埃及王子台词 英汉双语版
![埃及王子台词 英汉双语版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b4519010767f5acfa1c7cda3.png)
《埃及王子》双语剧本主要角色配音表:?摩西:官志宏Moses : VAL KILMER雷明斯:徐敏Ramesses : PALPH FIENNES西玻拉:孙若瑜Tzipporah : MICHELLE PFEIFFER米利暗:蒋笃慧Miriam : SANDRA BULLOCK亚伦:孙中台Aaron : JEFF GOLDBLUM叶忒罗:龙祥辉Jethro : DANNY GLOVER西台:佟绍宗Seti : PATRICK STEWART皇后:姜瑰瑾The Queen : HELEN MIRREN何泰:孙德成Hotep : STEVE MARTIN胡威:刘明勋Huy : MARTIN SHORT?片名:埃及王子(The Prince of Egypt )?The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story.?While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide.?The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus.??[古埃及,希伯来奴隶们在建筑区劳作]?众奴隶:[唱]泥,沙,水,草。
(Mud, sand, water, straw. )监工:快点!(Faster! )众奴隶:[唱]用力拉,使劲拖,咬紧我的牙,拉。
(Mud and lift; sand and pull; water and raise up; straw. )监工:快一点!(Faster! )众奴隶:[唱]皮鞭里我的背血在流着,(With the sting of the whip on my shoulder; )忍着伤口汗水的刺痛,(With the salt of my sweat on my brow; )我的神是否还听见你的人民在这哀号,××××。
经典语录1. “真正重要的东西,眼睛是看不见的。
”“The essential things in life are invisible to the eyes.”2. “人们只有用心灵才能看清事物的本质。
”“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.”3. “你对一朵花负责,将使整个世界变得美丽。
”“If you take responsibility for a flower, you will make the whole world beautiful.”4. “大人们从来不懂得的一件事,是我们眼泪的真正意义。
”“The one thing that adults never understand is the true meaning of our tears.”5. “爱情,不是互相注视,而是一起朝着同一个方向看。
”“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”6. “常常发生的事情都是美好的,简单的事物才是我最心爱的。
”“What is essential is invisible to the eye, and it is only with the heart that one can see rightly.”7. “你对一朵花负责,将使整个世界变得美丽。
”“If you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”8. “责任就是发挥自己所能,体谅对方的需求,并保护彼此的感受与喜好。
埃及王子[Male Chorus] Mud泥Sand沙Water [Yells]水Straw草Faster动作快Mud and lift [Groans]泥,抬高Sand and pull沙,拉紧Water and raise up水,升高Straw Faster!草-动作快!With the sting of the whip无情的鞭子On my shoulder Aah!打在我的肩膀上. 啊!With the salt of my sweat辛苦的汗水On my brow流到了我的脸上.Elohim God on high艾洛极,我的主.Can You hear Your people cry你是否听见了,Help us now你的人民在呼唤你.This dark hour在这黑暗的时代,Deliver us快来救我们!Hear our call Deliver us听听我们的呼喊,快来拯救我们吧! Lord of all remember us万能的主,还记得我们吗?Here in this burning sand在这无情的热沙中来拯救我们.There's a land You promised us可记得你许诺过给我们的家园?Deliver us to the Promised Land带我们去这个美好的家园.Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach我的好儿子,Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d不要恐惧不要害怕.My son I have nothing I can give我的儿子,我没有任何东西可以给你But this chance that you may live只能设法让你逃生.I pray we'II meet again我祈祷我们还能见面.If He will deliver us [Men] Deliver us希望主来拯救我们!拯救我们!Hear our prayer Ohh!倾听我们的祈祷,[Woman Vocalizing] Deliver us from despair These years of slavery 让我们远离绝望,远离这些年的奴隶生活。
小王子经典语录中英文版1. You know — one loves the sunset, when oneis so sad…你知道的—当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落…… 2. If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars willbe darkened… And you think that is not important! 倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。
他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”可是,这花一旦被羊吃掉了,一瞬间,所有星星都将随之黯淡无光……那你也认为这不重要吗? 3. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她…… 4. For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。
她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花…… 5. My flower is ephemeral, and shehas only four thorns to defend herself against the world.And I have left on my planet, all alone! 我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了! 6. His flower hadtold him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike,in one single garden! 他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;可是仅仅在这座花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花! 7. I thought that I was rich,with a flower that was unique in all the world; and allI had was a common rose. A common rose…我总以为自己很富有,拥有一朵世上独一无二的花;实际上,我所拥有的不过是一朵普通的玫瑰而已。
All grown-ups were once a child, though, only a few people remember.2.沙漠之所以美丽,是因为角落里藏着一口井。
What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.3.世界上可能有五千朵和你一模一样的花,但只有你是我独一无二的玫瑰。
Maybe there are five thousand roses in the world and you the same flower, but only you are my unique rose.4.你花在玫瑰上的时间让你的玫瑰变得如此重要。
It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important。
Judge oneself than to judge others more difficult. If you successfully trial right himself, then you are really a wise.6、You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad.你知道的——当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落。
假如你喜欢某个行星上的一朵花,在夜晚仰望星空的时候心情就会很愉快,感觉所有的行星都开满了花……The thing that is important is the thing that not seen… It is just as it is with the flower。
The Prince of Egypt1.The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story. While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus.由《出埃及记》改编。
2. With the sting of the whip on my shoulder; With the salt ofmy sweat on my brow.我的肩膀受到鞭挞;我的脸上淌着咸汗。
3. God on high 天上的神灵Lord of all 万物之主The morning and evening star 日月星辰之王4. Safe may you stay.祝你永远平安5. Where’s your sense of fun?你的历险精神哪去了?6. –You’ve always looked up to me.–Yes, but it’s not much of a view.–你一直向我看齐。
7. –You don’t think we will get in trouble for this, do you?–No. Not a chance!–你不认为我们会为此受到惩罚,是吗?–当然不会!8. Do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you?你知道你与生俱来的使命吗?9. One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition. But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty!一座倒塌的神庙不能毁掉我们的传统。
李尔王中优美的句子英文表示1. 莎士比亚戏剧中的优美句子1.To be, or not to be: that is the question. 生还是死,这是个问题。
2.The course of true love never did run smooth. 真爱总要饱经历练。
3.Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。
4.The empty vessels make the greatest sound. 满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。
5.A light heart lives long. 豁达者长寿。
6.Don't gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。
7.Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. 美德和善良从来无所畏惧。
8.There are more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. 在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的。
9.抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他. Discard time, the time he has abandoned Discard time, and time is up to him. 10.时间的无声的脚步,是不会因为我们有许多事情需要处理而稍停片刻的. Time silent footsteps, not because we have many things to be addressed and Pause briefly . 11.生命的时间是短促的;但是即使生命随着时钟的指针飞驰,到了一小时就要宣告结束,要卑贱地消磨这段短时间却也嫌太长. Time is short life; But even if the target clock speed along with life, to one hour We end to this period of time was also engaged to spend too long.12.一颗好心抵得过黄金 Won gold in a kind 13.时光,凭你多狠,我的爱在我诗里将万古长青. Time, with you more ruthless, I love my poetry Lane will last forever. 14.人的一生是短的,但如卑劣的过这短的一生,就太长了 Human life is short, but if this despicable too short life, it too long 15.时间的威力在于:结束帝王们的争战;把真理带到阳光下,把虚假的谎言揭穿. The power lies in time : the endof the imperial who wanted; The truth to sunlight, the false lie.16.一个浪子所走的路是跟太阳一般的,可是他并不象太阳一样周而复始 A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the same as the solar cycle 17.要是不能把握时机,就要终身蹭蹬,一事无成. If we fail to grasp the opportunity, we would have lifelong Cengdeng, nothing 18.世事的起伏本来是波浪式的,人们要是能够趁着高潮一往直前,一定可功成名就…… Things would have been waves of ups and downs, and if people can build climax to proceed will be Traveling : : 19.腐蚀的臭锈,能把深藏的宝物消耗干净,黄金如善于利用,却能把更多的黄金生. Corrode the grass rust, can deep clean the treasures exertion, If good at using gold, but will bring more gold hygiene. 20.Love is a woman with the ears, and if the men will love, but love is to use your eyes。
小王子经典语句中法双语对照1.小王子:你知道--当你感觉到悲伤的时候,就会喜欢看落日...Tusais...quandonesttellementtristeonaimelescouchersdesoleil .2.如果有人钟爱着一朵独一无二的、盛开在浩瀚星海里的花。
那么,对他来说,所有的星光变会在刹那间暗淡无光!而你却认为这并不重要!Siquelqu'unaimeunefleurquin'existequ'àunexemplairedanslesmillionsetlesmillionsd'étoiles,?asuffitpourqu'ilsoitheureuxquandillesregarde.Ilsedi t:"Mafleurestlàquelquepart..."Maissilemoutonmangelafleur,c'estpourluimesi, brusquement,touteslesétoiless'éteignaient!Etcen'estpasimportant?a!3.因为忘记自己的朋友是一件悲哀的事情,并不是每个人都有朋友,如果我忘记了小王子,那我就会变得和那些除了对数字感兴趣,对其他事都漠不关心的大人们一样了.C'esttristed'oublierunami.Toutlemonden'apaseuunami.Etjepuis devenirmelesgrandespersonnesquines'intéressentplusqu'auxchiffres.4.小王子:我那时什么也不懂!我应该根据她的行为,而不是根据她的话来判断她。
