



UNT-MMI-A智能MCC控制保护管理装置(V4.0)保定市尤耐特电气有限公司公 司 简 介保定市尤耐特电气有限公司成立于2003年,座落于河北省保定市高新技术产业开发区内,是国家认定的高新技术企业。



公司于2006年6月成立 ”保定国家高新技术产业开发区工厂自动化及现场总线应用技术研发中心” ,在技术研发水平上再上新的台阶。





目录第一章装置简介 (1)1.1装置概述 (1)1.2装置特点 (1)第二章功能原理描述 (3)2.1装置原理逻辑图 (3)2.2基本控制功能 (4)2.3可编程输入、输出控制功能 (5)2.4监测功能 (8)常规信息采集 (8)4~20mA远传功能 (8)事故记录功能 (8)信息记录功能 (8)2.5保护功能 (9)过流保护 (10)堵转保护 (11)起动时间过长保护 (12)过热保护 (13)电流不平衡保护 (15)接地保护 (16)相序保护 (17)缺相保护 (17)过电压保护 (18)低电压保护 (18)欠功率保护 (19)接触器最大分断电流保护 (19)电压恢复分批自起动功能 (20)Te时间保护(适用于增安型电动机) (21)通讯功能 (23)第三章设计选型 (24)第四章 显示器面板和主机端子布置图 (25)第五章 装置的安装及外形尺寸图 (26)第六章 装置技术参数 (28)第七章 装置订货需知 (30)第一章装置简介1.1装置概述UNT-MMI智能MCC控制保护管理装置是保定市尤耐特电气有限公司在研究国外同类产品、总结国内大量MCC电气系统典型设计经验的基础上,为适应电气系统二次设备终端智能化的趋势,针对MCC回路的设计特点推出的新一代数字式、强抗干扰型智能MCC控制保护管理装置。


当电动机因过热被切除后,本保护即检查电动机的过热状态,当 70% 时,保护出口继电器不返回,禁止电动机再次启动,避免由启动电流引起过高温升,损坏电动机。紧急情况下,如在过热状态下须启动电动机,可以按装置面板上的“ESC”键,人为清除热记忆值。

