1. loglog函数概述让我们来了解一下loglog函数的基本用法和语法。
在MATLAB中,loglog函数的语法为:loglog(X, Y)或loglog(X, Y, '属性1', 值1, '属性2', 值2, ...)。
2. loglog函数的细节在实际使用loglog函数时,有一些细节需要注意。
3. loglog函数的实际应用在实际应用中,loglog函数常常用于分析数据之间的非线性关系,例如在工程、物理、生物学等领域。
4. 个人观点和总结就个人而言,我认为loglog函数在MATLAB中的应用非常有价值。
三、LOG模块API函数说明 Nhomakorabea1、LOG_disable:关闭指定对象的日志记录功能,此时日志缓冲区的内容将不会被更新。
Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingSEMINARIntroduction to Lean ManufacturingWELCOMEIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.2©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.TO PRACTICETO UNDERSTANDLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingSeminar : Introduction to LMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.4©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.IntroIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.5©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.6©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.IntroIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.7©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.8©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.More MotivationMD CQM D CQ CONCEPTSLeanIntroIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.9©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.10©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.IntroIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.11©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.12©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Practical ToolsAn Involving Human OrganizationMeaningfulConceptsLeanIntroIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.13©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.14©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.10 LEAN Manufacturing principles10.Build in qualityIntroLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingSeminar : Introduction to LMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.16©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.KAIZENIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.17©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.KAIZEN Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.18©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.KAIZENIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.19©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.KAIZEN Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.20©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.INNOVATION AND CONTINUOUS PROGRESSKAIZEN©Copyright AL Consulting Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%LeanTOOLSIntro.KaizenMIFA5S & V.M.QualityHOSHINOEESMEDPull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.Lean Mgt.22©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedIntro.KaizenMIFA5S & V.M.QualityHOSHINOEESMEDPull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.Lean Mgt.23©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedIntro.KaizenMIFA5S & V.M.QualityHOSHINOEESMEDPull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.Lean Mgt.24©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.QualityHOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.25©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.BracketDepartment 103455 Std 89120 PremMPM = 45 000Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.26©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.1 –Number of output references =2 -Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.27©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Water Spider Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.28©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5 -Deliveries, SuppliesTruckboxFrequenceyIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.29©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.EXAMPLE OF MIFD TARGETMPM = 600MPM = 1 000Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.31©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5S & VM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.32©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5S & VMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.33©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Is this object the best one for the This operation must be conducted Tags to label the elements 5S & VM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.34©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Put away useful objectsaccording to frequency of use and respecting safety Organize storage so that you can find immediately define responsibilities for Used often -lightUsed less often -heavy5S & VMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.35©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5S & VM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.36©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.25S & VMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.37©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.I t ’s M a t t e r o f h a b i t s!5S & VM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.38©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5SQualityDeliveryCostCustomer’s SatisfactionSafety 5S & VMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.39©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.APPRECIATION OF THE WORK-PLACETo make the site and work-stations 5S & VM Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.41©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5S & VM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.42©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.5S & VMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.43©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Target of the month5S & VM Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.45©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.THE 7 QUALITY BASICSObjective: protect the external customerQuality Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.46©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.ON JOB COACHINGQualityIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.47©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.QRQC Review with N+1 manager to follow-up, coach and congratulateQRQC Organization : Decentralized & ManagedQuality Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.48©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.never passes on a defect it has itself generatedQualityLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.50©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod CellIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.51©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod Cell Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.52©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod CellIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.53©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod Cell Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.54©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SYNCHRONIZE OUTPUT WITH DEMANDProd CellIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.55©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod Cell Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.56©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod CellIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.57©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Prod Cell Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.58©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.59©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Standard