多泵供水卡 (MD32WS)用户手册





MD320系列功率范围是:单相0.4~2.2Kw ,三相0.75~355KW。



3、MD300S1.5和MD300T1.5的额定输出电流分别是多少?为什么差1.732倍?MD300S1.5 额定输出电流是:7.0AMD300T1.5的额定输出电流是:3.8A因MD300T1.5额定输出电压比MD300S1.5额定输出电压大1.732倍,故MD300T1.5额定输出电流比MD300S1.5额定输出电流小1.732倍。

4、客户紧急需要三相220V 15Kw的变频器,汇川三相220V系列非标是在三相380V系列哪个功率的变频器的基础上改制的,为什么?汇川三相220V系列非标是在三相380V系列30kw功率的变频器的基础上改制的,因为三相220V,15kw系列非标的额定输出电流为52A, 三相380V系列30kw功率的变频器的额定输出电流也为60A,功率模块的电流范围是相当的。






12、泵房打开泵进口阀门,打开泵进出口放空阀门,空气放净后关闭; 检查污油盒内无杂物,下泄管畅通,联轴器周围无杂物,护罩牢 固螺丝无松动(风险提示 3)
14、与变电所联系空试低油压,变电所给合闸信号后,按启动按钮, 副岗在泵房投低油压保护开关,跳闸后再试低水压保护,副岗在 泵房试低水压保护开关,跳闸后空试完毕
2、待电流降至空载运行电流或泵压上升到额定压力后,平稳打开泵 出口阀门,调至正常压力后,关闭回流阀门
操作 4、检查仪表指示情况
人员受伤,立即将伤者脱离危险源紧急救治,报 120 将伤者送往医院救
治,同时汇报队值班干部及矿调度(风险提示 3)
5、主岗检查电机、泵轴瓦油位在观察孔 1/2~2/3,油质清澈
检查 和 准备
6、副岗检查冷却水系统,检查清水罐水位 7、副岗打开电机、泵冷却水进出口阀门,润滑油冷却水进出口阀门 8、副岗启动冷却水泵,控制压力小于 0.2MPa,进口温度不超过 30℃
9、副岗检查大罐水位在规定高度(风险提示 2)
10、注水泵盘泵 2~3 圈,联轴器和转子无卡阻和杂音,护罩无磨擦
执行 情况
















Pumping of clear unfilled liquids in housing,agricultural and industrial sectors.•Water supply - Boosting •Watering - Irrigation •High pressure washing •Heating - Air conditioning •Water treatment.Incorporation into modular booster sets dedicated to:•Hotel •Hospitals.Pumped fluids:- Range 304:clear, non-aggressive liquids drinking water, water with glycol)- Range 316L:aggressive liquids (demine-ralized water, sea water, chlorinate water).Flow rates up to:34 m 3/h Head up to:96 m CL Max discharge pressure:10 bar Max suction pressure: 6 bar Temperature range:- 15°to +110°C*Max ambient temperature:+ 50°C ND of ports:1” à 2”* depending on mechanical seal and gasketsN.T. N°141-8/ENG. - Ed.4/05-05HORIZONTAL MULTI-STAGESTAINLESS STEEL PUMPSwith integrated EVS*50/60 Hz2 ranges: stainless steel 304 and 316L* Electronic Variation Speed23596Qm 3/hHmAPPLICATIONS• MUL Ti-HE 403 2G• EVS * for MUL Ti-HE 2G•Reduction of mechanical and electrical constraints compared toa standard pump:- No more successive starts and stops - flexible use, reduction of hammering and knocking- limiting of starting current- adjustment to installation by precise adjustment of speed and pressure.•Automatic diagnosis to facilitate maintenance.•Reduction in sound levels by adapting pump speed to requirements.•Easy installation and use thanks to simple implementation and operation.•SAVINGS- Optimization of complete product pump + motor + converter guaranteeing energy savings.- une seule pompe couvre une gamme complète de pompes standard.- One contact, one supplier for a complete automatic system.•Smaller booster size thanksto integration of frequency converter in pump.•Hydraulic part- All stainless steel.- Centrifugal multistage with 2 to 6 stages. - Horizontal axis- Suction / Discharge orifices tapped.- Axial suction, radial discharge upwards.- Tightness at shaft passage by standardized mechanical seal.• MotorDry motor, 2 pole equipped with VEV. Winding3- phase:380 to 440 V ±6% Frequency:50 and 60 Hz Insulation class:F (155°C) Protection index:IP 54Electronic speed variation is applied tothe asynchronous motors of the MUL TI-HEcentrifugal pumps.The goal is to regulate the speed of the ACmotor by converting voltageand frequency of the mains inputs from 380to 440 V ±6% at 50 or 60 Hz into a threephase voltage system with variable frequencyand amplitude.The frequency converter then makes itpossible to control the speed of the motor.This simultaneous action on the frequencyand voltage is by means of two mainelements:- a diode rectifier-a pulse width modulatinginverter (MLI).The rectifier is a diode bridge. The ACvoltage conducted through the diode bridgeis converted into a rectified DC voltage.At this stage, to refine the quality of the DCvoltage at the rectifier output, a set ofcapacitors and coils eliminates any residualripple output from the rectifier.In this way, we obtain a smooth DC voltagecalled the “DC bus”.With this development, the inverterdefinitively adjusts the voltage at the outputof the variator to optimize the magnetizingof the motor. The set voltage at the inverterinput is converted again into a variablevoltage by acting as voltage pulses for avariable period of time via the transistors.This principle is referred to as pulse widthmodulation. These transistors are controlledby the micro-controller which activates ordeactivates them so as to vary the frequencyat the variator output.The transistors (IGBT: Insulated Gate BipolarTransistor) therefore operate by switching andact as switches to convert the DC voltageinto a variable voltage.The IGBT switching activation frequencycreates variable voltage and frequencymagnitudes.The frequency must be high toeliminate the noise produced bymagnetization (frequency inaudible to thehuman ear: 8 to 16 kHz).Pump code Nominal flow in m 3/h (to 50 hz/2 pole )Number of stages Stainless S = 304 X = 316LE =O-rings : EPDM (WRAS/KTW)V =O-rings : VITON M13 = 1-phase Mode 1-3M2 = 1-phase Mode 2T = 3-phase 2 = 2 Pole2nd Generation inverterMode 1 / manual modeThe pump is installed in the same way as a MUL TI-H standard pump but offers the possibility of manually adjusting its speed and therefore working through a range of flow.Pressure curves according to the needs of the installation.From the required Q/H point,the operating frequency can bedetermined by means of a curve plotter (see the following pages).MUL Ti-HE 402- SE - T/2- 2GRange Stainless 304Stainless 316L2/4/8/162/4/8Main partsMaterialsnon-aggressive aggressiveliquids liquids Pump casing Stainless 304Stainless 316L Impellers Stainless 304Stainless 316L Cells (stage)Stainless 304Stainless 316L Pump shaft Stainless 316L Stainless 316LMechanical seal Si carbide Tg carbide Carbon Carbon O-rings EPDM*Viton**PlugsStainless 316L Stainless 316L* T°110°C — **T°90°CNB: Stainless 304 (Z6CN18-9)or 316 L (Z2CND17-12)recommended materials offering high resistance to corrosion. Clean conveyed liquids with fibers and containing little sand/silica (max concentration 40 g/m 3).Three operating modes can be chosen according to the application and the need. The user selects the operating mode by touch pad.On delivery, the pump is configured in Mode 1.The information is viewed on a display.05-Filling plug06-Drain/priming plug 07-Pipe supports or collar 08-Strainer09-Storage vessel 10-City water networkHA = suction head HR = discharge headMode with pump alone using pressure regulation. The pump is installed with its pressure sensor which can attached either to the pump or on the discharge pipe.The setpoint pressure is adjusted when the pump is installed by means of the touch pad.Operation: when the real pressure measuredon the sensor drops below the set pressure,the pump starts and controls its speed to achieve the set pressure.The pump stops automatically when it detects that flow is zero or that there is a Mode 2 / automatic pump boost system Mode 3/ use of pump on booster The frequency variation is managed by an external control.Starting, stopping and the speed of rotation of the pump are controlled by a 0-10 V or 4-20 mA input signal.KEY01-Foot valve strainer 02-Pump suction valve 03-Pump discharge valve 04-Non-return valve 05-Filling plug06-Drain/priming plug 07-Pipe supports or collar 08-Strainer09-Storage vessel 10-City water network11- Switch/isolator with fuses 12-Concrete block 14-Pressure sensor kit 15-Vessel16- Vessel isolating valve HA = suction head HR = discharge headMode 1Mode 2 Mode 3OKAdjusting of thefrequency from 30% to 100%OKAdjustingof the setpoint(0 to 100% of thesensor’s rating)Adjustingof ALTi-Esetpoint4-20mA or 0-10V sensor (pressure, temperature, flow rate, etc)• Display- Speed shown on the screen• On/Off-Remote-With button• Display- Displaying of pressure for pressureregulation- Displaying of % for other types ofregulation• On/Off- Remote- With button• Pressure regulation- Adjusting of the setpoint using the buttonsOR- Adjusting of the setpoint via external signal• Other types of regulation- Possibility of adjusting the PID corrector- Choosing of the regulation type(flow rate, temperature, etc)• Display- Displaying of the rotation speed• On/Off- Remote- With buttonThe following functions are integrated into the pump, depending on the modes:- Lit display- Remote on-off or with touch pad - Automatic zero flow detection - Water run-out detection- Reducing of the nominal speed according to the liquid pumped.- Protection from:- short-circuits - circuit overloads - over/under-voltages - excessive temperature - microbreaks - missing phase- Maintenance self-troubleshooting via error code on the display.Maintenance troubleshootingAnalysis is based on parameters such as over/undervoltage, sensor power supply failure or cut cable, short circuit, overload, etc. The pump then indicates any faults through the red LED and an error code shown on the display.• 1.1 to 4 kW unit DisplayControl connectorsSwitches for locking the settings and the setpoint SBM unavailability indicator and SSM fault indicator relayPhase 1 / 2 / 3 + ground power terminal blockL1L2L3PEFault typeInverter behaviour SignalingWaiting time Waiting time Max number of State before stopbefore restartdefaults over 24hFault code LED red Variator Temperature 3 s 5 mn*6E30 E31Flashing Short-circuit Immediate 5 s 6E23Flashing LineOvervoltage ≤5 s 5 s*6E05Flashing Undervoltage ≤5 s 5 s*6E04Flashing Missing phase ≤5 s 5 s*6E06 (E04)Flashing Motor Temperature 3 s 5 mn*6E20 (E26)Flashing Short-circuit Immediate 5 mn*6E23Flashing PumpPump blocked 3 s No 1E10Flashing restart Dry operation < 60 s 1 mn 6E00Flashing OverloadVariable 1 mn 6E01Flashing ExternalIncorrect pump code Immediate No 1E99Flashing restart Cable cut in 5 sNo 1E42Flashing(only w.sensor restart4/20 mA)* If the fault is eliminated10203040%0,00,20,40,60,81,0kW01020304050607080Ql/min Ql/sHm100501,5210,5An ESV (Electronic Speed Variation) pump is represented by a network of curves showing the intermediate performances covered.With speed variation, the power input is adapted to the H/Q need required, resulting in large energy savings.10203016202428323650Qm /hHm405048126080100700,00,20,40,60,81,036912010203040%01020304050607080Qm /hkWmQl/min Ql/sHm100501,5210,50,40,61,02468101210203040506005101520253035404550kW%mHm0,51,01,52,02,52600Qm /hkWm002040608005101520253035404550550,00,51,01,52,02,5024680204060kWmHm50- 1600 0,00,51,01,52,02,524681001020304050600051015202530354812162024283236Qm /hkWm%N.P .S.HQm 3/h Qm /hQl/min Ql/sHm100020003000400500600105a) Electrical- Three-phase 380 V/ 440 V - 50/60 Hz,tolerance ±6%, 2 pole.b) Assembly- Installation in an easily-reached place on suction or load side- Mounting on block or directly on smooth and horizontal surface- Pump attachment by 2 holes for Ø M8studs.Connection to installation by flexible pipe with reinforcing spiral or rigid pipe.c) Conditioning- Pump supplied in cardboard package without connection accessories.FEATURES•Suction kit •Isolating valves•Anti-vibration sleeves•Bladder or galvanized vessel •Anti-hammering vessel•Check valves (with ogive or flap, with spring if operation in Mode 2•Foot valve strainer•Dry running protection (mode 1)•Control pressure sensor kitACCESSORIESSENSOR KITS : MOUNTING ACCESSORY Sensor Kits Modelorder reference item reference 6 bar MUL Ti-HE 403CAPTPRESS 6b 4048063MUL Ti-HE 160210 barMUL Ti-HE 205CAPTPRESS 10b4048064MUL Ti-HE 406 MUL Ti-HE 80353 bd de la République - Espace Lumière - Bât. 6 - 78403 Chatou Cedex FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 39 - Fax: +33 (0)1 30 09 82 34 - 。



