



经典英文电影台词,英语听力材料第一篇范文:那些打动人心的电影经典对白智课网TOEFL备考资料那些打动人心的电影经典对白您当前的位置? 智课教育官网? 托福? 托福听力? 文章正文出国英语考试有哪些雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

――《阿甘正传Forrest Gump》Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。

――《肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption》Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free.懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。

――《肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption》This path has been placed before you.The choice is yoursalone.路就在你脚下,你自己决定。


第二篇范文:英语电影MP3及台词下载地址英语电影MP3及台词下载地址听电影学英语(MP3+LRC)这东西你必须转,其他地方可是收费的,这里免费下载? 听电影学英语(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之在云端(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之阿童木(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之盗梦空间(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之爱再来一次(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之海上钢琴师(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之恋恋笔记本(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之当幸福来敲门(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之给朱丽叶的信(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之蒙娜丽莎的微笑(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之玩具总动员(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之弱点(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之查理和巧克力工厂(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之足球尤物(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之足球老爹(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之总统千金欧游记(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之字典情人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之紫罗兰(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之撞车(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朱诺(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朱莉与朱莉娅(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之重返17岁(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朋友一场(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之这个男人来自地球(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之蒸发的摩根夫妇(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之征婚广告(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之足迹(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之战争之王? 听电影学英语之战鸽快飞(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之缘分天注定(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之勇敢的心(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之落跑新娘(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之结婚大作战(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之返老还童(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之超完美男人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之贫民窟的百万富翁(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之后天(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之美少女啦啦队(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱不胜防? 听电影学英语之阿甘正传(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之傲慢与偏见(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之食品公司(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之肖申克的救赎(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之国王的演讲(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之罗马假日(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之超级奶爸(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之暮光之城(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之27宜嫁(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之风雨哈佛路(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之日落之前(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大学之旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之人工智能(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之致命伴旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之恋爱刺客(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之辛普森一家(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之泰坦尼克号(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之变形金刚(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之哈利波特(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之初恋50次(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之恋夏500天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之邻家女孩(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱情盛宴(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之复制娇妻(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱得过火(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱是妥协(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之杯酒人生(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之拜见岳父大人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之一个美国新娘的自白(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之天气预报员(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之楚门的世界(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之姐姐的守护者(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美食从天而降(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美国颂歌(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之街舞少年(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之当风吹起的时候(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之心灵驿站(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之我恨情人节(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之热血教师(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之阳光清洗(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之功夫熊猫(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之邪恶新世界(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之百万美元宝贝(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之八月迷情(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之别惹蚂蚁(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之好运之人(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之绝配男女(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之花木兰(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之贱女孩(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之口是心非(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美味情缘(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之二见钟情(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之平民天后(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大鱼(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之怪兽大战外星人(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之碧海蓝天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之高校天后(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之高校男生(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之男人百分百(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之一生的唯一(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之一个购物狂的自白(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之泰山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之甜心辣舞(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之全民情敌? 听电影学英语之天使与魔鬼? 听电影学英语之换子疑云(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大喜之日(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之偶像有约(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之一夜大肚(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之新美国梦(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之牛仔裤的夏天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之香草天空(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之伟大辩手(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之丑陋事实(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之我是传奇(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之人生驾驶课(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之新婚告急(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之校花我爱你(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之校园风云(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之音乐之声(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之公主保护计划(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之梦幻女郎(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大学新生(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之命运之石(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之冰河世纪(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之附注我爱你(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之快餐帝国(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之天伦之旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之诺丁山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之遇见比尔(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之梦想奔驰(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之断背山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之罗丹岛之恋? 听电影学英语之简爱(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之四个圣诞节(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之灰姑娘的故事3(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之哈维最后的机会(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之公主日记(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之气象女孩(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之革命之路(MP3+LRC)第三篇范文:托福听力素材下载之美剧经典台词(一)智课网TOEFL备考资料托福听力素材下载之美剧经典台词(一)美剧经典台词:《绯闻女孩》Ep1ChuckShe’s been crystal about that since we got back.她对此表现得很明显。

Monsters vs Aliens共4页

Monsters vs Aliens共4页

Monsters vs Aliens英文原名:Monsters vs Aliens 中文译名:怪兽大战外星人谁愿意变成怪兽?没人愿意。







无奈之下,一支由小巨人Susan率领,蟑螂博士担任技术支持,各种大怪物为主战队员的“怪兽军团”诞生了!为了保护地球、保护全人类,“怪兽军团”与疯狂的外星人展开了殊死战斗……People: Oh, my gosh!Susan: What’s going on?!What’s happening?! You’re all shrinking!人们:天哪!苏珊:发生什么事了?!发生什么事了?!你们都在变小!我来告诉你:大家都知道“Oh, my God”,却不知道外国人也说“Oh,my gosh”。

Gosh 可以用来替代God,是委婉的说法,表示惊异等强烈的感情。

比如,当你感叹小兔子的可爱时,便可以说:“Gosh! What a cute rabbit!”The Mi ssing Link: Gosh. Look, she’s speechless.B.O.B: She?!Dr. Cockroach: Yes, B.O.B!...人鱼猴:天哪,看!她无语了。



经典英文电影台词篇一:那些打动人心的电影经典对白智课网TOEFL备考资料那些打动人心的电影经典对白您当前的位置 ? 智课教育官网 ? 托福 ? 托福听力 ? 文章正文出国英语考试有哪些雅思是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别电影中的经典对白哪句最触动你?智课教育小编整理电影精彩对白,一起来看看吧!Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

——Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。

——Fear can hold you can set you free.懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。

——This path has been placed before choice is yours alone.路就在你脚下,你自己决定。


篇二:英语电影MP3及台词下载地址英语电影MP3及台词下载地址听电影学英语(MP3+LRC)这东西你必须转,其他地方可是收费的,这里免费下载人人听力网提供优质听电影学英语,听对话练听力,是中国最好最全的听电影学英语网英文电影mp3,附字幕,在娱乐的同时学英语,是英语学习绝佳材料,强烈推荐英文电影mp3,附字幕,在娱乐的同时学英语,是英语学习绝佳材料,强烈推荐听电影学英语电影MP3 原版英文电影MP3 听电影练听力学英语本站的电影mp3均为DVD压缩获得,音质一流;同时提供配套中英双语Lrc字幕(电影对白)下载,你可以在你的电脑、手机、MP3、MP4、MP5、PDA上边听边看,方便你学到更多地道的英语!? 听电影学英语(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之在云端(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之阿童木(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之盗梦空间(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之爱再来一次(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之海上钢琴师(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之恋恋笔记本(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之当幸福来敲门(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之给朱丽叶的信(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之蒙娜丽莎的微笑(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之玩具总动员(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之弱点(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之查理和巧克力工厂(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之足球尤物(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之足球老爹(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之总统千金欧游记(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之字典情人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之紫罗兰(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之撞车(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朱诺(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朱莉与朱莉娅(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之重返17岁(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之朋友一场(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之这个男人来自地球(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之蒸发的摩根夫妇(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之征婚广告(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之足迹(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之战争之王? 听电影学英语之战鸽快飞(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之缘分天注定(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之勇敢的心(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之落跑新娘(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之结婚大作战(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之返老还童(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之超完美男人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之贫民窟的百万富翁(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之后天(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之美少女啦啦队(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱不胜防? 听电影学英语之阿甘正传(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之傲慢与偏见(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之食品公司(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之肖申克的救赎(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之国王的演讲(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之罗马假日(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之超级奶爸(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之暮光之城(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之27宜嫁(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之风雨哈佛路(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之日落之前(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大学之旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之人工智能(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之致命伴旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之恋爱刺客(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之辛普森一家(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之泰坦尼克号(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之变形金刚(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之哈利波特(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之初恋50次(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之恋夏500天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之邻家女孩(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱情盛宴(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之复制娇妻(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱得过火(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之爱是妥协(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之杯酒人生(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之拜见岳父大人(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之一个美国新娘的自白(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之天气预报员(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之楚门的世界(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之姐姐的守护者(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美食从天而降(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美国颂歌(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之街舞少年(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之当风吹起的时候(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之心灵驿站(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之我恨情人节(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之热血教师(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之阳光清洗(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之功夫熊猫(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之邪恶新世界(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之百万美元宝贝(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之八月迷情(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之别惹蚂蚁(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之好运之人(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之绝配男女(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之花木兰(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之贱女孩(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之口是心非(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之美味情缘(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之二见钟情(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之平民天后(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大鱼(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之怪兽大战外星人(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之碧海蓝天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之高校天后(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之高校男生(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之男人百分百(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之一生的唯一(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之一个购物狂的自白(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之泰山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之甜心辣舞(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之全民情敌? 听电影学英语之天使与魔鬼? 听电影学英语之换子疑云(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大喜之日(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之偶像有约(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之一夜大肚(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之新美国梦(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之牛仔裤的夏天(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之香草天空(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之伟大辩手(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之丑陋事实(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之我是传奇(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之人生驾驶课(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之新婚告急(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之校花我爱你(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之校园风云(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之音乐之声(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之公主保护计划(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之梦幻女郎(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之大学新生(MP3+LRC) ?听电影学英语之命运之石(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之冰河世纪(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之附注我爱你(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之快餐帝国(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之天伦之旅(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之诺丁山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之遇见比尔(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之梦想奔驰(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之断背山(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之罗丹岛之恋? 听电影学英语之简爱(MP3+LRC)? 听电影学英语之四个圣诞节(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之灰姑娘的故事3(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之哈维最后的机会(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之公主日记(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之气象女孩(MP3+LRC) ? 听电影学英语之革命之路(MP3+LRC) 篇三:托福听力素材下载之美剧经典台词(一)智课网TOEFL备考资料托福听力素材下载之美剧经典台词(一)摘要:托福听力素材下载之美剧经典台词(一)!同学们在复习托福听力时经常会找一些联系素材,下面托福小编为大家整理的一些美剧经典台词,大家可以当做托福听力素材来学习,在平时注意这些优秀句子的积累。






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怪兽大战外星人(word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料!)

怪兽大战外星人(word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料!)
Oh, Susan. Every bride feels that way on her wedding day.
My goodness, look at you. You're filthy. Thank God I have Wet Ones.
You're glowing.
Thank you.
No. No, Susan, you're, like, really glowing. You're green!
This is impossible!
No, this can't be happening.
Wait, wait. Everybody, it's OK!
Have some champagne while we're figuring this out!
Thumbs! Thumbs!
Derek! Help me!
You'd better pray to the Lord When you see those flying saucers
It may be the coming of the Judgment Day
Hey, Jerry, you might wanna check this one out. Palomar just picked it up.
Hello? What was th...?! Careful!
Please, madam!
Stop! Doing! That!
Whatever mad scientist made you,
he really went all out.
You can talk.



疯狂原始人英文版完整台词Eep(白): With every sun comes new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name is Eep. And this is my family. The Groods.If you weren’t clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cave man. Most days we spend in our cave. In the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep, home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food. In a harsh and hostile world. And I struggled to survise my family. We are the last ones around. The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold. And the Groods……That’s us. The Groods mad e it, because of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules. The ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad, curiosity is bad, going out at night is bad……Basically, anything fun is bad. Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in a instant. Because what we didn’t know, was that our world was about to come to an end. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.Grug: You’re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. Eep?Eep: We’ve been in that cave fo rever.Grug: Three days is not forever.Eep: It is with this family.Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You been so ……so dramatic.Grug: No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! Remember the signal, good girls wait for the signal. Ugga……Ugga: As soon as I getS andy, I’ll go back in, and you can give the signal.Grug: No, but you’re already out now.Thunk: I’m waiting for the signal, dad!Grug: Never mind, Thunk. Just come out.Thunk: Yep……But if you don’t give me the signal, how do I know you’re my dad?Grug: Th e signal isn’t so you know it’s me. It’s so you know I wasn’t eaten by an animal. Thunk: Wait, then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn’t that just confuse things? I……I’m still waiting for the signal.Ugga: Mum, we’re ready to leave! Mum?Ugga’s mum: Still alive!Grug: It’s still early.Ugga’s mum: And you’re still fat!Grug: Breakfast formation! I want to see some real caveman action out here! We do this fast, we do this loud, we do this as a family! And never! not! be! afraid!Thunk: Yay! Breakfast……Grug: Who’s up? We’ll flip for it. Call her in the air.Eep: Heads! (Ugga’s mum: Ah)Grug: Tails. Thunk’s in. Positions! Ok, Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk.Way to go! Take it to the cave! (Thunk was fallen on the ground.) Oh.Release the baby!Ugga: Get’em, Sandy, go!Ugga: Get them, mum!Ugga’s mum: Old lady down! Eep, avenge me!Eep: Thanks!Grug: Eep!Eep: Hands up!Thunk: He- he- ha! Hey, dad, can we eat now?Grug: Just wait til we get home. Eep, put on the brakes!Thunk: Ah! Ah!Grug: Eep!Who’s hungry?Thunk: Good one, dad.Grug: Here you go, Thunk. Drink up.(Thunk broke the bird’s egg)Thunk: He! Sorry, dad.Ugga: Looks like fast food tonight!Grug: That’s all right. I ate last week.Ugga’s mum: two knuckle warning!Ugga: Go, go, go, go.Grug: Come on, come on. Darkness brings death. We know this.Ugga: The moon is full.Bathnight.Ugga’s mum: Run for your life!Ugga: You too, mum.Ugga’s mum: I don’t want to lose my protective layer.Ugga: Mum, you’ve got ants. See,Sandydoesn’t fuss.Grug: Is she still out there?Ugga: You know she hate the cave, Grug.Eep: Please come back tomorrow.Grug: How can she don’t like the cave? It’s so cozy.Ugga: It’s a little dark, right?Grug: It’s not that dark.Eep! Eep? Come on, I gotta close the cave.Eep!Eep: Okay, okay.Grug: Come on.Eep! Come down!Grug: That was too close!Eep: I was watching! I was fine!Grug: What were you doing up there, Eep?Eep: I don’t know.Grug: What were you looking for?Eep: Nothing.Grug: Well then, why did you go up there?Eep: I don’t know!Grug: Why don’t you know? Stop looking for things! Fear keeps us alive, Eep. Never not be afraid.Eep: What’s the point of all this?Grug: What was that?Eep: I mean, why we are here? What are we doing this for?Ugga’s mum & Thunk:Oh…….Grug: No one said survival is fun.Eep: Nothing is fun.Grug: Would you come down here?Ugga: Grug?Grug: Eep?Ugga: Grug!Grug: Yes?Ugga: Off!Grug: Yes. Okay……Ugga: Off!Grug: I just don’t see why her needs her own ledge. That’s all. That’s what this is about. Ugga: She’s working through some things and need her own space.Grug: What things? How long is this going to take? Ah- he- he, Ready? I mean, she already doesn’t listen to me. Hey!Ugga: See? She’s listening.Grug: If she wants to survive, she has to follow our rules.Ugga: How about a story? Eep loves those.Grug: That’s a good idea. How about a story? Huh?Thunk: Yeah, tell us a story.Grug: Okay. Can I borrow that? Thank you.Eep! Your old favorite!Eep: Ah……I haven’t played with that thi ng in years.Grug: T onight we will hear the story of Krispy Bear. A long time ago, this little bear was alive. She was alive because she listened to her father, and lived her live in routine and darkness and terror. So she was happy. But Krispy had one terrible problem. She was filled with……curiosity. Ugga: Grug!Grug: Yes, yes. And one day, while she was in a tree, the curious little bear wanted to climb to the top.Ugga: What?Grug: And no sooner had she climbed to the top, she saw something new and……died! Thunk: Just like that?Grug: Yes! Her last moments of terror still frozen on her face.Ugga’s mum: Same ending as every day.Thunk: I get it, dad. I get it. I will never do anything new or different.Grug: Good man, Thunk.Ugga: All right, everyone sharpen your teeth. And let’s pile up.(At night)(Eep saw the fire light and follow it, went out the cave.)Guy: Air……Eep: You talk?Guy: I’m a person, like you. Sort of……like you.Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Could you, could you mind not……Ah- ah……He-he, that tickles. Hey, hey, hey. Hey!(Eep saw Belt.)Eep: Ah!Guy: War……(Eep smashed Guy’s mouth)Eep: Quiet! I am not supposed to be out there.(Guy bite Eep’s foot)Eep: Ah!(Eep fight with Guy)Grug: Eep’s gone.Ugga: What? Grug!Grug: Stay in the cave.(Grug go out the cave.)Guy: Wow, you’re really strong.(The fire was dying.)Eep: No, it’s mine!Guy: Please……Eep: No, no!Guy: But it is dying!Eep: I caught it!Guy: I can fix it. Please……Please. I hate the dark.(Guy went to fix the fire)Guy: Hum……Come on, come on, come on.Eep: It does what you tell it?Guy: Well, yeah, sort of.Eep: Sun?Guy: No, no. Fire.Eep: Hi, fire?Guy: He-he, he-he-he. It’s not alive. He.Eep: But you said it was dying.Guy:(撇嘴) Sorry. Uh……Eep: It comes from where you came from?Guy: No. No, I make it.Eep: Make some for me.Guy: Okay.Eep: Make!Guy: It doesn’t come out of me.Eep: Make! Make! Make it!(Eep fight for Guy.)Guy: You do this a lot……Eep: Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you‘re dead?(Belt makes Guy up.[用石头做类似于心脏电压])Guy: Hey, those are cold! You think? Listening shells, activate.Belt:#$@$@%$.Guy: I concur. Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately.Eep: I don’t even know you.Guy: Um. I’m Guy.Eep: Guy?Guy: And this is Belt. Cook, conversationalist, navigator. Also keeps my pants up.Eep: What are ‘pants up’?Guy: Who are you?Eep: Oh, Eep.Guy: Let me clarify, Eep. The world is ending.Eep: What?Guy: I’m calling it……’The end’.Belt: dang-dang-dang.Eep: How do you know?Guy: I’ve seen it. It’s coming this way. First, the ground isgonna shake. Then it breaks open. Everything falls in. Fire. Lava. I don’t mean to sound to dramatic, but……(Shout loud & jump)Believe me, everything we are standing on, all this right here, will be gone.We’ve got to get to high ground. I know a mountain. That way. It’s our only chance.Come with me.Belt:@#!#@#.Eep: I……can’t.Guy: Okay. Okay. Here. (Take a shell and make a noise) Wu……(Eep take the shell.)Guy: If you survive, er, call me.(Eep make a s hell’s noise)Eep: He-he. Thank you.。



