山东省济南外国语学校2017-2018学年高二上学期期中(11月)考试历史试题 Word版缺答案
这位思想家是A.孙子 B.孟子 C.董仲舒 D.朱熹2.下面是朱熹为湖南岳麓书院的题字,这些题字反映了:①儒家思想是人身修养的重要内容②书院注重对学子个人品德的养成③儒家传统道德是维护封建统治的重要工具④理学的伪善和欺骗性A. ①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②③④3.近年在汉堡发现了一本在1691年出版的《论语》英译本。
对以上的信息解读不正确...的是:A.当时中国政府重视对欧洲宣扬中华文化B.孔子的思想在欧洲曾经得到推崇C.该译本出现在“西学东渐”时期D.《论语》曾在欧洲以多种语言流传4.下列科技成就,按其出现的时间先后排列,应是①筹算法②地动仪③《授时历》④《黄帝内经》⑤《齐民要术》A.②①③④⑤B.⑤②①④③C. ①④②⑤③D.⑤①④③②5.唐朝以来,商业日益发展,城市走向繁荣,市民阶层壮大,与这些经济现象相适应,文化领域出现了哪些相应的成就? ①小说的出现和繁荣②黄宗羲等人提出“工商皆民生之本”③宋朝风俗画的发展④魏晋书法形成和发展A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④6.下列思想不属于苏格拉底的基本思想的是A.人是无知的,只有不断追求才能够完善自己B.提倡教化人民,改善人的灵魂C.自然界是客观的、真实存在的,人们的认识来自对客观世界的感觉D、重视人的伦理道德,追寻人生真谛7.马丁·路德说:“我们应当让世俗政权在整个基督教世界中执行它的职务,不要加以任何阻碍。
2017-2018学年度第二学期期末考试 高二数学(理科)试题(2018.7)考试时间120分钟 满分150分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.已知复数3i13i z =+(i 为虚数单位),则z 的虚部为A .43B .3i4- C .43 D .3i2.下列求导运算正确的是A.)'1(x x +=1+1x 2 B .(log 2x )′=1x ln 2C .(3x )′=3x log 3eD .(x 2cos x )′=-2sin x 3.已知()()1,2,,,1,2a y b x =-=, 且(2)//(2)a b a b +-,则A . 1,13x y ==B . 1,42x y ==-C .12,4x y ==-D . 1,1x y ==- 4.已知随机变量ξ服从正态分布2(2)N σ,,且(4)0.84P ξ=≤,则(0)P ξ=≤A .0.16B .0.32C .0.68D .0.845.设曲线x x x y 12++=在点)3,1(处的切线与直线10ax y ++=垂直,则a =A .2B .2-C .12-D .126.已知随机变量ξ+η=8,若ξ~B (10,0.6),则Eη,Dη分别是A .6和2.4B .2和2.4C .2和5.6D .6和5.6 7. 下表为某班5位同学身高x (单位:cm )与体重y (单位kg )的数据,身高 170 171 166 178 160 体重7580708565若两个量间的回归直线方程为 1.16y x a =+,则a 的值为A .-121.04B .123.2C .21D .-45.128. (x 2+2)52)11(-x 的展开式的常数项是A .-3B .-2C .2D .39.已知函数1)(23--+-=x ax x x f 在),(+∞-∞上是单调函数,则实数a 的取值范围是A. ),3()3,(+∞--∞B. )3,3(-C. ),3[]3,(+∞--∞D.]3,3[- 10. 如图,一个树形图依据下列规律不断生长:1个空心 圆点到下一行仅生长出1个实心圆点,1个实心圆点 到下一行生长出1个实心圆点和1个空心圆点.则第 11行的实心圆点的个数是A .53B .54C .55D .5611.将7个人(含甲、乙)分成三个组,一组3人,另两组2 人,不同的分组数为a ,甲 乙分到同一组的概率为p ,则a 、p 的值分别为A .215105==p a B. 214105==p a C.215210==p a D. 214210==p a12.设()f x '为函数()f x 的导函数,已知21()()ln ,()x f x xf x x f e e '+==,21)1(=f ,则下列结论正确的是A .)(x xf 在(0,)+∞单调递增B .)(x xf 在),0(+∞单调递减C .)(x xf 在(0,)+∞上有极大值21D .)(x xf 在(0,)+∞上有极小值21第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
山东高二高中历史月考试卷班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、选择题1.“宗”是一个会意字。
”贾谊这一主张后来发展成为( )A.分封建国B.剥夺王侯爵位C.“推恩令”D.“附益之法”9.史学家张荫麟先生在《中国史纲》中写到:“武王所肇创、周公所奠定的‘封建帝国’维持了约莫七百年。
高二上学期期末考试(历史)(考试总分:100 分)一、单选题(本题共计30小题,总分60分)1.(2分)春秋战国时期,天下大乱,由于道德的标准不一致,许多人以自己观察的某一方面为“自好”,于是出现众多的学术派别发表自己的观点和学说。
这说明汉字()A.演变总趋势是由简到繁B.以图画文字为基础逐步演变发展C.都是由象形文字构成D.讲究借物抒情,追求神韵意趣8.(2分)唐代传奇、北宋风俗画、宋词元曲和明清小说出现的社会条件相同的是()A.长安、东京、大都的繁荣B.城市工商业的发展, 对市民阶层精神需求的满足C.人民生活的提高D.春秋战国以来的文化底蕴9.(2分)“饮酒仰脸要翻手,喝茶平饮微低头,丑角总要多出相,其他人物要遮口。
2024-2025学年山东省潍坊市历史高二上学期期中自测试卷(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有16小题,每小题3分,共48分)1、以下哪位历史学家被誉为“历史之父”?A、司马迁B、希罗多德C、索福克勒斯D、亚里士多德2、下列哪个事件标志着中国封建社会的形成?A、商鞅变法B、秦灭六国C、楚汉争霸D、三国鼎立3、题干:唐朝时期,我国古代科学家郭守敬编写的一部著名天文著作是:A. 《授时历》B. 《天工开物》C. 《梦溪笔谈》D. 《九章算术》4、题干:以下关于抗日战争的说法,正确的是:A. 抗日战争胜利后,中国成为了世界五强之一B. 抗日战争胜利后,国民政府与中国共产党在重庆举行和平谈判C. 抗日战争胜利后,国共两党在南京签署了《双十协定》D. 抗日战争胜利后,国民政府与中国共产党在北平举行和平谈判5、题干:秦始皇统一六国后,采取了一系列巩固统一的措施,以下哪项不是其巩固统一的措施?A. 集权制度B. 书同文、车同轨C. 修建长城D. 实行郡县制6、题干:以下关于唐朝的历史事件,描述不正确的是?A. 唐太宗实行“贞观之治”B. 唐玄宗时期,安史之乱爆发C. 唐朝与吐蕃和亲,加强了民族团结D. 唐朝实行科举制度,选拔人才7、题干:下列关于秦始皇统一六国的史实,错误的是()A. 秦始皇通过战争手段实现了统一B. 秦始皇统一六国后,建立了中央集权制度C. 秦始皇统一六国后,推行了法家思想D. 秦始皇统一六国后,使用的是秦国原有的货币体系8、题干:以下关于唐朝的历史事件,描述不正确的是()A. 唐太宗实行了贞观之治,使国家进入繁荣时期B. 唐朝设立了科举制度,选拔人才C. 唐玄宗时期,安史之乱爆发,导致唐朝由盛转衰D. 唐朝与吐蕃、回纥等民族关系紧张9、关于以下哪个事件,可以说它标志着中国近代史的开端?A. 鸦片战争B. 太平天国运动C. 戊戌变法D. 辛亥革命 10、以下哪位思想家主张“中学为体,西学为用”?A. 康有为B. 梁启超C. 张之洞D. 谭嗣同11、题干:以下哪个事件标志着中国近代史的开端?A. 鸦片战争B. 戊戌变法C. 辛亥革命D. 五四运动12、题干:以下哪位思想家被誉为“中国近代启蒙第一人”?A. 康有为B. 梁启超C. 谭嗣同D. 魏源13、题干:以下哪个朝代被认为是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期?A. 唐朝B. 宋朝C. 元朝D. 明朝14、题干:以下哪个历史事件标志着中国近代史的开始?A. 鸦片战争B. 太平天国运动C. 戊戌变法D. 辛亥革命15、以下哪个朝代的都城位于今天的河南省开封市?A. 隋朝B. 唐朝C. 宋朝D. 元朝16、以下哪个事件标志着中国古代封建社会的开始?A. 秦始皇统一六国B. 西汉建立C. 三国两晋南北朝的分裂D. 隋朝统一中国二、非选择题(本大题有4小题,每小题13分,共52分)第一题阅读下列材料,完成下列要求。
3、题干:以下哪位历史人物被誉为“史圣”?A. 司马迁B. 班固C. 贾谊D. 汉武帝4、题干:以下哪一事件标志着中国封建社会的形成?A. 秦始皇统一六国B. 汉武帝推行推恩令C. 魏晋南北朝时期的民族大融合D. 隋唐时期的科举制度5、以下哪个事件标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始?A. 辛亥革命B. 五四运动C. 辛亥革命成功D. 五四运动失败6、下列哪部著作是毛泽东在延安时期撰写的?A. 《星星之火,可以燎原》B. 《实践论》C. 《论持久战》D. 《新民主主义论》7、下列关于唐朝建立的历史事件,说法不正确的是:A、李渊在太原起兵反隋B、李世民发动玄武门之变,夺取皇位C、唐太宗李世民实行“贞观之治”D、武则天建立唐朝8、关于《天工开物》这部著作,以下说法错误的是:A、是中国古代一部综合性的科技著作B、由明代著名科学家宋应星所著C、详细记载了明代农业、手工业的发展状况D、被西方学者誉为“中国17世纪的工艺百科全书”9、以下哪个事件标志着中国新民主主义革命的开端?A. 辛亥革命B. 五四运动C. 北伐战争D. 抗日战争胜利 10、以下哪个文件确立了中国共产党在抗日战争时期的总路线?A. 《新民主主义论》B. 《论联合政府》C. 《抗日救国十大纲领》D. 《论持久战》11、以下哪个事件标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始?A. 辛亥革命B. 五四运动C. 辛亥革命后的北洋政府时期D. 中国工农红军长征12、以下哪位思想家提出了“民贵君轻”的观点?A. 孟子B. 荀子C. 韩非子D. 董仲舒13、【题目】以下关于中国古代政治制度的描述,正确的是:A. 春秋战国时期,诸侯国之间的政治制度完全相同B. 秦始皇统一六国后,实行了郡县制,加强了中央集权C. 汉武帝时期,实行了分封制,进一步巩固了中央集权D. 唐太宗时期,实行了三省六部制,使中央政府机构更加完善14、【题目】以下关于中国近现代史的描述,不正确的是:A. 鸦片战争后,中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会B. 民族资产阶级在维新变法和辛亥革命中发挥了重要作用C. 中国共产党成立于1921年,标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始D. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年,结束了中国半殖民地半封建社会的历史15、题干:以下哪一项不属于中国古代三大发明?A. 指南针B. 火药C. 造纸术D. 互联网技术16、题干:以下哪个事件标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始?A. 辛亥革命B. 五四运动C. 中国共产党成立D. 抗日战争胜利二、非选择题(本大题有4小题,每小题13分,共52分)第一题请根据以下材料,回答问题。