1. “天花板上的星星是我给你的礼物。
”"The stars on the ceiling are my gift to you. I want you to know that no matter where you are, you can always see my stars."2. “对我而言,你就是独一无二的。
”"To me, you are unique. To you, I am also unique. Sometimes, you have to be responsible for someone because you have chosen to love them."3. “重要的不是眼睛所见的东西,而是心灵所感受到的。
”"What is essential is invisible to the eye, but felt by the heart."4. “人们忘记了真正的财富并不在于物质,而在于内心的情感和珍贵的记忆。
”"People have forgotten that true wealth is not about material possessions, but about the emotions in their hearts and precious memories."5. “人类总是为了自己独特而烦恼,却忽略了彼此的共通之处。
”"Human beings always worry about their uniqueness, but theyoverlook the commonalities they share with each other."6. “遇见困难,只有勇敢面对才能更好地超越自己。
:《埃及王子》主题曲When You Believe Many nights we prayWith no proof anyone could hearIn our hearts a hopeful songWe barely understoodNow we are not afraidAlthough we know there's much to fearWe were moving mountains longBefore we know we couldThere can be miraclesWhen you believeThough hope is frailIt's hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieve When you believeSomehow you willYou will when you believeIn this time of fearWhen prayer so often proves in vainHope seems like the summer birdsToo swiftly flown awayAnd now I'm standing hereMy heart's so full I can't explainSeeking faith and speaking wordsI never thought I'd sayThere can be miracles……They don't always happen when you askedAnd it is easy to give in to your fearBut when you're blinded by your pain Can't see your way safe through the rain Thought of a still resilient voiceSays love is very nearThere can be miracles多少个夜晚我们在祈祷并非每个人都能听见我们心中的希望之歌自己也不能理解现在我们并不害怕虽然我们知道未来有许多艰难险阻我们负重已久只是原来并不清楚我们的能力奇迹将会出现只要你肯相信希望虽然渺茫却不可磨灭谁知道你会创造怎样的奇迹只要你肯相信你就会只要你肯相信,你就会创造奇迹在害怕的时候当祈祷变得苍白无力希望就像夏日里的鸟儿悄然飞逝现在我伫立于此心中充满无限莫名的希望寻求信念说出从未想到会说过的话奇迹一定会出现虽然当你需要时它并不总会出现你向内心的恐惧屈服了但是当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼在风雨中看不见未来的出路时听到有一个声音回荡在你耳边说,爱就在你身边奇迹将会出现Many nights we pray, with no proof anyone could hear 多少个夜晚我们在祈祷,并非每个人都能听见proof 证明;证据Here is my proof!这里是我的证据!We were moving mountains long我们负重已久move mountains移动山脉;竭尽全力;创造奇迹Faith can move mountains.信念能移山。
电影《埃及王子》主题曲演唱:马利亚·凯莉、惠特尼·休斯顿Many night we've prayed 许多个夜晚我们祈祷with no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到In our heart a hopeful song 我们的心就是希望之歌we barely understood 我们刚刚明了Now we are not afraid而如今我们不再惧怕Although we know there's much to fear 虽然我们有太多害怕的事情we were moving the mountian long 我们能够移山Before we knew we could 在我们知道之前There can be miracles 这一定是个奇迹when you belive 当你相信的时候Though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭who knows what miracles谁知道奇迹是什么you can achieve你可以做到when you belive 当你相信的时候somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到you will when you belive当你相信的时候就会做到And this time of fear在这个令人寒心时刻when prayer so often proves in vain 当信徒们徒劳无功地证明hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏天的小鸟too swiftly flown away 飞快地掠过and now i am standing here 现在我站在这里my heart's so full i can't explain 我的心满满的无法解释seeking faith and speaking wordsi never thought i'd say 我从未想过我会说there can be miracles这是个奇迹寻找信仰when you believe (when you believe)当你相信的时候though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭who know what miracle 谁知道什么是奇迹you can achieve (you can achieve) 你可以做到when you believe当你相信的时候somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到you will when you believe 当你相信的时候就会做到they don't always happen when you ask 当你询问的时候它们不经常出现and it's easy to give in to your fear 而且很轻易地带给你惧怕but when you're blinded by your pain但是当你因为痛苦而盲目无助can't see you way safe through the rain thought of a still resilient voicesays love is very near 想象一种很平静的声音说爱是如此靠近不能在大雨中看清你的道路there can be miracles (miracles) 这就是奇迹奇迹when you believe (when you believe) 当你相信的时候当你相信的时候though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭who know what miracles 谁知道什么是奇迹you can achieve (you can achieve)你可以做到你可以做到when you believe 当你相信的时候somehow you will不知道什么原因你就会做到you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候just believe 就那么相信you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候。
埃及王子_The_Prince_of_Egypt_中英文剧本埃及王子 The Prince of EgyptWith the sting of the whip - On my shoulder - Aah !我的肩膀受到鞭挞With the salt of my sweat On my brow我的脸上流着咸汗Elohim, God on high啊,天上的神灵Can You hear Your people cry您可听到子民的哀嚎Help us now This dark hour帮帮我们在这黑暗的时刻Deliver us拯救我们Hear our call Deliver us听我们的呼喊,拯救我们Lord of all remember us万物之主,别忘了我们Here in this burning sand在火热的沙滩上挣扎There's a land You promised us您曾应许我们一块土地Deliver us to the Promised Land将我们解救到您所应许之地My son l have nothing l can give孩子,我不能给你什么But this chance that you may live只能给你活下去的机会l pray we'll meet again我祈祷我们能再见面- lf He will deliver us - [ Men ] Deliver us希望他将解救我们- Hear our prayer - Ohh ! - [ Woman Vocalizing ] - Deliver us from despair 听我们祈祷,将我们从绝望中解救出来These years of slavery Grow too cruel to stand多年来的奴役我们已忍无可忍There's a land You promised us您曾应许我们一块土地Deliver us Out of bondage解开枷锁解救我们And Deliver us并引导我们To the Promised Land到应许之地Hush now, my baby别出声,我的宝贝儿Be still, love Don't cry静静地,心爱的,不要哭Sleep as you're rocked By the stream让小河摇你入睡Sleep and remember沉睡吧,但要记住My last lullaby我最后唱的摇篮曲So l'll be with you When you dream 当你进入梦乡时我将陪你左右River, oh, river尼罗河,啊,尼罗河Flow gently for me为我缓缓而流Such precious cargo You bear载着我的心肝宝贝Do you know somewhere你知道在什么地方He can live free他才能自由自在地生活?Deliver him there请把他带到那里Brother You're safe now and safe may you stay兄弟,你现在安全了祝你永远平安For l have a prayer just for you我特意为你祷告Grow, baby brother好好长大,小弟弟- Come back someday - Mmm. 有一天回到这里Come and deliver us too回来也解救我们Come, Rameses. We will show Pharaoh your new baby brother--来,兰姆西斯,我们带你的新弟弟去见法老- [ Coos ] - Moses. 摩西斯[ Chorus ] Deliver us拯救我们Send a shepherd to shepherd us And deliver us 派一名牧羊人来带领我们To the Promised Land到应许之地Deliver us带领我们To the Promised Land到应许之地[ Moses' Mother ] Deliver us拯救我们[ Fast Hoofbeats Approaching ]- Ha, ha ! - Faster, you beasts ! You run like mules.快点儿,畜生!你们像驴子一样慢!- Hey, Rameses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall ? - Someday, yes. 兰姆西斯,把你的脸,刻在墙上怎么样?有一天会的How about now ? [ Groans ] 现在如何?[ Grunts, Yells ] You almost killed me ! 你差点害死我!Oh, come on. Where's your sense of fun ? 你看,你历险的精神哪去了?- Oh, it's fun you want ? - [ Horses Whinny ] 啊,你要冒险?Come on, Moses. Admit it. You've always looked up to me.承认吧,你一直都在向我看齐Yes, but it's not much of a view. 没错,不过没什么看头Second born, second place. -Not for long. 次子永远是第二名!马上就会改变的You don't think we'll get in trouble for this, do you ? 我们闯了祸不会受到惩罚吧? No, not a chance. 当然不会!with such reckless, destructive, - blasphemous sons ?神明为什么派这么两个轻浮莽撞的儿子来折磨我?Be still ! Pharaoh speaks. -闭嘴,法老在说话l seek to build an empire, and your only thought is to amuse yourselves... by tearing it down 我要建立一个帝国而你们只想搞破坏使自己高兴Have l taught you nothing ? 我白教你们了吗?You mustn't be so hard on yourself, Your Majesty. You're an excellent teacher. 别太自责,陛下lt's not your fault your sons learned nothing. 他们不学乖并非您的错- They learned blasphemy. - True. -他们学会了亵渎神明 -是这样l goaded Rameses on, and so l am responsible. 是我煽动了兰姆西斯,我要负责Do you know the meaning of that word, Rameses ? 你明白这字的意思,兰姆西斯?And do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you ? 你知道你与生俱来的使命吗?When l pass into the next world, 等我到了另一个世界then you will be the morning and evening star. 你将成为日月星辰之王One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition.一座倒塌的神庙,不能毁掉我们的传统But one weak link can break the chain... of a mighty dynasty !脆弱的一环,却能毁掉整个王朝You have my leave to go. 你可以退下了You know it was really my fault. 您知道其实是我的错Must you be so hard on him ? 您一定要如此严厉地对他吗?Moses, you will never have to carry a burden...摩西斯,你不必背负那样的重担like the crown l will pass to Rameses. 我要传位给兰姆西斯He must not allow himself to be led astray, 他不能让别人领入歧途not even by you, my son. 