CAD设计中的参数化建模技术随着科技的不断进步和发展,计算机辅助设计(Computer-Aided Design,CAD)已经成为现代工程设计领域的重要工具之一。
在CAD 设计中,参数化建模技术被广泛应用,为设计师提供了更高效、可控的设计过程。
二、参数化建模技术的应用案例1. 汽车设计在汽车设计中,参数化建模技术使得设计师可以通过修改参数,快速获得各种车型的设计。
2. 建筑设计在建筑设计中,参数化建模技术可以用于生成不同尺寸和形状的建筑物。
3. 机械设计在机械设计中,参数化建模技术被广泛用于零件设计和装配设计。
三、参数化建模技术的优势1. 提高设计灵活性采用参数化建模技术,设计师可以通过修改少量的参数,快速生成多个设计方案。
2. 加快设计速度传统的手工设计过程通常需要大量的计算和绘图工作,耗时且容易出错。
A Practical Guide to Parametric Drawing in AutoCAD Rick Ellis – Cadapult Software Solutions, Inc.Parametric design tools aren’t just for programs like Inventor software, Revit software, or AutoCAD Civil 3D software; there is also a set of parametric drawing tools that you can use to create dynamic relationships and constraints between objects in AutoCAD software. The parametric drawing tools will revolutionize the way that you draw and edit objects in AutoCAD software. This class will introduce you to parametric drawing in AutoCAD software by using both geometric and dimensional constraints to add intelligence to your objects. You will learn how using Auto Constrain and Inferred Constraints can help you quickly add constraints and change your process from drafting to modeling. If you’ve ever wanted geometry in your drawing to update based on changes that you’ve made to other objects, or if you’ve wanted to type a new value into a dimension and have the object update based on this new value, this class is for you.Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this class, you will be able to:1. Learn how to create geometric relationships between objects by adding constraints2. Learn how to define dimensional constraints3. Learn how to identity and edit constrained objects4. Learn how to use inferred constraints to have AutoCAD automatically define constraints for you Your AU ExpertsRick Ellis is the President of CADapult Software Solutions, Inc., where he provides training and consulting services to clients around the country, helping them get the most out of their design software investment. Rick specializes in AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Map 3D, Autodesk® InfraWorks™, AutoCAD® Raster Design, and AutoCAD®. He is a member of the Autodesk Developer Network, and author of several critically acclaimed books on AutoCAD Civil3D, and AutoCAD Map 3D; including the Practical Guide series. Rick continues to use AutoCAD Civil 3D on projects in a production environment, in addition to teaching classes to organizations both large and small around the country. This practical background and approach has made him a sought after instructor by organizations around the world.**************************@theRickEllisOverviewWhat is parametric drawing?The Autodesk Definition: “Feature in AutoCAD that assigns constraints to objects, establishing the distance, location, and orientation of objects with respect to other objects.”If the defini tion above didn’t answer all of your questions about parametric drawing, I’ll expand on that and go into a bit more detail. AutoCAD 2010 introduced Parametric drawing. This is not only a relatively new feature for AutoCAD, it is a new concept that will change the way that you create and edit drawings in AutoCAD. While this is a somewhat new feature for AutoCAD, similar tools for parametric design have been in other products like Inventor, Revit, and Civil 3D for some time and you may be familiar with them. Put simply, the idea of parametric drawing is that objects can be related to each other. For example, if you want two lines to be parallel, they would always be parallel. If you change one line then the other will update to match it. This is just one example. However, if you think about all the possibilities, and all the time that you have spent editing drawings to make sure that all the necessary and related changes have been made for a simple change to the design, these tools have the potential to revolutionize the way that you work.AutoCAD uses two types of Parametric Constraints:▪Geometric Constraints∙The Autodesk Definition: “Rules that define the geometric relationships of objects (or points of objects) elements and control how an object can change shape or size.Geometric constraints are coincident, collinear, concentric, equal, fix, horizontal, parallel,perpendicular, tangent, and vertical.”