必修二英语 语言点 提纲 归纳

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Unit 1

cultural relic rare valuable survive vase dynasty Taj Mahal ivory dragon amber in search of Prussia amaze amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewel artist belong belong to in return Czar troop reception at war remove less than wooden doubt mystery former worth rebuild local apart take apart painting castle trial eyewitness evidence explode entrance sailor sink maid think highly of informal debate

1.could never have done 也许从未做过情态动词+have done 过去情况的描述

might 可能做过/ must 一定做过have done (推测)

Should (not) have done 本(不)应该做need not have done 本来不必做

ed (v) to do sth 过去常常做某事

be used (adj) to doing sth 习惯做某事

3.in…style 以…的风格

4.design :(1)名词设计企图in design 在设计上/ by design and not by accident 是故意不是偶然/ have a design on sth 对…有野心

(2)动词设计筹划design sb for sth 打算让某人从事什么的职业/

design sth for sth 预定某物做什么用途/ be designed for 被设计成

5.decorate with 用…来装饰

6.belong to 没有被动形式不能用于进行时态/ belong in 适宜放在哪里

7.return in turn 依次/ in return 回报/ by turns 轮流/时而…时而/

return sth to sb 把…归还给某人

8.buy-bought-bought bring-brought-brought

9.have sth done ○1让某人把某事做好/ ○2主语遭到不好的情况

○1I will have my hair cut tonight . / ○2He had his legs injured in a car accident .

have sb /sth doing sth 让某人/某事一直做…(被动)/have sb do sth 让某人做主动

10.way表示方法:当way前面没有adj修饰时介词in 可以省略

当way前面有adj修饰时介词in 不能省略

Way后面接定语从句可用that / in which

11.light-lit-lit 点亮shine-shone-shone照耀

12.time 可数名词时期

13.remove 除去撤去/ move 位置的移动从一地到另一地

14.There is not doubt that …


doubt news fact idea hope thought +that…

(2)若doubt前面没有否定词时常接whether 引导的从句

15.remain+n/adj 保持

16.make sth do sth 让某物做主动/ make sth doing sth 被动

17.(it)be worth (doing) sth

be worthy (adj) of being done / to be done / of doing sth

18.prove + adj / n

19.any other 包括any 不包括

20.agree disagree (1)agree with 同意某人的意见

(2)agree to 同意意见计划= a plan /suggestion

(3)agree on sth 对…达成一致

(4)agree to do sth 同意某人做某事

(5)agree that +句子同意什么事情

21.think highly of think-thought-thought


Unit 2

ancient compete competitor take part in medal stand for mascot Greece Greek magical volunteer homeland regular basis athlete admit slave nowadays gymnastics athletics stadium gymnasium(gym) as well host responsibility olive wreath replace motto swift similarity Athens charge in charge physical fine poster advertise princess glory bargain prince hopeless foolish goddess pain one after another deserve striker

pete with /against /for 竞争对抗比赛

2.take–took-taken take take apart

join 指参加某个组织党派或社会团体join the army

join in 指参加竞赛娱乐谈话等join in the competition

take part in 指参加工作活动运动并在其中起一定作用take –took-taken

3.stand out 突出显眼/ stand by 支持遵守(诺言)/ stand aside 袖手旁观/stand away 不接近离开/stand back 靠后站退后/ stand for 代表

4.every for years =every fourth year / every two days = every second day

every +基数词+复数名词=every +序数词+单数名词每隔…

5.on a basis of sth 以…为基础base on /on a regular basis 定期

6.standard 名词标准the standard of sth living 生活水平above / below the standard 高/低于标准/ standard time 标准时间/ adj 标准的一流的

7.out of reach 够不着/ reach 到达

8.admit sth/doing sth 承认供认/ admit of 容许/有…的可能

9.nor/neither +情态动词/助动词(do does did will)/be +主语


I can’t buy a new car, nor / neither can he .


If you go to the cinema tonight , so will I .

If 引导的条件壮语从句从句用一般现在时主句用一般将来时或谓语用情态动词

(1)If it doesn’t rain tomorrow , we will go camping .

(2)If you don’t know to do it ,I can help you.

10.its = each one’s

11.not only…but also… (就近原则) 表示不但而且有时but also 可以省略

Not only the door but also the windows are open .


both…and…两个都/ either…or…两者之一(要么…要么…)/ neither…nor…既不…也不…


13.make a bargain with sb n 便宜货/ bargain with sb about sth 与某人就某物讨价还价

14.be housed 被安置
