
I. Converting to verbs I am afraid I can’t teach you English. I think my daughter is a better teacher than I. 恐怕我教不了你英语,我想我女儿比我教得 好。 6. The operation of a computer needs some knowledge of English. 操作电脑需要一些英语知识。 5.
A. 名词转译成动词(基本方法)
(三)英语中有些以后缀 –er, -or 结尾的名词,在 句中并指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味, 需要翻译为动词。 1. I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 我恐怕教不了你游泳,我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。 2. Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings. 在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事 。 3. He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker.
1. The Census Bureau,the data agency charged with creating statistics on household incomes and their distribution, does not maintain an official definition of middle class status. 2. During the half-hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, but they made no mention of the mode of transportation. (在半小时的商谈中,双方就付 款方式交换了意见,但没有提到运输方式。)

• 2。从修饰的角度进行省略 • The hardest part of any big project is to begin. 任 何一个大的项目最艰难的是起步。 • The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach. • 车辆的代用燃料是我们将要着手处理的一个问题。 • Walking for walking’s sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as is held by those who practice it. 经常散步的人认为,为散 步而散步是值得高度赞扬和仿效的。
• 总结,要克服翻译症,必须解决好以下几个环节 的问题: • 首先要克服认识的片面性,一般来说,有翻译症 倾向的译者,在翻译标准的把握上,比较重视忠 实,忽视通顺,而在处理内容和形式这对矛盾中, 又过于强调形式上的对应,忽略了对原文精神的 准确把握。 • 第二,在语汇问题上,切不可望文生义,也不可 盲目照搬辞典里的释义。 • 第三,在句法上不要全盘欧化,即异化。而要适 度考虑归化法。也即是向汉语行文文法靠拢。
• 英语中常用省略句,翻译时要根据汉语的表达习 惯,作些适当的增补。例如: • Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep. 饱 读史书使人明智,吟诵诗篇让人诙谐,研究数学 使人严谨,精通哲学让人深邃。 • Staycations became popular during the financial crisis of 2007-2009, amid growing unemployment and rising gas prices. • 居家度假的形式在2007至2009年金融危机期间失 业率和油价不断攀升的情况下大受欢迎。

• 1. Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next. • 他于9月3日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下 安特卫普。 • 2. They were attended from morning to night by female helpers, wives and nurses and secretaries. • 从早到晚,都有妻子、护士、秘书这样的 女帮手服侍他们。
• 定义 • 词性转换 • 句法成分、语态转换 • 叙述角度、表达方式转换
• Exercises
• This watch never varies more than a second in a month.
• Rockets have found application for the exploration
II. Omission in C –E Translation
Omission in C-E translation is employed in three circumstances: generally
• redundant words in original Chinese, such as unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions; • the original meaning that has already been implied in the context of English version;
of the universe.
火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 • Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 只要仔细把它们比较一下,你就会发现不同之处。

❖ 主语从句 1、由关系代词引导的主语从句,一般可按原文语序 翻译 2、由it作形式主语的主语从句,翻译时位置可前可 后
❖ 宾语从句 翻译时一般不需要改变其位置。(it作形式宾语或 介词宾语时,适当调整语序)
9. Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed from one form into another . 每时每刻,能量都在由一种形式变为另一种形式。
10. The pyramids stand huge and silent. 金字塔巍然耸立,庄严肃穆。
6. There is another problem in referring to the USA, since some Latin American countries are also “United States.”. USA这个称呼还有另外一个问题,因为某些拉丁美洲国 家也是United States(“合众国”) 。
❖ 简单句:只有一个主语和一个谓语的句子称为简单句。 ❖ 复合句:复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句
2. 句式变化
① 时间顺序 ② 逻辑顺序
❖ It is important that everyone does his duty. ❖ 每个人各司其责,这一点是很重要的。
3. The time was when we were happy and gay. 那时候我们无忧无虑。