∙Sticky Object Snaps. They maintain the geometric relationship between objects rather than setting it once at the time you use the object snap and then allowing it to change inthe future.∙Add intelligence to your drawings.∙Allow you to think more about modeling and less about drafting.▪Dimensional Constraints∙The Autodesk Definition: “Parametric dimensions tha t control the size, angle, or position of geometry relative to the drawing or other objects. When dimensions are changed, theobject resizes.”∙You can type the value into a dimension and the object updates. It’s the opposite of associative dimensions. With Dimensional Constraints the dimension value drives thegeometry rather than the geometry driving the dimension.∙Can include equations.∙Can even reference other objects. For example, line 1 is twice the length of line 2.Exercise 1 – Working with Existing Constraints1. Open the drawing Widget Assembly complete.dwg from the folder called Completed Assemblyin the dataset.2. Select the block representing the slider on the shaft (identified by callout number 2).3. Move the block.4. Notice the block can only move along the shaft and the arm rotates as it moves.5. Double click the dimension d1 and change the value to 1.56. Notice that changing the value of the dimension moves the block.7. Select and move one of the callouts.8. Notice the entire row of callouts moves together.9. Try moving other pieces of this assembly to see the different constraints in action.10. Open the drawing Parametric - geometric.dwg from the dataset.11. Move and stretch different pieces of the orthographic projection to see how constraints have beenset up within it.Geometric ConstraintsGeometric Constraints maintain the geometric relationship between objects based on basic geometric properties of the entity or entities you apply them to. AutoCAD supports the following geometric constraint types:▪Coincident▪Co-linear▪Tangent▪Perpendicular▪Parallel▪Horizontal (relative to the current UCS X axis)▪Vertical (relative to the current UCS Y axis)▪Concentric▪Equal▪Symmetric▪Smooth▪FixedThe commands to create and manage Geometric Constraints can be found on the Parametric tab of the ribbon.The table below shows the types of objects that can be used to create geometric constraints and their constraint points.Tips when creating geometric constraints:▪When applying constraints between two entities AutoCAD modifies the second entity selected, leaving the first entity unmodified.▪If you convert an object that has constraints to a ployline the constraints are lost.▪If you explode a polyline that has constraints the constraints are lost.▪If you copy an object with constraints the constraints are copied if all the objects involved in the constraint are copied.Constraint BarsConstraint Bars provide a heads-up interface to help you manage geometric constraints in your drawings. Constraint Bars look and behave a lot like transparent floating tool bars, except that each button on a bar represents a single geometric constraint.When you place your cursor over individual constraints on a constraint bar AutoCAD highlights the button, the entity the constraint applies to, and the corresponding button and entity participating in the constraint.When you right-click on a constraint on the constraint bar there are several commands which you can perform on the