2024-2025学年山东省烟台市历史高二上学期期中自测试题(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有16小题,每小题3分,共48分)1、我国古代经济作物中,被誉为“丝绸之路上的明珠”的是:A. 棉花B. 桑蚕C. 粟米D. 棉布2、以下关于春秋战国时期社会变革的描述,正确的是:A. 社会经济以农业为主,手工业和商业相对落后B. 封建土地制度逐渐形成,井田制逐渐瓦解C. 儒家思想成为主流,法家思想被边缘化D. 社会动荡,战争频繁,国家分裂3、题干:以下哪位历史人物被称为“兵圣”?A. 孙武B. 白起C. 赵云D. 李靖4、题干:以下哪个事件标志着中国古代封建社会的确立?A. 春秋战国时期的“百家争鸣”B. 秦始皇统一六国C. 汉武帝实行“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”D. 隋唐时期的科举制度5、题干:下列关于《史记》的表述,不正确的是()A. 《史记》是我国古代第一部纪传体通史B. 《史记》记载了上自传说中的黄帝,下至汉武帝共三千余年的史事C. 《史记》的作者司马迁被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”D. 《史记》中的“纪”主要记载皇帝的事迹6、题干:下列关于《三国演义》的表述,不正确的是()A. 《三国演义》是我国古典四大名著之一B. 《三国演义》以魏、蜀、吴三国鼎立的历史为背景C. 《三国演义》中的人物形象鲜明,故事情节曲折离奇D. 《三国演义》的作者罗贯中被誉为“章回小说之父”7、以下哪个历史事件标志着我国进入社会主义初级阶段?A. 中华人民共和国的成立B. 土地改革的完成C. 第一届人民代表大会的召开D. 社会主义改造的基本完成8、以下哪位历史人物被誉为“中国近代民族工业之父”?A. 洋务运动的代表人物曾国藩B. 洋务运动的代表人物李鸿章C. 洋务运动的代表人物张之洞D. 民族资本家张謇9、下列关于中国古代政治制度的说法正确的是:A. 秦朝确立了丞相制度,加强了中央集权。
B. 汉朝实行分封制,巩固了国家统一。
2024-2025学年山东省聊城市高二历史上册期中达标自测试卷班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、单选题(每题3分)1.题目:商朝时期,我国政治制度的特点是()A. 以血缘关系为纽带建立国家政治制度B. 实现了权力的高度集中C. 确立了“家天下”的局面D. 形成了完备的官僚政治体系答案:A解析:商朝时期,政治制度以血缘关系为纽带,形成宗法制和分封制,A项正确;商朝时期尚未实现权力的高度集中,B项错误;夏朝确立“家天下”的局面,C项错误;秦朝形成了完备的官僚政治体系,D项错误。
2.题目:关于秦朝统一后推行的郡县制,下列说法正确的是()A. 彻底解决了地方割据问题B. 郡县长官由皇帝直接任免C. 体现了分封制的思想D. 强化了君主专制答案:B解析:秦朝统一后推行郡县制,郡县长官由皇帝直接任免,有利于加强中央集权,B项正确;郡县制有利于加强中央集权,但不能彻底解决地方割据问题,A项错误;郡县制体现了中央集权的思想,C项错误;郡县制强化了中央集权,而非君主专制,D项错误。
3.题目:汉武帝时期,儒学取得独尊地位的主要原因是()A. 儒学有利于维护封建专制统治B. 百家争鸣局面的结束C. 汉武帝重用信奉儒学的人D. 儒学吸取了佛、道的思想答案:A解析:汉武帝时期,儒学取得独尊地位的主要原因是儒学有利于维护封建专制统治,符合汉武帝加强中央集权的需要,A项正确;百家争鸣局面的结束是汉武帝独尊儒术的结果,B项错误;汉武帝重用信奉儒学的人是儒学取得独尊地位的表现,不是原因,C项错误;儒学吸取佛、道思想是在宋明理学时期,D项错误。
4.题目:魏晋南北朝时期,北方民族交融的表现不包括()A. 汉族人学习胡人的生活方式B. 汉族人学习胡人的政治制度C. 北方汉族人大量南迁D. 少数民族学习汉族的先进文化答案:C解析:魏晋南北朝时期,北方民族交融的表现包括汉族人学习胡人的生活方式、汉族人学习胡人的政治制度、少数民族学习汉族的先进文化等,C项“北方汉族人大量南迁”是北方人口南迁的表现,属于经济重心南移的内容,不属于民族交融的表现,符合题意。
注意事项:1 答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目填写在规定的位置上。
2 第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
3 第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,不得使用涂改液,胶带纸、修正带和其他笔。
1. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a restaurant.B. At home.C. In a hotel.2. When will the two speakers go shopping?A. Tomorrow afternoon.B. After work.C. During the noon break.3. What does the woman think of the price?A. Too low.B. Reasonable.C. Too high.4. What is the man’s attitude toward the woman?A. Angry.B. Worried.C. Appreciative.5. Why does the woman learn Spanish?A. She will make a trip to Madrid.B. She is interested in Spanish culture.C. She’s found a job in a Spanish company.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
山东省名校考试联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解2023 Hot List: The Best New Restaurants in the World Place des Fetes — New York CityThis famous wine bar provides a spot with a rare sweet and warm atmosphere. For date night, go to the bar with views of the open kitchen, or fill up the large table in the back with a group and taste the entire item menu. Either way, do not miss the famous mushroom soup.Le Doyenne — Saint — Vrain, FranceAustralian chefs James Henry and Shaun Kelly transformed the former stables (马厩) of a 19th-century private estate into a working farm, restaurant, and guesthouse driven by the principles of regenerative agriculture. More than one hundred varieties of fruits, vegetables, and herbs make their way into Henry’s cooking after being carefully nurtured by Kelly.Mi Compa Chava — Mexico CityAlmost everyone eating here is devoted to fixing last night’s damage from drunkenness and getting a head start on creating today’s. On the sidewalk, crowds of locals and tourists alike line up for fisherman Salvador Orozco’s creative takes on Sinaloa and Baja seafood. Anything from the raw half of the menu is a sure bet, though cooked dishes like fish can help fill out a meal.Vilas — BangkokCan a dish inspired by a Spanish recipe using Japanese ingredients (原料) still be considered Thai? For Chef Prin Polsuk, one of Bangkok’s most famous Thai chefs, it most certainly can. At his latest restaurant, a small dining room at the base of Bangkok’s hulalongkorn’s 1897 journey around Europe and the foreign ingredients and landmark King Power Mahanakhon Tower, he draws inspiration from King Chulalongkorn’s 1897 journey around Europe and the foreign ingredients and cooking techniques he added to the royal cookbooks.1.What can you do in Place des Fetes — New York City ?A.Drink the red wine.B.Taste the mushroom soup.2.Which restaurant best suits people who suffer from alcohol?A.Place des Fetes.B.Le Doyenne.C.Mi Compa Chava.D.Vilas.3.What’s the purpose of the text?A.To introduce the features of some restaurants.B.To compare the origins of some restaurants.C.To state the similarities of some restaurants.D.To recommend some foods of some restaurants.The 36-year-old Jia Juntingxian was born in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, and was blind in both eyes due to congenital eye disease. She has shown athletic talent since childhood and was selected as a track and field athlete by Jiangxi Disabled Persons’ Federation.Although she can’t see the world, Jia breaks through the “immediate” obstacles again and again while running, letting the world see her. In her sports career, Jia has won 43 national and world-class sports medals. Among them, in 2016, she broke the world record and stood on the podium (领奖台) of the women’s T11-T13 4×100-meter relay event at the Rio Paralympics.In 2017, Jia retired and chose to become a teacher at a special education school. Just a year ago, she found