连你也不行,儿子All he cares about is-- is your approval. 他只想要得到您的肯定……l know he will live up to your expectations. 他绝对不会辜负您的期望Go now. l shall see you both tonight. 退下吧,今晚再见你俩- Well, that went well. - [ Rameses ] Just go away. -还算不错 -走开Could have been worse. 可能会更糟Well, you are rather pathetic. 嗯,你是挺可悲的lrresponsible, ignorant of the traditions. 不负责任、幼稚无知He practically accused me of bringing down the dynasty. 他只差没说我毁了整个王朝Yeah, l can see it now. There go the pyramids ! 是啊,我看金字塔会被你弄垮- [ Chuckling ] - You can laugh about it. 你尽管笑吧Statues cracking and toppling over. The Nile drying up.雕像崩裂倒塌、尼罗河干枯Single-handedly, you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on Earth to ruin. 你一个人把世上最伟大的王朝搞垮Tell me this, Moses. Why is it that every time you start something,告诉我,摩西斯,为什么你每次胡闹l'm the one who ends up in trouble ? 到头来都是我倒霉?- l am so upset ! - You might as well. -我很生气一不做,二不休- You'll pay for this. - We're gonna tell the Pharaoh ! 我们要告诉法老!- Oh, look at me. l'm drenched again. 啊,瞧,我又湿透了!- Hey. l figured it out. - You know what your problem is, Rameses ?我弄明白了,兰姆西斯,你知道你的毛病在哪儿?- And your problem is, you don't care at all. 而你却什么都不在乎Oh, in that case, l suppose you care a lot more than l do...你担心的事一定比我多……that we're late for the banquet, for example. 譬如我们赴宴要迟到了[ Panting ] l'm done for. - Father will kill me. 完了!父王会宰了我- Don't worry. Nobody will even notice us coming in.别担心,我们进去时,不会有人注意的Ah, the young princes. 啊,两位年轻的王子Rameses, you were just named prince regent. 兰姆西斯,你刚被命为摄政王You are now responsible for overseeing all thetemples.你现在负责监管所有的神庙we present for your delectation and delight... 我们为您的欢乐和幸福献上an exotic apparition stolen from a faraway land. 来自远方的异国美女- We offer you this delicate desert flower. - [ Camel Grunts ] 一朵娇嫩的沙漠之花Let us inspect this... desert flower. 让我看看……这朵沙漠之花- [ Crowd Gasping, Laughing ] - More like a desert cobra.更像一条沙漠眼镜蛇![ Laughing ] Not much of a snake charmer, are you ? 你可不是个会耍蛇的人That's why l give her to you. 所以我把她……送给你- No, that's generous, but-- - l won't be given to anyone.-不,你太慷慨了,但…… -我不属于任何人Especially an arrogant, pampered palace brat ! 尤其是一个骄纵无礼的王子! [ Chuckling ] Are you going to let her talk to you like that ?你就让她这样对你说话?You will show the proper respect for a prince of Egypt.你要对埃及王子尊重点儿But l am showing you all the respect you deserve-- none !你只配得到这个,不配得到尊重- Be still. - Untie this rope ! -别乱动 -把绳子松开!- l demand you set me free ! - Be still. -放我走 -别动!- Let go ! - As you wish. -放手! -就听你的Have her dried off... and sent to Prince Moses' chambers.给她擦干身子……把她送到摩西斯王子的寝室lf it pleases you, Father, my first act as regent...如果您允许的话,父王,我的第一个行动是……is to appoint Moses.. as royal chief. . 任命摩西斯……Miriam, do you want us flogged ? l knew you cared about our freedom.-米利安…… -我知道你关心我们的自由- Miriam ! - Freedom ? Why would l care about that ?自由?我为何要关心自由?Because you're-- well, you're our brother. 因为你是……我们的兄弟- They never told you ? - Who never told me what ?他们从来没告诉过你?谁没告诉我什么?But you're here. You must know. 但你来了,你一定得知道- Be careful, slave ! - Oh, my good prince. -别碰我,奴隶! -啊,我的王子Um, she's-she's exhausted from the day's work. 她今天一定累坏了Uh, not that it was too much. We-- We quite enjoyed it.活儿并不多,我们很喜欢干But-But she's confused and knows not to whom she speaks.她糊涂了,不知道在跟谁说话l know to whom l speak, Aaron. l know who you are.我当然知道,亚伦,也知道你是谁- You are not a prince of Egypt. - Miriam. -你不是埃及王子 -米利安!- What did you say ? - Your Highness, pay her no heed.-你在说什么? -殿下,别理她She's ill. She's very ill. We beg your forgiveness.她病得很重,请你原谅她- Please, Miriam, let us go. - No, Aaron. -米利安,走吧-不,亚伦Our mother set you adrift in a basket to save your life !母亲为了救你,把你放在篮子中漂走Save my life ? From who ? 救我?谁想害我?Ask the man that you call ''Father.''去问问你称之为父王的人吧- How dare you ? - God saved you to be our deliverer.-大胆 -神要你当我们的救世主- Enough of this. - And you are, Moses. You are the deliverer.-别再说了 -摩西斯,你就是救世主Here among my trappings and belongings身边尽是熟悉的服饰和东西l belong我属于这里- And if anybody doubts it - [ Whimpering ] 如果有人怀疑They couldn't be more wrong他们将大错特错l am a sovereign prince of Egypt我是正宗的埃及王子A son of the proud history that's shown Etched on every wall是雕刻在每一面墙上光荣历史王朝的儿子Surely this is all l ever wanted这就是我所要得到的The Hebrews grew too numerous. 希伯来人越来越多They might have risen against us. 他们可能会群起反抗Father, tell me you didn't do this. 父王,告诉我您没下令Moses, 摩西斯……sometimes, for the greater good, sacrifices must be made.有时候为了多数人的利益不得不牺牲少数人Last night, the gods granted me a vision. 昨晚神明带给我一个启示l'm not merely going to restore this temple, l will make it more grand, 我不仅要把这座神殿修好,还要让它更宏伟more splendid than any other one in Egypt. 比埃及任何的神庙都壮观Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity.命运把我们小小的错误,转变成一个良机Put your back into it ! 加把劲儿!!A gateway will open to an entire new city of white limestone,要盖一座石灰岩城市more dazzling than the sun. 比太阳还要灿烂耀眼- No, wait. - You saw what happened. l just killed a man.-等等!你看到了,我刚杀了个人We can take care of that. 我们可以解决这个问题l will make it so it never happened. 我会让大家忘掉这件事Nothing you can say can change what l've done. 你怎么说都改变不了事实l am Egypt, the morning and the evening star. 我就是埃及日月星辰之王lf l say day is night, it will be written, 我可以颠倒是非and you will be what l say you are. 我说你什么没人敢反对l say you are innocent. 我说你是无辜的What you say does not matter. You don't understand.你说什么都没用,你不明白l can't stay here any longer. 我不能待下去了All l've ever known to be true is a lie. 我所相信的事实都是谎言l'm not who you think l am. 我不是你认为的那样Go ask the man l once called ''Father.''去问我曾称之为父王的人吧My father's the high priest of Midian. You're going to be in big trouble. 我父亲是米甸的大祭司,你们遇到大麻烦了!We're trying to get the funny man out of the well. 把一个怪家伙拉上来Trying to get the funny man out of the well. 把一个怪家伙拉上来?- Well, that's one l've never heard before. 这倒是件新鲜事[ Gasps ] Oh, my. Oh, uh, don't worry down there ! 啊,我的天啊!你不要怕Uh, we'll get you out. Hold on ! 我们会救你上来,挺住!That's why Papa says she'll never get married. 怪不得爸爸说她嫁不出去You don't have to do this. Ladies, please, l'm really-- l'm really quite-- 你们不必这样,真的,我……No, not there, please. [ Laughs ] 别洗那儿,拜托,好痒哦!That tickles. Ladies, you've cleaned every inch of me.你们把我身上每一英寸都洗过了- Whoa, l-- l was wrong. - [ Children Laughing ] 我错了Let me through. Let me through. l want to see him. 让我过去,我要见他Ah ! You are most welcome. 你千万不要客气You should not be a stranger in this land. 你不是这里的生人You have been sent as a blessing. 你是神明送来的祝福Tonight, you shall be my honored guest. 今晚你将是我的贵宾My children, let us give thanks for this bountiful food.我的孩子们,感谢有这些丰盛的食物And let us also give thanks for the presence... of this brave, young man whom we honor here tonight. 也感谢今晚的贵宾这名勇敢的年轻人l've done nothing in my life worth honoring. 我这辈子没做过值得赞赏的事lt seems you do not know what is worthy of honor. 看来你不懂得荣誉的价值A single thread in a tapestry挂毯中的一根线Though its color brightly shine就算十分光彩夺目Can never see its purpose ln a pattern of the grand design它也无法体会到整体设计的美感And the stone that sits on the very top Of the mountain's mighty face大山雄伟山顶上最顶端的石头Does it think it's more important Than the stones that formthe base它认为比山底的石头更为重要吗?So how can you see what your life is worth你怎么知道你生命的价值Or where your value lies或你价值之所在?You can never see through the eyes of man 凡人无法衡量You must look at your life Look at your life through heaven's eyes你得透过上天的眼睛来衡量你生命的价值[ Jethro ] A lake of gold in the desert sand ls less than a cool, fresh spring 沙漠中一湖的黄金,也比不上一股清泉And to one lost sheep a shepherd boy ls greater than the richest king对迷途的羊羔来说,牧羊人比最富的国王伟大lf a man lose everything he owns 失去一切的人Has he truly lost his worth 难道就没有价值了吗?Or is it the beginning - Of a new and brighter birth - [ Bleating ]也许这正是灿烂新生的开端So how do you measure the worth of a man 该怎样衡量一个人的价值ln wealth or strength or size 以财富、力量或大小?ln how much he gained or how much he gave 以获得或付出的多少?The answer will come The answer will come to him who tries 这一切都将会有答案,只要他……To look at his life through heaven's eyes 透过上天的眼睛衡量生命And that's why we share all we have with you 这就是为啥我们与你分享Though there's little to be found 尽管我们家徒四壁When all you've got is nothing当你一无所有时There's a lot to go around 有许多可以分享No life can escape being blown about 每一个人都逃不过By the winds of change and chance命运的各种安排- And though you never know all the steps尽管你不知道下一步该怎么走- Dance with me. - No, l-- No. No ! -跟我跳舞 -不……- You must learn to join the dance 你一定要学会和大家跳舞You must learn to join the dance你一定要学会和大家跳舞So how do you judge what a man is worth 该怎么衡量一个人的价值?By what he builds or buys 看他盖的房子和买的东西?You can never see with your eyes on earth 凡人的双眼永远看不透Look through heaven's eyes Look at your life你得透过上天的眼睛来衡量你的生命Look at your life through heaven's Eyes透过上天的眼睛lt's too early for this. 