Decision making the essence 6




Chapter 6 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job1)Decision(决策): A choice from two or more alternatives.2)Decision-making process(决策制定过程): A set of eight steps that include identifying aproblem, selecting an alternative, and evaluating the decision’s effectiveness.(包括八个基本步骤。


)3)Problem(问题): A discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.(现状和希望状态之间的差异。

)4)Decision criteria(决策标准): Criteria that define what’s relevant in a decision.(管理者必须决定什么与制定决策有关。

)5)Rational decision making(理性决策): Decision-making behavior where choices areconsistent and value-maximizing within specified constraints.(管理者所制定的决策时前后一致的,是追求特定条件下价值最大化的。

)6)Bounded rationality(有限理性): Decision-making behavior that’s rational, but limited(bounded) by an individual’s ability to process information.(管理者理性地作出决策,但同时也受到自身信息处理能力的限制。



请思考为什么来学管理学你体会哪些管理科技是第一生产力吗朱融基管理科学兴国之道经管类必修的基础课培养从事管理职位的管理技能与综合素质学习目标21世纪经管人才本课程在管理学体系中的地位本课程内容体系教学与考核方法一教学方法以调动学生的积极性为核心由以教师为中心转为以学生为中心本课采用英语和国语相结合的双语教学以培养同学学习和借鉴国外先进的管理经验和掌握经济理论动态的能力除讲授方法外有头脑风暴法多媒体教学角色扮演调查与访问情景剧计算机模拟网络冲浪管理沙龙等二考核方法考核体系建立以能力为核心的开放式的全程化考核系统 1理解概念注重能力 2多元性与开放性答案 3实行全程化考核考核结构如图如何学好本课程 1 良好的学习态度态度决定成败 2 预习复习充足的课余准备 3 课外带问题自学案例讨论分组团队学习 4 要求通读全书积极参与教学工作ManagementBrief contents 1 Introduction to managementand organizations--管理者与组织 2Management Yesterday and Today--管理学的历史 3 Organizational Culture and the Environment--组织文化和环境 4 Social responsibility and Managerial Ethics--社会责任与管理道德 5 Decision-Making the essence of the Managers job--决策管理者工作的实质 6 Foundation of Planning--计划的基础7 StrategicManagement--战略管理 8 Planning Tools and Techniques计划的工具和技术 9 Organizational Structure and Design组织结构与设计 10 Managerial Communication and Information Technology管理沟通与信息技术11 Human Resource Management人力资源管理 12 Motivating Employees激励员工13 Leadership领导 14 Foundations of Control控制的基础与企业家对话思索案例1谈谈你对海尔与中联公司成败的关键的看法 Introduction to managementand organizations管理者与组织 Learning Objectives Why study management Who are Managers What is Management What do managers do What is an organization 12 Who are managers--谁是管理者ManagerSomeone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals 管理者通过协调他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的Organizational levels--组织的层次 13 What is Management--什么是管理 the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people ---同别人一起或通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程 16 管理定义的多样化泰勒的定义管理是一门怎样建立目标然后用最好的方法经过他人的努力来达到的艺术法约尔的定义管理就是计划组织控制指挥协调西蒙的定义管理就是决策马克斯韦伯定义管理就是协调活动美国管理协会的定义管理是通过他人的努力来达到目标对管理定义的归纳强调作业过程管理是计划组织领导控制的过程强调管理的核心环节管理就是决策强调对人的管理管理就是通过其他人把事办好强调管理者个人作用管理就是领导强调管理的本质管理就是协调17 管理属性管理二重性原理管理既有自然属性又有社会属性自然属性同生产力相联系的管理的普遍性是由生产力决定的社会属性同生产关系相联系的管理的特殊性是由生产关系决定的管理属性的关系图管理属性管理是科学与艺术的结合管理的科学性强调其客观规律性管理的艺术性强调其灵活性与创造性 1你觉得管理重要吗你对学好管理学充满了信心吗 2实际管理中需要管理者具备哪些素质基层管理者最重要的素质与技能是什么 3请举例说明为什么说管理既是科学又是艺术 4分析一个管理成功的案例谈谈自己对管理的理解 5 访问一位你感兴趣的管理者了解他的职位职责和胜任工作所应具备的素质与能力课后作业结合所学内容与三孔啤酒公司的实际在右图的空格中填写管理者的职能与主要工作 Case applicationSweet Music 1Which management skill--conceptual human or technical--do you think wouldbe most important to Chris Martin Case applicationSweet Music Conceptual management skills are the most important He must also have a certain amount of human skills The skills he needs the least is technical skills Case applicationSweet Music cont 5 Chriss management style was described by employees as friendly and personal yet firm and direct What do you think this means as far as the way he plans organizes leads and controls Do you think this style would work in other organizations or does this style work only because its a family business and Chris is the sixth generation of the family to run the business Case applicationSweet Music cont He manages in a friendly mannerbut can really get quite serious and aggressive when the occasion demands Very people-oriented but also process-oriented Case applicationSweet Music cont Its quite effective in other organizations As long as business is going wellHerb and Chris are pretty friendly and personal but during a difficult time both gentlemen would probably choose to be less friendly and more decisive and serious2 Management Yesterday and Today--管理的昨天和今天The purpose A knowledge ofmanagement history can help you understand todays management theory and practice 关于管理历史的知识能帮你理解今天的管理理论和实践Learning Objectives 1 Managements Connection To Other Fields 2 Development Of Major Management Theories 3 Current Trends And Issues 泰勒的主要观点管理是一门科学劳资应该开展一场心理革命制定科学的工作方法科学地选择和培训工人实行职能工长制实行差别计件工资制管理是一门科学不能仅靠超人与经验管理有方法与原则管理知识可以通过培训获得对管理应象对待数学机械学一样提倡一场心理革命效率低是因为劳资对立劳资对立是分配利益对立双方应该重点放在提高效率最后双方都受益心理革命由分大饼到做大饼科学选择与培训工人不同的人适合干不同的事干同一件事应有一种最好的方法师傅带徒弟是不可取的对工人进行统一培训实行职能工长制计划工长执行工长质量工长工艺工长每人都有指挥权差别计件工资制完成100件每件1元共100元完成80件每件09元共72元完成120件每件120元共144元产量差30件工资差52元计件加超额任务给奖金 Frank and Lillian Gilbreth吉尔布雷思夫妇use of motion pictures to study hand-and-body movements--动作研究Microchronometer精密计时装置therbligs - classification system for 17 basic hand motions---动作分类体系对泰勒制的评价科学管理的创始人泰勒的实践精神令人感动把科学的方法用到管理上把人当经济人局限于基层管理高效率低成本高工资高利润的新局面联想中国第一个学习型组织分析1联想是一个什么样的公司2他有几种学习方式3你如何概括思考题 1 谈谈自己对泰勒制的认识 2 你的管理基本原则是什么 3 你赞成还是反对正式组织理论为什么 4 你经历过非正式组织对你的影响吗你认为非正式组织是利大于弊还是弊大于利5 有人认为只有定量分析管理问题才谈得上科学管理你同意吗为什么 3 Organizational Culture and the Environment--组织文化和环境不熟悉环境的管理宛如盲人骑瞎马夜半临深潭老师随想锦公司与尿布重点思考锦公司的发展主要靠的是什么在发展的各个阶段中公司的管理与环境的关系怎样Learning Objectives 1 The Manager Omnipotent Or Symbolic 2 Management and Environment 1 The Organizations Culture 2 The External Environment 32 Management and Environment cont 研究环境可提高组织决策正确性及时性稳定性环境决定着组织的管理管理反作用于环境组织应是一个开放的系统组织的外部环境对组织的效果与效率有很大影响组织的外部要素中部分是可控的部分是不可控的maxbook118com The Organizations Culture cont 文化七维度关注细节成果导向员工导向团队导向进取性稳定性创新与风险组织文化的特征核心是组织价值观中心是人本文化软性管理任务是增强群体凝聚力企业文化的特征成员的同一性雇员与作为一个整体的企业保持一致的程度而不是只体现出他们的工作类型或专业领域的特征团体的重要性工作活动围绕团队企业而不是围绕个人企业的程度对人的关注管理决策要考虑结果对企业中的人的影响程度单位一体化鼓励企业中各单位一协作的方式运作的程度控制用于监督和控制雇员行为的规章制度及直接监督的程度风险承受程度鼓励雇员进取革新及冒险的程度报酬标准同资历偏爱或其他非竞争因素相比以雇员绩效决定工资增长和晋升等报酬的程度冲突的<a name=baidusnap1></a><B style='color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF'>宽容</B>程度鼓励雇员自由争辩及公开批评的程度手段与结果的倾向性管理更关注结果而不是取得这些成果的技术和过程的程度系统的开放性企业掌握外界环境变化并及时对这些变化作出反应的程度组织文化的结构maxbook118com The Organizations Culture cont 文化的功能起分界线的作用表达了组织成员对组织的一种认同感使组织成员不仅仅注重自我利益更考虑到组织利益有助于增强社会系统的稳定性文化作为一种意义形成和控制机制能够引导和塑造员工的态度和行为美国文化追求利润最大化为企业终极价值目标奉行个人主义及能力主义重视法律与契约推崇英雄主义和权威主义倾向硬性管理经营目标组织结构和规章制度日本文化有追求经济效益和报效国家的双重价值目标信奉家族主义和资历主义富有集体主义精神中国文化讲究伦理道德政治经济结合型人治情治和法治相结合组织文化对管理的影响组织文化对组织长期业绩有着重大的作用组织文化在较长时间内很可能成为决定组织兴衰的关键因素对组织的长期经营业绩存在负面作用的组织文化并不罕见组织文化不易改变但它们可以转化为有利于企业经营业绩增长的组织文化对全球500强的总结二业绩好的公司的文化和一般公司的文化大不一样在业绩好的公司最优先考虑的是协作精神以顾客为中心公平对待雇员主动性和创新精神在一般的公司最优先考虑的是尽可能减小风险尊重各级管理员的指挥支持老板做出预算丰田社训上下同心协力以至诚从事业务的开拓以产业的成果报效国家将研究与创造的精神深植于心中不断研究与开发以站在时代潮流的前端切实戒除奢侈华美务必求朴实与稳健发扬温情友爱的精神把家庭式的美德推广到社会上尊崇神佛心存感激为报恩感谢而生活北京松下彩色显像管有限公司企业纲领决心贯彻产业人的本份力求改善并提高社会生活以其为中国为世界文化发展做出。


