选择题:在保险精算中,确定保费时需要考虑的主要因素不包括:A. 被保险人的年龄B. 被保险人的性别C. 被保险人的职业D. 被保险人的婚姻状况(正确答案)下列哪项不是精算师在保险公司中的主要职责?A. 产品设计与定价(正确答案)B. 市场营销策略制定C. 准备金评估D. 风险管理在进行寿险精算时,下列哪个公式用于计算纯保费?A. 纯保费= 保险金额× 发生率B. 纯保费= 保险金额/ 发生率C. 纯保费= 保险金额× (1 -发生率)D. 纯保费= 保险金额+ 发生率(正确答案)下列哪项不是影响保险公司偿付能力的主要因素?A. 资本金数额B. 准备金数额C. 保险业务规模D. 公司员工数量(正确答案)在进行非寿险精算时,下列哪个概念用于描述单位时间内发生赔案的频率?A. 赔案发生率(正确答案)B. 平均赔款额C. 纯保费D. 附加保费下列哪项不是精算师在进行财务分析时常用的工具?A. 财务报表B. 敏感性分析C. 场景分析D. 市场调研问卷(正确答案)在进行保险产品设计时,精算师需要考虑的法律法规不包括:A. 《保险法》B. 《公司法》C. 《税收法》D. 《消费者权益保护法》(正确答案)下列哪项不是精算师在风险管理中的主要任务?A. 识别风险B. 量化风险C. 控制风险D. 承担风险(正确答案)在进行保险产品定价时,下列哪个因素通常不会被考虑?A. 预期赔付成本B. 运营成本C. 预期利润D. 市场竞争对手的股价(正确答案)。
1. 下列关于会计政策变更的说法中,正确的是()A. 会计政策变更应追溯调整至最初发生时B. 会计政策变更不能采用未来适用法C. 会计政策变更累积影响数能够确定的,应当采用追溯调整法D. 会计政策变更累积影响数不能确定的,应采用未来适用法答案:D2. 企业的下列资产中,属于流动资产的是()A. 长期股权投资B. 固定资产C. 存货D. 无形资产答案:C3. 保险公司计算寿险保单现金价值时,一般采用的计算方法是()A. 简化法B. 未来法C. 均衡保费法D. 变动保费法答案:A填空题1. 保险公司计算净保费时,需要扣除的费用包括______和______。
答案:佣金、管理费用2. 会计的四大基本假设包括______、______、会计分期和货币计量。
答案:会计主体、持续经营3. 寿险精算中,通常使用______和______来计算死亡率和生存率。
答案:生命表、经验数据简答题1. 简述会计政策变更的含义及其条件。
2. 简述保险公司如何确定寿险保单的现金价值。
3. 简述会计分期假设的意义。
3.关于经验估费法,下列命题中哪几项是准确的?A.最小平方信度方法就是求使信度估计误差平方的期望达到最小的信度因子a值的方法;B.最小平方信度估计与贝叶斯估计是一致的,当贝叶斯估计采用平方损失函数时;C.假设各类风险的风险单位数相等,那么用最小平方信度方法求出的信度因子a具有的形式,其中,n是样本容量,k的分子、分母分别为被估计量的条件方差的期望和条件期望的方差;D.假设先验信息数据为15,最近观察值为20,信度因子a=O.6,那么所求的可信度估计为:0.6×15+0.4×20;E.X服从参数为的指数分布,参数为一随机变量,并设其服从指数为 1的指数分布,则的后险分布也是指数分布。
中国精算师准精算师(国际金融学)考试(150分)1、以外币表示的,用以进行国际清偿的支付手段和资产是( )。
【单选题】(5.0分)A.A.外汇B.B.国际储备C.C.国际资产D.D.政府资产E.E.国际收支正确答案: A答案解析: 外汇是国际汇兑的简称,是指外国货币或以外国货币表示的资产。
2、下列关于第二类错误的说法,不正确的是( )。
【单选题】(5.0分)A.是在原假设真实的条件下发生的B.是在原假设不真实的条件下发生的C.取决于原假设与实际值之间的差距D.原假设与实际值之间的差距越大,犯第二类错误的可能性越小E.原假设与实际值之间的差距越小,犯第二类错误的可能性越大正确答案: A答案解析: 第二类错误是原假设不成立,我们却错误地接受它;它取决于原假设与实际值之间的差距;原假设与实际值之间的差距越大,犯第二类错误的可能性越小,原假设与实际值之间的差距越小,犯第二类错误的可能性越大3、( )的买卖主要为了避免汇价波动所造成的外汇风险。
【单选题】(5.0分)A.A.即期外汇B.B.远期外汇C.C.非贸易外汇D.D.现汇E.E.掉期外汇正确答案: B答案解析: 远期外汇交易,是指买卖双方成交后,并不立即办理交割,而是按照所签订的远期合同规定,在未来的约定日期办理交割的外汇交易。
4、如果远期外汇比即期外汇便宜,两者之间的差额为( )。
【单选题】(5.0分)A.A.平价B.B.贴水C.C.顺水D.D.升水E.E.降水正确答案: B答案解析: 即期汇率与远期汇率之间常常有一定的差价:远期汇率高于即期汇率称为升水;远期汇率低于即期汇率称为贴水。
5、即期外汇交易又称为( )。
【单选题】(5.0分)A.A.现汇交易B.B.外汇当日交易C.C.期货交易D.D.外汇期权交易E.E.平价交易正确答案: A答案解析: 即期外汇交易又称现汇交易,是指买卖双方成交后,在两个营业日内办理交割的外汇买卖。
设n个独立的危险单位,每个保额a元,损失概率为p,损失变量服从二项分布B(n,p),则保险赔付的标准差Q=Tnp(1-p),纯保费p=em q,则财务稳定系数n=Q= ------------------- - --------= ------Pαnq√⅞α设有n类业务,第i类有ni个独立的危险单位,每个保额ai元,损失概率pi,则赔付的方差DXi=a⅛Mi-PJ,则所有业务的财务稳定系数为QJD,Ei1D)-JXg E1DXiJ比J4n<Pι(i-P。
】-F-Σ{1ιi n i p i^∑11⅝n i p j^∑1ι⅜∏iPi因此,业务一和业务三合并的财务稳定系数为_Q_√M∏1p1(i-PJ+申a p aα-p・)3nd>,+a√⅛¾⅛____________κ_√5000z×6000×003×0.97÷1000001×300×0.03×0.97二SOOOX6000×0J3+100000×300×0.03=0.168[单选题]3.一组样本数据满足以下条件:(1)均值=35,000(2)标准差=75,000(3)中值二10,000(4)90%分位数=Io0,000(5)样本服从WeibUI1分布用分位数估计法估计WeibU11分布的参数丫,估计结果0。
1.精算学中最基本的原则之一是:A.最大诚信原则B.风险中性原则C.效用最大化原则D.公平定价原则2.在寿险定价中,死亡率假设的确定主要依赖于:A.宏观经济指标B.历史经验数据C.未来预测模型D.政府政策导向3.下列哪项不属于精算模型在保险中的应用?A.准备金评估B.投资收益预测C.风险管理决策D.营销策略制定4.在进行寿险保单定价时,考虑利率风险的主要目的是:A.确保保险公司盈利B.反映市场利率变动对保单价值的影响C.降低保单成本D.吸引更多投保人5.死亡率改善因子(Mortality Improvement Factor)主要用于调整:A.预期寿命估计B.保险费率C.死亡率曲线形状D.投资收益预期6.下列关于长期健康保险准备金评估的说法,错误的是:A.需要考虑未来医疗成本的变化B.准备金评估方法可能因保险产品类型而异C.仅依赖于当前医疗成本进行评估D.可能涉及复杂的精算模型7.在保险精算中,使用蒙特卡洛模拟法的主要目的是:A.精确计算保险费率B.评估保险产品的潜在风险C.预测市场变化趋势D.简化复杂的精算计算过程8.下列哪项不是影响养老金计划负债评估的关键因素?A.投资收益假设B.死亡率假设C.税收政策变化D.产品设计细节9.在进行再保险安排时,精算师需要评估的主要风险包括:A.市场风险、信用风险、操作风险B.利率风险、汇率风险、政治风险C.巨灾风险、长尾风险、集中度风险D.流动性风险、技术风险、法律风险10.精算师在保险产品设计阶段,主要关注的是:A.如何提高产品知名度B.如何降低营销成本C.如何确保产品定价的公平性和合理性D.如何快速响应市场变化。
A. 历史成本法
B. 现值法(正确答案)
C. 市场比较法
D. 直线摊销法
A. 产品定价
B. 风险管理
C. 市场营销策划(正确答案)
D. 准备金评估
A. 预定利率
B. 预定死亡率
C. 预定费用率
D. 预定投资回报率(正确答案)
A. 识别风险
B. 量化风险(正确答案)
C. 控制风险
D. 评估风险控制效果
A. 预期赔付率
B. 预期费用率
C. 预期投资收益率
D. 预期市场占有率(正确答案)
A. 未来法
B. 过去法
C. 现在法(正确答案)
D. 平衡法
A. 未决赔款准备金
B. 未到期责任准备金(正确答案)
C. 总准备金
D. 意外准备金
A. 精算报告应包含所有重要假设和参数
B. 精算报告应基于合理的预测和估计