在1300多年(周期)后的未来宇宙被星球联盟统治联盟曾是一个和平的组织如今被玛拉斯特大人统领他只渴望一件事权力科宾·雷斯特拉长官统领的一群反叛者正着手一项任务准备逃往Planet Haven全体人员准备着陆All personnel, prepare to disembark.拿上需要的东西到船头去Grab what you need and get to the front of the ship.前方飞船请注意Attention, vessel!你违反了联盟规定You are in violation of Coalition regulations.尼玛What the--?继续越界Further transgression将被视为宣战will be considered a declaration of war!关闭你的光速引擎Deactivate your light-speed engines准备接受登船检查and prepare to be boarded!艾杰克斯报告你的位置Ajax, tell me you're in position.我们要来了We're coming in hot!还有其他人And we got company.听着伙计听我说我不是你的敌人Look, buddy. I need you to hear me out. I'm not your enemy. 投降Yield.不管了Screw it.艾杰克斯你在哪里我们做好转移的准备了Ajax, where are you? We're ready for pickup!你没告诉我有圣骑士You didn't tell me there was gonna be a Paladin.风险太大了Too much risk!艾杰克斯你要是把我们丢下我们必死无疑Ajax, you leave us out here, we're dead!我们需要你的飞船We need your ship!你有一艘飞船好好利用You've got a ship, use it!计划不是这样的艾杰克斯That wasn't part of the plan, Ajax!艾杰克斯Ajax!关闭引擎离开控制台Disengage the engines and step away from the console. 恕难从命飞船上的所有人都会死的I can't, or everyone on this ship will die!科宾长官Commander Corbryn...我不明白I don't understand.联盟上报这艘飞船被盗The Coalition reported this ship stolen.你为什么偏离航线这么远Why are you so far off course?科宾长官根据联盟的命令Commander Corbryn, by Order of the Coalition,立刻停下这艘飞船stop this ship now!我们不再听命于星球联盟We no longer answer to the Coalition of Planets.这是叛国啊长官Treason, Commander!开弓没有回头箭There's no turning back now.这是战争行为This is an act of war!联盟不再是好人了The Coalition aren't the good guys anymore.你是一名圣骑士你还不清楚吗You're a Paladin! Can't you see that?与联盟为敌你毫无胜算War against the Coalition is a fight you cannot win.我们不想要战争我们要逃离Well, we don't want a fight. We want out!我们要建立自己的星球不会退缩We want a planet of our own and we're not turning back, 离成功很近了not when we're this close.离什么很近这里什么都This close to what? There's nothing...什么都没有Nothing out there.我相信你会做出正确的选择I'm trusting you to do the right thing.联盟不知道这里的存在也不必知道Coalition doesn't know it's here and they don't have to. 这不可能It's impossible.联盟在这个领域没有任何星球的记录The Coalition has no records of a planet in this sector. 这颗星球天然不被传感器检测到The planet's naturally undetectable by sensors,完美隐蔽completely cloaked.我是唯一知道怎么发现它的人I'm the only one that knows how to find it.但没了你的帮助这艘飞船会引他们来But this ship will lead them right to us if you don't help! 马上我们就能乘坐逃生舱In a moment, we'll be in range for the escape pods到达星球表面了to reach the surface.在那之后毁掉飞船After that, destroy the ship!告诉他们你只找到了飞船残骸Tell them all you found was a wreck否则他们不会放弃寻找我们的or they'll never stop looking for us!他们一旦找到我们我们必死无疑They find us, they'll kill us.你在干什么What are you doing?已建立远程连接Long-range connection established.关闭连接Oh, shut if off!圣骑士这里是联盟指挥部Paladin, this is Coalition Command.我们已经锁定了这艘飞船的位置We've got a lock on this ship's position.跳离飞船我们将接手Go ahead and jump out. We'll take it from here.长官我在被盗飞船上Commander, I'm on board the stolen vessel.请求给予谈判投降条件的许可Permission to negotiate terms for surrender.不允许指挥部建议立即撤离Negative. Command advises immediate evacuation. 我们将毁掉那艘飞船圣骑士We will destroy that ship, Paladin.-不 -确保你不在那艘飞船上- No! - Make sure you're not on it.不No!不Oh! No!发生了发生了什么What--? What's happening?他们在炸毁引擎They're blowing the engines.一点撤离的时间也不给Didn't even give us time to evacuate.-我告诉过你 -不他们不会的- I told you! - No. They won't!他们不会的这不可能They wouldn't! It's impossible!指挥部请求通话Command, come in!飞船上有无辜的人There are innocent people onboard the vessel!离星球这么近你不会有信♥号♥♥的Not even you can get a signal out this close to the planet.来不及让所有人下船了There's no time to get everyone off.你的飞船能承载多少人How many does your ship hold?不够Not enough.护卫准备启动登舰舱的自毁程序Squire, prepare to initiate the boarding pod's self-destruct... 你在干什么What are you doing?为你和你的人撤离争取时间Buying you and your people time to escape.让他们去船头我来分离引擎Get them to the front and I'll separate the engines!-分离 -立马行动- Separate...? - Do it now!全体人员立刻撤离All personnel, evacuate now!放下手头的事现在就走Drop what you're doing and go...now!你怎么办What about you?别担心我Don't worry about me.护卫听我命令准备启动自毁程序Squire, prepare to initiate the self-destruct on my command! 护卫Squire?安全系统覆写Security override.星球大对决2个周期之后迟了几年总比不来好Better a few years late than never.有人吗Hello?你来了You made it.艾杰克斯Ajax...我可不打算谢你No thanks to you.在一个边境星球上找到了来这的路Found that way out on a frontier planet.消息在传播Word's spreading.你越来越大意了You're already getting sloppy.如果没人进得来保护区又有什么意义呢What's the point of a haven if people can't get here? 联盟怎么办What about the Coalition?即使他们聪明到能破解硬币Even if they're smart enough to decode it,它也只能送你到这the coin only gets you here.要到避难星你需要我To get to Haven, you need me.这是什么做的What's it made of?这是避难星的一个小秘密That's Haven's little secret.怎样So what?你是他们的统领吗You're their leader?避难星没有统领Haven doesn't really have a leader.我只是知道怎么过去罢了I'm just the guy that knows how to get there.伙计Hey, buddy.这双手粉碎了2756个诺瓦克人2,756 Novaks perished by these hands才铸就了站在你面前的这个诺瓦克人for this Novak to stand before you today!没必要用诺瓦克人来威胁我艾杰克斯No need to sic your Novak on me, Ajax.你要知道我要是出了什么意外You know, if anything happens to me,你就再也找不到避难星了you'll never find Haven.这艘破船上有什么喝的吗You got anything to drink on this wreck?你不想知道你抛下我们后Don't you want to know how we survived我们怎么活下来的吗after you ditched us?看上去你们活得不错Looks like you survived just fine.好了帮手你就要Okay. Helper, you're...自♥由♥了about to be free.有什么异样吗Feel any different?想到第一次能离开这艘飞船Excited at the prospect of leaving the ship而感到激动for the first time.还有死亡的可能性越来越大Also the looming potential for imminent death.可不吗Yeah.帮手我必须这么做但你不用Helper, I, uh, have to do this. You don't.如果你想留在船上我能理解I understand if you want to stay on the ship.阿斯特拉你去哪儿我就去哪儿Astera, I go wherever you go.你是真心的还是被设计成这样Do you mean that or is that just how you're programmed? 都有Both.她会为你感到骄傲的She would be proud of you now.我看起来怎么样How do I look?像你父亲的女儿Like your father's daughter.好吧Okay.我还不知道讽刺也是你程序的一部分I didn't realize sarcasm was a part of your programming now. 让开Move!我们已经搜遍了联盟已知领土内的We have searched every deep space quadrant深度空间象限除了这一个of known Coalition territory but this one.科宾就在某个地方Corbryn is out there somewhere.我确信I know it.我还没搜过这里是有原因的There's a reason we haven't searched here.这块区域空荡荡的什么都没有The sector is barren. There's nothing here.我们曾经误入歧途And we've been led astray before.我走到如今不是靠听信I haven't come this far and this long to merge everything那个流氓罪犯的话on the word of that rogue criminal!我们有别的消息来源We have other assurances.我们很接近了We're close.崔恩让我们俩单独待会儿Tryn, privacy.你确定吗You sure?对我没事Yeah, I'm good.在几个星系之前就没冰块了Ran out of ice a few systems back.大多数来避难星的东西更少Most come to Haven with a lot less.有时他们只剩下生命保障系统Sometimes they drift in on nothing but life support...有些根本没挺过来some don't make it at all.这些年要是有Would have been nice工业级货船就好了having an industrial class freighter all these years.没货船你过得也很好You did all right without it.要是有现在避难星上There'd be a lot more haven会有更多安全住所on Haven by now.我明白I get it.艾杰克斯Ajax...你留下成千上万的人送死You left thousands to die.因为你没告诉我有个圣骑士Because you didn't tell me there was gonna be a Paladin. 这是计划的一部分It was part of the plan.你没告诉我这个计划You didn't tell me the plan.我说了你会来吗Would you have come if I did?听着我想知道Look, I just gotta know.你现在怎么来了过了这么多年Why are you here now, after all these years?我怎么能信任你How can I trust you?你说服我去偷这艘船You convinced me to steal this ship.-你说我们不会被抓到 -我们没有被抓- You said we'd never get caught! - We didn't.打那开始我连制冰器都没有And ever since then, I can't even get an icemaker,更别说一帮合格的员工和这堆破铁let alone a decent crew or the much-needed repairs所必需的维修for this tub of rust!我靠一艘不能在联盟I'm on the run in a ship任何一颗星球停靠的飞船逃命I can't dock on a single Coalition planet.如今所有星球都是联盟的And nowadays, that's every planet!避难星不是Not Haven.我们欢迎所有人包括星际海盗We welcome everyone, even pirates.你不准这么叫我你不能这么叫我Don't you call me that! You do not get to call me that!你知道我开始是合法的You know I started out legit!你也知道圣骑士要杀星际海盗And you know Paladins kill pirates!你不告诉我我怎么知道How was I supposed to know he was on our side他是我们这边的if you didn't tell me?你问我你怎么能信任我You ask me how can you trust me.我又怎么能信任你How can I trust you?因为Because...看起来我们彼此需要对方sounds like we need each other.我们称这个为马纳We call this Mana.产地里还有很多There's a lot more where that came from.我们把它转化成所有东西We convert it to everything从食物到恒星燃料from food to star fuel.但是我们运输它的途径被限制了But we're limited in the ways of transporting it,因为我们只有带来的逃生舱being as we only have what came down with us in the escape pods. 但是你来了有这艘飞船But with you here, with this ship,我们可以开始扩张了we can start expanding.我们建立供应系统拥有完成目标We set up a supply run, we get what we need所需要的东西to finish what we started,带更多人到避难星来什么都有了bring more people to Haven, everything!我们可以回到正轨We can get back on track!我们可以把这颗星球建造成希冀的样子We can make this planet what it was supposed to be! 你怎么说What do you say?敬星际海盗To pirates?敬星际海盗To pirates.好的All right.幸运的是原始形态的马纳Lucky for us, Mana in its natural form能发出某种辐射emits a sort of radiation.对我们无害但对飞船感应器有致命打击It's harmless to us, but it's hell on ship sensors.当务之急是找出一种One of the first things we did was to figure out a way 用频率码抵消干扰的方法to counteract the disruption with a frequency code 只有少数人能知道that only a few of us knows...欢迎来到避难星Welcome to Haven.我的人在修你的飞船我带你四处看看I'll show you around when my guys fix up your ship. 不要担心联盟Don't worry about the Coalition.他们能找到你的唯一方法是The only way they'd find you now is with some sort强到能穿透辐射场的of two-way signal beacon strong enough双向信♥号♥♥塔to get through the radiation field.即便找到了从光速中脱离的时机不对Even then, you know, you come outta light-speed wrong, 也能把我们都炸上天liable to blow us all to hell.你都听到了吗Did you catch all that?-他是避难星的统领吗 -不是- Is he Haven's leader? - No.只不过知道怎么过去罢了Just the guy that knows how to get there.收到We copy.联盟向你致谢船长The Coalition thanks you, Captain.你知不知道你刚刚干了什么Do you realize what you've just done?我们是海盗啊Pirate.找到了长官我们定位到了海盗There. Sir, we've located the pirate.我应该Shall I--进入战备状态谢谢I think battle stations, please.把阿斯特拉找来And see if you can find Astera.我不想让她错过这一切I would like her to be here for this.你父亲要在指挥甲板上见你Your father wants to see you on the Control Deck.-我一会儿就去 -不我现在就带你去- I'll be right there. - No. I'll take you there now.带路吧Lead the way.你多久才能破解那玩意儿How far can you project that thing?走着瞧We'll find out.知道吗今天对我爸来说是个大日子You know, it's an important day for my father.我相信对你也是and for you, I'm sure.毕竟你的一生After all, your entire life都在指引你来到这里has been a journey leading to this place.我想这个星球对你来说很重要I imagine this planet holds some significance for you... 对你妈妈也是as it did your mother.怎么了What?不搞青春期的恶作剧了No juvenile pranks this time?不以她的名义搞琐碎无力的抗♥议♥了No petty, ineffectual protest in her honor?我还以为你又要改掉食物合成器线路I half expected you'd reroute the food synthesizers again 要么就故意提高人造引力or increase the artificial gravity.我得说我很失望I have to say, I'm disappointed.然后你要真的爱Then you're gon... really...love th...阿斯特拉在哪儿Where's Astera?长官我找到了您女儿Sir, I've located your daughter.她登上了前往这颗星球的逃生舱She's onboard an escape pod headed towards the planet. 给我过来Get up here!他知道了He knows.很好That's good.我在这里他不会攻击的对吧He won't attack if I'm down there, right?我准备好追踪他们了I'm ready to address them.确保他们都能听见我Make sure they can hear me.听着联盟的敌人们Attention, enemies of the Coalition.这是玛拉斯特大帝你们被骗了This is Lord Malastor. You have been lied to.这颗星球根本不是什么避难星This planet is no haven.它的土地和资源属于It's land and resources are property星球联盟的财产of the Coalition of Planets.联盟的铁腕可以伸向星系的每个角落There is no corner of the galaxy that the arms of the Coalition 的每一个角落今天我就是制裁之手cannot reach, and today I am its hand.你们的领袖将会决定It'll be up to the leaders among you这只制裁之手to determine whether this hand remains将带来善意open in friendship还是将你们粉碎or crushes you in its grasp!你们有二十四小时来投降You have 24 hours to surrender the planet否则后果自负or suffer the consequences.做出理智的决定Choose wisely.建立起封锁线Establish a blockade.任何船只不得出入Not a single ship gets out!然后泽勒斯And, Zelus...找到我女儿Find my daughter.怎么这么久What's taking so long?那马纳你拿上了吗You get that Mana cleaned out yet?那个很值钱但是这个诺瓦克人的佣金更高The reward is mighty, but this Novak is mightier.只剩一个货箱了There's one crate left.那就拿上咱走啊Then get it and let's go!系统日志显示科宾指挥官还在船上System log shows Commander Corbryn should still be onboard. 带路赶快Lead the way, and hurry.这边This way!你卖♥♥了我还要抢劫我Ah, you're turning me in and you're robbing me?你让一个海盗上了你的空间站You let a pirate onto your spaceport.你还指望什么What did you think was gonna happen?我可没想到你会洗劫我所有的物资I didn't think you'd clean out my entire supply!避难星需要那些马纳整个星系都需要它Haven needs that Mana! The galaxy needs it!又不是我想干这活I didn't want this contract.我被抓了I got caught!不是你死就是我亡我永远会先顾自己It was me or you, and I'm always gonna pick me.我不可能做亏本的事And I'm always gonna profit.你就这么骗自己吗船长Is that what you tell yourself, Captain?你认为他们会遵守海盗的协议吗You think they're gonna honor some pirate's contract,你不会有好果子吃的you got a nasty surprise coming to you.艾杰克斯船长Captain Ajax!我父亲向你问候My father sends his regards,他正全力准备袭击he's preoccupied with the assault.他希望你能够释放囚犯It's his wish that you release the prisoner并交由我来看守以完成你的协议into my custody for the completion of your contract.你♥爸♥爸是谁And who's your father?当然是玛拉斯特大帝了Lord Malastor, of course.并且他代表星球联盟And on behalf of the Coalition of Planets,为你的出色工作表示感谢he'd like to thank you for a job well done.并且他为之前对你的冒犯表示歉意He'd also like to pardon you for any past transgressions. 所以玛拉斯特派了他的独生女So, Malastor sent his only daughter来到地方领地为他做事into enemy territory for him.你应该感到高兴You be glad he did.他或许还不能那么谅解你们He might not be so understanding掠夺联盟财产的行为over your plundering Coalition property.而我可以原谅你们I'm willing to forgive it鉴于你们出色的工作for a job well done.我向他确认一下I'll just call and confirm.-不建议你这样做 -我要这样做- I wouldn't. - I'm gonna.那让我来吧Allow me.父亲原谅我打扰Father, forgive me for interrupting...我记得我让你去接回囚犯了I thought I sent you to retrieve the prisoner.我说的不够清楚还是你自己搞不定Was I not clear enough or can you not handle it? 我现在在艾杰克斯船长的赏金号♥里I'm aboard the Bounty with Captain Ajax.她想要想你确认She wishes to confirm your orders.我不会让一个犯罪的海盗来质疑我I will not be questioned by a lawless pirate!告诉这个自私的船长Tell this self-serving captain that she can turn over 要么交出科宾指挥官Commander Corbryn or she can die要么就和其他的犯罪分子一起死吧with the rest of the criminals.好吧Fine.把他从我的船上弄走Get him off my ship then.他不值得我费劲He's not worth the trouble.-等等 -嘿- Wait! - Hey!这是为你好It's for your own good.来吧Come on.嗨我叫科宾Uh, hi. I'm Corbryn.阿斯特拉玛拉斯特Astera Malastor.我知道你是谁我们去哪儿Yeah. I know who you are. Where we going?我们得离开这艘船We have to get off this ship.发射你们的舰队启动你的防线Launch your fleet! Activate your defenses!我们反击Fight back?避难星并没有舰队Haven doesn't really have a fleet.我是说来这儿的人都是难民I mean, the people who come here are refugees, 你知道的农民走私犯you know, farmers, smugglers.有一些是之前联盟的士兵但是也不够Some are ex-Coalition, but not enough.就算我们把他们召集起来打仗Even if we got 'em all to fight,都相当于让他们去送死we'd just be sending them to their deaths.那你都有些什么Then what do you have?我们有一个圣骑士We have a Paladin.圣骑士都死绝了All the Paladins are dead.他没死至少我认为他还活着He's not. At least, I don't think he is.他在联盟炸掉我们飞船的时候He helped save us when the Coalition tried救了我们并把我们带到这里to blow up the ship that brought us here.之后他就陷入了深度睡眠He's been in hyper-sleep ever since.那你之前怎么不把他叫醒Then why didn't you wake him up before now?之前也没这么紧急We never had to.并且历史上圣骑士议会And historically, the Order of the Paladins都是为联盟效忠are loyal to the Coalition.要是这人出♥卖♥♥♥你Or you could be handing my father the planet你可以选择让星球落入我爸手中if this guy decides to turn you in!他不会的相信我He won't. Trust me.要不是因为他避难星都不会存在There wouldn't be a Haven if it wasn't for this guy. 我之前没有唤醒他的原因Only reason we didn't wake him up before now是我以为他可能会is because I thought it would somehow把联盟军队引来bring the Coalition here,不过显然现在已经不用担心这种问题了which obviously isn't an issue anymore.他是我们最后的希望你知道的He's our last hope, you know, sort of a就是那种最后的底牌"break glass in case of" scenario.好那接下来怎么做Okay. So what's the next step?我们得先找到他Well, we got to get up to him.-你的飞船呢 -你没有飞船吗- Where's your ship? - Where's your ship?我的飞船在这艘舰里My ship? It's on this ship.在海盗手里The pirates have it.就是刚刚抓你的那群海盗吗The pirates I just saved you from?对别担心我有主意Yeah. Don't worry. I got a plan.我们不走吗We're not leaving?你♥爸♥爸现在已经建起了Your father will have established环星防线an orbital blockade by now.我也有主意对付那玩意儿小程序I got a plan that works for that too, Pixels.防线不能限制我我的飞船和手下Blockade doesn't apply to me, my ship, or my crew. 我们的交易完成了My contract's complete.让我们通过我们自己离开Let us through and we'll be on our way.不行船长Can't do that, Captain.玛拉斯特大帝已经下达了死命令Lord Malastor has issued strict orders.任何飞船不得进出No ships in or out.去你的我都被困在这鬼地方了Like hell, I'm getting stuck on this rock!让我和他说Put him on!你在考验我的耐心海盗You're trying my patience, pirate!你被包围了无路可逃You're surrounded. You can't escape.那就让这些蠢货放我们出去Then tell these idiots to open up and let me through, 你就不用再见到我了and I'll be out of your hair.根据协议把叛军领袖交给我You'll be allowed through the blockade你就可以通过once you deliver the rebel leader per our contract.我已经把他交出去了问你女儿I just turned him over. Check with your daughter.问我你说什么With my...what did you say?什么时候的事在哪儿When was this? Where?你干嘛Whoa! What are you doing?我把门炸开Gonna blast the doors open.不你不能这么做No, you're not.我来帮手I've got it. Helper?你好啊Hello.-你在干嘛 -用普通推进器- What are you doing? - Well, there's no way不可能冲出防线了we'll make it past that blockade with normal thrusters. 我们需要光速跃迁Gonna have to jump us into light-speed.你之前试过吗Have you done that before?没在货船上试过Never from inside a cargo freighter.-系好 -系什么- Strap in. - To what?回答我艾杰克斯怎么回事儿Answer me, Ajax! What's going on?发生什么了What happened? Come in!这些软蛋跑了The cowards fled!带上几艘船去追他们Take some ships and find them!派几艘去避难星And send some to Haven.怎么了What happened?我们失去了和防线的联♥系♥We've lost contact with the blockade.赏金号♥也没有信♥号♥♥传来And we're no longer receiving signal from the Bounty.推迟进攻直到找到我女儿Delay the assault until my daughter's been found!嘿帮手Hey, Helper.你还好吧You okay?你得多装些安全带You need more seatbelts.我们在哪儿Where are we?过去The Past.你可以到那边去吗Think you can get over there?帮手你到了吗Helper? Did you get there?我在里面I'm inside.太好了我们现在登上去Okay, great. I'll dock us.是他吗Is that him?没错是他Yeah, that's him.你之前到过这儿吗Have you been here before?只有那次过去确认他死没死Only once to make sure he wasn't dead.星球的畸变场一定是影响到他的飞船了Planet's distortion field must have scrambled his ship. 如果我能用特殊的频率If I use a certain frequency...看来我们收到了新代码It seems we're receiving a new code,一条旧联盟代码an old Coalition code.有人在对我们说话Someone's talking to us.谁Who?写的什么What's it say?和平高于议会Peace before order.他怎么了What's wrong with him?什么也不要碰Don't touch anything.我们找到他了We found him.干掉他Take him out.这也许真的管用This could actually work.我们就祈祷他站在我们这边吧Yeah. Let's just hope he's on our side.去看看你能发现什么Go see what you can find out.你好我是阿斯特拉玛拉Hi. I'm Astera Mala...阿斯特拉玛拉斯特玛拉斯特大帝的女儿Astera Malastor, daughter of Lord Malastor.幸会Greetings.我是登茨·阿特伊斯I am Denz Atreus,星区艾普西隆 27的圣骑士Paladin of star-sector Epsilon 27.而你是指挥官科宾指挥官And you are Commander... Commander Corbryn.你做到了You made it.-是的 -退后- Yeah. - Step back.他人是好的只是有点误入歧途The Commander is a good man, if a little misguided.不过说真的我不是很了解他Although admittedly, I've only known him briefly.我保证他会被公平对待I will ensure that he is treated fairly.我联♥系♥上了联盟指挥部I've synced with Coalition Command.放心吧你马上就可以和你父亲在一起了Rest assured, you will be with your father in a moment 我们终于可以一劳永逸地解决这事了and we can finally settle this matter once and for all.不你还不明白No. You don't understand.必有一战There's gonna be a war.嘿停下你疯了吗Hey, stop! What are you doing?只有和平才能铺就秩序之路The path to order lies only through peace.只要我交出科宾Once I've delivered Corbryn,或许就能开启投降谈判negotiations for surrender may begin.不会有和平我父亲从不谈判There's not gonna be peace. My father doesn't negotiate.登茨如果你告发我的话我就死定了Denz, if you turn me in, I'm dead.如果你不马上带我们到地面If you don't get us to the surface right now,人类都会死的people are going to die.在我的保护下No harm will befall either of you你们谁也不会受伤while you're under my protection!星球也是如此The same goes for the planet!我向你们保证I give you my word.你们不必害怕行星联盟You have nothing to fear from the Coalition of the Planets. 帮手行动Helper! Now!帮手准备逃生舱Helper! Ready an escape pod.会大出事的That was ill-advised.长官我们正在用旧的联盟频率呼叫Sir, we're being hailed in an old Coalition frequency, "荣誉"号♥飞船vessel designation "Honor".是一个圣骑士It's a Paladin.所以是真的咯So it's true.过了这么久他还活着He's still alive after all this time.我以为你处理了最后一个I thought you dealt with the last of them.我也以为So did I.希望他仍然忠诚Let's hope his loyalties are in order.看见了吗我说过See? I told you.和平是走不通的Peace was never an option.避难星现在需要的是一个保护者What Haven needs right now is a protector.避难星Haven...圣骑士行星联盟Paladin, the Coalition of Planets感谢你的介入thanks you for your intervention.因为我女儿的安全And I'm personally in your debt for我个人欠你很多the safe recovery of my daughter.她没给你惹麻烦吧I trust she hasn't given you too much trouble?-叛军领袖在哪 -在你不知道的地方- Where is the rebel leader? - Somewhere you can't get him! 阿斯特拉没什么比和平解决冲突Astera, nothing would please me more更让我高兴的了than to resolve this conflict without bloodshed,破坏他们的光速引擎Disable their light-speed engines.既然阿斯特拉离我们这么近I don't want them running我不想让他们跑了now that Astera's this close.看来他们是不会投降了It seems that surrender is off the table for now.发动进攻Begin the assault!让我们看看他们会否改变主意Let's see if they change their minds.长官领导这次进攻是我的荣幸It will be my honor to lead the attack, sir.不No, it won't.我需要一个值得信任的人带回阿斯特拉I need someone that I trust to retrieve Astera for me.那圣骑士呢What about the Paladin?。

