开源力量公开课第八期 - move to Linux 3.x for ARM
linux arm架构重启指令

linux arm架构重启指令
sudo reboot.
sudo shutdown -r +5。
Linux MDS入门指南(第一版)说明书

Linux MDS Getting Started GuideFirst EditionFebruary 2007Table of Contents Introduction (1)Purpose of this Document (1)Navigating this Document (1)Manage Users (2)Adding Users (2)Administering and Configuring Users (2)Removing Users (3)Manage Email (4)Configuring Virtusertable entries (4)Configuring Catchalls (4)Configuring Aliases (5)Manage Subhosts (6)Adding a Subhost (6)Configuring a Subhost (7)Removing a Subhost (7)Use Vinstall and Vuninstall (8)IntroductionThe Linux Managed Dedicated Server (Linux MDS) offers the benefits of a managed hosting solution with the flexibility of a dedicated Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server. The customized technology of Linux MDS provides a solution where the operating system and core services are managed for you. At the same time, you have full root access to your files and programs.Purpose of this DocumentThis document provides information for basic administration of your account. It provides important information about creating users, configuring email and subhosts (or virtual hosts), and server software management to help you begin using your account. This document describes server management from a shell command line and assumes you understand shell clients and command-line interaction with Linux (or other UNIX-like) servers. If you do not use shell command line or are not familiar with shell interaction, you can install and use the CPX: Control Panel Web interface. For more information about CPX: Control Panel, see customer documentation for the CPX: Control Panel, which includes a guide to getting started with that Web interface. Your account includes several v-commands. These commands, created specifically for your product, enable server administration. Some examples discussed in this document include vadduser, vrmuser, and vaddhost.Navigating this DocumentThis document describes how to add, remove, or configure server users, email addresses, aliases, virtual user table (virtusertable) entries, catchalls, and subhosted Web site configurations. In addition, this document describes how to use custom installation scripts (vinstall and vuninstall) which enable you to install and/or remove programs, packages, and features. Refer to the following sections for instructions:•“Manage Users” on page 2.•“Manage Email” on page 4.•“Manage Subhosts” on page 6.•“Use Vinstall and Vuninstall” on page 8.Manage UsersAs part of the automatic maintenance provided with your account, your server contains several necessary root and application users by default, such as root, ftp, pop, and the administrative user (created when you ordered the server). You can create additional users and offer them services, such as FTP, email, and shell access. This section describes adding, managing, and removing users.Note: When adding, configuring, or removing users, you must be the root user. You can become the root user by typing su- at the command line and supplying the root user password.Adding UsersTo add a server user, follow these steps from the command line:1.Type vadduser and press Enter.2.Further instructions and information for vadduser will display during this step and throughout the vadduserprocess. Press Enter to continue after reviewing the information.3.Type the username for the user you wish to create and press Enter. Usernames consist of alphanumericcharacters up to sixteen (16) characters. The first character cannot be a number.Note: The operating system supports multi-byte characters in usernames, but will not support the following multi-byte characters because they are reserved for system use: @, $, #, / or \. (To learn more about using multi-byte characters in usernames, refer to the following Web site: /c/charset.html.)4.Type the user’s password and press Enter. Use a password that will not easily be guessed. A combination ofuppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols is an example of a more secure password. If aparticularly insecure password is entered, the system will prompt you to enter a more secure password. You will need to type the same password twice for confirmation.5.Type the user’s full name and press Enter. This information displays when you use system tools such asvlist (used to list all server users).6.Type the user’s home directory path and press Enter. The vadduser command simplifies this step andprovides a recommended Linux MDS path for you. You can press Enter without typing a path to select this default.7.Select the services to offer the user. This is a toggle-style prompt, with the FTP and email services enabled forthe user by default. Available services include ftp, mail, and shell. Type the service name at the prompt and press Enter to toggle the service on or off. Press Enter when done.Caution:Shell access enables control over many aspects of the server. Shell access should only be offered to trusted users. With shell access users can potentially change files or settings affecting your entire server. Use care when offering the shell service to users.8.Type the user’s allotted file system (or filesystem) quota in megabytes (MB). The quota must be a wholenumber. Enter 0 to give the user an unlimited quota (up to the free space available for your plan). Press Enter to complete the addition of the user.Administering and Configuring UsersTo list all existing server users, type vlist at the command prompt.To change the full name, services offered, or quota for a user, follow these steps from the command line:1.Type vedituser and press Enter2.Type the name of the user in question and press Enter.3.Select the services to offer the user. This prompt is a toggle-style prompt, with the FTP and email servicesenabled for the user by default. Available services include ftp, mail, and shell. Type the service name at the prompt and press Enter to toggle the service on or off. Press Enter when done.4.Type the user’s allotted filesystem quota in megabytes (MB). The quota must be a whole number. Enter 0 togive the user an unlimited quota (up to the free space available for your plan). Press Enter to complete the addition of the user.To change a server user’s password, follow these steps from the command line:1.Type passwd name, where name is the username of the user in question. Press Enter.2.Type the new password and press Enter. Type the new password again for confirmation and press Enter. Ifthe two passwords do not match, you will be prompted to type them again.Note: Use a password that will not easily be guessed. A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols is an example of a more secure password. If a particularly insecure password is entered, the system will prompt you to enter a more secure password.Removing UsersTo remove a server user, follow these steps from the command line:1.Type vrmuser and press Enter.2.Type the username of the user to remove. If the user does not exist, the system will indicate the user does notexist in the password database and exit the removal process.3.The system will display the password entry for the user to be removed and ask you to confirm the removal ofthe user. Type yes if the information is correct or no to exit the process. Press Enter.Caution:Use extreme caution when removing the home directory of users (step 4). You will not be warned if Webcontent or other important information is stored in the user’s home directory. Removing a user’s homedirectory will immediately delete all contents of that directory.4.The system will display the user’s home directory and ask if you wish to remove it. Type yes and press Enterto remove the directory and complete the removal of the user, or type no and press Enter to remove the user, but keep the user’s home directory and its contents.Note: If you remove a user, but not the files or home directory they own, the files or directories of the removed user will be owned by a system-generated four digit ID (for example: 1007).Manage EmailAll user email boxes reside in the /var/mail directory. The system automatically creates email boxes for server users. If no other email routing settings (such as aliases or virtusertable entries) are configured, the username is the default valid email for all domains that resolve to the server. For example, if and resolve to the server, for the user bob, both *************** and *************** would deliver email to the/var/mail/bob email box. The system checks for matches in email routing and addresses in the following order and delivers to the first match it finds:•virtusertable entries•aliases•usersThis section describes virtusertable entries, catchall, and alias configurations.Note: To edit the virtusertable entries and aliases files, you must be the root user. You can become the root user by typing su - at the command line and supplying the root user password.Configuring Virtusertable entriesVirtual user table (virtusertable) entries route the full email address (both sides of the @) to a local user, alias, or remote email address, but cannot map to files or programs. Only aliases can route email to a file or program. A virtusertable entry consists of the virtusertable entry and its destination, or mapping. For example, a virtusertable entry for *************** could be mapped to the user bob with the following virtusertable entry: ******************Virtusertable entries enable you to create email addresses without the need to create a corresponding user. For example, a virtusertable entry for *************** could be mapped to ******************** with the following virtusertable entry:******************@In this example, would indicate a remote domain which does not resolve to your account. Specify virtusertable entries in the /etc/mail/virtusertable file, with one virtusertable entry per line. The virtusertable.sample file provided with each server