现在未免太早了[ Voice ] Take the sandals from your feet, 把你的凉鞋脱下来for the place on which you stand is holy ground. 因为你站在圣地之上l am the God of your ancestors, 我是你祖先的神l have seen the oppression of My people in Egypt and have heard their cry.... 我看见我的子民在埃及受苦我听见他们的哀嚎So l have come down to deliver them out of slavery and bring them to a good land a land flowing with milk and honey.我来救他们摆脱埃及人的奴役带他们到美好之地流淌着奶与蜜之地 l was the prince of Egypt, the son of the man who slaughtered theirchildren. 我曾是埃及王子是屠杀他们孩子的法老之子Who made the deaf, the mute, the seeing or the blind ? 谁使人耳聋口哑、目明眼瞎?l shall be with you when you go to the king of Egypt. 你去见法老时我会与你同去So l will stretch out My hand... and smite Egypt... with all My wonders. 那我将伸出手来用我的神法毁灭埃及Take the staff in your hand, Moses. 摩西斯,要拿着你手里的杖With it, you shall do My wonders. 你用它来实施我的神法you are just one man. 你只有一个人and the promise of a life with dignity. 还有过尊严生活的指望That is what l want for my people. 我要我的人民也能如此And that is why l must do the task that God has given me.... 因此我必须去完成神交给我的使命 well, look at you. What on earth are you dressed as ? 看看你,你怎么这副打扮?We are compelled to remind you this man committed a serious crime against the gods.我们得提醒您此人对神明犯下了重大罪行We are loathe to bring it up, mind you. 我们不想提起此事The law clearly states the punishment for such a crime--法律明文规定了应受的惩罚……l am the morning and the evening star. 我是日月星辰之王l pardon forever all crimes of which he stands accused...我永远赦免他犯的一切罪行and will have it known that he is... our brother Moses, the prince of Egypt. 并昭告世人他是……我的兄弟摩西斯是埃及王子in my heart, you are my brother, 在我心里,你是我兄弟but things cannot be as they were. 但情况已经不同了l see no reason why not. 我看不出有什么不同You know l am a Hebrew, and the God of the Hebrews came to me.你知道我是希伯来人 ,希伯来的神来找过我了He commands that you let His people go. 他命令你把他的子民放走Give this snake charmer our answer. 让这个江湖术士瞧瞧厉害So you think you've got friends ln high places With the power to put us on the run 你以为你有一个天上的朋友就能把我们吓跑Well, forgive us these smiles On our faces 不要让我们笑掉大牙You'll know what power is when we are done等我们施展法力你就知道厉害You're playing with the big boys now你这是自不量力- Playing with the big boys now - Oh, that's pretty.你这是自不量力……啊,真漂亮!- Every spell and gesture - Tells you who's the best -每一道符咒和魔术 -都让你招架不住[ Both ] You're playing with the big boys now你这是自不量力- You're playing with the big boys now - [ Chanting ] 你这是自不量力Stop this foolish mission结束愚蠢的行动吧Watch a true magician让真正的魔法师Give an exhibition how给你展示法力[ Huy ] Pick up your silly twig, boy 捡起你的小树枝,小子 You're playing with the big boys now你这是自不量力By the might of Horus you will kneel before us你将屈服于荷鲁斯神,跪在我们面前Kneel to our splendorous power跪在我们威武的法力面前- You put up a front - You put up a fight -你和我们对抗 -你和他们对打And just to show we feel no spite You can be our acolyte-我们却不跟你计较 -你只配当我们的学生Or it's your own grave you'll dig, boy否则你将自掘坟墓,你这是自不量力You're playing with the big boys你这是自不量力,自不量力A greater Egypt than that of my father. 比父王在位时更伟大的埃及l have to maintain the ancient traditions. 我必须维护古老的传统l bear the weight of my father's crown. 继承父王留下的王朝His hands bore the blood of thousands of children.他手上沾满了无数儿童的鲜血And l can no longer hide in the desert while they suffer at your hands. 我再也不能躲在沙漠里看着他们受苦在你手下受苦……l will not be the weak link ! 我不当脆弱的一环!Tell your people as of today... 告诉你的人民,从今天起……their workload has been doubled, 他们的工作量要加倍……thanks to your God. 托你的神之福Or is it thanks... to you ? 或是应该说……托你之福?how does it feel when you get struck to the ground ? 被打倒的滋味怎么样?l didn't mean to cause you more pain. 我不是故意让你们受苦的l'm just trying to do as God told me. 我只是照神的旨意去做God ? When did God start caring about any of us ? 神?他几时开始关心我们?ln fact, Moses, when did you start caring about slaves ?你几时开始关心起奴隶?Was it when you found out that you were one of us ?当你知道你也是奴隶时吗?- Aaron ! - [ Gasps ] You shame yourself. 亚伦!你该感到羞耻l have been a slave... all my life, 我这一辈子都是奴隶and God has never answered my prayers until now. 直到现在神才听到我的祷告God saved you from the river, He saved you inall your wanderings,神从河里救出你,处处保护你 and even now He saves you from the wrath of Pharaoh.现在他又从法老的手中救出你God will not abandon you, so don't you abandon us. 神不会抛弃你你也不要抛弃我们 The ball disappears. Where is it ? ln his hand. 球不见了,在他的手中 Still gnawing away at that bone, are we ? 仍咬着骨头不放,是不是? YOu, cannot keep ignoring us. 你不能再忽视我们了Take the staff in your hand, Moses. 用你手中的杖,摩西斯 - Ah ! - Rest assured, Your Majesty--不要担心,陛下Uh, yes, we were going to demonstrate the superior might... of our gods. 对,我们要显示我们神至高的法力Abandon this futile mission, Moses. 放弃这个枉费心机的使命吧,摩西斯l've indulged you long enough. 我已经忍受你好久了Pharaoh still has the power over our lives. 法老的权力还是很大Yes, Aaron, it's true. Pharaoh has the power. 没错,亚伦,法老的权力很大He can take away your food, your home, your freedom. He can take away your sons and daughters. With one word, 他一句话就能夺走你们的食物……夺走你们的家、自由……你们的儿女……Pharaoh can take away your very lives. 法老可以夺走你们的性命But there is one thing he cannot take away from you: your faith.可是有一样东西他夺不走你们的信仰for we will see God's wonders. 我们就会看到神的法力All through the land of Egypt[ Growing Louder ] l send a pestilence, a plague我要让整个埃及大地充满害虫和瘟疫- lnto your house, into your bed - [ Woman Gasping ] - lntoyour streams lnto your streets - Hmm. 进入到房舍、床铺和街道lnto your drink lnto your bread污染饮水和面包- lnto your dreams, into your sleep - [ Gasping ] Until you break Until you yield惊醒睡梦,直到你们投降[ Moses ] Once l called you brother我曾称你为兄Once l thought the chance to make you laugh我曾想让你开心 - Was all l ever wanted你就满足了 l send the thunder from the sky l send the fire raining down 我让雷声大作,火雨大下 And even now l wish that God had chose another Serving as your foe on His behalf ls the last thing 甚至现在我都希望神选上别人当你的敌人是我最不愿意的 That l wanted - [ Chorus ] l send a hail of burning ice All this pain and devastation how it tortures me inside 痛苦和毁灭让我心痛All the innocent who suffer From your stubbornness- And pride多少无辜百姓,因为你的顽固和骄傲受苦 l send the locusts on the wind Such as the world has never seen On every leaf On every stalk Until there's nothing left of green 我让蝗虫随风而来,前所未有吃掉一切叶子,寸青不留l send my scourge l send my sword我使火祸降临,战争爆发Thus saith the Lord 于是神这么说 You who l called brother Why must you call down another blow 我曾称你为兄,为何要召来惩罚?l send my scourge l send my sword我使火祸降临,战争爆发You who l called brother How could you have come to hate me so我曾称你为弟,你怎么会如此恨我?ls this what you wanted [ Chorus ] l sent the swarm l sent the horde-这就是你要的吗? -我派出成群的害虫Then let my heart be hardened And never mind how high the cost may grow 让我狠下心肠,不管付出多少代价Rameses, we must bring this to an end. 兰姆西斯,我们要结束这场灾难We could always talk here. 在这里我们可以无所不谈Father was furious. You were always getting me into trouble.父王气疯了,你老害我挨训!Your stubbornness is bringing this misery upon Egyp你的顽固给埃及带来灾难lt would cease if only you would let the Hebrews go. 只要放希伯来人走就会结束l will not be dictated to. l will not be threatened.我不会受制于命令和胁迫l am the morning and the evening star. l am Pharaoh.我是日月星辰之王,我是法老Something else is coming. Something much worse than anything before.更可怕的灾难即将降临Please, let go of your contempt for life... 请你不要轻视生命before it destroys everything you hold dear. 别让它毁了你拥有的一切You Hebrews have been nothing but trouble. 你们希伯来人只会惹麻烦My father had the right idea about how to deal with your people.我父王那样对付你们是应该的- Rameses ! - And there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt...埃及将遍地哀号such as never has been or ever will be again ! 空前绝后的大灾难Rameses, you bring this upon yourself. 兰姆西斯,你将自食恶果[ Moses ] God has come to me again, saying, 神又向我显身,他说…… You and your people have my permission to go. 