


C. 周边配套相关计划&演出相关要求
1. 周边配套相关计划 ……9 2. 表演内容与时间规划 …10 3. 演出人员要求……………11
D. 展台执行要求
1. 工作人员注意事项 ……………12 2. 展示车辆相关 ………………13 3. 其他 ………………………14 4. 紧急情况处置流程 ……………15-16
⑥ 冲突、暴力 ・发生损坏展示板・物品或乱写乱画时,由搭建公司负责尽快静静地处理・修复。 ・发生打架行为・破坏活动・示威等情况,不要进行抵抗尽量确保自身安全。 ・发现以上情况者立即向当日负责人报告,由当日负责人进行处理。
⑦ 其它 ・如发现可能招致纠纷的行为,无论多小的事情也要向当日负责人报告。
分清洁,表面过釉。 ③轮胎喷涂轮胎增黑剂。 ④保证展中车辆表面无大面积指纹、手印、污迹。 ⑤车辆表面及车厢内无任何宣传品
P 13
D .展台执行要求
■现场保洁准则 ①展场、会议室及接待台无任何未经SGM同意的宣传品,如挂旗、横幅、易拉宝、
海报、标识等。 ②不得在会议室内吃饭。 ③室内物品必须摆放整齐,用过的水杯,看过的报纸等应在用后立即清理。 ④产品手册等印刷品不得存放在会议室。
4月03日~ 4月04日 08:00 ~ 17:00前
上海通用、一汽丰田、奔驰、宝马、陆虎、沃尔沃、华普、一汽轿车、 上海大众、东南汽车、海南马自达等。
预 计来场

B . 全体概要
例:[宁波国际会展中心] 交通图
机 场 方 向

A.对于记者要有礼貌,微笑回答提出的一般问题。 B.遇到不能回答问题时请向有关人员汇报。 ③. 专门安排一名礼仪负责媒休息室的接待。



路演元素下载方法: 打开我的电脑→在地址栏输入 →输入用户名hytgb和密码1234→找到对应文件→右键 复制→粘贴
No Image
• 游戏规则【固定指针,转动圆盘,以静止后箭头所指内容为准】 • 玩法①:特等奖—草莓;一等奖—橙;二等奖—桃;三等奖—苹果;幸运奖—葡萄。 • 玩法②:指定数字有奖&单双数有奖&数字倍数有奖
制作时注意正圆切边, 准确正中心打孔固定指 针,避免重力作用引起 中奖偏差。
其它游戏参考 足球射门、产品保龄球、快速拼图……
各销售单位推广经理(或指定责任人)负责对推广团队成员进行组织或者招募, 组建3-6人的推广小分队,全面负责Q2的路演工作。
负责活动(路演、周末促销、线下生动化布建)的筹划、组织、执行和总结; 同时负责费用、物料的管理、管控和促销人员的培训督导。
在活动前和推广成员上岗前必须对活动细案的执行规范、话术、突发事件处理 预案;促销员的产品知识、企业文化、工作标准和纪律进行2-3天的培训。
在活动执行地点的周边市场进行扫街式铺货,对活动所在地的社区、学校或者 商圈的铺货率提升必须保证在60%以上。
活动周边的售点或者广场进行POP、围挡、价签等生动化物料的集中投放,同 时对执行的陈列、冰冻化等工作进行排查,确保活动前后2周内的最佳状态。
•无论何时,凡属现场人员钱物被盗或丢失,应马上向管理人员反映; •安抚来宾情绪,积极配合、描述事件详情,并做好详细记录; •安排工作人员积极寻找丢失物品; • 如不能解决,则尽快拨打110报案;


根据收入和成本核算结果,评估车展的财务收益情况,为后续车 展的预算和策划提供参考。
针对不足之处,提出具体的改进措施和建议,包括策划、组织、宣 传等方面。
该合同详细规定了展位的租赁条件、费用、支付方式、违 约责任等内容,保障双方权益,确保车展顺利进行。
该计划书包括车展的宣传策略、推广渠道 、广告创意、活动策划等内容,旨在提高 车展的知名度和影响力,吸引更多观众。
根据主题和参展商需求,进行场地布 置和展台搭建,营造良好的展示氛围。
通过问卷、访谈等方式收集展商对车展的满意度,包括展位设施、 参展费用、现场管理等方面。
对收集到的展商反馈进行深入分析,了解展商对车展的期望和意见, 找出优点和不足。
根据分析结果撰写展商反馈报告,向相关人员和部门汇报,为后续 改进提供依据。


力性、灵巧性、变换车道 驾驶、时间不宜太久
快 速 路
0-100公里加速能力、急刹车、 急刹车前后各200米内左右无 制动能力 人、动物、车等 FF前置前驱及Turbo的车

宜慢速通过 20-40KM/H
后驻车雷达 高清摄像头 右后视镜 倒车后自动转变角度
前驻车雷达 天窗全开功能 220V电源
1.8T涡轮增压发动机 驻车雷达关闭开关 锁车车窗自动关闭
0-60KM/H加速 中段加速(60KM/HY以上) 爬坡动力性 一般弯路 操控性

驾 重
交通复杂路段 连续弯道路
高速风燥 高速紧急制动

会议名称/活动名称 Meeting title/ campaign title

行驶路况 测试重点 注意事项
市 区路 况
发动机起步、加速,前中段动 市区交通复杂易出车祸、小心
保持“安全第一”意识,确保车上人员系好安全带,遵守安全驾驶规 章制度;
进行重点的动态说明和演示; 在进行特定的动态演示和体验项目后,例如:紧急制动等,主动寻求