MD型泵说明书ZL-S306-090312 Rev.0 P.1/5MD型多级离心式煤水泵安装使用说明书中华人民共和国山东博泵科技股份有限公司1. 概述MD型煤水泵系单吸、多级、分段式离心泵。



泵型号意义,以 MD280-60X7为例:MD——多级节段离心式泥浆泵280 ——流量(m3/h)60 ——单级扬程(m)7 ——泵的级数从原动机方向看,泵为顺时针方向旋转。


































1.设置启动停止压力值 默认值为1.5公斤启动,2.9公斤停止。 (1)短按“开/关”键,进入设置状态。 (2)短按上限键,显示:"H2.9"。短按上限值增加0.1KG,长按数值快速增加, 设置完成后,等待2秒钟,数码管显示“888”,自动保存此设置值。 ★上限值设置范围为“下限值~9.9”,循环设置。 (3)短按下限键,显示“L1.5”。短按下限值减小0.1KG,长按数值则连续减小, 设置完成后,等待2秒钟,数码管显示“888”,自动保存此设置值。 ★下限值设置范围为:“缺水保护值~上限值”循环设置。 (4)设置完成后,按“开/关”键进入工作状态。 2.缺水保护值设置方法。 进入设置状态后,短按“缺水”键设置,默认“F0.2”,设置方法同上。 ★ 缺水保护值设置范围“0.1-下限值”之间,可根据实际情况增加或减小,一般 设置范围为:“0.1~0.5”之间。 3.清零操作,误差修正。 进入设置状态后,长按“下限”+“运行”两个键5秒出现“C-L”后,清零成功。 ★ 注意:该操作必须在没有压力的情况下操作。初次安装好以后若未加水压,压 力显示不为0.0,请先做清零操作。 4.停止压力延时设置。 为防止水泵的频繁启动,停止压力延时可设,同时按下“缺水”+“上限”两个 键,出现“n03”(默认延时3秒),通过上下限键修改数据,按开关键保存起效。
代码 H2.9 L1.5 F0.2 E-F E-H 意义 表示水泵停止压力是2.9公斤 表示水泵启动压力是1.5公斤 表示缺水保护压力是0.2公斤 缺水保护中 压力超过使用量程或传感器损坏 处理方法 通过上限键修改数值,循环变化 通过下限键修改数值,循环变化 通过缺水键修改数值,循环变化 按开/关复位,或等来水后自动恢复 检查压力源