OperationsProd Cell Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.60©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.REDEFINE THE ORGANIZATION OF WORK: Standardized Work ChartProd CellIntro.KaizenMIFA5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.61©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SYMBOLS: -MANUAL:AUTO:WALK:IDLE:1515TOTAL 30Prod Cell Time for each manual tasks + walking Machine Cycle TimeLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingWS3L.0HOSHIN LEVELS (1/2)Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingLevel 2 : Small Boxes and Small TrainSAVED STOCK SAVED PEOPLEWS6WS5L.2HOSHIN LEVELS (2/2)Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.65©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.OEE Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.66©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.NON OEE* = 7 Sources of LossWhat remain (Total Available Time –6 other losses)OEE*OverallQualityproductionOEEIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.67©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.OEE SOURCES OF LOSSES ACTIONSOEE Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.69©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SMED Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.70©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SMEDIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.71©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SMED Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.72©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.ABAA BBAA A AB B B B SMEDLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.74©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Pull SystIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.75©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Pull Syst Intro.Kaizen MIFA5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.76©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.KANBAN: a two-loop systemTOOLSLeanPull SystIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.77©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Pull Syst Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.78©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Reduce corresponding stockEvaluate and correctlyposition each stockIdentifycausesEliminate causesPull SystLean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.80©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.TPMIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.81©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.TPM Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.82©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.TPMFMEALean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.84©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.LEAN SCIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.85©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.LEAN SC Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.86©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.LEAN SCIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.87©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.LEAN SC Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.89©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.C DQ Human Or. Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.QualityHOSHIN OEESMED Pull Syst.TPMLean S.C.Human Or.90©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Human Or. Autonomous Value Unit = +/-AutonomousProduction Area = +/-APAC DQ C DQ C DQ CDQ CDQ C D QAPACDQ Autonomous ProductionTeam = +/-C DQIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.91©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.SuppliersAUTONOMOUSC DQHuman Or. Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.92©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Human Or.Lean Implementation since 1991Reduce Lead Time by 90% Cut Rejects Rate by 10 Increase Productivity by 100%©Copyright AL ConsultingIntro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.94©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.95©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.96©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.97©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.98©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.99©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.LEAN Improvement Plan BudgetIndicatorsRoadmaps & Consulting«How to improve »12345ObjectivesImprovement planAction 1Target MIFDCurrent MIFD&Lean Mgt.Intro.Kaizen MIFA 5S & V.M.Quality HOSHIN OEE SMED Pull Syst.TPM Lean S.C.Human Or.100©Copyright AL Consulting -Duplication Prohibited -All Rights ReservedLean Mgt.Lean Mgt.。
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Ab ta t o i r v h m ce tu e o e wo k s r c :T mp o e te e in s f n t r
r s u c sa d t e q ai fs r ie c ryn , t - e o r e n h u l y o e v c ar i g mah t
英文log表达是什么中文意思(完整文档)英文log表达的是什么中文意思1名词日志;记录;原木动词伐木;把…载入正式记录;行驶1.原木:(1)原木(log)是指伐倒并除去树皮、树枝和树梢的树干.(2)锯材(sawnlumber)是指由原木锯制而成的任何尺寸的`成品材或半成品材.锯材又分方木(squaretimber)、板材(plank)和规格材(dimensionlumber).2.系统日志:在构架设计过程中,设计师(Architect)必须完成对技术和运行*台的选取,整个项目的基础框架(Framework)的设计,完成对公共组件的设计,如审计(Auditing)系统,日志(Log)系统,错误处理(ExceptionHandling)系统,安全(Security)系统等.3.日志文件:7.日志文件(Log)AE在渲染的同时可以生成一个文本范式(TXT)的日志文件,该文件可以记载渲染纰缪的缘故原由及其它信息,咱们可以在渲染信息窗户入眼到生存该文件的路径信息.4.log:logistics;后勤支持5.log:logbook;通信记录簿6.log:laplacianofgaussianoperator;log算子7.log:laplacianofgaussian;高斯调和量算子英文log表达的是什么中文意思扩展阅读英文log表达的是什么中文意思(扩展1)——英文log表达的中文意思是什么(菁选2篇)英文log表达的中文意思是什么1名词日志;记录;原木动词伐木;把…载入正式记录;行驶1.原木:(1)原木(log)是指伐倒并除去树皮、树枝和树梢的树干.(2)锯材(sawnlumber)是指由原木锯制而成的任何尺寸的成品材或半成品材.锯材又分方木(squaretimber)、板材(plank)和规格材(dimensionlumber).2.系统日志:在构架设计过程中,设计师(Architect)必须完成对技术和运行*台的选取,整个项目的基础框架(Framework)的设计,完成对公共组件的设计,如审计(Auditing)系统,日志(Log)系统,错误处理(ExceptionHandling)系统,安全(Security)系统等.3.日志文件:7.日志文件(Log)AE在渲染的同时可以生成一个文本范式(TXT)的日志文件,该文件可以记载渲染纰缪的缘故原由及其它信息,咱们可以在渲染信息窗户入眼到生存该文件的路径信息.4.log:logistics;后勤支持5.log:logbook;通信记录簿6.log:laplacianofgaussianoperator;log算子7.log:laplacianofgaussian;高斯调和量算子英文log表达的中文意思是什么21.原木;圆材;干材Alogisapieceofathickbranchorofthetrunkofatreethathasbeencutsothatitcanbeusedforfuel orformakingthings.e.g.Hedumpedthelogsonthebigstonehearth.他将一根根短棍木柴扔进巨大的石壁炉里。
1 . back 2. like 3 ・wings 4・to 5・as6 ・use7 . complinwntaiy8 ・ another9 ・ because 10 ・ as11 ・more 12 . why 13 ・well14 ・uhal 15 . understood 16. Dotft 17 . mentioned 18 ・ with19. wearire 20 ・ latestVarious liuiovaiions have been nitioduced as ways to break out of tl)e rigid system which forces studetits through a series of identical classrooms in which teachet s do most of die talking and students bas e lidle opportunity to respond. Among these innovations are (earn teaching and teachet aides, notbgraded elemental and secondaiy schools, indq)endent study, cunicula focused ou helping students discover things for iliemseh es ratlier than on tn ing to tell them c\ ersTlmig and schools designed lor maximum flexibility so tlmt students can wotk alone, or in siiiail groups, or take pat in large-gioup insti-uction v ia divase media. The ann of all these innovatioos is to adapt uistruction n.oie precisely to the needs of each individual student. Many people who have a strong dislike to omiiizing instruction scientifically and to bringing new teclmolog>, into die schools and colleges fail to realize that the present system is in many respects mechanical and rigid. The vast ditlerences in the ways students learn are