伯特斯勒斯特拉 4S 执行说明书

伯特斯勒斯特拉 4S 执行说明书

Panamera 4S ExecutiveYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRUPMS45Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpgurator-/orsche-com./orsche1code.PRUPMS45Panamera 4S ExecutiveExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite Q9Wheels O81inch Panamera S wheels V5qStandard EBui/mentInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior Colours & Materials Partial leather interior in Alack(A ArraySeats Comfort seats front ,q1way) electricG9ODStandard EBui/mentExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance q1s/eed Porsche Ko//elku//lung ,PK2G DODStandard EBui/mentPanamera 4S ExecutiveStandard Equipment Wheelsb O81inch Panamera S wheelsWheel Accessoriesb(nti1theT wheel Ioltsb0heel centre set with monochrome Porsche Crestb Hyre Pressure Monitoring System ,HPMGSeatsb Comfort seats front ,q1way) electricGb Fndividual comfort rear seats ,eight1way) electricG with memory /ackage and comfort headrestsb Seat Xeating ,front and rearGb FSWLF6 fastening system) rearExterior designb Sideskirts with high1gloss silver1coloured trimsb Exterior Mirror jower Hrims /ainted in Exterior Colour including Mirror Aase /ainted in Alack ,high1glossGb Side 0indow Hrims in Silver colour ,high1glossGb(ir outlet trims in front wings in silver colour ,high1glossGb Koor handles /ainted in exterior colourb Rear Ki7usor in jouvered KesignRoof and transport systemsb Panoramic roof systemLettering and decalsb Silver coloured model designation on tailgate ,high1glossGPowertrain & Performanceb Hwin1turIo V3 engine with direct fuel in‘ection: dis/lacement •-8 litresb Lour1wheel driveb(da/tive (ir Sus/ension including Porsche (ctive Sus/ension Management ,P(SMGb Exhaust system with twin dual1tuIe tail/i/es outside leT and right in Irushed stainless steelb Power steering /lusb Rear1axle steering including Power steering Plusb Arake system with Irake cali/ers in Redb’5 litre fuel tankb q1s/eed Porsche Ko//elku//lung ,PK2GLights & VisionPanamera 4S Executive b jEK main headlightsb Haillight stri/ with NPWRSCXE³ letteringb NPWRSCXE³ logo in Silver colour ,high1glossGb(utomatically dimming interior and exterior mirrorsb(utomatically dimming exterior mirrors ,in con‘unction with memory /ackageGInterior packages & decors/materialsb Fnterior /ackage in Ilack ,high1glossGSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerb S/orts steering wheelb Steering wheel with manual fore.aT and height ad‘ustmentb PK2 gear changer leverInterior designb Central analogue rev counter with Alack dialb LaIric roof linigb(irIagsb Side (irIags ,front and rearGb Pedals and footrest in Alackb Koor sill guards in aluminium with model designationb Sun visorsb Lixed luggage com/artment coverb Lloor matsAssistance systemsb Hra₂c sign recognitionb Park(ssist including reversing camerab jane 2ee/ing (ssistb Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityb SoT1close doorsb Kriver Memory Packageb Hwo1Yone automatic climate controlb Electric roll1u/ sunIlind for Iehind rear com/artment and electric roll1u/ sunIlinds for rear side windowsb(larm system with interior surveillanceb Particle./ollen plter with active carIon plterb on1smoking /ackageInfotainmentb avigation Xighb Smart/hone com/artment with wireless chargingb Voice Controlb Kigital radiob Sound Package PlusPanamera 4S Executive b Smart/hone integrationb Hwo USA1C charge /orts in rear com/artmentOthersb Lirst (id 2it with warning triangleb HPM Valve in SilverPanamera 4S ExecutiveDechnical 1ataPower unitumIer of cylinders3Aore q4-5 mmStroke q3-Q mmKis/lacement•)q84 cmPower ,k0G z•4 k0Power ,PSG44Q PSRPM range maximum /ower5)35Q 1 3)3QQ O.min Maximum engine s/eed3)qQQ O.minMax- torBue55Q mRPM range maximum torBue•)QQQ 1 5)5QQ O.minMax- out/ut /er liter ,k0.lG OOO-83 k0.lMax- out/ut /er liter ,PS.lG O5•-Q4 PS.lConsumption/Emissions2CW• emissions comIined•Qq 1 •Q5 g.kmWx emissions•O-’ mg.kmConsumption/Emissions WLDP(Luel consum/tion urIan O3-3 1 O5-8 l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion suIurI OO-4 1 OQ-3 l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion extra urIan8-8 1 8-O l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion highway OQ-5 1 8-3 l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion comIined OO-z 1 OQ-5 l.OQQ km CW•1emissions low ,0jHPG z’5 1 z3O g.kmPanamera 4S Executive CW•1emissions medium ,0jHPG•58 1 •4Q g.kmCW•1emissions high ,0jHPG••5 1 •Q’ g.kmCW•1emissions extra high ,0jHPG•zq 1 •O8 g.kmCW•1emissions comIined ,0jHPG•53 1 •zq g.kmConsumption/Emissions )ECEBLuel consum/tion urIan Oz-O l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion extra1urIan q-Q l.OQQ kmLuel consum/tion comIined8-8 l.OQQ kmCW• emissions comIined••3 g.km3odyjength5)O88 mm0idth O)8z’ mm0idth ,with mirrorsG•)O35 mmXeight O)4•q mm0heelIase z)OQQ mmHurning circle OO-q mUnladen weight ,KF G•)Q•Q kgUnladen weight ,EUG O•)Q85 kgPermissiIle gross weight•)545 kgMaximum load5•5 kgCapacitiesW/en luggage com/artment volume ,u/ to the u//er edge of the rear seatsG485 ljargest luggage com/artment volume ,Iehind front seats) u/ to roofG O)4qz lPanamera 4S ExecutiveLuel tank’5 lPerformanceHo/ s/eed•85 km.h(cceleration Q 1 3Q m/h4-• s(cceleration Q 1 3Q m/h with S/ort Chrono Package4-Q s(cceleration Q 1 OQQ km.h4-4 s(cceleration Q 1 OQQ km.h with S/ort Chrono Package4-• s(cceleration Q 1 O3Q km.h OQ-5 s(cceleration Q 1 O3Q km.h with S/ort Chrono Package OQ-• s(cceleration Q 1 •QQ km.h O3-3 s(cceleration Q 1 •QQ km.h with S/ort Chrono Package O3-z sFn1gear acceleration ,qQ1O•Qkm.hG ,5Q1’5 m/hG•-8 sO.4 mile O•-’ sO.4 mile with S/ort Chrono Package O•-5 sDerrain featuresMax- ground clearance air sus/ension ,normal ride heightG Ozz mmO-Kata determined in accordance with the measurement method reBuired Iy law- Since O Se/temIer •QO’ certain new cars have Ieen ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide Xarmonised jight Vehicles Hest Procedure ,0jHPG) a more realistic test /rocedure to measure fuel.electricity consum/tion and CW emissions- (s of O Se/temIer •QOq the 0jHP re/laced the ew Euro/ean Kriving Cycle , EKCG- Kue to the more realistic test conditions) the fuel.electricity consum/tion and CW emission values determined in accordance with the 0jHP will) in many cases) Ie higher than those determined in accordance with the EKC- Hhis may lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle taxation from O Se/temIer •QOq- ou can pnd more information on the di7erence Ietween 0jHP and EKC at ww-/orsche-com.wlt/ Currently) we are still oIliged to /rovide the EKC values) regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess used- Hhe additional re/orting of the 0jHP values is voluntary until their oIligatory use- (s far as new cars ,which are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0jHPG are concerned) the EKC values will) therefore) Ie derived from the 0jHP values during the transition /eriod- Ho the extent that EKC values are given as ranges) these do not relate to a single) individual car and do not constitute /art of the o7er- Hhey are intended solely as a means of com/aring di7erent ty/es of vehicle- Extra features and accessories attachments) tyre formats) etc-G can change relevant vehicle /arameters such as weight) rolling resistance and aerodynamics and) in addition to weather and tra₂c conditions) as well as individual handling) can a7ect the fuel.electricity consum/tion) CW emissions and /erformance values of a car-•-Hhese values corres/ond to your current conpguration- Ff you add or remove eBui/ment this may change the values currently shown-z-Aodyz-O0eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant EC Kirectives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation only- W/tional eBui/ment increases this pgure- Hhe pgure given includes ’5kg for the driverPanamera 4S ExecutivePanamera 4S ExecutivePanamera 4S ExecutivePorsche Code: PRUPMS45 OO。



