of this (3)
萨莉:我们有很多课程可以选修。我觉得压力很大,因为我不想选错。 你能帮帮我吗,汤姆? 汤姆:当然,萨莉。我大一的时候也有这种感觉。 萨莉:我不知道是选修商务社交媒体课还是管理课。我这学期真的想拿 到好分数。 汤姆:选你最感兴趣的。如果你喜欢这门课程,你会更有学习的动力。 萨莉:好的,这是个好主意。我是不是应该考虑哪一门课程对我的事业 发展最有用呢? 汤姆:是这样没错,但你还是一个刚步入大学生活的大一新生。所以最 重要的事情就是选择一门你喜欢且压力不大的课程。
Vocabulary Focus
C Listen and complete the conversation.
Sally: There are so many courses to choose from. I feel (1) __s_tr_e_s_se_d___ because I don’t want to make the wrong decision. Can you help me, Tom? Tom: Sure, Sally. That’s exactly how I felt as a(n) (2) _f_re_s_h_m__a_n__! Sally: I just can’t (3) __d_e_c_i_d_e___ between the course on social media for business and the course on administration. I really want to get good grades this semester. Tom: Choose what you’re most interested in. If you like a subject, you’ll feel more (4) _m_o_t_i_v_at_e_d__ to study it. Sally: OK, that’s good advice. Shouldn’t I think about what would be most (5) __u_s_e_f_u_l ___ for my career? Tom: Yes… But you’re a freshman getting used to life at college. So the most important thing is to choose a course which you like and won’t stress you out.
新生代英语基础教程Unit电子教案教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语基础教程1》1345678补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER参考译文SHOW TIME语言解析1. It’s ten after three.三点过十分了。
ten after three 三点过十分,这个短语相当于ten past three。
英语中表示“几点过几分”(半小时以内)可用after,也可用past;而表示“几点差几分”则用to,通常先讲分钟,再讲小时, 即after / past 或to前面的数字为分钟,后面的数字为小时。
e.g. 5:10 ten past five (ten after five)10:05 five past ten (five after ten)5:50 ten to six9:45 fifteen to ten2. The class is canceled because of the storm. 因为暴雨,课被取消了。
because of意思是“因为”,是一个介词短语,后面跟名词或动名词,构成介宾结构。
9e.g. The plane didn’t take off because of the heavy rain.因为大雨,飞机没有起飞。
The plane didn’t take off because it was raining heavily.因为下大雨,飞机没有起飞。
3.Nobody came to class—except us.除了我们几个,没有人来上课了。
except 表示“除……之外”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系。
e.g. The library is open every day except Mondays.除了星期一,图书馆每天都开放。
在Module1 Units 1-3的教学过程中,我注意到学生在学习英语问候语、自我介绍、家庭成员称呼以及一般现在时态等方面取得了一定的进步。但同时也暴露出一些问题,值得我去思考和改进。
Unit 1:
-举例:如“Hello, my name is...”, “I am...years old”, “What's your name?”等基本交际用语。
Unit 2:
Unit 1:培养学生跨文化交际意识,提升日常英语口语表达能力,增强学生团队协作能力。
Unit 2:提高学生英语词汇量和句型运用能力,发展观察、描述和表达人物特征的能力,加强语法知识在实际语境中的应用。
Unit 3:深化学生对学校生活的认识,锻炼运用英语描述日常活动的能力,强化时态运用及动词变化的准确性,提升学生的逻辑思维和语言组织能力。
优选文档教案课程名称再生代英语基础教程 1课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《再生代英语基础教程1》授课计划授课单元Unit2“It’sraininghard.”单元主题WeatherShowTime“It’sraininghard.”ReadingFunfactsonBritishWeather教ChatTime学DoyoumindifIborrowyourumbrella内Writing容AweatherforecastGrammarPresentcontinuoustense MyStoryTheweather授课目标课时8安排授课活动建议Warm-up Togetstudentstotalk aboutthemaintopicofthisunitin acomfortableandrelaxedmannerVocabularyBuilderAandBTo teach students Havestudents look atthepicture and askthemto tell youasmuchastheycanaboutit.Then,gothroughthequestions andcomplete eachanswer. Readtheparagraphtogetherandchecktheiranswers.Havethestudentslistenandrepeatthewords.Askthestudentswhichnew vocabulary relatedtoweather and weather clothingCandDTo improve students’listening and comprehension skills words theyknow and which they aren’t sure about.The most difficult wordsonthis list are probably ponchoandcanceled.If you havearealponcho,itmaybegood tobringittoclass.Forcanceled,youcan give an example of when school was canceled recently, perhapsduetoapublicholidayorpoor weather.Try to relate the vocabularytostudents’livesas