处理 microsoft 注册问题的方法
处理microsoft 注册问题的方法摘要:一、问题概述二、解决方法1.重置微软账户密码2.使用第三方软件修复注册表3.清理系统垃圾4.检查网络连接5.重新安装操作系统三、预防措施四、总结正文:一、问题概述微软注册问题是指在使用Microsoft产品或服务时,遇到无法正常登录、激活或使用的问题。
1. 检查网络连接我们需要确保自己的设备已经连接到互联网。
2. 检查账号和密码确认自己输入的账号和密码是否正确无误。
3. 重置密码如果无法登录是因为忘记了密码,可以尝试使用微软提供的“重置密码”功能。
4. 检查账号状态有时候微软账号可能会被锁定或暂时停用,导致无法登录。
5. 清除浏览器缓存和cookie有时候浏览器的缓存和cookie可能会导致登录问题。
6. 禁用安全软件和防火墙安全软件和防火墙有时候会阻止某些网站或应用程序的访问,可能会导致登录问题。
7. 尝试其他设备或浏览器如果在某一设备或浏览器上无法登录微软账号,可以尝试在其他设备或浏览器上进行登录。
8. 找回被盗账号如果发现自己的微软账号被盗,应该立即采取措施找回账号并保护个人信息的安全。
Windows 操作系统六大顾客组及系统帐户权限功效设立分析在Windows 系统中,顾客名和密码对系统安全的影响毫无疑问是最重要。
其实通过加固Windows 系统顾客的权限,在一定程度上对安全有着很大的协助。
Windows 是一种支持多顾客、多任务的操作系统,不同的顾客在访问这台计算机时,将会有不同的权限。
同时,对顾客权限的设立也是是基于顾客和进程而言的,Windows 里,顾客被分成许多组,组和组之间都有不同的权限,并且一种组的顾客和顾客之间也能够有不同的权限。
Users 组是最安全的组,由于分派给该组的默认权限不允许组员修改操作系统的设立或顾客资料。
Users 组提供了一种最安全的程序运行环境。
在通过NTFS 格式化的卷上,默认安全设立旨在严禁该组的组员危及操作系统和已安装程序的完整性。
Users 能够创立本地组,但只能修改自己创立的本地组。
Users 能够关闭工作站,但不能关闭服务器。
2.Power Users高级顾客组,Power Users 能够执行除了为Administrators 组保存的任务外的其它任何操作系统任务。
分派给Power Users 组的默认权限允许Power Users 组的组员修改整个计算机的设立。
但Power Users 不含有将自己添加到Administrators 组的权限。
在权限设立中,这个组的权限是仅次于Administrators 的。
3.Administrators管理员组,默认状况下,Administrators 中的顾客对计算机/域有不受限制的完全访问权。
软件正版化工作用户手册广东省版权局2012年4月目录操作系统软件正版化常见问题...........3-10页办公系统软件正版化常见问题 ..........11-13页杀毒系统软件正版化常见问题............ 14页其它类型软件正版化常见问题.............15页金山WPS办公软件安装说明.............16-18页金山WPS办公软件安装工作计划表.......19-20页WPS办公软件安装工作联系人..............21页金山WPS软件产品安装验收单.............22页操作系统软件正版化常见问题现在市面上大部分PC机操作系统使用的都是美国微软公司的WINDOWS系列操作系统,这里主要说明的是WINDOWS系列操作系统的正版化常见问题。
(一)预装授权(OEM/COEM)的定义预装授权(OEM/COEM)是Microsoft 随机版产品,随电脑系统,由电脑及服务器生产厂商、装机商、翻新商或者计算机系统软件预装商预装于电脑中,同电脑一起销售给客户。
附注1:COA:Certificate of Authenticity,COA中文名称:正版标签。
图1:WIN7 PRO版操作系统正版标签(二)预装授权(OEM/COEM)的使用要点和鉴定方法1、机身上带有正版标签(COA)。
下面为您介绍Windows 8操作系统切换到Microsoft(微软)帐户登录的方法:1.在“开始”屏幕下,按键盘的【WIN(开始键)】+【C】组合键运行超级按钮。
2Windows 8.1系统如何从Microsoft账号切换为本地账户1.按键盘上的windows+C键,调出超级按钮栏,点击“设置”;2.点击“更改电脑设置”;3.点击“账户”;4.选择“你的账户”,点击microsoft账户下面的“断开连接;5.输入当前登录用户的密码,点击“下一步”;6.输入之前的本地账户名称,如果之前设置有密码,需要输入密码信息,然后点击“下一步”;7. 点击“注销并完成”,电脑注销后即可使用本地账户登录电脑。
3.1方法/步骤1.按Win+R打开运行,输入“control userpasswords2”,回车;2.在弹出的用户帐户对话框中,取消勾选“要使用本计算机,用户必须输入用户名和密码”,点击“应用”;3.在弹出的自动登录对话框中,将新用户名、新密码输入(或者不填写任何信息:即为直接登录),点击“确定”即可。
4在Windows 10 系统中,点击桌面右下角的“通知中心图标”后打开“所有设置”5在“所有设置”界面中,点击“账户”6如图,选择“其他用户”后,点击屏幕右侧的“将其他人添加到这台电脑”7在弹出的窗口中输入之前注册好的微软账户名(微软账户全部都是电子邮件形式的),输入正确后点击“下一步”8如图点击“完成”9之后,点击刚才输入的微软账户用户名,选择“更改类型”,并将其修改为:管理员10修改完成后,重新启动计算机(或者注销)11键入开机屏幕左下角的“微软账户用户名”,输入登录密码12因为首次登录要配置本地账户文件,所以第一次登录就时间会有一写缓慢13在5~10分钟后会看到下图的设置应用界面,该界面只会出现在第一次登陆账号时14之后要做的,就是验证该微软账户15按照上述操作找到“账户”选项,此时账号已经显示用户登录的微软账户。
在图中边红框里,会有一个“验证”按钮,点击该按钮就能进行账户验证16如果用户在注册时,选择的是“手机验证”,那此处就会弹窗要求用户输入手机号码后四位,之后向手机发送验证码17输入收到的验证码,点击“下一步”,即可完成微软账户的登陆与设置18接下来是关于自动登录的设置19在win10桌面左下角的“开始菜单”图标上,点鼠标“右键”,并选择菜单中的“运行”选项20在运行菜单中输入“control userpasswords2”21在弹出的窗口中选择要自动登录的“微软账户”,然后去掉下图红框中的“√”22弹出提示框,用户只需在提示框中输入密码(用户无需按图更改用户名,谨防无法登陆)。
1.用户账户控制(UAC)在Windows Vista系统中,Microsoft将用户管理的权限提高至超级管理员权限(管理员账户),这使得系统更加安全,但同时也增加了系统的管理难度。
用户账户控制是在Windows Vista中出现的一个新特性,在Windows 7及Windows 8系统中继续得以使用。
在Windows 10操作系统中,可以通过以下几种方式进入用户账户管理界面:1.点击开始菜单,选择设置图标进入设置界面,在设置界面中选择“账户”,然后选择“家庭和其他用户”。
2.按下键盘上的Win + I组合键,打开Windows设置,然后选择“账户”,再选择“家庭和其他用户”。
微软Word 2010用户教程说明书
About the T utorialMicrosoft Office Word 2010 allows you to create and edit personal and business documents, such as letters, reports, invoices, emails and books.By default, documents saved in Word 2010 are saved with the .docx extension. Microsoft Word can be used for the following purposes:∙To create business documents having various graphics including pictures, charts, and diagrams.∙To store and reuse readymade content and formatted elements such as cover pages and sidebars.∙To create letters and letterheads for personal and business purpose.∙To design different documents such as resumes or invitation cards etc.∙To create a range of correspondence from a simple office memo to legal copies and reference documents.AudienceThis tutorial has been designed for computer users who are willing to learn Microsoft Word in simple steps and they do not have much knowledge about computer usage and Microsoft applications. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on MS Word from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.PrerequisitesBefore you begin with this tutorial, we assume you have a basic understanding of Computer peripherals like mouse, keyboard, monitor, screen, etc. and their basic operations.Copyright & Disclaimer© Copyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents (ii)MS WORD BASICS 0Word 2010 ─ Getting Started (1)Word 2010 ─ Ex plore Window (5)Word 2010 ─ Backstage View (8)Document Information (10)Document Properties (10)Exit Backstage View (10)Word 2010 ─ Entering Text (11)Word 2010 ─ Move .Around (13)Moving with Mouse (13)Moving with Scroll Bars (14)Moving with Keyboard (15)Moving with Go To Command (16)Word 2010 ─ Save Document (17)Saving New Document (17)Saving New Changes (18)Word 2010 ─ Opening a Do cument (20)Opening New Document (20)Opening Existing Document (22)Word 2010 ─ Closing a Document (25)Word 2010 ─ Context Help (28)Context Sensitive Help (28)Using F1 Key (28)Using Help Icon (30)Using Help Option (31)EDITING DOCUMENTS (32)Word 2010 ─ Insert Text (33)Insert and Add Text (33)Insert and Replace Text (35)Word 2010 ─ Select Text (40)Using the Selection Bar (41)Using the Keyboard (42)Word 2010 ─ Delete Text (43)Using Backspace & Delete Keys (43)Using Selection Method (44)Word 2010 ─ Move Text (46)Move within the same document (46)Move within different documents (47)Word 2010 ─ Copy & Paste (51)Copy & Paste Operation (51)Cut & Paste Operation (54)Copy, Cut & Paste in different documents (56)Word 2010 ─ Find & Replace (57)Find Command (57)Find & Replace Operation (61)Word 2010 ─ Spell Check (63)Check Spelling and Grammar using Review tab (64)Check Spelling and Grammar using Right Click (67)Word 2010 ─ Zoom In-Out (68)Zoom-in & Zoom-out using view tab (68)Zoom-in & Zoom-out using (+) and (-) Buttons (70)Word 2010 ─ Special Symbols (71)Insert Special Symbols (71)Assign Shortcut Key (74)Word 2010 ─ Undo Changes (76)How to use Undo & Repeat operations (76)Shortcuts to use Undo & Repeat operations (79)FORMATTING TEXT (80)Word 2010 ─ Setting Text Fonts (81)Change the Font Type & Size (81)Use Shrink and Grow Buttons (85)Clear Formatting Options (86)Word 2010 ─ Text Decoration (87)Making text bold (87)Making Text Italic (87)Underline the Text (89)Strikethrough the Text (90)Word 2010 ─ Change Text Case (91)Change Text to Sentence Case (91)Change Text to Lowercase (92)Change Text to Uppercase (93)Capitalize Text (94)Toggle the Text (95)Word 2010 ─ Change Text Color (96)Change Font Colors (96)Highlight Text with Colors (97)Apply Text Effects (97)Word 2010 ─ Text Alignments (99)Left-Aligned Text (99)Center Aligned Text (100)Right-Aligned