disregarded when diey are taught【he same thing, in the same way, at【he same time. There is nc escaping the evidence that many students iheniselves feel linle enthusiasm and even outright liostility tor the present way schools and colleges are organized and instruction is handled Many of ihem resem technology , bui what【hey object to is usually technology used as a means for handling a large mmiber of srudents Or it is progranmiing which merely reproduces convenrional classroom leaching. Wliat insmiciion requires is an arrangemeni of resources whereby the student rcspoixis and lcams. reaching new plateaus from which to climb to higher levels of iindcrstandina. Technological media can store information unti' it is needed or wanted They can distribute it over distances to reach the stwdcnt where he happens to be. They can present the infbmiation to the smdent through various senses. They can give the student the opportunity to react to the material in manyays. In short, the students opporuinitics for learning can be increased and enhanced by using a wide range of instnictional technology. All the available resources for instruction, including the teacher, can work together to create conditions for maximum effective learning.1 . The author is inainlv concerned with ________・A・ providing the possibility for students to take the courses they wantB. making technology an active tool in the schoolC・ relieving the teacher from routine dutiesD. meeting (he needs of each student2 ・ It can be micircd from the article that a Rood educational system must _______ .A. not depend on teacliersB. make use of varying methods of teachingC. place a renewed emphasis on scienceD・ not organize their instnicticn3 ・ The author suggests that rhe basic rok of rhe teacher in rhe educational s\r srem should beA. as a lecturerB. that of a (echnoloeistC. as the source of knowledgeD much more than that of classroom teaching4 ・The n^ative reactions of students to technology are the result of ______ .A. unknown factorsB. a general hostility toward educationC. its misuseD. its newness in the schools5 ・All of the following arc mentioned as a capability of technological media EXCEPT their ability toA. make it easiei for students to obtain needed infbmiationB provide tnany was of leaching ibe same thingC. make learning easy and funD・ replace traditional reportsH (Click for the answers.)Reference key.In Great Britain at present the speech of educated persons is known is Received Standard English. A class dialect rather than (1) .it is based on the type of speech cultivated at such schools asEton and Harrow and at such of the older univc^ities as (2) —_・ Many English peoplewho speak regional dialects in their childhood acquire Received Standard English (3) _________________ .Its influence has become (4) _________________ because of its use by such public media as the British Brcadcasiitig Corp ・An important development of English outside Great Britain (5) ____________________ . American English may be considered to include the English spoken in Canada although ibe Canadian vaiiety (6)_____________ . The most distinguishing differences between American English and British English arc in pronunciation and vocabulaiy ・(7)_____________ . Written American E咚lish also has a tendency to be n»re rigid inmatters of grammar and syniax. but at tbe same time appears to be more tolerant of the use of neologisms. Despite these differences it is oficn difficult to dctcrniinc-apart from conlcxt-(8)_________________________________in Great Britain or the U.S./Canada—or, for that matter, in Australia, New Zealand, or Soutli Africa.(Click tor the answers.)1 ・ a regional dialect2 ・ Oxford and Cambridge3 ・ while attending school and university4 . even stronger in recent year5 ■ occurred with the colonization of North America6 retains some features of British pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulan r7 ・ There are slighter differences in spelling, pitch, and stress as well8 . whether serious literar>r works have been wntten1 ・ How long has language probably existed?2 ・.According to the passage, how did language come into being?3 ・ Wha【is ibe fiist real evidence of language?4 . Languages change. Please name one of the reasons why change、lake place.5 ・ Do languages become better, worse or different?6 ・ Why do languages change even more slowly in modem industrial societies09 (Click for lhe answers.)No one knows how language began・ Because all people who arc not disabled have the ability to speak・language has probably existed at least as long as the modem human species. Most scholars believe that language developed very slowly from sound, such as grunts, barks and hoots, made by prehuman creamres. According to ihis view, a simple sysiem of\ ocal communication becane more complex as the human biam and speech organ、evolved. But no one knows when and l»w this process took phe已In feet there is no record of language for most of its existence. The first real evideuce of language is wiling. But scholais believe that wriiing did not appear until thousands of years after the origin of language. The earliest known wrincn records arc Sumerian word-pictures made about 35OOB.C. and Egyptian hieroglyphics that date from about 3000 B. C Written Chinese dates from perhaps 1500B C . Greek from about 1400B C“ and Latin from about 500 B C..No one knows all the reasons why languages change, but they continue to do so as long as people speak them. In a few cases, the changes can be explained. For examples, words arc added to a vocabulary1 ・ At least as long as the modem human species・2 ・ From sound, such as grunts, barks and boots, made by prehuman creamres.7 . Writing.4 . Words are added to a vocabulaiy to refer to new ideas or objects・ Contacts between speakers ofdifferent languages may cause words from one language to enter intc another language.5 ・ Languages do not become better or worse, only different・6 ・ Educational systems and such centralized communication systems as radio and television promote theuse of a standard fbnn of a language.Characteristics of cultural change:Diffusion :Acculturation :Assimilation :P (Click for the answers.)Even* culture changes. But all parts of a culture do not change at the same time・ Science and technology may sometimes change so rapidly that They lessen the imponance of customs・ ideas, and other nonmatcrial pans of a culture. At other rimes, changes in ideas and social systems may occur before changes in technology-. The failure of certain pans of a culture to keep up with other related pans is referred to as ailrural lag.No society is so isolated that it does not come in contact with ocher societies・ When contact occurs・societies borrow cultural traits from one another. As a result, cultural traits and patterns tend to spread from the society in which they originated. This spreading process is called diftiision Com growing, for example, began in what is now Mexico thousand^ of years ago and eventually spread tiiroughout the world.Diffusion can occur witliout firsthand contact between cultures. Products or patterns may move from group A to group C through group B without any contact between group A and group C・ Today, diffusion is rapid and widespread because many cultures of the world arc linked through advanced means of transportation and communication・vanations show changes that occurred during the development of English・The spelling of some words remained the same through the centuries, though their pronunciation