主谓结构:将主语和谓语按 照英语语法规则翻译省略宾 语
主谓宾补结构:将主语、谓 语、宾语和补语按照英语语 法规则翻译
主谓宾状结构:将主语、谓 语、宾语和状语按照英语语 法规则翻译
主谓宾定状结构:将主语、 谓语、宾语、定语和状语按 照英语语法规则翻译
主谓宾定状补结构:将主语、 谓语、宾语、定语、状语和 补语按照英语语法规则翻译
主动语态:表 示主语对宾语 的动作或状态
被动语态:表 示主语受到宾 语的动作或状
语态转换:根据 上下文和语境将 主动语态转换为 被动语态或将被 动语态转换为主
语态选择:根据 句子的语义和结 构选择合适的语 态进行翻译使译 文更加流畅自然。
翻译技巧:根据原文的语气选择合适的英语表达 方式
注意点:保持原文的语气和情感避免翻译过程中 的语气变化
例子:中文句子“今天天气真好”英文翻译为 “The wether is relly nice dy”语气保持一致。
主谓宾结构:按照英语语法 规则将主语、谓语、宾语依 次翻译
案例三:《水浒传》中的俗语 翻译
案例四:《三国演义》中的典 故翻译
添加 标题
添加 标题
翻译:“rtificil intelligence is chnging the wy we live.”
添加 标题
拆分长句:将长句拆分成几个短句便于理解和翻译 调整语序:根据英语语法和表达习惯调整句子成分的顺序 增减词汇:根据需要适当增减词汇使句子更加通顺 注意时态:注意句子的时态确保翻译后的句子时态一致 保持连贯性:保持句子的连贯性使翻译后的句子流畅易懂 检查语法:翻译完成后检查语法是否正确确保翻译质量

3. 我们学院受教委和市政府的双重领导。 Our institute is co-administrated by the States Education Commission and the municipal government. (名词转动词)
4. 由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国的综合国 力有了明显的增强。 Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. (动词转名词)
5. 林则徐认为, 要成功地禁止鸦片买卖, 就得 首先把鸦片焚毁。 Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.
2. 这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。 What are they after? They are after name, after position, and they want to cut smart figure将具有动作 性的名词转换为汉语的动词,或者将可表示概念 的动词转换为汉语名词。
For students of composition, an awareness that rhetorical patterns differ from one culture to another can help them become more quickly proficient in a writing pattern that is not native to them.

现四下决无一人时,她脱去了那件 扎人的、穿着难受的泳衣,平生第 一次赤裸裸地站在光天化日之下, 任凭阳光戏弄,任凭海风拍击,任 凭呼唤她的海浪波溅。
为生动地传达出埃德纳摈弃旧 的传统观念的决心及在自由中 获得新生后酣畅淋漓的心情。
这里女主人公(埃德纳)脱去扎人的、令 她难受的泳衣,赤身裸体地投入大海的怀 抱。这一艺术形象具有强烈的象征意义— —埃德纳决心挣脱与其格格不入的世俗传 统的束缚,投入大海,在死亡中寻求新生, 寻求她梦寐以求的自由。为了充分表现埃 德纳以死抗争的决心,译者重复使用了三 个“任凭”,构成排比句,以加强语气。
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位。 例2.They include silks and colored thread. 他们包括各种丝绸和彩线。
例3.In spite of difficulties, they succeeded in finishing their task.
有些英文句子貌似省略句,实际上什么句子成分也 没有省,但若直译成汉语,译文就不清楚,必须按 照汉语的习惯表达方式增词。如:
do you like better: grammar or translation exercises? 你喜欢语法练习,还是翻译练习? 例2.He has written several articles and books on high-energy physics. 他写了几篇文章何几本书,都是关于高 能物理的。
lecture 4 翻译技巧二 词类转换法

• 1.This is the last place where I expected to meet you. • 2.She told me that her 18-year-old son was the baby. • 3.He is unhappy now, because he had a blue with his friend just
9. 他会立即答复。
He will give an immediate reply.
4. 转译成副词
A. Nouns—Adverbs
1. The man nodded with satisfaction. 那人满意地点了点头。 2. He had the honor to attend the congress. 他荣幸地出席了代表大会。
and wisdom.
• 7.Mr. Smith has stepped into the vintage years.
技巧一 (词义选择)练习答案:
1.我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。 2.她对我说她那18岁的儿子是她子女中最小的。 3.他刚和朋友吵架,正闷闷不乐呢。 4.一个绝望的人,一个残废兵,零钱 5.我们应本着和平共处五项原则的精神解决争端。 6.我们又一次领受了他渊博的知识、丰富的经验和
3. The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1. 图一所示是这种新型机器的简图。
3. 转译成形容词
A. Nouns—Adjectives
1. I can note the grace of her gesture. 我可以看到她优雅的举止。
now. • 4. a broken man a broken soldier broken money • 5. We should settle the disputes in the context of the Five