out that two young brothers, with visual impairments (视觉障碍), wanted to be an athlete. They had never attended a special education school and never achieved their athletic dream. Jia could only help them attend a local special education school. The experience made her realize that these children living in remote areas may have little knowledge of special education. Even she didn’t know about such schools until late into her education. Therefore, she decided to become more involved with special education.Changing from a Paralympic competitor to a special education teacher, Jia said that there is no discomfort, “Because I understand the students as well as myself and know the inconveniences and difficulties of the children. I hope that every child is like a different seed.Through hard study, they can bravely realize their own life.”Jia also has paid close attention to the rights and interests of disabled people. In 2021, Jia proposed the construction of audible (听得见的) traffic signals for blind people. Her advice to local authorities on dog management has resulted in more indoor public places allowingshop and currently employ 16 visually impaired people, with an average monthly salary of 3,500 yuan per person.Jia always believes that the world is a circle, as long as the love of others is constantly passed on, the whole society will be full of love!4.What can we learn about Jia from the passage?A.She won 43 sports medals in her country.B.She was strong-minded despite her disability.C.She was good at sports at the age of 5 years old.D.She never won national and world-class sports medals.5.What made Jia decide to occupy herself in special education?A.The high salary of special education.B.Her wish to enrich her life after sports.C.Local government’s need for special education.D.Her experience of helping two disabled brothers.6.Which of the following best describes Jia’s job on special education?A.Boring and dangerous.B.Patient and generous.C.Humorous and brave.D.Devoted and selfless.7.What did Jia do to help the disabled?A.She constructed audible traffic signals.B.She set up a massage shop on her own.C.She advised increasing indoor public places.D.She provided employmentopportunity for the blind.Coral reefs in Florida have lost an estimated 90% of their corals in the last 40 years. This summer, a marine heat wave hit Florida’s coral reefs. The record high temperatures created an extremely stressful environment for the coral reefs, which are currently also experiencing intense coral bleaching (白化).A coral is an animal, which has a symbiotic relationship with a microscopic algae (藻类). The algae gets energy from the sun and shares it with the coral internally. The coral builds a rock-like structure, which makes up most of the reef, providing homes and food for many organisms that live there. Coral bleaching is when the symbiotic relationship breaks down. Without the algae, the corals appear white because the rock skeleton becomes visible. If theFlorida is on the front lines of climate change. It is also on the cutting edge of restoration science. Many labs, institutions and other organizations are working nonstop to protect and maintain the coral reefs. This includes efforts to understand what is troubling the reef, from disease outbreaks to coastal development impacts. It also includes harvesting coral spawn (卵), or growing and planting coral parts. Scientists moved many coral nurseries into deeper water and shore-based facilities during this marine heat wave. They are digging into the DNA of the coral to discover which species will survive best in future.There are some bright spots in the story, however. Some corals have recovered from the bleaching, and many did not bleach at all. In addition, researchers recorded coral spawning. Although it’s not clear yet whether the larvae (幼虫) will be successful in the wild, it’s a sign of recovery potential. If the baby corals survive, they will be able to regrow the reef. They just have to avoid one big boss: human-induced climate change.8.What does the underlined word “symbiotic” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Reliable.B.Opposite.C.Harmonious.D.Contradictory. 9.What caused the coral bleaching?A.The rock skeleton.B.The microscopic algae.C.The high temperatures.D.The symbiotic relationship. 10.Which is not the efforts scientists made to help coral reefs?A.Transferring coral nurseries.B.Growing and planting coral spawn.C.Researching the DNA of the coral.D.Figuring out the reasons for problems. 11.Which of the following best describes the impact of scientists’ efforts?A.Identifiable.B.Predictable.C.Far-reaching.D.Effective.Scientists at the UCL Institute for Neurology have developed new tools, based on AI language models, that can characterize subtle signatures in the speech of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (精神分裂症). The research, published in PNAS, aims to understand how the automated analysis of language could help doctors and scientists diagnose and assess psychiatric (病) conditions.Currently, psychiatric diagnosis is based almost entirely on talking with patients and those close to them, with only a minimal role for tests such as blood tests and brain scans. However, this lack of precision prevents a richer understanding of the causes of mental illnessThe researchers asked 26 