Unit 4 Making the News 小阅读 加 翻译

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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6. __________(divide into) two parts. Divided into the children play games with each other.
7. Meanwhile, _________(encourage) encouraged by the boss, they will have enthusiasm to finish the job in time.
3. 教亚历克斯滑雪真是一件痛苦的事。 painful/suffering(受苦的)/ torturous(折磨人的)
4. 有些优秀的战地记者为了让人们知道 真实的情况而牺牲了生命。
admirable/excellent/good /great/outstanding… inform…of…/make the thing known/make people know…
a cat caught in the classroom
have your hair cut 3.一个烂了的花瓶
a broken vase
I am surprised at his coming.
5. Once _______ exposed (expose) to the disease, the patients suffer from high fever or even die.
2. If the interviewee lied, can the interviewer accuse him directly? A. No. B. Yes. C. Not known. 3. Who was the first person that saw his article? A. The chief editor. B. The copy editor. C. The senior editor from his apartment. 4. How many negatives did they need for the first stage? A. One. B. Four. C. Ten. 5. What is the correct order of the next items?(排序)
①Write an article. ②One last check and print. ③Design the main headline and smaller heading ④Research for the truth. ⑤ Polish the style. ⑥Interview and collect information. ⑦Check and make sure got the facts straight. ⑧ Set the pages, process into film. ⑨Check the evidence and the article.
the native speaker (who was) 省 略 employed by the newspaper后 置定语… e.g.被小偷骗的那个老男人
the old man (who by the thief
过去分词 was) cheated 复习
1.作定语。a frightened child 2.作表语。I am interested in sports. 3.宾补,使役用法。have sth. done 4.状语,提供前提,状态,表被动或完成, 固定搭配或系表结构。Interested in reading books, I went to the library again.
5. 今天分派给我的任务是对房间进行 一次大扫除。
6. 你知道在哪里能买到一本最新版本的 汉语词典吗? upຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduated/latest/newest…
The end
polluted 8. SARS might relate to _______ (pollute) air. 9. This is an interesting ________ (interest) book.
1. 乔治在理工方面是个很有天赋的学生。(gifted)
2. 他的家人对他的职业选择感到高兴。(delighted; profession)
3. 教亚历克斯滑雪真是一件痛苦的事。(painful; process)
4. 有些优秀的战地记者为了让人们知道真实的情况而牺牲 了生命。(admirable;wartime journalist; inform…of…) 5. 今天分派给我的任务是对房间进行一次大扫除。(my assignment;a thorough clean/cleaning) 6. 你知道在哪里能买到一本最新版本的汉语词典吗? (updated edition)
2. If the interviewee lied, can the interviewer accuse him directly?
A. No. B. Yes. C. Not known.
3. Who was the first person that saw his article? A. The chief editor. B. The copy editor. C. The senior editor from his apartment.
gifted / talented
be gifted with/have the gift for
be good at / do well in
2.他的家人对他的职业选择感到高兴。 词性变换:choose-choice
delighted/happy/excited …
华南师范大学赴汕头十二中实习 沈冰莹 Kane
1. Who did Zhou Yang have an interview with? A.The editor. B. A film star.
C. His friend.
D. His boss.
4. How many negatives did they need for the first stage? A. One. B. Four. C. Ten.
5. What is the correct order of the next items? (排序) ①Write an article. ②One last check and print. ③Design the main headline and smaller heading ④Research for the truth. ⑤Polish the style. ⑥Interview and collect information. ⑦Check and make sure got the facts straight. ⑧ Set the pages, process into film. ⑨Check the evidence and the article. A. ④③⑧⑥⑤⑦①⑨② B. ①⑤⑥④⑨⑦⑧②③ C. ⑥④①⑤③⑨⑦⑧② D. ⑥④①⑤⑨⑧③②⑦