英语调查问卷 (1)

6、你觉得展示小组在讲台上展示问题时主要是展示给谁的?()A、给老师B、给同学们C、给老师和同学们D、其他7、其他小组展示时你在做什么事?()A、认真听讲B、说闲话C、思想抛锚D、睡觉8、上课时听其他小组展示时你有手握钢笔随时做批注的习惯吗?()A、每节课都是这样做的B、有时候会忘了做批注C、老师提醒时才记得做批注否则想不起来D、懒得动手做批注9、你在乎上课老师给你们小组及个人的评价分数吗?()A、很在乎B、比较在乎C、不太在乎D不在乎10、上课展示过程中小组拖延时间的原因主要有( )A、学案完成的不好B、分工不明确C、组员配合不好D、没有守时的好习惯11、你们班的学生上课对小组展示时所用时间的看法是( )A、抓紧时间展示不能拖沓B、快点说不影响下一组的展示C、组长总在催慢不得D、有的是时间慢慢来12、你们英语老师上课时对每组的展示时间有明确的规定吗?( )A、有且每节课都强调B、有规定C没规定但会提醒大家抓紧时间D、从来不管14、同学们在质疑提问时会重复别的同学说过的问题吗?()A、常有B、偶尔有C没有15、同学们质疑提问时一旦重复提问题老师会如何处理?()A、扣小组得分B、口头批评C、同学们批评老师不管D、没人理会16、你的家庭作业完成情况如何?A、按时完成B、完成一局部C、有时能完成有时完不成D、从来不写第二天到校再抄17、你们小组有的组员没完成导学案你会督促他完成吗?()A、只要看到一定督促B、常督促C、有时候会督促D、从不督促18、你时常协助小组内的学困生解决学习难题吗?( )A、常协助B、有时候协助C、不帮D、不爱搭理他们19、你独立主持过英语课堂吗?( )A、常主持 B 主持过C、没有主持过20、每节英语课上完你会总结这节课的精彩与得失吗?()A、天天总结B、多数情况下总结C、有时总结D、没总结过21、你主动给英语老师提过建议吗?A、常提B、有时提C、老师要求提建议时才提D、没提过22、就如何能保证每节课都能完成当堂的教学任务给英语老师提几点建议:。

---Introduction:Dear Students,We are conducting a survey to gather valuable insights about your experiences, preferences, and suggestions regarding various aspects of our educational environment. Your participation is highly appreciated and will greatly contribute to improving our services and facilities. This questionnaire should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used for internal purposes only. Thank you for your time and cooperation.---Personal Information:1. Name:2. Age:3. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say4. Year of Study:- Freshman- Sophomore- Junior- Senior- Graduate Student- Other (Please specify)5. Major:6. Program:- Undergraduate- Graduate- Professional---Academic Experience:7. How would you rate your overall academic experience at our institution?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Poor- Very Poor8. What are the main challenges you face in your academic studies?- Difficulty with course material- Time management- Financial constraints- Access to resources- Other (Please specify)9. How satisfied are you with the quality of teaching in your courses?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied10. How would you rate the availability and accessibility of academic support services (e.g., tutoring, counseling, career services)?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Poor- Very Poor---Campus Life and Facilities:11. How satisfied are you with the quality and variety of food options on campus?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied12. How would you rate the cleanliness and maintenance of campus buildings and facilities?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Very Poor13. How satisfied are you with the availability and accessibility of libraries and study spaces?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied14. Do you have any suggestions for improving campus life and facilities?---Technology and Resources:15. How satisfied are you with the quality and reliability of the university's IT infrastructure?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied16. How would you rate the availability and accessibility of online learning resources?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Very Poor17. Do you believe that the university provides adequate technology support for students?---Student Engagement and Activities:18. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for student engagement and involvement in campus activities?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied19. What types of campus activities do you find most engaging or beneficial?- Academic clubs and organizations- Cultural events- Sports and fitness- Volunteering and community service- Other (Please specify)20. Are there any specific areas where you would like to see more student engagement opportunities?---General Feedback:21. What do you like most about our institution?22. What do you think we could improve upon?23. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?---Thank You:We sincerely appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey. Your feedback is。
questionaire 英语学习问卷调查 English