你和你的人民……你们可以走了Many nights we've prayed with no proof我们经常晚上祷告都没有应验Anyone could hear谁都会听到 ln our hearts a hopeful song 我们心中充满希望We barely understood我们不甚了解 Now we are not afraid现在不再畏惧Although we know there's much to fearWe were moving mountains Long before we knew we could 纵然有许多惊险但我们知难而进早就在搬移高山There can be miraclesWhen you believe只要相信神明就会有奇迹出现Though hope is frail希望虽然渺茫但生命力却十分顽强lt's hard to killWho knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe 只要你有信心谁知道你能创造出什么样的奇迹Somehow you will You will when you Believe那么你能吗?只要有信心,你就能做到ln this time of fearWhen prayers so often proved in vainHope seemed like the summer birdsToo swiftly flown away在这恐惧的时刻当祈祷不管用的时候希望就像夏天的鸟稍纵即逝- Yet now l'm standing here - Now l'm standing here但现在我站在这里With heart so full l can't explain心情无法用语言表达[ Both ] Seeking faith and speaking words凭着信念我说出l never thought l'd say从没想过会说出的话There can be miracles - When you believe - When you believe只要你有信心就会出现奇迹Though hope is frail希望虽然渺茫 lt's hard to kill - lt's hard to kill但志气仍然高昂 Who knows what miracles他们知道会出现什么奇迹- You can achieve - You can achieve When you believe只要你有信心就会出现奇迹Somehow you will那么你们能吗? You will when you believe There can be miracles When you believe 只要你有信心就会出现奇迹Though hope is frail希望虽然渺茫Who knows what miracles - You can achieve - [ Miriam ] You can achieve。
小王子经典语录法汉对照Quand on est tellement triste on aime les couchers de soleil.当人情绪低落时候,喜欢看日落。
Toutes les grandes personnes ont d'abord été des enfants. (Mais peu d'entre elles s'en souviennent).所有的大人曾经都是孩子。
On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.人们只有用心才能看得清楚。
Le plus important est invisible...最重要的东西,是肉眼看不见的。
On n'est jamais content là où on est.人们从来不会满足现状。
Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.你应该对所驯服的东西负责到底。
C'est bien d'avoir eu un ami, même si l'on va mourrir.即使快要死了,拥有过一个朋友总是好事。
Je ne savais pas trop quoi dire. Je me sentais très maladroit. Je ne savais commentl'atteindre, où le rejoindre ... C'est tellement mystérieux, le pays des larmes.我不太知道和他说些什么。
励志英文歌曲when you believe
![励志英文歌曲when you believe](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6980aff49649b6648d74749.png)
励志英文歌曲when you believe《whenyoubelieve》是1998年梦工厂动画片《埃及王子》的主题曲。
小王子经典语录及其页码 -回复
![小王子经典语录及其页码 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b2b1ae7294ac850ad02de80d4d8d15abf230063.png)
小王子经典语录及其页码-回复这里我列出了“小王子”的经典语录及其所在页码(以英文版为准):1. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." (Page 67)2. "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." (Page 71)3. "Well, I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies." (Page 24)4. "Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again." (Page 17)5. "It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others." (Page 21)6. "What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them... Few people take time to study them." (Page 46)7. "But eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart." (Page 76)8. "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart." (Page 66)9. "I am who I am and I have the need to be." (Page 51)10. "People have stars, but they aren't the same. Some are justscientists. But all these stars are silent. You-You alone will have stars as no one else has them." (Page 69)11. "You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose." (Page 70)12. "All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it." (Page 18)13. "But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart..." (Page 79)14. "It's the time lost for your rose that makes your rose so important." (Page 82)15. "You're beautiful, but you're empty...One couldn't die for you. Of course, an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you together." (Page 83)16. "The only truly materialistic people are the ones who are materialistic with other people's things." (Page 93)17. "Where are the people?" resumed the little prince at last. "It's a little lonely in the desert..." "It is lonely when you're among people, too," said the snake. (Page 94)18. "All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people." (Page 101)19. "People have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But youmustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed." (Page 103)20. "Goodbye," said the fox. "Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." (Page 115)希望这些经典语录能帮助到你!。
- They learned blasphemy.[ˈblæsfəmi:]
- True.
Father, the fault is mine.
l goaded[ɡəud]驱使,怂恿 Rameses on, and so l am responsible.
Hmm. Responsible. Do you know the meaning of that word, Rameses ?
Yeah, l can see it now. There go the pyramids['pirəmid] !
- You can laugh about it.
Statues[stætju:]雕像 cracking and toppling['tɔpl] over推倒, 摇倒. The Nile drying up.
[Moses' Mother] Deliver us
Ha, ha !
Faster, you beasts ! You run like mules.[mju:l]骡子
Hey, Rameses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall ?
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d
My son, l have nothing l can give
But this chance that you may live
l pray we'll meet again
今天我整理了小王子经典语录英文版含翻译供大家参考,一起来看看吧!小王子经典语录英文版含翻译1. Once the little prince raised a question, he would never give up and would remain unchanged all his life.小王子一旦提出问题,便决不放弃,一辈子都不变。
2. The stars are beautiful because of a beautiful invisible rose.繁星之所以美丽,是因为一朵美丽不可见的玫瑰。
3. People go to shops to buy ready-made things, but the only thing they cant buy is friendship.人们去商店买现成的东西,但唯一买不到的就是友情。
4. For a long time, his only pleasure was to watch the gentle sunset.在很长一段时间里,他唯一的乐趣就是观赏温柔的日落。
5. People have no time to know anything.人们已经没有时间去认识任何事物了。
6. Because in the eyes of the vain man, all people are his admirers.因为在虚荣的人看来,所有人都是他的崇拜者。
7. If I want to know butterflies, I must withstand the disturbance of two or three caterpillars.如果我想认识蝴蝶,要必须经得住两三只毛毛虫的打扰。
8. What makes the desert beautiful is that you dont know where it hides a spring.使沙漠美丽的,是你不知道它在哪藏着一眼泉。
张开你的眼睛From the day we arrive on the planet看这世界On the planet你会发觉充满神奇And,blinking,step into the sun天上星星好像近在天边There's more to see than can ever be seen想要抓总是遥不可及More to do than can ever be done人生旅程坎坷不平There's far too much to take in here你要去体会它的真谛More to find than can ever be found尝尝人情冷暖But the sun rolling high或是体会世间的风险Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round 没有办法逃避On the endless round看这世界在转It's the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all尽管向前走Through despair and hope是对是错Through faith and love希望和失望Till we find our place世事没有绝对On the path unwinding看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life世界正在转动It's the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all黑夜与白昼Through despair and hope不停转动Through faith and love靠着阳光走Till we find our place慢慢你会知道On the path unwinding看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life生命真不公平啊!Life's not fair,is it?你看我呢,永远都当不上王You see,I... Well,I shall never be king.而你永远也见不到明天了And you shall never see the light of another day.再见Adieu.你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food? 你想干什么?What do you want?我是来这里宣布I'm here to announce大王木法沙要来了that King Mufasa's on his way.所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式So you'd better have a good excuse...最好找个借口for missing the ceremony this morning.你害我的午餐都没了Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch.等大王跟你算帐之后Ha! You'll lose more than that...你不见的东西还会更多when the king gets through with you.他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.我怕得全身发抖Ooh. I quiver with fear!好了,刀疤,不要那样看我Now,Scar,don't look at me that way.救命啊!Help!刀疤,吐出来Drop him.你来得可真是时候,大王陛下Impeccable timing,Your Majesty.这不是我大哥吗?Why,if it isn't my big brother...屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混descending from on high to mingle with the commoners. 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. 那是今天吗?That was today?我觉得好害怕呀!Oh,I feel simply awful!我八成是给忘了Must've slipped my mind.是呀,你忘的不只如此Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is...