© Prentice Hall, 2002 6-2
Learning Objectives (cont.)
You should learn to: – Identify the two types of decision problems and the two types of decisions that are used to solve them – Differentiate the decision conditions of certainty, risk, and uncertainty – Describe the different decision-making styles
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Decision Making
Decisions – choices from two or more alternatives – all organizational members make decisions Decision-Making Process – a comprehensive, 8-step process – Step 1 - Identifying a Problem • problem - discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs – must be such that it exerts pressure to act – manager is unlikely to characterize a situation as a problem unless s/he has resources necessary to act
© Prentice Hall, 2002 6-6



F1-管理学术语英汉对照解释(6)Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job1、decision: 决策A choice from two or more alternatives.在两个或更多的方案中做出一个选择。

2、decision—making process: 决策制定过程A set of eight steps including identifying a problem, selecting an alternative, and evaluating the decision’s effectiveness.一个包括识别问题,选择备案方案以及最终评估决策的结果等8个步骤的过程。

3、problem: 问题A discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.现状与希望状态之间的差异。

4、decision criteria: 决策标准:criteria that define what’s relevant in a decision.决定什么与制定决策有关。

5、implementation: 实施Conveying a decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it.将决策传送给有关的人员和部门,并要求他们对实施结果做出承诺。

6、rational decision—making : 理性决策制定Describes choices that are consistent and value-maximizing within specified constraints.前后一致的,追求特定条件下价值最大化的选择。

7、bounded rationality : 有限理性Decision—making Behavior that is rational, but limited (bounded) by an individual’s ability to process information.决策行为表现出有限程度的理性,因为其受制于个人处理信息能力的局限性。

选择题(Multiple choice)

选择题(Multiple choice)

选择题(Multiple choice)1、In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be efficient only if it has been ------- without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner.A, conventionalizedB, realizedC, transmittedD, manipulatedE, aggrandized参考答案:A2、Although skeptics say financial problems will probably --------- our establishing a base on the Moon. Supporters of the project remain ------, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints. A, beset.. disillusionedB, hasten.. hopefulC, postpone.. pessimisticD, prevent.. enthusiasticE, allow.. unconvinced参考答案:D3、Before the Second World War, academics still questioned whether thebody of literature produced in the United States truly ------- a ------- literature, or whether such literature was only a provincial branch of English literature.A, symbolized.. localB, constituted.. nationalC, defined.. historicalD, outlined.. goodE, captured.. meaningful参考答案:B4、Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as ------- fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.A, a controversialB, a statisticalC, an analyticalD, an explicitE, an unimpeachable参考答案:B5、All ------- biological traits fall into one of two categories: those giving their possessors greater ------- the environment and those rendering themmore independent of it.A, widespread.. detachment fromB, beneficial.. control overC, successful.. freedom fromD, neutral.. compatibility withE, harmful.. advantage in参考答案:B6、One of archaeology’s central dilemmas is how to reconstruct the ------- of complex ancient societies from meager and often ------- physical evidence.A, riddles.. obsoleteB, details.. irrefutableC, intricacies.. equivocalD, patterns.. flawlessE, configurations.. explicit参考答案:C7. Since one of Professor Roche's oft-repeated adages was that familiarity leads to ___, his students were quite surprised to find him so ___ Return of the Native, a novel he had taught for over 30 years.A love...enthusiastic overB contempt...disdainful ofC knowledge...conversant withD boredom...excited byE admiration...confused by参考答案:D8. Reason was once believed to be ___ human, but lately this assumption of intellectual superiority has come under increasingly skeptical scrutiny: most researchers now at least ___ the notion that some animals can think.A logically…ridiculeB unique…entertainC scarcely…embraceD quintessentially…balk atE peculiarly…scoff at参考答案:B9. Powerful as they are, the ___ songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.A accusatoryB altruisticC mournfulD simplisticE humble参考答案:A10. In her love the sea is ___ symbol: to the narrator it clearly represents everything that is destructive in nature, but at other times it seems to stand for everything in nature that is serenely beautiful.A an enduringB an ambiguousC a coherentD an obtrusiveE a discrete参考答案:B11. Despite their extensive efforts to determine the mode of oil ___, scientists still have not ___ the process by which oil is produced.A dispersion…excludedB synthesis…rejectedC creation…investigatedD recovery…condonedE genesis…established参考答案:E12. Compared with their parties, politicians are ___: they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.A ubiquitousB autonomousC fickleD immutableE transitory参考答案:C13. Chavez’ account of her supervisors’ ___ decision-making belies the agency’s image as little more than ___ bureaucracy.A cautious…a staidB ill-informed…a disorganizedC reckless…an incompetentD systematic…a methodicalE headlong…a timorous参考答案:C14. Paradoxically, England’s colonization of North America was ----- by its success: the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country.A, demonstratedB, determinedC, alteredD, underminedE, distinguished参考答案:D15、Although Harry, Stack Sullivan is one of the most influential social scientists of this century, his ideas are now so ----- in our society that they seem almost --------.A, novel.. antiquatedB, revolutionary.. fundamentalC, commonplace .. banalD, disputed.. esotericE, obscure.. familiar参考答案:C16、Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the--------performance in the -------style we had anticipated.A, talented.. tenuousB, prosaic.. classicC, artistic.. mechanicalD, inspired.. innovativeE, literal.. enlightened参考答案:D17、As is often the case with collections of lectures by ------ authors, the book as a whole is ------, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.A, different.. disconnectedB, incompetent.. abysmalC, famous.. systematicD, mediocre.. unexcitingE, various.. coherent参考答案:A18.Although some consider forcefulness and ------- to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than maintaining a steady one.A, promptnessB, persistenceC, aggressionD, skillfulnessE, lucidity参考答案:B19.The popularity of pseudoscience and quack medicines in the nineteenth century suggests that people were very----- but the gullibility of the public today makes citizens of yesterday look like hard-nosed ------.A, cautious.. educatorsB, sophisticated.. realistsC, rational.. pragmatistsD, naive.. idealistsE, credulous.. skeptics参考答案:E20.What is most important to the monkeys in the sanctuary is that they are a group. This is so because primates are inveterately ----- and build their lives around each other.A, independentB, stableC, curiousD, socialE, proprietary参考答案:D21.Often the difficulties of growing up in the public eye cause child prodigies to ------ the world of achievement before reaching adulthood: happily, they sometimes later return to competition and succeed brilliantly. A, ridiculeB, conquerC, retire fromD, antagonizeE, examine参考答案:C22.In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses, but, in fact, the ----- of errors is more likely to be ------ than is the establishment of probable truth.A, formulation.. permittedB, correction.. ignoredC, detection.. usefulD, accumulation.. agreeableE, refinement.. conditional参考答案:C23.Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism ina photograph as a curse rather than a blessing. Magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves ------ to the extent that they can -------- its presence in their photographs.A, skillful.. enhanceB, inadequate.. eliminateC, original.. demonstrateD, fortunate.. minimizeE, conventional.. highlight参考答案:D24.Marison was a scientist of unusual ----- and imagination who had startling success in -------- new and fundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition.A, restiveness.. acknowledgingB, precision.. coordinatingC, aggression.. resistingD, candor.. dispellingE, insight.. discerning参考答案:E25. Unenlightened authoritarian manager rarely recognize a crucialreason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents——.A, demurB, schismC, cooperationD, complianceE, shortsightedness参考答案:B26. It is truly paradoxical that the Amazon, the lushes of all rainforests, is rooted in the most of all soils.A. acidicB. coarseC. starkD. impoverishedE. infertile参考答案:DDirections:This part consists of ten sentences,each followed by four different versions marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.1.Bill was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on,then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights.A.天快黑了,有人给比尔一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。



