
ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整)ICH 三方协调指导原则 E6 ICH GCP指导原则INTRODUCTION前言Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard provides public assurance that the rights, safety and well-being of trial subjects are protected, consistent with the principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, and that the clinical trial data are credible.临床试验管理规范(GCP)是设计、实施、记录和报告设计人类对象参加的试验国际性伦理和科学质量标准。
The objective of this ICH GCP Guideline is to provide a unified standard for the European Union (EU), Japan and the United States to facilitate the mutual acceptance of clinical data by theregulatory authorities in these jurisdictions. ICH-GCP指导原则的目的是为欧盟、日本和美国提供统一的标准,以促进这些管理当局在其权限内相互接受临床数据。
IQC 常用英文介绍

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back adhesive deformation Unit hardness Material Brass Tin-lead Nickel Color
背膠 變形度 單位 硬度 材料,材質 黃銅 錫鉛 鎳 顏色
torque Burr Plating Stainless Steel Solder Alloy
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Capacitance 電容值 Resistance 電阻值 Inductance 電感 Impedance 阻抗 Damage 損壞 Rust 生鏽 Unclear Printing 印刷不清 Polarity 兩極 inch 英寸 centimeter 厘米(cm) millimeter 毫米(mm) 1 inch= 2.539998 centimeter=25.3998 millimeter Scratch 刮傷 Dent 凹痕 Diameter 直徑 Width 寬度 Length 長度 Spot 斑點 Electro Static Discharge 靜電釋放 Golden sample 确认样品 Limited sample 限度样品
Prepared by
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Appearance 外觀 Dimension 尺寸 Vendor 供應商 Tolerance 公差 Information 信息 Visual 目視 Calipers 卡尺 Marking 標識/記號 P/N part number 料號 Version 版本 Description 描述 Manufacturer 製造商 Technical Parameter 技術參數 Measure 測量 Date Code 日期代碼 Packaging 包裝 Body Color 本體顏色 Solderable 焊接性 Solder 錫膏 Revision 修訂 Oxidize 生鏽 Data Comparison 信息/數據比對 Input Voltage 輸入電壓 Output Voltage 輸出電壓 Assembly 組裝 Criteria 標準 Fixture 固定裝置/治具 Defect symptom 不良症狀(現象)

缩略语英文全称中文全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AE Adverse Event 不良事件AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数CI Co-investigator合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请CSA Clinical Study Agreement 临床研究协议CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统FA Financial Agreement 财务协议FDA Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册IC Informed Consent 知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语音应答系统MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare 日本卫生福利部NDA New Drug Application 新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药业统计学家协会QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/文件SD Subject Diary 受试者日记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究人员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参比试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities WHO国际药品管理当局会议Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照Audit稽查Audit Report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Blank Control 空白对照Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲Case History 病历Clinical study 临床研究Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告Compliance 依从性Coordinating Committee 协调委员会Cross-over Study 交叉研究Double Blinding双盲Endpoint Criteria/measurement 终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准Inclusion Criteria 入选表准Information Gathering 信息收集Initial Meeting 启动会议Inspection 检察/视察Institution Inspection 机构检察Investigational Product 试验药物Investigator 研究者Monitor 监查员(监察员)Monitoring 监查(监察)Monitoring Plan 监查计划(监察计划)Monitoring Report 监查报告(监察报告)Multi-center Trial 多中心试验Non-clinical Study 非临床研究Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录Outcome Assessment 结果评价Patient File 病人档案Patient History 病历Placebo 安慰剂Placebo Control 安慰剂对照Preclinical Study 临床前研究Protocol 试验方案Protocol Amendments 修正案Randomization 随机Reference Product 参比制剂Sample Size 样本量、样本大小Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Single Blinding 单盲Sponsor申办者Study Audit 研究稽查Subject 受试者Subject Enrollment 受试者入选Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表Subject Recruitment 受试者招募Study Site 研究中心Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表System Audit 系统稽查Test Product 受试制剂Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议Trial Master File 试验总档案Trial Objective 试验目的Triple Blinding 三盲Wash-out 洗脱Wash-out Period 洗脱期。

ICH 三方协调指导原则E6 ICH GCP指导原则INTRODUCTION前言Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard provides public assurance that the rights, safety and well-being of trial subjects are protected, consistent with the principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, and that the clinical trial data are credible.临床试验管理规范(GCP)是设计、实施、记录和报告设计人类对象参加的试验国际性伦理和科学质量标准。
The objective of this ICH GCP Guideline is to provide a unified standard for the European Union (EU), Japan and the United States to facilitate the mutual acceptance of clinical data by the regulatory authorities in these jurisdictions.ICH-GCP指导原则的目的是为欧盟、日本和美国提供统一的标准,以促进这些管理当局在其权限内相互接受临床数据。

AA(Approval Code)核准密码(AA为电报简码),消费款项(超过商户最低免授权交易金额者经授权后给予的核准密码)。
Account use (手工授权,包括MO/TO/网上授权)ACD(Automatic Call Distribution),程控交换机自动分配拨入(Call-in)的电话并提交管理层统计资料的电脑系统。
ACD in + Available,计算客服人员 productivity的统计量, 即接听客户电话和等候客户电话的时间比例.Acquiring Bank 收单银行,办理签定特约商户以接受信用卡客户消费的银行.AFF(Air Frequent Flyer),飞行里程奖励办法. 持卡人使用信用卡购买机票, 可按里程折合点数, 到达一定点数时, 可以换乘头等舱或享受免费机票优惠. Affinity Card(认同卡),其他商业机构借助银行的发卡系统或资源, 发行类似信用卡的认同卡, 以达到宣传或服务自身会员目的。
Annual Fee 年费,信用卡每年所缴的年费, 在会计处理上按12个月分摊记帐. ANR(Average Net Receivables) 平均余额,发卡单位平均应收客户款. Application 申请书,客户申请信用卡时填写的表格, 包含个人资料, 财务状况等。
A/R(Accounts Recievables)应收帐款, 三个月未收回者,应转入PDO(Post Due Obligation)。
Arbitration 仲裁,对于争议帐款,当收单行与发卡行在扣款流程进行完毕后仍争执不下时,交VISA或MCI的仲裁法庭裁决。
Attrition 剪卡,取消卡片。
Authorization 授权,持卡人在商户消费时,需经授权系统或授权人员取得交易核准码,这一过程称为授权。

1.重新调整参数 2.检查电子尺 3.重新更新系统 4.更换电子感应开关
9.Mould safety time 模具保护时间未响应
1.锁模位置设置不好 2.系统出错 3.机器故障 4.电子尺故障
1.重新调整参数 2.检查调整参数 3.锁模系统不正常 4.检查电子尺
10.No holding pressure (stroke time pressure) 无保压压力(行程时间压力) 11.Nozzle guard not closed 喷嘴安全坏 2.计时器开关坏记电器 3.传感器坏 4.无输出信号
1.更换开关 2.检查线路各输出点
20.Rotation transducer defective 转速传感器失效
1.机器无动作 2.I/O板成线路故障
1.无信号输出 2.检查线路
21.Safety door end svitch problem 2S,2-S2 安全门开关2-S1,2-S2故障
1.安全门未关好 2.行程开关坏 3.线路断路
1.重新关好门 2.更换开关 3.排查线路
22.Sscrew back not reached 螺杆退回不到位
1.料筒无料 2.位置设定不合理 3.背压过大
1.料斗加料 2.调整位置 3.减少背压
23.2SH9 defective 2SH9失效 24.3-B1 not active or defective 3-B1 未触发或失效
1.重新调整参数 2.更换电子尺 3.维修机器
5.Hydr mould safety problem 模保故障
1.位置设置不正确 2.模具有异物
1.重新调整速度压力位置 2.检查模具是否正常
6.Motor overload 马达过载

缩略语英文全称中文全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AE Adverse Event 不良事件AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数CI Co-investigator合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请CSA Clinical Study Agreement 临床研究协议CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统FA Financial Agreement 财务协议FDA Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册IC Informed Consent 知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语音应答系统MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare 日本卫生福利部NDA New Drug Application 新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药业统计学家协会QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/文件SD Subject Diary 受试者日记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究人员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参比试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities WHO国际药品管理当局会议Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照Audit稽查Audit Report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Blank Control 空白对照Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲Case History 病历Clinical study 临床研究Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告Compliance 依从性Coordinating Committee 协调委员会Cross-over Study 交叉研究Double Blinding双盲Endpoint Criteria/measurement 终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准Inclusion Criteria 入选表准Information Gathering 信息收集Initial Meeting 启动会议Inspection 检察/视察Institution Inspection 机构检察Investigational Product 试验药物Investigator 研究者Monitor 监查员(监察员)Monitoring 监查(监察)Monitoring Plan 监查计划(监察计划)Monitoring Report 监查报告(监察报告)Multi-center Trial 多中心试验Non-clinical Study 非临床研究Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录Outcome Assessment 结果评价Patient File 病人档案Patient History 病历Placebo 安慰剂Placebo Control 安慰剂对照Preclinical Study 临床前研究Protocol 试验方案Protocol Amendments 修正案Randomization 随机Reference Product 参比制剂Sample Size 样本量、样本大小Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Single Blinding 单盲Sponsor申办者Study Audit 研究稽查Subject 受试者Subject Enrollment 受试者入选Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表Subject Recruitment 受试者招募Study Site 研究中心Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表System Audit 系统稽查Test Product 受试制剂Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议Trial Master File 试验总档案Trial Objective 试验目的Triple Blinding 三盲Wash-out 洗脱Wash-out Period 洗脱期ical Research Associatejing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Shengshanges:otocol compliance, ICH-GCP and other regulatory obligations at trial sites by standardized ctivitiesccuracy and authenticity of clinical data, manage investigational products and other trial lies, maintain adequate clinical trial documentation etcctivities in line with milestones (i.e. start-up, monitoring, closeout, etc.) in compliance with Ps and ICH-GCPd communication between sponsor and investigator, report related issues to the line mediatelye timely reporting of study information, which includes safety reporting to relevant study er and regulatory authoritiesrelated to clinical trial monitorings:elor or above in medical or above, majoring in medicine or pharmacy or relatedcient in office software, e.g word, excel, PPT etc.d communications and coordination skillsd written and oral Englishrience in CRO is preferredHome | About H&J | News | Services | Regulations | Our clients | CRA | China CRO。

