






感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 性别:(1)男(2)女2. 年级:(1)大一(2)大二(3)大三(4)大四3. 专业:(请填写您的专业名称)二、英语学习态度4. 您对英语学习的态度是怎样的?(1)非常喜欢(2)比较喜欢(3)一般(4)不太喜欢(5)非常不喜欢5. 您认为英语学习对您个人发展的重要性如何?(1)非常重要(2)比较重要(3)一般(4)不太重要(5)非常不重要三、英语学习现状6. 您每周用于英语学习的时间大约是多少?(1)少于2小时(2)2-4小时(3)4-6小时(4)6-8小时(5)8小时以上7. 您目前主要使用哪些英语学习资源?(1)教材(2)网络课程(3)英语APP(4)英语杂志/报纸(5)英语辅导书(6)其他(请说明)8. 您认为目前英语学习的主要困难是什么?(1)词汇量不足(2)语法知识薄弱(3)听力理解困难(4)口语表达能力差(5)阅读速度慢(6)写作能力差(7)其他(请说明)9. 您是否参加过英语角、英语演讲比赛等活动?(1)参加过(2)参加过但效果不佳(3)没参加过10. 您认为英语课程设置是否合理?(1)非常合理(2)比较合理(3)一般(4)不太合理(5)非常不合理四、教学建议11. 您对英语教师的教学方法有何建议?(1)增加课堂互动,提高学生参与度(2)注重口语练习,提高口语表达能力(3)加强语法讲解,帮助学生掌握语法知识(4)拓展词汇量,提高阅读理解能力(5)关注学生个体差异,提供个性化辅导(6)其他(请说明)12. 您对英语课程设置有何建议?(1)增加实践环节,提高学生实际应用能力(2)调整课程难度,使课程更符合学生水平(3)增加英语文化知识讲解,拓宽学生视野(4)增设选修课程,满足学生个性化需求(5)其他(请说明)13. 您对英语教学资源有何建议?(1)提供更多优质的网络课程和英语学习APP(2)增加英语图书、期刊等资源(3)建立英语学习交流平台,方便学生互相学习(4)其他(请说明)感谢您抽出宝贵时间填写这份问卷!我们期待您的宝贵意见,共同为提高英语教学质量而努力!祝您学习进步!问卷填写完毕后,请将问卷提交至以下邮箱:*******************再次感谢您的支持与配合!祝您生活愉快!。



英语口语能力调查作文范文As English becomes more and more important in our daily lives, English speaking ability has become a hot topic among people. In order to investigate people's English speaking ability, a survey was conducted by a group of researchers. The results of the survey were quite surprising.The survey was conducted in a number of cities across China, and a total of 1000 people were interviewed. The interviewees were asked to rate their own English speaking ability on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest. The results showed that the average score was only 5.2, indicating that most people in China have a limited ability to speak English.When asked about the reasons for their lack of English speaking ability, the majority of the interviewees cited a lack of opportunity to practice. Many people said that they had learned English in school, but had never had the chanceto use it in real-life situations. Others said that they were too shy to speak English in front of others, or that they lacked confidence in their ability.Despite these challenges, there were some interviewees who had achieved a high level of English speaking ability. When asked about their secrets to success, these people cited a variety of factors, including:1. Regular practice: They made a conscious effort to practice their English every day, whether by speaking with native speakers, watching English-language movies, or reading English books.2. Confidence: They believed in their ability to speak English, and were not afraid to make mistakes.3. Persistence: They did not give up when faced with challenges or setbacks, but instead continued to work hard to improve their English.4. Passion: They had a genuine love for the Englishlanguage, and were motivated to learn more about it.In conclusion, the survey showed that while many people in China have a limited ability to speak English, there are also those who have achieved a high level of proficiency. By following the example of these successful English speakers and making a conscious effort to practice, build confidence, and persist in the face of challenges, anyone can improve their English speaking ability.。



Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. Today, I stand before you to present the results of a comprehensive survey that we have conducted recently. The purpose of this survey was to gather insights into the opinions, preferences, and experiences of our audience regarding various aspects of our community, services, and initiatives. Without further ado, let me take you through the highlights of our survey.IntroductionOur survey, titled "Community Insights and Engagement Survey," was designed to capture the voices of our diverse community members. It covered a wide range of topics, including community events, service quality, member satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement. We distributed the survey through various channels, including our website, social media platforms, and in-person events, and we received an overwhelming response from over 500 participants.Survey MethodologyTo ensure the accuracy and reliability of our results, we employed a structured questionnaire that consisted of both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The closed-ended questions allowed us to quantify responses and identify trends, while the open-ended questions provided us with qualitative insights and personal stories.Section 1: Community EventsWe began by asking participants about their participation in community events. The majority of respondents (65%) indicated that they had attended at least one community event in the past year. When asked about their favorite event, the top responses were the annual charity run (35%), the summer festival (25%), and the winter gala (20%).Section 2: Service QualityNext, we sought feedback on the quality of services provided by our organization. The results were overwhelmingly positive, with 85% of participants rating our services as excellent or good. However, we alsoreceived some constructive criticism, with a few participants suggesting improvements in customer service and accessibility.Section 3: Member SatisfactionIn this section, we asked participants about their overall satisfaction with our organization. An impressive 92% of respondents expressed satisfaction with their membership experience. The most appreciated aspects of membership were the networking opportunities (45%), the educational resources (35%), and the social events (20%).Section 4: Suggestions for ImprovementTo conclude the survey, we invited participants to share their suggestions for improvement. The most common themes included:1. Enhancing Accessibility: Participants requested better access to events and services for individuals with disabilities.2. Expanding Programs: There was a desire for more diverse and inclusive programs that cater to different interests and ages.3. Community Engagement: Suggestions to increase community involvement and encourage more local collaborations.4. Communication: Improving communication channels and ensuring that members are kept informed about upcoming events and initiatives.ConclusionIn conclusion, the results of our survey have provided us with invaluable insights into the needs and expectations of our community. We are grateful for the honest and thoughtful feedback that we have received, and we are committed to addressing the concerns raised and implementing the suggestions made.As we move forward, we will be focusing on the following key areas:1. Accessibility: We will work towards making our events and services more accessible to all members of our community.2. Program Expansion: We will explore new programs and initiatives that cater to a wider range of interests and ages.3. Community Engagement: We will seek out opportunities to collaborate with local organizations and increase community involvement.4. Communication: We will enhance our communication channels to ensure that members are well-informed and engaged.Ladies and Gentlemen, the success of our community depends on the active participation and input of each and every one of us. By coming together and sharing our ideas, we can create a more vibrant, inclusive, and engaging community for all. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your continued support and involvement.[Applause]---Note: This is a sample speech based on a hypothetical survey. The percentages and specific suggestions are illustrative and not based on actual data.。



英语调查作文模板英文回答:English Survey Essay Template。

I. Introduction。

Begin with a compelling hook to capture the reader's attention.State the purpose of the survey and the specific topic being investigated.Provide background information or context to orient the reader.II. Survey Methodology。

Describe the target population and sampling method used.Outline the survey design, including question types and response options.Explain the data collection procedure and any statistical techniques employed.III. Survey Results。

Present the findings of the survey in clear and concise language.Use tables, graphs, or other visual aids to illustrate key data points.Analyze and interpret the results, highlighting patterns and trends.IV. Discussion。

Discuss the implications and significance of the survey findings.Consider the limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.Provide recommendations based on the findings and suggest actions to address identified issues.V. Conclusion。



班里调查问卷分析报告格式范文英文回答:In this report, I will analyze the results of a survey conducted in my class. The survey aimed to gather feedback from students regarding their preferences and opinions on various aspects of the classroom environment and teaching methods. The survey consisted of multiple-choice questions as well as open-ended questions to allow for more detailed responses.Firstly, I would like to discuss the findings related to the classroom environment. When asked about their preferred seating arrangement, the majority of students expressed a preference for sitting in groups rather than in rows. This indicates that students value collaboration and interaction with their peers during class. Additionally, many students mentioned that they appreciate having a comfortable and well-lit classroom, as it creates a more conducive learning environment.Moving on to teaching methods, the survey revealed that students have a strong preference for interactive and hands-on activities. They feel that these types ofactivities help them better understand and remember the lesson content. For example, one student mentioned that they enjoy participating in group discussions and debates as it allows them to actively engage with the material and learn from their peers.Furthermore, the survey asked students about their opinions on the use of technology in the classroom. The majority of students expressed a positive attitude towards technology integration, stating that it enhances their learning experience. For instance, one student mentioned that using online resources and educational apps helps them to access additional learning materials and practice exercises outside of class.In terms of feedback on teaching styles, the survey revealed that students appreciate teachers who are approachable and willing to answer questions. They valueteachers who create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. One student mentioned that they feel more comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification when the teacher is friendly and open-minded.中文回答:在这份报告中,我将分析我班级的一项调查的结果。