English Learning Motivation Questionnaire“你的英语学习动机”问卷调查一、Personal Profile个人资料1 Name姓名: _____________2 Gender性别: ____________3 Major 专业:_____________4 Birthplace 出生地:_____________二 Content 问卷内容What is your motivation of learning English? 你学习英语的动机是什么?Your answers:请你回答: A. Yes (赞同) B. Sort of(有点赞同)C. Not quite(不太赞同)D. No (不赞同)1 It will be useful in my future career. 在将来工作中有用。
A. Yes赞同B. Sort of有点赞同C. Not quite不太赞同D. No不赞同2 When I travel. 旅游时有用。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No3 Watching English movies& TV, reading newspaper. 可以看英文电影,电视及报刊等。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No4 Singing English songs, listening to the radio. 可以学唱英文歌曲,听英语广播。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No5 For going abroad. 为了出国,在国外生活时有用。
A. YesB. Sort ofC. Not quiteD. No6 Learning the advanced science and technology from the west. 学习欧美先进科学技术的必要条件。

大学生英语学习情况调查问卷同学们:大家好! 感谢您参与本次问卷调查!本次调查的主要目的是了解同学们的英语学习情况,为老师改进教学提供参考。
感谢同学们的支持和配合!祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意!1. 您的性别 [单选题] *○男○女2. 您上次期末英语总评成绩是多少分(请填写具体分数) [填空题] *_________________________________3. 请自我评价您的英语总体水平 [单选题] *○很好○较好○一般○较差○很差4. 您平均每周课外学习英语的时间 [单选题] *○0小时○1-5小时○6-10小时○11小时以上5. 您英语课堂出勤率 [单选题] *○50%以下○51-70%○71-90%○91%以上以下6-52题中,主要了解英语课堂的情况,5分表示非常符合,4分表示比较符合,3分表示基本符合,2分表示不符合,1分表示完全不符合。
6. 我与同学能建立友谊 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合7. 我和同学相互熟悉 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合8. 我与同学彼此友善 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合9. 班上同学都是我的朋友 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合10. 我和其他同学能友好相处 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合11. 有问题时老师停下进度帮助我 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合12. 老师留意我的感受 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合13. 我作业有问题时老师帮助我 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合14. 老师会课后跟我聊天 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合15. 老师关心我英语学习上的问题 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合16. 老师走到我座位前和我说话 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合17. 课堂讨论时我发表我的看法 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合18. 老师会向我提问 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合19. 课堂讨论时同学会采纳我的想法或建议 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合20. 我向老师提问问题 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合21. 我向其他同学解释我的想法 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合22. 同学们和我讨论如何解决问题 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合23. 我知道老师课堂上布置的任务很重要 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合24. 我会尽力完成老师布置的任务 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合25. 我知道每节课的学习目标 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合26. 我知道自己在课堂上所要完成的任务 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合27. 我全神贯注听课 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合28. 我了解老师布置了多少任务 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合29. 我和同学合作完成老师安排的活动 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合30. 合作时我和同学共享我的资料和书 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合31. 分组活动时,同学们都能以团队方式合作 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合32. 我与同学合作进行语言练习活动 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合33. 我能从别的同学身上学到东西 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合34. 老师帮助我和帮助其他同学一样多 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合35. 我课堂上的发言机会和其他同学一样多 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合36. 老师鼓励我和鼓励其他同学一样多 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合37. 我受到的待遇和其他同学一样 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合38. 老师鼓励我和鼓励其他同学一样多 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合39. 我讨论时发言的机会和其他同学一样多 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合40. 我可以给老师提意见和建议 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合41. 我知道自己对自己的英语学习负有责任 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合42. 我能意识到自己的语言错误 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合43. 老师讲英语课时充满热情 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合44. 老师能把问题解释得很清楚 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合45. 老师讲课能吸引我们的注意力 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合46. 老师能适时指出并纠正我的语言错误 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合47. 老师把课堂内容安排得井井有条 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合48. 课堂气氛生动有趣 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合49. 课上老师采用新的,不同的教学方法 [单选题] *○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合50. 老师经常想一些新的课堂活动让我们做 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合51. 老师的教学方法可用多样化,革新化概括 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合52. 老师布置不同形式的作业 [单选题] *完全不符○1○2○3○4○5非常符合合以下53-70题中,主要了解同学们学习投入的情况,5分表示非常符合,4分表示比较符合,3分表示基本符合,2分表示不符合,1分表示完全不符合。