身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位as the king's brother... you should've been first in line! 我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生Well,I was first in line... until the little hairball was born. 这个小毛球是我儿子That hairball is my son...他也是你未来的国王and your future king.我该学学我的礼节啦Oh,I shall practice my curtsy.千万不要背对着我,刀疤Don't turn your back on me,Scar.不,木法沙Oh,no,Mufasa.或许是你不该背对着我Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.这是一个挑战吗?Is that a challenge?冷静!冷静!Temper,temper.我哪敢向大王你挑战呢?I wouldn't dream of challenging you.可惜,为什么呢?Pity. Why not?要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧As far as brains go,I got the lion's share.说到蛮力嘛…But when it comes to brute strength...恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下There's one in every family,sire.事实上我家有两个Two in mine,actually...00:06:08,540 --> 00:06:11,280而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合and they always manage to ruin special occasions.我该拿他怎么办?What am I going to do with him?拿他做地毯会非常好看He'd make a very handsome throw rug.沙祖Zazu!而且想一想And just think,每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him. 爸,爸Dad! Dad!快起来,我们要走了啦!Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up!对不起Sorry.爸…爸…Dad. Dad.你儿子已经醒了Your son is awake.在天亮前,他是你儿子Before sunrise,he's your son.爸…拜托啦!Dad! Come on,Dad.你答应过我的呀!You promised好吧,好吧- OK,OK.我醒了,我醒了I'm up,I'm up.辛巴,你看Look,Simba.阳光所照到的一切都是我们的国土Everything the light touches is our kingdom.一个国王的统治就跟太阳的起落是相同的A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.总有一天,太阳将会跟我一样慢慢下沉One day,Simba,the sun will set on my time here...并且在你当国王的时候一同上升and will rise with you as the new king.这一切都是我的吗?所有的一切- And this'll all be mine? - Everything.阳光能照到的所有东西…Everything the light touches.那有阴影的地方呢?What about that shadowy place?那在我们的国度之外That's beyond our borders.你绝不可以去那个地方You must never go there,Simba.我以为国王可以随心所欲呀!But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.你错了There's more to being king...国王也不能凡事随心所欲than getting your way all the time.不能吗?辛巴- There's more? - Simba...世界上所有的生命都有他存在的价值Everything you see exists together... in a delicate balance. 身为国王,你不但要了解As king,you need to understand that balance...还要去尊重所有的生活and respect all the creatures...包括爬行的蚂蚁和跳跃的羚羊from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.但是,爸…我们不是吃羚羊吗?But,Dad,don't we eat the antelope?是呀,我来跟你解释一下Yes,Simba,but let me explain.我们死后呢,尸体会成为草When we die,our bodies become the grass...而羚羊是吃草的and the antelope eat the grass.所以…And so在这个生命圈里面we are all connected都是互相有关联的in the great circle of life.早安,陛下- Good morning,sire!沙祖,你早- Good morning,Zazu.我来做早上的例行报告Checking in with the morning report. Fire away.你说吧黑猩猩激动而长颈鹿高高在上himps are going ape,giraffes remain above it all象非常清楚我所忘记的事情Elephants remember,though just what,I can't recall鳄鱼爬到岸上咬住新鲜的猎物Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks他向我展示巢里的蛋Shown interest in my nest egg,我说不客气but I quickly said,no,thanks我们没去看犀鸟而秃鹰有第六感We haven't paid the hornbills,and the vultures have a hunch 不是每个受邀的人都会来吃午餐Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch哈哈,这就是晨间报告This is the morning report大事小事不漏掉Gives you the long and the short每个呼吸微笑Every grunt,roar,and snort每个轻声吼叫Not a tale I distort都在晨间报告On the morning report儿子,你在干什么?扑东西- What are you doing,son? - Pouncing.让个老手示范给你看看Let an old pro show you how it's done.今年草地肥美Oh,the buffalo水牛个个吃得强又壮尽量的压低身子have got a beef about...豪猪受到阻挠趴在地上Stay low to the ground.意图节省他毒气趴在地上,好,我知道了Yeah,OK. Stay low to the ground. Right…不停追逐文书鸟别出声Not a sound.番红花是本季色彩随处都可见The season's colors seen in all the herds...动一动行列纵队进行慢慢往下慢慢来,向前一步Take it slow. One more step...…聚集在水肥处然后…- then... ...in the dung这就是晨间报告This is the morning report大事小事不漏掉Gives you the long and the short每个呼吸微笑Every grunt,roar,and snort每个轻声吼叫Not a tale I distort都在晨间报告On the morning report哈…非常好Ha …It is very good沙祖什么事呀?- Zazu! - Yes!地下传来的消息Sir! News from the underground.好,这一次呢…陛下Now,this time... Sire!土狼到了荣耀石啦!Hyenas in the pride lands!沙祖,带辛巴回家Zazu,take Simba home.我不能去吗?- Dad,can't I come?不行,儿子- No,son.哼!什么地方都不准我去I never get to go anywhere.哦,小主人将来你也会当国王的Oh,young master,one day,you will be king.然后你就可以随心所欲地去追逐那些流着口水Then you can chase those slobbering,mangy...卑贱愚蠢的非法入侵者stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.嘿!刀疤叔叔,你猜怎样?Hey,Uncle Scar! Guess what?我最痛恨猜谜游戏了I despise guessing games.我将成为这里的国王耶I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock.哦!真好啊Oh,goody.我爸刚刚带我看了整个国度My dad just showed me the whole kingdom...而我将会统治一切and I'm gonna rule it all.是啊Yes,well哦!请原谅我没有高兴地跳起来forgive me for not leaping for joy.我的背不好你知道的Bad back,you know.嘿,刀疤叔叔Hey,Uncle Scar,果我是国王那你是什么?when I'm king,what'll that make you?你这猴子A monkey's uncle.你好奇怪哦!You're so weird.还有更怪的呢!You have no idea.哦!原来你爸爸带你看过整个王国了,是吗?So,your father showed you the whole kingdom,did he?看过啦Everything.他没有带你到北方边界太阳升起的地方吗?He didn't show you what's beyond that rise... at the northern border? 没有Well,no.他说我不能去那里He said I can't go there.他说的完全正确And he's absolutely right.那里太危险了It's far too dangerous.只有勇敢的狮子才会去呀Only the bravest lions go there.我很勇敢啊那有什么?Well,I'm brave. What's out there?对不起,辛巴我就是不能告诉你I'm sorry,Simba,I just can't tell you.为什么?Why not?辛巴,辛巴Simba,Simba,我只是在为我最喜欢的侄子着想I'm only looking out... for the well-being of my favorite nephew. 没错,我是你唯一的侄子Yeah,right. I'm your only nephew.所以罗,我才更要保护你All the more reason for me to be protective.一个年轻的王子不适合到大象墓园去的哦!An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. oh大象的什么?An elephant what?哇…Whoa.哦!天啊我说的太多了Oh,dear,I've said too much.不过我猜你早晚总会发现的Well,I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later...你一直是这么样的聪明you being so clever and all.帮我个忙吧!Oh,just do me one favor.跟我保证你绝对不会去那个可怕的地方Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.没问题- No problem.这才是乖孩子- There's a good lad.你现在自己出去玩吧You run along now and have fun.并且记得哦…And remember,这是我们的小秘密it's our little secret.嘿!娜娜嗨!辛巴- Hey, - Hi,Simba.走吧我刚才听到一个很棒的地方Come on. I just heard about this great place.辛巴,我现在正在洗澡啊Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.你也该洗澡罗And it's time for yours.妈…Mom!妈…你把我的毛弄乱了啦Mom,you're messing up my mane!好了!好了OK,我干净了我们可以走了吗?I'm clean. Can we go now?我们要到哪里去呀?So,where are we going?最好不要什么烂地方It better not be anyplace dumb.不!那真的很酷耶No,it's really cool.这个很酷的地方是在哪里呢?So,where is this really cool place?就在水洞附近Oh. Around the water hole.水洞附近?The water hole?水洞附近有什么了不起的啊?What's so great about the water hole? 等到了那里我再告诉你I'll show you when we get there.哦Oh.妈,我能去吗?Mom,can I go with Simba?沙拉碧你说呢?这个嘛…Hmm,what do you think,Sarabi? Well... 拜托…- Please? - Please?我是没什么意见It's all right with me.哦,耶…- All right! - Yeah!不过要沙祖跟你们一起去As long as Zazu goes with you.不…不要沙祖No,not Zazu.开心一点嘛Step lively.越快到水洞我们就可以越快回家The sooner we get to the water hole the sooner we can leave. 我们到底要去哪里呀?So,where are we really going?一个大象的墓园哇!- An elephant graveyard. - Wow!嘘…沙祖Shh! Zazu.对了我们要怎么摆脱那个笨蛋呀?Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?哦!看看你们俩个再去大象的墓园Oh,just look at you two.大草原上一段小小的罗曼史正在孕育Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna.你们的父母会很高兴的Your parents will be thrilled...等到你们订婚之后还有…什么?what with your being betrothed and all. - Be... what?准备成婚订下婚约、海誓山盟- Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.意思是…Meaning...?有一天你们俩个会结婚One day,you two are going to be married.我不能娶她耶I can't marry her.她是我的朋友She's my friend.对,那实在太奇怪了Yeah,it'd be so weird.很抱歉,破坏你们的美梦Sorry to bust your bubble...但是你们俩个小朋友别无选择but you two turtledoves have no choice.这是流传了好几世代的传统It's a tradition going back generations.等我当国王第一就是废除这件事When I'm king,that'll be the first thing to go.只要有我在就不准- Not so long as I'm around. .哦,那你被开除了- In that case,you're fired很聪明但只有国王才能开除我Hmm. Nice try,but only the king can do that.可是他是未来的国王啊Well,he's the future king.对!所以我说什么你都得听Yeah,so you have to do what I tell you.嘿嘿!现在还不必听Not yet,I don't. .而且由你这种态度And with an attitude like that..恐怕你以后会变成一个相当悲惨的国王I'm afraid you're shaping up to be... a pretty pathetic king indeed. 哼!我看才不会呢Hmm. Not the way I see it.