Text (101)Justified Text (102)Word 2010 ─ Indent Paragraphs (103)Left Indentation (103)Right Indentation (104)First Line Indentation (104)Hanging Indentation (105)Word 2010 ─ Create Bullets (107)Create a List from Existing Text: (107)Create a List as You Type (108)Word 2010 ─ Set Line Spacing (111)Spacing between Lines (111)Spacing between Paragraphs (112)Word 2010 ─ Borders and Shades (113)Add Borders to Text (113)Add Borders to Page (115)Add Shades to Text (117)Word 2010 ─ Set Tabs (120)Setting a Tab (121)Moving a Tab (124)Word 2010 ─ Apply Formatting (126)Copy and Apply Text Formatting (126)Copy and Apply Text Formatting multiple times (127)FORMATTING PAGES (128)Word 2010 ─ Adjust Page Margins (129)Adjust Margins (129)Word 2010 ─ Header and Footer (132)Add Header and Footer (132)Edit Header and Footer (135)Word 2010 ─ Add Page Numbers (137)Add Page Numbers (137)Remove Page Numbers (140)Word 2010 ─ Insert Page Breaks (141)Insert Page Breaks (141)Delete a Page Break (142)Wo rd 2010 ─ Insert Blank Page (143)Insert Blank Pages (143)Delete Blank Pages (144)Word 2010 ─ Cover Pages (146)Add Cover Pages (146)Delete Cover Pages (148)Word 2010 ─ Page Orientation (149)WORKING WITH TABLES (152)Word 2010 ─ Create a Table (153)Create a Table (153)Delete a Table (157)Word 2010 ─ Rows & Columns (158)Add a Row (158)Delete a Row (160)Add a Column (162)Delete a Column (164)Word 2010 ─ Move a Table (166)Word 2010 ─ Resize a Table (168)Word 2010 ─ Merging Cells (170)Word 2010 ─ Split a Table (172)Word 2010 ─ Split Cells (174)Word 2010 ─ Add Formula (177)Word 2010 ─ Borders & Shades (181)Add Borders to Table (181)Using Border Options (182)Add Shades To Table (185)ADVANCED OPERATIONS (187)Word 2010 ─ Quick Styles (188)Apply Quick Styles (188)Change Styles (190)Word 2010 ─ Use Templates (193)Using Existing Template (193)Create New Template (196)Word 2010 ─ Use Graphics (198)Adding Picture in Document (198)Adding WordArt in Document (199)Word 2010 ─ Auto Correction (202)Word 2010 ─ Auto Formatting (205)Word 2010 ─ Table of Contents (209)Create Table of Contents (209)Update Table of Contents (212)Delete Table of Contents (214)Word 2010 ─ Preview Documents (215)Word 2010 ─ Printing D ocuments (217)Word 2010 ─ Email Documents (221)Word 2010 ─ Translate Document (223)Word 2010 ─ Compare Documents (227)Compare Two Documents (227)Word 2010 ─ Document Security (232)Set Document Password (232)Remove Document Password (234)Set Editing & Formatting Restrictions (237)Remove Editing & Formatting Restrictions (240)Word 2010 ─ Set Watermark (242)Set Standard Watermark (242)Set Custom Watermark (244)Remove Watermark (247)MS Word Basics1Word 2010 2In this chapter, we will discuss how to get started with Word 2010. We will understand how to start a Word 2010 application in simple steps. Assuming you have Microsoft Office 2010 installed in your PC, to start the Word application, follow these steps: Step 1: Click the Start button.Word 2010 ─ Getting StartedWord 20103Step 2: Click the All Programs option from the menu.4Step 3: Search for Microsoft Office from the submenu and click it.5Step 4: Search for Microsoft Word 2010 from the submenu and click it.This will launch the Microsoft Word 2010 application and you will see the following window.6Word 2010 7In this chapter, we will understand how to explore Window in Word 2010. Following is the basic window which you get when you start the Word application. Let us understand the various important parts of this window.File TabThe File tab replaces the Office button from Word 2007. You can click it to check the Backstage view . This is where you come when you need to open or save files, create new documents, print a document, and do other file-related operations.Word 2010 ─ Explore Window8Quick Access ToolbarThis you will find just above the File tab. This is a convenient resting place for the most-frequently used commands in Word. You can customize this toolbar based on your comfort. RibbonRibbon contains commands organized in three components:∙Tabs: These appear across the top of the Ribbon and contain groups of related commands. Home, Insert, Page Layout are examples of ribbon tabs.∙Groups: They organize related commands; each group name appears below the group on the Ribbon. For example, group of commands related to fonts or group of commands related to alignment, etc.∙Commands: Commands appear within each group as mentioned above.Title barThis lies in the middle and at the top of the window. Title bar shows the program and document titles.RulersWord has two rulers - a horizontal ruler and a vertical ruler. The horizontal ruler appears just beneath the Ribbon and is used to set margins and tab stops. The vertical ruler appears on the left edge of the Word window and is used to gauge the vertical position of elements on the page.HelpThe Help Icon can be used to get word related help anytime you like. This provides nice tutorial on various subjects related to word.Zoom ControlZoom control lets you zoom in for a closer look at your text. The zoom control consists of a slider that you can slide left or right to zoom in or out; you can click the + buttons to increase or decrease the zoom factor.View ButtonsThe group of five buttons located to the left of the Zoom control, near the bottom of the screen, lets you switch through the Word's various document views.9∙Print Layout view: This displays pages exactly as they will appear when printed.∙Full Screen Reading view: This gives a full screen view of the document.∙Web Layout view: This shows how a document appears when viewed by a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer.∙Outline view: This lets you work with outlines established using Word’s standard heading styles.∙Draft view: This formats text as it appears on the printed page with a few exceptions. For example, headers and footers aren't shown. Most people prefer this mode.Document AreaThis is the area where you type. The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it represents the location where text will appear when you type.Status BarThis displays the document information as well as the insertion point location. From left to right, this bar contains the total number of pages and words in the document, language, etc.You can configure the status bar by right-clicking anywhere on it and by selecting or deselecting options from the provided list.Dialog Box LauncherThis appears as very small arrow in the lower-right corner of many groups on the Ribbon. Clicking this button opens a dialog box or task pane that provides more options about the group.Word 2010 10In this chapter, we will discuss the Backstage View in Word 2010. The Backstage view was introduced in Word 2010. This acts as the central place for managing your documents. The backstage view helps in