英语学习调查问卷学校:_______ 姓名:________1. 你对英语学习感兴趣吗?A. 有趣B.一般C.没趣2. 你认为学习英语是为了:A. 升学考试B.在以后的生活中能应用C.为父母或老师而学3. 对学好英语,你的信心是:A.很有信心B.一般C.没有信心4. 在英语学习中你感到困难的是A. 不会读也不会写B. 会读,但难以记住单词C. 语法不懂D. 阅读理解能力较差5. 您学习英语的最主要目的是 _____.A 到国外去 B个人兴趣爱好 C为了应付考试 D社会就业需要 E家长老师强逼的6. 影响您学英语的兴趣主要是___.A老师的教学方法和水平 B. 您和老师的关系C. 教材内容的有趣性和相关性D.自己的英语学习成绩E. 缺少老师的表扬和肯定F. 其他7. 你对学好英语的重要性A.初中早就认识到了B.上高中才意识到C.至今没有意识到 D 意识到了就是学不好英语8. 你现在的英语考试成绩如何?_______A.100分以上B.70-99分C.40-69分D.39分以下9. 你能听得懂现在的英语课吗?A.能B.有点C.不能D.根本不听10. 你是否会觉得自己已经很努力但是学不会?A经常 B有时 C很少 D从不11. 你在英语学习中感觉难度最大的是什么?A.单词记不住B.语法知识太差C.阅读最差 D 写作最差 E 无法对之产生兴趣12. 你在英语学习方面投入的时间A.很多 B 不多 C. 很少 D.更本不学英语13. 您认为哪些措施可以有效激发你的学习英语兴趣?___________A. 教师多鼓励帮助 B作业的多样化设计和丰富多彩的英语课外活动C 使用多媒体等教学手段 D强调英语学习的重要性14. 你会在课前预习课文、课上记课堂笔记,课后及时复习并整理笔记吗?A经常 B有时 C很少 D从不15. 你喜欢的英语学习方式是_______A.老师讲解B.同学合作学习,相互帮助,相互监督C.独自学习D.都有E.其他F.学习娱乐化16. 您认为哪项活动对提高英语最有效__________A. 记单词,句型,笔记B. 背课文,语法C. 举行演讲,话剧等丰富多彩的课外活动D.用英语完成某项任务,如研究性学习E.都有F.什么办法都无效17.你认为学英语的最好方式是__________A.学校英语课堂B.课外辅导班C. 课外学生自主合作D.不知道 F.主动学习18.你对英语的阅读兴趣和阅读习惯是______。

1. 姓名,____________________。
2. 性别,□男□女。
3. 年龄,____________________。
4. 学历,□小学及以下□初中□高中/中专□大专□本科□研究生及以上。
5. 职业,____________________。
6. 所在城市,____________________。
1. 你学习英语的时间长短是?□1年以下□1-3年□3-5年□5年以上。
2. 你每天学习英语的时间是?□小于1小时□1-2小时□2-3小时□3小时以上。
3. 你觉得英语学习最困难的地方是?____________________。
4. 你通常通过什么方式学习英语?□课堂学习□自学□英语角/俱乐部□其他(请注明)____________________。
1. 你平时最常用英语的场合是?□工作□学习□旅游□日常交流□其他(请注明)____________________。
2. 你觉得自己的英语口语能力如何?□很差□一般□良好□优秀。
3. 你觉得自己的英语听力能力如何?□很差□一般□良好□优秀。
4. 你觉得自己的英语阅读能力如何?□很差□一般□良好□优秀。
5. 你觉得自己的英语写作能力如何?□很差□一般□良好□优秀。
1. 你最希望提高的英语技能是?□口语□听力□阅读□写作。
2. 你觉得最需要改进的英语方面是?□语法□词汇□表达能力□其他(请注明)____________________。
3. 你觉得最需要的英语学习资源是?□教材□词汇书□听力材料□口语练习□其他(请注明)____________________。
1. 你对英语学习有什么其他想说的吗?____________________。