changed・Grammar is (he set of principles used io create seiiietices. These piinciples define (he eletuents used to assemble sente«ces and the relationships between the eleniewts. The elenietns include parts of speech ai>d inilecrions ・Sonic modem scholars divide tlic parts of speech into two categories, content words and function wolds. Content words are the main parts of speech-nouns, verbs, adx obs・ and adjectives-and cany lhe basic vocabulan r Tlkry show die graimnaticaL or stmcniraL meanings of the seutence and are also called sunctuie classes. meanings. Function words express relationships between content words in a sentence・Function words include articles. prqx)si(ions? pronotms. and cotyimctioos.tnglish has teuet inflections than n>ost other Euiopean languages. Aa iullection is a vaiiaiion of the form of a word that gives die woid a difleient liieamng Of funciion. An English noun has only two lnlkctioiib, lhe plural aud the po^esbive. inllecuoiib aic us>ed lo change lhe ten^e and nuiubei of a veib oi the case of a pronoun. Inflections can change adjectives to the comparative or the supcrlative-for example, big. bigger, biggest.Questions:1 According to the largest dictionaries, approximately how many words are there in the English language?2. Many English words were boirowcd from otlicr languages. From which language was tbc word Piano borrowed?3. Wliy do English pronunciation and spelling sometimes seem illogical or inconsistent?第二章1 . imettog汛i* e 2. bestowal3 . OiiraciLCm 4. griiuy5 . doubcAil6.iDstmctiutis7 . dctctuiiiicr. dctcmiinant g . iriuniph9 . resititaiict10 . sponiaucuuilxI .It 2. but扌.and 4 .at 5 .1006before7 . on 3 . oi9 . for10.v ary11 .otkrs12. teiMral13 . as much as U,阳15 .next16 .parents17 children IS. wbeii19. exieui20 .differthte1 . The nest of -> M OST of2 , the reason of tbc reason for3 , Tbev all were -> were all\ . to the fields -> into the jirote^siGnal (kids5 H K odja eUtUftii -> Aacih^r elciu^ot6 . mo ST tiurtiirin^ -> most nuiwrmg7 . include mu^ic -> iDdudiqg music8 the World Warll -> World War II9 so highly motivated -> as hishly irnrivared1U . -> Next to1 ・【f it were no〔tor the *t throw-m M today, rm afraid they couldn*t have made a sate till now.2 . At die age of 40: he finally made something of hiiuself thiough his persistent eftorts.3 . Nowadays people most despise those who bow to money and power.4 ・ He has been thinking to himself about how to break down his anxiety when he speaks English、5 ・ As tlic tall man with a pair of sunglasses looked suspicious, I didift put him down as a good guy.6 . Although lie is over 80, the old mail is blessed with extiaoidmarily good healtlL bright with his eves andacute with his eais.1 was tbe kiud of boy who liked io give oiders. not to take (hern I always warned to wm ex ery gauie. every fight, and to be first in everything All rhe other boys, even Those a bir older than me. were happy to follow and obey me. All. that is. except one. His name is Maybee・It is difficult for me to describe my feelings towards him. I didn't hate hinL but neither did I like him I think (hai. more (han anv(hin£. I felt afVaid of him. At ihe same lime. I wanted(o know more about him. I wanted to find something (hat frightened or womed him. Bui I could find nothing.1 Wha【is ilie central idea conveyed in【be passage?2 ・Who can become strong allies of The school personnel?3 ・Whal aids in achieving a hamionious interplay bchvccn school and home?4 ・ Why is ibe faihei supposed to follow the advice accoiding io (I K passage?5 ・ What is the authors primary purpose in writing this passage?a (Click for the answers.)1 ・ Teachers can and should help parents to understand the objectives of the school.2 ・ The paieub.3 ・ Teacher^ conferences with parents・4 . To better help the kid to make satisfacton* progress in tnaiheniatics and at the same liine, to help him toeiyoy the uork as welL5 ・ To urge teachers and school administrators to make use ofa much underused resoiirce-the parent.Do parents owe then children anyrhing? Yes, they owe (hem a great deal.One of their chief obligations is(o give their children a sense of personal worth, for selfesteem is (he basis of(l) .A youngster who is consiantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantlycompared to brighicr brothers, sisters, or cousins・ will become so unsure. (2). ・ thar be (or she) wotft try at all. Of course, they should be corrected (3) _ : this is tbe way children learn.But the criticisms should be balanced with praises, preferably with a smile and a kiss No child is ever too old to be hugged・Parents owe their children firni guidance and consistent discipline It is frightening for a youngster(4) __________________________ : it's like being in a car without brakes. The parent who says ^No** whenother parents say M Ycs M sends a double message. He is also saying: H l love you, and I am ready to risk your anger, because 1 don't want you to get into trouble.Parents owe their children (5) _____________________ . This means not borrowing things withoutperniissioiL not reading diaries and mail nol looking through purses, pockets, and draw ers. If a niotlier leels that she must lead her daughters diary to know wliat is goii^ OIL (6) ____________________________________ .Paieiiis owe then children a set of values around which to build tlien lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others: it means being respecttiil to eldei s? to teachers, and to die law. (7) _ A child ivho is lied to will lie. A child who sees his parents steal tools from thefactoiy or towels from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time laughing and loxingNo child asks to be bom (8)_________________________ ・And if you give him his due. he ll have something of value to pass along to your grandchildren・1 a good mental health2 . so afraid of failing3 . Then they do wrong4 to feel that he is in charge of himself5 ・ privacy and respect for their personal belongings6 the communicarion between iheni must be pretty badX^'avs to help children develop their social skills include: ⑴.G)戶(Click for the answers.)Child care professionals play an important part in raising healthy children. Caregivers help children develop healthy bodies, minds, and feelings about themselves One of ihe mosi importain things providers leach children is bow io gel along with others No matier l»w gifted a child is physically or menially, iha( child's happiness and success in life will also depend on his ability(o get along with people.There are many ways to help children develop social skills. One way is to establish a set of rules or standards for acceptable behavior in vour center. Uliilc the exact rules may vary among caregivers, most probably fall into one of three broad categories. These are: -We need to respect ourselves -We need to respect othersA secoiid way we teach social skills is by the belmvior we model. We cannot ask children to treat each otliei- decently and then treat childieu disrespectftilly ouiselves. Childien Irani by watching and practicing uliat adults do. Every time you talk kindly to the children, you aie teachuip theni how to talk kmdly to each other.In bringing up children- evury parenc waiches eaaerh ih^ child's acq^usitioti of 艸<■]:skill-the iirst spoken vords. :lx first iiidepeadeut steps, or 曲 匕世曲啤 就 uadi 孫 and ^vritiuc. It is ofkn remptine io hiiny the child be )p ond his natural learning rate, but this can $et;rp dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the Qhild- This mi^ht