SFDA Glossary:GCP,GLP,TRIAL Accuracy 准确度Active control,AC 阳性对照,活性对照Adverse drug reaction,ADR 药物不良反应Adverse event,AE 不良事件Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Adverse reaction 药物不良反应Alb 白蛋白ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量ALP 碱性磷酸酶Alpha spending function 消耗函数ALT 丙氨酸氨基转换酶Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集Approval 批准Assistant investigator 助理研究者AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶ATR 衰减全反射法AUCss 稳态血药浓度-时间曲线下面积Audit 稽查Audit or inspection 稽查/视察Audit report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Bias 偏性,偏倚Bioequivalence 生物等效应Blank control 空白对照Blind codes 编制盲底Blind review 盲态审核Blind review 盲态检查Blinding method 盲法Blinding/ masking 盲法,设盲Block 分段Block 层Block size 每段的长度BUN 尿素氮Carryover effect 延滞效应Case history 病历Case report form 病例报告表Case report form/ case record form,CRF 病例报告表,病例记录表Categorical variable 分类变量Cav 平均浓度CD 圆二色谱CL 清除率Clinical equivalence 临床等效应Crossover design 交叉设计Cross-over study 交叉研究Css 稳浓度Cure 痊愈Data management 数据管理Database 建立数据库Descriptive statistical analysis 描述性统计分析DF 波动系统Dichotomies 二分类Diviation 偏差Documentation 记录/文件Dose-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系Double blinding 双盲Double dummy 双模拟Double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术Double-blinding 双盲Drop out 脱落DSC 差示扫描热量计Effectiveness 疗效Electronic data capture,EDC 电子数据采集系统Electronic data processing,EDP 电子数据处理系统Emergency envelope 应急信件End point 终点Endpoint criteria/ measurement 终点指标Equivalence 等效性Essential documentation 必须文件Ethics committee 伦理委员会Excellent 显效Exclusion criteria 排除标准Factorial design 析因设计Failure 无效,失败Final point 终点Fixed-dose procedure 固定剂量法Forced titration 强制滴定Full analysis set 全分析集GC-FTIR 气相色谱-傅利叶红外联用GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用Generic drug 通用名药Global assessment variable 全局评价变量GLU 血糖Good clinical practice,GCP 药物临床试验质量管理规范Good manufacture practice,GMP 药品生产质量管理规范Good non-clinical laboratory practice,GLP 药物非临床研究质量管理规范Group sequential design 成组序贯设计Health economic evaluation,HEV 健康经济学评价Hypothesis test 假设检验Hypothesis testing 假设检验International Conference of Harmonization,ICH 人用药品注册技术要求国际技术协调会,国际协调会议Improvement 好转Inclusion criteria 入选标准Independent ethics committee,IEC 独立伦理委员会Information consent form,ICF 知情同意书Information gathering 信息收集Informed consent,IC 知情同意Initial meeting 启动会议Inspection 视察/检查Institution inspection 机构检查Institution review board,IBR 机构审查委员会Intention to treat 意向治疗(——临床领域)Intention-to –treat,ITT 意向性分析(-统计学)Interactive voice response system,IVRS 互动式语音应答系统Interim analysis 期中分析Investigator 研究者Investigator's brochure,IB 研究者手册IR 红外吸收光谱Ka 吸收速率常Last observation carry forward,LOCF 最接近一次观察的结转LC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用LD50 板数致死剂量Logic check 逻辑检查LOQ (Limit of Quantitation)定量限LOCF,Last observation carry forward 最近一次观察的结转Lost of follow up 失访Marketing approval/ authorization 上市许可证Matched pair 匹配配对Missing value 缺失值Mixed effect model 混合效应模式Monitor 监查员Monitoring 监查Monitoring report 监查报告MRT 平均滞留时间MS 质谱MS-MS 质谱-质谱联用MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose)最大耐受剂量Multicenter trial 多中心试验Multi-center trial 多中心试验New chemical entity,NCE 新化学实体New drug application,NDA 新药申请NMR 核磁共振谱Non-clinical study 非临床研究Non-inferiority 非劣效性Non-parametric statistics 非参数统计方法Obedience 依从性ODR 旋光光谱Open-blinding 非盲Open-label 非盲Optional titration 随意滴定Original medical record 原始医疗记录Outcome 结果Outcome assessment 结果指标评价Outcome measurement 结果指标Outlier 离群值Parallel group design 平行组设计Parameter estimation 参数估计Parametric statistics 参数统计方法Patient file 病人档案Patient history 病历Per protocol,PP 符合方案集Placebo 安慰剂Placebo control 安慰剂对照Polytomies 多分类Power 检验效能Precision 精密度Preclinical study 临床前研究Primary endpoint 主要终点Primary variable 主要变量Principal investigator 主要研究者Principle investigator,PI 主要研究者Product license,PL 产品许可证Protocol 试验方案Protocol 试验方案Protocol amendment 方案补正Quality assurance unit,QAU 质量保证部门Quality assurance,QA 质量保证Quality control,QC 质量控制Query list,query form 应用疑问表Randomization 随机化Randomization 随机Range check 范围检查Rating scale 量表Regulatory authorities,RA 监督管理部门Replication 可重复RSD 日内和日间相对标准差Run in 准备期Safety evaluation 安全性评价Safety set 安全性评价的数据集Sample size 样本含量Sample size 样本量,样本大小Scale of ordered categorical ratings 有序分类指标Secondary variable 次要变量Sequence 试验次序Serious adverse event,SAE 严重不良事件Serious adverse reaction,SAR 严重不良反应Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Significant level 检验水准Simple randomization 简单随机Single blinding 单盲Single-blinding 单盲Site audit 试验机构稽查SOP 试验室的标准操作规程Source data verification,SDV 原始数据核准Source data,SD 原始数据Source document,SD 原始文件Specificity 特异性Sponsor 申办者Sponsor-investigator 申办研究者Standard curve 标准曲线Standard operating procedure,SOP 标准操作规程Statistic 统计量Statistical analysis plan 统计分析计划Statistical analysis plan 统计参数计划书Statistical analysis plan,SAP 统计分析计划Statistical model 统计模型Statistical tables 统计分析表Stratified 分层Study audit 研究稽查Subgroup 亚组Sub-investigator 助理研究者Subject 受试者Subject diary 受试者日记Subject enrollment 受试者入选Subject enrollment log 受试者入选表Subject identification code,SIC 受试者识别代码Subject recruitment 受试者招募Subject screening log 受试者筛选表Superiority 检验Survival analysis 生存分析SXRD 单晶X-射线衍射System audit 系统稽查T1/2 消除半衰期Target variable 目标变量T-BIL 总胆红素T-CHO 总胆固醇TG 热重分析TLC、HPLC 制备色谱Tmax 峰时间TP 总蛋白Transformation 变量变换Treatment group 试验组Trial error 试验误差Trial master file 试验总档案Trial objective 试验目的Trial site 试验场所Triple blinding 三盲Two one-side test 双单侧检验Unblinding 揭盲Unblinding 破盲Unexpected adverse event,UAE 预料外不良事件UV-VIS 紫外-可见吸收光谱Variability 变异Variable 变量Visual analogy scale 直观类比打分法Visual check 人工检查Vulnerable subject 弱势受试者Wash-out 清洗期Washout period 洗脱期Well-being 福利,健康。

机常见故障中英文对照CLEAN UP SCANNER 扫描头脏,需清洗扫描头COMM.( COMMUNICATION) ERROR 通信错误,传输信号不行,能够重试一次。
COVER OPEN 机械的前盖没有盖好,须盖好。
CUTTER JAM 纸卡在切刀处,掏出纸,从头装。
DISCONNETED 传输线路中断,打其他的以检查线路。
DOCUMENT JAM 文件被卡住,可能是文件没有放对或文件太长。
SCANNER ERROR 扫描错误,清洗扫描头。
TOTAL ERRORS 总错误数(文件太长)。
机常见故障信息详解及故障排除方式显示信息故障缘故解决方式AUTO REDIAL 占线等待重拨号CHANGE CARTRIDGE 墨盒空了改换墨盒或拨点后掏出摇动再试(可维持一段时刻)CHECK DOCUMENT 输稿器中卡纸掏出稿件CHECK PAPER SIZE 供纸器中纸尺寸与设定不符合从头设定尺寸或换纸CLEAR PAPER JAM 供纸器缺纸或卡纸补充纸或清除卡纸LOAD PAPER 缺记录纸装入纸NO ANSWER 对方无应答重拨RECORD IN MEMORY 稿件存到贮存器中补充纸或改换墨盒打出稿件PLEASE WAIT 正在暖机等待终止再开始利用NO RX PAPER 对方纸用完或贮存器已满通知对方补充纸和清除贮存器MEMORY FULL 贮存器满载打印出贮存稿件DOC TOO LONG 发送和同意时刻太长分开打印或复印常见故障现象---故障缘故---处置方式复印有黑横线---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器复印全白,接收正常---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器接收正常,传送不良---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器复印有竖白条---扫描器有污物---清洁白色滚轴、扫描器镜片(用酒精)复印发白(淡)---热敏纸不行---改换热敏纸显示机械错误---齿轮机架坏---改换齿轮机架不切纸或切纸不断---切纸刀不良---改换切纸刀原稿不能自动进纸---分页器、ADF不良---改换分页器、ADF不传送---线插错孔---分机线、线孔要注意区分不传送---齿轮机架凸物不良---修理齿轮机架不通话---电话不良---检查电话(或换电话)不振铃(振铃声很小)---振铃开关没有打到“H”---将开关打到“H”拿起电话没有传送---NCU板或M1主板不良---第一改换NCU板,确认良好后再检查M1主板打显示正在利用中---NCU板不良---改换NCU板(板)传送好接收不良---打印头不良---改换打印头无显示---电源没插好---检查电源有无插好无显示---电源板烧坏---假设没问题就检查电源板显示黑色方框---M1主板或显示器不良---改换M1主板或显示器没有免提没有电话音---NCU板不良---改换NCU板(板)接收传送慢---设置错误---从头设置插上电源听到“咔咔”声---齿轮错位---调整齿轮塞纸后切纸刀不能复位---切纸刀卡住---拔掉电源后再插上电源CIS补偿大全明白了维修方式的进入其实算不了什么,不然的话,人人手拿一本维修宝典,个个都成了维修高手.孙子说:知己知彼,方能百战百胜。