我将会是万兽之王I'm gonna be a mighty king,瞧瞧我的模样so enemies beware从来没有一个狮子王他的毛会那么少Well,I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair来看看我的威严没有人比得过I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before没有人敢说“不要啦”只要我说声“要”I'm brushin' up on lookin' down I'm workin' on my roar从来没见过像你那么糟Thus far,a rather uninspiring thing.等不及成为狮子王Oh,I just can't wait to be king你还有很长的路要走呢小主人You've rather a long way to go,young master,if you think...如果你以为…- No one sayin',没有任何吩咐我那么说的时候…"Do this" - Now,when I said that...没有任何束缚- No one saying,"Be there"我的意思是…- What I meant was...没有任何坏处- No one sayin',"Stop that"总会有你好处听我说…- But what you don't realize... - No one sayin',"See here"自由自在到处跑Free to run around all day绝对不是那样的Well,that's definitely out.做错事情也没人吵Free to do it all my way找个时间该坐下来来好好谈一谈I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart 别浪费唇舌是建议一律都免谈Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start 如果你真的这样统治我想那就惨If this is where the monarchy is headed,count me out 干脆离开这块烂地方Out of service,out of Africa,我再也不想管I wouldn't hang about这小孩已经开始嫌我烦This child is getting wildly out of wing等不及成为狮子王Oh,I just can't wait to be king所有人往左看Everybody,look left所有人往右看Everybody,look right所有人往这看Everywhere you look,我在你们中间I'm standing in the spotlight还早呢!Not yet!让所有万物都一起歌唱Let every creature go for broke and sing让我们随他脚步到处闯Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing让所有万物都一起颂赞It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling等不及成为狮子王…Oh,I just can't wait to be king对不起,夫人I beg your pardon,madam,您坐在我的身上了but...请让一让get off!辛巴simba娜娜…Nala.....好啦!成功了摆脱他了吧All right! It worked! - We lost him.我…是个天才- I am a genius.嘿!天才那是我的主意Hey,genius,it was my idea.没错啊但是,是我执行的啊还有我Yeah,but I pulled it off. - With me!哦,是吗?- Oh,yeah?输了吧- Pinned ya.让我起来- Hey,let me up.你又输了吧Pinned ya again.就是这里我们成功了This is it. We made it.哇…woo这里阴森森的It's really creepy.是啊,不是很棒吗?Yeah. Isn't it great?我们可能会有大麻烦- We could get in big trouble.我知道I know不知道他的脑袋还在不在哪儿?I wonder if its brains are still in there.只有一个办法能知道There's only one way to know.走吧,我们去看看不对Come on,let's go check it out. Wrong!你们唯一该做的事情就是立刻离开这里The only checking out you will do... will be to check out of here. 烦耶!Oh,man!我们已经超出荣耀石的范围太远了We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands.你看那个尖嘴老头害怕了Look,Banana Beak is scared.不管我是不是尖嘴小老头小毛球It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy...我告诉你我们的处境真的是很危险and right now we are all in very real danger.危险?哈哈…Danger? Ha!我在荒野中行走I walk on the wide side.我会当面嘲笑危险I laugh in the face of danger.哈哈哈哈…哇哇哇…Well,well,well, Well,well,well,斑仔Banzai,看看这是什么?what have we got here?桑琪,我不知道Hmm. I don't know,Shenzi.阿德,你觉得呢?What do you think,Ed?哈…ha对!就如我刚刚在想Just what I was thinking.三个违规的家伙A trio of trespassers!这完全是个意外!And quite by accident,我跟你们保证这只是航行上的小小的错误let me assure you. A simple navigational error.等等…Whoa,whoa,wait,wait,wait.我认识你你是木法沙的小跟班I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge.夫人我是国王陛下的总管I,madam,am the king's major-domo这么说你就是…- And that would make you...未来的国王- The future king.你知道我们是怎么对付超出自己国界的国王吗?Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom? 你们也不能把我怎么样啊!You can't do anything to me.理论上可以我们在他们的土地上Technically,they can. We are on their land.可是沙祖你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的傻瓜啊!But,Zazu,you told me they're nothin'... but slobbering,mangy,stupid poachers. 能不能不要再提傻瓜这两个字?- Lx-nay on the upid-stay.嘿!你叫谁是傻瓜?- Who are you callin' upid-stay?停…你看那个太阳我该走了My,my,my. Look at the sun! It's time to go!急什么?我们很乐意你留下来晚餐是呀…What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner. Yeah,我们可以吃…狮子大餐呀!we could have whatever's lion around!哈…ha...等等…有了,有了,有了Wait,wait,wait,I got one,I got one!我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think?哈…ha..什么?阿德?What,Ed?什么?What is it?我们订的晚餐要外带吗?Hey,did we order this dinner to go?没有啊!怎么啦?- No,why?因为他们跑了- 'Cause there it goes!我们甩掉他们了吗?- Did we lose 'em?我想是的- I think so.沙祖在哪?Where's Zazu?原来我们的小总管一路赶着想做只白煮鸟The little major-domo bird hippety-hopped... all the way to the birdie-boiler. 不!我不要做白煮鸟!Oh,no! Not the birdie-boiler!嘿!你们为什么不去找一个跟你们差不多大的Hey,why don't you pick on somebody your own size?像…你吗?- Like you?- Oops.辛巴simba快来呀!小宝贝Here,kitty,kitty,kitty.哈哈…就这样吗?That was it?再吼一次,来呀!Do it again. Come on.大…大哥Oh,please,please!误会…误会闭嘴!Uncle,uncle! - Silence!闭嘴!我们都闭嘴- Silence!- We're gonna shut up right now! 别激动我们真的很抱歉Calm down. We're really sorry.如果你们敢再靠近我儿子If you ever come near my son again...这位…这位是您的…Oh,this is your son?哦!是您的公子啊你知道吗?- Oh,your son? - Did you know that?不,我不知道No. Me? I didn't know...这个…你…你知道吗?No,did you?不,当然不知道- No,of course not. - No.不!阿德?- Ed? - Ed?Toodles.爸,我…Dad,l...你故意违抗我的命令You deliberately disobeyed me.爸,我很抱歉- Dad,I'm sorry.跟我回家去- Let's go home.我认为你非常勇敢I thought you were very brave沙祖是的,陛下- Yes,sire?带娜娜回家- Take Nala home.我必须要给我儿子上一课I've got to teach my son a lesson.娜娜,走吧Come,Nala.辛巴,唉!Simba,祝你好运good luck.辛巴Simba辛巴,我对你非常失望Simba,I'm very disappointed in you.我知道- I know.你可能会死掉- You could've been killed.你故意违抗我的命令You deliberately disobeyed me...而且更糟的是and what's worse,你和娜娜有生命危险you put Nala in danger.我只是想要跟你一样勇敢I was just trying to be brave,like you.我只有在必要的时候才勇敢I'm only brave when I have to be.辛巴Simba,being brave...勇敢并不表示你要去找麻烦doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 可是你好像什么都不怕But you're not scared of anything.我今天就怕了真的?I was today. - You were?是的- Yes.我怕我会失去你I thought I might lose you.噢…原来国王也会害怕Oh. I guess even kings get scared,huh?但是你知道吗?什么?- But you know what? - What?我认为那些土狼比你还害怕I think those hyenas were even scareder.哈…ha..因为没有人有胆子敢惹你爸爸过来'Cause nobody messes with your dad. - Come here,you.不要,不要- Oh,no! No!放手啦!Come here!来呀!Gotcha!爸嗯- Dad? - Hmm?我们是不是伙伴- We're pals,right?对- Right.那我们就永远在一起,对吧And we'll always be together,right?巴Simba,我告诉你一些我爸爸以前跟我说的话let me tell you something... that my father told me.你看那些星星Look at the stars.过去那些伟大的君王The great kings of the past...从那些星星上看着我们Iook down on us from those stars.真的?- Really?是呀- Yes.所以每当你寂寞的时候So,whenever you feel alone...要记得那些君王永远在那里指引着你just remember that those kings... will always be there to guide you... 还有我也是and so will I.木法沙真差劲Man,that lousy Mufasa.害我一个星期都不能坐I won't be able to sit for a week.这个不好笑,阿德It's not funny,Ed.闭嘴!Hey,shut up!你们安静一点好不好?Will you knock it off?是他先开始的Well,he started it.看看你们俩个Look at you guys.难怪我们会在食物链最底部晃荡No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain. 我痛恨晃荡废话!Man,I hate dangling. Yeah? .如果不是那些狮子这地方早就是我们的了You know,if it weren't for those lions..我痛恨狮子!we'd be runnin' the joint. Man,I hate lions.那么顽固- So pushy. - And hairy.又毛茸茸的- And stinky.而且又臭还有老天他们…- And,man,are they...丑死了- Ugly! - Ugly!我们狮子当然不全都是那么糟糕的Oh,surely,we lions are not all that bad.刀疤,原来是你Oh,Scar. It's just you.我们还以为是什么大人物呢!We were afraid it was somebody important.对呀,就像木法沙是呀Yeah,you know,like Mufasa. - Yeah.是吗?- I see.那才叫力量- Now,that's power.一点也没错光听他的名字我就会发抖- Tell me about it. I just hear that name,and I shudder木法沙再来一次- Mufasa! - Ooh! Do it again.木法沙- Mufasa!木法沙…- Mufasa!真过瘾Ooh,it tingles me.我身边全是一些白痴得了吧,刀疤I'm surrounded by idiots. Now,you,Scar,你是我们的一份子I mean,you're one of us.别忘了你是我们的伙伴- I mean,you're our pal.真感人…- Charmed.噢,我喜欢Oh,I like that.他不是国王但他还是那么有威严He's not king,but he's still so proper.是呀,刀疤yes,Scar你带什么给我们吃的Did you bring us anything to eat, Scar,old buddy? 嘿,老伙伴,好兄弟Did ya,did ya,did ya?有没有,有没有I don't think you really deserve this.我认为你们实在不值得I do not think you is really worth我是特别把那些小狮子送来给你们的I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you...而你们却让他给跑掉了and you couldn't even dispose of them.可是你知道You know,他们并不是自己单独来的,刀疤it wasn't exactly like they was alone,Scar.对呀!我们该怎么做呢?Yeah. What were we supposed to do,杀了木法沙?kill Mufasa?一点也没错Precisely.不要在我面前耍威风I know that your powers of retention仔细看像个饭桶不中用Are as wet as a warthog's backside你给我站好仔细听着But thick as you are我的话已经够明白Pay attention那是所谓无言的表白My words are a matter of prid这地方由我来主宰It's clear from your vacant expressions难道你们都没有发现The lights are not all on upstairs王位继承权在我手中But we're talking kings and successions准备好你的心静静等候Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for the chance of a lifetime 迎接这一个天大消息Be prepared for sensational news一个新的时代它悄悄要到来A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer那我们又算什么?And where do we feature?