Alien Trespass《外星人入侵(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本

Alien Trespass《外星人入侵(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本

A 52-ton multistage rocket发射的是一架52吨♥多级火箭Combining elements of the thor icbm and the vanguard兼具雷神导弹和先锋号♥核艇的设计特点Is ready for firing.正准备发射On the planned course, the 83-pound pioneer space probe 按计划 83磅重的先驱号♥空间探测器Would closely approach the moon会将逐渐接近月球And would be swung into orbit by the moon's own gravity. 然后依赖月球引力而进入指定运行轨道Two...2......One...1......Zero.0 发射The vehicle roars aloft at too steep an angle,火箭克服重力横冲直上Working more directly against gravity than planned,比预计中的运行效果更好Reaching over 23,000 miles an hour.时速高达23000英里It carries to nearly 80,000 miles,它大约能飞80000英里30 times as far as ever before.比以前要远30多倍The pioneer remains先驱号♥空间探测器Man's most resoundingly successful probe into space.是人类有史以来最具影响力的探测器(PENNSYLVANIA)(宾夕法尼亚)At last, the truth about flying saucers.最后关于飞碟They're real.它们是真的Just as real as santa claus, that's what,就像圣诞老人一样存在着And we've got 10,000 allentown youngsters为此我们找了to back us up.一万名艾伦镇青年来加入我们They greeted old st. nick他们向自1957年开始as he made his first 1957 appearance.扮演圣诞老人的尼克问候Santa greets his greeters with gifts圣诞老人向他们赠送礼物and a gala party,并举办了节日宴会As is his custom.身穿盛服A flying saucer carries飞碟能比圣诞鹿装载Lots more christmas cargo than reindeer.更多的圣诞礼物Where are the reindeer?圣诞鹿去哪了Why, they're back at the north pole, honey.亲爱的他们回北极了But don't you cry.但是不要哭Santa is still santa.圣诞老人还是那个圣诞老人Christmas is still Christmas.圣诞节也还是那个圣诞节And kids are still kids.孩子们也还是那些孩子们(FASHION Parade)(时尚秀)Right up to the minute both in transportation and in dress, 第一批滑雪爱好者们The first ski birds of the season migrate也如期而至且全副武装To the bear mountain inn, hopeful of snow.自发来到小熊山旅馆等待着下雪There is no snow in new york, but that's no never mind, 纽约现在丝毫没有下雪的意思但是没关系Because the emphasis right now is on fashions.现在时尚才是焦点They're all dressed up for snow他们都为雪天整装待发In their white stag ensembles for winter sportswear,白鹿牌运动装Colorful outfits that will light up any festive occasion.鲜艳的外套更增添了几分节日气氛(TROUBLE IN TINSELTOWN)(浮华镇上的麻烦)Hollywood, California.好莱坞加利福尼亚Two titans of the movie industry go head-to-head,电影节的两大巨人齐头并进And no one wins.没有输赢World-famous movie star, M. Eric Mccormack,举世闻名的电影明星M艾瑞克·麦科马克Known affectionately by his fans as "Meric,"也就是被影迷们戏称为麦瑞克的那一位Has reached an impasse in a contract dispute在与他长♥期♥老板刘易斯·金石的With his long-time boss, Louis Q. Goldstone,一场合约纠纷中走到了事业的低谷Head of Goldstone International Pictures.其老板刘易斯Q·金石国际影像公♥司♥的老总With production complete on allen trespass,此次纠纷事关《外星人入侵》这部电影Rumored to be the greatest science fiction movie ever made, 据说是有史以来最伟大的科幻电影It appears a legal showdown will deprive the world现在看起来这场法律纠纷Of ever seeing it.将使得世人无缘再见此电影Louis Q. made the announcement刘易斯Q这周At his Hollywood studio this week.在他好莱坞的工作室宣布It saddens me deeply to announce对此我感到非常遗憾That goldstone international is shelving the release金石国际影像公♥司♥不得不放弃Of its epic Sci-Fi picture Allen Trespass.此次关于科幻巨片《外星人入侵》的发行I'm ordering today that all prints我今天发出通知要求销毁所有电影拷贝And the negative of the film be destroyed.以及电影底版Mr. Goldstone! Mr. Goldstone!金石先生金石先生Meric, seen here in a recent interview麦瑞克在一次接受with Edwin R. Burrows埃德温·布劳斯的采访中透漏Days before he and Goldstone parted ways,当然是在与金石公♥司♥分道扬镳之前了Has described the movie as his best acting work ever. 这场影片是他最杰出的一部动作电影Tell me about the movie.说一下有关这场电影吧I'll tell you a little,我只能透露一点点Because goldy would have my you know what.要不然是违反公♥司♥合约规定的And that's the news from around the world.这里是环球新闻Earlier today, I met with Dr. Ted Lewis.今天早上我采访了泰德·刘易斯博士He's the director of the bald mountain observatory.他是秃山天文台的负责人And one big gumdrop.真是个大帅哥Welcome, Dr. Lewis.欢迎您刘易斯博士Tonight is the height of the meteor showers.今晚是流行雨的高峰期The perseid meteor showers, is that right?也就是八月流行雨对不对Right.是的Doctor, would you please tell our audience exactly博士您能不能说得具体一点What are meteors, and where do they come from?到底什么是流星它们从何而来呢Well, they could be the debris from comet tails, 他们大都是彗星尾巴的残骸Like the perseids,就像八月流星群Or simply the rocks and dust of worlds也有可能是史前宇宙爆♥炸♥ That were destroyed long ago.留下的杂石Destroyed worlds?史前宇宙You-you mean like our earth?你指的是类似我们地球的星球Well...也可以Yes.这么说But don't worry; that's not likely to happen to us 但是不用担心这个是不会Any time soon.经常发生的Well, that certainly is good news, doctor.这无疑对我们都是好消息What happens when meteorites-陨石降落时会发生什么呢Stardust.流行雨Oh, Ted, darling, another one.泰德亲爱的又有一颗You really must see this.快来看啊It's breathtaking.真是刺♥激♥In a minute, dear.亲爱的马上It doesn't peak till 2:00 in the morning anyway. 反正凌晨2点前不会达到高峰Oh, Ted, another.泰德又一颗Nutmeg?肉豆蔻I'm the chef around here tonight, remember?今晚我做饭还记得吗Of course you are, darling.当然Happy anniversary.周年纪念快乐Happy anniversary, Lana.拉娜周年纪念快乐Coals ready?火好了吗Look good.差不多了Oh, Ted, look at the big bright one.泰德看这个又大又亮的Dick.迪克Dick, you promised.迪克你答应过的Penny, please, just be reasonable.佩尼别这样能不能理智点啊Now, look, we-we couldn't possibly love each other 我们都不知道能不能相爱Any more on our honeymoon, could we?度蜜月时再说吧好不好Right?好吗Nice try, Mr. Perkins.好的帕金斯先生Dick, look, a shooting star.迪克看一颗流星Quick, make a wish.快许愿So what was your wish?你许了什么愿啊Well.这个吗What is it with you guys?你们男生都这幅德性Whoa, Penny, what is that?佩尼那是什么It's shaking around like it's crazy.像疯子一样摇来摇去Oh, gosh.天哪That's 'cause it's coming straight at us.那是因为它正超着我们这飞来Dick, it's gonna hit us. Oh, boy.迪克它会撞上我们的快点发动Hurry, Dick, it's getting closer.快点迪克越来越近了Come on, you piece of junk!快点你这辆破车Oh, god!上帝啊What on earth was that?那到底是什么Ted?泰德Darn, I'm trying to reach the observatory,亲爱的我正在试着打电♥话♥给天文台呢But there's no dial tone.但是没拨号♥音The crash must have knocked out the lines.这次流星碰撞肯定把电♥话♥线搞坏了What was it, an asteroid?那是什么一个小流星吗No, dear, more like an immense meteoroid.不亲爱的看起来更像一颗巨星And right in our own backyard.我们这已经没什么事了I'm going up there.我要到那瞧瞧Whoa.别啊Lana, this is a onceinalifetime event.拉娜这可是百年不遇的大事啊It's molten iron, right?那都是些熔掉的废铁不是吗Won't it be a little too hot up there,那儿不会太热了吗Like 2,700 degrees?有没有2700度Why don't you let it cool down until morning.你为何不让等到天亮它们都冷却了I'll keep you plenty warm until then.在此之前我会让你欲♥火♥焚身的Since when did you become an expert on meteoroids? 你什么时候也变成流星体专家了I learned something我也学到点啊In those silly classes of yours, remember?在你那傻乎乎的课上记得吗Silly, huh?傻乎乎Now, get out there and check on those steaks, hmm? 现在出去看看牛排好了吗Oh, no, Ted.不会吧泰德Merlin.梅林Hey, wake up, you old bag of bones.醒醒你这身老骨头Do you see that?你有没有看到啊That's a spaceship, old boy.老家伙你是一架飞船A real, live, honest-to-goodness spaceship真实的活生生的千真万确的飞船From outer space, it is.肯定是从外太空来的I knew it.我就知道I knew they'd finally show up.我就知道它们早晚会出现Yeah, I told them, the fools.我告诉过那帮蠢蛋I knew they were gonna come.我知道他们肯定会来I knew it.我就知道Come here, boy.老家伙到这儿来Come here. come on.快点到这儿来Yeah, we got a spaceship to get, huh?我们发现了一架飞船Come on, come on.快点Yeah, we're gonna be famous, you and me.我们会一夜成名你和我There it is.就在那There it is, old boy.老家伙就在那Okay, Merlin.好了梅林Now, how does this sound?听着这么着好不好Greetings, space brothers from a distant star.外星访客您好Welcome to our planet.欢迎来到我们星球Ted?泰德Out here, dear.在这儿呢亲爱的Time for your present.还要礼物吗Oh, I got it, dear.我已经拿到了亲爱的The binoculars are wonderful.双筒望远镜就是好Your other present, darling.你另外一份的礼物亲爱的Oh, my.天啊No, no, no, pinhead.不不不你这个没脑子的家伙PPP is proper police procedure.PPP是正当警务流程的简写PPD is an unknown doa.PPD是不明死因Well, I thought that was a PPK.我觉得那应该是PPKNo, PPK is what you do behind a tree after you see a stiff.不 PPK是你看到尸体后在树后干的事How'd you pass the exam, anyway,你到底怎样通过考试的Promise to fix the teacher's parking tickets?通过帮老师搞定停车券吗Hey, easy on him, Vern, the kid's okay.别太严厉了弗恩这个家伙还不错的Ain't that right, Bubba?布巴是不是Huh?什么Thank you, come again.谢谢你再来啊Sorry, Darlene.达莲娜对不起Number five, number two, dry and deadly.5号♥ 2号♥ 一份鲜的一份熟的Is that you, Tammy?泰米是你吗I'm sorry, Sam.山姆对不起All right, so what is it this time, huh?这次又是怎么了Flat tire?汽车爆胎Sick aunt? Men from Mars?阿姨生病火星男人What?什么This has got to stop, toots. I'm sorry, Sam.美人别再迟到了对不起山姆Four, five, and six are all yours, honey pie.亲爱的 4号♥ 5号♥ 6号♥都是你的了I'm out of here, Simone.西蒙我有事先走了Bye, boys.帅哥们再见Hey, Tammy, why don't you and I go on up to the point?泰米我们俩直接结合到一块吧Not a chance, Vernon.弗农没门Why not, sweetheart?为什么不行啊宝贝Because you're Vernon, Officer Vernon.因为你是弗农警官弗农Hey, Tammy, you've been here, what, three years? 泰米你来这多长时间了 3年All that time,这么长时间I've never seen you with a guy.从来没有见你同男生在一块儿过What's your point?你想说什么Nothin'.没什么I said, what's your point, Vernon?我问你想说什么弗农What is the point, Lloyd?劳埃德你想说什么Well, you know.你知道的What?什么Drop it, Bubba.布巴别再说了Right, Vern.好的弗恩Cats, did you see that thing?你们看见那个东西了吗Wow, it blasted right into the butte.它直接撞到那边的山丘上了It was crazy. See it?很刺♥激♥ 你们看见了吗It almost hit us up at the point,还说呢差点在那里撞上我们俩Passed right over our heads.平着擦过我们头顶It was unreal.那不是真的Dick, if my father finds out we went to the point, 迪克如果我父亲知道我们去过那He'll go ape.他会发疯的Don't sweat it, Queenie, my lips are zipped.不要担心奎尼我不会说的So what do you think it was, Dickie?迪奇你觉得那是什么Well, we couldn't tell.我们也不知道It was-it was huge and all covered with flames.非常大而且烈火熊熊Hey, Vern's in there.弗恩在那Maybe the egg sucker knows something.也许那个马屁精知道点什么Let's go see. Yeah.我们去瞧瞧好吧Thank you very much.谢谢You're welcome.不客气I'm gonna call in, Vern.我去看看情况弗恩Hey, Vern, did you hear about that big crash up on the butte? 弗恩你有没有听说山丘那边发生大碰撞啊It's officer watson to you, cockroach.小兔崽子你也成侦探了You're the police.你是警♥察♥You're supposed to protect us.你应该保护我们What if it's a secret commie rocket?如果那是一架共♥党♥分子的秘密火箭呢Shouldn't you punks be in school?你们这帮家伙这时不应该上学吗Vern, I just called in.弗恩我收到情报Something crashed into the butte last night,昨晚山丘那边有东西撞毁了And the chief wants us to check it out.头儿让我们去查查Anybody hurt?有没有伤亡That's what we're supposed to find out.头儿就是让我们去查查看Come on, let's go.快点我们走吧Whatever you say, chief.头儿说了算You rodents stay out of trouble.你们这帮小家伙别惹事啊Man, what a jerk that guy is.那个家伙真是个变♥态♥Cool it, Dickie.冷静一下迪奇It's his job to suck eggs.他的工作就是这样So, cats, what are we gonna do about it?那我们呢我们该干什么Do about what?干什么The crash, the crash.那个大碰撞碰撞We got to get up there.我们也应该上去瞧瞧Sorry, Code, can't.科迪对不起不行Freddy's Ford佛瑞迪的福特公♥司♥just got one of them new Edsels in.刚生产了一批新福特艾佐车Richard, this is the biggest thing ever理查德这可是有史以来最大的一件事To hit this nowhere zilch town, and you can't? 还正好撞到我们小镇你却没空But itit's only gonna be there from 10:00但是车10点就开始销♥售♥了Dickie, Edsels will be around forever.迪奇艾佐车什么时候都会有This won't.但是这个不会Come on, man, just up there and back, real quick. 快点哥们我们快去快回I mean, what could possibly happen?没什么大不了的Well, if you want to go that bad to look that pitiful,如果你执意要去淌这趟浑水Then okay.那好吧Penny, you are the queen.佩尼有皇后风范See anything?有没有看见什么东西Nothing but rocks.什么也没看见除了岩石Anything?看见什么了吗More rocks close up.更多岩石出现A plane crash might still be burning, right?一架飞机失事烈火还在燃烧对不对Yeah, probably.对很可能So would one of them rockets.有没有可能是火箭You got me.我也不知道Maybe it is a rocket, Vern,弗恩有可能真的是火箭From that test range over in Nevada.可能来自内华达州的那次演习They're putting atomic bombs on top of rockets now.而且他们在火箭上配备了原♥子♥弹♥ Wouldn't want to get near one of those things.你不想靠近看看吗All that radiation.会有辐射No, sir. Radiation?我反正不去长官辐射Yeah, I read about it.是的我听说过It's a nasty way to go.会很痛苦First you get real sick,首先你会感到难受Start puking up your guts, and then blood.接着你会呕吐流血Then you get hives all over your body.然后你全身都会起疹子It's gross.非常恶心Little boils.还长小疖That's enough, Barnes.巴恩斯够了Well, that's not all, Vern.弗恩那还不是全部呢You know, your hair starts to fall out.而且你的头发也会渐渐脱落You start bleeding out of your nose and mouth. 你的鼻子和嘴开始流血Your skin gets all cracked and-皮肤裂开之后Barnes.巴恩斯Then you die, Vern.你就死了弗恩Man, oh, man.老兄看哪老兄Back up behind those trees.倒回那些树后面Okay.好的Cody, they're gonna see us.科迪他们会看见我们的No, they won't.不不会的Let's just go home.我们还是回家吧Penny.佩尼You chickens go if you want to.你们想回就回I'm going up there.反正我要去那里看看Come on, Dickie.来吧This could be very, very cool.这肯定非常非常有趣Uh, we'll just wait for you here.我们还是在这里等你吧All right, clyde.好吧老古板Dick, I'm scared.迪克我很害怕What's wrong, Penny?怎么了佩尼I don't know what it is.我也不知道是为什么Come here, baby.过来宝贝Penny, there's really nothing to be scared of. 佩尼没有什么好害怕的Look, we're all alone.瞧就我们自己No, we're not.不不是Whoa, hold it right there, Officer Barnes.等等看一下那里巴恩斯警官Vern?弗恩?You see that glow?看到那里发光了吗That's a meteor for sure.肯定是流星Got that?看到了吗That's how meteors glow.流星就是那么发光的There's no crash; there's no bodies.没有坠毁也没有伤亡Case closed. let's get the heck out of here. 结案我们开车离开这里Uh, Vern, don't you want to check it out?弗恩你不想查看一下吗No, I do not. let's go.不不行我们走That's an order.这是命令Dick.迪克I saw something in the trees over there. 我看见在树里面有东西What? I don't see anything.什么我没看见什么Dick, let's just go.迪克我们还是离开吧Penny, Cody's still out there.佩尼科迪还在外面Dick, let's go. Now.迪克我们现在就走Penny, you're just imagining佩尼你只是想象的有东西What is it?那是什么I don't know, Penny.我不知道佩尼I don't know.我不知道Not again.不要又这样了Penny, quick, roll up your window佩尼快点摇上车窗And lock your door.锁上你那边的门Dick, it's on the roof!迪克它在车顶上Oh, god!上帝It's so horrible.太恐怖了Okay, I think it's gone.好了我觉得它离开了Yeah?是吗Let's just get out of here.我们赶快离开这里Penny! Penny!佩尼佩尼What are you doing here, Cockroach?你来这里做什么小兔崽子It's a free country, Officer Watson.这是个自♥由♥的国家沃森警官You little nosebleed.你这个小探子Officer! Cody!长官科迪Yeah, kids?孩子们A monster.一个怪物We were attacked by a monster.我们受怪物攻击了A monster?怪物Yeah, we were in my car up in the trees.是啊当时我们在树林里的车里And it had a big eyeball, and it tried to kill us with a... 它有一个很大的眼球还想杀了我们...A thing, like, a big tentacle thing.用那个像触须一样的东西Yeah, it was real, I swear.是的真的我发誓A monster, Dickie?怪物迪奇?Officer Watson, you have to believe us.沃森长官你一定要相信我们You know what I believe?知道我相信什么吗I believe your punk pranks have gone too far this time. 我相信你们的恶作剧有点过火What?什么Last summer, it was the killer with the hook.去年夏天说有个带钩子的杀手The year before that前年Officer, please.长官求你了求你相信我们It's time you learned your lesson.是时候接受教训了Get in the car. Officer.上车去长官Get in the car.上车Hey, watch it.慢点You too, young lady.你也是小姐Not so fast, Watson.不要这么急沃森I know my rights.我知道我的权利Oh, I'm-I'll get in.好吧我我这就上车I'm in. I'm in.我上车上车I'll haul these punks in; you drive their car. 我开车拉着他们你开他们的车回去Okay, Vern.好的弗恩Thanks a lot, Code.谢谢你科迪Just there and back, right?就打个来回是吗Really hate that guy.真讨厌那个家伙Ted, is that you?泰德是你吗No.不是Not a note, nothing?也不留个便条什么不说Look at you.看看你You are Lana.你是拉娜And you are a mess.You are Ted's mate.你是泰德的老婆Of course I am.当然我是Ted loves Lana.泰德很爱拉娜And Lana loves Ted.拉娜也很爱泰德Hormonal polarity.荷尔蒙增高Yes, I have heard of this phenomenon.是的我听说过这种事Odd sensation.很奇怪的感觉Call it what you will, dear.随便你怎么说吧亲爱的Last night was wonderful.昨晚上很精彩Now, go clean up, get dressed, and come to breakfast. 现在去洗洗换件衣服来吃早饭You are Lana.你是拉娜You must assist me.你得帮我Really, Ted, you can dress yourself.真的泰德你可以自己穿衣服Men.男人啊And if you must go off chasing your meteors如果下次你半夜再去查看流星In the middle of the night, next time you tell me.你得告诉我一声I was worried half to death.我都快担心死了Ted, what is this?泰德这是什么Pocket-sized binoculars?超小的双孔望远镜吗No.不是Oh, Ted, I know how to be careful.我知道要小心的Oh, you scientists.你这个科学家Go sit down.去坐下Breakfast is ready.早饭已经好了Ted I'm going to tell you something mother said. 泰德告诉你我妈妈曾经说过She said, "It can happen in a marriage.她说结婚后有可能"One morning you just wake up,早上醒来And there's a stranger sitting across from you." 对面坐了个陌生人I told her it was utter nonsense.我告诉她说那都是胡说八道的Now I'm not so sure.但现在我不确定了Oh, Ted, are you all right?泰德你还好吗What is this?这是什么Oh, no.天啊不Oh, dear.亲爱的Ted, you stay right there.你坐那别动I'm gonna call Dr. Miller.我要打电♥话♥叫米勒医生Darm it, the line is still out.该死线路还没修好Ted, you must go lie down.泰德你该躺下了What is this called?那个叫什么Salt. It's called salt.盐那叫盐Salt.盐This will harm the Ghota.这会伤到格塔You are Lana. you must assist me.你是拉娜你得帮我Oh, Ted, stop it. You're scaring me.泰德不要你吓到我了Ted wants you safe.泰德希望你平安无事How was breakfast, chief?早饭怎么样警长Oh, same old slop.还是一样的汤Anything up?有事吗Old man Wilson called again, screaming about his space man. 老威尔逊又打电♥话♥了尖叫着说他的太空人Was he drunk?他喝醉了吗Of course.当然And the typewriter needs a new ribbon.打字机需要换个新的色带Paperwork, Stiles, get used to it.文书工作斯泰尔斯慢慢习惯吧Better you than me.你比我强In two days, I'm retired.两天后我就退休了Case closed, as officer Watson likes to say.结案了就像沃森长官说的那样Vern brought in some kids.弗恩抓了几个孩子Making a false report to the police,向警♥察♥汇报假信息That's a very serious charge, Mr. Perkins.那可是很严重的控告帕金斯先生We were attacked, Chief Dawson.我们受攻击了道森警长We got attacked by a monster.我们受怪物的攻击That's what it says right here, all right, 这里也是这么说的"Attacked by a monster."受怪物攻击It looked like a big eyeball它看起来有个大眼球with a long tentacle thing.还有长触须一样的东西Right. It tried to kill us.是吗它要杀我们You have to believe me.你得相信我I've never been so scared.我从没有这么害怕过I'm going to notify your parents.我要通知你们的父母No, please don't.不要求你了Just give us a break, will you?放我们一马好吗If I ever see any of you in my office again, 如果我再在我的办公室见到你们You'll all need lawyers.你们都要请律师帮忙了You dig me, Mr. O'hara?听懂了吗欧哈拉先生Get out of here before I change my mind. 在我改变主意之前赶快离开Yeah, okay, Merlin.好了梅林Yeah, okay, you old hound.好了好了你这只老家伙Come on. come on.走走Away you go. Away you go.快走快走Don't be gone long, you old goat.不要玩太久你这个老家伙Sorry about last night, space brothers.昨晚上对不起了太空兄弟Just a little bird shot.只是猎枪子弹No harm done, right?没有受伤对吗I'll take you to our leader today. 我今天要送你去长官那里I promise.我发誓I will.我会送你去Ted, darling, what are you doing? 泰德亲爱的你在找什么Salt.盐It's it's under there.在在那下面You know that.你知道的Why don't you go lie down?你为什么不去躺躺Salt will protect Lana.盐会保护拉娜You will assist me.你会帮我对吗Of course I'll assist you.当然会帮你I'll take care of you. Good.我会照顾你的好We must go.我们得走了You will drive.你开车Yes, of course I'll drive.当然我来开车Um, we'll go see Dr. Miller.我们去找米勒医生It's Saturday, but虽然是周六但No doctor; the Ghota.不看医生去找格塔The Ghota?格塔?What Ghota?什么格塔You need to see Dr. Miller.你需要去看米勒医生I must find the Ghota before it divides.我必须在格塔裂变之前找到它You need to see the doctor.你得去看医生Ted wants you safe.泰德想让你安全Stop saying that.不要再说了I am safe.我很安全Ted is not safe.泰德才不安全呢No.不Ted is safe.泰德很安全I'm going to get Dr. Miller.我要去找米勒医生You will not assist me?你不帮我了吗Lana.拉娜Lana.拉娜Lana?拉娜?Oh, hey, toots, do me a favor.亲爱的帮帮我Run out to the Gunderson farm and pick me up three dozen eggs. 你开车去岗德松农场给我买♥♥三打鸡蛋You got time to get out there and back before the lunch crowd. 现在就去在午餐人多之前赶回来Sure, Sam.好的山姆Dr. Lewis.刘易斯博士Hello?你好?You are Tammy.你是泰米Gosh, Dr. Lewis,天啊刘易斯博士I didn't think you remembered me.没想到你还记得我Ted remembers you.泰德记得你Where are you going?你去哪儿That way.那个方向To the butte?去山丘吗Can I give you a lift?要我载你一程吗I'm headed that way myself.我也要去那个方向You were going that way.你要去那个方向Well, a girl can change her mind, can't she? 女孩可以改变主意对吗Yes.是的Minds can be changed.可以改变主意Is something wrong?出什么事了吗Oh, gosh.天哪Gosh, I'm sorry.天啊对不起I know you're married.我知道你结婚了Yes.是的Lana is Ted's wife.拉娜是泰德的妻子Please, I don't mean anything by it.对不起我真的没有别的意思I was just trying to be...我只是想Helpful.帮忙You will assist me?你要帮我吗I'd be happy to, Dr. Lewis.我很愿意帮你Good.很好Well, all right then.那就好Dr. Lewis, can I-刘易斯博士我能不能Can I call you Ted?能不能叫你泰德My name is Urp.我的名字叫厄普Do you want some Rolaids?你要一些制酸药吗I've got some in my purse.我包里有些Dr. Lewis.刘易斯博士Can I...Ted.我能泰德Can I ask you a personal question?我能问个私人问题吗Yes.可以At night, when you're looking through a telescope, 晚上你透过望远镜Do you ever wonder what's out there?有没有了想过太空到底是什么样子吗I mean, what's really out there.我是说太空到底有什么I know what is really out there.我知道太空有什么I suppose you do.假设你知道But I'm talking about other worlds但是我说的是另一个世界And civilizations and things.文明还有其他的事物It gives me shivers just to think about it.我一想就会发抖I get shivers on Toolamane Four.我在图拉梅4号♥上也会发抖What's that?那是什么It is one of seven ice planets那是七大冰雪星球之一That orbit the neutron star Tryxl.它围绕中子星崔叟运转Ice planets?冰雪星球You can see other planets, wow.你可以看见其他的星球真厉害I never knew you astronomers could do that. 我从来不知道天文学家这么厉害I have been to many planets.我去过很多星球My home planet is Koddhar.我的家就在寇达星球It is in the Draco cluster.在天龙星系里Right.是的What is that thing?那是什么It is a biogenic phase disruptor.是暂时性生命干♥扰♥器♥A what?是什么Is that, like, some kind of gun or something?是不是就像枪一样的东西?Yes.是的I hope you don't hunt with it.希望你不要用这个打猎You don't hunt with it, do you?你不用这个打猎对吗Yes.用啊Well, my gosh, I never thought you'd be the type, Dr. Lewis. 天啊没想到刘易斯博士是这种人The stores are full of meat.商店里有大把肉卖♥♥You don't have to go around killing defenseless animals.你没必要亲自去杀死不能自卫的动物吧The Ghota is not defenseless.格塔可以自卫Goats. you're hunting goats.山羊你在猎杀山羊Ghota, not goats.格塔不是山羊Ghota, goats,格塔山羊Whatever you say, I don't care.随你怎么说我不在乎It's cruel.太残忍♥了It is necessary.必须如此In several of your hours,在你们的几个小时之内the Ghota will divide.格塔就会自我裂化If it is not stopped before that,如果在此之前没有制止它的话It will feed and then multiply exponentially它会自行喂食然后以指数次幂繁殖Until ghotas consume all life on this planet.直到它将这个星球上所有生命耗尽为止And you're here to stop it.所以你现在要制止它Yes.是I would be called a federal marshal in your world.我在你们地球可以叫做联邦警♥察♥I enforce security in this quadrant.我管辖着这个地区的安全问题Deals, deals, deals!交易交易交易Come on down today to freddy's ford!快来关注一下今天的弗瑞德的福特!Freddy's ford, where we弗瑞德的福特在这里friends, do you have tired blood?朋友你身体衰弱吗hey, Lloyd, leave it on.嘿劳埃德就听这个嘛What for?听什么啊It's all trash.全是东拉西扯I want to hear it.我想听I think maybe I got tired blood.我觉得我就是身体衰弱呢no, you've got lazy blood, Bubba.不是你是懒布巴There's a difference.二者不一样的if you have that rundown feeling如果你有那种破败的感觉hey, Lloyd, I think maybe嘿劳埃德我觉得I got that rundown feeling all the我一直都有那种破败的感觉If you so much as touch that radio again,如果你再敢碰这收音机一下I'm gonna throw you in front of the truck,我就把你扔到车子前面And you're gonna have a run-over feeling, you hear me? 然后让你有种被压死的感觉听清楚了Lloyd. "Lloyd."劳埃德 "劳埃德"Damn, Lyoyd.该死劳埃德What was that thing?刚才那是什么I don't know.我不知道。