目录汽车品牌口号收集 (2)1.千里马 (3)2.别克 (4)3.东南菱帅 (5)4.上海大众 (5)5.奥迪AUDI (7)6.新甲壳虫New Beatle (8)7.高尔夫GOLF (8)8.夏朗SHARAN (9)9.捷达JETTA (9)10.宝莱BORA (9)11.高尔GOL (10)12。

马自达福美来323 (10)13.马自达6 Mazda6 (10)14.福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (11)16。

梅塞德斯——奔驰Mercedes-Benz (12)17。

沃尔沃VOLVO (13)18.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__jeep (15)21.绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23.雪佛兰CHEVROLET (16)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25.威乐VELA (17)26.本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28.中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31.三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

红旗 (22)33.吉利 (22)34.华普汽车MAPLE AUTOMOBILE (22)35.江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (23)37。

凯迪拉克 (23)38.荣威 (27)39.MG (28)40.奔腾 (29)41.长安汽车: (29)42.比亚迪 (30)43.东风风神 (30)44.长城汽车 (31)汽车品牌口号收集日系丰田——车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车丰田新口号——更远、更新。

--TOYOTO以先进技术挑战汽车梦想本田——The Power of Dreams-梦想的力量三菱——Drive@earth:“驰骋地球,关爱地球”日产-shift the future超越未来。

德系梅赛德斯-奔驰——领导时代,驾驭未来宝马——驾乘乐趣,创新极限奥迪——突破科技、启迪未来大众——汽车价值典范大众新口号——处于对企业的爱奔驰戴姆勒——“精益求精,永远领先”和“追求卓越”斯柯达——简单、聪明其他福特——你的世界,从此无界雪铁龙——想在你之前起亚——用心全为你雷诺——让汽车称为一个小家迷你(mini)--她可爱吗?(ISITLOVE?)沃尔沃——For Life 关爱生命,享受生活现代——Drive your way 驾驭你的路标致——Engine to be enjoyed 享受引擎的力量具体车型口号上海别克——当代精神,当代车东风——买我东风车,还你一条龙大众甲壳虫——想想还是小的好桑塔纳——拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕双龙汽车——世上无难路,只要有双龙南京菲亚特—世界家轿王五十铃汽车—让我们充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧。

EEM MUU220000AA能量管理单元用户手册说明书

EEM MUU220000AA能量管理单元用户手册说明书
版权所有 .....................................................................................................................I 关于本手册 ................................................................................................................. II
3.5.1 壁挂式安装 ........................................................................................ 15 3.5.2 支架式安装 ........................................................................................ 16 3.5.3 落地式安装 ........................................................................................ 17 3.6 安装IO模块(可选) .................................................................................... 18
以及本手册中使用的其他SUNGROW商标归阳光电源股份有限公司所有。 本手册中提及的所有其他商标或注册商标归其各自所有者所有。 软件授权 • 禁止以任何方式将本公司开发的固件或软件中的部分或全部数据用于商业目的。 • 禁止对本公司开发的软件进行反编译、解密或其他破坏原始程序设计的操作。