contains example virtual user tables. You can change virtusertable entry settings by editing the virtusertable file and then executing a hash command:makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable < /etc/mail/virtusertableThe hash command rebuilds the virtusertable.db file which includes the new virtusertable entries. Configuring CatchallsCaution:Catchall virtusertable entries should be used sparingly. Spammers often send many emails to every conceivable address for a domain, often numbering in the thousands. A catchall virtusertable entry wouldcause the system to receive all of these emails and map them to the recipient.A special virtusertable entry called a catchall maps all email not otherwise configured with a virtusertable entry for a given domain to a single recipient. For example, the following catchall virtusertable entry would map all email not configured with another virtusertable entry for the domain to the joe user:@ joeIf no virtusertable entry exists for an email address, and a catchall virtusertable entry is configured for the domain, the system would route all email sent to that address to the catchall virtusertable entry.Configuring AliasesEmail aliases forward email to a user, another alias, email address, list of addresses, file, or program. Aliases enable you to create email addresses without the need to create a corresponding user. For example, the following alias would forward email sent to ******************** to the stan user:webmaster:stanAliases also enable you to send email to a list or to a program. For example, the following alias would forward email sent to ********************* to the bob, joe, and stan users:sales:bob,joe,stanFor long email lists, place the emails in a file, one address per line, and use the include option. For example, the following alias would forward email sent to ********************* to all addresses in the /lists/promotion file:promotion: :include:/lists/promotionSpecify aliases in the /etc/aliases file, with one alias per line. You configure the aliases by editing the aliases file according to your needs. After making changes to the file, execute the newaliases command from the command line to load the new aliases into the system. Changes to aliases will not be used by your account until you execute newaliases.Note: The system only considers the first portion of the email address (before @) for aliases. To map an entire email address to a certain recipient, use a virtusertable entry.Manage SubhostsYour account enables you to configure multiple Web sites and domains in addition to the main domain of the server. The main domain or site for the server is called the hostname. Place the Web content for this site in the/www/htdocs directory.You may have configured a custom hostname during the order process. To aid with configuring and testing your server, all Linux MDS servers receive a temporary domain name, or temp domain, which resolves to your account. This domain can be used if the custom hostname is inaccessible or does not yet resolve to your server.Other domains or sites hosted by your server are called subhosts. This section explains adding, removing, and configuring subhosts.Note: To execute the vaddhost command or edit the httpd.conf file, you must be the root user. You can become the root user by typing su - at the command line and supplying the root user password.Adding a SubhostSubhosts are configured with the Apache VirtualHost directive. The Apache Web server looks for VirtualHost entries in the /www/conf/httpd.conf file. The vaddhost v-command assists in the creation of the subhost configuration VirtualHost tags in your Apache configuration file.Subhost configuration includes many variables. While separated here into three sections, the entire process includes all three and you must complete all of them to entirely configure the subhost.To begin the subhost configuration and specify the domain and administrator, follow these steps from the command line:1.Type vaddhost and press Enter. Instructions and information for vaddhost will display during this step andthroughout the vaddhost process.2.Type the domain for the subhost (, for example), any secondary domains (,, etc), and any other domains used for this subhost, pressing Enter after each. The firstdomain entered will be the main domain for the subhost. Additional variations will be aliases that point to the main domain. Press Enter without any text after providing all variations to move to the next step.Note: The hostname or subhost usually consists of the top-level domain () instead of a canonical name such as . Canonical names are usually added as secondary domains or aliases.3.The system displays the list of domains and variations for verification. Type y and press Enter to continue ortype n and press Enter to input the domains again.4.Type the username of the user who will administer the subhost and press Enter. (Press Enter without any textto display a list of existing users.) This user should be the owner of the site files and folders; otherwise the Web server will not be able to load the site.5.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to input the usernameagain.To continue the configuration and specify SSL, administrative email, and document root (Web directory) settings, follow these steps from the command line:1.To enable SSL for the subhost type y and press Enter or type n and press Enter to not enable SSL for thesubhost.2.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to input the SSLinformation again.3.Type the email address of the subhost administrator and press Enter.4.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to input the addressagain.5.Type the path for the subhost Web directory, or document root, on the server. The vaddhost commandsimplifies this step and provides a recommended path for you. You can press Enter without typing a path to select this default, which will create a subhosted directory in the home directory of the user specified in step 4.6.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to input the pathagain.To continue the configuration and specify log and cgi-bin settings, follow these steps from the command line:1.Select an option for the subhost transfer log and press Enter.2.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to choose the transferlog configuration again.3.Select an option for the subhost error log and press Enter.4.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to choose the errorlog configuration again.5.Select an option for the subhost cgi-bin and press Enter. This will enable the subhost to execute scripts andprograms.6.Verify the information and type y and press Enter to continue or type n and press Enter to choose the cgi-binconfiguration again.7.The system will display the VirtualHost entry to be added to the httpd.conf file for confirmation. Type yand press Enter to add the entry to the httpd.conf file, or type n and press Enter to abort the vaddhost process.8.If you typed y to accept the entry, type y and press Enter to restart the Web server and complete the subhostaddition.Note: Press ctrl+c to exit the vaddhost process at any time. This immediately cancels vaddhost and any subhost configuration entered during the vaddhost process is lost.Configuring a SubhostYou may configure a subhost further by editing the VirtualHost entries for the subhost in the/www/conf/httpd.conf file. Execute the restart_apache command from the command line after editing the file to restart the Web server and make the changes effective.Removing a SubhostThe /www/conf/httpd.conf file contains the configuration for subhosts. To remove the subhost configuration from the Web server, follow these steps:1.Edit the httpd.conf file and remove the VirtualHost entries for the subhost in question.2.After modifying the httpd.conf file, execute the restart_apache command from the command line torestart the Web server.3.Remove any unneeded files or directories for the subhost from the server.Note: See “Removing Users” on page 3 for further information about subhost files and directories assigned to a user and considerations when removing that user.Use Vinstall and VuninstallYour server contains another feature unique to Linux MDS which makes configuration of your server easier. The vinstall v-command enables the installation and configuration of programs to your server. Programs available for installation through vinstall have been configured specifically for the Linux MDS system and enable you to utilize a variety of programs without complicated manual configuration.The vuninstall utility removes files and configurations created by the vinstall utility. This section describes using vinstall and vuninstall to list available programs, find information about them, install, and/or remove programs.You can execute the vinstall utility using interactive commands, or supply the needed information as command-line options to avoid the interactive vinstall prompts. Refer to Table 1 for a list of the possible vinstall actions you can execute and the interactive and non-interactive commands for each. Substitute vuninstall for vinstall when removing programs.Note: Certain programs may prompt for further information as part of their own installation process, even when using the non-interactive vinstall commands.Table 1: vinstall command optionsActions Interactive Command Non-interactive CommandEnter interactive mode vinstall n/aList available programs ? vinstall –lFind additional information about aprogram n/aprogramEnter install mode install n/aInstall a program programvinstall program(while in install mode)Exit interactive mode quit n/aNote: Press ctrl+c at any time to exit the interactive or non-interactive vinstall process. Use this option with caution as it immediately cancels vinstall and may leave installations and programs incomplete and non-functional.。
OpenRun PRO S810 耳机说明书