快点Come on.等等格兰迪我来了Hold up, Grundy, I'm coming.万圣节快乐僵尸摔跤手扮得好Zombie wrestler. Nice one.格兰迪最爱万圣节了Grundy love Halloween.快滚开怪胎Keep it moving, freak show.哦怪胎是吗Oh, freak show, is it?我叫你们滚出这条街I said, get out of the street.扮成了英雄...人物是嘛Heroes. Ha, ha. Figures.我讨厌你的服装Well, I hate your costumes.我的朋友也很讨厌And so does my friend.小姐我不在乎你和你的...Lady, I don't care about you or your... -快一点开快一点 -坐稳了-Faster. Go faster. -Coming up.警♥察♥Policemen.我来对付你来开车I got this. Take the wheel.你干嘛停手Why you stop?我得有喘息空间吧I have to breathe at some point.停车停车后下车自首Pull over. Pull over and give yourself up. 好耶Yes!别忘了开车格兰迪Keep them on the wheel, Grundy.快来喝气泡饮料-我很高兴你能来 -大家通常都这么想-I'm glad you're here. -People usually are.-绿箭侠 -很高兴又见到你了小子-Green Arrow? -Nice to see you again too, kid.你在这里做什么What are you doing here?警方子网显示有犯人从阿卡汉逃了Police subnet said there was an escape at Arkham. 刚好我就在附近I was in the neighborhood anyway.-真的吗 -其实离超远-Really? -Not even close.但我不想错过乐趣But I didn't wanna miss the fun.等着看吧Wait for it.快跳Jump!很好我们有得忙了Okay. Now we got a ballgame.我想我打中他们了I think I got them that time.麻烦更大了Bigger problem.后照镜物体好像愈来愈接近了Object in mirror may be closer than they appear.是蝙蝠侠Batman.身份确认是所罗门格兰迪和银嗓女妖Positive ID. It's Solomon Grundy and Silver Banshee. 看看他们想吃糖还是想被修理Let's see if they want a trick or a treat.快到了Almost there.快踩油门好吗Step on it, won't you?不给糖就捣蛋雪花Trick or treat, snowflake.现在是怎样Now what?不离我远一点滚开No. Get away from me. Get away.你们在干嘛What were you doing?别生气稻草人Don't be mad, Scarecrow.我们只是在享受兜风嘛Oh, it was just a joyride.这计划对你们这些豆子脑笨蛋来说太复杂了吗Was the plan was too complicated for your pea-brains?不克莱恩博士No, Dr. Crane.脑袋可不是豆子Brains not peas.你们还记得我叫你们逃出后You recall I told you to head directly直接到见面地点集♥合♥to the meeting place after your escape...不要耍任何引人注目的愚蠢把戏吧no antics, no tomfoolery, no shenanigans?我们记得We remember.这场闹剧伙伴们就是不折不和的愚蠢把戏This, my associates, is the very definition of "shenanigans." 移过去我来开车Slide over. I'll drive.绿箭侠你听得见吗Arrow, can you hear me?噢是你啊Ugh. Oh, it's you.嗨蝙蝠侠Hey, Bats.我在想你可能需要帮忙Thought you might need some help.你没事吧You all right?没事只是有点僵硬Yeah, just stiff.就像从恶梦中醒来一样It's like waking up from a nightmare.空气中还留有微量四环素和烟雾剂Endoscopic traces of tetracycline and aerosol still in the air. 那是稻草人的恐惧气体残留物That's residue from the Scarecrow's fear gas.稻草人银嗓女妖和格兰迪在同一晚合作Scarecrow, Silver Banshee and Grundy all working together the same night? 万圣节快乐Happy Halloween.蝙蝠侠无限万圣节浩劫高谭市在此迎接人工电脑超级英雄生化人Gotham City welcomes the cybernetic superhero Cyborg.生化人受邀Cyborg is the guest of honor...担任高谭博物馆全新印加文明展览开慕式嘉宾for Gotham Museum's unveiling of their new Inca exhibit.这里是409车正在进行第12区第二次巡逻This is car Four-Oh-Niner with our second sweep of Sector 12.生化人的系统在发掘Cyborg's systems were instrumental...这项历史重大发现所在地和挖掘扮演重要角色in the location and excavation of this historic find.有找到任何逃犯吗Any sign of the escaped inmates?没有指挥中心还没找到Negative, Dispatch. Nothing yet.了解 409车保持警戒Roger that, 409. Keep your eyes peeled.愤怒的萨斯科奇人不不不丢掷动画的部分得再流畅一点No, no, no. We need to smooth the throwing animation.纪录已追加先生Note recorded, sir.好了高高我要回家了Okay, Gogo, I'm going home.别担心安娜我会除去系统错误明天见No worries, Ana. I'm gonna debug for a little bit. See you tomorrow.-那个反射动作还是不够稳 -纪录已追加先生-And I'm still getting that response flutter. -Note recorded, sir.别再叫我"先生"了And stop calling me "sir."纪录已追加先生Note recorded, sir.你忘了什么吗What did you forget?安娜你还好吧Ana? Are you okay?安娜你在做什么Ana, what are you doing?这样应该能抱住她That should hold her.公告板-昨晚他们消失后就没动静了 -完全没动静-Nothing since they disappeared last night? -Not a thing.子网暗网和社群媒体上都没有他们的消息先生No mention of them on the subnets, the dark web or social media, sir. 继续找下去他们不会凭空消失Keep at it. They didn't just disappear.一找到线索就通知我Let me know the minute you find something.好的要将您明天出席博物馆Of course. And shall I press your tuxedo晚宴的燕尾服烫过一遍吗for the museum gala tomorrow?我得挂了有警报通知I have to go. I'm getting another call.不用熬夜等我了Don't wait up.你想要什么What is it you want?你啊松涛高高You, Gogo Shoto.你得跟我来You are coming with me.不求求你No. Please.放他走Let him go.泥面人Clayface.那是什么What was that?谢谢你蝙蝠侠谢谢你Thank you, Batman. Thank you.迅速来张自♥拍♥吧Quick selfie?它们让这些感应器锁得更紧了Whew. They tightened those sensors something fierce.感觉还不赖Feels good, though.这些更新联♥系♥得如何了儿子How are those upgrades interfacing, son?还不错老爸我正在合并它们看会有什么结果Not bad, Pop. I'm incorporating them now. Let's see what we've got. 360度轨道和轴线管理Three-hundred-and-sixty-degree tracking and axis management... 让我们能做单一目标锁定allowing for unilateral targeting.还有它们能和推进力更新系统完美结合Plus, they'll interface nicely with the propulsion upgrades.推进力表示我能飞了吗Propulsion? I can fly?真的假的No way.太棒了好耶This is amazing. Yeah.试试看瞄准目标功击Let's try it with the targets.好耶宝贝Oh, yeah, baby.史东博士我是高登警长Dr. Stone? I'm Police Commissioner Gordon.我需要和你谈谈I just need a moment.没问题警长Of course, commissioner.这和昨晚的非法侵入有关吧我会尽我所能帮忙This is about the break-in last night, correct? I'll help however I can. 抱歉史东博士我们需要的不是你的帮忙Sorry, Dr. Stone, it's not your help we need.回转仪不是用来弥补我飞行时的重量Gyros aren't used to compensating for my weight in flight...但我们可以今晚再重新校准是吧老爸but we can recalibrate them later tonight. Right, Pop?维克这位是高登警长Vic, this is Police Commissioner Gordon.他需要你的帮忙He needs your help.我能为你效劳吗警长What can I do for you, commissioner?我上传监视画面到你的子网I'm uploading some security footage to your subnet now.我收到了来看看吧I've got it. Let's see.档案完全损毁了It's completely ruined.我们甚至不知道他们偷了什么We don't even know what they stole.根据库存清单所有东西原封不动According to the inventory, everything is still there.好吧看来有东西干扰了讯息把它破坏了Okay. Looks like something overwhelmed the feed and blew it out.我来看看稍早的画面Let me grab the earlier footage来推断大概的空间遥测数据so I can extrapolate some of the spatial telemetry.红外线触发线雷射牢笼声波警报器Infrared tripwires, laser cage, sonic alarms.有人想让这个地方维安滴水不漏Someone wanted this place secured.你知道是哪间实验室被攻击吗Do you know which lab got hit?是一间人工智能研究实验室It's an artificial intelligence research lab...-拥有者是伊沃博士 -伊沃-belonging to a Dr. Ivo. -Ivo?我听说他最近在自给自足序列码研究有重大进展I heard he recently made huge strides in the self-contained sequencing code. 你不介意说中文吧博士In English, if you don't mind, doc.他创造了一个完全自主运作管理的人工智能He created a fully functioning, self-governing artificial intelligence.那应该会很值钱吧And that would be valuable?一个能自主思考和行动的超智慧电脑An ultra-intelligent computer that could think and act for itself?没错I'd say so.我努力清掉两个百万分之一秒的画面了I've managed to clean up a couple of microseconds.来看看我们的罪犯吧Let's take a look at our culprits.稻草人和银嗓女妖Scarecrow and Silver Banshee.果然没错稻草人昨晚去阿卡汉把她和格兰迪救出来That fits. Scarecrow sprung her and Grundy out of Arkham last night. 为什么这两个其貌不扬的怪物Why would a couple of fright freaks要在万圣节偷人工智能spend Halloween stealing an AI?稻草人和银嗓女妖吗Scarecrow and Banshee?我正在上传画面到你们的子网I'm uploading the footage to your subnet now.我看到了I see it.为什么要偷伊沃的人工智能Why Ivo's AI?老爸和我也想问同样的问题方便他们盗用身分Pop and I were asking the same question. Identity theft maybe?做数位枪劫骇进政♥府♥系统Digital robbery? Government hacking?这不像他们的作案手法Not their MO.一定是为了某人干的It must be for someone else.继续保持警戒生化人Keep your eyes peeled, Cyborg.我知道了蝙蝠侠我登出罗Roger that, Batman. Cyborg out.我饿了我们应该订晚餐I'm starving already. We should order dinner.-你想吃中国餐吗 -不要昨晚才吃过-You want Chinese? -No, we had Chinese last night.-墨西哥餐 -前晚才吃过-Mexican? -We had that the night before last.你知道我现在想吃什么吗Hey, you know what I'm in the mood for?披萨Pizza time.你已经订了吗Did you already order?没有啊你呢No, did you?热腾腾的披萨Piping hot pizza.等等你不是Wait a second, aren't you...?格兰迪演技超好Heh. Grundy good actor.我是披萨店的谁想吃披萨啊Pizza man. Who want pizza?别让他离开视线快上膛Get him in your sights. Load them up.怎么了What wrong?我只是送披萨的啊I'm just pizza man.开火Fire!你们不喜欢披萨吗You no like pizza?原子电池请勿触碰蝙蝠侠我侦测到核电厂正发生一件枪案Batman, I have a robbery in progress at the atomic power plant. 你猜是谁干的And guess who.我马上过去I'm on my way.小心驾驶你怎么那么慢才来What took you so long?我都开始担心了I was starting to get antsy.他们看穿格兰迪的伪装了They see through Grundy disguise.吃份冰淇淋吧你会舒服一点Aw. Have an ice cream. You'll feel better.充满电了吧格兰迪Pretty re-volt-ing, eh, Grundy?喂开玩笑是我的专利小鸟人Hey, I'll do the jokes around here, Birdboy.去别的地方栖息啦Now go perch somewhere else.小丑Joker? Uh-oh.好好对付他格兰迪Take care of him, Grundy.我以后要叫你暗夜叉骨Me call you Night-wishbone.因为我要把你四分五裂Pull you apart.我赢了Me win.机器狼A robot wolf?噢蝙蝠侠有时我觉得你和我一样疯疯癫癫Oh, Bats, sometimes I think you're as crazy as I am. 好我们下去吧All right, let's get down.-够了没 -你真可笑-Had enough? -You funny.停止这场闹剧小丑Stop this now, Joker.我听不到啦I can't hear you.我要连续坠落I'm going over the falls.你是跑不过我的You can't outrun me.跑过你Outrun you?这算哪门子的运动啊Where's the sport in that?我是在等他好吗I'm waiting for him. Heh.格兰迪我真想亲你一下笨蛋Oh, Grundy, I could kiss you, you big galoot.老实说我真的会亲In fact, I will.快开车还有很多事要做呢Let's motor. Lots to do.起床起床高高松涛Wakey-wakey, Gogo Shoto.现在是怎样这小子有那么聪明吗What's the angle? This fella's supposed to be that smart?他显然是他那个领域最厉害的Apparently he's quite the hotshot in his field.在我看来一点忙也帮不上嘛Looks like a heaping helping of hot nothing to me.我饿了Now me hungry.你又饿了你才刚吃过披萨耶Again? You just had pizza.格兰迪消化好Grundy got fast metabolism.不放我走求求你Oh, no. Let me go, please.我只是个游戏设计师I'm just a video-game designer.嗨松涛GogoHello, Gogo Shoto.顺便说我很喜欢你的名字I like your name, by the way.像笨蛋一样疯狂It's cuckoo c-c-crazy. Ha!你是...小丑You're the Joker.我一直都很乐于见到粉丝Always nice to meet a fan.请别伤害我Please don't hurt me.伤害你Hurt you?别说傻话了天才我需要你Don't talk twaddle, genius. I need you.需要我Need me?听着我打算在高谭市搞一出神奇的恶作剧You see, I'm going to play this amazing practical joke on Gotham... 我需要你的一臂之力and I need your help to do it.看好了你们这群僵尸脑袋Take that, you zombie brain-munchers.这位高高松涛真的很会制♥作♥游戏This Gogo Shoto really knows how to make a video game.你应该回去训练You should get back to your training.-什么 -训练啊你的训练-What? -Training. Your training.我知道这训练不错I know. It's great training.看我破这关Watch me clear this level.耶破关额外得分Yes! Completion bonus.所罗门格兰迪泥面人稻草人银嗓女妖Solomon Grundy. Clayface. Scarecrow. Silver Banshee.要是四人同时现身肯定让人毛骨悚然That's a frightful four if I've ever seen one.他们就算单打独斗也是强劲的对手Each of them a powerful enemy in their own right.他们为什么要合作Why join forces?还有为什么要听小丑的话And why follow the Joker?一切都和松涛高高有关It's all tied to Gogo Shoto.为什么要绑♥架♥游戏公♥司♥的老板Why kidnap the head of a video-game company?高高不只是游戏设计师他是个艺术家Gogo's more than just a designer, he's an artist.他的开放世界游戏让你挑战人类经验的极限His open-world games let you push the boundaries of human experience. 你会变得无所不能You can do anything.有谣传他的下一款游戏你甚至能成为...There's a rumor that in his next game, you'll be able to be, well...成为什么Be who?蝙蝠侠Batman.好几个蝙蝠侠吗Multiple Batmans.真是个可怕的想法What a terrifying thought.光是想到要洗一堆斗篷Hand-washing all of those capes.茶来自大吉岭三明治是火鸡口味The tea is Darjeeling. The sandwiches are turkey.-药丸是治头痛的 -谢了阿福-The pills are for your headache. -Thanks, Alfred.没有你我真不知该怎么办I don't know what I'd do without you.先声明你自己洗你的斗篷For starters, you'd wash your own cape.为了明晚博物馆新印加展开幕晚宴...I've laid out the tuxedo and shined your shoes for the gala opening... 我已经烫好燕尾服也擦亮皮鞋了for the new Inca installation at the museum tonight.-是今晚吗 -是的先生-That's tonight already? -Yes, sir.因为考古挖掘是由韦恩基金会赞助的...And since the dig was underwritten by the Wayne Foundation...要是布鲁斯韦恩没出席就太失礼了it would be impolite for Bruce Wayne not to make an appearance. 好吧告诉迪克和奥利佛我希望他们也出席All right. Tell Dick and Oliver I want them there too.我对这场晚宴有不祥的预感I've got a bad feeling about this party.提姆少爷也会去吗Master Tim as well?噢不我讨厌博物馆Oh, no. I hate the museum. Why would I wanna look at a bunch...我何必去看一堆老古董呢of boring old-fashioned ways to do things有这么酷的电动可以玩...when I have this cool tech to do it for me?再一小时后晚宴就开始了Gala is in an hour.请像平常一样尽量准时出席Try not to be late, as usual.哦你就是那个机器人Oh, you're that robotic fellow.别先回答Don't tell me.你是机器人对吧It's Robotman, isn't it? Mm.我是生化人Cyborg.不不对No, that's not it.您何不叫我维克多就好女士Why don't you just call me Victor, ma'am?好吧如果你坚持的话Well, if you insist.看看这身金属肌肉Ooh. Feel that metal muscle.葛莱蒂丝你在打扰我们的嘉宾吗Now, Gladys, are you bothering our guest of honor?生化人我是布鲁斯韦恩Cyborg, Bruce Wayne.我之前没机会亲自见到你本人I haven't had the pleasure in person yet.很荣幸认识你韦恩先生It's a real honor, Mr. Wayne.我想我们应该感谢你找到这些伟大的印加文物I suppose we have you to thank for these amazing Inca findings.不我只是签赞助支票罢了Oh, no. I just signed the check.生化人才是大英雄他的雷达系统指出挖掘位置It's Cyborg that's the big hero. His radar told us where to dig.那你是不是也找到了某个神奇的印加能量宝石Am I to understand that you discovered some kind of magical Inca energy gem? 那是红纹石又叫印加玫瑰宝石It's Rhodochrosite, also called the Inca Rose Stone.它没那么神奇它主要是良好的能量导体It's not magic so much as it's supposed to be an excellent conductor of energy. 太好了Fascinating.我失陪一下If you'll excuse me.我被你吸引了Well, I'm enthralled.请继续Do go on.各位我终于找到你们了Gentlemen, finally I found you.过得如何奥利佛How's things, Oliver?你懂我的布鲁斯活在当下You know me, Bruce. Living the life.是啊努力让梦想成真Yeah, yeah. Living the dream.迪克和我刚才在聊昨晚万圣节在做什么Dick and I were talking about what we did last night for Halloween. 说到这个有那群怪物的消息吗Speaking of which, anything from our boo crew?没有这里的维安如何Not a thing. How's security here?高登从下午就严密控管出入人士Gordon's had it locked up tight since this afternoon.你觉得有趣先生今晚会大显身手吗You expecting Mr. Funny-Business tonight?他绑♥架♥一名骇客偷走人工智能After stealing a hacker, an AI and a battery,原子电池和能量宝石an energy conductor fits the pattern.继续行动保持警戒Keep moving. Stay alert.小丑肯定在盘算什么The clown is up to something.晚安女士们先生们Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.我是休斯顿雷恩斯...I'm Houston Raines...第6频道的气象主播和今晚的晚宴主持人Channel Six weatherman and tonight's master of ceremonies.谢谢你们非常感谢Thank you. Thanks so much.如各位所知许多人促成了You know, there's a lot of people印加考古挖掘的成功who made this amazing Inca discovery happen.例如布鲁斯韦恩Bruce Wayne for one.请给韦恩先生热烈掌声Big hand for Mr. Wayne.还有生化人他找到了印加能量宝石...Also Cyborg, who actually found the Inca energy gem... 这是考古历史重大发现which is amazing and historic.我爱这家伙Heh. I love this guy.为什么他这些年气象预报从没准过Why? He hasn't gotten a weather report right in years. 我知道很厉害吧I know. It's amazing.但我同时也想对某人献上大大感激...But I also wanted to extend a big thank you to...就是我Me.哈罗高谭市Howdy, Gotham City.想我吗Miss me?所有小队停止射击All units, hold your fire.各位你们好伤我的心Gentlemen, you cut me to the quick.我不想造成任何麻烦I don't want any trouble.我的朋友才爱麻烦呢Now, my friend, he loves trouble.开火Open fire.你完蛋了臭蜥蜴You're getting extinct, lizard-breath.搞什么...What the...?真是个完美的皮带扣啊Ooh. What a belt buckle you'd make.真可惜我对你有其他安排It's a shame I have other plans for you. Ha-ha-ha! Huh? 第二次世界大战博物馆-他跑去哪里了 -有人盯着泥面人吗-Where'd he go? -Anyone got eyes on Clayface?快找到他Find him.我们好像没位子了老大I don't think we got room, boss.没关系我有自己的车Never mind. I brought my own.狂飙吧Let's ride.我追踪到他往北方湖泊走I've got him headed north on Lake.-生化人红罗宾从上面掩护我 -我们在路上了-Cyborg, Red Robin, cover me from above. -En route now. 夜翼绿箭侠抢住他们去路Nightwing, Arrow, cut them off.好的蝙蝠侠You got it, Bats.我是小丑之王好兄弟This is King Clown, good buddy.有人在听吗Anyone got their ears on?克莱恩博士来了Dr. Crane here.博士我后面有一条碍眼的尾巴Doc, I've developed a tail I want to get rid of.两人以上就可以开打了Ha. Two can play that game.靠近时别扛着那大炮啊机器人Hoo-hoo! Close, but no cigar, Tin Man.我来对付他了I got him.是的小丑先生Yes, Mr. Joker?动手吧Do it.发生什么事了What happened?我也不知道所有事情忽然变得一团乱No clue. Everything just started shaking.早知道就开车了I knew I should have driven.好像所有机器都故障了It's like all the machines went haywire.红罗宾Red Robin.我来I got him.你没事吧小子You good, kid?没事散个步让头痛消退就好Whew. Yeah. Gonna need to walk that one off.等等是你的摩托车在笑吗Hold on. Is your motorcycle laughing?一定是电脑病毒害的It must be a computer virus.生化人去哪了Where's Cyborg?高谭市民们我是小丑Citizens of Gotham, Joker here.正如你们所见我的数位大笑病毒As you can see, my digital laughing virus...小孩可直接记DLVThat's DLV to you kids out there...商标为"大笑一番吧"TM BTW LOL.病毒已经感染了整座城市的所有科技系统has infected every piece of technology in the entire city.发电厂交通信♥号♥♥灯Power plants, traffic lights...所有由数位格式构成的东西现在都归我管everything on the digital grid now belongs to me.简单来说高谭市...Bottom line, Gotham...现在这里所有东西运作都要靠我一声令下nothing around here works unless I say it works.表示我现在是高谭市之王了Which makes me king of Gotham City.相信我接下来这里会发生各种转变And believe me, there are gonna be some changes around here. 首先所罗门格兰迪将成为高谭市新任警长For starters, Solomon Grundy, he's now the sheriff of Gotham. 小丑之王任命新任无敌警长这表示他主掌警方人力孩子们Which means, kids, he runs the police force.我很高兴接受这份滋味I happily accept this poison.-是职位接受这份职位 -对滋味-Position. You accept the position. -Right. Poison.让我介绍其余内阁官员Let me introduce the rest of my cabinet.这位是新糖果和冰淇淋巨擘...Presenting the new baron of candy and ice cream...主要是因为他长得像融化的巧克力mostly because he looks like melted chocolate...他就是泥面人Clayface.小丑新闻我无法说谎我很荣幸能替...I cannot tell a lie, I am proud to serve...不我讨厌这样说我可以再录一次吗No, no, I hated that one. Hey, can I get another take?接下来是...And then there's...未来的选择-喂 -不-Hey! -No.最后压轴是掌管其他一切事务的人...Finally, our guy who handles everything else...稻草人the Scarecrow.高谭鼠辈们由于现在所有银行Gothomites, since all banks,自动交易功能和帐户断线中...ATMs and accounts are offline...不再有钱流通了there is no money anymore.因此我将重新设计新经济体系So I will be redesigning the economic system.情报就是我们的新货币Information will be our new currency.看见了英雄通知我们我们会让你用一小时的车Spot a hero? Tell us, and I'll let you use your car for an hour.邻居在搞革命Neighbors planning a revolution?通知我们我们会让你看电视看三个晚上Tell us, and I'll let you watch TV for three nights.这些只是一些基本规定Just a few of the new ground rules.别担心其他会陆续公告Don't worry, many more to come.小丑之王结束公告King Joker, over and out.当我说"结束公告"时就把摄影机关了When I say "over and out," you cut it.所以就是现在吗So, now?没错就是现在Yes, now!这样就够了吗Think it's enough?-也许他看不到 -也许他根本不会来-Maybe he can't see it. -Or maybe he's just not coming.他会来He's coming.蝙蝠侠老天Batman, thank goodness.我们的机器都故障了All of our tech is down.车子通讯...Cars, comms...就连装有记录我们指纹微晶片的武器也坏了even our weapons have microchips coded to our fingerprints. 我们回到黑暗时代了We're back to the Dark Ages here.我知道那是电脑病毒害的我们正在想办法骇回去I know. It's a computer virus. We're trying to hack it now.那还不是最糟的That's not the worst of it.现在格兰迪是警长...With Grundy sheriff...他逼退你好控制警力He busted you back down to beat cop.是啊我敢说他认为这样很好笑Yeah. His idea of a joke, I'm sure.好在我的旧制♥服♥还合身I'm lucky the old uniform fits.尽你所能在警局内部调查无论如何先保持低调Do what you can from the inside. Keep the peace at all costs.好吧还有别的事吗All right. Anything else?我会再跟你联络I'll be in touch.我知道你不需要我提醒你...I'm certain you don't need me to mention this...但这些气体产生器充其量只能暂时解决当务之急but these gas generators are only a temporary solution at best.我们所剩的电池能量不多了We've got limited battery power as well.如果高谭市有阳光就能使用太阳能了Would have been nice to have some solar power, if Gotham ever got any sun. 没关系数位以外的东西都还能用Doesn't matter. Nothing digital works.小丑现在提供高额悬赏想抓到我们Plus, the clown's put a bounty on our heads.你知道吗现在只要拍到我们的照片You know, if you snap a pic of one of us now,就能玩一小时电动you get an hour of video games.-一小时啊 -别开玩笑了-An hour, huh? -Don't even joke.生化人在小丑手上Joker's got Cyborg.他掌控了科技现在他要利用高谭市对付我们He controls technology. Now he's turning Gotham against us.-我们该怎么反击 -我们先找到他-How do we fight that? -We find him.很好我们怎么没想到呢蝙蝠侠那要怎么做Great. Why didn't I think of that, Bats? How?我们反其道而行用老方法行动We get smart, and do it the old-fashioned way.我们该从哪里开始着手Ah, where do we start?泥面人的原始状态能吸引残骸In his original form, Clayface attracts debris.像是泥土中的尘土Like dust in clay.没错Exactly.谁去查一下地理拿份样本Maybe one will inform geography. Get a sample.红罗宾已经在找罗Well, there's plenty on Red Robin.夜翼我录下了小丑的新闻报导Nightwing, I've been recording audio of Joker's dispatches.看你能不能找出...See if there's clue...-他是在哪里报新闻的 -我会去调查-to where he's broadcasting from. -I'm on it.红罗宾我需要知道他为什么需要印加玫瑰宝石Red Robin, I wanna know why he needed the Inca Rose Gem.是的是的舰长Aye, aye, captain.又见面了我的臣民们Hello again, my subjects.你们的老朋友小丑之王一世莅临并且带来一个好提案Your old pal King Joker the First here, with a very special offer.我知道你们有多爱戴我所以我决定让你们替我办场游♥行♥I know how much you all love me, so I'm going to let you throw me a parade. 游♥行♥主题就是...我And the theme is me.明晚我要看到小丑气球小丑装和小丑花车Tomorrow night, I want to see Joker balloons, Joker costumes, Joker floats. 我们将让全世界目睹小丑镇的华丽之处We're going to show the entire world how great Jokertown is.我要在两小时内看到结果I want results in two hours.-绿箭侠 -我查到泥面人...-Arrow? -Let me say that Clayface...吸收比吸尘器更多的微粒物质sucks up more particulates than a vacuum cleaner.除了一般吸收的尘土和污垢外重点在这里...Other than average dirt and grime, here's the headline:还吸收了超出一般浓度的无机盐Higher-than-average concentration of mineral salts,软体动物壳和珊瑚藻mollusk shells and coralline algae.无机盐就是浪花Mineral salts are sea spray.软体动物壳和珊瑚藻是构成沙子的生物组成物Shells and algae are biological components that make up sand.这表示他们人在海岸线That puts them somewhere on the coastline.很好红罗宾Good. Red Robin?印加玫瑰宝石能当能量导体他也许是想利用它...The Inca Rose Gem is an energy conductor. He's probably using it...让传输讯号♥爆量to boost the transmission signal,但是讯息来源必须集中but the source would have to be centralized.太好了夜翼Better. Nightwing?-那是什么 -这叫手♥机♥-What is that thing? -It's called a cell phone.人们曾用它来听音乐或和朋友聊天People used to use it to listen to music and talk to friends and family.-哦老方法是吧 -所以呢-Oh, old-school. -And?每次小丑的新闻快报And on every Joker dispatch,都会反复出现某个细微噪音我查出来了there's a slight reoccurring noise. I've isolated it.那是什么教堂钟声吗What is that? A church bell?那是航用浮标It's a navigational buoy.他们待在码头周围They surround the docks.好这是小丑的摩托车Okay. This is the Joker's cycle.我就知道那只大猩猩很眼熟只是一直找不到I knew the gorilla looked familiar, I just couldn't place it.那是用很久以前这里没收的零件做成的It's made of parts from a ride condemned a long time ago that used to be here. 旧高谭码头的废弃露天马戏团The abandoned fairgrounds on the old Gotham pier.。




1. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.“坦白地说,亲爱的,我不在乎。

”——乱世佳人(Gone with the Wind, 1939)演员:克拉克.盖博(饰瑞特.巴特勒)影片结尾,瑞特决意离开,斯嘉丽苦苦哀求:“你要是走了,我该去哪里?我该怎么办?”瑞特冷冷地扔下这句话扬长而去。


而现在,一部电影中如果没有damn, shit, fxxk等词汇,简直都不好意思说自己是好莱坞电影。


2. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.“我会开出一个他无法拒绝的条件。

”——教父(The Godfather, 1972)演员:马龙.白兰度(饰维托.唐.克莱昂)影片开头,庄尼到教父家中求助,希望帮他成为一部电影的主演。



3. Y ou don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.“你不明白!我本可以有所建树。



建筑业的繁荣推动了世界经济的发展海景公♥寓♥退役机甲废料场加利福尼亚圣塔莫尼卡警告请勿靠近此门帮助打赢这场仗怪兽袭击加剧怪兽之战结束邵氏酝酿技术收♥购♥第六代机甲舱门关闭操作错误接近警戒目标警告圣莫尼卡游艇码头犯罪记录环太平洋联合军方部队环太平洋联合军防部队猎人学院中国莫玉兰基地阿玛拉·纳马尼失败苏雷什·库拉纳失败澳大利亚悉尼环太平洋联合军防部队委员会峰会悉尼市反无人机甲游♥行♥ 发生暴♥力♥冲突世界首脑峰会期间抗♥议♥群众与军方部队发生冲突怪兽崇拜者加入抗♥议♥队伍王牌机甲抵达军防部队峰会接触外部通讯秘♥书♥长♥ 森麻子无人机甲可行性报告动力特征搜索签名匹配权发现匹配发送失败邵氏工业中国上海西伯利亚北地群岛邵氏工业圣地亚哥东京悉尼马尼拉莫玉兰错误错误危险错误系统信息已确认启动虫洞协议美国火奴鲁鲁火奴鲁鲁夏威夷探测到虫洞中国香港探测到虫洞阿♥拉♥斯加安克雷奇探测到虫洞怪兽大脑标本反馈手雷完成上传虫洞怪兽四代探测到怪兽怪兽五代高级警报程序富士山手臂安装中日本东京警报怪兽来袭邵氏工业改变撕裂虫路线军防部队保卫我们的未来防护甲危险阿纳海姆电子公♥司♥弹射断开与驾驶员的连接死亡超级怪兽邵小姐我是权将军幸会握得够紧谢谢您的招待我和兰伯特战士会马上帮您安排葛斯乐博士我们该走了好好你和哥特里布博士的关系不一般是吗在打仗那会儿是我们以前说英语你说中文的时候听起来像个白♥痴♥你和哥特里布博士刚才在聊什么在得到森麻子秘♥书♥长♥峰会上的举荐之前我绝不允许有任何闪失现在投票结果还没出来不要再和他有任何联♥系♥Don't make me question your loyalty别让我怀疑你的忠诚那就好回去好好练练你的中文我不喜欢重复我自己无论是用哪种语言报告将军半球已校准神经元连接较弱但是在保持Quickly.快委员会已经在紧急会议上批准使用无人机甲如果当时我们的无人机甲在悉尼的悲剧本可以避免现在所有人都看明白了所以纵观全局袭击并不是一件坏事委员会要求我们四十八小时之内完成全面部署这是我毕生的心血四十八小时根本不可能闭上你的臭嘴闭上你的臭嘴邵总大楼一切安全没有相关证件任何人不许入内我不希望部署受到任何威胁什么情况我会在我办公室是外面的无人机甲出现了故障我们必须立即停止派遣葛斯乐博士邵总在找你Don't...Don't Don't shoot别…别别开枪关闭所有程序快我就知道你会发疯的我的驾驶员都在哪儿报告近况多地出现裂缝是那些无人机甲放开他你休想毁了这一切你是怎么背着我做的特别是你总认为…你是这最聪明的我很快就是了安保抓住葛斯乐博士他要是反抗就地枪毙我已经进入主程序ufeff我们这代人出生于战争时期My generation... we were born into war.巨兽袭击了我们的世界Giant monsters attacked our world.我们称之为怪兽We called 'em Kaiju.它们来自虫洞They came through the Breach.通往另一次元的入口位于太平洋的底部A gateway to another dimension at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 派它们来的是虫洞另一端的外星种族They were sent by an alien race on the other side...名为先驱the Precursors.我们予以回击We fought back,并造出了我们自己的怪物building our own monsters...机甲Jaegars这些机器人体型庞大... giant robots.需要两名驾驶员才能操作So big they needed two pilots to run 'em.我父亲就是其中之一My father was one of them.他为了拯救世界牺牲了自己He sacrificed himself to help save the world.而我不是我父亲I... am not my father.自从我们赢得战争并关闭虫洞It's been ten years since we won the war已经过去了十年and closed the Breach.大部分地区已经重建Most of the world's recovered.但是一些沿海城市从未改变But a few coastal cities never did.整个世界仍在休养生息And the world is still picking up the pieces.可我们中的一些人更愿意住在废墟里But some of us live better in a broken world.待在断壁残垣的豪♥宅♥里And squatting in half a mansion总比买♥♥那些海景公♥寓♥强is better than paying for some crappy apartment.在救援区你得生财有道Now, in the relief zones, you have to get creative.会做交易You have to hustle.否则别人会吃掉你的早餐Or somebody else might eat your breakfast.还有你的饼干And your cookies.还有紧俏的辣椒酱And your damn hot sauce.在这里我们赋予物品不同的价值You know, out here, we place a different value on things.然而"环太平洋联合军防部队"通常不这么认为The Pan Pacific Defense Corps usually looks the other way只要你别去那些不该去的地方as long as you don't go poking around where you don't belong.比如退役机甲的废料场Say, like a decommissioned Jaeger scrapyard.俗话说富贵险中求Big risks mean big reward,盗取机甲技术是最赚钱的and nothing pays more than stolen Jaeger tech.在这里很多疯子都想组装自己的机甲Plenty of nutcases out here trying to slap together their own Jaegers. 可他们得有零件才行But they need the parts to do it.如果你能偷到别人偷不到的东西So, if you can steal what no one else can steal...你就能过上国王般的生活...you can live like a king.你确定这里有吗Are you sure it's in here?报废前动力核心都会被拆掉Power cores are stripped before they get decommissioned.不过偶尔会忘掉三♥级♥等离子电容器But sometimes they miss the tertiary plasma capacitors.可能性很大你看这个你还有电And that's a big score. This one's still holding a charge.最好是这样You better hope so.那好吧Okay.冷静别激动Let's just calm down.Let's not get excited.我只是以防万一I'm just playing the odds here.你在华雷斯骗了布雷塔在香港又把老周耍了You cheated Barada in Juarez, skipped out on Chau in Hong Kong. - 那是误会 - 还在我的后院- Now, that was a misunderstanding. - And stole from me...偷我的东西in my own backyard.可现在我是为你而偷低头不见抬头见的Now I'm stealing for you. Circle of life.- 交个朋友怎么样 - 你先把东西给我- We good? - You deliver...行and yeah...成交we're good.好Okay.- 我们发财去 - 走- Let's get rich. - Let's.目标已锁定Target lock.那东西在哪Where is it?Target lock.老兄出了点状况Hey, man, uh, just a little situation.这玩意儿说它在那儿它就应该在那It says it's here. It's supposed to be right there,但你也看到这种状况了我来看看是怎么回事but you know what, let me just figure this out.目标已锁定Target lock.来个人给我把他干掉Somebody please kill this guy for me.目标在移♥动♥Target moving.不不不它在这儿你等等等等No, no, no. It's here. You wait, wait.这里还有别人Someone else is in here.电容器让他拿走了我们追快点Someone else has the capacitor. Now, let's go. Come on. 杰克Jake! Jake!等一等Hey, wait!你这个混♥蛋♥Son of a...快快快快Go, go, go!分头追Split up.快点Go!别跑杰克Come on! Jake!老大到这边来Hey, boss, he went over here!快快快Go, go, go!我看见他了I see him. I see him.这边杰克Jake, Jake, Jake.你可真滑头啊Nice try.对Yeah.杰克Jake!朋友嘛We're good.杰克Jake!杰克你这个混♥蛋♥Jake, you son of a...目标已锁定Target lock.目标已锁定Target lock.把东西交出来Hey! Get back here with that!不不不No, no!目标正在移♥动♥Target moving.- 你多大了 - 打败你绰绰有余- How old are you? - Old enough to kick your ass.等一下别动Let's take a second. Back up. Back up.- 那是你造的吗 - 你以为呢- You build this thing yourself? - What do you think?我以为可以卖♥♥掉你的小玩具赚一大笔钱I think I can sell your little toy for a whole lot of money. 拳击手可不是玩具它是非卖♥♥品Scrapper's not a toy and she's not for sale.谁手里拿着棍子谁说了算你给我听着The man holding the pipe says she is. So listen up...- 是你把他们领来的 - 怎么可能- You led them here? - That's impossible.搞什么鬼老兄Ah, what the hell, man?Come on, come on, come on.行了Yes.启动了It works!好的Okay.喂喂喂Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey!出去Get out你要干什么What are you doing?- 不不不住手 - 它在哪儿- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Stop! - Where is it?别碰那个Hey! Don't touch that. Hey.你要干什么What are you doing?!- 另一个在哪 - 住手另一个什么- Where's the other one? - Stop! The other what?另一个驾驶位机甲需要两名驾驶员The other cradle. A Jaeger needs two pilots.拳击手是小机甲所以一个神经元就能操控Scrapper is small enough to run on a single neural lobe. 好吧那你出去我来驾驶All right, then you get out, you let me pilot.快出去Get out!去死吧你Screw that.我说了它不是玩具Told you she's not a toy.你会害死我们的我能让我们逃出去You're gonna get us killed. I can get us out of here.我已经让我们逃出来了I just got us out.天那Oh, my God.那是"冬日阿贾克斯"That's November Ajax.未经注册的机甲驾驶员Pilots of unregistered Jaeger,我们是环太平洋联合军防部队this is the Pan Pacific Defense Corps.关闭动力并从驾驶舱里出来Power down and exit your Conn-Pod.不不不别投降No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't-don't-don't give up.你太缺乏斗志了You give up way too easy.他们也是这么认为的That's what they think.站住Stop!你违反的时候禁止令第14条驾驶未经注册的机甲You are in violation of Code Ten, Section 14. Operation of an unregistered Jaeger. - 抓好 - 我抓着好着呢- Hang on. - I am hanging on!抓紧点儿Hang tighter.还跑Seriously?站住Stop.看见没有我甩掉了冬日阿贾克斯See? I just out-piloted November Ajax.- 不你没有 - 我有- No, you didn't. - Did你没有Didn't.好吧那你有什么办法我是不会出去的Okay. What do you got? And I'm not getting out.- 能拿掉一个离子电池吗 - 不能- One of those ion cells redundant? - No!现在必须能They are now.- 可我们需要它 - 爬到阿贾克斯头上去- But we need them. - Get up to Ajax's head.- 什么 - 上啊- What? - Go!关闭动力Power down.动力不足警报 12%Low power warning. 12%.我说了我们需要它I told you we needed that!可我们不是成功了吗It worked, didn't it?警告 11%11%.阿贾克斯重启系统要多久How long before Ajax can reboot his systems?怎么这么久About that long.关闭动力Power down.这是最后一次警告This is your final warning.好了跟我走All right, let's go.看看你对我的机甲都做了什么Look what you did to my Jaeger你这个大傻个you jerk!- 你应该让我来驾驶的 - 怎么怪起我来了- Should have let me pilot. - Oh, like this is my fault.- 你暴露了我的指挥中心 - 你的指挥中心吗- You compromised my command center. - Your command center?- 没错我的指挥中心 - 等等抱歉- Yes. My command center. - Wait. Sorry, sorry.- 我没听清你的指挥中心 - 没错- I didn't hear that. Your command center? - Yes!鬼知道你是从哪冒出来的对我指指点点And you had no place to come in and try to tell me what to do.- 我想怎样就怎样 - 所以结果又怎样呢- I go wherever I want. - 'Cause it really worked out well, right?- 这世界不一样了 - 看看我们的下场- It's a different world. - Look where we're at.你的上嘴皮和下嘴皮需要碰面交个朋友Your top lip and your bottom lip, they need to meet and become friends. 你厉害你说的真棒Smart. That's a good one.它们需要闭上好吗Need to close up, all right? Shut up.- 闭嘴 - 没问题Shut up. - Yeah, I can.- 谈话到此结束 - 很好Conversation done. - Good.捡破烂的丫头Junkyard baby.你造它干什么Why did you build it?你不是让我把嘴闭上吗What happened to the shutting up?你又不卖♥♥它那你造它干什么You said you wasn't gonna sell it, so what the hell was you gonna do?还不如抢银行Rob a bank or something?我找它是因为它们迟早会回来I built her because one day they're gonna come back.那些怪兽The Kaiju.到时候我就不用再傻傻的等着And when they do, I'm not gonna be stuck waiting别人来救我的命for someone else to come save my ass.不会像以前那样Not like before.你出来You. Let's go.我不想再谈这事儿太荒唐了I don't really want to talk about it. It's ridiculous. That's just, like, my right or... 你好杰克Hello, Jake.我们又在这儿见面了Here we are again.运气不好而已我能应付It's just a stretch of bad luck. I'll figure it out.父亲过去常说Father used to say运气掌握在自己手中we make our own luck.对老爸说过很多Yeah, well, Dad said a lot of things.你是在非法机甲里被当场抓获的You were arrested in a rogue Jaeger.等一下那可不是我的机甲我Hold on a second. That wasn't my Jaeger.- 有个小不点大概这么高 - 你有前科- There's this little kid, she's about this tall... - You have priors. 这是非常严重的This is serious.对所以才需要我的老姐Okay. That's why I need my big sis把我从这个地方弄出去to help me get the hell out of here.这是最后一次Just one last time.我们不可能就这么让你走出去They're not going to let you just walk.- 也许有其他的办法 - 没问题But there might be another way. - Okay.对了这才是我想听的See, that's what I want to hear.我就是想谈这个别的办法That's what I'm here to talk about, the other way.跟我说吧需要我做什么Lay it on me. What do I got to do?重新入伍完成你以前的训练Reenlist and finish what you started.我不干I'm not doing that.你看我太老了不适合再当学员了I'm... look, I'm-I'm too old to be a cadet.我不是让你当学员I don't want you to be a cadet.而是让你去训练他们I want you to help train them.训练谁练什么Train who? Train what?我可不想教那些熊孩子I'm not training no damn kids.运输机已经准备好了The transport is standing by要送你们去莫玉兰基地了to bring both of you to Moyulan.我们是谁Both of us?你和你的新学员You and your new recruit.麻子Mako.她居然用视频就把我打发了I can't believe she just hologrammed me.是我没得选择Yeah, look, I didn't have a choice.我知道我明白I know, I get it,可是为什么我也要来but why me?他们为什么要我参加这个项目Why do they want me for the program?你自己找了个机甲还能驾驶它You built and piloted your own Jaeger.他们就喜欢你这样的These people like that kind of stuff.好吧那为什么我只是个学员Okay, so then why am I just a cadet而你却是战士and you get to be a ranger?勇士欧米茄Valor Omega.我的天啊Oh, my God.那是勇士欧米茄That, that is Valor Omega.拳击手Scrapper.我不是在做梦吧You got to be kidding me.他们跟我说你回来了我还不相信I didn't believe it when they told me you were inbound. 最近怎么样奈特How you doing, Nate?叫我兰伯特战士It's Ranger Lambert.你是在嘲笑我吗Are you having a laugh?这里是军事基地Well, this is a military base.你记得这儿的规矩吧You remember how that works,潘特考斯特战士Ranger Pentecost.你就是阿玛拉·纳马尼吧You must be Amara Namani.是的长官Yes, sir.战士长官Ranger, sir.我带你去办理报到手续Well, let's get you squared away.对了在这里你可别偷东西Oh, and, uh, try not to steal anything while you're here. 那家伙刚才叫你潘特考斯特Did that haircut just call you Pentecost?是那个了不起的斯塔克·潘特考斯特As in badass Stacker Pentecost?探戈狼机甲的驾驶员Pilot of Coyote Tango,拯救全世界的大英雄吗hero of basically the whole world?就是个名字而已It's just a name.对如雷贯耳Yeah, a really cool name.模拟训练六点钟开始Sim training starts at 0600.如果迟到就算旷课一天You're late, you miss the day.如果掉队马上送你上飞机You fall behind, you'll be on the next transport哪儿来的回哪儿去back to wherever they found you.那是救赎者泰坦That's Titan Redeemer.还有凤♥凰♥游击士And Bracer Phoenix.它需要三个人来驾驶She's a three-man rig.军刀雅典娜Saber Athena.我爱死军刀雅典娜了I love Saber Athena.它是所有机甲里最快的你知道吗She's the fastest Jaeger in the fleet. Did you know that? 警告请远离升降台Warning: stand clear of lift.对了哪个是你的Okay, so which one's yours?流浪者Gipsy.你驾驶复仇流浪者吗You pilot Gipsy Avenger?以前是He used to后来他的搭档被私营公♥司♥高薪挖走了until his copilot got a better offer in the private sector. 我是朱尔斯·雷耶斯机甲工程师Jules Reyes, J-Tech.我是阿玛拉学员Amara, cadet.我是杰克战士显而易见Jake. Ranger, apparently.久仰大名潘特考斯特Heard a lot about you, Pentecost.是吗Yeah?要知道你还是那个纪录的保持者You know you still hold the record?什么记录What record?闭嘴Shut up.他们是怎么把你引诱回来的So how did they lure you back?我觉得肯定不是用钱I mean, it couldn't have been the pay, so...这可说来话长Oh, yeah, it's a long story, but if you,如果你想知道我们可以约一下if you want to talk about it, we can meet up...她没空She's busy.战士Ranger.向前看潘特考斯特Eyes front, Pentecost.拜托蕾娜塔不要打脸好不好Oh! Come on, Renata, not the face!抱歉兄弟Sorry, man.我再押两张淋浴券And raise you two shower chits.弃牌吧伊利亚Fold, Ilya.你再不洗澡就臭死了兄弟You need all the showers you can get, man.那是麝香味儿I have a musk!你们闻到的是麝香味What you smell is musk.战士来了Ranger on deck!音频系统停止使用Audio system deactivated.学员们这是阿玛拉·纳马尼Cadets. This is Amara Namani.明天早上她也参加你们的模拟训练She'll be joining you in sim training bright and early. 这是潘特考斯特战士And this is Ranger Pentecost.他会帮我训练你们He will be helping me instruct you直到我找到新的搭档代替波克战士until I can find a new copilot to replace Ranger Burke. 你有什么想补充的Anything you'd like to add?说了你也不爱听Nothing you want to hear.玛丽科娃Malikova,纳马尼交给你了帮她准备明天的训练get Namani squared away and prepped for training.是长官Yes, sir!解散As you were.潘特考斯特Pentecost.竟然是潘特考斯特要来训练我们We're gonna be trained by a Pentecost!那又怎么样So?他可不像牺牲自己堵住虫洞的那位Not like he was the one who died helping close the Breach. 他甚至都没上过战场He's never even been in combat.蕾娜塔来两局Renata, let's go for round two.伊利亚看见没Yo, Ilya, you see this? Ah!那我应该去哪儿So, where should I...?听说你自己造了个小机甲Heard you built your own little Jaeger.是的它叫拳击手Yeah, actually. Uh, Scrapper.而且是可以单人驾驶的机甲I operated her, too, with this solo bay...如果你想组装垃圾就去当机械工You want to put junk together, be a mechanic.莫玉兰是训练驾驶员的地方Moyulan is for pilots.来吧我领你去Hey, come on. I got ya.谢谢Thanks.你是Um...津海欧阳津海Jinhai. Ou-yang Jinhai.你跟维柯算是认识了So, you and Vik already buddies, huh?维柯Vik?是维多利亚的简称It's short for Viktoriya.不过你应该不想那么叫她But you don't want to call her that.她是怎么回事Yeah, what's her problem?她考了三次才通过入学测试Took her three shots to pass the entrance test. 没错所以她认为你能来这里是走了捷径Don't think she likes how you landed here.这能怪我吗Yeah, well, it's not my fault.我又不是走后门进来的Recruiters never come around back home.会说俄语吗Hey, know any Russian?不会No.那我教你几句好让她消消气I'll teach you some. Calms her down.走我带你熟悉一下这儿的环境Come on. Let's get you squared away.脑半球失去协调警告Hemispheres out of alignment. Warning.我得重新进行对接We need to reconnect!我知道我在努力I know! I'm trying!磁悬浮系统已经关闭MAGLEV deactivated.我真的适应不了I just can't get this.糟糕透了That sucked.听说你能把冬日阿贾克斯耍的团团转You know, when I heard you gave November Ajax a run for his money, 我还以为出了个天才I thought we might have something here.现在我有些怀疑了Now I'm not so sure.戴这么个破东西怎么对接How am I supposed to drift in this thing?一股脚臭味儿It smells like feet.我不想听你找借口学员I didn't ask for your excuses, Cadet.你让她对付的怪兽You putting her up against Kaiju几乎能杀死久经沙场的驾驶员that almost killed veteran pilots这不合常理doesn't make any sense.也许除了她还有人也不适合留在这Well, maybe she's not the only one that doesn't belong here.奈特我知道你看我不顺眼Wow. See, Nate, I know you have a problem with me.但看在她还是个孩子的份上But come on. She's just a kid.我们曾经也是这就是关键So were we. That's the point.在年轻时强化巩固对接形成的默契You make stronger connections when you're young.能够造就更好的对接驾驶员And that kind of bond makes for a better drift pilot.是我也记得这些谢谢Yeah. I remember the pitch.Thanks良一蕾娜塔你们上Ryoichi, Renata, you're up.让我们的新人看看该怎么做Show our new recruit how it's done.你穿的那是什么啊What the hell are you wearing?朱尔斯喜欢Jules loves it.她说这里终于来了个型男太好了Yeah, she told me it's nice to finally have someone with style around here. 不能怪人家姑娘我本来就性感Can't blame the girl. I'm sexy好吧Yeah.要喝吗Want a drink?当然Sure.谢谢Thanks.冰淇淋在上面Ice cream's up top.了解我太了解我了Yes. Yes.所以你这次又回来So, one more time around, huh?是想证明你老爸说错了吗Prove your old man wrong?不我只是回来看看Nah, I just came back to see你的下巴整得怎么样if your chin implant ever settled in.我觉得整的相当的不错Well, I think it's settled in quite nicely.确实看着挺威严的Yeah. It's very commanding.孩子们一定很喜欢Kids must love it.杰克这些孩子们他们仰慕我们Jake, these kids, they look up to us.得让他们看看我们能够通力合作We got to show them that we can work together.老兄战争十年前就结束了Well, the war ended ten years ago, man.你只要随它去就像You just need to let that go. Just... woosah.你必须了解敌人的Y-You have to understand your enemy's ob...你必须You have...我很抱歉伙计Sorry, mate.你只有真正了解敌人的目的You have to understand your enemy's objective才知道是否打败了他to know you've defeated 'em.我们还不了解We still don't.不关于这一点我可以告诉你No. I can help you out with that.我觉得它们派怪兽来无非是想See, I'm thinking it has something to do with them让人类彻底灭绝sending giant monsters to kick the crap out of us.不先驱如果想让我们从地球上消失No, no, no. The Precursors wouldn't send Kaiju to flatten a few cities 不会只让怪兽破坏几座城市if they were trying to wipe us all out.听着奈特我对你没有成见All right, look, Nate, I don't have a problem with you, man.可我必须作出选择But I had to make a choice.在你帅气的脸蛋和监狱之间It was between your pretty face and prison.我选择了你帅气的脸蛋I chose your pretty face.我太感动了Oh, well, I'm touched.你到底还要加多少配料And how many damn toppings do you need?别管我的配料了兄弟Leave my toppings be, man.别扫了我加配料的兴致Don't mess with my damn toppings.话说回来那些学员还有多久So the cadets got, like, what,还有几个月就毕业了吗couple of months before they graduate?六个月Six.那好我看这样吧Okay. I'll tell you what.每次你想对他们发号♥施令的时候Every time you want to say something soldiery to 'em, 我都点头或者说没错按他说的做I'll just nod, or like, "Yep, what he said."然后不知不觉的And then, before you know it,他们就成为驾驶员了they get to be pilots.而且我也能回到我原有的生活了And I get to get back to my life.好极了Great.成交Boom.没准你能提前回家It may happen sooner than you think.什么情况How so?明天有场大型展示会Big dog and pony show tomorrow.邵和她的团队要来展示Shao and her team are presenting他们新研发的自动驾驶系统this new drone program they have.也许以后我们就都失业了Could make us all obsolete.听着像是我的绝地重生之牌呢Sounds like my "get out of jail free" card.你可以对想要的一切表现的无所谓You know, you can front all you want,但你我都知道but you and I both know你本来可以很伟大的you could've been great.抱歉邵小姐是从来不握手的Sorry. She doesn't do the whole hand shaking thing. 我是邵氏工业研发部的主管Dr. Newton Geiszler, head of research纽特·葛斯乐博士and development for Shao Industries.这手握得握得很有力啊That's a nice firm, firm grip you got there, uh...你看起来精神多了That's a much better look on you.比穿监狱的囚服强一点Guess it's better than prison stripes.没强多少Barely.抱歉就是他吗I-I'm sorry, is this him?一定是他对吧你就是斯塔克的孩子吧It-It's got to be him, right? You're Stacker's kid.我叫纽特是你父亲的铁杆粉丝Hey, uh, I'm Newt. I was, uh, I was a big fan of your father's. 他还是一个超级演说家Amazing speech writer, by the way.你听过他在阻止世界毁灭后的那次演讲吗Did you ever hear his one where he canceled the apocalypse? 纽特Newton.赫尔曼Hermann.我一直希望你会跟着来I was hoping you'd be tagging along.我正在开展一项实验需要你帮忙I could use your help on an experiment I'm working on.只要片刻工夫就好Now, this will only take a moment.我知道你特别忙I know how busy you are.是啊Yeah.我不想勉强你可是Don't want to impose, but, uh...少来你可勉强不了我Aw, come on, you can't impose on me.我们谁也不知道谁呀对吧I mean, we've been inside each other's heads, right?我们拯救了世界We've saved the world.和怪兽成功对接了We've drifted with a Kaiju!要不是我们得到了怪兽大脑中的情报You know, if we hadn't yanked that intel out of that Kaiju's brain,罗利就不可能把虫洞关上Raleigh would've never been able to close the Breach.那可是靠你靠我Now, that was you and that was me.严格来说主要是靠我可Technically more me,咱们能快点吗或者but any chance we could make this quick or...?部署计划Um, deployment.机甲的Of Jaegers.部署它们投入战斗需要花的时间实在是太长了Deploying them into battle, it takes, takes too much time.在那之前The amount of damage城市就已经被怪兽毁了a Kaiju can inflict before they've ev...在这儿我已经有办法了Ah, here. I think I've found a solution.赫尔曼你知道我没法读你的Hermann, you know I can never read your, uh...火箭推进器吗Uh, rocket thrusters, huh?了解不行不行Yeah. No. No.这世上没有人燃料能达到这个速率No. There's no fuel in the world with that kind of boost-to-mass ratio. 这个世界没有From this world.那现在呢No.那是怪兽的血液吗I-Is that Kaiju blood?正是Exactly.我发现怪兽的血液在和稀有元素I've discovered Kaiju blood is highly reactive结合时会发生剧烈的反应when it's combined with rare earth elements...铈元素镧元素钆元素cerium, lanthanum, gadolinium.我懂了朋友好吧I realize that, pal. Okay.你别举着它到处闲逛会炸飞自己的Y-You can't be fooling around with this stuff. You're gonna blow yourself up. Uh... 这世上最了解怪兽形态的只有你Now, no one knows more about Kaiju morphology than you.如果你能看上一眼And if you could just take a look, please.不赫尔曼我要阻止你No, Hermann, I gotta stop you.听着这些都不重要Look, none of this matters.一旦我老板的无人机甲获得批准Once my boss' drones are approved,部署时间就不是问题了deployment time, that's gonna be a non-issue.一年之内Within a year, buddy,无人机甲会遍布各地we're gonna have drones everywhere.那你不帮我了So you won't help me?不如去我家边吃边谈吧Look, why don't we talk about it over dinner at my place?好吗你还可以见见艾力丝Okay? You can finally meet Alice.我不需要一顿热乎乎的饭菜I don't need a hot meal, Newton.我需要的是针对这个问题的解决方案What I need is a solution to a very specific problem.是找我的朋友抱歉Ah, that's me, bud. I'm sorry.老板在召唤我了很高兴见到你Duty calls. It's been nice catching up.纽特Newton.。



《怪物召唤》经典台词中英双语《怪物召唤》经典台词中英双语电影《怪物召唤》经典台词英文版1.How could the prince be both murderer and beloved?How can a drug doctor have a bad temper and a reasonable mind?How can invisible people make themselves invisible to others?Because humans are complex creatures, you know the truth of the pain and believe the lie of comfort. This makes the lie even more necessary.王子怎么会既是杀人犯又受人爱戴呢?药医师怎么会既有坏脾气又有合理的思想呢?隐形人怎么会让自己被别人看见却愈发孤单?因为人类是复杂的动物,你清楚知道痛苦真相的同时,却又相信安慰人的谎言。


2.Not always have good people, not always have bad people. Most people are somewhere in between.并不是一直都有好人,也不是一直都有坏人。


3.Because I know everything you need to tell me without you having to say it out loud.因为你要对我说的不用你说出口我就已经知道了。

4.Secrets are hidden in every door. Every growth is accompanied by separation. Every fairy tale will die.每一扇门都藏着秘密。


-真为你骄傲是为我俩.. -不仅是为我
- I'm so proud of you. - Of us! Not just of me.
I mean, of course, but we're a team now. You're so proud of us.
...amazing! It's amazing.
Fresno's a top market, isn't it?
It's th, but we're on our way, babe!
Don't worry, OK? We'll be alone soon, just us.
Eating cheese and baguettes by the Seine,
feeding each other chocolate crepes.
It's like a fairy tale. The Weatherman and the Weatherman's Wife.
I know. Just think, this time tomorrow, I'm gonna be in Paris!