SACE Tmax XT 型号的模具式电路保护器产品说明书

SACE Tmax XT 型号的模具式电路保护器产品说明书

—MOLDED C A SE CIRCUIT-BRE AKERS SACE Tmax XTBreak new groundS ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—A molded case circuit-breaker range that ensures extreme performance and protection features up to 1600A. Designed to maximize ease of use, integration and connectivity. Built to deliver safety, reliability and quality.—Table of contents004 – 005SACE Tmax XT006 – 007Added values008 – 009Key features012 – 013Choosing the right product 014 – 015 Accessories018 – 021Products in detail024 – 025E lectronic trip units—SACE Tmax XTThe right choice: a complete circuit-breaker range for any solutionSACE Tmax XT2SACE Tmax XT5SACE Tmax XT7SACE Tmax XT44S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)5SACE Tmax XT3SACE Tmax XT1 SACE Tmax XT66S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCBS)There is a lot more to the range of SACE Tmax XT than what meets the eye, and the benefits for your business are notice-able. To start with, the whole selection and ordering process has been overhauled to make it far easier to get your hands on the parts you need, speeding things up by about 30%. Installation has been simplified to increase user-friendliness, frames have been streamlined to save space, and improved connectivity - such as Bluetooth and Ekip mobile - will save you considerable time. Another additional benefit is the reliable cloud connectivity and overall increase in information available, meaning diagnostics and maintenance are vastly improved, resulting in less downtime. Finally, thanks to the smart power controller concept, overall energy consumption can be reduced by up to 20%.—Added value each step of the way There is more than just a circuit-breaker in the SACE Tmax XT rangeA new generation of molded case circuit-breakers delivering great added value.7Continuous operationOptimuminterfaceSafety and protectionSpeed up your projects OptimizedlogisticsSpace savingSpeed up your projects Easy toinstallContinuous operation EnergyefficiencyCommissioningThe SACE Tmax XT range offers the potential to save serious time. Thanks to simplified installation of frames, integrating the circuit-breakers into a communication network, trip unit settings per-formed via LCD and Bluetooth and Ekip Mobile con-nectivity , you stand to save up to 40% time overall.Diagnostics and maintenanceWith up to 30% more data available on the cloud and ABB unique power controller concept, it is far easier to diagnose problems and carry out necessary maintenance. This helps to prevent faults, restore energy more quickly and avoid any unnecessary charging of utilities.Energy savingThe SACE Tmax XT range comes with the exclu-sive ABB-patented Ekip Power Controller which monitors installation loads and can limit the amount of power consumed at any time. The result is an overall reduction in power consump-tion of up to 20% and lower energy bills. Further-more, you have 1% energy measurement accuracy according to IEC 61557-12.Selection, ordering and handling 30% faster thanks to part numbersreduction (-10%), online configurator (-40% time) and smart packaging (-30% space).A D D ED VA LU ES8S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—01 Choose and custom-ize exactly the rightproducts for your needs, based on how you will use them. 10,000 solutions in one click —02 Effective energy management: 20% less power consump-tion with Power Controller enabled —03 Top reliability:Products designed and tested to exceed stan-dard requirements. More than 30 certificationsCloud-connectedTailor-madetechnologyCloud-connectedBeing connected is a key feature of today’s tech-nology and the SACE Tmax XT range of circuit- breakers offers more than just standalone pro-tection. Being considered key elements of an electrical distribution system, Tmax XT circuit- breakers give you the ability to monitor andmanage a wealth of information, easily, wherever you are. So even when on the road, anytime of the day or night, the power of full-access flexi-bility is in your hands.—Being able to monitor everything while being off-site provides a genuine feeling of you being in control at all times.Tailor-made solutionsJust because your project is complex, this does not mean your circuit-breaker setup has to be. All frames from XT1 to XT7 provide a common pro d uct experience that is backed up by a com-prehensive range of accessories with intuitive interfaces and ergonomic design. With maximum Outstanding technologyFlexibility is nothing without performance and the SACE Tmax XT range is able to deal with the most extreme breaking capacities, regardless of operating voltage, application, and environmen-tal conditions. Combined with the most precise electronic trip units in the smallest of frames, this ensures continuity of service and equipment pro-tection at all times.Top-level qualityAlmost a century of research and experience results in highly-reliable, top-level products that are ready to face all future challenges. Products like the SACE Tmax XT range set standards for edge technologies. Safety, product quality and reliability under pressure are fundamental to all ABB prod-ucts and the SACE Tmax XT range is no different.—Break new ground Key features of an outstanding product9—01—03—02—E A S E OF US E A N D I NS TA LL ATI O NMaximum flexibility for every application – SACE Tmax XT sets the new standard for electrical installations.Easy selection, one-size-fits-all accessories and intuitive design pave the way for smart manufacturing of panels and fast upgrades. Even for the most critical projects.12S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCBS)Heavy duty Basic functionalityThermal-magnetic, Ekip DipEkip Touch/Hi-Touch —• Standard performance• Icu 70kA at 415/480V AC —• Extreme breaking capacity • 200kA at 415V AC• 100kA at 690V AC—Thermal-magnetic• TMF - TMD - TMA - TMG - MF - MAElectronic• Ekip Dip LIG - LS/I - LSI - LSIG -G Dip LS/I - M Dip I - M Dip LIU -M Dip LRIUNo communication/No display —Ekip Touch • LSI - LSIG - G Touch LSIG - M Touch LRIU - + Energy M Ekip Hi-Touch • LSI - LSIG - G Hi-Touch LSIG Full connectivity - Advanced logic - Power managementUniversally compatibleThe world of circuit-breakers is a complex one,yet choosing the right device for your individualneeds has never been simpler thanks to SACETmax XT range. Maybe you are looking for a basicprotection device for a standard distributionplant. Or perhaps you need something morecomplex, such as a device that integrates —Choosing the right circuit-breaker has never been so easyYou consider what you need. We’ll show you what is, automation, measuring and commu-nication into a cloud-based supervision system. Whatever you are looking for, with a wealth of customization possibilities and a range of possible solutions depending on the breaking part and trip unit you choose, the power of circuit breakingis firmly in your hands.Possible combinations within the rangeBasic functionalityWhether you are a hotel owner or planning a production line,where you need to consider the overall power voltage over aperiod of time, the whole SACE Tmax XT range offers all thecircuit breaking power you need to keep your business run-ning long into the future.Thermal-magnetic, Ekip Dip – manual operationThis either consists of the standard thermal-magnetic tripunit intended for basic protection or the Ekip Dip trip unit,the first level of electronic trip unit that can provide in-creased accuracy, a wider regulation range, delayedshort-circuit protection and individual trip information.Heavy duty When it comes to heavy duty usage – whether it’s ships, chemical parks, mining, or heavy duty machinery – the SACE Tmax XT2, XT4, XT5 and XT7 frames are designed to work well beyond the normal constraints when you will be pushing the limits of your installation to the maximum.Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch – cloud functionality Once you are working with the XT2, XT4 XT5 or XT7 frames, all activity can be remotely monitored via the cloud thanks to the Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch trip units which send all data to the ABB Ability TM EDCS and can be monitored through smart-phone or tablet whenever and wherever you like.CH O OSI N G TH E R I G HT PR O D U C T13Tmax XT1Tmax XT2Tmax XT3Tmax XT4Tmax XT5Tmax XT6Tmax XT7Basic functionality (Icu@415V<70 kA)Heavy duty (Icu@415V>70 kA)Thermal-magnetic trip units Ekip Dip (standard electronic)Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch (smart electronic)14S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—Udipsusam esciis pariamet, que et faci quia conet, sit magnatia dolora esciis pariamet, que et faci solupiste dollorpostem pliqui cum image—AccessoriesExpand the capabilities of the SACE Tmax XT rangeIntegrating circuit-breakers into any installation requires different levels of optimization. Whether physical, electrical, operational or safety-focused, accessories take SACE Tmax XT to the next level.AccessoriesA large range of connections has been conceived to match the most common distribution systems. Auxiliary contacts can provide precise information regarding breaker status and plant conditions, maximizing operator awareness and the overall accuracy of a supervision system. In addition, dif-ferent types of coils and motor operator versions, designed to operate with the most common voltage sources and reduced power consumption, enable the possibility to control all installations remotely. Residual current devices up to 630A, sig-naling modules, installation components (e.g. phase barriers, terminal covers), key-locks and padlocks are just a few examples of the care taken to safeguard appliances and operators alike. Metering15Various accessories are also available:1. Breaking unit2. Trip units3. Front4. Polish plate5. Terminal covers6. Auxiliary contacts7. Key lock8. Service releases9. Communication module10. C onversion kit for plug-in/withdrawable versions11. G uide of fixed part in thewithdrawable version 12. Fixed part - FP 13. Front for lever operating mechanism - FLD 14. Stored energy motor operator - MOE 15. Direct rotary handle - RHD 16. Transmitted rotary handle - RHE 17. Conversion kit RHE > RHS 18. Cable rack 19. Phase separators 20. R ear orientated terminals - R 21. F ront extended spread terminals - ES 22. Front terminals for copper-aluminium - FC CuAl 23. Front extended terminals - EF 24. Residual current release2419162122231761012911723138520151418415ACCE SSO R IE SS ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—PER FO R M A NCE A N D PROTEC TI O NContinuity of service and equipmentprotection – SACE Tmax XT sets the new standard when extreme breaking capacity is needed. Sharing the same logic, interfaces andfeatures regardless of operating voltageand environmental conditions. Embeddingthe most advanced protection into thesmallest of frames.S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)SACE Tmax XT1The founderSmall, reliable, versatile. Your reliable partner for all standard applications.At a glance:• Up to 160A• For basic functionalities• Dimensions 76.2x70x130 (WxDxH mm)• Thermal-magnetic trip unit SACE Tmax XT2The aspirerCompact yet powerful. It fits everywhere and is able to deal with all complex tasks. At a glance:• Up to 160A• For heavy duty• Dimensions 90x82.5x130 (WxDxH mm)• Thermal-magnetic, Ekip Dip,Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch18—The SACE Tmax XT range at a glance The world of circuit breaking and circuit protection in your handsThe SACE Tmax XT range takes circuit protection to the nextlevel. Designed to perform at extremely high levels, simpleto install and able to provide increasingly better safety,there is a frame to meet each and every one of your require-ments. From a basic solution for standard applications -such as hotels - through to advanced, heavy-duty applica-tions with cloud connectivity for ships, chemical parks orairports, the new range has got it covered: securely, profes-sionally, reliably.19PR O D U C TS I N D E TA I LSACE Tmax XT4The entrepreneur A forward-thinking, multitasker. It finds solutions for all levels of complexity.At a glance:• Up to 250A • For heavy duty • Dimensions 105x82.5x160 (WxDxH mm)• Thermal-magnetic, Ekip Dip,Ekip Touch/Hi-TouchSACE Tmax XT3The workhorseSmall and experienced. For standardapplications that need few efforts.At a glance:• Up to 250 A• For basic functionalities• Dimensions 105x70x150 (WxDxH mm)•Thermal-magnetic trip unitS ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCBS)SACE Tmax XT5The gamechanger.Compact, extremely powerful and flexible. It shows the world what a circuit-breaker of the future can do, today. At a glance:• Up to 630A• For heavy duty• Dimensions 140x103x205 (WxDxH mm)• Thermal-magnetic, Ekip Dip, Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch SACE Tmax XT6The carpenterBuilt to last. It completes all assignments it has been entrusted with.At a glance:• Up to 1000A• For basic functionalities• Dimensions 210x103.5x268 (WxDxH mm)• Thermal-magnetic, Ekip Dip2021PR O D U C TS I N D E TA I LSACE Tmax XT7 M The motorized superhero The ultimate choice, with motor. It deals with the most heavy-duty demands smoothly.At a glance:• Up to 1600A • For heavy duty • Dimensions 210x178x268 (WxDxH mm)• Ekip Dip, Ekip Touch/Hi-TouchSACE Tmax XT7The superheroThe ultimate choice. It deals with the mostheavy-duty demands effortlessly.At a glance:• Up to 1600A• For heavy duty• Dimensions 210x166x268 (WxDxH mm)•Ekip Dip, Ekip Touch/Hi-TouchS ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—DATA A N D CO N N EC TI V IT YPlant management of the future – SACE Tmax XT sets the new standard in modern plant and energy management. Access, monitor and control information remotely, anywhere, at any time. Improving efficiency and saving energy.24S ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—01 All the tools neededto set up a compe-tent and effectiveenergy managementstrategy. 30% moreinformation abouta running system toempower ABB Ability TM P r o t e c t i o n a n di n f o r m a t i o n AccuracyThermal-magnetic trip units Thermal-magnetic trip units are intended for the protection of AC and DC networks. They are a solution for basic protection such as overloads and short-circuits.Ekip Dip trip unitsEkip Dip trip units represent the first level ofelectronic trip unit and are used to protect ACnetworks. Compared to thermal-magnetic tripunits, they can provide increased accuracy, a widerreg ulation range, delayed short-circuit protection,in di v idual trip information and test capa bility.Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch trip units Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch trip units offer state-of-the-art technology for AC-network protection. These trip units integrate a great number of protection and automation functionalities, performed with best-in-class accuracy. Measurement and supervi-sion data can be transmitted both on the local communication network (the most popular com-munication protocols are available) or directly over the Internet. Configuration of the trip unit is extremely user-friendly, mainly on the sizes where a color touchscreen display is available. Furthermore, as operational requirements evolve,for the first time ever customers can downloadnew functions from the ABB Ability Marketplace TM ,choosing among more than fifty different protec-tion, metering and automation functionalities.—Electronic trip units Ekip Dip and Ekip Touch/Hi-Touch The network under controlWhen it comes to accurate protection of the network, you cannot go wrong with Ekip Dip and Touch technology.Trip unit rangeThe protection units available for the SACE Tmax XTrange is organized in three layers, characterizedby increasing performance, interfaces, informa-tion sets and integration functions. Each layerincludes several trip unit versions, designed to match specific application needs such as distribu-tion, generator protection and motor protection.25CampaignS ACE TM A X X T M O L D ED C A SE CI R C U IT-B R E A K ER S (M CCB S)—QUA LIT Y A N D R ELI A B I LIT YAbsolute attention to detail, withstyle – from design to manufacturing, SACETmax XT sets the new standard for edgetechnologies. Almost a century of research and experience means top-level products that areready to face future challenges.© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.9A K K 107046A 3308 - 05/2019—ABB SACEElectrification business Smart Power business line 5, Via PescariaI-24123 Bergamo - ItalyPhone: +39 035。