muchaspossible. Talkaboutweatherconditionswith students.Askquestionslike“Doyou like a rainy day”Students should answerinacomplete sentence beginning with“I like/don’t likea⋯day.”Finishtheexerciseandchecktheiranswers. ForExercise C,tell the students that they will hear a weather forecast.Explain that aforecast is when people try to predict(or guess)what the weather will be. Reviewthe wordsdescribing weather withstudentslikesunny,rainyandstormy.Showsome examples to prime the students for the listening.Now, listen to the forecast.Have students fill in the correct answers,pausingtherecordingifnece ssary.ChecktheiranswersandShowTime ATo teachstudentslistening andspeaking skillsthroughtheuseofvideo listenagain. ReadthoughWordsandExpressions.Askthemquestions abouttheirfavoriteweatherandthenhavethem practicesuchconversationsinpair.For exercise D, the teacher candesign agame.Divide theclass into sixgroups,eachgroupchoosingonetask.Then students select nouns thatcangowiththeadjectivesinethesewordstomake sentencesormakeupasmallstory.First,havethestudentswatchthe picturesandreadstatements below.Ask basic comprehension questionssuch as,“Who are the main charactersinthisvideo”“Whereare they”“Whataretheydoing”“Whyaretheydoingthat”“How aretheydoingit”Tryto matcheach statementtothepicture.Next,have students take turns in explaining whatishappening in each picture.You can do the firstpicture,and then have a more confident student try the secondone.Tomakeitmorefun,youcould choosetwostudents,andthenhavethem race to explain what is happening in the picture.The studentwiththefastestandbestexplanationwins.B,CandDTo improvestudents’listeningcomprehensionthroughtheuseofvideoReading A,BandCTo improvestudents’readingcomprehension ForExerciseB,havestudentsreadeachstatement.Playth evideoandremindthemtopayattentiontohowNaomi,Mat eoandHectordescribetheweather.Thenhavestudentsfin ishtheexerciseandchecktheiranswers.Askstudentswhystat ementFiswrong.Before doing Exercise C,youmayask studentsto guessthe missing words. Thenplaythevideoagain.Youcan pausethevideowhenyoureachthe partofthedialoguewithmissing wordsandhavestudents call out the answers.Check their answers and havethemreadthedialogue.(Ask threestudentstorole-playorhaveboys read Hector’s lines while girlsNaomi’sandtheteacheractsasMateo.)Finally,for Exercise D,havestudents put the events is the correctordertocompleteExerciseD.Checktheiranswersandreadthesentences in correct order together.Iftimepermits,playthevideobutturnoffthevolume.Havest udentsdubthecharacters.First,havethestudentsreadtextquietlyandreadthroughsen tencesin Exercise A. After they have finishedtheexercise,checktheir answersandaskthemfor proofs fromthetext.DTo awake theirawareness ofculturaldifferenceChatTime A,BandCTo improvestudents’listening,speaking,writingand acting skillsthroughtheuseofconversation Askstudentstoreadthetextagaininthreeminutes.ThenhavethemfinishtheExerciseB.Mak ethemunderstandthattheydon’tneedfigureoutthemeani ngofeverywordtoanswerthequestions.ForExerciseC,havestudentsreadnewwordsinboxes.Corre cttheirpronunciation.Thenhavethemfinishtheexercise.Askstu dentstoreadthecompletesentencesandcorrecttheirmist akes.ForExerciseD,askstudentsto readEnglish expressions.If they encounter newwords,encourage them toguessthemeaning.Thenyoumayexplain what they fail to understand.Have them finish the exerciseandchecktheiranswers.Finally,you sayChineseproverbsandletstudentssaycor respondingEnglishones.ForExerciseA,explaintostudentsthattheywill