happen ar any A hdhy mishr he forced to a toikt too early ,a young child might be enccnraged tc l?nm io read before bu knows tbe mranin^ of die words I K reads. On rhe ether bnnrt. ih^ngh. if a child is left E JIK too much. or^Uhout any Irami 咚 opportunities^ be loses Im nfluirnl enrhusiasm fbr life nnd his desire ro find om new things fbr himselfParcnis \aiy greaiily in their &宦ice af strictness towards their children Sow 皿野 be 弼pc 侨咄)strict in money malted. Others arc severe ova times of comicig home at niglit or piuictuality for meals. In gciwiwL the controh imposed rcprc$ciit ill? needs of the parents and the \ alucsj of tlic wnuDuiiity 黏 niu^b is the child * (nvn happinc^.I 、IL :ir is ttie 朋v 曰町呻it Qfmofal in the growing clHld. CCDSI 丽ewy is 、呵 unponant mpaimml leaching To fbrtiid n thins nnc dny nnd excuse ii the nest is DO ftnmdrtian for morality. Also psms »hQuld realize dun "oumple is Mtn* ttm precept". If th<y nre not sincere and do not pcaotiw whm they tweh. (heir children niay grow confiucd. and emotionally insctiuc « hcti they grv»^ old enough io 训ink for rbcmhcli 肢 and realize tfin havp bwn 心 seme 席心皿 ft»lc<L A siukkn aw arenas of a big (tifTcrcncc ber^ccn iheir parrnts' principles tuiii ihcir niorols can be a danffimoir disdppoiinmcmQuesciuiis :1. XMkai does 亡tery puieni ejgerly holier diild io acquire. uCL<ndi[Li! to ibe >pe ;!ker >2 ioti 就queiKxij 1111辿i u<vui ifpaieu'.!> push 11K child Lwyuud liii-lKi DUEUIU ! Irnnimg idle?3 what should paints do in die learning process of cliildrcn?4. What does rhe speaker say abouc parcnral r 弱(ricikrns on children?5. ^ hnt h \'iiy inipottaiit iti pEUvnial 1關血】吟 according to ih< spealttf?6 讥 hm should pattnt^ do as to the development of moral 、站IK I EIR L 、in the gio 寂 in* child? 1. A6. A2. B 3 . D 4. A5. B第三章1 . foiiK 仙tM2 . comphini ii^ly 3. jetseparabk 4 . compctilivc 5. smtinKnulitK 6 . senaitv7 . ambiciou^ B . cwnplimeniai^' 9 . applkabk10. anendatnt 1. which2, ganK 3 , into 4 , pcniiillcd 5, use &. but7 . organ izcd 8, with 9 . started 10 .哄inning 1 ] . when12. while B, By 14 . and 15 . resisted 16. that 17 .耳nouin 芦 18. io 19 . right 20 . attractingRefaerxe key1 . ih? mosi *> most2 . slithtk' -> sli^hL3 . ns $inan as -> as sman4 . ten percenT pnofidenr *> len percent more ptoficiein5 grCHier -> grcai1. After being granted a Ph.D.? he? instead of staying abroad to be an aichitect of his uiopia? kept hisappoiutnietit and returned to his homeland to participate in the building of the Four Modernizations. 2. The player learned die hard way tliat it is wot steroid but hard and sciemific training that makes aiiOlympic champion.3. As she had full trust in her housekeeper, Jeimifer dismissed any suggestion of his disloyalty as rumors4. On recovering her lost son, the young tnothei lield him into her anus, tears gn mg way to smiles.Foot racing is a popular aciiviry in the United States. It is not only seen as a competitive sport, bui also as a way io exercise, to enjoy (he camaraderie of like-minded people, and to donate money to a good cause. Though serious runners may spend months training to conipeie, ether nmners and walkers might not train at all. Those not compel mg(o win might run in an eftbrt(o beat their own time, or simply(o enjoy ihe fun and exercise. People of all ages, from those less than one year old (who may be pushed in swollers) to those in their 80s. enter into this sport・ The races are held on city sheets, OQ college campuses, through parks, and in suburban areas, and are commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in lengthThe largest footrace in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San Francisco every spring. This race begins on the cast side of tbc city near Sail Francisco Bay and ends on the west side at the Pacific Ocean. In 1993 there were 80.000 people running in this race througb the streets and hills of San Francisco. In the Ironi are the serious runners who compere(o win, and who might finish in as link as 34 minutes. Behind them are the thousands who lake several hoirs(o finish. In the back of the race are tliose who wear costumes jusi fbi ftm. In 1993 tliete wa^ a group of men all of w hom dressed up like Elvis Presley. Tliere was a group of inefightei's who were all tied in a long line and weie caiTying a tire hose. One yeai theie was a bndal parly m which the bnde dieted m a long white gown and the gioom wore a tuxedo. They threw flowers to bystanders, and were actually married at some point along the route.1 ・ The main purpose of this passage is to A encourage people to exerciseB. describe a popular aciiviryC. make fxin of runners in costumeD・ give reasons for the popularity of footraces2 ______________________________________________________ • The phiasc H to a good cause*1 could be best replaced by __________________________________________A. because of a good reasonB. in order to support a sound principleC・ for a good purposeD to protect a wise invesnnent3 Which of the following are NOT implied by the author?A. Footraces appeal to a \ ariety of people.B. Walkers can conipeie tor prizes.C. Entering a race is a way to gi\ e suppon to an organization.D. Running is a good way to strengthen the heart.4 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Some runners looked like Elvis Presky.B. Some ninners were ready(o pui out a fireC. Some nmners were participating in a wedding.D・ Some runners were serious about winning・5 . Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?A. Chronological order. ^QB. Specific to general.C. Cause and result. CD. Statement and example.Reference kev•1・B 2. C 3・D 4・B 5・DWomen in the United States and in many other countries participate in a growing number of sports and games This has not always been the case, however In fact, women have not been as active in sports as men. Only in recent years have women begun to catch up to men in this area. Until the twentieth century, women did not often participate in spons.Part of the explanation for this is tliat wotnen simply did noi have time. Many women cooked, cleaned, and Took care of children. They were so busy that they did not have time for spons・ A second reason, especially in the late nineteenth century, is that a woman's image at that time was one of frailty, illness, and delicacy・ In the Victorian era, people thought that it was unladylike for a woman to be involved in any spons activity.There have been changes in both the view of women in the modem world, and also changes within the world of sports. These changes ha\ e allowed many mon; women to panxipate in spons. The general view of women has changed substanrialij, since rhe Victorian era Women are no longer considered delicate・ People do not think it is unladylike for a woman to compete in spons. Women who win in sports activities arc highly regarded. Many women now take part in sports and games of many different kinds. and enjoy doing so. This dex elopnienr is partly ihe result of a change in (he image of women in ihe modem world.Women also aie more active in sports now because of two changes in spons. First, m the early wentieth century, women began ro compete regularly in the Olympics. Also, the number of events for women in the Ohnipics has been growing quite steadily The fact that women can compete in the Olympics encourages many to become active in the various Olympic activities・ In more recent years, television has had a noticeable efleer on both the popularity of and paniciparion in wonieifs professional sports. Seeing women in professional sports on TV has niade certain sports much more popular among women, as amateurs and as professionals.1 ・ Whai causes many more women to participate in sports now?2 ・ Wha【did women use to be centered on?3 ・Wh/ is people's atrimdc nowadays if a woman wins in sports activities?4 ・ Whal is the role of TV in sports fields?5 ・ Which is the most suitable title for this passage?