注意:年刊使⽤的U盘⽆需⽹络,插上电脑即可使⽤,微店购买不⽅便的请直接加微信:186****1406.Alarms:List of ME Shut down and slow down报警:主机⾃动停车和慢车Non-cancellable shut down:不可越控⾃动停车:①Pump inlet oil pressure, low If thepump inlet pressure drops to set value (default = 0.5 bar)the ME ECS releasesa non-cancelable shut down。


Alarms:List of ME Shut down and slow down报警:主机⾃动停车和慢车Non-cancellable shut down:不可越控⾃动停车:③· Hydraulic high pressure fails duringrunning engine If the high pressure drops to this value (default = 140 bar) andthe engine is running the ME ECS releases a non-cancelable shut down. Valid forsoftware version 1.34 and later ·主机运⾏过程中液压系统⾼压端故障:如果⾼压压⼒降⾄140bar及以下并且主机在运⾏,主机ECS将释出⼀个不可越控的⾃动降速信号。


2 2 短路 合 闸过 程 .
图 1 短路保 护的时间特性
( )合 闸过程 。断路 器 合 闸过 程 是 电 源 ( 1 电 网、 压器) 过导线 ( 变 经 电缆 、 排 、 母 电线 ) 负 载 和 设备 ( 阻性 、 容性 、 性 等 负 载 ) 立 电 流 回路 的 感 建
过 程 。合 闸过 程 和 短 路过 程 类 似 , 力 回路 电流 电 存 在暂 态 过程 , 于 回路 阻 抗 较 大 所 以暂 态 电流 由 并 不很 大 , 一般 为 变压 器空 载 电流 的数倍 , 态 时 暂
间 <10ms 0 。
MC 即 为 接 通 电 流 脱 扣 器 ( kn urn R MaigC r t e R l s) ee e 。在 闭 合 操 作 时 , 接 通 电 流 超 过 预 定 a 如
值 时 , 断路 器无 任何 人 为延 时断 开 的脱 扣 器 , 使 而 且 当断路 器处 于 闭合位 置 时使 它不 起作 用 。 大多 数带 MC R功 能 的断 路 器定 义从 合 闸 开
瞬 动或 短延 时来 保 护 , 但无 法尽 快 地 切 除接 通 短 路冲击 电流故 障。为 了弥 补短 路保 护 的缺 陷 ,
A B控制 器需 要增 加 HSS C IC功能 和 MC R功 能 。
2 1 MC 简 介 . R
间相对 较 短 。一 般 经 验 数据 是 , C A B最 大 闭合 时
短路 瞬 动 保 护 存 在 计 算 、 别 的 固有 时 问 约 3 判 0 m ( 效值 计算 判别 方式 )分 断时 间不够 快 。 s有 , 从断路 器合 闸过 程来 看 , 存在 短路 故 障 , 若 无 辅助 电源 时 电子脱 扣 器 启 动需 要 一 定 时 间 , 时 此 断路 器短路 接通 电流 无 保 护 ; 辅 助 电源 时 电子 有


• DC-link电压〔输出〕
图1-55 MCM低压电源



报警 1 报警值设置
按 SET 键确认
报警 2 报警值设置
按 SET 键确认
18 18 出厂设置
xxxx Alr.3 xxxx Alr.4 End/Func ALr
Lo.AL/HI.AL Alr.1
报警 3 报警值设置 按、键修改设定值 按 SET 键确认 报警 4 报警值设置 按、键修改设定值 按 SET 键确认 报警设置结束/功能菜单 按、键修改设置 按 SET 键确认 报警 1 报警方式设置
出厂设置 CAL
00 Lock
00 unLc
D. 报警参数设置
xxxx Alr.1
xxxx Alr.2
上锁密码设置 按、键修改密码 按 SET 键确认。
开锁码设定 按、键输入开锁码 按 SET 键确认

按 SET 键确认

△ △
输入零点校正 △

to S CAL.
xxxx S to

out S CAL.