OPEN RUN PROUser GuideContents HOW IT WORKS CARE AND MAINTENANCEEXTRA FEATURESCONTENTSCONTENTS TROUBLESHOOTINGWHAT’S IN THE BOX REGULATORY AND LEGAL INFORMATIONSHOKZ APPApple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC.ownload the Shokz App Manage multipoint pairing, upgrade firmware, change EQ modes, and more! Download the Shokz App to easily control headphone settings.*Only for limited regions.HEADPHONE CONTROLSON/OFFON/OFFflashes blue.*Audrey will say:“Press and hold the Power/Volume + Button until the LED Indicator flashes red.Pairing PAIRING2. Press and hold the Volume + Button until the LED Indicator flashes*Wearing your headphones the wrong way could causediscomfort. The transducers should rest in front of your ears.Pick up the headphones, bring them behind the back of the base of your neck,position the earhooks on your ears, then enjoy your music!HOW TO WEARVolume*Listening with headphones at high volume may affect your hearing and the audio will be distorted.*A “beep”Volume - ButtonVOLUMEMultifunction ButtonClick onceEnd callClick onceAnswer callClick oncePlay/pause musicDouble-click while music is playingNext songTriple-click while music is playingPrevious songMUL TIFUNCTION BUTTONMultifunction ButtonPress and hold for 2 seconds while a second incoming call is ringing.Click once while a second incoming call is ringing.Press and hold for 2 seconds while two calls are activeClick once while two calls are active.Click once Click oncePlay musicPause music Next song Previous songClick once Click onceDouble-click while music is playing Triple-click while music is playing Press and hold for 2 seconds Prompt device’s voice assistant Press and hold for 2 secondsAnswer call End call Reject a callAnswer a second call and decline th current callChange the languageAnswer a second incoming call and put the current call on hold Switch between two calls Hanging up on a multiparty call is the current callDouble click while in pairing status (red and blue lights flash alternately)MUL TIFUNCTION BUTTONCheck Battery StatusVolume - Button* "Battery high/Battery medium/Battery low/Charge me"CHECK BATTERY STATUSVocal Booster Mode:Enhanced intermediate frequencies for audiobooks, podcasts, etc.Standard Mode:Balanced frequency for listening to musicEQ MODESSWITCHING EQ MODES*Audrey will say:“Standard Mode/Vocal Booster Mode”*You can also use the shokz App to change the EQ modePair Two DevicesSwitch between two devices seamlessly with multipoint pairingOperate controls withLED indicator flashes red and blue alternately.*You can also use the Shokz App for easy switching between devices3.Press and hold the multifunction button and Volume + button until Audrey say "multipoint enabled."by Shokz."Audrey will say "connected".5.Turn your headphones off.6.Re-enter pairing mode by pressing and holding Volume + until Audrey says “pairing”and the LED indicator flashes red and blue alternately.7.Open second device's Bluetooth® menu and select "OpenRun Pro by Shokz."Audrey will say "connected."8.Turn your headphones off.9.Turn your headphones on. Your headphones are now connectedto both devices.Operate controls withand the LED indicator flashes red and blue alternately.*You can also use the Shokz App for easy switching between devices3. Press and hold the multifunction button and Volume - button until Audrey will say "multipoint disabled."2. Press and hold Volume + until Audrey will say “pairing”and the LED indicator flashes red and blue alternately.*You can also use the Shokz App to change the language.Your headphones have four built-in languages:Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean.CHANGING LANGUAGES3. Double-press the multifunction button. Languages have beenswitched when you hear the corresponding language.CHANGE THE LANGUAGECharging Tips CHARGING TIPSheadphones will automatically turn off. The LED indicator will turnMoisture Detection Alert How it Works:beep. If this happens, remove the charging cable, dry them completely, then proceed with charging.MOISTURE DETECTION ALERTSTORAGE AND MAINTENANCE· Store the headphones in a cool, dry place. The working temperature should be 0~45°C(32~113°F).Working in a cold/hot temperature, highly humid area, or low air pressure environment may reduce the battery life.· Keep the product away from heat sources, direct sunlight, combustible gas or other liquids.· Keeping the charging port dry before connecting to the charger will reduce the risk of damage.· These headphones are water-resistant, but are not waterproof. Please do not submerse the headphones in water.· Clean the headphones with a soft dry cloth.· Do not charge right after exercising, in case there's sweat inside the charging port, which could lead to circuit burning while charging.· After storage for a long period, please charge the headphones before using again.NoteDesign and specification are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date product information, please visit https:// WarningTo avoid the risk of explosion, fire, or leakage from toxic chemicals, please do not disassemble the product or replace, deform, or mutilate the battery.WARRANTYYour headphones are covered by a warranty.Visit our website at https:///pages/warranty-landing for details of the limited warranty.To register your product, download the Shokz App.*Failure to register will not affect your limited warranty rights.TROUBLESHOOTINGIf you have any trouble or problems,please visit https:///pages/faqfor more support!If any part of your product is damaged or missing, do not use it.Contact authorized Shokz dealer or Shokz customer service.*Please note that the packaging envelope may vary depending onthe sales region.WHAT’S IN THE BOXOpenRun Pro headphones OpenRun Pro PackageOpenRun ProBoxOpenRun Pro App Card OpenRun Pro User Guide User Guide OpenRun Pro Legal Statement Legal Shokz AppFCC CautionAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption rate (SAR).Frequency Range Max. Transmit Power 2400-2483.5MHz 10dBm(EIRP)Resposible party (contact for FCC matters only):AfterShokz LLC.3200 Gracie Kiltz Lane, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78758 USA https:// Industry Canada This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s): Operation is subject to the following Two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.CE Declaration of Conformity Shokz Holding Limited hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU and all other applicable EU Directive requirements. The complete declaration of conformity can be found at: https:///pages/policies. Shokz’s EU representative is AfterShokz Euro B.V., Schipholweg 103, 2316XC Leiden, Declaration of Conformity Shokz Holding Limited hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and all other applicable United Kingdom’s regulations. The complete declaration of conformity can be found at: https:///pages/policies. Shokz’s authorised representative in the UK is Pinpoint Consumer Electronics Ltd., Unit 35, Meridian House, Road One, Winsford Industrial Estate, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 3QG.WEEE Declaration of ConformityThis WEEE logo means that this product must not be discardedas household waste, and should be delivered to an appropriate collection facility for recycling. Proper disposal and recycling helps protect natural resources, human health and the environment. For more information on disposal and recycling of this product, contact your local municipality, disposal service, or the shop where you bought this product. Manufacturer Declarations Warranty: Shokz Holding Limited gives a warranty of 24 months on this product. For the current warranty conditions, please visit our website at https:// or contact your Shokz partner. Before putting the product into operation, please observe the respective country specific regulations.Australia/New Zealand SingaporeDA107248。