C. 精算报告无需经过审核即可直接发布(正确答案)
D. 精算报告应清晰、准确地传达精算分析的结果
A. 赔付成本
B. 获取成本
C. 运营成本
D. 广告成本(正确答案)。
(单选题)A. 黄金储备B. 外汇储备C. 在IMF的储备头寸D. 特别提款权E. 国库券试题答案:B2、一个社会要想得到最大的福利,达到最大的经济效率,也即达到帕累托最优状态的话,须满足的充分条件是()。
(单选题)A. 满足交换的帕累托最优条件,MRS XY A=MRS XY BB. 满足生产的帕累托最优条件,MRTS LK X=MRTS LK YC. 满足交换和生产的帕累托最优条件,MRT XY=MRS XYD. 满足交换或生产的帕累托最优条件,MRT XY=MRS XYE. 同时达到生产、交换、生产和交换的帕累托最优条件,即MRS XY A=MRS XY B,MRTS LK X=MRTS LK Y,MRT XY =MRS XY试题答案:E3、随着产量的增加,厂商的平均固定成本()。
(多选题)A. 大于0B. 等于0C. 先减后增D. 递减E. 趋向于零试题答案:A,D,E4、影响总需求的因素有()。
(多选题)A. 价格水平B. 收入水平C. 预期D. 财政政策E. 货币政策试题答案:A,B,C,D,E5、经济增长在图形上表现为()。
(单选题)A. 生产可能性曲线内的某一点向曲线上移动B. 生产可能性曲线向外移动C. 生产可能性曲线外的某一点向曲线上移动D. 生产可能性曲线上某一点沿曲线移动E. 生产可能性曲线向内移动试题答案:B6、劳动、土地、资本和企业家才能等生产要素的价格分别为()。
(多选题)A. 工资B. 地租C. 利息D. 税率E. 利润试题答案:A,B,C,E7、如果劳动力的年增长率为2%,劳动生产率的年增长率为3%,则自然增长率为()。
(单选题)A. 1%B. 2%C. 2.5D. 3%E. 5%试题答案:E8、如果个人收入等于570美元,而个人所得税等于90美元,消费等于430美元,利息支付总额为10美元,个人储蓄为40美元,个人可支配收入则等于()美元。
2025年招聘保险精算师笔试题与参考答案(某世界500强集团)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、在保险精算中,以下哪个公式用于计算纯保费?A.(e −δt )B.(c 1−e −rt )C.(c re −rt )D.(c 1−r δe −rt )2、以下哪个选项不是影响保险费率的因素?A. 风险发生的概率B. 赔偿成本C. 投资收益D. 法定准备金要求3、某保险公司开发了一款新型寿险产品,该产品的年缴费为10000元,缴费期限为20年,保险期限为30年。
请计算该保险产品在第10年结束时,保险公司需要提取多少风险准备金?(假定保险产品无分红)A. 5000元B. 8000元C. 10000元D. 12000元4、某保险公司计划推出一款定期寿险产品,产品期限为10年,保险金额为100万元。
假设该产品的预定利率为3%,年缴费为10000元,请计算该保险产品在第一年结束时,保险公司需要提取多少风险准备金?(假定保险产品无分红)A. 10000元B. 8000元C. 5000元D. 2000元5、在保险精算中,用于评估长期寿险保单未来现金流的贴现率通常基于:A. 银行的储蓄利率B. 无风险利率加上一定的风险溢价C. 股票市场的平均回报率D. 消费者物价指数(CPI)的增长率6、以下哪项是衡量保险公司偿付能力的重要指标?A. 净利润率B. 资产负债率C. 综合偿付能力充足率D. 市场份额7、以下哪个选项不属于保险精算师在工作中需要考虑的风险因素?A. 投资风险B. 利率风险C. 流动性风险D. 税收风险8、以下哪个公式描述了纯保费的计算?A. 纯保费 = 风险保费 + 预期利润B. 纯保费 = 风险保费 + 费用保费C. 纯保费 = 风险保费 / 预期赔付率D. 纯保费 = 风险保费 * 预期赔付率9、在保险精算中,用于评估长期寿险保单未来现金流现值的常用方法是:A、净现值法B、内部收益率法C、等价现值法D、现值贴现法 10、以下哪项不属于保险精算师在进行风险评估时需要考虑的因素?A、投保人的年龄和性别B、保险产品的类型与期限C、当前市场的股票价格D、被保险人的健康状况与职业二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些是保险精算师在制定保险费率时需要考虑的因素?()A、历史赔付数据B、市场利率C、预期通货膨胀率D、公司成本E、政策法规2、以下关于生命表的说法,正确的是哪些?()A、生命表是记录特定年龄人群生存概率的工具B、生命表可以用来计算保险产品的保费和责任准备金C、生命表的数据通常是基于特定地区和特定时间点的统计数据D、生命表的数据是静态的,不会随时间变化E、生命表可以用来评估保险公司的财务状况3、以下哪些因素通常会影响保险产品的定价?A. 死亡率或发病率B. 投资收益率C. 市场竞争情况D. 政策法规变化4、在保险精算中,关于准备金评估,以下哪些说法是正确的?A. 准备金是用于支付未来保险责任的资金储备B. 准备金评估仅依赖于过去的经验数据C. 准备金评估需要考虑未来可能的赔付情况D. 准备金水平的高低直接影响保险公司的偿付能力5、以下哪些因素会影响保险精算师在评估风险时对保费率的设定?A. 预期赔付成本B. 预期死亡率C. 利率水平D. 投保人年龄E. 通货膨胀率6、在制定保险产品定价策略时,以下哪些方法是保险精算师常用的?A. 成本法B. 市场比较法C. 经验法D. 投资收益法E. 需求估计法7、以下哪些因素通常会影响保险产品的定价?A、死亡率或发病率B、保险公司的运营成本C、市场供需关系D、投保人的年龄和性别8、在保险精算中,以下哪些方法或工具常用于评估风险?A、生存模型B、损失分布分析C、蒙特卡洛模拟D、敏感性分析9、以下哪些是保险精算师在评估风险时需要考虑的因素?()A. 保险公司的资本充足率B. 投保人的年龄和健康状况C. 市场利率的变化D. 法规和政策的变化E. 自然灾害的发生频率 10、以下哪些方法可以用于评估保险公司的偿付能力?()A. 标准化比率测试B. 风险资本模型C. 现金流量测试D. 精算假设敏感性分析E. 市场风险价值(VaR)三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、保险精算师在评估保险产品定价时,应仅考虑历史赔付数据,而不需考虑市场利率的变化。
中国精算师准精算师(国际金融学)历年真题试卷汇编2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 简答题 4. 计算题 5. 论述题单项选择题1.直接标价法是一种用( )的汇率表示方法。
2.( )是按商定的汇价订立买入或卖出合约到约定日期进行交割的外汇。
3.银行买入外币现钞的价格是( )。
4.国际收支顺差,主要是( )的结果。
5.我国外汇汇率采用的是( )。
招聘保险精算师笔试题与参考答案(某大型央企)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、假设一个随机变量X服从参数为λ的泊松分布,已知P(X=0)=0.0498,则λ的值大约是多少?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 62、在一个年金保险合同中,若投保人选择了一个期间保证期,在该保证期内无论生存与否都会获得支付。
这个期间通常被称为:A. 免责期B. 等待期C. 保证支付期D. 宽限期3、题干:以下哪个选项不属于保险精算师的职业伦理原则?A、诚实与公正B、专业胜任能力C、持续职业发展D、政治敏感度4、题干:在保险定价过程中,以下哪个因素不是影响纯保险费率的因素?A、风险事故发生的概率B、保险金额C、通货膨胀率D、保险公司利润目标5、假设一家保险公司提供一个年金产品,该产品在投保人达到一定年龄后开始支付固定金额直至投保人身故。
如果该产品的定价基于生命表和一定的利率假设,那么下列哪一项不是定价时需要考虑的因素?A. 利率B. 生命期望值C. 医疗费用通胀率D. 投保人的年龄6、在保险精算中,使用随机变量X表示一个事件造成的损失金额。
如果已知损失金额X服从正态分布N(μ, σ^2),其中μ = 1000,σ = 500。
问下列哪一个区间最有可能包含实际损失金额?A. (500, 1500)B. (750, 1250)C. (950, 1050)D. (0, 2000)7、以下哪项不是保险精算师在制定保费时需要考虑的因素?A、风险程度B、保险公司的成本C、投资收益D、市场利率8、以下关于保险责任准备金的描述,正确的是?A、保险责任准备金是保险公司为了应对未来赔付风险而设立的资金B、保险责任准备金是保险公司从保费中提取的,用于支付已发生但尚未支付的赔款的资金C、保险责任准备金是保险公司为了应对已发生但尚未赔付的赔款而设立的资金D、保险责任准备金是保险公司为了应对未来赔付风险而提取的,用于支付尚未发生的赔款的资金9、一家保险公司正在评估其寿险产品的定价策略。