creating new documents, saving and opening documents, printing and sharing documents, and so on.Getting to the Backstage View is easy: Just click the File tab , located in the upper-left corner of the Word Ribbon. If you already do not have any opened document, then you will see a window listing down all the recently opened documents as follows:If you already have an opened document, then it will display a window showing detail about the opened document as shown below. Backstage view shows three columns when you select most of the available options in the first column.Word 2010 ─ Backstage View11The first column of the backstage view will have following options:12Document InformationWhen you click the Info option available in the first column, it displays the following information in the second column of the backstage view:∙Compatibility Mode: If the document is not a native Word 2007/2010 document, a Convert button appears here, enabling you to easily update its format. Otherwise, this category does not appear.∙Permissions: You can use this option to protect your word document. You can seta password so that nobody can open your document, or you can lock the documentso that nobody can edit your document.∙Prepare for Sharing: This section highlights important information you should know about your document before you send it to others, such as a record of the edits you made as you developed the document.∙Versions: If the document has been saved several times, you may be able to access the previous versions of it from this section.Document PropertiesWhen you click the Info option available in the first column, it displays various properties in the third column of the backstage view. These properties include the document size, the number of pages in the document, the total number of words in the document, the name of the author etc.You can also edit various properties by clicking on the property value and if the property is editable, then it will display a text box where you can add your text like title, tags, comments, Author.13Exit Backstage ViewIt is simple to exit from the Backstage View. Either click on the File tab or press the Esc button on the keyboard to go back to the working mode of Word.Word 2010 14In this chapter, let us discuss how to enter text with Microsoft Word 2010. Let us see how easy it is to enter text in a Word document. We assume you know that when you start Word, it displays a new document by default as shown below:Document area is the area where you type your text. The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it represents the location where the text will appear when you type. keep the cursor at the text insertion point and start typing the text. We typed only two words "Hello Word" as shown below. The text appears to the left of the insertion point as you type:Word 2010 ─ Entering TextWord 201015The following are the two important points that will help you while typing:∙You do not need to press Enter to start a new line. As the insertion point reaches the end of the line, Word automatically starts a new one. You will need to press Enter, to add a new paragraph.∙When you want to add more than one space between words, use the Tab key instead of the spacebar. This way you can properly align text by using the proportional fonts.Word 2010 16In this chapter, we will discuss how to move around in Word 2010. Word provides a number of ways to move around a document using the mouse and the keyboard.To begin with, let us create some sample text. To create a sample text, there is a short cut available. Open a new document and type =rand() and press Enter. Word will create the following content for you:Moving with MouseYou can easily move the insertion point by clicking in your text anywhere on the screen. There may be instances when a document is big and you cannot see a place where you want to move. Here, you will have to use the scroll bars, as shown in the following screenshot:Word 2010 ─ Move Around17You can scroll through your document by rolling your mouse wheel, which is equivalent to clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow buttons in the scroll bar.Moving with Scroll BarsAs shown in the above screenshot, there are two scroll bars: one for moving vertically within the document, and one for moving horizontally. Using the vertical scroll bar, you may:∙Move upward by one line by clicking the upward-pointing scroll arrow.∙Move downward by one line by clicking the downward-pointing scroll arrow.∙Move one next page, using the next page button (footnote).∙Move one previous page, using the previous page button (footnote).∙Use the Browse Object button to move through the document, going from one chosen object to the next.18Moving with KeyboardThe following keyboard commands, used for moving around your document, also move the insertion point:You can move word by word or paragraph by paragraph. You would have to hold down the Ctrl key while pressing an arrow key, which moves the insertion point as described here: Ctrl +Ctrl +Ctrl +19Ctrl +Moving with Go T o CommandPress the F5 key to use the Go To command. This will display a dialogue box where you will have various options to reach to a particular page.Normally, we use the page number, the line number or the section number to go directly to a particular page and finally press the Go To button.Word 2010 20In this chapter, we will discuss how to save a document in Word 2010.Saving New DocumentOnce you are done with typing in your new Word document, it is time to save your document to avoid losing work you have done on a Word document. Following are the steps to save an edited Word document:Step 1: Click the File tab and select the Save As option.Word 2010 ─ Save Document21Step 2: Select a folder where you will like to save the document, Enter the file name which you want to give to your document and Select the Save As option, by default it is the .docx format.Step 3: Finally, click on the Save button and your document will be saved with the entered name in the selected folder.Saving New ChangesThere may be an instance when you open an existing document and edit it partially or completely, or an instance where you may like to save the changes in between editing of the document. If you want to save this document with the same name, then you can useeither of the following simple options:22∙Just press the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.∙Optionally you can click on the floppy icon available at the top left corner and just above the File tab. This option will also help you save the changes.