玛莎拉蒂车主手册语言:中文Chinese Italiano English Français Deutsch Español Japan日本。

本资料包含以下内容:玛莎拉蒂Ghibli吉卜力M157车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte新总裁M156车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁M139车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁M138车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂MC车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂GT车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂GTS车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂GC车主用护手册玛莎拉蒂MC12车主用护手册兰博基尼Aventador原厂维修手册兰博基尼Huracan原厂维修手册兰博基尼Gallardo原厂维修手册兰博基尼Reventon原厂维修手册兰博基尼Murcielago原厂维修手册新款兰博基尼车型系列培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型发动机电子管理系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型制动控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型驻车控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型手制动器控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型车轮电子减震系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型安全气囊系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型转向柱系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型组合仪表系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型数据总线网关诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型全轮驱动电子装置系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型舒适系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型驾驶员车门电子系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型乘员门电子系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型轮胎气压监控系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型扰流板控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型倒车摄像机控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型空气动力学控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型独立换挡拨叉轴变速箱控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型ESP/ABS控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型升降控制系统诊断培训手册新款兰博基尼系列车型空调系统诊断培训手册兰博基尼系列车型车主手册宾利欧陆GT3-R原厂维修手册宾利GT V8敞篷原厂维修手册宾利欧陆GTC原厂维修手册宾利慕尚 6.8T原厂维修手册宾利飞驰 4.0T原厂维修手册宾利飞驰 6.0T原厂维修手册宾利欧陆GT3-R原厂电路图宾利欧陆GT V8原厂电路图宾利欧陆GTC原厂电路图宾利慕尚 6.8T原厂电路图宾利飞驰 4.0T V8原厂电路图宾利飞驰 6.0T原厂电路图宾利车型产品基础介绍宾利保养技术培训手册宾利TNA技师/工程师培训宾利认证技师考试资料新款宾利系列车型车身系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型发动机系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型变速箱系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型底盘系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型电气系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型防盗系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型空调系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型CAN总线网络系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型信息娱乐系统技术培训新款宾利系列车型V8发动机技术特训新款宾利系列车型W12发动机技术特训新款宾利系列车型ZF变速箱技术特训新款宾利系列车型诊断编程技术特训新款宾利系列车型系统诊断技术特训新款宾利慕尚技术特训新款宾利慕尚技术培训手册新款宾利飞驰技术培训手册新款宾利欧陆GT技术培训手册新款宾利欧陆GTC技术培训手册新款宾利欧陆GTC敞篷技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型仪表系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型气囊系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型燃油系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型网关系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型摄像头系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型转向柱系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型空气悬挂系统技术培训手册新款宾利系列车型显示屏系统技术培训手册宾利系列车型新数据总线技术系统培训手册新款宾利故障案例分析研讨2006年前宾利技术通告2007年宾利技术通告2008年宾利技术通告2009年宾利技术通告2010年宾利技术通告2011年宾利技术通告2012年宾利技术通告2013年宾利技术通告2014年宾利技术通告宾利GT车主手册宾利欧陆GTC车主手册宾利慕尚车主手册宾利飞驰车主手册2004-2012年阿斯顿马丁DB9原厂维修手册(含电路图)2003-2005阿斯顿马丁DB7原厂维修手册(含电路图)新款阿斯顿马丁系列车主手册2001-2015莱斯莱斯维修手册(含电路图)莱斯莱斯诊断编程系统介绍莱斯莱斯维修专用工具说明劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost-WBT学习资料劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom-WBT学习资料劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith-WBT学习资料劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost PDI工作单劳斯莱斯新型总线电器系统-WBT学习资料劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost车身系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特GhostN74发动机技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特GhostGA8HP自动变速箱技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特GhostRR4发动机技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost底盘系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost行驶稳定控制系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost纵向动态系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost横向动力系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost垂直动态系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost总线系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost供电系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost动力管理系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost便捷进入及起动系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost无钥匙便捷上车及起动系统技术培训手册?劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost中控锁系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost软关闭自动装置系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost车窗升降机系统技术培训手册?劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost全景车顶系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost防盗报警系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost后行李箱盖自动操作装置系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特GhostCoachdoor车门模块系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost外部照明系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost车内照明灯系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost刮水清洗装置系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost外后视镜系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost座椅系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost定速控制系统DCC/ACC技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost基于摄像机的驾驶员辅助KAFAS系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost驻车距离报警系统/全景摄像机系统技术培训手册?劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost转向柱开关中心系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost冷暖空调系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost音频系统技术培训手册?劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost导航系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost电视系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost后座区视听设备系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost电话系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost语音系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost被动式安全系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost显示和操作元件系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost平视显示系统HUD技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost夜视系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost客户功能系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新古思特Ghost系统功能技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影WraithPDI工作单劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith整车介绍培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith发动机系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith变速箱系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith底盘系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith电器系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith空调系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith总线系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith车身系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新魅影Wraith音频导航系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom PDI工作单劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom整车介绍培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom被动安全系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom变速箱系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom发动机系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom底盘系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom总线系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom车身系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom窗帘系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom电子系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom动力系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom行李箱盖操纵机构技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom后部空调系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom自动恒温空调系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom天窗,滑动天窗系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom网络信息控制系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom仪表功能系统技术培训手册劳斯莱斯新幻影Phantom座椅系统技术培训手册莱斯劳斯RR1系列培训手册莱斯劳斯RR2系列培训手册寶馳名車國際服務中心Bao Chi Super luxury car International Service Center ==持久更新。