constraint, including deleting the constraint, hiding the bar, or managing the constraint bar settings.To delete all constraints on an entity use the Delete Constraints command. Ribbon: Parametric tab >> Manage panel >> Delete Constraints.Exercise 2 – Working with Geometric Constraints1. Open the drawing Parametric - geometric.dwg from the dataset.2. Pan to a blank area of the drawing.3. Draw 4 individual lines similar to the graphic below.4. Add Geometric Constraints to make this a dynamic rectangle.a. Use the Coincident, Parallel, and Perpendicular constraints.5. Zoom extents to find the bracket in the drawing as displayed below.6. Add Geometric Constraints to make the bracket hinge at the corner while keeping both sides ofthe part the same size.7. Zoom extents to find the orthographic projection.8. Copy the orthographic projection.9. Remove all the constraints from the orthographic projection.10. Add geometric constraints to the orthographic projection to make it behave as the original.Auto ConstrainIf applying geometric constraints one at a times seems like a tedious task there is an option to let AutoCAD look for objects that can be constrained and add them for you. Auto Constrain examines entities you select and attempts to automatically constrain the geometry based on its current position.You can control the settings for the Auto Constrain command in the Constraint Settings dialog box. Ribbon: Parametric tab >> Geometric panel >> >> Constraint Settings.Here you can select the type(s) of constraints that you want the Auto Constrain command to apply. You can also set Tolerances for distance and angle. These tolerances will determine if constraints are applied and objects are modified when they are “close” to geometrica lly accurate. When used properly this can help clean up a drawing that was created without using object snaps. However, you want to choose your tolerances carefully as it will allow the Auto Constrain command to modify geometry. If you only want the Auto Constrain command to apply constraints where the geometry is perfect and not modify any geometry, set the tolerances to 0.Inferred ConstraintsInferred constraints automatically apply geometric constraints while creating and editing geometric objects, removing the need for you to add constraints later. The Infer Constraints mode works with your object snaps and is enabled with a toggle on the status bar.Once enabled object snaps that are used when creating or editing objects are also used to infer geometric constraints. Objects are not modified by inferred constraints.Exercise 3 – Working with Auto Constrain and Inferred Constraints1. Open the drawing Parametric – Inferred.dwg from the dataset.2. Pan to a blank area of the drawing.3. Draw a rectangle using the rectangle command.4. Use the Auto Constrain command to add constraints.5. Notice what constraints are added.6. Zoom extents to find the bracket in the drawing as displayed below.7. Use the Auto Constrain command to add constraints.8. Notice what constraints are added.9. Turn on Inferred constraints.10. Draw a rectangle using the rectangle command.11. Notice what constraints are added.Dimensional ConstraintsDimensional Constraints constrain objects by allowing you to enter values or formulas. They work similar to associative dimensions, just in reverse. While associative dimensions update the value of the dimension as the object changes, dimensional constraints update the object when the value of the dimension changes. The dimensions drive the geometry rather than the geometry driving the dimensions. Dimensional constraints come in the following types:▪Aligned▪Horizontal▪Vertical▪Radial▪Diameter▪AngularDimensional constraints can constrain the following properties:▪Distances between objects, or between points on objects▪Angles