∙You can also use the third method to save the changes, which is the Save option available just above the Save As option as shown in the above screenshot.If your document is new and it was never saved so far, then with either of the three options, Word will display a dialogue box to let you select a folder, and enter the document name as explained in case of saving new document.Word 2010 23In this chapter, we will discuss how to open a document in Word 2010.Opening New DocumentA new, blank document always opens when you start Microsoft Word. Suppose you want to start another new document while you are working on another document, or you closed an already opened document and want to start a new document. Here are the steps to open a new document:Step 1: Click the File tab and select the New option.Step 2: When you select the New option from the first column, it will display a list of templates in the second column. Double-click on the Blank document ; this is the firstWord 2010 ─ Opening a Document24option in the template list. We will discuss the other templates available in the list in the following chapters.You should have your blank document as shown below. The document is now ready for you to start typing your text.You can use a shortcut to open a blank document anytime. Try using the Ctrl + N keys and you will see a new blank document similar to the one in the above screenshot.25Opening Existing DocumentThere may be a situation when you open an existing document and edit it partially or completely. Follow the steps given below to open an existing document:Step 1: Click the File tab and select the Open option.26Step 2: This will display the following file Open dialog box. This lets you navigate through different folders and files, and also lets you select a file which you want to open.27Step 3: Finally, locate and select a file which you want to open and click the small triangle available on the Open button to open the file. You will have different options to open the file, but simply use the Open option.This will open your selected file. You can use the Open Read-Only option if you are willing just to read the file and you have no intention to modify, i.e., edit the file. Other options can be used for advanced usage.28End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。
©2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Hyper-V, Windows, and Windows Server are registered trademarks or trademarksof Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E G U I D E100 PCs 100 Users 50 Virtual MachinesShift 1Shift 2100 PCs 300 Workers 150 XP VMs100 PCs 100 Thin Clients100 PCs 100 Users Occasional Home Access100 Users 300 Company Devices100 Contractors Last Six Months of Year 100 ContractorsFirst Six Months of Year100 PCsPlease contact your Microsoft Sales Specialist for more details or to discuss your company’s specific scenarios and needs.Windows Licensing for VDIScenario 1: Standard USerSMy company has 100 PCs and 100 users that access Windows ® client Operating System (OS) (“Windows Client OS” implies one of thefollowing operating systems: Windows XP , Windows Vista ®, Windows 7) running on virtual machines (VMs) using VDI. However, only 50 VMs are running at any one time.License: If the PCs are covered under Software Assurance (SA), then no additional licensing is required, as Software Assurance contains rights to Windows VDI desktops.Scenario 2: Shift WorkerSMy company has 100 PCs with 300 workers accessing these PCs in shifts. At any time, 150 Windows client OS VMs are being accessed using VDI.License: If the PCs are covered under Software Assurance, then no additional licensing is required, as Software Assurance contains rights to Windows VDI desktops.Scenario 3: Mixed deSktop hardWareMy company has 100 PCs under SA and 100 thin clients (running a minimal OS such as Windows FLP or Windows Embedded for purposes of accessing a VDI). We have 100 Windows client VMs.License: For the 100 PCs covered under SA, no additional licensing isrequired. Each of the 100 thin clients would need a Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) license, and hence a total of 100 Windows VDA licenses are required.Scenario 4: Standard USerS – hoMe USeMy company has 100 employees who are the primary users of 100 thin clients covered under Windows VDA. These employees occasionally work from home and access the corporate VMs via VDI.License: Windows VDA licenses extend roaming rights for the primary (“named”) user of a company-owned device covered under Windows VDA, and hence no additional licenses for home PCs are required in this scenario.Scenario 5: 100% hoMe USerSMy company has 100 workers who work from home and access Windows client VMs via VDI from their home PCs.License: The employee-owned PCs will have to be licensed with Windows VDA, and hence 100 Windows VDA licenses are required.Scenario 6: roaMing USerSI have 300 thin clients throughout my company and only 100 users who roam from station to station.License: Windows VDA is a device–based license so 300 thin clientsmust be licensed with Windows VDA. If the devices are PCs covered with SA, then no additional licensing is required.Scenario 7: contractor-oWned pcSMy company has 100 contractors who are working for six months, and we will engage 100 different contractors the other six months of the year.License: Assuming each contractor accesses the environment with one unique device, 100 Windows VDA licenses are required for the contractors to access the VDI environment. You can transfer the Windows VDA licenses to the second set of contractors after a period of 90 days of first assignment.Windows Vda at a glanceWhat is the license name?Windows Virtual Desktop Access (Windows VDA)What is the scenario?Access to a virtual copy of Windows client OS (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP) in the datacenter What devices can be covered?Thin clients, non corporate PCs, devices that do not qualify forWindows Client SAIs Microsoft Software Assurancea prerequisite?NoWhat is the retail price?