3-Way, 2-Position Spool-Type Solenoid ValvesMulti-Functional Flow Control for Fixed Displacement Pumps3-Way, 2-Position Spool-Type Solenoid ValvesMulti-Functional Flow Control for Fixed Displacement PumpsThree-way, 2-position valves typically feature a three-porteddesign allowing flow paths inseveral different configurations, while only connecting two ports in any single position. The valve consists of a series of tapered cylinders with diameters that get smaller from top to bottom. It fits snuggly into a machined cavity port. A seal separates the two possible pathways, i.e., a supply port where pressure exists only when the valve is actuated and a tank port that acts as thehydraulic fluid reservoir.When work is being performed, a spool-type valve’s cylinder-inside-a-cylinder configuration slides back and forth, enabling the pressurized hydraulic fluid to flow to one or the other of the ports, depending upon the function required.Essentially, these valves allow design engineers to switch (divert) between two functions or to simply dump flow where it is not needed, thereby significantly increasing the types of work fixed displacement pumps can perform. Actuation can be achieved using solenoid coils, manual means, electronics or piloted using hydraulic oil. There are even complex systems that combine two or more actuation methods to optimize performance.Three-way, 2-position valves arefurther differentiated by their position at rest. The “normallyopen” design allows flow to travel from the pressure port when at rest; the “normally closed” design does not. How 3-Way, 2-Position Spool-TypeSolenoid Valves WorkFixed displacement pumps are a cost-effective solution for a variety of construction vehicles, from mini excavators, backhoes and dump trucks to larger hand-held snow blowers, skid-steer loaders and street sweepers. But since the amount of pressurized fluid delivered is driven by a constant speed motor, such pumps can only provide a consistent amount of flow, thereby limiting their functionality to less dynamic applications. Further, they do not allow for a no-flow scenario; when the machine and its motor are running, flow occurs whether or not it is actually needed to perform a specific hydraulic function.For engineers designing simple hydraulic circuits, adding one or more 3-way, 2-position spool-type solenoid valves to fixed displacement pump hydraulic systems can extend their capabilities for a nominal investment. This article will explain how such valves work while exploring some of the multi-functional applications made possible by these cleverly designed yet highly cost-effective valve solutions.Smaller-scale construction equipment using fixed displacement pumps can perform multi-directional functionality when used with 3-way, 2-position valves. These valves overcome the inherent limitations of constant flowby changing the flow path, for example, from up and down movement to lateral or tilt movement, as required bythe specific application. Such solutions are more economical and more compact than the typical alternative of doubling the size of the valve and pump to achieve greater flow.In applications where the circuit designer wants to divert flow from one leg of a circuitto another, several 3-way,2-position valves can be a cost-effective solution, emulatinga traditional directionalspool valve in a customizablemanifold setup. If dumpingis required and the systemdemands more than a singleadditional function, thesevalves can similarly be usedin tandem to meet specificfunctional and real estaterequirements.Three-way, 2-position valvesare also useful for applicationswhere flow is not constantlyrequired. Unlike variable flowpumps, fixed displacementpumps are not able to turnflow off except by stoppingthe motor and thereforeall equipment activity. Aconstruction equipment designteam can use these valves todump the oil back to the pump,constantly circulating thehydraulic fluid until it is againneeded to perform a function.No more deadheading andblowing out a pump becausethe uncompressible fluidhas no place to go and exertscontinual pressure on thesystem. Just flip a switch andthe circulating fluid does itsjob; switch it back, and thefluid recirculates through thesystem until it is again needed.Spool-type solenoid valveswork well in applications wherethe fluid is placed in and out ofa holding pattern as functionscease and then resume.However, for applicationssuch as bucket lifts whereloads need to be sustainedin position for a longer time,poppet-style solenoid valves¹are recommended.1 Poppet-style valves are a topic for sepa-rate discussion but essentially, they aredesigned with a spherical or conical, ratherthan a cylindrical shape, and are thereforecapable of achieving a tighter seal. Suchvalves are the preferred solution for load-holding applications.Typical ApplicationsAll 3-way, 2-position spool-type solenoid valves are not created equal. Here are some of the factors to be considered when comparing manufactured valves.• Flow and pressure requirements vary greatly by application, but from a design perspective, the higher the GPM and the PSI, the more versatile the valve.• From an operational perspective, it is essentialthat pressure closely follows actuation. Similarly, whenthe valve closes the response needs to be immediate. Valves that demonstrate low hysteresis provide predictable performance regardless of the direction of actuation. This characteristic facilitates the programming of functions while ensuring the end user is able to operate the equipment more intuitively.• Valves that integrate easily with a full range of hydraulic system components provide design engineers with the flexibility of modular build-outs, allowing designers to customize a manifold blockin as compact a design as possible. Modular designs economize on space and labor requirements, providing designers with greater flexibility as functional requirements evolve. • Ergonomic valveconfigurations optimizeequipment controllability.Quick actuation and precisealignment enable intuitiveoperator use. Ergonomicallydesigned hydraulic circuits giveOEMs a competitive edge byenabling intuitive operationthat improves safety andefficiency and lowers energyusage and operational costs forequipment users.• Maintenance andreplacement requirementsare another consideration. Thecoil on top of these valves iscontinually pushing or pullingso coil replacement needs to beeasy. The wires and connectorscan also wear due to corrosionor from being over-energizedwith current. Ideally, the valveshould be removable from themanifold with minimal effortand without removing theentire block assembly.• Temperature resistance is acritical performance factor forthe valve’s seal. Nitrile seals witha 250° F temperature thresholdare the industry standard. Coldtemperature resistance shouldalso be considered.Differentiating 3-Way, 2-Position ValvesBy partnering with the world leader in fully integrated hydraulic systems, OEM design engineers benefitfrom envelope-expanding performance thresholds and a depth of real-world experience with a vast range of hydraulic applications.• Ease of Maintenance - The modularity of Parker hydraulic system designs makes component replacementfast and easy. When the coil requires replacement in a Parker 3-way, 2-positionspool-type solenoid valve, all that is required is to remove a single coil nut. Then, without removing the valve from the manifold, the new coil canbe dropped into place before retightening the cartridge valve. • Superior SealPerformance - As partof the Parker Winner’sCircle series of hydrauliccomponents, these valvesfeature seals made from aproprietary compound thatcan sustain both higherand lower temperaturethresholds than the nitrileseal compounds used bymost valve manufacturers.Fluorocarbon seals withhigh-temperature thresholdsof 400°F are also available forequipment used in extremeenvironments.• Nominal Pressure DropDuring Flow - Althoughsome pressure loss duringflow is inevitable with any3-way, 2-position valveconfiguration, pressuredrop with the Parker designis considerably lower incomparison with othermanufactured valves due toa less restrictive flow path.• Exceptional ActuationResponse - Responsivenessat actuation is also superior,with a response time of only 50milliseconds.• Convenient On-LineProcurement - The Parker3-way, 2-position spool-typesolenoid valves are readilyavailable for on-line purchasein sizes -8 and -10. Additionalsizes are also availablethrough the Parker worldwidedistribution network.• Manual Override - Twomanual override functions helpto ensure worker safety.Perhaps most importantly,the Parker global footprintensures predictable availabilityand serviceability, includingdesign support to optimizeefficiency and field-basedtroubleshooting on everycontinent.Additional Valve Selection ConsiderationsJune 2019© 2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin CorporationHydraulic Cartridge Systems Division 595 Schelter Rd.Lincolnshire, IL 60069Ph: 847 955 /hcsStephen BruntonAbout ParkerAs the leading globalprovider of fully integrated hydraulic systems andadvanced hydromechanical and electromechanicalsubsystems and components, the Parker Hydraulic Systems Division is ideally positioned to provide the engineering expertise, precisionmanufacturing and reliable distribution network needed by construction equipment OEMs and their customers to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitiveglobal market.。