决策树英语作文In the realm of analytics and decision-making, decision trees have emerged as a powerful tool that helpsindividuals and organizations alike navigate through complex scenarios and arrive at informed decisions. These visual representations of decision processes not only simplify complex problems but also provide a structured approach to analysis, allowing decision-makers to identify potential outcomes, assess risks, and prioritize actions. The essence of a decision tree lies in its ability to break down a decision into a series of connected choices, with each branch representing a possible outcome or decision point. This hierarchical structure allowsdecision-makers to visualize the flow of decisions and outcomes, identify patterns and trends, and make informed choices based on the analysis of probabilities and impacts. The construction of a decision tree typically begins with the identification of the problem or decision at hand. This is followed by the enumeration of possiblealternatives or actions that can be taken at each decision point. The probabilities of occurrence and the expectedoutcomes of each alternative are then estimated, takinginto account relevant data, past experiences, and expert opinions. These probabilities and outcomes are then used to calculate the expected values or utilities of each alternative, providing a quantitative measure of the attractiveness of each choice.The decision tree is then constructed by starting with the initial decision node and branching out into subsequent decision nodes and outcome nodes. The nodes are typically labeled with relevant information such as the alternatives being considered, the probabilities of occurrence, and the expected outcomes. The branches connecting these nodes represent the flow of decisions and outcomes, allowing decision-makers to trace the path from the initial decision to the final outcome.The power of decision trees lies in their ability to handle uncertainty and complexity. By considering a range of possible outcomes and probabilities, decision-makers can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand and identify potential risks and opportunities. This, in turn, helps them make more informed and risk-awaredecisions that are less likely to be swayed by biases or emotional influences.Moreover, decision trees provide a transparent and systematic approach to decision-making. By breaking down complex decisions into manageable chunks and displayingthem visually, decision-makers can involve stakeholders, gather feedback, and iterate on the decision tree as needed. This collaborative and iterative process not only improves the quality of decisions but also enhances the buy-in and commitment of stakeholders to the decision-making process.In addition to their analytical benefits, decisiontrees also have practical applications across a wide rangeof industries and scenarios. In business, for instance, decision trees are commonly used in market analysis,product development, and pricing decisions. In healthcare, they are employed to diagnose diseases, develop treatment plans, and prioritize patient care. In government andpolicy-making, decision trees are used to analyze policy options, predict outcomes, and inform decision-making on critical issues.In conclusion, decision trees are a valuable tool for analytical decision-making. By providing a structured and visual representation of decision processes, they help decision-makers navigate through complexity, identify potential outcomes, assess risks, and make informed choices. Their ability to handle uncertainty, foster collaboration, and support transparent decision-making makes them an indispensable asset in today's world of data-drivendecision-making.**决策树:分析决策的强大工具**在分析和决策领域中,决策树已成为一种强大的工具,它帮助个人和组织同样能够导航复杂的场景,并做出明智的决策。


务) 服务)
Step 3: Allocating weights to the criteria The criteria identified in step 2 of the decision-making process must be weighted in order to give them correct priority in the decision.
逻辑:Step 1: Identifying a problem
A problem is defined as a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs. Some cautions注意 事项 about problem identification include the following. (1) Make sure it is a problem and not just a symptom症状 of a problem.
(5) Pressure must be exerted on the
manager to correct the discrepancy. (6) Managers aren’t likely to characterize some discrepancy as a problem if they perceive that they don’t have the authority, money, information, or other resources needed to act on it.
Step 4: Developing alternatives The decision maker now needs to identify viable alternatives for resolving the problem.





中国论文网/9/view-995244.htm关键词:工业工程MANAGEMENT 双语教学教学案例随着双语教学日渐成为高校教学创新的重要内容和提高教学水平的重要模式,在工业工程专业中开展管理学的双语教学就成为了塑造专业特色教学的有益尝试,尤其是如何在管理学双语教学中有效地运用教学案例更是成为了专业特色教学亟待解决的问题。



这些概念和术语不仅仅来自于管理科学领域,如TQM(Total Quality Management全面质量管理)、Brain Storming(头脑风暴)、Visual Management(目视管理)等,有很多还来自于工程技术领域、计算机信息技术领域,如Lean Production(精益生产)、Group Technology(成组技术)、MRP(Material Requirements Planning物料需求计划)、MTM(Methods Time Measurement动作时间测定法)、CAE(Computer Aided Engineering计算机辅助工程)。

罗宾斯管理学 决策

罗宾斯管理学 决策

4. Decision-Making Styles and how biases affect decision making
5. Challenges for decision makers (add.) Decision Making Techniques 6. Situations of decision making Effective
• Decision
-Making a choice from two or more alternatives. 在两个或 多个选项中作出选择 Low level to high level managers make decisions. All organizational members make decisions that affect their jobs and organization they work for.
② Unstructured Problems>>> Nonprogrammed Decision
3.1 Types of Decisions ① Structured Problems and Programmed Decisions
• Structured Problems 结构性问题
How do managers make decisions?
• 管理者如何作出贤明的决定?
1. Eight Steps in the Decision-Making Process
2. Three Ways Managers Make Decisions 3. Decisions and Decision-Making Conditions