迈阿迪KWID BS6步进2合规汽车说明书

迈阿迪KWID BS6步进2合规汽车说明书

RENAULT KWIDBS6 step 2 compliant*a world of possibilities Whether you’re on your way to a presentation or a late-night party, make an entry in style with Renault Kwid. A fine blend of aesthetics, smart technology, and sheer comfort makes Kwid a clear winner amongst the rest.enhanced safety tech LED digitalinstrumentclusterfloor consolemountedAMT dialhigh ground clearance of 184 mm 20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV201. safety02. design03. technology04. comfort05. engine06. personalisationinteractive menu3explore more →safety by designKwid is fully equipped with standard safety features like ABS and EBD with brake assist, seat belt reminder, overspeed alert, and reverse parking sensors to keep you protected at all times.01. safetydual airbagsOur vision for your well-being goes beyond the basics. Under the Human First program, Kwid is equipped with the latest safety technologies like hill start assist (HSA), traction control system (TCS), electronic stability program (ESP), and tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS).tyre pressure monitoring system NEW4hill start assist*NEWelectronic stability program NEWmenu ↑*hill start assist available in AMT versions onlydefines pure classKwid doesn’t flow with the ordinary. Popularised as the style icon of the Renault family, this SUV-inspired hatchback flaunts a chiselled body and sleek styling.02. designModern signature lighting, dual tone finish and bold elements further accentuate the stunning profile of Renault Kwid.tail lamps with LED light guidesdual tone multi-spoke flex wheels5experience virtually →stylish grille with silver streak LED DRLs*white accents available in Climber MT and EASY-R versions only menu ↑a new level of convenience The goal is to make every drive effortless and entertaining for the new generation. And with a line-up of the smartest features in the house, Kwid does just that.03. technologydual tone interiors with day & night adjustable IRVM Innovation excites us. Bring every drive to life through a 20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV (with Android Auto/Apple CarPlay compatibility), a fully digital cluster, and hands-free calling.LED digital instrument cluster20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAVreverse parking sensors6menu ↑experience virtually →welcome to the great indoorsWhen it comes to your comfort, Kwid leads by example. Find yourself relaxed in the plush seats of this hatchback, surrounded by impressive features.04. comfortergo smart cabin with metal mustard and white seat upholstery and striped embossingThe generously sized interiors are equipped with electric power steering with audio controls, 4-way adjustable front seats & theatre dimming cabin lights for an inviting ambience. steering mounted audio controls184 mm ground clearance 7experience virtually →boot space of 279-litres (expandable up to 620-litres)184 mmmenu ↑born to performThe responsive and agile natureof Kwid can take on the urban roads with ease. Its Smart Control efficiency (SCe) technology monitors accurate air-to-fuelratio to strike a balance between optimum power and lower emissions.05. engineYou get a smartly calibrated suspension system and traffic assist function alongside a three-mode AMT dial for seamless drives. All of this, topped with a high-performant 1.0L engine.floor console mounted AMT dial1.0L SCe engine 8book a test drive →menu ↑ice cool white - dual tonemetal mustard - dual tone colour palette fiery redoutback bronze moonlight silverzanskar blue book a test drive →9menu ↑stunning colours with dual tone availabilitysingle tone single tone single tone single tone single toneaccessoriesroof railsAdds to the Kwid’s SUV-inspired style.front chrome grille insertThe right touch of chrome can noticeably elevate the look of your car and make it look more premium.body side claddingDodge the scratches and dents in tight parking spots or bumper-to-bumper traffic with a side cladding.alloy wheelsModify the finest details of the hatch with durable andattractive 6-spoke alloys.explore more →10menu ↑design • white ORVMs with turn indicators NEW • arching roof rails with white inserts • SUV-styled front & rear skid plates with white inserts • door protection cladding • dual tone multi-spoke flex wheels • Climber insignia on front doors - single tone • Climber 2D insignia on C-pillar - dual tone • headlamp protector with white accents • chrome inner door handle • front door panel white deco • metal mustard and white upholstery with stripped embossing • Climber insignia on front seats • stylised shiny black gear knob with white embellisher • gear knob bellow with white stitching • white AMT dial surround^^• white multimedia surround • dual tone option - mystery black roof with ice cool white body colour • dual tone option - mystery black roof with metal mustard body colour • chrome parking brake button design • sparkling silver ORVMs with turn indicators NEW • graphite grille with chrome inserts • B-pillar black applique • crossway fabric upholstery with red outline • stylised shiny black gear knob with chrome embellisher & red stitched bellow • chrome AMT dial surround^^• piano black centre fascia • chrome multimedia surround • central air vents with chrome knobs • side air vents with chrome surround • chrome HVAC control panel RXL (MT) = RXE+RXL (O) (MT) = RXL+RXT (MT/EASY-R) = RXL(O)+CLIMBER (MT/EASY-R) WITH WHITE ACCENTS = RXT+comfort • air conditioner • pollen filter • cabin lights with theatre dimming • 12V power socket - front • rear grab handles safety & technology • remote keyless entry with central lockingdesign • stylised door decals • full wheel cover - sparkling silver • metal grey fabric upholstery with white stitching • tail lamps with LED light guidessafety & technology • single DIN stereo with radio & MP3• USB & aux-in ports • bluetooth for audio streaming & hands-free telephone • front speakers (×2)• antenna safety & technology • hill start assist NEW ^^• reverse parking camera with guidelines • 20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV evolution with Apple CarPlay & Android Auto • push-to-talk (voice recognition)• video playback (via USB)• roof miccomfort • 4-speed/5-mode HVAC • front power windows • rear parcel shelf • intermittent front wiper & auto wiping while washingcomfort • steering mounted audio controls NEW • fast USB charger • rear power windows • traffic assist mode^^• electrically adjustable ORVMs • day & night adjustable IRVM comfort • 12V power socket - rear11key featuresdesign • stylish graphite grille • body coloured bumpers • integrated roof spoiler • SUV-styled headlamps • silver streak LED DRLs • front seats: outer valence cover - large • side indicator on wheel arch cladding *• black wheel hub caps • grey melange fabric upholstery • stylised gear knob • gear knob bellow • black centre fascia • internally adjustable ORVMsRXE (MT)comfort • electric power steering • rear seats - foldable backrest • sun visor - co-driver • lane change indicator safety & technology • electronic stability program NEW • traction control system NEW • tyre pressure monitoring system NEW • driver & passenger airbags • reverse parking sensors • driver side seat belt with load limiter & pre-tensioner • engine immobiliser • ABS & EBD with brake assist • speed sensing auto door locking • driver & passenger seat belt reminder • overspeed alert • rear ELR (emergency locking retractor) seat belts • rear door child lock • high mounted stop lamp • digital tachometer • on-board trip computer • LED digital instrument cluster • front seats: integrated headrests • rear seats: integrated neck rests • emergency wheel • 2 years corrosion protection ^^ EASY-R only.*till RXL (O) version only. menu ↑find a dealer →12menu ↑locate a dealer →*overall height with roof rail applicable to Kwid Climber versions only. RXL variant available in ice cool white & moonlight silver only. Climber variant is available in two dual tone colours (ice cool white with mystery black roof & metal mustard with mystery black roof) & two single tone colours (moonlight silver & zanskar blue) only. metal mustard is only available as a dual tone colour. as part of its ongoing product improvement policy, Renault India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to modify the specifications, vehicles and accessories described and shown at any time. such modifications are communicated to Renault dealers as quickly as possible. depending on the country of sale, certain versions may differ, and certain equipment may be unavailable (as standard, optional or accessory). please contact your nearest dealer for the latest information. the colours that appear on the website may differ slightly from the actual paint or upholstery colours. all rights are reserved. *BS6 step 2 compliant (as per Gazette of India REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 norms)www.renault.co.in Call:180****444413menu ↑。

天津 EV手机APP操作说明书

天津 EV手机APP操作说明书

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【天津 EV 手机 App 操作说明书】
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【天津 EV 手机 App 操作说明书】
【天津 EV 手机 App 操作说明书】
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点击某条报警信息后可进入开始处置报警信息页面,选择处置方式后点击提 交,开始处置报警信息成功。
1) Anroid 操作系统:......................................................................................................6 2) IOS 操作系统:............................................................................................................6 4. 天津 EV(车企、经销商)角色功能介绍 ...................................................................................6 4.1 登录 ....................................................................................................................................6 4.2 上报处置开始.....................................................................................................................8 4.3 上报突发事故.....................................................................................................................9 4.4 数据报表...........................................................................................................................10 4.5 基础信息...........................................................................................................................12 4.6 车辆统计...........................................................................................................................18 4.7 新闻公告...........................................................................................................................19 5. 天津 EV(政府、信息所、工信委、节能中心)角色功能介绍 .............................................20 5.1 登录 ..................................................................................................................................20 5.2 三级报警...........................................................................................................................22 5.3 突发事故...........................................................................................................................22 5.4 数据报表...........................................................................................................................23 5.5 基础信息...........................................................................................................................24 5.6 车辆统计...........................................................................................................................25 5.7 新闻公告...........................................................................................................................26



Ghibli [5039254 - 99999999] 2016 - CHINA3.0 BT V6 4WD 410 HP AUTOMATIC 4WD修理手册章节08.50 - 1步骤编号: 08.50.069 - 00时间:0.05 h描述 启动按钮内饰-有效性 29/10/2015 - RELEASE 126.3上次修改 05/03/2015 - RELEASE 116第一次发布08.50.069 00启动按钮内饰卸下必须使用干净的手套。