between objects, or between points on objects▪Sizes of arcs and circlesThere two different kinds of dimensional constraints:▪Dynamic∙Maintain the same size regardless of zoom level∙Can easily be turned on or off globally in the drawing∙Display using a fixed, predefined dimension style∙Position the textual information automatically, and provide triangle grips with which you can change the value of a dimensional constraint∙Do not display when the drawing is plotted▪Annotational∙Change their size when zooming in or out∙Display individually with layers∙Display using the current dimension style∙Provide grip capabilities that are similar to those on dimensions∙Display when the drawing is plottedIf you need to control the dimension style of dynamic constraints, or if you need to plot dimensional constraints, use the Properties palette to change dynamic constraints to annotational constraints.The commands to create and manage Dimensional Constraints can be found on the Parametric tab of the ribbon.Tips when creating dimensional constraints:▪When applying dimensional constraints AutoCAD modifies the constrained geometry to satisfy the new constraint.▪If you convert an object that has constraints to a ployline the constraints are lost.▪If you explode a polyline that has constraints the constraints are lost.▪If you copy an object with dimensional constraints the constraints are copied.▪Dimensional constraints can contain equations.The example above contains a rectangle with two basic dimensional constraints.The example above contains a rectangle with two dimensional constraints where the length (d1) is equal to twice the height (d2).You can manage all the values of your dimensional constraints with the Parameters Manager. Ribbon: Parametric tab >> Manage panel >> Parameters Manager.In the Parameters Manager you can edit expressions and even add user defined variables that you can use in expressions.Exercise 4 – Working with Dimensional Constraints1. Open the drawing Parametric - dimensions.dwg from the dataset.2. Zoom to the rectangle.a. It already has geometric constraints.3. Add Dimensional Constraints for the width and length.4. Edit the width to be 3.5. Edit the length to be twice the width by editing the expression.6. Zoom extents to find the bracket in the drawing as displayed below.a. It already has geometric constraints.7. Add a dimensional constraint to control the angle.8. Draw circles at each end of the part.9. Use a concentric geometric constraint to position them10. Add a dimensional constraint that makes them half the outer radius of the part.Constraints in Dynamic BlocksIntroduced in AutoCAD 2005, Dynamic Blocks extend the capabilities of traditional blocks by providing the ability to define custom grips and properties for your blocks which affect the geometry for the block. You create dynamic blocks by combining Block Actions and Block Action Parameters within the block definition. Now you can extend the power of blocks even further by adding geometric and dimensional constraints to your dynamic blocks.When you add geometric and dimensional constraints to dynamic blocks it is best to add them in the block editor using the commands on the Block Editor tab of the Ribbon.A Block Properties table allows you to define and control values for parameters and properties within a block definition. This will become the list of selectable values in the dynamic block.Exercise 5 – Working Constraints in Dynamic Blocks1. Open the drawing Parametric - blocks.dwg from the dataset.2. Open the block editor.a. Ribbon: Insert tab >> Block panel >> Block Editor.b. Name the new block AUParametric.3. Draw a rectangle using the rectangle command starting the lower left corner of the rectangle at0,0.4. Add Geometric Constraints to make this a dynamic rectangle.5. Add