研 究方 法
本文采用调查 问卷 的形 式 , 在参/ 2 l年湖南科技学院大学英 语教 学部开 办的暑期大学英语演讲 比赛培训的2 名学生中 j oo U 1
进行 ,时间为2 1 年7 日一 8 日。其中2 0 0 月5 月5 人为2 0 级 ,l 名为2 0 级 ,专业为理 工类 的有 1A ,非理工类的有1 人,其 09 9 08 1 O
中 图分 类 号 :6 4 . 624 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1 7 — 2 9 ( 0 O 1 15 O 3 2 1 2 1 ) 卜O 8 一 3 6
引 言
随着我 国经济的发展与国力的增强 , 对外沟通合作 日益 增多,中西文化交流 日显重要 , 各领 域都需 要具备 良好外语技能 与跨文化交流能力的综合 型人 才。中央 电视 台英语频道、外语教学与研究 出版社联合主办的 “ C V杯”全 国英语演讲大赛 CT
力, 大学生的综合素质 与精神 风貌。关 于这方面培训的课程 需不断摸索和 实践 文章作者通过 问卷 ,调查 了湖 南科技 学 展现 院21 0 0年暑期 2 名 参加 此次演讲比赛培训 的学生 ,分析研究 了他们 的需求 ,进 而提 出了对教 学的建设 性意见 。 1
关键词 :英语演讲 比赛培训 ; 问卷;学习需求
NOV2 O .Ol
英 语 演讲 比赛 培训 课 程 学 生 需求 调 查 分析
以湖 南科技 学院为例

郑 际根
( 南科技学院 大学英语教学部 ,湖 南 永州 4 5 0 ) 湖 2 10
要 :“ C V杯” 2 世 纪杯”等全 国英语演讲比赛每 年都如火如茶地展 开, CT 、“ 1 这是为 了提 高大学生的英语 实际应用能


英语演讲(如何写调查问卷) marketresearch questionnaire costacoffee article1.how questionnaire2.the reason selectproblem 3.market research questionnaire costacoffee how completequestionnaire usually madeup title,instructions form,themain content basiccondition respondents.part one:the title summarizeresearch theme, so respondentshave generalunderstanding answered.thetitle should researchtheme. example:market research questionnaire costacoffee part two:instructions generalhave briefdescription researchsignificance content mode,inorder respondents.thequestionnaire should show concise,kind toocasual style. example:(theexample back)part three:guidance weshould tell respondents?own fillhow youractual situation questionnaireshould yourpersonal independence, doubt,please contact staffaround you. part four:the main content maincontent questionslisted according researchdesign mainpart surveyquestionnaire.the following research,determine requiredinformation. inspectionquestionnaire. 6.finalapproval. example:(theexample back)part fi



英语调查问卷模板作文English Survey Questionnaire Template。

Section 1: Personal Information。

Name:Age:Gender:Occupation:Education level:Section 2: Language Proficiency。

What is your native language?What other languages do you speak and at what level?How often do you use English in your daily life?What are your strengths and weaknesses in English?Section 3: English Language Learning。

What are your reasons for learning English?What methods have you used to learn English?What are the most effective and challenging aspects of learning English?How often do you practice English?Do you have any particular goals or targets in your English language learning?Section 4: English Language Use。

What types of situations do you use English in? (e.g.,work, school, travel, social)。

What are the main purposes for which you use English? (e.g., communication, information gathering, entertainment)。