他的讲话给我留下很深的印象。 From the front, back and both sides we kept a strict watch on the enemy. 我们在前后左右严密地监视敌人。 He is the right man I’m looking for. 他正是我在找的人。 The unit of weight is the gram, that of length is the meter, and that of capacity is the liter. 重量单位是克,长度单位是米,容量单位是升。 The machine can dimensionally be changeable according to consumers’ need. 机器的在大小(或尺寸)可以根据用户的需要改变。 All you have done is proportional to all you have achieved. 你的付出和所得成正比。 To be independent is an absolute necessity for young people. 独立对年轻人来说是绝对必要的。 10. In science, it is important to state a law or a principle accurately. 在科学方面定律或定理的准确叙述十分重要。 11. With slight repairs, the machine could be in motion. 只要称加修理,这台机器便可以运转。 12. The new mayor earned respect due to the courtesy of visiting the poor in the city. 新市长有礼貌地访问城市贫民赢得了人们的尊敬。 Step 3 Assignment Put the following into English, paying special attention to the selection of words. 大自然对人的恩赐, 无论贫富, 一律平等。 所以人们对于大自然大全 都一致并深深地依赖着。 尤其是在乡间, 上千年来人们一直以不变的 方式生活着。 种植庄稼和葡萄, 酿酒和饮酒, 喂牛和挤奶, 锄草和 栽花; 在周末去教堂祈祷和做礼拜, 在节日到广场拉琴、跳舞和唱歌; 往日的田园依旧是今日温馨家园。这样,每个地方都有自己的传说, 风 俗也就衍传了下来。 说明:本题是 2002 年全国英语专业八级考试汉译英试题。翻译时在以下 三个方面请特别注意: 1. 词汇的选择, 包括词义的理解和词的搭配。 2. 词序。 3. 语篇层次。

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位。 例2.They include silks and colored thread. 他们包括各种丝绸和彩线。
例3.In spite of difficulties, they succeeded in finishing their task.
2.6 为了沟通不同的文化而加词
中出现词汇空缺,其联想意义也接近 空白,为了保留英语中的词语的形象, 可将其深层意义以补充的形式进行解 释行地翻译,即增加词语解释原文的 比喻含义、文化特征或文化背景以及 原文的省略部分。如:
considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Juda’s Kiss. 人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不 过是犹大之吻,居心险恶。
In their first year of study they had a lot of dictation and spelling mistakes. 2. With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism. 3. The report summed up the new achievements made in culture, education and hygiene.
基本意义和派生意义外,往往还含 有一定程度的含蓄意义,若直译会 使意义晦涩或文理不通,就需根据 上下文的内在联系,增添适当的词 语,以使译文流畅,含义明确。如:

(二)祈使句中的否定说法有时正译,因为说 话人想表达的常常是一个正面的意义。
No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced. 凭票退还押金。
2)Don’t make your conclusion before the end of the year. 到年底再下结论吧.
1. Your temper is more than I can bear. 我受不了你的脾气。
2. When Philip missed the last bus, he was at a loss to know what to do. 菲利普误了最后一班公共汽车,茫然不知该怎 么办。
3. Instead of being an expense, these benefits actually reduce company cost of doing business. 这些津贴不但没有增加开支,反而使公司降低 了运营成本。
7) Such flights couldn’t long escape notice. 你要特别小心。/这些事件引起了我们的重 视。/这类飞行迟早会被人发觉的。
Hale Waihona Puke 无霜冰箱 别动! 油漆未干! 不治之症
1.“双重否定”可以加强语气,起到强调的 作用,译文要表现的明确、有力。 There is no rule that has no exception. 凡规则皆有例外。
3.英语里一些固定结构如too…not to…, not…but…,等当属“双重否定”,要 注意这种结构的汉译。
(There is) nobody but has his faults. 没有人没有缺点。