管理学第9版 练习题 附答案 6

管理学第9版 练习题 附答案 6

Chapter 6 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s JobTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSTHE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS1.Problem identification is purely objective.2.The second step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem.3. A decision criterion defines what is relevant in a decision.4.The fourth step of the decision-making process requires the decision maker to listviable alternatives that could resolve the problem.5.Once the alternatives have been identified, a decision maker must analyze each one.6.The step in the decision-making process that involves choosing a best alternative istermed implementation.THE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKER7.Making decisions is with the essence of management.8.Managerial decision making is assumed to be rational.9.One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives.10.Managers tend to operate under assumptions of bounded rationality.11.Studies of the events leading up to the Challenger space shuttle disaster point to anescalation of commitment by decision makers.12. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision making.13.Rational analysis and intuitive decision making are complementary.14.Programmed decisions tend to be repetitive and routine.a15.Rules and policies are basically the same.16. A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she ought or ought not to do.17.The solution to nonprogrammed decision making relies on procedures, rules, and policies.18.Most managerial decisions in the real world are fully nonprogrammed.19.The ideal situation for making decisions is low risk.20.Risk is the condition in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.21.Risk is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates.22.People who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are rational in their way of thinking are said to have a directive style.23.Decision makers with an analytic style have a much lower tolerance for ambiguity than do directive types.24.Individuals with a conceptual style tend to be very broad in their outlook and will look at many alternatives.25. Behavioral-style decision makers work well with others.26.Most managers have characteristics of analytic decision makers.27.According to the boxed feature, “Managing Workforce Diversity,” diverse employees tend to make decisions faster than a homogeneous group of employees.a28.The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information asa starting point and then, once set, they fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.29.The availability bias describes when decision makers try to create meaning out ofrandom events.30. The sunk cost error is when decision makers forget that current choices cannotcorrect the past.DECISION MAKING FOR T ODAY’S WORLD31.Today’s business world revolves around making decisions, usually with complete oradequate information, and under minimal time pressure.32.Managers need to understand cultural differences to make effective decisions intoday’s fast-moving world.33.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” when identifying problems,managers might be from a culture that is focused on problem solving, or their culture might be one of situation acceptance.34.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” findings from studies byGeert Hofstede and from GLOBE researchers show that in high uncertainty avoidance countries, decision making tends to be based more on intuition than on formal analysis.35.Highly reliable organizations (HROs) are easily tricked by their success.MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS36.Decision making is typically described as ________________, which is a view that istoo simplistic.a.deciding what is correctb.putting preferences on paperac.choosing among alternativesd.processing information to completion37. A series of eight steps that begins with identifying a problem and concludes with evaluating the decision’s effectiveness i s the ________________.a.decision-making processb.managerial processc.maximin styled.bounded rationality approach38.________________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.a.An opportunityb.A solutionc.A weaknessd.A problem39.In identifying the problem, a manager _________________.pares the current state of affairs with where they would like to beb.expects problems to be defined by neon lightsc.looks for discrepancies that can be postponedd.will not act when there is pressure to make a decision40.Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification?a.Problems are generally obvious.b.A symptom and a problem are basically the same.c.Well-trained managers generally agree on what is considered a problem.d.The problem must be such that it exerts some type of pressure on the manager to act.41. What is the second step in the decision-making process?a.identifying decision criteriab.allocating weights to the criteriaac.analyzing alternativesd.identifying a problem42.To determine the _____________, a manager must determine what is relevant or important to resolving the problem.a.geocentric behavior neededb.number of allowable alternativesc.weighting of decision criteriad.decision criteria43.What is the third step in the decision-making process?a.allocating weights to the criteriab.analyzing the alternativesc.selecting the best alternatived.implementing the alternative44.If all criteria in the decision making are equal, weighting the criteria ______________.a.improves decision making when large numbers of criteria are not neededc.produces excellent decisionsd.improves the criteria45.In allocating weights to the decision criteria, which of the following is helpful to remember?a.All weights must be the same.b.The total of the weights should sum to 1.0.c.Every factor criterion considered, regardless of its importance, must receive someweighting.d.Assign the most important criterion a score, and then assign weights against thatstandard.46.What is the step where a decision maker wants to be creative in coming up with possible alternative?aa.allocating weights to the criteriab.analyzing alternativesc.developing alternativesd.identifying decision criteria47. When analyzing alternatives, what becomes evident?a.the strengths and weaknesses of each alternativeb.the weighting of alternativesc.the list of alternativesd.the problem48.When developing alternatives in the decision-making process, what must a manager do?a.list alternativesb.evaluate alternativesc.weight alternativesd.implement alternatives49.Selecting an alternative in the decision-making process is accomplished by __________________.a.choosing the alternative with the highest scoreb.choosing the one you like bestc.selecting the alternative that has the lowest priced.selecting the alternative that is the most reliable50.In Step 6 of the decision-making process, each alternative is evaluated by appraising it against the _____________.a.subjective goals of the decision makerb.criteriac.assessed valuesd.implementation strategy51.______________ includes conveying a decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it.aa.Selecting an alternativeb.Evaluating the decision effectivenessc.Implementing the alternativesd.Analyzing alternatives52.Which of the following is important in effectively implementing the chosenalternative in the decision-making process?a.getting upper-management supportb.double-checking your analysis for potential errorsc.allowing those impacted by the outcome to participate in the processd.ignoring criticism concerning your chosen alternative53. The final step in the decision-making process is to _______________.a.pick the criteria for the next decisionb.reevaluate the weightings of the criteria until they indicate the correct outcomec.evaluate the outcome of the decisiond.reassign the ratings on the criteria to find different outcomes54.Which of the following is important to remember in evaluating the effectiveness ofthe decision-making process?a.You should ignore criticism concerning the decision-making process.b.You may have to start the whole decision process over.c.You will have to restart the decision-making process if the decision is less than 50percent effective.d.Ninety percent of problems with decision making occur in the implementation step. THE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKER55.Managers are assumed to be ______________; they make consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints.a.rationalb.leadersanizedd.satisficersa56.It is assumed that a perfectly rational decision maker ______________.a.does not follow rational assumptionsb.does not consider value maximizing as an objectivec.offers inconsistent decisionsd.would be objective and logical57.Managers can make rational decisions if _________________.a.the problem is ambiguousb.the goals are unclearc.the alternatives are limitedd.time constraints exist58. Which of the following is not a valid assumption about rationality?a.The problem is clear and unambiguous.b.A single, well-defined goal is to be achieved.c.Preferences are clear.d.Preferences are constantly changing.59.When managers circumvent the rational decision-making model and find ways to satisfice, they are following the concept of _________________.a.jurisprudenceb.bounded rationalityc.least-squared exemptionsd.self-motivated decisions60.B ecause managers can’t possibly anal yze all information on all alternatives, managers ______________, rather than ______________.a.maximize; satisficeb.maximize; minimizec.satisfice; minimized.satisfice; maximizea61.The type of decision making in which the solution is considered “good enough” is known as _________________.a.intuitionb.satisfyingc.maximizingd.satisficing62.When a decision maker chooses an alternative under perfect rationality, she ______________ her decision, whereas under bounded rationality she chooses a ______________ decision.a.minimizes; satisficingb.satisfices; maximizingc.maximizes; satisficingd.maximizes; minimizing63. An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong is referred to as _______________.a.economies of commitmentb.escalation of commitmentc.dimensional commitmentd.expansion of commitment64.Intuitive decision making is _______________.a.not utilized in organizationsb.a conscious process based on accumulated judgmentc.making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgmentd.important in supporting escalation of commitment65.In studying intuitive decision making, researchers have found that __________________.a.managers do not make decisions based on feelings or emotionsb.managers use data from their subconscious mind to help make their decisionsc.rational thinking always works better than intuitivead.accumulated experience does not support intuitive decisions66.All of the following are aspects of intuition except __________________.a.experienced-based decisionsb.affect-initiated decisionsc.cognitive-based decisionsd.programmed decisions67._____________ are straightforward, familiar, and easily defined.a.Unstructured problemsb.Structured problemsc.Unique problemsd.Nonprogrammed problems68.Structured problems align well with which type of decision making?a.programmedb.satisficingc.intuitiond.gut feeling69. ______________ decision making is relatively simple and tends to rely heavily on previous solutions.a.Nonprogrammedb.Linearc.Satisficingd.Programmed70. A procedure an explicit statement detailing exactly how to deal with a a series of interrelated sequential steps to respond to a structured a set of guidelines that channel a manager’s thinking in dealing with a problemd.allows a manager to use broad decision-making authoritya71. A ______________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she can or cannot do.a.procedureb.policyc.ruled.solution72. A policy ____________.a.typically contains an ambiguous used frequently when a manager faces a structured problemc.allows little discretion on the part of the managerd.offers strict rules as to how a problem should be solved73.What is a difference between a policy and a rule?a.A policy establishes parameters.b.A rule establishes parameters.c.A policy is more explicit.d.A rule is more ambiguous.74. A ______________ typically contains an ambiguous term that leaves interpretation up to the decision maker.a.systemb.rulec.solutiond.policy75. A business school’s statement that it “strives for productive relationships with local organizations” is an example of a ________________.a.ruleb.policyc.proceduremitment76.Unstructured problems _____________.a.are easily solvedb.present familiar circumstancesc.force managers to deal with incomplete or ambiguous informationd.are routine77.Nonprogrammed decisions are best described as ________________.a.recurring, but difficult to makeb.very similar to problems in other areas of the organizationc.requiring more aggressive action on the decision maker’s thought processesd.unique and nonrecurring78.When problems are ______________, managers must rely on ______________ in order to develop unique solutions.a.structured; nonprogrammed decision makingb.structured; pure intuitionc.unstructured; nonprogrammed decision makingd.unstructured; programmed decision making79.Lower-level managers typically confront what type of decision making?a.uniqueb.nonroutinec.programmedd.nonprogrammed80.Which of the following is likely to make the most programmed decisions?a.the CEO of PepsiCo.b.the vice president of General Motors Cadillac Division.c.the head of the Minute Maid Division at Coca-Cola.d.the manager of the local McDonald’s.81.