一、基本信息1. 性别:(1)男(2)女2. 年级:(1)大一(2)大二(3)大三(4)大四3. 专业:________________________4. 英语四级考试成绩:(1)已通过(2)未通过二、英语学习态度5. 您对英语四级考试的态度是:(1)非常重视(2)比较重视(3)一般(4)不太重视(5)不重视6. 您认为英语四级考试对您的意义是:(1)提升英语能力(2)增加就业竞争力(3)毕业要求(4)其他(请说明):________________________7. 您是否愿意参加英语四级培训课程?(1)非常愿意(2)比较愿意(3)一般(4)不太愿意(5)不愿意三、英语学习现状8. 您每周花费在英语学习上的时间是多少?(1)1-3小时(2)4-6小时(3)7-9小时(4)10小时以上9. 您主要通过以下哪种方式学习英语?(1)教材(2)网络资源(3)英语角(4)辅导班(5)其他(请说明):________________________10. 您认为以下哪种学习方式对您的英语学习效果最好?(1)自学(2)课堂学习(3)小组学习(4)辅导班(5)其他(请说明):________________________四、英语学习困扰11. 您在学习英语过程中遇到的主要困难是什么?(1)词汇量不足(2)语法知识薄弱(3)听力理解困难(4)口语表达能力差(5)阅读理解困难(6)写作能力差(7)其他(请说明):________________________12. 您认为以下哪种方法可以帮助您克服英语学习困难?(1)参加英语角(2)请教老师或同学(3)购买辅导资料(4)参加辅导班(5)其他(请说明):________________________五、英语学习建议13. 您对英语四级考试的备考有什么建议?________________________14. 您对英语学习有什么建议?________________________感谢您的参与!您的意见和建议对我们改进英语教学和提升英语学习效果具有重要意义。

英语调查问卷模板作文English Survey Questionnaire Template。
Section 1: Personal Information。
Name:Age:Gender:Occupation:Education level:Section 2: Language Proficiency。
What is your native language?What other languages do you speak and at what level?How often do you use English in your daily life?What are your strengths and weaknesses in English?Section 3: English Language Learning。
What are your reasons for learning English?What methods have you used to learn English?What are the most effective and challenging aspects of learning English?How often do you practice English?Do you have any particular goals or targets in your English language learning?Section 4: English Language Use。
What types of situations do you use English in? (e.g.,work, school, travel, social)。
What are the main purposes for which you use English? (e.g., communication, information gathering, entertainment)。

---IntroductionDear [Customer Name],Thank you for choosing [Company Name] as your preferred [product/service provider]. We value your business and are committed to providing the best possible experience. To help us improve our services and better meet your needs, we kindly request your feedback through this customer satisfaction survey. Your responses are confidential and will be used solely for internal analysis and improvement purposes. We appreciate your time and valuable input.---Section 1: General Information1. Customer Information- Full Name:- Email Address:- Contact Number:- Purchase Date:- Product/Service Type:2. Demographics- Age Group:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+- Gender:- Male- Female- Non-Binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say3. Frequency of Purchase- How often do you purchase [product/service] from [Company Name]? - Daily- Weekly- Monthly- Quarterly- Annually- Rarely---Section 2: Product/Service Quality4. Overall Satisfaction- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our[product/service]?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied5. Product/Service Features- Please rate the following features of our [product/service]:- Quality: __________- Reliability: __________- Performance: __________- Durability: __________- User-Friendly: __________6. Value for Money- Do you feel that the [product/service] offers good value for its price?- Yes- No- Neutral---Section 3: Customer Service7. Service Experience- How satisfied are you with the level of customer service you received?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied8. Communication- How would you rate the clarity and helpfulness of our communication?- 1 - Very Poor- 2 - Poor- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Good- 5 - Very Good9. Resolution of Issues- How satisfied are you with the resolution of any issues or concerns you may have had?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied---Section 4: Additional Feedback10. Recommendation- Would you recommend our [product/service] to others?- Yes- No- Neutral11. Additional Comments- Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you may have regarding our [product/service] or customer service.---Closing RemarksThank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we are dedicated to continuously improving our services to better serve you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name][Company Contact Information]。