hearaconversationbetweentwopeopledisc ussingtheweather.Encouragethemtoguessthemissing information.Tell the studentstolistencarefullyandwritedownwha ttheyhearintheblankspaces.Ifnecessary,pause therecordingsothatstudentshavetimetowrite.Next,havestudentspracticeaskingafavorinpairs,monitoringthemwhiletheydoso.ForExerciseB,havestudentspracticethedial ogueinexampleinWriting A,BandCTo improvestudents’writingskills andlearn towrite a weatherforecast.Grammar AandBTo teachstudentshowtousepresentcontinuoustense pair.Write m orephrases such as“closethedoor,openthewindow,borrowyourbikeontheb lackboard”formorepractices.ForExerciseC,havestudents perform adialogueaboutaskingforaliftin a rainy day.Monitor their performanceandprovidehelpwhennecessary.Havestudentsreadthepictureand teachthemhowtogetinformationfrom a weather forecast picture. Havethemlookthroughwordsinthe boxesandfillintheblanks.Theteacher gives necessary explanation,such as the pronunciationof16℃.Checktheiranswers and have them read sentences. HavestudentsfinishExerciseBandencou ragethemtodiscusswithpartners.ForExercise C,divide theclassintoseveralgroups.Groupmembersdiscussa ndpredicttheweatherconditiononweekends.LookbacktoExerciseAandBasclues.Inviterepresentativestoperformaweatherforecast.Explaintostudentsthatweusethe presentcontinuoustensetodescribeanac tionhappeningnoworintheverynearfuture.Givesomeexamplessuchas“Youaresittinginclassnow.”“IamteachingyouMyStory To improve students’listening comprehension and speaking ability throughtheuseof video now.”Inaddition,pointoutthatweuseitforactionsthathappen “closetonow,”forexample,todayortonight.Again,giveexam ples,askingyourstudents“Whatareyoudoingtoday/tonight”Remindstudents that thestructure weusefor this tenseis“Subject+be+v-ing.”Writethisstructureon theboardandhavestudents practiceout loud.You may also want to brieflyexplaintherulesofadding“ing.”Studentsessentiallyneedtoknowtherulesregarding“e”(cut e add ing),“ie”(cut ie addying),suchashaveandtake;andconsonant–short vowel–consonant(in which we doublethe lastconsonant),suchasputandrun.Oncestudents seemcomfortable usingthetense,havethemdoExerciseA,checkingformistakeswhentheyarefinished. Havestudentsmakeupashortstoryusingcontinuoustensewi ththepictureandwordsgiven.Askquestionsandanswerbasedont hepicture.Dothisinpairoringroup.Tellthestudentsthattheywillsee a video inwhichreal people talkabouttheweatherintheplacestheycomefrom.Aplacestudentsmaynotknowis“Jamaica.”Nowwatchthevideo andhavestudents complete thetrueorfalsestatements.Insomecases,youmayneed topause the作业课后总结与反省video t ohelp thestudents.Nowhavestudents tell you the answers, correctinganymistakes.Watchthevideoagainandhavestudents write inthemissing words,pausing the video i f necessary.Check the students’answers, correctinganymistakes.Thereare several waysto conductExercise C.students mayanswersthequestionsbythemselvesandmakeupashortpassageaccordingtotheiranswers.Or students make updialoguesinpair.Orhavestudentsmovefreely in the class and askclassmates the questions.Invitesomestudentsto doareport infrontoftheclass.课后学习设计FinishalltheexercisesinUnit2. Readthetextinthisunitagainand trytosummariseitscontent.Writeaweatherforecast according tothe local weather broadcastprogramme.补充授课资源VOCABULARYBUILDER参照译文您正在收听的是您最喜欢的广播电台,“波浪”调频广播。
1. Do not be absent---unexcused absent 2. Do not be late 3. Do not talk loudly in class 4. Do not answer the phone in my class
Hi, My College!