______________ is a situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because the outcome of every alternative is known.a.Certaintyb.Riskc.Uncertaintyd.Maximaxe.Maximin82.If an individual knows the price of three similar cars at different dealerships, he or she is operating under what type of decision-making condition?a.riskb.uncertaintyc.certaintyd.factual83. A retail clothing store manager who estimates how much to order for the current spring season based on last spring’s outcomes is operating under what kind of decision-making condition?a.seasonalb.riskc.uncertaintyd.certainty84.______________ is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available.a.Certaintyb.Riskc.Uncertaintyd.Maximax85.Nonprogrammed decisions are typically made under a condition of ________________.a.certaintyb.low levels of riskc.uncertaintyd.reliability86. A person at a horse racetrack who bets all of his or her money on the odds-based long shot to “win” (rather than “place” or “show”) is making what kind of choice?a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin87.What best describes the psychological orientation of an individual making a “maximax” choice?a.optimistb.realistc.pessimistd.satisficer88.Optimistic managers could be expected to utilize their maximax orientation when they _______________.a.maximize the maximum payoffb.maximize the minimum payoffc.minimize the maximum regretd.minimize the minimum regret89.What is the psychological orientation of a decision maker who makes a “maximin” choice?a.optimistb.realistc.pessimistd.satisficer90.Which of the following best describes “maximizing the minimum possible payoff”?a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin91. A manager who desire s to minimize his or her maximim “regret” will opt for a ______________ choice.a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin92. Decision makers using what decision-making style make fast decisions and focus on the short run?a.directiveb.behavioralc.analyticd.conceptual93.What types are characterized as careful decision makers with the ability to adapt or cope with unique situations?a.directive decision makersb.behavioral decision makersc.analytic decision makersd.conceptual decision makers94.Who are concerned about the achievements of those around them and are receptive to suggestions from others?a.directive decision makersb.behavioral decision makersc.analytic decision makersd.conceptual decision makers95.Many managers use __________ or rules of thumb to simplify their decision making.a.heuristicsb.biasesc.errorsd.habits96.When decision makers tend to think they know more than they do or hold unrealistically positive views of themselves and their performance, they are exhibiting _______________.a.self-serving biasb.the anchoring effectc.immediate gratification biasd.overconfidence bias97.When decision makers seek out information that reaffirms their past choices and discount information that contradicts past judgments, they are exhibiting _______________.a.availability biasb.the anchoring effectc.self-serving biasd.confirmation bias98.When decision makers assess the likelihood of an event based on how closely it resembles other events or sets of events, they are using _______________.a.availability biasb.framing biasc.selective perception biasd.representation bias99.What is the tendency for decision makers to falsely believe that they would have accurately predicted the outcome of an event once that outcome is actually known?a.the hindsight biasb.the sunk costs errorc.the randomness biasd.the selective perception biasDECISION MAKING FOR TODAY’S WORLD100.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” when _______________, managers might come from a culture that gathers facts or from a culture that is more intuitive in gathering ideas and possibilities.a.developing alternativesb.implementing alternativesc.searching for informationd.identifying problems101.To make effective decisions in today’s fast-moving world, managers need to -_______________.e the five-stage decision-making processb.know when it is time to call it quitsc.ignore cultural differencesd.identify their style of decision making102.What is a characteristic that the experts say an effective decision-making process has?a.It is inconsistent.b.It acknowledges only objective thinking.c.It focuses on all factors—even those that do not seem important.d.It requires only as much information and analysis as is necessary.103.What term is used by Navy aviators to describe a gut feeling that something isn’t right?a.leemersb.the creepsc.uneasinessd.regret104.Managers of highly reliable organizations (HROs) get the input of _______________ and let them make decisions.a.CEOsb.frontline workersc.customersd.suppliers105.When highly reliable organizations (HROs) face complexity, they _______________.a.try to simplify datab.aim for deeper understanding of the situationc.defer to the expertsd.act, then thinkSCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESSDecisions, Decisions (Scenario)S ondra needed help. Her insurance company’s rapid growth was necessitating making some changes, but what changes? Should they add to the existing information system or should they buy a new system? She was given the responsibility of analyzing the company’s present information system and deciding what the company should do that would give them plenty of room. She was confused and needed help in making the correct decision.106.According to the decision-making process, the first step Sondra should take is to _____________.a.analyze alternative solutionsb.identify decision criteriac.evaluate her decision’s effectivenessd.identify the problem107. According to the decision-making process, the second step Sondra should take is to ____________.a.analyze alternative solutionsb.identify decision criteriac.evaluate her decision’s effectivenessd.allocate weights to the criteria108.Allocating weights to the criteria is the step in the decision-making process that occurs between identifying the decision criteria and ______________.a.developing the alternativesb.selecting alternativesc.implementing the alternatived.identifying the problem109.When Sondra is conveying her decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it, she is performing which step in the decision-making process?a.analyzing alternative solutionsb.selecting alternativesc.implementing the alternatived.identifying the problem110.The very last step Sondra should take, according to the decision-making process, is to __________.a.analyze alternative alternativesc.implement the alternatived.evaluate the decision’s effectivenessThe Car (Scenario)Colleen is a student, and her older brother has loaned her an old car. The car is in need of several repairs before she will feel comfortable driving it.111.Colleen needs a vehicle, but she has to decide if the vehicle is worth repairing. She is facing a(n) _____________, a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.a.alternativeb.weighted problem setc.problemd.certainty avoidance situation112.In talking with an automotive repair person, Colleen needs to prioritize the repairs.Her first concern is safety of the vehicle. This step in the decision-making process is called __________________.a.weighting the decision criteriab.analyzing of alternativesc.identifying decision criteriad.selecting an alternativeTHE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKERThe Car (Scenario)Colleen is a student, and her older brother has loaned her an old car. The car is in need of several repairs before she will feel comfortable driving it.113.Colleen decides to have all of the problems fixed on the car. She assumes that the repair person has found all the problems and that there will be no problem correcting the imperfections within a specified budget. This is an example of a __________ decision.a.parochialb.irrationalc.ethicald.rational114.Colleen’s brother has a different view of the repairs. He assumes that the repair person is using the best information available, but there may be other unexpected repairs that might surface and that a higher budget might be more reasonable. He is using ______________.a.rational decision makingb.risk avoidancec.bounded rationalityd.Stage 4 decision making115.Colleen’s brother feels the car is worth repairing because he has owned several cars made by the same manufacturer as this car, and he has driven this car for several years. He is using _________ to determine that the car has value despite its need of repair.a.intuitive decision makingb.selective coordination of thought processesc.sunk costsd.return on investmentThe First Job (Scenario)Upon graduation, you search for a job with the university’s job placement center. Although you have studied and prepared to work in an advertising agency, the first job that you are offered is a supervisor in a manufacturing company working the afternoon shift from 3:00 P.M. until 11:00 P.M.116.If you had made a larger search using the Internet and other employment search processes, you might have been able to find more employment opportunities. This would have been a more _________ decision-making process.a.nonprogrammableb.uncertainc.riskyd.perfectly rational117.Under bounded rationality, you would be expected to search for a job by ________________.a.looking at all the opportunities that can be analyzed in the time availableb.looking at all the opportunities availablec.looking “outside the box” in your searchd.analyzing all the opportunities until you find the perfect job118.If you use a shortened process of searching for a job, it is likely that you ___________ rather than maximized in your decision process.a.minimizedb.rationalizedc.satisficedd.agreed119.During your job search, you depend on __________ decision making by making your decision based on accumulated judgment and experience.a.experientialb.legalc.intuitived.formidableIs the Picture Clear? (Scenario)Sharon was the regional manager of a large cable television company. She faced many problems and decisions daily, such as how to price each market, who to hire, what kind of technology she should purchase, and how she should handle the increasing customer complaints. She needed some help sorting these issues out.120.When a customer calls and requests a refund for a partial month’s usage of cable, the fact that such situations are routine and most likely have a standard response would make the response a ______________ decision.a.standardb.routinec.policyd.programmed121.Sometimes Sharon follows a ______________, a series of interrelated sequential steps for responding to a structured problem.a.ruleb.policyc.procedured.suggestion122.Sometimes Sharon instructs her local managers to follow ______________ when confronted with problem situations. These establish parameters for the manager making the decision rather than specifically stating what should or should not be done.a.rulesb.proceduresc.policiesd.orders123.Unfortunately, Sharon also faces issues containing information that is ambiguous or incomplete, such as what kind of technology to purchase. These are known as ______________ problems.a.unstructuredb.variablec.randomd.hit-and-missManaging Your Career (Scenario)Michelle has a new job and is learning to perform the tasks assigned to her. Different situations demand different decision-making processes.124.Michelle finds a situation that instructs her in specific, interrelated, sequential steps to respond to a problem. This is referred to as a _____________.a.ruleb.policyc.broad guidelined.procedure125.Michelle finds a company directive that specifically restricts her from taking certain actions. This is a _____________.a.ruleb.policyc.broad guidelined.procedure126.As she learns the general guidelines of the job, Michelle is given more decision-making authority. The guidelines establish parameters for decision making and are referred as a _____________.a.ruleb.policyc.broad guidelined.procedure。