96 型芯
97 支架
injection housing
98 推块
ejector pad
单位体积的质量 有多种原因引起的变形现象,如收缩翘曲,配向翘曲等 产品在内应力或外力的作用下产生的尺寸变化以及形状变化 熔体的某一部份发生停止流动或极缓慢流动的现象 发生在垂直于熔体流动方向上的收缩 热力的作用下,塑料可以发生变形的温度 保压后制品在模具内部成型完毕脱离模具的现象 方便成型制品脱离模具而设计的角度 成型制品不容易脱离模具的现象 残留在制品内部因各种原因产生的应力 很多小分子连接而成的具有较大质量的长分子连 熔体在模具内冷却状态之一的数学表示方法 成型后制品拿出的过程 毛坯加工或留有大量余量的待加工品 配合CPU工作的马达 完成一个组件或产品经过的步骤 以塑料为原料生产的制品 通过注射方式成型的模具 倾斜于分型面、随模具的开闭产生相对运动的圆柱零件 斜向镶块或滑动的镶块 组合方式之一 使镶件或拼块定位并紧固在一起的框套形结构零件 成型模具内表面突起的组件 使动模能固定在压机或注塑机上的L型垫块 在腔内起部分成型作用,并在开模时把塑件从型腔内推出的零件
quality tolerance defective product label identifying sheet list Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke Safe deficient purchase scratch dents bolt thermoplastic injection molding contorl plat pro-face safety door injection seat screw chamber heater nozzle

first guard line
second guard line
status signal failure
false alarm type3
online alarm system
sensitivity margin
intruder alarm system
alert condition(armed condition)

质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释Engineering 工程/ Process 工序(制程)Man, Machine, Method, Material, 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导 4M&1E Environment 致或造成问题的根本原因 AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机ASSY Assembly 制品装配ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Baseline 参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单C&ED/C Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图AED CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体 CAD Computer-aided Design 的软件对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改 CCB Change Control Board 的小组依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续CI Continuous Improvement 改善 COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间 DFM Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段 Design Failure Mode and Effect DFMEA 预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取Analysis 措施六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预 DFSS Design for Six Sigma 测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性 DFT Design for Test 产品的设计对测试的适合性实验设计-- 用于证明某种情况是真实 DOE Design of Experiment 的根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良DPPM Defective Part Per Million 品的标准 Design Verification / Design DV 设计确认 Validation 客户要求的工程更改或内部所发出的工 ECN Engineering Change Notice 程更改文件 ECO Engineering Change Order 客户要求的工程更改静电发放-由两种不导电的物品一起摩 ESD Electrostatic Discharge 擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产 FI Final Inspection 品作最后检查 F/T Functional Test 测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样 FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分析功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设 FCT Functional Test 计的一样符合产品的装配,形状和外观及功能要 FFF Fit Form Function 求 FFT Final Functional Test 包装之前,在生产线上最后的功能测试失效模式与后果分析-- 预测问题的发 FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 生可能性并且对之采取措施 FPY First Pass Yield 首次检查合格率 FTY First Test Yield 首次测试合格率 FW Firmware 韧体(软件硬化)-控制产品功能的软件在波峰焊接之前,将PTH元件用手贴装 HL Handload 到PCB 上,和手插机相同 I/O Input / Output 输入 / 输出 iBOM Indented Bill of Material 内部发出的BOM(依照客户的BOM)线路测试-- 用电气和电子测试来检查 ICT In-circuit Test PCBA短路,开路,少件,多件和错件等等不良情报联络书-反馈信息所使用的一种表 IFF Information Feedback Form 格 IR Infra-red 红外线主要制程输入可变因素-在加工过程中, KPIV Key Process Input Variable 所有输入的参数/元素,将影响制成品的质量的可变因素主要制程输出可变因素-在加工过程中, KPOV Key Process Output Variable 所有输出的结果,所呈现的产品品质特征。