△ 00 S out.0

xxxx S ou.FS
输出零点校正 输出满度校正
A.工作态 B.功能菜单上锁操作 C.功能菜单开锁操作 D.报警参数设置

漏电记录仪 5000 5001 使用说明说明书

漏电记录仪 5000 5001 使用说明说明书

























六、保护控制器操作使用方法1.面板及按键说明 1.1显示窗第一显示窗在参数设定状态下显示设定参数;第二、第三、第四显示窗在运行状态下分别显示三相电流和三相电压。

1.2指示灯八个指示灯,指示电机故障停止原因: 启动失败、 短路 堵转、 缺相、 三相不平衡、 定/反时限、 接地、 欠过压、1.3按键设置键:在测量(运行)状态下,按住2秒钟以上不松开则进入设置状态。










1.5参数设置方法①设置键,不松开,直到显示0A 。

②按键进入修改状态,在、键的配合下将数值修改为1111 ③按 键,完成密码设置。


⑤进入需要设置参数所在的组,按 键顺序循环选择本组需设置的参数。

⑥按 键调出当前参数的原设定值,闪烁位为修改位。

⑦通过 键移动修改位、 增值、 键减值,将参数修改为需要的值。

* 以符号形式表示参数值的参数,在修改时,闪烁位应处于末位。

⑧按 键存入修改好的参数,并转入下一参数。

⑨重复⑤-⑧步,可设置本组的其他参数:在显示参数符号时,按住设置键 不松开,直到退出参数的设置状态。





XWAM AMDP-□ C511系列电动机保护器 使用说明

XWAM AMDP-□ C511系列电动机保护器 使用说明

AMDP-□/C511 系列电动机保护器使用说明产品概述主要特点:DSP 为核心,数字设定,数字显示,保护功能完备、保护性能可靠,零序电流检测。

除 保护电动机的继电器触点输出信号外,还配有6个故障类型、1个故障预警、1个故障报警输出信号和1个清除故障状态输入信号。



电动机保护器型号 AMDP-5/C AMDP-10/C AMDP-20/C AMDP-50/C AMDP-100/C AMDP-150/C AMDP-200/C 最大设定电流(A) 5.5 11 23 55 110 165 220最小设定电流(A) 1 2 4 10 20 30 40电动机最大功率(KW) 2.2 4 11 22 45 75 110电动机最小功率(KW) 0.55 1.1 2.2 5.5 11 18.5 22电动机电源穿线孔Φ(mm) 20 20 20 20 20 30 30连接电缆:连接主单元与电流检测单元,6×0.3mm²×2.2 m双绞屏蔽电缆工作电压:AC 85V — 265V、DC 85V — 265V功率消耗:小于 2W采集精度:0.5环境温度:- 20℃ — 50℃继电器触点:1常开触点,AC 250V/10A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/10ADO/DI电压: DC 24V±10%DO驱动能力:最大100mA(DO1-DO8每路最大100mA)零序电流输入阻抗:小于 1 ΩAMDP-□/C511系列电动机保护器工作过程AMDP-□/C511 系列电动机保护器在电动机未发生故障时,显示电动机A、B、C相及零序电流,电动机故障类型DO1-DO6、故障预警DO7、故障报警DO8输出高电平;当电动机发生接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序故障时,对应的故障类型(DO1-DO6中的1个)及故障预警DO7输出低电平,当故障持续到设定的报警时间,继电器触点O11、O12断开停止电动机运行(故障灯亮),故障预警DO7输出高电平,故障报警输出信号DO8输出低电平,保护器显示故障代码指示故障类型,并且显示电动机发生故障时的A、B、C相及零序电流。