$100/year/deviceAre there Software Assurance benefits?YesWhat is the license type?Annual subscription What is the licensing unit?Per accessing deviceadditional License informationMicrosoft ® Office Volume Licensing or Software Assurance is required for Microsoft Office use in the VDI scenario. Standard Windows Server ® and Client Access Licenses (CAL) also apply. Check with your Microsoft Sales Specialist for more details.additional resources• F or more information about Microsoft VDA, please visit: • F or more information about Microsoft Virtualization, please visit: /virtualization• F or more information about Microsoft System Center, please visit: /systemcenter• F or more information about Windows Server 2008 R2,please visit: /windowsserver2008 • F or more information about Remote Desktop Services, please visit:/rdsThe following licensing scenarios areprovided to help you understand how best to license Windows for your Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment beyond July 1st, 2010.NOTE: Windows VDA is required for ALL VDI implementations that use a non-SA device to access a Windows VDI desktop, irrespective of the VDI infrastructure vendor.Licensing for Windows client OSMicrosoft Vdi Suite (Standard/Premium)Windows VdaLicensing for Server and Management InfrastructureLicensing for Windows client OSThin Clients/Non-SA DevicesMicrosoft Vdi Suite (Standard/Premium)Licensing for Windows client OS included in SALicensing for Server and Management Infrastructure onlyPC’s Under SAdesktop Virtualization from MicrosoftDesktop Virtualization is a set of technologies focused on optimizing desktop operations. It helps IT tune the desktop environment to better fit the different end users needs by separating desktop resources from each other.Microsoft provides a comprehensive set of desktop virtualization solutions to help in optimizing the desktop infrastructure. Microsoft recommends that customers begin their desktop virtualization project by virtualizing applications and the user state. These technologies can help decrease the desktop TCO by reducingoperational costs and standardizing the desktop environment. Once a strong foundation has been laid, Microsoft recommends that customers evaluate the desktop virtualization technologies at the OS layer. These technologies can help increase business flexibility by introducing new deployment options.Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) enables organizations to deploy Windows-based desktops in the datacenter, and enables remote access to these desktops from any authorized device, including thin clients. Not only does this enable anywhere access to connected devices, but it also improves business continuity and centralizes management of desktops. VDI can also help customers improve their compliance to strict industry regulations by securing desktops behind the datacenter. Due to these benefits, VDI is an ideal solution for scenarios that place a premium on security and management, providing managed desktops to third party/contractor PCs oremployee-owned PCs, or providing centralized desktops to remote offices/branch offices.the Microsoft Vdi SuitesThe Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Suites (Microsoft VDI Suites) enable customers to centralize their desktops using comprehensive VDI infrastructure and management software from Microsoft. The new Microsoft VDI Suites simplify licensing, and provide better value than competing VDI technologies, making them an excellent value compared to competitive offerings. The VDI Suites are licensed per end point device, and hence are independent of the volume of server and management infrastructure.End point devices that do not qualify for Software Assurance (such as thin clients) may also need additional Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) licensing.Together, the Microsoft VDI Suites and Windows VDA provide a simple, device-based licensing model for your VDI environment.There are two suites on offer from Microsoft for VDI:• Microsoft VDI Standard Suite includes technologies such as:– M icrosoft Hyper-V TM Server 2008 R2: A reliable, scalable, and high performance hypervisor.– M icrosoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM): Familiar Windows-based tools to streamline management of your VDI infrastructure.– M icrosoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP): Market-leading application virtualization technology to enable dynamicapplication delivery, along with other desktop virtualization and management technologies.– W indows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDS): Basicinfrastructure and connection brokering capabilities to deliver static or pooled virtual desktops to users. • M icrosoft VDI Premium Suite includes all the technology within the Standard Suite, and additionally provides:– F ull Remote Desktop Services functionality to enable both session-based and VM-based desktops through the same set of tools, thereby providing additional deployment flexibility.– M icrosoft Application Virtualization for RDS: To help remove the silos around session-based application delivery.In addition to our VDI technology, Microsoft has extended its partnerships with ISVs such as Citrix ® to enable enterprise grade performance and scalability for Microsoft VDI environments.For example, Citrix XenDesktop adds value to the Microsoft platform by providing single image management, storage optimization, and a rich remote user experience across multiple types of network and device configurations.the Value of Windows Vda andSoftware assurance Virtual desktop rightsLicensing Windows through SA or Windows VDA providesinherent benefits over traditional Windows licenses such as OEM and FPP , since they were not designed for the VDI scenario.These subscriptions have been designed to provide the licensing flexibility you need for your VDI environment, and include the following features:right / featuredetailsWindows Vda oeM / fpp LicensesAccess a Windows Client OS running in the datacenter Install Windows on any combination of server hardware and storage Business ContinuityUnlimited motion between server hardware and storageAccess multiple VMs from s single device Up to four running VM instances per deviceExtended roaming rightsPrimary user of a VDA or SA device can access VDI desktop from any device outside the corporate firewallUse any version of WindowsUpgrade/downgrade rights for Windows includedAccess to MDOP for < $10/yr per desktop MDOP helps reduce desktop TCO andstreamlines management Easy license management Use KMS / MAK keys to dynamically activate your Windows VMsAccess to Windows 7 Enterprise Improved user experience and enterprise features Comprehensive Maintenance Program 24x7 support, downgrade to XP , Win2K, extended hotfix, etc, training Unlimited backupUnlimited, not running instancesHow to Get Windows VDA Benefits Today?Contact your local Microsoft representative to learn how to avail of Windows VDA and Windows Client software Assurance benefits today.Licensing Windows for VdiMicrosoft has announced changes to its licensing model for Windows-based desktops in a VDI environment, which will come into effect on July 1st, 2010. The older Windows VECD and Windows VECD for SA licenses will be discontinued, and will no longer be available on the pricelist. Please contact your local Microsoft representative to understand details around how this impacts your current agreement with Microsoft.Customers that intend to use Windows PCs already covered under Software Assurance as the access device to their VDI environment can now do so at no additional cost. Windows Client SA now allows organizations the right to deploy Windows in the datacenter, thereby increasing the value of their SA subscription.Customers that intend to use devices that do not qualify for SA (such as thin clients or third party devices) will need to license those devices with Windows Virtual Desktop Access.Windows VDA is a device-based subscription that currently retails for $100/device/year. Since Windows VDA is licensed per accessing device, it is independent of number of desktop VMs in the datacenter, allowing access to up to 4 VMs concurrently. Each Windows VDA license also includes extended roaming rights, which allow the primary user of a Windows VDA device at work to access their personal VDI desktop from any device not owned or controlled by their corporation, thereby allowing them to roam between devices outside of the corporate firewall.Data & UserSettingsEnable user’s data to follow them across devicesDeliver applications on demand to users Deploy a single OS image across PCs, laptops, and VDIApplicationsOperating System。