1.关于forARM:---------------------------------------------------------------------视频配套OK6410开发板、AM335X开发板、210开发板、STM32开发板淘宝店:淘宝商店:明志电子科技网址:技术支持QQ:宁静致远:506793634李强:747576767谢贤斌:173985407方强:446876407嵌入式Linux实用教程QQ群:①:284013595(500人,已满)②:271641475(500人)2.《嵌入式Linux实用教程》视频清单:第1课:Linux基本操作指令第2课:Makefile第3课:Linux常用软件第4课:U-Boot-2013.04搭建适合OK6410模板第5课:初步编译U-Boot-2013.04第6课:U-Boot-2013.04启动分析1第7课:U-Boot-2013.04启动分析2第8课:SD卡启动U-Boot原理第9课:SD卡启动U-Boot-2013.04移植1(解开众多商家SD卡启动机密)第10课:SD卡启动U-Boot-2013.04移植2(解开众多商家SD卡启动机密)第11课:SD卡启动第12课:Signal # 8 caught错误第13课:MMC驱动移植第14课:FAT文件系统第15课:U-Boot命令第16课:NAND Flash移植(1)第17课:NAND Flash移植(2)第18课:NAND Flash移植(3)第19课:DM9000网卡移植第20课:Linux-3.8.3内核介绍第21课:初步测试内核(1)第22课:初步测试内核(2)第23课:下载地址和入口地址第24课:MTD分区第25课:NAND Flash移植第26课:DM9000网卡移植第27课:使内核支持YAFFS2文件系统第28课:制作YAFFS2文件系统第29课:LCD移植第30课:字符设备驱动之LED第31课:字符设备驱动之ADC第32课:块驱动第33课:tslib安装第34课:安装Linux和embedded版本Qt-4.8.4第35课:安装QtCreator编译环境第36课:Qt初体验之Hello第37课:Qt之LED第38课:Qt之ADC第39课:项目拓展学习(1)第40课:项目拓展学习(2)第41—50课:裸板程序设计3. 嵌入式Linux实用教程软件:Ubuntu10.04.4镜像、VMware-7.0.1虚拟机、Source Insight3.5+注册码、SecureCRT_6.6.1_、SD_Writer、UltraEdit10c、USB转串口驱动、等等嵌入式Linux 常用软件。

【作者单位】菏泽学院物理与电子工程系山东菏泽 274015
1.Linux内核在S3C2410上移植的研究 [J], 荀艳丽
2.软PLC在ARM9处理器上的实现 [J], 车炯晖
3.基于仿真平台的行为分析在Linux内核移植上的应用 [J], 韩明秀;范婧;邵作之
4.Linux操作系统在ARM9处理器上的移植 [J], 王晓宁;王振臣;张少兵;姚帆
5.基于ARM9嵌入式Linux内核的移植 [J], 方兴
Ubuntu Linux操作系统第3版(微课版)—第3章

• Linux系统常用的目录
目录 /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /media /mnt /root /proc /sbin /usr /var
说明 存放用于系统管理维护的常用实用命令文件 存放用于系统启动的内核文件和引导装载程序文件 存放设备文件 存放系统配置文件,如网络配置、设备配置、X Window系统配置等 各个用户的主目录,其中的子目录名称即为各用户名 存放动态链接共享库(其作用类似于Windows里的.dll文件) 为光盘、软盘等设备提供的默认挂载点 为某些设备提供的默认挂载点 root用户主目录。不要将其与根目录混淆 系统自动产生的映射。查看该目录中的文件可获取有关系统硬件运行的信息 存放系统管理员或者root用户使用的命令文件 存放应用程序和文件 保存经常变化的内容,如系统日志、打印
3.1 Linux文件与目录概述
第3章 文件与目录 10
• 设备文件 • 设备文件是一种特殊文件,用于存放在文件索引节点中的信息。 • 设备文件又可分为两种类型:字符设备文件和块设备文件。
• 链接文件 • 一种特殊文件,提供对其他文件的参照。它们存放的数据是文件系统中通向文件的 路径。 • 链接文件有两种,分别是符号链接(Symbolic Link)和硬链接(Hard Link)。
• Linux的特殊目录
目录 / . ..
说明 根目录 当前目录 上一层目录
目录 ~ ~用户名
说明 上一次工作目录 当前登录用户的主目录 特定用户账户的主目录
3.1 Linux文件与目录概述
• Linux目录树
C:\ D:\

linux中mv命令使⽤详解(移动⽂件或者将⽂件改名)mv命令是move的缩写,可以⽤来移动⽂件或者将⽂件改名(move (rename) files),是Linux系统下常⽤的命令,经常⽤来备份⽂件或者⽬录。
1.命令格式:mv [选项] 源⽂件或⽬录⽬标⽂件或⽬录2.命令功能:视mv命令中第⼆个参数类型的不同(是⽬标⽂件还是⽬标⽬录),mv命令将⽂件重命名或将其移⾄⼀个新的⽬录中。
3.命令参数:-b :若需覆盖⽂件,则覆盖前先⾏备份。
-f :force 强制的意思,如果⽬标⽂件已经存在,不会询问⽽直接覆盖;-i :若⽬标⽂件 (destination) 已经存在时,就会询问是否覆盖!-u :若⽬标⽂件已经存在,且 source ⽐较新,才会更新(update)-t : --target-directory=DIRECTORY move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY,即指定mv的⽬标⽬录,该选项适⽤于移动多个源⽂件到⼀个⽬录的情况,此时⽬标⽬录在前,源⽂件在后。
4.命令实例:实例⼀:⽂件改名命令:mv test.log test1.txt输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# ll总计 20drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 10-27 01:58 scfdrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:46 test3drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test4drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test5-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 10-28 06:04 test.log[root@localhost test]# mv test.log test1.txt[root@localhost test]# ll总计 20drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 10-27 01:58 scf-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 10-28 06:04 test1.txtdrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:46 test3drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test4drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test5说明:将⽂件test.log重命名为test1.txt实例⼆:移动⽂件命令:mv test1.txt test3输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# ll总计 20drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 10-27 01:58 scf-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29 10-28 06:05 test1.txtdrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:46 test3drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test4drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test5[root@localhost test]# mv test1.txt test3[root@localhost test]# ll总计 16drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 10-27 01:58 scf drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 10-28 06:09 test3drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test4drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 10-25 17:56 test5[root@localhost test]# cd test3[root@localhost test3]# ll总计 4-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29 10-28 06:05 test1.txt[root@localhost test3]#说明:将test1.txt⽂件移到⽬录test3中实例三:将⽂件log1.txt,log2.txt,log3.txt移动到⽬录test3中。
linux mv命令原理

linux mv命令原理摘要:I.前言- 介绍Linux mv 命令II.Linux mv 命令的原理- 分析Linux mv 命令的执行过程- 解释mv 命令的参数及其作用III.mv 命令的应用实例- 实例1:移动文件或目录到另一个位置- 实例2:重命名文件或目录- 实例3:备份文件或目录IV.结论- 总结mv 命令的重要性和应用场景正文:I.前言在Linux 系统中,mv 命令是一个非常实用的工具,用于移动文件或目录、重命名文件或目录以及备份文件或目录。
本文将详细介绍Linux mv 命令的原理及其应用实例。
II.Linux mv 命令的原理Linux mv 命令的执行过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1.检查源文件或目录是否存在2.检查目标文件或目录是否存在3.如果有源文件或目录存在,但目标文件或目录不存在,则移动源文件或目录到目标位置4.如果源文件或目录与目标文件或目录同名,则根据参数决定是否覆盖目标文件或目录5.输出操作结果mv 命令的参数有以下几个:- -i:交互式操作,覆盖前会提示用户进行确认- -f:强制覆盖,不提示用户直接覆盖目标文件或目录- -u:只在源文件比目标文件更新时才进行覆盖- -v:显示详细输出,包括文件或目录的路径、操作过程等- -n:不覆盖任何现有文件,但会尝试重命名III.mv 命令的应用实例1.移动文件或目录到另一个位置假设我们有一个名为“file1.txt”的文件,想要将其移动到“/home/user/Documents”目录,可以使用以下命令:```mv file1.txt /home/user/Documents```2.重命名文件或目录如果我们想要将“file1.txt”文件重命名为“file2.txt”,可以使用以下命令:```mv file1.txt file2.txt```3.备份文件或目录有时候我们需要对文件或目录进行备份,可以使用mv 命令的以下参数:```mv -i source_file target_file```此命令会检查源文件是否存在,如果存在,则会提示用户是否覆盖目标文件。