临床试验词汇中英文对照Accuracy 准确度Active control,AC 阳性对照,活性对照Adverse drug reaction,ADR 药物不良反应Adverse event,AE 不良事件Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Adverse reaction 药物不良反应Alb 白蛋白ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量ALP 碱性磷酸酶Alpha spending function 消耗函数ALT 丙氨酸氨基转换酶Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集Approval 批准Assistant investigator 助理研究者AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶ATR 衰减全反射法AUCss 稳态血药浓度-时间曲线下面积Audit 稽查Audit or inspection 稽查/视察Audit report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Bias 偏性,偏倚Bioequivalence 生物等效应Blank control 空白对照Blind codes 编制盲底Blind review 盲态审核Blind review 盲态检查Blinding method 盲法Blinding/ masking 盲法,设盲Block 分段Block 层Block size 每段的长度BUN 尿素氮Carryover effect 延滞效应Case history 病历Case report form 病例报告表Case report form/ case record form,CRF 病例报告表,病例记录表Categorical variable 分类变量Cav 平均浓度CD 圆二色谱CL(clearance)清除率Clinical equivalence 临床等效性Clinical study 临床研究Clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告Clinical trial 临床试验Clinical trial application,CTA 临床试验申请Clinical trial exemption,CTX 临床试验免责Clinical trial protocol,CTP 临床试验方案Clinical trial/ study report 临床试验报告Cmax 峰浓度Co-investigator 合作研究者Comparison 对照Compliance 依从性Composite variable 复合变量Computer-assisted trial design,CATD 计算机辅助试验设计Confidence interval 可信区间Confidence level 置信水平Consistency test 一致性检验Contract research organization,CRO 合同研究组织Contract/ agreement 协议/合同Control group 对照组Coordinating committee 协调委员会Crea 肌酐CRF(case report form)病例报告表Crossover design 交叉设计Cross-over study 交叉研究Css 稳态浓度Cure 痊愈Data management 数据管理Database 建立数据库Descriptive statistical analysis 描述性统计分析DF 波动系统Dichotomies 二分类Diviation 偏差Documentation 记录/文件Dose-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系Double blinding 双盲Double dummy 双模拟Double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术Double-blinding 双盲Drop out 脱落DSC 差示扫描热量计Effectiveness 疗效Electronic data capture,EDC 电子数据采集系统Electronic data processing,EDP 电子数据处理系统Emergency envelope 应急信件End point 终点Endpoint criteria/ measurement 终点指标Equivalence 等效性Essential documentation 必须文件Ethics committee 伦理委员会Excellent 显效Exclusion criteria 排除标准Factorial design 析因设计Failure 无效,失败Final point 终点Fixed-dose procedure 固定剂量法Forced titration 强制滴定Full analysis set 全分析集GC-FTIR 气相色谱-傅利叶红外联用GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用Generic drug 通用名药Global assessment variable 全局评价变量GLU 血糖Good clinical practice,GCP 药物临床试验质量管理规范Good manufacture practice,GMP 药品生产质量管理规范Good non-clinical laboratory practice,GLP 药物非临床研究质量管理规范Group sequential design 成组序贯设计Health economic evaluation,HEV 健康经济学评价Hypothesis test 假设检验Hypothesis testing 假设检验International Conference of Harmonization,ICH 人用药品注册技术要求国际技术协调会,国际协调会议Improvement 好转Inclusion criteria 入选标准Independent ethics committee,IEC 独立伦理委员会Information consent form,ICF 知情同意书Information gathering 信息收集Informed consent,IC 知情同意Initial meeting 启动会议Inspection 视察/检查Institution inspection 机构检查Institution review board,IBR 机构审查委员会Intention to treat 意向治疗(——临床领域)Intention-to –treat,ITT 意向性分析(-统计学)Interactive voice response system,IVRS 互动式语音应答系统Interim analysis 期中分析Investigator 研究者Investigator's brochure,IB 研究者手册IR 红外吸收光谱Ka 吸收速率常Last observation carry forward,LOCF 最接近一次观察的结转LC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用LD50 板数致死剂量Logic check 逻辑检查LOQ (Limit of Quantitation)定量限LOCF,Last observation carry forward 最近一次观察的结转Lost of follow up 失访Marketing approval/ authorization 上市许可证Matched pair 匹配配对Missing value 缺失值Mixed effect model 混合效应模式Monitor 监查员Monitoring 监查Monitoring report 监查报告MRT 平均滞留时间MS 质谱MS-MS 质谱-质谱联用MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose)最大耐受剂量Multicenter trial 多中心试验Multi-center trial 多中心试验New chemical entity,NCE 新化学实体New drug application,NDA 新药申请NMR 核磁共振谱Non-clinical study 非临床研究Non-inferiority 非劣效性Non-parametric statistics 非参数统计方法Obedience 依从性ODR 旋光光谱Open-blinding 非盲Open-label 非盲Optional titration 随意滴定Original medical record 原始医疗记录Outcome 结果Outcome assessment 结果指标评价Outcome measurement 结果指标Outlier 离群值Parallel group design 平行组设计Parameter estimation 参数估计Parametric statistics 参数统计方法Patient file 病人档案Patient history 病历Per protocol,PP 符合方案集Placebo 安慰剂Placebo control 安慰剂对照Polytomies 多分类Power 检验效能Precision 精密度Preclinical study 临床前研究Primary endpoint 主要终点Primary variable 主要变量Principal investigator 主要研究者Principle investigator,PI 主要研究者Product license,PL 产品许可证Protocol 试验方案Protocol 试验方案Protocol amendment 方案补正Quality assurance unit,QAU 质量保证部门Quality assurance,QA 质量保证Quality control,QC 质量控制Query list,query form 应用疑问表Randomization 随机化Randomization 随机Range check 范围检查Rating scale 量表Regulatory authorities,RA 监督管理部门Replication 可重复RSD 日内和日间相对标准差Run in 准备期Safety evaluation 安全性评价Safety set 安全性评价的数据集Sample size 样本含量Sample size 样本量,样本大小Scale of ordered categorical ratings 有序分类指标Secondary variable 次要变量Sequence 试验次序Serious adverse event,SAE 严重不良事件Serious adverse reaction,SAR 严重不良反应Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Significant level 检验水准Simple randomization 简单随机Single blinding 单盲Single-blinding 单盲Site audit 试验机构稽查SOP 试验室的标准操作规程Source data verification,SDV 原始数据核准Source data,SD 原始数据Source document,SD 原始文件Specificity 特异性Sponsor 申办者Sponsor-investigator 申办研究者Standard curve 标准曲线Standard operating procedure,SOP 标准操作规程Statistic 统计量Statistical analysis plan 统计分析计划Statistical analysis plan 统计参数计划书Statistical analysis plan,SAP 统计分析计划Statistical model 统计模型Statistical tables 统计分析表Stratified 分层Study audit 研究稽查Subgroup 亚组Sub-investigator 助理研究者Subject 受试者Subject diary 受试者日记Subject enrollment 受试者入选Subject enrollment log 受试者入选表Subject identification code,SIC 受试者识别代码Subject recruitment 受试者招募Subject screening log 受试者筛选表Superiority 检验Survival analysis 生存分析SXRD 单晶X-射线衍射System audit 系统稽查T1/2 消除半衰期Target variable 目标变量T-BIL 总胆红素T-CHO 总胆固醇TG 热重分析TLC、HPLC 制备色谱Tmax 峰时间TP 总蛋白Transformation 变量变换Treatment group 试验组Trial error 试验误差Trial master file 试验总档案Trial objective 试验目的Trial site 试验场所Triple blinding 三盲Two one-side test 双单侧检验Unblinding 揭盲Unblinding 破盲Unexpected adverse event,UAE 预料外不良事件UV-VIS 紫外-可见吸收光谱Variability 变异Variable 变量Visual analogy scale 直观类比打分法Visual check 人工检查Vulnerable subject 弱势受试者Wash-out 清洗期Washout period 洗脱期Well-being 福利,健康临床采血相关词汇Intravenous injection(IV) 静脉注射Intravenous drip/Intravenously guttae(iv gtt)静脉滴注intramscular injection(IM) 肌内注射intradermal injections 皮内注射subcutaneous injections(SC)皮下注射disposable sterile injector 一次性无菌注射针injection set注射器disposable venous infusion needle一次性静脉输液针disposable infusion set 一次性使用输液器blood transfusion set输血器infusion bag液袋urine drainage bag集尿袋blood bag血袋medical catheter医用导管stainless steel needle不锈钢医用针管blood taking needle/ blood collection needle采血针Needle Holder 持针器Blood samples血样样本sample drawing/collection 采血/抽血needles 针vacutainer needles真空采血针tubes导管vacutainer tubes 真空管vacutainer holder 真空持针器tourniquet 止血带disinfection swabs 消毒海绵micropore tapedental rollsadhesive dressing 胶布敷料rubber gloves 橡皮手套pillow 枕头stopper 塞子(采血管的塞子)vacuum tubes真空管non-vacuum tubes 非真空管needle disposal box 穿刺针处理盒(利器处理盒)transfer and storage tubes 转移和存储管pipette 吸管吸液管移液管disposable pipettes一次性使用吸管centrifuge离心机swinging bucket rotor 浮桶式转头、吊桶式转头timer 计时器racks for tubes 试管架identification codes识别码mark/label the tubes标记导管freeze冷冻refrigerator 冰箱freezer 冰箱冷冻机Serum Separation Tube 血清分离试管Serum血清Plasma血浆whole blood 全血be inverted 倒垂的倒置的clot 凝块凝结Coagulate 凝固凝结clotting time 凝血时间minimally 最低限度地最低程度地maximally 最高限度地最高程度地Separation of serum or plasma 分离血清或血浆Hemolysis 溶血hemolyzed samples 溶血样本assays 含量测定analysis 分析(名词)analyze 分析(动词)analyzing 分析(动名词)non-frozen samples 非冷冻样本chemistry laboratories化学实验室Analytical procedures 分析程序Qualification 资质资格Personnel in the laboratory 实验室人员Field personnel 现场工作人员Internal quality control 内部质量控制External quality control 外部质量控制Hepatitis B 乙肝Hepatitis C 丙肝Positive 阳性Negative 阴性Measurement 测量pulse rate 脉搏Blood pressure 血压systolic blood pressure 收缩压diastolic blood pressure 舒张压hypertensives 高血压hypotension 低血压antihypertensive drug 抗高血压药mercury sphygmomanometer 水银式血压计mercury column 水银柱serum total cholesterol 血清总胆固醇lipid lowering drug 降脂药Obesity 肥胖症Blood Glucose 血糖BMI (body mass index) 体重指数Overweight 超重sample size 样本大小statistically 统计上地,统计地statistical precision 统计精度sub-groups亚群Recruitment招募Ethical 伦理的道德的Legal 法律的合法的Data in electronic format 电子版数据back-up data 备查资料常用临床医学英文术语cough 咳嗽asthma 哮喘pneumonia 肺炎heart disease 心脏病arrhythmia 心律不齐indigestion 消化不良gastritis 胃炎appendicitis 盲肠炎hepatitis 肝炎dermatitis皮炎freckle/ephelis 痣,雀斑acne 粉刺flu 流感diarrhoea 痢疾quarantine 检疫vaccinate 打疫苗endemic 水土不服relapse 复发症casualty急症stupor 昏迷sprain 扭伤scalding 烫伤graze 擦伤scratch 搔挠trauma 外伤bruise 淤伤fracture骨折dislocation 脱臼tinnitus耳鸣trachoma沙眼colour blindness 色盲nearsightedness/myopia近视astigmatism 散光gingivitis 牙龈炎cavity 龋齿fever 发烧discomfort/disorder 不适malnutrition 营养不良incubation 潜伏期asthenia 虚弱poisoning 中毒fatigue 疲劳heat stroke 中暑itching 发痒ache/pain 痛tetanus 破伤风night sweat 盗汗chill 打冷颤pale 脸色发白shuddering 发抖inflammation 炎症acute 急症chronic 慢性病congenital 先天性病nausea恶心vomit 呕吐diseases 疾病acute diseases 急性病advanced diseases 病沉重期,晚期疾病chronic diseases慢性病communicable diseases 传染病complicating diseases 并发病congenital diseases 先天性疾病acquired diseases 后天性疾病contagious diseases接触性传染病endemic diseases 地方病epidemic diseases 流行病functional diseases 机能病、官能病infectious diseases 传染病inherited diseases 遗传病malignant diseases恶性病nutritional diseases 营养病occupation diseases 职业病organic diseases 器质性病paroxysmal diseases 阵发性病periodical diseases 周期病primary(principal)diseases原发(主导)病secondary diseases 继发病sexual(venereal, social)diseases 性病terminal diseases 绝症wasting diseases 消耗性疾病chief complaint 主诉clinical manifestation 临床表现delivery history 分娩史etiology病因学family history 家族史history, medical history 病史precipitating(induced)诱因marital status婚姻状况menstrual history 月经史menarche 初潮menopause闭经past history既往史pathogenesis 发病机制personal history 个人史symptoms 症状cardinal symptom 主要症状classical symptom 典型症状concomitant symptom 伴发症状constitutional(systemic)symptom 全身症状indirect symptom 间接症状induced symptom 诱发症状local symptom 局部症状mental symptom精神症状symptom-complex (syndrome)symptom 综合症,症候群signs体征antecedent 前驱征assident (accessory)副征commemorative 后遗症sign of death 死征diagnostic诊断征sign of disease 病征subjective 自觉征,主观征vein sign静脉征vital sign 生命体征body length (height of the body)身高body weight 体重barrel chest 桶状胸cachexia 恶病质compulsive position 被动体位critical facies 病危面容emaciation 消瘦enophthalmos 眼球下陷entropion 睑内翻exophthalmos 眼球突出flushed face 面色潮红gain (loss)in weight 增加(减轻)体重lock-jaw 牙关紧闭lordosis 脊柱前凸nasal ala flap 鼻翼扇动nystagmus 眼震obesity 肥胖pallor 苍白scolisis 脊柱侧凸agitation 焦急不安debility, weakness 虚弱diaphoresis 出汗,大量出汗dizziness, vertigo 眩晕lassitude, fatigue 无力,倦怠malaise 不适night sweat 盗汗numbness 麻木rigor, chill 寒冷,发冷perspiration, sweating 出汗pruritus, itching 痒,somasthenia 躯体无力tingling 麻刺感abscess 脓肿acidosis 酸中毒adhesion 粘连alkalosis 碱中毒allergy 过敏coagulation defect 凝血不良congestion 充血dehydration 脱水distention 膨胀edema 水肿embolism 栓塞,栓塞形成fluid and electrolyte imbalance 水电解质紊乱gangrene 坏疽hematoma 血肿hemorrhage, bleeding 出血infarction 梗塞,梗死infection 传染inflammation 炎症ketoacidosis 酮酸中毒metastasis 转移perforation 穿孔necrosis 坏死shock 休克response 反应,应答reaction 反应,感应thrombosis 血栓形成ulceration 溃疡fever, pyrexia 发烧,发热continuous fever 稽留热intermittent fever 间歇热low-grade fever 低热remittent fever 驰张热relapsing fever 回归热pain 痛burning pain 灼痛chest(flank,…)pain 胸(胁腹…)痛cramp-like pain 痉挛性痛dull, diffused pain 弥漫性钝痛pleuritic pain 胸膜炎性痛radiating pain (pain radiating to…)放射性痛(放射到…疼痛)angina 绞痛cardiac angina 心绞痛backache 背痛colic 绞痛,急腹痛earache 耳痛headache 头痛neuralgia 神经痛migraine 偏头痛rebound tenderness 反跳痛somatalgia 躯体痛sore throat 咽喉痛stomachache 胃痛toothache 牙痛bloody sputum 带血的痰cough 咳嗽dry cough 干咳expectoration 咳痰expectoration of blood 咳血hemoptysis 咳血anoxia 缺氧apnea 呼吸暂停,窒息asthma 气喘,哮喘Cheyne Stokes respiration 切-斯氏呼吸,潮式呼吸dyspnea 呼吸困难hyperpnea hyperventilation 过度呼吸,换气过度hypopnea 呼吸不全,呼吸浅表hypoxia 低氧,缺氧orthopnea 端坐呼吸respiratory arrest 呼吸停止suffocation 窒息tachypnea 呼吸急促fetid breath 口臭fruity breath 呼吸有水果味arrhythmia 心律失常,心律不齐atelectasis 肺不张,肺膨胀不全cardiac arrest 心搏骤停cardiac hypertrophy 心脏肥大cyanosis 发绀,青紫distension of jugular vein 颈静脉怒张extrasystole 期外收缩gallop rhythm 奔马律hemopleura 血胸hepatojugular reflux 肝颈静脉回流hypovolemia (循环)血容量减少palpitation 心悸tachycardia 心动过速pneumothorax 气胸thrill 震颤absent breath sounds 呼吸音消失dull sound 浊音hyperresonant 鼓音rale 啰音rhonchus, rhonchi 鼾音,干啰音wheeze 哮鸣音anorexia, loss of appetite 食欲不振,厌食dysphagia 吞咽困难eructation 嗳气belching 嗳气flatulence 气胀flatus 肠胃气,屁gaseous distention 胃胀气hematemesis 呕血hiccough, hiccup 打呃,呃逆nausea 恶心pyrosis 胃灼热regurgitation 反胃,回流thirsty 口渴vomiting 呕吐anal fissure, crack in the anal canal 肛裂ascites 