英语口语学习问卷调查表英语口语学习问卷调查表亲爱的同学们,此调查问卷表是为了解你们学习英语口语的情况,请大家认真填写,谢谢1.你认为在英语学习听、说、读、写这四项技能中,哪一项最重要?A听B说C读D写2.你认为在英语学习听、说、读、写这四项技能中,哪一项最难?A听B说C读D写3.你认为在英语学习听、说、读、写这四项技能中,哪一项最能体现你的英语水平?A听B说C读D写4.你对学习英语口语的兴趣______.A很大B一般 C 不太大D没有5.你的英语口语如何?A能基本自由会话B会说几个句子 C 能说几个单词D几乎不能开口6.你能听懂老师以英语为主组织的课堂教学呢?A基本能够B听懂大部分C懂一部分D几乎听不懂7.你是否练习经常练习口语?A经常练习 B 不常练习,除非是老师的作业C只在老师上课提问时回答问题,否则不愿意开口。


A不懂语法 B 词汇量太少C语音语调不好D初中基础差,发音不好E胆子小,害怕犯错9.你本人对自己的口语水平满意吗?A满意B比较满意 C 不满意D很不满意10.你希望通过以下哪种活动方式来提高你的口语水平?A开展专家讲座B 开展演讲朗诵比赛C看英文原声电影,唱英文歌 D 开展英语角活动E其它11.你认为以哪种方式练习最好?A个人活动B两人活动C小组活动D班团活动12.你的父母会英语吗? 他们会帮助你学英语吗?A会一点英语,能进行适当的辅导B不会英语,不能进行辅导13.你的英语任课老师用英语授课的程度?A全英B大部分是英语 C 一半中文一半英文D 很少用英语14.学校是否经常开展诸如英语角、英语演讲比赛之类的活动?A经常B很少 C 没开展过15.你认为在英语口语学习中,有哪些值得改进的地方?16.你希望学校、老师和家长怎样来帮助你提高你的英语口语水平?。



调查问卷英语作文一百字左右英文回答:A survey questionnaire is a tool used to collect information from a group of individuals. It consists of a series of questions that are designed to elicit specific responses. Questionnaires can be used to gather data on a wide range of topics, including demographics, opinions, and behaviors.There are two main types of survey questionnaires: closed-ended and open-ended. Closed-ended questionnaires provide respondents with a set of predefined answers to choose from. Open-ended questionnaires allow respondents to provide their own answers in their own words.Survey questionnaires can be administered in a variety of ways, including mail, email, and online. The method of administration will depend on the target audience and the research objectives.When designing a survey questionnaire, it is importantto consider the following factors:The purpose of the survey.The target audience.The type of information that is being collected.The method of administration.The length of the questionnaire.By following these guidelines, you can create a survey questionnaire that will provide you with the informationyou need.中文回答:调查问卷是一种用于从一群人中收集信息的工具。



英语学习的调查问卷英文版篇一:英语学习问卷调查表学生英语学习情况问卷1. 你喜欢上英语课吗?A.喜欢 B. 不喜欢 C.无所谓2. 你以前接触过报刊英语吗?A. 接触过B. 没C. 没听说过3. 你认为英语怎么样才算学得好?A. 口语好B. 试卷答得好C. 综合能力强4. 你有背英语课文的习惯吗?A. 有B. 没有C. 以前有5. 你对听英语讲座感兴趣吗?A.感兴趣B. 不感兴趣 C. 没听过6. 你有看英文小说(或中英版小说)的经历吗?A. 没有B. 有C. 根本没想过7. 你在进行阅读的时候,最大的障碍是什么?________。

A.词汇量、语法知识不丰富B.阅读时不能专心C.综合理解能力不高D.阅读速度慢8. 你感兴趣的英语阅读材料的内容是:A.娱乐 B. 文学 C. 社会 D. 校园 E.科技 F. 人物 G. 其它9. 你进行课外阅读训练的目的是什么?__________。