1. 产品简介

2. 产品特点



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4. 使用方法





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WP29 WP32 电动水泵快速入门指南说明书

WP29 WP32 电动水泵快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start GuideWP29/WP32 Electric Water PumpThis Manual Is Effective For ConsumerInstallations Of EMP WP29 And WP32 Water PumpsOEM Installers Must Contact EMP For Production RequirementsRev Rev By Date Description of Change Approved By A SRS 02/13/17 New Release ECN4286Engineered Machined Products Inc.2701 North 30th StreetEscanaba, MI, USA 49829Phone: +1 (906) 789-7497********************Product OverviewThe WP29 and WP32 are electrically powered fluid pumps available in 12 volt DC and 24V DC configurations. The pump is standard with carbon steel shafts. Proper installation of the pump will help ensure the performance and reliability of the electric pump while reducing the risk of damage to other components in the system.The information contained in this manual is updated periodically. While great care is taken in compiling the information contained in this manual, Engineered Machined Products, Inc. cannot assume liability for losses of any nature arising from any errors and/or omissions.The information and specifications contained throughout this manual are up to date at the time of publication. Engineered Machined Products, Inc. reserves the right to change the content of this manual at any time without notice.Table Of Contents Table of ContentsProduct Overview (2)Table of Contents (3)Safety (4)Warnings, Cautions & Notes (4)Product Safety Warnings (4)Purpose (5)Specifications (5)Dimensions (5)Hole Locations/Bolt Spacing (5)Electrical (5)Identification (6)Label Details (6)Installation (7)Proper Pump Orientation (7)Incorrect Pump Orientation and Reasons (8)Recommended Plumbing (9)Hose Clamps (9)Pump Mounting (9)Electrical (10)Connector Pin-outs (10)Mating Connectors (10)Ignition Input (11)Wire Sizing (11)Recommended Wiring Practices (11)Fluids (12)Approved Coolants (12)Supplementary Coolant Additives (SCA) (12)Coolant Fill Procedure (12)Routine Maintenance Schedule (13)EMPower Connect™ Service Tool (13)Troubleshooting (14)Technical Help (14)Safety SafetyWarnings, Cautions & NotesThree types of headings are used in this manual to stress your safety and safe operation of the system. They appear in the text as follows:WARNING: This symbol is used to make you aware of an unsafe condition, hazard, or practice that can result in personal injury or death.CAUTION: This symbol is used to alert you to a condition or practice that can cause damage to the system or the vehicle, or both.NOTE: Is used to provide additional information that requires special attention by the technician.Product Safety WarningsWARNING:EMP cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The safety messages in this document, in related manuals, and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method, or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by EMP is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should ensure that the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, maintenance, or repair procedures that you choose.WARNING:Ensure that all safety messages and information messages are read and understood before installation, maintenance, or any repairs are performed. The person servicing may be unfamiliar with many of the systems on the vehicle. It is important to use caution when service work is performed. Knowledge of the vehicle system and operation are important before the removal or disassembly of any component.WARNING: Make sure the equipment cannot move while being serviced. If on vehicle, ensure the vehicle is in neutral, the parking brake is set, and the wheels are blocked before doing any work or diagnostic procedures on the EMP component, system, or vehicle.WARNING: Disconnect the power supply, main negative battery cable, and/or switch off the battery disconnect switch before installation or servicing.WARNING: Use extreme caution when working on systems under pressure (i.e. coolant, hydraulic fluids, air, fire suppression, etc…)WARNING: Make sure the work area is ventilated and well lit.WARNING: Make sure charged fire extinguishers are in the work area.WARNING: Reinstall all safety guards, shields, and covers after servicing the equipment or vehicle.WARNING:Make sure all tools, parts, and service equipment are removed from the equipment, engine compartment, and/or vehicle after all work is done.WARNING:Ensure that all system power and ground connection points are properly secured. Improper attachments at any point of the equipment or vehicle system power and ground can result in loose connections which can damage electronic components on EMP components and systems and will void EMP warranty.Purpose PurposeThe purpose of this Quick Start Guide is to present information related to the pump’s dimensions, electrical specifications, coolant guidelines, recommended plumbing, and routine maintenance.NOTE: For production applications of this product, the full installation specifications must be met. Contact EMP to request documentation.SpecificationsImportant Note:Images do not represent acceptable mounting positions. They are for dimensional reference only.DimensionsFigure 1Hole Locations/Bolt SpacingFigure 2ElectricalTable 1Operating Voltage (DC) Rated Output Min Max12V Models 13.5V nominal 9V 16V24V Models 27.0V nominal 18V 32VIdentification IdentificationThe product identification labels are attached to the controller housing next to the electrical interface of the pump. The pump hardware part and serial numbers are located on the upper label. The lower label identifies the Programmed Assembly number and the associated control software as the pump leaves the manufacturing facility.Figure 3Label DetailsFigure 4InstallationProper Pump OrientationFor vertical, horizontal, and dual orientation specific pumps, orientations are tied to the individual pump part numbers. The part number includes the motor stator for the appropriate voltage, the controller circuit board, and the vent port configuration.The Dual Orientation pumps cannot be mounted at any arbitrary angle (i.e. 45 degrees off axis) for a list of part numbers with dual orientation. Standard Service pumps can use either the Vertical or Horizontal Orientations for list of part numbers with vertical and horizontal orientations.Figure 5 - Vertical Pump Orientation – (Pump is shown at -5 degrees nominal angle)Figure 6 - Horizontal Pump Orientation – (Pump is shown at -5 degrees nominal angle)Incorrect Pump Orientation and ReasonsThe WP29 and WP32 contain a mechanical seal; 0.1cubic centimeters per hour may weep past the seal as a part of normal operation. To properly collect the weepage pump orientation is important. Too steep of an angle will not allow the fluid to collect in the weep pocket and evaporate off and the pump may appear to be leaking when in fact it is operating as designed. An incorrect mounting angle may also result in too much fluid being retained in the weep pocket resulting in bearing contamination and reduced service life. See Figure 7 for incorrect pump orientation and reasons. The WP29 and WP32 are marked with orientation labels. (See Figure 8 and Figure 9 below).Figure 7 - Incorrect Pump Orientation and ReasonsFigure 8 - Vertical Pump Orientation LabelFigure 9 - Horizontal Pump Orientation LabelPump Inlet must be plumbed using 25mm (1.0 inch)diameter hose and/or thin walled tubing from thefluid supply to the pump inlet.A restriction in the inlet plumbing is allowed as longas the flow diameter is not less than 17mm (0.75inch) and does not exceed 25mm (1.0 inch) inlength.CAUTION: Localized high spots in theplumbing will cause air to be trapped in the pumpcausing the pump to be air locked. The result ofair trapped in the pump is loss of prime and nofluid moving resulting in water seal damage orpotential system component damage.Figure 10 CAUTION: EMP warranty does not coverseal damage due to low lubrication.Hose ClampsWhen making the inlet and outlet hose connections to the pump it is strongly recommended to use SAE20CT worm drive type hose clamps. Torque worm drive clamps to 45 in-lbs per SAE J1508. Spring type clamps are not recommended.Pump MountingMounting ScrewsMounting screws used should be M8 x 1.25 screws (quantity = 4). These must have a minimum thread engagement of 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) and be tightened to a torque of 15 ft-lb (20N-m).CAUTION: The mounting holes are tapped to a depth of 0.59 inches (15mm). Be aware of the bracket thickness when selecting the fastener length to ensure that the fastener will not bottom out in the pump housing.Bracket Mounting• Hard Mount pump on a solid bracket• Bracket material should be .187 inch minimum thickness• Bracket natural frequency must be above 150 Hz with pump mounted.• Bracket should shield weep holes if possible• Locate the pump away from external heat sources and direct road sprayCAUTION: Using isolators may cause pump damage. If using the isolators, it is the installer’s responsibility to Verify isolator size for pump weight and operating conditions with isolator vendor to ensure correct isolator.ElectricalElectricalConnector Pin-outsFigure 11 - Controller ConnectorsMating ConnectorsThe mating connectors and pins are available from your EMP distributor in kit 1370001077 for the 6 pin and 1370001078 for the 4 pin connector.Table 26 Pin Connector Deutsch Part Numbers 4 Pin Connector Deutsch Part NumbersDescription Part Number Description Part Number Socket Pins 0462-201-20141 Socket Pins 0462-203-12141 Connector Body DTM06-6S Connector Body DTP06-4S Wedge Lock WM-6SWedge lock WP-4S Plugs0413-204-2005Plugs114017NOTE: If CAN or Serial TTL control is not used the 6 pin DTM connector must be blocked off to prevent entry of water or dirt which will result in damage to the pump. A block off plug is supplied with the pump.Figure 12 - Sample Wiring Schematic – Harness 3170001029 is available for purchaseNOTE: These represent the controller connectors – not the mating harness connectors.NOTE: Addressing and motor status message information can be found in our J1939 Motor Control Document, 99800010681 – CANH2 – CAN SHIELD3 – SERIAL GND4 – SERIAL TX5 – SERIAL RX6 – CANL1 – TEMP INPUT OR CAN ADDRESS2 – GND3 – BATT4 - IGNITIONElectricalIgnition InputPin 4 on the 4-pin connector is used for ignition. This should be tied to a switched power supply, separate from the power and ground pins.The ignition input must be used to turn the pump “on” and “off”. This is to ensure that the fault code history and warranty data is captured in the pump’s memory.Table 3 - Vehicle Ignition ParametersVehicle Ignition ParametersV in Limits 9V minimum32V maximumV in Nominal 13.5V (12V system)27V (24V system)Ignition Current ***********4mA @ 27VWire Sizing•For complete connector body sealing the ignition wire should be 16ga minimum and thepower and ground wires should be 12ga minimum.•Wire jacket diameter must be compatible with seal requirements. Recommended Wiring Practices •Wiring or electrical harness must not rub on sharp edges.•The electrical harness should not be stressed at connections. Wires pulling on connectorscan compromise the connector body seal andpossibly create a water intrusion event.•The voltage drop between the battery and the pump should not exceed 5% of the ratedbattery voltage. This should be verified at thepump’s maximum current draw. Wiring orelectrical harness must not rub or makecontact with a hot surface. There should be 5"minimum clearance from the exhaust. •Wiring or electrical harness should be supported at least every 18" to 20".•To avoid possible fire or shock, do not pinch any wiring or electrical harnesses. •Incorporate Drip Loops into wiring designs.The pump connectors are environmentallysealed. However, good wire management canhelp ensure a good seal over the life of theproduct. Drip loops collect water and shed itaway from connector.•The use of Dielectric Grease such as Dow Corning DC-4 is acceptable as long as theconnection is mated directly after greaseapplication to prevent dirt from being capturedby the grease.FluidsFluidsApproved CoolantsBased on field testing and experience, the WP29/WP32 is compatible with the following coolant types:1. Ethylene Glycol2. HOAT ( Hybrid Organic Acid Technology)3. OAT (Organic Acid Technology)4. Propylene GlycolNOTE: Use distilled water to dilute coolant or use pre-mix coolant.Supplementary Coolant Additives (SCA)Coolant additives are allowed with the WP29/WP32 water pump. The additive must be compatible with the base coolant and all contact surfaces of the pump. The additive concentration must be within the additive manufacturer’s specification. Damage to the pump or the system will not be warranted if the additive is not compatible with the base coolant or the concentration is outside manufacturer recommendations.CAUTION: Use of “Stop Leak” style system additives is not approved.CAUTION: Mixing of coolants can cause problems with the cooling system. Fluids can interact resulting in damage to the cooling system and pump. Coolant Fill ProcedureEach time the cooling system is drained, caution must be taken to ensure the system is refilled properly to prevent running the pump in a dry state.1. Install pump and piping according toinstallation instructions.2. Ensure flow path is open through the entiresystem.3. Fill the system with coolant such that thepump is filled with coolant and there is coolantwithout air pockets in the piping leading to thepump.4. Run the pump at high speed, ensuring coolantlevels are topped off as air is pushed out ofthe system. Do not allow the pump coolantsupply to become empty.5. Verify coolant flow in the surge tank or heatexchanger to ensure pump operation. If noflow is detected, turn the pump off andevacuate system air.CAUTION: Do not run the pump without fluid present. If run dry even for a short period the seal will be damaged.CAUTION: Pump may start running upon connection of power, ground and ignition. Do not make electrical connections until pump and system are filled with coolant.Maintenance and ServiceRoutine Maintenance ScheduleFrequency ActionWhen checking/filling vehicle fluids Ensure fluid levels are correct. Low coolant can cause a pump seal failure.Every engine oil change Inspect cooling system for leaks. Sample coolant and check to ensure coolant meets minimum coolant quality requirements. Before removing the pump, evaluate the leak using the methods outlined in the physical inspection of this document.Every three months or more often if conditions are harsh* Visually inspect exterior of pump and ensure weep holes are not clogged by debris. Check wires for wear or frayed insulation. Ensure all electrical connections are tight.Annually+ Ensure connections aretightened to proper torquerating. Ensure all wires andpin connections are intact.Inspect support structure forany damage or loosehardware.+ Inspections should also be conducted after any service to the unit. EMPower Connect™ Service ToolMonitoring operation and manual control of the pump can be accomplished using the service tool EMPower Connect™ which is part of the EMP Service Suite available at no cost on our website: /support/downloads/To use EMPower Connect™, download and install the Service Suite software on your Windows PC. An interface device will be needed between the computer and the pump.If the pump is being run without J1939 CAN, use an interface cable from the 6 pin Deutsch connector on the pump and an EMP USB/TTL converter. The harness and converter are available as a kit (P/N 7500038001). If the pump is on a J1939 CAN bus EMPower Connect™ can be connected using an RP1210 compatible Data Link Adapter (DLA) to interface to the CAN bus.Troubleshooting and Technical HelpTroubleshootingSymptomCheckPump not running.• Check electrical connections • Check ignition wire• Check if ignition wire is “on” • Verify pin locationPump is running but not pumping fluid.• Check system fluid level• Check for tubing restrictions (kinks) • Make sure pump is primed• Check for collapsed inlet or outlet hose • Check pump inlet for trapped debris No CANcommunication and/or pump not responding to CAN commands. • Check communication harness wiring.• Verify that the proper component CAN address is being used. • Verify that CAN messages are being transmitted in the properformats (Contact EMP Technical Support for CAN message details). Pump is leaking excessively while running.Replace pump. No action is required by customers for pumps exhibiting acceptable leakage as describedTechnical HelpIf your questions are not answered in this guide, contact EMP Customer Service for technical help via email at ********************. Provide the serial number of the pump you are working with.。