1. 用一个特氟龙楔块做辅助工具,拆卸下启动按钮板。

重新组装Technical Service Department Servizio Assistenza Tecnica2.按照与拆下的顺序相反的顺序重新组装。

Ghibli [5039254 - 99999999]2016 - CHINA3.0 BT V6 4WD 410 HPAUTOMATIC 4WD修理手册章节08.50 - 1步骤编号:08.50.018 - 00时间:0.75 h 描述车灯换向器板全套-有效性29/10/2015 - RELEASE 126.3上次修改05/03/2015 - RELEASE 116第一次发布链接步骤08.50.066-00 08.50.006-00 08.20.001-02全套灯光开关-拆卸/重装或更换变阻器-拆卸/重装或更换电池-拆卸和重装08.50.018 00车灯换向器板全套卸下O必须使用干净的手套。


08.20.001-电池-拆卸和重装2.移除指示灯控制器总成08.50.066-全套灯光开关-拆卸/重装或更换3.移除变阻器08.50.006-变阻器-拆卸/重装或更换Technical Service Department Servizio Assistenza Tecnica重新组装5.按照与拆下的顺序相反的顺序重新组装。

Ghibli [5039254 - 99999999] 2016 - CHINA3.0 BT V6 4WD 410 HP AUTOMATIC 4WD修理手册章节 08.50 - 1 步骤编号: 08.50.063 - 00时间:0.50 h描述 启动按钮-有效性 29/10/2015 - RELEASE 126.3上次修改 30/07/2013 - RELEASE 98第一次发布链接步骤08.20.001-02 电池-拆卸和重装08.50.063 00启动按钮拆卸o佩戴干净的手套。