Some Rules to Follow
You must bring…
1. Two books Intensive reading book
& listening book
2. A notebook
3. A pen
Hi, My College!
Some Rules to Follow
些内容的介绍要精炼,不可繁琐。 2.介绍自己的爱好、性格特点、理想、抱负。介绍自 己的爱好、性格特点时,要通过具体、典型的事例来
体现,语言要风趣幽默,让人听了不忘。 3.最后,说说自己入学后的感想与希望。
Writing about yourself
Set up your Portfolio
Hi, My College!
Let’s work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set.
Hi, My College!
Thank you ! Let’s work hard together, I believe we
Exam scores(40%) Usual scores(60%)
attendence (10%) performance in class(10%) assignments (10%)
新生代英语基础教程1-Unit-2-电子教案 优质文档 新
For exercise D, the teacher can design a game. Divide the class into six groups, each group choosing one task. Then students select nouns that can go with the adjectives in question. Use these words to make sentences or make up a small story.
Finish the exercise and check their answers.
C and D
To improve students’ listening and comprehension skills
For Exercise C, tell the students that they willhear a weather forecast. Explain that a forecast is when people try to predict (or guess) what the weather will be. Review the words describing weather with students like sunny, rainy and stormy.
Vocabulary Builder
Aand B
Unit 3Section A: Fashion ForestTeaching Objectives:1.理解课文 A 和 B 的文章大意, 学习服装、发型等时尚元素, 了解对待时尚的正确态度。
2.理解和正确运用重点词汇、短语和句型 It is… that…;in +衣服/鞋/帽/颜色等;祈使句和反义疑问句。
3.掌握元音 /e/ 和 /eɪ/ 的不同发音。
4.学会正确使用动词(Part I)。
Teaching Procedures:Part 1: Warm-up Activities1.Matching: Learn the following words and phrases about different clothing styles, and match them with the pictures.2.Listen to the conversation.Then practice with your partner, using the words and phrases provided on the right.Part 2: Text A: Fashion ForestⅠ.Background Information1.Pedro’s fablesThe collection consists of twenty-five children’s stories, in English, written by Pedro Pablo Sacristán.This timeless collection of short bedtime stories, fables, and fairy tales is entertaining and educational, with all sorts offunny and dramatic characters and situations.This is a great educational resource for parents and teachers.Ⅱ.Words and phrases1.e bypass 经过;路过She came by the house.她路过这栋房子。
课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生理解课文内容,掌握课文的主要观点和结构。
2. 培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高学生的词汇量和语法水平。
3. 通过角色扮演等活动,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。
4. 引导学生关注社会问题,培养学生的社会责任感。
教学重点:1. 课文中的生词和短语。
2. 课文中的语法结构。
3. 课文中的故事情节和人物关系。
教学难点:1. 生词和短语的记忆与应用。
2. 语法结构的理解和运用。
3. 故事情节的复述和角色扮演。
教学准备:1. 教学课件:《新标准大学英语综合教程1》Unit 3。