Dimensional Constraints for the width and length.6. Edit the width to be 5.7. Edit the length to be twice the width by editing the expression.8. Add a Block Table.a. Place the block table near the origin of the block.b. Placement of the block table does not need to be exact. It will be the location of a grip onthe block that can be used to select standard sizes.9. Enter 1 for the number of grips.10. Click the Add Properties button11. Select the d1 parameter and Click <<OK>>.12. Enter values for d1 as shown above.13. Click <<OK>> when finished.14. Close the block editor and save the changes.15. Insert the block anywhere in your drawing.16. Select the block and notice the available grips.a. You will be able to stretch it in the vertical direction and the rectangle will keep the 2:1ratio of length to width.b. Select the block table grip and you will see the predefined widths.c. Select one of the values and notice how the block resizes.ConclusionParametric drawing in AutoCAD with geometric and dimensional constraints is a powerful set of tools that may drastically change the way that you create and edit drawings. I hope that this introduction to these exciting features has got you thinking about ways that you can apply it to your own drawings and projects.I encourage you to try it out, start small at first, but I am confident that you fill not only find these tools a powerful time saver but also intuitive and easy to learn.。
1.1 AutoCAD的基本操作在开始使用AutoCAD之前,首先需要熟悉一些基本操作。
1.2 AutoCAD的界面布局AutoCAD的界面布局可以根据个人的习惯和需要进行自定义。
2.1 设置绘图单位在AutoCAD中,可以通过点击“格式”菜单,然后选择“单位”来设置绘图单位。
2.2 选择绘图模板绘图模板是绘图的基础,可以帮助规范绘图格式和布局。
2.3 创建图层图层是在绘图中进行组织和管理的重要方式。
3.1 绘制直线绘制直线是最基本的绘图操作之一。
熟 悉 Auo AD 绘 图 软 件 的 人 都 知 道 , 拾 取 Au tC 当 —
tC D菜 单 中的某 些菜 单 项 时 , 弹 出相 应 的对 话 框 , oA 会
而在 零 件 图的绘 制 过程 中 , 据 零 件 种 类 的不 同 , 会 根 也 有 相应 的需 求 , 采 用下 述 方法 创建 对 话 框 。 可 1 首 先 打 开 Vi a C++6 0, F l ) s l u . 在 i e菜 单 下 选 择 Ne w选 项 , 开 新 建 对 话 框 ; 打
AD 到 O jeARX、 eie Auo t n 及 Viu lL s S be t A t X tmai v o s a ip
功 能 需 要 涉 及 以 下 几 个 方 面 的 内 容 : 件 索 引 参 数 的 零
选择 、 话框 的定 制 以及 菜单 文 件 的编 写 和加 载 。 对
的关键技术 。 并通过具体 实例论证 了其可行性。 企业设计人 员在产品零件的设计过程 中 , 需修 改 少量参数 就可以 由计 使 只 算机 自动生成修改尺寸后的产 品零件 图。 高 了产品零件 的设计效 率。 提 关键词 : jc R 计算 机辅 助设计 Obe t X A 中图分类号 :P 9 . T 3 17 二次开发 参数化绘图 文章编号 :0 0 9 8 20 ) 1 0 1 0 10 —4 9 (0 7 0 —0 2 2 统 , 以 扩 展 Auo AD 的 类 及 协 议 , 建 的 命 令 等 同 可 tC 创 于 A tCAD 内 部 命 令 。 外 , 提 供 了 一 组 功 能 强 大 uo 此 它 文献标识码 : B
AutoCAD新功能:参数化绘图,绘制看似简单,实际复杂,案例详解虽然很熟悉 CAD 软件的使⽤,但是对于CAD参数化绘图功能并不了解,甚⾄不知道。
CAD 版本的不断更新,功能越来越完善和强⼤,从AutoCAD2010 版本开始,增加了⼀个⽀持
利⽤约束条件绘制图形的参数( P) 菜单,使CAD 具备了基于⼏何关系的参数化绘图功能。
如下图,已知只有两个条件,圆半径R9 和长度为30的斜线,以及⼀个直⾓三⾓形,另外加相
看似简单的图,但是在 AutoCAD2010 版之前要⽤我们已学过的CAD技能绘制这个图⼏乎
下⾯介绍⼀下AutoCAD2018 参数化绘图在实际中应⽤的优越性。
(1) 绘制近似图形;
(2) ⾃动约束,对近似图形添加⾃动约束;
(3) ⼏何约束,对近似图形的不同对象进⾏⼏何约束;
(4) 标注约束,对特定对象添加标注约束;
(5) 编辑成图,设置成图中各种约束的显⽰属性,标注尺⼨,设置线型等。
(1) 绘制近似图形,绘制任意三⾓形,再⽤“相切、相切、相切”绘制内切圆;
(2) 菜单“参数”——“⾃动约束”;
(4) 菜单“参数”——“标注约束”——“对齐”和“直径”,对圆进⾏半径 R= 9标注约束和对直线进⾏对
(5) 菜单“参数”——“删除约束”,完成
AutoCAD 参数化绘图给解决实际问题带来了⽅便,从⽽进⼀步提⾼了绘图的效率和精度,在⼯程
基于AUTOCAD二次开发的参数化绘图设计作者:江蓝,董传杰,李亚楠,张硕,郗旻,蔡博轩来源:《科技创新与生产力》 2014年第5期江蓝,董传杰,李亚楠,张硕, 郗旻,蔡博轩(首都航天机械公司,北京 100076)摘要:利用AutoLisp语言对AutoCAD进行二次开发,实现参数化绘图设计,使常用、复杂图形的绘制变得简单快捷,提高设计效率。
关键词:AutoLisp语言;参数化绘图;二次开发中图分类号:TB237 文献标志码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-9146.2014.05.087AutoCAD在工程设计领域应用普遍,但却不能设计具体行业的标准零件。
Visual LISP是AutoCAD系统自带的二次开发平台,能够提供各种LISP语言编程工具和接口[1]。
用户利用Visual LISP编程环境,结合实际对AutoCAD系统进行二次开发,就可以开发出适用自己的专用软件。
为此,笔者以国标六角螺栓为例,利用Visual LISP语言,开发集成于AutoCAD系统的参数化绘图功能。
1 零件样式分析和程序实现六角螺栓包括螺钉头、螺钉腰部和螺纹部分。
2 参数化绘图程序的开发2.1 程序流程设计根据零件选型和软件应用过程,设计出参数化绘图程序流程(见图1)。
则返回表(1 ()b . 1a )
d 循环 函数 w i . he l 格式 :w i t t < xl < 2 … ) ( h e< e > ep > 盟p > l a
功能: 偶数位上的参数求值, 并把求值的结果赋 给前—个符号原子 . t s q返回最后—个表达式的值 . e 说 明: 中 s ls玎 , 为符号原子 , 其 y ,z … m y2 相当于
功能 : < e > 当 t t 表达式 的值为真时 , a 顺序执行 < xl < x2 …表达式组 , e > ep > p 否则不执行 .