participants with schizophrenia and 26 control participants to complete two verbal fluency tasks, where they were asked to name as many words as they could either belonging to the category “animals” or starting with the letter “p” in five minutes. To analyze the answers given by participants, the team used an AI language model to represent the meaning of words in a similar way to humans. They tested whether the words people naturally recalled could be predicted by the AI model, and whether this predictability was reduced in patients with schizophrenia.They found that the answers given by control participants were indeed more predictable by the AI model than those generated by people with schizophrenia, and that this difference was largest in patients with more severe symptoms. The researchers think that this difference might have to do with the way the brain learns relationships between memories and ideas, and stores this information in so called “cognitive maps”.The team now plan to use this technology in a larger sample of patients, across more diverse speech setting, to test whether it might prove useful in the clinic. Lead author, Dr. Matthew Nour, said: “There is enormous interest in using AI language models in medicine. If these tools prove safe, I expect they will begin to be used in the clinic within the next decade.”12.What is the disadvantage of current psychiatric diagnosis?A.It is greatly related to blood tests.B.It mostly relies on talking with patients.C.It refers to the words of patients’ family.D.It can’t comprehend schizophreniadeeply.13.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The process of the research.B.The tasks of the participants.C.The performance of researchers.D.The predictability of AI language models 14.What is Dr Matthew Nour’s attitude toward AI language models?A.Unclear.B.Positive.C.Doubtful.D.Negative. 15.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.AI language new tools used in the clinic.B.AI language tools developed byscientists.C.AI language models treating schizophrenia.D.AI language models diagnosing schizophrenia.Protecting from aboveA deadly asteroid (小行星) heading toward the Earth is a common plot in sci-fi movies.16 An increasing number of space agencies are now taking steps to defend against near-Earth asteroids (NEAs).17Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), recently told CCTV News that China will start to build Earth and space-based monitoring and warning systems to detect NEAs. 18 In 2025 or 2026, China hopes to be able to closely observe approaching asteroids before impacting them to change their path toward our planet.Making an impactNASA also has its own program for developing technology to deflect (使转向) incoming asteroids. On Nov 23, 2021, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was launched to slam into Dimorphos and change the speed at which it orbits its space neighbor, Didymos, an asteroid approximately 2, 560 feet in diameter (直径). 19Global effort20 It also re-launched its Planetary Defense Office in 2021, according to Electronics Weekly. Restarting the program, which seeks to communicate with space agencies around the world, is due to “the global character of the dangers we all face due to asteroids”, said ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher.A.Plan to protect.B.Taking prompt actions.C.But most people believe this is only an imagination.D.However, this is also a risk we should be worried about in real life.E.They are aimed to classify incoming NEAs depending on the risks they pose.F.The European Space Agency (ESA) signed a deal to make a spacecraft for a joint mission with NASA.G.This will help prove out one viable (可行的) way to protect our planet from a dangerous asteroid.Watching a plane fly across the sky as a young boy, Todd Smith knew that flying was what he wanted to do when he was older.After five years’ training, he finally 21 his dream job in his late twenties-working as an airline pilot. But in 2019, the travel firm he was 22 for was closed down.By this time Mr Smith had become increasingly 23 about the growing threat of climate change, and the aviation (航空) industry’s carbon emissions (碳排放). “I had an uncomfortable 24 ,” he says. “I was really eager to get involved in environmental protest groups, but I knew it would ruin my 25 , and I had a lot of 26 . It would be easier to return to the industry and pay them off.”Yet after hesitating for several months, Mr Smith finally 27 to quit his flying career for good. “I prefer flying and 28 interesting destinations, and earning a decent 29 ,” says Mr Smith. “But when we are 30 the climate and ecological emergency, how could I possibly 31 my needs? We need to think about how to 32 the biggest threat to humanity.”Giving up his dream job was a 33 decision, he says. “Financially I’ve been really 34 . It’s been challenging, but taking action has 35 my anxiety.”Mr Smith is now a climate activist.21.A.quit B.changed C.completed D.landed 22.A.waiting B.preparing C.working D.looking 23.A.concerned B.curious C.serious D.doubtful 24.A.tension B.conflict C.solution D.passion 25.A.fame B.life C.ambition D.career 26.A.needs B.debts C.pressures D.troubles 27.A.refused B.promised C.expected D.decided 28.A.discovering B.comparing C.recording D.visiting 29.A.salary B.honor C.award D.title 30.A.accustomed to B.faced with C.addicted to D.trapped in 31.A.remove B.raise C.meet D.stress 32.A.issue B.view C.make D.handle34.A.saving B.struggling C.investing D.contributing 35.A.covered B.balanced C.eased D.increased四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填写适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