2. 课文录音带或MP3。
3. 生词卡片。
4. 语法练习题。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 引导学生谈论自己了解的犯罪事件,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 介绍本课的主题:Crime Watch。
二、课文阅读1. 学生阅读课文,注意理解课文内容,掌握课文结构。
2. 教师提问,检查学生对课文的理解。
三、词汇学习1. 教师带领学生学习课文中的生词和短语,并进行讲解。
2. 学生跟读生词和短语,加深记忆。
四、语法讲解1. 教师讲解课文中的语法结构,如:现在完成时、条件状语从句等。
2. 学生练习语法,巩固所学知识。
五、课堂活动1. 学生分组讨论课文中的犯罪事件,分析原因和后果。
2. 学生进行角色扮演,模拟警察和罪犯的对话。
第二课时一、复习导入1. 复习上一节课的学习内容,检查学生对课文的理解和语法掌握情况。
2. 引导学生谈谈自己对犯罪问题的看法。
二、课文复述1. 学生分组复述课文内容,注意使用所学词汇和语法。
2. 教师点评学生的复述,纠正错误。
三、写作训练1. 学生根据课文内容,写一篇关于犯罪问题的短文。
2. 教师批改作文,指导学生修改。
四、总结与拓展1. 教师总结本课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生谈谈自己的学习体会,分享学习心得。
3. 引导学生关注社会问题,关注犯罪问题,培养学生的社会责任感。
(3)口语表达:能够用英语描述自己的日常作息,进行简单的日ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ交流。
(1)词汇:重点掌握与日常作息相关的词汇,如get up, go to school, have lunch等,并能在实际对话中正确运用。
举例:学生能够用“get up”来描述早晨起床的行为。
举例:学生能够运用“I usually have breakfast at 7 o'clock.”来描述自己的日常习惯。
butter n. 黄油
e.g. There's no butter left.
cheese n. 奶酪
e.g. French cheese is very famous.
refrigerator n. 冰箱
e.g. We have a refrigerator in our kitchen.
sandwich n. 三明治
e.g. He had some sandwiches.
hamburger n. 汉堡包
e.g. We love to eat hamburgers. 我们爱吃汉堡包。
healthy adj. 健康的
e.g. My grandmother is very healthy. 我祖母身体很健康。
杰伊: 你好,埃尔莎。 埃尔莎: 你好,杰伊。 杰伊: 食物看起来很棒呀! 埃尔莎: 是的,很棒。 杰伊: 你在吃什么? 埃尔莎: 金枪鱼三明治。
• Listen again and practice. Use
the food from Exercise A.
Jay: Hi, Elsa. Elsa: Hi, Jay. Jay: The food looks good! Elsa: Yes, it does. Jay: What are you eating?
教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语基础教程1》补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER➢参考译文SHOW TIME➢语言解析1. It’s ten after three.三点过十分了。
ten after three 三点过十分,这个短语相当于ten past three。
英语中表示“几点过几分”(半小时以内)可用after,也可用past;而表示“几点差几分”则用to,通常先讲分钟,再讲小时, 即after / past 或to前面的数字为分钟,后面的数字为小时。
e.g. 5:10 ten past five (ten after five)10:05 five past ten (five after ten)5:50 ten to six9:45 fifteen to ten2. The class is canceled because of the storm. 因为暴雨,课被取消了。
because of意思是“因为”,是一个介词短语,后面跟名词或动名词,构成介宾结构。
e.g. The plane didn’t take off because of the heavy rain.因为大雨,飞机没有起飞。
The plane didn’t take off because it was raining heavily.因为下大雨,飞机没有起飞。
3.Nobody came to class—except us.除了我们几个,没有人来上课了。
except 表示“除……之外”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系。
e.g. The library is open every day except Mondays.除了星期一,图书馆每天都开放。
新技能英语基础教程1教学课件Unit 3(思政版)
Listening and Speaking
5 Read and discuss. 根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。
What is Sam doing at 12:00 at noon? He is having lunch.