收稿 日 :08 0 — 4 期 20 — 3 0 作 者筒介: 柱(95 . , 刘新 17 一)男 黑龙江佳木斯人 , 佳木斯大学机械工程 学院讲师
34 5
佳 木 斯 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版 )
20 年 08
2 绘 图的基本 思想
将任意平面曲线的数学方程在定义域内分成 若干等份( 按曲线的精度要求分 , 的份数越多越 分 光滑)然后分别计算曲线各节点的值 , A t A . 在 uC D o
本文涉及到的 At I 的几个重要的函数 ulp os
功能 : 该函数返回表 lt i 中除掉第一个顶层元 s 素后剩下的元素组成的表 .
例:or ( z) (d ’xY ) 则返 N( . y) z
说 明: l cr Pl d 并不 改变 表 的结构 和值 Pl A" , A 和 l " cr d 的组合 函数 A t I u L P接 受 Plcr oS A ,d 的任意 组 l " 合, 其深度最多 4 . 层 组合函数的形式 为 c ,x , x ex r r Gxr x x其中”’ .x, x r x cx 】代表 a d 分别表示 Pl d, 【 ’ 或 , A" r lc , 作用顺序是” 先右后左” . c表组合函数 lt . i s
1.AutoCAD线型的二次开发在矿图绘制中的应用 [J], 种衍芬
2.AutoCAD二次开发在客船总布置图绘制中的应用 [J], 刘益清;陈宾康
3.AutoCAD二次开发在低温地板辐射供暖管道图绘制中的应用 [J], 杜妮妮;刘凯
4.基于VBA技术的AutoCAD二次开发在地形图绘制中的应用 [J], 李志锐;李法虎
5.AutoCAD二次开发在矿图绘制中的应用 [J], 程亭亭;王超;丁飞
基于AUTOCAD二次开发的参数化绘图设计江蓝;董传杰;李亚楠;张硕;郗旻;蔡博轩【期刊名称】《科技创新与生产力》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【摘要】The paper was developed AutoCAD by using AutoLisp and realized parametric drawing design, which made com-mon and complicated drawing simple and high efficiency. In this paper, the authors introduced methods and realization pro-cess of developing AutoCAD by using AutoLisp language, taking national standard hexagon bolt for an example.%利用AutoLisp语言对AutoCAD进行二次开发,实现参数化绘图设计,使常用、复杂图形的绘制变得简单快捷,提高设计效率。
【总页数】2页(P87-88)【作者】江蓝;董传杰;李亚楠;张硕;郗旻;蔡博轩【作者单位】首都航天机械公司,北京 100076;首都航天机械公司,北京 100076;首都航天机械公司,北京 100076;首都航天机械公司,北京 100076;首都航天机械公司,北京 100076;首都航天机械公司,北京 100076【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB237【相关文献】1.基于AutoCAD二次开发技术实现零件的参数化绘图 [J], 王金娥2.基于C#的AutoCAD二次开发技术在联轴器参数化绘图中的应用 [J], 侯杰3.基于AUTOCAD二次开发的参数化绘图设计 [J], 江蓝;董传杰;李亚楠;张硕;郗旻;蔡博轩;4.基于AutoCAD二次开发技术的城市轨道交通刚性接触网辅助绘图软件设计 [J], 黄齐来;慈明洋5.基于C#的AutoCAD二次开发技术在联轴器参数化绘图中的应用 [J], 侯杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