Eaton 278432Eaton Moeller® series ZB Overload relay, ZB12, Ir= 0.16 - 0.24 A,1 N/O, 1 N/C, Direct mounting, IP20General specificationsEaton Moeller® series ZB Thermaloverload relay278432401508278432488 mm67 mm45 mm0.141 kgCSAUL 60947-4-1UL Category Control No.: NKCR UL File No.: E29184IEC/EN 60947CSA File No.: 012528CSA-C22.2 No. 60947-4-1-14 IEC/EN 60947-4-1ULCECSA Class No.: 3211-03VDE 0660ZB12-0,24Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeTest/off button Trip-free releasePhase-failure sensitivity (according to IEC/EN 60947, VDE 0660 Part 102)Reset pushbutton manual/auto-25 °C55 °C25 °C40 °C CLASS 10 A Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78 Damp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30IP20ZB12Direct attachment Direct mounting0.16 A0.24 AIII3Finger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact when actuated from front (EN 50274)Features Ambient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - min Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - max Class Climatic proofingDegree of protection Frame size Mounting method Overload release current setting - min Overload release current setting - max Overvoltage category Pollution degree Product category ProtectionAccessoriesOverload relay ZB up to 150 A6000 V AC4000 V (auxiliary and control circuits)10 g, Mechanical, Sinusoidal, Shock duration 10 ms Branch circuits, (UL/CSA)≤ 0.25 %/K, residual error for T > 40° Continuous 1 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (1 - 4) mm², Main cables2 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cables2 x (1 - 4) mm², Main cables2 x (0.75 - 4) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (0.75 - 4) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (1 - 6) mm², Main cables2 x (1 - 6) mm², Main cables18 - 8, Main cables2 x (18 - 14), Control circuit cables10 mm8 mmM4, Terminal screwM3.5, Terminal screw, Control circuit cables2, Terminal screw, Pozidriv screwdriver1 x 6 mm, Terminal screw, Standard screwdriver1.2 Nm, Screw terminals, Control circuit cables 1.8 Nm, Screw terminals, Main cables6 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 0.9 A 1 A, Class J/CC, max. Fuse, SCCR (UL/CSA)100 kA, Fuse, SCCR (UL/CSA)Max. 6 A gG/gL, fuse, Without welding, Auxiliary and control circuits1 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “2” coordination25 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “1” coordinationRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)Shock resistanceSuitable forTemperature compensation Terminal capacity (flexible with ferrule) Terminal capacity (solid)Terminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG) Stripping length (main cable)Stripping length (control circuit cable) Screw sizeScrewdriver sizeTightening torqueConventional thermal current ith of auxiliary contacts (1-pole, open)Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 120 VRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Short-circuit current rating (high fault at 600 V) Short-circuit protection rating0.4 A0.2 A0.9 A0.75 A690 V240 V AC, Between auxiliary contacts, According to EN 61140 440 V AC, Between main circuits, According to EN 61140440 V AC, Between auxiliary contacts and main contacts, According to EN 61140B600 at opposite polarity, AC operated (UL/CSA)R300, DC operated (UL/CSA)B300 at opposite polarity, AC operated (UL/CSA)600 VAC600 VAC 011115.4 W0 W1.8 W0.24 A0 WMeets the product standard's requirements. Meets the product standard's requirements. Meets the product standard's requirements. Meets the product standard's requirements. Meets the product standard's requirements.Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 110 VRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 220 V, 230 V Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 24 VRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 60 VRated operational voltage (Ue) - maxSafe isolationSwitching capacity (auxiliary contacts, pilot duty) Voltage rating - maxVoltage rating - max Number of auxiliary contacts (change-over contacts)Number of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts) Number of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts) Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of contacts (normally open contacts)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Product Range Catalog Switching and protecting motorseaton-tripping-devices-overload-relay-zb-overload-relay-characteristic-curve.epseaton-tripping-zb-overload-relay-characteristic-curve-002.epsDA-DC-00004852.pdfDA-DC-00004842.pdfeaton-tripping-devices-overload-relay-zb-overload-relay-dimensions-003.epseaton-tripping-devices-overload-relay-zb-overload-relay-3d-drawing.epsETN.ZB12-0,24IL03407015ZIL03407195Zeaton-motor-protective-relay-zb12-zb32-overload-monitoring-exe-manual-mn03407004z-de-de-en-us.pdfDA-CS-zb12DA-CD-zb12eaton-tripping-devices-overload-relay-zb-overload-relay-wiring-diagram-002.eps10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function Catalogues Characteristic curveDeclarations of conformity DrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructions Manuals and user guides mCAD modelWiring diagramsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.。

MCMA120UJ1800ED 电源模块说明书

MCMA120UJ1800ED 电源模块说明书

3~ Rectifier Bridge, half-controlled (high-side) + free wheeling DiodeThyristor ModulePart numberMCMA120UJ1800EDBackside: isolatedFeatures / Advantages:Applications:Package:● Thyristor/Standard Rectifier for line frequency ● Planar passivated chips ● Long-term stability● Low forward voltage drop● Leads suitable for PC board soldering ● Copper base plate withDirect Copper Bonded Al2O3-ceramic ● Improved temperature and power cycling● Diode for main rectification ● For single and three phase bridge configurations● Supplies for DC power equipment ● Input rectifiers for PWM inverter ● Battery DC power supplies ● Field supply for DC motorsE2-Pack● Industry standard outline ● RoHS compliant● Soldering pins for PCB mounting ● Height: 17 mm● Base plate: Copper internally DCB isolated ● Advanced power cycling● Phase Change Material available● Isolation Voltage: V~3600The data contained in this product data sheet is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. The user will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product data with respect to his application. The specifications of our components may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. Theinformation in the valid application- and assembly notes must be considered. Should you require product information in excess of the data given in this product data sheet or which concerns the specific application of your product, please contact your local sales office.Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your local sales office.Should you intend to use the product in aviation, in health or life endangering or life support applications, please notify. For any such application we urgently recommend - to perform joint risk and quality assessments;- the conclusion of quality agreements;- to establish joint measures of an ongoing product survey, and that we may make delivery dependent on the realization of any such measures.Terms and Conditions of UsageRRM 1800I 120FSM 500DAV V =V A A==I 3~RectifierRatingsDate Code LocationC M M A 120UJ 1800EDPart descriptionThyristor (SCR)Thyristor(up to 1800V)3~ Rectifier Bridge, half-controlled (high-side) + free wheeling Diode E 2-Pack Module====Current Rating [A]Reverse Voltage [V]==== PackageT op °C M D Nm 6mounting torque3T VJ °C 150virtual junction temperature -40Weight g 176Symbol Definitiontyp.max.min.Conditionsoperation temperature Unit V V t = 1 second Vt = 1 minuteisolation voltagemm mm 6.012.0d Spp/App creepage distance on surface | striking distance through air d Spb/Apb terminal to backsideI RMS RMS current100A per terminal125-40terminal to terminal E2-PackDelivery ModeQuantityCode No.Ordering Number Marking on Product Ordering 50/60 Hz, RMS; I ≤ 1 mAISOL MCMA120UJ1800ED 510125Box 6MCMA120UJ1800ED Standard 3600ISOLT stg °C 125storage temperature-403000m Ω0 max R 0 maxslope resistance *10.5Outlines E2-PackThyristor。