Listening and Speaking
5 Read and discuss. 根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。
1. Mike plans to go hiking this weekend.
2. Kate goes jogging every morning.
Chinese Culture
Read and learn. 了解有关运动的中英文表达。
生龙活虎 doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger-brimming/bursting with energy
该句是现在进行时态,表示在说话的时候或现 阶段正在发生的动作或情况。
Listening and Speaking
5 Read and discuss. 根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。
What is Sam doing at 10:00 in the morning? He is having dancing classes.
Listening and Speaking
2 Listen and practice. 听录音,练习谈论课后活动。
Sam: What do you usually do after school, Amy? Amy: I usually play tennis with my sister. It’s a lot of fun. Sam: Great! But I like playing ping-pong. Amy: Who do you often play with? Sam: Mary, my cousin.
新人教新起点Unit1 Lesson3 教案(优)——优
Unit 1 Classroom lesson1 教案一、教学目标与要求知识目标:1.复习巩固位置介词的用法,认读字母,学习字母歌2.复习巩固句型Where is …? ?It’s in/on/under …能力目标:通过观察培养学生的观察能力和良好的学习习惯。
二、教学重难点教学重点:句型Where is … ? 的理解和运用。
教学难点:复习巩固L 1,L2的单词和句型。
四、教学过程1.热身/ 复习(Warm-up / Revision)复习pencil, ruler, schoolbag, book, pencil box, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。
引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What's in the bag? What's in the pencil box ? 2.新课导入(Presentation)Find and say学生看教学挂图猜Bill,Lily和Joy等学生在干什么,在找什么。
让学生以Pair work形式,互问互答,说出所要寻找物品的位置。
Let’s learn教师用有关字母的教学挂图,教字母A,B,C,D的读音。
3.趣味操练(Practice)Let’s play.组织学生利用自己的学具进行藏和找的游戏。
Where is …? ?It’s in/on/under …4.课堂评价(Assessment)教师具体而简要地记录学生当堂表现:-对本课句型不太熟练的学生有多少人?他们分别是谁?-能够说2组对话的学生有多少人?能够说3组对话的学生有多少人?-语音、语调不准确的学生有多少人?他们分别是谁?五、Homework :在家里认读电脑键盘上的字母。
教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语基础教程1》补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER➢参考译文SHOW TIME➢语言解析1. The menu looks good. 菜单看起来不错。
1)look+形容词e.g.The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。
2)look+过去分词e.g. He looked surprised when he heard the news. 得知消息时他显得吃惊。
3)look+名词e.g. He looks a nice, honest man. 他看上去是个诚实的好人。
4)look+介词短语e.g. He looks in good health. 他看起来十分健康。
2. HECTOR : I’m really thirsty, too. I think I’ll have a soda.MATEO : Go ahead, knock yourself out.赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个苏打水。
玛特奥:好吧! 你随便点。
knock yourself out.1)用餐时,当某人说“想点什么”,你可以用这句话回答,表示“随意点”。
e.g. A: Can I borrow your pencil for a while?B: Knock yourself out. My pencil is just on the table.—我能借你的铅笔用一下吗?—请随便,我的铅笔就在桌子上。
3. Our special today is chicken and rice. 我们今天的特色菜是鸡肉米饭。
Special这里是“特色菜”,作名词用时,通常指“特别而不属于常态的事物”1)指“特色产品”e.g. Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store.杂货店为了招揽顾客不得不推出多种特色产品。
新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程1 Unit 3教学课件iProduce
adventure surge put simply
realm handful
mutual utility
exclusive stability
plunge into
take shape
consume utmost occur to
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 U your ideas: STEPC1riteria for self-evaluation and peer-evaluation
enlightening confine economical narrative formative
ingredient curiosity glorious admittedly
give in
roll sb.’s eyes
keep track of
hang out
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 3
Lunch: Buffet on the cruise
Guilin Shangri-la Hotel
Dinner: A la carte dinner
OTHERS Package price (¥800/person) includes pick-up service, transportation, English-speaking guide, entrance tickets, Chinese lunch.