%In order to improve the function of AutoCAD in drawing speed,accuracy and flexibility,this study develops a program of parametric design of typical axial parts parameterization in AutoCAD interface using VB language.The typical characteristic of axis parts is designed as basic primitive and parametric design is achieved by order joining every primitive together.A gearbox example shows that this method can improve efficiency of diversity of axial parts and intelligent level of AutoCAD as well as convenience for designers.【期刊名称】《桂林理工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】4页(P771-774)【关键词】AutoCAD 二次开发;VB;特征图元;参数化设计【作者】胡迎春;刘晓莹;胡裔志;侯军燕【作者单位】广西师范大学职业技术师范学院,广西桂林 541004;广西师范大学职业技术师范学院,广西桂林 541004;桂林海威科技有限公司,广西桂林 541004;柳州铁道职业技术学院,广西柳州 545006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.7AutoCAD 是一个功能强大的绘图软件,在机械、电子、建筑、服装等行业得到了广泛应用[1]。
1 AutoCAD二次开发原理设计基于AutoCAD平台的工程图幅自动生成程序,属于AutoCAD的二次开发,AutoCAD二次开发的语言基础是AutoLISP语言。
【摘要】数字水印已经广泛应用于栅格图像,但是针对AutoCAD二维图形的数字水印方案却不多,本文提出了一种针对AutoCAD二维图形的数字水印算法,其思想是利用CAD图形的仿射不变性和最低有效位算法(Least Significant Bits,LSB),将数字水印信息嵌入至线段的比值中。
1.AutoCAD中二维图形消隐的一种新方法 [J], 蓝晓民;王盛智
2.一种基于二维图形码的数字水印技术 [J], 陈峥;姚宇红;王晓京
3.AutoCAD二维图形数据转换到XML的一种实现方法 [J], 陈旭;郑衍衡
4.基于ObjectARX的AutoCAD二维图形可控精度外包多边形的算法实现 [J], 俞
5.针对版权保护的图形图像数字水印算法 [J], 顾翀
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一种基于AutoCAD 的二维参数化绘图方法
刘新柱, 韩阳阳, 杨传华
摘 要: 本文阐述了在AutoC AD 的环境下,用Visual LISP 语言对任意一种有数学方程的平面曲线的绘制方法.并在本文中分别给出了直角坐标下的正弦曲线及极坐标下的四叶玫瑰线的程序代码.
关键词: Visual LISP;AutoCAD;平面曲线中图分类号: TP391.72 文献标识码: A
0 引 言
在AutoCAD 的平面绘图中,系统只提供了规则图形的绘制命令,如画直线、圆弧、圆、矩形、椭圆等,但对于用数学方程描述的任意平面曲线,系统并没有提供相应的命令.本文给出了一种利用Au -toLI SP 语言绘制任意平面曲线的通用算法.对于任意一个给定数学方程的平面曲线,只需改动程序中描述曲线方程的相应语句,就可以实现一个新的平面曲线的绘制.
1 AutoLISP 简介
AutoLISP 语言是一种表处理语言,它是在普通的LISP 语言基础上,扩充了许多适用于CAD 应用和专用功能后形成的一种能以解释方式运行于AutoC AD 内的程序设计语言.
上世纪80年代中期,自AutoCAD R2.1起,内嵌了AutoLISP 语言作为AutoC AD 的应用程序主要的编程接口(API),成为AutoC AD 中的第一个用户专业程序开发工具.
本文涉及到的AutoLISP 的几个重要的函数
格式:(setq <sym1><exp1>[<sym2><e xp2>]...)
功能:偶数位上的参数求值,并把求值的结果赋给前一个符号原子.setq 返回最后一个表达式的值.
说明:其中sym1,sym2, 为符号原子,相当于
其它程序语言的变量名.exp1,e xp2, 为表达式.
例:(setq a (*59)b (-102))则a 的值为45,b 的值为8.b.表分离函数 car 函数格式:(car <list>)
功能:返回<list>表中的第一个顶层元素.例:(car (x y z))则返回(x). cdr 函数格式:(cdr <list>)
功能:该函数返回表list 中除掉第一个顶层元素后剩下的元素组成的表.
例:(cdr (x y z))则返回(y z).
说明:car,cdr 并不改变表的结构和值car 和cdr 的组合函数AutoLISP 接受car,cdr 的任意组合,其深度最多4层.组合函数的形式为cxr,c xxr,cxxxr,c xxxxr 其中 x 代表a 或d,分别表示car,cdr,作用顺序是 先右后左 .