Eaton PDG52M1200P5YMEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breaker, Globally Rated, Frame 5, Two Pole, 1200A, 65kA/480V, PXR25 ARMS LSIG w/ Modbus RTU, CAM Link, ZSI and Relays, No Terminals (Metric Tapped Conductors)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG52M1200P5YM 786679852163139.7 mm 406.4 mm 209.5 mm 21.32 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant UL 489IEC 60947-2CCC MarkedCSAProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications1200 AComplete breaker 5Two-polePD5 Global Class A PXR 25 LSIG w/ARMSModbus RTU and CAM Link600 Vac600 VNo Terminals65 kAIC at 480 Vac 100 kAIC Icu/ 100 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC) 100 kAIC @240V (UL)30 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 63 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)35 kAIC @600/347V (UL)15 kAIC Icu/ 7.5 kAIC Ics/ 31.5 kAIC Icm @690V (IEC) 50 kAIC Icu/ 40 kAIC Ics/ 105 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC) 50 kAIC Icu/ 30 kAIC Ics/ 105 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 65 kAIC @480/277V (UL)70 kAIC Icu/ 53 kAIC Ics/ 154 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC)Eaton Power Defense PDG52M1200P5YM 3D drawing Amperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip TypeCommunicationVoltage rating Voltage rating - max Terminals Interrupt rating Interrupt rating range3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x32BrochuresStrandAble terminals product aidPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense technical selling bookletCatalogsPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 5 product aid Power Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogCertification reportsEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersPDG5 CSA CertificationPDG6 CCC certificatePDG5 CB reportPDG5 CCC certificationPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG6 CSA certificationPDG5 UL authorizationInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 4_5_6 high performance flex shaft handle mech assembly instructions - IL012296ENPower Defense Frame 5 breaker status module installation instructions – IL012307ENPower Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 5 walking beam installation instructions -IL012290ENPower Defense Frame 5 key interlock installation instructions -IL012294ENPower Defense Frame 5 aux, alarm, shunt trip and uvr instructions(IL012201EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 4_5 flex shaft handle mech assembly instructions - IL012284ENPower Defense Frame 5 vertical padlockable handle lock hasp installation instructions - IL012283ENInstallation videosPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Replacement Animated Instructions Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Upgrade Relays Board, Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 5 Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rh1Power Defense Frame 5 UVR Trip How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 5 Shunt Trip, Aux and Alarm Trip How-To Video Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Upgrade Wire Harnesses, Animated Instructions.rhMultimediaPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To VideoEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safetyPower Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense BreakersSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Specification Sheet - PDG52M1200P5YMTime/current curvesPower Defense time current curve Frame 5 - PD5White papersMolded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker healthSingle and double break MCCB performance revisitedIntelligent circuit protection yields space savingsIntelligent power starts with accurate, actionable dataMaking a better machineImplementation of arc flash mitigating solutions at industrial manufacturing facilitiesSafer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesMolded case and low-voltage breaker healthEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。



Protect IT保护继电器REX 521操作手册ABB的Industrial IT产品是用于提高生产率的标准件,并具备所有必要的工具,可在产品的寿命周期内以电子形式提供支持。

目录1.安全信息 (5)2.引言 (6)2.1.REX 521保护继电器 (6)3.说明 (7)3.1.HMI的特点 (7)3.1.1.按钮功能 (9)3.1.2.选择语言 (11)3.1.3.密码 (12)3.1.4.显示背光 (12)3.1.5.显示器对比度 (12)3.1.6.显示器测试 (13)3.1.7.选择一次侧值 (13)3.1.8.带光隔离的串行通讯端口 (13)3.2.菜单图 (14)3.2.1.测量菜单 (15)3.2.2.事件菜单 (16)3.2.3.手动控制 (17)本地/远方位置选择 (17)控制断路器 (17)3.2.4.整定参数 (20)3.2.5.整定位掩码 (20)3.3.指示信息 (21)3.3.1.保护指示 (21)3.3.2.自检 (22)3.3.3.状态监视指示 (23)3.4.LED指示灯 (24)3.4.1.绿色指示LED(READY) (24)3.4.2.黄色指示LED(START) (24)3.4.3.红色指示LED(TRIP) (24)3.5.告警LED (25)3.5.1.告警LED1-8 (25)4.测试模式 (26)4.1.I/O测试 (26)4.2.IRF测试 (26)4.3.功能块测试 (27)5.参考书目 (28)6.索引 (29)7.附录A缩略语: (32)修订历史版本D/17.11.2003:–更改第3.1节., 第3.2.3.1.和第5节。