A. 拓展自己的词汇量,提高自己的语言运用能力B. 为了考试得高分C. 为了完成老师布置的作业,不得不做D. 没有训练的必要,我一点都不愿意做10. 当你阅读时,你习惯于:A. 快速默读B. 出声读C. 不出声但发音器官在动D. 边读边用笔划线11. 你所读的英语材料以什么为主?(可多选)A.报刊B.杂志C.原版小说D.《书虫》系列12. 除了教材,你还读其他的英语材料吗?A. 不读B.偶尔C. 只读老师布置的D. 经常读13. 除了看书,你还看英语电影或电视吗?A.不看 B. 偶尔C. 经常看14. 如看英语电影或电视,那么你看的英语电影或电视是何种形式的?A.英语发声且无中文字幕的原版片B.英语发声但有中文字幕的原版片 C.中文发声且有中文字幕的英语片15. 你觉得在英语阅读过程中,最大的障碍是A.生词B.对句子的理解C.对整篇文章的理解16.在你平时做英语阅读训练时,对文段中新的单词或短语会A.立刻查字典B.根据上下文猜测其意思C.直接跳过17.在阅读过程中,你经常会重读吗?A.总是,因为读过一遍后不知道读了什么B.偶尔C.从不18. 你觉得今后在工作岗位中你会用到英语吗?A. 会B. 不会C. 不知道19. 你认为掌握一门外语对今后找工作有没有帮助?A. 有B. 没有C. 不知道20. 请你谈一谈今后怎么样上英语课才能提高你对英语的学习兴趣篇二:关于英语学习的调查问卷关于英语学习的调查问卷 1 您认为最好的学习英语年龄段是几岁?2 您认为您的孩子学几年英语就可以拥有和外国孩子同样的英语会话阅读能力?3您认为怎样的英语学习是最有效的?(1)无意识(2)有意识4 您认为学习英语一定要学习语法吗?5您认为理解并会翻译英语是最好的学习英语方式吗?6您对才能递减法及学习壁障有了解吗?7您会给孩子选择学习英语吗?篇三:英语学习调查问卷你的英语听力如何:A、很好B、好C、一般D、较差在以前的三个学期中你的英语成绩平均多少分?A、80分以上B、70-80C、60-70D、60分以下您每天用多少时间学习英语?A、几乎没有B、少于1小时C、1-2小时D、2小时以上您对学习英语感到?A、轻松 B.、不太困难 C、困难 D、很困难您学习英语的目的是什么?A、社会需求,与国际接轨B、应付考试C、自身幸福满足D、对考研出国的需求您觉得学习英语最难的是什么?A、单词B、语法C、听力D、写作请问您认为英语学得好的原因是什么?A、个人学习方法和策略B、学习环境和条件C、个人天赋D、教师水平您认为提升英语最有效的方式是A、正常英语授课教学B、多考试多做题C、自学D、集中培训您觉得现在的大学英语课程能否帮助你提高英语水平?A、帮助很大B、勉强可以C、没有影响D、课程没什么用您有没有为学习英语制定一个具体的学习计划?A、有,并能很好完成B、有,但是不能坚持到最后C、偶尔,但并未按计划执行D、从不学习英语起始时间A、小学B、初中C、高中D、大学学习英语的动因及目的A、学校课程要求B、未来职业需要C、个人技能培养D、丰富课余生活E、四六级等英语证书考取F、对语言的热爱G、其他您对现有班级英语教学规模的态度A、满意B、较满意C、不太满意D、很不满意本科英语学习中教师授课方式A、教师主讲,无学生提问时间B、讲授与问答结合C、以解答学生提问为主要授课方式D、小组任务式教学您对现有课堂学习方式的态度A、非常喜欢B、喜欢C、一般D、反感您所期望的英语教学方式A、教师讲,学生听B、以学生自学为主,教师只做指导C、完全依靠自学D、其他日常英语学习中所遇到的问题A、单词B、语法C、听力D、口语E、写作F、其他能否运用英语进行基本的会话交流A、非常纯熟B、可以但不流利C、只限简单对话D、完全不行日常英语交流中的问题A、听不懂B、词汇量贫乏C、语言的组织(语法)D、胆怯心理E、无交流对象F、其他希望加强的英语学习项目A、听力与口语B、阅读与写作C、翻译技巧D、专业英语E、其他你认为在英语学习听、说、读、写这四项技能中,哪一项最重要?A、听B、说C、读D、写你认为在英语学习听、说、读、写这四项技能中,哪一项最能体现你的英语水平?A(转载于: 小龙文档网:英语学习的调查问卷英文版)、听B、说C、读 D、写你对学习英语口语的兴趣______.A、很大B、一般C、不太大D、没有你的英语口语如何?A、能基本自由会话B、会说几个句子C、能说几个单词D、几乎不能开口你能听懂老师以英语为主组织的课堂教学呢?A、基本能够B、听懂大部分C、懂一部分D、几乎听不懂你是否练习经常练习口语?A、经常练习B、不常练习,除非是老师的作业C、偶尔说几句D、只在老师上课提问时回答问题,否则不愿意开口你在口语练习中遇到的最大的困难是A、不懂语法B、词汇量太少C、语音语调不好D、初中基础差,发音不好E、胆子小,害怕犯错你本人对自己的口语水平满意吗?A、满意B、比较满意C、不满意D、很不满意你希望通过以下哪种活动方式来提高你的口语水平?A、开展专家讲座B、开展演讲朗诵比赛C、看英文原声电影,唱英文歌D、开展英语角活动E、其它你认为以哪种方式练习最好?A、个人活动B、两人活动C、小组活动D、班团活动你的英语任课老师用英语授课的程度?A、全英B、大部分是英语C、一半中文一半英文D、很少用英语学校是否经常开展诸如英语角、英语演讲比赛之类的活动?。