腹水board-like rigidity of the abdomen 板状腹decreased tactile fremitus 触觉性震颤减弱exophageal varices 食管静脉曲张fistula 瘘,瘘管hemorrhoid 痔hernia 疝hepatomegaly 肝肿大intussusception 肠套叠jaundice 黄疸muscle guarding, defence of the abdominal wall 腹壁肌卫peristalsis 蠕动loss of peristalsis 蠕动消失mass peristalsis 总蠕动retrograde (reversed)peristalsis 逆蠕动prolapse 脱垂prolapse of anus 脱肛rectal prolapse 直肠脱垂,脱肛volvulus 肠扭转calculus 结石,石biliary calculus 胆结石vesical calculus 膀胱结石constipation 便秘defecation 排便diarrhea 腹泻incontinence of feces 大便失禁hematochezia 便血fecal impaction 大便嵌塞occult blood 潜血painful straining with defecation 排便痛性牵动clay colored stools 陶土色便dark, granular/coffee ground emesis 咖啡样呕吐物fecal vomiting, stercoraceous vomiting 呕粪,吐粪foul fatty stools, steatorrhea 恶臭脂肪便,脂肪痢scanty and hard stools 便少而硬tarry (black)stools 柏油样便anuria 无尿burning sensation no urination 排尿时的灼烧感dysurea 排尿困难,尿痛enuresis, bed wetting 遗尿frequency of urination 尿频micturation 排尿uresis, urination, voiding 排尿nocturia 夜尿oliguria 少尿polyuria 多尿tenesmus 里急后重vesical tenesmus 排尿时里急后重uremia coma 尿毒症昏迷urgency of urination 尿急urinary incontinence 尿失禁aciduria 酸尿chyluria 乳糜尿cylindruia 管型尿glycosuria 糖尿hematuria 血尿ketonuria 酮尿pneumatinuria 气尿proteinuria 蛋白尿pyuria 脓尿amenorrhea 经闭,无月经dysmenorrhea 痛经menorrhagia 月经过多lochia 恶露menorrhea 行经,月经过多menstruation 月经uterine contraction 子宫收缩blotch 斑点bruise 挫伤,青肿acne 痤疮,粉刺desquamation 脱皮,脱屑ecchymosis 瘀斑loss of skin turgor 失去皮肤充盈nevus 痣papule 丘疹petechia 瘀点,瘀斑pigmentation 色素沉着pustule 脓疱purpura 紫癫red nodule 红结节roseola 玫瑰疹scar 伤疤senile plaque 老人斑spider anaioma 蛛形痣subcutaneous nodule 皮下结节urticaria 荨麻疹vesicle 小水疱vitiligo 白斑blindness 失明blurred vision, visual disturbance 视力模糊impaired vision 视力下降lacrimation 流泪papilledema 视神经乳头水肿photophobia 畏光,羞明retinal detachment 视网膜脱离deafness 聋hearing loss 听力丧失tinnitus 耳鸣epistaxis, nasal bleeding 鼻出血impaired smelling 嗅觉障碍nasal discharge 鼻涕nasal obstruction 鼻塞sneeze 喷嚏snore 打鼾aphonia, loss of voice 失音症hoarseness 嘶哑gum bleeding 齿龈出血herpes labialis 唇疱疹,感冒疮Koplik's spots 科普利克斑lead line of the gum 龈铅线salivation, drooling 流口水straw-berry tongue 草莓舌tremulous tongue 舌震颤atrophy 萎缩contracture 挛缩deformity 畸形,变形dislocation 脱位fracture 骨折closed (simple)fracture 无创骨折,单纯性骨折comminuted fracture 粉碎性骨折compound fracture 哆开(开放性)骨折knock-knee 膝外翻opisthotonos 角弓反张prosthesis 假体spasm 痉挛tetany (肌)强直,手足抽搦wrist drop 腕下垂aphasia 失语ataxia 共济失调coma 昏迷consciousness 知觉,意识convulsion 抽搐,惊厥delirium 谵妄delusion 妄想faint 昏厥hallucination 幻觉hemiplegia 偏瘫increased intracranial pressure 颅内压增高insanity 精神错乱loss of orientation 定向丧失mania 躁狂memory defects, amnesia 记忆缺损,遗忘症paraplegia 截瘫,下身麻痹projectile vomiting 喷射性呕吐somnolence, (lethargy)昏睡,嗜睡stupor 木僵,昏呆tetraplegia 四肢瘫痪unconsciousness 失去知觉yawning 打哈欠crisis 危象cerebral (febrile, hematic, hemolytic,hypertensive, thyrotoxic, ……)crisis脑(热、血性、溶血、高血压、甲状腺中毒…)危象failure 衰竭,故障centra(circulatory, cardiac, myocardiac, peripheral, congestive, renal, respiratory)failure中枢(循环、心力、心肌、周围循环、充血性、肾、呼吸…)衰竭diagnosis诊断auscultation 听诊inspection 视诊palpation触诊percussion 叩诊laboratory examination 实验室检查physical examination 体格检查rectal (vaginal)touch 直肠(阴道)指诊impression 印象tentative diagnosis 暂定诊断differential diagnosis 鉴别诊断final diagnosis 最后诊断prognosis 预后prescription 处方incubation (latent)period 潜伏期prodromal stage 前驱期incipient stage 初期quiescent stage 静止期alleviation 减轻,缓和remission 缓解attack 发作convalescence (recovery)stage 恢复期rehabilitation 康复relapse 复发sudden death 猝死moribund 濒死的course of the disease 病程course of the treatment 疗程indication 适应症,指征complication 并发症contraindication 禁忌症side-effect 副作用sequel (sequela), after effect 后遗症therapies 治疗方法acupuncture therapy 针刺疗法block therapy 封闭疗法chemical therpy (chemo-therapy)化学疗法combined therapy 综合疗法conservative therapy 保守疗法constitutional therapy 全身疗法dietetic therapy 饮食疗法operative treatment 手术疗法palliative treatment, alleviative treatment 姑息疗法physical therapy 物理疗法psychotherapy 精神疗法radical treatment 根治radio-therapy 放射性疗法supporting treatment 支持疗法symptomatic treatment对症疗法cardiac massage 心脏按摩cardiac pacing 心脏起博electrotherapy 电疗法electroshock treatment 电休克疗法hemodialysis 血液透析hyperbaric therapy 高压氧疗法insulin-shock treatment 胰岛素休克疗法light therapy 光疗法Urine Analyzer 尿液分析仪blood sugar(glucose )analyzer血糖分析仪test strip 测试条reagent 试剂Semi-automatic Biochemical Analyzer半自动生化分析仪Automatic Blood Cell Analyzer全自动血细胞分析仪Urine sediments analyzer尿沉渣Bio-safety Cabinet 生物安全柜Incubator培养箱High Frequency Electrotome 高频电刀shadowless lamp无影灯High speed refrigerated centrifuge高速冷冻离心机hot air sterilizer热空气消毒箱microbiological incubator微生物培养箱Halogen light 卤素灯needle destroyer针头销毁器automatic packer自动纸塑包装机scalp vein set头皮针uniprocessor version单机版network version网络版macromolecule-solvent 高分子溶解的macromolecule cold accumulation 高分子蓄冷cold treatment冷疗法ice pack冰袋eyeshade 眼罩Medical injection pump医用灌注泵lithotrite 碎石机extracorporeal shock wave lithotrite体外冲击碎石机Ballistic intracroporeal lithotrite 气压冲击体内碎石机Laparoscope 腹腔镜Urology 泌尿外科kidney stones 肾结石Multi-parameter monitor, 多参数监护仪maternal monitor/fetal monitor母亲/胎儿监护仪ICU monitor 重症监护仪anesthetic equipment 麻醉机respirator呼吸机electronic colposcope 电子阴道镜smog absorber烟雾吸收器digital film room 数字胶片室Permanent Magnet Open Magnetic Resonance system 永磁开放式磁共振系统Ultrasonic Color Doppler Diagnostic system彩色超声多普勒诊断系统Mobile CT system 移动CT系统X-ray Mammary Machine 乳腺X线机Mammography乳腺high precision Stereotaxic 高精度脑立体定向仪portable Type-B ultrasonic 便携式B超Sterilization and Disinfection Equipment消毒灭菌设备Radiotherapeutic equipment.放射疗法设备pharmaceutical equipments.制药设备horizontal pressurized steam sterilizer普通卧式压力蒸汽灭菌器medical electronic linear accelerator医用电子直线加速器high frequency X-rays diagnostic machine高频X射线诊断机simulated positioner模拟定位机high frequency mobile X-rays machine高频移动X射线机医疗卫生人员职衔职称主任医师(讲课):Professor of Medicine主任医师(医疗):Professor of Treatment儿科主任医师:Professor of Paediatrics主治医师:Doctor-in-charge外科主治医师:Surgeon-in-charge内科主治医师:Physician-in-charge眼科主治医师:Oculist-in-charge妇科主治医师:Gynaecologist-in-charge牙科主治医师:Dentist-in-charge医师:Doctor医士:Assistant Doctor主任药师:Professor of Pharmacy主管药师:Pharmacist-in-charge药师:Pharmacist药士:Assistant Pharmacist主任护师:Professor of Nursing主管护师:Nurse-in-charge护师:Nurse Practitioner护士:Nurse主任技师:Senior Technologist主管技师:Technologist-in-charge技师:Technologist技士:Technician常用抗菌药物青霉素类青霉素(G) Penicillin(G) Benzylpenicillin, 苄青霉素, 盘尼西林青霉素V Penicillin V Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Blinvan, Ospen, 苯氧甲基青霉素苄星青霉素Benzathine Penicillin 长效西林, 长效青霉素, 比西林, LPG, 苄星青氨苄西林Ampicillin 安比西林, 氨苄青霉素, 安必仙, 安必林, 安比林阿莫西林Amoxicillin 特力士, 弗来莫星, 羟氨苄青霉素, 益萨林, 阿莫仙, 安福喜, 本原莫星巴氨西林Bacampicillin 美洛平, 氨卡西林, 氨苄青霉素甲戊酯阿洛西林Azlocillin 阿乐欣, 咪氨苄西林, 氧咪苄青霉素, Azlin美洛西林Mezlocillin 天林, Baypen, Mezlin, Baycipen替卡西林Ticarcillin 羧噻吩青霉素, 的卡西林, Nonapen, Ticarpen酞氨西林Talampicillin 氨苄青霉素酞酯, 酞氨苄青霉素, 酞氨苄西林, TAPC, Talpen夫苄西林Furbenicillin 呋脲苄青霉素, 呋苄青霉素, 呋氨西林, 呋喃酰脲苄青霉素氟氯西林Flucloxacillin 氟氯苯唑青霉素, 氟沙星, 福氯平, Floxapen羧苄西林Carbenicillin 羧苄青霉素, 卡比西林, 羧苄青阿扑西林Aspoxicillim 天冬羟氨青霉素, Doyle, ASPC匹氨西林Pivampicillin 氨苄西林酯, 匹凡西林, 匹呋西林, 吡呋氨卡西林双氯西林Dicloxacillin 双氯青, Dynapen, Consaphyl, Stampen, Diflor甲氧西林Meticillin 新青霉素Ⅰ, 美替西林, Azapen, Penysol苯唑西林钠Oxacillin Sodium 新青霉素Ⅱ, 苯唑青霉素钠, 苯甲异噁唑青霉素奈夫西林Nafcillin 新青霉素Ⅲ, 乙氧萘青霉素匹美西林Pivmecillinam 氮卓咪青霉素双酯, Celfuron, Melysin仑氨苄西林Lenampicillin Varacillin, Takacillin美西林Mecillinam Selexidleo, Selexid, Coactin, Amdinocillin, 氮卓脒青霉素哌拉西林钠Piperacillin Sodium 氧哌嗪青霉素, 哔哌西林, 哌氨苄青霉素Avocin, Orocin, Pipril氯唑西林钠Cloxacillin Sodium 邻氯青霉素钠, 氯唑青, Orbenin阿帕西林钠Apalcillin Sodium 萘啶青霉素钠, APPC, Lumota, Elumota, Palcin磺苄西林钠Sulbenicillin Sodium 磺苄青霉素钠, 卡他西林, 格达西林Sulfocillin, Lilacillin, Kedacillin青霉素V钾Phenoxymethylpenicillin Potassiume 6–苯氧乙酰胺基青霉烷酸钾, Cillaphen Distaquaine VK, Compocillin VK, Dowpen VK Cilicaine VK, Apopen, Biopen海他西林钾Hetacillin Potassium 缩酮氨苄青霉素钾, Etacillin, Veisapen卡茚西林钠Carindacillin Sodium Carbenicillin Indanyl Sodium, Geopen, Geocillin 治平霉素替莫西林二钠Temocillin Disodium Temopen头孢菌素类第一代头孢噻吩钠Cefalotin Sodium 先锋Ⅰ号, 头孢金素, 噻孢霉素, CET头孢噻啶Cefaloridine 先锋Ⅱ号, 头孢利素, CER, Kafspor头孢来星Cefaloglycine 先锋Ⅲ号, 头孢甘酸, Kafocin, Kefglycin头孢氨苄Cefalexin 先锋Ⅳ号, 苯甘孢霉素, 头孢力新, CEX头孢唑啉钠Cefazolin Sodium 先锋Ⅴ号, 塞福宁, 西华乐林, 先锋啉, 凯复唑Cefalin, CEX, Cefamedin, Kefzol, Cramaxin头孢拉定Cefradine 先锋Ⅵ号, 头孢雷定, 头孢瑞丁, 头孢环已烯,泛捷复, Velosef, CED, 塞福定头孢乙腈Cefacetrile 先锋Ⅶ号, 头孢腈甲, 头孢赛曲头孢匹林Cefapirin 先锋Ⅷ号, 头孢吡硫, Ceta-Dri头孢硫脒Cefathiamidine 先锋18, 吡脒头孢头孢克洛Cefaclor 赐福乐素, 新达乐, 头孢氯氨苄, Ceclor, 希刻劳,头孢克罗, 可福乐, 氯头孢菌素, CCL头孢羟氨苄Cefadroxil Cefadril, Kefroxil, 羟氨苄头孢菌素, 欧意, CDX,Duracef, Bidocef, Cefamx头孢沙定Cefroxadine 头孢环烯氨, ORASPON, CGP-9000, CXD头孢罗齐Cefprozil 头孢丙烯, Cefzil头孢替唑Ceftezole 特子社复, Tezacef, Alomen第二代头孢呋辛钠Cefuroxime Sodium 头孢呋肟, 赐福乐信, 舒贝洛, 西力欣, 特力欣, 明可欣, CXM, Zinacef, Monacef, Ketocef, Furex Kesiut, Supero头孢替安Cefotiam 噻乙胺唑头孢菌素, 头孢噻乙胺唑, 泛司博林, 泛司颇灵, Pansparin, Halospor, CTM头孢呋辛酯Cefuroxime Axetil 头孢呋肟酯, 新菌灵, 西力达, 头孢呋新乙酰乙酯Zinnat头孢西丁Cefoxitin 头孢氧唑, 甲氧头霉噻吩, 噻吩甲氧头孢菌素, 美福仙, 甲氧头霉噻吩, CXT, CFX头孢尼西二钠Cefonicid Disodium 铭乐希, Monocid, Cefonicid, Cefodie, Cefol头孢孟多Cefamandole 头孢羟唑, 羟苄四唑头孢菌素, Mandolkef, CMT, Cefadole, Mandol头孢美唑钠Cefmetazole Sodium 先锋美他醇, 氰唑甲氧头孢菌素, 头孢氰四唑,头孢美他唑, CEFMETAZON, CMZ, Cemetol头孢布宗Cefbuperazone 头孢拉宗, Keiperazon, Tomiporan, Cefobutazine, CBPZ 头孢雷特Ceforanide 头孢氨甲苯唑, 头孢苄胺四唑, 氨苄唑头孢菌素Precef第三代头孢地尼Cefdinir Cefzon头孢布坦Ceftibuten 头孢布烯, Cedax头孢卡品Cefcapene Pivoxil 头孢卡喷新戊酰氧甲酯, Flomox头孢噻肟钠Cefotaxime Sodium 头孢氨噻肟, 泰可欣, 塞福隆, 菌必灭, 治菌必妥, 凯福隆, 凯复龙, 头孢噻肟, 喜福得, Claforan, CTX头孢曲松钠Ceftriaxone Sodium 头孢三嗪, 头孢泰克松, 罗氏芬, 罗噻嗪, 菌必治, 菌得治, 头孢三嗪噻肟, 泛生舒复, 西华瑞隆, Rocephin, Ro-139904, CTRX 头孢哌酮钠Cefoperazone Sodium 头孢氧哌唑, 先锋必, 头孢必, 达诺欣, 塞福必,Cefobid, T-1551, CPZ头孢他啶Ceftazidime 头孢塔齐定, 头孢羧甲噻肟, 复达欣, 凯复定, Glazidine, Fortaz, Eposerin, Modocin, Fotrum, Tazidime, CTZ, Spectrum, Eposerin, Modocin头孢唑肟Ceftizoxime 头孢去甲噻肟, 益保世灵, 安保速灵, Epocelin CZX, CEFTIZOX头孢克肟Cefixime 头孢烯噻羟肟, 世伏素, 世福素, FK027, Suprax, CFIX , CEFSPAN头孢甲肟Cefmenoxime 头孢氨噻肟唑, 倍司特克, BESTCALL, CMX头孢地嗪Cefodizime 头孢双唑, 莫敌, 莫敌威, Modivid, Timcef头孢匹胺Cefpiramide 先福吡兰, 甲吡唑头孢菌素, 头孢吡胺, CPM,Cefpiran, Sepatren头孢特仑酯Cefteram Pivoxil 头孢特仑新戊酰氧甲酯, 托米仑, 头孢他美酯,富山龙, Tomiron头孢磺吡苄钠Cefsulodin Sodium 头孢磺吡酮, 头孢磺啶钠, 磺吡苄头孢菌素钠,达克舒林, Cefsulodine, Takesulin, CFS, SCE129拉他头孢Latamoxef 羟羧氧酰胺菌素, 拉氧头孢, 头孢拉坦, 噻吗灵Moxalactam, Shiomarin, Moxam, LMOX头孢米诺Cefminox 氨羧甲氧头孢菌素, 美土灵, Meicelin头孢咪唑Cefpimizole Benilan, SPIE, Ajicef头孢替坦二钠Cefotetan Disodium 双硫唑甲氧头孢霉素, Yamatetan, CTT, Cefotan第四代头孢唑喃钠Cefuzonam Sodium Cosmosin, CZON氟氧头孢钠Flomoxef Sodium 氟莫克西, 6315-S头孢匹罗Cefpirome 头孢吡隆, 氨噻肟吡戊头孢其它Β-内酰胺类亚胺培南Imipenem 伊米配能, 亚胺硫霉素, NFT氯曲南Aztreonam 菌克单, 君刻单, 噻肟单酰胺菌素, AZACTAM,Primbactam, Primbactin, SQ-26776氟罗培南Faropenem 福劳派南, Farom苄西林/氯唑西林Ampicillin/Cloxacillin 复方安比西林, 爱罗苏, 氨氯西林, 白罗仙, 淋必清, Pinocine亚胺培南/西司他丁Imipenem/Cilastatin 亚胺硫霉素/西拉司丁, 泰能, TIENAM, PRIMAXIN阿莫西林/氟氯西林Amoxicillin/Flucloxacillin 氟羟西林, 新灭菌, Biflocin, Infectrin三羟阿莫西林/单羟双氯西林Amoxycillin Trihydrate/Dicloxacillin康彼身, 克菌, CompliscanΒ-内酰胺类抗生类+Β-内酰胺酶抑制剂氨苄西林/舒巴坦Ampicillin/Sulbactam 强力安必仙, 舒他西林, 优力新, 新凯兰欣, 舒氨欣, Unasyn, Sultamicillin头孢哌酮/舒巴坦Cefoperazone/Sulbactam 舒普深, 舒哌酮, Sulperazone头孢噻肟/舒巴坦Cefotaxime/Sulbactam 新治菌哌拉西林/他佐巴坦Piperacillin/Tazobactam Tazocin, YP-14阿莫西林/克拉维酸Amoxillin/Clavulanic Acid 安灭菌, 安美汀, 奥格门汀, 安美汀, 阿莫克拉Augmentin, BRL25000替卡西林/克拉维酸Ticarcillin/Clavulanic Acid 泰门汀, 特泯菌, 特美汀, Timentin舒巴坦Sulbactam 舒巴克坦, 陪他美, 青霉烷砜氨基糖甙类链霉素Streptomycin RIMACTANE, RIFAMPINN, ovostrep庆大霉素Gentamycin 庆大霉素C, 瑞贝克, 正泰霉素庆大霉素链Gentamicin Chains 塞透派勒链, Septopal妥布霉素Tobramycin 立可信软膏,点必舒眼药水(妥布+地塞米松)泰星,妥布拉霉素,托普霉素,NEBCIN,Factorb, Brulamycin, Tobra, Nebramycin, Gernebcin, Obracine小诺霉素Micronomicin 小诺米星, 沙加霉素, 相模霉素, Sagamicin, Kw-1062, MCR核糖霉素Ribostamycin 威他霉素, 维生霉素, Vistamycin, Ibistacin大观霉素Spectinomycin 奇霉素, 壮观霉素, 淋必治, 奈毒素, Spectram, 克淋, Trobicin, Kirin阿米卡星Amikacin 丁胺卡那霉素, Amikin, Likacin西索米星Sisomicin 西梭霉素, 西索霉素, 紫苏霉素, Sisomin, Sipeptin奈替米星Netilmicin 乙基西梭霉素, 奈特, 奈替霉素, 乙基西素米星, 立克菌星, 乙基紫苏毒素, Ethylsisomicin, Vectacin, Zetamicn, Certomycin, NETROMYCIN异帕米星Isepamicin 依克沙霉素, HAPA-B, Exacin阿司米星Astromicin 阿司霉素, 福提霉素, 武夷霉素, 强壮霉素FORTIMICIN, Kw-1070, ASTM, Fortimicin地贝卡星Dibekacin 双去氧卡那霉素B, Dideoxykanamycin B, DKB, 达苄霉素, Icacine依替米星Etimicin 悉能磷霉素类磷霉素Fosfomycin 福赐美仙, Phosphonomycin, Fosfocina, FOM磷霉素氨基丁三醇Fosfomycin Tromethamine Monurol喹诺酮类第二代吡哌酸Pipemidic Acid PPA第三代诺氟沙星Nofloxacin 氟哌酸, 淋克星, Fulgram, Noroxin, AM-715 MK-0366, Brazan, Baccidal环丙沙星Ciprofloxacin 悉复欣, 悉普欣, 悉普宁, 丽珠环丙, 特美力,环丙氟哌酸, 健宝灵, CIPRO, Bay-0-9867, Ciprobay, Ciproxin培氟沙星Pefloxacin 培福新, 甲氟哌酸, 倍泰, Peflacine洛美沙星Lomefloxacin 洛威, 罗氟酸, 欣美罗, 多龙, Bareon芦氟沙星Rufloxacin 如氟沙星左旋氧氟沙星Levofloxacin 可乐必妥, 左氟沙星, Cravit依诺沙星Enoxacin 氟啶酸, 福禄马, 复克, FLUMARK, GYRAMID,Flumark氟罗沙星Fleroxacin 复诺定, 多氟哌酸, 喹诺敌, 麦加乐定, 沃尔得FLX, Megelone, Quinodis, Ro-236240, AM-833氧氟沙星Ofloxacin 氟嗪酸, 秦利必妥, 泰利特, 奥复星, 康泰必妥, 竹安新, TARIVID, 赞诺欣, Zanoxin, Oflocin, 泰利得, 正康培氟沙星Pefloxacin 甲氟哌酸, 培氟哌酸, 培福新, 倍宁, Pefalcine。