卡莫齐 md系列 3 2 路隔离阀 使用说明书

卡莫齐 md系列 3 2 路隔离阀 使用说明书

S E R I E S M D 3/2-W A Y I S O L A T I O N V A L V E SSeries MDlockable isolation 3/2-way valvesPorts with interchangeable cartridges: threaded (1/8, 1/4, 3/8) or integrated with super-rapid fitting for tube with Ø 6, 8 and 10 mm ModularManual, electro-pneumatic, servo-pilot and pneumatic controlThe Series MD offers multi-sector solutions that ensure saving in terms of installation time, space and costs.Series MD lockable isolation valves allow the inlet and exhaust of compressed air from the plant and can meet several application requirements.The electric version can be equipped with different options of manual override (Push & Turn, Push-in, retaining lever). Moreover, a version without override is also available.The manually operated valve can be locked thanks to the use of padlocks.»Standard tamperproof lock-out (manual valve) »24 V, 110 V or 230 V coils »Solenoid valve with or without manual override available in different types»Additional air intakes with the same characteristics of the inlet air (line)GENERAL DATAConstruction modular, compact, spool-typeMaterials see TABLE OF MATERIALS on the following pagePorts with interchangeable cartridges: 1/8, 1/4 and 3/8 threaded, integrated with super-rapid fitting for tube with Ø 6, 8 and 10 mmFixingin-line;wall-mounting by means of through holes in the body or with a support bracket; panel-mounting (for manually operated version only)Operating temperature -5°C ÷ 50°C up to 16 barOperating pressureManual valve: -0.8 bar ÷ 10 barElectro-pneumatic valve: 2 bar ÷ 10 barServopilot or pneumatic valve: -0.8 bar ÷ 10 bar (with pilot 2 ÷ 10 bar)Nominal flowsee FLOW DIAGRAMS on the following pagesNominal exhaust flow at 6 bar with ∆p = 1 bar 850 Nl/min Fluidcompressed airS E R I E S M D 3/2-W A Y I S O L A T I O N V A L V E SCODING EXAMPLE* NOTE: if the inlet (IN) cartridge is different from the outlet (OUT) cartridge, both dimensions shall be indicated.Example: MD1-V01-1/4-1/8TYPES OF MANUAL OVERRIDEPush & Turn manual overrideIT = without manual overrideIL = bistable manual override, lever typeIM = monostable manual overrideSeries MD lockable isolation 3/2-way valves - materialsS E R I E S M D3/2-W A YI S O L A T I O N V A L V E SPorts with interchangeable G1/8 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)Ports with interchangeable G1/4 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)FLOW DIAGRAMS for manually operated modelsPorts with interchangeable G3/8 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)FLOW DIAGRAM for manually operated modelsS E R I E S M D 3/2-W A Y I S O L A T I O N V A L V E SPorts with interchangeable G1/8 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)Ports with interchangeable G1/4 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)FLOW DIAGRAMS for electro-pneumatically or pneumatically operated modelsPorts with interchangeable G3/8 threaded cartridgesΔp = Pressure drop (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min)FLOW DIAGRAM for electro-pneumatically or pneumatically operated modelsS E R I E SM D 3/2-W A Y I S O L A T I O N V A L V E SVN27 = Lockable bistable manual valve 3/2Fig. 1 = closed valve Fig. 2 = open valveManually operated valves - dimensions* = add:- IL for the version with bistable manual override, lever type (EV10)- IM for the version with monostable manual override (EV54)- IT for the version without manual override (EV55)Electro-pneumatically operated valves - dimensionsS E R I E S M D 3/2-W A Y I S O L A T I O N V A L V E SYES1 = pneumatically operated valve, 3/2, monostable, mechanicalspringPneumatically operated valves - dimensions。