windows hello 或安全密钥登录到 microsoft 帐户的方法
windows hello 或安全密钥登录到microsoft 帐户的方法在数字化时代,账户安全成为了我们关注的焦点。
Windows Hello 和安全密钥登录是微软推出的一种更为安全、便捷的登录方式。
本文将详细介绍如何使用Windows Hello 或安全密钥登录到Microsoft 帐户。
一、了解Windows Hello 和安全密钥Windows Hello 是微软在Windows 10 操作系统中引入的一种生物识别技术,支持指纹、面部和虹膜识别。
通过Windows Hello,用户可以更快捷地解锁设备并登录Microsoft 帐户。
安全密钥则是一种基于硬件的认证方式,通常与USB 令牌或智能卡配合使用。
它可以为Microsoft 帐户提供额外的安全保护,防止未经授权的访问。
二、使用Windows Hello 登录Microsoft 帐户1.确保您的设备支持Windows Hello 功能,并已安装相关驱动程序。
3.在“登录选项”中,找到“Windows Hello”设置。
6.完成设置后,在登录Microsoft 帐户时,可以选择使用Windows Hello 进行认证。
三、使用安全密钥登录Microsoft 帐户1.购买一个兼容的安全密钥。
市面上有许多第三方安全密钥产品,如YubiKey、Feitian 等品牌。
2.将安全密钥插入电脑的USB 接口。
3.打开浏览器,访问Microsoft 帐户登录页面。
5.在登录页面提示下,将安全密钥贴近电脑的NFC 读取区域或插入USB 接口。
6.安全密钥将自动完成认证,成功登录Microsoft 帐户。
四、注意事项1.确保使用Windows Hello 或安全密钥时,设备处于安全环境,防止他人恶意使用。
如果卡的很久,可以依次进入:此电脑-C盘-用户-Administrator 这样问题就可以解决了。
microsoft authenticator 设定方法 -回复
microsoft authenticator 設定方法-回复Microsoft Authenticator 是微软推出的一款身份验证应用程序,可帮助用户更安全地登录其Microsoft 账号及其他支持的服务。
以下是Microsoft Authenticator 的安装和设置方法,一步一步回答:第一步:从应用商店下载安装Microsoft Authenticator1. 打开您的手机应用商店,例如App Store 或Google Play。
2. 在搜索框中键入"Microsoft Authenticator"。
3. 点击搜索结果中的"Microsoft Authenticator" 应用图标。
4. 点击"安装" 按钮,下载并安装应用程序。
第二步:将Microsoft Authenticator 添加到Microsoft 账号1. 打开你的Microsoft 账号所关联的应用或网站。
2. 寻找并点击"双重身份验证"、"安全设置" 或类似的选项。
3. 选择"使用身份验证应用程序" 或"使用移动应用程序" 选项。
4. 在显示的页面中,选择"Microsoft Authenticator" 作为您要使用的应用程序。
5. 扫描屏幕上显示的条形码,或者选择手动输入密钥的选项。
6. 如果您选择手动输入密钥,请将显示的密钥输入到Microsoft Authenticator 应用程序中。
第三步:验证添加的Microsoft 账号1. 在Microsoft Authenticator 应用程序中,找到已添加的Microsoft 账号。
2. 观察应用程序中显示的代码。
3. 返回到应用或网站上的验证页面,并输入刚才应用程序中显示的代码。
面向微软用户的统一通信解决方案--使用户能够从“好友列表”中“点击通信”,集成桌面在线状态与语音在线状态--提供呼叫控制与微软软件的深度集成,使用户能够使用丰富的电话会议应用和消息应用--在运行Windows Mobile 5.0的设备上提供Avaya one-X 移动商务通信服务和功能Avaya 公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:A V)近日宣布扩展其统一通信解决方案,以增强对微软用户的支持,使他们方便地选择最适合的应用、地点和终端来进行通信和协作。
新的统一通信解决方案将Avaya尖端的语音、电话会议和消息应用与微软的Microsoft Office Communicator、Microsoft Exchange、Office Outlook 、Office Sharepoint、Internet Explorer 和Microsoft Live Meeting应用系统以及Windows Mobile 5.0集成在了一起,为台式设备用户或移动设备用户提供了崭新的功能。
“Avaya面向微软用户的统一通信解决方案提供了一个灵活、无缝的界面,让他们通过桌面应用来使用强大的语音、消息或会议功能,” Avaya公司统一通信部副总裁兼总经理Eileen Rudden说。
”新推出的统一通信解决方案包括:Avaya Communication Manager “点击呼叫” 和集成的语音在线状态--“Avaya 通信管理器”(Avaya Communication Manager)的终端用户能够在Microsoft Office Communicator内、以及如Office Outlook 和Sharepoint等有Smart Tag的应用系统内直接进行“点击呼叫”。
MicrosoftAccess2010WIN10详细安装教程热度: Win7忘记了登陆帐户密码怎么办热度:常用品牌路由器地址和帐户密码图表大全热度:简述microsoft的操作系统的发展历程热度:讲述开立储蓄帐户的金融英语口语热度:
微软账号创建流程Creating a Microsoft account is a simple and necessary process for individuals who want to access various Microsoft products and services. It's important to have an account to utilize tools like Outlook, OneDrive, and Microsoft Office. The first step in creating a Microsoft account is to visit the official website and click on the "Sign in" option.在网络时代,使用微软产品和服务已经成为一种必需。
Once you click on "Sign in," you will be directed to a page where you can choose to either sign in with an existing account or create a new one. For new users, the next step is to click on "Create one" to start the process of creating a new Microsoft account. This will promptyou to enter your email address, create a password, and provide some basic personal information.这一步骤将引导您选择是使用现有的账号登录还是创建一个新账号。
电脑microsoft账户怎么登陆(电脑microsoft账户登陆windows密码忘记)5. microsoft账户忘了密码1、首先打开微软官方网站登录界面,输入用户名,单击“下一步”。
6. 微软账户密码忘记如何登录windows方法一:1、如果用户此前在系统中设置过“pin码”,可以直接通过pin码进入系统。
2、首先我们重启电脑,进入启动设置,然后选择“带命令提示符的安全模式”3、然后在命令提示符中输入“net user AA 123456 /add”回车确定,重启电脑后就可以使用“123456”密码登录了。
下面为您介绍Windows 8操作系统切换到Microsoft(微软)帐户登录的方法:1.在“开始”屏幕下,按键盘的【WIN(开始键)】+【C】组合键运行超级按钮。
2Windows 8.1系统如何从Microsoft账号切换为本地账户1.按键盘上的windows+C键,调出超级按钮栏,点击“设置”;2.点击“更改电脑设置”;3.点击“账户”;4.选择“你的账户”,点击microsoft账户下面的“断开连接;5.输入当前登录用户的密码,点击“下一步”;步”;7. 点击“注销并完成”,电脑注销后即可使用本地账户登录电脑。
3.1方法/步骤1.按Win+R打开运行,输入“control userpasswords2”,回车;2.在弹出的用户帐户对话框中,取消勾选“要使用本计算机,用户必须输入用户名和密码”,点击“应用”;3.在弹出的自动登录对话框中,将新用户名、新密码输入(或者不填写任何信息:即为直接登录),点击“确定”即可。
User GuideDocument Identifier Microsoft Surface Pro – User GuideDocument Author Sharon Dancer, Kate CourtenayDocument Owner Director, Service Support, Customer Experience andService Delivery, ITDVersion No. 3Status ApprovedDocument Location Department of Education IntranetSource Document Location ComFleet Reference ManualLast reviewed March 2020Review Frequency AnnualContents1.Meet the Surface Pro (4)Features (4)2.Setup instructions (6)Charge your Surface Pro (6)Check the battery level (6)Connect the Type Cover (6)Touch, pen, keyboard and mouse (7)3.Battery Management (11)Battery sleep mode (11)Keyboard battery life and replacement (11)Mouse battery life and replacement (12)Extending battery life (12)4.Connect to screens (13)Set up your screens (13)5.Log in and log out (14)Log in (14)Log out (14)6.Care and cleaning (15)Touchscreen care (15)Cover and keyboard care (15)Power cord care (15)1.Meet the Surface ProFeaturesGet to know your Surface Pro’s buttons and ports.1 Headset jack 3 Volume 5 Front-facing camera2 Power button 4 Windows Hello with face sign-in1 Mini DisplayPort 3 SurfaceConnect (charger port) 5 MicroSD™ card reader2 USB 3.0 4 KickstandPower button Press the power button to turn your Surface Pro on. You can also use thepower button to put it to sleep and wake it when you are ready to startworking again.Touchscreen / Tablet Mode Navigate Windows faster by using the touch screen – swipe to get to the information you need more quickly by sliding your fingers across the screen. Use your fingers to select items, zoom in and move things around. Tablet mode makes Windows easier and more intuitive to use when you do not want to use a keyboard and mouse. Simply detach the Type Cover from the screen to use your device as a tablet.Surface Pen Enjoy a natural writing experience with a pen that feels like an actualpen. Use Surface Pen to launch