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 3
Presenting your ideas: Draw up the travel plan
Lesson 3: Say It in ThreeTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: direction, form, poet, simply, a set number of, middle, clearly, dark, sleepy, unexpected, frog, feelingOral words and expressions: petal, cherry, grebe, Matsuo Basho, Haiku, particular, pattern, set, syllable, interruption, plop, splash, limerick, adverbTeaching Aims:1. Cultivate the students’ reading comprehension.2. Know more about the foreign culture.3. Compare the differences between the Chinese and Japanese poems.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn about an old style of Japanese poem: Haiku.2. Know some styles of poems: Haiku, Nature Poem and Limerick.Teaching Difficult Points:The old form of Japanese poetry: Haiku.Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1: Show pictures of Japanese poets and poems. Then introduce Haiku to the students. The teacher can find some music to match the poem.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Usually Haikus are about _______.Haiku always has ______ lines.The first line of a Haiku has _______ syllables.Check the answers in class in oral.Step3: Read the text and guess the meanings of the new words.Sometimes some new words are too hard to understand, so the teacher can find some related pictures to help them.If the students bring some pictures about nature to the class, let them show them in front of the class.Step4: Read the text and find the answers to the questions:1. Do Haikus tell a story?2. What’s a syllable?Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.1. Divide the class into groups to finish the task.2. Finish the three poems in the text. Use the sentence: I need a ______. Let the others give the answers, one student write the words down.3. After finishing the poems, read it to the class. All the groups have different poems. Do they sound funny?4. Decide a subject by each group. Then make a pattern according to the subject. Then finish the poem as the models in the text.5. Read the poem to the class.Step6: Homework1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Some students may think the foreign poems are funny and easy. The teacher may also think so. It is possible for the students to create poems like those we have learned in the class. Give them more chances to create their minds. The teacher can try some poems, too. The class and the teacher can find much fun in learning foreign poems.。
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教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程1 课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语基础教程1》补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER➢参考译文SHOW TIME➢语言解析1. The menu looks good. 菜单看起来不错。
1)look+形容词e.g.The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。
2)look+过去分词e.g. He looked surprised when he heard the news. 得知消息时他显得吃惊。
3)look+名词e.g. He looks a nice, honest man. 他看上去是个诚实的好人。
4)look+介词短语e.g. He looks in good health. 他看起来十分健康。
2. HECTOR : I’m really thirsty, too. I think I’ll have a soda.MATEO : Go ahead, knock yourself out.赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个苏打水。
玛特奥:好吧! 你随便点。