中国精算师准精算师(失业和通货膨胀)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 简答题 4. 计算题 5. 论述题单项选择题1.下列情形中,( )最可能导致成本推动的通货膨胀。
2.自然失业率( )。
假定现在的失业率为8%,那么当奥肯系数为2时,根据奥肯法则,该国目前的产出为( )亿美元。
4.从2006年到2009年,某一经济的货币供给增长率为7%,而实际GDP 增长速度为9%,假设货币流通速度在这三年内保持不变,则在这三年期间,价格水平的变动趋势是( )。
选择题:在风险管理中,下列哪项不属于风险控制的措施?A. 风险规避B. 风险分散C. 风险转移D. 风险扩大(正确答案的反面,实际应为“风险缩小”或类似表述)(正确答案:D)精算师在评估保险产品定价时,主要依据的是?A. 市场需求B. 公司利润目标C. 保险产品的风险成本和预期收益(正确答案)D. 竞争对手的定价策略(正确答案:C)下列哪个公式用于计算年金现值?A. PV = PMT ×[(1 - (1 + r)-n) / r] (正确答案)B. FV = PMT ×[(1 + r)n - 1] / rC. PMT = FV / [(1 + r)n - 1]D. r = (FV / PMT) ×[(1 / n) - 1](正确答案:A)在保险精算中,用于衡量风险集中程度的指标是?A. 风险敞口B. 风险价值C. 风险分散度(正确答案)D. 风险贡献度(正确答案:C)下列哪项不是精算师在产品设计阶段需要考虑的因素?A. 产品的市场定位B. 产品的预期利润率C. 产品的销售渠道(正确答案的反面,实际也是考虑因素之一,但此题选非)D. 产品的风险保障范围(正确答案:C,但注意实际上销售渠道也是产品设计时需要考虑的因素,此题设为选非题)在寿险精算中,用于描述被保险人寿命分布的函数是?A. 生存函数(正确答案)B. 死亡函数C. 损失函数D. 概率密度函数(正确答案:A)下列哪项不属于精算师在保险公司中的职责?A. 产品定价B. 准备金评估C. 市场营销策划(正确答案的反面,实际不属于精算师核心职责)D. 偿付能力管理(正确答案:C)在风险管理策略中,通过购买保险来转移风险的方式称为?A. 风险自留B. 风险规避C. 风险转移(正确答案)D. 风险对冲(正确答案:C)精算师在评估保险公司的财务状况时,主要关注的是?A. 公司的市场份额B. 公司的品牌形象C. 公司的偿付能力和盈利能力(正确答案)D. 公司的员工数量(正确答案:C)。
招聘保险精算师笔试题及解答(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、假设某寿险公司的年利率为5%,如果一笔现值为1000元的投资,经过一年后其终值将是多少?A. 1000元B. 1025元C. 1050元D. 1100元2、在保险精算中,生存函数(S(x))表示的是从当前年龄(x)生存至年龄(t)的概率。
如果一个生存模型显示(S(30)=0.8),这意味着:A. 年龄为30岁的人有80%的概率活到下一年。
B. 年龄为30岁的人有20%的概率活到下一年。
C. 年龄为30岁的人有80%的概率活到任意未来年龄(t)。
D. 在年龄为30岁时的即时生存概率是80%。
3、在保险精算中,以下哪个公式用于计算纯保险费率?A. 需求保费公式B. 预期损失公式C. 净保险费率公式D. 混合保险费率公式4、以下哪个指标用于衡量保险公司的偿付能力?A. 净资本充足率B. 净利润率C. 净资产率D. 投资收益率5、在保险精算中,评估长期寿险保单的价值时,通常采用的贴现率是基于()的。
A. 保险公司当前的投资收益率B. 无风险利率(如国债利率)C. 预期的市场平均收益率D. 保险产品的预期利润率6、以下哪种精算方法主要用于计算保险产品的定价和准备金?()A. 生存模型B. 损失分布模型C. 利率风险模型D. 资本充足率模型7、假设一个保险公司使用泊松过程来模拟理赔事件的发生,已知在任意给定的时间段内发生至少一次理赔的概率为65%。
如果该时间段内发生理赔次数的期望值为λ,则λ最接近下列哪个数值?A. 0.4B. 0.6C. 1.0D. 1.5E. 2.08、考虑一个包含两种风险类型的人寿保险组合,类型A的风险单位占总单位的40%,类型B的风险单位占60%。
若随机选取一个风险单位,并发现该单位在一年内发生了死亡,则该单位属于类型A的概率是多少?(使用贝叶斯定理)A. 0.25B. 0.33C. 0.40D. 0.50E. 0.609、以下哪个公式是计算预期索赔成本的公式?A. 预期索赔成本 = 费用 + 预期损失B. 预期索赔成本 = 费用 + 预期损失 + 预期盈利C. 预期索赔成本 = 费用 + 预期损失 - 预期盈利D. 预期索赔成本 = 费用 - 预期损失 + 预期盈利二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些因素会影响保险精算师在进行风险评估时的预期现金流模型?()A、利率水平B、通货膨胀率C、死亡率趋势D、退保率E、市场风险2、以下哪些方法可以用来评估保险公司的偿付能力?()A、标准普尔信用评级B、财务比率分析C、动态偿付能力测试(DSCR)D、静态偿付能力测试E、内部模型评估3、某保险公司正在评估一个健康保险计划的风险,该计划预计每年有5%的概率发生100万元的赔付,另有2%的概率发生50万元的赔付,无赔付事件发生的概率为93%。
初级精算师试题及答案1. 单项选择题(1) 精算师在评估保险产品时,通常需要考虑的主要风险因素不包括以下哪一项?A. 死亡率B. 利率C. 投资回报率D. 通货膨胀率答案:D(2) 以下哪种保险产品不属于人寿保险?A. 定期寿险B. 终身寿险C. 健康保险D. 年金保险答案:C2. 多项选择题(1) 精算师在进行保险定价时,需要考虑的因素包括:A. 保险责任B. 保险期限C. 保险金额D. 保险费率E. 保险人的风险承受能力答案:ABCDE(2) 以下哪些因素会影响保险公司的偿付能力?A. 资产负债匹配B. 再保险安排C. 保险产品定价D. 保险监管政策E. 保险市场的竞争状况答案:ABCDE3. 判断题(1) 精算师在进行风险评估时,通常只考虑定量风险。
答案:错误(2) 保险监管机构对保险公司的资本充足性要求是为了保护投保人的利益。
答案:正确4. 简答题(1) 请简述精算师在保险产品设计中的作用。
(2) 什么是偿付能力充足率,它对保险公司有何意义?答案:偿付能力充足率是指保险公司持有的资本与其承担的风险之间的比率。
5. 计算题(1) 假设某保险公司的年度保险赔付率为5%,保险费收入为1000万元,计算该公司的赔付金额。
答案:赔付金额 = 保险费收入× 赔付率 = 1000万元× 5% =50万元(2) 如果一家保险公司的资产总额为2亿元,负债总额为1.8亿元,计算其偿付能力充足率。
答案:偿付能力充足率 = (资产总额 - 负债总额) / 负债总额= (2亿元 - 1.8亿元) / 1.8亿元≈ 0.111 或 11.1%。
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SOCIETYACTUARIES/CASUALTY ACTUARIAL SOCIETYOFEXAM FM FINANCIAL MATHEMATICSEXAM FM SAMPLE QUESTIONSCopyright 2005 by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society Some of the questions in this study note are taken from past SOA/CAS examinations.U.S.A.INPRINTEDFM-09-05These questions are representative of the types of questions that might be asked of candidates sitting for the new examination on Financial Mathematics (2/FM). These questions are intended to represent the depth of understanding