• 4)He supplied his works not only with
biographies, but with portraits of their supposed authors. • 他不仅在他的作品上提供作者传记,而且 还提供假想作者的画像。 • 5)But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. • 可是他老婆不断地在他耳朵旁边唠叨个没 完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他的一 家人都要毁在他的身上。
大王。 2)This has been our position---but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场――而不是他们的立场。
• 3)John is your friend as much as he is
mine. • 约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。
3、重复英语前置词短语前所省略的 名词
• 2.英语中用物主代词its, his , their 等等以代替
句中作主语的名词(有时附有修饰语)时,翻 译时往往可以不用代词而重复其作主语的名词, 以达到明确具体的目的。 1)Happy families also had their own troubles. 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。 2)Big powers have their strategies while small countries also their own lines. 强国有强国的策略,小国也有小国的路线。 3)Each country has its own customs. 各国有各国的风俗。

4.Reading maketh a conference a ready man. writing an exact man.
man; full man; man; man; and
读书使人 充实 讨论使人 机智, 使人机智 读书 使人充实 , 讨论 使人 机智 , 笔记 使人 充实, 使人准确 准确. 使人准确.
2)In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the communiqué. drafting of the final communiqu . 晚上在参加宴会 出席音乐会 观看乒乓球 音乐会, 晚上在参加宴会,出席音乐会,观看乒乓球 参加宴会, 表演之后,他还得起草最后公报. 表演之后,他还有结构增补和意义增补的作用, 修辞增补可兼有结构增补和意义增补的作用, 但主要是在译清译通的基础上进一步增强译文的 语言表达效果.修辞增补分为两种情况, 语言表达效果.修辞增补分为两种情况,一种是 求得译文的相对整齐,匀称,平衡,和谐, 求得译文的相对整齐,匀称,平衡,和谐,属于 消极修辞. 消极修辞.另一种情况是在达到第一种效果的基 础上,进一步追求译文与原文相似的语气,音韵, 础上,进一步追求译文与原文相似的语气,音韵, 风貌,韵味,属于积极修辞. 风貌,韵味,属于积极修辞.
5. At the time of Kennedy's assassination, Kissinger felt that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster. 肯尼迪遇次时,基辛格认为, 肯尼迪遇次时,基辛格认为,如果肯尼 再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功, 迪再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功, 就是闯大祸. 就是闯大祸.

炎帝与黄帝是华夏族的始祖。他们是起源于陕西省中部渭河 流域的两个血缘关系相近的部落首领。后来,两个部落争夺 领地,展开阪泉之战,黄帝打败了炎帝,两个部落渐渐融合 成华夏族,华夏族在汉朝以后称为汉人,唐朝以后又称为唐 人。炎帝和黄帝也是中国文化、技术的始祖,传说他们以及 他们的臣子、后代创造了上古几乎所有重要的发明。
Literal translation + annotation 直译加注
指直译原文,并附加解释性注释。注释可长 可短,可文中注释,也可采用脚注,或二者 合用。也可用了翻译单个单词,尤其是专有 名词。如:
oval office 椭圆形办公室(指美国白宫总统办公室)
Big Apple 大苹果(纽约的别称)
Amplification 增译(增词、增益)
增词是指在译文中增加原文中虽然没有但却隐含有这个意思 的词。
由于语法、意义、修辞、文化等方面的需要,翻译时常常有 必要在译文的词量上作适当的增加,使译文既能忠实地传达 原文的内容和风格,又能符合译入语的表达习惯。
1. 如英语中没有量词,汉译时就应根据汉语的表达习惯增加合 适的量词。
经过多个朝代,花旦成了中国各种地方戏曲,譬如 汉剧、昆剧、京剧和粤剧,共有的性格造型。
Version: Dance: Pretty Hua Dan (Gold prize winner at the
National Dance Contest)
Dan is the female role in traditional Chinese opera. There are many different kinds of dan, among whom hua dan or huadan refers to one of the main types of the female role in Peking Opera. This type is cute, lively and young, notable for her imprudence and her charm. —选自“2007浙洽会分会场招待晚宴节目单”