2021 ITALIAN GRAND PRIX 商务规范手册说明书

2021 ITALIAN GRAND PRIX 商务规范手册说明书

From The FIA Formula One Race Director To All Teams, All Officials Document 5Date09 September 2021Time 18:212021 I TALIAN G RAND P RIX9 - 12 September 2021The FIA Formula One Race DirectorTitle Race Directors' Event Notes Version 2Description Event Notes Version 2Enclosed 2021 Italian F1 Grand Prix Event Notes V2 Doc 5.pdfMichael Masi2021I TALIAN G RAND P RIX9 – 12 September 2021From The FIA Formula One Race Director Document 5To All Teams, All Officials Date9 September 2021Time 18:20EVENT NOTES VERSION 2General Instructions1) Pit lane map1.1 Safety Car lines.1.2 The location of the pit entry and the pit exit.1.3 Designated garage areas.1.4 Safety Car position for first lap and rest of race.1.5 Blue flag marshal at the pit exit.1.6 Track light panels displaying pit entry status.2) Pirelli Event Preview2.1 With reference to Article 24.4(a) of the Sporting Regulations see the attached document provided bythe official tyre supplier.3) Red zones for photographers in the pit lane during practice sessions3.1 See the attached drawing.4) Track light panels4.1 The FIA track light panels have been installed in the positions shown on the circuit map. Inaccordance with Appendix H to the ISC the light signals have the same meaning as flag signals.5) Track light panel displaying pit entry status5.1 The light panel indicated on the pit lane map will display a flashing yellow arrow if cars are requiredto use the pit lane once the Safety Car has been deployed during the race.5.2 The light panel indicated on the pit lane map will display a flashing red cross if the pit lane is closedat any point during the sprint qualifying session or race.6) Drivers leaving their pit stop position in the pit lane6.1 For safety reasons, no car should be driven from its pit stop position at any time unless:a) It has first been driven into the pit stop position having just entered the pit lane from the track,and;b) It is then driven immediately back onto the track from the pit stop position.7) Observing yellow flags during free practice and qualifying7.1 Double waved: Any driver passing through a double waved yellow marshalling sector must reducespeed significantly and be prepared to change direction or stop. In order for the stewards to be satisfied that any such driver has complied with these requirements it must be clear that he has not attempted to set a meaningful lap time, for practical purposes this means the driver should abandon the lap (this does not necessarily mean he has to pit as the track could well be clear the following lap).7.2 Single waved: Drivers should reduce their speed and be prepared to change direction. It must beclear that a driver has reduced speed and, in order for this to be clear, a driver would be expected to have braked earlier and/or discernibly reduced speed in the relevant marshalling sector.Drivers should not overtake any car in a single waved yellow marshalling sector unless it is clear thata car is slowing with a completely obvious problem, e.g. obvious accident damage or a deflated tyre.8) In laps during qualifying and reconnaissance laps8.1 In order to ensure that cars are not driven unnecessarily slowly on in laps during and after the endof qualifying or during reconnaissance laps when the pit exit is opened for the sprint qualifying session or the race, drivers must stay below the maximum time set by the FIA between the Safety Car lines shown on the pit lane map.You will be informed of the maximum time after the first free practice session.9) Parc Fermé Cameras9.1 To assist with the revised FIA Event procedures, the Parc Fermé cameras must be uncovered andoperational at all times during the Event.10) Operational personnel curfew10.1 Boards warning anyone attempting to enter the paddock that the curfew is in operation will be placedimmediately before the turnstiles at the appropriate times.10.2 At this Event, Personnel will be permitted to enter the Paddock 30 minutes prior to the curfew toassist social distancing. No work is permitted to be undertaken until the curfew has ended.11) Tyre Blanket Usage during Pit Stops in the Race11.1 For reasons of safety, tyre blankets are not permitted in the Pit Lane at any time during the sprintqualifying session or the race.12) Lapping during the sprint qualifying session or the race12.1 The ISC requires drivers who are caught by another car about to lap him to allow the faster driverpast at the first available opportunity. The F1 Marshalling System has been developed in order to ensure that the point at which a driver is shown blue flags is consistent, rather than trusting the ability of marshals to identify situations that require blue flags.The system will be set to give a pre-warning when the faster car is within 3.0s of the car about to be lapped, this should be used by the team of the slower car to warn their driver he is soon going to be lapped and that allowing the faster car through should be considered a priority. When the faster car is within 1.2s of the car about to be lapped blue flags will be shown to the slower car (in addition to blue light panels, blue cockpit lights and a message on the timing monitors) and the driver must allow the following driver to overtake at the first available opportunity.It should be noted that the aim of using F1MS is to ensure consistent application of the regulations, additional instructions may also be given by race control when necessary.Event Specific Instructions13) Formula 1 Sporting Regulations Article 21.613.1 In accordance with the provisions of Article 21.6a)i), this Event is a Closed Event.14) Changes to the circuit14.1 Other than routine maintenance no changes of significance.15) Specific Technical Procedures for Closed Events15.1 The provisions of Technical Directive Ref: TD012 Issue A and TD003 Issue E must be complied withat all times during the Event.15.2 Any tyres that are removed from a car and could be re-used during a session should be presentedfor scanning before being rewrapped and reheated. If time constraints do not permit this then all tyres used during a session must be presented to the tyre checker at the front of the garage at the end of any session. This applies to dry, wet and intermediate tyres.15.3 Both TD012 Issue: A and TD003 Issue E will be amended after the Event to reflect any additionaloperational requirements as required.16) Weighing and weighing platform16.1 The FIA weighing platform will be available for teams to use at the following times, however, no morethan 8 team personnel may be present during any visit. Each visit should last no more than 10 minutes unless no other team is waiting in the pit lane:a) From 14:30 on Thursday until 13:30 on Friday.b) From 15:30 until 17:30 on Friday (each visit will be restricted to five (5) minutes).c) From when the cars are returned to the teams after the qualifying practice session until 22:30on Friday.d) From 09:00 until 15:30 on Saturday (between 13:00 and 15:30 on Saturday each visit will berestricted to five (5) minutes).e) From when the cars are returned to the teams after the sprint qualifying session until 20:30 onSaturday.f) From 10:00 until 11:00 and 13:00 until 14:20 on Sunday.Any team found to be abusing the time limits set out above, which we will be enforced by FIA security personnel and our own CCTV, will not be permitted to use the weighbridge again during the Event.16.2 Whilst waiting in the pit lane, the use of tyre blankets is not permitted.17) Support Races17.1 Team Barrier placementa) Team barrier placement prior to and during all support category practice sessions and races:No more than three (3) metres from the garages.b) Please ensure that your Pit Stop gantry arms are moved back towards the Garage during allSupport Race Activity.c) It is not permitted to push cars to the weighing area at any time a support category is in pitlane.17.2 Support Category Movementsa) Support Crews and Trolleys will be released into Pit Lane no earlier than 20 minutes prior tothe opening of Pit Exit for their respective sessions.b) Support Category competition vehicles will be released from the marshalling area no earlierthan 15 minutes prior to the opening of Pit Exit for their respective sessions.18) Practice starts18.1 During each free practice session, practice starts may only be carried out on the right-hand side afterthe end of the Pit Wall but before the first dotted white line across the pit exit. Drivers wishing to carry out a practice start should stop on the right in order to allow other cars to pass on their left. For the avoidance of doubt practice starts are not permitted during the qualifying practice session.18.2 During the time the pit exit is open for the sprint qualifying session or the race, practice starts maybe carried out after the end of the pit wall but before the second dotted white line across the pit exit.Drivers wishing to carry out a practice start should stop on the right in order to allow other cars to pass on their left.18.3 During these times any driver passing a car which has stopped to carry out a practice start maycross the white line that is referred to in 19.1 below. Any driver crossing this line must move back to the right of it as quickly as possible.18.4 For reasons of safety and sporting equity, cars may not stop in the fast lane at any time the pit exitis open without a justifiable reason (a practice start is not considered a justifiable reason).18.5 For reasons of safety and sporting equity, at any time the pit exit is open and when practice startsare permitted to be carried out, any car who wishes to perform a practice start must form up in a line and leave in the order they got there unless another car is unduly delayed.19) Lines or bollards at the Pit Entry and Pit Exit19.1 In accordance with Chapter 4 (Section 5) of Appendix L to the ISC drivers must keep to the right ofthe solid white line at the pit exit when leaving the pits. No part of any car leaving the pits may cross this line other than in the cases detailed in 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 above.19.2 For safety reasons drivers must keep to the right of the bollard at the pit entry when they are enteringthe pits.19.3 Except in the cases of force majeure (accepted as such by the Stewards), the crossing by any partof the car, in any direction, of the painted area between the pit entry and the track, by a driver who, in the opinion of the Stewards, had committed to entering the pit lane is prohibited.19.4 The dotted white line across the pit exit is the track edge line.20) DRS20.1 DRS Detection will be automatically disabled in each individual zone if any of the light panels in thatparticular zone are displaying yellow. The zone and corresponding light panels are as follows:a) Zone 1: Panels 9, 10, 11, 12, 13b) Zone 2: Panels 1, 2, 321) Track Limits21.1 Turns 1-2a) Four rows of polystyrene blocks have been placed in the escape road at Turn 1 / Turn 2 (firstchicane). In order to ensure that cars are able to re-join the track safely any driver using theescape road must go around the end of each of these rows and re-join the track at the end ofthe escape road. Drivers may only use the grass if it is clearly unavoidable.21.2 Turn 5a) Any driver going straight and who misses the black and yellow bumps placed before the apexkerb of Turn 5 (second chicane) must stay to the right of the yellow line and the bollard, hemay then re-join the track at the far end of the asphalt run-off area after the exit of Turn 5. Alap time achieved during any practice session, sprint qualifying session or the race in thismanner will result in that lap time will being invalidated by the stewards.21.3 Turn 11a) A lap time achieved during any practice session, sprint qualifying session or the race by leavingthe track on the outside of Turn 11, will result in that lap time and the immediately following laptime being invalidated by the stewards. A driver will be judged to have left the track if no partof the car remains in contact with the track.21.4 General – Turn 1-2, Turn 5 and Turn 11a) Each time any car passes behind the apex at Turn 5 or crosses the white line at Turn 11,Competitors will be informed via the official messaging system.b) On the third occasion of a driver cutting behind the apex of Turn 5, and/or crossing the whiteline on the outside of Turn 11 during the sprint qualifying session or the race, he will be showna black and white flag, any further cutting will then be reported to the stewards. For theavoidance of doubt this means a total of three occasions combined, not three at each corner.c) The above requirements will not automatically apply to any driver who is judged to have beenforced off the track, each such case will be judged individually.d) In all cases detailed in item 21 above, the driver must only re-join the track when it is safe todo so and without gaining a lasting advantage.22) Article 27.422.1 Each Competitor and Driver is reminded of the provisions of Article 27.4 of the Formula 1 SportingRegulations.22.2 For reasons of safety, during each practice session, acts such as weaving across the track to hinderanother car may be referred to the stewards.22.3 During Free Practice session 1, the requirement detailed in Item 8 of the Race Directors Event Noteswill be used as a guide by the stewards to determine if a Driver is considered to be driving unnecessarily slowly on an out lap or any other lap that is not a fast lap or in lap. The reference time for this session only will be a 1: During Free Practice session 2 and the Qualifying Practice session, the time published in accordancewith Item 8 of the Race Directors Event Notes will be used as a guide by the stewards to determine if a Driver is considered to be driving unnecessarily slowly on an out lap or any other lap that is nota fast lap or in lap.22.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the pit exit, as defined in Article 28.2 of the F1 Sporting Regulations isconsidered a part of the track and the provisions of Article 27.4 apply in this area.23) Fire extinguishers around the circuit23.1 Indicated by white boards with a red fire extinguisher image attached to the debris fences andbarriers.24) Places to remove cars from the track24.1 Indicated by fluorescent orange panels on the barriers.24.2 Should a car stop on the track during a session, the driver must keep all of their protective clothing(Helmet, Gloves, etc) on until they have returned to their garage.25) Access to the grid prior to the Start Procedure25.1 To assist social distancing in accessing the grid prior to the commencement of the start procedure,Team personnel and equipment will be granted access to the grid from:a) 1545hrs on Saturday 11th Septemberb) 1400hrs on Sunday 12th September.26) Removing cars from the grid26.1 Through the gate in the pit wall located adjacent to grid position 6 and through the Pit Lane Exit.27) Car number light panels for the start27.1 On the right-hand side of the grid.28) Post-race parc fermé28.1 All cars must enter the pit lane and, with the exception of the first three (3), should be driven directlyto the weighing area at the pit entry.28.2 The first three (3) cars must follow the post-race procedure which will be distributed prior to the startof the race.29) Any other businessMichael MasiFIA Formula One Race DirectorPIT LANE Ends PIT LANE Starts Alpine Haas Version 1 –9 September 2021F1 Garages56464544434239383736353433323130292827262524232221201110987Alfa Romeo Williams AlphaTauri Ferrari Aston Martin Mercedes F I A F o r m u l a 1F o r m u l a 1M e r c e d e s M e r c e d e sM e r c e d e sM c L a r e nM c L a r e nM c L a r e n A s t o n M a r t i nA s t o n M a r t i nA s t o n M a r t i nA l p i n eA l p i n eA l p i n eF e r r a r i / A l p i n eF e r r a r iF e r r a r i43Designated Garage AreasF e r r a r iF e r r a r iA s t o n M a r t i nA s t o n M a r t i nF I A F I A F I A M c L a r e n M c L a r e nMcLaren Red Bull A l p i n e XPit Lane2021 Italian Grand Prix SAFETY CAR Line 1Pit Entry Bollard Pole Position PIT ENTRY PIT EXIT SAFETY CAR First Lap SAFETY CAR Race CARS RECOVERED FROM TRACK PLACED HERETeams are kindly reminded that the following will be subject to FIA checks during the event:• Starting pressuresTyres notesMaximum heating times and temperatures (tread & sidewall)Pressures, camber & blistering sensitivityGrand Prix of Italy 10/09-12/09/2021 (21R14MZA)In agreement with the FIA and in accordance with Article 24.4 a) of the F1 Sporting Regulations, this document contains the prescriptions forthe operation of tyres during the following event.General notesCompounds selectionPrescriptions• Not permitted to switch tyres from their originally allocated position.• Do not subject tyres to large deformation or heavy impact.• Do not leave fitted tyres exposed at an air temperature lower than 15°C and/or any UV emission.• Revised prescriptions could be issued during the race weekend in accordance with TD003.• All temperature limits apply to the actual tyre surface temperature, measured with the IR gun detailed in the TD003.• BLANKET HEATING TIME for each temperature range to be counted from the moment the blanket control unit is set to reach its targeted temperature within its correspondent interval.Cold pressure cooling curvesFL FR RL RR 2W12W26W36W43Y13Y27Y37Y44R14R28R78R833X 35X 37X 39X 34Y36Y37Y39YCompoundC3C2C4IntermediateWetMandatory race tyresC2C3Q3 tyre C4911131517192123250102030405060708090100110120P r e s s u r e [p s i ]Temperature [°C]Front pressure Rear pressuremax. 30'max. 3hmax. 2h max. 2h• Temperatures refer to tyre tread and side wall temperatures, not blanket or controller set-point temperatures.• Tyres may only be heated prior to the session in which they are intended to be used.• The temperatures apply at all times during the event.max. 3h TemperatureSlicks (front axle)Slicks (rear axle)IntermediateWet6080100 (°C)Pfront =T −100∙0.128+Pstartf Prear =T −80∙0.119+Pstartr wherePstartf : Minimum starting pressure on the front axlePstartr : Minimum starting pressure on the rear axleSlicksInter Wet Front 24.0 psi 23.5 psi 22.5 psi 23.5 psi Rear21.5 psi 22.5 psi 21.5 psi21.0 psiMinimum re-heat pressure for slicksMimimum Starting PExpected stabilized running pressure≥25.0 psi ≥22.5 psiCamber limit-2.00 °-3.00 °Blistering sensitivityLow Medium。