2.二、技术参数 (2)三、设置说明。

2.3.1扣费模式设置 (2)§定时模式设置。

3.§b计量模式设置 (3)3.2支持卡的设置。

3.§a挂失卡设置 (3)§B密码卡设置。

3.§c用户卡设置 (3)3.3充电机的设置。

3.3.4特殊字符说明 (4)3.5接线图。

4.四、常见问题排除 (5)五、说明和功能介绍。

7.六、产品质保 (10)一、概述智能ic卡节水控制器实现非接触式感应ic卡作为电子钱包,以预付费的1方式实时扣取卡中金额,通过对出水管道电磁阀的开关控制来实现精确计费达到节约用水的目的。













ContentsBrief Introduction (2)1. USE: (2)2. MANUAL OPERATION: (2)3. AUTOMATED OPERATION: (2)4. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION: (2)5. GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS BEFORE DISASSEMBLING & CLEANING THE VALVE: (2)6. DISASSEMBLING, CLEANING AND REBUILDING THE VALVE: (2)REASSEMBLY OF VALVE (3)Assembling handle for 1-1/2” and 2” valves: (8)Assembling handle for 2-1/2” thru 4” (9)Assembling handle for 6” Valve (10)Table A: Torque Values to Tighten the Body/Cover Studs and Nuts (12)Table B: Torque Values to Tighten the Gland Bolt /Nut For Stem Packing (12)TABLE C: COVER STUD AND COVER NUT, BODY STUD AND BODY NUT TIGHTENING SEQUENCE (13)COVER STUD AND NUT TIGHTEN SEQUENCE: (13)BODY STUD AND NUT TIGHTEN SEQUENCE: (13)EXPLODED VIEW AND BILL OF MATERIALS (14)EXPLODED VIEW (14)BILL OF MATERIALS (15)REPAIR KITS (16)Brief IntroductionThe Series 31 Three-way multi-port ball valve allows for easy replacement of gasket, seal, and seats without special tools.Series 31 ball valves use a trunnion ball design. The ball stem, ball and lower trunnion shaft are one piece.1. USE:1.1 Life of valve can be maximized if the valve is used within the rated range, in accordance with pressure, temperature, andcorrosion data.1.2 As shipped from the factory, valves contain silicone-free lubricant. If silicone free lubricate is unacceptable for yourapplication, you may disassemble the valve and wash the parts in solvent. The valves may also be ordered from thefactory either degreased and bagged or oxygen cleaned.2. MANUAL OPERATION:2.1 To change flow pattern of the valve, turn the handle ¼ turn (90 degrees).2.2 Both T port and L port are available.2.3 Flow path is clearly marked on the stem and handle washer.3. AUTOMATED OPERATION:3.1 Valves with actuators should be checked for valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment will result in highoperational torque and unnecessary wear on the stem seal.4. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION:4.1 The valve may be fitted in any position on the pipeline.4.2 To prevent damage to the seats and ball surface, the pipeline must be flushed, free of dirt, burrs, and welding residuesbefore installing the valve.5. GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS BEFORE DISASSEMBLING & CLEANING THE VALVE:CAUTION, FLUIDS CAN BE TRAPPED IN THE BODY OF THE VALVE POSSIBILY UNDER HIGH PRESSURE.WARNINGFOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS BE TAKEN BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE VALVE FROM THE LINE OR ANY DISASSEMBLY.5.1If the valve has been used to control hazardous media, it must be decontaminated before disassembly.It is recommended that the following steps are taken for safe removal and reassembly.5.2. Wear protective clothing and equipment when working with potentially harmful fluids.5.3. Depressurize the line and cycle the valve as follows:5.4. Place the valve in a mid-port position and drain the line.5.5. Cycle the valve to relieve residual pressure in the body cavity before removal from theline.5.6. Allow valve to cool if valve is used in high temperature applications.5.7. After removal and before any disassembly, cycle the valve again several times to relieveextra trapped fluids or gases in the body section.6. DISASSEMBLING, CLEANING AND REBUILDING THE VALVE:Caution When replacing Teflon parts, please replace all seats, joint gaskets,Gland packing and stem O-ring.6.1Carefully mark the orientation of the top cover to the body and each end cap to the body. This will make reassembly of the valve more accurate.6.2 Loosen and remove handle stop bolt (21) & bolt nut (22). Loose set screw in the side of the handle. Then remove handlescrew (19), lift off handle. For valves 2-/12”thru 6” remove handle screw (19), remove indicator plate (18), and lift off handle (16) and handle hub (17) together.6.3 Remove gland nuts (28) then remove gland bolts (27) Note on the 6” valve only the Belleville washers (14) are on the packing gland bolts. Lift packing gland (20) straight up. Remove Belleville washers (14) note orientation of washers then remove gland bushing (13). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE PACKING FROM THE GLAND NOW.6.4 Loosen nuts (24), take out end cap (2), the seats (5) should come out with the end caps. Also remove the joint gasket (9). 6.5 Remove cover nuts (25), lift off top cover (3) and cover joint gasket (10).6.6 Carefully remove packing (part no. 10) from top cover by using a suitable tool that will not damage/scratch the packing gland. 6.7 Carefully remove ball / stem (4) from body. Remove stem O-ring (11) from stem. 6.8 Remove thrust washer (6), trunnion bushing (7) and anti-static spring (8).6.9 Clean all the metal parts the valve. Then inspect for damage or wear. Any parts that are worn or damaged must be replacedbefore valve can be reassembled.REASSEMBLY OF VALVE6.10 Install the Trunnion bushing (7) into the trunnion cavity in the bottom of the body..6.11 Put the anti-static spring (8) into the trunnion bushing.6.12 Place the thrust washer (6) on top of the trunnion bushing.6.13 Carefully lower ball/stem into the body. Use care that the lower trunnion slides thru the thrust washer (6) and into the trunnion bushing (7). Rotate to make sure ball rotates freely in trunnion bushing.6.14 Lightly lubricate O-ring (11) with a compatible lubricate for the service. Carefully install O-ring (11) onto the ball/stem groove (4). Make sure the top cover studs and all end cap studs are fully seated in the body.6.15 Place cover gasket (10) in place on the top cover. Realign the top cover to the body per the alignment marks when the valve was disassembled. Lower top cover (3) carefully over O-ring until top cover contacts the body (1). Check to make sure, the cover gasket is properly seated.6.16 Install top cover nuts (25) hand tight. Rotate stem to check for freedom of rotation. Then torque nuts to 25% of torque value in Table A and tighten in diagonal pattern per Table C. Rotate stem again to check smooth rotation. Tighten top cover nuts to 100% of torque value again in a diagonal pattern per Table A. Stem should rotate freely.6.17 Place the seats (5) into the end caps (2), make certain that the seats are installed correctly. The slide the joint gaskets (9) onto the end caps (2). For the 6” valve only see the drawing below for the correct installation of the seat.6.18 Mount end cap (2) to the body (1), material code must be facing up. Hand tighten end cap nuts (24). Then move on to the next end cap and repeat process for remaining 2 end caps. Rotate valve and make sure all seats and end caps are in alignment. Rotate stem/ball till a closed port is facing you. Then tighten end cap nuts to 25% of torque value in Table A in a diagonal pattern per Table A. Rotate valve stem 90 degrees or until the port is closed on the next end cap. Then tighten end cap nuts to 25% of torque value in Table A in a diagonal pattern per Table A. Repeat for the last end cap. Rotate the stem and check for smooth operation. Repeat entire process tightening the end cap nuts to the torque value in Table A. This process allows the seats to confirm to the ball gradually and greatly increases the life of the seats.6.19 Rotate the valve to the correct port orientation.6.20 Slide the PTFE gland packing (12) over the stem and into the body. The darkercolored (RTFE) piece goes in last or on top.6.21 Place the gland bush (13) over the stem and slide down to contact the gland packing.6.22 Install the Belleville washers (14) onto the stem. Except for the 6” size see below installation pictures ..6.23 Place the packing gland (20) over the stem and slide down to the Belleville washers.6.24 Slide the gland bolt (27), into the packing gland (20), tighten the gland nut (28) by hand, keeping the packing gland level.6.25 Please refer to the torque figure (See Table B) to tighten the gland (#13).For 6” Valve Only6.26 Put the 4 each Belleville washers (14) and packing gland nut (29), tighten up per the torque value in Table B. Use care totighten each side equally.Assembling handle for 1-1/2” and 2” valves :Place handle (20), over the valve stem in the correct orientation. Insert handle bolt (19) and tighten. Also retighten setscrew on lower portion of handle against stem flats. Place handle stop bolt (22) in the mounting pad hole, and then put nut & washer (23) on the handle stop bolt and tighten.If the valve was equipped with an actuator or manual gear replace in the reverse order that it was removed.Check the valve assembly for smooth operation. Test for leakage both externally and the seats based on the application requirements.Assembling handle for 2-1/2” thru 4”1. Place handle hub (17) over stem in correct orientation.2. Place the handle (16) thru the hub.3. Place handle bushing into hub.4. Insert indicator plate (18), and lock washer onto handle bolt (19). Feed assembly thru handle bushing and into valvestem and tighten. Make sure indicator plate indicates correct flow pattern. Install handle stop bolt and tighten. 5. If the valve was equipped with an actuator or manual gear replace in the reverse order that it was removed. 6. Check the valve assembly for smooth operation. Test for leakage both externally and the seats based on theapplication requirements.Assembling handle for 6” Valve1. Place handle hub (17) over stem in correct orientation.2. Place the handle (16) thru the hub.3. Place the washer and indicator plate (18), over the handle bolt (19) and tighten. Also tighten set screw in lower portion ofhub next to stem flats.4. Make sure indicator plate indicates correct flow pattern.5. Install handle stop bolt (22) and tighten.7. If the valve was equipped with an actuator or manual gear replace in the reverse order that it was removed. 8. Check the valve assembly for smooth operation. Test for leakage both externally and the seats based on theapplication requirements.TABLE C: COVER STUD AND COVER NUT, BODY STUD AND BODY NUT TIGHTENING SEQUENCEThe illustrations below illustrate how to tighten the Studs and nuts on the top cover and end caps in a diagonal pattern.COVER STUD AND NUT TIGHTEN SEQUENCE:1-1/2” ~ 3” 4” 6”BODY STUD AND NUT TIGHTEN SEQUENCE:1-1/2”~3” 4” 6”EXPLODED VIEW AND BILL OF MATERIALS EXPLODED VIEWREPAIR KITSA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。