命令名称:rm 命令英文原意:remove 命令所在路径:/bin/rm 执行权限:所有用户 语法:rm -r [文件或目录] -r 删除目录 功能描述:删除文件 范例:$ rm file3 删除文件file3 $ rm -r dir1 删除目录dir1
命令名称:cat 命令英文原意:concatenate and display files 命令所在路径:/bin/cat 执行权限:所有用户 语法:cat [文件名] 功能描述:显示文件内容 范例: $ cat /etc/issue $ cat /etc/services
1)除了 / 之外,所有的字符都合法。 2)有些字符最好不用,如空格符、制表符、 退格符和字符 # $ & ( ) - 等。 3)避免使用 . 作为普通文件名的第一个字 符。 4)大小写敏感。
命令格式 :命令 -选项 参数 例 :ls -la /etc 说 明 :1)当有多个选项,可以写在一起。 2)两个特殊的目录 . 和 .. ,分别代表 当前目录和当前目录的父目录。
命令名称:touch 命令所在路径:/bin/touch 执行权限:所有用户 语法:touch [文件名] 功能描述:创建空文件 范例: $ touch newfile
命令名称:mkdir 命令英文原意:make directories 命令所在路径:/bin/mkdir 执行权限:所有用户 语法:mkdir [目录名] 功能描述:创建新目录 范例: $ mkdir newdir
命令名称:mv 命令英文原意:move 命令所在路径:/bin/mv 执行权限:所有用户 语法:mv [源文件或目录] [目的目录] 功能描述:移动文件、更名 范例:$ mv file1 file3 将当前目录下文件file1更名为file3 $ mv file2 dir2 将文件file2移动到目录dir2下
RISC-V 手册 一本开源指令集的指南

3.6 加载器 ............................................................................................................................................. 49
2.9 使用插入排序比较 RV32I,ARM-32,MIPS-32 和 x86-32 指令集........................... 32
2.10 结束语 .......................................................................................................................................... 32
第一章 为什么要有 RISC-V?..........................................................................................................13
1.1 导言 ................................................................................................................................................. 13