required of candidates. The distribution of questions by topic is not intended to represent the distribution of questions on future exams.Bruce deposits 100 into a bank account. His account is credited interest at a nominal rate of interest of 4% convertible semiannually.At the same time, Peter deposits 100 into a separate account. Peter’s account is credited interest at a force of interest of δ.After 7.25 years, the value of each account is the same.Calculate δ.0.0388(A)0.0392(B)0.0396(C)0.0404(D)0.0414(E)Kathryn deposits 100 into an account at the beginning of each 4-year period for 40 years. The account credits interest at an annual effective interest rate of i.The accumulated amount in the account at the end of 40 years is X, which is 5 times the accumulated amount in the account at the end of 20 years.Calculate X.4695(A)5070(B)(C)54455820(D)6195(E)Eric deposits 100 into a savings account at time 0, which pays interest at a nominal rate of i, compounded semiannually.Mike deposits 200 into a different savings account at time 0, which pays simple interest at an annual rate of i.Eric and Mike earn the same amount of interest during the last 6 months of the 8th year.Calculate i.9.06%(A)9.26%(B)9.46%(C)9.66%(D)9.86%(E)John borrows 10,000 for 10 years at an annual effective interest rate of 10%. He can repay this loan using the amortization method with payments of 1,627.45 at the end of each year. Instead, John repays the 10,000 using a sinking fund that pays an annual effective interest rate of 14%. The deposits to the sinking fund are equal to 1,627.45 minus the interest on the loan and are made at the end of each year for 10 years.Determine the balance in the sinking fund immediately after repayment of the loan.2,130(A)2,180(B)2,230(C)2,300(D)2,370(E)An association had a fund balance of 75 on January 1 and 60 on December 31. At the end of every month during the year, the association deposited 10 from membership fees. There were withdrawals of 5 on February 28, 25 on June 30, 80 on October 15, and 35 on October 31.Calculate the dollar-weighted (money-weighted) rate of return for the year.(A) 9.0%(B) 9.5%(C)10.0%10.5%(D)11.0%(E)6.A perpetuity costs 77.1 and makes annual payments at the end of the year.The perpetuity pays 1 at the end of year 2, 2 at the end of year 3, …., n at the end of year (n+1). After year (n+1), the payments remain constant at n. The annual effective interest rate is 10.5%.Calculate n.17(A)18(B)19(C)20(D)21(E)1000 is deposited into Fund X, which earns an annual effective rate of 6%. At the end of each year, the interest earned plus an additional 100 is withdrawn from the fund. At the end of the tenth year, the fund is depleted.The annual withdrawals of interest and principal are deposited into Fund Y, which earns an annual effective rate of 9%.Determine the accumulated value of Fund Y at the end of year 10.1519(A)1819(B)2085(C)2273(D)2431(E)You are given the following table of interest rates: Calendar Year of Original Investment Investment Year Rates (in %) PortfolioRates(in %)yi 1y i 2y i 3y i 4y i 5y i y +5 1992 8.25 8.25 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.351993 8.5 8.7 8.75 8.9 9.0 8.61994 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.2 8.851995 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.11996 9.25 9.35 9.5 9.55 9.6 9.351997 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.71998 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.81999 10.0 9.8 9.72000 9.5 9.52001 9.0A person deposits 1000 on January 1, 1997. Let the following be the accumulated value of the 1000 on January 1, 2000:P :under the investment year method Q :under the portfolio yield method R : where the balance is withdrawn at the end of everyyear and is reinvested at the new money rateDetermine the ranking of P , Q , and R .