《怪物大战外星人:来自外太空变异南瓜(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本老农杰布的南瓜田未来之星冠军仅供观赏怪物大战外星人来自外太空的变异南瓜 1954 年美国恐怖动画片人类免费领&;hearts;取&;hearts;南瓜小毛孩们别让我抓到你们亲热 Darn teenagers! You better not be in my field makin" out! 离开我的南瓜地快滚 Not in front of my pumpkins! Now scram! 年轻的时候大家都珍惜人家种的菜 Back in my day, we had respect for a man"s vegetables. 你们现在的小孩真是自&;hearts;由&;hearts;散漫 You kids with your far-out, hippie love-ins. 是谁 What in the...?! 没错这就是经典的“吓你一跳” Oh, yeah. The classic “up and at "em.” 吓死我了 That was very scary. 你再模仿一下《蓝湖怪物》里的动物 Do, uh, “The Creature from the Blue Lagoon”. 算了算了我受不了了 No! No, no, no, no! I can"t handle it! 快别模仿了求你了快停下 Just stop it. Please, stop it! 你停了吗停了吗 Have you stopped? Have you stopped yet? 林克你说万圣节我扮个啥呢 Oh! Oh! Link, what do you think I should be for halloween? 口香糖汤团 Chewing gum! Matzo ball! 沙滩球雪球化了的雪球 Beach ball! Snowball! Melted snowball! 太阳系发福的猫王 Solar system! Fat Elvis! 谢谢谢谢大家 Thank you. Thank you very much. 你想扮发福的猫王好吧 You as fat elvis? Actually, yeah, 咱走着瞧you know, maybe. -伙计们好消息-等着瞧别告密 - Guys, good news! - Hey, check this out. Shh! 目击雪人的事件是个恶作剧 Looks like that yetisighting was just a hoax, 我们今晚可以休息了 so we"ve got the night off. 请喝咖啡它就是杯普通咖啡哦 Enjoy your coffee. It"s normal. 里面没有人 No one"s in it. 里面应该再多放点奶 This could use a little more milk. 喂你没心情过万圣节吗 Sheesh! Where is your Halloween spirit? 我很有心情啊 Hey, i"ve got plenty of Halloween spirit. 我可准备了件僵尸啦啦队服呢 Just wait till you see my zombie cheerleader costume. 我该去哪儿弄对超大的啦啦球呢 Now where am I gonna get some really huge pom-poms?你现在就是个活生生的怪兽 Susan, you"re a real monster now, 你现在可是跟大人物们 and that means you"re playing in the big leagues 干大事业 with the big boys. 我五十年没过过万圣节了 I"ve got 50 years of missed Halloweens 内心的小火苗 all smushed up tigh inside me 呼之欲出 just bursting to get out! 今晚注定是不平凡的一晚 This isn"t just any night! It"s our night! 好不容易盼来了我们要去吓人 And when it finally es, we gots to terrify. 或许你说得对长鳍的朋友 Perhaps, my finned friend. 但对有些人万圣节之夜的回忆 But for some of us, all hallows" eve 痛苦多于甜蜜 is more trick than treat. 那时我还小I was but a lad. 脑子里只有粒子物理学和糖果 My head filled with dreams of particle physics and candy, 甜甜的糖果 sweet candy. 未来的人生一片光明美好直到... The future before me seemed sugar-coated, until... 我的波板糖 My swirly pop! 自那黑暗的一夜之后From that dark day forth, 万圣节变得毫无意义 Halloween was dead to me, 永远都是 forever. 我想立马把你丢进垃圾桶 You know, I kind of want to throw you in the trash right now. 振作伙计们你们说过 e on, guys, like you said, 这是属于我们的一晚对吧 it"s our night, right? 所以我们出去找点乐子吧So let"s get out and have some fun! 乐子没的找了伙计们 Fun time"s over, monsters! 今天不准外出重复一遍 It"s a no-go, I repeat, 万圣节不准外出 a no-go on Halloween. -太棒了-什么 - Yes! - What? 我们接了个大任务 We got us a major situation. 一架 UFO 进入了加利福尼亚的领空 A UFO has entered our airspace over California, 你们绝对猜不出在哪儿 And you ain"t gonna believe where. 莫德斯托[美国城市]吗 Modesto?! 怎么总是莫德斯托 Why is it always Modesto? 我也觉得奇怪 I thought it was kind of freaky myself. 我们要处理什么事情呢将军 Any idea what we"re facing, general? 入侵绑&;hearts;架&;hearts; Invasion? Abductions? 还是来侦查的 Probes? 还不知道我讨厌情况不明 Unknown. And I hate me some unknown. 我命令你们去搜查莫德斯托 So I want you on the ground and searching Modesto 尽快找出外星侵略者 for possible alien intruders, asap! 最好现在就去 Better yet, pronto! 这件事是机密 And let"s keep this on a need-to-know basis, 谁也不能说 meaning nobody needs to know! -能告诉我爸妈吗-爸妈也不行 - What about my parents? - Nope, not even your parents. 今天可是万圣节 It"s Halloween after all. 最好别吓着大家 We don"t want to go around scarin" folks. 喂快来这儿他们在发南瓜 Hello? Hey, get down here. They"re givin" away pumpkins. 看起来发的很快的样子 And itlooks like they"re goin" fast. 人类免费领南瓜 Free pumpkins for all humans? 我也是人类算我一个 I"m a human. Sign me up. 太完美了 Perfect! 从来没人像墨菲家这样过过万圣节 Nobody does Halloween like the Murphys. 我们又做到了卡尔 We did it again, Carl. 苏茜宝贝 Susie q! -爸爸妈妈-宝贝儿 - Mom! Dad! - Sweetie? 见到你真高兴 Oh, I"m so glad to see you. 亲爱的没想到你来了 Oh, honey, I can"t believe you came. 我终于请了一晚上的假就来了 I, uh... finally managed to get a night off, so... I"m here. 你总是忙着拯救地球 Well, you"re always so busy saving the earth. 这样对身体不好 It"s not healthy. 我们还以为 Yes, we were starting to think 今年要想见女儿 Modesto would have to get invaded by 只能等外星人入侵了呢 aliens again to see our daughter. 太可笑了 That"s just ridiculous! 是啊今年我们一定能开成聚会 Yes, we"re just here forthe party. 墨菲先生墨菲女士 Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. 让我看看你们有没有问题 If indeed that"s who you actually are! 没问题They"re clear. 办个莫德斯托最棒的万圣节聚会肯定没问题 Clearly ready to throw the best Halloween party in Modesto! 亲爱的今年我们一定全力以赴 Oh, we went all out this year, hon! 我装扮的都是你以前最喜欢的东西 I included allyour old favourites. 死神巧克力喷泉 Death by chocolate fountain, 糖果做的邪恶女巫的毒苹果树 The wicked witch"s candy poison apple tree, 和糖果玉米地里的孩子And... children of the candy cornfield! 看起来不赖要真是糖就好了 Yeah, not bad, but you know, call me when it"s real candy. -你知道我意思吧-Bob这真的是糖 - You know what I"m sayin"? - B.o.b.,it is real candy. 不好意思哟 Oops! 伙计们这里一切正常 Hey, guys, since everything looksfine here, 不如你们要糖去吧 Why don"t you go out and do some trick or treating? 明白我的意思吗街坊邻居都看看 You know? check out the neighborhood? 当然我们会紧盯猎物的 Of course. we"ll keep an eye out for candy. 我们去那儿这里有糖啊 Wait, where are we goin"? There"s candy in here. Wait. 蝴蝶姐你来吗 You in", b? 努力别开小差 Just try and stay... focused. 苏珊你该跟妈妈去 Susan, maybe you and your mom 剥葡萄准备眼球沙拉了 Can start peeling the grapes for the eyeball salad. 我得去一趟老农杰布的南瓜田 I"ve got to get to farmer Jeb"s patch. 不是偷懒我们确实需要再来点南瓜 Not to point the finger, but we need more pumpkins. 别去 No! 对不起 Sorry. 那里不安全 Uh... it"s not safe out there. 因为孩子们爱乱扔鸡蛋 You know, "cause kids are throwing eggs 还有拿卫生纸缠人 eggs and... you could get tp"d. 我去拿南瓜吧So I"ll go get the pumpkins. 别跑 Don"t run! 我觉得我踩着什么了 I think I stepped in something. 鲍勃这很简单的 It"s quite simple, B.o.b. -不给糖就捣蛋-按门铃 - Trick or treat! - You ring the doorbell, 然后重复说“不给糖就捣蛋” then repeat the following “trick or treat.” 如果他们给你糖那他们就是人类 If they offer you candy, they are most likely human. 如果他们扫描你他们就不是人类 If they offer to probe you, they are most likely not. 等会儿他们给我们糖 Wait, wait, wait. They give candy to us? 免费给我们他们疯了吗 For free? Are they crazy?! 我们又没白拿他们的糖鲍勃 That free candy es with a price, B.o.b. 集中精力我们有任务在身 Now, focus! We have a mission to attend to. 太荒谬了 Oh, this is ridiculous. 我等了五十年就是要吓唬小孩子 I"ve waited 50 years to scare the caramel out of these kids! -我等不及了-林克 - I can"t wait any longer! - Link! 就跟他们说我病了 Just tell them that I got sick or something. 我一会儿再乔装打扮现在我得走了 I"ll do a make-up mission later. I gotta go. 不给糖就捣蛋不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or treat, trick or treat. 鲍勃B.o.b.! 不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or treat. 算了我一个人干 Oh, fine, I"ll do it myself. 不给糖就捣蛋不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or treat, trick or treat... trick or treat. 万圣节快... Hey! Happy Hallow... huh? 放心不会弄疼你的 Relax. this won"t hurt a bit. 安全All clear. 天啊是史莱克亲爱的快拿照相机 Oh, my gosh, it"s Shrek! Honey, bring the camera! 来茄子 Say cheese. 不给糖就捣蛋不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or treat, trick or treat, trick or treat. 记住了 Got it. 安全 All clear. 哎哟 Ouch. 干嘛 What? 小天才们我们扮演的人物一样哎 Hey there, little genius. You"re dressed like me. 不是我扮演的是失踪的林克 Uh, no, i"m dressed as the missing Link. 你是又肥又老的美人鱼 You"re dressed as a fat, old mermaid. 就是林克可没有啤酒肚 Yeah, since when does Link have a beer gut? 现在算什么情况 What is happening right now? 我想我的同伴要说的是 I believe that what my colleague intended to say was 不给糖就捣蛋 trick or treat. 乖乖你的装束真与众不同 What an inventive costume, dear. 特别的恶心 Really quite disgusting. 我要给你点特别的东西 You deserve something special. 波板糖给我的吗 A swirly pop? For me? 这次不会有长疙瘩的小流氓 And, this time, no pimply hooligans 抢我美味的战利品了 will deprive me of my lickable loot. 来吧鲍勃我们有新的奋斗目标了 e, Bob! we have a new prime directive! 糖糖 Candy. 不给... Trick...! 快看啊林克 e on, Link! 今晚是最美好的万圣节之夜 This is going to be the best Halloween ever! 看呀妈妈是科米蛙 Look, mommy, it"s kermit! 胡说八道Ridiculous. 这是地里最大的一个了 Biggest one in the patch, son. 我们就是冲着它去的 "cause that"s how we roll. 我要叫你邪恶杰克 I"m gonna call you wicked jack. 很好儿子 That"s perfect, son. 我们来把它挖开怎么样 Now, what do you say we gut this sucker? 好啊 Yeah. 看起来跟真的一样呢亲爱的 Wow, that almost looks real, hon! 你会说话你刚刚... You can talk? You"re just... just... 你刚刚你刚刚 You"re just... you"re just... 不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat! 老农杰布有人在吗 Farmer Jeb? hello! 杰布 Jeb? 伙计们你们在吗 Hello, guys? Are you there? 苏珊 Susie.你们看到什么不对劲的了吗 Are you seeing anything? 我在镇子外面这里什么也没有 I"m just outside of town and there"s nothing. 连古怪的老农杰布也不在 Not even weird old farmer Jeb. 这里也是苏珊 Same here, Suze. 我想这只是个... I think that this is just one big... 林克你没事吧出什么事了 Link! Are you all right?! What happened?! 不好意思刚看到了一套可怕的小丑装 Sorry, Susan. Creepy clown costume. 这里到处充满了单纯的快乐 But everything"s simply delightful here. 不行鲍勃 No, b.o.b. 那是我的手指饼干 That"s my butterfinger! -嗷-说好了的 - Ow! - A trade"s a trade! 保持联&;hearts;系&;hearts;蟑螂完毕 We"ll be in touch. Cockroach out. 我有办法了 I got an idea. 有人吗 Is anybody in here? 南瓜都活了 They"re alive! 不给糖就捣蛋闻闻我的脚 Trick or treat smell my feet 看啊每个人都玩的好开心 Oh, look at that! Everyone"s having such fun! 怎么了 What"s happening?! 我在想这么多年来对万圣节的吐槽 To think I spent all those years poo-pooing Halloween. -别往后看-林克我向你道歉 - Don"t look back! - link, I owe you an apology. 我们能不能暂且忘掉万圣节先找到 Can we please just forget Halloween andfind these stupid 那些南瓜 pumpkins? 要不是我长了个蟑螂头 If I didn"t have a cockroach head myself 早就被吓死了 I"d be freaking out right now. 走开离开这儿 Go away! Get out of here! 伙计们你们要被暴打一顿了 Hey, pal, you"re about to get cool whipped. 等等我可以跟他们理论 Wait, wait! I think I can reason with them! 我妈妈是颗土豆我会讲农作物的语言 My mother was a tomato. I speak produce. 他说什么了 What did he say? 坏消息是我妈妈和沙拉的什么事 Horrible things. About my mother... in a salad bar. 不管你们变成什么样子都够不到这个 Fiends! Whatever you"re after, you won"t get it here! 放手那是我的糖 Let go! That"s my candy! 吃的就是你的糖Good galileo! Of course! 林克这些南瓜变异的 Link, whatever mutated these pumpkins 爱吃糖了 gave them sweet tooth, 他们不是冲着孩子们来的 it"s not the children they"re after! 是冲着糖来的 It"s the candy. 不 No! 跟我们一样 And, justlike us, 他们糖吃得越多就长得越大 The more candy they eat, the bigger they"ll get, 最后整个地球都会变成南瓜田 until the whole world bees their pumpkin patch! 我看着你呢大笨瓜 I"m looking at you, stem-head! 别妄想了南瓜怪 No way, pumpkin thing! 你们别想再找到糖了You"re not getting one more piece of candy! 你们也绝对不会得到墨菲家的东西 And you are definitely notgetting what"s at the Murphy house, 我坚决不告诉你他家就在街那边 which is right down the street, right there. Susan我们遇到麻烦了 Uh... Susan? We have a problem. 离聚会开始只剩二十分钟了 Only 20 minutes till the party begins! 今晚肯定非常疯狂 I get the feeling it"s gonna be a madhouse. 说的没错温蒂 You know it, Wendy! 我们是不是弄了太多糖了You think we overdid it on the candy? 南瓜怪你惹错人了 You messed with the wrong monsters, pumpkin! 不许在我眼皮底下偷糖 Nobody steals candy onmy watch! 除了我以外不许别人吓唬孩子们 And nobody freaks these kids out but me. 我在想开场白呢别着急 I"m thinking! Stop pressuring me! 希望有人带了肉豆蔻 I hope somebody brought the nutmeg. 万圣节是属于怪兽的 Halloween belongs to monsters, 你面前是专踩南瓜的巨人怪兽 And this monster"s a pumpkin-crushing giant! 你应该是个专踩巨人怪兽的南瓜 And apparently you"re a giant-crushing pumpkin. 我要糖 Candy! 你别想得到这些糖 Well, you"ll never get this candy! 快来啊伙计们我一个人吃不完 e on, guys! I can"t do this alone! 不用了我可以吃完 You know what? never mind, I can! 真想不到我居然在跟蔬菜搏斗 I can"t believe I"m actually fighting a vegetable! 不要啊 No! 严格来说他属于水果 Technically, he"s a fruit, Susan. 我一直很讨厌南瓜 I always hated squash! 苏珊小心 Susan, look out! 蹬鼻子上脸听懂没 In your face, pumpkin! Get it? 别别别你怎么打自己呀 Oh, no, don"t punch yourself. 牛顿保佑啊 By Newton"s figs! 或许这不是个上策 Oh, maybe this wasn"t the best strategy after all. 或许它就是 Or maybe it was! 他们要吃糖就给他们糖 If it"s candy he wants, let"s give itto him! 他们会越吃越大啊 It makes them bigger! 一直变大最后把自己撑爆 Bigger and bigger, and nauseam! 就这样从草地上捡从树上晃 Yes! Loot the lawn and shake the trees!在那儿 Over here! 孩子们把你们找到的糖果都捡起来 Kids! Get every piece of candy you can find! -知道了 - Get it! -快来-守住阵地孩子们 - Go! Let"s go! - Hold down the fort, children! 快吃南瓜怪 Eat that, you pumpkin! 这招会见效的These"ll work. 看啊是失踪的林克 Look, it"s the missing Link! 喜欢吗You like that? 见识一下我的小帮手的厉害吧 Say hello tomy little friend. 放点儿糖进来 Get some! 还要 We need some more! 接招吧 Take that! -接着-你这贪吃的老南瓜怪 - Catch this! - Mean old pumpkin! 有效了 It"s working! 低调差不多就行了 Yeah, let"s not overdo it. 噢不 Oh, no! 再来一点就够了 Just a few more pieces!我们没有了蟑博士 We"re all out, Doc. 肯定还能找到一点 There must be some. 永别了 Farewell 我的宝贝 my precious. -万圣节快乐-万圣节快乐 - Happy Halloween?! - Happy Halloween?! 爸爸妈妈再等一小会儿 Mom, dad, just give me a sec, ok? 没人可以毁了 Murphy 家的万圣节 Nobody ruins a Murphy Halloween. 不给糖就捣蛋 Trick or treat! 我选择捣蛋I"m gonna say, “trick.” 哦不 Oh, no. 猫王我就知道你还活着 Elvis! I knew you were stillalive! 我们的糖又回来了 We got our candy back! 波板糖耶 A swirly pop! -那个是我最喜欢的呢-跟你换 - That"s my favorite! - Trade ya! 我猜你们来小镇上 So I guess you did just e into 只是为了阻止外星人入侵的 town to stop alienation. 不是为了看望父母 And not to visit your parents. 对不起我没跟你说 I"m sorry I didn"t tell you about this. 我也希望能常回家看看但是 And I wish I could make it home more often, but... 没关系的苏茜宝贝 Oh, it"s ok, Susie q. 从现在开始我和你妈妈要明白 From now on, your mom and I are just gonna have to get used 你是我们的更是大家的 to sharing you with the world. 你得跟那些人谈谈给你加个薪 I think you need to talk to those people about a raise. 你妈说得对报酬如何啊 Your mother"s right, honey. how are the benefits? 知道吗爸爸他们很了不起 You know what, dad? They"re pretty awesome. 说到了不起谁想拿鲍勃做苹果啊 Oh! Speaking of awesome, who wants to Bob for apples? 没问题卡尔 You got it, Carl! 把脸贴在我身上就行了 Just stick your face in my body! 鲍勃 B.o.b.? 哈哈屡试不爽 Ha-ha! still got it. 干的一如既往的好啊怪兽们 Well done as always, monsters! 我爱这夜风中变异南瓜的气味 I love the smell of mutant pumpkin guts in the evening. 这是胜利的味道 Smells like victory. 还有点像南瓜派 Also a little like pie. 将军很高兴您光临我们的聚会 Glad you could make it to our party, general. 哦天啊看那个巨大的... Oh, my gosh. Look at that big... 哦天啊 Oh, my god.。