家电产品通用缺陷整理包装缺陷:包装箱、装箱带:产品堆放户外,部分纸箱渗水Some cartons of products piled outdoors are in the case of water seepage 包裝方式错误Incorrect packing method / Different packing from approved sample包装材料脏污、褶皱或破损Packing material with dirt, wrinkle and damage金属带用于包装Metal strapping is used for packing as the sharp edges are harmful to man纸箱/彩箱破損/撕裂The carton/color box is broken or split包装严重/轻微变形,且对产品造成/未造成损伤Serious/light deforming of packing with/without damage to product外箱封箱纸松动Carton glue tape looses封箱不良, 箱盖開口Poorly sealing with the cover opening包装箱实际尺寸与规格书不符The sizes of carton are different from spec包装箱上重要信息遗漏、错误或者不清晰,诸如贴纸格式、产品型号、logo、包装箱尺寸、重量、原产地、批次等Missing, wrong or illegible of important information on packing such as the form of labeling, model #,logo, size of carton, weight, country of origin ,batch etc包装箱内产品倒装The packing for product is upside-down彩箱褶皱Color box crumples彩盒封口脱开Breaking of the joint on gift box包装箱内漏装泡沫或纸托Missing foam or paper holder for product protecting in the packing彩箱内少配件Missing accessories in the packing生产批次号:包装内没有生产批次号Missing production patch number sealed in the packing包装内生产批号不清晰Seal/label of production patch number in the packing is not clear to read说明书、执行标准、对应单:产品漏装说明书Missing production specification产品说明书皱折/破损The product specification is folded/damaged包装内说明书与产品不一致Specification does not cover the product in the packing执行标准错误Instruction sheet is wrong执行标准缺失Missing the instruction sheet包装箱内对应单错误Corresponding sheet of specification in the packing is wrong外观:产品材料/尺寸/颜色/logo/外观与样板有差异Material/size/color/logo/appearance of product is different from approved sample警告标贴粘贴不良:警告标贴有破损The warning label is damaged产品缺少警告标贴Missing the warning label产品警告标贴翘边Warning label with flapping edge/lifting警告标贴脱落Warning label with peeling off警告标贴脏污Warning label is dirty警示语/安全手册遗漏Missing caution/warning/safety instruction产品合格证粘贴不良:产品合格证贴偏Certificate of conformity of product is slanting产品合格证有破损Certificate of conformity is damaged产品缺少产品合格证Missing the certificate of conformity产品合格证翘边Certificate of conformity with flapping edge/lifting产品合格证褶皱Certificate of conformity is folded产品合格证脱落Certificate of conformity with peeling off产品合格证脏污Certificate of conformity is dirty产品合格证上的制造商名称与铭牌不一致Name of manufacturer on certificate of conformity does not accord with the nameplate产品铭牌粘贴不良:产品铭牌贴纸有明显气泡There are obvious bubbles on the nameplate of product产品上有重复粘贴的铭牌There are repeated stickup nameplates on the product铭牌缺失Missing nameplate铭牌翘边Nameplate with flapping edge/lifting铭牌褶皱Nameplate is folded铭牌粘贴与指定位置有明显偏差Nameplate is slight out of the designated position铭牌颠倒Nameplate is upside-down铭牌脏污Nameplate is dirty能效标签粘贴不良:能效标签缺失Missing the Energy Rating Label能效标签破损/脏污/褶皱/翘边/颠倒Energy Rating Label is damaged/dirty/folded/lifting/upside-down条形码:条形码信息与铭牌/说明书信息不符Bar code Scanned number is not conform to the number printed on thelabel/spec条形码区域破损导致不可读Broken or tear damage of the bar cord area occurs the un-reading 印刷、喷油不良:喷油擦花Paint with abrading印刷不清晰,不可读Un-clear printing could not be read印刷脏污/褪色Printing is smeared/off colored丝印不良:丝印刮花Scratch on silk-screen丝印不清The silk-screen is not clear to read丝印内容有误The content of silk-screen is wrong外部螺钉:螺丝生锈Screw with rusting螺丝打花Screw with stripping螺丝断Screw broken螺钉翘起Uneven screw covers螺孔刮花Scratch on screw hole螺丝未锁紧Screw isn't locked tightly固定螺柱断裂The bolt fixing the shell of product is broken漏装一颗固定螺钉Miss a screw for fixing the shell铆钉未完全翻边The rivet isn't rolled properly and tightly漏打特殊螺钉Missing the special screw产品表面:外壳/附件破碎Enclosure or parts is broken产品装配错位Assembly with dislocation产品微晶板错位The microcrystalline panel is dislocated产品表面变形The surface of product deforms产品表面有凹痕,凹痕尺寸为**There is dent mark on the surface of product shell , the mark is between * to * square cm/mm .产品表面有刮花,划痕尺寸为**There is scratched mark on the surface of product shell , the length is ** cm/mm .产品表面有脏污,脏污点尺寸为**There is dirt mark on the surface of product shell , the spot is over ** square cm/mm产品表面有污垢,可擦掉的/不可擦掉的There is dirt on the surface of product shell, which is removable /irremovable产品金属表面生锈There is corrosion mark on metal surface of product产品表面有溢胶There is glue water mark on the surface of product产品微晶板侧面崩缺The side face of microcrystalline panel is collapsed微晶板破损Microcrystalline panel is broken产品微晶板溢胶There is uncleaned glue water mark in the gap of microcrystalline panel 产品塑料部分(如手柄)成型不良There is peeling of chrome plating发热盘涂层表面划花There is scratch mark on the painting surface of heating plate产品内胆有污垢There is dirt mark on the internal bladder of product陶瓷表面有针眼There are pin holes on the surface of ceramic制陶不良,表面有凹线Ceramics is poor that there is concave line on the surface of product 产品表面掉漆The painting on the surface of product peels off产品表面涂料不均匀The surface coating of product is uneven产品表面油漆涂层起浮点There are floating points on the surface of paint coating锅柄焊接不良The handle of pot is poor welding产品塑料部分有披锋/毛刺There is flashing/burrs mark on the plastic parts of product产品手柄部分有锐边Plastic part (handle)of product is poorly molded产品焊接锐边Welding-- sharp edge of xproduct may cause injury锅盖塑料部分有毛边The plastic part of pot cover has burrs水壶基座有毛刺There are burrs on the base of product产品底部螺丝有锐边There are sharp edges of screws on the bottom of product产品结构缺陷:部件组装不正确 Parts of the product have not been assembled correctly 间隙问题:产品金属件与塑料件间隙大于1.0 mmThe gap between metal and plastic parts is over 1.0 mm外壳装配不到位,间隙达到2mmEnclosure is not secured in place or with excessive gaps 2.0 mm手柄间隙为0.76mmThe gap of handle is 0.76mm机头外壳尺寸偏大,机头外壳与机架耦合处突出0.8~1.3mmThe size of shell is so large to nose that the prominent coupling between the shell and the rack is 0.8-1.3mm产品面盖与顶板配合间隙大于0.8mmThe gap between the panel and the roof is greater than 0.8mm底部塑料与温控器配合间隙为0.8mmThe gap between the plastic part of bottom and thermostat is 0.8mm产品底部与壶身配合间隙为0.5mmThe gap between bottom and body of product is 0.5mm安装不到位、部件松脱:部件未装紧或引起脱落Parts assembled are so loose that may cause drop off部件不定位Parts assembled cannot hold position产品金属外部镀铬层剥落There is sharp edge on the handle of product虚焊、脱焊、焊穿或者焊接点过小可能影响使用功能Welding-- false welding , mesh welding loose , welding through parts or welding joint is too minor which may affect function锁紧装置过松或者过紧The latch mechanism is too tight to operate or too loose to be locked 脚垫装配过松导致脱落The rubber foot is too loose with falling off橡胶垫松脱Rubber feet looses out电水壶底座与壶体离拉/错位For electric kettle,there is gap/step between base and bottom控制面板、开关:产品控制面板保护膜起皱Protective membrane covering onto Control Panel is folded按键卡住Key/button is jammed/stuck按键太紧Key/button is too tight when pressing开关不能复位Switch could not reset开关接触不良Power switch interrupted保温开关灵敏度低The sensitivity of insulation switch is poor控制面板上字体印刷不良Poor printing on control panel控制面板刮花Scratch on the control panel控制面板尺寸与规格书要求不符The height of control panel is different from the technical requirement, height of control panel is 120mm, and the technical requirement is 130.5mm 控制面板上的按钮用20~30N的力可以拔出The buttons on control panel would be pulled out with forces 20N胶脚、支架:支架倾斜超过要求The legs slant outwards/inwards more than requested胶脚不平Rocking on rubber foot漏装胶脚Missing rubber foot胶脚松脱Rubber foot looses附件、元件:漏装附件Missing components产品发热元件与零部件清单上不一致The heating elements of product do not accord with S p are Parts list电源线型号没有报备Style of supply cord do not accord with submitted插头生锈Plug pins is rusted/oxidized电源线脏污There is dirt mark on power supply cord电源线损坏,绝缘层/导线外漏Mains cable is damaged so as to 2nd insulation layer and/or conductors exposes电源线夹紧装置松脱Clamping device for power cord looses火线外漏Live wire exposed电源线可触及The power cord could be touched from the outside过滤网损坏Damaged filter screen内胆刮花Scratch on the internal bladder产品配件炒锅中缺少手柄There is lack of handle to wok which belongs to the product accessories 产品使用的电源线制造商为**,CB报告中没有覆盖。