调查问卷1. 你喜欢上英语课吗?原因简写:A.喜欢 B. 不喜欢 C.无所谓2. 你认为英语怎么样才算学得好?A. 口语好B. 能看懂英语邮件/文章C. 综合能力强3. 你有背英语课文的习惯吗?A. 有B. 没有C. 以前有4. 你对听英语讲座感兴趣吗?A.感兴趣 B. 不感兴趣 C. 没听过5. 你有看英文小说(或中英版小说)的经历吗?A. 没有B. 有C. 根本没想过6. 你在进行阅读的时候,最大的障碍是什么?A.词汇量、语法知识不丰富B.阅读时不能专心C.综合理解能力不高D.阅读速度慢7. 你感兴趣的英语阅读材料的内容是:A.娱乐B. 文学C. 社会D. 校园E.科技F. 人物G. 其它8. 工作中的英语类型你认为哪些最重要,请排序A. 专业词汇B. 日常交流C. 商务邮件D. 餐饮礼仪E.商务谈判F.自我/产品/企业介绍G.其他9. 当你阅读时,你习惯于:A. 快速默读B. 出声读C. 不出声但发音器官在动D. 边读边用笔划线10. 你所掌握的词汇数量A.100以内B.100-500C.500-1000D.1000以上11. 你掌握的英文对话,可以随口说出来的A. 无B.仅限于打招呼C. 50句以内D. 50句以上12. 除了看书,你还看英语电影或电视吗?A.不看 B. 偶尔 C. 经常看13. 你认为单词记忆的难点在哪里?A.发音规则B.书写记忆C.词汇运用规则D.在语句中的应用14. 你觉得在英语阅读过程中,最大的障碍是A.生词B.对句子的理解C.对整篇文章的理解15.在你平时做英语阅读训练时,对文段中新的单词或短语会A.立刻查字典B.根据上下文猜测其意思C.直接跳过16. 你现有工作岗位是否需要使用英语?A.经常B. 偶尔C. 不使用17. 你觉得今后在工作岗位中你会用到英语吗?A.会B. 不会C. 不知道18.请你谈一谈怎么样上英语课才能提高你对英语的学习兴趣?。

---IntroductionDear [Participant's Name],We are conducting a research study on [briefly describe the topic of the survey] to better understand [the purpose of the survey, e.g., consumer behavior, public opinion, market trends]. Your participation is crucial for the success of this study. This questionnaire should take approximately [time estimate] minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights.---Section 1: Demographics1. Gender:- Male- Female- Other/Prefer not to say2. Age Range:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+3. Education Level:- High School/GED- Some College- Bachelor's Degree- Master's Degree- Doctorate/Professional - Prefer not to say4. Occupation:- Full-time Employee- Part-time Employee- Self-employed- Student- Retired- Homemaker- Prefer not to say5. Annual Household Income: - Under $25,000- $25,000 - $49,999- $50,000 - $74,999- $75,000 - $99,999- $100,000 - $149,999- $150,000+- Prefer not to say6. Marital Status:- Single- Married- Divorced- Widowed- Prefer not to say7. Number of Children in Household:- 0- 1- 2- 3- 4+- Prefer not to say---Section 2: Knowledge and Experience8. How familiar are you with [specific topic/brand/service]?- Not at all familiar- Slightly familiar- Moderately familiar- Very familiar- Extremely familiar9. In the past [time frame], how often have you used [specific product/service]?- Never- Rarely- Occasionally- Frequently- Always10. What is your primary source of information about [specifictopic/brand/service]?- Online research- Friends/word-of-mouth- Advertising- Media reports- Other (please specify): ____________11. Have you ever faced any challenges or issues while using [specific product/service]?- Yes- No12. If yes, please describe the challenges or issues you encountered:- ____________---Section 3: Attitudes and Opinions13. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how much do you agree with the following statements?- 1. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]- 2. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]- 3. [Specific statement about the topic/brand/service]14. How likely are you to recommend [specific product/service] to a friend or colleague?- Not at all likely- Slightly likely- Moderately likely- Very likely- Extremely likely15. What are the top three factors that influence your decision to purchase [specific product/service]?- ____________- ____________- ____________。