Cortana, open OneNote or WindowsInk Workspace and quickly jot down notes or take screenshots. Microphones Front and back microphones are included. Use the frontmicrophone for calls and recordings. Its noise-cancelling feature isoptimised for use with Skype and Cortana.Speakers Stereo front speakers provide an immersive music and movie playbackexperience.USB Connect a USB accessory like a mouse, printer, USB portable storagedrive, or smartphone.3.5mm headset jack Plug in your headset for a little more privacy when listening to music orwhen participating in conference calls.Kickstand Flip out the kickstand and work comfortably at your desk or while givinga hands-free presentation.SurfaceConnect (charging port) When your battery is low, attach the included power supply to the charging port. Also, attach your dock via this port.Cortana Cortana is the Windows 10 voice-activated assistant (like Siri). AskCortana for help to find information, search applications or setreminders.2.Setup instructionsCharge your Surface Pro1.Connect the two parts of the power cord.2.Connect the power cord securely to the charging port.3.Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.4.At the office, simply connect your dock cable to the charging port.It takes two to four hours to charge the Surface Pro battery fully from an empty state. On your Surface Pro power supply, there is also a USB port, which you can use to charge other devices (like a phone) while your Surface charges. The USB port on the power supply is only for charging, not for data transfer. If you want to use a USB storage device, plug it into the USB port on your Surface.Check the battery levelYou can check the battery level from the locked screen or the desktop. The battery status appears in the lower-right corner of the screen.Attach the Type CoverThe Type Cover attaches magnetically to your Surface Pro. Bring the two close together until the Type Cover aligns and clicks into place. You can also push the Type Cover back against the front of the Surface Pro for extra stability, particularly if you are working on your lap or require a slight angle for easier typing.Touch, pen, keyboard and mouseWith the Surface Pro, you can easily switch between using the touchscreen, touchpad, pen, a keyboard or mouse.TouchscreenYou can use your fingers on the Touchscreen, the same as you would on a smartphone or tablet. For example, drag your finger up or down the screen to scroll through a document. Command Touchscreen GestureSelect an item Tap the item on the touchscreen.Scroll Use one finger to tap and drag in the direction you want toscroll. This is pretty much a universal gesture. It works in anyapp, whether horizontally or vertically.Zoom in or out Use two fingers on the touchscreen and pinch themoutwards (zoom in) or pinch them inwards (zoom out).Show additional commands (similar to right-clicking) Use one finger to tap and hold on the relevant item. This will either open up a menu of actions that you can take, or it will present you with more information about the item you selected.See all open windows Use one finger and swipe in from the left edge. This brings upTask View, which shows you all open windows. Tap thewindows you wish to bring forward or touch an empty spot toclose Task View.Fold the Type Cover completely back behind the screen to use your Surface as a tablet. Your Surface will not detect key presses while folded back this way.To type text while the Type Cover is folded back, tap the screen anywhere and the on-screen touch keyboard will appear.TouchpadPress the Touchpad firmly on the left or right to use left click and right click as you would with a mouse. In general, it is best to use the bottom section of the Touchpad where you will hear a more defined click on pressing.Please note that only the very bottom right hand corner activates the right click.Command Touchpad GestureSelect an item Tap on the TouchpadScroll Place two fingers on the Touchpad and slide horizontally orverticallyZoom in or out Place two fingers on the Touchpad and pinch in or stretch outShow additional commands (similar to right-clicking) Tap the Touchpad with two fingers, or press in the lower-right cornerSee all open windows Place three fingers on the Touchpad and swipe them away fromyouShow the desktop Place three fingers on the Touchpad and swipe them towardsyouSwitch between open windows Place three fingers on the Touchpad and swipe right or left Surface PenMagnetic surface Use the magnet on the flat side of the pen to attach the Surface Pen to theleft side of your Surface Pro.LED When the pen is in pairing mode, the LED glows white. When the battery is low, the LED glows red.Enjoy a natural writing experience with a pen that feels like an actual pen. Use Surface Pen to launch OneNote (one click of the top button) and quickly jot down notes or take screenshots. Train your Surface Pen to recognise your handwriting in Pen Settings.Wireless keyboard and mouseUse your Surface Pro as a desktop computer when at the office, with a wireless full-size keyboard and mouse. The keys are optimised for improved accuracy, reduced noise and comfort.You can extend the legs underneath the keyboard to increase the keyboard tilt for more comfort.If your keyboard and mouse are assigned to you personally, plug the USB transceiver into the USB port on the device itself.You can store the transceiver inside the mouse for safekeeping when not in use.If you work in an office where peripherals are assigned to desks, simply connect your device to the dock. The keyboard and mouse are already connected via the USB transceiver that is plugged into the dock itself.Keyboard Features - Hotkeys1 Rewind 4 Mute 7 Calculator2 Play/pause 5 Volume down 8 Battery check3 Fast forward 6 Volume up 9 Lock PC10 Internet ExplorerKeyboard Features – Function Key Shortcuts1 Internet back 5 Windows search 9 Save (Ctrl F9)2 Internet forward 6 Zoom out 10 Print (Ctrl F10)3 Internet new tab (Ctrl F3) 7 Zoom in 11 Windows settings4 Close Windows (Alt F4) 8 Show desktop 12 PC standby13 Right click (Fnct Ctrl)3.Battery ManagementYour keyboard has up to three years of battery life and your mouse has up to two years. This will vary with usage.Battery sleep modeDid you know that your keyboard and mouse go into sleep mode after you stop using them for a few minutes? This reduces battery usage and eliminates the need to keep switching your devices on and off. Both your keyboard and mouse are up and running immediately as soon as you begin using them again.Keyboard battery life and replacementIf you press the ‘battery check’ key on the keyboard and the light flashes red, replace the batteries as soon as possible. Turn they keyboard over to locate the battery storage compartment.Battery requirements:•Requires 2 AA alkaline batteries•Expected battery life is up to 36 monthsMouse battery life and replacement If the LED battery indicator flashes red, replace the batteries as soon as possible.Battery requirements:• Requires 2 AA alkaline batteries• Expected battery life is up to 24 monthsExtending battery lifeYour keyboard and mouse have an automatic standby mode to conserve power when not in use. You can help extend the battery life by:• Avoiding using your mouse on dark or transparent surfaces such as glass. These surfaces cause the optical sensor to use more power.