不管我多恶毒Just listen to teacher只要听我吩咐不要再犯错误I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded以后总会有你的好处When at last I am given my dues我要大声地向你宣布And injustice deliciously squared快准备Be prepared不对!还有的呢!Yeah,我们会准备的准备什么?be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what?准备木法沙王之死!- For the death of the king.怎么了?他病了?不- Why,is he sick? - No,笨蛋!我们要杀了他还有辛巴fool,we're going to kill him... and Simba,too.好主意谁需要国王啊!Great idea. Who needs a king?不要王…No king,no king, la-la la-la la la 啦…白痴!还会有另外一个王的Idiots! There will be a king!但是你自己说…- Hey,but you said...我将要做你们的王- I will be king!只要跟着我Stick with me,你们就再也不会饿肚子了and you'll never go hungry again.好耶!- Yeah! - Yeah! All right!国王万岁!All right! Long live the king!国王万岁!- Long live the king!国王万岁!- Long live the king!看来很快就会有依靠It's great that we'll soon be connected 随时随地伺候你左右With a king who'll be all-time adored 要投靠我,不要怀疑Of course,quid pro quo,you're expected 保证大家都会好过To take certain duties on board看来未来是充满着希望The future is littered with prizes保证过就不会泡汤And though I'm the main addressee让我再一次向你提醒The point that I must emphasize is我就是你唯一靠山You won't get a sniff without me快准备!So prepare这计划前所未有for the coup of the century这计划只要你帮一帮Be prepared for the murkiest scam这周详的计划是万无一失的Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning是难得一见的是不能否认的Decades of denial不能抵抗又雄壮威严受尊敬的我Is simply why I'll be king undisputed Respected,saluted 就是森林之王And seen for the wonder I am因为我要的理想更高Yes,my teeth and ambitions are bared快准备Be prepared因为我要的理想更高Yes,our teeth and ambitions are bared快准备Be prepared好,你在这等着Now,you wait here.你爸爸为你准备了一个大惊喜Your father has a marvelous surprise for you.什么惊喜?Ooh,what is it?如果我告诉你的话那就不叫惊喜了,对不对If I told you,it wouldn't be a surprise,now,would it?如果你告诉我我会装得很惊讶If you tell me,I'll still act surprised.你实在是非常的调皮Ho ho ho! You are such a naughty boy.说嘛!刀疤叔叔- Come on,Uncle Scar.不…- No,no,no,no,no,no,no.这是你爸爸跟你之间的事情This is just for you and your daddy.是那种父子之间的…关系You know,a sort of father-son... thing.好了,我最好去找他去我跟你一起去Well,I better go get him. - I'll go with you.不!- No!不…你只管待在这个石块上No. Just stay on this rock.你不会想像上次那样再遇到土狼吧?You wouldn't want to end up in another mess... like you did with the hyenas. 你知道那件事呀?You know about that?辛巴,每个人都知道那件事真的吗?Simba,everybody knows about that. - Really?是啊,算你幸运- Oh,yes.Lucky爸爸赶去救你了,对不对啊?Daddy was there to save you,eh?这是我们的小秘密Oh,and just between us...你是不是该练习练习你的吼叫声了呢?you might want to work on that little roar of yours.哦,好吧Oh,OK.嘿!刀疤叔叔Hey,Uncle Scar我会喜欢那个惊喜吗?will I like this surprise?辛巴,你会喜欢死的Simba,it's to die for.闭嘴!- Shut up.我也没办法我肚子好饿- I can't help it.I'm so hungry.我可以吃下一头野牛I got to have a wildebeest.不要乱动拜托!Stay put. Please我可不可以吃一头生病的就好了Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?不行!我们要等待刀疤的讯号No. We wait for the signal from Scar.他在那边There he is.我们走Let's go.吼叫声Little roar.陛下,你看!有东西在移动奇怪?Oh,look,sire,the herd is on the move. - Odd.、木法沙!快点动物逃窜- Mufasa,quick!在峡谷那儿而辛巴也在Stampede in the gorge. - Simba's down there. 辛巴?- Simba?沙祖!救我Zazu,help me!你爸爸已经来了撑着点Your father is on the way! Hold on!快呀…Hurry!那边,在那儿There,on that tree.在那树上Hold on,Simba!捉好,辛巴Oh,Scar,刀疤,这太可怕了我们该怎么办?this is awful! What'll we do?我该做些什么?I'll go back to help,我回去搬救兵that's what I'll do.我就这么做我去搬救…I'll go back...爸…Dad!刀疤…Scar弟弟,救救我Brother! Help me!愿国王万岁Long live the king.不…No..爸…Dad!爸Dad!爸Dad!爸,起来Dad,come on.你一定要起来You got to get up.爸…。
下面是我为您整理的小王子经典语录的中英文对照:1. "真正重要的是肉眼看不见的。
" - "What is essential is invisible to the eye."2. "你要永远对你献身的人负责。
" - "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."3. "人只有用自己的心才能看清事物,真正重要的东西用肉眼是看不见的。
" - "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."4. "天空之所以如此美丽,是因为在任何一处你都可以投下一瞥的地方,都有我曾经流连的足迹。
" - "The sky is beautiful because somewhere it carries my footprints which I left when looking up."5. "永远是那池塘里的小蓝花使我对星星这么感兴趣的。
" - "It was the time I spent on the tiny, fragile blue flowers that allowed me to take such interest in the stars."6. "如果你用心灵去看,我的星星就会告诉你,每一个该怎样做人。
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The Prince of Egypt1.The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story. While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus.由《出埃及记》改编。
2. With the sting of the whip on my shoulder; With the salt ofmy sweat on my brow.我的肩膀受到鞭挞;我的脸上淌着咸汗。
3. God on high 天上的神灵Lord of all 万物之主The morning and evening star 日月星辰之王4. Safe may you stay.祝你永远平安5. Where’s your sense of fun?你的历险精神哪去了?6. –You’ve always looked up to me.–Yes, but it’s not much of a view.–你一直向我看齐。
7. –You don’t think we will get in trouble for this, do you?–No. Not a chance!–你不认为我们会为此受到惩罚,是吗?–当然不会!8. Do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you?你知道你与生俱来的使命吗?9. One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition. But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty!一座倒塌的神庙不能毁掉我们的传统。
但是,脆弱的一环却能摧毁整个王朝!10. He must not allow himself to be led astray.他不能让别人领入歧途。
11. He will live up your expectations.他不会辜负你的期望。
12. Statues cracking and toppling over. The Nile drying up. Single-handedly, you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on earth to ruin.石像崩裂倒塌,尼罗河干枯。
13. Why is it that every time you start something, I’m the one who ends up in trouble?为什么每次你闯祸,到头来都是我倒霉?14. I think you owe us an apology.你得向我们道歉。
15. I’m drenched again.我又湿透了!16. I figured it out.我弄明白了。
17. I’m done for!完了!18. Not much of a snake charmer, are you?你可不是个会耍蛇的人,不是吗?19. an arrogant, pampered palace brat 骄纵无礼的王子20. You go too far.你太过分了。
21. Last night, the gods granted me a vision.昨晚,神明给了我一个启示。
22. Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity.命运把我们的小失误变成了一个伟大的契机。
23. We can take care of that.我们可以解决这个问题。
24. If I say day is night, it will be written.我可以颠倒是非。
25. That tickles.好痒。
26. You have been sent as a blessing.你是神明送来的祝福。
27. It seems that you do not know what is worthy of honor.看来你不懂得荣誉的价值。
28. A single thread in a tapestry, though its color brightly shine, can never see its purpose in a pattern of the grand design. And the stone that sits on the very top, of the mountain’s mighty face, does it think it’s more important than th e stone that form. the base? So how can you see what your life is worth or where your value lies? You can never see through the eyes of man. You must look at your life through heaven’s eyes.A lake of gold in the desert sand is less than a cool, fresh spring. And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy is greater than the richest king. If a man lose everything he owns, has he truly lost his worth, or is it the beginning of a new and brighter birth? So how do you measure the worth of a man, in wealth or strength or size, in how much he gained or how much hegave? The answer will come to him who tries to look at his life through heaven’s eyes. And that’s why we share all we have with you though there’s little to be found. When all you’ve got is nothing, there’s a lot to go around.No life can escape being blown about by the winds of change and chance though you never know all the steps. So how did you judge what a man is worth? By what he builds or buys?挂毯中的一根线,就算十分光彩夺目,它也无法体会到整体设计的美感。
因此,该怎样衡量一个人的价值?看他盖得房子和买的东西?29. I am that I am!我就是我!30. I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry. So I have come down to deliver them out of slavery and bring them to a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey.我看见我的子民在埃及受苦,我听见他们的哀嚎。
31. They have hopes and dreams and the promise of a life with dignity.他们有希望、梦想和过尊严生活的指望。
32. Your Majesty. We are compelled to remind you that this man committed a serious crime against the gods. We are loathe to bring it up, mind you. The law clearly states the punishment for such a crime.陛下,我们得提醒您,此人对神明犯下了重大罪行。
33. I pardon forever all crimes of which he stands accused.我永远赦免他犯的一切罪行。
34. put us on the run 把我们吓跑35. You are playing with the big boys now.你这是不自量力。
36. Kneel to our splendorous power.跪在我们威武的法力面前。