华为鲲鹏1、TaiShan2280服务器最多支持多少个PCIe扩展槽位()[单选题]——[单选题]A 4B 2C 6D 8正确答案:D2、下列哪个语言编写的程序不需要基于ARM重新编译即可在鲲鹏中运行()[单选题]——[单选题]A CB C++C 汇编D Java正确答案:D3、以下哪个不是华为云鲲鹏生态帮助伙伴/开发者商业变现的方式()[单选题]——[单选题]A 华为鲲鹏云专业服务:客户业务系统一站式搬迁服务B 华为鲲鹏严选馆:鲲鹏应用,优先推荐,快速商业变现C 华为提供鲲鹏原厂认证:专业团队,专业工具,1对1技术支持D 华为提供鲲鹏人才培养:专业培训,完善的鲲鹏工程师认证体系正确答案:A4、谁是Linux之父()[单选题]——[单选题]A Richard MatthewStallmanB Linux TorvaldsC Andrew MortonD Bill Gates正确答案:B5、以下哪项是华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具不支持的功能()[单选题]——[单选题]A 检查用户软件C/C++源码和x86汇编源码并指导用户如何移植源文件B 检查用户软件C/C++软件结构工程文件,并指导用户如何移植文件C 检查用户C/C++软件,构建工程文件使用的链接库并提供可移植信息D 检查用户软件RPM包中文件,并指导用户如何进行移植正确答案:D6、华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具支持部署在哪种类型的操作系统上()[单选题]——[单选题]A SuSEB CentosC 中标麒麟OSD Ubuntu正确答案:B7、docker commit –a “” –m “redis images” f4603f1918at_arm64v8/centos:7,以下哪些描述错误()[单选题]——[单选题]A “f4603f1918a”:容器IDB 该命令功能是根据镜像ID创建个新的镜像C “”:提交镜像的作者D 新生成的镜像名称: t_arm64v8/centos:7正确答案:B8、C/C++代码在编译时遇到如下错误gcc:error:unrecognized command line option ‘–m64’,以下说法不正确的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A -m64是AMD的CPU编译64位程序的编译选项B 在鲲鹏处理器上编译时,可以将-64修改为-mabi=lp64重新编译C 删除编译选项,重新编译D 编译选项错误正确答案:C9、某类型云硬盘的做大IOPS为2200,使用与大容量、读写速率中等、事务性处理较少的应用场景,例如企业的日常办公应用或者小型测试等,它描述的是哪一种硬盘()[单选题]——[单选题]A 超高IO时延优化B 超高IOC 高速高IOD 普通IO正确答案:D10、以下哪些不属于镜像管理特性()[单选题]——[单选题]A 修改镜像B 镜像导出C 查询镜像D 删除镜像11、在仅有x86服务器下,如何编译出ARM环境下执行的程序()[单选题]——[单选题]A 修改权限编译B 直接编译C 安装交叉编译环境,通过交叉编译环境执行编译D 使用x86下版本gcc编译正确答案:C12、代码扫描工具Dependency Advisor是部署在哪种架构的服务器或者弹性云服务器上()[单选题]——[单选题]A x86B ARMC 鲲鹏D Power正确答案:A13、以下哪种语言的源码文件不能用Posrting Advisor迁移分析(C)[单选题]——[单选题]A C++B CC JavaD 汇编正确答案:C14、使用命令rpmbuild –bb xx.pec(xx表示文件名)制作RPM包时,RPM包生成在哪目录下()[单选题]——[单选题]A RPMSB SOURCEC SPECD BUILD正确答案:A15、以下哪个不属于华为鲲鹏伙伴计划()[单选题]——[单选题]A 鲲鹏翱翔伙伴计划B 鲲鹏展翅伙伴计划C 鲲鹏凌云伙伴计划D 鲲鹏智数伙伴计划16、HiBench评估的性能中不包括以下哪个选项()[单选题]——[单选题]A 时延B 系统资源利用率C 速度D 吞吐正确答案:A17、在华为云上,通过以下哪些方式或工具可以访问外网()[单选题]——[单选题]A 云硬盘B VPCC 镜像D 弹性公网IP正确答案:D18、BenchmarkSQL连接PostgreSQL的配置文件在哪个目录下()[单选题]——[单选题]A buildB srcC libD run正确答案:D19、以下不推荐使用华为鲲鹏HCS Online解决方案的场景是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 客户属于军工企业,目前正在进行云化转型,需要购买一套平台部署在本地,因为数据较敏感,要求本地离线运维和升级B 客户属于国资委控股业,因为业务发展快,需要部署一套云平台来承载ERP等核心业务C 客户属于大型民企,需要一套大数据平台来做业务的数据分许D 客户属于金融SV,希望快速购买一个云平台,部署自己的SaaS服务和运营平台,供客户使用正确答案:A20、以下哪个不是TaiShan服务器的应用场景()[单选题]——[单选题]A 大数据B 分布式存储C WEBD AI训练21、以下哪种型号的TaiShan服务器适合海量的存储环境()[单选题]——[单选题]A 2280B X6000C 5280D 2480正确答案:C22、华为鲲鹏计算加速型弹性服务器主要应用于以下哪个场景()[单选题]——[单选题]A 高性能计算B AI训练C 通用计算D 大数据正确答案:B23、以下哪个选项不是Sula通用容器引擎的特点()[单选题]——[单选题]A 大幅提升容器性能B 增强安全性和调测特性C 升级不中断业务D 快速灵活正确答案:A24、以下哪项是华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具能够实现的功能()[单选题]——[单选题]A 评估移植工作量B 执行应用的编译安装C 修改用户的源码D 分析软件源代码,提供应用移植指导正确答案:D25、以下关于web界面访问华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具的方式,描述正确的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 多用户多任务并发访问B 单用户单任务访问C 单用户多任务fangwenD 多用户同时访问正确答案:B26、以下哪项是华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具能够实现的功能()[单选题]——[单选题]A 评估移植工作量B 执行应用的编译安装C 修改用户的源码D 分析软件源代码,提供应用移植指导正确答案:D27、以下关于web界面访问华为鲲鹏代码迁移工具的方式,描述正确的是(B)[单选题]——[单选题]A 多用户多任务并发访问B 单用户单任务访问C 单用户多任务fangwenD 多用户同时访问正确答案:B28、以下哪项命令的描述是错误的()[单选题]——[单选题]A “docker ps -a”:列出运行中和未运行的容器B “docker ps”:列出所有运行中的容器C “docker search centos”:从docker Hubcentos中搜索相关的镜像D “docker images ps”:列出镜像和容器正确答案:D29、关于C/C++程序中的数据类型转换,以下说法错误的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 程序应尽量避免数据类型转换时溢出B 当双精度浮点数据转换为整形时,x86处理器定义了一个indefinite integer value-“不确定值“,用来处理溢出的情况C C/C++双精度浮点转整形数据时,如果超出了整形的取值范围,鲲鹏处理器的表现于x86处理器的表现不同D 当超出整形数据取值范围的双精度浮点型数据转换为整型时,鲲鹏处理器遵循最大值和最小值的原则正确答案:D30、BenchmarkSQL编译安装时要求使用的是(B)[单选题]——[单选题]A GCC7或以上版本B JDK7或以上版本C JDK6或以上版本D GCC6或以上版本正确答案:B31、通过华为鲲鹏性能优化工具对C/C++应用程序进行性能分析时,分析结果不包括的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 热点函数识别,以及函数火焰图B 任务执行时间、指令、时钟函数IPC等总体性能指标统计C 各个函数性能指标统计,以及函数代码映射信息D 后台进程调度延迟情况正确答案:D32、CPU Core访问服务器上不同位置的内存时,内存访问延时从高到低排序正确的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 跨Socket>跨NUMA不跨Socket>NUMA内B 跨Socket>NUMA内>跨NUMA不跨SocketC NUMA内>跨NUMA不跨Socket>跨SocketD 跨NUMA不跨Socket>跨Socket>跨NUMA正确答案:A33、关于加密镜像描述正确的是()[单选题]——[单选题]A 使用加密镜像的弹性云服务器创建的镜像为非加密镜像B 使用加密镜像创建的弹性云服务器不一定被加密C 使用加密的弹性云服务器创建的镜像为加密镜像D 使用加密的弹性云服务器创建的镜像密钥与加密云服务器的密钥不同正确答案:C34、BenchmarkSQL执行以下哪个脚本加载数据()[单选题]——[单选题]A runDatabaseBuild.shB runBenchmark.sh //运行BenchmarkSQLC runDatabaseDestroy.sh //删除数据库和数据D runLoader.sh正确答案:A35、以下哪个是BenchmarkSQL 连接PostgreSQL的配置文件()[单选题]——[单选题]A props.pgB props.mysqlC props.perconaD props.ora正确答案:A36、使用Porting Advisor完成迁移分析任务后,生成的内容不包括以下哪一项(D)[单选题]——[单选题]A html格式的报告B 源码移植报告C csv格式的移植报告D x1sx移植报告正确答案:D37、系统盘镜像类型不包括以下哪个()[单选题]——[单选题]A GPU加速云服务器系统盘镜像B 机架服务器系统盘镜像C 裸金属云服务器系统镜像D 普通云服务器系统镜像正确答案:B38、IMS私有镜像类型不包括下列哪项()[单选题]——[单选题]A 系统镜像B 整机镜像C 数据盘镜像D 整体镜像正确答案:D39、关于容器相关概念的描述。
OpenRun Pro S810 耳机使用指南说明书

OPENRUN PROUser GuideVolume- ButtonPower/Volume+ Button for2 seconds until the LEDIndicator flashes red.1. Start with OpenRun Pro turned off.2. Press and hold the Volume+ Button for 5 seconds or until the LED Indicator flashes red and blue.Click once Click onceAnswer callEnd call Click once Double-click while music is playing Triple-click while music is playing Play/pause music Next song Previous songButtonManage multipoint pairing, upgrade firmware, change EQ modes, and more! Download the Shokz App to easily controlheadphone settings.*Only for limited regions,Please refer to the followingfor more detailshttps:///openrunproStorage and MaintenanceStore the headphones in cool and dry place. The working temperature should be 0~45℃(32~113°F). Working in a cold/hot environment or a highly humid area or an extremely low air pressure may reduce the battery life.Keep the product away from heat sources, direct sunlight, combustible gas or other liquids.Keep the charging port dry before connecting to charger will reduce the risk.The headphones are water resistant, but are NOT waterproof. Please DO NOT submerse the headphones in water.Clean the headphones with a soft dry cloth.Do not charge right after exercising, in case there's sweat inside the charging port, which could lead to circuit burning while charging.After storage for a long period, please charge the headphones before using again.NoteDesign and specification are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date product information, please visit .Manufacturer DeclarationsWarrantyAfterShokz LLC gives a warranty of 24 months on this product. For the current warranty conditions, please visit our website at or contact your Shokz partner. Before putting the product into operation, please observe the respective country specific regulations.Hearing LossListening with headphones at high volume may affect your hearing and the audiowill be distorted.FCC CautionAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption rate (SAR).Resposible party (contact for FCC matters only):AfterShokz LLC.3200 Gracie Kiltz Lane, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78758USAIndustry CanadaThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s): Operation is subject to the following Two conditions: (1)this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’ISDE Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.CE Declaration of ConformityShokz Holding Limited hereby declares that this product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU andall other applicable EU Directive requirements. The complete declaration of conformity can be found at: https:///pages/policies. Shokz’s EU representative is Aftershokz BV, Schipholweg 103, 2316XC Leiden, Netherlands.UK Declaration of ConformityShokz Holding Limited hereby declares that this product is in compliance with theessential requirements and all other applicable United Kingdom’s regulations. The complete declaration of conformity can be found at: https:///pages/policies. Shokz’s authorised representative in the UK is Pinpoint Consumer Electronics Ltd., Unit 35, Meridian House, Roadd One, Winsford Industrial Estate, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 3QG.WEEE Declaration of ConformityThis WEEE logo means that this product must not be discarded as household waste,and should be delivered to an appropriate collection facility for recycling. Proper disposal and recycling helps protect natural resources, human health and the environment. For more information on disposal and recycling of this product, contact your local municipality, disposal service, or the shop where you bought this product.Australia/New ZealandRussia,Kazakhstan, Belarus,Armenia KyrgyzstanCooTBeTCTBNe TpeбoвaHNяM:TP TC 020/2011《ЭлekтpoMarHNтHaя соBмeстимостb технических средстB》TP EAЭC 037/2016 «Об огpаничениN применения опасHbх веществ в Nзделиях электротехники и радиоэлектPOHNKN》Датапроизводства указана на упаковке. Texничeскиe xapaктepистики доступны по ccbnke: https:///pages/policies.低功率射頻電機警語取得審驗證明之低功率射頻器材,非經核准,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。
arm linux gcc使用流程