最新高二年级第一学期历史期中考试试卷(含答案)一、单项选择题(每题2 分,共50 分)1. 中国古代史学名著《左传》中说:“多行不义必自毙。
”下列哪一历史人物的结局可以作为该论断的有力证据?()A. 夏桀B. 商纣C. 周厉王D. 周幽王2. 西周实行分封制的根本目的是()A. 奖赏功臣B. 拱卫王室C. 发展经济D. 安抚宗亲3. 春秋战国时期,社会经济发展比较落后,但当时的诸子百家,群星灿烂,是中国文化史上的一个黄金时代。
这一事实主要说明()A. 文化是经济的集中表现B. 文化对社会生产方式产生重大影响C. 文化具有相对独立性D. 一定的文化由一定的经济、政治所决定4. 秦始皇统一六国后,采取了一系列措施加强中央集权,其中对后世政治制度影响最深远的是()A. 建立皇帝制度B. 推行郡县制C. 统一度量衡D. 统一文字5. 汉武帝时期,为加强中央集权采取的主要措施有()①颁布“推恩令” ②设立中朝③实行察举制④罢黜百家,独尊儒术A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④6. 魏晋南北朝时期,江南地区得以开发的最主要原因是()A. 北方人民南迁带来先进技术B. 南方的自然条件优越C. 江南统治者施行仁政D. 南方社会较为稳定7. 科举制是中国古代重要的选官制度,它正式形成于()A. 隋文帝时期B. 隋炀帝时期C. 唐太宗时期D. 唐玄宗时期8. 唐太宗统治时期,政治清明,经济发展,国力强盛,史称()A. “文景之治”B. “光武中兴”C. “贞观之治”D. “开元盛世”9. 唐朝时期,对外交往频繁,其中为中印文化交流作出杰出贡献的是()A. 鉴真B. 玄奘C. 晁衡D. 崔致远10. 两宋时期,我国经济重心南移完成,其主要表现不包括()A. “苏湖熟,天下足”B. 中央的财政收入主要来自南方C. 北方人口大量南迁D. 景德镇成为著名的瓷都11. 元朝在地方实行行省制度,行省长官由中央任命。
高二年级上学期历史期中考试试卷(含答案)一、单项选择题(每题2 分,共50 分)1. 西周实行宗法制的根本目的是()A. 广建诸侯藩国B. 区分血缘亲疏C. 保证法律执行D. 巩固分封秩序2. 秦始皇统一六国后,采取了一系列措施加强中央集权,其中对后世政治制度影响最深远的是()A. 确立皇帝制度B. 统一度量衡C. 推行郡县制D. 焚书坑儒3. 汉武帝时期,为加强中央集权采取的主要措施有()①实行推恩令②设立中朝③实行察举制④罢黜百家,独尊儒术A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④4. 唐朝三省六部制中,负责审核政令的机构是()A. 中书省B. 门下省C. 尚书省D. 吏部5. 北宋初期,为加强中央集权采取的措施有()①杯酒释兵权②设立参知政事③设立枢密使④设立三司使A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④6. 元朝在地方实行的行政区划与管理制度是()A. 郡县制B. 三省六部制C. 行省制度D. 分封制7. 明清时期,君主专制空前强化的表现有()①废除丞相制度②设立军机处③实行八股取士④大兴文字狱A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④8. 古希腊城邦的突出特征是()A. 小国寡民B. 民主政治C. 法律至上D. 轮番而治9. 雅典民主政治发展到顶峰时期的执政官是()A. 梭伦B. 克利斯提尼C. 伯利克里D. 苏格拉底10. 罗马法体系最终完成的标志是()A. 《十二铜表法》的颁布B. 公民法的形成C. 万民法的出现D. 《查士丁尼民法大全》的编纂11. 英国资产阶级革命爆发的根本原因是()A. 斯图亚特王朝的专制统治阻碍了资本主义的发展B. 新贵族和资产阶级的成长壮大C. 查理一世的宗教迫害引起了清教徒的反抗D. 苏格兰人民起义12. 英国君主立宪制确立的标志是()A. 《权利法案》的颁布B. 光荣革命的胜利C. 责任内阁制的形成D. 1832 年议会改革13. 美国1787 年宪法体现的原则有()①联邦制原则②分权制衡原则③民主原则④两党制原则A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④14. 法国大革命爆发的标志是()A. 三级会议的召开B. 巴黎人民攻占巴士底狱C. 《人权宣言》的颁布D. 热月政变15. 德意志帝国君主立宪制的特点是()A. 皇帝权力受到限制B. 议会掌握国家最高权力C. 具有浓厚的专制主义和军国主义色彩D. 首相对议会负责16. 工业革命首先发生在英国的主要原因有()①资本主义制度的确立②海外市场的扩大③圈地运动的开展④手工工场的发展A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④17. 第二次工业革命的突出特点是()A. 科学与技术紧密结合B. 以轻工业为主C. 以蒸汽动力为主要标志D. 主要发生在英国18. 19 世纪末20 世纪初,资本主义世界体系最终形成,其主要表现有()①资本主义世界殖民体系的形成②资本主义世界市场的最终形成③资本主义政治体制在全球范围内的确立④国际经济组织的出现A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④19. 近代中国开眼看世界的第一人是()A. 林则徐B. 魏源C. 严复D. 康有为20. 洋务运动的主要目的是()A. 学习西方先进技术B. 维护清朝统治C. 发展资本主义D. 抵御外国侵略21. 戊戌变法的主要代表人物有()①康有为②梁启超③谭嗣同④严复A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④22. 辛亥革命的历史功绩有()①推翻了清王朝的统治②结束了中国两千多年的封建君主专制制度③建立了资产阶级共和国④使民主共和观念深入人心A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ①②③④23. 新文化运动的主要内容有()①提倡民主与科学②提倡新道德,反对旧道德③提倡新文学,反对旧文学④宣传马克思主义A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④24. 五四运动爆发的直接原因是()A. 巴黎和会上中国外交的失败B. 俄国十月革命的影响C. 马克思主义在中国的传播D. 中国无产阶级队伍的壮大25. 中国共产党成立的标志是()A. 中共一大的召开B. 中共二大的召开C. 中共三大的召开D. 中共四大的召开二、材料分析题(共30 分)26. 阅读下列材料:材料一:“凡未经议会同意,以国王权威停止法律或停止法律实施之僭越权力,为非法权力。
3.选择题选好答案后,用2 B铅笔把机读卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再涂选其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。
第I卷选择题(35*2=70分)1.春秋战国时期出现了我国古代历史上第一次垦荒高潮,其根本原因是()A. 大量可供开垦荒地的存在B. 铁器和牛耕的推广使用C. 统治者鼓励垦荒的措施D. 劳动者积极性提高2.下列水利工程属于战国时期李冰主持修建的是()A. 井渠 B. 都江堰C. 灵渠D. 郑国渠3.“……锄镰锨镢样样有,各种农具要健全。
”该农谣反映出古代农耕经济的特点是 ( ) A. 自给自足 B. 精耕细作C. 男耕女织D. 家庭经营4.《史记·平准书》中记载:“天下已定,高祖乃令贾人(商人)不得衣丝乘车,重租税以困辱之……”该材料体现了汉代的经济政策是()A. 苛捐杂税 B. 重农抑商C. 休养生息D. 朝贡贸易5.东汉杜诗发明的水排是一种()A. 灌溉工具 B. 冶铁工具C. 播种工具D. 纺织工具6.北魏至唐朝中期,封建国家为抑制土地兼并,维护小农经济,实行的土地制度是()A. 井田制 B. 均田制C. 屯田制D. 摊丁入亩7.唐诗《田家》云:“依床看妇织,登垄课儿锄。
”这反映了中国古代()A. 男耕女织的小农经济 B. 雇佣关系的出现C. 富裕安逸的生活方式D. 工商皆本的政策8.我国最早的银行雏形是出现于唐朝的()A. 邸店 B. 柜坊 C. 飞钱 D. 坊9.世界上最早的纸币“交子”产生的时间是()A. 汉朝 B. 唐朝C. 宋朝D. 明朝10.《元史》中载:“(元朝)国家初定中夏,制作有程,仍撰(纠集)天下之工,聚之京师,分类置局…匠以籍为定,世承其业,其子女……婚嫁皆由政府控制。
1. 战国前期,布币主要流通于中原地区,刀币主要流通于齐、燕、赵等国。
这反映了A. 当时货币发展的多元化B. 统一的货币已经出现C. 区域间经济联系的增强D. 货币经济占主导地位【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】根据材料并结合所学可知,战国前期,货币流通呈现明显的区域色彩,布币主要流通于中原地区,刀币主要流通于齐、燕、赵等国;随着区域间经济联系的增强,战国中期以后,货币流通呈现统一的趋势,大部分诸侯国铸造圆形穿孔的货币,统称为圜钱,C项正确;材料反映的是货币统一的趋势,“当时货币发展的多元化”与材料主旨不符,排除A项;秦统一后,统一的货币已经出现,排除B项;战国时期货币经济没有占主导地位,排除D项。
【点睛】2. 《北魏律》中“存留养亲”制度规定:对犯非“十恶”死罪或应判处流、徒刑的罪犯,若家有祖父母、父母年老或疾病而无其他男丁侍养者,得停止或免除刑罚的执行,返家侍养其亲。
这表明北魏A. 法律与伦理道德相结合B. 奉行外儒内法治国理念C. 法律开始具有人文情怀D. 法律丧失公平公正原则【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】材料“若家有祖父母、父母年老或疾病而无其他男丁侍养者,得停止或免除刑罚的执行,返家侍养其亲”体现的是儒家思想对法律制定的影响,A项正确;材料与外儒内法的说法无关,排除B项;材料与人文情怀无关,排除C项;法律丧失公平公正的说法错误,排除D项。