(四)用增词法表达复数概念 e.g. Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation.
请注意,“速度”和“速率”这两个词 需要加以解释。 e.g. He showed me the scars on his legs. 他让我看他双腿上的道道伤痕。 (五)增加表达抽象概念的范畴词
e.g. 我们取得了伟大的历史性胜利。
We have won great victory.
e.g. 我们对此进行了积极的尝试。 We have carried out the experiment. (四) 省译副词 e.g. 进一步简化手续,及时地、积极地从 国外引进,并且认真组织科学技术人员和 广大职工做好消化和推广工作。
e.g. After all preparations were made, the plane took off. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就起飞 了。 e.g. He seized the chance for peace between them. 他抓住了实现和他们和解的机会。
(六)重复性增词 e.g. “Shall I bring you a dictionary or an encyclopedia?” “Both, please.” “给你带一本词典来还是带一本百科全 书来?”“劳驾把两样都带来。” e.g. I kept going back to it at odd times during the day, then at night when I was being put to bed.

主语的选择①名词特性②搭配合理③主题突出④注意尾重⑤注意连贯①名词特性主语必须是名词,包括名词短语,名词性从句,也包括具有名词特性的-ing分词,动词不定式to do全球发展不平衡加剧。
Imbalance in global development has widened.求和平、谋发展、促和平已经成为各国人民的普遍愿望。
To promote peace, development and cooperation has become the shared aspiration of people across the world.建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、民族未来的长远大计。
Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the People’s well-being and China’s future. (to do 也可以)②搭配合理上海豫园的九曲桥,景随步移,美不胜收,旅游小册子中有这样一句话:每一次转折都会看到不同的景色。
Every turning can see/admire/enjoy a different view. ???转折做主语吗?中文是话题为主的,汉语看上去是主语,实际在英文中不过是时间,是地点或是状语。
Traditional Chinese architecture in a real sense first emerged/appeared in the Tang Dynasty.宋朝发明了活版印刷术。
The scale of the 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind???The 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind in scale.中国古典园林规模大小不等。

The teacher didn't tell her students that in so many words, but obviously something about her attitude convinced them. ×老师没有用很多话把这种情况告诉学生, 但她的某种态度显然使学生相信情况的确 如此。 老师没有把这种情况对学生明说,但她的 某种态度显然使学生相信情况的确如此。
• As a place to live, it left much to be desired. As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. • 作为居住之处,这里有许多不足之处。但作 为新型飞机的秘密训练基地,却是非常理想 的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。
I hear the Hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves, wars, adages, transmitted safely to this day from poets who wrote three thousand years ago. ×我听见有三千年前的诗人们书写的、完好无损 地流传至今的、有印度教士传授给得意门生的、 有关爱情故事、战争和格言。 我听见印度人在向他的得意门生传授爱情故事、 战争和格言,这些都是由三千年前的诗人所写并 完好地流传至今。
• 德国译学教授Wolfram Wilss说: • Translating requires the syntactic, semantic,

3. There are not many classmates who agree with me. 同意我意见的同学不多。
4. One could not be too careful when driving a car. 驾车时越小心越好。
❖ It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want a wife.
❖ 凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经是一 条举世公认的真理。
❖ The idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical.
5. Not until the invention of the high altitude rocket did the direct study of the upper atmosphere become possible. 直到发明高空火箭之后,直. 接研究上层大气才成为可能。11
1. 完全否定 2. 部分否定 3. 双重否定 4. 否定的转移
1. He would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life.
2. 叫他干什么他都愿意,只要不再过以往那种日子就行。
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I. 根据上下文和逻辑关系将词义加以引申
1. An idea formed in my mind.
2. Wait a minute. Let me put on my things.
3. Tell the policeman your story.
4. The oil provides some cooling effects.
5. The prisoner studied ways to escape.
6. They left the hall in ones and twos.
7. I am of one mind with you on this.
8. I am busy packing my things for the long journey. 我正在忙着为这次长途旅行打点行装。