5. Analysis of Alternatives
表 6-2 各项目评分 表 6-3 加权分品牌总分 (161页)
6. Selection of an Alternative
Acer Compaq Gateway HP Micromedia NEC Sony Toshiba 206 234 281 237 253 256 245 250
Evaluation Timing 时间顺序
Rational: Choices evaluated simultaneously 决策者同时评估所有的备选方案。 BR: Choices evaluated sequentially 决策者按顺序一个一个地评估备选方案。
Standards 评估标准
Rational: Evaluate against absolute standards 决策者按绝对标准来比较备选方案。 BR: Evaluate against implicit favorite 把备选方案和决策者自己的“内心偏好”方案 进行对比。
A series of interrelated steps that a manager can use to respond (applying a policy) to a structured problem.
2. Rule 规则
An explicit statement that limits what a manager or employee can or cannot do.
3. Allocation of Weights to Criteria
Reliability 10 Screen size 8 Warranty 5 Weight 5 Price 4 Screen type 3

Chapter 06 Decision-Making 10月15号

Chapter 06 Decision-Making 10月15号

Exhibit 6–3 Assessed Values of Laptop Computers 6– Using Decision Criteria
Step 6: Selecting an Alternative
• Choosing the best alternative
10 8 6 4 3
Step 4: Developing Alternatives
• Identifying viable alternatives
Alternatives are listed (without evaluation) that can resolve the problem.
The alternative with the highest total weight is chosen.
Step 7: Implementing the Alternative
• Putting the chosen alternative into action.
Conveying the decision to and gaining commitment from those who will carry out the decision.
Exhibit 6–5 Decisions in the Management Functions 6–
Making Decisions
• Rationality(理性决策模型) Rationality(理性决策模型)
Managers make consistent, value-maximizing choices valuewith specified constraints. Assumptions are that decision makers:



Decision-making: The Essence of LifeIn the intricate tapestry of life, decisions loom large, shaping our paths and determining our destinies. They are the forks in the road, the crossroads where we pause, weigh options, and ultimately choose a direction. The art of decision-making is not merely about choosing between right and wrong, but rather about navigating the gray areas, balancing competing priorities, and seizing opportunities that align with our values and aspirations.The process of making a decision often begins with the recognition of a need or a desire. It might be a career choice, a personal relationship, or a significant lifeevent that prompts us to consider our options. As we delve into the various possibilities, we are confronted with a maze of information, some reliable, some conflicting, and some downright misleading. It is here that the true essence of decision-making comes into play: the ability to sift through the noise, identify the crucial factors, and form a coherent understanding of the situation.Critical thinking is a pivotal skill in the decision-making process. It involves asking the right questions,challenging assumptions, and seeking evidence to support or refute our beliefs. This type of thinking helps us to avoid impulsive decisions and instead arrive at well-informed, rational choices. By engaging in critical thinking, we can better understand the potential consequences of our decisions and anticipate potential obstacles.However, rationality alone is not sufficient. Emotions play a crucial role in our decision-making, often serving as powerful motivators and influencers. While emotions can sometimes cloud our judgment, they can also provide valuable insights and a sense of purpose. Balancing rationality with emotional intelligence is key to making decisions that are both beneficial and aligned with our values.Moreover, the ability to make decisions often requires a leap of faith. Even when we have gathered all the necessary information and carefully weighed our options, there is still an element of uncertainty that remains. This is where trust in our instincts and a willingness to embrace the unknown become essential. By embracinguncertainty and taking calculated risks, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and growth.In conclusion, decision-making is a complex yet essential aspect of human life. It requires a combination of rational thinking, emotional intelligence, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. By honing our decision-making skills, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence and purpose, ultimately shaping our futures in ways that align with our values and aspirations. **决策:生活的本质**在生活的纷繁复杂中,决策扮演着举足轻重的角色,它们塑造着我们的道路,决定着我们的命运。



批判性思维的英语作文六级Title: The Essence of Critical Thinking.Critical thinking, often considered the cornerstone of intelligent discourse and effective decision-making, is an essential skill that every individual ought to cultivate. It involves the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and form opinions that are well-informed and unbiased. In today's world, where information is accessible at our fingertips, the importance of critical thinking cannot be overstated.At its core, critical thinking demands a questioning attitude. It encourages us to probe deeper, to seek the truth behind assertions and to question the motives and validity of information presented. This process starts with the recognition that not all information is reliable, and that even the most authoritative sources can sometimes be flawed or biased. By questioning the validity of information, we can avoid being misled by false claims orhalf-truths.Critical thinking also involves the ability to analyze arguments. This involves breaking down complex issues into their constituent parts, examining the evidence presented, and weighing the logic and reasonableness of claims. It requires us to identify assumptions, recognize fallacies, and evaluate the credibility of sources. By doing so, wecan form opinions that are well-informed and rooted in fact.Moreover, critical thinking encourages us to consider alternative perspectives. It reminds us that the world is often more complex than we perceive it to be, and thatthere are multiple valid ways to interpret events and data. By considering alternative viewpoints, we can broaden our understanding of issues and arrive at more comprehensive solutions.In addition to analyzing information and evaluating arguments, critical thinking also involves the ability to communicate effectively. It requires us to express ourideas clearly and coherently, to listen to others'perspectives with openness and respect, and to engage in constructive dialogue. By communicating effectively, we can build bridges of understanding and collaboration, and work towards resolving conflicts and achieving common goals.However, it's worth noting that critical thinking is not always easy. It requires effort, practice, and a willingness to challenge our own beliefs and assumptions. It can be uncomfortable to question the things we have always believed, but it is this process that leads to growth and understanding.In conclusion, critical thinking is an essential skill that can transform the way we view the world and approach problems. It enables us to make informed decisions, avoid being misled by false claims, and build bridges of understanding with others. As we move forward in an increasingly complex world, it is more important than ever that we cultivate and apply the principles of critical thinking in our daily lives. By doing so, we can become more informed, responsible, and engaged citizens of the global community.。