2023-2024学年山东省潍坊市高二上学期11月期中联考英语试题Stauer Urban BluePacked with high-end watch performance and style, without the high-end price label.It’s everything a high-end watch should be: Solid stainless steel (不锈钢) and real leather construction. What is the most attracting part is its precision timing that’s accurate to four seconds a day —that’s more precise than a 27 jewel (宝石) automatic watch priced at over $6,000. And,good looking —with simple, clean lines and a striking metallic blue face.Your great escape from the over-priced watch.At Stauer, we go directly to the source (cutting out the middleman),and engineer our own watch designs. This means we can offer a top quality timepiece that happens to only cost the same as two well-made cocktails at your favorite bar. So, while we’re busy innovating the watch industry to bring you more real value, you can avoid over-priced watches with the Urban Blue.Your satisfaction is 100%promised.We ar the Urban Blue for 30 days. If you’re not convinced that you achieved excellence for less, send it back for a refund of the item price. The Urban Blue is one of our fastest sellers. It takes six months to engineer this watch, so don’t wait. Take a stand against overpriced watches in perfect style.Limited to the first 1900 responders to this ad only.Don’t miss out…call today!Stauer Urban Blue Watch $199Offer Code Price $29+S&P Save $1701-800-333-2045Your Insider Offer Code:UBW598-02You must use this insider offer code to get our special price.Special price only for customers using the offer code and the price on without your offer code.1. What’s the best thing about Stauer Urban Blue?A.Its raw materials. B.Its accurate timekeeping.C.Its advanced design. D.Its attractive appearance2. Why is the Urban Blue priced so low?A.It is promoted at a local bar. B.It is produced at a very low cost.C.It is machine-made in large quantities. D.It is self-designed from its own factory.3. How much should you pay for an Urban Blue Watch if you are the 2000th customer?A.$29. B.$141. C.$170. D.$199.The 97-year-old botanist, Margaret Bradshaw, is the chief caretaker of Teesdale’s rarest flowers. “Everything about Teesdale is unique,”says Bradshaw with pride —and the authority of someone who has just written a 288-page book on the subject. Bradshaw has been recording rare plants here since the early 1950s and has witnessed great decreases.Her data was the first to prove that —and the need to do something about it.The main reason for the decrease of these plants is an unusual one. The number of sheep in Teesdale had been reduced by half by 2000, as the uplands were generally believed there were too many sheep. Bradshaw says while sheep are hunted in some upland areas, reducing herding in Teesdale has been destructive. Longer grass overshadows the delicate(娇嫩)flowers, taking away the light they need to grow. As a result of her findings and her work with farmers who herd the land —as well as Natural England, which manages it —sheep numbers are increasing and the timing of herding is being carefully managed. This has led to the partial recovery of some plants.At 93, she set up Teesdale Special Flora Research and Conservation Trust to record rare plants. A keen horse rider, at 95, she did a 55-mile horse journey across Teesdale, raising almost E10,000 for the Trust. When asked about the secret to longevity, “Just keep going,” she says.“Keep at it.Don’t sit down and just watch TV.”“I recognise I’m getting older and I’ve been trying to get more people to take over and do the records. They don’t believe I won’t be here forever,” Bradshaw says. Despite Bradshaw’s guardianship of this land, and the love and energy she has put into saving it, the future here is unknown. The last words of her book speak to this endless loss. “This is our heritage, this unique plant species, mine and yours, “she writes. “In spite of trying, I have failed to prevent its decrease, now it is up to you.”4. What is Margaret B radshaw’s main work with the rare plants?A.Writing a book. B.Preventing their decrease.C.Collecting their data. D.Directing farmers to grow plants.5. What contributed to the reduction of rare plants in Teesdale?A.Not enough sheep. B.Lack of fund.C.Poor management. D.Too many sheep6. What can we learn from Bradshaw’s words in the last paragraph?A.Unity brings strength. B.Many hands make light work.C.Youthful at heart,regardless of age, D.Advance what the forerunners began.7. Which might be a suitable title for the text?A.Teesdale:Home to Rare Plants B.Battling for Teesdale’s WildflowersC.Bradshaw:A97-Year-Old Gardener D.Exploring Teesdale’s Unique Plants “Mek thisen at ‘ome, lass,” Dimbleby said in the Yorkshire dialect to the group of ne arly two-dozen mostly grey-haired students, when the newspaper reporter arrived at his class. This class is part of an increasingly popular movement to revive the local dialect, once spoken by millions but now has almost died out.“We’ve got to get more young people involved,” says Dimbleby. The feedback so far has been positive, but the class is mostly made up of retirees. He is hoping to run another course on Saturday mornings, when younger people are available. “Most people’s experience of dialect is wha t they heard from their grandparents. They’ve never read it or written it, so it’s been a new experience for them.”There are some challenges in making it accessible though. As a spoken dialect with many variations (变体), the written aspect is various. How to correctly spell is a problem, because different people may pronounce it in different ways. For example, “nothing” in Yorkshire is “nowt”, but some people would read “out”, while in most of Yorkshire it has more of an “ohwt” sound that is hard to get across without resorting to the rules of pronunciation.