工程规范 直通率(一次下线合格率) 失效模式及后果分析 重复性再现性 关键特性/重要特性
高影响特性:高影响特性是当相关的参数超出规格范围时会对操作过程或下一步操作 产生严重影响的参数。
身份标识号码 准时制生产方式 关键过程输出变量 投产准备就绪审查 测量系统分析 材料规范 国家技术标准研究院 设备综合效率 原始设备制造商:一家厂家根据另一家厂商的要求,为其生产产品和产品配件
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8D,Globe 8D

CRA专业术语中英文对照缩略语英文全称中文全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件是指药物治疗过程中所发生的任何不幸的医疗卫生事件,而这种事件不一定与药物有因果关系。
ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AE Adverse Event 不良事件在用药病人或临床试验受试者中发生的任何不幸医疗事件,他不一定要与治疗有因果关系AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数CI Co-investigator 合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请CSA Clinical Study Agreement 临床研究协议CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统FA Financial Agreement 财务协议FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册IC Informed Consent 知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form 知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断IVRS Interactive V oice Response System 互动语音应答系统MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare 日本卫生福利部NDA New Drug Application 新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药业统计学家协会QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event 严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/文件SD Subject Diary 受试者日记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration 国家食品药品监督管理局SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究人员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参比试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities WHO国际药品管理当局会议Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照Audit 稽查Audit Report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Blank Control 空白对照Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲Case History 病历Clinical study 临床研究Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告Compliance 依从性Coordinating Committee 协调委员会Cross-over Study 交叉研究Double Blinding 双盲Endpoint Criteria/measurement 终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准Inclusion Criteria 入选表准Information Gathering 信息收集Initial Meeting 启动会议Inspection 检察/视察Institution Inspection 机构检察Investigational Product 试验药物Investigator 研究者Monitor 监查员(监察员)Monitoring 监查(监察)Monitoring Plan 监查计划(监察计划)Monitoring Report 监查报告(监察报告)Multi-center Trial 多中心试验Non-clinical Study 非临床研究Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录Outcome Assessment 结果评价Patient File 病人档案Patient History 病历Placebo 安慰剂Placebo Control 安慰剂对照Preclinical Study 临床前研究Protocol 试验方案Protocol Amendments 修正案Randomization 随机Reference Product 参比制剂Sample Size 样本量、样本大小Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Single Blinding 单盲Sponsor 申办者Study Audit 研究稽查Subject 受试者Subject Enrollment 受试者入选Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表Subject Recruitment 受试者招募Study Site 研究中心Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表System Audit 系统稽查Test Product 受试制剂Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议Trial Master File 试验总档案Trial Objective 试验目的Triple Blinding 三盲Wash-out 洗脱Wash-out Period 洗脱期。