(A)P Q R >> (B)P R Q >> (C) Q P R >>(D) R P Q >>(E)R Q P >>A 20-year loan of 1000 is repaid with payments at the end of each year.Each of the first ten payments equals 150% of the amount of interest due. Each of the last ten payments is X.The lender charges interest at an annual effective rate of 10%.Calculate X.(A) 32(B) 57(C) 70(D) 97117(E)A 10,000 par value 10-year bond with 8% annual coupons is bought at a premium to yield an annual effective rate of 6%.Calculate the interest portion of the 7th coupon.632(A)642(B)651(C)660(D)667(E)A perpetuity-immediate pays 100 per year. Immediately after the fifth payment, the perpetuity is exchanged for a 25-year annuity-immediate that will pay X at the end of the first year. Each subsequent annual payment will be 8% greater than the preceding payment.The annual effective rate of interest is 8%.Calculate X.54(A)64(B)(C)7484(D)94(E)Jeff deposits 10 into a fund today and 20 fifteen years later. Interest is credited at a nominal discount rate of d compounded quarterly for the first 10 years, and at a nominal interest rate of 6% compounded semiannually thereafter. The accumulated balance in the fund at the end of 30 years is 100.Calculate d.4.33%(A)4.43%(B)(C)4.53%4.63%(D)4.73%(E)Ernie makes deposits of 100 at time 0, and X at time 3. The fund grows at a force of interest2100t t δ=, t > 0.The amount of interest earned from time 3 to time 6 is also X .Calculate X .(A) 385(B) 485(C) 585(D) 685(E) 785Mike buys a perpetuity-immediate with varying annual payments. During the first 5 years, the payment is constant and equal to 10. Beginning in year 6, the payments start to increase. For year 6 and all future years, the current year’s payment is K% larger than the previous year’s payment.At an annual effective interest rate of 9.2%, the perpetuity has a present value of167.50.Calculate K, given K < 10-year loan of 2000 is to be repaid with payments at the end of each year. It can be repaid under the following two options:(i) Equal annual payments at an annual effective rate of 8.07%.(ii) Installments of 200 each year plus interest on the unpaid balance at an annual effective rate of i.The sum of the payments under option (i) equals the sum of the payments under option (ii).Determine i.8.75%(A)9.00%(B)9.25%(C)9.50%(D)9.75%(E)16.A loan is amortized over five years with monthly payments at a nominal interest rate of 9% compounded monthly. The first payment is 1000 and is to be paid one month from the date of the loan. Each succeeding monthly payment will be 2% lower than the prior payment.Calculate the outstanding loan balance immediately after the 40th payment is made.6751(A)6889(B)(C)69417030(D)7344(E)To accumulate 8000 at the end of 3n years, deposits of 98 are made at the end of each of the first n years and 196 at the end of each of the next 2n years.The annual effective rate of interest is i. You are given (l + i)n = 2.0.Determine i.(A)11.25%11.75%(B)(C)12.25%12.75%(D)13.25%(E)Olga buys a 5-year increasing annuity for X.Olga will receive 2 at the end of the first month, 4 at the end of the second month, and for each month thereafter the payment increases by 2.The nominal interest rate is 9% convertible quarterly.Calculate X.2680(A)2730(B)(C)27802830(D)2880(E)You are given the following information about the activity in two different investment accounts:Account KFundvalue Activityactivity DepositWithdrawal Date beforeJanuary 1, 1999 100.0July 1, 1999 125.0 XOctober 1, 1999 110.0 2XDecember 31, 1999 125.0Account Lvalue ActivityFundWithdrawalactivity DepositDate beforeJanuary 1, 1999 100.0July 1, 1999 125.0 XDecember 31, 1999 105.8During 1999, the dollar-weighted (money-weighted) return for investment account K equals the time-weighted return for investment account L, which equals i.Calculate i.10%(A)12%(B)15%(C)18%(D)20%(E)David can receive one of the following two payment streams:(i) 100 at time 0, 200 at time n, and 300 at time 2n(ii) 600 at time 10At an annual effective interest rate of i, the present values of the two streams are equal. Given v n = 0.76, determine i.3.5%(A)4.0%(B)(C)4.5%5.0%(D)5.5%(E)21.Payments are made to an account at a continuous rate of (8k + tk), where010t≤≤ .Interest is credited at a force of interest δt =18t+.After 10 years, the account is worth 20,000. Calculate k.(A)111(B)116(C)121(D)126(E)131You have decided to invest in Bond X, an n-year bond with semi-annual coupons and the following characteristics:• Par value is 1000.• The ratio of the semi-annual coupon rate to the desired semi-annual yield rate,ri, is 1.03125.• The present value of the redemption value is 381.50. Given v n = 0.5889, what is the price of bond X?(A)1019(B)1029(C)1050(D)1055(E)1072Project P requires an investment of 4000 at time 0. The investment pays 2000 at time 1 and 4000 at time 2.Project Q requires an investment of X at time 2. The investment pays 2000 at time 0 and 4000 at time 1.The net present values of the two projects are equal at an interest rate of 10%.Calculate X.5400(A)5420(B)5440(C)5460(D)5480(E)24.A 20-year loan of 20,000 may be repaid under the following two methods:i) amortization method with equal annual payments at an annual effectiverate of 6.5%ii) sinking fund method in which the lender receives an annual effective rate of 8% and the sinking fund earns an annual effective rate of j Both methods require a payment of X to be made at the end of each year for 20 years. Calculate j.(A) j≤ 6.5%<j≤ 8.0%6.5%(B)<j≤ 10.0%8.0%(C)<j≤ 12.0%10.0%(D)(E) j > 12.0%A perpetuity-immediate pays X per year. Brian receives the first n payments, Colleen receives the next n payments, and Jeff receives the remaining payments. Brian's share of the present value of the original perpetuity is 40%, and Jeff's share is K.Calculate K.(A)24%28%(B)(C)32%36%(D)40%(E)Seth, Janice, and Lori each borrow 5000 for five years at a nominal interest rate of 12%, compounded semi-annually.Seth has interest accumulated over the five years and pays all the interest and principal in a lump sum at the end of five years.Janice pays interest at the end of every six-month period as it accrues and the principal at the end of five years.Lori repays her loan with 10 level payments at the end of every six-month period.Calculate the total amount of interest paid on all three loans.8718(A)8728(B)8738(C)8748(D)8758(E)Bruce and Robbie each open up new bank accounts at time 0. Bruce deposits 100 into his bank account, and Robbie deposits 50 into his. Each account earns the same annual effective interest rate.The amount of interest earned in Bruce's account during the 11th year is equal to X. The amount of interest earned in Robbie's account during the 17th year is also equal to X.Calculate X.28.0(A)31.3(B)34.6(C)36.7(D)38.9(E)Ron is repaying a loan with payments of 1 at the end of each year for n years. The amount of interest paid in period t plus the amount of principal repaid in period t + 1 equals X .Calculate X .