农(Click for the answers.)1 ・ Changes in the xiew of women and in the world of spons.2 ・ Housework3 Women will be respectable・4 ・ rv plays a considerable role in the popularization of women s participation in sports.5 ・Women and Sports.(8) •1 die possibilities of artificial stimulation2 . affect the honcstj- and excellence of spons3 record-breaking pertomiances4 enhanced by the use of drugs5 stripped of his Ohnnpic gold medal6 . from track competition1 . What did the doctors think of Lance ArmHongt cancer?2 How many American people won in the Tour de France before Lance Armstrong?3 Vkliat made Lance Armstrong a tme source of inspirarion for people around the world04 ・ What kind of book lived on the New York Times bcst-scllcr list for 52 weeks?5 . How did Lance Armstrong help cancer patients?Scnpi and ReiCTence key.Unbeliexable ・ cxcepi irs inie. By now .Lance Armstrong's hixory is well known. In 1996. he was a rising siar in inieniarional cycling, knocking down wins and making a name for himself as an American watch in this Euiopean spoil. Suddenly, eveiything changed. He had sone disappointing pertomiances and be didn't feel welL but it wasn't until lie began to cough up blood tliat he decided be should see a doctor.The next day he found out be had lesiicular cancer・ Given its advanced state, die doctois told him be might have a 50/50 chance of living・ Soon after, they discovered it had transfcircd into his abdomen, lungs, and brainIIi$ odds dropped to less than 20 percent・On October 2, Lance announced the news to the world in an cniotiona) press conference and vowed to beat the disease. He won. In 1999, he won again iu the Tour de France, only the second American to take hoiae the yellow jersey.Lance's unexpected victor iii the 1999 Tour launched him inio the public eye: ai)d his repeals have helped turned him into a real star. But his acconiplislunents aie oulv part of the reason fbt his acclaim. His treuieixioub coinage anddeteiiniualion in the face of enoiiuoub ob、【adcs have turned him into a tiue source of inspiration for people around the world. His generosity of spirit and humility have won him admiration and respect.Lance touches lives far beyond the world of sports. He is ailing the most recognized and well-liked celebrities in the U.S. His wildly successful autobiography. lt*s Not Abcut the Bike: My Journey Back to Life, lived on the New York Times bcst-scllcr list for 52 weeks・Today Lance is motivated not only to wm bike races, but to coiupete evety day for the gill of lile-his own as well as otheis. Tlnough his involvement in the Laiice Aimstiong FoundatioiL he has become a pov.eriul voice fol uancei biuvivorb every uheie. Tluougli his passion lor cxcelleuce. lie ha、become an example for anyone facing a challenge.I he Lance Armstrong story is not only of excellent athletic performance・ but also one of great human courage and perseverance. He is a survivor, a champion, and a hero for this and all times・1 ・ He might have a 50 to 50 chance of living(8) •。
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Mtools简介:Mtools是由MongoDB Inc 官⽅⼯程师所写,设计之初是为了⽅便⾃⼰的⼯作,但是随着MongoDB⽤户的增加,越来越多的朋友也开始使⽤Mtools,也越来越感受到Mtools带来的便捷。
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·390·· 论著 ·利用生物信息学分析LMO2在乳腺癌中的表达和功能张明慧1,李彦姝2 (中国医科大学 1. 临床医学系; 2. 生命科学学院分子细胞生物学教研室,教育部医学细胞生物学重点实验室暨卫健委细胞生物学重点实验室,沈阳 110122) 摘要 目的 探讨LMO2在乳腺癌中的表达及其共表达基因的生物学作用。
方法 通过Oncomine 数据库挖掘LMO2在多种肿瘤中的表达水平,并基于基因表达谱数据动态分析 (GEPIA ) 及人类蛋白质表达图谱 (HPA ) 数据库检索LMO2在乳腺癌组织与正常组织中的表达差异。
采用KM plotter 数据库评估LMO2在乳腺癌中的预后价值。
利用 Coexpedia 数据库构建LMO2在乳腺癌中的共表达基因网络,并用FunRich 软件对score>3 的共表达基因注释;通过GEPIA 筛选出差异有统计学意义的关键基因,进一步分析LMO2与这些关键基因的相关性,并对这些基因进行京都基因与基因组百科全书 (KEGG ) 富集。
结果 乳腺癌组织中,LMO2 mRNA 和蛋白表达较正常乳腺组织均明显下调 (P < 0.05),LMO2低表达预示着乳腺癌患者更差的预后。
其中,表达显著上调的基因有CAV1,显著下调的基因有GIMAP6、TGFBR2、LHFP 和PTPRB (P < 0.05)。
LMO2与GIMAP6 (r = 0.51) 、TGFBR2 (r = 0.46) 、LHFP (r = 0.52) 、PTPRB (r = 0.48)和CAV1 (r = 0.43) 等关键基因的表达呈显著正相关。
英语看病就医表达PART1:医院及疾病的英语词汇公共空间大厅H all中药局Chin ese Medicin e Pharmac y公用电话Pub lic Telepho ne/Pay Phone/Telepho ne/PublicPhone日常生活训区D aily Activit y Trainin g日间门诊Cli nic Area日间院 Adult Day Care Center日间照护Day Care Center出院室Disc hargeOffice加护病房Int ensive Care Unit(ICU)打卡刷卡区Cl ock In / Out民众意箱Sugges tions各科门诊Out-Patient Departm ents(OPD)早产儿室Pre mature Babies住院室Admi ssions义工服务台Vo luntee r Service s义工室Volu nteers更衣室Dres sing Room夜间门诊Eve ning Clinic服务台(询问处)Informa tion注射室Inje ctions治疗室Trea tmentRoom社福卫教室So cial Work and HealthEducati on门诊大厅Out patien t Hall门诊注射室Ou tpatie nt Injecti on门诊部Out-patient门诊满意调查回收意箱Sug gestio n Box门诊检验OPD Laborat ory待产室Labo r Room急诊暂观察室E R Observa tion Room恢复室Reco very Room候诊区Wait ing Area晒衣场Clot hes Drying气喘卫教室As thma HealthEducati on Room消毒室Ster ilizat ion消毒锅区Equ ipment Sterili zation病房Ward病毒室Vira l Laborat ory健儿门诊Wel l Baby Clinic健检中心Phy sicalExamina tion Center健检室Phys ical Examina tion产後护理中心P ostpar tum Care Center发烧筛检站Fe ver Clinic诊室Consu ltingRoom新生儿病房Ne onatal Ward隔离检疫舍Qu aranti ne House取药处Medi cine Receivi ng转诊中心Ref erralCenter药物谘询Dru g Informa tion药库 Drug Storage接待,服务及休闲区水间Kitch en / Drinkin g water / Hot Water 育婴室Nurs ery Room / Motherand Baby Room哺乳室Nurs ery Room调室Dispa tch Room司机室/司机调室Dri vers' Lounge值日室Duty Room值班休息室Du ty Office医师休息室Ph ysicia ns' Lounge宿舍Dormi tory儿童游戏场Re creati on Area医器材贩卖部M edical SupplyDispens ary椅借用区Mov able Beds住/出/转院Admis sion/Dischar ge/Transfe r住院病组Inpati ent Records Unit兵役复检室Mi litary Service Examina tion批价柜台Cas hier社会服务室So cial WorkerRoom社区副院长室C ommuni ty DeputySuperin tenden t社会服务科So cial Service Section门诊病组Out patien t Records Unit保险作业组 Insuran ce Declara tion Section急诊批价ERCashier科主任办公室D ept. Chief Office政单位疾病分析组Disea ses Classif icatio n Unit病室/组Medica l Records Room/Unit/Section门诊组Outp atient Unit/Section住院组Inpa tientAdmissi ons秘书室Admi nistra tion Office院长室Supe rinten dent挂号柜台Reg istrat ion感染控制委员会Infect ion Control Commiss ion营养部Food & Nutriti on Departm ent总务室Gene ral Affairs Office总务组Gene ral Affairs Section医品组Qual ity Assuran ce Section医勤组Medi cal Service Section医学工程室Me dicalEnginee ring Office医副院长室Me dicalDeputySuperin tenden t药剂科主任室P harmac y Chief床科部中医科C hinese Medicin e中医科-内科Chine se Interna l Medicin e中医科-针灸科Chin ese Acupunc ture小儿科Pedi atrics小儿科-心脏Pedia tric Cardiol ogy小儿科-外科Pedia tric Surgery小儿科-心肺Pedia tric Cardiop ulmona ry小儿科-感染Pedia tric Infecti ous Disease s小儿科-胃肠Pedia tric Gastroe nterol ogy小儿科-眼科Pedia tric Ophthal mology小儿科-神经科Pedi atricNeurolo gy小儿科-遗传科Pedi atricGenetic s小儿科-预防注射Ped iatric Vaccina tions床科部小儿科-一般门诊Ped iatric s小儿科-青少门诊Ado lescen t Health小儿科-过敏免疫风湿科Pediat ric Allergy Immunol ogy小儿科-血液肿瘤科Pe diatri c Hematol ogy & Oncolog y小儿科- 泌尿外科Ped iatric Urology小儿科-内分科Pediat ric Endocri nology小儿科-重症医学科Pe diatri c Intensi ve Care新生儿科加护病房Newbo rn ICU小儿加护病房P ediatr ic ICU儿童急救加护医学科Pedi atricEmergen cy and Critica l Care Medicin e 小儿心肺功能室Pediat ric PFT优生保健科Pe rinata l Genetic s内科Inter nal Medicin e内科-一般门诊Int ernalMedicin e:General内科-日间化学治 Day Chemoth erapy内科-胃肠科Gast roente rology内科-胸腔科Pulm onaryMedicin e内科-肾脏科Neph rology内科-内分科Endo crinol ogy内科-内分暨代谢科E ndocri nology and Metabol ism内科-心脏(血管)内科Cardi ologyDept.