缩略语缩略语 英文全称英文全称 中文全称中文全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件药物不良事件ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应药物不良反应 AE Adverse Event 不良事件不良事件AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数体质指数CI Co-investigator 合作研究者合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者协调研究者CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请临床研究申请CSA Clinical Study Agreement 临床研究协议临床研究协议CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案临床试验方案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board数据安全及监控委员会数据安全及监控委员会数据安全及监控委员会 EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统电子数据处理系统FA Financial Agreement 财务协议财务协议FDA Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药品管理局美国食品与药品管理局 FR Final Report 总结报告总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范药品生产质量管理规范IB Investigator ’s Brochure 研究者手册IC Informed Consent 知情同意知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form 知情同意书知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察独立数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会独立伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断体外诊断IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语音应答系统互动语音应答系统MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare日本卫生福利部日本卫生福利部 NDA New Drug Application 新药申请新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)国家卫生研究所(美国)PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)上市前许可(申请) PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry制药业统计学家协会制药业统计学家协会 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event 严重不良事件严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划统计分析计划SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/文件文件SD Subject Diary 受试者日记受试者日记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局国家食品药品监督管理局 SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表受试者入选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作规程标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究人员名单研究人员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参比试剂受试和参比试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织世界卫生组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities WHO国际药品管理当局会议Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照阳性对照、活性对照Audit 稽查稽查Audit Report 稽查报告稽查报告Auditor 稽查员稽查员Blank Control 空白对照空白对照Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲设盲Case History 病历病历Clinical study 临床研究临床研究Clinical Trial 临床试验临床试验Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告临床试验报告Compliance 依从性依从性Coordinating Committee 协调委员会协调委员会Cross-over Study 交叉研究交叉研究Double Blinding 双盲双盲Endpoint Criteria/measurement 终点指标终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准排除标准Inclusion Criteria 入选表准入选表准信息收集Information Gathering 信息收集启动会议Initial Meeting 启动会议视察 Inspection 检察/视察机构检察Institution Inspection 机构检察试验药物Investigational Product 试验药物研究者Investigator 研究者监查员(监察员) Monitor 监查员(监察员)监查(监察) Monitoring 监查(监察)监查计划(监察计划) Monitoring Plan 监查计划(监察计划)监查报告(监察报告) Monitoring Report 监查报告(监察报告)多中心试验Multi-center Trial 多中心试验非临床研究Non-clinical Study 非临床研究原始医疗记录Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录结果评价 Outcome Assessment 结果评价病人档案Patient File 病人档案病历Patient History 病历安慰剂Placebo 安慰剂安慰剂对照Placebo Control 安慰剂对照临床前研究Preclinical Study 临床前研究试验方案Protocol 试验方案修正案Protocol Amendments 修正案随机Randomization 随机参比制剂Reference Product 参比制剂样本量、样本大小Sample Size 样本量、样本大小严重性Seriousness 严重性严重程度Severity 严重程度单盲Single Blinding 单盲申办者Sponsor申办者研究稽查Study Audit 研究稽查受试者Subject 受试者受试者入选Subject Enrollment 受试者入选受试者入选表Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表受试者识别代码表 Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表受试者招募Subject Recruitment 受试者招募研究中心Study Site 研究中心受试者筛选表Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表系统稽查System Audit 系统稽查受试制剂Test Product 受试制剂试验启动会议Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议试验总档案Trial Master File 试验总档案试验目的Trial Objective 试验目的三盲Triple Blinding 三盲洗脱Wash-out 洗脱洗脱期Wash-out Period 洗脱期。

APQP常用词汇中英文对照1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。

590跳闸报警信息中英文对照表及故障排除报警名称十六进代码解决方法OVERSPEED 超速报警F*0001速度反馈超过额定速度的125%启动报警,故障多在丢失速度反馈信号。
报警延迟时间:0.1秒MISSING PULSE 丢失脉冲报警F*0002六脉冲电枢电流波形丢失一个脉冲,在电机负载超过 1.5倍DISCONTINUOUS(断续点)值时,启动报警。
报警延迟时间:60秒FIELD OVER I 励磁过电流报警F*0004电机励磁电流超过校准值120%启动报警,故障原因:电路板励磁触发故障,控制回路调谐不良,电机励磁线圈故障。
报警延迟时间:15秒HEATSINK TRRIP 散热器过热报警F*0008调速器的散热器温度太高。
报警延迟时间:0.75秒THERMISTOR 外接热敏电阻报警F*0010电机温度太高。
报警延迟时间:15秒OVER VOLTS(V A)过电压报警F*0020电枢电压接线松动,接线错误,励磁电压设置错误,励磁电流回路、弱磁反电势回路、速度环调节不良,都会出现过电压报警。
报警延迟时间:1.5秒SPEED FEEDBACK 速度反馈报警F*0040速度反馈和电枢电压反馈之间的差值大于“速度反馈报警电平”的值。