• Using only alkaline batteries• Turning off you mouse and keyboard when not in use (the on/off toggle button is on the top right of the keyboard and on the underneath of the mouse).LED battery indicator4.Connect to external screensYou can connect your Surface Pro directly to a monitor via the MiniDisplay port (e.g. if at home) or you can simply attach to your docking station at the office which automatically connects you to your monitor.You can disconnect your Surface Pro from a monitor by carefully pulling the cable out of the Surface Pro (at home) or removing your device from the docking station (if at the office).Set up your screensIf you connect another screen to your Surface Pro, you can then choose what content to display on the built-in screen and what to display on the larger screen.Once connected to the external screen, press and P to review the options available.Choose one of the following options:1.PC screen only: Content will only appear on your Surface Pro’s screen. Nothing willappear on the external screen. If you are connected to a wireless projector, this optionthen changes to Disconnect.2.Duplicate: The same content appears on your Surface as your desktop monitor or projection screen. You may wish to close your Surface Pro while you work on the external screen.3.Extend: Content is spread over both screens, and you can drag and move items between them. You will need to drag application windows to the specific screen you want them to appear on when you first open them. Some users like to display e-mail on their Surface screen, while they work on other applications on their extended screen. You will need to ensure your mouse is set up correctly to move from one screen to the other. Click on the Start Menu and type display settings and select Change Display Settings to rearrange the screens.4.Second screen only: All content will appear on the connected screen. Your Surface screen will be blank.5.Log in and log outLog in1.Turn on or wake your Surface by pressing the power button.2.Swipe up on the screen or tap a key on the keyboard.3.When you see the login screen, enter your full email address and password and pressEnter on your keyboard or click the right arrow.Log out1.Press and L to simply lock the device safely, ready for you to log in again later, or2.Select the Start Menu, right-click your name (or the person symbol) that appears on the left hand side, then select Sign out, or3.Right click on the Start Menu, select Shut down or Sign out.6.Care and cleaningTo keep your Surface looking great and working well, follow these simple steps. Touchscreen care1.Clean it frequently. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the screen gently. You can dampen the cloth with water or an eyeglass cleaner, but do not apply liquids directly to your Surface. Do not use window cleaner or other chemical cleaners on your Surface.2.Keep it covered. Close the Type Cover while you are in transit or not using your Surface.3.Keep it out of the sun. Do not leave your Surface in direct sunlight for a long time. Cover and keyboard careThe Type Cover for your Surface Pro requires minimal care to function well. To clean the keyboard, wipe it with a lint-free cloth dampened in mild soap and water. Do not apply liquids directly to the Type Cover.Power cord carePower cords, like any other metal wire or cable, can be weakened or damaged if repeatedly twisted or bent in the same spot. Avoid twisting or pinching your power cord. Do not wrap your power cord too tightly, especially around the power brick.。
请按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 打开“设置”菜单。
2. 在设置菜单中选择“账户”选项。
3. 在账户选项中,选择“家庭和其他用户”。
4. 在家庭和其他用户页面,选择“添加其他用户”。
5. 在弹出的页面中,选择“我没有该人的登录信息”。
6. 在接下来的页面中,输入新用户的电子邮件地址。
7. 根据提示,设置新用户的密码和安全提示问题。
8. 完成新用户账户的添加后,您可以选择将其设置为管理员账户或普通用户账户。
9. 完成以上步骤后,您已成功添加了一个新的用户账户。
请按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 打开“系统偏好设置”。
2. 在系统偏好设置中,选择“用户与群组”选项。
3. 在用户与群组页面中,单击左下角的“解锁”按钮,并输入您的管理员密码。
4. 单击左下角的“+”按钮,添加一个新的用户账户。
5. 在弹出的页面中,选择“新用户”的类型,您可以选择“管理员”或“标准用户”。
6. 输入新用户的姓名、用户名和密码。
7. 完成以上步骤后,单击右下角的“创建用户”按钮,您已成功添加了一个新的用户账户。
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• 推动摇篮的手推动地球。母亲的素养直 接关系到孩子的成长。为了进一步促进母亲 素质的提高,2008年春天,我们在全校范 围内进行了“知心妈妈”的评比。孩子们纷 纷把自己的知心妈妈推荐到学校参加评比, 在第一期评比中,全校共有158名母亲获得 首届“知心妈妈”荣誉称号。
• • • • • • • • 老师(2010-05-24 15:26:46) 说:张丽妈妈您好。张丽背书还是不够好。 张丽母(2010-05-24 15:27:10) 说:老师,谢谢你。你认真负责的工作态度, 真让人敬佩 老师 (2010-05-24 15:27:56) 说:她爱讲话的毛病可能还要你和她聊一聊,很 影响学习的。如果对学习上心一点,她完全可以成为英语优秀生。很可惜啊 。 张丽母(2010-05-24 15:30:51) 说:目前她还是很喜欢在课堂上讲话吗? 老师 (2010-05-24 15:31:21) 说:倒不是很经常,但有。毕竟她不可能边讲话 边听我的课。效果一定打折的。 老师 (2010-05-24 15:38:48) 说:还有,可以保证足够的精力学习。女生的情 绪比较容易波动。 张丽母(2010-05-24 15:40:48) 说: 你也帮我注意下如果有这方面的苗头,告 诉我一下。 老师 (2010-05-24 15:43:44) 说: 你女儿还是有好胜心的,但一定要有环境 。她的定力不够,外来的影响就很重要。你重视起来,就会好一些的 张丽母(2010-05-24 15:47:06) 说: 谢谢你!你真是个认真负责的好老师,小 丽遇到你是她的幸运!
• 我们尽量做一些孩子比较喜欢的饭菜,也不 一定是山珍海味和营养品,尽量督促孩子多 吃点水果。让孩子回到家里有一种放松,心 情愉悦的感觉。经常抽时间和孩子聊天,了 解学校班里的情况,从聊天中可发现孩子的 思想和心理状态,并及时沟通,教育她同学之 间要相互宽容。我们总是以鼓励为主,并经 常提醒上课45分钟的重要性,保证上课45分 钟的效率,上课绝不能开小差。 初一(14)班 方一如家长
• 在我们的学生干部QQ群上,不但有现任的 团干部和队干部,更有不少已经毕业的团干 部。他们用自己的亲身经历,向学弟学妹们 介绍自己在新学校的见闻,介绍自己的学习 方法,深受欢迎。
对家长开展“朋辈教育”,动员广大 高素质家长来为我校的特色校报《知 心报· 家庭教育版》撰写家庭教育的文 章,介绍自己家庭教育的理念,将成 功的经验和广大家长分享。
创新是共青团永恒的生命力 ——金华四中团委简介
金华四中校团委积极贯彻团市委深入 学习实践科学发展观活动的总体要求,规 范和发展团内民主,扩大有效覆盖,健全 工作机制,切实加强了团支部建设,活跃 了团支部的工作,并在工作中落实了观念 创新、平台创新、品牌创新。
在学校参加大扫除是创卫, 在自己生活的社区参加卫生打扫是创卫, 改变自己不良的卫生习惯是创卫, 参与出创卫的黑板报是创卫 积极编写创卫小报是创卫 低碳环保同样是一种创卫
• 为英雄孟祥斌捐款70000余元。 • 为四川地震捐款173300元。 • “寄一份包裹,送一份关爱”活动,认购了129个 爱心包裹,寄往金华市对口帮扶灾区四川省青川县 孔溪乡学校的贫困学生12900元 。 • 绿色捐植活动捐款 37840元 。 • 玉树地震捐款72440元。 • 为西南干旱捐款87000元。 • 为困难学生捐款12500元。
• 我们给她设计了一张表格,从早上起床、刷 牙到晚上就寝,如果哪件事做好了,就在该 栏的空格处盖上一朵我们特地为她刻制的小 红花,小红花达到定的数量,就给予一定的 奖励。适时地与老师沟通,给孩子创造一个 良好的学习环境。宽严相济,掌握好度。 孩子做作业时间长了,我会要求孩子停下来 休息一下,运动一下再继续。 初一(5)班 李文韬家长
• 从孩子上学起,我们就注意孩子习惯的培养 。在孩子的学习上,有时候她考试的分数少 了,她会觉得不开心,我们不会严厉地批评 她,而是帮她找原因,提醒她应该怎样去做 。在课余时间,给她报名参加了书法、小提 琴班,她很有兴趣并取得了很好的成绩,也 让她大大提高了自信。 初一(15)班陈姝婧家长
• 在婺城区第四届中小学生篮球比赛中,我校 女子篮球队通过顽强拼搏,荣获婺城区第一 名。我校女子篮球队06至09年连续四年获 得冠军。同时我校女子篮球队代表婺城区参 加金华市中小学生篮球赛。
风雨彩虹,铿锵玫瑰。愿 女篮的拼搏精神成为每一个四 中学子的心灵支柱。
母爱如水,父爱似山。父爱的缺失让很 多孩子在面临挑战时手足无措。 2010年6月,在父亲节来临之际,我们 在全校寻找关注并帮助孩子成长的父亲, 并希望更多的父亲以他们为榜样,成为孩 子成长过程中的楷模。
运动会计分方式从最后一名算起,其特点是 ,每个参与者都能得分。改变了传统上的运 动会只是几个体育尖子的事的做法。有的体 育尖子不多的班级也有可能得冠军或进入前 几名。这一计分方式大大调动了参与者、班 级和班主任的积极性,为四中首创。