用子弹打中怪物这就是我们的战争Put a bullet in a monster. That was supposed to be our war.但是你最好知道你的敌人But you better know your enemy.我从未想要做一个军人I never wanted to be a soldier.二等兵麦可·帕克斯服役 2年外派无但是我还能做什么But what else was I gonna do?抬起碎石解决裂缝Shift rubble and deal crack?去他的Fuck that.所以当军队前来征兵的时候我报名了So when the army came looking I signed up.现在我就是热血男儿Now it's my blood.外面的那些怪兽已经横扫了数个城市The monsters out there have been walking through cities.击倒它们然后空军重火力攻击把它们驱逐出去Smashing them down. So air strike's been hitting them hard to clear them out. 维持世界和平Make the world safe.问题是这些炸♥弹♥也毁掉了原住民Trouble was all those bombs had torn up the locals, too.也导致了更多的叛乱分子他妈的只想杀掉我们And that just made a whole lot more insurgents just wanna fucking kill us.所以部队驻扎在营地我们出来搞定那些叛党So the troops on the ground, we're out there taking them down.防止他们阻拦我们的行动用炮弹将怪物们送回地狱Stop them getting in the way of us bombing the monsters back to hell.弗勒达中士就是其中之一Sergeant Frater was one of them.他们在感染区深处的暗地中为他工作They worked him undercover in deep IZ.他杀了很多人He killed a lot of people.就是他他就是一只狮子There it was. He was a fucking lion.感染区美军作战基地举起手来让我看见你们的双手Hands! Let me see your hands!-蹲下 -你跪下-Down! -On your knees!把手放在头上双腿并拢Hands on your head, interlock your ankles.不要动Do not move.检查一下车Check the vehicle.长官检查完毕欢迎来到叛党营地They have clearance. Sir, welcome to Camp Renegade. 参谋中士弗勒达服役 17年外派 8次正在通过外层太空空间...going on right now through outer space community. 在中东发现卫星碎片卫星的碎片Fragments of the satellite已在中东被找到have been found in the Middle East.生物蔓延到中东军队与怪物和人作战大规模接种疫苗防御怪兽孢子怪兽轰炸激起叛乱军队面对新的作战全球安全面临威胁我们会与影响世界和平的东西战斗We will fight those who oppose peace in this world, 无论是人类还是其他的东西human or otherwise.怪兽-黑暗大♥陆♥底特律我从未拥有过一个家庭I never had a family growing up.对我而言只有我的兄弟们Only thing here for me was my boys.但是我们都不想留在底特律But none of us wanted to stay in Detroit.我们从小游荡街头如同流浪狗We've been roaming around here like stray dogs since we were kids. 现在我们要一起坐船离开And now, we're being shipped out together.嗨老兄你还好吗Hey, man. You all right?我跟弗兰基家人比较亲近Closest thing I got to family is Frankie.弗兰基在家吗Frankie home?我小的时候When I was small,我每次逃离我的寄养家庭时every time I'd skip out on my foster home,我都会爬弗兰基家的窗子然后躲起来I'd climb through Frankie's window and hide out.他就像一个哥哥He was like a brother.-弗兰基快点老兄 -见鬼-Frankie, come on, man. -Shit!嘿米奇怎么啦兄弟Hey, Mikey. What's up, buddy?-米奇 -琳娜-'Sup, Mike. -'Sup, Leena.他有时候很龟毛He can be a dick sometimes.你今晚要出去晃吗Y'all hanging at Aces tonight?如果没人想要跟我在一起...If anyone fucked with me...可能是家中的单人派对了Probably just a house party.弗兰基会拿蝙蝠给他... Frankie would take a bat to him.你应该要催一下史黛西你知道她最近一直在问你You should hit up, Stacey. You know she's been asking about you.-哦是吗 -那真是好主意Oh, yeah? -That's a good idea.弗兰基快点我们要迟到了老兄Frankie, come on! We're late, man你在外面杀外星入侵者的时候while you're out there killing alien invaders!我们要我们的热血战争...而且我们也想要一个We wanted our war... and we were gonna get one.我们将要有一个我们的人生中最棒的战斗We were gonna have the best fucking fight of our lives.你想要什么What do you want?呼吸宝贝呼吸Breathe, baby, breathe.-这是...-呼吸宝贝-It's burning! -Breathe, baby.嘘...Shh...是你的爹地怎么了怎么了孩子It's your daddy, what's up? What's up, kid?二等兵萧恩·威廉斯服役 2 外派无啊他不像我他不像我Aww, he don't like me. He don't like me.好好没事了It's okay. It's all right.拿着他Take him.你抛弃他我就会打死你知道吗You drop him, I'm gonna smack the shit out you, you know that? 我的孩子旁边注意你的嘴Watch your mouth around my child.他听不懂的He don't understand.我不允许在我的天使周围有粗俗言语I ain't having nothing vulgar around my angel.-嗯...-魔鬼的刀剑-Mm-hm. -No daggers of the devil也无法刺穿他的心脏和灵魂ought to pierce his heart or soul.-你现在懂了没 -没问题-You understand me now? -Okay.我的勇士他手中有持箭My warrior, with arrows in his hands.宣扬宝贝布道你知道我说的吗Preach, baby, preach. You know what I'm saying?当他们在大门口遇到他们的敌人时必不至于蒙羞They will not be ashamed when they meet their enemies in the gate. -阿门姐妹阿门 -阿门兄弟-Amen, sister. Amen. -Amen, brother.专家卡尔·英基拉服役 3年外派无喂萧尼你把这里打理好了吗老兄Yo, Seanie, you got everything squared away here, man?准备走了吗Good to go?-去哪里你要去哪里 -嗯我-Where... Where are you going? -Yeah, I'm...哪里也不去只是去放松一下就这样Nowhere, just gonna go kick it, that's it.-闭嘴弗兰基 -你今天要去放松吗-Shut up, Frankie. -You're gonna kick it today?-是的我计划...-萧恩-Yeah, I was planning... -Sean...昨天晚上之前我们就安排好了你知道我想说什么吗It's the last night before we deploy. You know what I'm saying?你要开始像一个父亲一样的生活You're going to have to start acting like a damn father.我兄弟们想找我出去大不了的事My boys wanna take me out. I don't see what the big deal is.我说的是...你来了你又走了All I'm saying is you're coming and you're going.-你来了你又走了 -你总是瞎扯You're coming and you're going. One day you'll come back-有一天你会回来我们已不在这里了 -你总是瞎扯-and find we ain't gonna be here. -You always on that bullshit.你总是瞎扯和你妈妈一样You always on that bullshit, like your mama.-我只是说有一天...-有点冷老兄凯莉-I'm just saying, one day... -Chill, man, Kelly...我们已不在这里了...we ain't gonna be here.拜托Come on...我们是同样的街道长大的We had all grown up in the same neighborhood,但我在受训中遇到威廉斯和英克斯but I met Williams and Inks in training.自从我们被分配到同营地之后就已经超越了友谊And since we got put in the same unit, it went beyond friendship. 只是想要他的爸爸小子就这样而已Just wanted his daddy, dog, that's it.我们都互相握着对方的命Our lives were in each other's hands.我们会萧尼带回来的好吗We're going to bring Seanie back, all right.他会没事我们会带他回来He's cool, we got his back.嗯好你要告诉他他有原因Yeah, well, you need to tell him he got a reason他的后代黑种已经在这里了to get his black backside here early.现在该你了去休息吧好吗Now you go. Go on and rest, all right?-他真美 -我知道He's beautiful. -I know.来吧老兄Come on, men.怎么了宝贝怎么了What's the matter, baby? What's the matter?我只是希望你早点回来I just want you to come back early.我会的I will.-你知道的 -嗯-You know that. -Mm-hm.看看我们做了什么Look what we did.对看看我做了什么Yeah, look what I did.我知道我知道I know, I know.你给我生了一个儿子You went and made me a son.大家伙你很强壮不是吗强壮Big boy, you strong, ain't you? Strong.当我走了之后保护好你妈妈好吗Protect your mama while I'm gone, okay?你知道我会带你回去外面对不对You know I got your back out there, though, right?-外面你♥他♥妈♥的在逗我吗 -什么-Out there? You fucking kidding me? -What?我一直都是把你带回去的人I'm always the one that's got your fucking back.还记得在学校的时候经常打你的小鬼吗Remember that kid who used to always beat on you in school?-康纳·克兰西 -是的他怎么了-Connor Clancy. -Yeah. What about him?比赛曲棍球The hockey game.你成了赢家你还庆祝You scored the winner and you were celebrating.他叫你你知道什么来着...He was calling you a... You know, whatever...叫我"福利儿童"He was calling me a welfare baby.你失去了理智老兄You lost your shit, man.开始...撕打咬他Started... tearing, biting at him.克兰西他只是在嘲笑你兄弟Clancy, he's just laughing at you, bro.所以我就拿着曲棍球棒走进来That's when I have to come in with a fucking hockey stick...叫了两位老爹把你拉开...Takes two dads to pull you off...带着你的家伙去工作Fucking go to work on the little prick.在我结束之前他已经躺在他自己的尿和血液里面了By the time I'm finished, he's lying in a pool of his own piss and blood. 嗯Hmm.然后再也无法直视你了Never looked you in the eye again, though.那是很久以前的事了老兄That's a long time ago, man.你再也不是"福利儿童"了米奇你已有家庭了You ain't no welfare baby, Mike. You got a family.他妈的谁说你不是的Fuck anybody says you don't.哦他妈的Oh, fuck.-靠 -好-Shit. -Yeah!-抓住他了 -嘿老兄-Got him! -Hey, man.你怎么像这样How do you like that...?很多人都发狂And the crowd goes wild!人们不明白People don't get it.他们不知道什么是勇气They don't get what courage is.我们彼此之间都愿意死We'd all die for each other.我们也可以同甘共苦And we could all stay in the same places,在同样的酒吧里一起欢笑in the same fucking bar and have a few laughs.在我们的余生中永远不会孤身一人And not being nobody the rest of our lives.但是我们想要带着故事返回But we wanted to come back with a story.操这个地方老兄Fuck this place, man.这是我们的家This was our home.那是我们的最后一天It was our last day.所以这最后的几个小时我们要忘掉既将要发生的事So for those last few hours we needed to forget about what was coming. 我们只是要去那个鬼地方We just go tear the fucking place down.-抓住他小子 -抓住了抓住他了-Get him, boy! -Get him, get him.他妈的Shit!操带上来老兄来带过来Fucking bring it on, man! Come on, bring it!他妈的Shit!他妈的走开让开让开Get the fuck out the way! Move, move!走吧离开这个鬼地方Come on, get the fuck out of here.米奇Mike!操这个联邦局人员来之前我们先走Fuck this, let's bounce before the Feds come.你在生什么气What the fuck you mad for?你把你的钱押在...You put your dollar on the enemy.-你输掉活该 -每个人都输了-You deserve to lose. -Everybody lost.打架又有什么意义你们想要枪杀掉赢家吗What's the point of having a fight, if you're gonna shoot the fucking winner? 不我懂了老兄我懂了你喜欢怪兽No, I get it, man, I get it, you love the monster.-操你 -不你喜欢那个小怪兽的逼逼-Fuck you. -No, you love that little monster pussy.你八点钟把它带走去一家很棒的餐馆You wanna pick it up around eight, take it to a nice restaurant,可能喝一杯酒看场电影maybe a glass of wine, catch a movie,走路回家...手指头放在婊♥子♥的玄关上walk it home... finger that bitch on the porch.-去你♥妈♥的♥ -准备去搞你老妹-Fuck off! -Gonna go get your sister. Ooh!我只是说说而已为什么放下了锤子I'm just saying, why drop the hammer?总得给观众他们想要的东西宝贝血腥的Gotta give the crowd what they want, baby. Blood.我们是做♥爱♥ 不是战争宝贝Let's make love, not war, baby.砰Pow...老兄看看他们的大小操♥他♥妈♥的Man, look at the size of them mothefruckers.他们就在你鼻子上长官九点钟方向They're right on your nose, sir. They're at nine o'clock. 请求空袭... requesting air strike.喂伙计那儿有一群Yo, man, there's a whole herd of these, man!嘿一群婊♥子♥们都武装起来了Hey, yo. There's a lot of bitches arming up.像是巨大的沙滩螃蟹老兄Look like giant fucking sand crabs, man.炸掉其中一个Firebomb one of those,你就会赢得那些哈奇妹子的青睐老兄you'll burn up a whole lot of hodgie's women, man!-耶 -哇Yeah! -Whoo!战斗损毁评估 100%Battle damage assessment: 1 00 percent.我希望这些悍马车能在8点之前清除干净I want all these Humvees cleaned out by 0800.我是空军中士弗勒达这是福雷斯中士I am Staff Sergeant Frater, this is Sergeant Forrest.区域小组队长欢迎来到感染区Area team leaders, welcome to the IZ.那是空袭那些怪物群的声音That is the sound of air strikes hitting monster herds. 一天中的任何时候都可能发生It could happen any time of day.你们不是来这里度假You didn't choose to come here on vacation.请随意这就是你现在的日常生活Make yourself at home. This is now your normal.每个人都必须面临抉择Everyone of you is going to have to make decisions没有正确的答案there is no right answer to.你有侵略的天赋你将采取行动You have the gift of aggression and you will have to act. 不要让你的情感掌控了你Do not let your emotions control you.福雷斯中士Sergeant Forrest.现在我要将你们分散开和你们在幼儿园里面一样Now I'm going to break it down to you like you're in kindergarten.我们在建成区域的深处有巨型怪兽We have Goliaths embedded in built up areas.我们炸掉他们同时吓走那些哈奇We bomb them, there's collateral and the hodgies get real pissed.所以我们要处理的就是路边炸♥弹♥ 以及自杀式人♥体♥炸♥弹♥So what we're dealing with is IEDs, suicide bombers,火箭弹袭击以及伏击rocket-grenade attacks and ambush.现在当我们遭遇怪兽的时候打倒它们Now we will take down monsters when we encounter them,但是我们的主要重点还是终止叛乱but our main focus is to close down this insurgent activity.这意味着要在紧张地区进行侦查That means recon in non-permissive areas,保持和当地居民的联♥系♥and maintaining contact with the locals.现在当你不是在屎堆里Now, when you're not in the shit,你要保持你的装备步♥枪♥和你的蛋蛋弄干净you keep your gear, your rifle and balls clean.你的身体和枪是一体的Your body and your rifle are a one-weapon system.我不是在逗你Now I'm not going to lie to you.我认为你们就是一群奇怪的丑陋的破破烂烂的混♥蛋♥I think you're a bunch of weird-looking, ugly, raggedy ass mothefruckers.站起来二等兵Stand up, private.-你很高啊 -是的中士-You're tall, ain't you? -Yes, sergeant.站在那里的都那么高看起来像是从美好时光而来的Standing up there all tall, looking like JJ out of Good Times.坐下Sit down.你一整个哭丧脸And you, you sad-looking mothefrucker.你为何看起来这么悲伤What's wrong with you looking all sad?你好像在许愿你已经在团队里了我的小马子Like you was wishing you was in team My Little Pony.我们不是We are not.你是虎鲨队的一部分You are part of team Tiger Shark.康威Conway.起立On your feet.-我们是什么 -虎鲨-Who are we? -Tiger Shark!-我说我们是什么 -虎鲨-I said, who are we? -Tiger Shark!谁将狩猎和杀死所有的猎物Who hunts and kills all the prey?虎鲨Tiger shark!哇Hooah!嘿罗德尼·皮特徘行第四Hey, Rodney Peete... 4th down baby.罗德尼·皮特你♥他♥妈♥的多大了中士Rodney Peete? How the fuck old are you, sergeant?老的足够当你老爸婊♥子♥-Old enough to be your daddy, bitch. -Whatever, man.无所谓老兄But your mama如果你是我儿子你老妈不够好看not good-looking enough for you to be my son.防守呀你在干嘛老兄防守呀Get open! Where you at, man, get open!-放开我 -你在跟谁说话-Get off me! -Who are you talking to?再说说看我妈老兄Talk about my mama again, man.你待在...待在这里You stay... you stay where you are.记住你是在跟谁说话Remember who you're talking to.-你看着你自己 -我在看老兄-You watch yourself. -I'm watching, man.-记住我是谁 -我知道你是谁老兄-Remember who I am. -I know who you are, man.-你要做什么 -你想要在我身上试试吗-What you gonna do? -You wanna try that on me?