版本D/25.03.2004:–更改文档版面1. 安全信息2. 引言本手册旨在给用户提供关于保护继电器REX 521 版本C的基本信息,着重阐述人机界面(HMI)的使用。



3 功能原理3.1 保护功能3.1.1 保护动作特性当发生一组保护动作时,将产生跳闸输出及报警输出,面板指示灯亮,同时自动弹出SOE 显示。










以下三种情况判定电动机处于运行状态:1、起动时间过长保护投入,装置检测到起动电流突变到额定电流(Im)的1.2 倍以上,且达到设定的起动时间后,电流返回到额定电流(Im)的1.2 倍以下,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

2、起动时间过长保护投入,装置没有检测到起动电流突变,但检测到持续有流0.5 秒,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

3、如果起动时间过长保护未投入,装置检测到持续有流0.5 秒,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

3.1.2 短路保护短路保护是为防止电机相间短路及绕组匝间短路时造成严重后果而设置的一种保护功能。






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3 功能原理3.1 保护功能3.1.1 保护动作特性当发生一组保护动作时,将产生跳闸输出及报警输出,面板指示灯亮,同时自动弹出SOE 显示。










以下三种情况判定电动机处于运行状态:1、起动时间过长保护投入,装置检测到起动电流突变到额定电流(Im)的1.2 倍以上,且达到设定的起动时间后,电流返回到额定电流(Im)的1.2 倍以下,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

2、起动时间过长保护投入,装置没有检测到起动电流突变,但检测到持续有流0.5 秒,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

3、如果起动时间过长保护未投入,装置检测到持续有流0.5 秒,则判为电动机处于运行状态。

3.1.2 短路保护短路保护是为防止电机相间短路及绕组匝间短路时造成严重后果而设置的一种保护功能。








参数汇总表如下:3.1.3 堵转保护堵转保护是电动机特有的保护。




堵转保护电流的整定可按电动机铭牌堵转电流的一半整定,堵转保护时间的整定可参考电动机的允许堵转时间整定,一般整定为允许堵转时间的0.9 倍。





参数汇总表如下:3.1.4 定时限过负荷保护电动机长期超过其额定值运行时,将造成电机过热,绝缘降低而烧毁电机。







参数汇总表如下:3.1.5 轻载保护电动机所带负载为泵类负载时,电动机的空载或欠载运转会对电动机产生危害。







参数汇总表如下:3.1.6 反时限过负荷保护(热元件保护)反时限过负荷保护用于替代传统的热元件对电动机过载发热实现保护。






控制字(CURVE)设置为“0”时,动作曲线为:t=120*Tnv/(I/Inv)2;控制字(CURVE)设置为“1”时,动作曲线为:t=80*Tnv/((I/Inv)2-1);附加条件:I < Inv 时,保护闭锁。

(式中:t 表示反时限保护的动作延时时间Tnv 表示曲线的时间因子Inv 表示保护定值电流I 表示装置检测到实际运行电流。


一般情况下,MCM511 的零序电流是软件合成的(三相电流矢量和叠加计算得到),无须配置独立的外置零序CT。

用户也可以选择采用外部零序CT 实现接地保护。

参数汇总表如下:3.1.8 电流不平衡保护当电动机三相电流有较大不对称时,出现较大的负序电流,而负序电流将在转子中产生2倍工频的电流,使转子附加发热大大增加,危及电动机的安全运行。




不平衡度 = |最大(最小)相电流 – 三相电流平均值| * 100% / 三相电流平均值为了避免电流很小时,由于计算模拟量的误差,导致不平衡电流保护动作,本保护只在有流时投入。




参数汇总表如下:3.1.9 缺相保护低压电动机缺相运行很容易造成电动机损坏,缺相保护就是针对此种情况设定的。




参数汇总表如下:3.1.10 欠压保护当电源电压降低时,电机转矩成倍下降,造成电动机严重过载,而当电压降低到一定程度后,将影响电动机的自起动,因此,为保证重要电动机的起动以及预防电机烧毁,一些次要电动机须从电网中断开,因此需要配置欠压保护。












2,如果电压接到装置为四线星形方式,则Um的整定值为额定相电压, 电压判据为相电压判据。

3.1.11 过压保护:过压将引起电机绝缘性能降低,特设置过压保护。







2,如果电压接到装置为四线星形方式,则Um的整定值为额定相电压, 电压判据为相电压判据。

3.1.12 T E 时间保护该保护仅适用于增安型(increased saftey)电动机。



tE保护属于反时限的过电流保护,公式是:t = 16*TP /(3*I s/Im) – 5)。