员工英语水平调查问卷1、部门【填空题】________________________2、姓名【填空题】________________________3、您目前通过了哪些英语水平的测试(多选)【多选题】□ CET4□ CET6□ 托福□ 托业□ 雅思□ 专八□ 专四□ 其他□ 都没有通过4、您目前的强项是?(多选)【多选题】□ 听□ 说□ 读□ 写□ 译□ 都不擅长5、您目前的听力水平是?【单选题】○ 与外国人交流不会有听力障碍○ 英语交流时仅能听懂一些单词○ 偶尔有听不懂的一些单词○ 基本都听不懂6、您目前的口语水平是?【多选题】□ 可以在正式场合进行正常交流□ 可以满足日常生活交流□ 可以满足日常工作交流□ 只会蹦单词或简单句子□ 一句都不会7、您目前的阅读水平是?【多选题】□ 能读懂英语新闻报纸□ 能够基本读懂工作中的专业文档□ 能读懂日常工作中的邮件及文档□ 需要借助翻译工具才能看懂□ 很困难无法阅读8、您目前的写作水平是?【多选题】□ 能够使用地道的英语进行写作□ 基本能够用英语进行邮件交流□ 需要借助翻译工具写出简单的短文□ 很困难无法用英语书写9、您感觉您的发音准确吗?【单选题】○ 标准○ 总体还可以○ 一般○ 不准10、您对英语的感觉是?【单选题】○ 非常感兴趣○ 比较容易○ 有点难○ 很困难○ 根本不想学11、您认为您的英语水平能达到目前工作要求吗?【单选题】○ 绰绰有余○ 基本能满足○ 有待提高○ 迫在眉捷12、您希望通过学习英语提高英语的?【多选题】□ 听□ 说□ 读□ 写13、您想提高英语水平但没有成功的原因是?【多选题】□ 没有时间□ 没有动力□ 没有英语环境□ 没有系统方法学习□ 缺乏指导□ 其他14、您想通过公司组织英语培训学习哪方面的内容?【多选题】□ 工作上日常交流用语□ 业务对接邮件书写用词规范□ 日常生活交流用语□ 其他15、关于公司提供的英语培训,您觉得还有哪些更好的建议?【填空题】________________________。

以下是一些问卷题目标范例:1. 您的英语程度如何?a) 初级(能基本沟通)b) 中级(能应对工作和进修中的英语需求)c) 高级(能流利地进行商务谈判和学术沟通)2. 您进修英语的动机是什么?(可多选)a) 出国留学b) 提高工作竞争力c) 满足个人爱好d) 学术探究需要e) 在国际沟通中更加自信3. 您觉得您在哪方面有英语进修上的困难?(可多选)a) 听力b)口语表达c) 阅读理解d) 写作能力e) 词汇量积累f) 语法进修4. 您平时是如何进修英语的?(可多选)a) 上英语培训班b) 通过在线进修平台c) 阅读英语原版书籍或文章d) 听英语歌曲或广播e) 进行语言交换f) 通过观看英语电影或剧集5. 您期望英语进修平台具备哪些功能?(可多选)a) 综合英语听说读写能力的训练b) 听力材料的实时字幕c) 可以随时进行语音练习和纠正d) 提供个性化进修规划和教学资源e) 提供在线模考和评估f) 能够与其他进修者沟通和谈论通过这样的问卷调查,我们可以了解到进修者自身的英语水平、动机以及所面临的困难,也能够更加全面地了解他们在进修英语的过程中所期望的功能和服务。

关于英语学习调查问卷1.您的性别 [单选题] [必答题]○男○女2.您的年龄 [单选题] [必答题]○ 18岁以下○ 18-25岁○ 25-40岁○ 40岁以上3.您的职业 [单选题] [必答题]○学生○政府及其他教育机构工作者○自由职业者○待业及退休4.您是什么时候开始学习英语的 [单选题] [必答题]○小学及以下○初中○高中○大学○其它5.您学习英语的目的是什么 [多选题] [必答题]□为将来去国外看看或者深造打好基础□热爱英语/英国文化□为了做英语相关的工作□为了拿英语证书□只是兴趣□为了应付考试,因为它是主要科目□其它6.您对英语感兴趣吗? [单选题] [必答题]○特感兴趣○比较感兴趣○不太感兴趣○一点也不感兴趣○讨厌英语7.对学好英语,您的信心是 [单选题] [必答题]○很有信心○一般○没有信心8.日常英语中所遇到的问题 [多选题] [必答题]□单词□语法□口语□听力□写作□其它9.你所遇到的问题能否即使解决 [单选题] [必答题]○能○不能10.不愿意开口说英语的最主要原因是什么 [多选题] [必答题] □听不懂□词汇贫乏□胆怯心理□害怕犯错□其它11.您认为影响您学好英语的原因是什么? [多选题] [必答题] □本来基础好或差□老师的教学方法□老师的教学水平□教材内容的有趣性和相关性□其它12.您对现在英语教学方式的看法 [单选题] [必答题]○喜欢○一般○爱恨交织○其它13.您所期望的英语教学方式 [单选题] [必答题]○教师讲,学生听○以学生自学为主,教师只做指导○完全依靠自学○其它14.您是否有深化英语的打算 [单选题] [必答题]○是○否。