“I’ve always been fascinated by the Yorkshire dialect,” says Joanna Kaye, a retired host. “When we were children, we learned all Queen’s English. My mother, although she taught me to speak properly, she could speak in the dialect.”Jean Crampton, here for the first time, has a notebook to write down words used by her parents, who died more than 10 years ago. “When I dressed up for the first time to go to grammar school, my dad said ‘dun’t she look grand’,” she said. “And that’s why I’ve come, to be reminded of them. After they died, that immediacy fades, and language is one of the things that can help bring it back into your mind, which is brilliant.”8. What is Dimbleby’s suggestion for the dialect class?A.More activities to revive the dialect. B.More courses provided for retirees.C.Greater participation of young people. D.Greater enthusiasm in elderly learners. 9. What does the underlined phrase ”resorting to“in paragraph 3 mean?A.Turning to B.Writing down. C.Summing up. D.Speaking of. 10. What makes Joanna Kaye interested in the Yorkshire dialect?A.The Queen’s charm.B.His mother’s influence.C.His childhood dream. D.The requirement for a host.11. Why did Jean Crampton go to the dialect class?A.To pass on the Yorkshire dialect. B.To share her father’s experiences.C.To restore memories from her parents. D.To learn the Yorkshire dialect grammar.Scientists once considered sleep to be like a shadow getting drawn over a window between the brain and the outside world: when the shadow is closed, the brain stops reacting to outside stimuli (刺激).A study published on 12 October in Nature Neuroscience suggests that there might be periods during sleep when that shade is partially open.A few years ago, Oudiette, a cognitive scientist in France, began questioning the definition of sleep after she and her team conducted an experiment in which they were able to communicate with people who are aware that they are dreaming while they sleep — otherwise known as clear dreamers. During these people’s dreams, experimenters were able to ask questions and get responses through eye and facial-muscle movements.Karen Konkoly, who was a co-author on that study, says “it was a big open question in our minds whether communication would be possible with non-clear dreamers.”So Oudiette continued with the work. In her latest study, she and her colleagues observed 27 people with narcolepsy (嗜睡症) — characterized by daytime sleepiness and a high frequency of clear dreams — and 22 people without the condition. While they were sleeping, participants were repeatedly asked to frown or smile. All of them responded accurately to at least 70% of these tips. Overall response rates were higher for all participants during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when the deepest sleep occurs but the brain remains quite active, than during other sleep stages.This study is part of a larger advance in the field of sleep research, says Mélanie Strauss,a cognitive scientist in Brussels. Researchers are moving away from monitoring sleep mainly with EEG (脑电图) and towards “fine grained” approaches that combine EEG with various tasks and stimuli — a strategy that could help to cast light on specific diseases or conditions, she says.12. What did scientists think of sleep in the past?A.It happens during different periods.B.It is a shadow formed within the brain.C.It suggests a weakening in the brain’s functions.D.It means a stop in brain’s response to the outside.13. How did clear dreamers react to the experimenters?A.By moving their face and eyes. B.By repeating the questions.C.By providing accurate answers. D.By talking about their dream.14. What can we learn about the participants in the latest study?A.They like sleeping in the daytime.B.They remember their dreams clearly.C.They do exactly as they’re told during sleep.D.They show higher response in the deepest sleep.15. What does Mélanie Strauss mainly tell us in the last paragraph?A.The limitation of using EEG. B.A cure for specific diseases.C.The progress of the sleep research. D.A method of detecting sleepPlay is part of a parent-child friendshipPlay is a crucial element of friendship with children. With babies and very young children, we parents play with them,engaging in back-and-forth activities like hide-and-seek and tower building.16 They pull us into play, and we feel pleasure.But deligh t hits a setback when our child learns how to say “no”. From this point onward —into adolescence —we focus on getting a child to behave. 17 It’s parenting belief, not specifically defined, but often translated into “because I said so”.While parents must help children learn to meet adult demands, when we limit our parenting focus to “command and control” we can crowd out “delight”. 