只有坚守初心前行才有曙光英文作文回答例子1:Title: Guided by the Light of Our Original IntentionsIn the vast expanse of life, amidst its labyrinthine twists and turns, it's easy to lose sight of our true purpose. Yet, it is in holding steadfast to our initial aspirations that we find the beacon illuminating our path forward. In this essay, we delve into the profound significance of remaining true to our core convictions and how it leads us towards the dawn of realization and fulfillment.To embark on any journey, we often begin with a spark ignited by our deepest desires and noblest intentions. This spark, the embodiment of our aspirations, serves as our guiding light through the darkness of uncertainty and adversity. However, as we traverse the unpredictable terrain of life, challenges emerge, distractions beckon, and doubts assail our resolve. In such moments, it is imperative to anchor ourselves to our fundamental beliefs, to the essence of our initial inspiration.The notion of '初心' (chūxīn), or original intentions, encapsulates this essence. It embodies the purity of our motives, the clarity of our vision, and the sincerity of our endeavors. Yet, maintaining this purity amidst the chaos of the world is a formidable task. It requires unwavering dedication, resilience in the face of obstacles, and an unwavering commitment to staying true to ourselves.The journey of adhering to our original intentions is akin to navigating through a tempestuous sea. Storms may rage, threatening to engulf us in doubt and despair. Yet, it is precisely during these tempests that the strength of our resolve is tested. It is in clinging steadfastly to our guiding principles that we weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.Moreover, our original intentions serve as a compass, guiding us towards our true purpose and potential. They remind us of our deepest passions, our innate talents, and the unique contributions we can make to the world. When we deviate from this path, lured by the allure of externalvalidation or the pursuit of fleeting pleasures, we risk losing ourselves in the labyrinth of conformity and mediocrity.Furthermore, embracing our original intentions fosters a sense of authenticity and integrity in everything we do. It imbues our actions with meaning and purpose, infusing even the most mundane tasks with a sense of significance. Whether we are pursuing our professional aspirations, nurturing relationships, or simply navigating the complexities of daily life, our original intentions serve as our guiding star, illuminating the path towards self-actualization and fulfillment.In essence, the journey of honoring our original intentions is not merely about reaching a destination; it is about embracing the transformative power of the journey itself. It is about cultivating resilience in the face of adversity, fostering authenticity in a world often characterized by superficiality, and ultimately, discovering the profound sense of fulfillment that comes from living in alignment with our true selves.As we navigate the labyrinth of life, let us remember thatthe light of our original intentions shines brightest in the darkest of times. It is a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and a reminder that, no matter how daunting the journey may seem, we possess within us the power to forge our own path and illuminate the world with the brilliance of our authenticity. In the end, it is through honoring our original intentions that we find not only the dawn of realization but also the boundless potential for growth, fulfillment, and ultimately, the radiant light of our own inner truth.回答例子2:Title: Only by Staying True to Our Original Aspirations Can We Move Towards the DawnIntroduction:In the journey of life, it is crucial to stay true to our original aspirations. It is through this unwavering commitment that we can overcome obstacles and achieve success. This article explores the significance of holding onto our initial motivations and how it leads us towards a brighter future.Body:1. Importance of Initial Aspirations:Our initial aspirations serve as a guiding light, providing us with a sense of direction and purpose. They represent our core values, dreams, and passions. When we hold onto these aspirations, we remain focused and driven, even in the face of adversity. It is our initial aspirations that fuel our determination and propel us forward.2. Overcoming Challenges:Life is filled with challenges and obstacles that can easily divert us from our path. However, by staying true to our original aspirations, we gain the strength and resilience needed to overcome these hurdles. Our unwavering commitment helps us find creative solutions, persevere through tough times, and learn from failures. It is through these experiences that we grow and become better equipped to face future challenges.3. Maintaining Motivation:As time passes, it is natural for our motivation to waver. We may encounter setbacks, distractions, or simply lose sight of our goals. However, by holding onto our initial aspirations, wecan reignite our passion and motivation. Reflecting on why we started in the first place reminds us of our purpose and reignites the fire within us. This renewed motivation becomes the driving force that propels us towards success.4. Navigating Decision-Making:Staying true to our initial aspirations helps us make better decisions. When faced with choices, we can evaluate them against our core values and aspirations. This ensures that our decisions align with our long-term goals and do not deviate us from our desired path. By making choices that are in line with our original intentions, we avoid regrets and create a future that is true to ourselves.5. Achieving Personal Growth:Remaining committed to our initial aspirations leads to personal growth. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to continuously challenge ourselves. As we strive towards our goals, we acquire new skills, knowledge, and experiences. Through this growth, we become more resilient, adaptable, and confident individuals.Conclusion:In conclusion, staying true to our original aspirations is essential for personal and professional growth. It provides us with a sense of purpose, helps us overcome challenges, maintains our motivation, guides our decision-making, and ultimately leads us towards a brighter future. By holding onto our initial aspirations, we illuminate the path ahead and move closer to the dawn of success.。



从容不迫生长的句子英语Unhurried Growth: Embracing the Essence of Natural Evolution.In the tapestry of life, where the threads of time intertwine, the concept of unhurried growth emerges as a guiding principle for those seeking a life of balance and harmony. It is an invitation to embrace the natural rhythms of existence, to cultivate patience, and to allow the seeds of our potential to blossom at their own pace.Unlike the relentless pursuit of instant gratification that pervades modern society, unhurried growth advocatesfor a mindful and deliberate approach to personal development. It recognizes that true transformation is neither hurried nor forced, but rather a gradual and organic process that unfolds in its own time.The Benefits of Unhurried Growth.Embracing unhurried growth brings forth a multitude of profound benefits:1. Enhanced Patience and Resilience: By slowing down our pace, we cultivate patience, a virtue that allows us to weather life's inevitable ups and downs with grace and equanimity. It fosters a resilient mindset that enables us to learn from setbacks and to persevere through challenges.2. Deeper Self-Reflection: The unhurried nature of this approach provides ample time for introspection and self-discovery. By taking the pressure off, we create space for stillness and reflection, allowing us to connect with our inner selves and to gain a clearer understanding of our aspirations and values.3. Improved Decision-Making: The absence of urgency allows us to carefully consider our options and to make informed decisions based on a holistic perspective. By taking the time to gather information, weigh consequences, and align our choices with our core values, we increase the likelihood of making choices that serve our long-term well-being.4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The frenetic pace of modern life can take a significant toll on our mental and emotional health. Unhurried growth, by contrast, promotes a sense of calm and tranquility. By slowing down, we reduce the levels of stress hormones in our bodies, allowing us to experience greater inner peace and clarity.5. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: The unhurried nature of this approach fosters a fertile ground for creativity and innovation. By allowing our minds to wander freely and to connect with the subconscious, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and unconventional ideas.How to Practice Unhurried Growth.Integrating unhurried growth into our daily lives requires a conscious effort and a willingness to challenge the prevailing culture of speed and instant gratification. Here are a few practical steps to help you embark on this journey:1. Set Realistic Goals: Avoid overwhelming yourself with ambitious goals that create a sense of urgency. Instead, break down your aspirations into smaller, manageable steps, allowing yourself ample time to achieve them without compromising quality.2. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.3. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate a habit of mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment without judgment. This practice helps you to slow down, appreciate the little things, and reduce the tendency to dwell on the past or worry about the future.4. Embrace Failure: Understand that failure is an inherent part of the learning process. Instead of fearing mistakes, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Allow yourself to experiment, take risks, andlearn from the lessons that life presents.5. Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature to reconnect with the natural rhythms of life. Observe the gradual changes in the seasons, the slow growth of plants, and the unhurried pace of animals. This connection can help you to cultivate a sense of patience and to appreciate the beauty of the unfolding present moment.Conclusion.Unhurried growth is not about laziness or inaction, but rather about aligning our lives with the natural rhythms of existence. It is about embracing patience, cultivating resilience, and allowing our potential to unfold in its own time. By adopting this mindful and deliberate approach, we can reduce stress, enhance our decision-making abilities, foster creativity and innovation, and ultimately live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Embrace the power of unhurried growth, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.。