老兄我从底特律来你♥他♥妈♥的要对我♥干♥什么Man, I'm from Detroit. What the fuck you gonna do to me?-你想要尝试...-你想要对我♥干♥什么-You wanna try... -What you gonna do to me?再说一遍再说一遍Say that again! Say that again!-来来 -靠左-Come on! Come on! -Keep left!拜托老兄你在干什么老兄Come on, man. What are you doing, man?弄开...Get the fuck...我的黑人我的新队员My nigga, my rookie.这就是火爆这就是火爆就在那里That's the fire. That's the fire, right there.我们需要用在战场之上We need that out on the field.大拇指位于后面然而其他的手指放在前方"The thumb stays in the ass while the other fingers roam the front.我想知道如果这就是被绑起来的一回事吗I wonder if this is what being tied up is all about?最疯狂的性♥欲♥和对色情的感觉都如此开放The insanely sensual and erotic feeling of being wide open,如此的不堪一击并且是绝对的so vulnerable, and absolutely迫切地渴望着一种野性urgently craving a wild以及不屈不挠的操and unrelenting fucking..."见鬼了福雷斯中士Goddamn, Sergeant Forrest.你的妻子已经找到了用语言解决的办法Your wife has got a way with words, man.她有写过她男友的大便事情吗Did she write this shit about her boyfriend?看看他们的奶和屁臀Look at them tig 'ol bitties.我在开车小子拜托老兄I'm trying to drive, kid. Come on, man.我的女人出轨了My woman's not fucking around on me.一句词自♥慰♥器One word: Sybian.自♥慰♥...那是啥Sybi... what the fuck?八点五寸两英寸橡胶附件地板安装Eight point five inches, two inch rubber attachment. Floor mounted. 零点九分之五马力转速6千5Zero point five-nine horsepower, 6, 500 RPM.她上马鞍强烈振动She saddles up. Powefrul vibrations.它有粉红色和黑色我走到黑It comes in pink and black. I went black.哟你认真的吗Yo, you serious?什么你意思是你没有What, you mean, you didn't帮你的男友买♥♥一个替代品buy your boyfriend a fuck replacement?-他妈的 -他妈的-Shit. -Shit.老兄你Man, you?小子我带你妹妹去做了妊娠检查Dog, I bought your sister a pregnancy test, man.到了威廉斯Pull it over, Williams.这个不太好This is not good.耶稣呀...Jesus...这是我们第一次巡逻It was our first patrol.这个拐角商店属于那些人This corner shop belongs to the people-在管这条街道到另一边 -有两个家伙在这里-who run this street, on the other side. -The two guys here?我觉得我们都很害怕I think we were all scared.说不害怕的人都他妈的在说谎Anyone said they weren't was a fucking liar.没有人想要他的家人哪一天接到死亡通知And nobody wanted their family to get a knock on the door after day one. 但是他们正在缓解我们的心情But they were easing us in.我们要从这里出去然后取得当地人的信任We needed to get out there and build up trust with the locals.马奎尔你告诉查理持续转动你的头Maguire, lieutenant Charlie, keep your head on a swivel.你看着我们六个人You're watching our six.过来Turk, come here.好你叫什么名字Okay, what's your name?阿里好我以前见过你Ali. Okay, I've seen you before.我给你拍一张好看的照片就这样Let's take a nice picture of you, all right.好了很好Okay, good.就是这样看看相机That's it. Look down the camera.好了All right.-很好很好 -你是乖孩子吗-Good. Good. -You a good boy?好我希望你能做一个乖孩子好吗All right, I want you to stay a good boy. Okay?好了孩子们抬起头Okay, kids here. Heads up.看着你们的武器看着你们的佩刀Watch your weapons, watch your sidearms.哈啰嘿Hello. Hey.我会拿着它好吗I'll take it here, all right?嗯和平的标志你喜欢和平Yeah? Peace signs, you like peace?你是一个乖孩子你行为规矩吗You a good boy? You behave yourself?我们做得怎么样帕克斯How we doin', Parkes?列队排成一行Just form up, get on line.会合Link up!抬起头编队抬头Heads up! Formation! Heads up!我想要保护他们但是已经感觉像是输了一场球赛I wanted to protect them, but it already felt like a losing ballgame here. 叛乱者虎一Renegade, Tiger One.在目标位置可能的特征活动Possible signature activity at target location.准备确认Standby for confirmation.收到Copy.我们昨晚可能已经抽走了他们的主要补给水源We probably blew the shit out of their main water supply last night.我们应该再进行侦查We should hang back for more recon.那些是他们用来装路边炸♥弹♥的相同容器Those are the same containers they use for IEDs.我们等到夜幕降临时下去仔细看看We wait until nightfall, we go down, take a closer look.我们现在结束了We finish this now.收到Copy that.怪物就在周围但是它们吓不到我Monsters surround, but they ain't scaring me在沙漠之地他们只会说阿♥拉♥伯语In the land of sand, where they only speak Ara-be远离了家我知道他们会想念我Far from home, I know they'd be missing me我的女朋友在电♥话♥里说在梦里吻着我My girl on the phone is dreaming of kissing me在这里跟福雷斯中士在一起他不是阿甘Out here with Sergeant Forrest, he ain't no Gump用我的步♥枪♥来扫射让王八蛋们跳脚Got my rifle in my hand making mothefruckers jump 从D 你知道锄头和暴徒From the D, you know, hoes and thugs把它当成国王追逐着巨大的沙虫Lay it down like a king, chasing giant sand bugs.再回头看看还不错Still looking good from over watch.叛乱者三个战斗年纪的雄性Renegade, three fighting-aged males在接近我会盯着他们approaching our safe zone.从空气里得到一些东西Get something in the air.明白长官收到Roger, sir. Good copy.说话 101Hawk, Two-One-Zero-One我行动了目标在你右方二十米I got movement. Target 20 meters to your right.退后别再接近Stay back! Do not come any closer!退后Stay back!现在就出去Get out of here now!你现在明白了吗Do you understand that now?操♥他♥妈♥的别动Do not fucking move!-好好好 -打开他的夹克慢慢的-Okay, okay, okay. -Open his jacket. Very slowly.现在就打开他的夹克Open his jacket right now.我检查完毕下面发生了什么事I have a clean shot. What's going on down there?好了他安全别被转移注意力All right, he's clean. Do not engage.收到Copy that.他妈的他在说什么What's he saying? What the fuck's he saying?好这是他的农场他是一个农民Okay, this is his farm. He's a farmer.他说他已经失去了他的孩子还有他的家人He says he has lost his children and his family.他说昨晚的炸♥弹♥ 杀死了他的牲口He says the bombs killed his cattle last night.好吧All right.你告诉他我理解我们对他的损失深表遗憾You tell him I understand. We regret his losses.我们来这里是帮助他改善境遇的We're here to improve his situation.他有机会离开他们都是这样He was given a chance to evacuate. They all were.他说"改善你不会改善境遇的"He says, "Improve? You don't improve the situation. "他们朝你的孩子发射火箭才会"他是这样说Do they fire rockets at your children?" he says.他说"谁叫你们来这里的你们有赞助吗"He says, "Who asked you to come here? You are surprised "我们反抗你了吗"we are fighting you?"他们是叛乱分子吗他们是叛乱分子吗Are there insurgents here? Are there insurgents here?现在问他Ask him now.他说如果他说出来的话他们会切断他的喉咙He says if he speaks they will cut his throat.他说"听我的你们都听我说"He says, "Listen to me. All of you listen to me."叫他闭嘴叫他现在就闭嘴Shut him up. Shut him up right now.他说"这是我的地盘"He says, "This is my place."他说"这是我的土地He says, "This is my land.你不能从这里把我带走"他这样说You cannot remove me from here, "he says.他说"你无法带走我如同你无法赶走这些怪物"He says, "You cannot remove me, and you cannot remove the monsters." 他说"那些怪物在地球表面之下融入泥土"Okay, he says, "They are under the Earth, with the dirt."叫他闭嘴他已经变成危险分子了Shut him up! He's becoming a mothefrucking hazard!中士Sergeant...请指示你坐标的北方...please advise, MTR north of your location.五十米Fifty meters...闭嘴叫他闭嘴Shut up! Shut him up!后退Back up!后退Back the fuck up!叫他安静处理他Get him quiet! Deal with him!他妈的后退Back the fuck up!你♥他♥妈♥的在做什么What the fuck are you doing?上线Get on line!上线On line!举枪Shotguns!射击Fire!我太爱它了Fucking love this shit!21 你被准许Hawk two one, you have green light.目标锁定雷达跟踪导弹处于射程范围内开火Target, MTR, in range. Fire in the hole.救了你的命哟Fucking saved your life.真♥他♥妈♥的扯淡就在那里我知道That's fucking bullshit, right there. I know that.在外面玩的开心吗兄弟You have fun out there, guys?嗯Yeah?有人需要向我解释一下Does anybody wanna explain to me为什么没有人注意那些平民why nobody got eyes on that civilian?有一天他们可能是一个行走的炸♥弹♥On another day he's a walking bomb!这些人很聪明These people are smart.他们被用来击垮优势力量They are used to fighting a superior force.他们会被卷进来They will engage!我才不想被星条旗所束缚Now I don't wanna be wrapped in stars and stripes因为你们根本没做好你们的本职工作because you're not doing your fucking job!注意把你的瓶子给我放下Concentrate! Put your fucking bottle down!马奎尔看着你的路我会搞死你Maguire, watch your fucking step! I will fuck you up!现在我要带一个千金回家Now I got a daughter back home,我不能让她的父亲知道想想那who's not gonna have father! Think about that!帕克斯看着我Parkes, look at me!你再说一个词我会用步♥枪♥粉碎你的脸You say a fucking word, I'll smash a rifle in your face,看看你喜不喜欢see how you fucking like it!这是我们的行动准则你要以此为标准There is a code of conduct out here. You will honor it.这战争是真实存在的现在给我牢牢记住This war is real. Get that in your fucking heads, right now! 你明白吗You understand that?你♥他♥妈♥的现在就牢牢记住Get it in your head, right fucking now!砰炸♥弹♥炸回了那些鬼东西Boom! Boom backed that fucking thing right out!管他的Fucking A.那就是我们来这里的原因米奇That's exactly what we came here for, Mikey-boy.-杀掉怪兽宝贝哇 -该死-Killing monsters, baby! Whoo! -Damn.你看见我...去解决那鬼东西了吗Did you see me go to work on that fucker?我们已经不像小时候的我们了对吧We wasn't like that when we was kids, right?哦老兄我们第一次开始的时候Oh, man, when we first started...是你you were.就像他们把他们从街上赶出去一样It's like they're taking them off the street.也许迫击炮的声音让你难以入眠Maybe the sounds of mortar rounds not putting you to sleep anymore. 也许你需要家乡的声音Maybe you need the sounds of home.看看你的小女孩See your little girl.你♥他♥妈♥认真的吗Are you fucking serious?什么你会对我心软吗What, are you going soft on me?我心软Me? Soft?听着上次我回家的时候Listen, the last time I was home me我和我老婆操的多么努力...and my wife fucked so hard...邻居还是叫了警♥察♥...the neighbors called the police.我很认真那条狗在哀嚎I'm serious. The dog was wailing.。


You know, on the street with the honk, honk,
no walking involved. Give it a rest, will ya, butterball?
You could use the exercise.
to produce superior scream. Refined into clean, dependable energy.
Every time you turn something on, Monsters, Incorporated is there.
A single touch could kill you.
Leave a door open and a child could walk right into this factory,
right into the monster world.
Did the whole family see it?
It's your mom.
What can I say? The camera loves me.
I'm telling you, you're gonna be seeing this face on TV more often.
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...I will always be here to take care of you.
Don't cry because then you'll make me cry, and that's just gonna be a mess.
- Wow, its energy signature is massive. - Holy Cheez-Its! What do we do?!
No one told us what to do!
I took this job because you never have to do anything!
down at the fairgrounds, or a perfect day to marry Susan Murphy.
I love you, baby.
I love you, too.
And good morning, Modesto!
My goodness, look at you. You're filthy. Thank God I have Wet Ones.
You're glowing.
Thank you.
No. No, Susan, you're, like, really glowing. You're green!
Jerry, stop it. Let me calculate its impact point.
Looks like...
...Modesto, California.
Supernova, this is Red Dwarf. We actually have one!
You'd better pray to the Lord When you see those flying saucers
It may be the coming of the Judgment Day
Hey, Jerry, you might wanna check this one out. Palomar just picked it up.
-有问题吗? -没有只是..
- Is something wrong? - No, no! It's just that, well...
There's been a slight change of plans.
We're not going to Paris.
Channel .
You look gorgeous, sweetheart.
Thanks, Mom.
My little girl!
Now, I want you to know that, even though I'm about to give you away...
One thumb is shorter than the other. Runs in the family.
Derek doesn't have that.
It skips a generation. Your kids are gonna have it!
Susan! Where have you been?!
I think I just got hit by a meteorite.
Oh, Susan. Every bride feels that way on her wedding day.
Looks like some type of UFO, and it's heading this way.
How many times do I have to tell you?
UFOs don't exist and we're never gonna see...
Channel 's new evening anchor" universe.
Got the call from the general manager, he wants me to come in immediately!
- Isn't that great? - Derek!
- Well, make it stop! - Get me the government!
This is impossible!
No, this can't be happening.
Wait, wait. Everybody, it's OK!
Code Nimoy! I repeat, Code Nimoy!
What are you guys doing here? It's : in the morning.
Hurry, turn on the TV! Turn it on now!
Have some champagne while we're figuring this out!
Thumbs! Thumbs!
Derek! Help me!
Sweet Lord!
- Here comes the bride! - Oh, Carl! It's her wedding day!
...amazing! It's amazing.
Fresno's a top market, isn't it?
It's th, but we're on our way, babe!
In what universe is Fresno better than Paris, Derek?
In the "I've got an audition to become
- What? Why not? - Because we're going somewhere better.
比巴黎更好? -哦对呀! -哪呀?
- Better than Paris? - Oh, yeah.
-塔希提岛? -不对!
Where? Tahiti?!
Nope! Fresno!
Now, look. About Paris...
It's OK. It's fine! As long as we're together,
Fresno is the most romantic city in the whole world.
Now, get out of here. It's bad luck to see me in my dress.
Come on. You know I don't believe in that stuff.
I'll be waiting for you
And someday, we won't just be honeymooning there.
Derek will become an anchor or a foreign correspondent.
- And we'll travel all over the world. - Honey, my fingers are crossed.
It's like a fairy tale. The Weatherman and the Weatherman's Wife.