Introduction:This questionnaire is designed to gather valuable insights and feedback from participants on a specific topic, event, product, or service. Your responses will be confidential and will help us improve and enhance our offerings. We appreciate your time and participation. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Thank you!---Personal Information:1. Age Group:- Under 18- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65 and over2. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-Binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say3. Occupation:- Student- Employed- Self-Employed- Retired- Homemaker- Unemployed- Other (please specify)4. Educational Level:- Less than High School- High School Graduate- Some College/Associate’s Degree- Bachelor’s Degree- Graduate Degree- Prefer not to say---Topic-Specific Questions:1. Overall Satisfaction:- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with[Product/Service/Event]?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied2. Features and Benefits:- Which features or benefits of [Product/Service/Event] do you find most valuable?(Please check all that apply)- A. Quality- B. Price- C. Customer Service- D. Durability- E. User-Friendly Interface- F. Reliability- G. Additional Features (please specify)3. Usage Frequency:- How frequently do you use [Product/Service/Event]?- Daily- Weekly- Monthly- Occasionally- Rarely- Never4. Likelihood to Recommend:- How likely are you to recommend [Product/Service/Event] to others? - 1 - Not at all likely- 2 - Somewhat unlikely- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Likely- 5 - Very likely5. Improvement Areas:- What areas of [Product/Service/Event] do you think could be improved?(Please specify)6. Challenges and Issues:- Have you encountered any challenges or issues while using[Product/Service/Event]? If so, please describe them.7. Additional Comments:- Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding [Product/Service/Event]? Please share them here.---Closing:Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [Contact Information]. We look forward to implementing your suggestions and improving our offerings based on your feedback.---End of Survey---Note: This template can be customized according to the specific needs of the survey. Additional questions, sections, or demographic filters can be added as required.。
调查问卷 英语学习


A,90%及以上B,60%-80% C,60%以下
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
How much do you know about your own country? Open-ended questions(中英文作答均可)
1.When was the People’s Republic of China founded?
2.What’s the meaning of our national flag?
3.Who was the first President of the People’s Republic of China?
4.What is the regime(政体) of China?
5.How long is a presidential term?
6.How many autonomous regions(自治区) in China?
7.What are the basic political systems in China?
1.You are very concerned about the development trend of China.
2.You often pay attention to the Chinese people's Congress and
Political Consultative Conference(两会).
3.You actively exercise political rights.
4.You have a general idea of the national development plan.
5.You love your country.
I.Open-ended questions
1. 1949.10.1
Open-ended questions:
We conducted a survey on “how much do you know about your country” among some college students. We first formulated a questionnaire plan and parted it into open-ended questions and closed questions. We interviewed three students about the first part and sampled 250 people as the second part investigation answers on the Internet. Be based on the data and information gathered, we are aiming at enhancing the current college students devotion to our motherland.
According to open-ended questions outcome, their answers to the four of seven are right which are about the time of the foundation of the country, the first president, how long the presidential term is and the autonomous regions. However, their answers to the others which are about the meaning of the flag, the regime and the basic political systems are all false. They have good knowledge of those that are often disseminated but know very little about those that almost only appear on the textbooks. From this perspective, the publicity about our country may be limited to one means or approach, and the result is not ideal. Moreover, according to the closed questions, all
answers love their country most. This result is apparent. And 64% of all are very concerned about the development of our country. 64% of all relatively often pay attention to the Chinese people's Congress and Political Consultative Conference and 30% often concern.40% of all have a general idea of the national development plan and 48% relatively accept the statement. It’s observed that the vast majority of people concerns our country much. Furthermore, 88% of all actively exercise political rights. Almost everyone not only has consciousness of right but also can apply. We are optimistic and even delighted to hear this result.
Ultimately, in conclusion, the majority of the current college students are concerned about affairs and conferences of our country and actively exercise their rights. Besides, they indeed have common sense about our country but lack deeper knowledge. Hence regardless of the government or the society, they are all obligated to propagate our country and promote the knowledge so as to enhance the current college students devotion to our motherland.。