(A)1 + n t v i − (B)1 + n t v d − (C)1 + v n −t i (D)1 + v n −t d (E)1 + v n −tAt an annual effective interest rate of i, i > 0%, the present value of a perpetuity paying `10 at the end of each 3-year period, with the first payment at the end of year 3, is 32.At the same annual effective rate of i, the present value of a perpetuity paying 1 at the end of each 4-month period, with first payment at the end of 4 months, is X.Calculate X.31.6(A)32.6(B)(C)33.634.6(D)35.6(E)As of 12/31/03, an insurance company has a known obligation to pay $1,000,000 on 12/31/2007. To fund this liability, the company immediately purchases 4-year 5% annual coupon bonds totaling $822,703 of par value. The company anticipates reinvestment interest rates to remain constant at 5% through 12/31/07. The maturity value of the bond equals the par value.Under the following reinvestment interest rate movement scenarios effective 1/1/2004, what best describes the insurance company’s profit or (loss) as of 12/31/2007 after the liability is paid?InterestRates Dropby ½% Interest Rates Increase by ½%(A) +6,606 +11,147(B) (14,757) +14,418(C) (18,911) +19,185(D) (1,313) +1,323(E) Breakeven BreakevenAn insurance company has an obligation to pay the medical costs for a claimant. Average annual claims costs today are $5,000, and medical inflation is expected to be 7% per year. The claimant is expected to live an additional 20 years.Claim payments are made at yearly intervals, with the first claim payment to be made one year from today.Find the present value of the obligation if the annual interest rate is 5%.(A) 87,932(B) 102,514(C) 114,611(D) 122,634(E) Cannot be determinedAn investor pays $100,000 today for a 4-year investment that returns cash flows of $60,000 at the end of each of years 3 and 4. The cash flows can be reinvested at 4.0% per annum effective.If the rate of interest at which the investment is to be valued is 5.0%, what is the net present value of this investment today?(A) -1398(B) -699(C) 699(D) 1398(E) 2,629You are given the following information with respect to a bond: par amount: 1000term to maturity 3 yearsannual coupon rate 6% payable annuallyTerm Annual Spot InterestRates1 7%2 8%3 9% Calculate the value of the bond.(A) 906(B) 926(C) 930(D) 950(E) 1000You are given the following information with respect to a bond:par amount: 1000term to maturity 3 yearsannual coupon rate 6% payable annuallyTerm Annual Spot InterestRates1 7%2 8%3 9%Calculate the annual effective yield rate for the bond if the bond is sold at a price equal to its value.(A) 8.1%(B) 8.3%(C) 8.5%(D) 8.7%(E) 8.9%The current price of an annual coupon bond is 100. The derivative of the price of the bond with respect to the yield to maturity is -700. The yield to maturity is an annual effective rate of 8%.Calculate the duration of the bond.(A) 7.00(B) 7.49(C) 7.56(D) 7.69(E) 8.00Calculate the duration of a common stock that pays dividends at the end of each year into perpetuity. Assume that the dividend is constant, and that the effective rate of interest is 10%.(A) 7(B) 9(C) 11(D) 19(E) 27Calculate the duration of a common stock that pays dividends at the end of each year into perpetuity. Assume that the dividend increases by 2% each year and that the effective rate of interest is 5%.(A) 27(B) 35(C) 44(D) 52(E) 5838.Eric and Jason each sell a different stock short at the beginning of the year for a price of 800. The margin requirement for each investor is 50% and each will earn an annual effective interest rate of 8% on his margin account.Each stock pays a dividend of 16 at the end of the year. Immediately thereafter, Eric buys back his stock at a price of (800 - 2X), and Jason buys back his stock at a price of (800 + X).Eric’s annual effective yield, i, on the short sale is twice Jason’s annual effective yield.Calculate i.(A) 4%(B) 6%(C) 8%(D) 10%(E) 12%Jose and Chris each sell a different stock short for the same price. For each investor, the margin requirement is 50% and interest on the margin debt is paid at an annual effective rate of 6%.Each investor buys back his stock one year later at a price of 760. Jose’s stock paid a dividend of 32 at the end of the year while Chris’s stock paid no dividends.During the 1-year period, Chris’s return on the short sale is i, which is twice the return earned by Jose.Calculate i.