问卷调查英语作文80词英文回答:Questionnaire.1. How old are you?I am 22 years old.2. What is your gender?I am female.3. What is your occupation?I am a student.4. What is your highest level of education?I have a bachelor's degree.5. What is your annual income?My annual income is between $20,000 and $30,000.6. What is your marital status?I am single.7. Do you have any children?No, I do not have any children.8. What is your political affiliation?I am a registered Democrat.9. What is your religious affiliation?I am not religious.10. What are your hobbies?My hobbies include reading, writing, and playing the piano.中文回答:1. 你的年龄是?我 22 岁。

2. 你的性别是?我是一位女性。

3. 你的职业是?我是一名学生。

4. 你的最高学历是什么?我拥有学士学位。

5. 你的年收入是多少?我的年收入在 20,000 美元到 30,000 美元之间。

6. 你的婚姻状况是?我未婚。

7. 你有孩子吗?没有,我没有孩子。

8. 你的政治派别是?我是民主党登记选民。

9. 你的宗教信仰是什么?我没有宗教信仰。

10. 你的爱好是什么?我的爱好包括阅读、写作和弹钢琴。



大学生英语口语问卷调查分析报告1. 引言本文旨在通过对大学生英语口语问卷调查的分析,探讨大学生的英语口语水平、学习态度和口语学习方法的现状,进而提出相应的改进措施。



2. 调查方法本次问卷调查采用了随机抽样的方法,共有100名大学生参与。



3. 调查结果3.1 英语学习时间调查结果显示,大多数的大学生每天学习英语的时间为1-2小时,占比达到80%。



3.2 口语学习频率大部分受访者表示,他们每周有几次机会与外国人用英语进行口语交流,其中学生们在课堂上进行口语练习的机会最多,占比达到60%。



3.3 学习动机调查中,大部分大学生表示他们学习英语口语的主要动机是提高自己的英语能力,这一因素占据了60%的比例。



3.4 学习环境调查结果显示,在学习环境方面,大多数学生更喜欢在宿舍或图书馆进行英语口语学习,占比达到70%。



3.5 学习方法调查结果显示,大部分学生在英语口语学习中采用了多种学习方法。







非常感谢您的帮助!第一部分:基本信息您的姓名 [填空题] *_________________________________您的性别 [单选题] *○男○女您的年龄 [填空题] *请填写阿拉伯数字,如:18_________________________________您的学院 [单选题] *请选择您所在学院○化工学院○机械工程学院○外国语学院○大连理工大学白俄罗斯国立大学联合学院○环境学院○电子信息与电子工程学部○运载工程与力学学部○物理学院○生物工程学院○张大煜学院○体育教学部○经济管理学院○建筑与艺术学院○马克思学院○微电子学院○人文与社会科学学部○软件学院○国际教育学院○建设工程学部○材料科学与工程学院○能源与动力学院○数学科学学院○光电工程与仪器科学学院○其他您的年级 [单选题] *○大一○大二○大三○大四○其他 _________________ *您的班级 [填空题] *请填写您所在班级,如:商务英语2201班_________________________________您的英语水平 [多选题] *请勾选并填写相应得分,如:勾选“大学英语四级”,448□大学英语四级 _________________*□大学英语六级 _________________*□英语专业四级 _________________*□高考英语 _________________*请按照“得分/满分”的形式填写,如:120/150□雅思 _________________*□托福 _________________*□全国公共英语等级考试 _________________*□其他 _________________*请按照“考试名称+得分”的形式填写您是否有海外经历 [单选题] *○是○否您有多久海外经历 [填空题] *请填写海外经历的总时长,如:3个月_________________________________依赖于(题目:您是否有海...)第1个选项第二部分:正式问卷在下面各题中,请从六个等级中选择您认为合适的一个等级,表明您个人对该陈述的认可程度。