格式:(list <exp1><exp2> )
功能:将exp1,exp2 的值组成一个新表.例:(list (+56)(a)b)则返回表(11(a)b).d.循环函数while
格式:(while <test><exp1><exp2> )功能:当<test>表达式的值为真时,顺序执行<exp1><exp2> 表达式组,否则不执行.
第26卷第3期 佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.26No.3 2008 年05月 Journal of Jiamusi University (Natural Science Edition)
May 2008
2 绘图的基本思想
将任意平面曲线的数学方程在定义域内分成若干等份(按曲线的精度要求分,分的份数越多越光滑).然后分别计算曲线各节点的值,在AutoC AD 中依次用pline 命令画短直线将曲线连起来即可.为了使该程序有通用性,在用pline 命令连接前,分别乘上一个比例系数,另在开始画曲线之前,可以在屏幕上任意指定一点作为曲线的起点.
y=f(x) 为平面曲线的方程.当绘制不同曲线时只需改变方程即可.
n 定义域内分的份数.
k 曲线的放大(缩小倍数).P0(x0,y0) 曲线的起始点
3 应用实例
以绘制正弦曲线为例,y =sinx(0 x 2 ),其中比例系数为k,起点为P0(x0,y0).定义域分成n 份,程序如下:
(se tq p0(getpoint 请输入曲线的起点 ))(se tq k (getreal 请输入比例系数 ))(se tq a (getreal 请输入定义域的起点值 ))(se tq b (getreal 请输入定义域的终点值 ))(
se tq n (getreal 请输入定义域的份数 ))
(setq h ( (-b a)n)x0(car p0)y0(cadr p0))
4 程序的流程图
(setq x1a y1(sin x1)x2x1)(while (<=x2b)
(setq x2(+x1h)y2(sin x2))
(command pline (list (+x0(*x1k))(+y0(*y1k)))(list (+x0(*x2k))(+y0(*y2k))) )
(setq x1x2y1y2))
当0 x 2 ,k=30,n=500时,运行的结果见图1.
=asin2 (0 2 )其中比例系数为k,起点为P0(x0,y0).定义域分成n 份,程序如下:(setq p0(getpoint 请输入曲线的起点 ))(setq k (getreal 请输入比例系数 ))(setq thetbg (getreal 请输入定义域的起点值))(setq thetend (getreal 请输入定义域的终值))(setq n (getreal 请输入定义域的份数 ))(setq h ( (-thetend thetbg)n)thet thetbg)(setq x0(car p0)y0(cadr p0)p1p0)(while (<=thet thetend)
(setq rou (*10(sin (*2thet))))(setq p2(polar p0thet (*k rou)))(command pline p1p2 )(setq thet (+thet h)p1p2))
当0 2 ,k=10,n=500时,运行的结果见图2.(注:以上两程序代码在AutoCAD2004中运行后,正确无误.)
图2 正弦曲线 图3 四叶玫瑰线
5 程序的加载
打开AutoCAD2004的下拉菜单中的 工具 AutoLISP(S) Visual LISP 编辑器(V) 即为V-i sual LISP 的控制台,在编辑器中键入上面的程序代码即可,按回车键后,按提示运行即可.另需说明的是,在运行程序时,要将AutoC AD 的对象捕捉功能
6 结 论
[1] 赵景亮李志刚等AutoCAD2004与Auto LISP 二次开发技术
[M ].北京:清华大学出版社,2003.1.
[2] 蓝屹生.AutoLISP 学习引导[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2003.1.
A Plotting Method Based on Planar Parameter of AutoCAD .
LIU Xin -zhu , HAN Yang -yang , Y ANG Chuan -hua
(College of Mechanical E ngineering ,Jiamusi University ,Jiamus i 154007,China )
Abstract : In this paper,a plotting method of any planar curve which has mathematical equation using Au -toLI SP language under AutoC AD circumstance has been expatiated.The procedure codes of sine curve in the rectangu -lar coordinates and four leaf rose lines in the polar coordinates in the article were given.
Key words : AutoLISP;AutoCAD;planar curve
第3期刘新柱,等:一种基于AutoC AD 的二维参数化绘图方法。