knock yourself out.1)用餐时,当某人说“想点什么”,你可以用这句话回答,表示“随意点”。
e.g. A: Can I borrow your pencil for a while?B: Knock yourself out. My pencil is just on the table.—我能借你的铅笔用一下吗?—请随便,我的铅笔就在桌子上。
3. Our special today is chicken and rice. 我们今天的特色菜是鸡肉米饭。
Special这里是“特色菜”,作名词用时,通常指“特别而不属于常态的事物”1)指“特色产品”e.g. Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store.杂货店为了招揽顾客不得不推出多种特色产品。
2)指“特别节目”、“特辑”e.g.There is a special on TV tonight about Elton John's thirty-five year musicalcareer. 今晚有个关于Elton John三十五年音乐生涯的电视特辑。
4. Here’s your salad and iced tea.这是你的沙拉和冰茶。
1)如果后面是名词,使用Here+动词+名词e.g. Here comes the bus. 公交车来了。
Here is a good piece of news for you.有个好消息要告诉你。
2)如果后面是代词,则使用Here+代词+动词e.g. Here you are. 给你。
5. I’ll have a slice of chocolate cake.我想来一片巧克力蛋糕。
a slice of 一片。
此外还有:●an order of French fries 一份薯条● a medium soda 一杯中杯汽水● a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡● a glass of milk 一杯牛奶● a bowl of soup 一碗汤● a piece of bread 一片面包➢参考译文玛特奥:炸薯条、洋葱圈和一个汉堡,你确定吗?赫克托:当然了,为什么不呢?玛特奥:这对身体可不是很好。
玛特奥:好吧! 你随便点。
你们想要点什么呢?READING➢背景知识➢语言解析1. Sun ripened tomatoes. 自然成熟的西红柿1)ripen(使)成熟,由形容词ripe加动词后缀en组成名词或形容词加-en,可以变成动词。
lengthen加长,延长e.g. The evening shadows were lengthening. 残阳下的影子越拉越长。
worsen(使)变得更坏,(使)恶化e.g. Further dispute would worsen your relations.再吵下去会使你们的关系恶化。
2)sun ripened是“名词+过去分词”作定语的复合结构,该名词表示过去分词的动作主体或工具。
e.g. Oak smoked salmon 橡木烟熏三文鱼Hand cut potato chips 手切土豆条Hand baked brown bread 手烤黑面包名词不但能与表被动语态的过去分词合用,而且还可以和表主动语态的谓语动词联用。
如:The astronaut space walked half an hour. 宇宙航行员在太空行走了半小时。
这里的space walked相当于walked in space,这种用法通常见于现代英美报刊和科技杂志。
2. Rich in vitamin C 富含维Crich in富有,富含e.g. China is rich in minerals. 中国的矿产丰富。
This is an area rich in wild flowers. 这是一个盛开野花的地区。
3. Free from pesticides 无农药(无公害)1)free from 表示“免除……”、“无……的”,多指免除或摆脱不好的东西,一般前面加be。
例如:be free from pain / disease / fear / danger 没有痛苦/ 疾病/ 恐惧/ 危险。
e.g.Probably no one is free from mistakes, only some make more and some less.人大概没有不犯错误的,多多少少要犯错误。
Men are not saints; how can they be free from faults?人非圣贤,孰能无过?此外,be free of也表示“免除……”“无……”,但多指免除或远离较中性的东西。
e.g. They believe a public park should be free of charge.他们认为城市公园不应该收费。
2)关于free的其他用法有be free to do, for free等。
e.g. You are free to go anywhere you wish. 你愿意去哪里就可以去哪里。
I got this book for free from somebody who didn’t want it.我这本书没花钱,是别人不要的。
3)pesticide 杀虫剂,农药,由pest(虫子)加后缀-icide(杀,消灭)组成。
e.g. The farmer is spraying his fruit trees with pesticide.那农人正在用杀虫剂喷洒果树。
4. Luxury chocolate assortment 豪华巧克力锦盒1)assortment由动词assort加名词后缀-ment组成动词加-ment,可以变成名词,表示行为、结果、工具等。
如,instrument(仪器),fulfillment(实践,达成),amusement(娱乐,消遣)2)assortment 各种各样的,种类,一套/全套物品e.g. The shop has a rich assortment of goods. 这个商店有各种各样的货品。
I’m sure you’ll find our wide assortment o f articles very interesting.我们店里的货种类别很多,您一定会感兴趣的。
5. Made with organic cocoa, milk and sugar 由有机可可、牛奶和糖制作而成1)be made with sth. 指“制作中用了什么东西”。
e.g. Usually pizza is made with some cheese and different vegetables.做披萨通常要加些干酪和各种不同的蔬菜。
2)关于made的其他用法有be made of+原材料,be made from+原材料, be made into+成品, be made in+地点e.g. The table is made of wood. 这桌子是用木头做的。
(看得出来材料)The wine is made from grape. 这酒是用葡萄酿的。
(看不见葡萄)6. May contain nuts 可能含有坚果contain包含,指一个较大事物中所容纳的分离部分,有封闭于一个整体的感觉。
e.g. The bowl contains a variety of fruit. 碗里装有各种水果。
This bottle contains two glasses of beer. 这个瓶子装了两杯啤洒。