做调查英文作文模板英文:When it comes to conducting surveys, there are a few things that I always keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to have a clear and concise objective for the survey. This will help ensure that the questions asked are relevant and that the data collected is useful.Another key factor is the design of the survey itself. The questions should be easy to understand and not biasedin any way. It's also important to consider the order in which the questions are asked, as this can impact the responses given.When it comes to actually conducting the survey, I find that offering incentives can be helpful in getting people to participate. This could be anything from a small gift card to a chance to win a prize. Additionally, it's important to have a clear and easy-to-follow process forcompleting the survey.Overall, conducting surveys can be a valuable tool for gathering information and insights. By keeping these key factors in mind, I've found that I'm able to conduct surveys that are effective and informative.中文:在进行调查时,我始终牢记几个要点。



问卷调查作文400英文回答:What were the questions on the survey?The survey asked a variety of questions, including: Your age.Your gender.Your race/ethnicity.Your income.Your education level.Your political affiliation.Your religious affiliation.Your favorite hobbies.Your favorite foods.Your favorite movies.Why were you asked these questions?The purpose of the survey was to collect data on the demographic characteristics of the population. This data can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:To develop marketing campaigns.To create public policy.To understand the needs of the community.How will your answers be used?Your answers will be kept confidential and will only beused for research purposes. They will not be shared with any third parties.中文回答:问卷调查的问题有哪些?问卷调查询问了各种问题,包括:你的年龄。








Good morning/afternoon/evening! Today, I am honored to stand before you to present a survey questionnaire speech template. This template aims to provide a comprehensive framework for conducting effective surveys and gathering valuable insights. Whether you are conducting a market research, academic study, or any other type of survey, this templatewill help you structure your questionnaire and ensure a successful data collection process.Title: [Your Survey Title]Introduction:- Briefly introduce the purpose of the survey.- Explain the importance of the survey and its potential impact.- Mention the target audience and the expected outcomes.Section 1: Background Information- Name: [Please provide your name]- Age: [Please provide your age]- Gender: [Please select one: Male, Female, Other]- Occupation: [Please provide your occupation]- Marital Status: [Please select one: Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed]- Education Level: [Please provide your highest level of education]Section 2: General Questions- How often do you [activity being surveyed]? (e.g., shop online, use public transportation, etc.)- What is your overall satisfaction with [specific aspect being surveyed]? (e.g., customer service, product quality, etc.)- On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend [product/service] to others?Section 3: Specific Questions- What features do you consider most important when choosing[product/service]?- What are the main factors that influence your decision to purchase [product/service]?- Have you encountered any problems or challenges while using[product/service]? If yes, please describe them.Section 4: Open-Ended Questions- What do you like most about [product/service]?- What improvements would you suggest for [product/service]?- Do you have any additional comments or suggestions that you would like to share?Section 5: Demographic Information- [Any additional demographic questions relevant to your survey, such as income level, location, etc.]Closing Remarks:- Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.- Your feedback is highly valued and will be used to improve[product/service].- Your responses will be kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only.Conclusion:- Recap the purpose of the survey and its significance.- Express gratitude to the participants for their valuable contributions.- Mention any follow-up actions or future plans based on the survey results.Remember, this template is just a starting point. Feel free to modify and customize it according to your specific survey needs. Good luck with your survey, and I hope this template helps you gather valuable insights!。