目录一、概述 ???????????????????(4)二、结构特征与工作原理 ????????????(4)三、技术特性 ?????????????????(8)四、外形及安装尺寸 ??????????????(15)五、水泵的安装与调试 ?????????????(19)六、水泵的使用、操作 ?????????????(20)七、故障分析与排除 ??????????????(21)八、保养、维修 ???????????????? (22)九、运输、贮存 ???????????????? (23)十、开箱及检查???????????????? (23)十一、安标受控零部件明细表???????????(23)十二、易损件明细表???????????????(24)十三、成套供应明细表??????????????(25)一、概述1、 md 型煤矿用耐磨多级离心泵,是我厂在引进、消化、吸收先进技术基础上研制开发成功的,该产品不仅效率高、汽蚀性能好、关键是运行平稳可靠。




MD320系列功率范围是:单相0.4~2.2Kw ,三相0.75~355KW。



3、MD300S1.5和MD300T1.5的额定输出电流分别是多少?为什么差1.732倍?MD300S1.5 额定输出电流是:7.0AMD300T1.5的额定输出电流是:3.8A因MD300T1.5额定输出电压比MD300S1.5额定输出电压大1.732倍,故MD300T1.5额定输出电流比MD300S1.5额定输出电流小1.732倍。

4、客户紧急需要三相220V 15Kw的变频器,汇川三相220V系列非标是在三相380V系列哪个功率的变频器的基础上改制的,为什么?汇川三相220V系列非标是在三相380V系列30kw功率的变频器的基础上改制的,因为三相220V,15kw系列非标的额定输出电流为52A, 三相380V系列30kw功率的变频器的额定输出电流也为60A,功率模块的电流范围是相当的。




厨卫设备-Elkay LMSWSVR多功能水源站说明书

厨卫设备-Elkay LMSWSVR多功能水源站说明书

© 2015 Elkay SPEC00378 8/15SPECIFICATIONSAll-in-One Multi-station Drinking Fountainwith Bottle Filler and Bacterial FilterModels LMSWSVR2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL In keeping with our policy of continuing product improvement, Elkay reserves the right to change specification without notice. Please visit for the most current version.GENERAL#18 gauge, type 304 nickel bearing stainless steel, floor mounted multiple station drinking fountain – designed to meet INIFED specification for educational facilities. All stainless steel polished to a satin finish. Two bubbler heads easily controlled by seperate vandal-resistant, chrome plated push buttons. Recessed bottle filler provides space for 12” bottles. Built in flow regulators supply water from 20-105psi water inlet pressure. 35,000 Gallon bacterial filter certified to NOM 244 provided. Chrome plated perforated drain strainer. Water inlet and outlet may be plumbed through floor or rear panel via removable access panel.Energy efficient refrigeration system utilizes a combination tank continuous -tube type evaporator, refrigerant drier, and capillary tube (Models LMS*WSVR8K only).STANDARD FEATURES • Fountain top is stainless steel type 304 polished to a uniform Elkaybright luster finish • Recessed bottle filler provides laminar flow to minimize splash.Dedicated drain to reduce standing water.• Vandal-Resistant Bubbler is heavy duty, one piece construction.Keyed into position to prevent rotation. Meets UL requirements and all sanatary codes.• Cabinet design allows for flush to wall mounting. No recess space isrequired. Includes removable panels for optional wall or floor plumbing access.• Cabinet door furnished with lock and key • 35,000 Gallon bacterial filter, certified to NOM 244 • May be located indoors or outdoors COOLING SYSTEM (MODELS LMS*WSVR8K)• Compressor: Hermetically-sealed, reciprocating type, single phase.Sealed-in lifetime lubrication.• Condenser: Fan cooled, copper tube with aluminum fins. Fan motor is permanently lubricated.•Cooling Unit: Continuous tank tube type. Self cleansing. Continuous copper tubing which is fully insulated with EPS foam that meets UL requirements for self-extinguishing material.• Refrigerant Control: R-134a is controlled by accurately calibrated capillary tube.•Temperature Control: Easily accessible enclosed adjustable thermostat is factory preset. Requires no adjustement other than for altitude requirements.CAPACITIES CHARTModelVoltage / Hertz Chilling*Capacity F.L.Amps Rated Watts Approx.Ship Wt. (lb)Dim “A”inches [cm]Dim “B”inches [cm]Meets INIFED SpecMeets NOM 244LMSPWSVR8K 115V / 60 Hz8 GPH 4.037013533.4 [84.9]17.72 [17.7]••LMSPWSVRDC ----9233.4 [84.9]17.72 [17.7]••LMSSWSVR8K 115V / 60 Hz8 GPH 4.037015039.4 [100.0]23.7 [60.2]••LMSSWSVRDC----10739.4 [100.0]23.7 [60.2]••[cm]inches*Based on 80°F inlet water temperature and 90°F ambient air temperure.Printed in U.S.A.© 2015 ElkayROUGH-IN DIMENSIONS2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL Page 2All-in-One Multi-station Drinking Fountain with Bottle Filler and Bacterial Filter Models LMSWSVRModelDimension “C”inches [cm]Dimension “D”inches [cm]LMSPWSVR8K 11.4 [28.9]7.6 [19.4]LMSPWSVRDC 11.4 [28.9]7.6 [19.4]LMSSWSVR8K 17.3 [44.0]13.6 [34.6]LMSSWSVRDC17.3 [44.0]13.6 [34.6]ROUGH IN NOTES1. Determine mounting location. This fountain may be located against a wall or free-standing from any structures. Remove rear access panel or floor access panel depending on desired plumbing location. Note: This fountain is to be mounted on a smooth, flat finished surface with adequate support structure.2. Install plumbing and electrical rough-ins. Install shut-off valve on water supply (not provided). Water supply is 3/8” O.D. unplated copper tube. Waste tube is 1-1/2” O.D. Contractor to supply waste trap and service stop valve in accordance with local code.3. Secure fountain to floor using (8) 3/8” minimum screws or bolts (not provided). Refer to diagram for hole locations.4. Install remote chiller (Models LMSPWSVR8K and LMSSWSVR8K only). Remove front panel of chiller. Remove and discard cardboard inner pack from between compressor and side panel. Slide chiller onto shelf and position it on the right hand side of the fountain floor. See owner’s manual for more information on installing chiller.5. Connect water inlet line. Install trap. Remove the slip nut and gasket from the trap and install them on the fountain waste line making sure that the end of the waste line fits into the trap. Assemble the slip nut and gasket to the trap and tighten securely. CAUTION: Do not solder tubes inserted into the unions as damage to the o-rings may result.6. This fountain is rated for inlet water pressure of 20-105 PSI. A pressure reducing regulator should be used if the inlet water supply exceeds 105 PSI. Any damage caused by reason of connecting this product to supply line pressures higher than 105 PSIG is not covered by warranty. For inlets pressures lower than 20psi, see Elkay Pressure Boosting Pump Kit, Model PB001.7. Install filter cartridge by inserting into filter head and bracket assembly and twisting 90° Counter-clockwise.8. Turn on water supply and check for leaks at all plumbing and drain connections. Fix leaks as required.Job Name: ___________________________________________ Model: _______________________________Qty. ____________ Contact: _____________________________________________ Approval Signature: ____________________________________ Notes:This specification describes an Elkay product with design, quality and functional benefits to the user. When making a comparison of other producer’s offerings, be certain these features are not overlooked.。