细节 客人签到,礼仪检查驾照,并指引客人签写试驾及免责协议
指引客人进入培训室,教官进行试驾培训 教官展示
3-5个道具 , 2台试驾车 每个人整体项目大致在15-20min
*吧桌吧椅 由经销商准备,活动前一个星期实样给以区域经理及活动公司确认
试驾 (15km) 客人驾驶交换 试驾(15km)
* 如果试驾人数过多,无法保证场数,可以选择两个换乘点,3位客人试驾
细节 客人签到,接待客人在到培训区等待培训。
对客人进行简单安全驾驶注意事项 第一位试驾客人 让客人进行15km的试驾体验
路边换乘选择停车场或社会车辆较少路段 第二位试驾客人 返回展厅或出发地 给客人发放小礼品
October 1st, 2014
时长 10min
流程 签到
1st - 09:00-10:30 2nd- 10:30-12:00 3rd – 13:30-15:00 4th - 14:30-15:30
15-20min 5min
Step1. 进入玛莎竞速学院活动首页
Step2. 获悉玛莎竞速学院参与人数
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Step5. 选择重新预约或分享此活动给朋友
创意内容:在玛莎20个经销商 城市,有针对性定向投放朋友 圈广告,把此次品牌活动信息 及H5扩散至整个朋友圈。



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Before transferring calls to another
phone number, please seek consent from the person whose phone you are transferring your calls to. If he/she writes to SingTel to reject transferred calls, SingTel reserves the right to deactivate the Call Transfer service.
dial tone.
3. Wait for the repeated tone, then replace the handset.
Cancelling Call Transfer 1. Lift the handset and wait for the
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