内科-血液肿瘤科He matolo gy and Oncolog y内科- 人医学门诊Ge riatri cs内科-过敏免疫风湿科Rheuma tology/Immunol ogy/Allergy 内科-神经Neuro logy内科加护病房M ICU内科-肝胆胰内Hep atic-biliary-pancrea tic Medicin e内科-感染科Infe ctious Disease牙科Denti stry(Dental)Dept.家庭牙医科Fa mily Dentist ry牙科-特别门诊Den tal Special ty Clinic牙科一般门诊(初诊)DentalClinic-Initial Visit牙科复诊(约诊)DentalClinic-Appoint ment Only口腔颚面外科O ral Maxillo-facialSurgery口腔病诊断科Oral Patholo gy齿颚矫正科Or thodon tics儿童牙科Ped iatric Dentist ry牙周病科Per iodont ics补缀科Pros thodon tics外科Surge ry外科-小儿Pedia tric Surgery外科-骨科Ortho pedics外科-神经Neuro surger y外科-手外科Hand Surgery外科-消化系Gast rointe stinal Surgery外科-一般门诊Sur gery-General Clinic床科部外科-大肠直肠Col o-rectalSurgery外科-整形Plast ic Surgery外科-甲腺乳腺Thy roid and BreastSurgery外科-乳房Breas t Surgery Clinic外科-心脏Cardi ac Surgery外科-心脏血管Car diovas cularSurgery外科-胸腔Thora cic Surgery外科-美容外科Cos meticSurgery外科-肝胆Hepat ic Surgery外科-肝胆胰外Hep atic-biliary-pancrea tic Surgery外科-重建整形Pla stic & Reconst ructiv e Surgery外科-胃肠及一般Ga stroen terolo gy & General Surgery 骨外伤科Ort hopedi c Traumat ology外科加护病房S urgery ICU皮肤科Derm atolog y皮肤科-一般门诊Der matolo gy-General Clinic皮肤科-职业性皮肤病O ccupat ionalDermato logy耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.(Otolary ngolog y)耳鼻喉科-一般门诊Gen eral ENT Clinic耳鼻喉科-门诊小手术Mi nor Surgery耳鼻喉科-鼻窦内视镜门诊SinusEndosco py科Urolog y科-一般门诊Uro logy-General Clinic科-性失禁Inco ntinen ce Clinic科-男性孕症Mal e Inferti lity Clinic科-性功能障碍Se xual Dysfunc tion Clinic孕症学科Inf ertili ty妇产科Obst etrics and Gynecol ogy妇产科-孕症Infer tility Clinic妇产科-子宫颈癌Cer vicalCarcino ma Clinic妇产科-羊水穿 Amnioce ntesis妇产科-妇科肿瘤Gyn ecolog ical Oncolog y妇产科-子宫颈病变Ce rvical Dysphas ia Clinic妇产科-妇期Menopa use Clinic妇产科-快速子宫颈抹片Expres s Smear Service妇产科-抹片及乳房检查Pap Smear妇癌科Gyne cologi c Oncolog y妇科学科Gynec ologyUrology眼科Ophth almolo gy眼科-青光眼Glau coma Clinic眼科-斜弱视Stra bismus and Amblyop ia眼科-视网膜Reti na Section眼科-一般门诊Opt ometry-General Clinic眼科-兵役检查Mil itaryService Eye Exam眼科-配光检查Opt ometry眼科-视保健Visio n Protect ion Clinic床科部眼科-萤光摄影Flu oresce nt Photogr aphy眼科射Opht halmol ogic Laser Therapy精神科Psyc hiatry精神科-身心内科Psy chosom atic Clinic精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxie ty and Insomni a Clinic精神科-癌症团体心治Group CancerTherapy精神科-儿童青少特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychia try 放射线科Rad iology核医科Nucl ear Medicin e疼痛科Pain Managem ent麻醉科Anes thesio logy(Anesthe sia) Dept.健科Rehab ilitat ion解剖病科Anatom ical Patholo gy预防注射科Pr ophyla ctic Immuniz ation病科Patho logy青少谘询特别门诊Juven ile Psychia try Departm ent肿瘤科Onco logy神经内科Neu rology神经外科Neu rosurg ery家庭医学科Fa mily Medicin e社区医学部Co mmunit y Medicin e心血管加护病房Cardia c CU(CCU)心血管中心Ca rdiova scular Center心脏血管外科加护病房Car diovas cularSurgery ICU急诊Emerg ency Dept.急诊医学科Em ergenc y Medicin e内视镜科End oscopy Section血液透析Hem odialy sis肝胆科Hepa tology高危险妊娠症学科High-risk Pregnan cy安护Hospi ce Center职业病科Occ upatio nal Medicin e放射肿瘤科Ra diatio n Oncolog y保健科Prev entive Medicin e运动医学科Sp ort Medicin e肺结核加护病房TBICU外伤加护病房T raumaICU健康检查中心H ealthEvaluat ion Center脑血管中心Ce rebral Vascula r Clinic神经医学中心B rain Center烧伤中心Bur n Center癌症中心Can cer center癌症防治中心C ancerControl and Prevent ion Center高压氧治中心Hyper baricOxygenTherapy Center肥胖防治中心W eightReducin g床科部洗肾中心Hemodi alysis Center医学美容中心M edical Cosmeti c Center医学影像中心M edical Image Center运动健中心Re habili tation-Exercis e Center病人保健推广中心Diabe tic Center中西合作医中心Chines e-Western Coopera tive Treatme nt Center社区护Home Care护之家Nurs ing Home护部Nursi ng Dept. / Nursing Departm ent护长室Head Nurse医技术CT登记处CT Admissi onX光摄影室(借片室)X-ray Room孕症谘询室In fertil ity Consult ationRoom内分检查室En docrin e Examina tion Room内科诊查室In ternal Medicin e Clinic内视镜室End oscopy化学治 Chemo-Therapy心电图室EKG心导管室Car diac Cathete rizati on Room心脏血管中心C ardiov ascula r Center心脏血管检查室Cardio vascul ar Examina tions心脏超音波He art Echo水室Hydro therap eutics生化实验室Bi ochemi cal Lab生检查科Phy siolog ical Exam皮肤病诊断中心Dermol ogical Patholo gicalCenter石膏室Plas ter Room光子刀治中心Photo n Knife Center多功能超音波室Multi-Functio n Echo Room 肌电图室EMG血库Blood Bank血液肿瘤科He matolo gy血清免疫学实验室Immu-serolog ical Lab血管功能检查室Vascul ar Functio n Test血管摄影室Ca rdiacAngiogr aphy动检查室Urok inetic Exam. Room技术室Tech nicalSupport Divisio n乳房超音波Br east Echo乳房摄影室Ma mmogra phy儿童治室Ped iatric Therapy Room儿童物治室Pe diatri c Physica l Therapy儿童职能治室P ediatr ic Occupat ionalTherapy 呼吸治Resp irator y Therapy放射免疫分析室Radioi mmunoa ssay Unit放射科登记室R adiolo gy Registr ation医技术放射线治科Radiot herapy科微波热室Ge nitour o Urologi c超音波Urol ogy Echo物治Physi cal Therapy物职能治室Oc cupati onal and Physica l Therapy 肺功能PFT肺功能室Pul monary Functio n Testing门诊检验Oup atient Check-UPS门诊体检Phy sicalCheck-Ups急诊X光室ER X-Ray Room胃镜室Endo scopyRoom胎儿影像中心3D Live Image Center气管镜室Bro nchosc opy Room特殊检查室Sp ecialExamina tion胸部超音波Ch est Echo闪烁摄影室Di agnost ic Imaging Unit骨质密检查室B one Density骨骼肌肉超音波室Echofor Skeleta l Muscles 采室Urine Collect ion Room产房Deliv ery Room细胞遗传室Cy togene tics细菌研究室Ba cteria l Laborat ory麻醉科实验室A nesthe siolog y Laborat ory健科治室Reh abilit ationTherapy紫外线光室Ultrav ioletTherapy肾功能室Ren al Functio n肾脏超音波Re nal Echo视检查室Che ck-up for Eye Sight周边血管室Pe ripher al Vascula r Examina tion微生物实验室M icrobi ologic al Lab新生儿观察室O bserva tion Room-New Born Babies眩检查室Ver tigo Test准分子射室La ser Treatme nt腹部超音波Ab domina l echo腹膜透析室CA PD脑波室EEGUnit解剖病科实验室Anatom ical Patholo gy Laborat ory 运动治室The rapeut ic Exercis e Room射治室Lase r Therapy电脑断层摄影室CT Scan Unit电室Elect rother apy Room磁振造影扫描室MRI Unit膀胱功能室Bl adderFunctio n Test膀胱镜室Cys toscop y Room语言治 SpeechTherapy器官移植Org anizat ion Transpl antati on医技术检伤分Triage检验室Labo ratory检验科Labo ratory Medicin e检体收发室Sp ecimen Collect ion检体受紧急报告取Emerge ncy Procedu re检体处室Lab Samples营养室Nutr itionDept.床病室Clin ical Patholo gy医务室(医站)Clinic药剂科(药局)Pharmac y体外震波碎石机Lithot ripsy研讨室Meet ing Room, Seminar Room医师研究室Ph ysicia ns' Office医师讨室Phy sician s' Meeting Room研究室Stud y Room男化妆室/男厕所Men…sRestroo m / Gentlem en's Restroo m洗手间/盥洗室Rest room身心障碍专用厕所Disab led Restroo m储藏及仓库中央供应室Cen tral SupplyCenter中央库房Cen tral Storage供应室Supp ly Room清洁工具室Ja nitors Room急诊清洁室ER Janitor洗衣房Laun dry汅物间Soil ed Materia ls清洁班Clea ning Crew告示或警告标示施工中Und er Constru ction禁止吸烟NoSmoking禁止饮食NoFood or Drink禁食槟榔Che wing betel nut is prohibi ted禁止携带物No Pets严禁烟火NoOpen Flames请勿(禁止)进入No Entry闲人勿进Aut horize d Personn el Only节约用水Ple ase Conserv e Water随手关灯Tur n Off LightsWhen Leaving高压危险,有电勿靠近Ke ep Clear-High Voltage电器设备,严禁擅入Donot enter! Power Equipme nt告示或警告标示请取号码牌,静候叫号时迳往挂号处挂号T ake a number. Go to counter when numberis called.防火门火警时随手关门Fir e Escape-PleaseKeep Closed避难出口高逃生缓机Emer gencyExit & EscapeSling紧急疏散方向图Evacua tion Plan禁止将投手伸出扶梯外Ple ase do not stretch out your hand or head您的位置You are here电梯内请勿交谈,请戴口罩Donot talk in elevato r,Pleaseput on respira tor严禁工作人员戴手套触摸按钮Employ ee, pushing buttomwith your grove on is prohibi ted资源回收及垃圾资源回收/垃圾分Recy cling塑胶Plast ic垃圾桶Tras h垃圾处室Dis posalArea特殊空间太平间Morgue其它药物医药分业谘询专线M edical and Pharmac eutica l Consult ationInquiri es 身体健康检查谘询预约服务专线Physi cal Examina tion出入口及专用道请勿停车 No Parking身心障碍专用坡道Disab led Ramp书表慢性病续处方笺Chro nic Illness Prescri ptionSlip慢性病续处方笺Chroni c Continu ous Prescri ption慢性病续处方笺Refill Presrip tionsFor ChroniDisease诊断书Medi cal Certifi cate挂号费Regi strati on Fee证明费Cert ificat ion Fee费Ambula nce Fee特定医费Spe cial Medical Fee部份负担费Se lf-Payment Fee诊察费Diag nostic Fee病房费Ward Fee伙食费Diet Fee检查费Labo ratory Fee放射线诊费X-Ray Fee治处置费The rapeut ic Treatme nt Fee手术费Oper ationFee健治费Reha bilita tion Therapy血液血浆费Bl ood Product Fee血液透析费He modial ysis Fee麻醉费Anes thetic Fee特殊材费Spe cial Medical SupplyFee药费Medic ine Fee药事服务费Me dicine Service Fee精神科治费Ps ychiat ric Treatme nt Fee注射技术费In jectio n Fee婴儿费Infa nt Fee特定健保费Sp ecialN.H.I. Fee病影印Medi cal Records Copying出院病Disc hargge d Medical Records门诊申报Out paiten t Declara tion住院申报Inp atient Declara tionPART2:常见疾病的英语表达(1) 一般病情:He feels headach e, nauseaand vomitin g。