J745X-D 10 16 25 40 64多功能水泵控制阀使用说明书多功能水泵控制阀细分为:A类:双进双出型(DN400口径以上)B类:深井泵型(DN200以下带排气阀,大于或等于DN200建议加装排气阀)C类:立式安装型(带弹簧)D类:流量调节型(带调节丝杆)E类:标志杆型(带行程开关)F类:全行程数显装置型(带数显装置)一、用途安装在市政、建筑、钢铁、冶金、石油、化工、煤气(天然气)、食品、医药、矿山、电站、核电、水利及灌溉等领域的取水、送水、加压、潜水、污水泵房及石油、化工流体的输送系统中,融电动阀、止回阀和水锤消除器三种设备的功能于一体,能有效地提高系统安全可靠性,满足系统自动化控制要求。






三、技术参数1、公称压力:1.0MPa、1.6MPa、2.5MPa、4.0MPa、6.4MPa、10.0MPa2、最低动作压力:0.05MPa3、适用介质:原水、海水、污水、油品4、适用温度:0 ~ 80℃5、缓闭时间:3 ~ 120S(可调节)6、水锤峰值:≤1.3倍水泵出口额定压力7、水泵最高反转速度:≤1.2倍水泵额定转速8、膜片疲劳弯曲:120万次无破损四、结构(图一:结构示意图)多功能水泵控制阀由主阀和外装附件组成,主阀由阀体、膜片、阀杆组件、阀盖、主阀板、缓闭阀板、膜片座等主要零件组成,外装附件主要有控制阀、过滤器、排气阀、微止回阀、其中微止回阀是特制配件,在其止回方向设有限流孔。


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泵1类型 泵2类型 泵3类型 泵4类型 泵5类型 泵6类型 泵7类型 泵1额定电流 泵2额定电流 泵3额定电流 泵4额定电流 泵5额定电流 泵6额定电流 泵7额定电流
0:无效 1:普通供水模式 2:消防模式 3:手动软启动模式 0:无效 1:变频泵 2:工频泵 3:休眠泵 4:排污泵 5:消防保压工频泵 6:消防保压变频泵
手动软启动投切频 率
0.00 ~ 50.00Hz
最小单位 出厂设定值 更改









0.01Hz 50.00Hz

MD320 变频器恒压供水功能使用说明书














FH-51 FH-52 FH-53 FH-54 FH-55

加工频泵时变频泵 0.0 ~ 300.0s 减速时间

MD320 变频器恒压供水功能使用说明书
FH-65 FH-66 FH-67
FH-68 FH-69 FH-70
减泵压力容差 减泵延迟时间 减泵时变频泵加速 时间 拉闸延迟时间 合闸延迟时间 泵自动轮换周期
FH-57 FH-58 FH-59 FH-60
最大压力 超压判断时间 最小压力 欠压判断时间 水位信号输入选择
水位信号模拟量输 入通道选择
水位2 水位1 缺水水位 备用压力
0.0 ~ 100.0% 0 ~ 3600s 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0 ~ 3600s 0:无输入,不进行液位控制 1:由开关量输入端子输入 2:由模拟量输入端子输入 0:AI1 1:AI2 2:AI3 3:PULSE(脉冲输入) 0 ~ 100% 0 ~ FH-57 0 ~ FH-58 0.0 ~ 100.0%


0.01Hz 10.00Hz



FH-82 变频器故障处理方 0:全部停机

FH-83 供水下限频率
0.01Hz 25.00Hz

FH-84 停机关泵间隔时间 0~60s











FH-61 加泵压力容差
0.0 ~ 50.0%

FH-62 加泵延迟时间
0 ~ 3000s

FH-63 加变频泵时上切频 上限频率(F0-12)~最大频率(F0-10) 0.01Hz 50.00Hz
0:无效 1 ~ 6:选定几个时段有效 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.00 ~ 23.59 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0 ~ 100.0%
FH-01 泵1类型
RY1继电器输出功能 0、 无功能
1、 泵1变频控制
RY2继电器输出功能 2、 泵1工频控制
3、 泵2变频控制
RY3继电器输出功能 4、 泵2工频控制
5、 泵3变频控制
RY4继电器输出功能 6、 泵3工频控制
7、 泵4变频控制
RY5继电器输出功能 8、 泵4工频控制
9、 泵5变频控制
图 2-2 多泵供水控制卡外形尺寸示意图
2.3 控制端子及接线
⑴、控制回路端子图 RY1 RY2 RY3 RY4 RY5 RY6 RY7 RY8 RCM RCM
Y1 Y2 CMY DI6 DI7 DI8 DI9 DI10 COM COM AI3 GND GND 485+ 485-
FH-02 泵2类型
FH-03 泵3类型
FH-04 泵4类型
FH-05 泵5类型
FH-06 泵6类型
FH-07 泵7类型
设定范围 0 无效
1 变频泵
2 工频泵
3 休眠泵
4 排污泵
5 保压工频泵
6 保压变频泵
RY6继电器输出功能 10、泵5工频控制
RY7继电器输出功能 12、泵6工频控制
RY8继电器输出功能 14、泵7工频控制
Y1开路集电级输 出 16、超压指示
Y2开路集电级输出 功能选择
18、备用压力运行指示 19、水池缺水指示 20、消防巡检预警指示
说明:“☆”:表示该参数的设定值在变频器处于停机、运行状态中,均可更改。 “★”:表示该参数的设定值在变频器处于运行状态中,不可修改。
MD320 变频器恒压供水功能使用说明书
FH-00 供水模式选择
设定范围 0 无效
1 普通供水模式
2 消防模式
3 手动软启动模式
数字输入端子 6 数字输入端子 7 数字输入端子 8 数字输入端子 9 数字输入端子 10 数字输出端子 1 数字输出端子 2 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子 继电器输出常开端子
功能说明 1、 输入电压范围:DC 0~10V 2、 输入阻抗:100KΩ
输入 AI3-GND
端子名称 模拟量输入端子 3
数字 输入 数字 输出
继电器 输出

1 ~ 6: 选择T1~T6中的某个时段休眠
FH-72 休眠压力容差
0.0 ~ 50.0%

FH-73 休眠加减泵延迟时 0 ~ 3000s

FH-74 休眠唤醒使能

FH-75 FH-76
FH-77 FH-78
FH-79 FH-80
消防压力设定 自动消防巡检周期
MD320 变频器恒压供水功能使用说明书
MD 系列模块化 矢量型变频器
MD320 变频器恒压供水功能使用说明书
MD320 通用变频器安装上 MD32WS 多泵供水控制卡可以实现多泵恒压供水。它包含了普 通生活供水和消防供水控制模式,可以完成系统中变频泵、工频泵、休眠泵、排污泵以及消 防泵的设定以及自动切换逻辑,同时可以实现多时段恒压供水、休眠控制、排污控制、定时 换泵、故障泵的判断、报告以及自动退出逻辑。