18 If we can leave space for child-driven activities —without adult demands —we can return to delight. These interactions expand our relationship and help our child learn self-regulation and communication. It’s not the same as peer friendship, but we are being a friend.19 The key is following your child’s lead. As they get older and they are deep into other things, friendly play might include teaching you to play their favorite video game or share their YouTube. Your child won’t want you to be their primary friend in these spaces, but being curious and kind is a way to be a friend and a parent. You will be an uncool friend who will never fully get it, but you will be a friend.20 Especially as they get older, they will set more limits on it. But if you make a habit of friendly play with your child, that space will always be there between you, and it will vastly expand your parenting toolbox.I can remember the first time it happened. Class was getting out of hand. Our teacher, after quieting us six times as she tried to keep our _________ on the task at hand, finally gave up and informed we could take a rest. Instantly, the classroom erupted with students _________ their seats, laughing and talking.And then there was me. I sat _________ in my chair. I finished the activity and then worked on a project, completely content. I didn’t associate what I was doing with _________ behavior; I just had no desire to be loud and crazy.As parents started to arrive, our teacher . _________ the chattering children with a half-hearted smile. But when my mother _________,she commented, “Your daughter is such a nice girl in class. She’s a _________.” And there it was: my first “nice”.Whether or not I knew it, a _________ had been set for my future behavior, though my teacher probably didn’t mean it.As years passed, I became_________ in the art of nice. But as much as I loved praise, I was too__________ to dare be anything but nice.People r arely see the Real Me, because the Real Me is __________.She doesn’t clean her room as often as she should. She’s __________ at making decisions. Nice became a shelter I __________my real feelings. “It’s like living a. __________ life,” I thought. I am __________ with being nice. I want to be the best of myself, not the nicest.21.A.sight B.focus C.spirit D.preference22.A.moving B.changing C.adjusting D.leaving23.A.excitedly B.hopelessly C.quietly D.nervously24.A.positive B.normal C.complex D.strange25.A.picked out B.handed over C.showed off D.drove away 26.A.arrived B.demanded C.followed D.insisted27.A.treasure B.legend C.star D.champion28.A.plan B.style C.standard D.goal29.A.poorly-adapted B.well-trained C.annoyed D.confused30.A.active B.honest C.eager D.scared31.A.shy B.perfect C.messy D.unique32.A.terrible B.quick C.wise D.careful33.A.managed B.shared C.expressed D.hid34.A.simple B.comfortable C.double D.busy35.A.familiar B.tired C.confident D.pleased阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
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2017-2018学年度第一学期期中模块考试高二期中历史试题考试时间60分钟满分100分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)1. 有学者在评价中国古代某思想学派时指出:“它虽然反经验知识,反社会,甚至反对现实人生的种种欲望,但它并不是虚无主义,它只是借‘反’的方式揭示另一种智慧”。
这里是在评价A. 儒家B. 道家C. 墨家D. 法家2.周文王曾告诫武王:“山林非时不升斤斧,以成草木之长;川泽非时不入网罟,以成鱼鳖之长。
”这说明①当时的统治者意识到保护环境的重要性②周人开始关注天人关系③两周自然环境遭到破坏④荀子思想受到统治者重视A.②③④ B.①② C.①②③ D.①③④3.郭沫若把春秋战国时比拟为“第一次五四运动”,指出是“社会的转变”促成了这一时代的“百家争鸣,群花怒放”。
这一时期“社会转变”的表现是①分封制崩溃,井田制瓦解②各种政治力量异常活跃③各种思想交相辉映④中央集权制度确立A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③4.根据下列文本材料所示内容,可以推断出的朝代是A.秦朝 B.汉朝 C.唐朝 D.宋朝5.“王者不可以不知天……天意难见也,其道难理。
辨五行之本末顺逆,小大广狭,所以观天道也”,这段史料体现的思想主张是A.荀子:制天命而用之 B.荀子:天与人不相胜C.董仲舒:天人感应 D.董仲舒:三纲五常6.从汉代至明清,中国传统文化主流思想演变的总趋势是A.直面社会现实,逐渐关注民生 B.不断传承发展,服务专制皇权C.根植于自然经济,逐渐落后于世界 D.博采众家之长,紧随世界潮流7.《孝经》中说:“天地之性,人为贵。
上述材料的共同点是A.中国古代统治者重视民意 BC.体现中国古代的人文精神 D.强调人定胜天的进取精神8.《汉书·武帝本纪》记载:元封元年春,武帝登临嵩山,随从的吏卒们都听到了山中隐隐传来了三声高呼万岁的声音。
“山呼”万岁实质是宣扬A.大一统 B.君权神授 C.皇权至上 D.强化中央集权9.史家认为,“宋词、宋文、宋画、宋代文玩以及宋代理学,构成一个精致而又森严的贵族世界,而在这一世界之外,别有一种文化形态崛起……”。
“别有一种文化形态”是指A.市井文化 B.科学技术 C.佛道文化 D.外来文化10.《九章算术》的编纂者认为,“掌握数学知识的人应该满足于能够解答生活实践中提出的应用问题,数学的理论虽属可知,但很难全部搞清楚,学者应该有适可而止的态度。
”这说明中国古代科技的主要特点是A.注重实验 B.理论探究 C.适可而止 D.注重实用11.下图《一团和气图》粗看似一笑面弥勒佛盘腿而坐,细看却是三人合一:左为一道冠老者,右为一方巾儒士,二人各执经卷一端,团膝相接,相对微笑;弥勒佛手搭两人肩上,借用道者与儒士的五官,合成一张正面像。
”其主张是A.清谈误国,倡导精研心性 B.弘扬理学,恢复孔孟之道C.实行仁政,反对君主专制 D.反对空谈,主张经世致用15.明代小说《西游记》中的孙悟空,向往“天不收、地不管的生活,对头上的紧箍儿耿耿于怀,成佛后首先想到把它打个粉碎。
”它反映明代出现A. 追求个性自由,反对纲常礼教的思想B. 注重气节,自我节制,奋发向上的思想C. 追求民主自由,反对君主专制的思想D. 追求金钱,海外冒险的拜金主义思想16.明清之际的进步思想与西方启蒙思想的主要相同点是A.强调人的价值 B.批判专制制度 C.宣扬理性主义 D.否定宗教神学17.《中华文化史》(冯天瑜等著)认为“在商品经济有充分发育的基础上得以繁衍的市民文化,在清中叶以前的整个中国社会都相当细弱。
”其“先进的思想”主要表现在①反对君主专制②设立自下而上的监督机构③倡导言论自由④主张民主共和A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④19.法国学者费内隆在他的著作中写道:在16世纪,人们将“文艺复兴”一词只理解为复古。
这主要是因为当时文艺复兴的倡导者们A.借助了传统文化的外衣 B.都是古典主义的拥护者C.没有提出新的思想主张 D.利用宗教反对封建思想20.智者运动、文艺复兴、启蒙运动被称为西方思想史上三大思想解放运动,对三者共同点的表述正确的是①提倡科学,反对迷信②肯定人的价值与尊严③反对封建束缚④促进人性的解放A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.①④21.在公元前800至公元前200年间发生了人文精神的奠基。
下列属于“轴心时代”西方思想家主张的是A.中庸 B.人非工具 C.小国寡民 D.知识即美德22.下图反映了启蒙运动期间的书籍出版情况,从中可以获悉法国启蒙运动①18世纪中后期达到高潮②启蒙思想在法国社会受到较大关注③内容涉及哲学、自然科学等各个领域④对宗教神学的地位产生了强烈冲击A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④23.文艺复兴、宗教改革、启蒙运动是西欧向近代社会迈进时期发生的三次重大思想解放潮流,它们在历史作用上的一致性主要表现在①发展了人文主义②冲击了天主教会的束缚③抨击了封建君主专制④促进了资本主义生产关系的发展A.①②④ B.①②③ C.①②③④ D.①②24.18世纪的启蒙思想家把苏格拉底视为先驱和战友,主要是因为苏格拉底A. 第一次在哲学意义上发现了“自我”B. 发现了人类知识的有限性C. 发现了人类理性的力量和价值D. 是“哲学的刨遗者”、“智慧”的化身25.18世纪英国政治理论家伯克说:“我相信,如果卢梭还活着,在他短暂的神志清明时刻,一旦看到他的思想引起那么疯狂的实践后果,他一定会吓昏过去。
”这里所说的“疯狂的实践后果”主要是指A.光荣革命 B.美国独立战争 C.法国大革命 D.十月革命26.李平晔教授在评价近代某事件时指出:“使基督教世俗化,或使西欧人民的世俗生活神圣化,把人们的精神和潜能从封建桎梏下解放出来,在现实的拯救和解放的道路上,迈出了关键的一步。
”李平晔教授评价的近代事件是A.文艺复兴 B.宗教改革 C.启蒙运动 D.工业革命27.法国启蒙运动的领袖人物伏尔泰特别推崇中国的儒家思想,常以儒家的“民为贵,君为轻”思想作为武器攻击法国的封建君主专制制度。
该材料体现了法国启蒙思想家的什么原则A.反对私有制 B.天赋人权 C.人民主权 D.暴力革命29.在公元前8世纪至公元前3世纪,在一些重要的古典文化中心,如希腊、中国,人类的精神开始了觉醒,提出了人与自然、人与人的关系的大问题,并进行研究和回答。
下列主张能证明此观点的有①人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然②人是万物的尺度③人是一件多么了不起的杰作④未受考察的生活是不值得过的A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②③ D.①②④30.历史学家通过对甲骨文的研究,能够了解到商代社会的一些情况;通过对《清明上河图》的分析,能够了解到北宋年间商业的繁荣景象。
——材料三 16至17世纪的中国,新的经济形态还十分微弱、脆嫩,明清时期的早期启蒙思想家们先天不足,具有一种时代性的缺陷,黄宗羲、唐甄们提不出新的社会方案,而只能……修补封建专制制度。