In life,we are often faced with difficult decisions that can have a profound impact on our future.These choices may involve career paths,relationships,or even lifealtering events.The process of making such decisions can be challenging,as it requires careful consideration of various factors and potential outcomes.Title:The Art of Making Difficult DecisionsIntroduction:The journey of life is punctuated by moments that demand us to make difficult decisions. These are not mere choices between flavors of ice cream,but rather pivotal moments that can shape our destiny.The art of making such decisions is not innate it is a skill that must be honed through experience and introspection.Body:1.Understanding the Decision:The first step in making a difficult decision is to fully understand what the decision entails.This involves gathering all relevant information and considering all aspects of the situation.It is crucial to be aware of the potential consequences and to weigh them against the benefits.2.Evaluating Personal Values:Our personal values play a significant role in the decisions we make.It is essential to reflect on what is truly important to us and how the decision aligns with our core beliefs. This introspection can provide clarity and help guide us towards the right choice.3.Seeking Advice:While it is ultimately our decision to make,seeking advice from trusted friends,family, or mentors can provide valuable perspectives.They may offer insights that we may not have considered or help us see the situation from a different angle.4.Considering the Longterm Impact:A decisions immediate effects are often clear,but its longterm implications may be more elusive.It is important to think beyond the present and consider how the decision will affect our future,both personally and professionally.5.Embracing Uncertainty:No decision comes with a guarantee of success.There will always be an element of uncertainty,and it is essential to accept this as part of the decisionmaking process. Embracing uncertainty allows us to make decisions with confidence,knowing that wehave done our best to consider all possibilities.6.Making the Decision:Once all factors have been considered,it is time to make the decision.This is often the most challenging part,as it requires us to commit to a course of action.It is important to trust our judgment and to have the courage to follow through with our choice.7.Learning from the Outcome:Regardless of the outcome,there is always something to be learned from the decisionmaking process.Whether the decision proves to be successful or not,the experience can provide valuable lessons that can be applied to future decisions.Conclusion:Making difficult decisions is an inevitable part of life.It is a skill that requires patience, reflection,and courage.By understanding the decision,evaluating our values,seeking advice,considering the longterm impact,embracing uncertainty,and learning from the outcome,we can navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence and wisdom. Ultimately,the art of making difficult decisions is about growth,learning,and moving forward on our unique path.。



理性的英语作文Title: The Importance of Rational Thinking in Decision Making。

In the realm of decision-making, the role of rational thinking cannot be overstated. Rationality serves as a compass guiding individuals through the complexities of choices, enabling them to navigate through uncertainties with clarity and reason. This essay delves into the significance of rationality in decision-making processes, examining its principles, benefits, and real-life applications.Firstly, it's imperative to grasp the essence of rational thinking. At its core, rationality entails the ability to analyze situations objectively, weigh evidence logically, and arrive at conclusions based on sound reasoning rather than emotions or biases. Rational decision-making involves a systematic approach, where individuals assess alternatives, anticipate consequences,and prioritize goals in alignment with their values and objectives.One of the primary benefits of rational thinking in decision making is its capacity to mitigate cognitive biases. Human cognition is susceptible to various biases, such as confirmation bias, anchoring bias, and availability heuristic, which can distort perceptions and lead to flawed decisions. By applying rationality, individuals can recognize and counteract these biases, enhancing thequality and accuracy of their decision-making processes.Moreover, rational thinking fosters consistency and coherence in decision making. It encourages individuals to adhere to logical principles and standards of evidence, ensuring that decisions are based on reliable information and valid arguments. This consistency not only promotes confidence in the decision-maker but also facilitates transparency and accountability in organizational settings.Furthermore, rational decision-making empowers individuals to evaluate risks and uncertainties prudently.Instead of succumbing to fear or impulsivity, rational thinkers assess probabilities, weigh potential outcomes, and devise strategies to mitigate risks effectively. This proactive approach enables individuals to make informed choices even in the face of ambiguity, thereby minimizing the likelihood of adverse consequences.In practical terms, rational thinking finds widespread application across diverse domains, ranging from personal finance to public policy. In financial management, for instance, investors employ rationality to analyze market trends, assess investment opportunities, and optimize portfolio returns. Similarly, policymakers rely on rational decision-making to formulate evidence-based policies, evaluate trade-offs, and address societal challenges effectively.Furthermore, rationality plays a crucial role in interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution. By fostering empathy and understanding, rational thinking facilitates constructive communication and negotiation, enabling individuals to reconcile differences and reachmutually beneficial agreements. In professional settings, leaders leverage rationality to facilitate team collaboration, resolve disputes, and promote organizational harmony.However, it's essential to acknowledge that rationality is not without its limitations. Human decision-making is influenced by a myriad of factors, including emotions, intuitions, and social dynamics, which may not always align with rational principles. Moreover, the pursuit ofrationality alone may overlook the importance of creativity, intuition, and cultural context in decision making.In conclusion, rational thinking serves as acornerstone of effective decision making, enabling individuals to navigate complexity, mitigate biases, and achieve desirable outcomes. By embracing rationality, individuals can cultivate clarity of thought, enhance decision-making capabilities, and contribute to personaland collective flourishing. As we navigate the intricaciesof life, let us heed the call of reason and embrace the power of rational thinking in shaping our destinies.。

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L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Managers as Decision Maker
• Explain why decision making is synonymous with managing.
• Describe the four decision making styles. • Discuss the twelve decision-making biases managers may
exhibit. • Describe how manager can deal with the negative effects
problems. • Discuss why decision criteria are important in the
decision-making process. • Describe how managers develop, analyze, and select
alternatives. • Explain what happens during implementation and
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Managers as Decision Maker (cont’d)
• Explain maximax, maximin, and minimax decision choice approaches.
• List six characteristics of an effective decision-making process.
• Tell what a highly reliable organization is. • Describe the five habits of highly reliable organizations.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Decision Making for Today’s World (cont’d)
• Explain how managers can make effective decisions in today’s world.
Why Study Management?
• Explain the universality of management concept. • Discuss why an understanding of management is
important even if you don’t plan to be a manager. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Decision-Making Process
• Define decision and decision-making process. • Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process. • Explain the challenges managers face in identifying
of decision errors and biases. • Explain the managerial decision-making model.
Decision Making for Today’s World
• Describe today’s decision-makingቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱenvironment.
Decision Making
• Decision
➢ Making a choice from two or more alternatives.
• The Decision-Making Process
making. • Contrast programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. • Define the three forms of programmed decision making. • Contrast the three decision-making conditions.
• Discuss the assumptions of rational decision making. • Describe the concepts of bounded rationality, satisficing,
and escalation of commitment. • Explain what intuition is and how it affects decision
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Is An Organization?
• Describe the characteristics of an organization. • Explain how the concept of an organization is changing.