专升本调查问卷英语作文Title: Investigation Questionnaire for Adult Higher Education。

Dear participants,。

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this investigation questionnaire regarding adult higher education. Your responses will contribute to valuable insights into the motivations, challenges, and expectations of individuals pursuing further education through specialized programs. Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and honestly. Your responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only.1. What motivated you to pursue a bachelor's degree through adult higher education programs?2. What specific goals or objectives do you aim to achieve by obtaining a bachelor's degree?3. How do you perceive the benefits of acquiring a bachelor's degree in terms of career advancement and personal development?4. What challenges do you anticipate or have you encountered during your journey in adult higher education programs?5. In your opinion, what support systems or resources are essential for adult learners to succeed in their academic endeavors?6. How do you manage your time effectively to balance your academic pursuits with other commitments, such as work and family responsibilities?7. Have you faced any barriers or obstacles in accessing educational opportunities as an adult learner? If so, please elaborate.8. What improvements or enhancements would you suggestto make adult higher education programs more accessible and accommodating for learners like yourself?9. How do you envision the role of technology in facilitating learning experiences for adult students in higher education?10. Reflecting on your journey thus far, what advice would you offer to individuals considering pursuing a bachelor's degree through adult higher education programs?Thank you once again for your valuable input. Your perspectives are integral to enhancing the effectiveness and inclusivity of adult higher education initiatives. If you have any additional comments or insights you would like to share, please feel free to do so.Sincerely,。



















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• Through these questions we can learn the size of the consumer's demand for coffee, at the same time we can also learn the consumer through which ways to learn about the coffee shop. By these problems mentioned above, we can understand consumers care about which aspects of a cafe。
• Through the above problems, we can understand the brand recognition of Costa Coffee and the consumers’ sensitivity degree of the price of the coffee. At the same time we can also know that for the foreign brands, the consumers weather have the demands of the localization.
Part six:The condition of visitor
In the end of the survey questionnaire,it needs to add to the name, date of survey research and dates, in order to facilitate the control of the quality of the questionnaire. • For example: The visitor:Name Fanghao,Li Fangfang Date of survey research on November 20,2014 The starting and ending date of investigation from November 20,2014 to December 20
Part two:Instructions of questionnaire
• It general have a brief description in the beginning of the questionnaire,and is mainly to explain the research significance content and the choice of mode,in order to eliminate the tension and concerns of respondents.The questionnaire should show to concise, kind and not too casual style. • For example:(the example is in the back)
Part five:The basic condition of respondents
• This refers to some main characteristics of respondents,such as the person's name, gender, age,nationality and so on,.These are the basic control variables classification analysis.If the statistics are not needed in the questionnaire statistical information respondent characteristics, they don't need to ask.This kind of problem is generally appropriate to put in the end of the questionnaire. If the problem is not very private, also can be used as the investigation content. • For example:(the example is in the back)
Part seven:Closings
• This part usually uses three forms of expression: A.Deliberate type:Thanks again for the cooperation of respondent,and request for not filling leakage and review. • For example:Thank you again for you to fill in the questionnaire, we will carefully record the information you have provided, I wish you a nice day! B.Open:Raise an important issue in the study of this investigation, and arrange an open question in the end. • For example:Do you have any suggestions to make concerning the student policy? C.Responsive mode:Put on the feelings or opinions about the form and content of this research,and consult the opinions of the respondents. • For example:What do you think of this investigation after fill out the survey?
• Through these questions, we can understand the respondents consumption preference and the reason of choose to go to the coffee shop.
How to write a questionnaire
• A complete questionnaire usually be made up of the title, instructions of questionnaire,guidance to fill in the form,the main content of research and the basic condition of respondents.
• Through these two problems, we can know the cognitive level of the competition in the market, and to know the attitude of different consumers for coffee's prices acceptable levels.
Market research questionnaire of Costa Coffee
The visitor:xxx
The structure of article
1.How to write a questionnaire 2.The reason and significance to select prБайду номын сангаасblem 3.Market research questionnaire of Costa Coffee
Part four:The main content of research
• The main content of research is questions listed according to the research design ,and it is the main part of the survey questionnaire.The following is steps of problems, design. • 1.According to the objective of research ,determine the required information. • 2.Determining the content of the problem,namely the problem of design and selection. • 3.Determine the wording. • 4.Determine the order of questions. • 5.Test and inspection questionnaire. • 6.Final approval. • For example:(the example is in the back)
The reason to select these problem
We chose these questions is to understand the basic information of the respondents, and to have a basic understanding of the consumers of the costa coffee .In the future operating,we can offer the targeted services for the major consumer groups.