LOG滤波器提取边缘实验报告朱俊022*******一实验内容1 用LOG滤波器提取图像边缘2 比较直接滤波和先缩小原图进行滤波再插补的乘法次数二实验原理1LOG滤波器原理设I(x,y)代表灰度变化,灰度变化剧烈的地方就是阶跃点,而阶跃点的一次微商为极大值,二次微商为零。
程序结构如下:类定义如下:位图包裹类:class CWrapBitmap{public:long GetSize(); //接口:得到位图大小,成功返回阵列大小,失败返回false int GetHeight(); //接口:得到位图高度,成功返回高度,失败返回falseint GetWidthBytes(); //接口:得到位图比特宽度,成功返回宽度,失败返回false int GetWidth(); //接口:得到位图实际宽度,成功返回宽度,失败返回false BYTE* GetpBuffer();//接口:得到位图阵列指针,成功返回指针,失败返回NULLCBitmap* GetpBitmap();//接口: 得到CBitmap类指针. 成功返回指针,失败返回NULLBOOL Save(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);//接口: 保存位图文件. 成功返回true,失败返回falseBOOL Load(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);//接口: 打开位图文件. 成功返回true,失败返回falseCWrapBitmap();virtual ~CWrapBitmap();private:BYTE* m_pBuffer; //位图阵列指针CBitmap m_Bitmap; //位图类HBITMAP m_hBitmap; //打开位图指针protected:HANDLE DDBToDIB(CBitmap &bitmap, DWORD dwCompression, CPalette *pPal); //DDB2DIB};滤波器类:const int TEMPLATE_LOG =1; //LOG滤波器const int TEMPLATE_LAPLACIAN=2; //拉普拉斯滤波器(锐化)const int TEMPLATE_GAUSS =3; //Gauss滤波器(平滑)class CFilter{public:long GetCount(); //接口:得到滤波所用的乘法次数BOOL Filter(const int nDefTemplate,BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD Size,DWORD Width, DWORD Height);//接口: 对二维数组(阵列)滤波. 成功返回true,失败返回falseCFilter();virtual ~CFilter();private:long m_lCount; //记录滤波所用的乘法次数float m_fCoef; //模板系数BYTE m_TemplateWidth; //模板宽度char* m_pTemplate; //模板指针protected:BYTE CutOverflow(float fNum); //截取超出范围的数字void Multiply(BYTE* pBuffer,DWORD Size,DWORD Width,DWORD Height);//模板和阵列的操作void SetTemplate(const int nDefTemplate); //设置模板的参数};四实验结果与分析实验采取如下图一的灰度图片,图片大小170×375,模板选为5×5,如下所示:-2,-4,-4,-4,-2,-4, 0, 8, 0,-4,-4, 8,24, 8,-4,-4, 0, 8, 0,-4,-2,-4,-4,-4,-2经一次LOG滤波得结果图二,所用得乘法次数为1539650,经验证可知1539650=(170-5+1)×(375-5+1)×5×5,符合前面所推导公式。
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2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:一个温柔的小男人 MasterYi 无极剑圣
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:26 LMO_最后上传:全局_LMO上传总数:1
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:51 LMO_主窗口_接收到胜负返回:[本场胜负]#未
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:51 LMO_主窗口_确定左上角为自己:开启上传线程
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_最后上传:启动
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_最后上传:符合的游戏模式
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:文件:E:\网络游戏\英雄联盟\Air\history\json\你丫闭嘴灬25563423.jeog
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:你丫闭嘴灬 Cassiopeia 魔蛇之拥
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_设置当前英雄2:开始
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_设置当前英雄:文件:E:\网络游戏\英雄联盟\Air\history\json\你丫闭嘴灬25566493.jeog
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:中国闷骚界一朵花 Teemo传:符合的游戏模式
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_最后上传:时间差:2225422
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_最后上传:全局评价:1
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_最后上传:开始评价弹出时钟
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:57 LMO_窗口_添加到:已经创建
2011-9-10 AM 09:22:22 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 09:23:05 LMO_延迟刷新:等待30秒
2011-9-10 AM 09:23:35 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 08:44:41 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:45 LMO_主窗口_接收到胜负返回:[本场胜负]#未
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:45 LMO_主窗口_确定左上角为自己:开启上传线程
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:50 LMO_最后上传:启动
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:台城肋条 XinZhao 德邦总管
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:风颖轩 Garen 德玛西亚之力
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:魔0剑 Renekton 荒漠屠夫
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:天然丶呆 Blitzcrank 蒸汽机器人
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:你丫闭嘴灬 Annie 黑暗之女
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:花残终将败 Tryndamere 蛮族之王
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:ThePope丶KK Caitlyn 皮城女警
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:Ours无奈 Katarina 不祥之刃
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:中华入民解放军 Annie 黑暗之女
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:绝世名伶灬 Kennen 狂暴之心
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:花残终将败 Annie 黑暗之女
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:天然丶呆 Alistar 牛头酋长
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:52 LMO_最后上传:全局_LMO上传总数:1
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:52 LMO_最后上传:获取胜率%刷新
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:52 LMO_最后上传:设置英雄完成
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:52 LMO_最后上传:完毕
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:26 LMO_最后上传:获取胜率%刷新
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:26 LMO_最后上传:设置英雄完成
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:26 LMO_延迟刷新:等待30秒
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:26 LMO_最后上传:完毕
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:29 LMO_窗口_添加到:已经创建
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:56 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 08:15:39 LMO_延迟刷新:等待30秒
2011-9-10 AM 08:16:09 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:绝世名伶灬 Janna 风暴之怒
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:PANDUIT MasterYi 无极剑圣
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:巴丶黎欧莱雅 Renekton 荒漠屠夫
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:57 LMO_最后上传:完毕
2011-9-10 AM 08:43:01 LMO_窗口_添加到:已经创建
2011-9-10 AM 08:43:27 LMO_延迟刷新:开始
2011-9-10 AM 08:44:11 LMO_延迟刷新:等待30秒
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:57 LMO_最后上传:全局_LMO上传总数:1
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:57 LMO_最后上传:获取胜率%刷新
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:57 LMO_最后上传:设置英雄完成
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:57 LMO_延迟刷新:等待30秒
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:天然丶呆 Blitzcrank 蒸汽机器人
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:花残终将败 Annie 黑暗之女
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:米饭团很好吃 Shaco 恶魔小丑
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:18 LMO_主窗口_接收到胜负返回:[本场胜负]#未
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:18 LMO_主窗口_确定左上角为自己:开启上传线程
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_最后上传:启动
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_最后上传:符合的游戏模式
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:Mrw丶御用咸人 FiddleSticks 末日使者
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:落小小 Katarina 不祥之刃
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:michaelShen MonkeyKing 齐天大圣
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_最后上传:时间差:2039485
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_最后上传:全局评价:1
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_最后上传:开始评价弹出时钟
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_设置当前英雄2:开始
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:23 LMO_设置当前英雄:文件:E:\网络游戏\英雄联盟\Air\history\json\你丫闭嘴灬25560008.jeog
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:绝世名伶灬 Teemo 迅捷斥候
2011-9-10 AM 08:14:24 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:你丫闭嘴灬 Garen 德玛西亚之力
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:求你别抓我 Irelia 刀锋意志
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:很蛋疼的蛋疼君 Cassiopeia 魔蛇之拥
2011-9-10 AM 09:21:51 LMO_设置当前英雄:设置:丨梵天丨 Akali 暗影之拳
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_最后上传:时间差:1478187
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_最后上传:全局评价:1
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_最后上传:开始评价弹出时钟
2011-9-10 AM 08:42:56 LMO_设置当前英雄2:开始