arm linux gcc使用流程
ARM Linux GCC的使用流程可以分为以下几个步骤:
1. 编写源代码:首先,编写C或C++源代码。
2. 预处理:使用GCC对源代码进行预处理,将预处理命令、宏定义、条件编译等指令展开,并将包含的头文件插入到源代码中。
3. 编译:将预处理后的.i文件编译成汇编语言代码,生成.s文件。
4. 汇编:将编译后的.s文件汇编成机器码,生成.o文件。
5. 链接:将生成的.o文件与其他目标文件(如库文件、驱动文件等)链接在一起,生成最终的可执行文件。
6. 调试:可以使用GCC提供的调试工具(如gdb)对编译后的程序进行调试,找出可能存在的错误。
7. 优化:根据需要,可以使用GCC的优化选项(如-O2、-O3等)对程序进行优化,提高运行效率。
8. 编译器版本切换:如果需要使用不同版本的GCC编译器,可以通过修改编译命令中的编译器版本参数来实现。
例如,使用arm-linux-gcc 4.9编译器,可以在命令行中输入如下命令:
arm-linux-gcc-4.9 -o output file.o
总之,ARM Linux GCC的使用流程与其他GCC编译器类似,主要包括预处理、编译、汇编、链接等步骤。
move to linux 3.x for arm

Move to ARM Linux 3.xthis whole ARM thing is a f*cking pain in the ass(屁股)freescale飞思卡尔qualcomm高通Linux kernel强调驱动跨平台,故不存在驱动移植概念,如cs8900应在freescale、qualcomm 板子上都能跑,唯一区别是平台信息异,而平台信息不应出现在Linux代码中,如代码中出现ifdef freescale…均错误2.6.x时代很多做法在3.x时代都是错的3.x提出的主要思想在Arm Linux中使用device treeChanges in ARM Linux 3.x:§ Device Tree based drivers and BSP§ Common pinctrl Framework§ Common clock Framework§ Common DMA Framework§ Support multi-platforms ARM kernel§ A lot of unified and re-used codes导致各soc及板级厂商,在实现自己的Linux支持时,需添加改动代码成倍减少2.6版本从2003一直维护到2011年,时间最长3.x时代版本号被递进一位,如3.1相当于从前2.最后的.1是bug fix,现在只能看到3.6.1、3.6.2ldd3作者就在维护最后一位小数,即bug fix2.6.39——3.0The device tree is a simple tree structure of nodes and properties. Properties are key-value pairs, and node may contain both properties and child nodes.(描述平台板级信息)2.6中大量垃圾bsp代码,将此信息抽成device tree文件2.6.x时代用c代码描述,3.x时代用类似xml形式描述.dts被相应编译器编译为二进制文件,并将其位置告诉kernel image,kernel启动过程中会将其展开,实现硬件信息从kernel中剥离Linux很早就有device tree,只是ARM Linux支持的比较晚,故PowerPC就比arm的bsp简洁的多Components of Device Tree:§ DTS (device tree source)§ DTC (device tree compiler)§ Device Tree Blob (.dtb)§ BindingDocumentation/devicetree/bindings§ Bootloader#define CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT.dtsi:Common SoC features.dts:Specific board featurese.g:arch/arm/boot/dts/prima2-evb.dts/dts-v1/;/include/ "prima2.dtsi" /{DTC编译产生arch/arm/boot/dts/socx-boardy.dtb./flash.sh sdx all/kernel/dtb 将dtb烧进sd卡、nand等flash_dtb(){local err=$(file_out_of_range $dtb $dtb_max_length)if [ ! "$err" = "" ]; thenecho $errreturnfiwrite_file $dtb_beg_sector $dtb}U-Boot load the .dtbbootcmd=mmc read(sd卡)0x43608000 0x3780 0x80;mmc read 0x42008000 0x18000x1800;fdt addr 0x43608000; fdt resize; bootz 0x42008000 - 0x43608000(dtb地址)MMC read: dev # 0, block # 14208, count 128 ... 128 blocks read: OKMMC read: dev # 0, block # 6144, count 6144 ... 6144 blocks read: OK## Flattened Device Tree blob at 43608000Booting using the fdt blob at 0x43608000reserving fdt memory region: addr=43608000 size=3000Loading Device Tree to 47ffa000, end 47ffffff ... OKMachine: Generic MARCO (Flattened Device Tree), model: CSR SiRFmarco EvaluationBoard硬实时时间可预期,软实时则…3.x中垃圾代码仍存在of_match_table field in driver to match between devices in .dts and drivers:。
ARM Linux内核启动流程