(A) 12%(B) 16%(C) 18%(D) 20%(E) 24%Bill and Jane each sell a different stock short for a price of 1000. For both investors, the margin requirement is 50%, and interest on the margin is credited at an annual effective rate of 6%.Bill buys back his stock one year later at a price of P. At the end of the year, the stock paid a dividend of X.Jane also buys back her stock after one year, at a price of (P – 25). At the end of the year, her stock paid a dividend of 2X.Both investors earned an annual effective yield of 21% on their short sales.Calculate P.(A) 800(B) 825(C) 850(D) 875(E) 900On January 1, 2005, Marc has the following options for repaying a loan:Sixty monthly payments of 100 beginning February 1, 2005.A single payment of 6000 at the end of K months.Interest is at a nominal annual rate of 12% compounded monthly. The two options have the same present value.Determine K.(A) 29.0(B) 29.5(C) 30.0(D) 30.5(E) 31.0*Reprinted with permission from ACTEX PublicationsYou are given an annuity-immediate with 11 annual payments of 100 and a final payment at the end of 12 years. At an annual effective interest rate of 3.5%, the present value at time 0 of all payments is 1000.Calculate the final payment.(A) 146(B) 151(C) 156(D) 161(E) 166* Reprinted with permission from ACTEX Publications.A 10,000 par value bond with coupons at 8%, convertible semiannually, is being sold 3 years and 4 months before the bond matures. The purchase will yield 6% convertible semiannually to the buyer. The price at the most recent coupon date, immediately after the coupon payment, was 5640.Calculate the market price of the bond, assuming compound interest throughout.(A) 5500(B) 5520(C) 5540(D) 5560(E) 5580* Reprinted with permission from ACTEX Publications.A 1000 par value 10-year bond with coupons at 5%, convertible semiannually, is selling for 1081.78.Calculate the yield rate convertible semiannually.(A) 1.00%(B) 2.00%(C) 3.00%(D) 4.00%(E) 5.00%* Reprinted with permission from ACTEX Publications.You are given the following information about an investment account:ImmediatelyDepositDate ValueBefore DepositJanuary 1 10July 1 12 XXDecember31Over the year, the time-weighted return is 0%, and the dollar-weighted (money-weighted) return is Y.Calculate Y.(A) -25%(B) -10%(C) 0%(D) 10%(E) 25%Seth borrows X for four years at an annual effective interest rate of 8%, to be repaid with equal payments at the end of each year. The outstanding loan balance at the end of the third year is 559.12.Calculate the principal repaid in the first payment.(A) 444(B) 454(C) 464(D) 474(E) 484Bill buys a 10-year 1000 par value 6% bond with semi-annual coupons. The price assumes a nominal yield of 6%, compounded semi-annually.As Bill receives each coupon payment, he immediately puts the money into an account earning interest at an annual effective rate of i.At the end of 10 years, immediately after Bill receives the final coupon payment and the redemption value of the bond, Bill has earned an annual effective yield of 7% on his investment in the bond.Calculate i.(A) 9.50%(B) 9.75%(C) 10.00%(D) 10.25%(E) 10.50%48.A man turns 40 today and wishes to provide supplemental retirement income of 3000 at the beginning of each month starting on his 65th birthday. Starting today, he makes monthly contributions of X to a fund for 25 years. The fund earns a nominal rate of 8% compounded monthly.On his 65th birthday, each 1000 of the fund will provide 9.65 of income at the beginning of each month starting immediately and continuing as long as he survives.Calculate X.(A) 324.73(B) 326.89(C) 328.12(D) 355.45(E) 450.65。