ARM Linux 内核启动流程操作ARM Linux 内核主要分为哪几个步骤,下面杭州硕数就为大家讲解一下这个启动的流程。
ARM Linux 内核综述启动分两步,首先是硬件相关部分,入口是arch/arm/kernel/head.S 代码文件中的ENTRY(stext)函数;然后是硬件无关部分,入口函数是init/main.c 代码文件中的start_kernel 函数。
ARM Linux 内核硬件相关部分 1. 我们平台是arm,自然硬件相关部分代码在arch/arm/里面。
2. 平台相关部分的核心代码自然在arch/arm/kernel/里面。
3. 找入口函数,必须从对应目录的Makefile 和链接脚本*.lds 入手!# ls arch/arm/kernel/得到一个Makefile 文件和一个vmlinux.lds 文件# vim arch/arm/kernel/Makefile看到有一句extra-y := $(head-y) init_task.o vmlinux.lds,则说明其使用链接脚本为vmlinux.lds还有一句head-y := head$(MMUEXT).o# vim arch/arm/kernel/vmlinux.lds看到有一句ENTRY(stext),则说明入口函数为stext4. 结合上面3 句关键的代码,可以推测stext 函数在arch/arm/kernel/head*.S 或arch/arm/kernel/head*.c# ls arch/arm/kernel/head*得到arch/arm/kernel/head-common.S arch/arm/kernel/head-nommu.S arch/arm/kernel/head.o arch/arm/kernel/head.S再结合Makefile 的默认规则%.o : %.S 或%.o : %.c可以知道arch/arm/kernel/head.o 与arch/arm/kernel/head.S 对应。
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二、亮点试题分析1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC →→=,则AB AC →→⋅的最小值为( )A .14-B .12-C .34-D .1-【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。
【易错点】1.不能正确用OA ,OB ,OC 表示其它向量。
2.找不出OB 与OA 的夹角和OB 与OC 的夹角的倍数关系。
【解题思路】1.把向量用OA ,OB ,OC 表示出来。
【解析】设单位圆的圆心为O ,由AB AC →→=得,22()()OB OA OC OA -=-,因为1OA OB OC ===,所以有,OB OA OC OA ⋅=⋅则()()AB AC OB OA OC OA ⋅=-⋅-2OB OC OB OA OA OC OA =⋅-⋅-⋅+ 21OB OC OB OA =⋅-⋅+设OB 与OA 的夹角为α,则OB 与OC 的夹角为2α所以,cos 22cos 1AB AC αα⋅=-+2112(cos )22α=--即,AB AC ⋅的最小值为12-,故选B 。
【举一反三】【相似较难试题】【2015高考天津,理14】在等腰梯形ABCD 中,已知//,2,1,60AB DC AB BC ABC ==∠= ,动点E 和F 分别在线段BC 和DC 上,且,1,,9BE BC DF DC λλ==则AE AF ⋅的最小值为 .【试题分析】本题主要考查向量的几何运算、向量的数量积与基本不等式.运用向量的几何运算求,AE AF ,体现了数形结合的基本思想,再运用向量数量积的定义计算AE AF ⋅,体现了数学定义的运用,再利用基本不等式求最小值,体现了数学知识的综合应用能力.是思维能力与计算能力的综合体现. 【答案】2918【解析】因为1,9DF DC λ=12DC AB =,119199918CF DF DC DC DC DC AB λλλλλ--=-=-==, AE AB BE AB BC λ=+=+,19191818AF AB BC CF AB BC AB AB BC λλλλ-+=++=++=+,()221919191181818AE AF AB BC AB BC AB BC AB BCλλλλλλλλλ+++⎛⎫⎛⎫⋅=+⋅+=+++⋅⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭19199421cos1201818λλλλ++=⨯++⨯⨯⨯︒2117172992181818λλ=++≥+= 当且仅当2192λλ=即23λ=时AE AF ⋅的最小值为2918. 2.【试卷原题】20. (本小题满分12分)已知抛物线C 的焦点()1,0F ,其准线与x 轴的交点为K ,过点K 的直线l 与C 交于,A B 两点,点A 关于x 轴的对称点为D . (Ⅰ)证明:点F 在直线BD 上; (Ⅱ)设89FA FB →→⋅=,求BDK ∆内切圆M 的方程. 【考查方向】本题主要考查抛物线的标准方程和性质,直线与抛物线的位置关系,圆的标准方程,韦达定理,点到直线距离公式等知识,考查了解析几何设而不求和化归与转化的数学思想方法,是直线与圆锥曲线的综合问题,属于较难题。
【易错点】1.设直线l 的方程为(1)y m x =+,致使解法不严密。
【解析】(Ⅰ)由题可知()1,0K -,抛物线的方程为24y x =则可设直线l 的方程为1x my =-,()()()112211,,,,,A x y B x y D x y -,故214x my y x =-⎧⎨=⎩整理得2440y my -+=,故121244y y m y y +=⎧⎨=⎩则直线BD 的方程为()212221y y y y x x x x +-=--即2222144y y y x y y ⎛⎫-=- ⎪-⎝⎭令0y =,得1214y yx ==,所以()1,0F 在直线BD 上.(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)可知121244y y m y y +=⎧⎨=⎩,所以()()212121142x x my my m +=-+-=-,()()1211111x x my my =--= 又()111,FA x y →=-,()221,FB x y →=-故()()()21212121211584FA FB x x y y x x x x m →→⋅=--+=-++=-,则28484,93m m -=∴=±,故直线l 的方程为3430x y ++=或3430x y -+=213y y -===±,故直线BD 的方程330x -=或330x -=,又KF 为BKD ∠的平分线,故可设圆心()(),011M t t -<<,(),0M t 到直线l 及BD 的距离分别为3131,54t t +--------------10分 由313154t t +-=得19t =或9t =(舍去).故圆M 的半径为31253t r +== 所以圆M 的方程为221499x y ⎛⎫-+= ⎪⎝⎭【举一反三】【相似较难试题】【2014高考全国,22】 已知抛物线C :y 2=2px(p>0)的焦点为F ,直线y =4与y 轴的交点为P ,与C 的交点为Q ,且|QF|=54|PQ|.(1)求C 的方程;(2)过F 的直线l 与C 相交于A ,B 两点,若AB 的垂直平分线l′与C 相交于M ,N 两点,且A ,M ,B ,N 四点在同一圆上,求l 的方程.【试题分析】本题主要考查求抛物线的标准方程,直线和圆锥曲线的位置关系的应用,韦达定理,弦长公式的应用,解法及所涉及的知识和上题基本相同. 【答案】(1)y 2=4x. (2)x -y -1=0或x +y -1=0. 【解析】(1)设Q(x 0,4),代入y 2=2px ,得x 0=8p,所以|PQ|=8p ,|QF|=p 2+x 0=p 2+8p.由题设得p 2+8p =54×8p ,解得p =-2(舍去)或p =2,所以C 的方程为y 2=4x.(2)依题意知l 与坐标轴不垂直,故可设l 的方程为x =my +1(m≠0). 代入y 2=4x ,得y 2-4my -4=0. 设A(x 1,y 1),B(x 2,y 2), 则y 1+y 2=4m ,y 1y 2=-4.故线段的AB 的中点为D(2m 2+1,2m), |AB|=m 2+1|y 1-y 2|=4(m 2+1).又直线l ′的斜率为-m ,所以l ′的方程为x =-1m y +2m 2+3.将上式代入y 2=4x ,并整理得y 2+4m y -4(2m 2+3)=0.设M(x 3,y 3),N(x 4,y 4),则y 3+y 4=-4m,y 3y 4=-4(2m 2+3).故线段MN 的中点为E ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m2+2m 2+3,-2m ,|MN|=1+1m 2|y 3-y 4|=4(m 2+1)2m 2+1m 2.由于线段MN 垂直平分线段AB ,故A ,M ,B ,N 四点在同一圆上等价于|AE|=|BE|=12|MN|,从而14|AB|2+|DE|2=14|MN|2,即 4(m 2+1)2+⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m +2m 2+⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m 2+22=4(m 2+1)2(2m 2+1)m 4,化简得m 2-1=0,解得m =1或m =-1, 故所求直线l 的方程为x -y -1=0或x +y -1=0.三、考卷比较本试卷新课标全国卷Ⅰ相比较,基本相似,具体表现在以下方面: 1. 对学生的考查要求上完全一致。
即在考查基础知识的同时,注重考查能力的原则,确立以能力立意命题的指导思想,将知识、能力和素质融为一体,全面检测考生的数学素养,既考查了考生对中学数学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握程度,又考查了对数学思想方法和数学本质的理解水平,符合考试大纲所提倡的“高考应有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度”的原则. 2. 试题结构形式大体相同,即选择题12个,每题5分,填空题4 个,每题5分,解答题8个(必做题5个),其中第22,23,24题是三选一题。
3. 在考查范围上略有不同,如本试卷第3题,是一个积分题,尽管简单,但全国卷已经不考查了。